How to get social housing for large families. What can a large family expect

Large families have a number of benefits, including those related to the provision of housing. In order to exercise your rights to these benefits, it is better to stand in line for housing for large families, and now we will tell you how to queue up, and also in what cases it is useful large family.

Let us immediately explain that benefits to large families, including housing, are regulated primarily by regional legislation. The federal legislator establishes general principles, creates federal programs and controls their implementation. For example, through the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, to which regional, regional and republican authorities send reports on their achievements in the field of caring for large families.

Thus, the benefits for families with many children may differ in detail depending on the subject of the Russian Federation in which the family lives. Differences may relate to the definition of the need for housing (because in each municipality own accounting norm of area per person); methods of providing housing; housing sizes.

However, all housing procedures in different regions look like twin brothers. And in each of them, the need to improve housing conditions appears as one of the main reasons for participating in any of the programs for large families.

What is the housing queue and what does it give?

A formal sign of the need to improve housing conditions is the state on the appropriate account with local authorities. If we take Moscow as an example, then here the records of those in need are kept by local Councils.

By itself, the turn for housing makes it possible to get an apartment under a social contract of employment at the moment when the turn comes to you. In many subjects of the Russian Federation, families with many children have the right to a preferential queue, in front of other low-income citizens who are in line for social housing. But still, waiting for social housing sometimes takes a very long time. However, this does not mean that the housing queue is useless for large families.

Temporary housing for large families

Firstly, in Moscow, according to the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 1, 2008 No. 248-PP, until the moment of receiving permanent housing under a social contract, large families with 5 or more children are entitled to housing in a low-rise building required by law area on the right of gratuitous use (that is, it is temporary, but absolutely free housing). The gratuitous use agreement between parents with many children and local authorities is concluded for 5 years. hallmark This benefit is a housing provision rate that is quite generous compared to the social and sanitary standards that apply in other programs. Here, the housing requirements are not only about the area in square meters, they establish the following rule: one room per person.

Such an agreement is concluded for 5 years, but the administration is obliged to renew it until the youngest of the children reaches 16 (or, for students, 18 years). For the period of provision of premises for gratuitous use, the family is not removed from the queue for housing. In order to implement the specified program authorities have spent budget cash for the construction of cottages in Strogino, Kryukovo, Mitino.

Families that were on the waiting list for housing before March 1, 2005 have ample opportunities to improve their housing conditions: to receive housing on a social lease or for free use, to receive a gratuitous subsidy for housing, to buy housing by installments from among those owned by the city of Moscow. Those who joined the queue later can count on only two options: housing under a social contract or gratuitous use.

Benefits Programs

Secondly, there are a lot of federal and regional programs, paid and gratuitous, state and developed by banks, for participation in which it is necessary to stand in line for those who need to improve their living conditions. Among them are favorable conditions for mortgages (bank programs), the federal program “Affordable Housing for a Young Family”, the provision of land plots for the construction of a residential building, subsidies for the purchase of housing (free mortgage).

It should be borne in mind that, first of all, families who were on the waiting list for housing before March 1, 2005 are attracted to participate in these programs.
Let's consider free granting of the ground areas. In Moscow, there is a law according to which families with many children can receive a land plot for individual housing construction, a farm organization, for gardening or horticulture. This plot is registered in the shared ownership of all adult family members. After receiving the plot, the family is removed from the queue for housing.

Who can get on the waiting list and participate in one of the programs listed?

Citizens, including those with many children, will be put on the waiting list for housing only if they meet the following requirements.

  • They do not own housing or have social leasehold rights, or they have insufficient housing space, that is, less than the area norm per person in force in the given locality. In Moscow, this is 10 sq. m per person, if one family lives in one apartment and 15 sq.m - if the apartment is communal. This includes all housing owned by all family members. According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a family is considered to be relatives living under the same roof. That is, all relatives with a residence permit at one place of residence, as well as all temporarily absent, but retaining the right to reside (for example, military personnel military service). The areas of housing belonging to each are added up and divided by the number of family members.

    Families living in dilapidated housing that are not suitable for habitation and are not subject to reconstruction are also considered to be in need. The area of ​​the emergency room does not matter.

  • They are poor. This criterion means that the income per 1 family member is less than the subsistence minimum established in the region for the purposes of social payments. The living wage is set by the regional authorities every quarter. in Moscow in recent times it was equal to 10-12 thousand rubles.
  • Have not worsened their living conditions in the last 5 years (See). This criterion prevents attempts to deceive the budget by registering a crowd of distant relatives in their apartment, selling or donating additional housing under a fictitious deal. If the deterioration of living conditions was due to objective circumstances (for example, it was necessary to sell the emergency house “for demolition” of an elderly grandmother of the family who was not previously registered in Moscow, and move her to her place for proper care), then the administration, most likely, will also refuse to put on turn. However, in this case, the refusal can be successfully challenged in court. Resettlement to parents of minor children, as well as registration in the apartment of a spouse or a disabled parent who was already on the waiting list for an apartment, is not considered a deterioration.
  • The presence of registration permanent place residence for a certain time in this subject of the Russian Federation. Here, each region and region sets its own deadline. For Moscow, it is 10 years.
  • Possession of Russian citizenship.

The Moscow authorities have created a special normative act regarding the recognition of those in need of better housing conditions and the recognition of the poor. This document establishes that such recognition is carried out according to the “one window” system.

To take advantage of the benefits for large families, it is necessary that the family has at least three (and for some programs - 5) children. Precise definition large families is not in federal law, so you have to be guided by specific regulations regions. However, regions usually follow the general trend and consider large family with three or more children.

How to get in line?

In order to be on the waiting list for housing, parents with many children must submit directly to the competent authority or multifunctional center, which is the aforementioned one-stop shop, an application and copies of documents that confirm that the family meets all the criteria considered.

Main list of documents:

  • marriage or divorce certificates,
  • birth certificates of children
  • information about the composition of the family,
  • copies of passports,
  • documents for existing housing (certificates of ownership, social tenancy or gratuitous use contracts, documents confirming the emergency condition of housing),
  • certificates of income (on average earnings for the last 3-6 months), which give reason to consider citizens as poor.

The Law “On Ensuring the Right of Residents of the City of Moscow to Housing” dated June 14, 2006 No. 29 leaves citizens the right to provide any documents that, in their opinion, entitle them to any benefits in terms of obtaining housing (for example, the disability of one from children).

Having submitted these documents, the citizen receives in return a receipt confirming the acceptance of documents with exact date their acceptance. Then the local authorities are obliged to consider the application and make a positive or negative decision on it within 30 days from the date of its receipt from the citizen. The order of the local government to put on the waiting list (registration as those in need of better housing conditions) or refusal to do so is sent to the applicant's address or handed over to him through the multifunctional center.

State benefits and social support for families with many children are quite a tangible help. What exactly can such a family hope for - today's issue of the Information Bureau.

Seven on the benches - not all

Russian family law does not establish which family is considered to have many children. Main document federal level, defining social status such a family - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 No. 431 "On measures to social support families with many children” (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2003). According to it, subjects Russian Federation has the right to independently establish criteria for determining a large family. At the same time, the concept of a "large family" is defined taking into account the national and cultural characteristics of the socio-economic and demographic development of a particular region. Basically, in Russia, a family with three or more children under the age of 16 is considered a large family.

In Moscow, families with three or more children (including adopted children, as well as stepsons and stepdaughters) under the age of 16 are recognized as large families, as well as up to 18 years if they study in educational institutions that implement general education programs.

I certify!

To obtain the status of a large family, you need to obtain a “Certificate of a Large Family of the City of Moscow”. This document confirms the right to benefits and compensation payments.

To obtain a certificate, one of the parents applies to the “one window” service of the district council at the place of residence (registration) and presents:
- your passport and your spouse's;
– birth certificates of children;
– certificate of registration of marriage or certificate of dissolution, death certificate or certificate of paternity.

And provides the following documents:
- a statement of the established form;
- a certificate from an educational institution that implements general education programs for children aged 16 to 18;
- a photo of yourself and your spouse 3x4 cm in size;
– documents that cannot be requested by the “one stop shop” service of the district council of the city of Moscow (document confirming the registration of children with parents in the city of Moscow or confirming the actual residence of children with parents in the city of Moscow).

When registering parents at different addresses, obtaining a Certificate is possible at the place of residence (registration) of one of the parents.

If the marriage is dissolved, then the Certificate is issued to the parent who actually lives and brings up at least three natural children (adopted, as well as stepsons and stepdaughters), or to the one who left children (at least three) by court decision.

To the giraffe - for free

As part of the “Year of the Family in the City of Moscow” program, separate, socially significant measures of social support for families with many children are extended to families with three or more children until the execution younger child 16 years old (students of educational institutions implementing general educational programs - 18 years old).

These measures include:
- monthly compensation for payment of housing and communal services - 400 or 800 rubles. for a family;
– monthly compensation for paying for the telephone (50% of the established tariff - currently 190 rubles per family);
- annual financial assistance for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the training period (5,000 rubles per year for each child studying at an educational institution implementing general education programs);
(For payments, contact the management social protection population (RUSZN) at the place of residence of one of the parents);
– free travel on all types of urban passenger transport (except taxis and fixed-route taxi) one of the parents, as well as children under 16 years old (students - up to 18 years old);
- free commuter travel railway transport children under 16 years old (students - up to 18 years old). (Privileges for travel are provided on the basis of a Muscovite's social card issued by the RUSZN);
– 30% discount on rent and utilities(the benefit is provided by the engineering services of the districts of the city of Moscow);
- free drug provision for children under the age of 18 (the benefit is provided by medical institutions.);
- exemption from payment for attendance by children of state preschool, educational institutions (the benefit is provided by state preschool educational institutions);

Since July 1, 2008, in accordance with the law, other measures of social support provided for by law have been extended to families with many children:
– monthly compensatory payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the increase in the cost of living for each child under the age of 16 years (student - 18 years old - 550 rubles;
- monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for certain categories of citizens for children under the age of 3 years - 600 rubles;
(Cash payments are assigned by the departments of social protection of the population of the districts of the city of Moscow to families registered as of July 1, 2008, independently, without the invitation of parents, on the basis of available documents).
– free prescription of dairy products by doctors of medical institutions baby food for children under 7 years of age (the benefit is provided by medical and preventive institutions of the city of Moscow);
– free two meals a day for children studying in educational institutions implementing general education programs (the benefit is provided at the place of study);
– benefits for the admission of children to state preschool educational institutions the city of Moscow in the first place;
– the right to provide residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises in the manner and on the terms established by federal legislation and legal acts of the city of Moscow;
- free admission to the zoo, visits to museums at reduced prices (once a month children can visit them for free), parks of culture and recreation, exhibitions and cultural and educational events in these cultural institutions run by the Moscow government;
– pre-emptive right to receive garden plots;
- free use of bath services.

Social support measures will be provided on the basis of birth certificates of three or more children.

I. For those who queued before March 1, 2005...

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 774 dated August 26, 2008 "On the results of the implementation of urban housing programs in 2007 and on urban housing programs for 2008-2010" All large families with 5 or more children registered before March 1, 2005 and having the said benefit for the previous year of provision will be provided with living space.

In addition, such families have the opportunity to improve their living conditions with the help of paid methods. If big family If you have money savings, you can bring the solution of the housing problem closer by becoming a member of urban housing programs.

Paid ways to improve living conditions for people on the waiting list:

1. Provision of subsidies from the Moscow budget.

Housing with the help of a subsidy is purchased on the real estate market in Moscow, the Moscow region or any other region of the Russian Federation with an area of ​​at least 18 "squares" per family member. The subsidy is provided for the construction or purchase of housing for the entire family of those on the waiting list or in addition to the one occupied. In addition, the subsidy can be used to purchase a vacant room in a communal apartment.

Families with many children registered before March 1, 2005 and included in the housing plan by a decree of the government of the capital can count on a 100% subsidy.

When calculating the subsidy, the living space that the family previously occupied under a social lease agreement, or that was owned, is taken into account.

The cost of one square meter under the subsidy is now 100,969 rubles.

2. Acquisition of housing from the city under a contract of sale with installment payment.

This is one of the most popular ways to improve living conditions. The city provides housing at a reduced cost (3-5 times lower than the market price), for which the people on the waiting list pay for 10 years, paying 10 percent per annum in rubles in installments. The down payment for families with three or more children is 10 percent of the value of the apartment at the conclusion of the contract of sale. The cost of 30 square meters of the purchased housing is deducted from the redemption installment payment. At the birth of the third and each subsequent child, 18 sq. meters.

3. Social mortgage

A family on a waiting list buys housing from the city at a price below the market price under a sale and purchase agreement with payment of part of the cost of the apartment at the expense of credit funds. 30 percent - down payment from your cash savings (if desired, payment of the down payment can reach 70%), the rest - bank mortgage. Installment payment is provided for 30 years at 11.7 percent per annum in rubles.

For large families with three or more children, a privilege is provided: the redemption value of a dwelling is determined minus the cost of 30 sq. m. meters of area of ​​purchased housing.

On a note

An application for participation in paid forms of improving housing conditions is submitted by the waiting list to the Office of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund in the administrative district at the place of permanent registration.

4. Compensation for hiring

A family that is on a waiting list and rents a home is reimbursed for part of the costs associated with renting or sub-renting. The amount of compensation is 50 percent of the average market price for renting an apartment in Moscow or the Moscow Region for a family of the corresponding size. This rental price is determined by the Department of Housing Policy and Housing.

So, for example, a family of four or more people living in Moscow will be reimbursed 14,500 rubles. - half of the average market price set in the capital. And a family of the same composition living in the Moscow region - 10 thousand 150 rubles.

To conclude an agreement on compensation for reimbursement of expenses related to the payment of rent (sublease) of residential premises, you need to contact the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow City Center for Rental Housing" (Bolnichny lane, building 7).

Give birth to three - and your apartment

Moscow has developed the third stage of the Affordable Housing for Young Families program for 2009–2011. and assignments until 2015. The city authorities, as before, promise to take on part of the cost of paying off the cost of an apartment when young parents give birth to their own child or adopt a baby. And the "rate" is increasing. Starting from 2009, debt relief for each child will be up to 30 percent of the purchase price of an apartment. The arithmetic is simple: you need to give birth to three, that is, to become large families, so that the apartment from the city gets almost “for nothing”.

II ... after March 1, 2005

Recently, another category of Muscovites has been legalized in the capital, who can improve their living conditions and purchase housing with the assistance of the city within the framework of city housing programs. It includes residents of the capital who need to improve their living conditions, but who did not have time to register for housing before the entry into force of the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2005 and who do not meet the criteria for being considered poor. They will be placed on a separate account. Families with many children can also take advantage of this right. They can improve their living conditions by:
- provision of residential premises from the city's housing stock under a lease agreement;
– participation in funded systems within the framework of urban housing programs;
– receiving subsidies from the city budget for the purchase or construction of housing;
- acquisition of an apartment in the property with installment payment or using borrowed (credit) funds to receive residential premises owned by the capital.

Who has more than five - in the mansion

In standard typical houses, pick up big apartment For a family with many children, this is a problem. In the year of the family, Moscow proposed a way out: to build separate low-rise cottage houses at the expense of the city budget for such “non-standard” families with five or more children and standing in the housing queue and give them for free use for as long as the family retains the status of a large family . After losing their status, they will be provided with other housing within three months, while retaining their right to live in low-rise residential buildings during this time.

The government has determined that:
- such housing will be provided to a large family on the basis of a contract for gratuitous use. At the same time, the former living space is preserved behind it.
- the term of such an agreement is five years with the right to prolong it for a new five-year period (but not more than for the period the family maintains the status of a large family, determined in the prescribed manner);
- in case of termination, termination of the contract or there are no grounds for renewing it for a new term, the family will be provided with another living space. And the vacated living space in low-rise buildings will be used for its intended purpose in the future.

We are grateful for the assistance of the head of the department for work with the population, the head of the department of housing management in the Office of the Department in the South-Eastern Administrative District Tatyana Vashurkina.

Today, the lack of housing space for large families is the most acute problem in Russia. Indeed, at constant increase real estate prices, it is very problematic even for a family without a child to purchase their own housing, and with three or more children it is almost impossible to make such a large-scale purchase. To solve this problem, government bodies provide housing subsidies to large families for housing.

Basically, subsidies for large families are expressed in preferential lending, that is, for the purchase of housing in the amount of up to 40% of its value. The advantages of preferential mortgage lending are that such a family can:

  • involve relatives as guarantors;
  • use maternal capital to pay off a loan;
  • reduce the interest rate of the loan;
  • take real estate in a mortgage without making a down payment;
  • postpone the first payment on the loan for a certain time;
  • increase the loan term up to 30 years;
  • do not pay any kind of commission.

The housing subsidy for large families for housing in the form of a social mortgage provides the following interest rates:

  • 10% per annum for 10-year lending;
  • 11.7% per annum for loans for up to 30 years;
  • deduction of 18% of the remaining loan amount in the event of the birth of another child.

Conditions for obtaining a housing subsidy for large families

All large families are eligible to receive a certificate for the purchase of housing, subject to certain conditions. The concept of "large family" means the upbringing of three or more minor children in a family.

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.05.1992 No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families”, families have such a right only if they are poor and at the same time need to increase their living space. The poor are those families whose average income per family member is less than the subsistence level in the region.

In addition, the regulatory and legal acts of other subjects of Russia have the right to establish other additional requirements for obtaining a housing subsidy.

Families with many children, recognized as poor and in need of better housing conditions, need to queue up to receive a housing subsidy. When the turn comes, parents with many children will be issued a certificate or certificate of subsidy.

You can use the certificate not only to buy an apartment in the primary or secondary market, but also to finance the construction of a house.


In Moscow, the amount of the subsidy depends on how many years the family has been registered with the local social security authorities. Large families with three or more children under eighteen years of age are entitled to receive a housing subsidy equal to one hundred percent of the standard cost. If the purchased housing will cost more than the standard cost, then the family will have to pay the difference themselves. In this case, the standard cost is calculated as follows: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, determined social norm, multiplied by the price of one square meter of housing.

Documents for obtaining subsidies for large families

To receive a housing subsidy for large families, you must prepare a package of documents:

  • statement;
  • parents' passports;
  • certificate of the number of members in the family;
  • confirmation that the family is poor;
  • work book;
  • certificate of income of the borrower and co-borrower;
  • documentation of the acquired real estate;
  • birth certificates of children.

The United Housing Subsidy Fund will advise on obtaining a certificate for large families, and will also help implement a subsidy for the purchase of real estate. We will be able to select the most suitable residential facility for families with many children in Moscow who need better living conditions and who have received a housing subsidy. Families with many children receive full legal and technical support transaction support, including on lending issues.

Large families are those families that have 3 or more children. Such status is issued in the social protection authorities.

By special state program housing for such families is allocated from municipal property, it is also subject to further privatization on a general basis.

Is it possible for large families to get an apartment

Benefits are regulated at the local level, which is why benefits may differ depending on the region in which they are issued. To use these benefits, you must immediately get on the waiting list for housing.

The procedure for obtaining housing is mostly the same, since in each region the determining factor is the need to improve living conditions.

Terms of Service

The conditions for obtaining housing are quite extensive, so, for example, to be on the waiting list for social housing, maybe the family that:

  • Doesn't have its own home.
  • Lives in an emergency building.
  • An income that per person is below the subsistence level.
  • She has not worsened her living conditions over the past five years.
  • Registered at a certain place of residence for a long time.
  • Has Russian citizenship.

There are many nuances in the deterioration of conditions. For example, it is not considered a deterioration:

  • Settlement of minor children.
  • Spouse residence.
  • Resettlement of disabled parents.

How to get in line

The main thing you need to do to get housing is to register. To do this, you must register with local executive bodies and get in line.

The queue is a list of people in need of social housing on the this moment. Housing can be obtained when it is your turn. Depending on the region, many large families have a special preferential queue.

After submitting all the necessary documents, the applicant receives a receipt from the person who accepted them. The date of acceptance must be indicated on it.

After that, the procedure for consideration of the application by local authorities begins. The entire procedure takes about 30 days. Based on its results, decisions should be made on the acceptance or rejection of the application.

Required documents

Among those documents that are needed in the first place, it is worth highlighting: documents for already having housing, as well as a certificate of income.

Among the documents for housing should be those that confirm your ownership, the condition of the housing.

As for the documents on income, then - this should be a certificate of the amount of salary for the last 6 months.

Other documents include:

  • Marriage certificate.
  • Birth certificate of children.
  • Certificate confirming the composition of the family.
  • Passport copies of all adult family members.

How can a large family get an apartment with the help of the state

According to the legislation, those families that raise more than 5 minor children have the right to receive social housing of the appropriate area, for free use.

Such an agreement is concluded between such subjects as local authorities, as well as a large family for a period of 5 years.

The main advantage of this kind of benefits is quite good conditions housing compared to other programs.

Although the contract is valid for only 5 years, local authorities are obliged to renew it:

  • Until the youngest family member turns 16.
  • Until the youngest student family member turns 18.

Also, an undoubted advantage is that for the duration of the contract, the second party remains registered in the queue for square meters.

Those families that have drawn up documents and were in the queue before 03/01/2005 have a fairly wide range of services to improve conditions. They can:

  • Get square meters under a social contract of employment.
  • Get a housing subsidy.
  • Buy housing from the city fund in installments.

Those who completed the documents later can choose from only two options:

  • Obtaining housing under a social contract of employment.
  • Obtaining housing for free use.

These programs are accepted both at the federal and regional levels.

To participate in the banking program, you must be on the waiting list. Many banking programs have been developed, however, the most common of them is mortgage benefits.

The most famous of the programs at the federal level is Affordable Housing for Young Families.

Also, some of the beneficial programs are:

  • Subsidies for the purchase of apartments.
  • Allocation of land plots for construction.

Decor land plot takes place according to a special procedure. The site passes into the shared ownership of all family members who at the time of the transaction have reached the age of majority. After the provision of such a plot, this category of citizens loses the right to preferential housing.

How to quickly get an apartment for a large family

There are few ways to quickly obtain a loan for large families. However, it is much easier to solve the issue of housing for this category of citizens.

One of the ways to get housing is queuing. It is carried out under a special preferential program. That is, when registering in the queue, the family is transferred to a special preferential list. Within one year from the date of registration, this category of citizens must be offered participation in the social program. As a rule, housing construction begins one year after the offer.

Also, one of the accelerated ways is to include the family in extraordinary lists for obtaining a preferential loan. The terms of such loans are quite favorable.

A large family is given the right to share a loan for the construction of housing on favorable terms, as well as to apply for a subsidy.

According to the current legislation, such a loan is provided for 95% of the total cost of housing. However, it is necessary to take into account the area norms per person, since you will have to pay extra for the surplus on your own. 5% is reimbursed by a non-refundable housing subsidy.

An important nuance when choosing this method of housing design is that such benefits cover only standard houses, respectively, the price per square meter is determined precisely on the basis of this calculation. In houses with improved conditions, you will have to pay the difference yourself.

The last option for the fastest way to get square meters is state financial aid . It lies in the fact that part of the soft loan issued for housing is repaid by the state. If there are three children in the family, then half of the total amount is paid, and if there are four, then 70%. All payments are made in the same amount in accordance with the contract.

If a family did not apply for credit benefits during the construction of housing, then it has the right to state support. This kind of support is not related to the level of well-being of the family, if it is registered.

This type of benefits does not apply to those categories of families that used this right earlier. The amount of such assistance is 50 living wages of citizens. However, such assistance can be issued only after the ownership of housing has been registered.

How long will it take for a large family to get an apartment

Depending on which way of obtaining an apartment is chosen, the terms of its provision differ.

When enrolled in the queue for housing, the family will be able to get an apartment only when the appropriate queue comes up.

When participating in the state program, the terms for obtaining square meters directly depend on the terms established in the program.

When applying for a soft loan, housing can be obtained almost immediately, since the family itself decides which housing to buy and concludes an appropriate contract.

Also one of the most quick ways This is the execution of a social contract of employment for five years. When making such an agreement, the apartment is provided almost immediately.


Summing up, we can say that it is not difficult for such a family to obtain square meters. The main thing is to collect everything Required documents and register with local authorities. To speed up the process, you can also sign up for one of the federal programs that will help in as soon as possible organize housing.

In general, everyone can collect all the necessary documents, submit them to the appropriate authorities and choose the most profitable program for themselves, but for this, it is initially worth understanding the nuances of the entire system for obtaining preferential housing.

Families with many children really need housing, especially when there are many children in the family and there is no time to be bored. The situation is aggravated if the whole vast family huddles in a small area and literally sits on each other's heads.

The government has provided for the issue of expanding the area of ​​housing or improving its conditions for large families, but not everyone knows how to exercise their right to housing in practice.

Federal laws leave the issue of free housing for large families to regional or regional self-government bodies. But the right to preferential conditions for the provision of housing in accordance with Article 49 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, have families with low incomes, that is, the poor.

If your family's income does not go beyond the cost of living, which is established in your area, you can collect documents in order to join the housing queue.

If you are not yet going to get a certificate of a large family, then do it immediately by contacting social security. You will need your passports, certificates of your marital status(married or divorced) and having children. You must register there as well. poor family and get the relevant certificate about it.

Once you have obtained your certificate, make copies of the certificates, if you have them, of the right to own the existing housing and the birth of children. If there is no housing in the property, then there is less trouble.

Take a certificate of all registered family members: it can be not only a spouse and children, but grandparents or other immediate relatives, as well as income in order to confirm the status of the poor. Documents will also be required on the condition of existing housing, if it is emergency..

Do not forget copies and originals of passports - yours and your spouse's.

With these documents, you need to get to the local authorities, and get into the office of the official involved in queuing for housing.

There you will be asked to write an application, which, along with other documents, will be considered by a special commission. If the commission deems you worthy, your family will be registered for new social housing.

They are put on the waiting list in cases where you need to increase living space (the norms in the regions for the footage for each person are different), if you simply need housing without having your own, if your apartment or house is not suitable for children to live in or is in emergency condition.

The queue for housing for families with many children is preferential, that is, you will not stand in the general queue for the poor for decades, but will be listed in a separate queue for families with many children. But do not expect housing to be provided to you quickly. You will need to check the status of your application once a year and, if necessary, re-register.

Housing subsidies for large families

To improve conditions, you will be provided with a subsidy, which is due to large families for this very purpose. With these funds you will have to buy an apartment for yourself, and also, if possible, use them to build a house, you will not be able to spend this money for other purposes.

The amount of subsidies is approved by the local authorities. But keep in mind that most often this amount is not enough to buy a home, so you will have to tighten your belts and save in order to save up some amount, or contact the bank and take out a mortgage. The same goes for maternity capital.
Mortgages for large families are also provided on preferential terms.

Once the grant is granted, you will be removed from the housing queue.

Expansion of housing for large families

If you own some kind of apartment, house or room, then by selling it and adding the subsidy received from the state, as well as maternity capital, you can buy (or build) more spacious housing.

Now there are many different programs to help young and large families to purchase or build their own housing. Find out from the social security authorities what exactly your family can use, based on financial capabilities.

Of course, you can get on the waiting list for housing extensions if there are no more opportunities. But it will take more than one year to wait in line for social housing, even children can grow up, so you need to use all the privileges that the state provides and take the situation into your own hands.

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