What mushrooms, where they grow and when: from morel to greenfinch. mushroom calendar. How to pick mushrooms

An ordinary and well-known forest mushroom consists of a stem and a cap. The leg of this fruiting body is connected to a mycelium, resembling an interlacing of threads. The fungus is located in the soil litter, which often includes dying plant parts or other organic matter. Mushroom threads branch freely, and in the stem of the fungus and in its cap they fit tightly to each other.

The threads become channels through which they enter the hat nutrients from the soil. The lower part of the cap is composed of plates or tubules that contain spores. These cells are contained in the fungus in huge numbers, their number sometimes reaches tens of millions. As they mature, the spores spill out of the stores, after which they are freely carried through the forest by wind, animals or insects.

When the spores enter a favorable environment for them, they begin to germinate persistently, forming an independent mycelium, consisting of the finest white threads. As a rule, the mycelium lies a few centimeters from the soil surface. In order for future mushrooms to actively grow and develop, they need air flow and a stable positive temperature.

How wild mushrooms grow

Majority forest mushrooms has a perennial mycelium, which is adapted to adverse conditions environment, drought and frost. Mushroom growth stops if there is a lack of moisture in the soil, but the development of the fruiting body does not stop completely. The young mycelium is much less resistant to frost, which has a detrimental effect on developing fungi. A strong and early cooling can completely stop the growth of the fruiting body.

When the mycelium reaches sufficient development, the direct formation of the future fungus begins. The threads gradually intertwine with each other, first turn into small lumps, from which the stem and hat are then formed. Young mushrooms reach medium size in 4-5 days. A week later, the process of decay of the reproductive part of these forest dwellers begins. So mushrooms are rather short-lived inhabitants of the forest.

The growth rate of fungi is directly affected by humidity, soil and air temperature, and the nature of the area where the mycelium is formed. The most rapidly gaining strength are boletus, boletus and russula. Porcini mushrooms and aspen mushrooms fully ripen in about a week. But chanterelles grow relatively slowly. In young mushrooms, spores are also formed, which themselves become the source of a new mycelium. The cycle of development is repeated - to the delight of mushroom pickers.

Mushrooms. In what weather do they accelerate, and when do they freeze completely? As it turns out, there is a direct relationship between weather conditions and In addition, there are a lot of factors that also affect the development of mycelium and the appearance of fruiting bodies.

It is customary to call fruiting bodies a formed fungus that grows from a mycelium. The mushroom picker, in turn, is an interweaving of thin white threads. All of it is located underground, in the fertile soil layer and hidden from human eyes. It is from the conditions in which the mycelium develops that it depends on how quickly mushrooms grow.

Growth rate in different species

If the air temperature does not drop below 18-20 degrees for 10-14 days, and there have been heavy rains, then you can count on the harvest of mushrooms. The higher the humidity of the soil and air, the more intensively the mycelium feeds and develops. As a result, new fruiting bodies appear on the surface of the earth. Usually they grow in "layers", that is, there is a sequence of fruiting in different types. Aspen mushrooms, boletus boletus and boletus develop most quickly. Basically, they need 2-3 days to reach medium size. The same amount of time is needed for lamellar ones: russula, champignons and mushrooms.

How fast they grow

The most noble and desirable creatures develop much more slowly. White mushroom - the owner of a very dense and thick leg. It is from the stem that growth begins in all mushrooms, so whites need more time than the same boletus. But the adult fruiting body of the boletus is significantly ahead of other species in terms of mass and size. But sudden frosts or prolonged absence moisture can affect how quickly mushrooms grow. IN optimal conditions, in warmth and sufficient humidity, whole hordes of edible mushrooms grow in the forests.

Why is the forest "empty"?

It would seem that it is warm, the rains have stopped, and the forest is empty, even the mushroom aroma is not felt ... The reason lies in the forest itself. In young conifers, find any edible mushrooms very difficult. The mushroom picker lies at great depths and feeds on substances secreted from the roots of trees. How older tree, the more powerful and longer its roots. In addition, in old forests there is a thick layer of fertile litter. This is a significant factor that affects how quickly mushrooms grow.

Seasonality of different types

There are many signs by which you can determine whether it is time to go to the forest. For example, if pine and spruce blossomed, then the time has come for butter, russula and mushrooms. Mushrooms "deciduous" are mushrooms, milk mushrooms and chanterelles. They are the last to grow. The most mysterious of them are chanterelles. They can be found both in the height of summer and right under the snow at the end of October.


They grow with the appearance of the first yellow leaves. The features of the mycelium are such that it gains strength for a long time, and a well-developed one begins to actively bear fruit closer to autumn. Therefore, the peak of growth often occurs in September with its low temperatures and frosts. Therefore, it is believed that chanterelles grow very slowly. In fact, their growth is no different from other species, but a significant slowdown is observed due to low autumn temperatures.

Where and how to collect mushrooms? How fast mushrooms grow.

Mycelium grows from spring to late autumn. For its growth, a constant supply of air, moisture and a certain temperature are necessary. The mycelium of most species penetrates the upper layers of the soil to a depth of 5-12 cm. Under adverse conditions (drought, frost, soil compaction, excessive moisture), it develops poorly and dehydrates, but this increases its stability.

The mycelium absorbs nutrients osmotically, and their chemical transformations are possible only at certain temperatures. Therefore, it is quite clear that for the growth and development of fungi, moisture and heat are first of all necessary, and air humidity in the surface layers is very important. Fruiting bodies and most species of edible mushrooms are formed at a relative humidity in the surface layers of more than 50-60%. Very often there is a cessation of growth of fruiting bodies with a sharp onset of droughts, even after rainy seasons, when there is enough moisture in the soil. The fact is that the fruiting body of the fungus is not protected from moisture evaporation, and at low humidity, the fruiting body dries very quickly. Mushroom pickers are well aware that in such cases, mushrooms should be looked for in the litter or under mosses.

Temperature is the second important factor affecting spore growth and mycelium growth. For most types optimum temperature- plus 18-27 °С. However, the spores of many fungi grow in minimum temperature- plus 3-5 °С. For example, in mild winters with thaws on willows, maples, poplars and other tree species, you can collect winter mushrooms until spring.

At air temperatures above 30-35 ° C, the growth of fungi is inhibited. It often happens that mushrooms actively bear fruit as many times as there are heavy rains.

Autumn time is famous not only for the beauty that is being prepared for hibernation, nature, but also with their gifts. And it will not be about what we have grown in our garden, but about what our forests are rich in. Namely, mushrooms. Moreover, with these amazing creatures nature has a lot to do with it folk signs and superstitions that mushroom pickers noticed.


You can eat all the mushrooms, here are just some of them - only once in a lifetime. Many signs about mushrooms modern people not familiar, but everyone knows this. The point is that in no case should you take mushrooms that you do not know. poison it delicious dish can be very simple. But it's not just about that. There are mushrooms that you can eat for a year, two, three, and then suddenly get very sick and even die. These mushrooms include pigs. Previously, they were collected with pleasure, salted, pickled and eaten. But today it has already been proven that they are poisonous, only their poison does not act immediately, but accumulates in the body for several years, and then it can “shoot” so that it will not be possible to save a person.

If mushrooms grow on the wall of the house, then the person who lives in it will become rich. It has been noticed that often what a person believes in with all his heart is sure to come true. But in this case, this is completely unrelated to this sign. You can believe that you will become rich if you get fired from your job, but if you are into it with all your heart, then nothing will work. So for those who listen to the signs, but do not blindly believe in them, it should be noted that the mushrooms that have grown on the wall of the house will not bring anything but the destruction of the walls. If you have to repair a wall, or build at all, will you? It is best to immediately get rid of this disease of the walls, otherwise, you can make a lot of everyday problems.

If I saw little mushroom and left it to grow further, it will no longer be. It is popularly believed that the mushroom grows only as long as no one sees it. Any look of a person is an evil eye that does not allow him to grow further. Of course, centuries of human observation cannot be ignored. But no one sat and watched every little mushroom that they saw. Maybe someone cut off the grown mushroom, and next to that place grew another, small one. After all, they grow very quickly. Where there was nothing two days ago, today there may be a magnificent forest creature.

If a person loves to bow to the earth, then he will not be left without mushrooms. There is no need to argue here. It's about hard work. How do mushrooms grow? They can hide under leaves, under fallen needles. In order to find good mushroom, you need to look under each tubercle, but so that the mycelium is not damaged. To do this, it is necessary not only to pick a stick in the ground, but also to bend over, carefully look under the leaf. You look, the most beautiful mushroom can be found. And someone can go around the whole forest, so nothing can be found.

A mushroom torn out with the ground is forever dead. This statement only looks like a sign, in fact - this is the real rule that should be observed by any person who goes to the forest to harvest. If you collect mushrooms that have plates under the hat, for example, russula, then they only need to be cut with a knife. But if you find those specimens that have a sponge under the hat, for example, white, boletus, boletus, Polish or butterdish, then they need to be twisted out of the ground. And be sure that the place where you picked the mushroom must be sprinkled with earth and preferably trampled down. In this case, in this place and next year you will be able to harvest a good harvest, and the mycelium will remain intact. We somehow encountered the fact that lazy people came for mushrooms. They just walked through the forest and dragged a rake behind them. Anything good was taken. That's just after them on the most mushroom places after that, for seven years nothing grew, neither edible nor poisonous. It's easy to spoil, but it's better to get a crop every year.

Wherever you find one mushroom, look for another. The fungus really stretches far. Therefore, if you find a good mushroom, then be sure to squat down, and while you are cleaning the found mushroom, look around. If you look carefully, you will definitely find at least one more, and if you're lucky, then more. This rule has been tested many times and has always worked.

When midges begin to fly, then you need to prepare baskets. Mushrooms can be found practically. They begin to appear in the spring, as soon as heavy rains pass. In summer, some varieties of mushrooms also grow. Even in winter, under the snow, you can dig up mushrooms if you know the places where they grow. One of our friends went for mushrooms exclusively in winter. He said that at this time the mushrooms, although glassy, ​​were not eaten by worms. But the most best time for picking mushrooms - this. It was at this time that midges began to pester people intrusively, feeling the approach of cold weather. Therefore, people say that if midges have become annoying, then it's time for mushrooms.

When the pines are sprinkled with golden pollen, that year the butterflies will go in droves. In this case, it's a figurative expression. Pine is evergreen, it is rarely seen with yellow needles unless the tree is sick. People have noticed that once every three or four years, an incomprehensible pollen of a mysterious golden color falls next to fallen pine needles. Biologists also do not explain this phenomenon. But it is in these years that you can collect the most big harvest oil - the most delicious mushrooms for marinade.

If the clouds began to cling to the tops of the forest, then take a basket and go for mushrooms. Low clouds are the formation of fog. When thick fog spreads over the earth, therefore, the earth is wet. And what is best for good mushroom growth? Of course, moisture! So it turns out that under such conditions you can always return from the forest with a good harvest.

If it is raining quietly and without wind, then it's time to gather for mushrooms. Strong winds with heavy rains - this is typical, but not for autumn. It rains in autumn. Abundant? Yes. But extreme situations can no longer be expected. Therefore, any rain will be considered quiet. So, every rain is a signal, grab a basket and run into the forest.

There are a lot of fly agarics in the forest, which means that you can expect a lot of whites too. Indeed, the growth conditions of these fungi are very similar. The only difference is that some of them are poisonous, while others can be eaten and not be afraid. However, there is indeed a connection. However, fly agarics are always in sight, and whites are hiding. But the one who seeks, knowing about this sign, he will always be able to collect a full basket of porcini mushrooms, and maybe even more than one. On this occasion, there is another sign - the red fly agaric shows the way to the porcini mushroom. Go for fly agarics - you will definitely find the most elite mushrooms.

When it rains in the evening, wait for the mushrooms in the morning. Mushrooms grow really fast. And they grow mostly at night. No wonder people talk about everything that quickly appears, grows like mushrooms. Quite often, those who go for mushrooms every day from the season notice that where there was nothing yesterday, mushrooms are already growing today.

If you find a white one, make a stop. Mushrooms do not grow like normal plants. Their roots - mycelium - can stretch for several tens of meters. Therefore, mushrooms can appear anywhere. If you are lucky enough to find White mushroom, and not only white, be sure to stop and carefully look around. It cannot be that in this place he was the only one. When an attentive mushroom picker looks around, it almost always turns out that he has landed on a good fruitful clearing.

If the paths in the forest are covered with mold, then there will be a lot of mushrooms this year. The people believe in this omen sacredly. The fact is that mushrooms are also mold, really tasty. If mold appears on the forest paths, it means that the most suitable weather has come for a good harvest of mushrooms.

And in winter I would eat a fungus, but deep snow. Usually no one picks mushrooms in winter. You can't see anything under the snow. However, old people claim that an experienced mushroom picker can always find mushrooms under the snow. Most often, this experience is used in the case when, by the will of circumstances, one has to spend the night in the forest by the fire. Under the snow, the mushrooms left over from autumn are very well preserved, but in the spring, when the snow begins to melt, they deteriorate very quickly. spring mushrooms can't eat. It is believed that they, like a sponge, absorb all the dirt that has accumulated on the ground during the winter.

The mushroom has outgrown - the man has found danger on his nose. Everything has its time. Better collect fewer mushrooms, but those that will be tasty and safe. How older mushroom, the more likely they are to be poisoned, even if it is quite edible. The most delicious and safe mushrooms are only when they are small, young. Old mushrooms absorb everything bad from the earth, in addition, worms love them very much.

Every mushroom picker wants to know where to look for mushrooms

There are many signs from mushroom pickers among the people. And that's not all they're talking about. knowledgeable people. But every person who is going to go into the forest should know the basic signs about mushrooms. Firstly, it is useful in order not to waste your time in vain, and secondly, with such knowledge, you can collect much more good and tasty mushrooms.

Mushrooms never bother a person. Their choice is simply huge. Mushrooms can be fried, cooked from them soups, marinated, salted for the winter, even dried. They can be edible, for example, like mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, etc., and poisonous - like fly agaric, toadstools, etc. But even conditionally edible, with proper preparation, can also be eaten. When do mushrooms start growing? Since May, you can already collect the very first, which are called early, or the first wave.

How fast do mushrooms grow

How fast does a mushroom grow? The question of how much oil plants grow can be answered as follows: mushrooms generally grow faster than many plants that a person usually eats. In one or two days, it grows from invisible to mushroom pickers to a decent size. Hats grow especially fast. How long does a white mushroom grow? Pretty fast under favorable conditions. And aspen mushrooms with boletus mushrooms almost do not lag behind mushrooms. But on average, most mushrooms reach large sizes for a period of 3 to 6 days.

How fast does a mushroom grow? If the conditions are favorable, then even after one night it is already possible to collect butter and russula. But this is about those mushrooms that are already on the surface. Their main growth still takes place underground. The rapid appearance on the surface is affected by rain and sun. The growth rate is still greater at night than during the day. For example, you can find out how much a white mushroom grows by simply measuring a small young fungus in a mycelium and measuring it every day. Usually they grow completely in two days.

The very first boletus, boletus, boletus, white and many others can be found near big trees or not far from them, where there are fewer small and young roots. And in young forests they are practically not to be found at this time. Only closer to August, mushrooms will begin to grow evenly in all arrays. At the end of the mushroom season, they again begin to be most often found precisely in old forests. True, there is an exception - these are boletus and mushrooms. They prefer more young shoots and edges.

How white mushroom grows

They grow all summer, but in "waves". Spikelets are the first kind that appears. In order to be sure that whites can be found, on quiet hunting You can leave at the end of June. The second wave begins approximately from mid-August to September. This time is considered the most fruitful. But it can be very short, maybe even a week. But the third "wave" largely depends on autumn weather. In October, even on a frosty morning, late mushrooms can be found.

White mushrooms do not like loneliness, they grow right in several pieces at once. Therefore, if one is found, then the rest are nearby. Also, they can often be found next to fly agarics that appear at the same time as them. How fast does white mushroom grow? Not very fast, up to 7 days.

False porcini mushrooms

False mushrooms in the forest are always very similar in appearance to edible ones. But this is only at first glance. You can still tell them apart if you look closely. White false has the same massive leg, and its base is the same - in the form of a barrel. In order to distinguish poisonous from good, they look directly at fruiting body. In a false one, the flesh on the cut will turn pink. But cut off on white - no. In addition, the poisonous one has a small pattern - like a mesh - on the top of the leg. Whites just don't have it at all. Unfortunately, it is this mesh that often misleads mushroom pickers, who mistakenly take false white for boletus. In a poisonous mushroom, the tubular layer has a pinkish or off-white tint. Well, the easiest way is to taste it. false mushrooms release bitterness. Even just by licking a piece, you can immediately feel it. And with subsequent heat treatment, it is further enhanced.

mushroom time

How fast does a mushroom grow? The very first ones appear in April. First, a real morel grows, followed by a conical and morel cap. In May-June, the pitted lobe appears. This mushroom grows up to 10 cm in height.

These types of morels are considered conditionally edible, since these mushrooms are very poisonous when raw. The poison in them is destroyed only after preliminary soaking and long-term boiling (about an hour). And it is best to boil them in this way even three times, draining the water and rinsing each time.

By general pattern mushrooms begin to grow as soon as the soil thaws. But the real first ones are the spikelets, which begin to appear when the bread is eared. But often already in and May, butterflies, whites, chanterelles, boletus and boletus appear in the forests.

In what forests do mushrooms usually grow?

Mushrooms, of course, grow in the forest, but nevertheless they can be found much more often on the edges, in low forests, on the outskirts, along the banks of ditches, rivers and streams. It is best to look at the entrance to the forest, do not go far into it, but walk along the edge, preferably on the south side.

There is an opinion that mushroom pickers do not examine the territory adjacent to the road just because they believe that everything has already been collected there and are trying to go away. Meanwhile, it is there that untouched myceliums often come across. White mushrooms are very partial to cow trails. If cattle are usually driven along the edge, then it is there that they should be looked for in the first place. This variety of mushrooms was nicknamed - "cow".

Mostly white people love spruce forests, although it often grows in a pine forest. Most the best place for them - the outskirts of mixed forests.

But aspen mushrooms prefer young plantings of aspen and birch forest. Most of them are found on the slopes of streams, ditches and small rivers. In order to find a mycelium, you do not need a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bforest. Often, among the three aspens and a pair of birches, you can stumble upon a whole family. And with only one mycelium cut off up to 20 pieces.

The boletus is necessarily located where there are birch plantings. The ideal place for collection is sparsely forested young plantings. It is here that the "king" of boletus grows - the blackhead, which is considered the most delicious and beautiful. You can find it by a small dark hat, since the main part is completely surrounded by moss.

Ryzhiki and oilers love coniferous forests, especially preferred pine forests. Milk mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms and russula are generally unpretentious, and you can stumble upon them in any forest.

Mushrooms have one unusual "tendency". They love high voltage power lines that are strung across forest areas. This feature is explained by the fact that because of the electric current, trees are constantly pruned, and this creates quite favorable conditions for growing mushrooms, since they constantly receive necessary light and moisture.

Mushrooms in the forest can mainly be found in wet places - lowlands, as they grow much faster there. But in the swamps it’s definitely not worth looking for them. You should also remember about the temperature, so in the southern regions mushroom season starts earlier than in the north.

mushrooms growing on trees

Mushrooms that grow on trees not only have different morphologies, but they are also subdivided according to different groups. Among them, inedible ones predominate. Many are not only tough, but also rather unpleasant in taste, and even poisonous. And only a very small part of them are actually edible. However, they usually do not have nutritional value. However, some of them are very tasty. For example, again.

Mushrooms that grow on trees can also grow on soil, or even in it. They have a smooth and soft texture, but they taste like seafood. The caps are fleshy and large, and the legs can be quite short.

The coloration may even be blue, but still becomes mostly brown as they mature. Some parts of tree fungi can be eaten. Some types of vitamins contain 10 times more than vegetables and herbs.

Common types of tree mushrooms

The most famous tree mushrooms:


Truffle mushrooms are considered a delicacy that was available only to wealthy people. They belong to the genus of marsupials. Outwardly, they are rather unattractive, fleshy, grow in tubers. And they can reach a mass of up to 1 kg. Black-blue, smooth or cracked. Covered with small tubercles resembling warts.

This mushroom has a lot of species - almost a hundred, but of all only three are considered the most valuable. These are winter, Perigord and Piedmontese. To the conditions of the environment in which it grows, it is very demanding. So where do truffles (mushrooms) grow? They prefer mixed forests, but with a predominance of such trees as beeches and oaks. Despite such capricious behavior, they grow underground.

Truffle Features

Tastes like a mushroom roasted sunflower seeds or walnuts. And after that it retains its taste for a long time. It is so bright that it is very difficult to describe it. In addition, it can be consumed even raw.

The truffle has many useful properties. It is highly valued for its high content of vitamins B1, B2, C, PP. Beneficial effect on the health of children, nursing mothers and pregnant women. Strengthens sexual attraction. It has even been proven to delay the aging of human skin. Therefore, it is widely used in cosmetology. You can collect such mushrooms only by tearing the ground, but only pigs and dogs can feel where the mushroom grows, so a real mushroom hunt is carried out for these delicacies. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to collect them. These mushrooms grow strictly one at a time. They are collected only at night, since only at this time it emits a smell.

The truffle season is very short - from September to March. And in winter they can be obtained only in November or December. Most mushrooms are small, as large specimens are extremely rare.

The truffle even has its own expiration date: you can only keep it fresh for up to 3 days. Even so, it must be wrapped in paper and put in the refrigerator. It can also be frozen. But all these operations can be performed only with unwashed and unpeeled mushrooms.

fly agaric

Fly agaric belongs to the genus of agaric mushrooms. And for the most part, it is very poisonous. There are almost 100 species. Grows in all forests. When mushrooms of all kinds begin to grow, then fly agarics appear: from June to October. However, we must remember. Fly agaric red and smelly are deadly to humans, as they are very poisonous.

Fly agaric from the genus cap, rather large, fleshy. A young mushroom is wrapped in a veil that breaks as it grows. The color is different, it can be not only red, but also gray. It reproduces by spores. By the way, when fly agarics grow, porcini mushrooms also appear.

In our forests, the red mushroom is the most common. When used by a person, it causes severe hallucinations. But there are also edible mushrooms. For example, Caesar, pink. Red is used in the treatment of oncology, epilepsy and a number of other serious diseases.

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