I dreamed of a white swan. Why dream about swans

Beautiful white swans, according to the dream book, portend a good career, the solution of a difficult matter, the beginning of a favorable time, mutual feelings. But sometimes these birds in a dream warn of regrets and losses. Our dream interpreter will explain why they dream.

Labor and personal success

These beautiful white birds promise happiness in love relationships And successful development careers. If they were floating on clean water- this is a wonderful sign.

In a dream, did they swim majestically across a calm pond or lake, reflected in its mirror-like surface? In reality you will find inner harmony, peace.

Solve a difficult case, reach new heights

Why do you dream of white swans, smoothly bending their necks like two deuces? The dream book is encouraging: you will be able to resolve a difficult issue that was postponed a couple of months ago.

Dreaming of snow-white beauties personifies inner freedom, movement towards new achievements.

What they were doing?

Remember what they did in the dream:

  • flew - you can reach high altitudes;
  • glided on the water together - happy times will come;
  • walked with the chicks - you can make a mistake when assessing the qualities of a person;
  • took a treat from you - fulfillment of a wish.

Well-being, prosperity, harmony

Did you dream about white swans? This symbol promises family well-being, joy, and prosperity, the dream book explains.

Pair noble birds promises happy changes in family life, harmony, mutual understanding between household members.

After such a vision in a dream, your affairs will improve, your financial difficulties will be successfully resolved. If you quarrel with someone, make peace very soon.

Love relationships

Why does a girl dream of them as a couple? The dream book suggests: her relationship with her lover will reach new level. Perhaps he will propose soon.

For a lonely girl or guy, such a dream predicts a meeting with someone who will become the chosen one, and true mutual feelings.

Friendly family, pride in children

White swans in a dream, together with swans, foreshadow a large, friendly family, trust between its members, and the deep love of children.

A vision of chicks just mastering the art of flight, foreshadows, according to the dream book, pride in their offspring, joy in their achievements and emerging opportunities.

Talk to your partner to resolve misunderstandings

Did you pet them? In reality you miss affection. Talk to your partner, explain that you need his attention.

Why do you dream that you called and lured a handsome white man, but he didn’t want to come to you? You will encounter difficulties in communication, misunderstanding of your spouse. Be patient and clarify issues on which there are differences.

Birds on the river - remember the transience of life

White birds swimming peacefully in a pond in a dream promise the onset of a prosperous period. During this stage given by fate, you should do as much as possible. Don't waste your energy on trifles - concentrate on important tasks.

Did you dream about white swans on the river? This is a reminder of fast current time. Enjoy your happiness, because it is unknown when this period will end. Please your significant other, children, minimize conflicts.

Good deal

Did they go ashore and eat grass? According to the dream book, a successful deal is ahead. Did you peck the grain? You will always have abundance at home.

Why do you dream that they are building a nest? A housewarming party awaits you soon - you will move to new apartment or your own home.

Flying high - good luck, wonderful prospects

According to the dream book, white swans fly high in the sky in a dream - the success of various endeavors, the fulfillment of desires.

Swans in the sky can promise pleasant experiences and excellent prospects ahead. Successful, rapid career advancement is possible.

Success in your endeavors, new acquaintances

Has the man seen many of these white birds? In reality, he will have success in all enterprises, good luck in business, and profitable contracts.

The dream of a white swan promises an acquaintance with a reliable person with whom friendships will begin, says the dream book. A friend will always support you in case of difficulties and problems.

Black - hidden aggression, unrequited feelings

Why do you dream of white and black swans? The plot points to hidden aggression, disguised good manners. This is most often a rejection of members of the opposite sex.

Black birds in a dream are symbols of some secret that the dreamer cannot penetrate. This image warns of unrequited love.

Black and white swans predict troubles and losses

As the dream book explains, black and white swans are the personification of losses, regrets, and troubles. A rather difficult period will soon begin; you will have to think through everything carefully in order to make the right decisions.

Did they have two-tone plumage? You rely too much on the gifts of fate. But waiting for a favorable combination of circumstances seriously interferes with the implementation of plans. You should soberly assess your capabilities and situation in order to achieve your goals on your own.

Strong friendship, great friend

Have you seen several swans on a pond at once in a dream? The dream symbolizes strong friendship, reliable friends who are always ready to help.

They represent purity, innocence, grace and grandeur. Therefore, a night dream suggests: you have already met or are about to meet a person with such qualities.

Many objects, animals and birds that surround us in life seem completely ordinary.

But behind this everyday life hides a deep meaning that fairy tales, legends and tales convey to us - such images, appearing in our dreams, speak about the deepest aspirations of a person. Why do you dream about swans, fabulously beautiful birds that people have admired for centuries?

Swans can symbolize perfection and jealousy, loyalty and envy, purity and witchcraft, pride and fertility. It all depends on what kind of bird this bird appeared to you in your dream. But it always points to the main moments in our lives: love, family, relationships, home and a person’s sense of satisfaction with his own life.

White swans swimming along the river are considered one of the auspicious signs. Bird swimming alone white in a dream and Ancient French, and Islamic dream books interpreted as a sign of good luck in business, approaching wealth. However, both interpreters assure that prosperity will only benefit those who earn their wealth through honest labor.

There are additional nuances to this interpretation. For example, if you dream of wild swans, says the Alphabet Dream Book, then they will be a sign of abundance, material well-being, and maybe gaining power in the dreamer’s life. A tamed swan in a dream will mean that the sleeping person’s family life will be happy, and in addition, his children will be beautiful and healthy.

However, it is worth paying attention to what kind of water the bird is swimming on: if the body of water is calm, then everything is in order, and if its smooth movement is interfered with, some discontent is brewing in the family, a conflict that is still hidden, and the sleeper has the power to smooth it out or prevent it.

If you dreamed of white swans swimming in the water as a pair, and with them a brood of chicks, this is also a sign of strong and happy family in future. However, interpreters warn: so that people’s envy does not darken your happiness, you should not tell everyone about it. A fight between a pair of swans in a dream may mean that you should be softer and more tactful in communicating with your “other half” if you want to save a good relationship for many years.

White feathers, black feathers

You may dream of proud and beautiful birds in other circumstances, and then the interpretation of the dream will be somewhat different. If you saw in a dream how many swans were swimming in lake water, this may mean that in the near future you will have to worry - but only for pleasant reasons, and your life prospects will not be overshadowed by anything. What else can these beautiful birds be like?

  • They may appear black.
  • Walk on dry land.
  • Fly in the sky.
  • You can see a swan hunt in a dream.
  • Or a dead swan.

The modern dream book believes that the person you dreamed of is lonely White Swan It may also mean that you are not completely satisfied with the current situation, you are ready to start a new business and open up new horizons for yourself. A lonely black swan in this interpretation means that the sleeper is in decision complex issues you need to rely more on your own instincts and intuition, and not on the advice of strangers.

I dreamed of a black swan floating on calm water - The psychological dream book believes that this promises the dreamer pleasure of a very dubious nature. However, if the water on which the black swan swam was in waves, you should refrain from such pleasures if you value your reputation. Rippling water suggests that everything secret can become clear.

If the swan in your dream was white, but against this snow-white background it turned out black feather, the vision warns: someone from your circle is only pretending to be your friend, but on occasion they can seriously annoy you. If you dreamed of a half light, half black swan - you have the strength and intelligence to cope with all the troubles, and even benefit from it.

If you dream that a pair of birds are bringing chicks out of the water onto land, this warns the sleeper that problems may arise in communicating with children if you do not change the strategy of behavior with them. We need to pay more attention to children and understanding their problems.

Flight and death

Why do you dream of a swan flying high in the sky? Perhaps the dream of the sleeper will soon come true. If you dream of a flock of flying birds, your expectations will soon come true, and, most likely, this event will be joyful for the dreamer.

The numerological dream book believes that very auspicious sign when you dream of a pair of flying birds . According to the interpreter, this means that soon - within two months at most - the dreamer will make peace with those with whom he managed to quarrel, and his financial affairs will stabilize.

Lonely White bird in the sky can promise career growth for the dreamer. The swan wedge means that some important event that you have been waiting for a long time will delight you. A vision in which a flock of swan flies over the horizon warns against miscalculations in business.

A black flying swan, when dreamed of in the first half of the week, may mean that the dreamer should take a risk to realize his own dream. Such a risk will be justified. If a black swan flies into your dream in the second half of the week, then the dream promises the recovery of someone who has been sick in your home recently.

If you dream of hunting beautiful and proud birds, this is a warning: you should not act rashly. This behavior can cause the collapse of what you created with your own hands. To maintain the “status quo,” you need to be prudent in business and tactful in communication for at least a week after the dream of a swan hunt.

A dead bird in a dream most likely speaks of psychological state dreamer Such a vision means that a person is fed up with various pleasures, and perhaps in the near future it is better for him to get down to business, rather than look for various entertainments that are unlikely to please him in the current situation.

If in a dream you fed a couple of birds swimming in the water at the zoo, it means you will be able to resolve a difficult situation. This will help both you and your loved ones avoid serious grief.

Swans have long been considered a symbol of love and fidelity. The whiteness of their plumage symbolizes sincerity and chastity. But why might there be a dream in which these beautiful waterfowl? Dream interpreters will help you figure this out.

The symbol of the swan in dreams according to various interpretations

Each dream book interprets the night vision of a swan in its own way:

  1. American. A feeling of freedom, an opportunity to achieve new heights.
  2. Wangi. Happy family life.
  3. Oriental. Wealth and prosperity.
  4. Children's. A new relationship will begin with a representative of the opposite sex. This connection will be strong and long.
  5. Winters. The dream is a good sign. You are loved and faithful.
  6. Health. Night dreams can indicate problems in the cervical spine.
  7. Italian. Hopes and expectations of a result that, despite all its attractiveness, will only bring damage and disappointment.
  8. Maly Velesov. To happiness and well-being in the home, improvement of financial situation.
  9. Miller. To pleasant experiences and excellent prospects.
  10. Newest. To mutual and strong love. Another vision may indicate to the dreamer that it is time to engage in hydrotherapy and meditation.
  11. From A to Z. Happy marriage, healthy children.
  12. Of the past. You live in anticipation of a miracle and dream that your wishes will come true. However, making your dream come true will not bring the expected happiness. Night vision can also symbolize a beautiful, but soulless person who will cause pain and suffering.
  13. Russian folk. A swan in a dream is a symbol of purity and fidelity, strength and wealth.
  14. Slavic. You can get rich.
  15. Bitches. There are good prospects ahead.
  16. Wanderer. To sadness and worries, purification of the soul through suffering.
  17. Fedorovskaya. Find out someone's important secret. But owning this secret will not bring joy.
  18. Freud. The dreamer is a harmoniously developed person; he has no sexual deviations.
  19. Ukrainian. A white streak will come in life, problems will remain in the past.
  20. French. To power and wealth.
  21. Hasse. Happiness in marriage.
  22. Gypsy. You have a complete and happy family.
  23. Shereminskaya. To part with a dear person.
  24. Esoteric. To romantic relationships, fidelity and devotion.
  25. XXI century. You will get rich or get a high position.

To see swans swimming into the distance in a dream means loneliness.

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, seeing a black swan in the kingdom of Morpheus means the death of your beloved

Why do women and men dream?

The explanation of night dreams about a swan is also influenced by who dreamed them:

  1. To a man. The dream personifies the image of a close woman (beloved or mother) who provides Negative influence on the dreamer, limiting his freedom and trying to deprive him of independence. To see two swans in the kingdom of Morpheus - to a love affair; a flock - to success in business.
  2. To a married woman. To disappointment in a spouse who behaves selfishly. There is a possibility of betrayal, after learning about which the dreamer will want to file for divorce.
  3. An unmarried girl. You will meet your soulmate. A pair of swans in night vision - for a wedding.
  4. Pregnant. For the arrival of relatives and a feast.

For a girl, a dream about a black swan indicates a secret admirer who has been deprived of her attention, and in vain - after all, he can become a worthy companion.

If a family man dreams of baby swans, then soon he will be happy for his children and their life achievements

Interpretation of dreams about swans depending on the details

The interpretation of dreams about a swan is influenced by the color of the bird in the dream, its actions, as well as the actions of the dreamer himself. Therefore, it is important to reproduce in memory all the details of what you saw. The more you remember, the more accurately you will interpret night vision.

Swan color: white, black, gray, red

Dream books offer the following information about a dream in which a white swan was present:

  1. Lovers. Harmoniously developing relationships.
  2. Oriental. Prosperity and good luck in your undertakings.
  3. Grishina. The pleasure of love, the desire for spiritual purity and development.
  4. Denise Lynn. You can easily and freely achieve incredible heights.
  5. Kopalinsky. To happy events.
  6. Family. Fate will provide an excellent chance, be able to take advantage of it.
  7. Modern. Favorable prospects, opportunity to improve financial condition.
  8. Aesop. To meet an innocent and kind girl. Communication with her will positively affect your life.
  9. Esoteric. For the wedding.

If the swan in the dream was black:

  1. American. Well-developed intuition, knowledge of the secrets of existence and the meaning of existence.
  2. Lovers. The forbidden fruit is sweet, but eating it will greatly ruin your relationship with your loved one.
  3. Oriental. The desire to taste the forbidden fruit.
  4. Grishina. The bird symbolizes secret knowledge that you cannot comprehend.
  5. Denise Lynn. There are some secrets that you don’t want to tell anyone.
  6. Winters. To serious tests of the strength of relationships with your loved one.
  7. Kopalinsky. To losses, worries, regret about missed opportunities.
  8. Miller. Craving for dubious pleasures, the reasons for which may be stress and suppression of negative emotions.
  9. From A to Z. To quarrels with a loved one, after which there will be a stormy reconciliation.
  10. Family. It gives rise to an impulse to do something wrong and reprehensible.
  11. Modern. Do you want to do something forbidden?
  12. French. Decline and stagnation in business.
  13. Esoteric. You have tender feelings for another person. Unfortunately, they are not mutual. Efforts to improve relationships will not lead to the expected results.
  14. Aesop. You will face betrayal and hypocrisy.
  15. XXI century. To quarrels in the family.

Seeing a gray swan in a dream means negative events and unpleasant incidents. If the plumage of a bird from the kingdom of Morpheus was red, then an intensity of passions and emotions awaits you.

An unusually beautiful swan seen in a dream promises ardent love

Actions of swans from dreams, their number and environment

It is also important to recall in memory the number of birds and the events that took place.

If you dreamed of white swans, then it matters where they were in the dream:

  1. On the water. To see such a picture - good sign. The dreamer's relationships are developing harmoniously, and soon his grandiose plans will come true.
  2. On the ground. There will be obstacles on the way and stagnation in business, but you shouldn’t despair, because everything is in your power. If a swan from a dream was heading towards a pond, then the situation will soon improve. hissing bird usually dreams of quarrels with a business partner or colleagues.
  3. In the sky. According to Aesop's dream book, the vision reports a change in the weather. In the cold season, this dream refers to snow. According to the dream book for the whole family, now is the time to take a break from your significant other.
  4. In the hands of the dreamer. The dream indicates freedom and independence of behavior. You are the master of your life, do not follow the lead of others. Such a vision can also mean a happy family life.

Flying white swans in the kingdom of Morpheus are a sign of pleasant expectations that will soon come true.

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the number of birds seen:

  1. One. According to the Ukrainian, lunar and Wanderer's dream books, night dreams promise separation from a loved one. But the sorceress Medea speaks of the melancholy and feeling of loneliness that the dreamer will soon experience.
  2. Pair. The dream promises strong love and family happiness. According to the numerological dream book of Pythagoras, pleasant changes will occur in the house.
  3. A lot of. The dream tells you that your cherished dream will soon come true. According to Cleopatra’s dream book, the dreamer is characterized by such qualities as greatness, grace, spiritual sensitivity and purity.

Why do you dream of a black swan attacking you? Beware of enemies who want to harm. A bird hitting you with its beak in night vision is a bad sign; you will suffer due to your own carelessness.

If in your night dreams a swan came out of a pond and shook itself off the water, you will soon get rid of the heavy burden that prevents you from enjoying life.

Did you dream of a swan building a nest? The dream promises a change of residence, so get ready for a housewarming party.

A bird taking off in the kingdom of Morpheus symbolizes that you are at a crossroads and do not know what is the right thing to do.

If in the kingdom of Morpheus swans swam in the lake surrounded by water lilies, then family happiness will be short-lived, it will be overshadowed by quarrels with relatives or betrayal

Actions of the sleeper

  1. Feed. Surrounded by sincere and reliable people, always ready to help.
  2. Iron. TO mutual love and strong relationships. Another vision may indicate that you lack affection and warmth.
  3. Admire beauty. To happy news and events. The business into which a lot of effort has been invested will finally bear the long-awaited fruits.
  4. Catch with your hands. You will easily achieve what you want. You don't even have to make any effort to do this.
  5. Shoot the bird. You expect too much from fate and are always dissatisfied with everything. Learn to see happiness in simple things. According to Freud, you experience aggression towards members of the opposite sex. If you had to shoot in the kingdom of Morpheus, but made a mistake, you can avoid big troubles.
  6. Injure. Harm yourself with thoughtless actions or words spoken in the heat of the moment.
  7. Kill. Make a big mistake that you will regret, but you won’t be able to change anything.
  8. Throwing stones at a bird means disappointment. To see in a dream how another person does this is a shock that awaits the dreamer after he gets to know a friend from the bad side.

Seeing flying swans in your night dreams in the first half of the week means good luck in everything. Don't be afraid to take risks, you will succeed. A dream about graceful birds soaring in the sky in the second half of the week promises sure deliverance from an illness for the dreamer or someone close to him.

Other interpretations of sleep

Did you dream about a wounded swan? Not everything is going smoothly in your relationship with your loved one. If you do not make joint efforts to restore them, then separation will be inevitable. According to Aesop's dream book, he will get sick close relative dreamer

A dead swan in a dream symbolizes satiety with life, boredom and annoyance. According to the 21st century dream book, the person you love does not reciprocate. Your hopes are in vain, which makes you feel unhappy and useless.

Hearing a swan song in a dream is a bad omen. Most dream interpreters agree that such a vision foreshadows the death of either the dreamer himself or a person dear to him. According to Aesop's dream book, a vision prophesies a major loss, and in French - sad events.

Seeing a ringed swan in a dream means adding to the family.

Did you dream of a swan surrounded by ducks? You underestimate the person from your environment, considering him uninteresting and unsuccessful. However, soon the opinion about him will change greatly, because a friend will miraculously turn from an “ugly duckling” into a beautiful swan.

If in the dream the white swan was bleeding, then one of your loved ones will become seriously ill or die.

Dreams about swans mainly foreshadow good events in the dreamer’s life: new love, success in business and family happiness. Only in rare cases do night dreams warn of troubles.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Swans in your dreams?

Seeing Swans in a dream means Swans: white ones floating on calm water - to good prospects and satisfaction in your personal life, black ones on clear water - to dubious pleasures; dead - to annoyance, trouble.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do Swans appear in dreams?

According to the dream book, seeing a Swan is a Romantic image, the personification of poetry and beauty. A controversial symbol: light and death, transformation and melancholy, masculine and feminine, especially significant in literature, music and ballet. White swan - sunny, male sign- became the hero of Wagner's opera Lohengrin and other stories about the Swan Knight. As a symbol female beauty, tenderness and grace, the swan appeared in P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “Swan Lake”. This ambiguity can be traced back to ancient times: in Ancient Greece the swan was an attribute of both Aphrodite (Venus) - the goddess of love and beauty, and Apollo - the god of poetry, divination and music. In addition, swans form a pair only once and for the rest of their lives, and it is believed that after the death of one bird, the second one falls like a stone from a great height and is broken. Therefore, the swan is a symbol of true love, inseparability and romantic death. Apparently, our subconscious uses all these established associations in dreams for prophetic purposes. So, if you dreamed of a lonely swan, then this is a sign of loneliness or separation from a loved one. Seeing a pair of swans means family happiness and a meeting with a person who will be faithful to you until the end of his days.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do Swans appear in dreams?

Interpretation of the dream book: Swan - wonderful Life, grace and splendor. “Swan song” (from the myth that swans sing beautifully just before they die), many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about swans?

According to the dream book, seeing a Swan - a pair of swans - family happiness, love. A lonely swimming swan - contemplation, loneliness, melancholy. Seeing a black swan means facing a terrible secret. Wild swans are a sign of wealth and power. Swans swimming in the lake portend wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences. Swans on the shore - to dubious pleasures. A dead swan means that you will feel annoyed with yourself.

Ancient dream book

Seeing Swans in a dream:

Swan - This is a good symbol that characterizes you as harmoniously developed person, who has no deviations in the sexual sphere. But such a conclusion can only be drawn if you dreamed of a swan swimming on a pond or lake or flying in the sky. A dream in which you see yourself shooting at this bird has a completely different meaning. Such a dream means that with all your upbringing you are experiencing obvious aggression towards opposite sex and you can’t suppress this feeling within yourself. Try to control your emotions, and it is quite possible that you will get lucky

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of Swans:

Swan - Seeing this proud bird floating on the water in a dream means that everything in our life will be wonderful.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of Swans, what is it for:

Swan - Seeing this bird in a dream and throwing bread crumbs at it means the loyalty of a loved one, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do Swans appear in dreams?

Dream Interpretation: Swan - A very favorable dream in which you see white swans swimming peacefully - it promises prosperity. The black swan symbolizes the desire to taste forbidden fruits. A dream in which a dead swan appears indicates: you are already fed up with earthly pleasures. If you dreamed of a flock of flying swans, it means that your soul is filled with pleasant expectations that will soon come true

Modern dream book

According to the Swans dream book, what does the dream mean?

Seeing a Swan in a dream - A white swan floating on a calm water - beautiful prospects and pleasant experiences. A black swan in clear water portends dubious pleasures. A dead swan is a sign of frustration and satiety. If you dreamed of a swan swimming on a pond or lake or flying in the sky, then this is a good symbol. It indicates that everything is fine in your personal life.

Spring dream book

According to the Swans dream book:

Swan - to nascent love.

Why see swans in a dream?

Swans - amazing birds, personifying fidelity and devotion to your partner.

Elegant, graceful, they fascinate with their calmness and beauty.

Why do you dream about a swan? What do dreams in which this bird is present talk about?

On the pond

A white swan swimming on smooth water foreshadows a calm family life without quarrels and scandals. The dream book promises you complete understanding with your partner, respect in the family and loyalty of your loved one. But if in a dream the bird was black, then a third person will appear in your relationship over time.

If you dream of a swan swimming through waves or choppy water, then an unpleasant situation is brewing in the family. Most likely, you will be the culprit of the troubles.

  • If you dream that swans are swimming in pairs, it means a successful marriage.
  • Lots of birds on the water - a pleasant experience.
  • Swans - mutual understanding with children.
  • A white swan eats - to prosperity in the house.
  • A dead bird in the water means separation.

If you dream that a pair of swans with cubs are swimming on the water, then in the future you will have a big one, Friendly family. Children will delight you with their pure, selfless love. And your spouse will become a wonderful friend and helper for you.

The only thing that can darken your relationship is the envy of others. In order not to suffer from it, talk less about your happiness.

When you dream of white birds fighting on the water, it means that your family is on the verge of a big scandal. After such a dream, it is not advisable to sort things out or raise the tone in the conversation.

If something worries you, calmly tell your loved one about it. And if he expresses his complaints, listen to his opinion and try to find a compromise.

On the land

Swans on land are dreamed of when it is difficult for the dreamer to decide on his feelings. For example, if you saw several birds, it means you are faced with choosing a partner. And you dream of one swan on the shore when you cannot determine how you feel about your chosen one.

  • A white swan nibbles grass - to beneficial cooperation.
  • He was caught by a predator - to deception.
  • Dreaming of a wounded bird means illness.
  • Shakes off the water - to get rid of moral burden.
  • Builds a nest - for housewarming.
  • Hisses - to a quarrel.

White swans bringing their cubs to land dream of problems in communicating with children. You have to choose the correct model of behavior for their age so as not to lose the trust of your children. Otherwise, you yourself will alienate them from yourself.

Your actions

Catching a swan in a dream means taking advantage of a happy opportunity. If you grab it with your hands, then luck will accompany you only when you are not lazy. And if you dream that a bird is caught in a net, then fate will give you a gift in the form of a win or a gift.

When you shot a swan in a dream, it means that you are constantly demanding more from life than it gives you. To injure a bird is to injure yourself through your actions. To kill is to make an irreparable mistake. And if you miss, then fate will keep you out of trouble.

  • Feeding a swan means thinking about the future.
  • Stroking him means you lack affection.
  • Splashing water on him means flirting.
  • If you dream that you are admiring a bird, it means deep thoughts.
  • To draw it is to fulfill your fantasies.

As the dream book writes, if swans fly into your house, this means that unexpected guests will soon come to you. White birds indicate that these will be people you like. And blacks warn about uninvited guests.

To kick swans out of the apartment means to quarrel with a loved one. And if you saw a bird on your bed, then a new sexual adventure awaits you.

According to the dream book, plucking a feather from a swan means falling in love with a married man. This feeling can consume you completely. Try to be more restrained and not impose on your loved one. A situation will soon arise in life in which you will understand whether your feelings are mutual or not.

In the sky

If you dream of a white swan soaring high in the sky, this is a sign that you will achieve great heights in life. For someone who cares about career growth, such a dream foreshadows a promotion at work. And if you have always dreamed strong family, the time has come to create it.

Swans flying in a wedge dream before important event, for which you have been preparing for a long time. If birds fly over your head, then you will definitely cope with your task. And to see them flying into the distance means making a mistake in an important matter.

A bird taking off means that you are at a crossroads in fate. If you dream that a swan took off without difficulty, then get ready for interesting period. And when a bird tries to get off the ground but fails, such a dream warns you not to rush things.

What is he like?

A snow-white bird dreams of success, while a dirty swan portends difficulties. If you notice one black feather in the white plumage, then you have an ill-wisher who is pretending to be your friend.

And if one half of the bird is light and the other is dark, then you can safely resist all troubles.

A wild swan that is afraid of people dreams of loneliness. And if this is a bird that lives in a city park and is not afraid of people, then soon you will have communication with a pleasant person.

The large wings of a swan speak of the breadth of your soul. And if you dream that he is missing one wing, this means that you have experienced quite a lot of unpleasant moments in your life.

If you dreamed of this wonderful bird on the water, on land or in the sky, be sure to open your dream book and read why you dream about a swan. Any meaning of this dream must be compared with your life.

And if you don’t like it, then fantasize and try to look at your dream differently.

Swan according to the dream book

The swan is a proud and majestically beautiful feathered creature. It is believed that these birds know how to truly love and remain faithful to their partner even after he dies. Surely, when you saw this creature in a dream, you thought - why dream about something like this? The dream book does not give a single prediction. When choosing an interpretation, take into account all the symbols that appeared in the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a calm white swan gliding across the surface of the water in a dream means joyful experiences and great prospects. Miller's dream book predicts receiving especially advantageous offer from partners or employer, making dreams come true and making goals come true.

A dream about a black swan is a sign of receiving dubious pleasures. They can turn into major disasters. Miller's dream book advises giving up a momentary whim and thinking about possible consequences. It is possible that this action will help you make the only right decision.

If you dream of a dead swan, you will be fed up and annoyed. Burying a cold carcass in a dream means disappointment. The bitterness and heartache are quite standard reactions.

Autumn and Children's interpreters

Seeing a white swan in your dream and feeding it bread crumbs means a happy and pure relationship with your lover. The dream book promises that your loved one will be devoted to you with all his soul and will never overshadow your coexistence with betrayals and lies. The dream should be interpreted this way if you dream that the bird allows itself to be stroked and is especially friendly towards you.

The children's dream book is convinced that this dream symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship. They will last quite a long time. An official marriage is possible. You can rest assured that you have found your other half.

Opinion of Veles and Aesop

If you dreamed of a white swan, it means that in all areas of life things will work out just fine. There will be complete understanding in the family. You will be able to discuss any difficult issue with your loved one and receive exactly the support you need. A black plumage seen in a dream speaks of possible difficulties, both at work and in your personal life.

Aesop's Dream Book is convinced that a wounded swan is an extremely bad symbol. Fate will force you to face a truly dark streak in life. When going through hard times, remember that any misfortune is temporary.

A wounded bird in a dream can promise a last chance, a kind of “swan song.” If you dream that you managed to alleviate the suffering of a bird with your own hands, then you can radically change your fate. Probably change your job. It is also possible that you will go to live in another locality or even a country.

Other predictions

Hasse's dream book suggests that a flying black swan predicts impending danger. If you dreamed that a swan was attacking, beware in reality of the machinations of enemies who want to destroy you. They will go to any lengths to cause trouble. Don't be too naive or gullible.

If you dream of a flying goose, then the negative situation that has arisen in reality will be able to be reversed in your favor. It will even be possible to extract impressive benefits from sad events.

If you find a dying swan in a dream, be prepared for a breakdown in your relationship with your partner. You may be betrayed and abandoned. The dream does not indicate a complete break; it is possible that this will be a temporary separation.

A flock of swans in a dream is a sign that in front of you is real life Several doors will open at once. The dream warns - your fate is in your hands. The dream book advises - try, try, don’t be afraid of changes and everything will certainly turn out exactly the way you want. Inaction will only worsen the existing situation. this moment status.

Why do you dream about a white swan?

The white swan is a dual symbol that can symbolize the purity of the soul of a sleeping person, and also be a harbinger of amazing events, so when interpreting you will need to remember the entire dream and take into account even small details.

Admiring the beauty of a white swan in a dream - in reality the dreamer will try in every way to achieve his goal, but when this happens, he will have no feelings other than disappointment. And all because all hopes will turn out to be illusory.

For a woman, such a dream promises disappointment in marriage - her husband will turn out to be a man who loves only himself and prefers to have fun on the side. In this case, the best solution would be divorce, and the lady needs to make the decision as soon as possible, since she still has a chance to become happy.

Seeing a pair of white swans for an unmarried girl - happy marriage, for an older woman - to family reunification, for a man - new love. If a person dreams of a flock of white swans, then in reality he will experience success in all his endeavors, and even very dubious projects will turn out to be successful and bring a lot of money.

If a person sees a white swan, he may decide to soar to new heights freely and easily. But a black swan can indicate the dreamer’s intuition and hidden inner strengths, which only need to be awakened.

A white swan often dreams of suffering, but it will lead a person to enlightenment and purification, so one should not complain about fate - it is better to look inside oneself. If a swan swam on the water, then the dreamer will experience pleasant changes and prospects that will make him a very rich man.

To kill a swan - in reality, the sleeping person will ruin his entire life by inappropriate behavior, so he should be more kind and sympathetic. For married people, the white swan promises an addition to the family. And single people should prepare to meet their soulmate.

If a person dreams that several white swans are swimming on the lake, then in reality wealth and fame await him - he just needs to be more mobile and try to finish what he started.

When thinking about why a white swan dreams, you will need to look for the interpretation of this symbol in different dream books- this way you will be able to find the correct answer faster. Freud advises the person who has this dream to pay more attention sex life because he suffers from dissatisfaction.

In addition, he may be bisexual, but does not want to admit it to himself. Miller's dream book foretells an unexpected meeting for the sleeper, which he will remember for a long time. Hasse warns a man about the danger that he may face due to his long tongue.

The modern dream book foretells a person new passion- she will be pretty, but her mental abilities will be far from perfect. Ukrainian dream book promises victory over enemies who have been doing nasty things for a long time, but now everything will turn against them.

A dead swan seen in a dream is an omen of the collapse of all hopes, so you should not be proud of your current situation- it is better to help friends and relatives who need it, since in the future they will be able to support the dreamer.

A white swan can bring both happiness and disappointment, which is why it is so important to pay attention to the small details of the dream. And if after waking up there are still unpleasant feelings, then the dream can be told to the water, and then it will not come true.

Two swans

Dream Interpretation Two Swans dreamed of why you dream about Two Swans? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Two Swans in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swans and the number two

It’s good to see a pair of swans in a dream, this is a sign of future happiness and happy changes in the house. If you were in a quarrel with someone, that within two months you will make peace with everyone, your financial affairs will flow smoothly, an atmosphere of love and trust will reign in the house, everyone will respect you at work. However, do not abuse alcohol during this period, so that after this period you do not suffer from stomach ulcers or inflammation of the pancreas.

If the swans have bent dramatically and look like two deuces, then after 47 days you will be able to return to the question that you put off two months ago “until better times.” A successful resolution of any problem is guaranteed to you.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

The swan represents purity, grandeur, grace and innocence. So the image of a swan that appeared in your dream could be caused by the fact that in real life you met a person with the qualities mentioned above. There is also a famous folk sign: “A swan flies to the snow,” which indicates that if you saw a swan flying, then frost will soon come and the first snow will fall.

The following popular expression is well-known and well known to every person: “Swan song”. This expression comes from time immemorial, because according to ancient legend Swans sing only once before they die. And therefore, along with its wonderful qualities, a swan can also symbolize the end of life.

Seeing a swan with white plumage in a dream is a sign that fate will soon bring you together as a pure, innocent girl who will make your life much better and cleaner.

If you dreamed of a swan with black plumage, then in real life you will have to face something bad. You may be amazed at the hypocrisy of someone close to you. After all, everyone knows that, despite its white plumage, the swan has a black body.

Seeing a swan in a dream trying to pick up something from the ground means that in reality you will have a task that you are unlikely to be able to cope with.

Watching swans swimming on a pond in a dream is evidence that you will soon receive well-deserved respect large quantity of people. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be offered a higher position, which you will handle with dignity.

Admiring the grace of swans in a dream is a harbinger of great joy and considerable success in business.

Feeding swans in a dream - such a dream suggests that you can be envied. You have many real, sincerely loving and respecting friends on whom you can always rely.

Seeing little swans in a dream is a sign that your children will soon bring you untold joy. You will be very proud of them.

If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by ducks, this is evidence that in real life you underestimate a person, which you will later regret very much, because, apparently, he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

If you dreamed of a wounded swan, then soon you will be very upset by the news of the illness, and perhaps even the death of a person close to you.

Hearing a swan song in a dream is a dream that does not bode well. You may be facing a serious loss.

Dream Interpretation - Swans

Seeing swans in a dream foretells happiness in marriage and healthy children, if the swans are tame. Wild swans are a sign of wealth and power. Black swans - to family disagreements, which are replaced by tender and violent passion. Seeing them at the zoo means that you will want peace, quiet and solitude. Seeing swans swimming in the lake portends wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences. Swans seen on the shore are a sign of dubious pleasures in a rollicking and varied company. See in dead person's sleep swan means that you will experience a feeling of annoyance with yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

White swans on the water - to family happiness, a rich, good future.

Lonely swan - to separation.

A singing swan is a great misfortune.

A swan in flight is a sign that a secret will become apparent (you will learn someone’s secret or something that you wanted to hide will be revealed).

A dead swan is bad luck.

A white swan can symbolize a person who will voluntarily submit to you, and a black one - on the contrary, the appearance of someone who wants you to completely share his views.

The black swan also dreams of quarrels between spouses and dubious pleasures.

Many people speak with delight about such a graceful and beautiful bird like a swan. These creatures certainly inspire admiration just by their appearance. But what if these luxurious birds appeared in a dream? What does such an image promise? Today we invite you to find out together why swans dream. And several of the most complete and trustworthy sources will help us with this.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

Let's find out how the vision in which the swan appears is interpreted by a famous esotericist from the United States. So, if you dreamed about this luxurious bird black in clear water, then dubious pleasures await you in the near future. A dead bird promises disappointment and a feeling of satiety. Why do you dream of white swans? If these birds swim peacefully in calm water, then in the near future, magnificent prospects will open up for you in reality. This vision also promises pleasant experiences and positive emotions.

Freud's Dream Book

Now let’s find out how the founder of psychoanalysis interprets the appearance of a swan in a night dream. Thus, according to Freud, this bird symbolizes a harmoniously developed person who does not have any deviations in the intimate sphere. But this is only if a swan in a dream swims across a lake or pond or flies in the sky. The vision in which you shoot this bird will have a completely different interpretation. Such a dream suggests that, even despite a good upbringing, you are very aggressive towards the opposite sex. Moreover, you cannot take control of this feeling.

Ancient French dream book

In general, this bird is considered by the compilers of this collection as a symbol of the acquisition of wealth, some kind of property. Why do you dream about a black swan? Such a vision is considered a bad sign. So, it suggests that there is a possibility of serious problems and difficulties in your affairs. But the singing swan is a harbinger of extremely sad events in the life of the sleeper.

Islamic dream book

This source considers the swan as good sign. Thus, a dreaming bird promises the acquisition of wealth for the sleeping person. However, he can achieve this only through honest work.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations, if you dreamed of a tame swan, then this is a good sign. Thus, it promises the sleeping person happiness in family life and healthy children. And here wild birds are seen as a symbol of power and wealth. A black swan promises disagreements with your spouse. However, after some time, disputes will be replaced by violent passion and reconciliation. If you see these birds in a zoo, then in the foreseeable future you will desperately want peace, quiet and comfort. Why do you dream of swans swimming in the lake? Such a vision promises excellent prospects and success, which, of course, will have an extremely positive effect on your mood. If you dreamed of swans on the shore, then perhaps you will find yourself in a very diverse company and indulge in dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

Why do you dream of swans in a couple? This vision according to information from of this dream book promises happy events and changes for the better in the house. If you are currently in a quarrel with someone, then within two months you will definitely make peace. Also, after this period, you will earn respect at work both among your colleagues and your superiors. In addition, you will be successful in financial matters. However, it is strongly recommended not to abuse alcohol during this period, as there is a high probability of developing a stomach ulcer or problems with the pancreas. If in your dream the swans picturesquely bent their necks, becoming like the number 2, then in exactly 47 days you will be able to return to solving the issue that was previously postponed until better times. Moreover, you will be able to resolve the situation in the best possible way.

Dream book for lovers

Why do you dream of white swans? If in your vision these birds are swimming on bright, clean water, then in real life your relationship with your loved one will be harmonious and bring only joy. A black swan in a dream predicts a situation in which you will indulge in some dubious pleasures. Your partner will find out about this, which will put your relationship in jeopardy. Therefore, you should be more careful about your actions and not get involved with bad company.

Esoteric dream book

This source considers the swan as a symbol of love and fidelity. If the bird in your dream was white, then this is for a wedding. But the black swan promises unrequited love, which will only bring you torment and suffering. A wounded bird indicates that some event will leave a mark on your soul for life.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to information from this collection, the swan is a symbol of purity, greatness, innocence and grace. Therefore, the image of this bird, seen at night, may hint that in real life you have already met or are about to meet a person who has all the listed qualities. Why do you dream of swans in the sky? The dream book claims that such a vision promises cold weather and the first snow. The collection also contains a reminder of the famous popular expression “swan song”. It came to us from the depths of centuries. Our ancestors believed that a swan sings only once in its life - on the eve of death. Therefore, along with positive interpretations, this bird can be a harbinger of a serious illness or even death.

Why do you dream of swans on the water? Such a vision suggests that the sleeper will soon earn the respect of many people. Perhaps you will be offered a leadership position, which you will successfully handle. A dream in which you see a swan with snow-white plumage promises a meeting with an innocent, pure girl who will make you look at the world in a new way. A black bird means that something bad awaits you. It is quite possible that you will be shocked by the hypocrisy on the part of a loved one.

A vision in which a swan is trying to pick up something from the ground indicates that in the foreseeable future you will have some task that you cannot cope with alone. Therefore, do not refuse help. Why do you dream of a flock of swans? If you look at these birds in fascination and admire their grace, then you are expected a big joy and success in business. A vision in which you feed these birds indicates that you are very lucky. After all, you have reliable and devoted friends on whom you can always rely and who are ready to come to your aid at the first call. One can only envy you, because these days it is great luxury. Therefore, appreciate your friends and never question their attitude towards you.

A dream in which swan chicks appear promises untold joy that your own children will bring you. This will make you very proud of them. If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by several ducks, then in reality you probably seriously underestimate the person from your environment. Moreover, in the future you will regret it, since he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. Seeing a wounded bird in a dream is considered a bad sign. So, the dream in which she appears indicates that you will soon receive news of a serious illness or even the death of someone close to you.


Numerological Dream Book

It's good to see a couple of swans in a dream- this is a sign of future happiness and happy changes in the house. If you were in a quarrel with someone, that within two months you will make peace with everyone, your financial affairs will flow smoothly, an atmosphere of love and trust will reign in the house, everyone will respect you at work. However, do not abuse alcohol during this period, so that after this period you do not suffer from stomach ulcers or inflammation of the pancreas.

If the swans bent picturesquely and began to look like two deuces- soon you will be able to return to the question that you postponed “until better times” two months ago. A successful resolution of any problem is guaranteed to you.

Miller's Dream Book

Dream about a white swan floating on calm water- means wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

Black swan on clear water- means dubious pleasures.

If you see a dead swan in a dream- this means that frustration and satiety await you.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Swan- this bird is a sign of the White Goddess, the mother of the universe.

See a couple of swans- family happiness, love.

Lonely sailing- contemplation, loneliness, melancholy.

See a black swan- face a deep secret.

Freud's Dream Book

Swan- this is a good symbol; it characterizes a harmoniously developed person who has no deviations in the sexual sphere. But such a conclusion can be drawn if the dreamer dreamed of a swan swimming on a pond or lake or flying in the sky.

A dream in which you see yourself shooting at this bird has a completely different meaning.- such a dream means that, despite all your upbringing, you experience obvious aggression towards the opposite sex and cannot suppress this feeling within yourself.

Dream book of lovers

White swan swimming on light water - promises harmonious relationships and joy.

Black Swan- a sign that you will indulge in dubious pleasures that threaten your relationship with your loved one.

Aesop's Dream Book

Swan- represents purity, grandeur, grace and innocence.

So the image of a swan that appeared in your dream- could be caused by the fact that in real life you met a person with the qualities mentioned above.

There is also a well-known folk sign: “The swan flies towards the snow”- which indicates that if you saw the flight of a swan, frost will soon come and the first snow will fall.

The following popular expression is well-known and well known to every person: “Swan song” - this expression comes from time immemorial, because according to ancient legend, swans sing only once before their death. And therefore, along with its wonderful qualities, a swan can also symbolize the end of life.

Seeing a swan with white plumage in a dream- a sign that fate will soon bring you together with a pure, innocent girl who will make your life much better and cleaner.

If you dreamed of a swan with black plumage- in real life you will have to face something bad. You may be amazed at the hypocrisy of someone close to you.

Seeing a swan in a dream trying to pick up something from the ground- means that in reality you will have a task that you are unlikely to be able to cope with.

Watching swans swimming on a pond in a dream- evidence that soon you will receive the well-deserved respect of a large number of people. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be offered a higher position, which you will handle with dignity.

Admire the grace of swans in a dream- a harbinger of great joy and considerable success in business.

Feeding swans in a dream- such a dream suggests that you can be envied. You have many real, sincerely loving and respecting friends who you can always rely on.

Seeing little swans in a dream- a sign that soon your children will bring you untold joy. You will be very proud of them.

If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by ducks- evidence that in real life you underestimate a person, which you will later regret very much, because, apparently, he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

If you dreamed of a wounded swan- soon you will be very upset by the news of the illness, and maybe even the death of a person close to you.

Hearing a swan song in a dream- a dream that does not bode well. You may be facing a serious loss.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Swan in a dream- a sign of strong and faithful love.

Black Swan- warns that your feelings may be seriously tested.

Hunting for swans, seen in a dream- warns that you yourself may become the culprit of great trouble.

Dream book for the whole family

Swan if he sings- to a terrible and terrible disease.

If he floats- to a beautiful lover.

If he's flying- you need a break from your friend or husband.

If you had a dream in the first half of the week- remember the saying “he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne.” Don't be afraid, nothing threatens you.

A dream I had in the second half of the week- a sign that the painful illness of you or one of your relatives will soon recede.

Dream book for a bitch

Swan- excellent prospects and pleasant excitement.

New family dream book

Great prospects and pleasant experiences.

Black swan on clear water- foreshadows dubious pleasures.

Dead swan- dreams of annoyance and satiety.

Modern combined dream book

To dream of white swans gliding across the mirror-like surface of water- prediction of favorable prospects and prosperity.

Black swan seen in a dream- a sign of forbidden pleasure if he swims in clear water.

Dead swan- an omen of satiety and disappointment.

If you dreamed of flying swans- this is a prediction of pleasant expectations that will soon come true.

Eastern women's dream book

A very favorable dream in which you see white swans swimming peacefully- he promises prosperity.

Black Swan- symbolizes the desire to taste forbidden fruits.

A dream involving a dead swan- testifies: you are already fed up with earthly pleasures.

If you dreamed of a flock of flying swans- it means that your soul is filled with pleasant expectations that are soon destined to come true.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Swan- it makes sense to do meditation; hydrotherapy is indicated for you; to true love.

Children's dream book

Swan- symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship with a representative of the opposite sex. This relationship will last a long time, if not a lifetime.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Swan- consider the color of the bird and, if there was one, the color and/or purity of the water.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To see in a dream this is a proud bird floating on the water- means that everything in our life will be wonderful.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing this bird in a dream and throwing bread crumbs to it- to the loyalty of a loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Swan- to nascent love.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Swan- happiness in marriage and children.

Swan Lake- fragile marriage.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing swans in a dream- portends happiness in marriage and healthy children, if the swans are tame.

Wild Swans- a sign of wealth and power.

Black swans- to family disagreements, which are replaced by tender and violent passion.

See them at the zoo- means that you will want peace, quiet and solitude.

See swans swimming in the lake- portends wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

Swans seen on the shore- to dubious pleasures in a rollicking and varied company.

Seeing a dead swan in a dream- means that you will experience a feeling of annoyance with yourself.

Women's dream book

White swan swimming on calm water- symbolizes wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

Black swan on clear water- dreams of dubious pleasures.

Dead swan in a dream- portends annoyance and satiety.

General dream book

You dreamed of a swan- you will soon learn an important secret. Consider whether you should know “too much.”

If you dreamed that you threw a stone at a swan- soon you will be greatly disappointed.

Go to the zoo and treat the swan with something healthy- most likely, you will be able to avoid disappointment, or at least soften its blow.

A dream in which you watched someone throw stones at a swan- one of your relatives will open your eyes to one of your friends, and you will be deeply disappointed. Do not be afraid of such a dream, you yourself are able to see the good and bad sides of a person.

You hunted swans- be careful, with your long tongue you risk causing trouble on your own head, which is also very easy to avoid.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

White Swan- a symbol of the white goddess and beauty. If such a sign appears to you, decide to soar to new heights easily and freely.

Black Swan- may be a hint of inner secrets and intuition.

Some people express the opinion that the swan- means balance between masculine and feminine energies, since its rounded shapes symbolize feminine qualities, and its long, elongated neck is a symbol of the phallus.

Dream book of the 21st century

Swans dream- to wealth, obtaining a high position.

Black Swan- symbolizes a quarrel, abuse of spouses, swan cry- troubles in the home, family.

Admire a pair of swimming swans in a dream- means that love and joy, family well-being await you.

Seeing a dead swan in a dream- collapse of hopes for reciprocity, loneliness.

Swan Lake see- to family discord.

Italian dream book

Swan- a creature of rare beauty, but essentially does not bring any benefit to humans. A creature that is more stupid than even geese, with a shrill voice, quacking, bulging, insensitive, unblinking eyes that resemble a mask.

Human "in se"- associates this image with hopes or expectations of a miracle, which is justified logically. But an image that symbolizes a result that is detrimental to vital energy. Moreover, it is a symbol of the primary seizure of power, cruel retention, carried out through external beauty.

Leda and Jupiter in the form of a swan- a symbolic myth about a stranger who appropriates for himself the erotically affective essence of female charm.

For a man, the image of a swan- represents a mother or beloved woman who provides negative impact.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Swan- a symbol of purity, greatness, grace and fidelity.

The expression "swan song"- may indicate the possibility of some kind of breakthrough, the last chance.

Lunar dream book

Swan swimming alone- separation; pair- family happiness.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Swan- means wealth and strength; a black swan portends a quarrel with family; hear a swan singing- means imminent death.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Swan- sadness, sadness, tenderness, purification through suffering, spiritual experience, hope; someone's loyalty and love.

Lonely- separation; pair- strong, strong love; black- death of a loved one.

Dream book of a gypsy

Swans- you will have a full and happy family life.

If young swans are ringed- wait for the replenishment of the family.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

White Swan- love affection / revelation of secrets / suffering and sadness / awakening of an energetic desire for spiritual purity / cleansing of the soul through suffering.

Black Swan- a symbol of the unknowable, a mystery that you are powerless to penetrate.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Swan- for good, happiness in the family, success, luck, wealth / separation.

Esoteric dream book

Swan- tender love, fidelity.

White- for the wedding.

Black- your feelings will not bear fruit, love will be unrequited.

Wounded- love will leave a mark for life.

Ukrainian dream book

Swan- good sleep, everything will be fine.

How to dream about a swan- this indicates happiness and well-being in the family; swan- separation; Swan Lake- fragile marriage, family feuds.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Swan swimming- separation.

Collection of dream books

Swans- sliding to new heights; Liberty.

Black Swan- can mean the secret mysteries of life. Intuition.

Swans- to wealth, but if he sings- to death.

Swan- indicates the possibility of family happiness, which is determined by your fidelity and care for your partner; another interpretation- Possible problems with the cervical spine, nerves in the neck or neck muscles.

Black Swan- to troubles, loss, regret; swimming swan- to luck, luck; white- fortunately.

Swans- purity, mercy.

Swans in a dream- this dream is associated with the expectation of a miracle and the fulfillment of hopes, because a swan is a bird of rare beauty. but, apart from beauty, the swan brings nothing to man. And therefore these hopes turn out to be false. This is an image that symbolizes the achievement of some result that you have been striving for for a long time, but which you actually do not need and will only cause damage to your vital energy. This can also be a symbol of the seizure of power over you, the cruel retention of it through beauty.

For a man a swan- denotes a mother or beloved woman who has a negative impact, depriving him of independence and freedom.

Swan- to separation. Two swans- strong love.

If you dreamed of a swan- such a dream promises you wealth and power.

But if you dreamed of a black swan- perhaps your economy and business will decline.

If you dreamed of a singing swan- this dream predicts only sad events.

Why do you dream about a white swan?

The white swan is a dual symbol that can symbolize the purity of the soul of a sleeping person, and also be a harbinger of amazing events, so when interpreting you will need to remember the entire dream and take into account even small details.

Admiring the beauty of a white swan in a dream - in reality the dreamer will try in every way to achieve his goal, but when this happens, he will have no feelings other than disappointment. And all because all hopes will turn out to be illusory.

For a woman, such a dream promises disappointment in marriage - her husband will turn out to be a man who loves only himself and prefers to have fun on the side. In this case, the best solution would be divorce, and the lady needs to make the decision as soon as possible, since she still has a chance to become happy.

Seeing a pair of white swans for an unmarried girl means a happy marriage, for an older woman - a family reunion, for a man - new love. If a person dreams of a flock of white swans, then in reality he will experience success in all his endeavors, and even very dubious projects will turn out to be successful and bring a lot of money.

If a person sees a white swan, he may decide to soar to new heights freely and easily. But a black swan can indicate the dreamer’s intuition and hidden inner strengths, which only need to be awakened.

A white swan often dreams of suffering, but it will lead a person to enlightenment and purification, so one should not complain about fate - it is better to look inside oneself. If a swan swam on the water, then the dreamer will experience pleasant changes and prospects that will make him a very rich man.

To kill a swan - in reality, the sleeping person will ruin his entire life by inappropriate behavior, so he should be more kind and sympathetic. For married people, the white swan promises an addition to the family. And single people should prepare to meet their soulmate.

If a person dreams that several white swans are swimming on the lake, then in reality wealth and fame await him - he just needs to be more mobile and try to finish what he started.

When thinking about why a white swan dreams, you will need to look for the interpretation of this symbol in different dream books - this way you will be able to quickly find the correct answer. Freud advises the person who has this dream to pay more attention to his sex life, since he suffers from dissatisfaction.

In addition, he may be bisexual, but does not want to admit it to himself. Miller's dream book foretells an unexpected meeting for the sleeper, which he will remember for a long time. Hasse warns a man about the danger that he may face due to his long tongue.

The modern dream book foretells a new passion for a person - she will be pretty, but her mental abilities will be far from perfect. The Ukrainian dream book promises victory over enemies who have been doing nasty things for a long time, but now everything will turn against them.

A dead swan seen in a dream is an omen of the collapse of all hopes, so you should not be proud of your current situation - it is better to help friends and relatives who need it, since in the future they will be able to support the dreamer.

A white swan can bring both happiness and disappointment, which is why it is so important to pay attention to the small details of the dream. And if after waking up there are still unpleasant feelings, then the dream can be told to the water, and then it will not come true.

Flock of swans

Dream Interpretation Flock of Swans dreamed of why you dream about a flock of swans? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a flock of swans in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Dream Interpretation - Swans

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Lonely swan - to separation.

A dead swan is bad luck.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Many swans

Dream Interpretation Many Swans dreamed of why there are many swans in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many swans in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Swan

The swan represents purity, grandeur, grace and innocence. So the image of a swan that appeared in your dream could be caused by the fact that in real life you met a person with the qualities mentioned above. There is also a well-known folk sign: “A swan is flying towards the snow,” which indicates that if you saw a swan flying, frost will soon come and the first snow will fall.

The following popular expression is well-known and well known to every person: “Swan song”. This expression comes from time immemorial, because according to ancient legend, swans sing only once before they die. And therefore, along with its wonderful qualities, a swan can also symbolize the end of life.

Seeing a swan with white plumage in a dream is a sign that fate will soon bring you together as a pure, innocent girl who will make your life much better and cleaner.

If you dreamed of a swan with black plumage, then in real life you will have to face something bad. You may be amazed at the hypocrisy of someone close to you. After all, everyone knows that, despite its white plumage, the swan has a black body.

Seeing a swan in a dream trying to pick up something from the ground means that in reality you will have a task that you are unlikely to be able to cope with.

Watching swans swimming on a pond in a dream is evidence that you will soon receive the well-deserved respect of a large number of people. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be offered a higher position, which you will handle with dignity.

Admiring the grace of swans in a dream is a harbinger of great joy and considerable success in business.

Feeding swans in a dream - such a dream suggests that you can be envied. You have many real, sincerely loving and respecting friends on whom you can always rely.

Seeing little swans in a dream is a sign that your children will soon bring you untold joy. You will be very proud of them.

If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by ducks, this is evidence that in real life you underestimate a person, which you will later regret very much, because, apparently, he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

If you dreamed of a wounded swan, then soon you will be very upset by the news of the illness, and perhaps even the death of a person close to you.

Hearing a swan song in a dream is a dream that does not bode well. You may be facing a serious loss.

Dream Interpretation - Swans

Seeing swans in a dream foretells happiness in marriage and healthy children, if the swans are tame. Wild swans are a sign of wealth and power. Black swans - to family disagreements, which are replaced by tender and violent passion. Seeing them at the zoo means that you will want peace, quiet and solitude. Seeing swans swimming in the lake portends wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences. Swans seen on the shore are a sign of dubious pleasures in a rollicking and varied company. Seeing a dead swan in a dream means that you will experience a feeling of annoyance at yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

White swans on the water - to family happiness, a rich, good future.

Lonely swan - to separation.

A singing swan is a great misfortune.

A swan in flight is a sign that a secret will become apparent (you will learn someone’s secret or something that you wanted to hide will be revealed).

A dead swan is bad luck.

A white swan can symbolize a person who will voluntarily submit to you, and a black one - on the contrary, the appearance of someone who wants you to completely share his views.

The black swan also dreams of quarrels between spouses and dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

The dream in which you saw a swan is a sign of mutual love, good news and tender affection, as well as marital happiness. The singing of a swan in a dream is a harbinger of death for the patient. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows separation due to divorce or an accident. A pair of swans in a dream predicts great happiness in love or a happy marriage. A swan swimming away in a dream is a sign of separation from a loved one. A dream in which you saw a lake with swans foreshadows troubles due to frivolous behavior or infidelity of a lover. See interpretation: birds, lake, water.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Swan - swan - good dream, everything will be fine. If you dream of a swan, this indicates happiness and prosperity in the family; swan - separation; Swan Lake - fragile marriage, family feuds.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

The swan is a symbol of true love. If you saw one swan, it means that you will have a faithful lover or beloved. You will live together happily ever after. For married people, such a dream foreshadows a happy family life. A pair of swans dreams of prosperity in the home and complete harmony in relationships.

Imagine a pair of snow-white swans gliding across the mirror-like surface of the lake. You feed them bread.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

A white swan floating on calm water means wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

A black swan in clear water portends dubious pleasures.

A dead swan is a sign of frustration and satiety.

If you dreamed of a swan swimming on a pond or lake or flying in the sky, then this is a good symbol. It indicates that everything is fine in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

A dream about a white swan floating on calm water means wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

A black swan in clear water means dubious pleasures.

If you see a dead swan in a dream, it means that frustration and satiety await you.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Swan - Black Swan - to troubles, loss, regret; a swimming swan - to luck, good luck; white - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

A white swan floating on calm water symbolizes wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences. A black swan in clear water dreams of dubious pleasures. A dead swan in a dream portends annoyance and satiety.

White swans

Dream Interpretation White Swans dreamed of why White swans are seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see White Swans in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White Swan

White swan - love caress / revelation of secrets / suffering and sadness / awakening of an energetic desire for spiritual purity / cleansing of the soul through suffering.

The black swan is a symbol of the unknowable, a mystery that you are powerless to penetrate

Dream Interpretation - Swan

The swan represents purity, grandeur, grace and innocence. So the image of a swan that appeared in your dream could be caused by the fact that in real life you met a person with the qualities mentioned above. There is also a well-known folk sign: “A swan is flying towards the snow,” which indicates that if you saw a swan flying, frost will soon come and the first snow will fall.

The following popular expression is well-known and well known to every person: “Swan song”. This expression comes from time immemorial, because according to ancient legend, swans sing only once before they die. And therefore, along with its wonderful qualities, a swan can also symbolize the end of life.

Seeing a swan with white plumage in a dream is a sign that fate will soon bring you together as a pure, innocent girl who will make your life much better and cleaner.

If you dreamed of a swan with black plumage, then in real life you will have to face something bad. You may be amazed at the hypocrisy of someone close to you. After all, everyone knows that, despite its white plumage, the swan has a black body.

Seeing a swan in a dream trying to pick up something from the ground means that in reality you will have a task that you are unlikely to be able to cope with.

Watching swans swimming on a pond in a dream is evidence that you will soon receive the well-deserved respect of a large number of people. Perhaps such a dream indicates that you will be offered a higher position, which you will handle with dignity.

Admiring the grace of swans in a dream is a harbinger of great joy and considerable success in business.

Feeding swans in a dream - such a dream suggests that you can be envied. You have many real, sincerely loving and respecting friends on whom you can always rely.

Seeing little swans in a dream is a sign that your children will soon bring you untold joy. You will be very proud of them.

If you dreamed of a swan surrounded by ducks, this is evidence that in real life you underestimate a person, which you will later regret very much, because, apparently, he will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

If you dreamed of a wounded swan, then soon you will be very upset by the news of the illness, and perhaps even the death of a person close to you.

Hearing a swan song in a dream is a dream that does not bode well. You may be facing a serious loss.

Dream Interpretation - Swans

Seeing swans in a dream foretells happiness in marriage and healthy children, if the swans are tame. Wild swans are a sign of wealth and power. Black swans - to family disagreements, which are replaced by tender and violent passion. Seeing them at the zoo means that you will want peace, quiet and solitude. Seeing swans swimming in the lake portends wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences. Swans seen on the shore are a sign of dubious pleasures in a rollicking and varied company. Seeing a dead swan in a dream means that you will experience a feeling of annoyance at yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

White swans on the water - to family happiness, a rich, good future.

Lonely swan - to separation.

A singing swan is a great misfortune.

A swan in flight is a sign that a secret will become apparent (you will learn someone’s secret or something that you wanted to hide will be revealed).

A dead swan is bad luck.

A white swan can symbolize a person who will voluntarily submit to you, and a black one - on the contrary, the appearance of someone who wants you to completely share his views.

The black swan also dreams of quarrels between spouses and dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

The dream in which you saw a swan is a sign of mutual love, good news and tender affection, as well as marital happiness. The singing of a swan in a dream is a harbinger of death for the patient. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows separation due to divorce or an accident. A pair of swans in a dream predicts great happiness in love or a happy marriage. A swan swimming away in a dream is a sign of separation from a loved one. A dream in which you saw a lake with swans foreshadows troubles due to frivolous behavior or infidelity of a lover. See interpretation: birds, lake, water.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Swan - swan - good dream, everything will be fine. If you dream of a swan, this indicates happiness and prosperity in the family; swan - separation; Swan Lake - fragile marriage, family feuds.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

The swan is a symbol of true love. If you saw one swan, it means that you will have a faithful lover or beloved. You will live together happily ever after. For married people, such a dream foreshadows a happy family life. A pair of swans dreams of prosperity in the home and complete harmony in relationships.

Imagine a pair of snow-white swans gliding across the mirror-like surface of the lake. You feed them bread.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

A white swan floating on calm water means wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

A black swan in clear water portends dubious pleasures.

A dead swan is a sign of frustration and satiety.

If you dreamed of a swan swimming on a pond or lake or flying in the sky, then this is a good symbol. It indicates that everything is fine in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

A dream about a white swan floating on calm water means wonderful prospects and pleasant experiences.

A black swan in clear water means dubious pleasures.

If you see a dead swan in a dream, it means that frustration and satiety await you.

Dream Interpretation - Swan

Swan - Black Swan - to troubles, loss, regret; a swimming swan - to luck, good luck; white - fortunately.

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