Semolina for weight loss. What you need to know about semolina? Is it possible to eat semolina porridge and lose weight?

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


What are the benefits and harms of semolina porridge, what substances does the main component of the dish – cereal – contain? The body requires nutritious food to produce enough energy, and semolina does this job perfectly. Nutritionists do not agree on the importance of consuming the product.

What is semolina

The popular name for this dish is “semolina”; it is often prepared at home, in educational and medical institutions. What component is the basis of the recipe, what else can be prepared from it? Semolina is crushed wheat grains of medium grinding (0.25-0.75 mm). For processing, hard, soft varieties of wheat or a combination of them are selected (brands “M”, “T” or “MT”). Buying cereal is not difficult, it is inexpensive and is available in almost all grocery stores.

The benefits of semolina porridge have been confirmed and refuted by experts, but what is the golden mean? Semolina can be used for different dishes. It is compared to flour, so it is used to prepare muffins, casseroles, soufflés, meatballs, cutlets, pudding, and other dishes. The “M” variety of cereal boils very quickly and is suitable for cooking porridge in water or milk. Types “T” and “MT” are more appropriate for adding to minced meat, pies, and casseroles. How much the body needs semolina porridge - everyone determines its benefits and harms for themselves, based on taste preferences.

Composition of semolina

Cereals are recommended for mono-diets, dietary nutrition in the treatment of the stomach and intestines. What does semolina contain? It is half starch and contains only 2% fiber. This does not allow the use of cereals in the diet of people who cannot eat foods containing increased amount gluten free Cereals come in different structures due to the fact that they are used for grinding grains. different varieties wheat.

How semolina porridge is useful, what substances it contains:

  • vitamins B, E, PP;
  • protein;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

All these substances are necessary for normal blood circulation and stable work nervous system. Thanks to vitamins, iron, potassium, good brain activity, a surge of energy are ensured, joints, bones and muscle tissue are strengthened.

Calorie content of semolina porridge

In various sources you can find conflicting information about the calorie content of semolina porridge - approximately 123 or 326 kcal per 100 grams of product. Everything depends on the type of consumption - 123 kcal in the finished dish, 326 kcal per 100 grams of dry cereal. The taste of semolina porridge depends on the additives and the liquid in which it is prepared. If the cereal is boiled in water, the energy value will be lower, and when using fatty milk, butter, jam, condensed milk, the number of calories will increase.

The benefits and harms of semolina porridge

This type of cereal is the only one that is digested and absorbed in the lower intestine, therefore, passing through the intestines, it cleanses it of excess fat, mucus, and harmful substances. This process has a beneficial effect on the body, so porridge is recommended for consumption by patients who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestinal system (pancreatitis, gastritis). It is also very useful for underweight people to eat porridge. What other benefits and harms of semolina porridge?

It contains a high gluten content, which is useful for adults, but dangerous in large quantities for babies. Cereals thin the mucous membrane and provoke a decrease in the intestinal absorption of nutrients. Semolina is not on the list of high-calorie foods, although many believe that it contributes to gaining extra pounds. It's all about the additives to the dish: full-fat milk, jam, butter, condensed milk, jam, powdered sugar. The taste is significantly sweetened, but the calorie content also becomes higher.

For adults

How harmful and healthy is semolina porridge for adults? Rich chemical composition product indicates that semolina in reasonable quantities is beneficial to the body. Many vitamins, potassium, iron are useful for the functioning of the heart, vascular system, liver, and brain activity. Active substances help increase hemoglobin and strengthen the immune system. Thanks to calcium, teeth, bones, nail plates, and hair are strengthened.

If a person has kidney pathologies, then by consuming semolina in water, the body will not absorb proteins. Porridge for gastrointestinal diseases has a mild enveloping effect, it removes toxins, eliminates spasms, and cleanses the intestines of mucus. There are also a number of contraindications for which you should not eat porridge:

  • at diabetes mellitus;
  • increased tissue fragility;
  • gluten enteropathy;
  • in the presence of intestinal dysfunction.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women often want to diversify their diet and improve its quality. Semolina cooks quickly and is nutritious, so it satisfies hunger well. What are the pros and cons of eating semolina porridge during pregnancy? Benefit:

  • completely digested by the intestines;
  • replenishes energy reserves;
  • has a balanced chemical composition;
  • is a nutritious product;
  • does not contain cholesterol;
  • strengthens the heart and the walls of blood vessels.

Why is semolina porridge harmful for women in the following position:

  • excessively high in calories if you use fatty or sugar-containing additives, which is fraught with swelling and manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • not possible if you are gluten intolerant;
  • prohibited for diabetes and varicose veins;
  • Allergic reactions and diarrhea may occur.

For a child

Kids love porridge, because these dishes do not need to be chewed thoroughly, they are easily digested. The benefits and harms of semolina porridge for a child have been discussed by pediatricians for many years. Some experts recommend giving it to a child from six months of age, believing that semolina helps children grow, and some do not recommend giving semolina until the age of three. If the baby is not gaining weight well, then semolina is useful for preparing porridges and casseroles. It is imperative to monitor the child’s receptivity to a new product; cereals with a high gluten content are not suitable for everyone.

For the elderly

For older people, it will be healthier to eat porridge with water rather than milk. The benefits and harms of semolina porridge for older people are the same as for any other age. A significant advantage is that eating semolina from time to time prevents cancer, strengthens the heart muscle, the walls of blood vessels and is an excellent prevention of blood diseases.

Semolina porridge for gastritis

During the period of acute illness, porridge is prepared in water without adding salt, sugar, or butter. It has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract of the patient, provided that there are no contraindications to the consumption of cereals. How semolina porridge is useful for gastritis:

  • enveloping properties;
  • healing of damaged tissues, erosions, ulcerative lesions;
  • prolongation of microtraumas of the stomach;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances.

Semolina porridge for weight loss

Porridge lovers often wonder if semolina porridge is allowed for weight loss? It contains 70% starch, which increases its calorie content, and if it is prepared with milk and sweeteners, then the energy value increases significantly. Therefore, consumption of semolina porridge is recommended during therapeutic diets, for gastrointestinal ailments and slagging in the body.

It’s amazing how often haters of semolina porridge in childhood become fans of it as adults. Two decades ago, it served as one of the first products for feeding infants and was the main morning dish in kindergarten. At the same time, both we and our children grew up healthy and strong. Why has this dish now become perhaps one of the most controversial products that doctors prohibit giving to children under one year of age? Why did the benefit turn into harm?

Semolina porridge - what is it?

Semolina is a by-product of processing dehulled wheat grain. Because the fraction was too fine, it was previously considered flour and was used only in this capacity. A little later, in early XIX century, it came to the table in the form of porridge called “Gurievskaya” and began to be considered a delicacy for the rich. And only in Soviet time it began to be widely used in public and baby food. Cereals vary in variety and, accordingly, in the cooking time. There are three types of semolina:

  • from soft wheat varieties (marked “M”);
  • from durum varieties (marked “T”);
  • mixed look (marked “MT”).

Semolina with the letter “M” cooks faster; a few minutes are enough to prepare it. The letter “T” indicates that this type of cereal requires more time to cook. It is this variety of semolina that is recommended for dietary nutrition when losing weight. Semolina of their soft varieties is more suitable for use as part of therapeutic and gentle diets.

Moderate consumption of semolina porridge is good for health


This cereal is not as rich in useful substances as others, but it cannot be called useless either.

Table: beneficial substances contained in semolina

Useful material quantity
Vitamin B10.14 mg
Vitamin B20.04 mg
Vitamin B60.17 mg
Vitamin B923 mcg
Vitamin E1.5 mg
Vitamin PP3 mg
Niacin1.2 mg
Potassium130 mg
Calcium20 mg
Silicon6 mg
Magnesium18 mg
Sodium3 mg
Sulfur75 mg
Phosphorus85 mg
Chlorine21 mg
Aluminum570 mcg
Bor63 mcg
Vanadium103 mcg
Iron1 mg
Cobalt25 mcg
Manganese0.44 mg
Copper70 mcg
Molybdenum11.3 mcg
Fluorine20 mcg
Chromium1 mcg
Zinc0.59 mg

Concerning nutritional value, then it depends on the method of preparation. The table shows data for semolina porridge cooked in milk with sugar and butter.

Table: comparison of nutritional value of semolina and milk semolina porridge


The benefits of semolina porridge are not in doubt. Doctors only recommend changing its quantity and frequency of use. Semolina contains a large number of potassium, which nourishes the heart muscle. Carbohydrates in the form of starch provide energy to the body for a long time. The iron contained in semolina improves hematopoietic function, and B vitamins have a good effect on the nervous system.

Semolina in the form of porridge is not digested in the stomach and upper intestines; it passes into the lower intestines, capturing mucus and fats, which are then easily excreted from the body. Semolina is completely absorbed, without requiring large energy expenditures. It is for these properties that doctors value this porridge as an excellent product for the rehabilitation of patients after serious operations and illnesses. This is a desirable food on the table of patients with acute and chronic renal failure.


Due to the high gluten content, semolina porridge can cause allergies. In addition, in the presence of congenital intolerance, this substance can provoke a disease - celiac enteropathy, in which the mucous membranes of the walls of the small intestine become thinner and the absorption of vitamins and minerals is impaired.

Pediatricians do not recommend giving the product to children under one year of age. They explain their ban by the fact that vitamin B8 (phytin) contained in semolina, which helps protein to be well absorbed, at the same time interferes with the absorption of calcium by binding molecules of zinc, calcium and vitamin D. Insufficient supply of calcium from the intestines leads to the body begins to take it from the bones. The result is a threat of spasmophilia, vitamin deficiency and decreased muscle tone.

How much semolina porridge can you eat?

Agree that every day there is semolina porridge you won’t, even if you love her very much. Despite all the usefulness of the product for adults, it is not worth eating it more than 2 - 3 times a week.

Children over 3 years old can eat semolina 2 - 3 times a week with various tasty additives - fruits and berries. Semolina porridge is useful for weakened and underweight children.

Adding fresh berries to the dish will help to significantly neutralize the negative effect of phytin on the body’s ability to absorb calcium.

Nuances of use

As we have already found out, studies of the composition of semolina have revealed a number of harmful qualities of this product. Now is the time to consider the nuances of its use for various conditions and diseases.

Semolina porridge during pregnancy

You can and should eat this dish during pregnancy. You just need to know when to stop. Semolina is useful because:

  • is well absorbed and does not cause heaviness and a feeling of overeating;
  • serves as an additional source of potassium;
  • gives a lot of energy.

If you eat porridge 2 times a week, one serving a day, it will bring nothing but good. Pregnant women who suffered from gluten intolerance in childhood should treat it with caution.

More frequent use semolina porridge can lead to unwanted weight gain.

Product during breastfeeding

A nursing mother needs good nutrition, part of which may well be semolina porridge. During this period, meals should be multiple, mommy is supposed to eat every three hours. One of these snacks could be semolina. It is better to limit yourself to 2 – 3 servings per week. If the baby does not have a negative reaction to the product, the porridge can be eaten more often, combined with permitted fruits. You can include semolina in the menu from the first days of breastfeeding.


As already mentioned, doctors recommend introducing semolina porridge into a child’s diet no earlier than 1 year. Until this time it digestive system still poorly adapted for digestion complex carbohydrates, which is starch. Gastroenterologists recommend starting complementary feeding with a small amount - no more than 70 - 100 g and giving porridge no more often than once every 10 days. Only starting from three years the number of feedings with it can be increased.

Don't cook to a small child porridge with pure, and especially whole milk. Dilute it by a third with water. It is useful to add a pear, banana or apple to the porridge.

Is it possible to eat semolina if you have diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a disease associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Semolina porridge has a high glycemic index. This means that the carbohydrates it contains quickly enter the blood and sharply increase the level of glucose in it. And this is unacceptable for patients, especially if it is type 2 diabetes, in which diet is the main method of treatment. In addition, sugar is added to this porridge, which is strictly contraindicated for diabetics.

For pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a disease that requires a gentle diet, and semolina fits into it perfectly. This is a product that does not burden the pancreas. The porridge has a delicate consistency that does not irritate the stomach and does not cause bloating. Low calorie content is another reason to include it in the diet for diseases of the pancreas.

You need to cook the cereal in water or diluted milk. It can be prepared as a pudding or used as a dressing for soups. During the period of remission, it is allowed to add to porridge butter and jam or berries.

For gastritis

Inflammation of the stomach - and this is exactly what happens with gastritis - requires compliance strict diet, especially during an exacerbation. Eating semolina porridge is recommended for everyone who suffers from this disease. The benefits are as follows:

  • semolina porridge envelops the walls of the stomach and promotes the healing of inflammation;
  • pain goes away;
  • porridge prevents gas formation and bloating, prevents the development of tumors in the intestines;
  • helps cleanse the stomach and intestines.

Patients with gastritis should eat small portions. And semolina porridge will come in very handy here - it will saturate the body even with a small amount.

During an exacerbation, porridge is cooked in water without adding salt and sugar. During the period of remission, it is permissible to add a small amount of milk and flavorings.

Semolina for colitis, constipation and diarrhea

Colitis may be accompanied by stool problems - constipation or diarrhea. For colitis with constipation, meals should contain a large amount of fiber. Since semolina porridge is not high in dietary fiber, its use in this variant of the disease is undesirable.

But for colitis with diarrhea, eating semolina porridge is highly recommended. But you only need to cook it in water. Moreover, it is indicated to a greater extent during the acute period of the disease. During the period of remission, porridge can be cooked in milk with the addition of a small amount of sugar and butter.

In the diet for rotavirus and poisoning

Rotavirus or stomach flu is a disease accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Most often children suffer from it. At this time, it is necessary to load the digestive organs as little as possible so as not to aggravate the patient’s condition. Semolina porridge is one of the most suitable foods to feed during illness. With minimal stress on the stomach, the child receives a sufficient amount of energy.

For the same reason, it is recommended to eat the dish in case of poisoning. It will quickly saturate the body without irritating the intestines or causing bloating. Moreover, she will become good transport to remove pathogenic flora from the stomach and intestines.

The porridge must be cooked in water.

Can you be allergic to a dish?

Like any product, semolina porridge can cause allergies and individual intolerance, especially if it is overdosed. Main symptoms:

  • constipation and frequent urination;
  • skin rashes with redness and itching;
  • cough and runny nose, accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • lethargy, causeless irritability.

What is Soy Lecithin and its benefits for the body:

If your child or you have these signs, consult a doctor to make sure that semolina is to blame. And, of course, exclude it from your diet.

Diets for weight loss using semolina

The low calorie content of porridge (80 kcal), especially when cooked in water, allows it to be used as part of weight loss diets. Contrary to the opinion of doctors, semolina porridge is not an empty product. Of course, it is not able to provide the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals, but you cannot eat it for more than 7 days.

The semolina diet involves daily consumption of 600 - 750 g of semolina porridge without milk, salt and sugar, divided into three doses. You can additionally eat fruit for breakfast and lunch, and a teaspoon of honey for dinner. If constipation occurs during a diet, you can eat a small amount of lettuce or replace evening porridge with a salad of fresh vegetables. Semolina porridge is allowed to be included in the Dukan diet, but only at the “Consolidation” and “Stabilization” stages. Cereals can be used to replace flour in puddings or muffins.

The essence of the semolina diet

To be on time, many people eat on the go or don’t eat at all, are subjected to serious stress, etc. Certainly, human body reacts to this. And not always adequately. So the fair sex has to deal with the consequences. There are many diets. But not all of them are useful, and to be honest, not all of them are effective. In this article we will look at a diet that has already proven its right to life. This is a semolina diet.

Yes! The basis of this is precisely the semolina porridge that we have all become accustomed to since childhood. At its core, this porridge is very nutritious. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the intestines and stomach. For those representatives who were on a strict diet, or for those who suffer from gastritis, it will be simply irreplaceable. Also, this diet is suitable for young mothers who (quite often) gain weight after childbirth. You should go on this diet once every 2-3 weeks. More often than not it's not worth it. In total, it must be observed for seven days. Essentially, this is a mono-diet. But nutritionists do not advise staying on these types of diets for a long time. After such diets, it is necessary to give the body a little rest and a varied diet.

Diet type- low-calorie

Duration- 7 days

Calorie content of semolina porridge: on water - 80 kcal - 100 g, on milk - 100 kcal - 100 g. finished product. 100 grams of dry semolina - 330 kcal.

Scientific data

There is an opinion that semolina porridge is a high-calorie dish and contributes to the accumulation of extra pounds. In fact, the energy value of this product slightly lower than other cereals.

Scientific research says that buckwheat contains 349 kcal per 100 g, rice - 344 kcal per 100 g. Semolina has only 326 kcal per 100 g. This is enough to ensure that you don’t experience a constant feeling of hunger while following a diet, and at the same time allows you to lose excess weight.

There is also an opinion that semolina supposedly does not contain anything useful. This is again a misconception. This cereal contains not only starch, but also a large amount of proteins. There are minerals: calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, fluorine and copper. There are vitamins B, PP and E. It also contains fiber, but its amount is small.

Cooking method

The basis of this diet is semolina porridge. It can be prepared with both water and milk. The only condition: the fat content of milk should not exceed 2.5%. If the porridge is made with water, weight loss will happen faster. The semolina recipe itself is quite simple.

Pour two glasses of milk or water into the pan. Then add two dessert spoons of semolina. The resulting mass is placed on strong fire and bring to a boil. Then cook over low heat for about 5-7 minutes.

During the cooking process, the future porridge must be stirred constantly. After finishing cooking, remove the pan from the stove and give ready-made dish Cool slightly (2-3 minutes is enough). All. The porridge is ready to eat!

Principles of the semolina diet

The main principle of the diet is to eat semolina as often as possible, while including more fruits and low-calorie dairy products in your diet, and eliminating flour products and fatty foods.

Benefits of the semolina diet

  • Low calorie daily diet. 500 grams of semolina porridge, which is cooked in water, is only 400 kcal. Also a small part nutrients, with an energy value of about 200 kcal, comes with fruit. A total of 600 kcal is extremely low calorie content, which is not recommended to be followed independently for more than 3 days. This may be hazardous to your health.
  • Low duration. The diet only needs to be followed for 7 days. It is quite possible to hold out, but this contradicts the principles of health safety

Disadvantages of the semolina diet

  • Low efficiency. Obviously, you won’t be able to achieve significant weight loss in 7 days. During this time, you can only prepare the body for further measures aimed at reducing body weight.
  • Poor tolerance. Eating tasteless semolina porridge cooked in water is still a pleasure. In addition, too low a calorie diet leads to a constant feeling of hunger. There is a high probability of failure.
  • Like any mono-diet, the semolina diet is poorly balanced. The daily diet is poor in proteins and contains no fat at all.

Prohibited Products

  • Butter and vegetable oils
  • Sahara
  • Canned foods
  • Bread and semi-finished industrial products
  • Alcohol and sweet soda
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Dried fruits

Water mode

Well, first of all, you can drink everything. Whatever you want. But there is one condition: the drink should not contain any calories or sugar. You can drink coffee or tea (three cups per day). But, again, without adding sugar to them. There are no restrictions on water. In addition, you can use mineral water. You can also have juices that do not contain sugars. But only 300 milliliters per day, this is the maximum. Many juices contain quite a few calories.

Semolina diet menu for 7 days

The recipe for this diet is very simple. There is one menu for all seven days. It is repeated:

1). Breakfast. Cook a bowl of semolina porridge in milk. Eat any fruit (1 piece), weighing no more than one hundred grams.

2). Dinner. Cook a bowl of semolina porridge in milk. Eat any dried fruits (4 pcs.). There are no weight restrictions on them, but the number should not increase.

3). Dinner. Cook a bowl of semolina porridge in milk. Mix the prepared porridge with condensed milk (one tablespoon). Do not use boiled condensed milk!

Of course, at first, such a diet will seem very monotonous. But it has a huge advantage over other types of diets - it's delicious!

Weight Loss Results

After 7 days (if you strictly follow the recommendations) you can lose about 9 kilograms. But this does not mean that we can stop there. You must constantly maintain your shape with this diet. After 2-4 cycles (depending on the initial parameters), the weight reaches a normal “step”. Many girls and women do not like diets based on cereals, as they can cause a constant feeling of nausea. Those who are on a semolina diet do not feel any discomfort. Besides, buckwheat diet It doesn’t help everyone, but rice gives, on average, a result of -4 kilograms per week.


There are no contraindications to this diet. Neither gastritis nor other diseases will interfere gastrointestinal tract. The exception is those people who have a congenital intolerance to semolina. But this is very rare.

Which of us will decide to lose weight on semolina? There probably won't be many of them. In dietetics, the opinion has become stronger that this is “the most harmful porridge.” Indeed, some features of cereals limit its frequent inclusion in the diet. We will tell you about them honestly. But you can and should use semolina porridge when losing weight. The main thing is to do it wisely.

Features of the composition

To form your own opinion about a product, you need to know what it consists of and how it affects your body weight. What “interesting” does semolina hide in itself?

Slow carbohydrates

85%, but they are almost entirely represented by starch. This is a polysaccharide that takes a long time to break down in the digestive tract; additional energy is spent on this process. The final product (glucose) enters the blood gradually, which means a feeling of fullness is created for a long time, appetite is reduced.

Essential amino acids

Since semolina is a product of wheat processing, it contains more protein than many other cereals - 12%. It's valuable construction material for the body. Usually, during a diet, a person does not get enough protein. Semolina is optimal in this sense.

Why are amino acids important for losing weight?

  • stimulate metabolism, since most enzymes are protein in nature;
  • reduce appetite;
  • in combination with regular physical training, after a certain time, they strengthen and tighten muscles;
  • reduce blood sugar levels (in many obese people it is elevated to borderline levels);
  • directly stimulate fat burning during exercise.

In addition to influencing a person’s weight, essential amino acids are important for all body systems: they improve the functioning of brain neurons, liver function, the functioning of the endocrine glands, and increase immunity.

Vitamins and minerals

Listing them all would take half a page. It seems that vitamins and minerals are present in full. This is not far from the truth, which is why it was promoted for children's and dietary nutrition. Semolina porridge completely provides the body with everything necessary for weight loss.

"Harmful" components

In fairness, you need to warn about dangerous properties:

  • Gluten (another name is gluten), to which many people have allergic reactions. Sometimes hereditary intolerance to this substance occurs. Then semolina is contraindicated.
  • Phytin (a substance with a high phosphorus content). It binds calcium and prevents its entry into cells. Semolina porridge is not recommended for children under 3 years of age and elderly people (over 70 years of age) who are at risk of developing osteoporosis.

The high calorie content turned out to be a myth. Indeed, dry cereal has 328 kcal per 100 g. But with heat treatment it decreases significantly: cooked in water - 80 kcal, in milk - 96 kcal per 100 g. Since no one will eat it in its dry form, semolina can rightfully be eaten classified as low calorie foods.

What is useful for losing weight

To finally rehabilitate semolina porridge, let’s summarize everything beneficial features that help you lose extra pounds:

  • Reducing appetite and creating a long-term feeling of fullness.
  • Supplying the body with many vitamins and minerals, which makes it safe.
  • Low load on the digestive tract. There is very little fiber in cereals, so the dish is almost completely processed by the body, the last components are absorbed in the large intestine. This property eliminates traditional contraindications for losing weight - chronic diseases stomach and intestines.
  • High energy value with relatively low calorie content. The semolina diet is suitable for people leading active image life.
  • Source of valuable proteins. In combination with physical activity Regular use can change your figure, making it slim and fit.

All positive properties apply only to the cereal itself. Many people cannot imagine porridge without a huge amount of sugar. This product is really harmful and leads to weight gain.

How to choose

Cereals are made from wheat using coarse grinding. Depending on the variety, there are three types:

  • Soft varieties - marked “M” on the packaging.
  • Durum varieties - letter "T".
  • Combined - at least 20% of hard varieties are added to soft varieties.

For weight loss, cereals with the letter “T” are better suited. It takes longer to digest and contains more useful substances, including vegetable protein. But it also contains more gluten. By appearance- smaller, cream-colored.

How to cook

Cooking semolina porridge, despite its apparent simplicity, is an art. Every housewife knows her own proven method of cooking without lumps.

Basic recipe:

  • Bring 500 ml of water or low-fat milk to a boil;
  • slowly add 50 mg of cereal, stirring constantly;
  • Stirring continuously, cook over low heat for 2 minutes.

During the cooking process, you can add a little salt and lemon zest. Hard varieties produce a thicker, stickier porridge, while soft varieties produce a more liquid porridge. If lumps do form, many recommend immediately whisking the dish with a mixer.

In the slow cooker:

  • add 2 tbsp. l. into the multicooker bowl;
  • pour 2 glasses of skim milk or water;
  • add a little salt and mix thoroughly;
  • close the lid, select the “porridge” or “rice” menu;
  • After 10 minutes without turning off, stir and cook for a few more minutes.

With this method, the absence of lumps is guaranteed, the porridge does not run away and does not burn.

Diet options

Semolina is a product for mono-diet. It contains almost everything useful material, therefore additives are necessary only to diversify the taste.

Fasting day

Involves eating only porridge cooked in water. One tablespoon is required for one serving. During the day we eat five times and drink water. The result of such unloading is minus 1-1.5 kg per day.


The diet is very modest. Along with semolina, you can only eat fruit (fresh or dried) or jam.

Option one:

  • breakfast: a portion of porridge, fruit no more than 100 g, 2 tsp. honey;
  • lunch: porridge, 4 fruits, the same amount of honey;
  • dinner: only semolina with 1 tsp. condensed milk

It is prepared in this version of the diet with skim milk. This menu is repeated daily. The result is a loss of 5 kg in a week.

Option two:

  • breakfast, lunch and dinner: a portion of porridge cooked in milk, 2 tsp. any jam;
  • water and green tea without limitation;
  • juice no more than 300 ml.

The results of the diet are also impressive if you follow everything strictly and do not add anything additional to “improve the taste.”

Arbitrary diets

Suitable for those who cannot withstand a week on just one dish. Then we take the mono-diet option and replace one meal with the following products:

  • vegetable salad (tomatoes, lettuce), seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) 4 pieces each.

In any case, it is important to maintain a drinking regime (at least 1.5-2 liters). The efficiency will be slightly less, but it will be easier to withstand such restrictions.

To prevent weight loss from backfiring or causing health problems, follow these tips:

  • Do not use this diet if you are allergic to dairy products or gluten;
  • cook correctly, without adding sugar and butter;
  • do not consume large quantities at night (this is a morning dish);
  • be aware of the ability to reduce calcium absorption;
  • do not use the diet more than once a month.

Consult your doctor first, as there are some diseases (other than allergies and intolerances) in which gluten is harmful in large quantities. Lose weight safely!

To combat overweight It is customary to use food restrictions and physical exercise. But the semolina diet is not used for these purposes very often due to the stereotypes that have become entrenched in our minds. After all, it is believed that semolina porridge is a very satisfying product. But American nutritionists think differently.

Features of the diet and its effectiveness

If almost everything has been written and said about the buckwheat and rice diet, then the semolina diet has been unfairly ignored by those who want to lose weight. But if you urgently need to bring yourself to the required form, then this product will be the most effective. In just a week you can “remove” extra 6 kg.

Diet history

The semolina diet was first developed by Hollywood nutritionists specifically for Natalie Portman, who had to quickly lose 15 kg in order to convincingly play a fluffy ballerina. Rumor has it that even after filming, the actress periodically sat on the semolina when she urgently needed to squeeze into her favorite dress.

How does the diet on semolina porridge on water work?

Many people are surprised that by eating semolina alone, you can lose weight without special effort. “Is semolina porridge on a diet normal?” - ask those losing weight. After all, this product is usually given to young children to help them get better. But it is worth remembering that only a diet based on semolina porridge on water is effective. If the cereal is cooked in milk, seasoned with sugar, chocolate, condensed milk and other “goodies”, then it is unlikely to bring the desired weight loss.

One serving of “watery semolina” contains less than 100 kcal. But the feeling of fullness after eating such food lasts for several hours. The semolina diet for weight loss is not an exhausting and hungry way to fight hated fat, but a rather satisfying program. Semolina effectively cleanses the intestines, removes waste and toxins, and breaks down fats. It is not for nothing that people with stomach problems are advised to eat this porridge.

Menu option

  • Morning - a portion of porridge on water with pieces of dried apricots without sugar, salt, butter, unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch – semolina with raisins, water with lemon.
  • Evening – semolina porridge with fresh fruit(apple, orange).

Can be added to cooked cereals berries, any dried fruits, nuts. The main thing is not to use honey, milk, butter. During the day, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids in the form of unsweetened green tea or special water. Those who doubt whether semolina porridge can be eaten on a diet should familiarize themselves with the research of American nutritionists, who called this cereal almost one of the most dietary.

What are the advantages of semolina porridge on water:

  • the presence of fiber, which cleanses the stomach;
  • the ability to remove excess fat;
  • the composition does not contain harmful starch;
  • contains calcium and zinc;
  • the presence of dietary fiber in porridge prevents the development of tumors.

In addition, reviews of the semolina diet indicate that after a week’s course, the condition of the skin improves significantly. This is explained by the presence in the cereal of a whole complex of vitamins that take part in the natural processes of collagen creation.

How to prepare a diet dish

Preparing semolina takes only a few minutes. Even a completely novice housewife can master this process. For dietary nutrition, it is recommended to cook medium-thick porridge from the proportion of 1 glass of water and 3 tbsp. spoons of semolina. You can pour the cereal into boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes, or you can pour semolina into cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute. After this, close the pan with a lid and let the dish brew.

It only takes half a minute for the cereal to swell and boil in water, but it is recommended to keep it on the fire a little longer so that all the beneficial substances in the cereal are fully revealed.

How long does the diet last?

This method of weight loss refers to mono-diets, and they are not recommended for use for more than two weeks. It is necessary to take a break for several weeks, and return to the “semolina” regimen no more than three to four times a year for two weeks. Positive reviews and the fantastic results obtained by other users using the semolina diet are, of course, impressive and inspiring, but moderation is necessary in everything.

Pros of the semolina diet:

  • simplicity and cheapness - anyone can buy and prepare this dish;
  • effectiveness - you can lose as much as 6 kg in a week without harm to your health;
  • benefits - ridding the intestines of accumulated mucus, strengthening the central nervous system, elasticity and freshness of the skin.

In addition, semolina prevents the occurrence of heart disease and tumors on the body, reduces stress and cholesterol levels in the blood, and normalizes brain function. The cereal contains many useful minerals.

The disadvantages of a semolina porridge diet include the presence of gluten, which often causes allergies. In addition, phosphorus in the composition binds calcium and zinc, slowing down the absorption of these beneficial elements.


This method of losing weight should not be used not only by those who are gluten intolerant, but also by diabetics, pregnant women, and people with weak metabolism. Protein in cereals can cause acute allergic manifestations, leading to eczema, gastrointestinal upset, and vomiting.

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