A set of exercises for endurance and strength development. Exercises to develop general and strength endurance

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

Strength endurance training is an important stage in the training of a strength athlete. Between strength cycles, it is necessary to perform cycles to develop strength endurance.

First, let's look at the term endurance. What is it?

Endurance is the body’s functional ability to perform any action for a long time without seriously reducing its effectiveness.

There are two types of endurance:

General strength endurance- the ability for long-term and effective motor activity, involving the majority of muscle groups. This quality places quite impressive demands on the respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

Special strength endurance- the ability to functional economization, expressed in reducing energy consumption per unit of work, depending on coordination perfection and competent, rational distribution of forces and energy during the exercise.

Five Factors Affecting Muscular Endurance

1. Strength. If a muscle is just strong enough to lift given weight, then all its fibers will contract to perform this movement. A stronger muscle uses only part of them. When fewer fibers are used, blood flow to the muscle remains higher.

2. Capillarization. Proper training endurance can lead to an increase in the number of capillaries by 5 times.

3. Biochemical processes. At the cellular level, metabolism in the muscle improves: it begins to better remove waste products and absorb substances that ensure its functioning.

4. Work of the cardio-respiratory system. Improving oxygen transport in the lungs and blood vessels improves local endurance.

5. Psychological factors. It is well known that the limits of strength and anaerobic endurance are largely dependent on the level of inhibition, which limits maximum effort. There are many factors behind this inhibition, but one of the most important is the athlete's reluctance to endure the discomfort of maximal effort, especially when he thinks he is already tired and in an oxygen debt zone.

Endurance training methods according to Seluyanov V.N.

Training methods follow directly from physiology.

Firstly, according to the law of physiology, in order to train glycolytic muscle fibers, they must be included in the work. This immediately implies requirements for work intensity; it should be around 80% of the maximum. With such a load, almost all motor units are activated.

Secondly, it is necessary that the work continues for a sufficient time in order to excite the very mechanisms that will then ensure mitochondrial hypertrophy. Light acidification, the appearance of free creatine, and an increase in the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood and muscle fibers are necessary.

We recommend doing 10 repetitions per set, and if the athlete cannot complete 10 repetitions, then the weight is reduced, but the mental stress remains the same. The athlete must perform each movement more intensely. In this case, all muscle fibers are recruited, and the degree of accumulation of free creatine and hydrogen ions becomes optimal for stimulating transcription - reading information from DNA. During such an exercise, no more than 30% of ATP and creatine phosphates are consumed, therefore, during a two-minute recovery, the accumulation of hydrogen ions and lactate will not exceed a critical level that destroys mitochondria.

Increasing the number of approaches leads to a gradual accumulation of hormones in the blood and active muscle tissue, so 10 approaches provide the required concentration of hormones in muscle fibers. For those who can't wait, you can perform 20 approaches in one workout to one muscle group. Large quantity approaches can lead to the complete destruction of ATP and creatine phosphates in muscle fibers, which will delay the recovery process for several days. Therefore, the technique in in brief can be represented like this:

  • load intensity – 60-80% of the one-time maximum
  • duration – 20-30 seconds. (10 reps)
  • rest interval – 60-120 s
  • number of approaches – 10-20 times
  • number of workouts per week – 3-7

Methods for developing strength endurance

1. Extensive interval method - used if you choose to develop endurance using aerobic processes, that is, with the participation of oxygen. The method involves performing several exercises with weights equal to mass of your body or 30-40% of the maximum. Here it is worth using the circular training method. Each set should contain from 20 to 40 repetitions. Rest between exercises - up to 2 minutes, between circles - 5 minutes. The number of circles is 3-5.

2. Intensive interval method - used if you choose to develop endurance using anaerobic processes, that is, without exposure to oxygen. The method involves performing exercises with a weight of 50-60% of the maximum. The style of classes is circular. There is no fixed number of repetitions. They are carried out with maximum speed"to failure." The approach time is usually about 30 seconds. Rest between exercises - 30 seconds, between circles - up to 3 minutes.

The selection of exercises depends on the specifics of the sport you are involved in. If it is necessary to increase overall strength endurance, select basic exercises For large groups muscles. When there is a need to increase local strength endurance, a set of isolated exercises is selected.

For the first method, no more than 6 exercises are determined with a circle time of about 5 minutes. For the second method, no more than 10 exercises are recommended.

Exercises for training strength endurance of the arms and back

Different types of exercises for developing and strengthening the muscles of the arms and back can be replaced with one - these are pull-ups. Anyone can do pull-ups, and you don’t have to go to the gym to do this; you just need to find a horizontal bar on the street or hang it at home. By changing the position of the hands and the width of the grip, you can work on different muscles back and arms. The horizontal bar also allows you to relieve stress from the spine - this is very important after strength training.

1. Classic version Pull-ups are pull-ups with a straight grip, shoulder-width apart. When doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, try to avoid sudden movements, pull yourself up smoothly, without jerking, and lower yourself down just as smoothly.

It is important to work with maximum amplitude—at the top point, touch the bar with your upper chest and fully extend your arms at the bottom point. Do not jerk and avoid rocking. Don't forget about breathing! As you exhale, lift up, and as you inhale, straighten your arms.

2. Wide-grip chest pull-ups. In this version of the exercise, you need to place your palms as wide as possible, and at the highest point try to touch the bar with your chest.

In order to perform the exercise correctly, you can bend slightly in the lumbar spine. Please note that you should not immediately strive for a too wide grip - this can injure your shoulder joints.

3. Narrow reverse grip. This option is basic for pumping up the back muscles - it is simple from a technical point of view and allows you to transfer the load extremely accurately to the latissimus dorsi muscles, most The biceps also do the work.

Exercises for training leg strength endurance

1. Classic squats (on two legs).

2. Squats on one leg at the gymnastic wall. Extend one leg forward and do squats with the other. Bend your knee to 90 degrees.

3. Squats on one leg, the other is put forward - stand up and then push off.

4. Changing the position of the legs by jumping in a wide lunge forward, maintaining the length of the lunge.

5. Standing on the push leg, lean the fly leg against the rail of the gymnastic wall at the height of the pelvis. Jump up, pushing off with the front of your foot.

6. Standing right foot on the floor, left on a support 20-40 cm, jumping up, pushing off with the left foot (and vice versa).

7. Stand with one foot on a support 30-50 cm, the other foot on the floor. Jumping up while changing the position of the legs.

8. Jumping up from a deep seat.

9. Run in place, raising your hip high.

10. Bent over run with support, raising the hip to the chest.

Example of one-circuit exercises for security forces

Let's consider a set of exercises to develop strength endurance. This program is designed for different level preparation, therefore suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes. Regulate the number of approaches for yourself.

Perform the exercises in place or on the move at a slow, medium or fast pace, repeating 20 to 100 times, or for 30 to 60 seconds.

  • squats
  • lunges
  • bench press
  • wide grip pull-ups
  • dips
  • flexion of the torso on an inclined plane

The concept of strength endurance has nothing to do with muscle pumping. What is taken into account is not how much load a person takes on, but how well and for how long the body is able to withstand this load.

You can often observe a situation where two athletes who have been training together for quite a long time, are in the same weight category, and already on the third approach demonstrate different endurance. One copes with the weight relatively easily, the other struggles with all his strength. The difference here is the ability of the muscles to produce force. And this ability can and should be trained.

There are special exercises and methods for training endurance. We will talk about them in more detail.

Types of Stamina

There is a division of it into two types:


Muscular endurance.

From the name it is clear that the first type includes how the human heart, blood vessels, and lungs behave under intense long-term stress. You can develop this type of endurance by doing cardio training, namely running, swimming, walking, cycling, etc.

The muscles, in turn, are trained by squats, pull-ups, twisting and other similar exercises.

What does strength endurance depend on?

1. When a person trains intensely, his body produces a substance called creatine. It gradually accumulates in the muscles, and it is its quantity that determines whether you can handle the next approach. If naturally If creatine phosphate is not produced enough, you can start taking a special supplement.

  1. How coordinated your muscles work during training is very important. The lower this consistency, the more energy you expend. Experienced athletes have no problems with this; everything is developed over years of training.
  2. How more people trains, the stronger the ability to innervate muscles becomes. In other words, the muscles have the ability to contract longer. This means you can also train longer.

It can be concluded that endurance cannot be developed in a few weeks or months. This is quite labor-intensive work that will require a lot of effort and regular training.

Why do you need endurance anyway?

It is an undeniable fact that being physically fit is very good for your health. Let's figure out why.

Firstly, under increased stress, the human body begins to work differently. Oxygen enters the blood better, carbohydrates are converted into energy, and excess fats leaving. This means that the body receives more useful and nutritious substances.

Secondly, heart function noticeably improves. In addition, the lungs work better.

This is why developing strength endurance is a very important task for any athlete, whether professional or amateur. Of course, with experience in training everything will come on its own, but this takes time. If you want to develop endurance faster, there are a number of special exercises. Most often they are used by those who find themselves in kettlebell lifting or Russian bench press.

Training according to all the necessary rules

In order for the classes not to be in vain, it is necessary to follow a number of certain rules (especially for beginners in this matter).

  1. During the training process, you must rest. Between sets or between exercises, it doesn’t matter. It would be great if the breaks were not completely passive, for example, heavy exercises would be replaced by easier ones. This will make it easier for the body to cope with stress, and at the same time, the workout will become more productive.
  2. It is necessary to train endurance every day, starting from about fifteen to twenty minutes. Gradually the time increases. It is important to emphasize: gradually! The maximum time should not exceed sixty minutes.
  3. Don't confuse strength training with endurance training. This is a completely different set of exercises that should be separated. It is optimal if a day passes between them.
  4. And, perhaps, one of the most important conditions. Training should bring joy and pleasure; you should not perform the exercises with all your might and bring yourself to a state of fainting.

Best Endurance Exercises

Everyone can do this, thanks to which strength endurance will begin to develop. The exercises are simple, well-known and accessible to everyone. Let's look at each one separately.


This exercise is probably the most common. Many people simply underestimate it or do it wrong. Here's what you need to keep an eye on:

  1. The body must have time to recover. Running every day is not recommended. Most the best option- in one day. However, you shouldn’t take a break for more than two days either.
  2. There should be enough breathing, so watch this carefully.
  3. If you are a beginner and have not run before, it is better to start with walking. This, by the way, is also very useful activity, thanks to which strength endurance is perfectly developed. Race walking is even included in the list of disciplines Olympic Games. The main thing is to maintain a fast pace. Then you can go to light jogging for literally five minutes a day, gradually increasing the time.
  4. Cardio training should have varying intensity. At first we run slowly, accelerate and slow down again.

Jumping rope

So many positive effects can be noticed simply by doing exercises with a skipping rope. The muscles of the abs, buttocks, shoulders, thighs, and hands work intensively. Fat is quickly burned, figure, coordination and the condition of the heart and blood vessels improve.

A few simple rules:

When you jump, you need to push off the floor with your entire foot;

To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to jump for at least 15 minutes;

Jumping on one leg will help improve your results; legs should be alternated periodically.

Classic squats and dumbbell squats

Ordinary squats can be varied, for example, by performing them with a “pistol” (that is, when one leg is extended). The effect will be approximately the same as from running. To strengthen it, you can pick up dumbbells. The load will be greater, which means the muscles will be worked even better. The plie squat is especially effective.

Sports games/swimming/biking

All these are excellent activities for training the overall endurance of the body. The only main thing is to create a specific training schedule (at least 2-3 times a week), and if we are talking about swimming and cycling, you need to swim and ride long distances. But, of course, they need to be increased gradually.

Push-ups and exercises on the horizontal bar

It is important to do push-ups correctly. You can get ahead of everyone in numbers, but there will be no sense, because quality is more important. Follow correct breathing: rise - exhale, descend - inhale. The back is always straight. The number of approaches must be gradually increased from one to five.

As for the horizontal bar, in this case four approaches are optimal. They involve as many pull-ups as you can do. The body is straight, legs are extended. As we rise, we inhale.

Abdominal exercises

When pumping the abs, it is important that when you lie on the floor, your legs do not leave it (perhaps it is better for someone to hold them), and the lifting of the body itself ends with twisting. Please note that the muscles should be tense not only when lifting, but also when lowering the body.

Basic training program

As noted, strength endurance has nothing to do with strength training. In the second case, the athlete’s main goal is to develop their muscles and give them the desired shape.

A beginner will not be able to develop such a training program on his own. This should be done by the trainer, taking into account all the characteristics of the human body. In general, any program is based on the fact that the athlete lifts the maximum possible weight for himself, taking long breaks between approaches. Such classes are held several times a week and usually consist of three approaches to each exercise. - these are squats, bench press, pull-ups, exercises with a barbell.

How to choose the right load?

A strength training program for beginners aims to strengthen the foundations of the entire body or build these foundations.

As in any activity, you can’t overdo it with power loads. You should exercise every other day. It is wrong to pay attention to one area (for example, the gluteal muscles), you need to work on everything. The lesson should be based on basic exercises; you should not include more than 5 types in one workout. The trainer always makes sure that the beginner performs the tasks correctly, so that exactly those muscle groups that the exercise involves are loaded. Warm-up required!

Usually, beginners choose a set of the following exercises:


Crunches (abs);

Pulldown of a vertical block to the chest;

Seated/bench press.

Of course this is the most simple program strength training. It's perfect for beginners. The load is moderate, but with the right approach, the result will not take long to arrive.

Strength training at home

Not every person can afford to go to gyms. But this is not a reason for frustration, because effective training can be done outside the gym. Most often, abdominal exercises, push-ups, lunges with weights, squats with dumbbells, and exercises with weights are done at home. At home, training will become even more productive if you have a simulator. Here are some examples of exercises:

1. For women, the plank is a great exercise. You need to sit on the floor, resting on your elbows and toes. The body must be straight (this is the most important condition). All muscles receive a serious load. The exercise should be performed in three approaches, trying to stay in this position for as long as possible.

2. Excellent for men strength training will be exercises with weights at home. They should be done every other day. You can do swings, squats, bench presses, and jerks. A 24 kg or 16 kg kettlebell is suitable for training. Beginners are recommended to exercise with light weights; later, when the muscles get used to the load, 24 kg and 32 kg weights will also come in handy.

Whatever interests you, strength endurance training or a strength training program, do not forget that in any case the body will need a lot of energy, which it will most likely have to draw from food. That's why it's so important proper nutrition. You need to eat foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates. It is imperative that food be consumed nutrients, vitamins. Of course, you have to give up bad habits. Moreover, all athletes who train seriously and professionally have their own nutrition programs and their own strict regime. Therefore, do not forget that a properly selected diet is the first step towards the goal.

Well-developed physical qualities are great, especially if they are strength and endurance. It is by these two qualities that one can tell whether a man or a woman is strong. But not everyone can develop endurance, for example, if they exercise at home.

Good afternoon, dear readers. The topic of this article is “”, and in it you will learn what exercises to use to develop endurance and what conditions need to be created for this.

This physical quality You probably now associate endurance with running. I'm right? Yes, you are partially right, but a person can become resilient without running at all, and he even has respiratory system will be better developed than ordinary person(usually a developed “breath” is directly related to an increase in the quality we are discussing today).

What can we say about such a constant companion of this quality as muscle detail or body relief - they go “shoulder to shoulder,” so to speak. Therefore, by relying on endurance in your exercises, you are pursuing not just one goal, as you think, but several at once. And that is great.

What conditions should you create at home?

First of all, prepare equipment for classes: these can be dumbbells purchased in sporting goods stores, belts with sand inside (weights for the legs, arms and torso), rubber expanders, in the end (bought at a pharmacy), or weights made by yourself - o I mention them in almost every article that talks about home conditions. Have you prepared what you will have to deal with?

If not, and you plan to exercise only with resistance own body(for example, doing push-ups, doing back push-ups on stools, doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar), then this is also not bad. I’ll tell you a little further how to act in this case.

Well, for now let’s move on to one of the leading problems of this article - what you need to do to become resilient.

Ever wonder why the guys (or girls, it doesn't matter) at the gym do a certain number of sets with a certain number of reps in each? Why not more or less? Why exactly so much? But because a certain number of repetitions and sets corresponds to the development of either physical qualities or the body itself.
So, to develop strength, powerlifters use from 1 to 5 repetitions in 3-4 approaches, bodybuilders for mass - from 6 to 12 in 4-5 approaches.

But those who want to get dry (“lifter” or bodybuilder) - from 15 repetitions or more in 6-7 approaches. This may seem like a lot, but don’t panic, friends, ahead of time. In all these cases different weight weight resistance. The aspect that interests us is the resistance of sports equipment 50-60% (or even less) of maximum weight, which you can only do once.

And here we gradually come to another important point. Before starting home exercises, you need to know what weights and in what exercises you can lift one rep at a time. at this stage. To do this, go to the gym and devote one workout to this, being sure to write down your results.

If this is not possible, then do the following at home: do exercises (with which you plan to develop endurance) and carefully monitor how many repetitions you can do in one approach. If it is more than 25, then the weight of the weights is small, if less than 15, it is too heavy. If you can only do 15 repetitions in 4 approaches (instead of the required 6-7), then you need to reduce the weight of the weights. For such a “tuning” you will need about one lesson.

If I overloaded you a little with information, here is a shortened version:

  • do 6-7 sets of each exercise with at least 15 repetitions (this is the minimum);
  • use a weight of 50-60% of the maximum;
  • rest between sets for 30 seconds to more than a minute - no more, but between exercises
  • one and a half to two minutes;
  • frequency of classes 4-5 times a week;
  • the duration of classes is from 45 minutes to an hour - do not go too far, but little will not give results;
  • pace of classes - fast;
  • eat more protein, slow carbohydrates and healthy fats;
  • get enough sleep.

Endurance exercises

I will not “rediscover America” or “reinvent the wheel.” I may not say anything new for you now, but the truth is that the same exercises are used for strength or endurance - the only difference is what I just described: the number of sets, repetitions, and so on. It is these training parameters that allow you to train your muscles, developing in them the ability to work for a long time.

Moreover, these are the same exercises for women and men. Except that lunges are not popular among men, and pull-ups on a horizontal bar among women.

Therefore, feel free to use various presses - standing, lying, sitting; pull-ups - wide grip, reverse, behind the head; rows - bent over, deadlifts, to the chin; squats - with or without weights.

Among the isolation exercises you can use: bent over arm straightening with dumbbells, arm curls with dumbbells, standing or lying French presses, forward bends with weights, side bends with dumbbells, plie squats. The list is very wide.

In addition, there are exercises that can be done without additional equipment. Push-ups, squats, jumping jacks. Can’t do a full 6*15 push-up? Do push-ups from your knees after failure. Can't squat that much? So don't squat so low when you don't have the strength.

If we are talking about pull-ups, then pull yourself up from a chair (with your feet resting on it, without lifting them off) or with an expander tied to the horizontal bar - stand with your feet on it, and when you pull up, it contracts and thereby helps you.

In short, improvise, adapt, because home conditions are not rich in exercise equipment.



As you probably know, we all have the same set of physical qualities that are at one or another stage of development and which can be improved throughout life. One of these qualities is endurance, which is responsible for the body’s ability to perform work for a long time without loss of performance, reduction in the pace and quality of the work performed. .

By work I mean physical exercise, although I do not exclude any other type of activity where this same endurance is necessary.

How to improve endurance?

It's interesting to know your opinion. Be sure to write in the comments what you think about this. And I will continue.

On initial stage classes, this physical quality is at a low level. Believe me, this is how it is for an ordinary person, and there is nothing wrong with that. This is fine. But you must admit, it would be better to have a prepared body that can not feel tired for a long time.

It is noteworthy that some bodybuilders claim that anything more than 12 times is endurance. You know, I don’t even know whether to agree with this statement or not - it’s very difficult to verify it yourself. What do you think about this?

So, if your complex, for example, consists of 8 exercises, then in each you will have to perform the prescribed number of approaches and repetitions. Don't be afraid, you will succeed, because the weights are light.

Pace of execution and rest between approaches. You will have to strain yourself - the exercises must be performed quickly in order to cause certain reactions in the muscles (well, there is a consumption of creatine reserves in the muscles and so on - there is no point in explaining the mechanisms of muscle function - it is long and tedious). A burning sensation in the muscles is a direct sign that you are on the right track.

As for rest between sets: it should last no more than a minute - time it on a timer. Between exercises, you can increase your rest by half a minute. It is because of the reduced rest that the muscles will each time faster and faster replenish the expended resources and reserves, thereby developing endurance.

Endurance training. Naturally, first you need basic exercises - they should make up approximately 70% of the total mass. The remaining 30% are insulating and special.

This formula is necessary for both men and women, there is no difference. If you do not understand the types of exercises, then I will briefly tell you:

- basic - involve several muscle groups and several joints. Example: bench press, squats, push-ups. Exception: bending the arms in support from behind;

- isolating - involve only one muscle group and one joint. Example: overhead arm extension with dumbbells, side bends with dumbbells. Exception: bicep curls;

- special - involve several groups of muscles and joints, but are complementary, not developmental in nature. Example: back curl.

At each workout, you should work different muscle groups: one day - some, the next - others, and so on. Let your muscles rest.

At home

Most of the exercises used in gym, can be repeated at home, having at your disposal only a jump rope and.

Or even use improvised means. By the way, you can also exercise at home, which will significantly affect the increase in endurance.

Let's say in the gym the bench press is done with a barbell. There is no barbell at home, which means you can replace it with dumbbells. A similar principle applies to all basic and most isolation exercises.

Push-ups on parallel bars can be replaced with push-ups on two chairs, with your legs on the third. In general, improvise, adapt to your home environment and create your own set of exercises that suits you best.

The human body is capable of many things. Its resources have large reserves and can be successfully developed. Endurance, both physical and emotional, helps with this. These types of endurance are tightly connected to each other. By training one ability, the other automatically improves too. Endurance is an ability human body withstand heavy loads for long periods of time. But how to develop endurance?

Features of endurance development

It is generally accepted that the force human body demonstrates the presence of muscles. This is not always the correct opinion. All athletes pay great attention to cardiological exercises, which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. All training should be aimed at increasing endurance, building muscle mass and strengthening the operation of all systems. How less people gets tired, the stronger his health is - this is an indisputable fact. To achieve these results, it is important to spend time building endurance. There are two types of body resilience:

  1. General, when the body is able to withstand prolonged physical influences.
  2. Special, the body’s ability to tolerate fatigue under specific loads.

The best method to achieve your goal of increasing endurance is physical exercise. The resistance of the body is perfectly developed by running, cycling, swimming, as well as simple exercises that can be done at home. Then the result will not be long in coming. The body will be more toned, flexible, strong and resilient.

How to develop endurance at home

Good motivation is the first step towards achieving a goal. A trained person not only looks good physically, but also feels more confident. The right motivation will turn training into pleasure, not hard labor.

Where to start training? Initially, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle. Without going to the gym, you can increase your body's strength and endurance at home. Experts have developed simple rules, which must be followed regularly.

  1. It is important to adhere proper routine day. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Internal overstrain will interfere with the development of endurance.
  2. Initially, you need to turn it on in your daily routine.
  3. Once every seven days you need to include cross-country in your training. Running on long routes helps develop the body's power. You can start with a 3-kilometer distance and then increase it. It is recommended to run the race on a day off to allow the body to recover. Little by little, the body will get used to such loads, and endurance will increase.
  4. Endurance directly depends on the proper functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. IN daily workouts It is important to include exercises that will strengthen all body systems. You can get acquainted with yoga, which provides comprehensive classes.
  5. It is important to pay attention to nutrition. If it is incorrect, then all efforts will be in vain. It is recommended to consume more fiber, which is found in nuts, fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products. All this food is perfectly absorbed in the body and will certainly have the best effect on it. You can even pay attention to a complex of vitamins and drink them in the early stages of training.
  6. It is important that training is enjoyable. Scientists have proven that a good mood during classes will help best results. A clean mind ensures a stable positive mood. Be sure to check out this system for clearing your mind – you won’t regret it.

Exercises to improve endurance

For high-quality results and achieving goals, athletes recommend training to be carried out efficiently and regularly. The body quickly gets used to the stress, and after a short time he will demonstrate strength and endurance.

At home, with just five exercises you can effectively create and consolidate good results.

  1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (20 times). The exercise is familiar to everyone. The body should be straight, the legs should be together and the body should be pulled up with the hands so that the chin rises above the horizontal bar. You need to inhale when going down, and exhale when going up.
  2. Push-ups (60 times). An old exercise that many people remember from school. Take a lying position, keep your legs together and your back straight. You can inhale as you go down, but you must exhale when you go up.
  3. Abdominal pumping (40 times). On your back, in a lying position with your knees bent, bend forward. Then you need to raise your body and reach your chin to your knees. Inhale as you straighten and exhale as you lift your back.
  4. Leg throw (40 times). You need to sit down and rest your palms on the floor, and then throw your legs back while bending your back, then get to the starting position. You need to exhale while throwing your legs back.
  5. Jumping with changing legs (45 times). When doing the exercise, it is important to keep your hands behind your head, elbows turned to the sides. The body must be vertical and kept level. One leg is bent at the knee and looking forward, the other is evenly extended back. During the jump you need to change the position of your legs. Inhale during the jump, exhale when landing.

Exercises should be performed comprehensively. You are given 8 minutes for one approach, during the allotted time you need to include a rest (30 seconds). It is important to carry out everything according to clearly established rules and not change places.

Exercising always brings health benefits:

  • the number of capillaries that direct blood to the muscles increases;
  • the heart trains, it begins to pump more blood and supply oxygen to the muscles;
  • muscle volume increases due to an increase in mitochondria;
  • the functioning of the lungs, which saturate the blood with oxygen, improves;
  • the presence of lactic acid in the muscles decreases, which causes pain after completing sports;
  • red muscle fibers develop.

Stages of training endurance

Before acquiring strength and becoming a resilient person, preparatory stages are necessary for the body. Preparation will help you get in the right frame of mind. There are three main stages: preparatory, main, special.

During preparatory stage you need to learn the exercises that will be used to acquire endurance. Pay attention to drawing up a training schedule, its duration and correct execution exercises.

The main task of the main stage is to strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscles and ligaments, and adjust breathing. All this is necessary to increase overall performance, strength, agility and speed. The second stage is the foundation before acquiring full endurance.

The special stage can only begin when the first two are completed perfectly. This can be tested by running a 3 km cross-country race, which should be supplemented with strength exercises. If the body has passed the control test, then you can move on to a special stage. It involves long-term physical activity, which must be combined with unexpected and instant strength and speed exercises. This stage will help develop contrasting endurance.

The most basic

Once you decide to take up sports and develop endurance, you never need to stop.

If you don't exercise for just a few weeks, your muscles will lose their previous functionality and you'll have to start all over again. If your choice fell on healthy image life and a toned figure, it is important to follow this path to the end.

Endurance is the body's ability to withstand fatigue during physical activity. It is measured by the time during which muscles can perform a particular task. People who have developed endurance achieve greater success in sports and feel much better in everyday life. That's why this topic important not only for professional athletes, but also for those people who always want to be healthy, energetic and young.


Before you figure it out, you need to find out what it is like. Mainly, the body’s resistance to stress is divided into two types:

1. General, or as it is also called - aerobic. It is expressed in the body’s ability to perform work of average intensity over a long period of time.

2. The second type is called special (specific) endurance. It characterizes the ability of the human body to perform a specific type of work in a certain form sports, with a given intensity, for a long time.

The second type is further divided into three subspecies:

  • Express. It is expressed by the period of time during which a person can perform certain actions with the proper level of tempo and speed.
  • Coordination. It's about about the body’s resistance to physical activity, which is accompanied by the implementation of various technical and tactical actions.
  • Power. This type reflects the body's ability to withstand physical activity without losing its effectiveness.

How to develop endurance: methods

To develop aerobic endurance, you need to do cyclic exercises. In this case, all muscle groups must be involved to some extent in the work. This is where physical activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, skiing and even simple chopping wood come to the rescue. To develop specific types of endurance, competitive exercises are usually needed. So, let's look at the main methods that are used to solve this issue:

1. Uniform method. The method involves continuous work maintaining a constant speed, rhythm and amplitude.

2. Variable method. Here there is a sequential change in load, speed, or amplitude.

3. Repetition method. In this case, the exercise is performed very quickly (up to 20 seconds), followed by rest and loading again.

4. Circular method. The same as the previous point, only in each new approach a new exercise is done.

5. Endurance develops in the process of a kind of game. It also trains control of emotions.

6. Competitive method. It involves performing certain exercises in the form of competitions.

Developing General Resilience

It's time to figure out how to develop endurance. We will talk about general tirelessness, since it concerns absolutely everyone, in contrast to specific ones. In addition, to develop specific endurance, each sport requires different exercises. And sometimes such activities force a person to sacrifice his health in order to achieve results.


Exercises that develop endurance are cyclical in nature. They are performed for a long time (up to 20 minutes), in a measured mode.

So, among best exercises To strengthen the body, the following can be distinguished:

1. Slow but long cross. Its duration can reach two hours.

2. Fast running over shorter distances.

3. Alternate walking and running for several hours.

4. Slow but long swimming.

5. Playing football or basketball.

6. Skiing at a distance of up to 15 km.

7. Jumping rope in series. A series can last up to a minute, and the rest between series is 2-3 minutes.

8. at a measured pace over long distances.

9. Cycling at a fast pace for short distances.

As you can see, sports that develop endurance are quite diverse. Therefore, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves. Excuses will definitely be inappropriate here. Moreover, sports that develop endurance are absolutely accessible to everyone.

Rules for performing exercises

1. Gradual increase in load. During training, the body gradually adapts to heavy loads.

2. Systematicity. Only if the exercises are performed systematically will they benefit the body. It is necessary to strictly follow the procedure and increase the load at each new stage. Don't forget about rest too.

3. Regularity. Don't forget that only reasonable approach will protect the heart and blood vessels from overwork and give the desired result.


As is known, athletes and ordinary people significantly different. When a person trains endurance, his body depletes its energy reserves. To restore them, you need to consume mainly carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are the best “fuel” for an athlete’s body.

Carbohydrates. Their dose depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Minimum daily norm is 4 grams per 1 kg of body. However, with intense training, this figure increases to 9 grams. It is undesirable to consume carbohydrates in excess, because this will lead to the appearance of fat. To actively develop endurance, you need to gradually increase your carbohydrate intake and control your body weight. Foods containing a lot of carbohydrates are: oats, buckwheat, rice, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Squirrels. When developing endurance, you must definitely consume 1.4 g per 1 kg of body. With long and intense training, it increases to 1.8 g. A lot of protein is contained in chicken eggs, fish, venison, poultry and lean red meat.

Fats. The development of endurance is promoted by the use of fatty acids Therefore, fats must be included in the diet. The amount of fat consumed should be 15-20 percent of the total energy burned. It is worth paying attention to products such as olive and flaxseed oil, nuts and sea fish.

Don't forget about water too. Water is extremely important for any person. It can be used both between workouts and during.

An important addition to measures to develop endurance is taking Mildronate, a drug that optimizes intracellular metabolic processes, stimulating the nutrition and functioning of cells in conditions of lack of oxygen. This not only noticeably accelerates the process of adaptation of the body to increased loads, but also protects the membranes of myocardial cells from damage by products of incomplete metabolism, which inevitably appear due to hypoxia. The drug is taken according to the instructions and can significantly facilitate the process of developing endurance.


Our body is capable of many things and The best way Make sure of this - develop resistance to stress. A person who has developed strength, agility, endurance and coordination gets sick less, is always in good shape and good mood, after all, as you know: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” This useful property sport, as the development of tirelessness, is much more important than a pumped up body or medals hanging on the wall, because it implies the health of the cardiovascular system. So we figured out how to develop endurance, and what it actually is.

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