The name Masha says something about it. The meaning of the name Maria: character and destiny, the origin of the female name Masha

Dream girl Maria. She is light, good-natured and graceful. She is a creation of God and a child of love, and, perhaps, a dream for every man. Let's see what the name Maria means for a woman and what imprint it leaves on the fate of its bearer.

Origin and meaning of the name

Scientists still disagree on where this very old and very common female name came from. It has been known for centuries. Generations after generations of people call their daughters Mary. Moreover, Mash is enough only in the countries of the post-Soviet space, but also in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

A similar form has long existed among Muslims and meant “bitter.” According to another version, it means “beloved.” However, the most correct version, perhaps, is the one officially accepted in Orthodoxy, because it was from Christianity that the Mother of God - the Virgin Mary - became known. According to Orthodox canons, Mary is a Hebrew name meaning “sad,” which in terms of its semantic meaning is not so at odds with the fate of the Mother of God.
After coming to earth Kievan Rus Christianity and the introduction of the rite of baptism, this name entered into folk traditions and became very familiar to the Slavs. Girls were increasingly called that way. Primordial Slavic female name forms like Milan, Radomir, Miroslav were increasingly supplanted by the new religion, Christian traditions and customs.

This led to the fact that one could increasingly meet Mashenka, Marusya, and Marichka on the street. Over time, it acquired the color of the mentality of this people, so when translated into Russian, the name Maria already meant “mistress,” “mistress,” “long braid.”

Despite such different interpretations, we can say with confidence that each of them suits Masha. A girl with this name is multifaceted, she is capable of loving - selflessly and passionately, and therefore is often adored by men.

Important! Masha can sometimes be capricious, and her impulsive actions can bring bitterness to her family and friends. But she will always come to the rescue, sometimes sacrificing herself and being terribly annoyed at worldly injustice.

We have long been accustomed to translating names from Greek, but this name is not so easy to decipher from this point of view, since the name does not have a Greek analogue. But when translating the Bible into Greek language linguists were able to get an approximate meaning of what the name Masha means for a girl, and this meaning completely coincides with the Hebrew. And the thing is that “Mary” is written in Greek as “Μαρια”. Obviously, this word comes from the very close “πίκρα”, which in translation means “sad”, “outcast”.

Name forms

Having ancient history and deep roots, this beautiful female name has acquired many various forms, distributed throughout the world, although slightly modified in some variants.

Full form - Maria.

The shortened form might sound like:

  • Masha;
  • Manya;
  • Mara;
  • Mary;
  • Marie;
  • Marya;
But the diminutive name Maria can be pronounced as:
  • Mashenka;
  • Mashulya;
  • Manyasha;
  • Manyuta;
  • Mashunka;
  • Maryusha.

The derived forms are as follows:
  • Marichka;
  • Marusya;
  • Marisha;
  • Mariyka;
  • Marunya;
  • Masya;
  • Musya;
  • Mashukha;
  • Waving.
The ecclesiastical form of the name remains unchanged - Maria. The name is declined according to cases as follows:
  • I. p. (who? what?) - Maria;
  • R. p. (who? what?) - Mary;
  • D. p. (to whom? to what?) - Mary;
  • V. p. (who? what?) - Mary;
  • etc. (by whom? with what?) - Maria;
  • P. p. (about whom? about what?) - Mary.
Please note that in the dative case the name Maria sounds like “Mary” and not “Marie”.

Did you know? IN the greatest number They are called Marys in Spain. Since all Spaniards are deeply religious, they believe that by naming their daughter in honor of the Mother of Christ, they will protect her from misfortune and bad fate.

Angel's day, name day

IN Orthodox history there were many holy martyrs bearing this name. Among them are not only the Holy Virgin Mary - the mother of Jesus Christ, but also the Equal-to-the-Apostles Myrrh-Bearer Mary Magdalene, the Venerable Mary of Egypt, the Righteous Mary of Cleopas, Mary of Ustyug, the martyrs Mary of Persia, Caesarea and Pergamon, and many other holy martyrs.

Accordingly, the day of the angel of each of them is included in the calendar, which means that you can celebrate the name day of the name Mary according to church calendar on any day closest to your birthday.

Mary's name day falls on the following days:
  • in February 8 (January 26), 19 (6), 25 (12);
  • in April 2 (March 20) and 14 (1);
  • in May 17 (4);
  • in June 5 (May 23), 11 (May 29), 15 (2), 17 (4), 20 (7), 22 (9), 24 (11);
  • in July 2 (June 19), 25 (12);
  • in August 4 (July 22), 22 (9), 24 (11);
  • in September 28 (15);
  • and on November 11 (October 29).

Name in different languages

Since women are called this way everywhere and for a very long time, the name Maria is widespread throughout the world, although its sound is not too different in different languages peace.

  • In Ukraine - Maria;
  • in Belarus - Maryya;
  • in the Czech Republic - Marie (Marie), Marika (Marika);
  • in Spain - María (Mary);
  • in the UK - Mary (Mary), Mariah (Mariah);
  • in Germany - Marie (Marie), Marei (Marai);
  • in Croatia - Marija (Mary);
  • in Finland - Maaria (Maaria);
  • in Ireland - Máire (Moira, Mora);
  • in Azerbaijan - Məryəm (Maryam);
  • in France - Marie (Marie);
  • in Italy, Poland and Romania, as well as when written in Latin - Maria (Mary).

Did you know? There are many more male names than female ones, which significantly reduces the choice of parents naming their daughter.

The character and fate of people with this name in history

Women named after the Mother of Christ have left a great mark on human history. They ruled countries, created great art, were famous public figures, revolutionaries, wives of illustrious husbands.

  • Queen of France and mother of Louis XIII was called. She was the daughter of the famous Duke of Tuscany and the wife of Henry IV, and her wife was extremely jealous. Possessing an imperious character, she often staged scenes of jealousy towards her husband, the king.
  • That was the name of the Queen of England Mary I Tudor, known as Bloody Mary. Since childhood, she had a gentle disposition and a pleasant character. However, under the yoke of difficult youth and acceptance difficult decisions Queen Tudor, initially not prone to violence, became a horror for the state, since at her will many people were bloodily dealt with.
  • The Queen of Scotland was also given this name. Mary Stuart, which, in addition to Scotland, also ruled in France, and was also a contender for the throne of England. Stewart was a charming woman, witty and outgoing. She needed love like she needed air, but she took even greater pleasure in showing her courage and resourcefulness when she led her army into battle as a commander.
  • Most Serene Princess Kirillovskaya Romanova also called Maria. She was considered a member of the Russian Imperial House and was crown princess. She was a real Russian young lady. She was always friendly and smiling, had a gentle character with good-natured features.
  • - a native of Poland and a famous physicist and chemist. She was a two-time Nobel Prize laureate. She had a strong character, thanks to which she withstood the yoke of many difficult circumstances.
  • - a world-famous personality, teacher, doctor and philosopher. The woman who created the unique one founded her own school, recognized by UNESCO. This outstanding woman had an enviable love of humanity and kindness. She adored children and, looking at the younger generation, wanted to create conditions for them in which the child could fully open up and be realized.
  • Everyone knows the iconic American-German actress and singer, who created an unforgettable image of a woman -. But few people know that her real name is Maria Magdalene Dietrich. She was great, she created own style, brought into fashion then unprecedented things like women's trousers or short shorts. She was adored, she always shone. Being very demanding and attentive to details, she always controlled the tailoring of her outfits. Dietrich was patient and could endure long, hours-long fittings. In addition, a German by birth, she always opposed Nazi ideas, since the idea of ​​war was alien to her - this is how her inner humanism manifested itself.
  • But the Moscow Drama Theater named after Ermolova is named in honor Maria Ermolova, who was the brightest star on the stage of the Maly Theater. Stanislavsky himself was a fan of her work. She loved to shine in the rays of fame and had a real passion for creativity. Hardworking Ermolova gave her all on stage.
As we see, women called Marys were imprinted in the history of the world with their strength, virtue, wisdom, creativity and genius. They were the first in their country and in their business, they are talked about in history lessons and legends are written, they still inspire their followers and subsequent generations.

Did you know? The Montessori school is included in the Guinness Book of Records, as it is the largest on the planet. In India alone, more than 22 thousand children study there.

The main character traits of people with this name

Briefly, the meaning of the name Maria can be described in three words: kindness, devotion, vulnerability.

Little Mashenka is growing up to be a rather sensitive and vulnerable child. True, she does not always show this. Some secrecy has been inherent in her since childhood. She reacts emotionally to many events, but carefully hides this from prying eyes. The whole rich spectrum of emotions is experienced inside. And with age, this secrecy does not go away.
This is not to say that Masha does not like communication. She has many friends with whom she has intimate conversations. However, some part of her truly deep experiences remains only her secret, which she does not share with anyone.

Too touchy in childhood, an adult girl already controls herself better. For all her emotionality, she skillfully controls her feelings, so it can be argued that she has a strong and stable psyche.

At school, Mashenka is a capable student. She is most often an excellent student and shows an inclination towards both the humanities and the exact sciences. She has good memory, she is capable of solving complex problems.

Important! It is very important that Mashuli has exemplary a teacher who would bring a creative touch to teaching. Then her interest in studying will increase many times over, and success in the scientific field can become stunning.

In her youth, Mary became interested in creativity. All her hidden sensitivity requires an outlet, which she finds in art. Masha can write literary works, so great to draw. It is important that her creative impulses can be realized, because otherwise she will simply begin to suffer from neuroses and lose interest in life.
For the girl Maria, it is very important what meaning the name will play in her life, what her main qualities are that can be used for a portfolio.

Masha's main advantages:

  • kindness;
  • willingness and need to help others;
  • humanity;
  • creativity;
  • loyalty and reliability;
  • philanthropy;
  • high moral qualities;
  • active life position;
  • she is an excellent mother and wife;
  • feeling self-esteem;
  • strength of character and a strong position regarding decisions made.
The disadvantages include the following:
  • increased sensitivity and vulnerability;
  • touchiness;
  • often in a gloomy mood;
  • inability to perceive criticism addressed to oneself, reaction of protest to it and resentment;
  • when disagreeing with the point of view of another person, he expresses his denial too violently.

Otherwise, Masha is just very soulful person. She is a loyal friend who will always come to the rescue. True, she is selective in her friendships and chooses only like-minded people as her friends. Sometimes she is prone to making her friends jealous of other girls.

Mashenka can sometimes be capricious and shows her dissatisfaction with minor hysterics. But she cannot accept any manifestation of injustice and will seek justice in every way.

Important! If you are confused by such different sounds of the names Maria and Masha, and you are wondering-Is it the same name or not, the answer to it is affirmative. However, it is worth noting that the energy of these nominal forms is different, and a definite advantage for the development of Mary’s personality will be addressing her from childhood exclusively with the full form or its derivatives-Marichka, Mariyka, Marie, Maryunya.

One of Mary's main qualities is hard work. She diligently does her homework at school and university, and growing up, she works just as hard at work. She is not afraid of difficult tasks, because she knows that due to her developed abilities, she can do anything.

The older Mashuta gets, the stricter and more serious she becomes, although she never loses her sociability and good nature. She learns to stubbornly defend her position, not to adapt to others, and acquires a confident inner core.

We can say about her that she is a strong and strong-willed woman, and at the same time absolutely not devoid of such primordially feminine qualities as tenderness, caring, and cordiality.
Of the many professions, Masha can succeed in many, but most often she chooses the following industries:

  • medicine;
  • pedagogy;
  • art.
True, it would be a mistake to say that Mashuta will make a career woman. She can achieve significant heights on the career ladder if business inspires her, but she will always choose family between work and family.

Being a homemaker and raising children is probably the best thing Mary can do in her life. She simply adores her children, raising them with care and love.

She is devoted to her husband under any circumstances. Her love is great, all-consuming and all-forgiving. Even if she is faced with her husband’s betrayal, she will still forgive him. But she herself will never be able to be with another man, even mentally, if she already has a wedding ring on her finger.

Did you know? In Iceland, parents do not have the right to call a girl by any name that begins with the Latin letter “C”, since in the local alphabet there is not only such a letter, but even nothing even approximately similar in sound.

Name Astrology

The name Maria is for a girl special meaning. This name influences her fate and is determined by some astrological signs and talismans:

  • planet- Saturn and the asteroid Proserpina, often called the planet;
  • Zodiac sign- Aquarius, Capricorn and Virgo;
  • color- blue, gray, black;
  • stone- diamond, onyx and obsidian;
  • metal- lead, which symbolizes power;
  • tree- birch, cypress;
  • plant- mandrake, cornflower, rue, belladonna, cumin;
  • totem animal- dove - a symbol of peace and love;
  • element- air;
  • favorable day of the week is Saturday;
  • lucky number - 4;
  • the most significant years in life - 7, 19, 30, 42, 43;
  • character- kindness, tenderness, calmness.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name

For more full characteristics These women need to pay attention to what the name Maria means by letters:

  • M- a tendency to care about others and a sincere desire to help people. The person, however, can be shy. The letter also serves as a reminder that it is necessary to always show favor to nature, since predatory habits towards it can harm the person himself.
  • A- the beginning of beginnings, a symbol of new beginnings and discoveries. It also suggests that a person vitally needs a feeling of comfort of soul and body.
  • R- the ability to “look to the root.” A person sees the essence of things as they are. It is difficult to deceive him with external tinsel, it is difficult to fool him. It also suggests that there is some self-confidence and a tendency to take risks due to excessive emotionality. This also becomes the reason for both dogmatism in judgment and a manifestation of courage.
  • AND- the owner of a subtle spiritual organization, increased sensitivity and high spirituality. The person is very romantic and emotional, kind to others and extremely peaceful. However, he often hides his inner impulses behind a veil of practicality.
  • I- speaks of the high personal dignity of a person. He is worthy of the respect and love of his environment, and has absolutely every right to claim it.

Did you know? Traditionally all destructive natural phenomena called by women's names. And all this is only because the first military weather forecasters from America during the Second World War, who decided to name a typhoon or tsunami, could not come up with anything better than to give it the name of their hysterical wife or hated mother-in-law. This is where the legs of this tradition “grow”.

As for numerological analysis, Masha corresponds to Soul number 3, and this is the number of creativity and creativity. Threes have many talents and can excel not only in the arts, but also in sports.

Sometimes such people can be overly carried away, so it’s good if there is a reliable person who corrects the trends of the “threes.” Otherwise, the “troika” will simply “skid”. However, with a wise mentor, a person with Soul number 3 is able to achieve truly outstanding results and achieve recognition.

Despite the apparent invulnerability and practicality, in fact, “threes” are extremely vulnerable and sensitive. They are sensitive to criticism, as it undermines their self-confidence. The personal life of such people can be difficult.

The devoted and kind Maria is exactly the person who is so often missing in life. She will be a true friend reliable assistant, devoted and loving wife, caring mother. Her spirituality and talent make her outstanding personality. And although Mary is inclined to dramatize, this only adds to her special feminine charm.

Mary is an ancient biblical name derived from the name Miriam, which means “bitterness.” Orthodox tradition translates the name Maria as “lady.”

The name Mary was first mentioned in the Bible - this was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ, so the name has always been popular among Christian peoples. In the Russian language, the name appeared around the 10th-11th centuries - at first they began to call girls from noble families, and a little later, simple peasant women. Today the name Maria ranks 11th in the world in popularity.

This beautiful thing was worn by royalty, such as Queen Mary Tudor of England, Queen Marie de Medici of France, and Grand Duchess Maria Romanova. Among modern women There are many worthy owners of this famous name: singers Maria Callas and Maria Maksakova, athletes Maria Sharapova and Maria Kiseleva, actresses Maria Ermolova and Maria Poroshina, writers Maria Arbatova and Maria Bashkirtseva and many others.

Name days and patron saints

In Christianity, the patron saint of all Marys is the Mother of God.

Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles can be considered an equally strong patroness. Once this woman was possessed by demons, and she turned to Jesus Christ for healing. The meeting with Jesus helped Mary to be healed, and his righteous speeches made such an impression on her that she became his faithful disciple. Mary Magdalene was with her teacher even when the apostles left him, fearing punishment. It was Mary Magdalene who witnessed the crucifixion, death, and then the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Women named Mary have many other strong patrons, such as Mary of Egypt, Mary of Radonezh, Mary of Caesarea, Mary of Asia.

Masha celebrates her birthday several times a year: February 19, 58, 25, April 2, 14, 16, 25, May 17, 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24 June, July 2 and 25, 4, 22 , August 24, September 28 and November 11.

Characteristics of the name

Those with the name Maria are truly great women! Workaholics by nature, they strive for perfection in everything - at work, in their personal lives, in appearance. Maria has an unsurpassed gift of premonition, as well as mercy towards others and the ability to self-sacrifice. It is these traits that bring Maria popularity and success in business.

Maria is a multifaceted personality, with a rich inner world. She comes across as the quiet, hardworking, reliable woman that she really is. You can sing endless praises to the name Maria - she is calm, wise, emotionally open, balanced and simple-minded.

TO negative traits Maria can be attributed to excessive sentimentality and taking everything too close to her heart. Possessing a certain stubbornness and willpower, Maria is not a fighter by nature. She steadfastly endures life's troubles, but at the same time she is very easy to offend.

Maria is loved by everyone around her - family, friends, colleagues. She knows how to love, and will never allow herself to betray or lie. Maria is a person of extraordinary warmth, whom you want to trust. Her life credo is “I must help everyone!” She is a fortune teller, psychic, psychologist and good witch all rolled into one.

By nature, Maria is an introvert - she tends to withdraw into herself and does not like to share her thoughts and feelings with others. She is secretive, self-confident and always soberly assesses the situation. Maria has a hard time with comments addressed to her, and if she doesn’t agree with something, she expresses her dissatisfaction violently. Maria can be stubborn in her desires; she is distinguished by her explosive character and inability to control her emotions.

Maria is an optimist and never gives up. The character of a woman incomprehensibly combines severity and cordiality, passion and alienation, willpower and compassion, secrecy and warmth, envy and mercy. Maria has an innate sense of decency, which always manifests itself in difficult life situations. And even if a woman difficult character, she will always be respected in society, since behind self-confidence and prudence there is always a kind and sympathetic heart.

Maria in childhood

Little Mashenka is a kind and calm girl who brings only joy to those around her. Still a child herself, she enjoys caring for younger children and animals, and she never gets tired of this work. She feels sorry for everyone around her, even to her own detriment. All her games are related to dolls, her favorite game is mother-daughter games.

At school, Masha is loved by her classmates and teachers for her fairness and always sincere desire to help. Mashenka takes any remark to heart and worries for a long time. She can show waywardness and be capricious, demanding that her parents fulfill her desires.

Masha can study well, as she is hardworking and purposeful, but she does not have any special natural talents. The girl is drawn not so much to study as to traditionally feminine activities - needlework, cooking, raising children.

Growing up, the girl will receive a higher education if her parents insist on it, since she herself is not in the least inclined to study. Parents should devote maximum effort to raising their daughter, since this will determine which traits in her character will be dominant.


Maria has had good health since childhood, and she just needs to maintain it throughout her life. Maria is very resilient and can withstand the most difficult physical activities.

Due to her tendency to be overweight, she needs to follow a diet and monitor her weight. In old age, blood pressure may rise and a stroke is possible.


In love, Maria can be tough - she calmly selects a partner, weighing all the pros and cons. Wherein financial situation men will play the last role, since Masha is completely disinterested, and she will not have an affair for the sake of money. What will make her tough is the emotional wounds and disappointments that will definitely meet on the path of a kind and sympathetic woman.

Having received her share of disappointments, Mary may be afraid of love, and her chosen one will have to prove for a long time the seriousness of his intentions. Maria is not the kind of woman who can be persuaded into intimacy on the first evening.

Maria cannot be called a sensual woman, but intimate joys are not alien to her. A woman equates sex and love - the deeper the feelings, the more passionately she gives herself to her man, the more frank and responsive she is in sex.

Marriage and family, compatibility of Mary with male names

Maria considers her family the most important thing in her life. Neither business, nor career, nor busy Savor will never be able to nourish her soul with satisfaction like family. She will always try to build equal relations with her husband, harmonious relationships, will do his best to avoid scandals and conflicts. We can say that Maria is a real gift to her husband; it’s hard to wish for a better wife.

Masha is very jealous of her other half, and she herself will never allow herself an affair on the side. She will try to take a leading role in the family, but will do it delicately. The husband may not even notice that he unquestioningly fulfills all the whims of his wife.

In economic terms, Maria is beyond any competition - you simply cannot find a better housewife. She has a connection with her children on an animal level - mother and children always feel each other very well, even when apart. Children are very attached to their mother, and even when they become adults and independent, this spiritual connection will not be interrupted.

A successful marriage is possible for Maria with men named Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Danila, Ivan, Roman, Victor, Valentin and Fedor. An alliance with Boris, Vyacheslav, Kirill, Eduard, Sergei and Vasily should be avoided.

Business and career

Masha is not a careerist; it is much more pleasant for her to feel the comfort of a family hearth than to shine in her profession. But if she has to work all the time, then she won’t need much perseverance and effort.

Masha can easily fit into almost any team, find mutual language and mutual understanding even with the most difficult people. She is also distinguished by her hard work, intelligence and activity in the workplace, which makes her a desirable employee for any employer.

An ideal profession for Maria would be a business where communication with people is required, where her compassion and desire to help will come in handy. She can be successful in medicine and pedagogy, she can become a psychologist, a nurse, a social worker, an official or a politician. Carter is not the most important thing for Maria; it is more important for her to feel that through her activities she is benefiting people. She does not strive to shine, but always stands firmly on the ground.

It is not recommended for Maria to start her own business, as she will lack cynicism, toughness and determination. Maria will be a gentle leader, not demanding, but fair. Defeats upset a woman, but she is an optimist by nature and does not make a tragedy out of it.

Talismans for Mary

  • Patron planet - Proserpina. This planet forces Maria to constantly improve herself and not stop there.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Virgo. If you call a girl born under this sign Maria, then nature will bestow her with talents and a strong character.
  • A good time of year is summer, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • Lucky color is blue.
  • Totem animal - dove. It symbolizes peace and fertility.
  • Totem plant - birch and cornflower. Birch is a symbol of spiritual beauty and kindness, a symbol of sincerity and honesty. Birch will help Maria relieve stress and gain peace of mind. Cornflower symbolizes tenderness, simplicity and constancy. Medicinal tinctures made from cornflower petals will be especially effective for Mary.
  • Talisman stone - diamond and carnelian. The diamond will protect its owner from illness, the evil eye, give her courage and bring success in business. Carnelian lifts the mood, aggravates mental capacity, helps to correctly formulate your thoughts.

Horoscope for Maria

Aries- an impetuous and uncollected nature, easily making promises and just as easily forgetting about them. There are many meaningless but sincere impulses in her, as well as naivety and enthusiasm. She is an optimist and always young at heart; it is interesting to communicate with her and spend time with her. In love, Mary-Aries is as frivolous and fickle as in business. A man born under the sign of Leo is best suited for her as a partner - he has sufficient strength and reliability, which Mary-Aries really needs.

Taurus- a strong, self-confident woman with such valuable qualities as selflessness, honesty and determination. She will make an excellent leader who will enjoy boundless respect from her subordinates. But Mary-Taurus may have problems with her personal life, since she is a homebody and outwardly seems unapproachable. The best partner for her will be a man born under the sign of Cancer - they are made for each other.

Twins - soulful woman, who is more concerned about spiritual values ​​rather than material ones, but at the same time she does not lose an objective view of life. Mary-Gemini cannot stand loneliness, but she loves making new acquaintances. A subordinate position is not for Maria; she prefers a career rather than leadership household. But if she wants, a woman can succeed in both. For Gemini Mary's marriage, a man born under the sign of Libra is best suited - they both hate loneliness, and their union ideally combines feelings and intellect.

Cancer- a shy, reserved and patient nature, skillfully hiding her feelings and experiences. Modesty does not allow her to stand out in society, although she has all the qualities to become successful woman- intelligence, intuition and hard work. Mary-Cancer should have a successful marriage with a man born under the sign of Scorpio. They will feel good together, since the modest Cancer will find protection from the strong Scorpio, and the hot-tempered and jealous Scorpio, in turn, will not receive a single reason to doubt his chosen one, and at the same time they both strive for stability.

a lion- a trusting, active woman who aspires to leadership. Maria Leo is prone to idealism, she is noble and generous, has a phenomenal desire for independence and will not obey anyone. However, she loves to bask in the rays of adoration and admiration, and the impression she makes on others is very important to her. In marriage, an alliance with Gemini is favorable for Mary-Leo - they will turn out to be not just spouses, but partners and friends. These are two freedom-loving signs who understand each other perfectly.

Virgo- a balanced, scrupulous and patient person. She has a great understanding of people and hates empty talk. She gives the impression of a cold and indifferent woman, as she knows how to restrain her emotions and does not like to be frank. But behind the apparent indifference lies a kind and sympathetic heart, just not everyone can see it. Mary-Virgo is perfectly compatible with the Virgo man - these are kindred spirits, their union will be long and harmonious.

Scales- a sociable, sociable woman, a born diplomat. He knows how to get around all the sharp corners and find a compromise; he never consciously enters into conflict. She is not one of the ladies who likes to live at the expense of others, even if it is her husband. She has a masculine mentality, surprisingly combined with emphasized femininity. Mary-Libra can create harmonious union with a Leo man - they have excellent mutual understanding, and they will show interest in each other literally from the very first minute of their acquaintance.

Scorpion- a stubborn, hardworking nature, for which there is only one correct opinion - her own. At the same time, she knows how to adapt, flatter and hide her true feelings. An alliance with a man born under the sign of Pisces will bring her happiness. They will be able to maintain their love and harmonious relationship for many years.

Sagittarius- a straightforward, stubborn woman who despises any rules and restrictions. She loves to demonstrate her superiority, which irritates others. She loves to receive guests, but she cannot be called an exemplary hostess. She loves to receive guests, but she cannot be called an exemplary hostess. Maria-Sagittarius will find the best mutual understanding with an Aries man - they have a lot of common interests, and feelings between them can flare up almost instantly. Their marriage has every chance of being long lasting and successful.

Capricorn- an independent, stubborn person, but with a kind and sympathetic heart. She herself refuses any help and does not count on anyone, but is always ready to rush to the aid of her friends and relatives. She is a great housewife and is very sensitive to family ties. She will give her husband a sea of ​​tenderness and love, and will support him in all his endeavors. The union of Mary-Capricorn and a Taurus man can be called ideal, since they will have a lot in common. There will be a little passion in their union, but there will be mutual understanding, which will only intensify over the years.

Aquarius- a woman with a bright personality, a little “out of this world.” She is warm, friendly and outgoing, and doesn't care at all what the rest of the world thinks of her. Mary-Aquarius values ​​her freedom very much, and her husband will have to treat her with respect. Unfortunately, not every man can come to terms with her concept of a free life. The most successful marriage is possible with a Libra man - they will go through life hand in hand and will not waste time sorting things out.

Fish- a vulnerable and touchy nature that takes everything to heart. She is very suspicious and looks for a problem even where there is none. Her circle of acquaintances is very limited, and she is always looking for someone who will take care of her. She needs a strong and well-endowed man, since she herself does not like to work. But she will happily share with her husband all his sorrows and joys, she will be endlessly devoted and caring. Mary-Pisces will have the best compatibility with an Aries man - next to him she will be able to remain tender and fragile, and he will always be strong and courageous next to her.

There is no more beautiful name - Maria! In it is the purity of motherhood and the flight of fidelity. The meaningful sensuality of the elements, marriage is the most reliable stronghold!

The name Maria means - "beloved", "desired". It has Hebrew roots and comes from the name Mariam (Miriam).

The name Mary is the most common name in the world - it was borne by two main women in the Bible - the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, and Mary Magdalene.

Also, many royals of Europe, including those in the Russian Empire, bore this name. Of the royals, this name was borne by Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, and Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland.

Different pronunciations of the name Maria in European languages gave life to this name in various variations. This is how it is used more often in England famous name Mary But the Mariah form became popular only at the end of the 20th century, thanks to the singer Mariah Carey.

From various variants of the name Maria, diminutive addresses were formed - Molly and Polly, which are often used as independent names.

Maria Sharapova
  • In French, the name sounds like Marie (Marie);
  • In Italian - Maria (Mary);
  • In Germany, Maria will be called Marichen, Mitsel, Marieke;
  • In France - Mariette, Mariel, Marion, Manon;
  • In Spain - Marita, Marianela;
  • In Portugal - Marica, Marilda;
  • In Italy - Mariolla, Maryun;
  • In Romania - Marioara, Maritsa;
  • In Greece - Marigula, Marietta;
  • In Belarus, Poland - Marusya;
  • In Ireland - Moira or Mora;
  • In the Czech Republic - Marzhenka, Marika;
  • In the Netherlands - Mathieu, Maike;
  • In Sweden - Mian, Maya;
  • In Norway - Mia, Mariken.

Catholics have many “secondary” names of the Virgin Mary, which are given in honor of the most famous miraculous icons, statues and titles of the mother of Jesus - Regina, Montserrat, Carmela, Consuelo, Mercedes (hence the car brand), Dolores.

There is a variant of stress in the name Maria on both the first and second syllables. The diminutives Mara, Marika, Maya are also independent names.

From the combination of the names Maria and Anna, the name Marianna was formed.

Patrons of the name Maria

  • Zodiac – Virgo
  • Color – Gray
  • Happy time of year- Autumn
  • Treasured plant- Cornflower
  • Treasured tree – Birch
  • Patron – Dove
  • Talisman stone – Diamond
  • Totem – Lily

Character of the name

Mary means will, receptivity, morality, activity. This is a choleric person with a difficult character, a reasonable, hardworking woman, somewhat gloomy, but possessing huge reserves of love and tenderness. Maria is a person of extraordinary warmth, which is why she is the best friend you could ever wish for. Someone else's misfortune evokes in her an instinctive desire to help. She has a rare ability for self-sacrifice. She is able to devote her life to her husband, children, friends, and favorite books. Her motto is “I feel sorry for everyone.” I have to help everyone.

Maria is smart and prone to philosophy. She is a psychic, a psychoanalyst, a fortune teller, a healer, a good sorceress - she always has sublime, almost superhuman abilities, which she rarely develops in herself, because she has no time, she needs to arrange the affairs of others!

Maria is elegant, beautiful, and a wonderful hostess. She is an introvert - she tends to withdraw into herself and does not always reveal her thoughts and feelings - she is quite secretive. He has good intuition, but does not use it, preferring proven ways to solve problems.

He stands firmly on the ground, does not strive to shine, rather prefers to give way to people who want to attract attention. She has an analytical mind, hence her interest in little things rather than the whole.

Love, family and marriage

Maria adheres to fairly strict moral rules. She has an innate sense of decency, she great value gives to the marriage bond. She either becomes an ideal housewife and blossoms during motherhood, or she becomes a woman who will always prove to everyone that she is not what she seems. Sex for Maria is, first of all, pleasure, similar to the pleasure of good food and relaxation.

The female name Maria is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Mariam, which, according to different versions, means either “beloved,” or “sad,” or “mistress.” Thanks to the Bible, this name has spread to many countries around the world. In Russia it is one of the most common, and does not lose its popularity even today.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Maria's character is usually very good. Usually this is a modest, kind, warm-hearted woman who happily helps people, but at the same time is able to show willpower, integrity, and rigor. For some owners of this name, this combination creates a certain inconsistency, which can make her character not entirely understandable to people. Maria’s perception is further complicated by the fact that she is in no hurry to open up in communication and tends to hide her feelings. In childhood, she is an obedient, gentle and intelligent child. Parents love Maria very much, because she helps them a lot, studies well at school, loves to babysit her younger brothers or sisters, never lies or contradicts, and treats others with respect. This girl can well be called an ideal child, perhaps that is why in Russian fairy tales Mashenka has always been such an ideal girl. Adult Maria is more multifaceted, but invariably gives the impression of being calm, reliable, hardworking and vulnerable. She exudes warmth, which she tries to give to others, which is why, as a rule, people are drawn to her. At the same time, Maria is quite demanding and strict towards them, does not like to deal with lazy, unnecessary, proud people, and can easily put them in their place.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Taurus or Pisces. Taurus (April 20-May 20) is similar to Mary in patience, determination, healthy pragmatism, so under his influence she will retain the best traits of her character. Pisces (February 20-March 20) are able to develop the sensitivity of Mary, who, under their protection, will become more creative, romantic, calm, devoted, and kind.

Pros and cons of the name Maria

What are the pros and cons of the name Maria? This name may appeal to many parents for its deep symbolism, familiarity, openness and unusual tenderness. Among him positive aspects- good compatibility with Russian surnames and patronymics, as well as the ability to choose a variety of euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms for it, such as Masha, Mashenka, Mashunya, Marusya, Manya, Manechka, Marya, Maryushka. Maria’s character also creates more positive than negative emotions, so there are no obvious disadvantages in this name.


Maria's health is quite good, but she is prone to illness gastrointestinal tract, allergies, eye ailments, problems with the genital organs.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Maria shows homeliness and thriftiness. She tries to develop a harmonious relationship with her husband, is very attached to the children, although she often does not quite understand them, and is not ready to perceive them as independent individuals.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Maria is interested in working with people and helping them. For example, she can make an excellent teacher, doctor, nurse, Social worker, official She is also strong in organizational activities, so she can prove herself as the head of a small enterprise.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Mary celebrates many times a year, for example, January 12, February 25, March 2, April 16, May 17, June 5, July 25, August 4, September 28, October 7, November 11, December 15.

    Not true. Maria the most beautiful name in the world! The most beautiful names: MARIA, ANASTASIA, NATALIA, ANNA AND ALYONA!.. For me the most bad name Sofia. Maria has no association with the girl who sleeps all the time, Sonya... or Sofa - a sofa. AND MARIA - MASHA IS THE BEST NAME ON PLANET EARTH!!! BEAUTY IS HER ELEMENT - AND HER NAME IS MARIA! I am Mary, and I walk with my head raised high. And I’m glad that they didn’t call me any fury Sophia (Sonya, Sofa), namely MARIA! Personally, I am NOT envious, but successful, stubborn when I stand up for myself, I do not forgive lies and betrayal. In my heart I FORGIVE, but to be friends or to love, I am no longer friends or I don’t love, ALTHOUGH SOMETIMES I LOVE SO MUCH to love (if it’s a boy) or be friends (if it’s a girl), but I hold back and forget... but soon the soul remembers... and everything again! I’ve been going for several years now and dreaming about one thing - finding love. But our city is such a bad one, I haven’t seen a single normal boy. Everyone is kind of bad, not with my development. I hate sports and physical education. I love reading and learning something new. I am modest and shy but in certain situations. Change or betray - never in life! I have a normal relationship with my mother. I'm a career woman. Kind, yes. But for the time being. If a person starts to piss me off, I no longer become the “Mother Teresa” girl, but a “panther”. I was named after the following meanings: LADY, EXCELLENCE, SAINT, HIGH, HAPPINESS, HEALTH, LOVE. Marika also comes from Maria. The meaning of Marika: WISDOM. (like Sophia). According to my horoscope, I am Libra. But I should hesitate, but I am a marvelous Mary. Everything is smooth and precise with me, without hesitation. I know Mari a lot - beautiful and wonderful! I have developed a great friendship with my namesakes. But nothing with Sonya! We are driving them away, go to sleep! or Sofa - sofa. MARIA IS THE BEST NAME! And then there’s Bella... IT’S HORROR TO CALL A GIRL THAT! THE MEANING OF BELLA IS BEAUTIFUL! God! And I read in other sources - an insidious girl. THEY WILL WRITE ANYTHING FOR YOU ON THE INTERNET! AND THEY WROTE THE TRUTH ABOUT MARIA! AND THEY INHERITED THE MEANING OF MARIA AND ANASTASIA TO ALL NAMES! 5 LEADERS IN LUCKY NAMES ARE MARIA AND ANASTASIA! BUT SOFIA IS NOT HERE! AND THESE MARIA AND ANASTASIA WILL NEVER GO OUT OF POPULARITY! AND SOFIA WAS NOT THERE ALSO! SOFIA AS RISES AND FALLS. SONYA HAS NEVER BEEN THE LEAD... THIS IS BULLSHIT... THE LIGHT HAS SHOWN. MARIA IS THE BEST!!!

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    Hello everyone:) You have the KINDEST name!

    The name Mary has divine meaning! These people change destinies (sometimes in strange ways)))) and you should listen to them!!!.. Although Maria herself always has an UNUSUAL AND DIFFICULT LIFE! Each of them is individual and reveals itself over time. Most Mashas don’t need applause and crowds of fans. They do their kind and useful deeds not for the sake of glory, but for pleasure. And no matter what the ENVIROUS say, I have never met more good-natured and sympathetic people!!!

    Maria and the good girl and Fury. WHEN YOU SEE MASHA IN A FURIOUS KNOW: SHE HAS BUTTERED YOU FOR A LONG TIME AND YOU HAVE DEFINITELY 500% DESERVED HER PUNISHMENT!!! THINK ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOR!!! MARIA is very FAIR! But she will never do anything specifically out of revenge or out of spite or to mock. THESE ARE NOBLE PEOPLE!

    Marys see DAMAGED PEOPLE from afar and will not harm the disadvantaged (stupid, freaks, psychos, and other inadequate people). They will show maximum SYMPATHY and DELICATENESS.

    These are the best friends you could wish for and most are CREATIVE and well-rounded individuals. (They do everything with a creative approach - well done!)

    RESPONSIBLE! For the fact that they love passionately (This could be a husband and children or a favorite activity) Marys are ready to strangle anyone. They devote maximum time to their favorite activity or people! and because of this, they may not notice anything around them.) Because of this, they are often called Selfish. But this is only a SUPERFICIAL ASSESSMENT!

    INTELLECTUAL WOMEN. By the way, admit it yourself that you like to be smart and brag... though you still do it nicely without offending anyone :)

    The most important thing about you is your HUGE BRIGHT SOUL! and frankly, I don’t care if you’re fat or dystrophic, whores or nuns, young or old. The universe has filled your existence with SPECIAL MEANING!


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    interesting interpretations, interesting comments...

    Luckily I wasn't named after anyone. Mom just liked this name)

    As a child, I loved being called Maria. Then I didn’t like this name at all. I'm fine with him now)

    Complete nonsense about the relationship with my mother. It doesn't really depend on the name. I have an excellent relationship with my mother and her character.

    There was also a disagreement about hard work. the laziest of all friends and acquaintances))

    I will never be a doctor! not mine.

    I treat children according to my mood. but overall it’s positive.

    Analyst, inclined towards philosophy. from part.

    But the most important coincidence, which is written in almost every version of interpretation, is the tendency to empathy and helping loved ones. I have always been a personal psychologist for my friends. =)

    Of course, many characteristics also depend on the zodiac sign. I’m a Scorpio) harmful, boorish. =)))

    Well, of course, a lot depends on upbringing!

    I love it when they call me Mashulya, Mashunya, Manyunya, Manya. Marusya is nothing like that) funny-cute)))) I really don’t like it when people call her Maria. somehow too majestic. perhaps in the future it will sound normal, but for now at a young age it’s too much))

    Masha, we are the best!!! and who doesn’t want to name their children that way, I’m all FOR it!!! I want it to become rare name. and the best!!! =)

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    Personally, I don’t really like this name...

    How many Mashas I remember from childhood (and there were quite a few of them)

    Everyone seems to be quiet and good... but touch them a little and they really are furies! and now I ran into one Marusya... who very coldly and calculatingly gave birth to a daughter, not for love, but in order to chop off her husband’s apartment... but it didn’t work out for her... she just shook out the money and threw him away... and where is the philanthropy here?! simple cold calculation... her relationship with her mother is strained... but she has to communicate... because... she doesn’t have a father... she’s very closed in on herself... more precisely in her own little world... where the only people who really end up are those who praise her and dote on her... - quite hypocritical, isn’t it... and it is in this circle that she weaves gossip and even insidiousness quarrels ex-husband with his family... strictly forbidding him to communicate with his parents... do you want to be with me... close yourself in my world... very stubborn... often acts on her whim... and then she realizes that she was mistaken... - this Masha is an Aquarius (01/31/88)

    I can’t say anything bad about others...

    I have a lot of friends Masha... but rulf you know them from a distance, they are all sweet and kind girls... the main thing is not to touch them... but up close... they are not always as friendly as they write about themselves... they can smile in the eyes but behind your back they will throw something like that out, then and you won’t think that this could be a SWEET AND KIND MASHA... (I think that I have the right to a personal opinion!)

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    I don’t really like my name, sometimes the thought of changing it arises, my mother is shocked and offended by me. She says how is this possible, I lived half my life with this name, and now you want to change it??? In general, everything that is written is true!!! Although I have never quarreled with my friends, much less intrigued behind their backs, on the contrary, I am very straightforward, well, yes, it happens, I say nasty things, but to their faces!!! Indeed, Marias are amorous, honest, friendly, can empathize, many love children, they are economical, stubborn, emotional, and in a fit of these emotions they offend people dear to them, making it worse not only for themselves (for example, sometimes guys call me a psychopath and a patient, you can to say that I really am that same FURY), proud, capricious, sometimes selfish and rude, domineering, even despite the fact that many consider them “God’s dandelions”, I don’t know how your social circle is, but I have few real friends, more acquaintances... Many people consider Masha to be calm and diligent students, yes, I study well, but I can’t say that I am calm... If you talk to Maria more closely, you will understand that they are not as simple as they seem. For people dear to them they are very accessible, but for acquaintances they are simply not achievable!!! If you ask friends and acquaintances about Maria, they will probably tell you completely contradictory things...

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    a lot of things coincided, but about intrigue and envy there is an absolute discrepancy, and not because I’m Masha too)) Maybe I grew up in a family. where in relationships everything is simple and transparent, and I came across such friends, but I was never involved in intrigues, moreover, many times they were plotted against me and like a fool I didn’t even know how to behave correctly, and even more so for me it was always It’s a mystery how it’s like to push someone’s foreheads together, etc., and I still don’t know how to lie, I blush terribly, and everyone immediately gets to the bottom of me))) I also don’t understand about envy, doing dirty tricks because of a start and at the same time be tall moral principles impossible, you must agree. There was envy, but it wasn’t black, we just didn’t have the opportunity to buy me a skirt and a sweater right away, but my friend had one, and not just one, and not in the market, but in a shopping center. Of course, I wanted to dress beautifully, but that didn’t stop us to be friends, and somehow there were no strong feelings about this. I am a winter person and really very secretive, this is not always good. It’s definitely written about studying; the desire to study well was because of one’s own ambitions, and not because of a desire to know more. It was like a sport for me, and it’s the same at work now. I choose a goal to achieve and strive to achieve it, but not by all means....)))

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    Well, I don’t know girls, about Fury, this is really too much!!! At first I didn’t really like my name either, but I’m not complaining..:) This dissatisfaction passed with time. I don’t agree about ENVY, this is nonsense. Personally, I can’t envy others, I even sometimes asked myself the question: “why is it that when I look at what I would like to get... others don’t feel a pang in my gut?” Only a feeling of joy arises for me. this person, and inside there is a desire to achieve the same thing, maybe even better, but with his own work and effort! And about justice, children, falling in love, fidelity, and empathy for others, even people you barely know - This is the pure truth! And I think no matter how difficult it is in life sometimes (and this happens to everyone), you shouldn’t waste everything on your name... You need to be proud of the name that your parents gave you, and it doesn’t matter how it sounds, but be proud of it and take only the positives from it!! ! In general, in Mary’s soul, “God’s dandelions” force her to be more cruel even if we don’t want it, but what can we do? (Self-defense)

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    Some options are really correct, but some are very far from the MARIA estate!!! My beloved and dear Granny's name was Maria, according to the stories of my mom and dad, my dad really wanted to call me Maria, but my Granny died when I was only a month old, she told my dad to call me Marissa. She didn’t want me to be called that because of her family life. She had two husbands and none of them were faithful to her, although they did everything for her!!! Mom thought that Dad and I would still call me Maria, but when I was born, Granny asked that they name me Marissa, although the name is not Russian. Mom called dad, and he told her that name:) Mom was shocked, but she liked it:) and I really like my name. Thanks to grandma. let him sleep peacefully, up there... =**

    She was such an educated, wonderful person, fair, gentle, kind:) She was Maria Savelyevna, and I was Marissa Markovna. =)))

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    Varya Laiki, respect! I can’t stand the name M-A-SHA, it’s one of the stupidest village names, and I’ll throw it in there too. Previously, only on collective farms women were called that way: Manka!!! And there is also a goat with such a nickname. Here is the name Yulia - this is pride, strength, and beauty, for example, I study at the institute, top model, beautiful: long dark hair and brown eyes, she looks like a doll, I drive the same cool car as I do! I was just lucky, but the Mankos, unfortunately, were not... Oh, what a pity. In our group, Masha is, well, a loser, she walks around in torn tights and smiles at everyone. Bad, in a word. And she doesn’t study very well, it takes her a long time to get there, she’s dull. What can you do - my parents called her Manka, not Yulia (wavy, fluffy), but some kind of bitterness, valerian. Well, don’t worry, when I have my own company, I’ll hire Masha the cleaner! In the end, someone has to clean up the dirt...

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    Greetings to all Masha!)))

    The description is in many ways similar to my character)) about goodwill and willingness to help... and the fact that behind the external seriousness lies sincerity and warmth, this is only revealed in the circle of people close and dear to me, with them I am a very cheerful and sweet person, I like to give joy, love and warmth)) but I am quick-tempered and touchy, especially towards lies, I am an open and sincere person and I demand the same attitude towards myself, and this is also similar, I have a sense of self-esteem, I can stand up for myself and put a person in his place. stubborn, but this is probably also the influence of the horoscope, I am a Taurus... patient, analytical thinking without a doubt, an introvert, I really chose a profession with dedication to people, I am a future psychologist)

    I wish all Marias great happiness!!! love and be the most loved!))

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    Hello Mashunki, Mashuli, Mashenki!!:*:*:*What kind of nonsense??? I love kids!!! I want three boys for myself! I used to hate my name, but now I really love it! Great name. has become rare lately. People!!! Call your daughters Masha! Great name. I generally love everyone!: * Sometimes I’m sooo angry... But I cool down quickly and love everyone again!!! Stubborn, purposeful. I like to fight: D Mashki seems to me to be partly tomboyish (judging by myself). For example, it’s much easier for me to communicate with guys. My character is honestly not great. But I’m very purposeful, stubborn. I’ll break into pieces, but I’ll do as I wish and so how to!!! And I don’t care that some people don’t like me among my peers because of my character, but among teachers and adults I am everyone’s favorite! The character is really dad's. And the appearance is dad's. A copy of the father!

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    Hello to all Maruskas! I love my name, any derivatives except Masha, I am very grateful to my parents for giving it to me. I'm a fish, and a lot of the descriptions are true. I studied excellently everywhere, but I’m not a nerd, and in some places I’m even a truant)) I’m very straightforward, my husband even sometimes swears that no one needs my truth. I’m learning to restrain myself and keep my mouth shut. I’m quick-tempered, but quick-witted. but of course it’s far from being a fury)) she’s very sociable and gets along with people easily, but I don’t like to attract attention. By the way, I’m a doctor, although I didn’t go by choice, but then I really liked it)) I really empathize with everyone and love helping people. very responsible for justice, even from childhood. Family comes first. I love my son very much, but kindergarten I wouldn’t go to work))) It’s a cool name, I recommend it to everyone

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    I am Mary! I didn’t like my name before, I don’t know why. Now I like it and even really like it. I read all the options and you know, many of them suit me. For example, I love children very much, I have 8 nephews and excuse the expression “I’m ready to wipe their butts after each one.” I myself have a son, I love him to madness!!! I adore and idolize my husband!!! And everything is fine with my mother-in-law, too, I can tell her a lot of things that I couldn’t tell a friend. And in general, Mary is a holy name, so by naming children with this name you give the child happiness! And what’s interesting is that my whole family has holy names: husband Dmitry, I’m Maria, son Nikolai. What I don't agree with is that Mary is unhappy in her marriage, nothing like that. And I’m not a hypocrite, I agree with Our Masha from the previous comment.

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    I really love my name! A lot of things come together, both the fact that I love children, and the fact that I put everyone through situations, sometimes it’s very hard on my soul because of this! I don’t agree with option 4 at all, this was written by someone who doesn’t know girls named Maria at all! It’s very offensive when they write about something that doesn’t exist! I always had a wonderful relationship with my mother! And I have never done a single mean thing! But on the contrary, she only made peace with everyone, friends, friends, relatives. Stubbornness is present! But in a good way, if we want to achieve something in our work, etc. So if someone is choosing a name for their daughter, I highly recommend it! And they correctly write here that character largely depends on the family in which the child grows up. And not just what they called it, the character will immediately be like that. Good luck everyone.

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    My name is Masha, and this name makes me madly in love with it! I adore my name, and I am grateful to my parents for calling me that. There may be a lot of shortcomings in this name, but people, you need to be optimistic and talk only about the good in this wonderful name, and in every one given by our beloved mom and dad! When I read the information about Masha, I didn’t regret one bit that I was her. I may be a little capricious, a little rude, but you must agree that these character traits manifest themselves in everyone, and they do not depend on what we were called, but on how people treat us! It’s bad and so are we, it’s good and we don’t mind giving affection, it depends on all of us. We cannot be “angels” because no one is an “angel”!

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    Hello. My name suits me but I don’t understand the character I was named after my grandmother Maria Ivanovna I haven’t seen her but I love her very much I haven’t seen my grandmother Nina I love her even though she’s not with us but she helps! There’s not much written there, but I can add more and tell you about myself: I love nature and am not indifferent to it; I also love animals. I don't like being in noisy and dirty cities. But already in my native village of Wide Karamysh, even where there is pure nature and the Karamysh River flows, EVEN THERE THEY HAVE ALREADY POISHED THE NATURE, I want all the Maruskas of Maria Masha, etc. We fought with idiots polluting nature. Yes, I agree that I have a bit of a bad character, vulnerable, etc. But she is very kind and I love children who MALAKHOV ANSWER))) Okay?!

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    The name is a name, but we should not forget that you can fully judge a person if you only combine the meaning of the name, the sign of the sign and the year in which you were born. Then a clearer picture will emerge. And the name is great! =) In fact, there are so many affectionate derivatives... and sometimes they distort the name in such a way that it’s funny, but cute... I don’t limit myself to just Maria, and I never make reservations if a person calls it something closer to his liking... Because there is something supernatural in us that’s for sure =) At least I notice it, it even scares me =) And the fact that we are born psychologists is also a fact!.. we can deliver an injection into the brain with a bang... but the good ones, as long as they don’t step on the tail, then they can see the nails ... but quick-witted =)

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    My grandmother was Masha and my great-grandmother)) But they didn’t call me in honor of them. I was simply their first granddaughter and great-granddaughter. And to please both my father’s and mother’s lines... It turned out to be Masha)))) me)

    In general, almost everything is true. Only about envy, well, finally!!! A direct MISS!) Quite the opposite.

    I treat my name with humor. After talking with me, some people think that “Masha” is an explanation for all my “strange” actions))) Well, it’s like a joke: well, you’re Maaaasha)))

    I don’t really like it when they call me Maria. It’s somehow too majestic. Not for me, in general) To each his own.

    It’s better just Masha)))

    I also don’t like it when they call Marusya)

    I’ve met very little Masha in my life. Somehow there aren’t enough of us...

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    • There are many of us, everywhere at school, at the academy, at work. Racial name like Natalya. My name is very, very wonderful. I also like the name Victoria, but my son was born.

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      Hello everyone!!! They named me Maria in honor of two grandmothers, and I nursed children from an early age, they left my nephews in my care and I took care of them like my own mother:) I’m 26 years old, two girls, I’m so big, but what if someone I don’t run well to help and forget about everything, vulnerable, hot-tempered, fair. IN THE DESCRIPTION, I don’t agree with hypocrisy, envy, they rather envy me than I do, and one of MARIA wrote about children that she doesn’t love them, but she doesn’t have her own yet, like appear, so love will immediately manifest itself, I work as a teacher, I study in absentia at the university to become a methodologist, by the way, I also have superpowers, I just brush them off, I don’t have time, I WISH YOU ALL GIRLS SUCCESS, HEALTH, LOVE, UNDERSTANDING and THE MOST IMPORTANT MOST IMPORTANT LIVING LIFE IS NOT IN VASTANCE :)

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      I read about your name and everything about me, I completely agree with everything! Yes, she hated children until she gave birth to them herself. And even now that I have my own child, I can’t stand other children. Although I love mine more life! Yes, I am very dirty, in the family I like it to be only my way, if not, then hold on. It’s very difficult for guys to be with me; I’m terribly capricious and nasty. I'm a very terrible person, that's a fact! Anyone who has ever crossed my path or offended me is not favorable to these people and is ready to trample and destroy. That's how wonderful I am!!! Ina doesn’t give a fuck about everything... and those who said something bad about my name“You scum, look at yourself.” Marias are the most clear and cool people. Isn't it true???


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      My dad named me in honor of his mother and I never regretted that my name is Masha)) I was born on January 29)))))) I adore my name My NAME IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD)) IT’S NOT IN vain THE MOTHER OF CHRIST WAS OUR NAMESAME)) It really infuriates me when they call me Marina. Everything that is written here is true except envy. Yes, I’m harmful, but you need to find an approach to me and then you will find your best friend))))) I like that Maria has many derivative names. There are many different people and each of them is different from me. - he calls it his own)) and Manya and Marya and Marusya and even Marfa Vasilievna))) I adore children, I can’t live without them. True, I don’t have my own yet, but my niece calls me mom and I like it))) by education - teacher)) )and I’m also monogamous, and that’s not good ((

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      My name is Maria, I read the meaning of my name here and found quite a lot of character traits that I myself notice in myself, both positive and negative, especially what kind of person I am in the family) I have a child and I am crazy about my daughter, I spoil her to the fullest It’s terrible, although I understand that this is bad, but I can’t do it any other way, I have a husband, and I love him too, but the truth is that I’m more strict with him, although in relationships, both domestic and intimate, everything is wonderful, with us it’s built on discussions, that is, if something is wrong, then we sit down and discuss everything in detail and correct everything, although I have a rather complex character and my husband is far from being a sweetheart, but with that opinion we are happy and we are raising a happy daughter in our happiness!!!

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      And they also infuriate the girls who try to crap on Mash. Masha are the kindest, gentlest and most sensitive girls. and you just envy us. If this name infuriates you so much, why are you coming here? Don’t you think this is funny) But you didn’t just try to make friends with us, because it’s clearly stated that Mashas only communicate with those who respect them. try, and Masha will become your best friends, and if you are their enemy, then they will be worse than dogs and our anger is worse than that of dogs. Envy silently. If you didn’t get this name, then just remain silent and envy. Masha are the coolest girls. And I don’t know any Mashas who are fat. And most importantly - Mashulki, you are the BEST, proud of yourself.

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      Since childhood I have been asking my parents to call me Maria, I don’t like “Masha”, everything here is about me, but the mistakes are that I am an athlete, I do figure skating, and with great success, and in general I really love sports!

      Maria is not dependent, there is no need to write nonsense here, I can stand up for myself so that later the people who insulted me will very much regret it, and will become quiet good boys, I can be very cruel, I also agree about the sad one, but children, I am indifferent to them , and I don’t want my own child at all, I want one from Children's home baby, I can’t say that I love children very much, everything else is true, thank you for the information you provided;)

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      To be honest, as a child I didn’t like my name (like other Marias, judging by the comments) I was called names, of course, as a child. Now no one is taking risks)) I can quite stand up for myself and for others). Much has been written about me, but I am not known for lies and envy. And I don’t create intrigue among my friends!

      I love justice and therefore completely disagree with the “fury”, as Natalya writes.

      I believe that the character of any person depends primarily on his upbringing, and not on his name.

      Of the listed pronunciation options, I liked: Maria (naturally), Masha, Manya and Marusya, that’s what my friends call me))

      MARIYKI - WE RULE!)))))


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      I recognized myself. That's absolutely true about the isolation. There are a sea of ​​different thoughts in your head, but only a few make it onto your tongue. I really like to reason and analyze, but only completely alone, or with the closest person, I’m probably embarrassed by others, it seems that they won’t understand. And as for high spirituality, it’s right on point! In general, sometimes it seems to me that I am some kind of conservative!

      It’s a paradox, it also seemed to me before, it seemed that I didn’t like children, but as soon as I saw my nephew (who was recently born), it was as if everything in me had turned upside down, just something! I don’t know anything more beautiful in the world than children! I hope that everyone will understand this :))))))))))))

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      I think that much of what was written above is true. I just don’t quite agree about envy! Yes, I love children very much! isolation, kindness and a desire to help, that’s for sure, I try to help all my friends, then I remain ungrateful, which makes me suffer a lot, hence the isolation... and I also don’t like the translation from Hebrew “sad”... this, of course, is true, but I don’t want to be sad... by the way, I would like a fatherly character: D...

      In general, all dear Mashenkas! All this is just a small fraction of the truth, I think you shouldn’t get hung up on it, call your daughters Masha, let everything be wonderful for them, because it’s a wonderful name, isn’t it? :)

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      This is a cool name, Masha* and all the Masha girls who were for the name Masha, and those people who were FOR the name Masha, I agree with you. I'm not envious. I'm not touchy. Yes, I put both the girls and the offending boys in their places. I don't like messing around with kids. I am very proud, arrogant, but I get along well with my loved ones (but I had a lover, but he was a liar, a traitor, I left him like that, and I don’t have a loved one yet), but I have friends, girls! I get along great with them. And in general, I read that Masha is bitter, stubborn, beloved, MISTRESS. That's why I'm proud of this name. I don't like Sofia. I like: MASHA, NASTYA, NATASHA, ANYA, KARINA, YULIA.

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      • Thank you, Masha Gordaya! That you appreciated my name. That you like it. I love him too. Yulia. I myself am Julia. And yours, lady-girl, is a very beautiful name! Sorry, I didn’t know that Maria was a mistress. Well, very nice. And as I understand it, it’s better than Sofia.

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        • Yulechka, Yulia, Yulia,)) yes, thank you too.))

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          I’ve read all the options, and there are great similarities in all of them. The character is super, but it often changes, so that some people get tired of these changes. But a lot depends on what she has experienced. She’s quick-tempered, you can’t take that away, so-so about children, I’m not sure about that statement, but about extrasensory abilities, healing and foresight clean water the truth is sometimes scary. The name Mary cannot in any way mean “fury”; do not forget that Mary was the mother of Christ the Savior, this is even a holy name in some form. Well, since someone calls their child Mary, and raises furies, etc. n. This is your wrongdoing. I, Maria-Cancer, am very proud of my name.

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          Ems... Where to start... Lots of coincidences. I have the truth better relationship with Dad. I love sports. I would never cheat on my husband! I'm not a very good student. I love children, very much. It's really easy to offend me. But as I grow up, I’m already moving away from the ego. And it’s stupid to characterize all women with the name Maria the same. All people are different, there is some similarity, nothing more. Yes, and I love it when people call me simply Masha or Maria, nothing else. There is such a great desire to help those in need. And as for spreading gossip, etc. - nonsense! I hate gossips. There are real problems with the skin and lungs, but not big ones, at the level of adolescence

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          EVERYTHING matches in character! Only color Green I'm a summer girl and my dad Alexey I don't really get along with my grandma with children I have a difficult character I accept a small remark addressed to me I'm physically ill! It’s just not true about sports! But still some say that this is a bad name NOTHING LIKE THIS! this name is very good! I was named after my great-grandmother Maria Ivanovna, and I have a heavy character! I have a friend Dasha, we fight all the time!!! But she always says, for example, I’m not friends with you, or Leave, etc. Although I didn’t do anything to her! Now I’ll go in and look up her name!!! Even if we quarrel, I will tell her everything about her name!!!

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          Hello to all happy owners of the name MARIA. I have read all the options and do not agree with what they are slandering us. I am Masha and, moreover, a Scorpio according to the horoscope. And I am not a fury at all! I’m quick-tempered, amorous, I like to do everything my own way, I’m stubborn. But I don’t weave intrigues! All Mashenkas are very cute and nice girls! Yes, we have shortcomings! But there are still more advantages. And about the fact that you shouldn’t expect fidelity from Mary - complete nonsense! I love very much and am faithful to my boyfriend. Although distances separate us and we see each other once a month! So don’t think that way about Mari! And call your daughters Mashenka! Wonderful name

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          And I have an eldest daughter, Maria, but it’s true that my relationship with her is strained, she is only 8 years old, and she is already trying to build me and her father to the fullest, it is also true that she madly loves children, she takes full responsibility for her younger sister, who is 2.8 years old. responsibility when my dad and I need to go away, in the yard he shushes her with foam at the mouth. And he completely offends himself!!! Fury - and it’s true, restless in the house, only she can be heard, but very vulnerable, kind, affectionate, if she chooses a favorite for herself in the house, she will give him all her soul without a trace... I love her very much!!! May God protect all MARIES and protect them from all evil!!!


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          Maria, very strong name, from myself I will say that I have been wise since childhood, strong, persistent, everything I want is mine, Career, men and so on. And all with my own strength and hard work. The main thing in this life is kindness, justice and honesty, then everything is at your feet. I know many who named their daughters after me) so think about why) well, certainly not because I’m a vixen with an explosive character) we always know where to explode and where not) and the relationship with my mother depends very much on my mother) and of course I criticize I perceive it painfully and don’t accept it) it’s about me) but the name is good and brings only positive things for any girl)

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          • In general, the name Masha is cool!

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            I definitely don’t agree with the fact that they are intriguing, envious, pugnacious (this is generally nonsense) and, in one sense, frivolous. I am very patient, and often, to my detriment, I deal with other people’s problems, I am always at the mercy of friends. I am very touchy, my reaction is lightning fast, I love children, I love loneliness - in myself)), terribly stubborn

            As a child, like many, I didn’t like my name, now it’s normal, I also didn’t like it when they called Marusya, I was just covered in a wave of anger))), now I’m calm and I have 2 grandmothers and one great-grandmother named Maria, although, as far as I know , they named me not in their honor

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            But have you ever thought that the beautiful name Maria can carry different character traits? Maria can be different depending on the genes of her parents, zodiac sign, eastern sign, date of birth, patronymic that matches this name, etc.! There are many indirect factors that influence the meaning of the name Masha (by the way, a lot of things depend on the sound: Masha, Maria, Mashenka, Mashulya, etc.) If you still want to know the meaning of this beautiful name, you need to look at the whole “picture”, and not individually!) Rejoice all Masha, no matter what, you have a wonderful name!!!

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            Masha is a good name!!!

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            • I fully support, they described me exactly) Well, if, of course, I look like that from the outside (

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              I didn’t like that under this name it says “envious”, it’s not true. It depends on your upbringing. But in general, the whole truth about the name Maria is written there, but I don’t like when people call me “Mashenka”, it infuriates me. And I’m completely satisfied with everything. Yes, I really love medicine, I’m easy to communicate with, very humorous, and if you get involved with me, you’ll suffer with stomach pains, I love you very much interesting people, I really give warmth, I give affection, if someone is in trouble, I’m ready to help, even if everything is bad with me. Good luck everyone!!! Love Mashenek!!! And be honest with them as they are with you.

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              Everything that is written here absolutely contradicts me and my nature, so if you want to name your daughter Maria, be sure to name it, the name Maria is something sacred, noble, beautiful, this name contains parts of the most best qualities person, at the same time this is the most beautiful Russian name in the world. I have always been called and will continue to be called Masha, Maria, Mashenka, Mashanya, Mashulya, Manya, Marusya And this is not a little offensive, but it’s just nice to feel and understand that you are loved for who you are) Thank you my parents gave me this wonderful name!

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              Why, don’t pay attention to the deprived girl, she’s apparently unlucky in life, well, it’s unfortunate, but there’s no reason to express her opinion. no one is interested in this. And if you want attention, go out into the street and shout loudly so that everyone can hear. For here they will not respect you, since you, Anastasia, have presented something disgusting about yourself, like an initial opinion. So in your case it is better to remain silent and retreat. like you, with all the desire, users with wonderful name Maria, you may be savagely and cruelly “crapped” on this blog.

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              Listen girls, not Masha! One thing I don’t understand is, if you’re not happy with our name, what the hell are you doing here? Written in accessible language, the meaning of the name Maria, so go to hell if something is wrong! And Mashusky was right when they said that almost all Nastyas are idiots! Or stupid nerds, or girls lung behavior! In general, respect to all Mashas, ​​girls, WE RULE! And one piece of advice, knowing our character (well, at least mine), if you really don’t like someone, punch them in the face, both effectively and efficiently))) helps a lot)))))))

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              Girls, stop swearing, it's all useless! And there is no need to talk about all the girls with the name Masha that they are bad and furies, in every name there is such a person with such qualities. I am sure that you are simply judging everyone by one person, but this is not correct. After all, there are so many Mashas and they are all different, but at the same time they are similar in some ways. So let’s put up))) personally, my opinion is this: well, you don’t like this name, don’t insult others, not everyone fits the same mold. In general, I will say that every name has disadvantages, there is no ideal one.

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              Masha was in my life... The fact that it is written exactly like that... is especially At the same time, Masha is touchy and capricious. Capable of absurd actions. Completely impractical. Guided by emotions, he makes many mistakes and takes rash steps.

              Maria is too amorous; one should not expect fidelity and constancy from her. One fine day it may seem to her that Maria loves another more and the real feeling has come to her right now... No trust... Zhao... sao is a beautiful name, but different personalities live under it. Good luck!!!

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              Most of the things about the name are not true, I myself am Masha and my grandmother is called that, everyone around her respects and loves her, for 7 years living under the same roof, she and my mother did not even quarrel, although there were 2 housewives in the kitchen, my grandmother was always in her side in quarrels with her son and after his death, we still for a long time lived with her when my mother got a man, my grandmother, on the contrary, was happy for her, and now 7 years have passed since my father has been gone, but we all communicate very well, so decide whether the description given here is suitable for this name...

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              Masha is attacking!)) I love my name and am proud. Maria) this is wonderful for me) I am grateful to my parents that they gave me this name) and I really love children very much) I will always give it to them) and to my husband) and family) I protect mine. I myself am fair-haired, my eyes are a chameleon. Almost everything here is true. I even agree with envy. And what person doesn’t have it? I try to deal with my shortcomings. Because I respect myself. And I will not allow myself to be disfigured by these disadvantages. And a lot depends on the family. As he brings up, so it will be.

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              According to my zodiac sign I am a fish))) I am both calm and very impulsive, depending on the situation... very vulnerable, especially if I am offended by someone dear to me and close person, it’s very easy to piss me off, I worry about any nonsense, very gentle... I love it when they call me Mashenka, but in general it suits a certain person to call me a certain way, for example, my best friend calls me Musya, but I don’t call anyone else that anymore I'll allow it, but it just won't suit him))))

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              Everything coincides exactly, except that we are envious - a complete lie, and apart from love for children, I have not observed such a thing. According to my zodiac sign, I am Scorpio, and not at all a fury, but on the contrary, I have a very good angelic character (as they say), despite the fact that I am explosive...

              They named me in honor of my great-grandmother, and I can’t stand it when they call them Manechka, Manyunya, Marusya, but I love it when they call me Masha, Makha, Mashuleya, Mashunya, Mashutka)))) I really like the name, MASHI, we are the best!!))))) )))))))))

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              Yes, there are so many different Mashas of us! And they are really different: here we are sitting in the office: I am Masha and there are two Mashas. I have never met so many Mashas in any team; at first I was even upset. But we are so different in communication, work... I thought I could attribute this to my zodiac sign. Believe it or not, all three are Leos. Like this. But you can’t apply one to the other. Regarding the “meaning of the name” - there are many similarities, but I especially liked the proverb: “not everyone has a wife Mary - to whom God gave” - it’s cool, I need to tell it to my husband! :))

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              I read a comment about us being fat... first of all... good man... there should be a lot... Who told you that all Dashas are super models, secondly, everything has its time... fate gives everyone its own rank. I walked a thorny road for many years... indeed... to some extent our name brings a lot of suffering... But we are strong in nature ... and is able to overcome everything. I will repeat once again MARIA is a universal and majestic name... The universe itself tells us about this!!! And what is written in the meaning of the name Maria is 95% TRUE!!!

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              I go by the name Maria, and the statements that we Masha are not faithful to those we love are nonsense. Me, if I like I remain faithful to him, no matter what happens.

              And by the way, I'm not a fury! Of course there are emotions, not without it, but the word “fury” does not suit us at all. My girlfriend is also Masha - real gold. Wonderful, kind, smart, modest.

              We're not all Scorpios. I'm a Sagittarius, for example. My friend is a Leo.)))))

              And I like it... when my name is Mashunya)))))

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