Analysis of a specific conflict situation. An example of a conflict and its analysis

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Lipetsk State Technical University"

Department of Psychology

Final work

in the discipline "Conflictology"

Analysis of a conflict situation


student of group PH-08 Deeva E.A.

Accepted by: Ustinov K.A.

Lipetsk – 2012


This conflict occurred in the Limarket company, where Elena Kuryanova, 22 years old and graduated from Leningrad State Technical University, came to work. Lena looked for a job for a long time and, having found a suitable option, decided to try her luck at the Limarket company as a manager. It should be noted that Elena is a very purposeful girl by nature. Tries to do everything at once, while achieving high results. Failures and mistakes are hard to bear, but he quickly forgets them and, without giving up, strives at all costs to correct the mistakes he has made.

Elena's job was to sort orders, process them and transfer them to customers. Elena met the team, in which everyone had already worked for several years. Lena had met the director of the company before, but as a simple client who came to the office to place an order. But nevertheless, communication with the director was soft and pleasant.

Elena was given an office in which she and another employee, Olga, handled order processing. Olga had already been working within the walls of Limarket for three years and had great experience. Olga did not greet Elena very cordially, immediately indicating that her table was her table, and nothing should be taken or put from it. On the second day of work, Elena turned to Olya for help, to tell her how to place orders correctly and not get confused in the customer base. To which Olga replied: “I don’t have time, everything is simple there, if you work, you’ll understand.” But Lena also heard a fragment of a phrase that alarmed her: “If you don’t understand, it’s not a great loss for us...”.

Elena began to understand all the intricacies of the labor process herself. And within a month she exceeded the plan for placing orders and clients coming to the office. After two months of Elena’s work in Limarket, the director, Alisa Olegovna, came to Elena and Olga’s office and announced an increase in Elena’s salary, and the director also said that if Elena also works, then she will receive a promotion in a month. Olga objected to the boss, saying that there are people who have been working in this field for a long time and know more about the company. Putting newcomers in top positions is very unprofessional. To which Alisa Olegovna objected and said: “Elena has rich potential, and she needs territory to develop. Unlike some, she increased the number of sales for us in a few months, and the site began to present products more actively.”

A week passed after this conversation and Elena began to notice that she was confusing orders. Customers are increasingly returning with complaints that they were given a product that was not theirs. Elena decided to figure out what was going on. She always went out for lunch, but Olga said that she was on a diet and refused lunch. Elena decided to check whether Olga was confusing orders, disrupting her performance. To do this, she returned earlier than usual from lunch, finding Olga re-sticking labels with the initials of clients. Elena said that she would tell the director everything and demand the immediate dismissal of such an unscrupulous employee, but Olga replied: “If you tell me, you won’t work here for long, it’s better to slow down.” Lena barely restrained herself from bursting into tears in front of her colleague. But still she went to the director and told about the current situation, about how Olga was setting her up. The director replied that Olga had been working at the company for a long time, there had been no such situations, and advised Elena to get ready and start working. “Lenochka, I probably overpraised you,” said Alisa Olegovna sadly. The situation was getting worse. Clients stopped ordering goods from Elena, leaving negative reviews and complaining to their superiors about the lack of professionalism of their company employees. When the director appeared, Olga began to talk about Elena’s mistakes: “Lenochka, you mixed everything up again, I told you that October orders were entered into the database.” Elena endured for a long time, but soon began to respond to Olga’s attacks. The situation was getting worse. Elena Filipchenko began to return home tired and irritated. She took it out on her husband, often cried and did not understand why Olga disliked her. And I decided to talk to her. Elena bought a cake and invited Olga to drink tea during her lunch break. To which Olga replied: “Have you decided to sweeten our relationship? I don’t like custard cake, eat it yourself.” Elena could no longer tolerate such a relationship. And I came to the conclusion that I needed to look for another job or try to transfer to another department.

Elena went to the director again, but with a request to be transferred to another department. The director agreed.

Elena now works in another department, is engaged in ordering and arranging bouquets, and does not see or contact Olga.

Diagnosis of conflict

Subjects of the conflict: Alisa Olegovna - head of the company. He is an accomplice in this situation.

Elena is a young employee. A friendly and decent girl, she strives to achieve the highest results in everything.

Olga is an employee of the Limarket company. Has three years of work experience. Is the initiator of the conflict.

Subject of conflict: the problem of actually having a promotion.

Object of conflict: in this current situation, the object of conflict is material. That is, an increase in wages in connection with a future promotion.

Conflict type:

This conflict in relation to the subject is interpersonal. There is a struggle in the organization for a limited resource - promotion.

In terms of its manifestation, the conflict is production and economic.

This conflict is acute and long-lasting. It lasted more than a month. Elena took the attacks of her colleague hard.

The nature of completion is destructive.

Factors that contributed to the conflict:

  1. The director's carelessness in expressing his thoughts.
  2. The initiator of the conflict independently makes the decision to start a conflict.
  3. Secretiveness, pettiness, anger, resentment, self-doubt, and timidity hinder understanding the situation.

Goals of the conflict: possession of the highest position.

Motives of the conflicting parties:

  1. Olga’s desire to portray Elena as a worthless employee and show the director that his choice in favor of a salary increase and career growth is a mistake. Fighting unfair distribution of privileges.
  2. Elena's confrontation with Olga. The desire to resolve the conflict peacefully.
  3. The fight for lost trust, restoration of justice.

Conflict environment:

The conflict occurred at the Limarket company. It should be noted that from the very beginning Olga did not treat Elena friendly, answering her requests with cold and barbed phrases.

Strategies in a conflict situation:

On from initial stage one can see how Olga chose and subsequently secured a strategy of rivalry. Her main task was, at all costs, to prevent Elena from receiving a promotion, which she did not deserve, unlike herself, who had already worked in the company for three years. Elena also resorted to this strategy when she went to the director's office to complain about Olga.

The adaptation can be traced at the very stage when Elena buys a cake and tries to invite Olga for tea, to which Olga reacts negatively and does not respond to Elena’s request to join her for a cup of tea.

Ultimately, Elena compromised. She decided that it was better to give in to Olga, who has authority in the company and seniority, than to lose the job that she had been looking for for so long.

Dynamics of the conflict:

  1. Pre-conflict situation: the director’s statement about the upcoming promotion of a new employee, which was a blow to the pride of Olga, who has been working in the company for several years, but has never received a promotion.
  2. Incident: The first clash between the parties occurred when Elena discovered that Olga was deliberately harming her. After which there was a quarrel and a complaint from Elena to the director about Olga.
  3. Escalation (further actions/reactions of the parties): wavy (upward sine wave) - the tension in the relationship either intensifies or subsides. Elena either responds to Olga’s attacks or seeks to resolve the current situation, but Olga does not accept the offer.

4) End of the conflict: Elena resorts to a compromise. She goes to the director with a request to transfer her to another department.

5) Conflict resolution: the conflict was over. Elena is not completely satisfied with the result. She would like to get a promotion, but in the end she works in a department where a promotion is not expected, but at the same time, she is happy that she does not worry and does not take it out on her spouse because of failures at work, and she did not lose her job.

Mistakes that were made by the parties to the conflict:

  1. The biggest mistake belongs to the director of the agency, Alisa Olegovna; there was no need to talk about Elena’s upcoming promotion in front of other employees. The envy caused by Olga contributed to the development of the conflict.
  2. Another mistake was Elena’s attitude towards Olga. Lena showed her weakness and lack of self-confidence after the director did not satisfy her complaint and refused the proposal to fire Olga. Thus, Olga strengthened her dominant position and escalated the situation every day.

There are ways to resolve this conflict:

  1. Elena needed to talk with Olga at the initial stage and find out what she really doesn’t want, so that she gets the position or even works in the agency? After this, it was necessary to talk with the director so that he could discuss with Olga the problems that haunt her and explain the situation. Elena demanded Olga's dismissal, although it was necessary to calmly explain the situation and ask the director to take any measures to resolve the conflict situation.
  2. Olga needed a different way to prove her superiority over the new employee, in a fair labor struggle. Or talk about how she had long wanted to get the vacated position and talk about the problems because of which this did not happen.
  3. Alisa Olegovna had to talk with both participants in the conflict. Indicate the reasons why she cannot place Olga in the top position. And also the director had to demonstrate his decisiveness in actions and create favorable conditions in the team. Most likely, the manager needed to redistribute the workforce by transferring Olga or Elena to another department. And not to wait until the conflict grew and Elena herself came to him with this request.
  4. Under no circumstances should you write complaints or denunciations to your superiors about your colleagues, even if they are wrong. You need to clearly formulate the problem and ask your superiors to solve the current situation, without losing your composure and not turning the conversation into pitiful lamentations and hysterics.

Description of work

This conflict occurred in the Limarket company, where Elena Kuryanova, 22 years old and graduated from Leningrad State Technical University, came to work. Lena looked for a job for a long time and, having found a suitable option, decided to try her luck at the Limarket company as a manager. It should be noted that Elena is a very purposeful girl by nature. Tries to do everything at once, while achieving high results. Failures and mistakes are hard to bear, but he quickly forgets them and, without giving up, strives at all costs to correct the mistakes he has made.

In a company, like in any other organization, there are various conflicts. And this is by no means always a negative indicator of any activity of this organization. Something positive can be learned from some conflicts; with their help, shortcomings both in the organization system as a whole and disagreements between individual team members can be identified and corrected. Moreover, the changes that the conflict resolution itself entails may not always be aimed specifically at improving the situation; they can simply normalize it or lead to its original state.

So, let's look at a few examples of conflicts that actually take place in this organization.

Example No. 1.

We all know that the most common problem in any organization is and will be dissatisfaction. wages. The conflict occurs between retail workers and management, in other words, it is a conflict between an individual and a group.

In one salon, this kind of conflict arose; after not even working for six months, the workers staged a small strike. They refused to work, and if their wages did not increase, everyone would ask for payment.

My personal opinion about this: all employees understand perfectly well that the salon is at a development stage, and it only takes a little time to get good results, which the management has said more than once. The prospects are very great, the number of purchases is increasing every month, you just have to wait.

The management held a small meeting in which all problems related to wages were discussed. The following words were said: “As soon as you fulfill the sales plan, your salary will be increased.” But they also emphasized that it is not so difficult to fire all employees, even though they do not want it. They have no problem training new people and working with them.

Human psychology is structured in such a way that pressure, although not in a completely mild form, leads to the fact that he begins to think about the unnecessaryness of the conflict and that “the salary is not so small.”

After two months, the salary actually increased, but the instigators of this conflict were also fired and replaced by people with high performance.

Example No. 2.

The example is based on the “human”, subjective aspect of the conflict, that is, the contradictions are inherent in the people themselves, their actions, deeds and behavior - purely personal unfavorable manifestations. These manifestations include a tendency to insist on one’s opinion, categorical judgments, impulsiveness, inability to listen and persuade, a tendency to blame a partner and many others. negative qualities person.

The HR office manager, when communicating with his subordinates, constantly showed his unkind attitude towards all workers and constantly spoke in a rude manner. This behavior of the boss discouraged any desire for retail workers to work and did not contribute to the high-quality and productive work of employees.

Given the existence of certain difficulties when finding a job and due to their modesty, workers for a long time did not dare to voice complaints to their boss. But this situation could not continue in a hidden form indefinitely, and at some point the claims were partially expressed.

Management learned about the negative situation in retail and tried to bring the two conflicting parties to a frank conversation. But this decision did not bring the expected results. The management put its opinion as follows: “It’s not so easy to find a good, trusted boss, and even if another one comes, it’s not a fact that you won’t like him either, so you still have to find mutual understanding and try to work together. The same request to the boss."

From this example it is clearly seen that resolving a conflict that arises due to some personal manifestations is sometimes more difficult than a production conflict. Since its successful outcome depends not only on the knowledge of the leader and the ability to behave correctly in a critical situation (analysis of the situation, managing it, predicting consequences, making the optimal decision, eliminating negative consequences), but also on the desire of the conflicting parties themselves.

Example No. 3.

The company's sales fell. After using several incentive methods and without achieving any results, the manager decided to create an artificial conflict. At the next meeting, it was stated that management had issued a regulation stating that a sharp reduction in the store’s staff was expected in the near future due to the fact that sales volume had fallen and this had led to the impossibility of paying salaries to all employees. Based on the performance evaluation, a few best employees will be selected and all the rest will be fired.

As a result, there arose between employees interpersonal conflict, which resulted in a sharp increase in labor productivity and effectiveness. All employees observed each other and promptly reported to management any violations. At the end of the month, the company exceeded the plan several times. And the employees were told that on the basis of this, management decided not to make layoffs.

Example No. 4.

This example shows intergroup conflict.

Due to sharply increased competition and monopolization of some market sectors, layoffs were planned large number employees, redistribution of income (limiting the volume of orders carried out, reducing the wage fund and abolishing one of the company’s offices). This was the reason that, at a certain point, the company no longer needed the services of a significant number of specialists. The situation was also complicated by the fact that in addition to the dismissal of employees in the mobile company, a number of management orders came into force regarding the reduction of internal operating expenses, including expenses for food, use of vehicles and others.


"tension" within the company's team;

Decreased efficiency of employees;

Dissemination of various rumors and speculation within the company;

An atmosphere of mistrust in the company's management;

Tendency for good employees to leave;

Spreading rumors outside the company about her allegedly unstable physical condition;

Mistrust on the part of clients;

Actions on the part of competitors that worsen the position of the company (from the targeted spread of rumors damaging the company to economic actions).

As a result, the conflict did not lead to destruction or serious deterioration indoor climate in the company. The relevant management structures of the company have received the necessary knowledge and skills to predict and possibly prevent similar situations in the future, the company continues to develop normally in the new conditions.

So I looked at a few examples. Naturally, there are many different types of conflicts, but there are still two main ones: those arising from objective reasons or arising for subjective reasons. So, for example, an industrial conflict can develop into an interpersonal one (if, due to an undeveloped labor system, disagreements arise between people, then developing into personal hostility) or vice versa (if, due to personal contradictions, negative changes appear in the organization’s system or constant disruptions occur in its work). Conflicts can also occur between groups of people, entire organizations; they can develop along the line leader - subordinate or subordinate - subordinate; There are also other conflicts. But whatever the conflict, you should not avoid it and you must remember that it is a kind of signal for actions that should change the situation and, as a result, should, to one degree or another, lead to an improvement in the work of the organization, to its improvement as a whole.

The art of resolving a conflict or preventing its negative consequences is manifested in the use of diplomatic means of influence and interaction in communication. There are several strategies for dealing with conflict. Technological diversity makes it possible for each person to choose from the proposed options and means of diplomacy the most effective and efficient in each specific conflict situation.

Characteristics of the stages of conflict analysis:

1. Analysis, diagnosis of the situation. Collection of information, arrangement and thinking, assumption, comprehensive analysis of the existing problem.

2. Planning stage and its features. How do you propose to solve the problem? Thinking through all the options, anticipating possible relationships with the parties to the conflict. Which of the issues raised in the dispute are most important to you? What are the objective obstacles that prevent a constructive resolution of the conflict?

At the planning stage, it is advisable to imagine on an imaginary screen all the participants in the conflict and the location of the action. Mentally review the dynamics and possible strategies for solving the current situation. Play out an imaginary dialogue about the upcoming conflict. This will enrich your experience, activate your intuition and allow you to see the problem from the outside.

3. Stage of constructive discussion. Both sides put forward options for solving the problem and strive to reconcile opposing interests. They come to a reasonable mutually beneficial solution. Please note that:

· each negotiator pursues a dual interest (regarding the substance of the matter and the relationship between the partners);

· relationships with partners are usually linked to the problem. Separate your relationship with your partner from the essence of the matter; get down to business directly. His successful decision will improve your relationship;

· you cannot draw conclusions about the intentions of other people based on your own fears;

· It is very tempting to blame your problems on others: “...your offensive forces the other side to defend.” By assigning blame, you firmly link people to the problem;

· you need to find an opportunity for actions that are unexpected from the point of view of the other side: give a sign that is not expected, use a different method. Don't let your partner miscalculate your solution to the problem;

· you need to give the other side the opportunity to “let off steam”, provide the opportunity to free themselves from anger, fear, feelings of threat, and throw out all their grievances. This relieves tension;

· it is permissible to use symbolic gestures. A friendly note, an expression of regret, a handshake, a smile removes hostility with minimal cost, and an apology can be your least expensive and most valuable contribution to resolving a conflict;

· You must be able to listen. The cheapest concession is to make it clear that your partner has been heard. Understanding does not mean agreeing;

· it is important to make a list of interests, to realize that each person (party) always has several of them. Put these interests on paper and compare them with your own;

It would be good to look at the problem with your own eyes different people. Seek mutual benefit. Look for common ground.

Basic methods of conflict resolution

The whole variety of ways and methods of conflict resolution is conventionally divided into two classes: direct (open) and indirect (hidden).

Characteristics of direct and indirect methods of conflict resolution

Direct methods of conflict resolution:

1. Directive, persistent assertion of one’s point of view.

2. Restructuring one’s own behavior and concessions, taking into account the point of view of subordinates.

3. Ignoring the conflict.

4. Cooperation and development of joint solutions.

Indirect methods of conflict resolution (have the nature of indirect hidden influences):

1. The principle of the release of feelings.

According to the observations of one of the prominent modern psychotherapists, K. Rogers, if a person is given the opportunity to freely express his negative emotions, then they gradually give way to positive ones and relieve tension in society. Sometimes laughter, physical relaxation, yawning, and even humor have the same effect. According to K. Lorenz, humor is one of the forms of socially acceptable aggressiveness. Instead of attacking the opponent, the partner ridicules him. P. Simonov interprets the emergence positive emotions in the discrepancy between what was expected and what was received, which gives rise to laughter. The comic awakens self-esteem, removes aggression and replaces it with intellectual superiority.

2. The principle of emotional compensation.

A person who comes to you with complaints about his enemy should be considered a suffering person. Let it be absolutely clear to you that it is not he who is the victim, but his enemy. The internal feeling of the situation that your interlocutor has makes him appear to be the sufferer. And the more he is wrong, the more actively he shields himself from his own conscience and presents himself as a martyr and victim. By showing that you consider his offended feelings, you thereby emotionally encourage your interlocutor, who, especially in this situation, will be warmed by an appropriate word of praise spoken in a conversation. And if he deserves just the opposite of censure, he should get his due in full. But a kind word is not a hindrance to this. Encouragement is as necessary as rosin for a virtuoso’s bow (Kozma Prutkov). This is the most powerful key to a partner's conscience. You just need to know what good traits are inherent in him. And then the appeal to the “victim” will sound, for example, like this: “You are, in general, a subtle person, acutely perceiving poetry and music. How did you manage to be so rude and tough in a conflict with...?” Or like this: “Do you know the old wisdom that of two arguing, the one who is smarter is wrong?.. And by the way, everyone considers you smart person", "Of two arguing, the one who shuts up first is smarter," "You have wonderful, inspired eyes, a kind smile. If only you could see yourself in the mirror at that moment when you insulted Ivan Ivanovich!.. Anger does not suit anyone, and especially you.”

It should be emphasized that it is impossible to flatter the conflicting person. This is easily recognized, and the flatterer evokes open or secret contempt of the interlocutor. We must talk about the good that a person really has. This is often enough to cause an avalanche of repentance and a sincere willingness to make peace.

The state of conflict sharply distorts the mutual perception of the warring parties of each other. For example, Nikolai Nikolaevich, who is in a protracted quarrel with Ivan Ivanovich, is no longer able to accept involuntary praise or unexpected approval from him. Nikolai Nikolaevich hears hidden mockery in Ivan Ivanovich’s words or imagines a cunning plan. In this case, the reconciling good intentions of one of the opponents towards the other can only be conveyed through a third person, authoritative for both. For an offended person, positive judgments about him by the offender are an impetus for reflection, which will certainly direct thoughts towards the search for an interpersonal compromise.

4. The principle of naked aggression.

The mediator deliberately gives the warring parties the opportunity to express their dislike for each other. In public, this should be done exclusively in a disguised form: you can pit conflict partners against each other in a sports competition, debate, or game. The direct form of exposing aggression is implemented as follows: in the office, the mediator encourages the conflict partners to quarrel in his presence. As a rule, when there is a third party, the quarrel does not reach such extremes that it is necessary to literally separate the warring parties. Having allowed them to speak out, the mediator does not let them go, but continues to work based on the following principles.

The principle of forced hearing of the opponent. The mediator offers the warring parties the following instructions: “Each of you, before answering your opponent, must repeat his last remark with utmost accuracy. This gives him the right to speak.” Next, the mediator intervenes in the dialogue, insistently demanding that the instructions be followed. Usually, it turns out that those quarreling are unable to correctly reproduce each other’s remarks, since everyone hears mainly themselves, and attributes to the offender words that were not actually spoken. By fixing the attention of the conflicting parties on this fact, the mediator forces them to listen to each other in good faith. The unfamiliarity of such a situation reduces the intensity of mutual bitterness and contributes to the growth of self-criticism of those arguing.

The principle of expanding the spiritual horizon of those disputing. Encouraging the conflicting parties to quarrel for a long time in his presence, the mediator records the quarrel in one way or another (it is advisable to have a tape recorder, video recorder, hidden video camera). Then the quarrel stops and the recording is played. As a rule, the warring parties are depressed by what they heard, because they begin to understand that they behaved unworthily, or at least ugly. Against this background, the mediator begins to sort out the quarrel, mercilessly punishing the selfishness and dishonesty of the argumentation of each of the conflicting parties. Then he appeals to the spiritual nature of both and exposes everything petty, unprincipled and primitive that accompanied or caused the conflict. Before those quarreling, they plan life values higher order, spiritual goals, in the pursuit of which those quarreling are essentially not mutually hostile, but united. The conversation ends with a call to focus on these high values ​​and goals, leaving behind wounded pride and petty personal scores.

Features of means, methods and techniques of defense in conflicts

When there are suspicions that a partner is using subterfuge tactics, it is advisable to:

1) separate the person from the problem. Do not attack for using illegal tactics, since if the partner takes a defensive position, it will be more difficult to convince him, defeat him, and frustration and irritation will appear. Question tactics rather than personal integrity;

2) focus on interests, not positions;

3) invent mutually beneficial options, offer an alternative.

"Dirty" methods and trick tactics.

Deliberate deception. It is a misrepresentation of facts, authority, or intent. False facts are expressed in false statements. Don't let anyone use your doubts for personal gain; check the facts, which will significantly reduce the risk of fraud.

Questionable intentions. If intentions are doubtful, include clauses in agreements (contracts) that ensure the fulfillment of obligations.

Failure to fully disclose facts is not deception. Undisclosed information narrows the interaction between partners.

Psychological warfare. This tactic is designed to make you feel uncomfortable and to create a subconscious desire to end the negotiations quickly (creating stressful situations, personal attacks, the usual "good guy, bad guy" ploy). For example, you are being attacked. Someone from the same company supports you. You are in his debt and agree to all his proposals, revealing your cards in the negotiations. Thus, one takes a hard position, the other a soft one. The concession is small and is perceived as a favor. One threatens, and the other helps. This is manipulation. Ask " nice guy" about his principles: "I am ready to pay for what the “bad guy” demands, but convince me that this is the fairest price.”

Threats. This is pressure that stimulates a negative reaction in the partner and makes negotiations difficult. By maintaining composure, you can become the master of the situation:

· taking on the role of a “parent”, force your partner to justify himself by putting him in the role of a child” (according to E. Bern);

· taking on the role of a “parent”, try to give an unobtrusive lesson or look at the conflict from the perspective of a truism - socially established moral norms: “All people should understand each other”, “If a person has promised, one must fulfill...”. At the same time, it is effective to use the “Yes, but...” technology;

· postpone the conversation until another time, thereby delaying the climax in time, use the withdrawal tactics;

· having assumed the role of an inexperienced “child”, transfer everything into the mainstream of chance or permissiveness, and if the situation allows, then as a joke or flirting.

Prevention is a more legal method. You can only respond to threats if they are real. You can neutralize them with the help of false threats or completely ignore them as irrelevant: “Your voice is being recorded,” “What number are you dialing?”

Calculated delay. Postpone the matter until the opportune moment arrives to resolve it. But waiting for the right time is a costly game.

Faced with a firm choice: “Take it or don’t take it.” We need to find ways to ignore this. Continue talking as if you didn't hear the sentence, or change the topic of conversation. Don't be a victim. Use clarifying questions: “How to evaluate this proposal?”, “How to evaluate this behavior?”, “Is your goal expressed in achieving reasonable agreement?”, “Is it better to defend a principle or illegal methods?”, “What do you mean by benefit?” .

1. Maintaining the level of self-esteem by reducing the importance of an unachieved goal: “no - and it’s not necessary.” “Green grapes” tactics, when the inability to achieve success is argued by the unpreparedness of partners.

2. A calm attitude towards the received blow, as if it were expected: “I was hit, but I knew it.”

3. Demonstration of the inexhaustibility of reserves: “I will still have situations...”

4. Self-flagellation and turning to your partner for help: “You have golden hands, but everything is falling apart for me,” “Can you tell me how to do this?”

5. Extreme conscientiousness using the “Yes, but...” method. A demonstration of enthusiasm that is drowned in demagogic considerations: “I absolutely agree with you, we should, but what do you say about this aspect?”, “I thought so too, but there is such a problem here... How do you feel about it? ".

6. Attributing the reason for inaction to another or provoking rudeness in order to justify one’s inaction, for example, a conversation between a husband and wife:

I'm working, and you're lying on the couch.

I would have helped, but you didn't ask...

This is the position of a boat that is being rocked: they can sink the boat and drown with it.

Techniques psychological protection in case of conflicts:

1. Denial comes down to the fact that information that is disturbing and can lead to conflict is not perceived.

2. Repression - getting rid of internal conflict by actively turning off an unacceptable motive or unpleasant information from consciousness.

3. Projection - unconscious transfer (attribution) own feelings, desires and inclinations that a person does not want to admit to himself, understanding their social unacceptability, to another person.

4. Identification - the unconscious transference to oneself of feelings and qualities inherent in another person, inaccessible, but desired for oneself.

5. Rationalization is a pseudo-reasonable explanation by a person of his desires and actions, which are actually caused by reasons, the recognition of which threatens the loss of self-esteem.

6. Inclusion - alleviating internal conflict by empathizing and comparing one’s misfortune with the misfortunes of others. At the same time, the significance of the traumatic factor is overestimated.

7. Substitution - transfer of an action aimed at an inaccessible object to an action with an accessible object (for example, take away the soul).

8. Isolation - isolation within the consciousness of traumatic factors. Unpleasant emotions are blocked from accessing consciousness. This type of defense resembles alienation syndrome, which is characterized by a feeling of loss emotional connection with other people before significant events or your own experiences.

Overcoming psychological defense

Overcoming is a set of techniques that can be successfully transferred to professional activity. Using techniques for overcoming psychological defense, a person can have an acceptable (from the point of view of law and morality) impact on another person included in the system of professional relations. The process of overcoming the psychological defense of a certain person is not a forcible imposition of one’s will, but rather providing assistance in solving complex life problems.

The structure of the actions of a specialist who overcomes the psychological defense of a partner professional communication, can be represented by a system of the following operations.

1. Identify the objective and subjective components of a professional situation that can influence the content and form of psychological defense of a communication partner.

2. Prepare arguments and tactics, aimed at destroying the psychological defense of a mistakenly taken position.

3. Enter into psychological contact with your communication partner, and then propose to consider the current situation together and carry out a multifaceted systemic analysis of its components. At the same time, it is advisable to show this situation from the positions of different people interested in its resolution. It is advisable to demonstrate options for solving the problem and highlight their positive aspects. In this case, the partner becomes confident that he himself has come to a solution to his problem.

Demonstration of arguments aimed at overcoming an erroneously constructed defense system must be carried out consistently and with the utmost tact. In this case, you can successfully use the “small steps” technique, i.e. gradually, from evidence to evidence, analyze the situation, giving the partner time to comprehend the analysis process. This will allow him to gently lead him to solving the problem in objectively justified forms. Providing assistance in the processes of overcoming psychological defense can not only neutralize negative attitude partner, but also to rebuild it into a positive fixed attitude towards long-term contact interaction.

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on the topic: “Analysis conflict situations»


1. Example of a conflict situation

2. Analysis of the conflict situation



The basis of any organization is people (work collective), and without them the functioning of the organization is impossible. The set of object conditions in which people find themselves in the process of joint activity predetermines and limits the ways of their interaction. The number of needs that can be satisfied in communication also turns out to be limited by the prevailing circumstances.

In this regard, production situations often arise in teams, during which contradictions are discovered between people on a wide range of issues. In themselves, these disagreements and contradictions can act as positive factor movements of creative thought. However, when they become acute, they can hinder successful teamwork and lead to conflict.

Conflict in an organization is a conscious contradiction between communicating members of this team, which is accompanied by attempts to resolve it against the background of emotional relationships within the organization or in the interorganizational space.

Psychology has not yet developed a generally accepted understanding of the essence of conflict. Some authors interpret it as a clash, opposition, contradiction. Others understand conflict as a type of communication, situational incompatibility, a situation of an unfound solution, a type of competitive interaction.

Conflicts occur in both large companies and small firms; they can lead to the closure of the organization. Therefore, the study of conflicts in organizations is a very relevant topic.

Conflictology is the science of the patterns of origin, emergence, development, resolution and completion of conflicts of any level.

Conflict is a multidimensional multifunctional natural socio-psychological phenomenon that characterizes the state of an act of vital activity of a system, carried out in two versions: normative (a real act of functional systems of different levels of matter); pathological (a key moment in the development of the subject, creating increased tension);

This paper examines an example of an organizational conflict and the possibility of using theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in conflict management in its classification and resolution.

1. Exampleconflict

Prestigious restaurant Japanese cuisine. The staff includes both men and women, different ages. At the next meeting of the establishment's managers, it was decided to hire a second administrator of the hall into its staff. During the meeting, the current administrator was absent for some reason and was not aware of this decision. The next day, management began selection for new position, and reported this to the administrator. The latter's reaction was to act out a quarrel with the manager. His opinion contradicted the management's opinion about the need for a second vacant position.

The conflict has taken a new turn; The staff have already begun to complain about the unpleasant psychological atmosphere at work.

As a result of misunderstanding and conflict, the administrator resigned. Leaving behind the last word in the attitude of management towards him.

conflict employee situation behavior

2. Analysisconflict situation

Structure of the conflict.

The following components can be distinguished in the structure of any conflict:

Base or foundation - conflict situation (episode and fragment);

The object of the conflict is what it is aimed at (“because of what”);

There are also several types of conflict object:

objects that cannot be divided into parts, the joint ownership of which is impossible;

objects that can be divided in equal proportions between the parties to the conflict;

objects that both parties to the conflict can own jointly (the situation of an “imaginary conflict”);

The subject of the conflict (contradiction);

Parties or participants; Social status of subjects;

Environment(geographical, climatic, economic conditions, social environment, microclimate in the group, social environment);

Incident (reason) - intensification of the activities of one of the parties, which infringes on the interests of the other party; The outcome of a conflict situation - consequences, results;

The basis or basis for the above proposed conflict was that the management of the establishment was clearly not satisfied with the work of the existing administrator of the hall, and the current situation provoked a conflict that had previously been brewing between them. The object of the conflict is the opinion of the administrator’s personal superiority and authority among the staff. The subject of this conflict is the impossibility of reconciliation, since the conflict was already mature. The parties to the conflict are management and subordinates. The social position of the subjects is different social status. The environment - a restaurant, an entertainment establishment, a friendly staff, however, of course, there is also responsible work with staff, which requires high professionalism and qualifications. A conflict incident is when the conflict becomes visible to the entire team. The outcome of a conflict situation is the departure of the dissenting party and accusations of incompetence on the management.

Dynamics of development of the conflict situation

There are 3 stages in the dynamics of conflict development:

First stage: pre-conflict situation (the emergence of objective grounds for conflict): A potential conflict is characterized by “tension” of relations, emphasized formality, a split of the team into groups, the appearance of the first signal of conflict - discomfort in communication.

There are 3 phases of a pre-conflict situation:

the emergence of a controversy regarding a certain controversial issue; assessment of the pre-conflict situation; awareness of this stage as a conflict;

The first phase: this is that moment of past dissatisfaction with management over the administrator. Second phase: the moment when it was proposed to open a new vacant position. And the third stage, when the manager and administrator of the parties to the conflict realized that the conflict still exists.

The second stage: conflict opposition, characterized by misunderstandings, increased tension, assessment of the strengths and disturbances of the conflicting parties; transition of the conflict from latent to open confrontation (the parties to the conflict try to resolve the conflict by making a compromise); further escalation (increasing tension), confrontation; the conflict reaches its climax and takes the form of total war;

The conflict situation came to the attention of the entire team, after which indignation began, and conflict situations began within the staff.

Third stage: conflict resolution;

The resolution of the conflict occurred by itself, because the manager did not influence the situation in any way. One of the conflicting parties quit.

Post-conflict situation (new balance of power, new attitudes of opponents towards each other, reassessment of their strengths and capabilities). In this situation, the conflict disappeared as a result of the departure of one participant, who considered that the management’s decision did not make sense.

Psychological relief. In this situation, it is necessary to conduct group unity training for the remaining party to the conflict and the entire team.

Functions of conflict

The presented conflict, in my opinion, has all the listed functions. Let me explain: conflict has a diagnostic function, because its occurrence indicates that there is a problem (or even a set of problems) in relationships between people (colleagues), and in the organization in general. The conflict helped reveal the underlying essence of the difficulties. The conflict has a constructive function because, firstly, it served as a “release valve” to reduce frustration and aggression, and secondly, during the discussion and solution of this problem, a compromise solution was developed based on the boss’s creative approach to the problem. In my opinion, such a decision leads to more efficient work in the organization and strengthens the authority of the leader as a good manager. Conflict has a destructive function, because despite its outcome, which carries many positives, for example, the opportunity to unite the team and build relationships, the opportunity to increase the efficiency of teamwork and facilitate working relationships.

Determinants of conflict

Determinants of conflict are the reasons that gave rise to a conflict situation.

There are the following personal determinants that produce inadequate mental and socio-psychic orientation: personality orientation and characteristics of self-awareness; mental condition; violation of the motivational sphere and emotional sphere; features of characterological manifestations; social inequality; clash of interests and needs; the concept of deprivation (a state characterized by a clear discrepancy between expectations and the possibilities of meeting them);

Considering the existing conflict situation, one cannot help but notice that the main parties to the conflict have an egoistic personality orientation, i.e. the desire to satisfy narrow personal interests and needs.

Features of self-awareness in this case include increased aggressiveness and anxiety, excessive adherence to principles in defending one’s position and, most likely, an inadequate level of claims (it seems that if at least one of the school employees were truly highly qualified specialists, they could reduce the whole conflict to a compromise , for example, to apologize).

The mental state of the parties to this conflict is characterized by: a feeling of an insurmountable obstacle to meeting needs; desire to restore lost integrity inner world(manifests itself in aggression);

Violation of the motivational sphere of this conflict is characterized by inflated desires and insufficient ability to satisfy them. Violation of the emotional sphere of this conflict is characterized by:

lack of a culture of emotional behavior; poor development of empathy; the predominance of emotions over reason;

Features of characterological manifestations in this conflict: impulsiveness; sets of ambitions; selfishness;

TO structural elements The personality of this conflict can be attributed to: emotional barriers (each employee is afraid of feeling “worse than others”); gender differences;

To summarize, we can say that the main determinants of the conflict are: the presence of conflict situations, and in particular conflict-generating factors in the past; clash of interests and needs; personal ambitions;

Strategies and tactics of behavior in conflict

A strategy of behavior in a conflict is a program and plan of action aimed at implementing the set chain in a conflict, in other words, it is a solution to the problem of satisfying one’s specific needs, one’s specific interest in a given conflict.

Tactics of behavior in conflict are the means that provide a given strategy, which ultimately determine a person’s style of behavior in conflict. Modern conflict theory distinguishes five main behavioral strategies: competition, avoidance, cooperation, reconciliation, and compromise.

When people enter into conflict, they do not necessarily adopt one strategy of behavior; a combination of them is often observed. It depends on the type of conflict, on what level it occurs, what are the resources of the participants in the conflict, what is the significance of personal chains, etc.

Having analyzed the situation of the conflict presented above, we can say that the strategy of behavior of the subjects of the conflict is based on personal hostility, because their behavior was emotional and irreconcilable, and both employees express reluctance to admit their guilt in this conflict, because everyone is confident that they are right, and this confidence turns into self-confidence.

In my opinion, in this situation it would be perfect better strategy cooperation aimed at constructive resolution of the conflict, that is, working with the problem, not the conflict. Employees should, firstly, acknowledge the conflict (emphasizing the common basis for interaction, which can be even a single desire to find a way out of the current situation together), secondly, putting aside emotions, openly discuss their interests and positions on this issue, and, thirdly, to find a joint solution to the problem and alternative ways out of the conflict, moving it into a peaceful, constructive direction.

Ways to resolve conflict

The final stage in the development of most organizational conflicts is its resolution, which can be imaginary and real.

With an imaginary resolution, the basis for its occurrence is not eliminated. The conflict is resolved either by the removal of one of the participants, or by reaching a compromise, or by suppressing the conflict by the force of power or authority. At the same time, the parties to the conflict are left with a feeling of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction, which ultimately can lead to a new outbreak of conflict.

Real conflict resolution can be carried out in two directions. The first is the elimination and resolution of an organizational problem situation, the second is finding forms of conflict movement and helping to accelerate the objective process of its development, thanks to which a rational justification for the position of conflicting individuals or groups is preserved and developed and, in the end, a solution is found that fully satisfies participants in the conflict.

In my opinion, the solution to the existing conflict is real, because At the initial stage of the conflict, management should have settled relations with the administrator. But since it missed this situation, a serious conflict occurred that affected everyone around.

Mechanism of conflict

The conflict mechanism includes the study of two positions: the aggressor and the victim.

An aggressor is a subject with a defective inner world, expressed in the complexity of the inner world and increased social activity. He develops, gains new knowledge through conflict. The behavior of an aggressor leader is characterized by: Saturation with negative emotions (envy, anger and the desire to subjugate everything to oneself). The desire for justice according to one’s own parameters and usefulness for the organization.

Demonstration of superiority, strength and power over your opponent in front of your team.

The desire to disturb the peace of the “victim” by influencing him (screaming, threats, scandal).

A victim is a subject who has attractive personal and emotional traits and a tendency toward addiction. The employee, due to his psychotype and life circumstances, is not able to resist the aggressor; he only tries to escape from the conflict, not wanting to continue.

Conflict prevention

One of the main strategies for preventing conflicts in organizational teams is, first of all, reducing the level of conflict among those people who are prone to inciting them.

Work to implement this approach can go in two directions: correction of the subjective (internal) conditions of a conflicting personality during individual work; creation of organizational and managerial conditions that help reduce manifestations of conflict.

Verified personnel policy

First of all, we should mention a verified personnel policy. Correct selection and placement of personnel, taking into account not only qualification “profile” indicators, but also the psychological qualities of personnel, significantly reduces the likelihood of hiring conflict-ridden individuals and those prone to getting involved in conflicts. The basis of psychological support is psychological diagnostics of personnel during hiring and placement. Currently, psychological diagnostics are carried out mainly through testing. High authority of the leader An important factor in reducing personal conflict is the high authority of the leader. Psychologically, an authoritative person is always perceived as having undeniable advantages, which contributes to the formation of vertically oriented relationships. This necessitates a concern for authority. The high authority of the leader, formed on the basis of his personal, professional and moral qualities, is the key to the stability of relationships in the team.

Increased authority is facilitated by developed skills to resolve conflicts constructively and fairly. Such skills are formed with experience and special socio-psychological training of managers, teaching them the skills of non-conflict interaction, techniques of conflict-free communication, and developing their skills to constructively overcome emerging contradictions.

A good stabilizing factor that prevents the emergence of conflicts in a team is the presence in it of high organizational culture as a system of conscious and unconscious ideas, values, rules, prohibitions, traditions shared by all members of the organization. In the context of the problem under discussion Special attention One aspect should be paid attention to - the presence of positive traditions as an important limiting framework for a conflict personality.

Prestige of activity and organization

A significant psychological factor that reduces the level of conflict manifestations is the prestige of the activity and the organization. It is also both a limiter and a regulator of behavior: people value a prestigious position or work, as a result of which they have an increased sense of responsibility and reflective regulation of activity, which, of course, is reflected in behavior and communication, generally increasing their normativity. When carrying out activities aimed at increasing prestige, it is necessary to take it into account psychological characteristics: what is prestigious is something that is not available to everyone, which determines a qualitatively different level of relationships and stimulation, which is associated with high level professionalism, which has a very high social value and creates a certain social distance.

Finally, a favorable psychological climate in the team is a factor that significantly reduces the level of conflict among personnel. The quality and productivity of work activity largely depend not only on the perfection of its organization, equipment, conditions, but also on the cohesion of the team, on the nature of the relationships in it, and the prevailing emotional atmosphere. Often it is friendliness, comradely mutual assistance, mutual assistance, the predominance of positive emotions, and simplicity of relationships that are the basis for the formation of such important socio-psychological phenomena as work enthusiasm. The emotional mood, the dominant moods, the emotional coloring of moods most seriously influence the organization and efficiency of work, both individual and collective.


Thanks to existing attitudes towards conflict as a negative phenomenon, most people believe that they cannot manage it and try to avoid it whenever possible. But conflict is difficult to correct once it has already acquired destructive power. This needs to be known, and managers and employees must understand that conflict enriches lives if it is managed correctly.

Conflict helps an individual work team and the organization as a whole to be in line with current events; it allows you to determine what is needed for the development and improvement of all areas. The ability to manage conflict can be decisive for the survival of the team as a whole.

Conflict also forces employees to constantly communicate with each other and learn a little more about each other. Team members begin to understand their colleagues better and become more sensitive to the problems of other people. People finally appreciate the need to understand the norms and desires of others and the impossibility of being free from society while living in it. Living and working together is not easy, and this requires special training.

Conflict, giving rise to disputes, tests both the entire team and each employee individually, and can significantly help both in the process of analyzing the problem and developing a solution. Conflict in itself neither strengthens nor weakens an organization. Both employees and managers must manage it to make it as useful as possible. If they avoid discussing their difficulties and concerns, they cannot understand the real situation, or ways of development, or learn lessons for themselves and others. If you manage conflict skillfully, it strengthens both the team and the organization as a whole.

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To summarize what has been said, we can schematically represent the structure of the conflict as follows (see Fig. 2.2).

The diagram shown in the figure is convenient for describing and analyzing, mainly, those types of conflict that a conflictologist most often has to deal with in practice - interpersonal and group. Of course, she presents the conflict in a highly simplified form. In our diagram, for example, there was no place for other possible participants in the conflict, conflicting parties. It also does not take into account the presence of various influences of external circumstances on all elements of a conflict situation. But, nevertheless, this diagram can serve as a kind of guide to the conflict. Let's look at a specific example.

Situation No. 1

Based on the results of their studies, the 3rd year student group was recognized as the best group of the institute and was awarded a prize by order of the rector. A couple of days after this, the rector of the institute found four students from this group smoking on the landing. Smoking within the walls of the educational institution was prohibited. The rector issued an order to reprimand all four smokers for violating discipline. When the deadline for receiving the prize came, it turned out that these four students (by the way, excellent students) were not on the list of those awarded. The four were indignant. The group supported their offended comrades and decided to send a delegation to the dean with a request to give them a bonus. The dean said that he could not grant their request. The delegation went to the rector.

The rector accepted the delegation, but refused to grant the request. Some time later, at a pre-holiday institute evening, students in a skit acted out a sketch in which the dean and the rector were presented in a funny and stupid way. Soon after this, the head of the group, Semenov, was removed. The violation charged against him was minor, and the students decided that he was removed in connection with this whole story. Their attempts to get Semenov to remain headman led nowhere.

The conflict is obvious. Let's analyze this situation. It turns out that identifying the components of the conflict here is not so simple.

The simplest thing is to establish what actions are observed here. They are as follows (in chronological order): smoking - deprivation of smokers' scholarships - petitions of the group to the dean and rector - ridicule of them by students at the evening - removal of the headman - attempts of students to cancel his removal (I note in parentheses that in the description of situation No. 1 much is omitted: total you can’t tell; but in fact, there were some hidden actions).

Next, who are the conflictants here – X and Y? It turns out that this question cannot be answered unequivocally. Let's deal with one side first. At first, four smokers expressed dissatisfaction with the situation. She has become a conflicting party - say X . But very soon other students joined her, and the whole group began to act as X. As we see, the conflicting party may change as things progress. And who acts here as Y - the other conflicting party? Apparently, the rector. After all, the students are dissatisfied precisely with his behavior - with the fact that he deprived four students of their bonuses. This means that the rector became a conflicter without knowing anything about it yet! The situation became a conflict without his knowledge - only due to the fact that the students identified it as a conflict (remember Thomas' theorem!). But with their dissatisfaction, the students first turned not to the rector, but, in accordance with the requirements of official subordination, to the dean. Thus, the dean was drawn into the conflict - and he, too, eventually became part of the conflicting party Y . Therefore, both X and Y turned out to be “variable quantities”.

Let us now move on to the area of ​​disagreement. What's in it? Everything was fine until the smoking episode occurred. All students in the group celebrated and rejoiced in anticipation of the prize. The reprimand given to smokers was the first blow to their good mood. But an even more painful blow, which from their point of view was an unexpected and blatant injustice, was the absence of their names in the list of awardees. Thus, two points of disagreement between smokers and the rector are revealed: 1) regarding smoking, 2) regarding the deprivation of bonuses. The first incident - the smoking episode - on its own would probably not have had serious consequences. But together with the second incident - the deprivation of the bonus - it became the source of further events. Then the area of ​​disagreement began to increase. In it, one after another, 3) the question of the admissibility of the students’ public ridicule of the institute authorities and 4) the question of the removal of the headman flared up. As we see, the boundaries of the zone of disagreement expanded as the conflict developed.

Let's try to understand the students' ideas (P x). Apparently, since they smoked on the premises of the institute in violation of the ban, then, in their opinion, this ban is unjustified. That’s why it’s possible to violate it (students would hardly take a smoke break near a powder keg). It is unknown whether other students share the views of smokers. From questioning, it turned out that many consider a reprimand for smoking in the wrong place to be fair. But the group reacted negatively to the deprivation of the bonus for this. According to the students, such a punishment does not correspond to the severity of the offense, and most importantly, to the meaning of the award: after all, it is given for excellent study. The smokers were the best in the group, it was their excellent studies that gave the group a bonus - and they were deprived of the bonus! And the reaction of the dean and rector to the reasonable and polite requests of students to restore justice looked in their eyes as a stubborn and absurd defense of the “honor of the uniform.” Isn't there material for satire here? And is it really impossible to laugh at what is worthy of ridicule in a democratic system in our country?

The removal of the headman soon after this once again confirms that the institute authorities are committing arbitrariness, not taking into account the opinions of students and demanding from them only unquestioning obedience. (We dwell in such detail and, perhaps, somewhat exaggerating the colors, on the description of P x in order to show how these ideas, as the conflict develops, become increasingly saturated with negative emotions towards the administration of the institute.)

The views of the other side (P y), of course, look completely different. The rector believes that smoking in the academic building must be combated. Before the smoking ban there was a lot of smoke and cigarette butts were everywhere. Once there was already a fire because of it, after which this ban was adopted. Violators of discipline cannot be rewarded with bonuses, especially since one of the punished four has already been caught with a smoking cigarette before. At the evening, the guys, of course, went too far with criticism. It was rude, flat and not funny. But there's nothing terrible about it. The president of the country is vilified even worse. The rector knows nothing about the headman. The dean thinks about what happened in much the same way. Smokers are talented students, but they are talkative, behave defiantly, and think that everything should be forgiven for them since they study well. As for the headman, he should be an assistant to the dean, but instead he organizes a group to support violators of discipline and daring attacks against teachers. He does not perform his duties very conscientiously. Therefore, there is reason to replace it.

We will not discuss which side is right. A conflict specialist-mediator is not a judge. His task is not to decide who is right and who is wrong, but to resolve the conflict. It is important to understand how conflicters see themselves as being right - and they always consider themselves to be right in some way.

Finally, about motives. The motives of the students (M x), at first glance, seem to be the desire to return the unfairly taken away bonus. However, if we take into account the content of Px, then the motivation of students’ behavior is not limited to this. Behind all their escapades there is clearly a desire to ensure that the administration of the institute treats them with great respect and takes their opinion into account. Why were they not only not consulted, but not even informed that four of their comrades would be left without a bonus? Why did they remove the headman without saying a word to the students, and then again, like with a bonus, they don’t want to take their position into account? Students want to feel like full members of the institute team and take part in resolving issues in the life of the institute on an equal basis with teachers. As one student said, “We are against being looked at as soldiers standing at attention in front of our superiors.” The motives of M y are already quite clear from what was said above about P y. The rector was guided by the need to maintain order at the institute.

Orders must be followed. It is necessary to roughly punish smokers so that others will be discouraged. The dean, replacing the headman, was also motivated mainly by the desire for order. Perhaps, somewhere, there was an underlying desire to show students that they should not expose their leaders to ridicule. But the dean himself did not admit to himself that he had such a desire.

Continuation of situation M 1

The dean's office encountered difficulties with the appointment of a new head of the rebellious group. Student Volskaya refused the offer to become a head girl. Her example was followed by Terkin, who then received this offer. In the end, Chertkov, who did not enjoy authority in the group, was appointed headman. The group responded to this with a collective boycott of Chertkov. As a result, she almost completely did not show up for the test with the teacher who worked in the department, the head of which was the dean. The students laid the blame for this on Chertkov. But all those who did not show up were not allowed to take the exam by the teacher. This was followed by their inadmissibility to take other exams (since students who did not pass all tests are not allowed to take the examination session). The students are in danger of being left without a scholarship in the next semester. When analyzing the current situation, students accused the teacher of formalism and cruelty and demanded his replacement. Some strange rumors spread around the institute, in which first one or the other participants in the conflict looked unsightly. The dean raised the question with the rector about the need to disband the group. Thus, the best group of the institute turned into the worst in a short time.

The conflict deepened and became clearly destructive. A split began within X: the “strikebreaker” Chertkov appeared. And the composition of side Y increased: the number of persons with whom the students entered into confrontation included the teacher (a typical phenomenon for conflicts: in a conflict, everything that infringes on one of the parties is regarded as an attack against it, initiated by the other party). In the area of ​​disagreement, educational problems, passing tests and exams were added. In P x, the idea began to develop that “all of them, teachers, are at the same time,” and in P y - that the group began to turn into a close-knit company of arrogant troublemakers. A new motive also arose (in M y) - the intention to disperse this company by transferring its members to different groups. This is an undesirable measure, but something must be done to end the protracted conflict.

End of the situation JV? 1

A group meeting was called and the dean and rector attended. After a heated and frank conversation, the following solution was found. Students are allowed to take exams. They will have to take the failed test and exam in this subject after the end of the session. The teacher will remain the same. The issue of bonuses for smokers will no longer be raised, but in the future, decisions on scholarships, awards, etc. will be made with the participation of student representatives. The former headman will not return to this position, but the group is given the opportunity to nominate two or three candidates, and the dean will appoint one of them as headman. And finally, there will be designated smoking areas in the academic building.

Subsequently, the group's life returned to normal. The group passed the session well and again turned out to be one of the best groups of the institute. There was only one loss: Chertkov transferred to another institute.

Thus, the conflict ended. What made it possible to untie the whole tangle of issues that had accumulated in the area of ​​disagreement? First of all, frankness. The students, as is easy to see, achieved little. Their initial demands (about the bonus, about the headman) remained unfulfilled. They received a concession only in what had been “screwed up” during the conflict - admission to take exams. However, their main motive was satisfied: management recognized the need to respect and listen to their opinions. For their part, the dean and rector completely “save face”: not a single one of the decisions they made was canceled. But at the same time, the management actually took upon itself obligations, the acceptance of which means a revision of some of its settings.

What are the results of the conflict? The conflict brought a lot of unrest to students. He was also unpleasant for management. The echoes of the conflict to some extent damaged the general socio-psychological climate at the institute. During it, the group’s performance deteriorated, and one of its members left the institute. All this - negative side conflict. But it also brought some positive results: the students gained useful experience and “forced themselves to respect themselves,” the management drew appropriate conclusions and began to listen to the students. And one more interesting touch: as if by the way, the problem related to the “backdrop” against which the conflict played out, and which became its indirect prerequisite, was resolved. This is the situation of smokers. Designating smoking areas eliminates one of the main reasons for violating the smoking ban. Conflict often reveals similar “background” problems that remain in the shadows for a long time, and resolving the conflict “along the way” eliminates them.

How fair were the decisions that ended the conflict? There may probably be different opinions here. What is considered fair is often interpreted ambiguously. But the resolution of the conflict should be assessed not by whether it is fair from some external point of view, but by whether it satisfies both conflicting parties. Enough to They they considered it fair, but the opinion of some “fairness expert” does not guarantee anything here.

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