Why does a man dream of flying in a dream? Fly in the night on your own, without wings. Fantastic plots: flying on a broom, on a dragon, on wings

Flying in a dream is a sign of good luck or great ambitions.

If you dream that you have flown too far, then the dream warns you that the person for whom you are suffering so much does not deserve this. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a long wait for something or someone.

Flying and falling is a sign of danger, trouble and collapse in business.

Flying over a familiar country or area in a dream means participating in important matters and respect from others.

In general, the nature of the landscape below will help you discover the meaning of the dream. Therefore, you should look at the characteristics of the area by name (ruins, fire, etc.)

Flying and seeing the sun in a dream portends good changes.

Flying in a dark starry sky in a dream is a sign of great disasters.

Flying from rooftop to rooftop in a dream means that you are not satisfied with the present and are still trying to improve your affairs, doing one thing and then doing another.

Flying over your house in a dream means that your family will condemn your crazy plans and because of this, a scandal will break out in the house.

Flying over a foreign country in a dream is a harbinger of a long journey from which you will not return soon. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take on a completely new business.

Flying with wings in a dream is better than flying without them. In this case, wings mean support or outside help. As you know, without support and help it is more difficult to cope with some matter.

Flying without wings in a dream is a sign of danger and risk.

Flying too high in a dream means that your desire cannot be fulfilled.

Soaring in the skies in a dream is a sign of a romantic dream for lovers or people with great ambitions. For patients, such a dream predicts death.

See interpretation: airplane, balloon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Fly

If you dreamed that you were soaring high above the ground, get ready for family troubles. Fly low - there are some ailments ahead. A dream in which you are flying over dirty water, encourages you to spend more time on your business. Competitors will take advantage of your inattention.

Flying over ruins can be a symbol of boredom.

If you look at it from above green grass, then temporary difficulties await you, which will soon be replaced by success.

A dream about a space flight to the Moon and other planets promises global cataclysms - wars, epidemics, famine.

A dream in which you fly on black wings foreshadows bitter disappointment.

If you fall during a flight, then you are in danger of falling in life. But if you woke up at the last moment, then you will be able to cope with the problems.

For a young woman, a dream in which she flies from one city to another and lands on the dome of a church means that she will have to defend her ideas and beliefs. She is also at risk of deteriorating health.

If she dreams that she was shot, then she should beware of the machinations of enemies on the path to success.

D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “We often fly in our dreams - this is significant event, and sometimes we fly, so to speak, spontaneously, and in other cases we see a lucid dream and consciously choose to fly. But, as a rule, flying is always accompanied by a boundless sense of freedom.

During spontaneous flights, you have to make certain efforts - like wings, flapping your arms to stay in the air. However, many people dream that they are picked up by an unknown force while floating. Typically, such dreams occur when we really want to travel or in anticipation of a danger that requires escape. In the process of lucid dreaming, we slowly rise into the air, hovering above the ground. We choose to fly because we feel we can do it. This is one of the types of astral, out-of-body experience.

Thanks to these flights, the sleeper rises above the circumstances, choosing profitable and safe promising directions.”

Interpretation of dreams from

To understand why you dream about a plot in which you happen to fly on a dragon, you need to find out, first of all, what he prophesies fairy tale character, seen in a dream, and flights made in night dreams. Having learned this and put it together into a single picture, you will understand what you should prepare for, dream books suggest.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller, explaining why he dreams of flying on a dragon, says that this vision means that the dreamer is under the influence of passions and violent emotions.

Did you dream that you were afraid while sitting on the back of a flying kite? Be careful in your statements, the interpreter advises. No matter how much you want to be rude, restrain yourself!

And if you dreamed that you were enthusiastically examining the surroundings while flying on a dragon, then this means that an interesting and exciting event awaits you, which will leave a vivid mark on your memory.

Being a dragon captive in a dream is a symbol of conflicts and problems

Pastor Loff's dream book explains why you have a dream in which you fly on a dragon that has captured you: troubles and conflicts await you due to your excessive talkativeness.

Do you see in a dream how a huge dragon, having caught you, plays with you in the air: throwing and catching you again? Remember, if you felt horror from such flights, then in reality you should pay attention to your immediate environment, there is a possibility that a traitor is hiding in it.

Riding the “Snake Gorynych”, or prosperity awaits you

Flying on a dragon, riding it, is a sign that very soon your business will go uphill. Moreover, the higher you fly in a dream, the faster and better the life changes will be, says the Eastern Dream Book.

Did you dream that you are friends with a baby dragon and he gives you rides on his back? It is likely that an influential comrade or patron with whom you are friends will “lead you” to success and wealth, Tsvetkov’s dream book says why you dream about something like this.

Taming the Flying Lizard: From Ups to Downs

Do you dream that you are training or taming a young dragon, climbing on its back and forcing you to ride under the clouds? This vision, according to the dream books, means the following: diligence and pursuit of the goal will lead you to what you want.

And if in a dream you see that you cannot fly on a dragon due to the obstinate nature of the winged lizard, then be prepared for obstacles on the way to realizing your dream.

Did you dream that you fell from a dragon? This is a signal of an unfortunate combination of circumstances and troubles that will force you to retreat from your plans.

Dragon color

Oddly enough, the interpretation of a dream about flying on a dragon is also influenced by the color of the lizard. Remember what shade the dragon’s sides were, and dream books will tell you who you will be dealing with when you wake up. So, this is who the dreamed Gorynych symbolizes:

  • black - enemy or envious person;
  • white - comrade or colleague;
  • red – an impulsive person with an “explosive” character;
  • green - boss or sponsor;
  • rainbow - a close friend;
  • of a different color - a person from the environment (neighbor, former classmate, hobby friend).

Maybe someday the time will come when people learn to fly in reality, but for now we are only dreaming about it. Not everyone knows about flying in a dream, what an adult dreams about. Probably, any person had such dreams in childhood, and mothers or grandmothers said that this meant that the child was growing up. Such dreams in adults are far from uncommon; very often they are very realistic dreams, filled with sounds, bodily sensations and emotions. Flying in a dream, what does it mean in a dream - there can be several interpretations, both from the psychological side and with an emphasis on the experience of ancestors and traditions. In this article we will try to tell you in more detail why adults dream about flying.

Dream Interpretation: Why does an adult dream of flying in a dream?

Everything that we encounter in a dream has its own specific meaning. According to the dream book, flying in a dream is a direct reflection of our life, a projection of our thoughts and experiences. Sometimes a person may experience a feeling of flying in a dream. A wonderful dream, isn't it? An adult has had to fly in a dream at least once in his life. What could this dream mean? In this article we will analyze in detail why you dream of flying in a dream, depending on the specific situation.

The interpretation of dreams will differ depending on who had this dream - a man or a woman, young man or an elderly person, the person’s status, current problems and other circumstances also matter, so the most detailed interpretation of the dream can be found out with the help of a specialist. In addition, the day of the week when the dream occurred, the circumstances of the flight, and other details are also important. But, nevertheless, the main basic values ​​- the information is not secret.

Why does an adult man dream of flying?

So, if an adult man flew in a dream, then this could mean:

  • Longo's dream book says that the man will have to give a speech at some public event– perhaps it will be a toast at a corporate party or a solemn farewell at a charity evening.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book foreshadows the coming nice trip, unless in a dream you “fly away” from some troubles and they did not pursue you.

Why did an adult woman dream of flying?

Why does an adult dream of flying?

Women are more connected to lunar cycle, so here great importance has the phase of the moon on the night when you had the dream. So, if the dream in which you had a chance to fly occurred on:

  • waxing moon– growth in business and the opportunity to look at your life and problems “from above”, reassess your values ​​and overcome difficulties await you. Sometimes in a dream you can see what is passing under you - if it is at home, the bustle of the city - the dream speaks of the need to avoid all this for a while and take at least a two-day vacation away from phones, TVs and traffic jams. Travel out of town on your own or with loved ones and recharge yourself with the energy of nature.
  • waning moon- most likely, stagnation or decline in business awaits you. Especially if you were flying at night or you were “flying away” from enemies, scary creatures or a disaster. If in a dream you were eventually able to “break away” from troubles, then in life, after certain difficulties, relief awaits you.

If you flew like a bird and felt or saw your wings, then it is important to remember their color:

  • Black wings promise loss and disappointment, perhaps even the death of someone you know, but not close relatives;
  • White wings mean success in business, pleasant love adventures;
  • Colored ones are innocent entertainment that will help you take your mind off routine and everyday life.

Why does a girl dream of flying in a dream?

As the dream book says, flying above the ground in a dream is interpreted differently for girls. If a young lady “flies” between countries, or domes fly under her, then in the near future she will have to persistently defend her plans and interests, defend her freedom and independence, sometimes even prove to her relatives that the choice of her life partner was made correctly.

  • The method of flight plays a huge role for girls - if it was independent, without the help of any objects or equipment, then this means that soon the young maiden will discover new abilities that will help in the future.
  • If these were any objects, then you should expect travel, and the higher you flew, the farther you will travel from your home;
  • If you flew with the help of technology - for example, an airplane, a propeller or a rocket - then you should expect to acquire some kind of household appliances or a similar gift.

Why did the guy dream of flying in his dream?

What does it mean if you dream that you are flying in a dream?

Love most often lifts young people into heaven. If you dreamed of flying in sunny weather, there was no wind, and the journey itself was enjoyable, then soon you will find the one and only. And if you already have a soulmate, then you can safely build with her serious relationship– yours living together will be as cloudless and joyful as a dream.

Why should an adult fly in a dream: if during the flight in a dream there were lightning flashes and thunder, then one should be extremely careful, and not only in love. You can expect betrayal from friends or relatives, problems with government agencies.

Nostradamus argued that if you flew in space in a dream, then you should reconsider your plans and fantasies - most likely, they are overly inflated and will not come true even under the best circumstances. If you fall during a flight, you will probably be disappointed in your dream, and you will leave the race without achieving your goal. Anyone who flies from rooftop to rooftop in a dream cannot find himself in life. permanent place, has no specific guidelines and needs to rethink his own life.

Why do older people dream of flying?

For older people, why dreaming about flying in a dream promises little good, especially if the person suffers from an incurable and very serious illness. Most likely, the dream makes it clear that soon the Lord will take the suffering soul to heaven and the torment will end. You need to treat such a dream calmly and try to complete all important matters, establish peace in the family, in order to leave with dignity and not cause unnecessary trouble to anyone.

What exactly did you fly in the dream?

  • If you experience anxiety, this indicates your inner fears, as well as a lack of confidence in your abilities and a fear of letting go of any situations without your control.
  • means success at work, solid movement towards your goal. Such a dream emphasizes your ambitions and leads you in the right direction. This plot, as a rule, is dreamed of by people prone to extreme sports.
  • high up speaks of quick material achievements. At the same time, flying down means the opposite. You need to protect yourself from rash and seemingly easy transactions.
  • Flying on a rocket promises a pleasant trip or journey, especially if the flight is successful. If your rocket fell or other problems occurred during the flight, then this indicates long troubles. It is advisable to avoid traveling in the near future.

Fantastic plots: flying on a broom, on a dragon, on wings

According to the dream book, if you fly above the ground in a dream, this could mean illness.

As the dream book says, flying on a broom does not mean anything good. Why dreaming of flying on a broom can mean problems at work, as well as in your personal life. There may be intrigue and gossip from others. Such a dream can portend illnesses and other ailments. Perhaps you should clean up your inner world. Strive for good deeds and problems will pass you by.

If you were flying on it, then you can find out whether such a dream is good or bad by analyzing the fairy-tale creature. If your union is harmonious and brings goodness, then the dream is positive and promises unprecedented success in business.

If you are trapped by a dragon, and it takes you away in an unknown direction, then it’s the other way around. You cannot cope with the burden of responsibility, things are getting out of control. Take a closer look at the people around you. Perhaps someone is deceiving you or using you for their own purposes. In general, when you fly with an animal, it means increased creativity and success in business.

What does it mean to fly on wings - for young people this portends illness, and for older people such a dream promises imminent death or death loved one. For girls, such a dream means love adventures. It is quite normal for female representatives to have such dreams during times of hormonal surges.

Also, flying above the ground in a dream can mean that you are plunging into the unconscious. Perhaps you need the support of loved ones. You are looking for refuge and consolation that you cannot find where it should be. You can simply look for answers to the questions that a difficult situation has posed to you, but the main thing is that you need support and then all your questions will find answers.

Jump with a parachute or fall in a dream

  • If you dream of parachute jumping equipment with defects or breakdowns, then this dream means an unjustified risk. You should not get involved in frivolous schemes and deals, especially if everything went well during the flight, but in the end the parachute did not open.
  • Why dream of flying on a parachute, if the jump was successful, it means that all your undertakings will be crowned with success, and you can safely begin your planned business. Such a dream carries unprecedented positive energy, take advantage of it while fate gives such a hint.
  • Falling from a height in a dream foreshadows a struggle with life's difficulties. Especially if you experienced terrible fear during the fall. The struggle can take place both in the career field and on the personal front.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

What does it mean to fly in a dream, dream books interpret this in a positive way, and negative value. Remember your feelings that accompanied you during the flight, they will lead to the correct value. Flying above the ground in a dream means looking for a way out of difficult situations. Why dream that you are flying in space among the stars - your soul is drawn to beauty, and your body asks for a break from the everyday routine. It is worth saving your strength and restoring your energy field.

Dreams do not always directly tell us about something; sometimes you need to look deeper into yourself and have a very good understanding your psychology. Dream interpreters understand this issue better than the average person, so let's look at some of them.

Miller's Dream Book - family problems

An unsuccessful flight in a dream promises problems and troubles in reality.

Why does an adult dream about flying in a dream:

  • Aimless flights in space indicate problems in the family. You can't find mutual language with your other half, you may not find it at all. For newlyweds it means an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Low flights foreshadow illness and despondency;
  • Why dream of flying above the earth and observing the beauty of nature, such a dream promises good luck, success and happiness;
  • If a woman flew in a dream, and the outcome of the flight was unsuccessful, then it is necessary to take care of envious people and other ill-wishers;
  • If in a dream you try to take off, but fall, then this speaks of your attempts to succeed in your business;
  • If the flight was made with someone you know, then hostile relations await you with this person;
  • If you fly on black wings, then this promises troubles and insults that cannot be avoided.

Vanga's dream book - a quick trip in reality

Vanga interpreted dreams about flying as a quick trip, a move, or simply a trip to places where a person had not yet been. Flying an airplane means an extreme desire to manage your life, bear responsibility and make important decisions. Such a dream speaks of spiritual development person, accepting life with all its difficulties.

Freud's Dream Book - you want love

Freud interprets dreams about flying as a desire to have exquisite sex, to feel sexual freedom, especially if this flight was carried out in luxury aircraft. If the plane is military, it speaks of high self-esteem in an erotic matter. Problems with sexuality are predicted by old or broken aircraft.

If a woman dreams of flying with a man, this is a direct reflection of the fact that she is looking for a partner. If a girl flies alone, then this may indicate hidden sexual fantasies with other representatives of the fair sex. And for men in general, all flights mean pride or worry about their potency.

Modern dream book - success in business

  • This dream book interprets flying over the ground as problems in your personal life. Low flights indicate the cure of diseases. See the sun in flight and good weathergood sign. Happiness awaits you in your personal affairs. If you fall in a dream, then in life you will experience an energy decline and a lag in your career.
  • Happiness will certainly await you if you experienced a feeling of delight in a dream. Self-sufficiency is indicated by dreams where you fly over water, enjoying the scenery. Dreams where you fly, going up and down, speak of your perseverance and love of work. If you are flying rapidly upward, then you have hard work ahead of you, which will be highly rewarded.
  • Unsuccessful attempts to take off indicate an overestimation of your resources. Perhaps you should lower your bar and take a lower overclock. If you experience fear during a flight, then such a dream speaks of upcoming difficulties, which if you fail to cope with them, you may lose something important.
  • If in a dream you personify yourself as a bird, then spiritual growth and the pursuit of moral values ​​await you. If you dream of flying in a group of other people, then this indicates difficulties with self-realization. Flying over a metropolis promises a desire for fame. You spend too much time dreaming and not enough action is happening. If your flight was at night, then the thirst for love plays in you. You need to be a little more modest so as not to make a mistake with your choice and not go into the “pool with your head.”


Such dreams, in which we fly, usually bring a lot of pleasure. IN real life a person does not know how to fly, so experiencing this in a dream is quite rare and a great joy. Don’t rush to leaf through all sorts of dream books. Try to learn to read yourself first. After all, no one knows your body, your needs and secret desires better than you. If you approach yourself with an honest head, then it is possible. The mysteries of the night messengers will be revealed to you. You will learn to read yourself and use the tips that are so needed.

Video “Why do you dream about flying”

Dream interpretation of flying in a dream

Probably everyone has experienced in a dream such feelings as the pleasure of flying. Flying in a dream is an incredible and desirable phenomenon that we are deprived of in life. Perhaps you have grown wings? Or did you happen to travel by plane? Any minor details are extremely important when interpreting dreams. Flight itself is a symbol of great ambition and good luck. Leading predictors and modern dream books, so that the interpretation is as complete and reliable as possible.

Flight conditions

When trying to answer the question of why you dream of flying, it is advisable to start with the conditions that awaited you in the world of dreams. What was the color of the wings and where did you fly? Remember and analyze all the details.

When did the flight happen to you?

The fact of what time of year this dream occurred to you is of great importance.
Autumn promises an exciting romance, but the dream book does not advise diving headlong into the pool. Although love will be passionate, it will not lead to a long-term relationship.

Winter encourages the dreamer to pay attention to his own health. You will probably be struck down by some kind of illness.

Spring. Why do you dream of flying at such a wonderful time of year? This is a call for a more realistic perception of the world, since the likelihood of missing a life-changing opportunity is too great, and dreams will be in vain.

Summer portends spiritual growth among young people.

How did you manage to fly?

If you were flying on a broom

It is necessary to understand how the flight was accomplished. After all, flying on an airplane is a fairly common occurrence, but magical soaring is not an everyday thing.

  • By plane. Soaring high above the earth with the help of an invention of mankind is a sign of happiness that will befall the dreamer in the near future.
  • On a broomstick. The dream book advises the heroes of such dreams to get rid of the illusory perception of the world. Rely only on yourself and draw strength from real sources.
  • On the bed. Why dream of your own bed as a means of transportation? Expect eccentric and peculiar people in your life.
  • Fly high like a bird. Vanga's dream book speaks of the expectation of success and happiness. Participants in such dreams are satisfied with their position in society and live in harmony with themselves.

Did you happen to fly in a dream on the skin of an animal? Extremely auspicious sign, foretelling achievement high altitudes in the field of your favorite activity.

Pay attention to the color of the wings. White ones promise success in business and personal life, black ones - annoying trouble and disappointment.

Where did this happen?

Why dream of flying near a church or through a scary forest? Most predictors focus on location when interpreting dreams. Let's analyze this detail too.

Where did you happen to fly?

If you soared over the mountains

The method and conditions of flight are extremely important, but we should not forget about the “scenery” of dreams. So, if you were hovering:

  • High above the ground. A reminder that man is a social being, and the dreamer began to ignore the material world, devoting himself entirely to spiritual development.
  • Above the water. It doesn't matter whether you're flying high above a stormy sea or a calm lake. There is a high probability of contracting some kind of illness that can develop into a chronic disease.
  • Flying from place to place in a dream. This phenomenon characterizes you as an introvert who avoids contact with the outside world in every possible way.
  • Why dream of soaring over the mountains? A favorable symbol characterizing the dreamer as a leader. He will have to overcome a difficult test, after which a well-deserved reward will await him.
  • Above the city. Busy streets full of bright lights indicate a desperate desire to become famous. Make real efforts, and your dreams will definitely come true.

What was the soaring experience like?

Having figured out why you dream of flying high above the earth or traveling in space, let’s pay attention to the circumstances that awaited you directly during the flight. How to explain the fall into darkness? If your wings suddenly broke off in a dream or you suddenly lost the feeling of weightlessness, then be especially careful. A bad situation awaits in the near future, from which prudence and caution will warn.

Why do you dream of shooting from an unknown person? If you are injured, beware of envious people and possible enemies. Take a closer look at your surroundings in order to exclude imaginary friends from it. Take off and soar beautifully for a long time- to family troubles. Take a closer look at your soulmate.

Showing warmth and affection will help avoid future conflict.

Eastern sages believe that flight is a symbol of physical growth for people under twenty years of age. After the age of twenty – spiritual development.

Miller and Freud's opinion

Continuing the interpretation of dreams about flight, one cannot fail to note such leading personalities as Miller and Freud. They interpret the event that happened in night dreams in their own way and will help you understand why you dream of falling into darkness or soaring high above the ground.

What does Miller say?

Heavenly space

The psychologist believes that the boundless expanse of heaven that opens up to your eyes while flying is a symbol of an unhappy marriage. Be careful about the person you are walking down the aisle with.

Of great importance is the fact whether one had to soar into the skies or soar above water surface. So, if the water is cloudy and dirty, expect the manifestation of bad intentions on the part of friends and colleagues.

This is a sign calling for caution and observation in the conduct of personal affairs. Taking off into the skies is a global symbol and promises trouble for the entire earth if different planets are encountered along the way.

Miller's dream book calls for calm at the sight of the sun and assures that all worries will be in vain. Green crowns promise a happy personal life, and dried trees promise trials prepared by fate.

What does Freud think?

Soar in a dream

Freud approaches the interpretation of dreams from the point of view of psychoanalysis. So, if the hero of such dreams is a man, then this indicates his preoccupation with his own attractiveness. But a woman visiting him means doubts and uncertainty in the intimate sphere.

The psychologist interprets the incident ambiguously where the girl happened to see a representative of the stronger sex. This speaks of a desire to meet an ideal partner or to become a man in real life.

Other interpretations

What do other predictors say? Dreams are multifaceted and often ambiguous, so it will be useful to turn to other sources in order to get full picture occurrence of a phenomenon in a dream.

Loff's Dream Book

if you were flying on a carpet

The predictor proceeds from the fact that the incident seen in a dream is a subjective picture of the world. He believes that the unknown force that makes him soar high speaks of strong desire travel. There is also another opinion, where such a situation requires escaping from the existing danger.

A non-standard means of transportation, be it a boat or a carpet, suggests an impending accident. You will be able to avoid it if you listen to your intuition.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Are you high in the air in your dream? Expect success, and the higher the flight, the more you will achieve. But far away - to the hardships of love and tiring expectations. Be patient, the result will be worth all the pain. If in reality the dreamer does not experience serious problems with health, and in a dream he traveled in the heavenly heights, then he will soon experience happiness and many pleasant surprises.

Esoteric dream book

The flight foreshadows a pleasant holiday in distant countries, and the trip will bring many pleasant moments and make you think about different things. Was there assistance during the flight? The dream book says that if the answer is affirmative, you should prepare to buy household appliances, and if no help arrives, to gifts of fate and success.

Flying is associated with freedom and independence. However, independence and freedom are not always pleasant and desirable. For example, quitting your job is also freedom and independence from it. Why do you dream of flying in a dream? Let's consider the interpretation of sleep in detail.

General meaning of sleep

It is generally accepted that flying in a dream symbolizes avoiding problems. But there is another interpretation of the dream, associated with the expression “having your head in the clouds.” A person takes life lightly and does not notice the changes around him. While you are soaring in the clouds, competitors can take your place, and a rival can win the heart of your loved one.

Falling and breaking is a very bad sign. However, if the dreamer managed to awaken during the “fall,” he will be able to cope with difficult problems and circumstances without much loss.

The interpretation will depend on the following nuances:

  • solo flight;
  • joint;
  • on the wings;
  • on a flying vehicle.

If you see yourself flying high into the heavens, this may portend meteoric rise in a career. However, remember: it is important to be able to maintain the height and not fall down unexpectedly. Career advancement presupposes responsible further work, so after the celebration of triumph, a period of hard work begins.

Flying with a person of the opposite sex- to the fleeting joys of love. Alas, yours will be short-term. For a family man, such a dream warns of a frivolous acquaintance that can destroy the existing marital relationship. It is better not to enter into a love affair with a stranger.

Flying low over the ground speaks of the dreamer’s mundane goals. To succeed, you need to go beyond the norm and free yourself from the fear of being misunderstood.

To old people may foretell an imminent death.

Flights by transport

What does it mean to have a dream in which you fly on a broom? The symbol of flying on a broom or mortar is associated with fairy tales of magic - Baba Yaga, a witch. This dream foreshadows the discovery of extraordinary abilities in the dreamer. You may soon be able to read the minds of others.

Flight on a stupa can have two interpretations: either a change of place of residence or a change of place of work.

Fly by car, bicycle or motorcycle- to a big breakthrough in your endeavors. You will be able to implement everything you have planned.

Seeing flight on your own wings- to a successful opportunity to implement all planned plans. If the dream ends in a fall, this warns of the emergence of difficult obstacles on the way to achieving your goals.

Hot air balloon flight for a young girl is a good omen: your new acquaintance will not only good friend, but also my future husband.

By esoteric dream book flying on an unusual vehicle (vacuum cleaner, flying carpet, etc.) symbolize the upcoming journey.

Airplane flights, according to the ABC of Dream Interpretation, it promises a quick successful completion of a project or some business. You are on the right track, keep moving in the chosen direction.

Interpretation of dream books

ABC of dream interpretation considers this dream as a spiritual elevation above the material, a tide vitality and energy. However, soaring high above the clouds means a break from reality: the dreamer is literally soaring in the clouds. The plot in which the dreamer rushes upward towards the clouds has the same meaning.

Eastern dream book interprets soaring in the clear clear sky like a dream come true soon. If black wings grow in a dream, this promises imminent disappointment. In the east, it is believed that flying in a dream symbolizes growth: before adulthood - physical, after adulthood - spiritual.

Imperial Dream Book (China) shares the meaning of interpretation by gender. For women, flight portends positive changes: she will be able to get rid of material oppression and soar in spirit to the heavenly heights.

For men, this is a sign of separation from reality, which does not bode well. A man can expect loss of finances, loss of position in society and many other unpleasant circumstances.

Islamic dream book offers an unexpected interpretation of the fall: the dreamer will receive what he fell on in the dream. However, this applies to people with high status in society. Falling from a dream does not bode well for an ordinary person: illness or death awaits him.

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