Why do you dream about your own death and funeral? Dream book of Martyn Zadeki. Joyful events are ahead

If a person sees a funeral in a dream (it doesn’t matter whether it’s an acquaintance or stranger), then most often he wakes up with a heavy feeling in his soul. Few people will enjoy such a dream. Some especially impressionable people for a long time think about a funeral in a dream and make guesses about the meaning. Many people worry that the dream means death loved one. There is no need to panic and make all sorts of guesses; it’s better to read the article below and you will find out exactly why you dream of a person’s funeral.

Why do you dream about your funeral?

Did you see your own funeral in a dream? Do not despair, this does not mean at all that in real life the same thing will happen soon. The dream tells you that a period is coming when you will have to pay for your mistakes and mistakes in life. Don't make new mistakes. Also, a dream can warn that parting with an important object, a person (but not in terms of death) may soon be possible.

Many people are interested in why they dream of their own funeral if they are trying to bury a person alive. Such horrible dream threatens troubles that will arise through your fault. Any information will be used against you by enemies and envious people. If in a dream you got out of the grave, then this means overcoming all difficulties at the cost of great effort.

Why dream of your own funeral if you take part in it? This good sign, promising spiritual growth and development.


If in a dream you buried your relative, then this indicates the imminent disappearance of all problems and conflicts, and your financial well-being. If the funeral of a relative took place on a sunny day, it speaks of his good health in reality, as well as any favorable events in the near future. If the weather was cloudy, you can expect not very good news from your relative.

If you have a dream about the death of an old person, this is an excellent sign; prosperity and success in all your endeavors will soon await you. in a dream means good health of relatives, but the deceit of friends behind their backs.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a stranger?

If you are talking about the funeral of a completely unknown person, be prepared for difficulties and problems that will fall on your head unexpectedly. Such a dream may be a symbolic sign that someone in your family is going through difficult times right now. simpler times. Look around you, maybe you can help a family member get out of a difficult situation.

Why dream of a stranger’s funeral held in luxurious surroundings? This is a sign that promises wealth to you too. If the funeral was modest and poor, don’t expect mountains of gold and in real life, you may soon even have to lead

Why dream of the funeral of a stranger who suddenly came to life in the midst of the ceremony? This dream promises a wedding, and not specifically to the person who saw this dream. Wedding ring may become the new companion of a relative or friend.

Seeing the funeral of an unfamiliar child in a dream is a bad sign; expect difficulties in business and work.

Why do you dream about the funeral of relatives who are alive?

Very often, people who see in a dream the death and funeral of still living relatives get scared and believe that this means imminent death. Actually this is not true. Why do you dream about other people's funerals, where you see them off? last way relatives still alive? This means that a person who dies in a dream will live for many more years and will enjoy excellent health and happiness.

If in a dream you notice many sad faces, then know that your enemies are almost ready to strike an unexpected blow. Be very careful in real life! Your bitter and inconsolable crying in a dream symbolizes an imminent misfortune, which will not be too great and will be resolved quickly. If you accept condolences in a dream, expect joy and festive fun.

If you buried an influential relative in your dream, this is a good sign. Your undertakings in terms of work and finances will be successful, you can safely take on any business and you will not lose. An improvement in your financial condition awaits you.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a person who is no longer alive?

If in a dream you saw the funeral of an already dead person, do not be upset. When you dream of the funeral of a deceased person, most often you should expect good news in life, an end to failures and a speedy solution to all problems. Pay attention to small details of the dream, such as the weather. If she was good, then everything in your life will turn out well. light rain and inclement weather they say that on the path to serene happiness you still encounter obstacles, although not too large.

The answer to the question “Why do you dream about the funeral of a deceased person” will be a simple combination of words - fortunately!

Death knell in a dream - what is it for?

Hearing a sad death knell in a dream means unexpected misfortune, grief. In reality, the sound of a funeral bell is a symbol of sadness, grief and grief. This meaning carries over into dreams. If in a dream you yourself rang a funeral bell, then expect difficult illnesses and difficulties along the way in the near future. But hearing a funeral speech at a grave in a dream, on the contrary, is a good sign. Expect good luck and success already coming to your home!

Why do you dream about preparing for a funeral?

If in a dream you are preparing for the funeral of someone, then in real life you will be faced with a not very pleasant, but obligatory task. It is quite possible that you will not even be able to deal with this matter on your own, and the support of close friends will come in handy.

If in your dream you are going to the funeral of a person you know well, then most likely you are just very worried about him in life, which was reflected in the vision at night. If in reality such a person is sick, then you can rest assured that his recovery is just around the corner!

Why do you dream about the funeral of friends?

Many people worry when they see a burial in a dream. close friend or girlfriends, and cannot understand the funeral. If you see in a dream the funeral of a close friend or comrade, then expect success in all your affairs and endeavors. If in a dream you bury your friend on a fine day, this means that she has a new man, a lover. If you see a funeral in a dream good friend, whom you haven’t met for a long time - expect to visit him in the near future.

The meaning of a funeral in a dream according to various dream books

At all times people have attached special meaning your dreams, which is why there are so many in the world various dream books, who interpret any vision at night in their own way. a stranger (or an ordinary funeral), based on the interpretations of various books?

  • The English dream book interprets funerals unfavorably. The ancient book says that such a dream does not promise anything pleasant for either the sailor or the farmer. You can expect illness, divorce and quarrels.
  • The Egyptian dream book, on the contrary, promises you prosperity after such a night vision.
  • The Italian dream book interprets a funeral in a dream as approaching the end.
  • The Small Velesov dream book promises success, a wedding, and wealth after an unpleasant vision. But if there is a funeral of a person you don’t know, expect failure.
  • The newest dream book adds the following to the existing interpretations: if you overtake a funeral procession in a dream, then expect an emergency in real life.
  • Azar's dream book speaks of long life and good health in the case of a dream in which you see your own funeral. If a loved one is buried, expect wealth.
  • The dream book of the future warns of possible unnecessary worries related to health. There is a high probability of making a false diagnosis.
  • Martyn Zadeki's dream book judges a loss to people who saw a funeral in a vision.
  • Dream Interpretation Pechora healer foretells a wedding in the event of a funeral in a dream.
  • The French dream book says that if you saw a luxurious funeral in a vision, you can expect dishonor to fall on your home and family. On the contrary, a poor funeral promises good luck.

If you had a dream about the death and funeral of a loved one, but did not have an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul, then just forget about this incident. The person you buried in your dream will be healthy and happy! But if you have a sediment on your soul for a long time, then you should pay attention to your health, because past dreams should not bother you for a long time.

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of your family's good health; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if at the same time it's raining and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you attend the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Being at a relative's funeral on a clear, sunny day is a sign of good health for your family and friends. If it is cloudy and raining, expect illness or bad news soon. If you see the funeral of a person you don’t know, unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of a child in a dream foretells health and peace in your family and problems among your friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Dream Interpretation Funeral - Favorable outcome; before the wedding; they are hiding you - long life; the dead man is alive - an invitation to a wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, due to personal matters).

If you dreamed that you were present at the funeral of a relative, and at the same time it was shining bright sun, then this is a symbol of good health of loved ones. Perhaps one of them is waiting happy marriage. But if the weather is cloudy and rainy, then expect worsening health and unpleasant news about absent persons. There are also possible problems in business. Seeing a funeral in a dream is a sign of an unhappy marriage or poor health of children. The funeral of a stranger can mean unexpected anxiety. If you see the funeral of your child in a dream, then this means the health of your loved ones. If you see yourself at a funeral in a mourning room clothes - this is a sign of possible early widowhood. Seeing a relative's funeral in a dream portends a nervous breakdown and anxiety in the family.

Why do you dream of a funeral - To be at the funeral of a relative on a good sunny day is a sign of the good health of your relatives; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you attend the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your loved ones; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. ; If you are present at the funeral of a person you don’t know, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Funeral - meaning of sleep dream book XXI century - reconciliation with an old friend, a quarrel with whom occurred out of stupidity. If your relatives bring you condolences at a funeral, that means what this picture is for - a symbol of the upcoming holiday and fun. But a negative connotation of a dream, when you feel sorrow and grief at a funeral, means short-lived happiness.

Why do you dream about your mother’s funeral? Most often, this is not a very good sign, but bad omens will not be associated with your mother in any way. Just prepare for the fact that life will soon present many unpleasant surprises, disappointments, and you will have to fight with all your might against difficulties in the future. life path- these are the forecasts given by the dream book.

But if you dream of the funeral of someone else’s child, and at the same time it was poor, wretched, and literally two or three people were present at it, then such a picture in a dream, according to the dream book, promises problems in the business field. Be careful, your enemies are plotting behind your back, you need to beware of any actions on the part of your competitors.

When you saw a funeral in a dream, then the interpretation of the dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book is quite unusual. Oddly enough, this sad, difficult plot promises weddings if an unmarried girl or a bachelor sees it. For married people, seeing a funeral in a dream is a successful, joyful result of the planned business.

Those who usually go to funerals are those who think about the deceased, so any absurdity and contrast in a dream about a funeral should alarm anyone, whether bright clothes, indecent behavior, etc. Cheerful faces instead of removable ones mean the brewing hostility of society or a certain circle of people towards the sleeping person. The owner of such a person is advised to abandon actions traditionally condemned by society, as well as avoid unpleasant communication, dubious gatherings, companies and acquaintances.

Why do you dream about your own funeral? It turns out that this dream is very favorable. It portends excellent health, good physical shape, a long and prosperous life. In addition, to see a VOSN funeral, a coffin and yourself in that coffin means living happily in reality family life. Such a dream plot for a girl or young man portends a successful marriage. If you dreamed of your own funeral, then it is possible that the center of everyone’s attention will be the sleeper himself.

But I dreamed of a friend’s funeral can have both positive and negative interpretations. To get accurate forecast, it's worth remembering weather at the time of the funeral. If the weather is clear, then good luck awaits the dreamer. Cloudy rainy weather during the ceremony portends failures and bitterness.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a son or daughter? Such a terrible dream portends nothing bad. On the contrary, if a child has problems (for example, failures in school), then they are quickly resolved. If there are no special problems in life, then you can be happy that your son or daughter will be completely healthy and happy.

Alina, a funeral is often not a bad dream. They usually say that some stage in life will end and go into the past. A bride in white dreams of changes that will soon come. There is a high probability that you will cope with your problem. The second dream speaks of a sign of fate; something fateful awaits you in the future. Upward movement is positive, downward movement promises problems. Found and climbed in - it means that everything will definitely work out, a solution to your difficulties will be found.

If after the dream in which you buried close relative, you don’t have any unpleasant residue left in your soul, then a long and happy life awaits him in real life. It is worth paying attention to your health if your sleep has greatly disturbed you, and you have not been able to come to your senses for a long time.

Unexpected experiences and anxiety await those who dreamed of the funeral of a stranger. After such a dream, you should pay more attention to your family and friends. They may be in a difficult situation right now and need your help.

A dream in which you see many sad faces at a funeral warns that your enemies are preparing to go on the offensive and strike unexpectedly. After such a dream, be very careful and attentive.

If at your own funeral in a dream, a stranger is present and stays away - a bad sign: someone who harbors a serious grudge, perhaps a person from close circle. His insidious plans will succeed in the near future if the dreamer himself does not take decisive action. It is worth taking a closer look and listening to what friends or acquaintances say; sooner or later the truth will be revealed.

Thus, you should not be scared and look for something mystical in a dream about your own funeral. In most cases, this dream has positive value, and if there are negative aspects, they are insignificant and do not pose a serious threat.

Funeral What do you dream about - A successful outcome; before the wedding; they hide you - long life; the dead man is alive - an invitation to a wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, in connection with the personal one), this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Funeral of a deceased person - having seen such a dream, remember what emotions overcome you during it. If you cried and grieved, then the dream means trouble. If you didn’t notice stupid emotions in the dream, it means that a good result awaits you.

If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this portends you wonderful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. Disgusting weather at a funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and self-confidence for some time.

To find yourself in a dream by chance at the funeral of a complete stranger to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great loss. A magnificent, solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell salvos - to the point of confusion in matters of the heart.

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your family; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon.

If in a dream you meet many relatives, friends and simply familiar faces at whose funeral, in reality this promises wealth due to a profitable marriage. A dream in which you are hiding a relative foreshadows friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

Interpretation: The clairvoyant has given up on which side of her life. She decided that this was alien to her. Perhaps a job, a dream or a heartbreak. Another option: someone she loves so much that she completely dissolves in him, losing her “I”. The dream says: “You can’t give up on yourself.”

I wish you that every night a Sleepy Cantata will sound for you - a perfect and complete dream, like a piece of music that carries a charge of vivacity and a prophecy of well-being in the coming day and for the rest of your life.

Only negative thoughts and feelings are associated with funerals. Such a feeling of loss is quite difficult to express and compare with anything. Many people, having seen such a process in a dream, begin to tune in to something bad. Don't be upset, because often negative dreams, on the contrary, have positive interpretation. To make sure of this, you need to try to remember as many details as possible, and then begin to interpret.

Why do you dream of a funeral?

If the weather was clear during the ceremony, it means that everyone in the family will be healthy. It could also be a harbinger of changes in better side. A dream about bad weather is a negative symbol that predicts the occurrence of diseases and negative news. The funeral is positive symbol, which indicates that the business started will end successfully. If you dream about the funeral of a living person, this is auspicious sign, which promises participation in a grand celebration. Magnificent ceremony goodbyes are a harbinger rich life, and modest is a sign of life's struggle.

Taking part in a funeral means that in the future you can expect joyful events and valuable gifts from friends. If you dream of preparing for a funeral, it means that in reality there is a matter that you have not been able to cope with for a long time. For single women, a dream about a funeral promises a wedding, and for married women it is a harbinger of a successful resolution of the case. If you buried a person alive, it means that some incredible event will happen soon. A dream in which you cried at a funeral promises bad times ahead. The dream book recommends not to be upset and fight for your happiness.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a relative?

A dream where you had to bury a child indicates that the health of all family members will be excellent. The funeral of a brother or sister predicts longevity and good health. If you had to bury your father, it means that you should expect problems in the material sphere, as well as other troubles. Night dreams about the mother’s funeral predict the onset of a “dark streak.” The dream book says that the problems that have arisen will have to be dealt with for a long time. During the burial of the mother the weather was bad, which means that in work and business you will have to face numerous competitors.

Why dream of seeing your own funeral?

In this case, night vision promises a long and happy life. The dream book says that, despite pessimism, you can count on good luck. If you see a coffin with your name on it, this is a signal that you need to change your life, give up bad habits and so on.

Why do you dream about funerals of loved ones?

Burying a friend whom you have not seen for a long time means that he may soon come to visit. If you are participating in a farewell ceremony with a close friend, this is a positive sign that predicts good luck in all your endeavors. Night vision, where a friend’s funeral took place, and the weather was clear, is a harbinger of the appearance of her new lover.

Why do you dream about the funeral of a stranger?

Such a dream foreshadows the emergence of problems in communicating with other people. If you stood during the ceremony good weather, which means you can soon count on improvement material condition. This may also be a harbinger of meeting an influential person who will help cope with existing problems.

Why do you dream about the funeral of relatives who are alive?

If you had to bury your living grandmother in a dream, it means that she will live for many more years. Dreams where relatives who are alive in real life were buried have a similar interpretation.


Why do you dream of a funeral?

English dream book

The solemn and sad sounds of a funeral bell in a dream predict illness for you or your relative. This dream could mean a bereavement: the passing of a parent, or relative, or friend. The dream is unfavorable for a lover, as it promises a marriage breakdown. This dream does not bode well for a merchant, a farmer, or a sailor. The plans you are making now will most likely not come true. If you are suing someone, you may lose the case unless you abandon the process.

Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

If a person sees himself burying an elderly person in a dream, it means good, it means prosperity.

Idiomatic dream book

Funeral - completion, calm, oblivion, farewell, mystery; “bury your feelings, hopes”, “get a funeral”.

Imperial dream book

Funerals and death remind us of man's powerlessness in the face of the unpredictability of the world. The awareness of powerlessness gives rise to the fear of losing loved ones and the fear of one’s own death.

The funeral of an unknown person/your own/someone you know is an inert state of earthly energy, devoid of the driving energy of Heaven.

Seeing a funeral in a dream means a transition to a state of independence from circumstances: any situation exists in time from start to finish, it is a whole chain of moments, but a person living in one single moment is outside of time. If time loses its power over someone, he is no longer afraid of anything, he has no time for unreasonable fears, hopes and plans. He who has escaped the power of time perceives the information of Earth and Heaven in a pure timeless form and becomes, at least for a moment, like them. But the Cosmos is eternal, and the one who perceives its pure information becomes eternal for a moment (one must try to realize this) and gains wisdom. Sleep brings liberation from energy and psychological blocks, which will result in a favorable resolution of situations and conflicts.

The funeral of oneself and the funeral of an unknown person in a dream refer equally to oneself.

The funeral of an acquaintance or relative in a dream refers to this person, and the dreamer is promised a favorable resolution of conflicts with this person, if conflicts have taken place.

Italian dream book

Funeral - approaching the end, ego autonomy.

Maly Velesov dream book

Funeral - wedding, success/funeral, troubles; they bury relatives, a friend, a noble person - happiness, wealth, inheritance; burying an unknown person - slander, false news; you are buried - unexpected joy, long life / bad; funeral songs to sing or hear - sadness, death of relatives or friends.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream about a Funeral?

Funeral - to a speedy recovery.

Overtaking a funeral procession means an emergency event.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing a person unknown and unfamiliar to us means slander, slander and false news.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Funeral?

If you dream that you are attending the funeral of a relative, and the bright sun illuminates the procession, this is a sign of good health for your loved ones. Perhaps a happy marriage awaits one of them.

But if the weather is gloomy and rainy, expect worsening health and unpleasant news about absent persons. Decline is also possible in commercial affairs.

A sad picture of a funeral, the sad faces of the participants in the procession are a sign that your enemies have surrounded you and are ready to go on the offensive.

Seeing a funeral in a dream is a prediction of an unhappy marriage and poor health of children. A stranger's funeral is a dream of unexpected anxiety.

Seeing your child's funeral in a dream means the health of your loved ones, but beware of the bitter disappointment that your friends can bring you.

Attending a funeral in mourning clothes in a dream means early widowhood.

Seeing a relative's funeral in a dream foreshadows nervous breakdown and anxiety in the family.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Funerals are a reflection of the dying away of old stereotypes and old thinking. Reflecting the completion of a certain life stage. Reflection of giving up something (someone). Reflection of the desire to get rid of grief, shock, (hide your pain in the subconscious). The need to get rid of emotional blocks created during the perception of the person being buried (if you dreamed about a specific person).

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about a funeral in a dream?

Seeing a funeral procession in a dream promises reality good event, reconciliation, wedding, for men - a long and happy life.

To bury someone close to you means success in a matter that you considered hopeless, internal changes in yourself, changes in business.

Crying bitterly, mourning at a funeral means short-lived happiness. Seeing mourners is a good sign.

Accept condolences - for the holiday.

Seeing a funeral procession means a wedding.

Seeing yourself buried alive means that you are about to make a huge mistake, which your enemies will quickly use to harm you; to see that you were saved by crawling out of the grave means that, at the cost of great efforts, you will be able to safely get on the right path.

Azar's Dream Book

Own funeral - long life, health; someone else's funeral - you will achieve wealth.

Dream book of the future

A funeral is a vain fear because of health (a false diagnosis may be made), but in reality your health will be good.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Funerals can mark the death of old patterns and thought patterns. A funeral in a dream very rarely foreshadows death real person. They almost always talk about the completion of a certain stage of life. Is there something buried in your subconscious that you need to bring to light? It can also mean giving up something that is hidden from you. Check other signs to understand what is hidden in your subconscious. Bury the hatchet of war. Forget about complaints. If this sign points to a specific person, clear the emotional blocks you have built up against that person.

Dream book for a bitch

The funeral of a relative means good health of loved ones, happiness and good luck in business.

Seeing a magnificent, solemn funeral in a dream means misunderstanding on the part of others, difficulties in communication, disagreements.

Meeting a funeral procession on the road means minor problems in business life, sad news, a slight malaise.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

To dream of participating in a funeral procession on a gloomy or stormy day is a sign that some of your plans are doomed to failure. Perhaps, while planning your affairs, you made a fatal mistake or simply did not notice some serious pitfall.

If in a dream you see yourself at a funeral in good weather, such a dream foreshadows your quick deliverance from some problem that has been weighing you down.

Meeting a funeral procession on your way that blocks your path portends unexpected obstacles in business. Most likely, some unpleasant events from your past, which you have almost forgotten, will remind you of themselves and interfere with your plans.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Funeral - for longevity.

Burying someone alive means going to prison.

Burying someone alive in a dream is an incredible event.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Burying someone alive in a dream or being buried alive means asthma.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Funerals are a loss.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Funeral in a dream?

Funeral - someone else's, luxurious - you will achieve wealth; strangers, wretched - a difficult struggle for life; own - long life, health; family happiness.

Miller's Dream Book

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of your family's good health; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon.

If you attend the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible.

The funeral of your child portends health and peace in your family, but problems among friends.

Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person.

Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Funeral in a dream?

If in a dream you meet many relatives, friends and simply familiar faces at someone’s funeral, in reality this promises wealth through a profitable marriage.

A dream in which you bury a relative foreshadows friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

Seeing the funeral of one of your family members in a dream means winning or the long-awaited discovery of a long-lost thing that is very dear to you. If you are present at your own funeral, this predicts you a long life and family happiness.

To find yourself in a dream by chance at the funeral of a complete stranger to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and big losses.

A magnificent ceremonial funeral with an orchestra and farewell salvos - to confusion in matters of the heart.

A modest funeral with a minimum of those present - in reality you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will be revered not according to your merits, but for your intelligence and spiritual qualities.

The funeral of an old person is a sign of a quiet, peaceful life in solitude from the hustle and bustle and all sorts of worries. If in your dream a very young man or child is buried, this means that in reality you will succumb to harsh pressure and come to terms with the role of an eternal debtor.

If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this portends you delightful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation.

Disgusting weather at a funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and self-confidence for some time.

Walking in a funeral procession in a dream, carrying a cross, is a harbinger of lost hopes; carrying a coffin is a sign of unrequited love.

Lowering the coffin with the deceased into the grave - you will soon recover from chronic disease, filling it up means new worries.

Accompanying the coffin with the body of the deceased in a hearse and seeing how he winks at you - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will give such traits that he never had and cannot have because of his absurd character that is directly opposite to these qualities.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Funeral - for the wedding.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Being at a relative's funeral on a clear, sunny day is a sign of good health for your family and friends.

If it is cloudy and raining, expect illness or bad news soon.

If you see the funeral of a person you don’t know, unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible.

The funeral of a child in a dream portends health and peace in your family and problems among friends.

Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person.

Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Funeral according to the dream book?

A funeral is the end of affairs and a certain period of life.

Seeing your own means long life; wedding.

Funeral influential person- major personal changes or transformations in the country.

Funeral procession - delays in business; yearning; for the wedding; Seeing a hearse means changes in life.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If in a dream you are busy with the troubles associated with the funeral of a relative, and at the same time you see contrasting pictures, for example, a sad procession and the bright sun - in reality your relatives will enjoy good health, and some of them, perhaps, a happy marriage. But if in the same dream it rains and the weather is bad, illness, bad news and a decline in business are inevitable.

A funeral, at which some kind of gloomy ritual takes place and sad faces surrounding you in a dream, means a hostile society, which will soon be possible in reality.

Seeing yourself buried alive is a sign that you are ready to make an irreparable mistake, which your enemies will immediately use to compromise you.

If in a dream you manage to get out of the grave, at the cost of great efforts you will be able to avoid the consequences of your mistake.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Funeral - a successful outcome; for the wedding; you are buried - long life; dead person alive - invitation to a wedding; funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, due to personal matters).

Medieval dream book

Seeing a funeral is a sign of deception.

French dream book

If you dreamed of a rich funeral, your dream predicts dishonor that will befall your home.

A poor funeral, on the contrary, portends good luck.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a funeral, grief will freeze.

A funeral is a happy ending; wedding; they are hiding you - long life, employees - salary increase.

Universal dream book

Contrary to common belief, a dream in which you saw a funeral can have a positive meaning. Every act of destruction is followed by an act of creation.

In a dream, are you attending the funeral of someone you know? - did this person really recently pass away? Is a dream a way to express the bitterness of loss?

If in a dream you are present at the funeral of a person you do not know closely, the dream suggests that some part of your nature has died, that the funeral symbolizes recognition and acceptance of the end of the cycle.

A funeral can also symbolize respect for the changes that are happening in your life. Are you separated from something or someone at this moment in your life? How does this make you feel? The dream may also indicate that you need to pay attention to bad feelings you have about your lifestyle.

Folklore dream book

Meeting a funeral is good.

Gypsy dream book

A funeral procession is news of the death of someone who is not close to you. Indirectly, death will benefit you.

Funeral - such a dream means the end of some episode of your life. Time for new beginnings. Look around and evaluate the path you want to take next.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing - to joyful events, good luck.

Taking part in a funeral means gifts or joy from friends.

Your funeral - great luck, long-term luck, despite the pessimistic mood.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Funeral according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, a funeral is a reflection of the fact that everyone in your family is healthy and happy.

If you dreamed that you were burying your offspring, it means that someone close to you will upset you.

The funeral of family members is a hint that you will experience unpleasant emotions.

Preparing for a funeral procession most likely warns of impending troubles, which for now, if you are extremely careful, you can prevent.

Seeing in a dream the funeral of someone who actually did not die means serious trials that will befall him in the near future, but in the future his life will be cloudless and very long.

Burial of strangers - sure sign that the dark streak in your life is passing, now everything that happens to you will only make you happy, and those who are next to you will help you become truly happy.

If you saw the funeral of a close friend in a dream - in the very near future you will become fabulously rich without making any effort, an older relative or a new chosen one will contribute to this.

To be at the funeral of one of your relatives on a sunny day - everyone around you will feel great, and you yourself will be unknown to illness.

If at the same time the sky frowns and it begins to rain, the information that comes from your relatives will greatly upset you.

The dream book interprets the funeral of your own children as a symbol of peace and harmony at home; it will be your outlet, an island of happiness from which you will draw strength to overcome problems and conflicts with others.

To see your own funeral in a dream - this speaks of some of your internal conflicts, the desire to get rid of what bothers you, or a complete spiritual rebirth, which came after some kind of revelation, lengthy reflection.


Dream Interpretation Funeral of a relative

Why do you dream about the funeral of a relative in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about the funeral of a relative on a sunny day is a good sign. In reality, nothing will threaten his health, as in other areas of life.

Bury a loved one in the rain and slush - you will soon hear disturbing news or suffer from stagnation in business. To bury an already deceased relative means in reality to experience serious anxiety in family matters.


Why do you dream about the funeral of relatives?



Anastasia Bulgakova (Sycheva)

To the long life of relatives


Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Funeral – Seeing a stranger’s funeral in a dream means elation.

French dream book

Funeral - If you dreamed of a rich funeral, your dream predicts dishonor that will befall your home. A poor funeral, on the contrary, portends good luck.

Women's dream book

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

"Funeral - Wedding, success // funeral, trouble; relatives are buried, a friend, a noble person - happiness, wealth, inheritance; an unknown person is buried - slander, false news; you are buried - unexpected joy, long life // bad; funeral songs to sing or hear - sadness, death of relatives or friends."

Dream interpreter. Dream interpretation

Funeral - Seeing a person unknown and unfamiliar to us marks slander, slander and false news.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Dream interpretation

"Funeral - a successful outcome; for a wedding; you are buried - a long life; a dead person is alive - an invitation to a wedding; a funeral procession - long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, in connection with the personal)."

Ukrainian dream book. Dream interpretation

"Funeral - If you dream of a funeral, then it is good, maybe there is a wedding in the family. If you dream of a funeral, grief will freeze. Funeral - a happy ending; a wedding; they hide you - a long life; for employees - an increase in salary."

Dream book of the 21st century. Dream interpretation

"Funeral - Seeing a funeral procession in a dream - promises in reality a good event, reconciliation, a wedding, for men - a long and happy life. Burying someone close to you means success in a matter that you considered hopeless, internal changes in yourself, changes in affairs. Crying bitterly, grieving at a funeral means short-lived happiness. Seeing mourners is a good sign. Receiving condolences - for a holiday. Seeing a funeral procession - for a wedding. Seeing yourself buried alive means that you are ready to make a huge mistake, which enemies quickly take advantage of to harm you; to see that you are saved by crawling out of the grave means that, at the cost of great effort, you will be able to safely reach the right path."

Egyptian dream book

Funeral – If a person sees himself burying an elderly person in a dream, well, this means prosperity.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Funeral - To longevity.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Funeral - For the wedding.

Funeral - See separately p. Dead.

Dream Book of the Wanderer. Dream interpretation

"Funeral - Successful completion of affairs and a certain period of life. Seeing your own - long life; wedding. Funeral of an influential person - major personal changes or transformations in the country."

Miller's Dream Book. Dream interpretation

“Funeral - To be at the funeral of a relative on a good sunny day is a sign of the good health of your relatives; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you are present at the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child portends health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a funeral bell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure."

Modern dream book

Funeral – Joy, wedding

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. T

What does it mean when you dream about the funeral of a living person and a person who has already died?


Nikolay Kuznetsov

both to a change in weather or improvement or deterioration


This means that the one who was buried “alive” (that is, he is actually alive) will live happily ever after, but now he had to go through something serious. Safely. Well, the dead who have recently died dream of being remembered more often, especially in church. And if you have been able to do it for a long time, then it means a change in the weather.


Funeral – To be at the funeral of a relative on a clear, sunny day is a sign of the good health of your family and friends. If it is cloudy and raining, expect illness or bad news soon. If you see the funeral of a person you don’t know, unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of a child in a dream foretells health and peace in your family and problems among your friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Nena YARKO Nena

Quick relief from some problem (a rich funeral in sunny weather is a good sign), the death of old stereotypes, the end of a life stage, maybe a wedding in the family. Get ready for good changes and forget old feelings, even if they are still fresh in your memory.


strange... they must have something in common in life... business or destiny. details are unclear. why did you dream about it? who are you to them? in any case, this is an order for that person not to repeat something (as they say in life: the deceased even turned over in his grave) red carpets mean great status in society, uv. person.. Hmmm.... did you attend the funeral, was it similar in plot to the dream?

Funeral man came to life

Dream Interpretation Funeral a man came to life dreamed of why in a dream a funeral man came to life? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a funeral in a dream, a person came to life by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Living Dead

“revived” affairs, feelings, undertakings, plans, relationships, concerns.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral of another person

This plot reflects your fears or hopes for his death.

Seeing your own funeral means having problems that seem insurmountable to you.

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Dream Interpretation - Funeral

Funeral - Seeing it means joyful events, good luck. Taking part in a funeral means gifts or joy from friends. Your funeral is a great success, long-term luck, despite the pessimistic mood.


Why do you dream about a funeral?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about a funeral?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than a Funeral in a dream, use the search form online interpretations dreams

Why do you dream about a funeral?

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your loved ones; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if at the same time it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon.

If you are present at the funeral of a person you don’t know, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible.

The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends.

Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person.

Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Seeing a Funeral in a dream

A successful outcome, for the wedding;
you are buried - long life;
dead man alive - invitation to a wedding.
Also see Dead, Deceased, Corpse.

What does the dream of a funeral mean?

Alien, luxurious - you will achieve wealth; strangers, wretched - a difficult struggle for life; own - long life, health; family happiness

Seeing a Funeral in a dream

What do funeral dreams mean?

If you dreamed of a rich funeral, your dream predicts dishonor that will befall your home. A poor funeral, on the contrary, portends good luck.

Dream about a Funeral

Funeral - Seeing it means joyful events, good luck. Taking part in a funeral means gifts or joy from friends. Your funeral is a great success, long-term luck, despite the pessimistic mood.

What does a funeral mean in a dream?

Funeral - Seeing it means joyful events, good luck. Taking part in a funeral means gifts or joy from friends. Your funeral is a great success, long-term luck, despite the pessimistic mood.

The meaning of funeral dreams

Funeral - as you dream about a funeral, it’s a good thing, maybe there’s a wedding in the family. If you dream of a funeral, grief will freeze. A funeral is a happy ending; wedding; They hide you - a long life, for employees - a salary increase.

What does Funeral mean in a dream?

A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage. If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience. If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed. To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foretells fast wedding with a loved man.

Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about this. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married. A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning. Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity. Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

The meaning of the dream Funeral

Wedding, success // funeral, troubles; burying relatives, a friend, a noble person - happiness, wealth, inheritance; an unknown person is buried - slander, false news; you are buried - unexpected joy, long life // bad; funeral songs to sing or hear - sadness, death of relatives or friends.

Seeing a funeral in a dream and hearing funeral music means someone's death.

To longevity.

Seeing a stranger's funeral in a dream means elation.

Interpretation of sleep Funeral

If in a dream you meet many relatives, friends and simply familiar faces at someone’s funeral, in reality this promises wealth through a profitable marriage. A dream in which you bury a relative foreshadows friendship and reconciliation with everyone, even with former enemies.

Seeing the funeral of a family member in a dream means winning or the long-awaited discovery of a long-lost item that is very dear to you. If you are present at your own funeral, this predicts you a long life and family happiness.

To find yourself in a dream by chance at the funeral of a complete stranger to you, but, as it turns out, very well-deserved, is a sign of sadness and great losses. A magnificent, solemn funeral with an orchestra and farewell salvos means confusion in matters of the heart.

A modest funeral with a minimum of those present - in reality you will find yourself in a pleasant society, where you will be revered not according to your merits, but for your intelligence and spiritual qualities.

The funeral of an old person is a sign of a quiet, peaceful life in solitude from the hustle and bustle and all sorts of worries. If in your dream a very young man or child is buried, this means that in reality you will succumb to harsh pressure and come to terms with the role of an eternal debtor.

If the funeral takes place on a sunny, clear day, this foretells you delightful activities and the prospect of improving your financial situation. Disgusting weather at a funeral suggests that fatal events will suppress your will and self-confidence for some time.

Walking in a funeral procession in a dream, carrying a cross, is a harbinger of lost hopes; carrying a coffin is a sign of unrequited love. Lowering the coffin with the deceased into the grave means you will soon recover from a chronic disease; filling it up means new worries.

Accompanying the coffin with the body of the deceased in a hearse and seeing how he winks at you - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will give such traits that he never had and cannot have because of his absurd character that is directly opposite to these qualities.

What does a funeral dream predict?

Being at a relative's funeral on a clear, sunny day is a sign of good health for your family and friends. If it is cloudy and raining, expect illness or bad news soon.

The meaning of the dream Funeral

Successful completion of affairs and a certain period of life. See your own long life; wedding. The funeral of an influential person is a major personal change or transformation in the country.

Seeing a Funeral in a dream

See separately p. Dead.

Dream prediction Funeral

A favorable dream means a long life for the one who is being buried (see also Dead). If you dreamed of the funeral of a person who has already died, it means that sadness will soon leave you. If you dream that you are looking out the window and see a funeral procession, you will be invited to a holiday. Hearing funeral music is a sign of fun. Find yourself at the funeral of a friend or relative on a sunny day - you will soon meet this person on a joyful occasion. If it rains, you will receive unpleasant news from him.

Imagine that the rain stops, the clouds dissipate and the sun brightly illuminates everything around.

If you buried your own child in a dream, it means that he will have a long life and will bring you a lot of joy. If you see your own funeral from the outside, such a dream could mean a wedding (for unmarried people) or a big celebration in the family (for married people). If you are buried, the dream predicts a long life for you. If you dreamed that your spouse was buried in the same grave with you, this is exclusively lucky sign. You will live together happily ever after. Being at the funeral of a stranger means solving a long-standing problem.

Imagine that you are placing white lilies on the grave of a buried person.

Why do you dream about a funeral?

If you saw yourself in a dream at the funeral of a relative on a good, sunny day, then the dream promises good health for you and your loved ones. But if the weather was gloomy and it was raining, illnesses are possible, bad news and decline in business.

If you attended the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible.

Hearing a funeral bell in a dream, expect sad news about an absent person. They themselves rang the bell - illnesses and failures are possible.

Seeing a Funeral in a dream

Participating in a funeral procession on a gloomy or stormy day: a sign that some of your plans are doomed to failure. Perhaps, while planning your affairs, you made a fatal mistake or simply did not notice some serious pitfall.

If you see yourself at a funeral in good weather: such a dream foreshadows your quick deliverance from some problem that has been bothering you.

Meeting a funeral procession on your way that blocks your path: foreshadows unexpected obstacles in business. Most likely, some unpleasant events from your past, which you have almost forgotten, will remind you of themselves and interfere with your plans.

What does the dream of a funeral mean?

To see a funeral procession is a good event, reconciliation, a wedding.

To bury someone close to you - for men it means success in a matter that you considered hopeless, internal changes in yourself, changes in business.

Crying bitterly, mourning at a funeral is short-lived happiness.

For those who mourn, to see condolences - for the holiday.

Seeing a funeral procession means a wedding.

To see yourself buried alive means you are ready to make a huge mistake, which your enemies will quickly use to harm you.

If you saved yourself by crawling out of the grave, at the cost of great efforts you can safely get out on the right path.

Seeing a Funeral in a dream

Seeing a funeral means fun, successful completion of some business, and receiving money.

If you are buried, you have a long life ahead, but it may happen that you hear a bad opinion about yourself.

Participate in funerals beautiful weather- to the health, happiness, and prosperity of everyone you love.

Bad weather at a funeral in a dream - illness, bad news and deterioration of affairs in reality.

Burying a stranger means difficulties in relationships with others.

If suddenly the deceased turns out to be alive, there will soon be a wedding of someone close or yours.

You might just receive an invitation to someone's wedding.

Funeral bells and music indicate sad news.

What do funeral dreams mean?

Burying someone close to you means happiness in misfortune, an internal change in you, a change in business.

Crying bitterly, mourning at a funeral is short-lived happiness.

It’s good to see the mourners.

Receive condolences - accept congratulations; holiday.

Funeral procession - wedding.

Hearse - separation, change in affairs.

Dream about a Funeral

Some stage in life is over, a new one is beginning, it will bring changes, be prepared for them.

A funeral procession is news of the death of someone who is not close to you.

Indirectly, death will benefit you.

Funeral - such a dream means the end of some episode of your life.

Time for new beginnings.

What does a funeral mean in a dream?

If you dreamed that you were being buried, then in the near future you will be able to correct many old mistakes. To avoid committing new ones during this period, before leaving the house, throw 3 coffee beans over the threshold.

If you dreamed that you were attending the funeral of a stranger, then someone close to you is in danger of death. To protect the people close to you, make a simple necklace for them - put 3 coffee beans on a thread and give them to your loved ones.

The meaning of funeral dreams

Lucky case.

Wheel of fortune - lot.

What does Funeral mean in a dream?

Seeing a person unknown and unfamiliar to us signifies slander, slander and false news.

The meaning of the dream Funeral

If a person sees himself burying an elderly person in a dream, it means prosperity.

What does a funeral predict in a dream?

What does it mean to see a Funeral in a dream?

Meeting a funeral is good.

Interpretation of sleep Funeral

May mark the death of old patterns and thought patterns.

Funerals very rarely foreshadow the death of a real person.

They almost always talk about the completion of a certain stage of life.

Is there something buried in your subconscious that you need to bring to light? It can also mean giving up something that is hidden from you.

Check other signs to understand what is hidden in your subconscious.

Bury the hatchet of war.

Forget about complaints.

If this sign points to a specific person, clear the emotional blocks you have built up against that person.


Why do you dream of a funeral?



A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage. If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience. If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed. To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one. Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about this. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married. A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning. Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity. Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

Larisa Tamalovna

change your occupation


if the color of the dream is negative, this is not good... have you seen your relatives? if not. sometimes bad things happen nearby...


to changes in business, for the better.

Nekryach (Grischenko) Olga

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign of good health for your family; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you are present at the funeral of a person you don’t know, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.
- Funeral - someone else's, luxurious - you will achieve wealth; strangers, wretched - a difficult struggle for life; own - long life, health; family happiness.


Actually, I dream of a funeral as a sign of a change in something, I dreamed about it once - I got up in the morning and it was snowing outside))) In any case, this is not such a bad dream, although it took me a long time to come to my senses from such a dream...

  • Primary elements - metal, water, wood, fire, earth.
  • Elements - dryness, cold, wind, heat, humidity.
  • Emotions - sadness, sadness, fear, anger, joy, thoughtfulness.
  • Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Funerals and death are a psychological and ideological tragedy thinking man. In nature, death is the guarantee of renewal and future life. The grain is buried, buried in the ground, the specific entity disappears, but new plants are born. We can say that plants live in an eternal readiness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their offspring, without realizing it. In order to realize the need for sacrifice and through this awareness of the enlightenment of the spirit by the Creator, a person is destined to go through a complex ideological path, one of the milestones of which is funeral and death. Funerals and death remind us of man's powerlessness in the face of the unpredictability of the world. The awareness of powerlessness gives rise to the fear of losing loved ones and the fear of one’s own death. If death can happen suddenly and a person has no power to resist it, then any plans for oneself, plans for future life do not make any sense, because the world does not guarantee a person that he has at least one more day left. We can firmly and confidently say that we own only this moment. The feeling of uniqueness, uniqueness and elusiveness of the moment gives rise to a state of extreme composure and attentiveness. If death is possible in a moment, then a passionate desire is born to act in this last moment with maximum dedication and brightness, this is a variant of the feat: so that the world remembers a person for this moment, and the person takes in his gaze, comprehends and carries away into another life all the beauty of the world. At this moment the transformation of death into life begins. Mothers experience a state similar to the one described above after the birth of a child: at the same time a feeling of emptiness and unearthly bliss - giving birth to a new being. Then the subtlest colors and facets of phenomena become noticeable and thoughts come to mind that have never occurred before. This is the state of enlightenment of feat and liberation from earthly vanity, in which they save someone’s life, accomplish great things scientific discovery, create brilliant poetry and give birth to a child. In a few words, a high state is expressed like this: one must love the whole world - this is the guarantee of personal immortality. The funeral of an unknown person/your own/someone you know is an inert state of earthly energy, devoid of the driving energy of Heaven. Seeing a funeral in a dream means a transition to a state of independence from circumstances: any situation exists in time from start to finish, it is a whole chain of moments, but a person living in one single moment is outside of time. If time loses its power over someone, he is no longer afraid of anything, he has no time for unreasonable fears, hopes and plans. He who has escaped the power of time perceives the information of Earth and Heaven in a pure timeless form and becomes, at least for a moment, like them. But the Cosmos is eternal, and the one who perceives its pure information becomes eternal for a moment (one must try to realize this) and gains wisdom. Sleep brings liberation from energy and psychological blocks, which will result in a favorable resolution of situations and conflicts. The funeral of oneself and the funeral of an unknown person in a dream refer equally to oneself. The funeral of an acquaintance or relative in a dream refers to this person, and the dreamer is promised a favorable resolution of conflicts with this person, if conflicts have taken place.

There are many interpretations of why you dream about your own funeral. Among the explanations there are both favorable and threatening. In any dream, it is very important to remember the plot in detail, if possible. The dream will be easier to explain.

Not yet knowing what it means to see your own funeral in a dream, you feel out of place in the morning. Such a dream has a depressing effect. It is unpleasant to feel like a dead person and the sincere grief of those around you and relatives does not make you happy. There is no tragedy in a dream about a funeral. Mostly dreams about funerals are favorable.

If a funeral in a dream takes place on a day when “the weather is whispering”, in the clear sun, and the deceased is seen off with good mood- that person may live happily ever after. The procession gloomily moves in the rain and wind - a person acting in a dream as a dead person should think about his own health.

Presence at a ceremony when an unknown person is buried - disagreements will arise with friends. There is a child lying in a coffin - such a dream foreshadows peace in the house, but friction in the social circle. Planned gatherings should be rescheduled.

The death knell that accompanies a sad ceremony in a dream - the news will not please you. If you act as a bell ringer yourself, you will experience an unpleasant and serious illness. The bell rang, and the bell ringer, who is the person who saw the dream, came down from the bell tower and lay down in the coffin himself - the disease will quickly subside.

If in a dream about your own funeral in a coffin you see yourself as an old person, and you had the dream in the summer, then a long life is 100% guaranteed. Especially if you had a dream like this on day 27 lunar month.

When you dream, you see your own funeral from the outside, without feeling any particular grief - such a dream is no more than a herald of a change in the weather. The music that sets the mood for such an event can tell a lot. The usual funeral march - from the next day you need to start a new life. Reconsider your attitude towards others, determine who is a friend and who is an enemy. Cheerful music is a warning of danger. Someone close to you is up to no good, you need to beware. In any case - a funeral where you bury yourself - it’s time to start a new life without waiting for the next Monday or the end of the month.

If in a dream you know that this is your own funeral, but at the same time you participate in the ceremony, but see everything passing from the coffin, then this dream is a recognition that you are respected. Opinions are taken into account, ideas are brought to life. If during your own funeral you feel the tilt of the coffin, or see in a dream that the coffin has been dropped, there is a problem in some organ that has not yet been identified. The coffin is carried easily and smoothly, leaving a feeling of flight - such a dream brings happiness, a long life, all sorts of success and well-being. Your own funeral in a dream most often good sign, meaning update.

Seeing your own funeral in a dream on the 14th day of the lunar month - the interpretation will be the opposite. This is the day of doubt, the day when any images can be reversed. Such a dream cannot be told to anyone.

If in a dream you clearly understand that own death was of a violent nature, then such a dream can warn of a break in relations with a life or business partner, or of a real danger in business. Competitors may set you up or involve you in crime.

Feeling in a dream that you sense the arrival of death, that you are being killed and prepared for a funeral, is not a good sign. Life is surrounded by lies, someone is preparing a serious set-up. Even ill-wishers can organize an attack that poses a threat to health. You need to try to protect yourself.

A sick person may think about such a dream, what is the dream for? Your own funeral in a dream can depress your condition. And in vain. For those who are seriously ill, such a dream indicates that the illness has already receded. The end in a dream is the beginning in real life.

If you were buried alive in a dream, then there is a chance of making a mistake in life. If you managed to get out of such a situation on your own, it means that you will not only be able to understand what the mistake is, but also correct it without losing anything. You couldn’t free yourself, you woke up from lack of air. In reality, ill-wishers will soon use this mistake and cause significant harm.

When you see your own funeral in a dream, try to take a closer look at the faces of your loved ones. Some dream books believe that the meaning of such a dream depends on the expression written on these faces. Although it is unrealistic to remember such details in a dream.

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