Portrayal of guerrilla warfare in the novel. The partisan movement in the novel War and Peace. Please, I need the essay urgently. I don't have time to do it myself. Zaval

In difficult times, which our Motherland has faced more than once, not only regular troops, but also ordinary people came to its defense. They had nothing to do with the army, but could not live in peace when trouble threatened their home. Partisan detachments were created. At first they arose spontaneously, but after some time they united and grew into large national formations.

Leo Tolstoy described such a guerrilla war to defend his native land against French troops in his novel. He showed how ordinary Russian people, from the first days when enemies came to their native land, rebelled against this, first created small detachments of three to ten people, and then they united into large groups, which the emperor, commander Kutuzov and other generals were forced to acknowledge.

Under the leadership of Davydov and Dolokhov, these were mobile units that, behind enemy lines, attacked convoys and small military detachments, often mining important information, that is, they helped the regular army as best they could. They were absolutely different people. IN ordinary life many would never have met each other, but in difficult times they all became heroes who did not spare their lives for victory. So, for example, Tikhon Shcherbaty, a simple man who was cunning and resourceful by nature, alone makes his way to the rear of the French to get a “tongue”.

IN partisan detachments there were completely different people: rich, and poor, and famous, and completely unknown to anyone. By various reasons they united together - who came, like Petya Rostov, for romance, but most of I simply realized that if they did not stand up to defend their home, then trouble would certainly come to it. They fought, defended and died for a just cause. So that their names and prototypes remain in our memory and reach the future, the author created his great work.

Option 2

The work describes events Patriotic War 1812, in which the writer analyzes the causes and factors of the victory of the Russian people from the point of view of not only actions army forces, but also the participation of ordinary ordinary people in the war.

The author vividly illustrates the cruelty and horror of war, but at the same time argues that the result of military battles always depends on the human factor, not only on regular troops, but also on the war waged by isolated people united in small partisan detachments.

The guerrillas' actions contrast sharply with the military tactics of the army, as they fight invaders from behind enemy lines. Methods guerrilla warfare characterized by spontaneity, lack of uniform rules and military laws. The only motive that unites both the military and the partisans is the burning desire to defeat the hated enemy, liberate their native land and live in peace.

The writer describes the relationships of people who fell into the partisan movement using the example of the images of Davydov, Dolokhov, Denisov, Tikhon Shcherbaty, who are opposite people both in position and in views, but united for the defense of the fatherland, understanding that they are fighting and dying for the sake of restoring justice, for the sake of your family and friends.

The characters use different techniques to fight the French invaders, capture military convoys, exterminate small enemy detachments, capture officers in order to obtain the necessary information, but in life they are completely different people. Shcherbaty, having gone on a mission to get a captured Frenchman, having captured an officer and realizing that he does not have the necessary information, easily destroys him. Denisov, being the leader of one of the partisan formations, prohibits the heartless killing of captured invaders. At the same time, both partisan heroes realize that in a similar case no one will spare or regret them.

The characters' reasons for being in the partisans are varied; there are even romantic characters (the character of Peter Rostov), ​​who present the war as a playground. But all participants in the partisan movement of their own free will decide to defend their loved ones and homeland in this way, while each of them has a natural feeling of fear and pain for their comrades, for own life, for the fate of the country.

Narrating not only about the famous battles of the Patriotic War won by the Russian army, the writer focuses on the key factor in the final victory over the French. According to the author, the patriotism of members of partisan detachments is an invaluable aid to the active troops, becomes a decisive moment in the turning point of military events and contributes to the expulsion of the French conquerors from the territory of the Russian state.

Essay Guerrilla warfare in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace

Leaving Moscow, the French went further along the Smolensk road, but failures followed them everywhere. The French army was slowly disappearing, hunger did not spare anyone, and partisan detachments began to attack, which could have been defeated small squads army.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his novel describes the events that occurred in two incomplete days. This is a description of the death of Peter Rostov, it is described briefly, but there is so much that is incomprehensible in it and many questions arise. Tolstoy asks why people kill each other and for what. The death of Petka Rostov occurs before the eyes of Dolokhov and Denisov, an unjust and cruel death.

Tolstoy generally says that war is something disgusting and terrible, there is injustice and murder all around. Lev Nikolayevich, describing the partisan war, wrote that it was attended by people who loved their country very much and did not want to be under the yoke of strangers. The partisans were various people of social groups and strata of the population, but they had one common goal, they wanted to drive enemies out of their territory.

The Russian people immediately reacted to the enemy’s invasion and began to unite, organizing partisan detachments in order to defeat the enemy together. The French army had no chance against the people who loved their country. The Russian people especially treat their land, as if it were their own mother who fed them. Perhaps, of course, the French could have won, but everything played against them: illness, hunger and cold, and then the partisans began to attack.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy wanted to write that no matter what the people are doing, if they need to come to the aid of the Fatherland and defend their rights, they are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder and no matter what, stand to the death.

Tolstoy describes the picture of the war in such a way that fencing between two people lasted for a very long time. One of them understands that he cannot win and this could end in death for him. Then the man decides to throw down the sword and pick up the club, thus defeating the enemy. That is why the French had no chance of winning, because the fencer was French, and the second one, who took the baton, was a Russian man with a huge, open soul.

Not one of the historians was able to unambiguously describe the war, but Lev Nikolaevich decided to do it from the point of view ordinary person. In his novel, he showed that the Russian people will be able to stand up for themselves and their Motherland.

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his work “War and Peace” paid great attention to the description of partisan warfare. According to Tolstoy, “guerrilla warfare has the right.”

If you remember the year 1812, you can find information that the French considered themselves the victors of Russia. They did not take into account the fact that the phenomenon of the Russian army in absolutely all battles of the 19th and 20th centuries was unity and a spiritual response to the misfortune looming over the Fatherland.

It was this phenomenon that became the basis for the formation of the partisan movement, which greatly helped the entire active Russian army.

Napoleon did not even allow the thought that ordinary people living in Russia were capable of resisting. He was confident that the French would conquer Russia very easily and quickly. He did not expect that the Russian people would take part in hostilities and that the war would take on a national character.

Who are the partisans? These are ordinary residents of our vast Motherland, sometimes without military skills, but who passionately love their Fatherland and are ready to protect it from the enemy.

First, Tolstoy shows partisan actions as spontaneously created groups of men. It shows how these micro-collectives destroy the French. They achieve something similar to the destruction of mad dogs.

Gradually groups of people began to unite and thus a powerful people's army. This movement was officially recognized at the state level because its actions showed their effectiveness in the fight against the enemy army.

Partisans are ordinary people. These, one might say, are true patriots of their country. For them, defending the Motherland is a natural impulse of the soul.

Lev Nikolaevich shows the reader Dolokhov and Denisov as true people's detachment commanders. They are fearless. The main thing for them is the calm of Russia.

In addition to commanders, Tolstoy also describes ordinary men - partisans. For example, Tikhon Shcherbaty. This is a person whom the author endows with heroic strength and ingenuity. He alone went into the enemy’s camp to capture the language. And so the tongue is taken, but Tikhon realizes that he is not suitable for Denisov - he knows too little - he kills him.

Tolstoy shows Denisova as a person thinking about his actions. He takes the French prisoners and sends them away on receipt...

Denisov realizes that if he is captured, he will be killed immediately, without any rehabilitation actions.

Describing the partisan war, Lev Nikolaevich acts as a participant. He shows the reader not only historical facts and realities, but also real people, their thoughts and experiences.

Tolstoy says that war is a means for everyone. Only everyone has different goals: some are looking for glory and honors, some are for the Fatherland with all their souls, some cannot imagine themselves without Russia...

For Leo Tolstoy, it is important that Russians maintain unity. For in unity is our strength. There will be no unity - the Russian army will collapse....

The Russian army does not need coercion to come out in defense of its Fatherland in difficult and dangerous times.

Essay Guerrilla warfare in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace

Lev Nikolaevich did not just present the war with Napoleon in his novel. He showed it through ordinary people, through their perception of what is happening and their attitude. He gave his assessment various situations. At the same time, emphasizing that only Kutuzov understood true essence business

Saw great commander and the pointlessness of attacks on a fleeing enemy army. He understood perfectly well that the small partisan detachments that had begun to form and the situation in which the French were in would complete this war.

Indeed, the position of the enemy army was deplorable. Weather, unusual for them, did their job. And the fact that they deprived themselves of supplies, ruining Moscow, served as another nuisance for them.

And, to top off all their troubles, partisan attacks. The people had one goal - to cleanse their native lands from invaders. And he drove them to the border, destroying the great army piece by piece. The role of partisan detachments is very great.

Some of the participants in these organizations were motivated by true patriotism. Some people have a thirst for fame. So, Petya Rostov, having arrived in the partisan detachment, presented all this as a game, not taking the true dangers seriously. He was constantly looking for an opportunity to distinguish himself.

This or that led the people is not so important. The important thing is that this was the final chord of the war. Napoleon never expected such stamina and fortitude from the Russians. He thought that victory would come to him without difficulty. He kept wondering what unknown force forced them to rise up against him again and again. And this power is the people. This power is great and invincible.

The partisan detachments, for the most part, included ordinary people. He was not familiar with battle tactics or other subtleties of military affairs. But he knew the feeling of love for native land and the reluctance of the presence of the enemy on it. Driven by this, he united for attacks.

While intrigues were woven in the highest circles, the people did not hesitate. He just acted. The detachments of Denisov and Dolokhov, presented in the novel, were of great importance. There were many more such associations. And all of them contributed invaluable significance to the course of the war.

The turning point in favor of the Russians came precisely because of influence and conditions for which the French were not prepared, and due to partisan attacks. It would seem that small groups of people could not harm the enemy so much. However, their advantage was precisely the surprise of the attacks and the ability to hide, inflicting a wound on the already exhausted army. At this stage of the war, the French army was a pitiful sight.

Guerrilla reconnaissance was also of great importance. It was not so difficult for one or two people to find out the necessary information. And then use this information for the next attack.

The power of the people is a great power. This was proven by the detachments of volunteers who sought to expel the enemy from their country to the last man.

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After the French left Moscow and moved west along the Smolensk road, the collapse began French army. The army was melting before our eyes: hunger and disease pursued it. But worse than hunger and disease were partisan detachments that successfully attacked convoys and even entire detachments, destroying the French army.

In the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy describes the events of two incomplete days, but how much realism and tragedy there is in that story! It shows death, unexpected, stupid, accidental, cruel and unfair: the death of Petya Rostov, which occurs before the eyes of Denisov and Dolokhov. This death is described simply and briefly. This adds to the harsh realism of the writing. Here it is, war. Thus, Tolstoy once again reminds that war is “an event contrary to human reason and all human nature,” war is when people kill. It is terrible, unnatural, unacceptable to man. For what? Why would an ordinary person kill a boy, even from another nation, who stuck out because of his inexperience and courage? Why would a person kill another person? Why does Dolokhov so calmly pronounce the sentence on a dozen captured people: “We won’t take them!” Tolstoy poses these questions to his readers.

The phenomenon of guerrilla warfare fully confirms Tolstoy's historical concept. Guerrilla war is a war of a people who cannot and does not want to live under the invaders. Guerrilla warfare became possible thanks to the awakening in different people regardless of their social status the “swarm” principle, the spirit, the existence of which in every person, in every representative of the nation, Tolstoy was sure. There were different partisans: “there were parties that adopted all the techniques of the army, with infantry, artillery, headquarters, with the conveniences of life; there were only Cossacks and cavalry; there were small ones, teams, on foot and on horseback, there were peasants and landowners... there was a sexton... who took several hundred prisoners. There was the elder Vasilisa, who killed hundreds of French.” The partisans were different, but all of them, driven for various purposes and interests, they did everything that could be done to expel the enemy from their land. Tolstoy believed that their actions were caused by innate, instinctive patriotism. People who are in Peaceful time calmly went about their daily affairs; during war they arm themselves, kill and drive away enemies. Thus, bees, flying freely across a vast territory in search of nectar, quickly return to their native hive when they learn about the enemy’s invasion.

The French army was powerless against the partisan detachments, just as a bear that climbed into a beehive is powerless against bees. The French could defeat the Russian army in battle, but they could do nothing against hunger, cold, disease and partisans. "The fencing continued for quite some time. for a long time; suddenly one of the opponents, realizing that this was not a joke, but concerned his life, threw down his sword, and, taking... a club, began to move it... The fencer was French, his opponent... were Russians..."

Napoleon's army was destroyed thanks to guerrilla warfare - the "club people's war" And it is impossible to describe this war from the point of view of the “rules of fencing”; all attempts by historians who wrote about this event were unsuccessful. Tolstoy recognizes guerrilla warfare as the most natural and fair means of the people’s struggle against invaders.

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  • Definition of guerrilla warfare in the novel "War and Peace"

    According to military science, during war, “Right is always on the side of large armies.” Talking about partisan warfare in the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy refutes this statement and writes: “Guerrilla warfare (always successful, as history shows) is the exact opposite of this rule.”

    The French in 1812, believing that they had conquered Russia, were very mistaken. They never expected that war is not just about following the rules military science, this is also that invisible force that lurks in the souls of Russian people. It was this force that led both ordinary peasants and the military, uniting them into small detachments that rendered invaluable help Russian army in victory over the French.

    Napoleon, who behaved so pathetically and pompously in Vilna, was confident that his army would conquer Russia easily and beautifully, and did not expect to meet resistance not only from the army, but also from common people. He believed that his large army would march victoriously across Russian territory and add another page to the book of his glory.

    But Napoleon never expected that this war would become a people's war and his army would be practically destroyed by small detachments of people, sometimes far from military science - partisans.

    The partisans often acted contrary to the logic of war, on a whim, observing their own rules of warfare. “One of the most tangible and beneficial deviations from the so-called rules of war is the action of scattered people against people huddled together. This kind of action always manifests itself in a war that takes on a popular character. These actions consist in the fact that, instead of becoming a crowd against a crowd, people disperse separately, attack one by one and immediately flee when they are attacked in large forces, and then attack again when the opportunity presents itself,” Tolstoy wrote about them.

    Because when it comes to defending one’s Fatherland, all means are good, and, understanding this, completely unknown people are united in one impulse by this goal.

    Partisans, description and characters

    In the novel War and Peace, guerrilla warfare is initially described as the spontaneous and unconscious actions of individual men and peasants. Tolstoy compares the destruction of the French with the extermination of rabid dogs: “thousands of people of the enemy army - backward marauders, foragers - were exterminated by the Cossacks and peasants, who beat these people as unconsciously as dogs unconsciously kill a runaway rabid dog.”

    The state could not fail to recognize the strength and effectiveness of individual disparate detachments of partisans who “destroyed Great Army piecemeal" and therefore recognized the partisan movement quite officially. Many “parties” along the entire front line have already joined him.

    Partisans are people of a special character, adventurers by nature, but at the same time they are true patriots, without pompous speeches or beautiful speeches. Their patriotism is a natural movement of the soul, which does not allow them to stand aside from the events taking place in Russia.

    The prominent representatives of the army in the partisan movement in the novel are Denisov and Dolokhov. With their troops, they are ready to attack French transport, not wanting to unite with either the German or Polish generals. Without thinking about the hardships and difficulties of camp life, as if playfully, they capture the French and free Russian prisoners.

    In the novel War and Peace, the partisan movement unites people who in ordinary life might not even meet each other. In any case, they would not communicate and become friends. Like, for example, Denisov and Tikhon Shcherbaty, so kindly described by Tolstoy. War reveals the true face of each person, and forces him to act and act as the significance of this historical moment dictates. Tikhon Shcherbaty, a dexterous and cunning man, single-handedly making his way into the enemy camp in order to capture the tongue - the embodiment of people from the common people, ready to serve to destroy enemies out of “loyalty to the Tsar and the Fatherland and hatred of the French, which the sons of the Fatherland must guard,” as Denisov said .

    The relationships between people during hostilities are interesting. On the one hand, Tikhon, having taken the “plastun” and deciding that he is not suitable for Denisov, because he doesn’t really know anything, easily kills him. On the other hand, he also says that “We don’t do anything bad to the French... We just did it this way, which means we fooled around with the guys out of pleasure. We definitely beat about two dozen Miroders, otherwise we didn’t do anything bad...”

    Denisov, taking French soldiers prisoner, sends them away on receipt, regretting shooting them on the spot. Dolokhov even laughs at his scrupulosity. At the same time, both Denisov and Dolokhov understand perfectly well that if they are captured by the French, there will be no mercy for either one. And the fact that Denisov treated the prisoners nobly will not matter at all. “But they’ll catch me and you, with your knighthood, anyway,” Dolokhov tells him.

    Some come to the partisans for romance, since Petya Rostov came to the war, imagining everything that happens in the form of a game. But more often than not, people participating in the partisan movement make a conscious choice, realizing that in such difficult and dangerous historical periods every person must make every effort to defeat the enemy.

    The Russian people, combining spiritual warmth, humility towards loved ones, simplicity and modesty, are at the same time full of a rebellious spirit, bold, rebellious and spontaneous, which does not allow them to calmly watch how conquerors walk across their native land.


    In the novel “War and Peace,” Tolstoy, talking about events, presents them not as a historian, but as a participant in these events, from the inside. Showing all the ordinariness of essentially heroic phenomena, the author tells us not just about the War of 1812, but about the people who led Russia to victory in this war. He tells the reader about ordinary people, with their usual sorrows, joys and worries about how they look. The fact that, despite the war, people fall in love and suffer from betrayals, live and enjoy life.

    Some people use the war for their own purposes to advance in their careers, like Boris Drubetskoy, others simply follow the orders of their superiors, trying not to think about the consequences of carrying out these orders, as Nikolai Rostov begins to do over time.

    But there is special people, those who go to war at the behest of the soul, out of patriotism, are almost invisible partisans, but at the same time irreplaceable heroes of the war. I want to finish my essay on the topic “Guerrilla warfare in the novel “War and Peace” with a quote from the novel: “The French, retreating in 1812, although they should have defended themselves separately, according to tactics, huddled together because the morale of the army had fallen so low that only mass holds an army together. The Russians, on the contrary, according to tactics, should have attacked en masse, but in reality they are fragmented, because the spirit is so high that individuals strike without the orders of the French and do not need coercion in order to expose themselves to labor and danger.”

    Work test

    In 1869, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy finished writing one of the most global works - the epic novel War and Peace. He raises many important points, which concern both civilians and military people. The writer devotes a special place to describing the partisan war, which became the decisive factor in the victory over the French in 1812.

    At all times, it was believed that the war is won not so much by front-line fighters as by partisans. After all, they act spontaneously, without following any specific military laws and rules. Their actions forced the government to officially recognize the participation of partisan units in the war. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy says that people who fight as partisans are adventurers by nature who are not afraid to act. Prominent representatives This movement in the novel “War and Peace” is represented by Dolokhov and Denisov, who do not intend to unite with other allied countries. They know very well the rules of conduct in war, but this does not stop them from dashing into the enemy camp and causing significant damage.

    War can also unite people who most likely would never meet, and even if the meeting took place, they certainly would not talk to each other. A striking example can be considered the relationship between Denisov and Tikhon, which almost immediately found mutual language. Despite the fact that sometimes they act different methods, the heroes are able to come to an agreement and find positive aspects in each other. But still, in some points their opinions completely disagree. So, having caught the “tongue” and realizing that he knows nothing, Tikhon immediately kills him and does not regret what he did. And Denisov, in turn, cannot commit a heartless murder and surrenders the prisoners against a signature. Moreover, both understand that if they were in their place, they wouldn’t even have to stutter about mercy.

    Most people who serve in partisan detachments are well aware of this and all the other hardships and dangers that they will have to face. They are confident in where they are going. But it happens that you come across very young people who still don’t really know anything about military operations: that’s why they think that it’s all one big game. Petya Rostov, who came to the partisans with romantic ideas. But very soon the young hero still understood what it was real war. But even such romantic people are in some ways similar to other representatives of the partisan movement. Everyone who had ever been among them came of their own free will, because they wanted to defend their fatherland, their homes and families. If you say that none of them were afraid, then it would be a lie, because fear is normal condition, under those circumstances when it can be turned into the right thing. However, no one doubted for a minute whether he should be among the partisans or not.

    Thus, in the epic novel War and Peace, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy pays great attention to guerrilla warfare, believing that this is a key moment for victory over enemy forces. The writer shows how people behave in certain conditions, and how war

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