Rules for registering and filling out a work book. Dismissal at the employee's own request. How to record a resignation

Today, the registration of work books is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 “On work books” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69 “On approval of instructions for filling out work books”. But these regulations contain quite a lot of contradictions, so if controversial situations arise, you need to apply the document that has the greatest legal force - the Labor Code. So, to help HR officers, there are a few instructions on how to fill out work books.

General rules for filling out a work book

Let's start with the fact that a document is kept for each employee of the organization who has worked for more than five days and for whom this work is the main one. Such employees also include seasonal and temporary workers, as well as freelancers, if they are subject to social insurance. Work books of part-time workers are kept at their main place of work, and if they are lost due to the fault of the employer, a duplicate is issued.

All entries must be made in full (without abbreviations), have their own serial number in the section, and all dates must be written down only Arabic numerals. In this case, the number is written with two digits (for example, 03, 24 or 15), the month with two digits (for example, 01, 10 or 11), and the year with four digits (for example, 2014).

When hiring an employee, the authenticity of his work record is checked according to comparative characteristics and compliance of the data on the first page with the passport data (they must completely match). In addition, the title page must bear the seal of the first organization in which the employee worked. Without a seal, the book is considered invalid. If violations or absence of a work book are detected, the employer creates a new one. And if the last record of the new employee’s work is not closed (that is, there is no record of dismissal from the previous place of work), then an appointment record cannot be made, since there is no legal confirmation of the dismissal from the previous place of work.

Records of penalties imposed on an employee, with the exception of dismissal, are not made in the labor record. But records about the establishment of continuous service or non-inclusion of certain time periods in the continuous service are made in the prescribed manner.

Sections of the work book

There are only three sections:

  • information about the employee;
  • information about work;
  • information about awards.

The first section is located on the title page and contains information about the employee: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, information about education and profession (specialty). All this data is indicated in full, without abbreviations, initials, based on the passport and educational documents. After filling out the title page, the employee checks the accuracy and signs. The title page is also signed by the HR employee who is responsible for maintaining work records. The official seal of the organization is placed at the bottom of the sheet. The second section is filled with information about the work, where records of admission, transfer and dismissal are made, indicating the terms, positions and names of organizations. Each entry is confirmed by the order number and the stamp or seal of the organization. In the awards section, all awards and incentives of the employee are recorded, indicating the date, achievements and awards, as well as the document on the basis of which the entry was made.

If any of the sections ends, the HR department employee draws up a special insert in the work book.

Step-by-step filling instructions

When hiring an employee, a representative of the HR department must check that he has a work book and that it is filled out correctly. If such a document does not exist, then it must be created. The Instructions approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69 will tell you how to fill out a work book correctly, but in short, you need to proceed as follows:

Step 1: Check or complete the cover page

The title page should contain the following information:

  • last name, first name and patronymic in accordance with passport data;
  • date of birth written entirely in Arabic numerals;
  • education, for example, “secondary vocational” or “higher vocational”;
  • specialty (indicated in the nominative case, for example, “accountant”);
  • date of completion (it must be no later than five days from the date of registration for the first place of work);
  • owner's signature;
  • signature and transcript of the signature of the HR department employee;
  • seal of the organization.

Step 2. Making an entry

After checking or filling out the cover page, you can begin entering information about hiring. This is done within the employee's first five working days. First (before the text itself), you must either put a stamp of the organization, which indicates all its data, or write them by hand. Then you can proceed to filling out the fields:

  • column No. 1 - serial number - is placed under the stamp of the enterprise or its name and opposite the entry on admission (dismissal, transfer);
  • column No. 2 – date – it is filled in in Arabic numerals and fully corresponds to the date of hiring (transfer, dismissal), regardless of what day the work book is filled out; in this case, the day of acceptance is considered to be the date specified in the employment contract, and the date of dismissal is the last working day;
  • Column No. 3 – information about hiring (transfer, dismissal), renaming the enterprise, department without abbreviations, for example, “dismissed due to the expiration of the employment contract, paragraph 2 of part one of Article 77 Labor Code Russian Federation" and the signature of the owner of the book;
  • Column No. 4 - the basis according to which the entry was made - order, protocol, decision of the general meeting, its number and date, for example, “Order dated June 12, 2010 No. 148-ok.”

Step 3. Awards

In the section “Information on awards” only entries are made about honorary titles, state awards, awards of certificates of honor, badges or diplomas that are provided for by law Russian Federation, the organization's charter or collective agreement. In this case, the entry is made in the same way as when filling out the “Job Information” section. That is:

  • in column No. 1 – the serial number of the entry
  • in column No. 2 – date
  • in column No. 3 - type of award, by whom and for what merits the employee was awarded
  • in column No. 4 - the basis (decree, order, resolution).

It is worth noting that cash bonuses and valuable gifts are not included in the awards section.

Filling the insert

If all the pages of one of the sections are completed, then an insert is sewn into the book, which is maintained and filled out according to the same rules. The insert, like the work book, is a strict accounting form and when it is issued to an employee, a stamp “Insert issued” is placed in the book indicating its number (an entry cannot be made by hand, and the stamp is usually placed on the title page, but this can also be done on the double page covers).

The insert itself without a work book is considered invalid, and it is customary to sew it in between last page and the cover (although regarding the place where precise instructions are sewn into regulations No). The page numbering in the insert continues the page numbering. And the organization’s seal must be placed on the title page of the insert.

Part-time records

Employment history by law, it is filled out in the organization where the person works as the main employee. It is not necessary to make records of part-time work. But at the request of the employee they can be added. How to fill out a work book in this case? This should be done by an employee of the personnel department of the enterprise where the employee is the main one, and records are made on the basis of documents that the employee provides from the place of part-time work. If an employee works part-time at the same enterprise, then the entry is made on the basis internal documents. The procedure for making an entry is as follows:

  • Column No. 1 – indicates the serial number of the entry;
  • Column No. 2 – indicates the date of admission to part-time work;
  • Column No. 3 – an entry is made about hiring part-time work, indicating the name of the structural unit of the organization, the name of the position, profession, indicating qualifications;
  • Column No. 4 – indicates the document with the number and date on the basis of which the entry was made.

If an employee resigns from a part-time job, the dismissal is recorded in the same manner, on the basis of a document from the place of part-time work.

Corrections to entries on the title page

Sometimes it becomes necessary to make corrections to the information on the title page. For example, if after marriage a woman changed her last name or vice versa, after a divorce she returned her maiden name. What does the Instruction for maintaining work records say about this? The answer is simple: the previous data is carefully crossed out with one line and new ones are written down, while all changes must be made on the basis of documents (passport, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, birth certificate, change of surname, name, patronymic, date of birth). A link to the relevant document that the employee provides to the HR department is made on inside cover of the work book and certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the manager or responsible person.

But there are cases when the employee’s personal data on the title page is indicated with an error (instead of “Natalia” it is written “Natalia” or a mistake was made in the date of birth or surname) and this is only found out when the employee gets a job new job and the HR employee, checking the documents, finds a discrepancy. In this case, according to the Instructions, you need to contact your previous employer, who must ensure that errors or identified inaccuracies are corrected.

Common mistakes when filling out a work book

The audit often reveals errors made by HR employees when filling them out. Among the most popular:

  • incorrectly specified last name, first name or patronymic;
  • incorrectly recorded date of birth (when filling out the title page before November 11, 2003, the month of birth was indicated in words, and after November 11, 2003 - in Arabic numerals);
  • lack of information about education (the column remains empty, and information about education is underlined at the bottom with one line); if a person first had one education and then received another, information about him is recorded next to the first one (in this case, a link to the document on the double page may not be made);
  • information about education is incomplete;
  • profession or specialty is not indicated;
  • the date of completion is not indicated;
  • the owner's signature is missing;
  • there is no organization seal on the title page;
  • information about employment was entered after six or more working days;
  • violation of the order of indicating the basis for making an entry (in column No. 4 you must first write the full name of the document, then its date, and then the document number);
  • affixing the seal of the enterprise’s human resources department after recording the dismissal (according to the current rules, after the recording there must be the official seal of the organization);
  • absence after the last entry of the employee’s signature confirming that he has read and agrees with all entries;
  • entering information about work into the awards section.

Post corrections

According to the Instructions, crossing out inaccurate entries in the sections “Information about work” and “Information about awards” is not allowed. How to correct an entry in a work book? An incorrect entry should be invalidated and the correct entry should be made.

If the numbering of records is incorrect, then it can be corrected only by declaring the entire record under the corresponding number invalid, and then putting the number under which the record should have originally been, and in column No. 3 write: “The record by number (specify number) is invalid.” After this, you need to repeat the recording again under a different number.

Destruction of damaged forms

Outdated or damaged forms of work books or inserts must be destroyed. This must be done according to the rules for working with strict accounting forms, creating a special commission that will confirm the destruction procedure by drawing up an appropriate act. The act indicates the reason for the destruction of the forms, as well as their serial numbers. All members of the commission sign the act, and the act is approved by the head of the organization.

Special cases

Often, HR department employees are faced with the question: how to reflect information that a certain period is not included in the continuous work experience. This happens if a citizen is assigned, for example, correctional labor. In this case, the following entry is made in the work book:

  • column No. 1 – serial number of the record;
  • Column No. 2 – date of entry;
  • column No. 3 – entry in the form: “Work time from (day, month, year) to (day, month, year) is not counted towards continuous work experience”;
  • Column No. 4 - indicates the basis for the entry (order, order of the employer, which is issued in accordance with the ruling or court verdict), its date and number.

Special cases include the need to make a record of assigning a new rank, category, class to an employee, as well as the establishment of a second profession. Relevant entries are made in the “Work Information” section in the prescribed manner. A sample of filling out a work book with similar wording can be found below.

If during the employee’s work in the organization its name is changed, an entry about this is also made in the work book. This is very important point, since after changing the name of the enterprise, the seal will change and if an employee is fired, a new seal with a new name will be placed under the record. And if there is no record of the renaming, the pension fund will not count the time spent working at this enterprise as length of service. The same applies to renaming the position in which the employee works. If there have been changes in the staffing table, these must also be reflected.

Surely many have lost or heard from friends about the loss of a passport of a citizen of our country. Of course, the situation is not pleasant, but you must admit that the passport can be restored since all the information contained in it is stored in the FMS office.

The question is different with restoration of work records. If you have lost your work book, how can you get a new one and what entries should you make? How to correctly fill out a new work book if the old one is lost?

Often, information from the employment form is not contained anywhere except on the employment form itself.

This means that if it is lost almost impossible properly restore all information contained therein. As sad as it may be, such situations happen quite often.

Some people lose their work documents on their own, while others lose them in the organization’s archives.

One way or another, if such a situation occurs, a new work book is urgently needed to replace the lost one.

The question also often arises: if the work book has expired, how to start a new one? We will try to answer these questions in our article. So, how to properly issue a new work book?

Is it possible to get a new one if you lost your old one?

How to create a new work book? If you have lost your work book, then, of course, the question arises: how to get a duplicate work book after its loss?

Unfortunately, only citizens who have the right to carry out official labor activities in our country have a work record.

Therefore, you need to obtain, but not a work book, but her duplicate.

It often happens that a work book becomes the object of loss, but according to the law, an employee can only have one labor document . This means that the employee receives not a work book, but a duplicate of it.

The legislator allows obtaining a duplicate work book if it is lost, but warns that its issuance should also be handled by employer, not an employee. Therefore, the preparation of a new work book (we provide a sample below) lies on the shoulders of HR department employees enterprises.

What does a duplicate work book look like (photo):

When is a duplicate issued?

Let's try to figure out in what cases it is issued and where to get a duplicate work book.

If lost

If a work book is lost, can they issue a new one? The loss of a work book is of course a sad event. Filling out a duplicate work book if it is lost is complicated by the fact that you do not even see a piece of the old work book in front of you, which means you cannot restore at least partially all your records.

One way or another, since if a work book is lost, a duplicate is issued, when hiring, you must insist that each employer made photocopies of it, and only then sent all the documents together into a personal file.

How to issue a duplicate work book after its loss (example):

In case of damage

If the work book is spoiled, it doesn’t matter how this happened, if the records are unreadable, then the employee should also think about about receiving a duplicate.

Damaged work book tantamount to lost, because information from it also becomes inaccessible to people.

In case of mass loss by the employer

If for some reason work books were lost and not through the fault of the employee, but through the fault of the direct employer, this is a sign that on the shoulders of the employer responsibility for their restoration falls. The loss of books can occur both through the fault of the employer and through the fault of circumstances beyond his control.

How to change your work permit if it has expired?

If your work book has expired, what should you do and how to start a new one? In this case, there is no need to create a duplicate.

If there is no space in the work book, just ask the HR department to insert extra form and write the following notes on it.

Other cases

If entries about the employee were incorrectly entered into the work book, and entries not related to the work record appeared in it, then replacement of work book.

It should be replaced with a duplicate. The same applies to damage to labor in the form incorrect stamping. Registration of a duplicate work book takes place By last place work.

The procedure for issuing a duplicate work book

A duplicate work book is issued if lost based on application.

You will find a sample application for restoration of a work record in our article.

An application for a duplicate work book is submitted on behalf of the employee in the name of the employer or directly to the organization.

First of all, in the statement the basis is indicated, for which the labor was lost, and then a request is made. The immediate date of writing the application and the employee’s signature are indicated. You can type on the computer or write by hand in clear handwriting.

Who should I write a statement to?

The application is written in the name of the employer or in the name of the organization itself. But when writing an application, you cannot contact the personnel department employees. As a rule, information about the employer is written in the header, namely his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the name of the organization and its direct contacts.

How to write correctly?

A correctly written application for the issuance of a new work book contains contact information, the reason for the loss, a signature and a request for a duplicate. If the organization has a special form for this, use it.

The application must be written as competently as possible. It is practically unacceptable to leave errors in the application. It is also undesirable to have strikethroughs in the application.

The application, like any other document, can be written by hand or printed on a computer, but the seal and signature must be affixed individually to each application by the employer himself.

The text of the application should be as short and clear as possible. The presence of so-called water in the description of the situation is not allowed.

A clear statement of facts is required.

Sample application for a duplicate work book:

Order to issue a duplicate

If the employer agrees with the application, he prepares to issue a duplicate. For this purpose, according to the organization a corresponding order is issued, according to which the employee is allowed to issue a duplicate. The order is required for publication and is provided for review not only to personnel department employees, but also to all employees of the organization.

The order has its own even number. The number is assigned depending on the number of published orders this year.

Also, do not forget that the order can only be written on a computer. Handwritten publication of the order is not permitted.

The order must contain the main points that would establish the possibility of issuing a duplicate work book.

The order must hang in plain sight organizations where everyone can have the opportunity to become familiar. If such a place does not exist, then the order is simply presented to each citizen for reading. If such actions are not taken, the issuance of an order is invalid from beginning to end.

Issue date

A duplicate work book is issued within the next few days after the application is submitted and accepted, but in fact the deadline for issuing a duplicate work book according to the law is - fifteen calendar days. It is necessary to meet this deadline for issuing a duplicate.

HR department employees know how to issue a duplicate work book; we provide a sample below.

Filling out a new labor report

How to fill out a duplicate work book? The rules for filling out a duplicate work book are prescribed in section 7. .

Let's take a closer look at how to correctly issue a duplicate work book.

How is it processed?

So, how to make a duplicate of a work book?

Registration of a duplicate occurs in exactly the same way like labor.

The employee's initials are placed, the organization's seal is affixed, and all the necessary information is written down.

If possible, try to restore all the records that were in the work record.

What notes need to be made?

In the work book, if possible, you need restore all records. To do this, you need to contact all former employers. Otherwise, if restoration is impossible, do not even think about writing notes about your past work.

A duplicate work book must be prepared with the same care as a work book. To be precise, all the rules characteristic of filling out a work report, that is, accuracy, literacy and consistency, are also characteristic of filling out a duplicate.

Registration of a duplicate work book (sample):

What entry should be made when issuing a duplicate?

However, the duplicate must be signed as a duplicate so that no one is confused by thinking that it is the original. On the title page, the HR employee writes the word in capital letters "Duplicate".

Sample work book (duplicate):

Entry into a duplicate work book must be done accordingly, but practice includes different ways writing a similar phrase. You can put the word duplicate and indicate the date it was issued, or you can write the phrase “a duplicate was issued on such and such a date” and this will also be considered a correct entry.

Duplicate work book (filling sample):

What to do if your old job is over?

Is it possible to create a new work book if the old one has expired? In this case, in the old work book, the HR department employee inserts new forms on which recordings continue to be made.

If it is not possible to insert the form into the work report, then you need to replace work book. To do this, all data from the title page and all data from the work form are transferred to the new document.

If it is not possible to restore all records, make photocopies of them.

They will be needed when applying to the pension fund.

If the work book has been completed, then the phrase “the work book has been issued to replace the lost one” is written in the new work book and the corresponding date is indicated. The HR employee also records.

Is it possible to get rid of labor?

Some people have a question: “Is it possible to throw out a work book and get a new one?” If you lost your work book and got a new one, this is standard situation. But you can’t throw away your work book. The fact that you yourself caused the loss of the document all the more deliberately leads to the imposition on you administrative punishment in the form of a fine.

Useful video

How to get a new work book if lost, see the video below.


A work book is a very important and necessary document. Making a duplicate of a work book if it is lost can often be impossible if it is not possible to recover the information from it.

Therefore, even knowing how to make a new work book, you need to monitor the document itself, because anything can happen, but it is your work book that is the absolute guarantor of the payment of your future pension. Therefore, take care of your experience and the document in which it is concluded.

“Employment book for employment - sample filling out” - this question can be asked in a search engine even by a fairly experienced personnel officer who has filled out work books more than once. What are the main nuances of drawing up the corresponding sample in 2018 and where you can download it, find out in the material below.

Registration of a work book when applying for a job: sequence of actions of a personnel officer

Let's study the sequence in which a specialist from the HR department of the employing company should record an employee's employment in his work book.

Before filling out the work book, the personnel officer must make sure that by this time an agreement has been signed between the employee and the employer, and an order has been issued by the head of the company to hire the person. Then, equipped with a pen with black, blue or purple ink, the HR employee can fill out the work book.

The optimal sequence of actions for a personnel officer is as follows:

  • filling out column 3 of the main section of the work book - “Information about work”;
  • filling out column 1 of the relevant section;
  • filling out column 2;
  • filling out column 4.

This sequence, as the practice of Russian personnel officers often shows, allows one to minimize errors when working with a work book.

If a person is applying for a job for the first time, then the personnel officer will also need to fill out the title page of the document.

Let us now consider the features of performing each action in more detail. Let's start by filling out the title page of the workbook - let's agree that there is a need for this.

Filling out a work book when applying for a job: title page

Filling out the title page of a workbook should not be difficult. It records:

  • last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth of the employee (in the format XX.XX.XXXX, as in the passport);
  • employee education (diploma, certificate);
  • his profession or specialty in accordance with the document conferring a specialty or qualification (later in the article we will consider this nuance in more detail);
  • date of completion of the document;
  • employee signature;
  • signature of an employee of the personnel service of the company in which the work book is issued - as legible as possible ( perfect option for a personnel officer - enter your last name by hand);
  • company seal.

Filling out the title page of a workbook: nuances

There are a number of nuances when filling out the title page of a workbook. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that:

  • The HR employee who signs the work book must have the appropriate authority, formalized by order of the director of the company (if this is not the case, then the director must sign the document);
  • the norm according to which, since April 2015, Russian legal entities have the right not to use a seal in their work (Article 2 of the law dated April 6, 2015 No. 82-FZ), Rostrud does not recommend extending to the procedure for filling out a work book (letter of Rostrud dated May 15, 2015 No. 1168- 6-1), so you need to put a seal in any case, and if you don’t have one, you should create one.

In this case, the company’s use of the seal must be legitimized by indicating information about the seal in the organization’s Charter.

We noted above that the title page of the work book may contain information about the employee’s profession or specialty. The basis for making entries in the appropriate column must be a document confirming that the person has the necessary competencies. This may not always be a higher education diploma, since the position held by a person will not necessarily correspond to the qualifications obtained at the university. For example, if an employee has a bachelor’s degree in physics and wants to become an assistant occupational safety engineer, then he needs to be certified for the corresponding position - and only after that the personnel officer will be able to make an entry in the profession column on the title page of the work book. Until then, this column may not be filled out.

In order to change something on the title page of a workbook, you need to:

  • cross out the previous information with a continuous horizontal line;
  • enter new information slightly higher or on the same line with the previous data);
  • on the page of the workbook adjacent to the cover, record an entry reflecting the essence of the changes made (for example, “The surname was changed to the surname such and such on the basis of the marriage certificate”).

Forms of new workbooks, as a rule, are sold with holograms, which must be pasted onto the workbook and are used to protect certain information recorded in the document: once pasted, the hologram cannot be removed without damaging the document. The law does not oblige employers to use holograms, but with their help you can, for example, protect the work book number, the signature of its owner or the employing company.

Filling out a work book when applying for a job: entering data in column 3 “Job information”

In column 3 of the main section of the work book, in the first available line at the top, the full and abbreviated name of the employing company is recorded. If the personnel officer has a company stamp at his disposal, in which both details are indicated, you can use it and thus print the corresponding details in the work book.

On the next available line, located below those in which the name of the company is written, the name of the position of the hired employee is indicated as part of the phrase “hired for position.” If the employment contract specifies in which structural unit of the company the employee works, then information about this is also entered in the corresponding lines in column 3. If not, then there is no need to enter anything about this in the work book.

Data indicated in the “Work Information” section of the work book and not related to dismissal should not be certified by any signatures or seals. In turn, the information that is recorded in the document upon dismissal of an employee is certified by the signatures of the HR employee and the resigning employee, as well as the seal of the company.

Filling out column 1

After filling out column 3 of the “Job Information” section, you can proceed to entering information in column 1 of the corresponding section. It records the serial number of the entry in the work book. It must be one more than the one that corresponds previous entry. The very first entry in the work book - about hiring a person by the first employer - should have number 1, the second (for example, reflecting the fact of dismissal) - 2. The new employer will have to fill out the work book using serial number 3 and the following numbers.

The serial number of the entry in the work book is recorded in the line opposite the first line, starting with the information in column 3 containing the name of the employee’s position, that is, opposite the phrase “hired for the position.”

Filling out column 2

After filling out column 1, it would be optimal to enter data in column 2 of the “Work Information” section of the work book.

Column 2 records the actual start date of work of the hired employee - from the first day of his appearance at work. It will not necessarily coincide with the one that appears in the order, or correspond to the date the personnel officer filled out the work book.

The employee’s hiring date is recorded in a line located on the same level as the line that indicates the serial number of the entry in the work book (in column 1), and the one from which information about the employee’s position begins to be entered (in column 3).

Filling out column 4

The next action of the personnel officer is to fill out column 4 of the “Work Information” section. Everything is quite simple here. It is necessary to enter the word “Order” in the line opposite the one in which the phrase “hired for position” is present, and then indicate the date and number of the corresponding document certifying the fact that the employee was hired.

Filling out a work book when applying for a job: other nuances

Let's study what other nuances are typical for the procedure for filling out a work book by a personnel officer when applying for a job.

  • the desirability of indicating the full name of the individual entrepreneur if the employer has the appropriate legal status(that is, in the first field of column 3 we write “Individual entrepreneur Ivanov Petr Sergeevich”);
  • the inadmissibility of any abbreviations when writing text on the pages of a workbook;
  • the need to enter information only in the blank fields of the work book (they should not contain any inscriptions or traces of the seal of the previous employer).

Where can I download samples of completed work books?

The experts of our portal have prepared for you a separate file with sample pages of the work book, reflecting the specifics of filling out this document when applying for an employee to work, taking into account the nuances that we discussed above. A sample of filling out a work book when applying for a job in 2018 can be downloaded from the link below.

Find out how to fill out an insert in a work book from the article .


A work book is a document that is important to maintain without errors. This applies to recording any information in it, including that which reflects the procedure for applying for an employee to work. This procedure may involve sequential completion of several sections and columns of the workbook.

You can study other nuances of document flow in personnel management in the articles:

The employer is obliged to organize the work of maintaining, recording, storing and issuing work books. Responsibility within the enterprise to the manager for the timely and correct filling out of work books, for their recording, storage and issuance lies with a specially authorized person appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the enterprise (clause 45 of the Rules for maintaining work books, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 16.04. 2003 No. 225).

It should be noted here that in the event of an inspection of the work of the personnel service, the state labor inspector in mandatory along with other documents, you will also need to provide an order appointing someone responsible for maintaining, recording and issuing work books. Moreover, most often the inspector first asks a question about who keeps the workers’ work books and at the same time asks to introduce him personally. And after that, he asks to show an order confirming that this particular HR employee is authorized to keep work books.

In the absence of this order, the state labor inspector will certainly issue an order to eliminate the violation of labor legislation. Therefore, it is better to immediately issue such an order, without taking the matter to the extreme.

Consequences of violation of labor legislation (Article 5. 27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

Overlay administrative fine for officials in the amount from 5 to 50 minimum sizes wages:

1) for persons previously exposed administrative punishment for similar administrative offense, this violation entails disqualification for a period of one to three years;

2) the imposition of an administrative fine on the organization in the amount of 300 to 500 times the minimum wage.

When issuing such an order, the head of the enterprise should not limit himself to only indicating the position - “assign responsibility for maintaining, storing and recording work books to the personnel inspector.” It is also necessary to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, since we're talking about on granting special powers specific person .

The order (instruction) must also note that if the responsible employee is sent on a business trip, is given leave or is absent from work for good reasons his responsibilities are transferred to the head of the department (Fig. No. 1).

Fig. 1 Sample order appointing someone responsible for maintaining, recording, storing and issuing work books

In this order, it is highly undesirable to distribute functions related to maintaining, recording and storing work books among several employees. For example, one HR inspector is assigned the function of filling out work books, and the second is assigned the functions of accounting and storage. Because, on the one hand, this contradicts the “Rules for maintaining work books”, according to which the employer must appoint one specially authorized person. On the other hand, it weakens control over the execution of orders.

In the event of dismissal of an employee responsible for maintaining work records, his powers are transferred to another employee or transferred to the head of the enterprise until a replacement is found. By the way, the employee responsible for maintaining work books does not make entries in his book and does not certify them - the entries are certified either by the head of the enterprise or by an employee specially allocated for this one-time personnel operation.

The transfer of powers to maintain, record and store the work books of a resigning employee is formalized by the relevant orders:

when transferring another employee to a vacant position responsibility for maintaining, recording and storing work books is reflected in the transfer order (Fig. 2);

Fig. 2 Sample order for transfer to a vacant position of an inspector in the HR department with responsibility for maintaining, recording and storing work books

if per employee whose job function is not related to work books (for example, office manager), under the conditions of combination, the obligation is assigned dismissed employee for maintaining, recording and storing work books, That the transfer of powers is enshrined in the order on combining positions(Fig. 3);

Fig. 3 Sample order on combining positions with assignment of responsibilities for maintaining, recording and issuing work books

if these powers are vested in the second HR inspector, then a special order is issued (Fig. 1).

2. Sample of a new work book

Fig.4 Title page of the work book

Fig.5 Work book form

Fig.6 Form of work book insert

Rice. No. 7 Form of sections “Information about work” and “Information about awarding”

3. Registration of a work book

Let's take a closer look at how the work book is filled out. If an employee has a work book for the first time, it is filled out only in the presence of this employee by an authorized representative of the enterprise administration. Entries are made with a fountain pen, ballpoint pen, gel pen or rollerball pen, light-resistant ink (paste, gel) in black, blue or purple. Information about the employee is recorded on the first page (title page) of the work book and certified by the signature of a specially authorized person and seal.

The work record book is kept in Russian (the state language). However, on the territory of the republic, which is part of the Russian Federation and has established its official language– in Russian and the state language of this republic.

With each entry made in the work book (insert), about hiring, transfers to another permanent job and upon dismissal, personnel service employees are required to inform the owner of this book (insert) against a signature in a personal card, which repeats the exact entry from the work book (insert).

Title page design

Employee information are written on the first page (title page) of the work book (Fig. 8):

1) the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee is written down in full (without abbreviating or replacing the first and patronymic with initials) and legibly on the basis of a passport or other identification document (for example, a military ID, foreign passport, driver's license and etc.);

2) the date of birth is indicated in full on the basis of a passport, birth certificate or other identification document. For example, "July 12, 1968";

3) information about education is indicated on the basis of the relevant document (certificate, certificate, diploma, student card, grade book, certificate educational institution and so on.). All information is recorded in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Population Information (OKIN) and the All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO):

– basic general education– the employee graduated high school, a school with in-depth study of a subject, a lyceum, a gymnasium;

– secondary (complete) general education – employees who study in secondary specialized educational institutions (technical schools, colleges), but have not graduated from them;

– initial professional education– the employee graduated from a vocational school or equivalent educational institutions;

– secondary vocational education – the employee graduated from a secondary specialized educational institution (technical school, college)

– incomplete higher education– an employee who has completed three courses at a higher educational institution;

- higher education;

– postgraduate education.

4) profession and specialty are indicated on the basis of a document on education, qualifications or availability special knowledge(when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training) or other properly executed document.

The date of filling out the work book is also indicated in full, as is the date of birth.

Fig. 8 Sample of filling out the title page of a work book

After which the employee certifies with his signature that the information entered is correct. And the person responsible for issuing work books puts his signature at the end of the first page (title page) of the work book. The word “legible” means that the surname of the responsible person must be indicated without graphic abbreviations or associations with initials. After this, in a specially designated place (MP), an imprint of the seal of the personnel service is affixed, and in the absence of one, an imprint of the seal of the enterprise.

The procedure for making changes to entries on the title page

Changes in last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth are made by the administration at the place of work on the basis of a document (passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, change of last name, first name, patronymic, etc.) and with reference to the number and date of issue these documents.

Changes are made on the first page (title page) of the work book. In this case, the previous surname, first name, patronymic or date of birth is crossed out with one line and new data is recorded. Links to relevant documents are written on the inside cover and certified by the signature of the head of the organization or a person specially authorized by him and the seal of the organization or the seal of the personnel service (Fig. 7, 8).

Fig. 9 Sample of making changes in the “last name” column of the title page of the work book

Fig. 10 Sample of making changes in the “Date of Birth” column of the title page of the work book

Changes (adding) to records about a new education, profession, or specialty obtained are made by adding to existing records without crossing out previously made records. For example, if an employee had primary vocational education, and he graduated from college, then, accordingly, his education became secondary vocational. In the “Education” column, “secondary vocational” is indicated, separated by commas (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11 Sample of making changes in the “Education” column of the title page of the work book

Filling out the “Job Information” section

All information about the work performed, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal, reward is entered into the work book on the basis of an order (instruction) of the employer no later than a week.

Dates in all sections of work books are written in Arabic numerals (day and month - two digits, year - four digits). For example, if an employee was hired on December 12, 2005, an entry is made in the work book: “12. 12. 2005".

All entries made in the work book are numbered (numbering increases throughout the entire period of the employee’s work activity) and are made accurately and in detail, without abbreviations. For example, you cannot write “pr.” instead of “order”, “order” instead of “order”, “trans.” instead of “translated”, etc.

There is no need to sign and seal every entry made in the “Work Information” section. The signature of the person responsible for maintaining, recording and issuing work books, and the seal of the enterprise (personnel service) are affixed only after the dismissal is recorded.

Making entries in the work book of a new employee begins with recording the name of the enterprise. In column 3 of the “Work Information” section of the work book, the full name of the enterprise, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any), is indicated as a heading. Moreover, this entry is not numbered. For example, if the organization OJSC “Branded Sausages” has an abbreviated name, i.e. the organization’s charter states that its abbreviated name is OJSC “FC”, then in accordance with clause 3.1 of the Instructions this abbreviated name is given after the full name ( Fig. 12).

Fig. 12 Sample of recording the name of the enterprise in the work book

Next, a record of hiring is made, for which the number of the record being made is entered in column 1, and the date of hire is indicated in column 2. Column 3 records the acceptance or appointment to structural subdivision enterprise indicating its specific name (if the condition of working in a specific structural unit is included in employment contract as essential), the name of the position (work), specialty, profession indicating qualifications (Fig. 13).

Records about the name of the job or position for which the employee is hired are made in accordance with the names of the professions specified in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (by industry), the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, All-Russian classifier workers' professions, employee positions and wage grades or in accordance with the staffing table.

If the performance of work in certain positions, specialties or professions is associated with the provision of benefits or certain restrictions, then the name of these positions, specialties or professions and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements provided for in the relevant qualification directories. Otherwise, the employee is deprived of the right to these benefits (for example, a preferential pension).

Fig. 13 Sample entry for employment in the work book

Column 4 contains the date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, according to which the employee was hired. During his work activity, an employee can increase his rank or class (driver), about which a corresponding entry is made in the work book (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14 Sample entry in the work book about a change in rank

In addition, an employee can master a second specialty (profession), about which an entry is made in the work book indicating the ranks, classes or other categories of these professions, specialties or skill levels. For example, an equipment adjuster in the production of food products was given the second profession “Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment” with the assignment of the 3rd category. In this case, in the work book in the section “Information about work” in column 1 the serial number of the entry is indicated, in column 2 the date of establishment of the second profession is indicated, in column 3 the corresponding entry is made, in column 4 the certificate number and date of issue are indicated (Fig. 15 ).

Fig. 15 Sample entry in the work book about establishing a second profession

If, when establishing a second profession, an order assigns responsibilities to the employee to perform these works (Fig. 16), then the following entry is made in the “Work Information” section of the work book (Fig. 17).

Fig. 16 Sample order to establish a second profession with the assignment of additional responsibilities

Fig. 17 Sample entry in the work book about the establishment of a second profession with the assignment of additional responsibilities

Quite often in staffing table additions or changes are made to the names of positions (professions) in connection with the corresponding changes or additions made to qualification reference books. These changes (additions) are made to work books on the basis of an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer (Fig. 18) in the following order. In column 1 of the “Work Information” section, the serial number of the entry is indicated, in column 2 the date of change of position (profession) is indicated, in column 3 the corresponding entry is made, and in column 4 the number of the order is indicated that changes are made to the staffing table.

Fig. 18 Sample entry in the work book about making a change in job title

Making an entry about the renaming of the enterprise in the work book

In the last decade, renaming of organizations has occurred quite often. These renamings must be reflected in the work books of employees of these organizations. In this case, a corresponding entry is made in column 3 of the “Work Information” section of the work book as a separate line (Fig. 19). Column 4 contains the basis for the renaming - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number. In this case, the entry number and date of entry are not assigned.

Fig. 19 Sample entry in the work book about the renaming of an enterprise

Making a record of time of service in the Russian Armed Forces

According to clause 21 of the Rules, entries about the time of military service in accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, service in internal affairs bodies and customs authorities are made in the work book at the main place of work.

The time of service in the Russian Armed Forces is determined by the entry in the military ID (date and number of the order of the Russian Minister of Defense on conscription and dismissal from military service) (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20 Sample of making a record of time of service in the Russian Armed Forces

Making records of the time spent studying in courses and schools for advanced training, retraining and training.

In the work book at the place of work, an entry is made, indicating the relevant documents, about the time spent studying in courses and schools for advanced training, retraining and training.

Making records of continuous work experience

Entries of continuous work experience in the work book are made in the following cases:

– if continuous work experience is restored in accordance with the established procedure.

According to clause 23 of the Rules for maintaining work books, an entry on the restoration of continuous service in the employee’s work book is made at the last place of work in next sequence. In column 3 of the section “Information about work” an entry is made: “Continuous work experience has been restored from such and such a date, month, year,” in column 4 a reference is made to the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number ( Fig.21);

Fig. 21 Sample of making an entry in the work book about the restoration of continuous service

– if the work time is not counted in the continuous work experience (for example, for persons who have served a sentence in the form of correctional labor).

According to clause 23 of the Rules for maintaining work books, a record is made in the work books of persons who have served correctional labor without imprisonment that the time worked during this period is not counted towards continuous work experience. This entry is made in the work book at the end of the actual term of serving the sentence, which is established according to certificates from the internal affairs bodies. When a convicted person is dismissed from work in the prescribed manner and he is hired at a new place of work, a corresponding entry is made in the work book at the enterprise where he was hired or sent. Recording is performed in the following sequence.

In column 1 of the section “Information about work” the serial number of the entry is indicated, in column 2 - the date of entry, in column 3 the entry is made: “Work time from such and such a date (day, month, year) to such and such a date (day , month, year) is not counted towards continuous work experience.” Column 4 indicates the basis for making an entry in the work book - an order (instruction) from the head of the enterprise, the date of its publication and number (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22 Sample of making an entry in the work book about non-inclusion of work time in continuous work experience

Making changes to the work book

If an incorrect or inaccurate entry of information about work is identified in the work book, it is corrected by the administration of the enterprise where the erroneous entry was made or by the employer at the new place of work on the basis of a document issued by the employer who made the error. The administration of the new place of work is obliged to provide the employee with the necessary assistance.

However, if the organization that made an incorrect or inaccurate entry is reorganized, the correction is made by its legal successor, and in the event of liquidation of the organization, by the employer at the new place of work on the basis of the relevant document.

The corrected information about the work must fully comply with the original order (instruction), and if it is lost, another document confirming the relevant information about the work (archive documents related to the work activities of employees, personal cards, pay slips, personal accounts for wages and etc.).

According to clause 29 of the Rules for maintaining work books, witness testimony cannot serve as a basis for correcting previously made entries, with the exception of:

– records in respect of which there is a court decision;

– cases of mass loss of workers’ work records as a result of emergency situations (environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters, mass riots and other emergency circumstances).

The length of service of these employees is established by the length of service commission established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The composition of such a commission includes representatives of employers, trade unions or other representative bodies authorized by employees, as well as other interested organizations.

Establishment of the fact of work, information about the profession (position) and periods of work in this organization is carried out by the commission on the basis of documents available to the employee (certificate, union card, trade union member registration card, pay book, etc.). In case of their absence - based on the testimony of two or more witnesses, knowledgeable employee for joint activities with him in the same organization or in the same system.

If an employee, before joining this organization has already worked, the commission is taking measures to obtain documents confirming this fact.

Based on the results of the commission’s work, a report is drawn up, which indicates the periods of work, profession (position) and length of service of the employee.

The employer, based on the commission’s act, issues the employee a duplicate work book.

If the documents have not been preserved, work experience, including that established on the basis of witness testimony, can be confirmed in court.

Correcting and crossing out previously made inaccurate or incorrect entries in the sections of the work book (insert) “Information about work” and “Information about awards (incentives)” is not allowed.

Changes to the work book are made as follows (Fig. 23). After the last entry in this section, the next serial number is indicated, date of entry, and in column 3 an entry is made: “The entry for number such and such is invalid.” After this it is done correct entry, and column 4 indicates:

1. Date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, the entry from which was incorrectly entered into the work book (Fig. 23);

Fig. 23 Sample of making changes to an entry in the work book

2. Date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, on the basis of which the correct entry is made. For example, if the dismissal or transfer is recognized as illegal by the employer, the control and supervisory body, the labor dispute resolution body or the court, the following entries are made in the work book:

– upon restoration to the previous job (Fig. 24):

Fig. 24 Sample of making an entry in the work book about reinstatement

– when changing the wording of the reason for dismissal (Fig. 25):

Fig. 25 Sample of making a correction to a work book

In this situation, it is necessary to remember that if there is an entry in the work book about dismissal or transfer to another permanent job, which is subsequently declared invalid, upon the written application of the employee, a duplicate work book is issued without making an entry declared invalid.

Filling out the “Information about awards” section

The head of the enterprise has the right to encourage and reward employees who conscientiously perform job responsibilities(declares gratitude, gives a prize, awards a valuable gift, a certificate of honor, nominates for the title of best in the profession). All types of awards and incentives must be entered into the work book. According to clause 24 of the Rules for maintaining labor records, these include the following types of awards for labor merits:

a) awarding state awards, including conferring state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions;

b) awarding certificates of honor, conferring titles and awarding badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor, carried out by the enterprise;

c) other types of incentives provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as collective agreements, internal labor regulations of the organization, charters and regulations on discipline.

The work books do not record bonuses provided for by the wage system or the payment of which is regular.

“Instructions for filling out work books” provides the following procedure for entering information about awards. In column 3 of the “Information about awarding” section of the work book, the full name of the organization is indicated as a heading, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any). Moreover, this entry is not numbered. Next, in column 1 the serial number of the entry is entered, in column 2 the date of award is indicated, in column 3 it is written who awarded the employee, for what achievements and with what award, and in column 4 the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made is indicated, with reference to it date and number (Fig. 26).

Fig. 26 Sample entry in the work book about awarding a valuable gift

Filling out information about dismissal (termination of employment contract)

Entries in the work book about the reasons for termination of the employment contract must be made in strict accordance with the wording specified in the order (instruction) on termination of the employment contract, and with reference to the relevant article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law.

Then, together with the employee, you need to check whether the records of hiring, transfers, assignment of qualifications, incentives (awards) and dismissal are entered correctly. If an error is discovered, appropriate corrections must be made.

After which, in accordance with clause 35 of the Rules for maintaining work books, all entries made in his work book during his work at this enterprise, including in the section “Information on awards (incentives)”, are certified by the signature of the employer or the person responsible for maintaining work books, the seal of the enterprise or personnel service, as well as the signature of the employee himself (Fig. 27). By signing, the employee expresses his agreement with the entries made in the work book confirming his work activity at this enterprise.

Fig. 27 Sample of a work book when dismissing an employee

If the resigning employee refuses to put his signature in the work book, it must be explained to him that, according to clause 35 of the Regulations on maintaining work books, he is obliged to put his signature in the work book after familiarizing himself with the records available there. If, nevertheless, the employee refuses to put his signature in the work book, then a corresponding act is drawn up (Fig. 28).

Fig. 28 Sample act of refusal to sign in the work book

When filling out a work book in the state language of the Russian Federation and in the state language of the republic within the Russian Federation, both texts are certified.

The work book is issued to the employee on the day of dismissal (last day of work) with an entry about dismissal (termination of the employment contract) included in it. According to clause 6.2 of the Instructions for filling out work books, the date of dismissal (termination of an employment contract) is considered the last day of work, unless otherwise established by federal law, an employment contract or an agreement between the employer and the employee.

For example, if an employment contract with an employee is terminated due to voluntary dismissal from December 10, 2005, the last day of work is December 10, 2005. In this case, an entry about dismissal (termination of an employment contract) in the employee’s work book is made in the following order. In column 1 of the section “Information about work” the serial number of the entry is entered, in column 2 the date of dismissal is indicated (10.12.2005), in column 3 an entry is made about the reason for dismissal (termination of the employment contract), in column 4 the date and number of the order are indicated (order) or other decision of the employer on dismissal (Fig. 29).

Fig. 29 Sample entry of dismissal in the work book

In the event of termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee for reasons with which the law relates to the provision of certain benefits and benefits, a record of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is entered into the work book indicating these reasons (Fig. 30).

Fig. 30 Sample of entering an entry about voluntary dismissal in connection with the husband’s transfer to work in another area in the work book

Fig. 31 Sample entry of voluntary dismissal due to the need to care for a child under 14 years of age in the work book

If there is a delay in issuing a work book to an employee due to the fault of the employer, or if the reason for the employee’s dismissal is entered into the work book incorrectly or does not comply with federal law, the employer is obliged to compensate the employee for the earnings he did not receive during the entire delay. In this case, the day of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is considered the day the work book is issued.

However, if it is impossible to issue a work book on the day of dismissal due to the employee’s absence or his refusal to receive the work book in hand, the employer sends the employee a notice of the need to appear for the work book or agree to have it sent by mail. At the same time, sending a work book by mail to the address specified by the employee is allowed only with his consent. From the date of sending this notification, the employer is released from liability for the delay in issuing a work book to the employee.

In the event of the death of an employee, the work book, after making an appropriate entry on the termination of the employment contract, is handed over to one of his relatives against signature or sent by mail upon the written application of one of the relatives (Fig. 32).

Fig. 32 Sample of making an entry on the termination of an employment contract due to the death of an employee, work book

Features of making records of dismissal (termination of employment contract) and hiring (appointment) in connection with the transfer of an employee to another permanent job with another employer (to another organization) or his transfer to an elective job (position)

If an employee is dismissed in connection with the transfer of the employee to another permanent job with another employer (to another organization), in column 3 of the “Information about work” section of the work book, it is indicated in what order the transfer is carried out: at the request of the employee (Fig. 33) or from his consent (Fig. 34).

Fig. 33 Sample of making an entry about dismissal in the order of transfer to another permanent job with another employer at the request of the employee in the work book

at the request of the employee» applies when an employee voluntarily moves to work for another organization.

Fig. 34 Sample of making an entry about dismissal in the order of transfer to another permanent job with another employer with the consent of the employee in the work book

Wording: “Dismissal due to transfer to another permanent job with another employer with his consent» applies when an employee is transferred to another organization.

When hiring a new place of work, in the employee’s work book, in column 3 of the “Information about work” section, the full name of the enterprise is indicated as a heading, as well as, if available, the abbreviated name of the organization. Under this heading in column 1 the serial number of the entry being made is indicated, in column 2 the date of employment is indicated.

In column 3, a record is made of acceptance or appointment to a structural unit of the enterprise, indicating its specific name, name of position (job), specialty, profession, indicating qualifications. In this case, it is necessary to indicate that the employee was accepted (appointed) in the order of transfer and from which organization(Fig. 35).

Fig. 35 Sample of making a record of employment in the order of transfer to the work book

If an employee is dismissed in connection with a transfer to an elective job (position) to another employer (in another organization), an entry is made in the work book: “Dismissed due to a transfer to an elective job (position) in (indicate the name of the organization), paragraph 5 Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36 Sample entry of dismissal due to transfer to an elective position in the work book

When registering a work book at a new place of work, after indicating the full name of the elected body, as well as the abbreviated name of the elected body (if any), in column 3 of the “Work Information” section of the work book, an entry is made about what job (position) the employee was elected to. , and column 4 indicates the decision of the elected body, the date and number of its adoption (Fig. 37).

Fig. 37 Sample of making an entry about election to a position in the work book

Peculiarities of registration of the work book of the general director (director)

As follows from the provisions of Art. 16, 17, 19 and 275 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract with a person performing the functions of a sole executive body company, is concluded after his election (appointment) by the general meeting of company participants to the position general director(directors) for a period determined by the charter of the company. An employment contract is signed on behalf of the company, as a rule, by the chairman of the general meeting of the company's participants, at which the general director (director) was elected (appointed) or authorized to do so by a decision of the general meeting of the company's participants (which must be reflected in the minutes of the general meeting of the company ).

Unfortunately, the Instructions for filling out work books do not contain any provisions reflecting the procedure for filling out a work book when hiring (dismissing from work) persons elected (appointed) to the position of general director (director) of an enterprise. In this case, we can offer two options for solving this problem.

1) By general rule, the first order that the general director (director) issues after his election (appointment) is the order to take office. The basis for the order is the decision of the general meeting of the company's participants on the election (appointment) of the head of the enterprise with reference to the minutes of the general meeting, and the fixed-term employment contract concluded in connection with this.

According to clause 10 of the “Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers,” all entries about the work performed and dismissal are entered into the work book on the basis of the relevant order (instructions) employer no later than one week. Therefore, based on the literal understanding of this rule, the work book of the general director (director) must indicate the above-mentioned order for taking office (Fig. 38).

Fig. 38 Sample of making an entry about hiring a head of an enterprise in the work book

2) B personnel records management Over the last decade, a practice has developed when, when making an entry in the work book, the minutes of the general meeting on the election (appointment) to the position of the head of the organization are indicated as the basis for hiring (Fig. 39).

Fig. 39 Sample of making an entry about hiring a head of an enterprise in the work book

A logical question arises here - how to properly draw up a work book when dismissing the head of an enterprise. Entries in the work book upon dismissal of the general director (director) are made in the usual manner, as for all other employees. The formalization of dismissal depends on the basis on which he terminates his employment contract (Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with clause 5 of the Instructions for filling out work books, an entry about dismissal (termination of an employment contract) in the work book is made on the basis of an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer. Therefore, the basis for the dismissal of the general director (director), along with the order (instruction), are other documents (for example, a decision of the Board of Directors of a given organization, if this issue falls within their competence) (Fig. 40)

Fig. 40 Sample of making an entry about the dismissal of the head of the organization in the work book

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation confirmed the legality of the procedure for terminating employment contracts with heads of enterprises and organizations. The court noted that Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 69 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On joint stock companies", according to which the contract with the manager can be terminated by decision of the owner, does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Features of registration of a part-time worker’s work book

According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an entry in the work book about admission to part-time work is made at the main place of work at the request of the employee, on the basis of a document (Fig. No. 41) confirming part-time work.

However, it is not specified anywhere whether the wish must be expressed in writing or orally. Therefore, it will not be superfluous if the employee writes an application with a request to make the appropriate entries in his work book.

Rice. No. 41 Sample of a certificate issued at the place of work

Making an entry in the work book when applying for a part-time job has its own specific feature. Let's take a closer look at this issue using the following example.

In this case, Olga Ivanovna Sidorova’s main place of work is in the security department of Metallopttorg OJSC. Operating hours: every three days. Ivan Ilyich in free time wants to work at our company. He expressed a desire to have information about part-time work included in his work book. To do this, we are obliged to issue him a document confirming his part-time work (certificate of work at our enterprise or a duly certified employment order). Based on the document issued at the place of main work (JSC Metallopttorg), the following entry will be made in the work book.

An entry in the ore book is made in the following order. In column 1 of the “Work Information” section of the work book, the serial number of the entry is entered, in column 2 the date of employment as a part-time worker is indicated, in column 3 an entry is made about acceptance or appointment as a part-time worker in a structural unit of the organization, indicating its specific name ( if the condition of working in a specific structural unit is included in the employment contract as an essential one), the name of the position, specialty, profession indicating qualifications, column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made with reference to its date and number (Fig. 42 ).

Rice. No. 42 Sample of recording part-time work in a work book.

When registering an internal part-time worker, an entry in the work book is made in the same order as an external part-time job, with the exception that the name of the organization is not indicated (Fig. 43).

Fig. 43 Sample of making an entry about hiring an external part-time worker in the work book

According to Art. 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation except for the grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and others federal laws, an employment contract with a person working part-time can be terminated if an employee is hired for whom this work will be the main one (Fig. 44).

Fig. 44 Sample of making an entry about the dismissal (termination of an employment contract) of a part-time worker in the work book

The seal is affixed only after the part-time worker has been dismissed from his main place of work.

Features of filling out work books of convicted persons

In accordance with Article 104 of the Criminal Executive Code of Russia, the time for attracting convicts to paid work is counted towards their total length of service . The document confirming the time of work of a convicted person in places of deprivation of liberty is a work book, and in its absence - a certificate issued by the administration of a correctional labor institution. The form of such a certificate is enshrined in the appendix to the Instruction on the procedure for recording the work time of convicts while they are serving a sentence of imprisonment, counted towards their total length of service, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1992 No. 453.

This operating time does not count towards continuous work experience and this is recorded in the work books (see “Making records of continuous work experience”).

4. Insert in the work book

In cases where all the pages of the section “Information about work” or the section “Information about incentives” are filled out in the work book, the work book is supplemented with an insert that is sewn into the work book, filled out and maintained by the administration of the enterprise at the employee’s place of work in the same order, same as a work book. The insert without a work book is invalid. The title page of the work book insert is designed in the same way as the title page of the work book (Fig. 45).

Fig. 45 Sample design of an insert in a work book

On the first page (title page) of the work book, a stamp measuring 10 x 25 mm is placed at the top with the inscription “Insert issued,” indicating the series and number of the issued insert. At each subsequent issue of the insert, the next stamp is placed, and the series and number of the next issued insert are indicated.

5. Registration of a duplicate work book

A duplicate work book is issued in the following cases:

– If the work book (its insert) is lost. A person who has lost a work book (its insert) must immediately notify the local administration about it. last work. No later than 15 days after submitting the application, the administration issues the employee another work book or an insert for it (new samples);

– If the work book (its insert) has become unusable (burnt, torn, smeared, etc.);

– If records of dismissal or transfer to another permanent job were subsequently declared invalid;

– If the employee is reinstated due to the issuance of an exculpatory agreement, the termination of a criminal case due to the absence of a crime, due to the absence of corpus delicti in the act or due to the lack of proof of his participation in the commission of a crime;

– If workers’ work books are lost as a result of emergency situations (environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters, riots and other emergency circumstances).

In the upper right corner of the title page of the duplicate work book the inscription is made: “Duplicate” (Fig. 46).

Fig. 46 Sample design of the title page of a work book

On the title page of the previous work book it is written: “A duplicate has been issued in exchange”, indicating its series and number (except in cases of loss of the work book) (Fig. 47).

Fig. 47 Sample design of the title page of a work book

When registering a duplicate work book, the following is included in it:

a) information about the employee’s total and (or) continuous work experience before joining this organization, confirmed by relevant documents;

b) information about work and rewards (incentives) that were entered into the work book at the last place of work.

The total work experience is recorded in total, that is, it is indicated total years, months, days of work without specifying which employer, in what periods of time and in what positions the owner of the work book worked in the past.

If the employee had already worked before joining this organization (with this employer), then when filling out a duplicate of the work book in the section “Information about work” in column 3, first of all, a record is made about the total and/or continuous work experience as an employee before joining this organization (to this employer), confirmed by relevant documents (Fig. 48).

Fig. 48 Sample of entering total length of service in the work book

After this, the total and/or continuous work experience, confirmed by properly executed documents, is recorded for individual periods of work in the following order: column 2 indicates the date of hire; Column 3 records the name of the organization (employer) where the employee worked, as well as the structural unit and job (position), specialty, profession indicating the qualifications for which the employee was hired. If the submitted documents confirm that the employee was transferred to another permanent job in the same organization (with the same employer), then a corresponding entry is also made about this.

In the event that the documents on the basis of which entries were made in the work book do not contain complete information about work in the past, only the information available in these documents is entered into the duplicate work book (Fig. 49).

Fig. 49 Sample of filling out the “Work Information” section of a duplicate work book

Then, in column 2 the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is indicated, and in column 3 - the reason (ground) for dismissal, if the document submitted by the employee contains such data. Column 4 indicates the name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the corresponding entries in the duplicate were made.

The original documents confirming the length of service, after making copies of them and their proper certification by the employer or personnel service, are returned to their owner. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to assist the employee in obtaining documents confirming his work experience prior to joining this organization.

6. The procedure for issuing a copy of the work book

In accordance with Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged, no later than 3 days from the date of submission of a written application, to issue to the employee copies of documents related to work (copies of an order for employment, orders for transfers to another job, an order for dismissal from work; extracts from the work book; certificates of salary, period of work of this employer and etc.). These copies of work-related documents must be properly certified and provided to the employee free of charge (Fig. 50).

Rice. No. 50 Sample note on certification of a copy

The rules for maintaining work books and the Instructions for filling out work books provide for the possibility of issuing a work book to an employee only upon dismissal. If a personnel service employee issues a work book to a working employee, he will thereby violate the Rules for maintaining work records, and since this document relates to acts of labor legislation, the personnel service employee may be held accountable in the prescribed manner.

7. Storage of work records

Work books are kept by the enterprise administration as strict reporting forms, and are handed over to the employee only upon his dismissal. Work books and their duplicates that were not received by employees upon dismissal are stored for two years in the personnel department of the enterprise separately from the work books of employees who are currently employed. After this, unclaimed work books (their duplicates) are stored in the archives of the enterprise for 50 years, and after the expiration of the specified period they can be destroyed in the prescribed manner.

8. Accounting for work records

Fig.51 Sample receipt and expense book

To record the forms of work books and completed work books, the enterprise maintains the following documentation:

a) income book for recording forms of work books and inserts for them (Fig. 51).

IN this book all transactions related to the receipt and use of work book forms and inserts for them are entered, indicating the series and number of each form. The book is maintained by the organization's accounting department;

b) a book for recording the movement of work books and inserts for them (Fig. 52).

Fig. 52 Sample book for recording the movement of work books and inserts for them

The book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts for them is maintained by the personnel service or another department of the enterprise that processes the hiring and dismissal of employees. This book records all work books accepted from employees upon entry to work, as well as work books and inserts for them with a record of the series and numbers issued to employees again. When receiving a work book in connection with dismissal, the employee signs the personal card and the accounting book.

The income book and book of accounting for the movement of work books must be numbered, laced and sealed with the signature of the head of the organization and a wax seal.

Forms of work books and inserts for them are stored in the accounting department of the enterprise as strict reporting documents and are issued upon application to the account of the person responsible for maintaining work books. On a monthly basis, the accounting department requires from the person responsible for maintaining work books a report on the availability of work book forms and their inserts and on the amounts received for completed work books and their inserts, With application of the receipt order of the organization's cash desk. A report is drawn up for work book forms and inserts that are damaged when filling out.

When issuing a new work book or an insert for it for an employee, the employer charges him a fee, the amount of which is determined by the amount of expenses for their acquisition, with the exception of the following cases:

1 In case of mass loss by the employer of workers’ work records as a result of emergency situations (environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters, riots and other emergency circumstances)

2 In case of incorrect primary filling work book or insert in it, as well as in case of damage through no fault of the employee, the cost of the damaged form is paid by the employer.

Work book (filling out) -Issues related to this part of office work are of interest to every employer. In this article we will look at general questionsfilling out a work book, including the main onesrules for maintaining work books, their legal basis, andrules for filling out work booksupon hiring and dismissal.

Work book: how to get it

A work book is an important document that certifies the length of service and work activity of an employee. This information is necessary not only for the applicant when applying for a job, but also for the citizen to receive certain social guarantees, benefits, pensions, etc. Filling out a work book, as well as the procedure for its establishment, storage and recording are regulated, in addition to the Labor Code, by relevant government regulations and the Ministry of Labor.

The type of work book and its insert, as well as the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers, were approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On work books” No. 225 of 04/16/2003 (entered into force on 01/01/2004). From this document you can find out what the current work book form looks like, but you won’t find a sample of filling out a 2017 work book there, only certain rules regarding filling it out.

By the way, work books of the previous sample are valid to this day and cannot be exchanged for a new sample.

The procedure for filling out a work book, an example of correct completion (sample 2017)

When applying for a job, the future employee presents his work record book to formalize labor relations with the employer. If a worker gets a job for the first time, then, upon application, the employing organization (or individual entrepreneur) issues a new book for the worker. The employer makes an entry in the work book for everyone who worked for him for more than 5 days (not part-time, but at the main place).

The employer, according to the procedure for filling out the work book, must make the following entries in it:

  • about the worker;
  • the work itself;
  • internal and external translations;
  • about dismissal;
  • awards and merits of the employee.

Important: information about penalties is not entered into the work book; an exception may be a penalty in the form of dismissal of an employee.

If a worker has not only his main job, but also a part-time job, the main employer can, on the initiative of the employee himself and with a certificate confirming such a part-time job, make an entry in the work book about the part-time job as well.

The responsibility for organizing the work of storing, maintaining and recording work books is assigned to the employer, and the responsibility for direct storage, recording and maintaining the work book is assigned by the employer to the employee appointed or by order. Designated employee (named different organizations may be HR specialists, HR clerks, accountants, managers, etc.) has the right to fill out work books and certify the entries in them with his signature and seal of the organization. Orders on the appointment of authorized persons are usually checked by the labor inspectorate.

Important: only the employee who has such responsibilities provided for in the employment contract or job description. If the head of an organization or an individual entrepreneur maintains personnel records independently, then he must issue an order assigning the functions of carrying out personnel records to himself. An example of filling out a work book can be found on the Internet without any problems.

General rules for filling out a work book according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

How to correctly fill out a work book when hiring or leaving? Here are the basic rules for filling out work books for 2017:

  1. Work books are filled out with fountain pens, gel or roller pens, and black, blue or purple ink.
  2. When filling out a work book, the numbers used are Arabic, with the date and month consisting of 2 characters, and the year consisting of 4 characters. For example: 01/20/2017.
  3. When registering, the state language of Russia is used, i.e. Russian. If an additional state language has been introduced in the regions of our country, you can use it when filling out a work book.
  4. Abbreviations cannot be used in the work book, including in the names of positions, orders, instructions, etc. All words must be written in full.
  5. Any data is entered into the work book on the basis of the relevant order (order) and must coincide exactly with it.
  6. Entries are made no later than 7 days from the date of the event, with the exception of entries on hiring (no later than 5 days) and dismissal (on the day of dismissal).
  7. Each entry in the work book must have its own serial number. The following exceptions to this rule exist:
  • a serial number is not given when renaming an employer;
  • when filling out a duplicate work book, the serial number is not written in the case of a record of work experience;
  • Headings in the “Work Information” section are not numbered.
  • The worker is introduced to all the entries in the work book, for which he signs on a personal card, the information in which is duplicated.
  • Is it possible to have two work books at the same time?

    According to labor legislation, an employee must have one work book, in which the employer makes all the necessary entries. However, sometimes, due to various life circumstances, it may happen that an employee has a second work book.

    This can happen, for example, if an employee quit, lost his work book, and when he was hired for a new job, he was issued a new work book (Part 5 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, letter Federal service on labor and employment dated April 30, 2008 No. 1026-6). Subsequently, the employee found the lost book. So he turned out to have 2 documents at the same time.

    In this case, the legislation does not stipulate any sanctions for the employee having 2 work books. The employer also does not have the right to fine an employee in any way or refuse to hire him on this basis (Part 1 of Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    In this case, the employer must enter information about work and other necessary entries in only one of the work books, since the law does not provide for maintaining several books for one employee.

    Use of samples for filling out a work book upon dismissal and when hiring

    As already mentioned above, when applying for a job, the employer, according to the rules for drawing up a work book, makes an entry in it no more than 5 days later about his hiring on the basis of an order. If a citizen is hired for the first time, he signs on the title page of the work book kept by the employer, thereby confirming the correctness of the information entered in it (but he is not responsible for the correct filling out of the work book).

    Important: if the employer - individual who is not an entrepreneur, then he cannot create new work books and make notes (entries) in the work books provided to him. Confirmation of the time of work and experience in this situation for the worker will be an employment contract, which is concluded in writing.

    On the day the employment relationship ends (the last day of work), the employer must give the employee a work book and other documents related to labor activity, and also calculate the employee.

    When to hand over the work book various reasons If this is not possible, the employer notifies the worker in writing that it is necessary to pick up the work book or send him consent to send the work book by mail. From the moment such a message is sent, the employer is not responsible for the delay in issuing the work book. In addition to the above, liability is removed if the last day of the employee’s work does not coincide with the end date of the employment contract.

    In order to avoid mistakes, it makes sense for the person responsible for managing personnel affairs to familiarize themselves with samples of filling out work books, which indicate various reasons for hiring and dismissal. This will make it easier to understand what language may be used depending on the situation.

    When making a record of dismissal, it should be borne in mind that the basis for dismissal, as well as its reason, must exactly comply with the wording of the law. In addition, the employer and the employee himself sign the notice of dismissal. The record is certified by the seal of the organization.

    This article reveals generalized concepts about maintaining work books and general rules for filling them out. Information about special cases, for example, about making an entry in connection with a change of surname or about correcting an entry, as well as about the procedure for certifying a copy of a work book, can be found in separate articles in the corresponding section of our website.

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