Geographic map of Asia with countries and capitals. Map of Asia with countries large in Russian

Asia is washed by the Arctic, Indian and Pacific oceans, as well as, in the west, by inland seas Atlantic Ocean(Azov, Black, Marble, Aegean, Mediterranean). At the same time, there are vast areas of internal flow - the Caspian and Aral Sea, Lake Balkhash, etc. Lake Baikal surpasses all lakes in the world in terms of the volume of fresh water it contains; Baikal contains 20% of the world's fresh water reserves (excluding glaciers). The Dead Sea is the world's deepest tectonic basin (-405 meters below sea level). The coast of Asia as a whole is relatively weakly dissected; large peninsulas stand out - Asia Minor, Arabian, Hindustan, Korean, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Taimyr, etc. Near the coast of Asia there are large islands (Big Sunda, Novosibirsk, Sakhalin, Severnaya Zemlya, Taiwan, Philippine, Hainan, Sri Lanka, Japan, etc.), occupying a total area of ​​more than 2 million km².

At the base of Asia lie four huge platforms - the Arabian, Indian, Chinese and Siberian. Up to ¾ of the world's territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus, the highest of which are concentrated in Central and Central Asia. In general, Asia is a contrasting region in terms of absolute marks heights On the one hand, there is highest peak world - Mount Chomolungma (8848 m), on the other hand, the deepest depressions are Lake Baikal with a depth of up to 1620 m and the Dead Sea, the level of which is 392 m below sea level. East Asia is an area of ​​active volcanism.

Asia is rich in a variety of mineral resources (especially fuel and energy raw materials).

Almost all types of climate are represented in Asia - from arctic in the far north to equatorial in the southeast. In East, South and Southeast Asia the climate is monsoonal (within Asia there is the wettest place on Earth - the place of Cherrapunji in the Himalayas), while in Western Siberia- continental, in Eastern Siberia and Saryarka - sharply continental, and on the plains of Central, Central and Western Asia - semi-desert and desert climate of the temperate and subtropical zones. Southwest Asia is tropical desert, the hottest within Asia.

The far north of Asia is occupied by tundras. To the south is the taiga. Western Asia is home to fertile black earth steppes. Most Central Asia, from the Red Sea to Mongolia, occupy deserts. The largest of them is the Gobi Desert. The Himalayas separate Central Asia from the tropics of South and Southeast Asia.

The Himalayas are the highest mountain system in the world. The rivers, in whose basins the Himalayas are located, carry silt to the fields of the south, forming fertile soils

The video lesson is dedicated to the topic “ Political map Foreign Asia". This topic is the first in the section of lessons dedicated to Foreign Asia. You will get to know a variety of interesting countries Asia, which play a significant role in modern economy due to its financial, geopolitical influences and peculiarities of its economic and geographical location. The teacher will talk in detail about the composition, borders, and uniqueness of the countries of Foreign Asia.

Topic: Foreign Asia

Lesson:Political map of Overseas Asia

Foreign Asia is the largest region in the world in terms of population (more than 4 billion people) and the second (after Africa) in area, and it has maintained this primacy, essentially, throughout the entire existence of human civilization. Square foreign Asia- 27 million sq. km, it includes more than 40 sovereign states. Many of them are among the oldest in the world. Foreign Asia is one of the centers of the origin of humanity, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, many cultural values ​​and scientific achievements. The region mainly includes developing countries.

The region includes countries of different sizes: two of them are considered giant countries (China, India), some are very large (Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia), the rest are mainly classified as fairly large countries. The boundaries between them follow well-defined natural boundaries.

Features of the EGP of Asian countries:

1. Neighborhood position.

2. Coastal location.

3. The deep position of some countries.

The first two features have a beneficial effect on their economy, while the third complicates external economic relations.

Rice. 1. Map of foreign Asia ()

Largest countries in Asia by population (2012)
(according to CIA)

A country


(thousand people)





Developed countries of Asia: Japan, Israel, Republic of Korea, Singapore.

All other countries in the region are developing.

Least the developed countries Asia: Afghanistan, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos, etc.

The largest GDP volumes are in China, Japan, and India; on a per capita basis, Qatar, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait have the largest GDP volumes.

By the nature of the administrative-territorial structure, most Asian countries have a unitary structure. The following countries have a federal administrative-territorial structure: India, Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Nepal, Iraq.

Regions of Asia:

1. South-Western.

3. South-Eastern.

4. Eastern.

5. Central.

Rice. 3. Map of regions of foreign Asia ()


Topic 7, P. 1

1. What regions (subregions) are distinguished in foreign Asia?



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 grades: Textbook for educational institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography world: Textbook. for 10th grade educational institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Education, JSC "Moscow Textbooks", 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with set contour maps for 10th grade. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Cartographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., map.: color. on

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography: a reference book for high school students and applicants to universities. - 2nd ed., rev. and revision - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. 10th grade / E.M. Ambartsumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 p.

2. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Single State exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial/ Comp. EM. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2010: Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of the Unified State Exam 2011. - M.: MTsNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. Unified State Exam 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: 10th grade: to the textbook by V.P. Maksakovsky “Economic and social geography of the world. 10th grade” / E.V. Baranchikov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Textbook on geography. Tests and practical tasks in Geography / I.A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

9. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2009. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 250 p.

10. Unified State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for preparing students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 p.

11. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral examination, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

12. Unified State Exam 2010. Geography: thematic training tasks/ O.V. Chicherina, Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 144 p.

13. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Model exam options: 31 options / Ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2011. - 288 p.

14. Unified State Exam 2011. Geography: Model exam options: 31 options / Ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2010. - 280 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ( ).

2. Federal portal Russian Education ().

The rapidly developing region occupies 30% of the entire earth's land, which is 43 million km². Extends from the Pacific Ocean to Mediterranean Sea, from the tropics to North Pole. He has a very interesting story, rich past and unique traditions. More than half (60%) of the total population lives here globe– 4 billion people! You can see what Asia looks like on the world map below.

All Asian countries on maps

Asia world map:

Political map of foreign Asia:

Physical map of Asia:

Countries and capitals of Asia:

List of Asian countries and their capitals

A map of Asia with countries gives a clear idea of ​​their location. The list below is the capitals of Asian countries:

  1. Azerbaijan, Baku.
  2. Armenia – Yerevan.
  3. Afghanistan - Kabul.
  4. Bangladesh - Dhaka.
  5. Bahrain – Manama.
  6. Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan.
  7. Bhutan – Thimphu.
  8. East Timor - Dili.
  9. Vietnam – .
  10. Hong Kong - Hong Kong.
  11. Georgia, Tbilisi.
  12. Israel – .
  13. - Jakarta.
  14. Jordan - Amman.
  15. Iraq - Baghdad.
  16. Iran - Tehran.
  17. Yemen - Sana'a.
  18. Kazakhstan, Astana.
  19. Cambodia – Phnom Penh.
  20. Qatar - Doha.
  21. - Nicosia.
  22. Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek.
  23. China - Beijing.
  24. DPRK - Pyongyang.
  25. Kuwait - Kuwait City.
  26. Laos - Vientiane.
  27. Lebanon - Beirut.
  28. Malaysia – .
  29. - Male.
  30. Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar.
  31. Myanmar - Yangon.
  32. Nepal - Kathmandu.
  33. United United Arab Emirates – .
  34. Oman – Muscat.
  35. Pakistan – Islamabad.
  36. Saudi Arabia – Riyadh.
  37. - Singapore.
  38. Syria - Damascus.
  39. Tajikistan – Dushanbe.
  40. Thailand – .
  41. Turkmenistan – Ashgabat.
  42. Türkiye - Ankara.
  43. - Tashkent.
  44. Philippines - Manila.
  45. - Columbo.
  46. - Seoul.
  47. - Tokyo.

In addition, there are partially recognized countries, for example, Taiwan, which separated from China with its capital Taipei.

Sights of the Asian region

The name is of Assyrian origin and means “sunrise” or “east”, which is not surprising. Part of the world is distinguished by rich relief, mountains and peaks, including the highest peak of the world - Everest (Chomolungma), which is part of mountain system Himalayas. All are presented here natural areas and landscapes, on its territory there is the most deep lake peace – . Foreign Asian countries in last years confidently lead in the number of tourists. Mysterious and incomprehensible to Europeans traditions, religious buildings, interweaving of ancient culture with the latest technologies attract curious travelers. It is impossible to list all the iconic sights of this region; we can only try to highlight the most famous ones.

Taj Mahal (India, Agra)

Romantic monument, symbol eternal love and the magnificent structure that makes people stand in awe - the Taj Mahal Palace, listed as one of the seven new wonders of the world. The mosque was erected by Tamerlane's descendant Shah Jahan in memory of deceased wife, who died in childbirth while giving birth to her 14th child. Taj Mahal recognized the best example Mughal, which includes Arabic, Persian and Indian architectural styles. The walls of the structure are lined with translucent marble and inlaid with gems. Depending on the lighting, the stone changes color, becoming pink at dawn, silver at dusk, and dazzling white at noon.

Mount Fuji (Japan)

This iconic place for Buddhists who profess Shintaism. The height of Fuji is 3776 m; in fact, it is a sleeping volcano that should not wake up in the coming decades. It is recognized as the most beautiful in the world. Tourist routes have been laid up the mountain, operating only in summer, since most of Fuji is covered with eternal snow. The mountain itself and the “Five Fuji Lakes” area around it are included in the territory National Park Fuji-Hakone-Izu.

The largest architectural ensemble in the world stretches across Northern China for 8860 km (including branches). Construction of the Wall took place in the 3rd century BC. and had the goal of protecting the country from the Xiongnu conquerors. The construction project dragged on for a decade, about a million Chinese worked on it and thousands died from exhausting labor in inhumane conditions. All this served as a reason for the uprising and overthrow of the Qin dynasty. The wall fits extremely organically into the landscape; it follows all the curves of the spurs and depressions, encircling the mountain range.

Borobodur Temple (Indonesia, Java)

Among the rice plantations of the island rises an ancient giant structure in the form of a pyramid - the largest and most revered Buddhist temple in the world, 34 m high. There are steps and terraces that encircle it leading up. From the point of view of Buddhism, Borobodur is nothing more than a model of the Universe. Its 8 tiers mark 8 steps to enlightenment: the first is the world of sensual pleasures, the next three are the world of yogic trance that has risen above base lust. Rising higher, the soul is cleansed of all vanity and gains immortality in the heavenly sphere. The top step personifies nirvana - a state of eternal bliss and peace.

Golden Buddha Stone (Myanmar)

The Buddhist shrine is located on Mount Chaittiyo (Mon State). You can loosen it with your hands, but no forces can throw it off its pedestal; in 2500 years the elements have not brought down the stone. In fact, it is a granite block covered with gold leaf, and its top is crowned by a Buddhist temple. The mystery has still not been solved - who dragged him up the mountain, how, for what purpose and how he has been balancing on the edge for centuries. Buddhists themselves claim that the stone is held on the rock by the hair of Buddha, walled up in the temple.

Asia is a fertile land for creating new routes, learning about yourself and your purpose. You need to come here meaningfully, tuning into thoughtful contemplation. Perhaps you will discover yourself with new side and find answers to many questions. When visiting Asian countries, you can create a list of attractions and shrines yourself.

Political detailed map Asia with cities

Map of Asia [+3 maps] - Asia - Maps

Asia- this is the largest part of the world, which is located on the same continent of Eurasia with part of the world Europe and occupies an area of ​​​​about 43.4 million km² (30% of the total dry land of the globe). The distinction of this part of the world is due to the existence of historical and geographical barriers (which are always disputed) between these parts of the world. Asia has a large extent from north to south from Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula to Cape Piai on the Malacca Peninsula.

Population of Asia: 4.3 billion people
Population density: 96 people/km²

Area of ​​Asia: 44,579,000 km²

The eastern border of Asia (and Eurasia) is Cape Dezhnev with America, the western border is on the Asia Minor peninsula - the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, only in the west does Asia have land borders with Europe (the Urals and the Caucasus) and on the Isthmus of Suez with Africa. The main part of its territory goes directly to the seas and oceans.

Leaders by number of tourists:

1 PRC 57.58 million
2 Malaysia Malaysia 24.71 million
3 Hong Kong 22.32 million
4 Thailand 19.10 million
5 Macau 12.93 million
6 Singapore 10.39 million
7 South Korea 9.80 million
8 Indonesia 7.65 million
9 India 6.29 million
10 Japan 6.22 million

1 Saudi Arabia 17.34 million
2 Egypt 9.50 million
3 UAE 8.13 million

Asia- the only part of the world that is washed by the waters of all four oceans. In some places the seas cut deeply into the Asian dry land. However, the influence of the oceans on its nature is limited. This is explained huge size Asia, thanks to which large areas of this part of the world are very remote from the oceans. The most remote interior regions of Asia are several thousand kilometers from the oceans, while in Western Europe this distance is only 600 km.

Asia has the most Greater Earth average height - 950 m (for comparison: Europe - 340 m), highest point all over the Earth, the famous Chomolungma (8848m). 2. The deepest oceanic trench is located in Asia - the Mariana Trench. Pacific Ocean(11022 m). In Asia, the deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal. In Asia, the deepest lake deep depression Dead Sea(-395 m)

The coasts of Asia are very cut up. In the north there are two large peninsulas - Taimyr and Chukotka, in the east there are huge seas separated by the Kamchatka and Korea peninsulas, as well as chains of islands. In the south there are three large peninsulas - Arabian, Hindustan, Indochina. They are separated wide open to Indian Ocean the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal and, conversely, the almost closed reservoirs of the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Adjacent to Asia to the southeast is the huge Sunda Islands archipelago.

Asia accounts for more than 40% of the world's potential hydropower resources, of which China - 540 million kW, India - 75 million kW. 2. The degree of use of river energy is very different: in Japan - by 70%, in India - by 14%, in Myanmar - by 1%. 3. The population density in the Yangtze Valley, the largest of the Asian rivers, reaches 500-600 people. For 1 sq. km, in the Ganges delta - 400 people.

Most Asian countries have direct access to one of the oceans, with an extended and fairly dissected coastline. The countries of Central Asia are landlocked, as are Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Mongolia, and Laos. Asia is a crossroads of important sea communications. Most seas, bays and straits are living sea routes.

Asia is rich in a variety of natural resources, but they are distributed very unevenly. WITH mineral resources highest value have reserves of fuel minerals. The largest oil and gas province is located in the Persian Gulf region and a number of adjacent territories, including the territories Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar. Great importance have coal deposits, largest deposits which are concentrated on the territory of two Asian giants - China and India. The countries of South, Southeast and East Asia are richer in ore minerals.

Great resources fresh water, however their placement is also uneven. The problem for most regions is the availability of land resources. Forest resources Southeast Asia is better provided for than other regions, where huge tracts of tropical forests. Among the trees you can find such valuable species, like iron, sandalwood, black, red, camphor.
Many countries have significant recreational resources.
Asia's population is constantly growing. This is due to high natural increase, which in most countries exceeds 15 people per 1000 inhabitants. Asia has enormous labor resources. In 26 countries, more than a third of people are employed in agriculture. Population density in Asia varies quite widely (from 2 people / km2 in Central and South-West Asia to 300 people / km2 in East and Southeast Asia, in Bangladesh - 900 people / km2).
Asia is the world leader in the number of millionaire cities, the largest of which are Tokyo, Osaka, Chongqing, Shanghai, Seoul, Tehran, Beijing, Istanbul, Jakarta, Mumbai (Bombay), Calcutta, Manila, Karachi, Chennai (Madras), Dhaka, Bangkok.
Asia is the birthplace of three world and many national religions. The main faiths are Islam (Southwest Asia, parts of South and Southeast Asia), Buddhism (South, Southeast and East Asia), Hinduism (India), Confucianism (China), Shintoism (Japan), Christianity (Philippines and some other countries), Judaism (Israel).

Asia - the largest part of the world that is situated on one continent with Europe and covers an area of ​​about 43.4 million km² (30% of the dry land of the globe). Asia has a greater slowness from north to south of Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula to Cape Piay that the Malay Peninsula .

Easternmost point - Cape Dezhneva, is the westernmost point in Asia Minor.

Only in the West Asia has land borders with Europe and the Suez isthmus with Africa. The greater part of its territory goes directly to the oceans.

Asia - the only part of the world, which is washed by the waters of the four oceans. Sea deep somewhere cut into the Asian dry land. However, the influence of the oceans on its nature is limited. This is due to the huge size of Asia, through which significant space to this part of the world is very distant from the ocean. Most remote inland areas of Asia are at a distance of several thousand kilometers from the ocean, while in Western Europe it is only 600 km away.

Asia is that part of the world where countries are both similar to each other and completely different. Various cultural and religious movements, different natural and climatic conditions, the exoticism of the East, ancient traditions and completely modern, similar to European, life.

Western Asia includes the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, Caucasus Mountains and the western coast of the Mediterranean Sea. This region is full of attractions; the oldest states in the world were born here. Now there are resorts for every taste. Türkiye is the most popular due to good climate, various types of recreation, affordable prices and historical monuments. The Caucasus pleases with its national flavor, excellent cuisine And ancient history. And the countries of the Arabian Peninsula will provide a luxurious holiday for the most demanding tastes.

Countries south asia immediately associated with fairy tales of the Thousand and One Nights. Iran, Iraq, India and neighboring countries have a special flavor. India deserves special attention, as largest country region. In India, Europeans are treated well; magnificent architectural monuments of the most different eras, Hindus celebrate on a grand scale folk holidays, which is a pleasure to take part in. Almost all Indians speak English. But there are also disadvantages: in big cities there are a huge number of slums, and therefore a lot of small scammers. Heat, insects, snakes are not the most pleasant additions to your vacation, although these inconveniences will not be a hindrance for tourists who are prepared in advance.

China, Japan, Mongolia and other countries are united by geographers into East Asia. It is difficult to describe the variety of attractions, but no one will refuse to see the birthplace of Genghis Khan, the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta Army or the Cherry Blossom Festival. Lovers of philosophy and religion will find themselves visiting many temples, and maybe even get to the monasteries of Tibet. Nature has not deprived this part of Asia of landscapes - steppes, deserts, the roof of the world - the Himalayan mountains, great rivers - all this is worth the attention of travelers.

Southeast Asia is very popular among holidaymakers with its warm seas and wide beaches, abundance tropical flora and fauna, unusual architecture, rich ancient culture. Tourists from all over the world are warmly welcomed here and vacationers return to Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and the island states again and again.

Asia is a contrast of exoticism and modern technologies, preserving traditions and customs and striving to keep up with the times. Tourists, coming on vacation to Asian countries, always make discoveries for themselves, because in such a vast territory there is sure to be an unexplored corner that seems like a real paradise.

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