Donetsk Institute of Health, Sports and Physical Culture. Donetsk State Institute of Health, Physical Education and Sports. I. General provisions

On this moment English language is the main foreign language, and it is in modern schools that the study of French or German is no longer found. It is worth saying that in most cases, the study of a foreign language is resorted to even in primary school. Is it worth it and what will be the result?

And despite the fact that English has long been considered the main language in most schools, there are now many young modern teachers English and everywhere you hear that without knowledge of the language, as well as the diploma itself, you can’t go anywhere. And at the same time, for many there is no reason to study foreign languages, and practice recent years shows that knowledge of foreign languages ​​is still at the same weak level.

This applies not only to passing exams, but to real life.

Therefore, many decide to study English in English School, a prime example such a school can be viewed on the website, now this direction develops successfully.

Today, among the most popular subjects, English is not even in the top five. Last year, only 65,000 students took a foreign language, and knowledge in this area is rather weak, the average was only 70 points.

Important decision

Of course, whether to learn a language or not, this should be a reasonable and balanced decision for every student. But not only they are to blame for poor knowledge and lack of desire, the modern curriculum is designed in such a way that there is no emphasis on English. Even if the school is taught according to an in-depth program, this practically does not change the situation.

Why is English still weakness for many children? First of all, the thing is that the school has only 1 or 2 teachers, through which a huge number of students pass every day. The load on each individual student is already very high, while English is given only one hour a week. Absolutely all students go through one program, there is simply no time to pay due attention to everyone and pull up one or another student. The general program is aimed at the basics, and it is clear that not everyone has the ability, and much more time is needed, which is not there.

Despite the fact that the student already receives a considerable load, the results are unlikely to be good, besides, with a small number of hours, even for the entire semester, there are many control works that require careful preparation. In primary school, a foreign language is not in demand, as it does not bring the desired results.




For 2016/2017 academic year

Donetsk - 2016

I. General provisions

1.1 State educational organization of higher professional education " Donetsk Institute physical education and Sports” (hereinafter DIFKS) carries out its activities in accordance with the Permit for the implementation educational activities Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic No. 011 dated July 30, 2015.

1.2. The rules for admission to the state educational organization of higher professional education "Donetsk Institute of Physical Culture and Sports" (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Rules) were developed by the Admissions Committee of the DIFKS (hereinafter referred to as the Admissions Committee) in accordance with the Procedure for Admission to Educational Organizations of Higher Professional Education of the Donetsk People's Republic for 2016/2017 academic year, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic dated November 19, 2015 No. 809.

1.3. Funding for the training of bachelors and masters in the state educational organization of higher professional education "Donetsk Institute of Physical Culture and Sports" is carried out:

- at the expense of budget allocations from the budget of the Donetsk People's Republic;

- at the expense of individuals or legal entities.

1.4. Training of bachelors in DIFKS is carried out in the following areas: 49.03.01 "Physical culture" (profile Sports training), 49.03.01 Physical culture (profile Physical education), 49.03.02 Physical culture for people with disabilities (adaptive physical culture) :

Based on secondary general education;

Based educational level mid-level specialist, taking into account related areas (table 1)

Table 1

educational level of a bachelor based on the educational level of a mid-level specialist

* Applicants with a sports category not lower than the first are accepted for the sports training profile.

The training of masters in DIFKS on the basis of the educational level of the bachelor is carried out in the following specialties of the educational level of the master: 49.04.01 "Physical culture", 49.04.03 "Sport", 49.04.02 "Physical culture for persons with disabilities (adaptive physical culture) » taking into account related areas (Table 2).

table 2

List of related areas of training

educational level master based on educational level bachelor

1.5. Citizens who permanently reside on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic have the right to receive free higher education on a competitive basis in accordance with state educational standards DIFKS, if a citizen receives education of this level for the first time.

1.6. Citizens who permanently reside and are registered on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic have the right to receive a free second higher professional education in educational organizations higher professional education, if for health reasons they have lost the opportunity to perform their official or official duties in the direction of training received earlier (specialty). The fact of the loss of this opportunity is confirmed by the medical and social expert commission.

1.7. Compatriots from Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Luhansk People's Republic have the right to receive higher professional education at the expense of individuals or legal entities, unless otherwise provided by the regulatory legal acts of the Donetsk People's Republic.

1.8. Admission to study at DIFKS at all educational levels is carried out according to the competition, regardless of funding sources.

II. Organization of admission to DIFKS

2.1. The organization of admission of applicants to DIFKS is carried out by the DIFKS Admissions Committee, the composition of which is approved (no later than December 31 of the current year) for a period of 1 year by order of the acting. Rector of DIFKS, who is its chairman. The Admissions Committee operates in accordance with the Regulations on the DIFKS Admissions Committee, approved by its head.

2.2. The DIFKS Admissions Committee ensures compliance with the legislation of the Donetsk People's Republic, including these Rules for Admission to DIFKS, as well as openness and transparency of work.

2.3. The decision of the selection committee, taken within its powers, is the basis for issuing the corresponding order. Rector of DIFKS.

2.4. The DIFKS Admissions Committee, no later than those working days after reaching the target figures for admission at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the budget of the Donetsk People's Republic, publishes information on the corresponding number of places at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the budget of the Donetsk People's Republic in areas of training (specialties).

2.5. All issues related to admission to DIFKS are resolved by the DIFKS Admissions Committee at its meetings. Decisions of the DIFKS Admissions Committee are published on the information stands of the DIFKS Admissions Committee on the day of adoption, but no later than the next working day after the decision is made.

III. Requirements for the level of education of applicants

3.1. The following are accepted for training to obtain a bachelor's degree:

Applicants with an average general education;

Applicants with an educational level of a mid-level specialist.

3.2. Applicants with an educational level of a mid-level specialist and entering a related field of study (paragraph 1.4, table 1) can be admitted to the second year with a standard period of study.

3.3. Applicants who have an educational level of a bachelor or a specialist and enter related areas of study are accepted for training to obtain the educational level of a master (paragraph 1.4, table 2). Admission to training at the educational level of a master on the basis of the received educational level of a specialist is carried out at the expense of individuals and legal entities.

3.4. DIFKS accepts students for senior courses in the order of transfer and restoration within the vacant places of the licensed volume. Exceeding the licensed volume is allowed only in the case of the restoration of persons who return after an academic leave.

3.5. DIFKS has the right to accept for training persons who have higher professional education, to obtain the educational level of a bachelor in another area of ​​training (specialty) at the expense of individuals or legal entities within the licensed volume.

Donetsk Institute of Physical Culture and Sports official website. Sports PhD. Sportivnuy institute doneck.

Donetsk state institute health, physical education and sports was founded in 1989. The university trains highly qualified specialists and is proud of its highly qualified teaching staff. The Institute offers students everything the necessary conditions for education, sports and leisure activities.
Free education: yes
Paid training: Yes
Military Department: No
Availability of hostels: No
Postgraduate education: Yes
Postgraduate, doctoral studies: Yes
Forms of study:


Types of educational qualification levels:


List of faculties:
Faculty of Education:

power sports

Faculty of Olympic and professional sports:

general physical preparation

Faculty physical rehabilitation:

Physical rehabilitation

Faculty distance learning and postgraduate education:

Physical education
Olympic and professional sports
physical rehabilitation

Information for applicants:

List of documents for admission to the university: application; a state standard document on complete general secondary education; medical certificate in form 086-o (original or certified copy); 6 photos 3x4; certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment (originals or certified copies); copy of the passport; a copy of the military ID (certificate of registration to the recruiting station); copy of identification number.
For entry, UTSOKO certificates are required in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature; mathematics or biology; physical fitness exam.
Note: For more accurate, detailed and full information, contact the university reception or visit the website of the university you are interested in.

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