Why receive an offer in a dream? With a ring from a loved one. Complete dream book of the New Era

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? A dream can have a direct interpretation under certain circumstances. If the dreamer is on this moment lonely, the dream predicts the appearance of an influential man in her life. The interpretation of this dream has many nuances and features that depend on the details of the plot seen.

Remember the details of the dream plot:

  • marriage proposal from a stranger;
  • marriage proposal from a loved one;
  • offer already married woman;
  • to refuse the offer;
  • proposal to marry the deceased;
  • features of the situation during this action.

If your loved one proposes to you in a dream, this does not always prophesy fast wedding. Usually such a dream foreshadows illness (if the girl was wearing White dress) or a quick separation. However, not everything is so sad: other interpreters claim that big changes in life await the dreamer. Moreover, changes can affect any area of ​​life, for example, work.

For a married woman the dream can have two interpretations: a warming of relations with a spouse or the appearance of a new admirer. Be careful around other people's men and don't attract attention to yourself. For unmarried girls, the dream foreshadows a long-awaited meeting with their betrothed.

Marriage proposal from a stranger, whose face is not visible, denotes the appearance of an influential patron. Things will happen in the dreamer's life positive changes: climbing the career ladder, material well-being. However, the dream has nothing to do with real marriage.

If a girl in a dream refused to accept an offer, V real life she will have more than one admirer. Agreeing to get married in a dream means loneliness. Seeing a friend or a stranger getting engaged is a sign of your own wedding.

If the offer was made on sea ​​coast , you need to remember the shade of sea water. Dark sea and clouds overhead - to great obstacles, pure water- to prosperity, muddy dirty sea ​​water- to gossip and troubles.

What does a marriage proposal from the deceased portend?? There is no need to worry: this does not promise a quick death. Go to church, light candles, take the memorial to the grave. If the deceased looked at you with anxiety, unpleasant changes will soon occur in life.

Rings and flowers

If you were proposed to with a ring and flowers, try to remember all the details of the plot:

  • ring with a stone - to a new acquaintance;
  • red color of the stone - sadness and melancholy;
  • dark color of the stone - to joy;
  • big - to success in business;
  • a scattering of small diamonds - to tears;
  • green/blue stones - to prosperity;
  • yellow - to quarrels.

A gold ring promises poverty, and a copper ring promises wealth.. Putting a wedding ring on your finger means loss; rejecting it means unexpected money.

Flowers in a dream also have their meaning. Feeling the aroma of a bouquet is a sign of happy changes in life. Red flowers predict success, white flowers predict sadness.

Did you see a wine bottle in a dream? The dream foretells success if the wine has not been drunk. Light champagne dreams of positive changes in life, red wine warns not to make rash decisions.

Interpretation of dream books

Dream Book of the Wanderer considers a marriage proposal from a stranger as a career success. The dreamer will soon receive a tempting offer and gain financial independence and prosperity. However, if the dreamer was confused and could not find the right words to answer, in reality she is considered a frivolous, unreliable person.

Dream Book of the Wanderer states: agreeing to get married is a good sign. In reality, you will gain the respect and admiration of those around you. If the dreamer herself makes the proposal, this warns of various obstacles on the path to the dream. However, obstacles can be overcome.

Modern dream book considers the vision of an engagement ring to the appearance of a serious admirer in a girl’s life. There may not be love at first sight, but subsequently the dreamer will appreciate the human qualities of her new acquaintance and decide to throw in her lot with him.

Often in dreams we continue to experience real life events, so we should not unconditionally believe dreams. If you have seen an engagement story in a movie series, your subconscious mind probably continues to experience the feelings of the movie characters in your dreams. In this case, the dream is considered empty and does not foretell any changes.

To correctly understand the meaning of a dream, you need to exclude the influence of impressions from real life events experienced the day before. Keep a dream diary, write down in detail what you see, and soon you will learn to understand the language of the subconscious. Remember that in a dream our own subconscious communicates with us, which seeks to help us understand complicated life situations.

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? Often thoughts that haunt us in reality are visualized in dreams. Girls of marriageable age see in their dreams beautiful princes, albeit without horses, but in beautiful suits, with flowers and coveted velvet boxes, inside of which rings glitter. Some of these dreams are simply drawing out the details of a dream, the other part becomes a prophecy or a warning.

Often thoughts that haunt us in reality are visualized in dreams

Dream books compiled by psychologists, soothsayers and yogis are almost unanimous on this issue. The dream books say that if you dream of a proposal made in a night vision by a loved one, then most likely this is a visualization of the desire to unite your destiny with a gentleman dear to your heart. This dream has a real background, and it is destined to come true. Whether this event will happen soon will have to be judged by the days of the week when the dream occurred.

G. Miller's dream book interprets a marriage proposal received from a loved one as:

  • coming changes. Whether they will be pleasant or not should be judged by what feelings on your part accompanied the events occurring in the vision.
  • The interpretation is influenced by clothing and the general atmosphere, a romantic explanation.
  • A proposal to change your own and your status, received from a stranger, is a dream of an approaching acquaintance with your other half.
  • For a married woman, such a vision is advice to be more modest and attract less attention from men.

Felomena's dream book predicts success in business, reaching a new, higher standard of living.

The gypsy dream book predicts that a woman who has a dream with a proposal will unite her destinies with a man she likes:

  • Good luck;
  • Joy;
  • All the blessings of the world.

If a man dreams that he is proposing, even to his beloved, then this does not bode well. He may have to take on onerous obligations that he cannot refuse.

Astromeridian and the 21st century dream book decipher Morpheus’ message as:

  • Approaching events reflected in a dream.
  • For a girl who does not have a groom, this dream is an omen of meeting a status suitor.
  • If a married lady has this dream, it means marital relations will move into a new phase. Perhaps this is due to the birth of a child, grandchild, or moving to a new place of residence. But it is possible that couples who have lived under the same roof for many years will be able to restore their relationship to its former fervor.

The interpretation of a dream where a proposal is made with a ring is given by a modern dream book:

  • A friend or stranger asks for the honor of becoming a life partner; this dream promises a new acquaintance.
  • Even a person whose first meeting can cause severe irritation can later become irreplaceable.
  • The unspeakable joy experienced in a dream speaks of the approach of events that will radically change life.
  • The indignation and anger experienced from the proposal are an omen of an imminent separation from the current boyfriend. He is not the hero of your novel.

The wanderer’s dream book, compiled with the help of meditation, foretells:

  • Interesting offers in different areas life, increasing social status and material wealth. This interpretation is intended for those whose proposal to get married has caused equal emotions.
  • Confusion during a confession in a dream speaks of frivolity, inability to keep one’s word and be punctual in life. All these qualities do not go unnoticed by others.
  • A girl who gave her consent in a dream has a decisive character, prudence, and modesty. All these qualities are valued in her by friends, acquaintances, and relatives. This is an integral nature that has all the data to achieve success.

Marriage proposal in men's dreams

Marriage proposals... men also have such dreams. More often they should be considered as warnings and warnings.

A determined man who dreams that he is proposing to start a family has most likely taken on difficult obligations.
  • A determined man who dreams that he is proposing to start a family has most likely taken on difficult obligations. If this applies to him professional activity, then the following statement can be applied to him at this point in his life: - “Married to his own work.” The difficulty of overcoming obstacles in life depends on the emotional mood experienced by a man in a dream.
  • An indecisive young man had a dream: this is most likely due to his doubts before the upcoming explanation with his beloved.
  • Witnessing a marriage proposal made to a younger relative in a dream means that he himself is not destined to marry.

We are all masters of our own destiny. Whatever the dream predicts, the consequences it prophesies can be avoided. To do this, you need to reconsider your lifestyle.

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal in a dream (video)

Receive a marriage proposal from a guy you know in a dream

The guy from whom you expect a proposal in reality made one in a dream - this good sign:

  • Immediate dramatic changes in life.
  • The marriage will take place, if not official, then civil.
  • The strength of the union is facilitated by sincere mutual feelings.
  • There is no guy nearby who is suitable for the role of the groom, which means Morpheus predicts his imminent appearance.

The guy from whom you are expecting a proposal in reality made one in a dream - this is a good sign

Your relationship with your boyfriend is over, and in your dream he proposes marriage to you? This speaks of one’s own indecision, unwillingness to turn over the page of life that has been read. Such dreams haunt people who are indecisive, wholly dependent on outside opinions, who are gullible and suggestible.

A marriage proposal in a dream came from an ex-boyfriend

While a person with whom your relationship is already in the past haunts you in your dreams, you can forget about the progress of your relationship in real life. Constantly returning to the past, the need to compare all the guys with your ex is marking time. You are simply stuck in the past, which night vision eloquently reminds you of. Such a dream cannot evoke any emotions other than disappointment if you still like the person.

An enemy proposes in a dream, what does this mean?

If a person asking for reciprocity is unpleasant to you both in a dream and in reality, you have to wait for unpleasant events. Gossipers, intriguers for personal gain or out of envy, try to put you at odds with your loved one. You should not tell strangers about your relationship. The better you talk about your other half, the more envy you make people feel.

If a person asking for reciprocity is unpleasant to you both in a dream and in reality, you have to wait for unpleasant events

In a dream, your admirer did not receive your consent to marriage, but was flattered by the proposal - this is a sign that:

  • the other half is next to you;
  • instead of friends, like-minded people with whom you can part with without regret;
  • work does not bring satisfaction.

Change! Change everything! Live a full, joyful life! Such a call is made by the subconscious, showing a dream in which a long time ago a stranger or an unpleasant person offers to reunite and start a family.

A stranger proposed and gave a ring in a dream

You are offered to get married, but you see a person for the first time, and even then in the kingdom of Morpheus. We have to determine his intentions intuitively, because only in fairy tales are princes selfless. Such a dream is more likely to lead to confusion than to joy or disappointment.

An early meeting with a permanent partner is expected, the relationship with whom can develop into a strong one. happy marriage

The interpretations of this dream are very diverse:

  1. An early meeting with a permanent partner is expected, a relationship with whom can develop into a strong, happy marriage.
  2. Hardening financial situation, changes in social status, career growth.
  3. Consent to get married given to a stranger from a dream foreshadows a dilemma in making a decision in business, an issue on which the way of your future life depends.
  4. An unconditional refusal to an offer made in a dream by a stranger warns of the need for greater attention to all opportunities to change something in your life, so as not to miss a truly worthwhile chance.

If they propose marriage strangers on behalf of the beloved - this is a warning that an intrigue is being prepared in those around you with the goal of discrediting and denigrating you in someone’s eyes.

If they not only marry him, but also present him with a ring on his behalf, this speaks of his tender, warm feelings.

If you were personally made an offer: what does it mean to see such a thing in a dream?

A proposal made by a guy who gives a ring in a dream also speaks of his intentions to get married in real life.

Dream Interpretation: marriage proposal (video)

But in this dream, the iconic symbol is the ring. If it shines and fits like a glove on your finger, it means your couple is harmonious. The ring is large or small, which means that one of the pair is stuck at a lower stage of development. Such a couple is not viable, and a quick breakup is inevitable. Otherwise, the marriage will be unhappy for both spouses.

Attention, TODAY only!

In an article on the topic: “dream book of seeing someone make an offer” - presented actual information on this issue for 2018.

A woman who sees in a dream a loved one who proposes marriage to her may be preparing for grandiose changes in life. In order to find out in more detail why you dream of a marriage request, you should recall the dream in as much detail as possible, its emotional presentation and general mood. Having completely restored your dream in your memory, you can look at its interpretation in the dream book.

If you had a dream in which you were proposed to get married, it means that soon your life will change radically. For a married woman this dream is interpreted by the dream book as a warning - she should be careful and not attract much attention to her person. According to the dream book, young girls who are offered their hand in marriage by a complete stranger in a dream are promised a quick meeting with their betrothed.

A dream in which you dream that you are proposing marriage with a ring means real feelings and pure love. The dream book promises that soon you will experience a real storm of emotions - that person will appear in life who will capture your attention, and perhaps your heart. Moreover, at first it will seem to you that you are not experiencing very good feelings for this person (they are more like anger, irritation, indignation), but soon you will understand your emotions and everything will fall into place.

Why do you dream of receiving a marriage proposal? Such a dream means the onset of a new stage in life. The dream book interprets such a dream in two meanings, based on the feelings you experienced in the dream. If the proposal to link your destinies in a dream caused you a storm of indignation, it means that the current relationship with your boyfriend will soon come to an end; if you are happy about this proposal, then such a dream, according to the dream book, means unexpected turn in your love relationship.

Why else do you dream of a marriage proposal?

If a complete stranger proposes marriage in a dream, the dream book promises that in the near future a serious and interesting proposal will come, which promises not only the acquisition of material wealth and financial independence, but also leads to the emergence of a high status.

You can find out in more detail why you dream about a marriage request by remembering your reaction to this question in a dream. If during the confession you were confused and did not know what to answer, according to the dream book this means that others perceive you as frivolous person unable to keep its promises.

If, in response to the proposal of marriage in a dream, a young girl responds positively, it means that in reality such a dream promises her respect and recognition from others, because of her personal qualities.

If in a dream you ask for your hand and heart, then the dream book promises that in the near future minor troubles and obstacles will appear on the way that will not stop you on the path to achieving your goal, but will only harden you and make you stronger. A man who has a dream where he watches his distant relative being asked for the hand in marriage means that for the next few years he will remain a bachelor.

I really hope that all of the above will come true :)

Very reverent 🙂 So be it 🙂

I would really like it to be so.

I hope that all the good things will come true.

I dreamed that I woke up, and on the bed there was a book with a title about a marriage proposal, and in it detailed plan for Wedding.

I really hope that everything will come true.

Let's see what happens. If the dream comes true, then two dreams will come true at once.

I really, really, really want to get married, and it’s time to start a family :)

You'll go out, don't worry.

Sleep in hand! I trust dream books, they have told me more than once when I have doubts :)

Hello! Let it be so! Amen?

It’s a pity that it doesn’t say what it means if you refuse someone who asks for your hand.

I hope everything is okay good changes! It is high time!

I hope so. Only because I also want to be loved forever.

In a dream, a friend of mine proposed with a ring, but he has a couple. Yes, and I felt hostility.


The dream was wonderful. I remember in detail. I really want to tell you, but they write that it’s impossible. I will believe that it will come true. I'm ready for change!

My loved one proposed it to me, but thoughts were swirling in my head: it’s not worth it, in the end I said yes.

Proposed to our young chemistry teacher.

My boyfriend proposed to me in a dream, but we broke up a week ago, what does this mean?

I wonder what it means if you suddenly proposed marriage as a surprise gift among mutual friends, but not the one you wanted to marry, but on the contrary, instead of answering, I burst into tears from frustration that I already woke up from this?

Let's look forward to a new stage in life! Oh what a dream it was 😉

Good morning everybody. My brother proposed marriage to me close friend my sister, and I, apparently, was simply silent, but was preparing to refuse, when I suddenly noticed that my family had already “answered” with a positive answer for me, and I, after “they” (the guests) left, argued with the whole family . How can you marry me off to him, I have a loved one and I am faithful to him, and they answered that he good guy, we are happy for “you”. After these words, I simply went somewhere, and after some time, I was found dead. I just lay there and didn’t move, and they sobbed and screamed. And so I woke up abruptly with tears in my eyes. Not a dream, but like a movie! What was it? I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. That's it. Let it happen as it is destined and as we dream. God willing. All the best!

I dreamed that my beloved proposed to me and handed me a rag that looked like a rope, and I took this rope and agreed. We hugged, but I asked: let’s get a ring next time, and he got up and went somewhere. Either behind the ring, or completely gone. I don’t know where, I woke up. What would that mean?

What if they didn’t propose to you, but you did?

And I dreamed that my friend was proposing to me and I was standing there so happy, I took the flowers, took the ring and said that I’ll think about it. And although I have no feelings for him. I love another person who is not with me now.

And I dreamed that a guy was offering to marry him, I immediately agreed, because I love him madly, but a day later we broke up.

Very happy dream was! I woke up and damn it, why. I was so happy there, rejoicing, jumping. A man, I don’t know him, but I loved him in a dream, proposed to me. Still somehow original.

And if in a dream my classmate makes a choice of whom to marry, and out of the two of us she chooses me, what does that mean?

We are waiting for great changes.

And I dreamed that many guys came to me to ask for my hand. At first one asked, I didn’t know what to answer, because in reality I have a loved one. And then, through the window, I saw that he was not alone there, but there were five of them. What is it for.

And if I live with a person, but we are not married, we have a child. And he proposed marriage to me in a dream.

Has anyone achieved it?

I had a dream that my loved one proposed to me with a ring, but I remained silent and cried, why is this?

And I dreamed that my boyfriend proposed to me without a ring, and even in some closet. I started scolding him, and he took out a ring, but not a wedding or engagement ring. I read in the dream book that this means separation. After 2 weeks we broke up

Good afternoon I am a married woman, 32 years old, and I dreamed that I was marrying a complete stranger from another city, in a dream: not the wedding itself, but matchmaking, the groom gives a ring and says that I am yours future spouse, and we go to his city. I think to myself anxiously, how can this be?! Where are my children, my husband? Why did I find myself in this situation, but at the same time I don’t talk about it. What would that mean?!

In a dream, I was also proposed to by a stranger and given a ring with a stone. He also got down on his knee. And I was confused, but I took the ring and put it on my finger. There were a lot of spectators around and I didn’t disgrace him in front of everyone. Although I am married and remembered this in a dream.

Why do you dream about a proposal - interpretation of a dream according to dream books

Miller's Dream Book

proposal in a dream what is it for

If a woman receives a proposal from her beloved man, significant changes await her in reality. Hear an offer from stranger- foreshadows a quick meeting with your soulmate. If a married woman heard the proposal, then in reality she should be more modest and attract less attention to herself.

Vanga's Dream Book

why do you dream about a proposal?

You dreamed that you received a marriage proposal - this is interpreted as a particularly favorable symbol. It portends positive changes in all areas of your life. In your world there may be new person who will truly love you. Making an offer in a dream means you will be able to carry out everything you have planned, everything bad will go away, a bright future awaits you. Giving a positive response to a marriage proposal without hesitation means the situation will improve, and you will be supported in solving important issues. If you hesitate to answer, business may stagnate. If a young girl had a dream about a marriage proposal, then in reality she will earn the respect of others. If you dreamed about something like this young man and he proposed to his chosen one in a dream, then in reality she expects certain actions from him, that very turning point has come in your relationship - everything depends on you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

proposal in a dream

Seeing yourself proposing to someone in a dream indicates that all the sorrows that happen to you happened only through your fault and only yours. You don’t need to convince yourself of someone else’s guilt, sort yourself out. Seeing someone propose marriage to you carries the meaning of deception in reality; do not be overly trusting.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

proposal in a dream what is it for

Receiving an offer to join a meal has a positive meaning - you will join forces to accomplish some good deed and act unanimously. An offer to conclude a truce or make peace in a dream promises peace with the person with whom you made peace in the dream. Someone offering you something in a dream predicts that you will soon receive news that will please you. You received an offer to work where you really wanted, which promises you incredibly good news. To see such a dream for a poor person symbolizes getting rid of all needs. Offering someone some kind of treat is a sign that in life you are taking on responsibilities that you don’t need.

Dream book of the 21st century

what does it mean if a proposal is in a dream

If you received a marriage proposal in a dream, a new relationship will soon begin and changes in life will occur. It may be that you will have an influential patron. Also, such a dream suggests that your current ones will move to another level.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

proposal in a dream what is it for

Receive an offer - you will have new plans. If you happily accepted this offer, you will successfully implement your plans. If rejected, the plan is not destined to come true.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

why do you dream about a proposal?

Did a stranger propose? Soon you will receive very profitable proposition, from which you will benefit greatly. If you yourself made an offer to someone, in reality you will experience minor failures that will make you stronger.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

We heard a sentence in a dream - You should start working on your character in order to become more independent.

Chinese dream book

why do you dream about a proposal?

If a man dreams of proposing to a girl and she immediately agreed, he will soon experience difficulties. If a young girl received a proposal from her loved one in a dream, then in reality she will not get married soon.

Love dream book

dream interpretation proposal

Making an offer to someone in a dream means that in reality you will be hypocritical with the person you love.

In dreams, people also dreamed about the proposal

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Dream Interpretation: marriage proposal in a dream - complete interpretation of dreams

A marriage proposal is perhaps the most exciting moment in life for both the girl and the guy who makes it. The moment is associated with many experiences, doubts, joys and sorrows. How to determine what a dream means where they make an offer to us? There are different proposals: an offer to meet, get married or get a job. In any case, this is a rather exciting moment, which many women and men look forward to with particular trepidation. It is necessary to find out why the dream that disturbs us is happening. Is it positive and is a good omen or is it bad and warns us about something.
  • Dream Interpretation: “to see someone propose in a dream” means major changes in life.
  • Dream: “your ex proposed in a dream” - you need to sort out your grievances and feelings towards your ex-boyfriend.
  • Dream: why do you dream of a proposal from a stranger? You will meet your future spouse.
  • Dream: why do you dream that you have been proposed to? For a lonely young lady, the dream promises a meeting with her chosen one.
  • Dream Interpretation: “An ex proposes in a dream” - do not hold grudges towards your former chosen one. They prevent you from finding new love.
  • Dream Interpretation: if your girlfriend refused to get married in a dream, in reality you will need time to achieve your goal.
  • The dream “in a dream a young man proposes” - in reality he will suffer from minor problems.
  • The dream “a guy proposes without a ring” means the fulfillment of your dream will be delayed.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a guy proposes” - you need to be careful and be prepared for any event in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a proposal before the wedding? The dream portends good things family life, happy marriage and a faithful husband. (see dream Wedding)
  • Dream Interpretation: “making a marriage proposal” for a young man means a warning to be careful.
  • Why do you dream about a proposal? new job? The dream foretells ruin. (see sleep Work)
  • Why do you dream of an offer to resettle a soul? The dream speaks of your future self-doubt.
  • Why do you dream about offering sex? The dream speaks of your sympathy for the person from whom the proposal came. (see dream Sex)
  • Islamic dream book: a proposal to become a wife is a dream of good luck and fortune, wealth and relaxation from all worries.
  • Dream Interpretation: “they proposed and gave you a ring” - you have a passionate desire to gain family status.
  • Dream Interpretation: “an offer to remember the deceased in a dream” promises you an invitation to a fun party.
  • Why do you dream of a proposal in a dream? You will have to take care of someone younger than you.
  • Why do you dream that your ex is proposing? The dream says it's time for you to find a new hobby.
  • Why does a man dream: a guy proposes? There may be problems with relatives in the future.
  • Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? Yours financial situation will soon improve significantly.

Astrological dream book

  • Why do you dream about a proposal from your ex? You will find yourself in a difficult situation.
  • If you dream that you have proposed marriage, your wish will come true.
  • Why do you dream that your loved one is proposing? Interesting events in life await you.
  • Marriage proposal in a dream for unmarried women predicts changes in your personal life, an acquaintance that will lead to a relationship. You will probably meet an influential man.
  • The dream “marriage proposal with a ring” promises the same event in reality.
  • The dream “marriage proposal in a dream” promises new stage relationships in reality. In addition, there is a possibility of taking responsibility for someone who is weaker or younger than you.
  • Dream Interpretation: “I dreamed of a marriage proposal” - you will find a way out of a stagnant situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: “your loved one proposed” - you will have a bright and memorable wedding.
  • Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? The dream book promises large expenses for the family and other family-related problems.
  • Why do you dream about a job offer? Your career will fail.
  • Why do you dream that your loved one proposed? A disagreement with a young man awaits you.
  • Why do you dream about “proposing with a ring”: expecting hard times with husband.
  • Why do you dream of proposing to a girl? you will meet mutual love.
  • Why do you dream about “my husband proposes”? your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.
  • Why do you dream about a proposal from an ex-boyfriend? A good future awaits you.
  • Why dream of receiving a marriage proposal: if a stranger asks you to marry, you will soon walk down the aisle.
  • Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? More responsibility is expected of you. (see dream Marriage)
  • If you dream about your loved one proposing, you will look noble in the eyes of others.
  • What does it mean when you dream of a marriage proposal? You will find yourself in a situation where you will need character.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • The dream “a marriage proposal came from a stranger”? An interesting and monetary offer awaits you, thanks to which your social status and material condition.
  • Dream interpretation: “in a dream a stranger proposed”, but you don’t know what to answer? You are too flighty and unable to fulfill your promises, or at least that is the impression you give.
  • Dream: “they proposed in a dream” and you answered “yes”? Triumph, success and respect await you, positive assessment your personal qualities.
  • Why do you dream about a proposal? Your frivolity will make you a victim of deception.
  • Why do you dream that a guy proposed? The dream foreshadows a new stage in your relationship with your partner.
  • A marriage proposal in a dream with the presentation of a ring promises mutual love and warm feelings. You will meet a man whom you will love passionately and sincerely. Maybe from the very beginning he won't call positive emotions, but later you will see a worthy person in him.
  • The dream “marriage proposal in a dream” promises new round in your life. The joy of a proposal in a dream promises unexpected changes in relationships. If you are upset or angry, you have no future with your fiancé.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a marriage proposal” in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a person who will change your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a marriage proposal that you reject” promises the risk of wrong actions that will lead to many problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: “ring”. A marriage proposal without a ring promises betrayal of a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: “proposed to a girl” - things will go up, reasons for concern will disappear.
  • Dream Interpretation: “they made an offer in a dream”, in reality you will find happiness and successful completion of the work you have started.
  • Dream Interpretation: “the guy proposed marriage” - you will experience joy about some event.
  • Why do you dream about a proposal? The ring promises pleasant moments in your family life.
  • The dream “your loved one proposes” - you should start preparing for important changes in your life situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a proposal to marry from a stranger” predicts an acquaintance with new love.
  • Miller's dream book explains a marriage proposal for a married lady as a warning about excessive self-confidence. You are advised to be more modest and try not to stand out among people.
  • Dream: “making an offer in a dream” - you need to increase your own requirements for debt obligations.
  • The dream of “receiving an offer in a dream” means you lack responsibility for your own actions.
  • Did you propose to your friend? The dream book interprets this vision as an indication of your envy towards the one to whom the proposal was made.

Dream Interpretation Meridian

  • The dream “marriage proposal in a dream” may have a direct prediction that you will be asked to get married. If you are free, the dream foreshadows meeting a rich man.
  • The dream “a married lady was proposed to get married in a dream” - in reality she will move to another level of relationship with her husband.
  • The dream “in a dream they propose marriage” - you will have to surround your family with care, and temporarily put aside your interests and plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a marriage proposal from a loved one” foreshadows a time of reflection and advice with loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: “receive a marriage proposal and answer it after a while” - you are deliberately slowing down your affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: “seeing someone propose to a girl” - you envy someone else’s happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a marriage proposal from a loved one” promises harmony in relationships and long-term happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a marriage proposal with a ring” speaks of the seriousness of your young man’s intentions.
  • The dream “a guy proposes to his girlfriend in a dream” - you will encounter temporary difficulties.
  • What does the dream mean? The proposal promises a quick triumph if the answer is not received immediately. A quick answer foreshadows difficult times.
  • The dream “a young girl is proposed to marry in a dream” - in reality her wedding is postponed.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

The dream “job offer in a dream” promises dismissal and unemployment.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

  • Why do you dream of a proposal in a dream? They will soon confess their love to you.
  • Why do you dream about proposing in a dream? Your career will take off.
  • If you dream " ex-boyfriend makes an offer” - he wants you back.
  • Dreaming of “they made a marriage proposal”: you will have a new outbreak of feelings with your partner.
  • Why do you dream about a proposal from a guy? A black streak awaits you that you need to wait out.
  • Why do you dream of an offer to meet? A situation will come that will bring you closer to your husband.

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal from your loved one? There is no chance for you to achieve marital status in real life

If you dream that they are proposing marriage, quarrel with your loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

“They gave you a ring, make an offer”: a dream in which they propose to you foreshadows a quarrel with a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Enigma

  • If a guy proposed in a dream, in reality he will soon live with his girlfriend, which can lead to a wedding.
  • Did you propose in a dream? A ring, doves and other wedding attributes in a dream foreshadow a real wedding.
  • Dream “a proposal with a ring from a stranger” - attend someone else’s wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: “An ex-boyfriend proposes” - put things in order in your head and analyze your desires and goals.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a proposal from an ex in a dream” speaks of the beginning of trials in your current relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a marriage proposal from a stranger” foretells a girl meeting a new love that will make her forget about everything.
  • Dream Interpretation: “they made a marriage proposal” - a rich man will take you under his wing.
  • Dream Interpretation: “receiving a marriage proposal” for a married young lady promises the temptation to cheat on her husband with another person.
  • Dream Interpretation: “proposed with a ring” - you will get married soon.
  • If you dream that several guys are proposing at once, you need to sort out your feelings for the groom.
  • Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? The dream shows your attitude towards young man. Perhaps you constantly compare him with others.
  • Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? You will soon realize the value of your relationship.

Proposal in a dream - what does it mean? Such a dream speaks of the need to have your own opinion and be independent in all matters.

  • Suggestion - dream interpretation: your low sense of duty prevents you from starting new life and reach another material level.
  • Dream Interpretation: “they propose marriage to a girl” - she is really looking forward to this event in her life.
  • Dream Interpretation: “they made a marriage proposal” - sort out your life, there are many difficult unresolved moments in it.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a man proposes to a girl” - she will soon experience a passionate feeling.
  • Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? The dream foretells the implementation of your plans, even despite small difficulties.
  • Why do you dream that a guy is proposing? A new love adventure awaits you, which can develop into a serious relationship.
  • Why dream: “they propose in a dream” - your hypocrisy hurts your loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: “An ex-boyfriend proposed” - you are required to take the initiative.
  • Why do you dream of proposing to a girl? Such a dream means that specific actions are expected of you. You should take more initiative.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a proposal in a dream” shows your attitude towards debt obligations.
  • Dream Interpretation: “proposing to a girl” means breaking up the current relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation: “your ex proposed” - beware of attempts to interfere in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: “make an offer and hearts” - friends and colleagues will turn away from you.

Freud's Dream Book

  • The dream of “proposing to a girl” means quick dramatic changes in life.
  • The dream “a man proposed” - you should think for yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: Proposed to a girl in a dream - beware casual dating. They may serve you poorly in the future.
  • The dream of “making a marriage proposal” means expect favorable changes in your life.
  • Receiving a marriage proposal in a dream portends good things close relationship with her husband, it promises a real strong feeling for lonely young ladies.
  • Seeing a marriage proposal in a dream means you will become a victim of deception, hypocrisy and hostility towards yourself.
  • What does it mean to propose in a dream: such a dream promises recognition of your feelings from another person.
  • In a dream they proposed with wedding ring? You will have a strong relationship that will end in marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation, marriage proposal: a ring in a dream foreshadows an offer to legitimize the relationship from a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: a job offer has the opposite meaning and speaks of losing your job.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving an offer from a colleague or superiors in a dream means fresh ideas, new ideas and plans.
  • A proposal from an ex in a dream means a quarrel with the current gentleman.
  • The dream of “receiving a marriage proposal” symbolizes long-awaited good changes and victories.
  • The dream of “making a marriage proposal” means in reality your personal life will soon change. You will fall in love with a person again.
  • What does it mean to propose in a dream? The dream promises good luck in your personal life and winning hearts.
  • Did your loved one propose in a dream? You don’t suspect it yet, but someone from your circle is secretly in love with you.
  • Dream: If a man proposes uninspired in a dream, he will suffer ill-treatment in reality.
  • Seeing a marriage proposal in a dream means someone has unrequited feelings for you.
  • In a dream they proposed marriage, which means the same thing will happen in reality.
  • A marriage proposal in a dream: what it means - it depends on your mood in a dream. You might be getting engaged soon.
  • “Marriage proposal”, dream interpretation: a dream where you are offered to get married promises significant changes in life.
  • Your ex-boyfriend proposes in your sleep - you need to forget about him and move on.
  • The dream “marriage proposal” speaks of changes that will bring a fresh spirit to your affairs and improve your well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: offering a new job in a dream advises you to be careful in work matters. You may be fired.
  • Why do you dream about a proposal? Receiving an offer for something indicates an influx of inspiration.
  • Dream Interpretation: you made an offer in a dream - in reality you will have a strong family.
  • What does a marriage proposal mean in a dream? For a girl, such a dream portends passionate love, which will soon overtake her.
  • Interpretation of dreams: a proposal to get married warns against new acquaintances. There is a risk of running into a tyrant.
  • Dream Interpretation: a marriage proposal for those who are already busy, such a dream promises getting into a situation from which there is no way out.
  • Dream Interpretation: a guy proposes marriage - get rid of your illusions regarding the sphere of love.
  • Dream Interpretation: a marriage proposal for free people foreshadows sad, dreary events.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • The meaning of the dream “marriage proposal” promises a man the possibility of risk and danger.
  • A marriage proposal in a dream means that it is time to return to your direct responsibilities.
  • Dream Interpretation: made an offer - there will be mutual passion, strong and long-lasting love.
  • Dream Interpretation: making an offer to someone else - fortunately.
  • Dream Interpretation: an ex proposes - to receive news.
  • Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? The dream book interprets this as increasing authority in the eyes of colleagues.
  • Dream Interpretation: an offer to meet and be a couple in a dream foreshadows new plans for life.

Dream books show that a marriage proposal in a dream has positive value In most cases. This is a pleasant event both in reality and in a dream. Any girl wants a dream where she is asked to become a wife to come true. Some people dream about a proposal before the wedding, others after watching a romantic movie. One way or another, all dreams mean something. Interpret your dreams carefully and believe in your destiny. Good dreams always come true.

If a woman dreams of a loved one proposing marriage to her, then in reality she should prepare for global changes. Do you want to know exactly what a marriage request might mean in a dream? Remember in detail everything that you dreamed of. In particular, your feelings and the overall emotional picture. All this will allow us to select the most suitable exact interpretation, turning to the dream book for help.

If you dreamed of a marriage proposal, then in reality everything will probably change for you. According to the dream book, the ringed lady sees the plot as a warning. In fact, caution and caution should be exercised. Excessive attention will definitely harm you. Why does a young girl dream that a stranger is proposing her hand and heart? The dream book is sure that in the near future she will meet her one and only.

If you dreamed that you were being proposed for marriage and given a ring, then in reality you will definitely find your true happiness. The dream book is sure that in reality you will experience a whole ocean of emotions. After all, in reality, a person will appear who will be worthy not only of your attention, but also of love. In this case, at first you will feel hostility towards the fan, but after a while everything will change.

Why else would you dream of hearing a marriage proposal? Global changes await you in the future. According to the dream book, the exact interpretation depends, first of all, on your feelings in the dream. If you feel indignation, then in reality your relationship with your current partner will most likely end in nothing. If you feel joy, then, as the interpreter believes, the relationship will reach a new level.

Other interpretations of sleep

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal from a stranger? According to the dream book, they will soon make you an offer, by accepting which you will be able to achieve financial well-being and improve your social status.

The interpretation of a marriage proposal in a dream can be ambiguous. It primarily depends on your reaction in a dream. If, having received an offer, you were confused and could not answer it, then, according to the dream book, in reality you have a reputation as a frivolous and frivolous person.

If in a dream a girl dreams of a marriage proposal, to which she agrees, then in reality, thanks to her personal qualities, she will be able to achieve recognition and respect.

If in a dream it is you who proposes your hand and heart, then, as the dream book suggests, in reality you will have to overcome many small obstacles and problems. However, having “cleared” the path to your goal, you will become stronger and more courageous.

Why did a man in a dream happen to watch his relative being offered marriage? Unfortunately, this episode indicates that he will spend several years in a row alone - without the woman he loves and his faithful companion.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 02/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

A marriage proposal is probably the most exciting and... touching moment in the life of a girl and a guy making this proposal. Many doubts, sorrows and joys are associated with such a moment. This is a rather exciting moment and many women and men wait for it with special trepidation. Let's find out what dreams mean in which there is a marriage proposal.

What does it mean to propose marriage in a dream according to the 21st century dream book

  • For unmarried women it symbolizes rapid changes on the personal front and making new acquaintances that could lead to a relationship. Perhaps you will meet an influential man.
  • Sulit a new round of relations V real life. You will likely need to be responsible for someone younger than you.
  • You will be able to find a way out of a stagnant situation.
  • A memorable and vibrant wedding awaits you.
  • Such a dream promises great family expenses and other family problems.
  • If your loved one proposed in a dream, you will have a quarrel with the guy.

Opinion of Kananite's dream book regarding dreams of a marriage proposal

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal according to Miller’s dream book?

  • A dream in which your loved one proposes - start preparing for important changes in real life.
  • If a stranger offers to get engaged, he promises meeting new love.
  • If a marriage proposal comes to a married woman, she needs to be less self-confident. This is a signal that you need to be more modest and not stand out among people.
  • Increase your demands on your debt obligations.
  • Be more responsible in your actions.
  • Your friend was offered marriage - you envy her.

Women's dream book marriage proposal. Dream marriage proposal

They offer to get married in a dream according to a dream book for lovers

  • Your hypocrisy can hurt your loved one.
  • If ex asked to marry him- take the initiative.
  • If you propose marriage to a girl, they require certain, specific things from you, take the initiative.

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal according to the Wanderer’s dream book?

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal in a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Opinion of the English dream book. Dreaming of a marriage proposal means you will have to take care of a person younger than you. A dream in which your ex proposes to marry him - you should occupy yourself with something new. They offer marriage in a dream - your well-being will soon improve significantly.

Astrological dream book

  • A proposal in a dream from an ex symbolizes that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation.
  • If you had a dream in which you are the initiator of marriage, then your wish will come true.
  • A loved one in a dream offers to marry him - wait interesting events in life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse


In most cases dream books positively interpret a marriage proposal in a dream. Both in a dream and in real life this is a pleasant event. Any girl wants the dream in which she is called to get married to come true. A dream about a proposal can occur both before the wedding and after watching a romantic movie. All dreams, one way or another, mean something. Try to interpret your dreams correctly and believe in your destiny. Good dreams always come true.

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