What is included in the territories of regulated recreational use. Recreational assessment of natural recreational resources of the Perm region - course work. Introduction to the course

1. Hunting and fishing grounds

In total, in the Perm region there are about 60 species of mammals, over 200 species of birds, almost 40 species of fish, 6 species of reptiles and 9 species of amphibians. More than 30 species of mammals have commercial value.

Carnivores are widely represented in the region pine marten. Favorite places its habitat is overripe, cluttered forests, especially in the southern regions. The Perm region ranks one of the first in the country in terms of the number of martens. Ermine and weasel live in the forests everywhere. In the southern and central regions- badger and otter, and in the northern regions - wolverine. Throughout the territory, except for the very south, bears and lynxes are found, although their numbers are small. The wolf is also found everywhere.

Most of the animals in the region are of European origin, but they also penetrate Siberian species. Thus, at the end of the nineteenth century, kolonka appeared in the eastern regions.

Of the artiodactyls in the Kama region, moose predominate, living along forest edges and copses. In winters with little snow from the neighboring Sverdlovsk region Roe deer enter the eastern regions. From the Komi Republic, deer penetrate into the northern regions.

Most predatory and artiodactyl animals are of great commercial importance. Hunting for some of them (sable, otter, marten, elk) is possible only with special permits (licenses). Roe deer and reindeer are under protection, hunting them is prohibited.

The wolf, wolverine and lynx cause considerable damage to livestock production and therefore hunting for them is encouraged. Small mustelids (ferret, weasel) destroy mouse-like rodents, but sometimes they contribute to the spread infectious diseases(tick-borne encephalitis, rabies).

Much work is being done in the region on acclimatization and artificial breeding some species of game animals - beavers, raccoon dogs, muskrats, arctic foxes and minks.

Of the 200 species of birds in the region, the most common are wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, crossbills, several species of tits, and migratory birds include starlings, thrushes, rooks, and swallows. From birds of prey the most common sightings are eagles, owls, crows and magpies. Of the birds of greatest commercial importance, capercaillie, black grouse and hazel grouse are of greatest commercial importance.

The reservoirs of the region are inhabited by more than 30 species of fish, of which 15 are of commercial importance. mass species, like bream, roach, sabrefish, perch, and pike form the basis of commercial and recreational fishing.

Stocks of the main commercial species are in satisfactory condition, however, commercial fish productivity Kama reservoirs one of the lowest in Russia and is only 2-3.5 kg/ha. Low performance The fishing productivity of reservoirs is due to shortcomings in the organization of fishing, as well as the low production capacity of reservoirs. The main limiting factors are massive industrial pollution and the unfavorable hydrological regime of reservoirs.

Despite high level anthropogenic pressure, the main fishery reservoirs of the region - the Kama and Votkinsk reservoirs - provide more than 90% of the catch, which averages 850-100 tons of fish over the last decade.

The reform of state management systems also had a negative impact on fisheries. Since the early 90s, there has been a steady decline in catches of almost all major commercial species. The catches of bream, pike perch, pike, as well as roach and sabrefish in the Votkinsk Reservoir have fallen sharply. With the increase in the number of blue bream, its catches did not increase.

Amateur catches, licensed fishing and poaching are practically impossible to account for. But even assuming that the unaccounted catch of poachers and recreational fishermen is equal to organized fishing, there is an underutilization of the commercial stock.

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2.1.3 Territories of regulated recreational use

Specially protected natural areas(SPNA) are intended for conservation

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The conservation and development of specially protected natural areas is one of the priority areas of the state environmental policy Russian Federation.

"right">Table 4 "right">Specially protected natural areas


Area, ha

Short description

National Park

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Territories of regulated recreational use include specially protected natural areas, as well as hunting and fishing grounds.

Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) - areas of land, water surface and air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which are withdrawn by decisions of authorities state power wholly or partially from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established. Specially protected natural areas are classified as objects of national heritage. Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of the Tyumen region are objects of national heritage. These include areas of land and water surface that have special environmental, scientific, cultural and recreational significance. SPNAs have been completely or partially withdrawn from economic use, and a special regime security In conditions of intensive industrial development Western Siberia, which is the main fuel and energy region of the Russian Federation, issues of protection environment acquire the significance of the most important state task that must be solved urgently using the results of modern scientific research in this direction.

In the territory southern zone In the Tyumen region there are 3 categories of specially protected natural areas: state nature reserves: federal significance 2, wetlands international importance 1

The wetland "Lakes of the Tobol-Ishim forest-steppe" meets the criteria of the Ramsar Convention. Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) of the Tyumen region are objects of national heritage. These include areas of land and water surface that have special environmental, scientific, cultural and recreational significance. Protected areas have been completely or partially withdrawn from economic use, and a special protection regime has been established for them. In order to preserve the Tarman lake-marsh complex - unique object nature in the surroundings regional center- in 1958 the Tyumen State Zoological Reserve of republican, now federal significance was created. In the 1960s, as work on reacclimatization began river beaver in the southern regions of the region, a network of species reserves was created, which were subsequently transformed into complex reserves of regional significance, as well as a number of objects of exceptional importance for the reproduction of waterfowl and shorebirds. Not long ago, orders were signed in the Tyumen region defining the status of two new natural monuments of regional significance. One of the documents establishes as a specially protected natural object Ryamovoe swamp in the Omutinsky district. The area of ​​the natural monument is over 2 thousand hectares. New status will allow better control environmental situation on the territory that is the source of the Vagai River. The second resolution expands the boundaries of the natural monument Poluyanovsky Bor in the Vagai district. Now its area will increase from 260 to 554.8 hectares. Thus, under special protection falls into this entire forest area, the main wealth of which is centuries-old cedars

Table 6. Specially protected natural areas.


Area, ha

Short description

Federal reserve


Among the protected species there are such species as the black stork, the greater spotted eagle, the golden eagle, the white-tailed eagle, the gyrfalcon, the peregrine falcon, the oystercatcher, and the eagle owl. Unique natural complexes - the southernmost tracts - are subject to protection spruce forests with an admixture of cedar, fir, linden, juniper and heather, as well as

Federal reserve


The goals of creating the reserve are: conservation, restoration and reproduction of economically, scientifically and culturally valuable, as well as rare and endangered species of animals. The main objects of protection include all types of terrestrial vertebrates, as well as the unique lake-forest-steppe complex of the Tobol-Ishim forest-steppe.

Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century. in the region there is a fairly extensive network of protected areas of various categories: 4 state reserves, 8 state complex biological reserves of federal significance, 48 state complex zoological reserves regional significance. In addition, there are state natural monuments (more than 50), reproduction and hunting areas of regional importance (4) and wetlands of international importance (4), mainly for habitat protection waterfowl, and green areas around some settlements. The total area of ​​protected areas within the region is 6.2%.

Figure 7. Map of the location of Belozervsky (a) and Tyumensky (b) reserves

Figure 8. Schematic map of protected areas of the Tyumen region.

Figure 9. Map of fishing and hunting grounds.

Thus, we can conclude that the Tyumen region has significant areas of hunting grounds, which makes the region especially popular among hunters. Hunting in this region is allowed for fur-bearing animals, except for those protected by the Red Book, as well as bears and ungulates. That is, all segments of hunting are represented, including waterfowl hunting.

2. Territories of regulated recreational use

2.1 Ecotourism resources (SPNA)

The Curonian and Vistula Spit occupy a special place in the Kaliningrad region, not only due to their unique location, but also due to their significance for the territory and Russia as a whole. That is why the Curonian Spit has been a state natural national park since 1988. What makes it unique are the dune landscapes - 60-meter sand dunes, pine forests, the proximity of the sea and the bay, animals protected by humans - elk, deer, wild boars. However, this territory is at the same time very ecologically vulnerable - from nature (frequent erosion) and from humans (destruction of vegetation cover and, as a consequence, degradation of dunes). The Baltic (Vistula) Spit is not inferior in attractiveness and natural value to the Curonian Spit. Situated in the border zone, it for a long time remained inaccessible to tourists. The uniqueness and vulnerability of this territory became the reason for classifying it as a protected area.

Table 9. Specially protected natural areas

No. Type of protected area Name Area, ha Short description
1. Reserve Curonian Spit 6 621 Formed in order to preserve unique natural complexes Curonian Spit.
2. Reserve Vistula Spit 520 ha Formed for the purpose of preserving unique forest complexes
3. Reserve Vishtynetsky 330 ha Reserve in the area of ​​Lake Vishtynets

2.2 Hunting and fishing grounds.

Animals in the region are represented by ungulates, predators, rodents, insectivores, and bats. They are distributed mainly in forests, where the living conditions of animals are least modified by humans.

The order of ungulates includes the largest animal in the region - the elk, as well as other representatives of the deer family - red and sika deer, roe deer and fallow deer.

The largest number of roe deer in the forests of the region is several thousand. Elk and red deer number in the hundreds. Fallow deer are extremely rare and are found in the Polesie region (there are several hundred of them in Russia). Sika deer were brought to the region quite recently. They were released on the territory of the Novoselovsky animal farm, where they are bred to produce antlers - a valuable medicinal raw material. Small herds of wild boars are found in many forests in the region.

Predators include foxes, martens, horis, stoats and weasels. Wolves were completely destroyed by the 70s, but since 1976 they have reappeared and are hunted year-round.

Fish in inland waters are represented by freshwater species(58 species, in Curonian – 42, in Kaliningrad – up to 40 species).

From sea ​​fish There are herring, sprat, cod, flounder, and Baltic salmon. Semi-anadromous species (rising to spawn in the lower reaches of rivers) are smelt and herring, anadromous species (going up rivers to spawn) are whitefish, vimba, Baltic sturgeon, salmon, eel. Bream, pike perch, roach, smelt, crucian carp, ruffe, perch, and pike are widely distributed. The rivers are home to not only fish typical of lowland rivers such as burbot, catfish, chub, and ide, but also trout and grayling typical of the foothills.

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