"real" biography of Stepan Bandera. Stepan Bandera. Life and activities

Date of creation: 12/01/2011

Stepan Andreevich Bandera(ukr. Stepan Andriyovich Bandera) (January 1, 1909, Stary Ugrinov, Austria-Hungary - October 15, 1959, Munich, Germany) - one of the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalist movement, Hero of Ukraine (2010), in 1941-1959. head of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN (b)).

Formation of the battalions "Nachtigal" and "Roland"

The Nazis planned to use the OUN to exterminate Poles and Jews. . In November 1939, about 400 Ukrainian nationalists began training in the Abwehr camps.

According to a number of sources, at the beginning of 1941, S. Bandera held a series of meetings with the leadership of German military intelligence, which resulted in the beginning of the formation of the Nachtigall battalions (a number of sources mention the "Ukrainian Legion named after S. Bandera" among the names of this unit) and "Roland" , in the spring of 1941, the OUN-R receives 2.5 million marks from the Abwehr to conduct a subversive struggle in the USSR.

As follows from the memoirs of Y. Stetsko, shortly before the war, Bandera secretly met with Admiral Canaris, the head of the Abwehr. Bandera himself pointed out that at the meeting with Canaris, the conditions for training Ukrainian volunteer units under the Wehrmacht were mainly discussed.

Proclamation of anti-Jewish policy

In April 1941, the Revolutionary Wire of the OUN convened in Krakow "their own" II-th Great Gathering of Ukrainian nationalists, where Stepan Bandera was elected head of the OUN, and Yaroslav Stetsko as his deputy.

The organizational greeting of a member of the OUN was adopted by the Nazi salute. The colors of the OUN flag under the leadership of S. Bandera were adopted - black and red.

The decisions of the congress stated: The Jews in the USSR are the most devoted support of the ruling Bolshevik regime and the vanguard of Moscow imperialism in the Ukraine. The anti-Jewish sentiments of the Ukrainian masses are used by the Moscow-Bolshevik government to divert their attention from the real cause of the troubles and to direct them during the uprising to Jewish pogroms. The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists fights against the Jews as a pillar of the Moscow-Bolshevik regime, while at the same time informing the masses that Moscow is main enemy » .

AT core document The OUN (b) adopted after the Congress - the instruction “Struggle and activities of the OUN during the war” stated: “In times of chaos and unrest, you can afford to liquidate unwanted Polish, Moscow and Jewish figures, especially supporters of Bolshevik-Moscow imperialism; national minorities are divided into: a) loyal to us, actually members of the still oppressed peoples; b) hostile to us - Muscovites, Poles and Jews. a) they have the same rights as Ukrainians…, b) to destroy in the struggle, in particular those who will defend the regime: to resettle in their lands, to destroy, mainly, the intelligentsia, which should not be allowed into any governing bodies, in general, to make it impossible to "produce" intelligentsia, access to schools, etc. Destroy leaders ... Assimilation of the Jews is excluded.

On June 23, 1941, the OUN(b) sends its version of the memorandum to the Reich Chancellery; the OUN(m) will do so on July 3.

Anti-Jewish activity

Stry, a memorial plaque at the school where Bandera studied.

After the entry of German troops into Soviet territory, on June 25, 1941, J. Stetsko wrote in his letter-report to S. Bandera: "We are creating a police force that will help remove the Jews."

In the rear of the advanced units of the German troops, S. Bandera and Yaroslav Stetsko with a group of supporters arrived in Lvov on June 29, where Bandera was detained and returned to Krakow, and the next day Stetsko convened the “Ukrainian National Assemblies”, which proclaimed on June 30, 1941 the “Ukrainian State "which will, together with Greater Germany, establish new order around the world, led by "the leader of the Ukrainian people, Stepan Bandera."

The statement of the head of the newly proclaimed "Ukrainian State" Yaroslav Stetsko said:

« Moscow and Judaism are the biggest enemies of Ukraine. I consider Moscow the main and decisive enemy, which imperiously held Ukraine in captivity. And, nevertheless, I appreciate the hostile and wrecking will of the Jews, who helped Moscow to enslave Ukraine. Therefore, I stand on the positions of the extermination of the Jews and the expediency of transferring to Ukraine the German methods of exterminating the Jews, excluding their assimilation". , The participation of the Nachtigal battalion as an organized force in the Jewish pogrom in Lvov in early July 1941 has not been proven.

From 20 (according to other sources 25) July 1941, Bandera and Stetsko were under house arrest in Berlin. The arrest did not prevent them from leading the OUN.

On August 14, 1941, Bandera wrote a letter to Alfred Rosenberg in which he once again tried to clarify the situation with the OUN (b) for the Germans. Attached to S. Bandera’s letter is a memorandum called “Zur Lage in Lwiw (Lemberg)”, which had the following sections: “History of cooperation between the OUN and Germany”, “OUN and the new order in Europe”, “Fundamentals for Ukrainian-German friendship”, “ The state as a source of the creative labor of the people", "The goal of the OUN is the Ukrainian state", "Act of 06/30/1941 and Ukrainian-German cooperation", "The attitude of the OUN to the Ukrainian state government", "OUN for further cooperation with Germany" and "Final Provisions". In this memorandum, in particular, it was stated: "Ukrainianism fights against any oppression, whether it be Jewish Bolshevism or Russian imperialism."

poison jet

Munich, a warm October day in 1959. Local time 12.50. A young man approached the entrance of a gray five-story building at 7 Kroitmeierstrasse with a rolled-up newspaper in his hand, opened it with a key front door and disappeared into the doorway. A few minutes later, an elderly man appeared at the same entrance with the remains of sparse hair on an almost bare skull and, holding shopping bags in right hand, left key opened the same door. Entering the entrance, he saw coming down the stairs young man with an impassive face, who, passing by him and already grasping the doorknob, abruptly threw up his hand with the newspaper. The elderly gentleman did not have time to be frightened, as he did not have time to raise left hand(he was left-handed) to draw the Walther pistol, which was always under his right armpit.

There was a barely audible pop - and a jet of instantly evaporated liquid hit the bald gentleman in the face. The young man, who already had one foot on the street, stepped out of the entrance and slammed the door behind him. He did not hear the sound of the falling body, did not see the blood-red tomatoes scattered from the bag on the floor. The young man walked towards the city park, where he threw something metal into the stream.

So the death sentence was carried out Supreme Court USSR executioner of thousands Soviet citizens, OUN leader Stepan Bandera.

The young man who carried out the sentence was the Soviet agent Bogdan Stashinsky, who had undercover pseudonyms "Oleg" and "Moroz". He was not new to this business. In October 1957, in the same place, in Munich, Stashinsky liquidated the well-known theorist and ideologist of Ukrainian nationalism, the Banderist Lev Rebet. The method of carrying out the sentence was the same, only this time Bogdan had a more advanced weapon: a syringe pistol, it was made by a special KGB laboratory. It housed ampoules with hydrocyanic acid, broken and pushed out by a piston under the influence of a micropowder charge. The coronary vessels of the heart instantly contracted, which led to cardiac arrest. Then the vessels returned to their original state, and forensic experts could not find signs of violent death.

OUN noose

Stepan Bandera was guilty of the mass extermination of Soviet citizens - Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, and therefore the death penalty was a fair punishment for him. He was a terrorist by vocation. A few years after graduating from the Higher Polytechnic School, Bandera was arrested. For what? For the assassination of Polish Minister of the Interior Peracki. He was sentenced to death "for atrocities and mockery of the Ukrainian people." Bandera was on death row. But later it was replaced with a life sentence.

Bandera was released after a five-year stay in prison by the Germans who captured Poland. He immediately organizes the struggle against Soviet power in Western Ukraine. Then he moves to Germany, where he proclaims himself the leader of the new revolutionary OUN. From now on, every member of the OUN must live by the principle: either you "get a vilno and independent Ukraine", or die in the struggle for it.

But the Germans did not need "independent Ukraine". When the Ukrainian legion “Nachtigal” (“Nightingale”), created by Bandera with the help of the Abwehr, broke into Lviv and Bandera proclaimed the restoration of the Ukrainian state, he was immediately arrested. And planted. And, even while sitting in a concentration camp, Bandera created the many thousands of Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). It was then that Hitler drew attention to him. Bandera was released for sabotage in the rear of the Red Army.

All those who opposed the "independent Ukraine", for an alliance with Russia, were to be destroyed. The so-called security service of the OUN-SB was especially zealous. Its militants killed thousands of people. This was usually done with a rope-noose. Sophisticated tortures and executions were used to intimidate the population - they sawed off people's heads, hung them by the legs, put them on a stake.

In 1945, in the village of Kravniki, Kalush district, Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk region), members of the SB gang brutally raped their 18-year-old daughter in front of their mother, and then burned her alive, thrusting her head into a burning stove, only because she had returned from forced works in Germany, the girl did not give her suitcase with things to the bandits. In 1947, in one of the villages of the Lviv region, in front of a six-year-old boy and his ten-year-old sister, militants from the Security Service strangled their parents with a stranglehold, and then announced: “Live and tell your children about us” ... These already elderly people live today in Kyiv.

After 1945, Bandera quickly found a new owner - American intelligence. The Americans completely took over the maintenance of the ZCH (Out-of-cord units) of the OUN that had settled in Munich. They sent paratroopers-emissaries of the OUN, radio operators, spies and saboteurs into the territory of Western Ukraine, and supplied the underground with weapons. The OUN leaders were ready to take any steps in order to take Ukraine away from the "Bolshevik occupiers-Muscovites."

Chekist turned out to be a traitor

For the liquidation of the OUN ideologist Rebeta, agent Stashinsky received from the KGB cash reward and a valuable gift - a Zenith camera, and for Bandera - the Order of the Red Banner. On this, the career of an agent, according to all the rules of the special services, should have ended. He should have settled in Moscow with a good pension and an apartment, but ... Stashinsky was allowed to go to his German wife in Berlin.

And then something happened that the Ukrainian Chekists were so afraid of. On August 12, 1961, a day before the blocking of sectoral borders in Berlin, Stashinsky ... fled to the West! They were looking for him ... The author of these lines with the curator Stashinsky was sent to West Berlin in search of a traitor agent.

As soon as we crossed the sectoral border, the curator said: “Giorgi, if we find Bogdan, leave. I will kill Stashinsky. And yourself. I consider myself guilty of not seeing the traitor.” Bogdan was never found...

In the memory of his supporters and followers, Bandera is preserved as national hero and a fighter for the liberation of Ukraine from the "Moscow occupiers", for the creation of a free and "independent Ukraine". In a number of cities in Ukraine there are his busts, the streets bear his name, and this cannot be ignored. The grandson of the "leader", also Stepan Bandera, who lives today in Canada, is going to settle in Western Ukraine, where he plans to continue the "Bandera".

... I don’t know where the 70-year-old Stashinsky is now and whether he is alive, under what name he is hiding in the West from Ukrainian nationalists, who also sentenced him to death. But, I think, until the end of his days, he will not forget the trusting eyes of a dog - on it, with me, he tested the effect of the weapon with which he killed Stepan Bandera ...

Stepan Bandera (January 1, 1909, the village of Stary Ugryniv, near Stanislavov, Austria-Hungary - October 15, 1959), one of the leaders of Ukrainian nationalists.

The son of a Uniate priest, who in 1917-20 commanded various combat anti-communist detachments (later he was shot, and the two sisters of Bandera were deported to Siberia). After graduation civil war This part of Ukraine became part of Poland. In 1922 he joined the Union of Ukrainian Nationalist Youth. In 1928 he entered the agronomic faculty of the Lvov Higher Polytechnic School. In 1929 he took a course in the Italian intelligence school. In 1929 he joined the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) created by E. Konovalts and soon headed the most radical "youth" group. From the beginning of 1929, a member, from 1932-33 - deputy head of the regional executive (leadership) of the OUN. He organized robberies of mail trains and post offices, as well as the murder of opponents. At the beginning of 1933, he headed the regional OUN wire in Galicia, where he organized the struggle against the policies of the Polish authorities. The organizer of the murder of the Minister of the Interior of Poland Bronisław Peracki (1934). At the trial in Warsaw in early 1936, he was sentenced to death penalty, replaced by life imprisonment. In the summer of 1936, another trial took place - in Lvov - over the leadership of the OUN, where a similar sentence was passed against Bandera. After the occupation of Poland by the German troops, he was released, collaborated with the Abwehr. After the murder of Konovalets by NKVD agents (1938), he came into conflict with A. Melnik, who claimed leadership in the OUN. Feb. 1940 brought together an OUN conference in Krakow, at which a tribunal was created that pronounced death sentences on Melnik's supporters. In 1940, the confrontation with the Melnikovites took the form of an armed struggle. In Apr. 1941 OUN split into OUN-M (supporters of Melnik) and OUN-B (supporters of Bandera), which was also called OUN-R (OUN-revolutionaries), and Bandera was elected head of the main wire. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War 3 marching groups were formed (about 40 thousand people), which were supposed to form the Ukrainian administration in the occupied territories. Bandera tried with the help of these groups to proclaim the independence of Ukraine, putting Germany before the fact. On June 30, 1941, on his behalf, J. Stetsko proclaimed the creation of the Ukrainian state. At the same time, Bandera's supporters staged a pogrom in Lviv, during which approx. 3 thousand people July 5 arrested in Krakow by the Gestapo. Bandera was demanded to abandon the Act of 30.6.1941, B. agreed and called on "the Ukrainian people to help everywhere german army smash Moscow and Bolshevism." In Sept. re-arrested and placed in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where he was kept in good conditions. One of the main initiators of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) on 10/14/1942, succeeded in replacing its chief commander D. Klyachkivsky with his protege R. Shukhevych. The goal of the UPA was proclaimed the struggle for the independence of Ukraine, both with the Bolsheviks and with the Germans. Nevertheless, the leadership of the OUN did not recommend "resorting to battles with large German forces." At the beginning of August 1943, a meeting of representatives of the German authorities and the OUN took place in Sarny, Rovno region, to agree on joint actions against the partisans, then the negotiations were transferred to Berlin. An agreement was reached that the UPA would protect railways and bridges from the Soviet partisans, to support the activities of the German occupation authorities. In return, Germany promised to supply UPA units with weapons and ammunition, and in the event of a victory of the Nazis over the USSR, to allow the creation of a Ukrainian state under the protectorate of Germany. In Sept. 1944 the position of the German authorities changed (according to G. Himmler, “began new stage cooperation") and Bandera was released. As part of the 202nd Abwehr team in Krakow, he was engaged in the preparation of OUN sabotage detachments. From Feb. 1945 and until his death, he served as the leader (leader) of the OUN. In the summer of 1945, he issued a secret decree, which, in particular, spoke of the need “immediately and most secretly ... to liquidate the aforementioned elements of the OUN and UPA (those who can surrender to the authorities) in two ways: a) send large and small UPA detachments to battle with the Bolsheviks and create situations for them to be destroyed by the Soviets at posts and ambushes

dah." After the end of the war, he lived in Munich, collaborated with the British intelligence services. At the OUN conference in 1947, he was elected head of the wire for the entire OUN (which actually meant the unification of the OUN-B and OUN-M). Killed (poisoned) by an agent of the KGB of the USSR - a converted member of the OUN Bandera Strashinsky. Later, Strashinsky surrendered to the authorities and testified that the order to eliminate Bandera was given personally by the chairman of the KGB of the USSR A.N. Shelepin. After the collapse of the USSR and the declaration of independence of Ukraine, B. became a symbol of independence for all radical Ukrainian nationalists. In 2000, the right-wing parties of the Ivano-Frankivsk region called for the transfer of B.'s ashes to their homeland and the opening of a historical and memorial complex.

The material of the book was used: Zalessky K.A. Who was who in World War II. Allies of Germany. Moscow, 2003

Snot nicknamed "Baba"

Stepan Bandera today, without a doubt, is the main cult figure of the entire Ukrainian "national renaissance" and the most important national hero of "Dill". His portraits, decorated with a towel, are hung next to Uniate icons in the red corner.

Moreover, this character today is becoming revered among "Russian" Nazis and national democrats, who openly envy their Ukrov colleagues who have such a charismatic object of worship.

At the same time, the object of veneration itself, surrounded by many myths, has practically nothing to do with the real historical figure. And in this sense, the most respectable public will be interested to know who Stepan Bandera really was, who completed his life path under the name of Stefan Poppel (German - snot, booger).

Let's touch on at least a few of the most significant, personal and little-known aspects of his life. First of all, the origin. The future Poppel came from seven Jews baptized into the Uniatism (conversions). Father: Adrian Bandera - a Greek Catholic from the bourgeois family of Moishe and Rosalia (nee Beletskaya, by nationality - a Polish Jew) Bander. The mother of the future Ukrainian "hero" Miroslava Glodzinskaya is a Polish Jew. That is, the ideologist of Ukrainian nationalism was a purebred Jew.

And the explanation of the origin of his surname is simple. Modern Ukronazis translate it as "banner", but in Yiddish it means "den". And it's not Slavic surname, and not Ukrainian. This is a tramp nickname for a woman who owned a brothel. Such women were called banders in Ukraine. The physical data of the character himself leaves no doubt about his genetic origin: with a height of 159 centimeters and Western Asian facial features, there are no questions.

Incidentally, Roman Shukhevych, Poppel's comrade-in-arms, had a similar origin. + Of course, in Jewish origin there is nothing bad or shameful, but Bandera himself carefully concealed it all his life, including with the help of his bestial, fierce anti-Semitism. This "disguise" cost his fellow tribesmen ... 850,000 (!) victims. Atrocity is what so often happens to renegades.

Stefan (Stefan) was the second child after older sister Marty (born in 1909 in the village of Ugrinov), in the family of the Uniate priest Andrian (conversions in Galicia willingly followed the spiritual path) and ... the prostitute Miroslava. Poppel's father encouraged his wife to engage in prostitution, as this brought much more income than his sermons.

AT primary school Bandera was not accepted due to obvious signs gay and sadistic tendencies. As a teenager, Bandera joined the Ukrainian children's organization Plast. According to comrades in the organization, Bandera already showed sadistic and pedophilic-homosexual tendencies as a child - he really liked to catch junior schoolchildren and, having severely beaten them, forced them to lick their genitals.

According to his friend Mikola Zyryanko, “Bandera was very cruel and unfair to those who were weaker than him, but at the same time he kowtowed to those who were stronger. I also know that the father of one of the children he beaten and disgraced caught Stepan and, having beaten him committed an act of sodomy with him."

Perhaps this is what made significant influence for the life of Bandera. After the rape, his mind was partially damaged. He could stand for hours half-dressed in the cold, mumbling meaningless prayers. His father, always drunk, was not engaged in his upbringing, and his mother was rarely at home, as she constantly served customers. After the homosexual act, Stepan became afraid to touch weaker children and showed all his anger on animals.

The future "national hero" was very fond of catching cats and strangling them with one hand. It gave him special pleasure, having caught a kitten, to crush him until the guts crawled out of the unfortunate cat. (article by journalist V. Belyaev, memoirs of G. Gordasevich). That is, young Poppel was a cat-hound. Cat crushing is evidence of a heavy spiritual confirmation, primary "instinctive" Satanism.

The status of a passive pederast accompanied the Ukrainian leader almost all his life. In 1936, Bandera was sentenced to death for attempted terrorism, later commuted to life imprisonment. According to the testimony of his cellmates - Kachmanrsky and Karpinets - Bandera was an extremely disrespectful person in prison, in other words, he replaced a woman with a prisoner.

On September 13, 1939, Bandera was released from prison by the German authorities and sent to a German saboteur training center. In the center, Bandera was subjected to passive homosexual intercourse, filming the process on a movie camera. This was done in order to eliminate the possibility of betrayal. However, the fact that Bandera was a pederast was no secret to his associates. Not for nothing was his party nickname "Baba".

At the end of his life, Bandera provided a “theoretical base” for his pederasty and even proclaimed it obligatory for Svidomo Ukrainians: “... but the Ukrainian revolution will differ from all other revolutions in close male ties. And I’m not talking about friendship here! the occupation of Muscovites, Ukrainian men should KNOW each other. This is the path to freedom, this is the path to independence. And I believe that one day such a day will come"
(Stepan Bandera "Ukrainian people and revolution" 1950).

So the abundance of pederasts in the ranks of modern poppelists (or europoppels) should not be surprising. They simply follow the precepts of their teacher and, like Lyashko, are actively engaged in sodomy for Ukraine.

Throughout his life, Baba carried a tendency not only to sodomy, but also to sadism.

Miron Matvieyko, head of the Security Service of the ZCH OUN, testified: “And what is this second secret of Bandery, that for her sake Bandera wanted to drive Banyas out of the world? This story is short. more than once, with indignation, they told me how the guide of the entire OUN beat his wife, or even kicked her in the stomach when she was pregnant. One of the guys, having left his post as a Banderi guard, told me directly that he prefers to be shot , but he cannot look at Banderi's mockery of a woman.When Bandera's wife went to the maternity hospital to give birth to her third child, Banyas gave his own wife as a nanny to Bandera's small children.On the same day, when Bandera's faithful servant took his wife to the maternity hospital , Bandera tried to rape Banyas' wife, who told her husband about everything. Banyas, in turn, with tears in his eyes, told this secret to me." (M.V. Matviyko. Black Sprav 3Ch OUN. K, 1962, page 62)

As it turned out, Poppel-Bandera was a complete type of degenerate, sadist and traitor, devoid of any moral framework. Moreover, it is obvious that he acquired a number of these qualities by inheritance.

On January 22, 2010, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko announced that he had awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine to the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Stepan Bandera.

Stepan Andreyevich Bandera is an ideologue of Ukrainian nationalism, one of the main initiators of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) in 1942, the purpose of which was proclaimed the struggle for the independence of Ukraine. He was born on January 1, 1909 in the village of Stary Ugryniv, Kalush district (now Ivano-Frankivsk region) in the family of a Greek Catholic priest. After the end of the civil war, this part of Ukraine became part of Poland.

In 1922, Stepan Bandera joined the Union of Ukrainian Nationalist Youth. In 1928 he entered the agronomic faculty of the Lviv Higher Polytechnic School, which he never graduated from.

In 1929, he joined the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and soon led the most radical youth group. The purpose of this organization was to create an independent Ukrainian state on eastern lands Poland.

In 1932-1933 - deputy head of the regional executive (leadership) of the OUN. He organized robberies of mail trains and post offices, as well as the murder of opponents. At the beginning of 1933, he became the plenipotentiary representative of the OUN in Galicia and Bukovina, where he organized the struggle against the policies of the Polish authorities.

Stepan Bandera was one of the organizers of the murder of the Minister of the Interior of Poland, Bronisław Peracki, in 1934.

All organizers of this terrorist act were arrested by the Polish police. The Warsaw District Court sentenced Bandera and other leaders of the conspiracy to death, which was later commuted to life imprisonment.

In the summer of 1936, Stepan Bandera, along with other members of the regional OUN executive, was brought to trial in Lvov on charges of directing terrorist activities. In total, Stepan Bandera was sentenced to life imprisonment seven times at the Warsaw and Lvov trials.

In September 1939, after the invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland, Bandera was released from prison and began to actively cooperate with the German military intelligence Abwehr.

In April 1941, Stepan Bandera was elected head of the OUN.

Shortly before the German attack on the USSR, the Nachtigall and Roland sabotage and reconnaissance battalions were formed from among Ukrainian nationalists, which from the first days of World War II carried out terrorist activities in the rear Soviet troops, carried out "cleansing" in the occupied territories.

In the summer of 1941, after the arrival of the Nazis, Bandera called on "the Ukrainian people to help the German army everywhere to smash Moscow and Bolshevism."

On the same day, Stepan Bandera, without any agreement with the German command, solemnly proclaimed the restoration of the great Ukrainian state. In the first days after the capture of Lvov, Ukrainian nationalists carried out mass kill the most prominent representatives of the Polish intelligentsia of the city.

The declaration of Ukraine's independence was not part of Germany's plans, so Bandera was arrested, and fifteen leaders of Ukrainian nationalists were shot.

The Ukrainian Legion, whose ranks began to ferment after the arrest of political leaders, was soon recalled from the front and subsequently performed police functions in the occupied territories.

Stepan Bandera spent a year and a half in prison, after which he was sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where he was kept along with other Ukrainian nationalists in privileged conditions. Bandera was allowed to meet with each other, they also received food and money from relatives and the OUN. Often they left the camp in order to contact the "secret" OUN, as well as the Friedental castle (200 meters from the Zelenbau bunker), which housed the OUN's intelligence and sabotage personnel school.

Stepan Bandera was one of the main initiators of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) on October 14, 1942.

The goal of the UPA was proclaimed the struggle for the independence of Ukraine, both with the Bolsheviks and with the Germans. Nevertheless, the leadership of the OUN did not recommend "to resort to battles with large German forces." In 1943, an agreement was reached between representatives of the German authorities and the OUN that the UPA would protect railways and bridges from Soviet partisans and support the activities of the German occupation authorities. In return, Germany promised to supply UPA units with weapons and ammunition, and in the event of a victory of the Nazis over the USSR, to allow the creation of a Ukrainian state under the protectorate of Germany.
In September 1944, Bandera was released. As part of the 202nd Abwehr team in Krakow, he was engaged in the preparation of OUN-UPA sabotage detachments. From February 1945 until his death, Stepan Bandera served as the leader (leader) of the OUN.

After the end of World War II, Bandera lived in West Germany (in Munich), from where he led the terrorist activities of the OUN and UPA in the USSR. During the period cold war Ukrainian nationalists were actively used by special services Western countries in the fight against the Soviet Union.

In 1992, for the first time in Ukraine, the 50th anniversary of the formation of the "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) was celebrated, and attempts began to give its participants the status of war veterans. And in 1997-2000, a special government commission was created (with a permanent working group) in order to develop an official position on the OUN-UPA. The result of her work was the removal from the OUN of responsibility for cooperation with Nazi Germany and recognition of the UPA as a "third force" and national liberation

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