What aquarium fish live long? How long do goldfish live? Life expectancy of various catfish

Fish is a creature sensitive to everything that surrounds it. It is very difficult to notice her illness, discontent or hunger. Proper care behind her is the only way to prolong and simplify her life.

How long do goldfish live?

The lifespan of a fish depends on many factors. There is a certain pattern: small inhabitants of aquariums live 1-5 years, medium-sized ones (5-10 cm) - 10-12 years, large-sized ones - 15 - 35 years. Catfish, carp, sturgeon can even outlive humans. Egg-laying carp-toothed representatives, for example, Nothobranchius, live in puddles, die immediately after the reservoir dries up, the eggs survive. Even if you breed them at home, they will only live for a few months.

Most experts are inclined to believe that the average age of a goldfish is 4-5 years; in good conditions and professional care, a pet can live 10-15 years. There is information that in one of the Moscow zoos the fish lived for 34 years, in Great Britain - 43 years.

Factors that influence the life of the “golden” inhabitants of the aquarium

How long aquarium goldfish live is directly affected by water temperature. Fish are cold-blooded animals, that is, their body temperature is almost equal to the temperature of the water in which they are located. Warm speeds up metabolic processes, the body will wear out faster. The color of older individuals is more colorful compared to young animals.

Improper feeding can also kill your pet faster. Remember, it doesn't have to be just dry. Overfeeding is more harmful than underfeeding. Must be done periodically fasting days for the “golden” beauties.

The population of the aquarium and its size are important for the normal existence of the fish. Before purchasing individuals, make sure that they are compatible and will not outlive each other. Don't forget to change the water. Professional aquarists say that a container with a volume of 150-200 liters is ideal for fish.

Following these rules will significantly increase the chances of your pets becoming long-lived.

A goldfish in an aquarium is the best domesticated underwater pet that will always please the eye and cheer up not only children, but also adults. Individuals of this species are relatively small, compared to other representatives of their family (crucian carp, koi), and come from carp (Carassius auratus), brought from East Asia. Over the entire thousand-year history of the existence of goldfish in China, many species have been bred. Individuals vary in color (combinations of black, yellow, brown, orange, white and red are common), shape of fins and body, and size.

How long does a goldfish live in an aquarium?

In addition to appropriate conditions, the life expectancy of fish is significantly influenced by the population of the aquarium. If you keep too many underwater creatures in a small area, their life time is significantly reduced. In addition to all this, we should not forget about the compatibility of breeds, since certain types of delicate creatures simply do not get along with others in a common aquarium.

The lifespan of goldfish is determined directly by the temperature of the water. These organisms are cold-blooded, and therefore their body temperature will depend only on environment, in which they live. The warmer the liquid in the tank, the faster your pets' metabolic processes occur in the body.

Depending on the species of aquarium creatures, their life expectancy varies, but even experts disagree on the reliable numbers. A lot is determined by the heredity of individuals, their living environment and transportation to the point of sale.

Lifespan of goldfish:

  • short-bodied individuals of this species live up to 15 years;
  • long-bodied ones are more durable and exist for about 30-35 years.

How long does he live? gold fish in the aquarium, everyone now knows. The main thing is to adhere to certain standards of its content.

How to keep a golden beauty in an aquarium

As well as most of carp fish, goldfish produce considerable amounts of scale residues, waste and feces. Clogging soon increases the poisoning of the small tank, which can result in the death of pets. To avoid rapid contamination, it is necessary to keep individuals in large aquariums. One underwater creature requires 75 liters of water, mainly decorative types Usually 38-40 liters are taken away.

What should the water temperature be?

Goldfish belong to cold-blooded organisms, and they can live at temperatures that are comfortable for humans. However, strong changes in temperature (for example, in an office space on a winter night), especially in miniature vessels, can kill them. Care must also be taken when pouring new water, the temperature of which should be the same as in the aquarium. This point should be monitored with special attention.

A temperature in an aquarium for goldfish, especially small ornamental ones, less than 10 ° C is risky for their health. But comets and ordinary goldfish can also live in harsh environments. Too high a temperature (above 30° C) is dangerous for pets. The most suitable temperature for all types of fish is 20 - 22° C.

How to handle fish?

Since these fish in the aquarium prefer to eat plant foods, equipping it with live plants is problematic. Only certain members of the genera Anubias and Cryptocoryne can withstand the pressure. Artificial algae is often used to decorate the container, although its sharp plastic edges can injure the eyes and skin of the fish.

What determines the color of individuals?

In the dark, underwater animals become dim grey colour. When exposed to light, they produce a pigment similar to the one that appears when human skin tans under the sun. These creatures have cells called chromatophores, which produce pigments that reflect light. The color of pets is determined by the amount of this substance in the chromatophores, as well as its placement in the cells. The greater its quantity and concentration in the cell, the more saturated the color of the fish.

Compatibility of underwater inhabitants

A goldfish in an aquarium, at first glance, may seem like a very sociable and hospitable creature, to which many more of the same breeds or other species of individuals can be added. However, this is not the case. Although, with combined maintenance, cohabitation of different types is permissible.

What types of fish can be kept together?

IN mandatory It is necessary to take into account the disposition of any goldfish that is added to the aquarium. And in order to create the most comfortable environment for all inhabitants of the reservoir, it is necessary to launch the creatures young and at the same time. The gradual introduction of new pets to existing residents leads to sad consequences.

There are some breeds of goldfish that can be roughly divided into two categories: long-bodied and short-bodied.


Individuals are characterized by good lightness and activity; for the most part they swim in schools and are capable of increasing in size up to 30 cm, excluding the tail. They feel especially comfortable in aquariums with a volume of at least 200 liters.


Such fish in the aquarium are considered less energetic and calmer. That is why they should be kept separate from long-bodied ones. It is also better to stock separately such varieties of goldfish as stargazers, telescopes and water eyes - they have very sensitive eyes that can be injured by other residents.

If a goldfish in an aquarium can get along with others like it, then it is unlikely to be able to get along with other breeds of underwater creatures. She'll just eat everyone she manages to swallow. Similarly, other fish are capable of significantly harming golden ones, gnawing off their fins, tails and even sides. In addition, in a reservoir with underwater pets there is a rather peculiar ecological environment, and if we also include here temperature conditions and feeding regime, then, apart from quiet catfish, no one will be allowed to join them.

Caring for a goldfish in an aquarium

There are certain rules for keeping these cute little creatures that will help beginners avoid various difficulties.

  1. For fish, a large container is required (it is not advisable to use an aquarium of a regular round shape) so that they can be kept without harm to the pets themselves. You can get 2-3 fish per gallon of water, but no more. It follows from this that 2 pets in 10 liters of water, as a rule, feel great, but if their number is increased, then the level of clogging of the water in the tank increases, and the complexity of the work for the aquarist increases.
  2. You should purchase a filter with a life of pumping out air. Goldfish need oxygenated water. Unlike labyrinthine specimens, she inhales it in a pond.
  3. You need to buy a suitable “filling” for the aquarium. Gravel for the bottom will be an ideal solution, because it contains beneficial microorganisms, which consume ammonia and reduce its level in the water. But it is necessary to choose this element taking into account its fraction, giving preference to the middle one, so that the fish does not eat it.
  4. It is not recommended to immediately release underwater creatures into a reservoir, since a biobalance must be established there. After populating the aquarium, you can put in a few catfish or snails, which will slightly “clog” it, the ammonia will be processed by microbes, and the water will become suitable for fish to live in (this action can take from 2 days to a week).
  5. Give food for a pet need a good one. There is a special granular food or groundbait in the form of flakes specifically for aquarium fish. You can also add chopped lettuce and pieces of boiled egg to the surface of the water in a container - the goldfish in the aquarium will happily eat them.
  6. Such gentle creatures should not be fed in any way, and food should be given in small portions and no more than 1-2 times a day. All food should be consumed within 5 minutes. It is also not recommended to throw more food into the reservoir than the fish can eat during this time. After all, it is known that they love to overeat.
  7. Some tests (ammonium, pH, nitrate and nitrite tests) need to be carried out from time to time. These substances are very dangerous for aquarium residents. If they are above 0, this is already bad. The measure of nitrates is considered to be up to 40.
  8. It will be necessary to put a thermometer in the vessel, because the goldfish is in small aquarium or a huge body of water in cold water won't live long. The temperature in such a container should be somewhere around 21° C.
  9. Don't forget to change the water either. For an aquarium of 5-10 liters, a water change of 25-30% of its volume is necessary once or twice a week. The old liquid is drained, and the new one is poured into the vessel itself. Aquarists do not recommend completely changing the water, as this can destroy the biobalance, and fish with plants may feel unwell.

It would be useful to study various diseases underwater pets. Knowing their signs will help quickly identify the disease and make it possible to save the creature.


The reproduction of goldfish in an aquarium is characterized primarily by the difference between males and females during spawning (the female’s abdomen becomes round, and the males’ belly becomes round). pectoral fins and a light rash appears on the gills). Sexual formation in such individuals begins a year after birth. However, final maturation, fullness of fins and the greatest richness of color come only after 2-4 years.

What conditions are required for spawning?

For reproduction, you will need a spawning tank where any goldfish can lay eggs. This happens in a round or square aquarium - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that their volumes are from 20 to 50 liters, and the water level is no more than 20 cm. The water needs to be purified and quartzed for several hours or kept under direct sunlight. The container should have strong aeration and good lighting.

A large plastic mesh is installed at a distance of 2 cm from the bottom, and a bunch of thread or nylon sponge is placed in any of the corners. After the fish are released into the spawning area, the temperature is gradually increased by 2-4 C.

In order for the eggs to be completely fertilized and spawning to be ensured, 2-3 males are taken per 1 female. You can also organize group spawning for a school of fish.

The mark itself lasts from 2 to 5 hours. During this period, the female manages to spawn 2-3 thousand eggs. Then they stick to the washcloth and fall to the bottom under the net, where adults are not able to eat them. Parents are immediately removed after breeding.

At a temperature of 25° C, the incubation period lasts 4 days. During this period, it is necessary to remove whitened and dead eggs, as they are overgrown with the fungus saprolengia, which can spread to live eggs.

How long does a fish live? If you know the answer to this question in advance, you can save yourself from the bewilderment and grief caused by the seemingly sudden death of your pet.

We found information that the most short life- a small fish called cinolebias, which lives in South America. Its life is equal to the rainy season: the fish lives in reservoirs that are filled with water only during this period. Before the onset of drought, the fish lays eggs in the mud, which remain there until the next rains. In 2-3 rainy months, the larva hatches, grows into an adult fish and lays new eggs.

Glowing anchovies live for less than a year. Far Eastern salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon) live up to 5-7 years. Cod, herring and sea ​​bass- up to 25-30 years. Eels in natural conditions live up to 25 years, and in one Swedish town a hundred-year-old eel still lives in a well. Carp live up to 45 years, catfish live up to 40, and sturgeon live up to 50. Pike and beluga live up to 100 years. Apparently, these are the most durable fish.

There are two opposing opinions regarding the lifespan of aquarium fish. The most successful aquarists claim that in good aquarium conditions, the lifespan of fish increases: the absence of predators, regular feeding, and stable environmental conditions have an effect.

However, this is far from clear. Absence of predators and maintenance good conditions life helps even the weakest individuals survive and reproduce, which in natural conditions were doomed to death. These individuals spoil the gene pool and produce weak offspring, reducing the overall performance of the species.

In a relatively small closed aquarium system, temperature fluctuations are more noticeable. As we know, fish are cold-blooded and their body temperature is equal to the ambient temperature, i.e. water. The higher the water temperature, the faster the metabolic processes in the fish’s body go - the faster the fish “lives” its life.

Overfeeding also shortens the lifespan of the fish. Unfavourable conditions, rare water changes, constant stress, unsuitable neighbors - all these factors can (and will definitely affect) the lifespan of your pet. Therefore, the requirements for keeping specific types of fish should be treated as carefully as possible.

It is believed that fish gain maximum color as they age. However, fish become more sensitive to stress, more susceptible to disease and require more careful handling.

The table below shows the average lifespan different types aquarium fish. Note that closely related species are grouped together (for example, all tetra species are grouped together as "tetras").

Fish - Lifespan

Shark Ball 10 years

Angel pimelodus 8 years old

Apistogram 3-5 years

Astronotus 10-18 years old

Barb (depending on type) 5-10 years

Botia 10-15 > years

Common loach 10 years

Guppy 3-5 years old

Gourami 4-5 years old

Danio 5-7 years old

Discus 10-18 years old

Goldfish 10–30 years old

Cardinal 4 years

Congo 5 years

Corydoras 5-7 years

Labeo 4 -10 years

Lyalius 5-6 years old

Metinis 10 > years

Swordtail 3-5 years

Mistus 5 years

Mollies 4 years

Neon 4 years

Nimbochromis 10 > years

Otocinclus 5 years

Pak is 10 years old

Pecilia 3-5 years old

Piranha 10 years old

Plecostomus 7-15 years

Malawian cichlids 10 > years

Rasbora 5-10 years

Severum 10 -18 years

Synodontis 5 years

Angelfish 10 > years

Catfish Banjo 7-15 years old

Glass catfish 8 years old

Tarakatum 10 > years

Tetras (all varieties) 5-6 years

Frontosa 8-15 years

Black-striped cichlosoma 10-18 years

Cichlozomas 10 -15 years

Black Morulius 4-10 years

Sturizoma 10> years

Tetraodon 5 years

Fish – splasher 5 years

Wedgebelly 5 years

Afeosimion 1-2 years

Leporinus striata 5 > years

Rainbow girl 3-5 years old

Every aquarist wonders how long aquarium fish live. Everyone needs to know this. If you are not sure that you want to keep the aquarium for a long time, get fish with a short life expectancy. For experienced breeders, the number of years is important for calculating the spawning times that the fish will have time to complete.

Several points can affect the lifespan of aquarium inhabitants:

  • Size;
  • Water temperature;
  • Overfeeding;
  • Underfeeding;
  • Conditions of detention;
  • Neighborhood.

Fish size

The main criterion is the size of the fish. By this indicator you can judge how long you can admire your pet in the aquarium. The lowest limit is for small inhabitants, whose size does not exceed 5 centimeters. For example, neon, guppy, swordtail. They live from one to five years.

Record small sizes were found in a South American fish - cinolebias. Its lifespan depended on the rainy season; as soon as drought occurred, cinolebias died. The only thing that saved the fish from extinction was timely spawning. During the period of high water, she managed to appear, grow, spawn and die.

Fish whose size is defined as medium can live up to 15 years, and some representatives over 25, for example, piranha. Therefore, when getting such pets, be prepared for a long relationship.

An interesting fact is that males live significantly longer than females. Sometimes the difference reaches almost two years. There are breeds where the female dies after giving birth to the fry. Of course, no one is immune from unsuccessful spawning or a number of diseases, but most often this is observed in swordtails and gupeshkas.

Aquarium water temperature

The lifespan is affected by the temperature of the water in the aquarium. Cold-blooded animals cannot control their body temperature on their own, so water sets the rhythm for most processes occurring in the body. The body temperature of the fish is equal to degrees of water. Thus, the higher the indicator, the more intense metabolic processes occur in the fish’s body, and, therefore, life expectancy is reduced. Sometimes this figure reaches several years.

It has been proven that if you rarely change aquarium water, the concentration of harmful substances in the water will be higher than normal, which will entail a reduction in the life of the inhabitants. Use distilled water with a chlorine content close to acceptable indicator. Bad water can lead to dysfunction respiratory organs and diseases of the digestive organs.


How long do aquarium fish live? , influenced by food. We will talk about overfeeding and underfeeding. Fish obesity is a fairly common problem. Most often this happens in families with small children who are interested in watching the inhabitants of the aquarium eating food. Don't underestimate underfeeding. Due to a deficiency of nutrients and vitamins, they will not have enough energy for normal existence. If you are unsure about the correct amount of food, sniff the water. If you overfeed the fish, the water will have a specific smell. Ideally, there should be no aromas coming from it.

Overfeeding occurs if:

  • The water has a rotten smell;
  • It becomes cloudy quickly;
  • A film forms;
  • Algae has a slippery coating.

To avoid the death of your favorite fish and increase the number of years of being together, it is necessary to observe moderation in feeding, then life expectancy will correspond to the figure indicated in reliable sources. There should be enough food so that the fish have time to eat it within a few minutes after the food is served.

Choosing the right neighbors

The number of years lived may vary depending on the nature and type of neighbors. When you create your dream aquarium, it is not enough to know the aesthetic criteria and dimensions, you need to evaluate the preferred habitat and character. If the fish can get used to the hardness of the water, then they are unlikely to tolerate the unacceptable habits of their neighbors.

The combination of fish sizes is one of the fundamental rules of the aquarist. Big fish capable of eating small fish or fry, regardless of taste preferences. Before launching new inhabitants, carefully study compatibility.

Overpopulation negatively affects the lifespan of aquarium fish. Negative consequences overpopulation:

  • Feed shortage;
  • High competition;
  • Lack of oxygen;
  • Frequent illnesses;
  • Aggressive behavior;
  • The struggle for leadership.

All this can lead to the death of fish. It is important to observe the number of liters for each individual. Otherwise, the lifespan of the fish may be shortened. Be careful with cocky breeds, they are capable of killing an opponent in the struggle for leadership.

Many novice aquarium hobbyists have a question: how long do aquarium fish live? It should be understood that the lifespan of any living creature depends on its type, proper care, and comfortable living environment.

In an aquarium, the lifespan of fish is influenced by the degree of its population. If there are a lot of fish, their life expectancy will decrease accordingly. In addition, do not forget that only species of fish that are compatible with each other can live together for a long time. Remember that aquarium fish are cold-blooded: their body temperature directly depends on the temperature of the water in which they live. The warmer the water, the faster the life of the fish proceeds due to accelerated metabolic processes in their bodies.

The lifespan of fish also depends on their size: the life of small fish is short - from 1 to 5 years, medium-sized fish can live up to 10-12 years, and large fish live 15 years or longer.

Rare changes of water in the aquarium, as well as overfeeding, lead to a reduction in the lifespan of fish. Moreover, overfeeding has a much worse effect on fish than underfeeding. The older they get, the more susceptible they are to stress and various diseases.

Life expectancy of some types of aquarium fish

Let's find out how long some species of aquarium inhabitants live: betta fish and guppies, swordtails and angelfish, telescope fish, parrots, zebrafish and others.

Experts disagree on how long they live. Some believe that these fish live for 3-4 years, others believe that their life expectancy reaches 10-15 years. The longest living goldfish in the UK died at the age of 43.

The aquarium telescope fish, like other goldfish, can live in an aquarium for about 15-17 years.

The fish belongs to the cyprinids and lives from 5 to 7 years.

The angelfish, a species of cichlid, can live up to 10 years. In Germany, the long-lived angelfish lived for 18 years. The parrot fish also belongs to the species of cichlids, which, under appropriate conditions, can also live up to 10 years.

Swordtails and guppies are viviparous carp fish and their life can last no more than 5 years.

Constantly fighting betta fish do not live long in captivity - 3-4 years.

Labyrinth fish gourami can live in an aquarium for 4-5 years, glass catfish - up to 8 years, and piranha, which belongs to the characin species, lives in captivity for up to 10 years.

Remember that the lifespan of your aquarium pets largely depends on your attentive and careful attitude towards them and proper care.

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