Uncensored love: the true story of Shnur and Matilda. Matilda Shnurova gave her first interview after the divorce: “No one is happy about the separation” Star husband Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov

And his wife Matilda are getting divorced. It's hard to believe because this controversial couple has been proving for years that opposites attract. But the moment came when the degree of their difference from each other became so great that the marriage could not stand it and collapsed.

In the meantime, this news continues to shock many, let’s remember the facts from their lives that will definitely surprise you.

1. It was love at first sight

Shnur and Matilda were introduced by a mutual friend who flew to Moscow from the USA for a couple of days. The couple's first meeting lasted only five minutes, but it became fateful. According to Matilda, it was like in a movie - they immediately started talking to each other, and at that time the lights around them went out and lit up, everything sparkled. Sergei described in an interview Elle magazine this meeting like this: “She came in, I was stunned. He asked: “Eh! What is your name?" She replied: "Matilda." I said, "Holy shit."

Matilda and Sergey Shnurov

2. Matilda gave up science for the sake of Shnur

This meeting changed the lives of both. Sergei, who already had two marriages, took his wife to church for the first time. Matilda quit scientific activity and left the biochemical laboratory. As the girl explained, it got in the way family life. Now Matilda is a famous restaurateur, the owner of a ballet school, but first of all, a wife.

3. They missed the “candy-bouquet” period

During an interview for Sports.ru, the journalist asked Matilda which date with Shnur was the most romantic. It turned out that there were no dates! Their second meeting took place at a concert of the Leningrad group. After the performance, Sergei asked Matilda: “Where do you live? Let's go to you." According to the girl, she decided to “make something of herself” and asked the musician why. "What do you mean why? Fuck!” - Cord answered her. “After that, the topic of dating was closed forever. I no longer expected romantic dates from this man,” said Matilda.

4. Schnur believes that there was “a lot of wildlife” in their relationship

Shnur believes that there is a lot of romance in their relationship. “Our whole life is pure romance. Let’s say I walk around the apartment naked. It’s practically life with a monkey - sometimes I make strange sounds, and not just with my mouth, so there’s a lot of romance, of course. There’s a lot of wildlife, like Kipling,” he told reporters.

5. In marriage, Shnur stopped being selfish

According to Shnur, in marriage he stopped being selfish and began to think about the comfort of other people. The musician began to drink much less, began to ride his bike more and spend his evenings not in taverns, but in his love “nest” near the Fontanka. The couple bought an apartment with a fireplace and antique door handles, and they go on vacation to London and New York.

6. Matilda turned Shnur into a “style icon”

The musician’s new style is another achievement of Matilda. She completely changed her husband's clothes. No stretchy sweatpants or greasy T-shirts! Now Shnur wears elegant coats, hats and suits. But judging by some photos from Instagram, punctures sometimes happen - the cord does not give up easily!

7. The musician’s songs are inspired by his wife’s stories about her friends.

At Shnur and Matilda's a big difference aged. When they met, he was over 30, she was 20. For ten years life together his wife became a faithful comrade-in-arms for Shnur. He calls her a muse and says that Matilda is responsible for his connection with the female half outside world. The musician came up with some of his songs after his wife’s stories about her friends and her ladies’ concerns. Maybe - too?

8. Matilda thinks Sergei is very smart, but strict

IN free time the couple loves to travel and visit museums. Both are fond of art and understand philosophy and theology. Similarity of interests is one of the elements of the foundation on which their marriage is built. Matilda considers Shnur very well read and thinking person. And the harshness that is characteristic of him is justified by his strict character. “Shnurov is a man of fantastic erudition, and if someone is talking nonsense, he will react, and in a harsh manner. He’s not a snob, he’s not evil, he’s just strict,” the girl said in an interview with Tatler.

9. The cord only eats everything and is indifferent to money.

In everyday life, by the way, Sergei is unpretentious. However, according to his wife, he eats everything with ketchup and has never had driver's license. Matilda has to carry him herself. According to her, she and Sergei are indifferent to money, but not indifferent to what they can buy with it. “This man buys everything he likes, even three pairs of identical shoes. Then he takes something out of the closet without looking, puts it on - and he is a style icon,” Matilda shared.

A successful entrepreneur, socialite and simply a beautiful and talented girl. She is the owner of the original cuisine restaurant “CoCoCo”, as well as the founder of the Isadora ballet school, whose motto is the phrase “Ballet for everyone!” Matilda is thirty-two years old. She was married for eight years to the leader of the scandalous music group"Leningrad".

Family of Elena Mozgova

The head of the family is Vladimir, my mother’s name is Tatyana. Parents constantly quarreled, this led to divorce. Soon Tatyana walked down the aisle for the second time. Her chosen one was Vladimir Nagorny. The newlyweds, together with little Lena, moved to live in the village of Livenka. The marriage produced a son, the boy was named Igor. The second marriage suffered the same fate as the first; Tatyana and Vladimir filed for divorce.

Relations with children were very strained, and there were often disagreements. After the divorce, my mother devoted herself to a deep study of the religious and philosophical tradition of Hinduism and began to pay less attention to the children. The father also married a second time. In Vladimir’s second marriage, two children were born - a boy and a girl. Matilda does not maintain a relationship with her half-sister and brother.

Elena's close relatives faced a tragic fate. Her brother on her mother’s side, Igor, was very young and was killed in a car accident, her stepfather drowned, and her father died early. WITH early years little Lena had a dream - to move from her small village to Big city. It is known that the girl was not an excellent student; school subjects were quite difficult for her.

Childhood and adolescence

The real name of our today's heroine is Elena Mozgovaya. The future socialite was born thirteenth July 1986 in a simple family. My childhood years were spent in the villages of Losevo and Livenka, Voronezh region.

She was a friendly and outgoing child. She was a leader in a group of peers and always knew how to stand up for herself and her friends. After graduation high school a seventeen-year-old girl set off to conquer the capital and entered the university on the first try. All-Russian state institute cinematography named after Gerasimov Sergei Apollinarievich.

First steps on the career ladder

The girl came to Moscow without any connections or money. For help, she decided to turn to her fellow countryman, the lead singer of the group “7b” Ivan Konstantinovich Demyan. The man happily helped young Elena go to the right people. This is how she met the famous producer Ivan Nikolaevich Shapovalov, who at that time produced the successful Tatu group. Shapovalov agreed to take the girl into his team to carry out small assignments.

Frequent guests at the producer's studio were famous people Russian show business. This is how our heroine met model Natalia Vodianova, her husband, French businessman Antoine Arnault, as well as a ballerina and writer. In the same studio, Matilda met fashion photographer Dmitry Mikheev. The young people fell in love with each other at first sight, and soon began a whirlwind romance.

It was Dmitry, who at that time worked as a reporter gossip columns in a popular glossy magazine, advised Elena to take the creative pseudonym Matilda. According to him, this name was more original and sounded better. The girl listened to her lover, took a pseudonym, and after some time officially changed her name. Interestingly, the socialite was for some time a student at the Institute of Technology, where she studied at the Faculty of Biochemistry.

Entrepreneurial career

Since childhood, Matilda has been interested in choreography. Dancing fascinated her so much that she decided to open her own ballet school, which she called “Isadora”. Only outstanding teachers teach at this ballet school. Matilda Shnurova also helped supervise affairs in the Blue Pushkin bar, which belonged to her husband.

Sergey Shnurov is a busy person, he was sorely short of time to run this business, so he decided to make his beloved a full-fledged owner. The girl very quickly managed to understand all the intricacies of the restaurant business. Her business went up the career ladder and soon she opened her own establishment - a restaurant called “CoCoCo”.

A couple of years later, the restaurant became one of the most stylish and popular vacation spots in the cultural capital, and all thanks to Matilda’s talent and the skill of her chef. Most often, the visitors to the CoCoCo restaurant are rich and famous people. Among them are the owner’s friends, socialite party girls, Nika Belotserkovskaya and Polina Kitsenko, Avdotya Smirnova and her spouses, many others.

Matilda Shnurova at the restaurant "CoCoCo"

Personal life

Personal life socialite interests many. It is known that before with the rock musician, our heroine was in relationships with others famous men Russian show business. For a long time there were rumors about an affair with the famous press representative Dmitry Mikheev, as well as about a short-term love affair with actor Evgeny Tsyganov and the lead singer of the musical group “7B” Ivan Demyan. Matilda Shnurova herself categorically refuses to confirm this information.

The girl was introduced to her husband Sergei Shnurov by a mutual friend who lives in the United States of America. Matilda first saw Sergei in 2006 at one of the concerts of the Leningrad group. She immediately took a liking to the impressive musician. She did everything to charm the eccentric man. And she succeeded.

After the concert, the young people went to local nightclubs in the city for further acquaintance. All night, the lead singer of the Leningrad group admired the beauty of Matilda, and even compared her with the appearance of the beautiful Swan from the canvas of Mikhail Vrubel. Just then, the scandalous rock musician broke up with his common-law wife Oksana Akinshina and was ready for a new relationship.

Soon Matilda and Sergei began a whirlwind romance that captivated them for the next ten years. In 2010, the lovers legalized their relationship in the registry office and consecrated them in Orthodox church. The wedding was very chic and magical. It was attended by famous and outstanding people such as sports commentator Vasily Vyacheslavovich Utkin, actor Ville Haapasalo, and theater and film director Vasily Alekseevich Barkhatov acted as a witness.

Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds settled in the center of St. Petersburg, the windows of their apartment overlook the Fontanka. In one of the interviews, the heroine of our article told how she loves her husband and feels him as her soul mate. Matilda and Sergei always had something to talk about, since both are erudite people, and they also have many common hobbies.

The Shnurov family reported that they do not plan to have children. In an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, Matilda shared that she is not yet ready for motherhood. And her husband claims that they do not have enough living space, since, in his opinion, a family needs at least five hundred square meters. In the summer of 2016, the couple were vacationing in California, straight from their hotel room, they staged an online broadcast, demonstrating a carefree relationship and sincerely enjoying each other’s company. The wife is not at all embarrassed by the media image of her beloved; on the contrary, she strongly supports all his endeavors.

Star husband Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov

Sergei Vladimirovich Shnurov is one of the most scandalous artists in modern Russian show business. The future rock singer was born on April 13, 1973 in the city of Leningrad. The man is a successful Russian rock musician, film actor, TV presenter, and also an artist. Better known as a member of the Leningrad group and the founder of the Ruble group and a number of lesser-known projects.

Throughout almost the entire musical career he is the main figure in various scandals and gossip. Many of his compositions were banned from television and radio due to the profanity they contained. Matilda's husband has become a real phenomenon of modern Russian show business. His work has already been for long years remains popular and in demand among viewers. The artist’s topical ironic lyrics are perhaps close to each of us.

In life famous showman there were three official marriage, as well as many affairs. The heroine of our article is the third wife of Sergei Shnurov. For the first time I walked down the aisle with Maria Ismagilova. The woman gave her husband a daughter, who was named Seraphim. The second wife was the former director of the Pep-C group, Svetlana Kostitsyna. The marriage produced a boy, Apollo, who was named after the poet Apollo Grigoriev.

Public figure Date of birth July 13 (Cancer) 1986 (32) Place of birth Losevo Instagram @mshnurova

Matilda Shnurova - third wife Russian singer Sergei Shnurova, restaurateur, owner of a ballet school. Despite the fact that Matilda herself does not like to cook, she managed to make her restaurant one of the most worthy establishments in St. Petersburg. The star has been in a relationship with Shnurov for more than ten years. The couple are recognized as the most extravagant couple in Russian show business. At the same time, she has a positive influence on her husband, the singer changed his image and became interested in sports.

Biography of Matilda Shnurova

The star was born in the Voronezh region, grew up in a single-parent family, and was raised by her mother. Matilda's real name is Elena Mozgovaya. Her mother is a religious person, she often could not find common language with her daughter, she married a second time when she was still a schoolgirl. The girl gave birth younger brother and sister.

After graduating from high school, the graduate hurried to move to Moscow. She dreamed of becoming an actress and planned to enter VGIK, but she was a fiasco; neither her artistry nor her ballet background helped her to enter. But in the capital, the girl took a sonorous pseudonym and met Ivan Shapovalov, producer of the Tatu group. At that time, he was planning to launch a reality show. Matilda carried out his small assignments, met famous musicians and made many useful acquaintances.

For some time, the girl worked as a reporter for a magazine, her duty was to cover secular news.

Later, Matilda decided to move to St. Petersburg. There she entered the St. Petersburg State Technical University (TU) at the Faculty of Biochemistry and for some time immersed herself in her studies.

The girl did not forget to have fun; at one of the parties, a friend introduced her to musician Sergei Shnurov. He entrusted the girl with the management of his bar “Blue Pushkin”. Matilda did an excellent job as a manager and became interested in the restaurant business.

In 2012 she opened her own restaurant called CoCoCo. The peculiarity of the establishment is the presence of only Russian dishes on the menu. Matilda believes that St. Petersburg already has enough catering establishments specializing in some national cuisine, while native Russian dishes never lose their popularity.

The restaurant quickly gained an excellent reputation. Keep her on high level Shnurov's wife Matilda is helped by chef Igor Grishechkin. He is one of the best chefs in St. Petersburg.

The star does not like to stand at the stove, but demonstrates excellent management skills. Her husband emphasizes that the popularity of “CoCoCo” is not his fault; Matilda achieved everything on her own. Shnurov only helped develop the restaurant’s logo.

In 2010 the star opened the Isadora ballet school. Only experienced ballerinas work as teachers; both adults and children can attend classes. There are no weight or size restrictions. “Isadora” invites everyone to master the art of ballet.

Matilda herself has excellent stretching, she regularly visits Gym In addition, she studies at her own ballet school. The girl is interested in the art of photography and takes lessons from best photographers, she takes good pictures.

Matilda is indifferent to expensive jewelry, but at the same time it is important for her to be stylishly dressed. She considers her own husband to be a great authority on fashion issues.

The star often gives interviews and does not refuse to communicate with the media.

Personal life of Matilda Shnurova

According to the press, Matilda met for some time with the leader of the “7B” group, Ivan Demyan. She also had a romantic relationship with Evgeny Tsyganov.

Later she met Sergei Shnurov. This happened shortly after his separation from actress Oksana Akinshina. In 2010 the wedding took place.

Shnurov admits that his wife is his creative inspiration. After meeting her, he became more scrupulous about selecting soloists for his group. Now Shnurov collaborates only with married singers, because he does not want to give his wife a reason to be jealous.

The star couple has not yet had children together. Matilda says she is not ready to become a mother yet. Sergey and she travel a lot around Europe, but they permanent place residence is St. Petersburg.

- states ex-lover Matilda, fashion photographer Dmitry Mikheev

The other day, the old dream of young provincial girl Lena MOZGOVAYA came true. She became the legal wife of Sergei SHNUROV. The idea of ​​ringing someone famous musician appeared at Matilda’s (that’s what her ex-lover MIKHEEV called the girl) as soon as she got to Moscow. Express Gazeta was the first to tell about Lenochka’s thorny path to happiness, when she wandered from one star bed to another (No. 25, 2009). Now we have become aware of new details.

- Cord he marries only those women who are ready to bear him a child, they believe those around the leader of the Ruble group.

In fact, the musician’s two previous wives gave him a baby each. First - Maria Ismagilova- gave birth to a daughter, Seraphim, the second - director of the Pepsi group Svetlana Kostitsyna- son of Apollo-Paul. And the actress Oksana Akinshina, although she lived with the scandalous musician for several years under the same roof, she did not want to get pregnant from Sergei, so, they say, she did not have the honor of going to the registry office with him.

In the St. Petersburg rock community they whisper that Shnur’s current chosen one is Elena Mozgovaya She could very well have recently gotten pregnant, so the noble Seryoga decided to register the relationship.

“Even if this is not the case, then in the very near future Matilda will make every effort to become a mother,” our interlocutors suggested. - To tie Shnurov to you even more tightly. And even if it comes to divorce, she will have the right to sue for herself and the baby part of the living space.

Butterfly wings

The words of Shnurov’s colleagues were confirmed by ex-lover Elena - famous Moscow photographer Dmitry Mikheev.

When I lived with her, she buzzed all over that she wanted a baby,” Dima recalls. - I definitely dreamed of giving birth to a boy. I even came up with a name - Savely. But I didn’t intend to have children then and took precautions.

According to Mikheev, it was on him that Matilda tested her method of bewitching men:

She acted like a Japanese woman. I once lived with a real Japanese woman, so I know what I'm talking about. As soon as you take out a cigarette, she immediately runs up and lights it for you. Or you walk into a room and they immediately give you a chair. You quickly get used to it and can no longer live without it. Shortly before our breakup, Matilda kept repeating: “After you, I can take any man for myself. I know what you need!” She even offered to demonstrate her skills on my friend Volodya Polienko, who wrote hits for the group “t.A.T.u.”, but I was against it.

Another advantage of Matilda was her willingness to undertake any experiments in sex.

She did not refuse either sadomas or group games,” shares Dmitry. - And she has no equal in oral sex! I will never forget how she made me “butterfly wings.”

Pond owner

Despite her openness, there was also a sore subject for Mozgova - her family, which remained in a village near Voronezh.

Matilda did not like to talk about her mother, recalls Mikheev. - Only once did I break down when I lit incense sticks at home. She asked me not to do this again. She began to cry and scream that her sectarian mother had forced her to read mantras by lighting incense since childhood.

Victoria Ulchonok, a childhood friend of our heroine, admitted that she also felt sorry for Lena when she got it from her parent.

They had portraits of Krishna hanging in their kitchen,” Vika said. - The brain department was even a little embarrassed about this. But she was never downtrodden. She could go against her elders. For example, at the age of 13 I got a tattoo on my stomach.

I started going to restaurants and nightlife venues early.

At the Voronezh club “One Hundred Ruchev” Elena met the lead singer of the group “7B” Ivan Demyan, who then lived in the capital of the Black Earth Region, having been released from prison. Demyan advised the girl to go to Moscow, where there are more opportunities. A few months later, when Ivan himself had already moved to the Mother See, Matilda rolled up to him. But the married musician hastened to get rid of her and introduced her to his friend Mikheev.

One night, Lena and I were riding in a taxi,” says Dmitry. - We were stopped by the police, who began to check our documents. Matilda did not have them, and she was taken to the department. I rushed home to get her passport and only then read that she was registered in some village near Voronezh. She used to lie to me that she lives in the city. After taking her away from the cops, I asked about her family. It turned out that the father had divorced his mother a long time ago and lived in the town of Pavlovsk, where he bought a pond and began raising fish. Matilda then told me: “If dad dies, so much money will fall to me! In addition, I will be the owner of ponds.”

Drank too much ayahuasca

“I lived with Matilda for almost three years,” continues Mikheev. - Kicked her out several times when she became unbearable. Well, tell me, who would like to constantly listen to requests that I introduce her to the right people and moved forward in life. “Achieve everything yourself!” - I advised.

Apparently, she listened to this and decided to act in a way that had been tested on me. I started hearing rumors that she was cheating on me. However, I myself saw her with other men: sometimes with an actor Evgeniy Tsyganov, sometimes with the editor-in-chief of a men's magazine, sometimes with a major businessman.

According to Mikheev, after another quarrel, Matilda drove off to South America.

She had a friend who was called in the party Lucy LSD, widow of a murdered authority figure. Lena, having carefully calculated everything, began to communicate with her in order to quickly get out of the country. She had connections there,” says Dmitry. - True, in South America The girls quickly quarreled. One night Matilda started calling me. She admitted that she drank too much ayahuasca (a drink with a psychotropic effect. - I.K.), quarreled with Lyusya and asked to quickly take her away from there.

I made her promise that from now on she would obey me, and sent money for the journey. But, returning to Moscow, a few days later she went on a spree again, and when I kicked her out of the house again, she started an affair with Shnur.

Getting close to Sergei Shnurov was Mozgova’s long-time dream. She admitted this to Mikheev and, despite his resistance, did everything to enter into the same circle with the ex-soloist of the Leningrad group.

One day in the morning I got a call,” the photographer recalls. - I picked up the phone and heard Schnur’s drunken voice: “And I just gave Matilda a...ball. Do you think I might as well try it again?” These words were like a knife to my heart. I’m sure Lenka was the initiator of that strange call. I wanted to show that I had achieved my goal. Several years have already passed, but I just can’t forget her. When I scheduled the presentation of my new magazine “I want” for July 31, I didn’t even think that on that very day Shnur and Matilda would have a wedding. I read about it on the Internet and got wildly drunk out of grief.

The newlyweds themselves didn’t give a damn about Mikheev’s experiences - they had fun at the wedding. The relationship between Sergei and Lena was registered at the registry office No. 1 on the English Embankment in St. Petersburg. In honor of the holiday, Shnur came wearing a light shirt with a picture of a frivolous lady on the back, and attached a boutonniere to his fly. His 24-year-old bride wore a modest White dress. The girl was not wearing a veil.

A sports commentator came to congratulate the newlyweds Vasily Utkin, actor Ville Haapasalo, producer Vasily Melnikov and theater director Vasily Barkhatov. Among the few guests there were no relatives of the groom, much less relatives of the bride.

Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy. True, this simple saying modern realities need to rephrase a little, changing “happy” to “active”. There are a lot of examples of how a woman, without clear external characteristics, achieved success through her work and drive. Take, for example, the heroine of today’s article - the famous restaurateur Matilda Shnurova. Someone might object, they say, her husband is scandalous famous singer Sergei Shnurov, who probably invested in his young wife’s business. But long before meeting her husband, Matilda Shnurova achieved some success, thanks to which she fell into his social circle. Then the restaurant business and a successful Instagram appeared with almost 400 thousand followers who subscribe to Matilda not only for photos in swimsuits. The biography of Matilda Shnurova (age, real name, children) and the latest news from her personal life will be discussed further.

Matilda Shnurova: biography (real name, how old) and personal life

Facts from early biography Very little is known about Matilda Shnurova and her personal life before meeting her current husband. Shnur's future wife was born on July 13, 1986 in Voronezh into an ordinary, but rather religious family. The girl's name by birth is Elena Mozgovaya. Since Matilda herself does not comment on questions about her family of origin, information about her past can only be gleaned from the abrupt statements of close acquaintances. Some of them claim that Elena was kicked out of the house for inappropriate behavior birth mother. Therefore, the girl had to earn money on her own quite early. In search of a better life, she first went to Moscow, and then moved to northern capital- Saint Petersburg. This decision became fateful: Motya met her Shnur, opened a dance school and went into the restaurant business.

Personal life and some facts from the biography of Shnur’s wife Matilda Shnurova

Little is also known about the personal life of Shnur’s wife, as well as about the early biography of Matilda Shnurova. Among the good known facts— Motya and Shnur got married in 2010. For Sergei, this marriage was the third, but Matilda (then Elena) got married for the first time. Their acquaintance was a matter of chance, but at the same time a pattern. The fact is that Shnurov admitted in one of his interviews that he was always partial to the image of the girl in Vrubel’s famous painting “The Swan Princess.” Even in his youth, she became the personification for him female beauty and grace. And when, years and two marriages later, Shnurov saw Elena Mozgovaya, the living embodiment of Vrubel’s princess, at one of the social events, he was literally stupefied. The girl charmed famous performer at first sight and ever since became his faithful companion and muse. Motya and Shnur have been legally married for 7 years, and according to their loved ones, their union is only growing stronger every year.

Sergei Shnurov's wife, restaurateur Matilda Shnurova: do they have children?

Looking at this happy couple, it is quite logical to wonder what if Sergei Shnurov and his wife, restaurateur Matilda Shnurova, have children. On this moment, the spouses do not have children together. At the same time, Sergei himself has adult children from previous marriages. In 1993, Shnurov became a father for the first time. Then his daughter Seraphim, together with Maria Ismagilova, was born. For the second time, Sergei Shnurov became the father of his son Apollo, whom Svetlana Kostitsyna gave birth to to the singer in 2000.

Why singer Sergei Shnurov and his wife, restaurateur Matilda Shnurova, have no children

But the “woman of his life” Matilda has not yet given birth to a child for Shnur. As mentioned above, the couple has been legally married for 7 years, but they have no children together. One can only guess about the reasons why Shnur and Motya have not yet acquired a common descendant. The fact is that Matilda herself does not comment on such questions from journalists. But Shnurov has repeatedly said in interviews that he would not mind becoming a dad for the third time.

Matilda (Elena) Shnurova: latest news from the famous restaurateur’s personal Instagram, photo

Despite her provincial origin, Matilda Shnurova has long turned into a real Petersburger. Moreover, the girl managed to quite short term become a style icon and the embodiment of the aristocratic spirit of the city. With the light hand of Matilda, the “wild man” Sergei Shnurov slowly but surely transformed into a brutal macho. The fact that they became real trendsetters in St. Petersburg is evidenced by last news from the personal Instagram of the famous restaurateur Matilda Shnurova. The girl regularly posts interesting posts and colorful photographs demonstrating luxury life.

Latest photos and news from the personal Instagram of restaurateur Matilda (Elena) Shnurova

Many among latest photos on personal page on Instagram of Matilda (Elena) Shnurova posts dedicated to the work of the restaurateur. With her light hand, the CoCoCo restaurant appeared in St. Petersburg in 2012, which immediately became a cult establishment and a unique business card cities. Matilda managed to conquer the spoiled local public with her unique interior, delicious Russian cuisine and cozy atmosphere. This restaurant became the girl’s second “brainchild” after the Isadora dance studio, where Shnurova herself regularly practices ballet.

Matilda (Elena) Shnurova: scandalous photos in a swimsuit and topless

But in addition to mouth-watering photographs of delicious dishes from “CoCoCo” and numerous photographs from various travels, there are more scandalous highlights on Matilda Shnurova’s page skimpy swimsuits and even topless. Motya quite often shares with her followers piquant pictures with her husband, with whom, at best, she simply kisses. But despite the presence of quite explicit scenes, it’s difficult to call these photos vulgar or vulgar. You can feel the style, subtle eroticism and incredible energy of these two, undoubtedly talented people.

A selection of scandalous photos in a swimsuit and topless of Matilda Shnurova

Among the latest scandalous highlights on the famous restaurateur’s Instagram is a topless photo of Matilda Shnurova. In it, Motya poses for a fashion publication in a black jacket that barely covers her bare chest. The chiseled figure of Sergei Shnur’s wife immediately caused a wave of comments and likes under the post. At the same time, Matilda Shnurova herself previously posted much more candid photos, for example, in a bath with a Cord or in a small swimsuit on the beach. Now that you know the latest news from her personal life and some facts from Matilda’s biography (how old, what is her real name, are there any children), we invite you to take a look at the vivid photographs of this extraordinary girl and her scandalous husband.

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