Secondment, secondment, secondment - are there any differences. being on a business trip

  • Daily routine of military unit 00000 for _______ training period 200_
  • Service time regulations for military personnel of military unit 00000, who are doing military service under a contract, for __________ training period 200___
  • § 2. Orders for the combat unit. Orders on incentives, penalties (requirements for their preparation). installation order
  • § 3. Administrative (service) investigation. Inquiry
  • Administrative investigation into __________________________________
  • Conclusion on the results of the investigation into the loss of an identity card by major wrestler Alexander Vladimirovich
  • Peculiarities of conducting an administrative investigation in individual cases
  • Conclusion No. _____ on the results of the investigation into the fact of injury to a soldier
  • Inquiry in military organizations
  • § 4. Write-off of property. inspection certificate. The powers of the inventory commission in the framework of conducting inspections of the presence of property
  • § 5. The work of commanders in the consideration and resolution of complaints, statements and proposals
  • § 6. Activities of commanders in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources
  • § 7. Activities of the command to organize the provision of military personnel with all types of allowances
  • Cash allowance
  • Food supply
  • Clothing provision
  • Medical support
  • § 8. The activities of the commander to ensure the security of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • § 9. Accommodation of conscripted military personnel in barracks. Maintenance and operation of the barracks and housing stock, fire protection
  • Chapter 3. Organization of internal, guard, garrison and combat services
  • § 1. Organization of internal service
  • The work of the commander and headquarters of the military unit to monitor the state of the internal service
  • Maintenance of the assigned territory
  • Daily outfit
  • Checkpoint equipment (checkpoint)
  • Duty (orderly) for the company
  • Organization of personnel washing
  • Accounting for personnel in a military unit, subdivision
  • § 2. Organization of guard duty
  • Selection and training of guards11
  • Features of the equipment of the guardroom, posts
  • Internal order in the guards15
  • Ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition on guard
  • Features of the protection of the Battle Banner of the military unit
  • Guard service with the use of technical means of protection
  • Protection of objects by guard dogs
  • Features of the organization and performance of guard duty for the protection and escort of transports with military cargo
  • Organization of protection and escort of military cargo
  • Welfare and medical support
  • Control over the organization and performance of guard duty
  • § 3. Organization of combat duty (combat service)36
  • Training of personnel for combat duty
  • Combat duty (combat service)38
  • § 4. Organization of garrison service
  • Features of the organization of preparation and performance of garrison service
  • Military automobile inspection of the garrison
  • Chapter 4
  • § 1. General preparation for leadership
  • Advantages and disadvantages of various types of organizational structures
  • § 2. Managerial communication of the commander
  • Some general principles for dealing with "difficult" people
  • § 3. Prevention and resolution of conflicts
  • § 4. The essence and content of the managerial activities of the commander
  • § 5. Organization of management in a unit (subdivision)
  • § 6. Management of the activities of subordinates
  • § 7. The content of planning in part Requirements for the organization of planning in part
  • Combat training plan documents
  • Planning in the battalion and company
  • Chapter 5. Powers of commanders in personnel activities
  • § 1. Activities of commanders when concluding contracts for military service
  • Organization of attracting citizens and military personnel undergoing military service by conscription for military service under the contract
  • Contract signing activities
  • § 2. A set of actions for commanders in the appointment of military personnel to positions, dismissal, transfer to a new place of military service
  • General conditions for the appointment of military personnel to positions
  • § 3. Actions of the commander upon dismissal of military personnel and their exclusion from the list of military units
  • § 4. Powers of commanders for conferring military ranks on servicemen
  • § 5. Features of the acquisition of military units by civilian personnel
  • Chapter 6. Organization of educational work and moral and psychological support
  • § 1. The essence and content of educational work and moral and psychological support
  • § 2. Planning and organization of educational work in part
  • § 3. Organization of public-state training in the unit (subdivision)
  • § 4. Maintenance of military discipline in the unit (unit) and its analysis
  • § 5. Actions of the command to organize the search for those who left the unit without permission
  • Chapter 7. Legal basis for the financial and economic activities of commanders
  • § 1. Basic normative documents regulating the economic activity of military units Orders of the Minister of Defense
  • Directives of the Minister of Defense and the General Staff
  • Orders of the Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces
  • § 2. Procedure and legal consequences of the disbandment (liquidation) of a military unit
  • § 3. Permitted activities of military units aimed at making a profit
  • § 4. Actual and conditional names of military units and the procedure for their use in economic activities
  • § 5. Military unit as a legal entity
  • § 6. Powers of the commander of a military unit in the field of economic activity. The rights of the commander to conclude contracts
  • § 7. The powers of the commander to dispose of the income of the military unit. Features of the activities of subsidiary farms of military units and the distribution of income from their activities
  • § 8. Responsibility of the commander of a military unit for violations in the field of economic activity
  • § 9. Financial activities in the military unit. Settlement systems that military units are entitled to use
  • § 10. Powers of individual commanders (chiefs) in the field of economic activity
  • § 3. Actions of the commander upon dismissal of military personnel and their exclusion from the list of military units

    With the dismissal of servicemen from military service, their legal connection with the executive authority in which they performed military service is terminated, and the actual withdrawal from the military is carried out. By the time of the final dismissal from military service - the exclusion of military personnel from the list of personnel of the unit, mutual rights and obligations are subject to full execution. For these reasons, the procedure for the dismissal of military personnel is a rather complex and organized system of measures. conducted by commanders (chiefs), personnel agencies and military personnel, to terminate military service relations, ensuring mutual consideration of interests arising during the period of dismissal of military personnel.

    The grounds for the dismissal of military personnel are contained in Art. 51 federal law“On military duty and military service” and are differentiated by the points of this article according to a number of criteria: depending on the will of the parties - participants in the dismissal in making a decision on the dismissal of military personnel; composition of military personnel, as well as on the way they pass military service. Each basis for dismissal has a relatively separate procedure for the actions of commanders, officials, and the military personnel themselves, which is due to various factors that are of decisive importance for the dismissal of military personnel. To a greater extent, the procedure for dismissal affects the nature of the actions of officials and military personnel to establish and confirm the circumstances that fall under the grounds for dismissal, the content of the documents being prepared, reflecting the grounds themselves and their justification.

    In terms of the volume and scale of the measures taken, the procedure for the dismissal of military personnel undergoing military service on conscription in the positions of soldiers (sailors), sergeants and foremen, and the procedure for the dismissal of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, differ significantly.

    Dismissal of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract. Despite the existing differences, the main elements of the procedure for the dismissal of contract servicemen have a homogeneous content. The following main activities are distinguished in the order of dismissal:

    The occurrence of a legal fact (event, action) with which the start of the dismissal procedure is associated - the petition of the immediate commander, the decision of the commander, the report of the serviceman, the onset of the deadline established in regulatory legal acts for the start of the dismissal procedure, a court verdict, etc.;

    Activities preceding the submission of military personnel for dismissal - the study of the circumstances that are the reason for the dismissal, for their compliance with the grounds for dismissal established in the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", the collection of necessary documents, calculation of length of service, etc.;

    Representation of military personnel for dismissal;

    Issuance of an order for the dismissal of a serviceman by the relevant commander (chief);

    Mutual fulfillment of obligations (of the state and individuals) related to the termination of relations based on the fact of military service - the surrender of cases and positions to military personnel, the payment of monetary allowance, in cases specified by law, the provision of housing, etc.;

    Exclusion of a serviceman from the list of personnel of the unit.

    In accordance with paragraph 14 of Art. 34 of the Regulations on the procedure for performing military service, before submitting a military serviceman under a contract for dismissal from military service, the following measures are taken:

    a) the data on his military service are specified, if necessary, the periods of his service are documented, which are subject to offset in the length of service on a calendar basis and separately on preferential terms, and in accordance with the law Russian Federation years of service are calculated. The serviceman is announced about the calculated length of service. The objections of a serviceman regarding the calculation of length of service are considered by the commander (chief), and before the serviceman is presented for dismissal from military service, decisions are made on them;

    b) an individual conversation is held with the serviceman, as a rule, by the commander of the military unit. The content of the conversation is reflected in the conversation sheet. The conversation sheet is signed by the serviceman being dismissed from military service, as well as by the official who conducted the conversation, and attached to the personal file of the serviceman.

    In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, there is a unified procedure for submitting for dismissal military personnel serving under a contract, which is established in the Instructions for organizing military service by officers and warrant officers (midshipmen) in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2002 No. 350. In the same manner, by virtue of Art. 101 of the Guidelines for the recruitment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who are serving under a contract are dismissed. It should be noted that the unified procedure for submitting military personnel for dismissal contains the most general requirements and applies in full to dismissals due to the end of their service life. In cases of early dismissal, this procedure is applied partially, since such dismissal is not planned, and the unified procedure is not applied at all if the dismissal is based on a court decision, since in such cases the court decision is sent directly to the body (official) to which the the right to dismiss a serviceman, therefore, such a serviceman does not need to be presented for dismissal.

    The unified procedure for submitting these military personnel for dismissal includes:

    Development and approval of an annual plan for the dismissal of military personnel (in composition) from military service from a regiment, a separate battalion and above, with the determination of specific deadlines for carrying out measures to ensure its timely implementation;

    Planning and organizing the work of the relevant personnel, medical, financial and economic bodies for the dismissal of military personnel from military service in accordance with the approved dismissal plans;

    A system of control over the timely implementation of plans for the dismissal of military personnel from military service;

    Ensuring the participation of the relevant heads of military branches and services and officers of educational bodies in the work on the dismissal of military personnel from military service.

    In order to streamline the work on the dismissal of military personnel, the practical implementation of a unified procedure for dismissal, the following requirements are observed:

    Until July 1 of the current year in the personnel bodies military units in accordance with the powers of officials to dismiss military personnel from military service, plans for the dismissal of military personnel from military service in the next calendar year are drawn up and the corresponding commanders (chiefs) approve plans for the dismissal of military personnel from military service in the next calendar year in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to the above Instruction. Separation plans include military personnel who reach the age limit for military service in the following year and whose contract expires after they reach the age limit for military service. The layoffs include the following dates:

    Achievement by military personnel of the age limit for military service;

    The expiration of the term of the contract concluded by the military after reaching the age limit for military service;

    Conducting a conversation with a military commander (chief) before dismissal from military service;

    Carrying out attestation of a serviceman;

    Referral of a serviceman for a medical examination;

    Sending the personal file of a serviceman to the appropriate financial and economic body for calculating the length of service for retirement;

    Granting to the serviceman the main and completely additional holidays of the appropriate duration;

    Preparation and execution of the necessary documents for the dismissal of a soldier from military service.

    Extracts from the approved dismissal plans within 3 days are sent by higher personnel bodies to lower personnel bodies and sent to the relevant military medical and financial and economic bodies.

    Work on carrying out measures to ensure the timely dismissal of military personnel is carried out by direct commanders (chiefs) with the active participation of personnel, military-medical and financial-economic bodies with the involvement of attestation commissions and chiefs of military branches and services.

    The commander (chief) of the military unit is obliged:

    a) 6 months before the serviceman reaches the age limit for military service or the end of the relevant contract:

    Clarify with the serviceman the issue of concluding a new contract, taking into account the existence of the necessary length of service for the appointment of a pension for the length of service, the state of health, the provision of housing in accordance with the standards established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

    Send the personal file of the serviceman to be dismissed to the appropriate financial and economic body to calculate the length of service for retirement;

    Send a serviceman (at his request) for a medical examination to the garrison or hospital military medical commission;

    To provide the serviceman with annual basic leave and completely additional (if any) leaves of the appropriate duration, with the expectation that they will be completed by the time the relevant order for dismissal from military service is issued;

    b) 4 months before the serviceman reaches the age limit for military service or the end of the relevant contract, arrange for certification of the serviceman;

    c) 3 months before the serviceman reaches the age limit for military service or the end of the relevant contract:

    Bring to the soldier decision about his future official mission;

    Conduct a conversation with a serviceman about the upcoming dismissal from military service, with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of the personnel, financial and economic authorities and the legal service. During the conversation with the serviceman, a conversation sheet is drawn up according to the form in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to the above Instruction.

    The sheet of the conversation of a serviceman is kept in his personal file.

    For a serviceman subject to dismissal from military service, a presentation for dismissal from military service is drawn up, specified in Appendix No. 3 to the above Instruction, which is signed by the immediate (direct) commander (chief) from the commander of the regiment, separate battalion, equal to them and above. The submission is accompanied by:

    Copy of the conversation sheet;

    A copy of the attestation sheet;

    Report of a serviceman (in case of dismissal of a serviceman on the grounds when his consent to dismissal is required);

    A copy of the conclusion of the IHC (if necessary);

    Other Required documents.

    The submission and other necessary documents for the dismissal of a serviceman from military service are sent on command to the personnel body of the commander (chief), who has the right to issue an order to dismiss this serviceman, with the expectation that this personnel body will receive them 2 months before the expiration of the serviceman's term of military service.

    Control over the timely dismissal of military personnel is carried out in the personnel bodies (headquarters) of military units in the prescribed manner.

    Logistical and financial and economic bodies, in accordance with extracts from the plans for dismissal, monitor the passage of discharged military personnel of the VVK, timely provision of food and clothing, timely payment of monetary allowances and lump-sum benefits in their settlements with military units, closely interacting with personnel bodies (headquarters) of military parts.

    When dismissing for various reasons, a number of fundamental rules must be observed. The dismissal of a serviceman from military service on grounds where his consent to dismissal or appointment to a new military position is not provided for is carried out by the command without a report from the serviceman.

    Dismissal from military service on other grounds is carried out on the basis of the report of the serviceman and, if necessary, other documents.

    Attestation commissions play a significant role in the dismissal of servicemen. Thus, dismissal from military service on the grounds provided for in paragraph 6 of Art. 51 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" - according to own will in the presence of good reasons, is made only in accordance with the conclusion of the attestation commission. For dismissal from military service on the grounds provided for in sub. "c" p. 2 and sub. "a" paragraph 3 of Art. 51 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" - in connection with his failure to fulfill the terms of the contract and in connection with a significant and (or) systematic violation of his terms of the contract, the commander (chief) may give an order on the need for a preliminary conclusion of the certification commission .

    Dismissal from military service is carried out:

    a) senior officers - by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

    b) colonels, captains of the 1st rank, as well as military personnel dismissed from military service in connection with the transition to service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (federal tax police, customs authorities of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief) (subparagraph “b”, paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the above Federal Law), - by the heads of federal executive bodies in which military service is provided;

    c) other military personnel - by officials in accordance with the rights granted to them by appointment of military personnel to military positions.

    Early dismissal of junior officers is carried out by the commander-in-chief of a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the commander of the troops of the military district, officials equal to and above them.

    The dismissal of servicemen from military service is carried out by orders on personnel. The issuance of an order on dismissal by personnel is preceded by an examination of the documents received for compliance with the reason for dismissal with the grounds for dismissal from military service, documents confirming the reasons for dismissal and their compliance with the grounds for dismissal from military service are checked. The preparation of draft orders for personnel is carried out in accordance with the Rules for drafting orders for personnel of 1982 and the instruction of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 8, 1999 No. 173/2/1070. These Rules and Instructions establish strict requirements for the preparation of draft orders for personnel, the main of which are the following:

    a) orders are printed on standard sheets;

    b) orders are signed by one official (commander, chief, person temporarily acting as commander or chief);

    c) in the title part of the orders, the actual name of the association, formation, military unit is indicated (for sensitive ones, their code name is indicated);

    d) the order consists of paragraphs (if there are several introductory parts). A paragraph is made up of paragraphs. Orders are listed alphabetically. They contain the following data without abbreviations:

    Military rank;

    Surname, name, patronymic (surname is written in large print);

    The position held at the time of issuing the order;

    The name of the military unit and formation.

    All items of the order have a single serial numbering. To record information about the year of birth, the education of a serviceman, from what time he has been in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the officer’s personal number, an explanation is given for the item (“sidebar”) under the corresponding paragraph.

    In the "lateral" paragraphs of the orders for the dismissal of military personnel are indicated:

    their date of birth;

    Length of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (in calendar and preferential terms);

    Which military commissariat is to be sent for military registration;

    Serviceman's personal number;

    Information about the concluded contract (for how long it was concluded);

    Conclusion of the military medical commission on fitness for military service;

    Other information confirming the rights and benefits of military personnel;

    Digital codes established by the instructions of the Main Directorate of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    The final dismissal is the exclusion of a serviceman from the list of personnel of a military unit, which is drawn up by order for a combat unit according to the rules determined by the Instruction on office work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 1999 No. 170).

    A serviceman dismissed from military service must be excluded from the lists of personnel of the military unit on the day of the expiration of his military service (early dismissed - no later than the day of the expiration of his military service) and no later than one month from the date of receipt by the military unit of an extract from an order to dismiss a soldier from military service, with the exception of cases provided for in paragraph 11 of Art. 38 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service".

    The exclusion from the lists of personnel of the military unit of a serviceman recognized by the military medical commission as unfit for military service and in need of release from duty and dismissed from military service is carried out no later than one month from the day the military unit received the conclusion of the military medical commission, not counting the time the serviceman is on vacation(s).

    A serviceman dismissed from military service, on the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit, must be fully provided with the established monetary allowance, food and clothing. Before carrying out all the necessary calculations with the serviceman, he is not excluded from the lists of personnel of the military unit without his consent.

    A serviceman whose total duration of military service is 10 years or more, who needs to improve their living conditions in accordance with the standards established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, without his consent, cannot be dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service , for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures without providing him with housing in accordance with the norms of housing legislation. If the specified serviceman desires to receive accommodation not at the place of deployment of the military unit, he is dismissed from military service and provided with accommodation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Dismissal of military personnel who are conscripted for military service in the positions of soldiers (sailors), sergeants and foremen. The Guidelines for the recruitment of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation establishes the rules for the dismissal of soldiers, sergeants and foremen who are conscripted for military service.

    Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who are being discharged from military service and who have been conscripted for military service are sent to the military commissariats at their place of residence. The direction of these persons to other points is allowed only in cases of a change in the place of residence of their families, confirmed by documents.

    Military personnel undergoing military service by conscription, dismissed from military service, must have the following documents:

    Military ID;

    Service record card;

    Card of professional psychological selection;


    Military transportation documents to the place of military registration (place of residence).

    Certificates for food, clothing and money certificates are not issued to the specified servicemen. Appropriate notes are made in the prescription about their satisfaction with food and travel money and monetary allowance.

    On the dismissal from military service of military personnel undergoing military service on conscription, in sec. II of the military ticket indicates the number and date of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the dismissal from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of conscripted military servicemen who have served the established terms of military service, and on the next conscription of citizens for military service.

    The chiefs of staff of military units are obliged, no later than 10 days before dismissal, to personally check with persons dismissed from military service that they have documents and that they are filled out correctly.

    Before dismissal from military service, servicemen are explained the rights and benefits provided for them by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Military personnel undergoing military service by conscription and subject to dismissal from military service, but who are on sick leave or for personal reasons, the term of which expires no more than 5 days before the expiration of their term of military service (excluding the time required to travel from the place vacation to the place of military service and back), they may not return to the place of military service, but are dismissed from military service by the military commissars of the districts at the place of vacation, about which the commanders of military units are notified. At the same time, military personnel on sick leave are dismissed after examination by a military medical commission to determine the category of fitness for military service.

    In these cases, the commanders of military units are obliged to send to the relevant military commissariats, at their request, the necessary documents for enrolling military personnel in the reserve and their personal belongings.

    Conscripted military personnel who have served the established terms of military service and are being treated in medical institutions are examined by military medical commissions after the end of treatment or the outcome of the disease (wounds, contusions, injuries, mutilations) has been determined. The dismissal of these servicemen is carried out by the heads of military medical institutions, which is reported to the commanders of the respective military units.

    The dismissal from military service of servicemen who have served the established terms of military service on conscription in subunits, military units and formations that performed tasks in the conditions of armed conflicts is organized from the points of permanent deployment of military units in which the servicemen underwent military service before being seconded to areas of armed conflicts.

    At the same time, an entry is made in paragraph 17 of the section “ General information” of the following content: “In the period from “__” _______________ 200_ to “__” _____________ 200_, he served in the military as part of (name of the formation (military unit) that performed tasks in conditions of armed conflict). At the same time, for ______ days, he actually participated in hostilities as part of the army in the field. This entry is certified by the signature of the commander of the military unit and the official seal.

    In addition, retired military personnel are issued a certificate of the time of military service as part of formations, military units and subunits performing tasks in armed conflicts, and of the time of actual participation in hostilities, on the reverse side of which the financial authority of the military unit makes a record of the calculations made with a serviceman at the time of his dismissal (the certificate form is given in Appendix No. 20 to the above Guide).

    Dismissal from military service of military personnel who have served the established terms of military service by conscription and are being treated in military medical institutions due to injuries, concussions, injuries or diseases received during military service as part of formations, military units and subunits, and performing tasks in conditions of armed conflicts, is organized directly from military medical institutions.

    Upon dismissal of the above servicemen, within 3 days, extracts from the orders on their dismissal are sent to the military unit at the place of their permanent military service, on the basis of which these servicemen should be excluded from the lists of personnel of the military unit.

    If necessary, the commanders of military units at the place of their permanent military service send, within 3 days, at the request of the relevant heads of military medical institutions, military tickets, service records, food, clothing and cash certificates, as well as certificates of time passing military service as part of formations, military units and subunits performing tasks in armed conflicts, and the time of actual participation in hostilities.

    In the event of the loss of military tickets by the specified military personnel, their duplicates are issued by the relevant military commissariats at the request of the heads of medical institutions in the prescribed manner.

    Entries in military cards are made in the prescribed form in a military medical institution with a note: "... At the same time, for __________ days, he actually participated in hostilities and was treated in military medical institutions due to a military injury."

    Early dismissal from military service for health reasons of military personnel who are recognized as unfit or partially fit for military service is carried out by the commanders of military units on the basis of the conclusion of the military medical commission, issued by a certificate of illness, and after its approval by the regular military medical commission of the branch of the Armed Forces, military district, fleet, flotilla in the manner prescribed by the Instruction on the procedure for conducting a military medical examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    When considering by the commander of a military unit a report of a serviceman (application from his relatives) on the early dismissal of a serviceman from military service for family reasons, the commander of the military unit is obliged to clarify the motives for early dismissal set out in the report (application) and check the availability of documents confirming its legality.

    If documents confirming the legality of early dismissal are not attached to the report (application), the commander of the military unit must, within 3 days, send to the military commissariat of the district at the place of residence of the family of the serviceman a request for submission to the military unit of these documents.

    The military commissar of the district, having received from the commander of the military unit a request for the submission of documents confirming the legality of the early dismissal of a serviceman, within 10 days is obliged, on the basis of the documents submitted by the family members of the serviceman, to prepare an appropriate conclusion, which, with the attachment of supporting documents, after approval by the military commissar of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, send commander of a military unit. The signature of the military commissar of the subject of the Russian Federation, when approving the conclusion of the military commissar of the region, is certified by the official seal. A copy of this conclusion remains in the military commissariat of the district.

    The commander of the military unit, having considered the documents received from the military commissariat confirming the legality of the early dismissal of a serviceman from military service, with his petition submits them for a decision on subordination, respectively, to the head of the main headquarters of the service of the Armed Forces, the headquarters of the military district, the headquarters of the Airborne Forces, the main and central department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, associations and formations, which are subordinate to the military unit.

    On the basis of the permission received, the commander of the military unit early dismisses the serviceman from military service for family reasons. The number and date of the order of the commander of the military unit on the dismissal of a serviceman are indicated on his military ID.

    In case of refusal to early dismissal of a serviceman from military service, he must be motivated and informed by the relevant headquarters to the person who filed the petition.

    Secondment, secondment, secondment - are there any differences?

    , major of justice, officer of the legal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

    A business trip is a concept known to almost any military serviceman who is doing military service under a contract, as well as to civilian personnel working in military units. The intensity of business trips is directly dependent on the specifics official duties soldier, but in any case, the likelihood of being in places remote and not very far from permanent place military service is the higher, the higher the position occupied by the serviceman. As a result, the legal status of a serviceman departing on a business trip is undergoing significant changes. During a business trip, the status of a serviceman changes, certain actions (inaction) of a serviceman may entail legal consequences (primarily for him) that have significant differences from those legal consequences that would arise if he committed the same actions (inaction), but in the place of permanent military service. In addition, long business trips usually not only affect the calculation of the length of service of a serviceman, but also radically increase his income, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the financial security of the family of a serviceman (for example, a business trip to a war zone or to a foreign state).

    In connection with the foregoing, the correctness and timeliness of processing the documents necessary for: a) departure of military personnel on a business trip acquires particular importance both for military personnel and for military command and control bodies; b) the serviceman is on a business trip; c) the return of the serviceman to the place of permanent military service.

    At first glance, there is no difference between such concepts as “seconded serviceman”, “seconded serviceman”, “seconded serviceman”, “seconded serviceman”, “assumed to have departed (arrived)” or “considered departed (arrived)” does not exist. The logic of literal interpretation suggests that the meaning of these concepts is approximately the same, and therefore, their interchangeability is beyond doubt. Indeed, there will be no special problems with the arbitrary application of the concepts under consideration, provided that the serviceman or military unit does not have to prove, including in court, the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the serviceman being on a business trip, providing him with the prescribed types of allowance, etc.

    The interpretation of the literal meaning of the concept of "business trip" is as follows:

    - an official assignment, usually associated with going somewhere, a trip somewhere in order to perform an official assignment, assignment (see. New dictionary Russian language);

    - an employee's trip by order of the employer for a certain period of time to perform an official assignment outside the place of permanent work. Business trips of employees whose permanent work is carried out on the road or has a traveling character are not recognized as business trips (Article 166 Labor Code Russian Federation);

    - a business trip is a trip of an employee by order of the head of an association, enterprise, institution, organization for a certain period to another locality to perform an official assignment outside the place of his permanent work. In cases where branches, sites and other divisions that are part of an association, enterprise, institution, organization are located in another area, the place of permanent work is considered to be the production unit in which work is stipulated by an employment contract. Business trips of employees whose permanent work takes place on the road or is traveling or mobile in nature are not considered business trips (Instruction of the USSR Ministry of Finance, the USSR State Labor Committee and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated April 7, 1988 No. 62).

    With regard to military service, an analysis of the available options for interpreting the concept of "business trip" allows us to single out the following essential and mandatory feature, with which it can be distinguished from such concepts as, for example, "vacation", "treatment" or " daily outfit". Such a sign is the fulfillment by a serviceman of an official assignment (service assignment or assigned task) by order of the commander of a military unit (it is not for nothing that the word “commander” is the root of the word “business trip”) outside the place of permanent military service. This conclusion does not contradict the official “military” definition of the term “business trip”, given in the Instruction approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 1999 No. 000 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction). Its paragraph 18 says that military personnel are sent on business trips (by definition, a non-business trip cannot be - author's note) by order of the commander (chief) for a certain period of time to another locality to perform a service assignment outside a permanent or temporary location quartering of the military unit (subdivision) in which the serviceman performs military service. Military personnel sent on a business trip are paid for travel expenses (expenses for renting a dwelling and travel to the place of business trip and back to the place of service are reimbursed, as well as daily allowances are paid).

    In the development of this idea, it should be noted that the sending of a serviceman on a business trip is always preceded by the decision of the commander (chief), which can be both oral and written (in the form of an order, instruction, order) and which contains the purpose of the business trip, its duration, job assignment and a plan (schedule) for its implementation. In addition, in accordance with the Instruction (clause 19), the decision of the commander (chief) to send a serviceman on a business trip must be made subject to two conditions: the actual need and the availability of funds for these purposes. And if the real need is always present, then the situation with the presence Money, despite the "stability" of the military budget, continues to be tense. Therefore, if the commander (chief) decided to send a serviceman on a business trip, and there were no funds in the cash desk of the military unit for these purposes, then either the commander (chief) violated the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1999 No. 000, or the financial body of the military unit "played my own game." In the latter case, an immediate report to the commander (chief) who made the decision to send the serviceman on a business trip will help to “knock out” money from the cash desk.

    Here the time has come to acquaint the reader with very curious information: neither the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" of 01.01.01, nor the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01, contain the procedure and conditions for sending military personnel on business trips. Therefore, the main document regulating these issues for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the Instruction we have already mentioned. In addition, in accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel" dated 01.01.01, military personnel sent on a business trip are paid travel expenses in the manner and amount determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the amount of reimbursement of expenses associated with business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation, to employees of organizations financed from the federal budget” dated October 2, 2002 No. 000, hereinafter referred to as the Resolution).

    Analysis of the terminology used in these regulatory legal acts, as well as in the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On business trips within the USSR" dated 01.01.01 No. 000 and the Instruction of the USSR Ministry of Finance, the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions "On business trips" issued on its basis within the USSR” dated April 7, 1988 No. 62 (the latter are valid in the part that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation), showed that the only right notion, applied in relation to a serviceman sent on a business trip, is the concept of "seconded serviceman". The concept of "seconded serviceman" has nothing to do with business trips as such and is used in cases specified in Art. 18 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 No.

    So, on the basis of his decision to send a serviceman on a business trip, the commander (chief) issues an appropriate order. The form of the order (both on the departure of a serviceman on a business trip - paragraph 10, and on his arrival from a business trip - paragraph 11) is determined by Appendix No. 1 to the Instruction on office work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (clause 27), approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 1999 No. 000. When preparing any official document, including the order of the commander (chief) for the combat unit, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the preparation and execution of official documents established by Ch. III Instructions for paperwork in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in particular, its paragraph 50. It says: office document must be written in a business style in compliance with the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation, briefly and clearly, without the use of wording that generates various interpretations. The terms used must comply with the terminology adopted in the Armed Forces and be used in the same meaning.

    It is noteworthy that not every commander (chief) has the right to send a serviceman on a business trip. In accordance with paragraph 19 of the Instructions, this can only be done by:

    a) from the central bodies of the military administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - deputies and assistants to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, head General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and his deputies, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their deputies, deputy chiefs of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, deputy chiefs of construction and cantonment of troops, commander Airborne troops and his deputies, heads of departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their first deputies;

    b) from the directorates of military districts, fleets - the commander of the troops of the military district, fleet, his deputies and assistants, as well as the heads of departments, services and departments directly subordinate to the commander of the troops of the military district, fleet;

    c) from the departments of armies, flotillas and fleet aviation - commanders of the army, flotilla, fleet aviation and their deputies;

    d) from the directorates of the formations - the commander of the formation, the chief of staff of the formation;

    e) from military units maintained in independent states - the commander of a military unit.

    Based on the order of the commander (chief), a serviceman sent on a business trip is issued a business trip certificate. On the travel certificate, marks are made on the dates of arrival of the serviceman at the point (points) of the trip and departure from it (from them), certified by a seal. Markings are made: in military units - signed by the commander of a military unit or chief of staff, and in institutions and organizations of federal executive bodies in which military service is not provided for by law - signed by an official who is entrusted with the duty to make marks on travel certificates.

    If a serviceman is seconded not to a military unit or to an institution, organization, then the indicated marks are made in the military commandant's office of the garrison, and in its absence, in local authorities. In this case, the seconded serviceman who arrived at the destination must remember the content of Appendix 13 of the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which determines the procedure for registering military personnel on a business trip.

    The form of the travel certificate itself is established by Appendix No. 40 to the Instructions for Paperwork in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (paragraph 302).

    It is at least inappropriate to forget about the need to make marks in a travel certificate. This statement is supported by the fact that the duration of a business trip is calculated by the number of days spent on a business trip, including weekends and holidays.

    The day of departure on a business trip is the day of departure of a train, plane, bus or other vehicle from the point where the seconded serviceman is doing military service, and the day of arrival is the day the transport arrives at the specified point. When the vehicle departs before 24:00 inclusive, the day of departure is considered the current day, and from 00:00 and later - the next day.

    If the vehicle's departure station is outside locality, takes into account the time required to travel to this station. In the same manner, the day of arrival of the seconded serviceman at the point of permanent deployment or temporary quartering of the military unit (subdivision) is determined. The day of departure on a business trip and the day of return from a business trip are determined by local time.

    In the event of illness of a serviceman at a business trip, the days of illness are not included in the duration of the business trip.

    The time spent on the road is determined according to the existing timetable for the movement of the vehicle, including the delay time of the seconded person on the road for reasons beyond his control and the time for transfers (clauses 25 and 26 of the Instruction).

    The period of continuous stay on business trips up to one year is calculated from the day the serviceman leaves the point of permanent deployment or temporary quartering of the military unit (subunit) and until the day of return to these points after the completion of the official assignment, inclusive.

    For servicemen who have departed from the point of a business trip on vacation or for treatment at a medical institution and upon arrival from a vacation or medical institution at a point of permanent deployment or temporary quartering of a military unit (subunit) newly seconded to the place of performance of their official assignment, the period of continuous stay on a business trip is calculated without taking into account the time spent on a business trip before leaving for vacation or treatment (clause 24 of the Instruction).

    As regards the reimbursement of expenses related to business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Decree establishes that the specified reimbursement is made in the following amounts:

    a) the cost of renting a dwelling (except for the case when a serviceman sent on a business trip is provided with free accommodation) - in the amount of actual expenses confirmed by the relevant documents, but not more than 550 rubles. per day. In the absence of documents confirming these expenses - 12 rubles. per day;

    b) expenses for the payment of per diems - in the amount of 100 rubles. for each day on a business trip.

    In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 No. 000 and Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2000 No. 000, the expenses associated with the purchase of travel and transportation documents, including expenses associated with the use of bedding, travel in luxury carriages, payment of additional fees established on transport (except for the costs associated with the delivery of tickets to home, reissuing tickets at the initiative of the passenger), after the passage and transportation, presentation of documents confirming the actual costs of travel and transportation within the limits, established for the respective categories of military personnel.

    The following travel categories have been established:

    If the taxpayer fails to submit documents confirming the payment of expenses for renting a dwelling, the amounts of such payment are exempt from taxation within the limits established in accordance with applicable law.

    As for the expenses for travel to the destination and back of the seconded serviceman, they are not subject to taxation regardless of the mode of transport, class, provided that such actually incurred targeted expenses are documented. Therefore, in the case of paying for travel to the place of business trip and back to the place of permanent military service without presenting travel documents, the amount of reimbursement of such expenses, if there is a mark in the travel certificate on arrival at the destination, can be excluded from the taxable income of the serviceman, provided that he presents a copy of the travel ticket or a certificate from the box office confirming the fact that he has purchased a ticket.

    In connection with the payment of funds to the seconded serviceman, there is also the organization of his meals at the destination. Military personnel on business trips are provided with food through the canteens of military units in the following order:

    - military personnel who receive free food at the place of military service before leaving on a business trip - free food according to certificates for food according to their rations at the places of business trips;

    - military personnel who receive food rations in their hands at the place of military service, - free meals according to food certificates according to the rations they are entitled to at business trips or meals for a fee according to one of the norms of food rations used in a given military unit (if in a given locality (military parts) there are no canteens of the military trade).

    When providing food for a fee at the place of military service, the specified military personnel are given a food ration during their stay on a business trip or monetary compensation is paid in return (clause 139 of the Regulations on food supply in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on Peaceful time, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2000 No. 000, hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).

    If a seconded serviceman at the place of permanent military service was provided with therapeutic and preventive nutrition, the need for which was due to the harmful conditions of military service, then when performing a service assignment on a business trip under normal conditions of military service, such food is not issued (subclause "k" clause 2 of Appendix No. 1 to the Regulation).

    The flight crew of overflying aircraft and helicopters and the engineering and technical staff involved in escorting these aircraft and helicopters are provided with coupons for obtaining free meals on flight rations and general rations in the canteens of flight and engineering staff at military airfields along the flight route in the manner specified in Appendix No. 29 to the Regulation, or (if the flight is associated with landings at airfields civil aviation) monetary compensation in the manner prescribed by paragraph 27 of the Regulations. Personnel who received the indicated coupons or monetary compensation in return for the prescribed food, is removed from food security with the issuance of certificates for food.

    The same procedure for providing coupons for receiving free meals for flight rations is established for military personnel of the flight personnel of headquarters, directorates and central military authorities upon departure on official business trips to aviation and aviation technical military units (paragraph 159 of the Regulations).

    In conclusion, I would also like to draw attention to the fact that the business trip is included in the List of events that are carried out without limiting the total duration of the weekly duty time of military personnel, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 No. 000 (clause 8 of the List). This means that, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, the procedure and conditions for providing rest that compensates military personnel for participation in these events are determined by the Regulation on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 000.

    The regulation on the procedure for passing military service establishes that the time of engaging a serviceman who is doing military service under a contract to events held without limiting the total duration of weekly service time (business trip time. - Note by the author) is taken into account in days. For every three days of involvement in these events (for every three days of being on a business trip. - Note by the author), the specified serviceman is provided with two days of rest, established by paragraph 3 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law "On the status of military personnel" (based on the distribution of service time and rest time in one day - 8 hours and 12 hours). Rest time, which compensates for participation in these events, is provided to a contract serviceman, as a rule, at the end of these events (business trips. - Author's note), taking into account the need to maintain the combat readiness of the unit and the interests of the service.

    Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Subordinates (younger in military rank) are the first to greet their superiors (senior in military rank), and with an equal position, the one who considers himself more polite and well-mannered is the first to greet.

    47. Military personnel are required to perform a military greeting, paying tribute to:

    Tomb of the Unknown Soldier;

    State flag of the Russian Federation, battle banner military unit, as well as the Naval flag at each arrival on the ship and departure from the ship;

    48. Military units and subunits, while in service, greet on command:

    the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

    marshals of the Russian Federation, generals of the army, admirals of the fleet, colonel generals, admirals and all direct superiors, persons appointed to lead the inspection (inspection) of a military unit (subunit), as well as persons who arrived to present the military unit of the Battle Banner and (or ) state award.

    To greet in the ranks at the place of the indicated persons, the senior commander gives the command "QUIET, alignment to the RIGHT (to the LEFT, to the MIDDLE)", meets them and reports.

    For example: "Comrade Major General. The 46th Tank Regiment was built for a general regimental evening check. The regiment commander, Colonel Orlov."

    When building a military unit with the State Flag of the Russian Federation and the Battle Banner (at a parade, drill review, during taking the Military oath (taking an obligation), etc.), the report indicates the full name of the military unit with a list of the honorary titles and orders assigned to it .

    When saluting in the ranks on the move, the chief gives only a command.

    49. Military units and subunits greet each other on command at a meeting, and also perform a military greeting, paying tribute to:

    Tomb of the Unknown Soldier;

    mass graves soldiers who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland;

    The State Flag of the Russian Federation, the Battle Banner of a military unit, and on a warship - the Naval Flag when it is raised and lowered;

    funeral processions accompanied by military units.

    50. The military salute by the troops in the field to the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation is accompanied by the performance of the "Oncoming March" and the National Anthem of the Russian Federation by the orchestra.

    When a military unit salutes direct superiors from the commander of its military unit and above, persons appointed to lead the inspection (check) of a military unit (subdivision), as well as persons who have arrived to present the military unit with the Battle Banner and (or) state award, the orchestra performs only "Counter March".

    (see text in previous edition)

    51. When out of order, both during classes and in their free time, military personnel of military units (subdivisions) greet their commanders at the command "Attention" or "Stand up. Attention".

    At the headquarters, only direct superiors and persons appointed to lead the inspection (check) are welcome on command.

    In classes outside the ranks, as well as at meetings where only officers are present, the command "Comrade officers" is given to greet commanders (chiefs).

    The commands "Attention", "Get up. Attention" or "Comrade officers" are given by the senior of the present commanders (chiefs) or the serviceman who first saw the arriving commander (chief). At this command, all those present stand up, turn towards the arrived commander (chief) and take a combat stance, and when wearing a headdress, in addition, they put their hand on it.

    The eldest of the present commanders (chiefs) approaches the arriving commander (chief) and reports to him.

    The arriving commander (chief), having accepted the report, gives the command "FREE" or "COMRADE OFFICERS", and the reporter repeats this command, after which all those present assume the position "at ease", with the headgear on, lower their hand from the headgear and subsequently act according to instructions of the arrived commander (chief).

    52. The command "Attention" or "Stand at attention" and the report to the commander (chief) are carried out at his first visit to a military unit or subunit on a given day. The command "Smirno" is given to the ship's commander each time he arrives on the ship (disembarks from the ship).

    In the presence of the senior commander (chief), the command for a military greeting is not given to the junior and the report is not made.

    When conducting class exercises, the commands "Attention", "Stand Attention" or "Comrade Officers" are given before the start of each lesson and at its end.

    The commands "Attention", "Stand at attention" or "Comrade officers" before the report to the commander (chief) are given if other military personnel are present, in their absence, the commander (chief) is only reported.

    53. During the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, military personnel in the ranks take a combat stance without a command, and unit commanders from a platoon and above, in addition, put their hands on their headgear.

    Servicemen who are out of order, during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, take a combat stance, and when wearing a headdress, put their hand to it.

    54. The command to perform a military greeting to military units and subunits is not given:

    when raising a military unit (subunit) on alert, on the march, as well as in tactical exercises and exercises;

    at command posts, communication centers and in places of combat duty (combat service);

    at the firing line and the firing (starting) position during firing (launches);

    at airfields during flights;

    during classes and work in workshops, parks, hangars, laboratories, as well as when performing work for educational purposes;

    during sports and games;

    when eating and after the signal "Clear" before the signal "Rise";

    67. Servicemen must constantly serve as an example of high culture, modesty and restraint, sacredly observe military honor, protect their dignity and respect the dignity of others. They must remember that their behavior is judged not only on them, but also on the Armed Forces as a whole.

    Relations between military personnel are built on the basis of mutual respect. On questions of military service, they should address each other on "You". On personal contact military rank called without specifying the words "justice" or "medical service".

    Chiefs and elders, addressing their subordinates and juniors on matters of service, call them by their military rank and surname, or only by their military rank, in the latter case adding the word "comrade" before the military rank.

    For example: "Private Petrov", "Private Comrade", "Sergeant Koltsov", "Comrade Sergeant", "Midshipman Ivanov".

    Soldiers studying in military professional educational organizations, military educational organizations higher education and those who do not have military ranks, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, midshipmen, officers, as well as military personnel studying in training military units, are named according to the military position to which they are appointed.

    (see text in previous edition)

    Subordinates and juniors, addressing their superiors and elders on matters of service, call them by their military rank, adding the word "comrade" before the military rank.

    For example: "Comrade Senior Lieutenant", "Comrade Rear Admiral".

    When referring to the military personnel of the guards formations and military units, the word "guards" is added before the military rank.

    For example: "Comrade of the Guards foreman of the 1st article", "Comrade of the Guards Colonel".

    Out of formation, officers can address each other not only by military rank, but also by name and patronymic. IN Everyday life officers are allowed to use the affirmative expression "the word of an officer" and when parting with each other it is allowed to say "I have the honor" instead of the words "goodbye".

    When addressing civilian personnel of the Armed Forces who fill military positions, military personnel call them by their military position, adding the word "comrade" before the name of the position, or by name and patronymic.

    The distortion of military ranks, the use of obscene words, nicknames and nicknames, rudeness and familiarity are incompatible with the concept of military honor and dignity of a serviceman.

    68. Out of order, when giving or receiving an order, military personnel are obliged to take a combat stance, and when wearing a headgear, put a hand on it and lower it after giving or receiving an order.

    When reporting or accepting a report, the serviceman lowers his hand from the headgear at the end of the report. If the command “Attention” was given before the report, then the reporter at the command of the head “At ease” repeats the command, and when the headgear is put on, he lowers his hand.

    69. When addressing another soldier in the presence of the commander (chief) or senior, he must be asked for permission.

    For example: "Comrade Colonel. Allow me to turn to Captain Ivanov."

    When it is necessary to give an affirmative answer to a question from a superior or a senior, the serviceman answers: "That's right," and when it's negative - "No way."

    70. In in public places, as well as in a tram, trolleybus, bus, subway car and suburban trains with absence free places the serviceman is obliged to offer his place to the chief (senior).

    If at a meeting it is impossible to freely disperse with the boss (senior), the subordinate (junior) is obliged to give way and, greeting, let him through; if necessary, overtake the chief (senior), the subordinate (junior) must ask permission for that.

    Military personnel must be polite towards the civilian population, show Special attention to the disabled, the elderly, women and children, to help protect the honor and dignity of citizens, as well as to provide them with assistance in case of accidents, fires and other natural and man-made emergencies.

    71. Military personnel are prohibited from keeping their hands in their pockets, sitting or smoking in the presence of the chief (senior) without his permission, as well as smoking on the streets on the go and in places not designated for smoking.

    72. A sober lifestyle should be the daily norm of behavior for all military personnel. Appearance on the streets, in squares, parks, vehicles general use, other public places in a state of intoxication is a disciplinary offense that dishonors the honor and dignity of a serviceman.

    73. Military uniforms and insignia are established for servicemen. Right to wear military uniform all military personnel, as well as citizens dismissed from military service with the right to wear military uniforms, have clothes. The military uniform is worn strictly in accordance with the rules for wearing military uniforms and insignia, determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    Military personnel doing military service under a contract have the right not to wear military uniforms during the time free from the performance of military service duties, determined by the regulations on official time, and military personnel undergoing military service on conscription - outside the location of the military unit upon dismissal or on vacation.

    74. The rules of military courtesy, behavior and military greetings are also obligatory for citizens dismissed from military service, when they wear military uniforms.

    Decree amending the statutes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Document introduced new form the response of military personnel when congratulating or declaring gratitude by the commander. Now instead of "I serve the Russian Federation" they should answer "I serve Russia".

    The TASS-DOSIER editors have prepared a material on how the wording of the responses of servicemen to the appeal of commanders in the Russian and Soviet armies has changed.

    Before the October Revolution of 1917

    In the Russian Imperial Army, the form of response to the greeting of the commanders was regulated by the Charter on internal service in infantry troops(1877), the Rules of military rank and salutation by individuals and as part of teams (1884), etc. The lower ranks (soldiers and non-commissioned officers) were supposed to respond to the greeting of the chief, "We wish you health (I wish)"; in the case when the boss thanks - "We are glad to try", when declaring some kind of favor - "We humbly thank you", when parting - "Happy stay". After the answer, the title of the commander should have been added, for example, "your honor" was addressed to officers from ensign to staff captain. The rules stated that "responding to the chief and titling him, the lower ranks<...>should clearly pronounce each word, but without stretching and not separating one from the other.

    After February Revolution In 1917, the norms that were in force in the imperial army were abolished. On May 22 (9 according to the old style) May 1917, the military and naval minister of the Provisional Government, Alexander Kerensky, by his order, approved the document "Declaration of the Rights of a Soldier". According to him, "special expressions used as obligatory for answers by single people and teams outside and in the ranks" (for example, "so exactly", "no way", "I can't know", "glad to try", "wish you good health" , "I humbly thank you", etc.) were replaced by commonly used ones ("yes", "no", "I don't know", "we'll try", "hello", etc.).

    In the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA) since civil war and until the second half of the 1930s, when awarding and giving thanks, the answer "I serve (serve) the working people" was established. Such a norm, in particular, was enshrined in the Provisional Charter of the Internal Service of the Red Army in 1924.

    In 1937, a new charter for internal service was adopted in the Armed Forces of the USSR. According to him, in response to the greeting of the commander, the Red Army had to answer "Hello", to congratulations - with a drawn-out "Hurrah" (individual servicemen - "Thank you"), to the gratitude of the commander - "I serve (serve) Soviet Union".

    With minor changes, these response forms survived until the collapse of the USSR in 1991. So, according to the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the USSR of 1975 (valid until 1991), all servicemen who were in the ranks or out of order answered "We wish you good health (I wish)"; if the chief or senior said goodbye - "Goodbye", adding the word "comrade" and military rank at the end of the answer without indicating the type of troops or service. If the commander congratulated the serviceman or thanked him, the answer "I serve the Soviet Union" followed. When congratulating a military unit or subunit, the servicemen answered with a drawn-out triple "Hurrah", and if the commander (chief) thanked the unit, "We serve the Soviet Union."

    In Russian federation

    In the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of 1993, the words "I serve the Soviet Union" were replaced by the phrase "I serve the Fatherland." After the adoption in 2007 of the new Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, instead of "I serve the Fatherland", military personnel had to say "I serve the Russian Federation." Otherwise, the forms of responses to commanders' greetings have remained unchanged since 1975.

    What else to read