Financial culture and financial literacy. “On the way to financial literacy and economic culture. How to learn financial literacy

Vysochina M, Kuraedov M. Zakharov D, Zavodova V.

Financial literacy, like any other, is cultivated over a long period of time based on the principle “from simple to complex”, in a process of repeated repetition and consolidation aimed at practical use knowledge and skills. Forming good financial habits starting with early age will help you avoid many mistakes as you grow older and gain financial independence, and will also lay the foundation for financial security and well-being throughout your life.



“On the way to financial literacy and economic culture”

Financial literacy is a concept that transcends political, geographic and socio-economic boundaries. It can be defined as the ability to make informed decisions and take effective actions in areas related to financial management to realize life goals and plans at the current moment and in the future.

Financial literacy includes the ability to keep records of all income and expenses, the ability to manage monetary resources, plan for the future, make the appropriate choice of financial instrument, create savings to secure the future and be prepared for undesirable situations.

Financial literacy, like any other, is cultivated over a long period of time based on the principle “from simple to complex,” in a process of repeated repetition and consolidation aimed at the practical application of knowledge and skills. Developing good financial habits from an early age will help you avoid many mistakes as you grow older and gain financial independence, and will also lay the foundation for financial security and well-being throughout your life.

Literacy of schoolchildren and young people in financial sectorimportant tool long-term recovery of the global financial system, an effective measure to ensure improved quality of life standards and economic security population and future generations of citizens.

The project-based learning model “Towards financial literacy and economic culture” is based on a practice-oriented approach and social partnership in the field of education with the involvement of partners representing banking and financial organizations that join forces to efficiently and effectively prepare the younger generation for successful activities in the complex and dynamic conditions of the modern economy.

Bank employees act as mentors and, in collaboration with teachers, help schoolchildren learn key concepts and basic financial literacy skills.

Activities aimed at developing the financial literacy of the younger generation can have an impact if a number of key conditions are met, which include: accessibility and an engaging form of presentation, adaptation to age characteristics perceptions, motivation, continuity, mass character. They are aimed at developing useful money handling skills in the following main areas: income, expenses, savings. The project establishes a connection between money and sources of income, makes it possible to form an idea of ​​​​the possibilities of professional choice, including entrepreneurial activity


Modern children become familiar with the role of money in human life very early. They hear conversations about money at home, on TV, on the street. They understand early on that money allows them to learn what they want, and they begin to strive to use money independently.

In fact, modern schoolchildren grew up with market economy who, living in a world of price tags rather than values, have no idea about another system of human relations other than the one measured by money.

The times when the prevailing saying “Happiness is not in money” have sunk into oblivion, now another is relevant - “Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.”

Yes, children, like adults, fell in love with money. Naturally, he begins to desire them. And here the parents are faced with the question of whether to give their child money, and if so, in what quantity.

In Russia there is no regulation for issuing pocket money to children, so it is quite difficult to judge the amount of pocket money; there are no official statistics. However, the amount of money issued will vary depending on various factors: the financial capabilities of the parents, the amount of money given to other children, the maturity of the child, as well as common sense. How do the parents of our high school students solve these problems? Do they give their child money? How many? Always the same amount or what? How and where do the guys spend the money they give out?

This acute and burning topic “Child and Money” attracted us very much. The guys run around with this money all day, puzzled by what to spend it on. And we got the impression that our classmates have no idea how to spend money, and on the other hand, that they don’t know the value of money, they don’t understand how money is earned.

How do classmates’ attitudes towards money develop?

What influences this relationship?

In our work we would like to determine the level of economic consciousness and behavior of schoolchildren

And this gave us the idea to study the problem more closely.

Purpose of the study:studying the material aspirations of children at the beginning of the third millennium, and the system of issuing money by parents. is to increase financial literacy, promote the formation of reasonable financial behavior in schoolchildren, informed decisions, a responsible attitude towards personal finance, and increase the effectiveness of protecting their interests as consumers of financial services.

Research objectives:

Explore schoolchildren’s attitude towards money;

To study the availability of pocket money among students at our school;

Determine the motives for spending money;

Try to understand the methods of issuing pocket money;

Subject of study: pocket money.

Object of study: schoolchildren’s attitude towards pocket money, the structure of its spending by second-graders.

Project objectives: . educational:
-increasing the level of knowledge in the field of financial literacy;
- formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge;
-development of memory, logic, observation skills;
- fostering an active life position
Forms of work:

Group and individual lessons;
-acquisition of theoretical knowledge during classroom training;
- practical use of acquired knowledge;
-dialogues with students in the process of studying the topic;
working with books;
-work with tables, graphs, illustrations;
-conducting thematic legal quizzes;
training using the Internet;


If we study the attitude junior schoolchildren to money, we determine the structure of spending money, then we will be able to see whether the cult of money that is being formed in modern society.

Research sources

Modern magazines;


Home library;

Personal observations;

Memoirs of teachers and parents;

Research methods.

Comparative, comparative methods;

Sociological analysis; method of quantitative data processing and questionnaires, interviews and observations.

Main directions of project implementation

Development of a strategy for increasing financial literacy, monitoring and assessing the level of financial literacy of the population
- creation of human resources in the field of increasing financial literacy of the population
- educational programs and informing the population
- improving the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services

Project target groups:
Students of grades 8 and 10, teachers, representatives of public organizations, including youth organizations, parents.
As part of the project, students will be considered questions on personal financial planning, management and financial pyramids, banking products, and a financial literacy club “Plan Your Future” was organized.
The goal of financial literacy training is:
-development of the student’s cognitive and social activity;

- mastering the skills of participating in business games, business communication and problem solving;

As part of a frontal survey, discussion, etc. The elaboration of questions on:
Project implementation timeframe
April 2017 – May 2019.
1 . Project planning:.
At this stage it is necessary:
- prepare the necessary documents for its approval,
-develop regulations on the financial literacy club, -conduct sociological identification survey interest students in matters of increasing financial
-develop regulations on the financial literacy club,
literacy introductory financial literacy classes with outside participation
team for the financial education club “Plan your future”
-develop a work program - “Basics of financial literacy”
2. Implementation. According to the results preparatory
stage it is necessary to carry out the following: -conduct a series of classes at school on the main issues of financial
-enter the regulations on the financial literacy club come into force
-develop regulations on the financial literacy club,
students seminar for pedagogical
team on the basics of financial literacy
3. Final.
Organized Job
and publication of the results of the work done on the school website -efficiency mark
Committee :

schools Project manager – implementation and organization of the project – teacher
social studies and economics E.D. Vysochina
organization and coordination of work
Kuroyedov M., Zakharov D., Pchelnikova D., Vysochina M., Cherepov A.-efficiency mark
You can learn about this project from such media sources as:
-Internet – the main provisions and information about the project will be located on the school website.

Sociological surveyAmong the adults surveyed, the leading place by age was taken by respondents aged 30 to 50 years (69.2%). In second place are respondents under the age of 30, in third place are those over 50 years of age. By gender, women lead – 80.8%. Men – 19.2%. Clearly, the data is shown in Diagrams 3 and 4.

We also found out that92.3% of adults surveyed have their own children, 7.7% do not. (Diagram 5.)

Lesson plans on basic financial literacy issues, results sociological survey and conducted classes.
Partners: Center-Invest Bank, Ranch Institute and government services

Project financing.

Project effectiveness assessment.
Increase in the number of students receiving affordable quality services additional education;
-Reducing financial risks among young people;
-Increasing the level of financial literacy;
exchange of experience between participants in the school club program;
-Increasing the number of young people who understand the intricacies financial system.

Expected results of the project.
-Training of personnel in the direction of “Financial Literacy”;
-Increasing the proportion of schoolchildren taking part in financial literacy competitions;
-Increasing the proportion of students who have the opportunity to receive affordable quality services additional education;
-Increase in the share of teachers, interested in the work of the financial literacy club;
-Introduction of this project into others educational institutions;
-Possibility of cooperation with senior professional institutions;
-Exchange of experience with schoolchildren from other countries and regions;
-Creation of a virtual club on financial literacy;
-Involving schoolchildren in project projects - research work on financial education issues;
-Search like-minded people, establishing connections with other schools in the district and region, prompt exchange of experience in order to create a unified educational And educational space;
press- centerclub;
resultimplementationprojectis happeningpromotioncommunicativeculturestudent, WhatisVeryimportantcomponentatformationfinancialawarenessschoolboy. Happeningdecreasequantitiesrashfinancialinvestments, AAlsopromotionsharesfinanciallyliteratepopulationwillcontributedevelopmentfinancialmarket, influxinvestmentcitizens, increasequalityproposedgoodsAndservices, developmentsmallAndaveragebusiness, laboremployment.
It is necessary to start studying the financial market in school, improve financial literacy, gain practical skills in managing personal finances, be able to draw up your own personal financial plan, and learn the art of saving and investing.
It is necessary today to form strong views among young people that financially literate people are more protected from financial risks and unforeseen situations. They are more responsible in managing personal finances and are able to increase their level of well-being by distributing available financial resources and planning future expenses.


  1. Does a child need pocket money?
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Do you give your child pocket money?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes
  1. How much money do you give your child?
  • Less than you want, but more than is vital.
  • As much as he asks.
  1. Should a child be involved in the family budget?
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Do you discuss how your child managed his money?
  • Yes
  • No

Appendix 2

1.Did you have pocket money when you were teenagers?

2. Did you earn money yourself or did your parents give you money?

3. What did you spend your pocket money on?

Appendix 3

Questionnaire “Second-graders and pocket money”

Questionnaire 1.

1.Does the child need pocket money?

  • Yes
  • No

2. Do your parents give you pocket money?

  • Yes
  • Sometimes
  • No

3. Why do you need pocket money?

  • For toys
  • For entertainment
  • For sweets

Questionnaire 2.

1.What will you do with your pocket money?

  • I spend on all sorts of little things
  • I put it in my piggy bank

2.What will you spend your pocket money on first?

3.Would you lend your pocket money to someone?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

4.If you don’t get your pocket money back, what will you do?

  • Ask for it back
  • Tell your parents
  • You'll take it by force

5.Who would you buy a gift for with your pocket money?

  • Parents
  • To a friend
  • To yourself

6.What would you wish for yourself?

  • Good health
  • Have pocket money
  • Study well

Appendix 4

“Would you study better if your parents paid money for good grades?”



Don't know

Appendix 4


Making a lot of money is courage, keeping it is wisdom, and spending it wisely is art. (B. Auerbach)

Money for smart people is a means, for fools it is a goal. (E. Beauman)

It costs more work to save your money than to get it. (M. Montaigne)

Where money is wasted, it is very difficult to maintain cleanliness. (E. Sevrus)

Money has not made anyone a fool, it only makes fools appear. (K. Hubbard)

It is believed that the love of money is the root of all ills, and the same can be said about the lack of money. (S. Butler)

You can throw money into the wind without harm when it blows in your direction. (E. Sevrus)

Extra money can only buy what is superfluous, but of what the soul needs, nothing can be bought with it. (G. Thoreau)

It is difficult for a person who does not have money to remain decent. (B. Franklin)

Regional scientific-practical conference"I am a researcher"

Useful tips “How to learn to manage money”

And it doesn’t matter at all what means you have. It can be 100 or 500 rubles. By doing these simple rules, you will not only realize the true value of money, but also learn how to manage it.

- First, calculate how much money you have.But don't count the money you expect to receive soon. The expected money is not your money yet.

- Then you should find out exactly how much money you owe.Everything needs to be taken into account, even money borrowed from a classmate for ice cream.

- Calculate your personal capital.That is, subtract the amount of debts from the amount of cash. This will be your net capital. If it is positive, it means you are doing something right, and you cannot be called a “spender”. If this number is negative, you have problems that need to be solved as quickly as possible.

- How much money do you have every month?It sounds strange, but there are differences here: someone receives only pocket money per month from their parents, and this amount can be clearly defined and the same, and it happens that parents allocate money depending on needs and requests. There are probably those among you who earn extra money on their own. In any case, you need to know exactly this amount.

- Define weak spots your expenses.For example, someone spends their money mainly on jewelry, while another person adds new CDs to their collection. The third loses money on slot machines, and the fourth spends it in Internet clubs. The danger of such weaknesses is that we ourselves do not notice how we begin to get used to spending certain amounts, sometimes on unnecessary things. As you get older, this habit becomes harder to break. Most From time to time, our money falls into such “black holes” on a subconscious level, we don’t even notice it. Bring all such expenses to the surface and deal with each of them, because not all expenses are equally harmful. For example, buying a new disc can hardly be called a bad habit, but “wasting” money on slot machines can turn into a real disease. Now that you are aware of these problems, work to control them.

- Try not to spend money for one day.Choose at least one day and try not to spend a penny that day. See how nice it is to feel that you can control your desires while saving money. Try to add more days like this into your life.

- Start saving receipts for purchases.Many people, without thinking, throw away the check like garbage, without even thinking about how it might be useful. Meanwhile, collecting and writing out expenses can become a useful habit.

Firstly, it will help to systematize expenses, you will have all the money spent before your eyes.

Secondly, with a saved receipt, you can exchange the goods or return them altogether.

- Check that you are not paying more than possible.This may concern such simple things as tariff cellular communications. Very often, old tariffs, with the possibilities of new offers, become outdated and seem more expensive and unprofitable. Check other opportunities from time to time, be aware of what is happening in the areas where you have any funds involved.

- Before going to the store, make a shopping list.Yes, this old “grandmother’s” way of saving can be very useful! Take time to determine how much and what you need. Buy only what is on the list and avoid unlisted temptations.

- Count your expenses.Record every penny you spend each day. This will show you where your money is going. Continue to record daily. Very soon you will have a clear picture of which expenses you need to pay special attention to.

- Make a budget.Once you've determined the amount that comes in and goes out each month, create a budget to better manage that flow. This budget should be realistic enough to guide you through various financial difficulties and challenges.

- Read about finances.Education is the right tool when we're talking about about money. Read one article today, or part of a book on personal finance on a topic that interests you. Repeat this again another day and continue to educate yourself.

- Start saving money for large purchases.Even without the name of your own income, it is quite possible to save money for a laptop or a new bicycle. Open a savings account and allocate some amount to it every month, or every time you receive money. Even a small amount is better than nothing. If possible, increase the amount you save into this account.

- Take care of others.Be sensitive to your family and parents. Sometimes difficulties can occur in adults as well. If your relatives temporarily need money, help them! And you will see how the attitude towards you in your family will change. After all, this is the act of a truly adult and responsible person.

I decided to write another article on a very relevant topic, which, unfortunately, few people think about - financial culture. What it is, what it includes, what problems are most pressing in this area today, what everyone needs to know in order to be financially cultured, and how it can help in life - all this in today’s publication. I hope it will be interesting and instructive.

So, what is financial culture in my understanding? I always recommend interpreting not entirely clear terms consisting of several understandable words, first looking at each word separately and then connecting them together.

We go to dictionaries and see that culture is upbringing, education, development, accumulation and application of skills and abilities in different areas human life, and finance is money in motion. Thus, the following definition can be formulated:

Financial culture– is the education, development, accumulation and practical application of skills and abilities in handling personal cash flows.

How are we doing with this? Unfortunately, it's bad. For the vast majority of the population, financial culture is at a very low level, and this statement can be applied even to people who are cultured and educated in other areas of life.

Let's look at this question in more detail: what specific skills and abilities in handling personal finances do you need to develop in yourself? That is, what should a person’s financial culture include?

In my opinion, there are 4 main directions here:

1. Skills and abilities to make money;

2. Skills and abilities to spend money wisely;

3. Skills and abilities of accumulating and saving money;

4. Skills and abilities to increase money.

And for each of these areas, the financial culture of our people leaves much to be desired. Moreover, I arranged them in descending order of this very financial culture. That is, people know best how to make money (I emphasize: not better in absolute terms, but better in comparison with other areas). Things are a little worse with wise spending of money. Even worse is their accumulation and preservation. Well, only a few out of tens and hundreds of thousands of people have the skills to increase money.

As you know, the vast majority of our people constantly experience financial problems, saying in simple language- live poorly. If you ask them why this is happening, they will probably start complaining about the state, which “does not care” about them, about the lack of work, about low salaries and pensions, about high prices, etc. At the same time, no one will say that the reason for his deplorable financial condition is low level own financial culture, financial literacy.

Of course, it’s always easier to look for the reasons for your troubles somewhere around, but not in yourself. I’ll say more – there really are these reasons around! And there are many of them. And it is virtually impossible to fight them. Well, there is no way a person will be able to resist rising prices if there are objective economic reasons for this. Therefore, there is only one way out of the disaster financial situation, which everyone can do, is the development of their financial culture: obtaining and applying in practice the skills and abilities of personal finance management. Unfortunately, almost no one even thinks about this, so I’ll once again focus on this point.

Financial culture of making money.

Most people believe that in order to earn money, you need to go to work. To earn a lot, you need to either move up career ladder. This is a very superficial idea of ​​earnings.

Firstly, you need to know that there are, and in each of them there are many diverse areas for earning money, of which traditional work in most cases is, frankly, not the most successful. Secondly, you need to understand that the methods of earning money generally differ in nature, based on what resources a person uses to generate income (more about this in the article). And thirdly, it is important to know that the only source of income, no matter how reliable it may seem, is always very dangerous. After all, if it suddenly disappears, income to the personal or family budget will stop, and then what will you live on? Moreover, such a source as wage– it certainly cannot be considered reliable. Therefore, it is imperative to diversify your income: the more sources of income you have, the better, but it definitely should not be just one source.

Financial culture of spending money.

If in the area of ​​income a certain percentage of people still search and find alternative options earnings, then with expenses things are worse. That is, our people do not know how to spend money wisely.

Judge for yourself: everyone complains about the constant lack of money, while they have smartphones and iPhones latest model. In many cases - purchased on credit. On this simple example I want to show that most people cannot competently identify those areas of spending funds that they really need and, as they say, “affordable.”

And things are also bad with the necessary areas of spending: people do not know where and where, without even understanding the real meaning of the word “saving”, associating it with greed. They think with stereotypes imposed by someone that “there are things you can’t save on” and justify their financial hole with this.

The financial culture of spending a personal budget is simply perfectly described in everything famous hit Semyon Slepakov:

I receive 9,000 rubles, which lasts me 30 days,

And if in a month more days- I borrow 300 rubles,

And if in a month less days– I save 300 rubles,

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Individual design and analytical task

Performed by Demchenko Anastasia

1 question

Give your own (author’s) definition of “financial literacy of the population.” How does it relate to the concept of “financial culture of the population”? What is the relationship between the concepts of “financial literacy” and “legal literacy”?

By financial literacy I mean knowledge of key financial concepts, possession of information about financial institutions and the products they offer, the ability to use it and make smart decisions to achieve life goals. It is also the ability to ensure one’s own well-being, the ability to keep records of all expenses and income, the ability to search for information in the market banking services, competently compare offers financial enterprises between themselves. A financially literate person must understand the tax system (the rule for calculating taxes on an individual).

Financial literacy and financial culture, in my opinion, are closely related related concepts. Since: financial culture assumes that reasonable people plan their lives ahead. They set priorities and goals in all areas of life in advance, using the laws of money and certain financial instruments. Financial culture, in my opinion, is the competent management of finances. That is, the ability to manage one’s personal finances and financial literacy in this area undoubtedly helps people.

The relationship between the concepts of financial literacy and legal literacy can be traced quite transparently. These concepts imply that it is impossible to improve literacy in a narrow area financial issues without a concomitant increase in legal literacy. As studies show (sociological surveys of the population), the majority of residents of the Russian Federation do not know the laws and do not have the skills to use the laws that directly affect the life of every person.

2. Question

What criteria can be used to comprehensively assess the level of financial literacy of an individual (the population as a whole)? Along with the existing indicators (criteria) of financial literacy, which ones would be advisable to add?

In my opinion, firstly, the level of financial literacy can be assessed by the level of knowledge in financial accounting. It can also be assessed by the content of the issues that are raised in citizens’ appeals to the state. The second criterion is the number of citizens who have started using the services of financial institutions and banks. The third criterion is a reduction in the number of citizens affected by financial pyramids, which periodically arise on the territory of Russia.

NAFI conducted a study in the field of financial literacy, and they identified these components:

1) attitudes, responsible for creating an individual’s need for financial services and providing an understanding of the consequences of their actions

2) knowledge about financial institutions and the products they offer, about the basic concepts of economics and the financial market in particular.

3) skills to use them.

When talking about literacy levels, it’s impossible not to touch on statistics. today. I gave the example of a VTsIOM survey. "More than half of the respondents (57%) are not afraid of losing their savings stored in banks. Every third respondent (38%), on the contrary, expressed concern about the possible loss of bank deposits. More often than others, citizens with primary education(48%) and low income (48%), as well as communist supporters (50%). The results of this year's survey are comparable to data from previous years.

The majority of our fellow citizens (63%) do not consider it necessary to take any action to preserve their deposits. Russians took a more active position during the onset of the global economic crisis (in October 2008, the share of respondents who gave a similar answer was only 48%).

Those surveyed who take certain measures primarily monitor the work of the bank (8%), keep money in a state bank or make deposits in several banks (5%), withdraw money from accounts or keep small amounts (4%). A small portion of respondents insure bank deposits (3%), invest money in real estate or purchase durable items (2% each). Another 2% of respondents are convinced that they have already chosen a reliable bank for storing deposits."

It is noticeable that the percentage of “active” citizens is the lowest. The conclusion is that if a larger percentage of people were financially literate, then the statistics would be different. financial expense income

In my opinion, it is necessary to add a psychological factor, an individual one, to the indicators. All attempts to increase the level of financial literacy will be useless if they do not take into account the psychology of a person at a certain age.

3. What problems have you identified in assessing the level of financial literacy of the population? What factors interfere with an objective assessment of the level of financial literacy?

In my opinion, the problems in financial literacy are quite significant. For example, this is the fragmented nature of ways to increase it. There is no clear scheme for work. Each region of Russia has its own methods and methods. Secondly, a system of indicators characterizing the level of financial literacy and financial behavior of the population has not been developed. Thirdly, the most vulnerable points of the population have not been identified. The next problem may be an undeveloped monitoring system that allows tracking changes in the level of financial literacy and financial education of the population, both during the implementation of various programs and upon their completion.

It seems to me that the main factor preventing an objective assessment of the level of literacy is that people answering questionnaires on the level of financial literacy cannot objectively assess themselves, so there is always subjectivity.

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To the new academic year The Bank of Russia announced and launched the information and educational portal “Financial Culture”, with the aim of teaching citizens Russian Federation financial literacy and culture of handling personal budgets. The new site is aimed at a wide audience, the information is suitable for both schoolchildren and pensioners, information materials will be useful to people with different financial capabilities and different levels knowledge of economics and finance.

The new website “Financial Culture” breaks down the most important ones from a financial point of view in an accessible form. life situations, which Russians often encounter, from planning a personal budget to searching and choosing the optimal strategy for forming a future pension. In our country, the financial literacy of the population leaves much to be desired, and that is why it is important that from a young age every citizen knows and understands the importance financial planning, both in the short term and strategically - so as not to end up in a debt hole and being left without housing and livelihood due to errors in planning expensive purchases, or choosing investment instruments, for example.

The Central Bank states that educational texts and video materials will appear daily on the new portal, grouped by headings, each of which, in addition to educational materials, will have the opportunity to test your knowledge by passing financial literacy tests.

The site is intended for a wide audience with different levels of knowledge about the economy and different financial capabilities. The materials on the site, in a simple form, with some assumptions and simplifications, deal with situations that anyone may encounter - from the need to take out a loan and choose the most successful option for saving money to finding the optimal strategy for forming. This is not a direct guide to action, but only supporting information that can be taken into account so as not to end up in an unfavorable situation and not to lose sight of anything important when making financial decisions.

On a new educational resource Central bank The Russian Federation presented a number of online services: , deposit calculator, legitimacy check service financial organizations according to the Central Bank.

On the site in addition to educational materials news that has practical significance— starting with changes in the country’s economic legislation, ending with announcements of new financial services and products, and advice on current topics of expense planning family budget.

Next year, the Central Bank promises to publish on the Financial Culture portal a separate wiki catalog of fraud schemes in the financial market, which will publish risky schemes and ways to protect yourself from financial fraudsters. There are plans to create sections on the website for teachers and financial education methodologists.

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