Tell about an outstanding person. Interesting stories from the lives of great people that can inspire. A genius among us

Usually great people differ from the average man in the street, not only in their famous achievements, but also in their character and habits. Among these habits there are many oddities that distinguished many famous personalities. This post contains a selection of oddities of famous people.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was one of the most famous Russian commanders. He did not lose a single battle, and all of them were won with the numerical superiority of the enemy. Suvorov was famous for his strange antics: he went to bed at six in the evening, and woke up at two in the morning, and when he woke up, he wet himself cold water and loudly shouted “ku-ka-re-ku!” Despite all his ranks, he slept on hay. Preferring to wear old boots, he could easily go out to meet high officials in a sleeping cap and underwear. He also gave the signal for the attack to his loved ones “ku-ka-re-ku!”, and, they say, after he was promoted to field marshal, he began jumping over chairs and saying: “And I jumped over this one, and over that one.” That!"

Often famous people were very forgetful and absent-minded. For example, Diderot forgot days, months, years and the names of loved ones. Anatole France sometimes forgot to take out new leaf paper or a notebook and wrote on everything that came to hand: envelopes, business cards, wrappers, receipts. But scientists are usually the most absent-minded.

Newton once received guests and, wanting to treat them, went to his office to buy wine. The guests are waiting, but the owner does not return. It turned out that upon entering the workroom, Newton was thinking so deeply about his next work that he completely forgot about his friends. There is also a known case when Newton, having decided to boil an egg, took a watch, noticed the time and after a couple of minutes discovered that he was holding an egg in his hand and was boiling a watch. One day Newton had lunch, but did not notice it. And when he went to dine another time by mistake, he was very surprised that someone ate his food.

Einstein, having met his friend and, absorbed in thoughts, said: Come to me in the evening. I will also have Professor Stimson. His friend, puzzled, objected: But I am Stimson! Einstein replied: It doesn’t matter, come anyway! In addition, Einstein's wife had to repeat the same thing three times before the great physicist understood the meaning of her remarks.

The father of Russian aviation, Zhukovsky, once, after talking the whole evening with friends in his own living room, suddenly got up, looking for his hat, and began to hastily say goodbye, muttering: However, I stayed too long with you, it’s time to go home!

The German historian Theodor Mommsen once rummaged through all his pockets to find glasses. The little girl sitting next to him handed them to him. “Thank you, baby,” Mommsen said, “What’s your name?” “Anna Mommsen, dad,” the girl answered.

One day, Ampere, leaving his apartment, wrote in chalk on his door: Ampere will only be home in the evening. But he returned home in the afternoon. He read the inscription on his door and went back, because he forgot that he himself was Ampere. Another story that was told about Ampere was this. One day, while sitting in a carriage, he wrote the formula with chalk instead of a slate board on the coachman’s back. And I was very surprised when, upon arriving at the place and getting off the crew, I saw that the formula began to be removed along with the crew.

Galileo was no less absent-minded. He spent his wedding night reading a book. Finally noticing that it was already dawn, he went to the bedroom, but immediately came out and asked the servant: “Who is lying in my bed?” “Your wife, sir,” answered the servant. Galileo completely forgot that he got married.

Some great ones never married at all. Now this will not surprise anyone, but a hundred years ago it was considered a great oddity. Voltaire, Dante, Rousseau, Spinoza, Kant and Beethoven died as convinced bachelors, believing that a wife would only hinder them from creating, and that a servant would look after the house perfectly.

True, in Beethoven’s house the servants were powerless to maintain any semblance of order: sheets of symphonies and overtures were scattered throughout the office mixed with bottles and plates, and woe to anyone who tried to collect them, disturbing this disorder! And the owner himself at this time, despite any weather, jogged around the streets of the city.

The famous satirist La Fontaine also loved to take a walk. At the same time, he loudly recited the lines and rhymes that came into his bright head, waving his arms and dancing. Fortunately for him, people then treated such individuals quite calmly, and no one called the orderlies.

The famous writer Leo Tolstoy was famous among his contemporaries not only for his works, but also for his quirks. As a count, he worked in the fields along with the men. At the same time, working in the field side by side with the peasants was not an extravagant hobby for him; he sincerely loved and respected hard physical work. Tolstoy, with pleasure and, what is important, with skill, sewed boots, which he then gave to relatives, mowed grass and plowed the land, surprising the local peasants who were watching him and upsetting his wife.

Over the years, Tolstoy became increasingly obsessed with spiritual quests, and he paid less and less attention to everyday life, striving for asceticism and “simplification” in almost everything. The Count engages in hard peasant labor, sleeps on the bare floor and walks barefoot until the coldest weather, thereby emphasizing his closeness to the people. This is exactly how Ilya Repin captured him in his painting, barefoot, wearing a belted peasant shirt and simple trousers.

Lev Nikolaevich maintained physical vigor and fortitude until his very last days. The reason for this is passionate love Count to sports and all kinds of physical exercises, which, in his opinion, were mandatory, especially for those involved in mental work. Tolstoy’s favorite discipline was walking; it is known that already at the quite respectable age of sixty he made three walking journeys from Moscow to Yasnaya Polyana. In addition, the count was fond of speed skating, mastered cycling, horse riding, swimming, and began every morning with gymnastics.

Already at the advanced age of 82 years, the writer decided to go wandering, leaving his estate, leaving his wife and children. IN farewell letter To his Countess Sophia, Tolstoy writes: “I can no longer live in the conditions of luxury in which I lived, and I do what old people of my age usually do: leave worldly life to live in solitude and silence last days own life".

And among scientists, Nikola Tesla was known as one of the most eccentric people. Tesla had neither his own house nor apartment - only a laboratory and land. The great inventor usually spent the night right in the laboratory or in hotels in New York. Tesla never married. According to him, a solitary lifestyle helped the development of his scientific abilities.

He was terribly afraid of germs, constantly washed his hands, and in hotels he could demand up to a couple of dozen towels a day. By the way, in hotels he always checked whether the number of his apartment would be a multiple of three, and otherwise he flatly refused to check in. If a fly landed on the table during lunch, Tesla demanded that the waiters bring everything again. In modern psychiatry, there is a special term for this kind of oddity - “mysophobia”.

Tesla counted steps while walking, the volume of bowls of soup, cups of coffee and pieces of food. If he failed to do this, then the food did not give him pleasure, so he preferred to eat alone.

Becoming the author of many life-changing inventions modern civilization, Nikola Tesla left behind even more rumors and guesses about incredible discoveries, which for some reason never reached their publication and application.

IN Once again we want to invite you to combine business with pleasure and learn a lot of new and interesting things during breaks caused by the most for various reasons. Fill the time of forced waiting by reading information that is easy and at the same time useful for broadening your horizons. This time we bring to your attention the most incredible and little known facts from world history. Thanks to its convenient design, the book can be used in almost any environment.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Essential reading. 1000 new interesting facts for the mind and entertainment (E. Mirochnik, 2014) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Chapter 2. Incredible facts from the lives of great people

Great Losers

Beethoven's teacher considered him a completely untalented student. Until the end of his life, the great composer never mastered such a mathematical operation as multiplication.

Darwin, who abandoned medicine, was bitterly reproached by his father: “You are not interested in anything except catching dogs and rats!”

Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper due to a lack of ideas.

Edison's mentor said about him that he was stupid and could not learn anything.

Einstein did not speak until he was four years old. His teacher described him as mentally retarded.

The father of Rodin, the great sculptor, said: “My son is an idiot. He failed to get into art school three times.”

Mozart, one of the most brilliant composers, was told by Emperor Ferdinand that his “Marriage of Figaro” had “too little noise and too many notes.”

Our compatriot Mendeleev had a C in chemistry.

When we look at Ford cars, we think that their creator, Henry Ford, was always a wealthy, successful businessman. We see this huge empire that has existed for more than a hundred years. But few of us know that before achieving financial success, Ford declared himself bankrupt several times, went completely bankrupt - the man who changed the course of history, putting the world on wheels.

Henry Ford never had a driver's license.

When Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio and told his friends that he would transmit words over a distance through the air, they thought he was crazy and took him to a psychiatrist. But within a few months his radio saved the lives of many sailors.

Nikolai Gogol, oddly enough, wrote rather mediocre essays at school. He achieved some success only in Russian literature and drawing. In addition, Nikolai Vasilyevich was an extremely shy person: for example, if a stranger appeared in the company, Gogol simply quietly left the room.

The great silent film actor Charlie Chaplin learned to read much later than he received his first theater role. He was terribly afraid that someone would discover his illiteracy, so he in every possible way avoided situations where he could be forced to read excerpts from the role.

The outstanding politician Winston Churchill was an excellent orator. But as a child he stuttered and had a lisp, and only thanks to a good speech therapist were his speech defects corrected.

Besides, Churchill literally hated school. He was the worst student in the class and often received blows from teachers. When his father noticed that his son was interested in toy soldiers, he suggested that he enter the military academy. Churchill entered there... on the third attempt.

The famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen wrote with grammatical and spelling errors until the end of his life. He had particular difficulties with punctuation marks. Therefore, a lot Money went to pay for the work of people who rewrote his works before they went to the publishing house.

Alexander Pushkin, as we know, was a graduate of the Lyceum. But he got into it through connections - his uncle placed him there. And that's when graduation party prepared lists of graduates, Pushkin was listed second in his academic performance... from the bottom.

Author of the law universal gravity Isaac Newton was a member of the House of Lords. We must give him his due - he attended all the meetings of the chamber regularly, but for many years he did not utter a word there. And then one day he nevertheless asked to be given the opportunity to speak. Everyone literally froze, waiting for the significant speech of the great scientist. And in absolute silence Newton said: “Gentlemen! I ask you to close the window, otherwise I might catch a cold!” That's all! This was his only performance.

The university graduation certificate of the German philosopher Georg Hegel stated: “A young man with sound judgment, but was not distinguished by eloquence and did not show himself in any way in philosophy.”

Little is known about the biography of Sylvester Stallone by a wide range of viewers who admire their favorite hero on the screen, and meanwhile the future action star was known at the school where he studied as a real bandit! His teachers unanimously insisted that Stallone would definitely kill someone and end his life in prison, with a life sentence or be executed! Probably for this reason, young Sylvester changed several schools every year, which eventually totaled 15!

Colombian singer Shakira was kicked out of her school choir at age 10 because her teacher didn’t like her voice. Then she practically abandoned the dream of a musical career.

A woman with outstanding forms, singer and actress Jennifer Lopez, at one time, simply could not pass the very first selection in her life for filming in a television commercial. The fact is that the experts who assessed the candidates for the role of the girl who will advertise the jeans unanimously declared that Lopez simply would not fit into them.

The strangest actions and habits of great people

The 16th-century astronomer Tycho Brahe, whose research helped Sir Isaac Newton create the theory of universal gravitation, died an untimely farewell due to the fact that he did not visit the toilet on time. In those days, leaving the table before the end of the feast meant causing a grave insult to the owner of the house. Being a polite man, Brahe did not dare ask permission to leave the table. His bladder burst, and after suffering for 11 days, the astronomer died.

Jean-Baptiste Lully, a 17th-century composer who wrote music commissioned by the French king, died from excess dedication to his work. Once, during a rehearsal for another concert, he got so excited that, hitting his cane on the floor, he pierced his own leg and died from blood poisoning.

The great illusionist Harry Houdini died after a fan punched him in the stomach. Houdini allowed people to hit him, demonstrating the wonders of an impenetrable abs. He died in hospital from internal injuries.

The twelfth President of the United States, Zachary Taylor, ate too much ice cream after a ceremony on a particularly hot day on July 4, 1850, suffered from indigestion and died five days later, having been president for only 16 months.

Jack Daniel, the father of the famous Jack Daniel's whiskey, died of blood poisoning after suffering a leg injury: he broke his finger kicking his safe, to which he forgot the combination.

Vincent van Gogh painted for days, drank buckets of absinthe, cut off his left ear and painted a self-portrait in this form, and at the age of 37 he committed suicide. After his death, by the way, doctors published over 150 medical diagnoses that were given to the great painter during his lifetime.

While working, Gustave Flaubert groaned along with the characters he portrayed, cried and laughed, walked quickly around the office with long steps and loudly chanted words.

Honore de Balzac was afraid of getting married more than anything else in the world. Long years he was in love with Countess Evelina Ganskaya. Balzac resisted for another eight years, but still the Countess insisted on the wedding. The writer fell ill from fear and even wrote to his fiancée: they say, my health is such that you would rather accompany me to the cemetery than have time to try on my name. But the wedding took place. True, Honore was taken down the aisle in a chair, since he himself could not go.

The French artist Henri Matisse, before starting to paint, felt a strong desire to strangle someone.

Voltaire drank up to 50 cups of coffee a day.

Ivan Krylov had an inexplicable mania: he loved to look at fires and tried not to miss a single fire in St. Petersburg.

When the blues attacked Ivan Turgenev, he put a high cap on his head and put himself in a corner. And he stood there until the melancholy passed.

Anton Chekhov loved to say unusual compliments: “dog”, “actress”, “snake”, “crocodile of my soul”.

William Burroughs wanted to surprise the guests at one of the parties. The writer planned to repeat the act of the archer William Tell, who hit an apple standing on the head of his own son. Burroughs placed a glass on his wife Joan Vollmer's head and fired the gun. The wife died from a bullet in the head.

Ivan the Terrible personally rang the bells at the main belfry of the Alexandrovskaya Sloboda in the mornings and evenings. Thus, they say, he tried to drown out mental suffering.

Lord Byron became extremely irritated at the sight of a salt shaker.

Charles Dickens always washed down every 50 lines of what he wrote with a sip of hot water.

Johannes Brahms constantly polished his shoes unnecessarily “for inspiration.”

Isaac Newton once welded a pocket watch while holding an egg and looking at it.

Ludwig van Beethoven always went unshaven, believing that shaving hindered creative inspiration. And before sitting down to write music, the composer poured a bucket of cold water on his head: this, in his opinion, was supposed to greatly stimulate brain function.

Alexander Pushkin loved to shoot in the bathhouse. They say that in the village of Mikhailovskoye almost nothing authentic from the time of the poet has been really preserved, but the wall that Pushkin shot at surprisingly remained intact.

Fyodor Dostoevsky could not work without strong tea. When he wrote his novels at night, there was always a glass of tea on his desk, and a samovar was always kept hot in the dining room.

Johann Goethe worked only hermetically indoors, without the slightest access to fresh air.

Commander Alexander Suvorov was famous for his strange antics: his unusual daily routine - he went to bed at six o'clock in the evening and woke up at two in the morning, his unusual awakening - he doused himself with cold water and loudly shouted "ku-ka-re-ku!", unusual for The commander's bed - with all ranks, he slept on the hay. Preferring to wear old boots, he could easily go out to meet high officials in a sleeping cap and underwear.

He also gave the signal for the attack to his loved ones “ku-ka-re-ku!”, and, they say, after he was promoted to field marshal, he began jumping over chairs and saying: “And I jumped over this one, and over that one.” That!"

Suvorov was very fond of marrying his serfs, guided by a very peculiar principle - he lined them up in a row, selected those suitable in height, and then married 20 couples at a time.

Emperor Nicholas I did not like music and, as a punishment for officers, gave them a choice between a guardhouse and listening to Glinka's operas.

Emperor Nicholas I ordered that portraits of his ancestors be hung in the toilet. The Tsar Father justified his action by the fact that Hard time he is pleased to feel the support of his relatives. In addition, Nikolai Pavlovich moved his library to the outhouse.

Arthur Schopenhauer was famous for his excellent appetite and ate for two; if anyone made a remark to him on this score, he replied that he thought for both.

It was his custom to pay for two seats so that no one could join him at the table.

At dinner, he used to talk loudly to his poodle Atman and at the same time addressed him every time as “you” and “sir” if he behaved well, and “you” and “man” if he was the master of something upset.

Sigmund Freud hated music. He threw away his sister's piano and did not visit restaurants with an orchestra.

French writer Guy de Maupassant was one of those who was irritated by the Eiffel Tower. Nevertheless, he dined at her restaurant every day, explaining that this was the only place in Paris from where the tower was not visible.

Hunter Thompson arrived on the set before filming the film adaptation of his novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The role of Raoul Duke was played by Johnny Depp. The writer, being able alcohol intoxication, personally cut the movie star’s hair, creating a huge bald spot on Depp’s head.

The third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, designed his own tombstone and wrote a text for it that did not indicate that he was president.

The sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, always wore a tall black top hat on his head, inside which he kept letters, financial papers, bills and notes.

Chinese state and political figure 20th century Mao Zedong never brushed his teeth. And when he said that it was unhygienic, he replied: “Have you ever seen a tiger brush his teeth?”

English footballer David Beckham can't stand clutter. The objects surrounding it must be carefully selected in color, shape and size, and their number must be a multiple of two.

Funny incidents from the lives of famous people

One day Albert Einstein was riding a tram in Leipzig. And on this very tram there was a conductor. The conductor approached the physicist and asked him to pay the fare. Einstein quite calmly counted out the required amount and handed it to the conductor. He counted the money and said that another 5 pfennigs were missing.

- I counted carefully! This can't be true! - Einstein objected.

Galileo Galilei spent his wedding night reading a book. Noticing that it was already dawn, he went to the bedroom, but immediately came out and asked the servant: “Who is lying in my bed?” “Your wife, sir,” answered the servant. Galileo completely forgot that he got married.

Once Voltaire was invited to a dinner party. When everyone was seated, it turned out that the maestro found himself between two grumpy gentlemen. Having drunk well, Voltaire’s neighbors began to argue about how to properly address the servants: “Bring me some water!” or “Give me some water!” Voltaire unwittingly found himself right in the middle of this controversy. Finally, tired of this disgrace, the maestro could not stand it and said:

- Gentlemen, both of these expressions are inapplicable to you! You should both say, “Take me to water!”

Once Vladimir Mayakovsky had to speak in front of a whole hall of writers. This was not uncommon for him, but that speech of the proletarian poet became special. While he was reading his poems on the podium, one of the poet’s ill-wishers, of whom there were plenty in those years, shouted:

– I don’t understand your poems! They're kind of stupid!

“It’s okay, your children will understand,” Vladimir Vladimirovich answered.

- And my children will not understand your poems! – continued the ill-wisher.

“Well, why are you talking about your children so quickly,” the poet answered with a grin. “Maybe their mother is smart, maybe they’ll take after her.”

Once, speaking at a debate on proletarian internationalism at the Polytechnic Institute, Vladimir Mayakovsky said:

– Among Russians I feel like a Russian, among Georgians I feel like a Georgian...

- And among fools? – suddenly someone shouted from the hall.

“And this is my first time among fools,” Mayakovsky answered instantly.

While traveling around France, Mark Twain traveled by train to the city of Dijon. The train was passing, and he asked to wake him up on time. At the same time, the writer said to the conductor:

– I sleep very soundly. When you wake me up, maybe I will scream. So ignore it and be sure to drop me off in Dijon.

When Mark Twain woke up, it was already morning and the train was approaching Paris. The writer realized that he had passed through Dijon and became very angry. He ran to the conductor and began to reprimand him.

– I have never been as angry as I am now! - he shouted.

“You are not as angry as the American whom I dropped off in Dijon at night,” answered the guide.

Mark Twain, being a newspaper editor, once published a devastating denunciation of a certain N. It contained the phrase: “Mr. N does not even deserve a spit in the face.” This gentleman filed a lawsuit, which ordered the newspaper to publish a refutation, and Mark Twain showed himself to be a “law-abiding” citizen: in the next issue of his newspaper it was published: “Mr. N deserves a spit in the face.”

End of introductory fragment.

Once, Henry Ford, while traveling in his company's compact car, saw on the road exactly the same car with a bad engine.

He immediately provided the unknown motorist with the necessary assistance: he supplied him with spare parts and adjusted the engine. When the grateful owner of the stuck car handed over five dollars, Ford smiled: “No, no, no money needed. Things are going well for me as it is.” “I don’t really believe it, sir! - he answered. “If you succeeded in business, you wouldn’t be shaking in a pathetic Ford car...”

Galileo Galilei spent his wedding night reading a book. Noticing that it was already dawn, he went to the bedroom, but immediately came out and asked the servant: “Who is lying in my bed?” “Your wife, sir,” answered the servant. Galileo completely forgot that he got married.

The German mathematician Peter Gustav Dirichlet was very taciturn. When his son was born, he sent his father-in-law a telegram, perhaps the shortest in the history of the telegraph: “2 + 1 = 3.”

The outstanding American scientist Thomas Edison, author of many inventions in the fields of electrical engineering and communications, film technology and telephony, chemistry and mining, military equipment, never worked without an assistant. For a long time, Edison was helped in conducting laboratory experiments and demonstrating new technology by one of his assistants, a former simple sailor. When he was asked a question about how Edison made his inventions, he was sincerely surprised every time: “I can’t imagine it myself. After all, I do everything for him, and Edison only frowns and makes comments about me. And in general: I work, and he rests!”

Once Voltaire was invited to a dinner party. When everyone was seated, it turned out that the maestro found himself between two grumpy gentlemen. Having drunk well, Voltaire’s neighbors began to argue about how to properly address the servants: “Bring me some water!” or “Give me some water!” Voltaire unwittingly found himself right in the middle of this controversy. Finally, tired of this disgrace, the maestro could not stand it and said: “Gentlemen, both of these expressions are inapplicable to you!” You should both say, “Take me to water!”

While traveling around France, Mark Twain traveled by train to the city of Dijon. The train was passing, and he asked to wake him up on time. At the same time, the writer said to the conductor: “I sleep very soundly.” When you wake me up, maybe I will scream. So ignore it and be sure to drop me off in Dijon. When Mark Twain woke up, it was already morning, and the train was approaching Paris. The writer realized that he had passed through Dijon and became very angry. He ran to the conductor and began to reprimand him. - I have never been as angry as I am now! - he shouted. “You are not as angry as the American whom I dropped off in Dijon at night,” answered the guide.

After the first telegram from Europe to America was successfully transmitted, Alexander Stepanovich Popov made another report in one of the capital's clubs about his invention of a wireless telegraph system. Representatives of the royal court were present in the audience in the hall, some of them were very skeptical about Popov’s message. Thus, one of the high society ladies, not understanding a word from the report, turned to Popov with what she thought was a tricky question: “However, how do you still explain that this is a telegram as it passes through the ocean, from continent to continent?” , didn’t drown and didn’t even get wet?” Alexander Stepanovich just shrugged his shoulders, and the lady, looking around, smiled smugly.

At the closing ceremony of the 1896 automobile exhibition in Paris French physicist and electrical engineer Marcel Despres proposed a toast to the future car, which will reach a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. In response, one then famous car designer responded dissatisfiedly: “Why is there always someone who will ruin the whole celebration with his stupid predictions!”

One day, an acquaintance of Alexander Pushkin, officer Kondyba, asked the poet if he could come up with a rhyme for the words “cancer” and “fish”. Pushkin replied: “Fool Kondyba!” The officer was embarrassed and suggested making a rhyme for the combination “fish and cancer.” Pushkin was not at a loss here either: “Kondyba is a fool.”

“There is no great man for a servant.” An interesting confirmation of this old rule was the opinion of an old gardener who served Charles Darwin for several decades. He treated the famous naturalist with love, but had a “minimal opinion” about his abilities: “Good old gentleman, it’s just a pity that he can’t find a worthwhile occupation for himself. Judge for yourself: he stands for several minutes, staring at some flower. Well, would a person who has some serious occupation do this?

Once, speaking at a debate on proletarian internationalism at the Polytechnic Institute, Vladimir Mayakovsky said: - Among Russians, I feel like a Russian, among Georgians, a Georgian... - And among fools? - suddenly someone shouted from the hall. “And this is my first time among fools,” Mayakovsky answered instantly.

The English theoretical physicist Paul Dirac married Wigner's sister. Soon an acquaintance came to visit him, who still knew nothing about the event. In the midst of their conversation, a young woman entered the room, calling Dirac by name, pouring tea and generally acting like the mistress of the house. After some time, Dirac noticed the guest’s embarrassment and, slapping himself on the forehead, exclaimed: “Sorry, please, I forgot to introduce you - this is... Wigner’s sister!”

Bernard Shaw, already a famous writer, once collided with a cyclist on the road. Fortunately, both escaped with only fright. The cyclist began to apologize, but Shaw objected: “You're out of luck, sir!” A little more energy - and you would deserve immortality as my killer.

One day a very fat man said to the skinny Bernard Shaw: “You look as if your family were starving.” - And to look at you, one might think that you are the cause of this disaster.

The Prussian King Frederick II, considering himself an erudite man, loved to talk with members of his Academy of Sciences, sometimes asking the most ridiculous questions during these conversations. He once asked academics: “Why does a glass filled with champagne produce a clearer sound than a glass filled with Burgundy?” Professor Sulzer, on behalf of all the academicians present, replied: “Members of the Academy of Sciences, with the low content assigned to them by Your Majesty, are unfortunately deprived of the opportunity to carry out such experiments.”

Once Ilf and Petrov were asked if they had to write under a pseudonym. To which they replied: “Of course, Ilf sometimes signed himself Petrov, and Petrov Ilf.”

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as a joke, chose the addresses of 12 of the largest London bankers, who enjoy the reputation of exceptionally honest and respectable people, and sent each of them a telegram with the following content: “Everything has come out. Hide." The next day, all 12 bankers disappeared from London. By the fact of their flight, they all recognized the criminal and antisocial nature of their activities.

Alexandre Dumas once dined with famous doctor Gistal, who asked the writer to write something in his guest book. Dumas wrote: “Since Dr. Gistal is treating entire families, the hospital needs to be closed.” The doctor exclaimed: “You flatter me!” Then Dumas added: “And build two cemeteries...”

Guy de Maupassant worked for some time as an official in the ministry. A few years later, in the archives of the ministry they found a description of Maupassant: “A diligent official, but he writes poorly.”

In 1972, a young Indian wrote to John Lennon that he had a dream to travel around the world, but had no money, and asked him to send the necessary amount. Lennon replied: “Meditate and you can see the whole world in your mind.” In 1995, the Indian nevertheless went on a trip around the world. He received the required amount by auctioning Lennon's letter.

Once, a customs officer, inspecting the luggage of the British playwright, poet and writer Oscar Wilde, who was widely known for his wit, arrived in New York, asked the distinguished guest if he had jewelry and art objects with him that needed to be included in the declaration. “Nothing but my genius,” answered Oscar Wilde.

When the current heir to the British crown, Prince Charles, studied at Cambridge, a bodyguard went with him to all classes. The Cambridge education system allowed the bodyguard to participate in discussion and debate. And at the end of the training, the teachers asked him to take exams. As a result, the bodyguard scored more points than the prince himself and also received a diploma.

Once at a reception, Charlie Chaplin performed a very complex opera aria for the assembled guests. When he finished, one of the guests exclaimed: “Amazing!” I had no idea that you sing so wonderfully. “Not at all,” Chaplin smiled, “I never knew how to sing.” I was simply imitating now the famous tenor whom I heard at the opera.

While Vladimir Vysotsky was vacationing in Sochi, thieves looked into his hotel room. Along with their belongings and clothes, they took all the documents and even the key to the Moscow apartment. Having discovered the loss, Vysotsky went to the nearest police station, wrote a statement, and they promised to help him. But no help was needed. When he returned to the room, the stolen things and a note were already lying there: “Sorry, Vladimir Semenovich, we didn’t know whose things these were. Unfortunately, we have already sold the jeans, but we are returning the jacket and documents safe and sound.”

I found the photo on the Internet

The inglorious death of a great genius

The great Dutch artist Van Gogh suffered from bouts of madness. During one of these attacks, he even cut off a piece of his ear. Shortly before his death, the artist decided to settle in Saint-Paul de Mausole, a French shelter for the mentally ill. Here he received an isolated room in which he could also paint from time to time. Van Gogh, accompanied by a doctor, was allowed to walk around the area and paint his masterpieces - landscapes. It was here that he met Anna Bosch, who bought the painting “The Red Vine” for 400 francs. By the way, this was the first and last time during the artist’s life that his painting was bought.

In 1890, one July day, Van Gogh escaped and left his monastery. He walked for a while alone, and then wandered into a peasant farmstead. The owners were absent at the time. The artist, taking out a pistol, tried to shoot himself in the heart, but the bullet, catching a rib bone, missed. Then he, pressing his hand over the wound, slowly walked to his room and lay down.

When the minister saw Van Gogh bleeding, a doctor and police were immediately called from a nearby village. But, to their surprise, the doctor and policeman saw the artist lying calmly in bed and sucking on his pipe.

Van Gogh died that night.

The brain of all Russian literature

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev could easily be called “the brain of Russian literature.” After his death, pathologists determined that the weight gray matter The writer's weight is 2 kilograms, which is more than other famous personalities. And that’s probably why doctor Botkin said that the Almighty simply didn’t have enough materials for a head of that size. But every joke has a rational grain: the writer’s parietal bone was very thin. Turgenev himself, laughing at himself, said that one could feel the brain through it. It happened that, even after receiving a slight blow to the head, he fainted or remained in a semi-fainting state for some time.

One of distinctive features Ivan Sergeevich had excessive cleanliness and a love of order almost at a manic level. At least twice a day he changed into clean underwear, before wiping his entire body with a sponge soaked in cologne. Before sitting down to work at his desk, he always cleaned the room and folded all the papers. Sometimes he could jump out of bed in the middle of the night, remembering that some thing was out of place. He was also annoyed if the curtains on the windows were sloppily drawn. Each thing or piece of paper on the table had its own specially designated place.

Great Dictator Complexes

Hitler's father was married several times. When he was about to enter into his third marriage with Clara Pelzl (and they were in family ties), Alois had to apply to the Vatican for special permission. The family had six children, among whom Hitler was the third. Knowing about incest in the family, he tried to avoid talking about his parents. However, this fact did not prevent him from demanding from others confirmation, and documentary evidence, about the origin.

In addition to the idea of ​​dominating the whole world, the Fuhrer was also very concerned about the issue of maintaining his health, so he took a lot of pills. Theodore Morell, Adolf's personal physician, recorded this fact in medical documents. The dictator's entourage considered Morell a charlatan, but Hitler himself trusted him immensely. In 1944, the doctor recommended the patient injections, which included an extract from the sperm and prostate gland of young calves - testosterone. Adolf really hoped that this medicine, essentially the “Viagra” of that time, would greatly help him during his close relationship with Eva Braun. Apparently, it was precisely his incomplete success in relationships with women, phobias and complexes that can explain Hitler’s perverted cruelty and his desire to subjugate the whole world.

Little prodigy

Mozart was a gifted child. At the age of four he had already written a concerto for stringed keyboard instruments. Moreover, this concert was very difficult, such that hardly any European musician could play it. The father, realizing this, took away from young Wolfgang the notes with notes that he had not yet managed to finish. The indignant young talent answered the parent: “And this music is not at all difficult to perform; even a child, for example, me, can perform it.”

All of Mozart's childhood years were associated with musical studies and big amount speeches. Often performing musical works in front of refined European audiences, the little genius surprised the audience: his father blindfolded him with a handkerchief, and the child played the clavier blindly, or covered the keys with a piece of cloth, and Wolfgang masterfully coped with the game. During one of the concerts, a cat suddenly entered the stage. And a child is a child - Mozart, leaving the instrument, forgetting about the audience, rushed to her, picked her up, stroked her, and then began to play with the animal. The angry father demanded to go back immediately, to which Wolfgang replied:

“The harpsichord will stand still, but the cat will now run away.”

Good psychologist with excellent memory

Stalin had an extremely rich, capacious and tenacious memory. Thus, D.V. Ustinov recalled that the leader always remembered to the smallest detail all the issues that were discussed, and never allowed even the slightest deviation from previously made decisions. He knew everyone who led the Armed Forces and the economy, commanded divisions and managed factories by last name, first name and patronymic. Moreover, he kept in his head the necessary data that characterized them as individuals, and knew almost everything about the state of affairs in the areas of work entrusted to them. Stalin had an analytical mind, which allowed him to focus on the most essential from a large amount of information, facts, and data. He presented his conclusions and thoughts briefly, clearly, and accessiblely, so that there could be no objections. He himself did not like unnecessary verbosity and did not allow others to talk much.

Reproaching any foreign figure in his speech or during a discussion, Joseph Vissarionovich looked at him very expressively and carefully, without looking away for some time. And it should be noted that the object to which he turned his attention did not feel entirely comfortable. Stalin's gaze pierced like arrows.

Great Avicenna

Born in Bukhara, he was both a grand vizier and a criminal, whose “atrocities” were debunked government, and an eternal wanderer.

Avicenna lived for almost 57 years, but for such short period proved himself in 29 branches of knowledge, and his medical conclusions cannot be overestimated. And it is believed that the word “medicine” itself comes from the Latin version of “Madad Sina,” which translates as “cure from Sina.”

Avicenna did not study officially anywhere, but long before Louis Pasteur discovered pathogenic viruses, he concluded that fever could be caused by “very small creatures.” They also established the cause of most diseases - human experiences and nervousness, he was the first to draw attention to the contagiousness of infectious diseases, described the nature of meningitis, jaundice, stomach ulcers and many other diseases.

Just look at the diagnosis developed by Ibn Sina based on pulse beats. One day, a famous merchant from Bukhara’s daughter fell ill, and no one could help her. The father turned to Avicenna for salvation. The doctor, having felt the pulse, began to name the girl the streets of the city, and then asked her to list the names of those who lived on these streets. When the girl said one of the names, her pulse quickened and her face turned red. This is how the sage found out that she was in love, but her father would never allow her to marry this man. This caused the fatal disease. The merchant was forced to bless his daughter, and Avicenna gained fame and respect among people.

A letter that found its addressee seven years later

Yuri Gagarin, getting ready to fly into space and not knowing how his expedition might end, wrote a letter to his wife Valentina, saying goodbye to her. Addressing his beloved and the mother of his children, the first cosmonaut said that technology could fail at any time. Therefore, no matter what happens, you need to live on, not lose heart, and most importantly, love, take care of and raise your daughters.

The letter found its recipient seven years later, when the plane carrying Yuri Gagarin fell and crashed.

The pilot met his future wife while a cadet at the Orenburg Pilot School at a dance. Valentina had luxurious hair that reached the floor. And she, the beauty, did not at all like the thin, short young man with a large head, short-cropped hair and sticking out. But Yuri was such a persistent gentleman that after some time the girl’s heart melted. After graduating from college, they got married, and soon Valentina gave her husband two wonderful, desired daughters.

Saying goodbye to last letter with his wife, Gagarin also said that after his death she has the right to arrange her life as she wants, and he, in turn, does not impose any obligations on her. But his beloved wife, left a widow at the age of thirty-two, never married again, sacredly preserving the memory of the man who was the first to conquer space.

The great philosopher despised women

Confucius, one of China's greatest philosophers, married early. Over time, he kicked his wife out of the house so that she would not interfere with his studies. And in general, the philosopher considered women to be mundane people, unable to comprehend heavenly wisdom. He said that an ordinary woman is endowed with the mind of a chicken, and an extraordinary woman is endowed with the mind of two such birds.

Such behavior and statements do not seem strange, because Confucius was not endowed with an attractive appearance from birth. Once, a queen, not endowed with chaste morality, having heard enough stories about the great wisdom of this man, explicitly invited him to her place alone, unaccompanied. The philosopher always walked surrounded by his students, but this time he decided to heed the requests of the royal person... And so Confucius was taken to his chambers. While the queen was away, the learned husband began to examine the room. A rustling sound was heard, and he turned to face the entering crowned lady. At this time she wanted to say greetings, but she froze with open mouth– I was so amazed by the appearance of the sage. When the queen's first shock passed, she looked contemptuously at Confucius and hastily left. But this did not surprise the great philosopher, because beauty and intelligence go separately.

The great tenor dreamed of becoming a football player

Luciano Pavarotti was born in simple Italian family. The boy's father loved opera singing and bought a lot of records. In the evenings he listened to them with his son. Thus, Luciano became addicted to singing. But the parents did not support the young talent in this, because they believed that a man should master a serious craft.

Pavarotti's other hobby was football. Since childhood, he was the captain of the youth city football team and in the future I saw myself as a professional goalkeeper. But on the advice of his mother, he becomes a school teacher, then works in an insurance agency. Still, over time, the craving for singing wins. An agreement was drawn up with his father that Luciano could occupy a room in parental home, and also eat here. Pavarotti promises his father that if after this period he does not achieve anything as an opera singer, he will be forced to earn a living by any means.

Only at the age of nineteen does the great tenor learn that he has perfect pitch. Soon his first success came: in 1961 he won the competition for young performers. Before this important performance, the mother put a rusty nail against the evil eye for her son. From then until the end of his days, Luciano Pavarotti cherished this talisman of his.

The great conqueror was a coward

It is no secret that Genghis Khan (real name Temuchen) was incredibly cruel to his enemies. His horde massacred everyone who resisted. The rest, of course, were taken prisoner. Then, if there was a need to storm fortresses or cities, these prisoners were placed in front of the troops as a human shield. It turns out that it was not for nothing that Muslim peoples considered Mongol the destroyer of their cultural heritage.

Despite all his cruelty, he himself was terrified of dying. Feeling the approach of old age, Genghis Khan searched for the elixir of immortality, but did not find it. Still, he managed to extend his life. For every warrior lost in battle, the great conqueror mercilessly took revenge. It seemed that his life was many times more important than the lives taken by this man.

Genghis Khan haunted the inhabitants of the cities destroyed and burned by his horde. During the Mongol invasion, people tried to escape by hiding in forests and mountains. After the army left, they returned back. Was created by the conqueror special squad, whose task was to return to the destroyed village and slaughter all the survivors.

A distinctive feature of Genghis Khan's attack was that he never led his horde into battle, but led it from afar. The Mongol was such a coward.

Lomonosov knew how to stand up for himself

At a time when Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was already an adjunct, his apartment was located on Vasilyevsky Island. The great scientist made it a rule to take walks in the evenings. One day in the fall, at the end of the day, he took a promenade along his usual route - from Bolshoy Prospekt to the bay. In those distant times, Bolshoi Prospekt, located on Vasilyevsky Island, was nothing more than a wide clearing cut through the forest. Lomonosov was returning back when night had already begun to fall over St. Petersburg. The area was deserted. And then three robbers jumped out of the bushes.

Mikhail Vasilyevich was endowed with extraordinary strength from birth, so he was not afraid, but began to fight back. One of the villains, not expecting resistance at all, took to his heels. Lomonosov managed to knock the second one to the ground with a strong blow. The third, seeing such a situation, began to ask for forgiveness, swearing that they only wanted to take clothes from a lonely passerby. Then the scientist decided to rob the robber: he ordered the villain to undress, tie his clothes in a bundle and give them to him. Putting the luggage on his shoulder, Mikhail Lomonosov himself delivered it home, and the next day he visited the Admiralty and reported there about the attack by robber sailors.

A genius among us

Grigory Yakovlevich Perelman, who owned the discovery of the millennium, now lives in St. Petersburg. It was this mathematician who solved the Poincaré conjecture, which they tried to prove for hundreds of years. Moreover, Grigory Yakovlevich did not publish his research in scientific works, but simply posted it on the Internet.

For such a brilliant discovery, the Clay Institute awarded the brilliant scientist a prize of one million dollars. But Perelman refused it, explaining his action by saying that he was not interested in money and that he had everything necessary for life.

Today Grigory Yakovlevich leads a solitary life, communicating with practically no one.

Since childhood, he has been accustomed to training his brain. IN school years Perelman took part in the Mathematical Olympiad in Budapest, where he won gold medal. The ability to think abstractly helped him in this.

Almost all of my scientific life the scientist worked on issues of three-dimensional construction of the Universe. The scale of his discoveries at the present stage is ahead of the achievements that science has made to date. That is why the intelligence services of many countries became interested in the activities of Grigory Perelman.

If a person is talented, then he is talented in everything

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev had diverse interests. In addition to his life's occupation - research in the field of chemistry - his range of hobbies was very wide.

Famous discovery Periodic table At first, it brought him only ridicule, condemnation and accusations of plagiarism. True, fame came with time.

Whatever the great scientist undertook, he did it perfectly. So, in free time Mendeleev loved making suitcases. Dmitry Ivanovich bought the materials for their production in the same store, so the sellers selling the goods perceived the regular customer with a large beard and long, shoulder-length hair as a suitcase maker. As a joke, he even wanted to make a business card with the inscription “D. I. Mendeleev is a master of suitcases.”

The scientist was also interested in meteorology. Already at an advanced age he flew hot-air balloon. His achievement in metrology is the organization of the Chamber of Weights and Measures. He also proved himself in shipbuilding, taking part in the creation of Russia's first icebreaker. Well, and finally, it was Mendeleev who managed to establish the most optimal ratio of water and alcohol in the production of vodka - this is sixty parts to forty.

She made herself

One of the wealthiest women in the world, TV presenter, popular actress, public figure, host of her own show - all this is her, Oprah Winfrey. This woman came to the pinnacle of fame and success thanks to incredible hard work, the ability to communicate and, of course, enormous willpower.

After all, a girl was born into a very poor family. Her parents separated because her mother was not distinguished by her chaste behavior. Oprah was barely nine years old when she was raped by her maternal cousin, then by her uncle. Since the mother very often brought her clients home, the daughter also provided intimate services, receiving money for it. The mother most likely knew about this, but turned a blind eye to everything.

When Oprah found out she was pregnant at the age of fourteen, she wanted to take her own life. Finding herself in a hopeless situation, the girl drank detergents in an attempt to get rid of her unwanted child. And this “helped”: the child was born dead.

Returning to school after this, Winfrey completely immersed herself in social life: participates in all events, heads the student council. And today the TV presenter is convinced that if it had become known then that she was pregnant, her fate would have been completely different.

Sigmund Freud has Ukrainian roots

Sigmund Freud, famous psychologist, professor at the University of Vienna, founder of the method of psychoanalysis, has Ukrainian roots.

Jacob Freud - his father - was born in the city of Tysmenitsa, which is located in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. He lived in this locality for 25 years. Tismenitsa at that time was a multinational city: Poles, Jews, and Ukrainians got along well with each other here. In this city he married and gave birth to Emmanuel and Philip, the elder brothers of the future professor. However, the Ukrainian roots of this surname are even deeper. Many generations of Freuds lived in the town of Buchach in the Ternopil region. Sigmund Freud's grandfather moved to Tismenitsa to continue his education and stayed here forever.

The mother of the famous psychoanalyst, nee Amalia Nathanson, was born in the town of Brody, Lviv region. Then she lived in Odessa for some time, and after some time she left for Vienna, where she met her future husband. Her siblings remained in Odessa, with whom Jacob Freud’s family maintained family relations.

When Sigmund Freud turned 27 years old, his father decided to found a own business and lived, engaged in commercial activities, in this city for some time. True, this activity did not bring much profit, and Jacob returned to Austria again.

The world-famous artist was also an inventor

God endowed Salvador Dali with more than just artistic talent. He also owns inventions that were brought to life, although at first they seemed strange.

For those traveling by car, the brilliant artist came up with multispectral glasses in case the landscape they contemplate becomes boring.

To create good mood while walking and enjoying the process of walking, he created shoes with springs.

Salvador Dali did not deprive himself of his attention in terms of inventions and women. False nails with a built-in small mirror were invented for them, so that at the right time you could look at yourself. Another gift is a dress with various anatomical pads as accessories. They were designed by the artist, having previously carried out a series of precise calculations that corresponded to the ideal female beauty, born in a man’s head as an erotic imagination. One of the unusual details of such a dress was the additional breasts, which should have been attached to the back. According to Dali, such an outfit was supposed to radically change fashion.

And for the paparazzi, the artist invented photo masks. They are especially relevant today, when many reporters are being summoned to court for invading privacy. And so - I put on a photo mask with a face famous person- and look for the wind in the field.

Great Diva of Russia

When Alla Pugacheva was born, upon examination, doctors discovered a tumor on her throat. An operation was immediately performed to remove it. Perhaps that is why the singer had a special timbre of her voice.

As a child, a red-haired girl with thin pigtails loved to play in the yard, but only with boys. Alla had a thin build, and also wore glasses, as she had vision problems. After she gave birth to her daughter Christina, she recovered. I went on different diets many times, but it did not give the desired result.

Another hobby of Pugacheva is drawing. She has had this hobby since childhood. She painted several hundred paintings, which she gave to close friends. In the future, the Primadonna plans to take a pseudonym for herself and take up painting in some place where she can retire.

Once Alla Borisovna, having opened up, admitted that no man could sleep next to her in bed. As it turned out, she snores heavily at night. I did a lot to cure this deficiency, but no procedures brought results.

The diva wants to look good, so she undergoes plastic surgery from time to time. After one of them, carried out in Switzerland, she almost died due to an abscess that developed. A surgeon from Moscow barely saved the singer. As a token of gratitude, Pugacheva presented him with a gift - an apartment.

These two young men met at Stanford while studying at the university. At first they often argued, and at times even fought. And although both were absolute opposites, they soon became such friends that they could not take a step without each other.

After they created a system for searching information on the requested page at their home university, and the management was going to close it, Sergei and Larry had to think about how to save their brainchild. A search for sponsors began, but many wealthy people did not understand what this system was and did not want to invest money in the “dubious” project.

But fate was kind to the young men and sent them Andy Bechtolstein. Unable to listen for a long time to a story about what advantages the new search engine has, the businessman took out checkbook. Having picked up a check issued for 100 thousand dollars, the stunned and surprised Brin and Page did not immediately notice that it was issued to Google. Inc., not Google. That's what they planned to call it. Googol – one followed by one hundred zeros, which meant “immeasurable” large system For search".

To get this money, it was necessary to urgently found a company. Friends take academic leave and do what they love.

The difficult path to fame

At the age of eight, Yuri Kuklachev, a famous cat trainer, saw Charlie Chaplin perform on TV. The boy really liked how the great actor moved, and he asked his parents to send him to ballet school. For five years, Yura studied ballet, but when he graduated from school, he firmly decided to enter a circus school.

For seven years in a row, Kuklachev tried to become a student at the school, but he was not accepted, explaining that his face was not suitable and his height was short.

Then he began performing in the folk circus, and later even became the winner of the All-Union Festival. Once the folk circus gave a performance in a building on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, and the director of the school was present in the hall. After Kuklachev’s performance, he approached the artist and invited him to study at his institution.

Yuri took up cat training later. He couldn't help but wonder what he could do to differentiate himself from the famous clowns. While on tour in Cherkassy, ​​I came across a stray cat with smart eyes and adopted her. In Moscow I picked up another cat – Strelka, with whom I staged my first number. The success was unprecedented, because before him no one had ever entered the arena with such a number. This was the trick that Yuri Kuklachev was looking for.

The youngest of the boxer brothers

In his childhood, Vladimir Klitschko dreamed of becoming a doctor. At the end of the eighth grade, he even tried to enter a medical school to become a paramedic, but the attempt was unsuccessful. He was not accepted due to the fact that at the time of the entrance exams he had not yet reached the age of fourteen.

Older brother Vitaly was already seriously involved in boxing at that time, and he invited Vladimir to attend a training session and try his hand at the sport. So, trying to be like Vitaly in everything, younger brother ended up in the boxing section. And after six years of hard work in the gym during training, Vladimir won the title of Olympic champion.

Almost no one knows that the so intriguing meeting in the ring between the Klitschko brothers is long in the past. Back in mid-1992, secretly from the coach, despite his prohibitions, the brothers decided to compete. It was not possible to determine the strongest and best, since the round ended with an injury: Vladimir, for a reason unknown to both brothers, broke his leg. So that the parents would not worry again, Vitaly and Vladimir did not say a word about the fight that took place. Their coach, Vladimir Zolotarev, also helped them with this, and he immediately took the brothers to a training camp in Crimea.

These facts will make you look at these stars with different eyes.

1. IQ of singer Kesha is 140, and on final exams at school she scored 1500 points out of 1600.

2. The real name of the famous American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey is Orpah.

3. Marilyn Manson's real name is Brian.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio's mother chose this name for her son when, while pregnant with him, he pushed just at the moment when she was looking at a painting by Leonardo da Vinci in an Italian museum.

5. Tim Allen ("Santa Claus", "Shaggy Daddy") was arrested in 1978 for possession of 0.6 kg of cocaine and was sentenced to two years in prison.

6. Justin Timberlake's mom was Ryan Gosling's legal guardian when they were on The Mickey Mouse Club.

7. Actor Jerry Springer (“Love and Secrets of Sunset Beach,” “Four Funerals and a Wedding”) was the mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio.

8. While living in New York, young Steve Buscemi worked for a time as a firefighter.

9. When Madonna moved to New York, she worked at Dunkin' Donuts. She was fired for accidentally getting jelly on a client.

10. Christopher Walken traveled with the circus and was a lion tamer at the age of 15.

11. Sylvester Stallone's first film was a porno called The Italian Stallion.

12. Sean Connery wore a small wig in all of the James Bond films.

13. Chuck Norris's real name is Carlos.

14. Elvis Presley was actually blond. He started dying his hair black in high school.

15. Johnny Depp suffers from coulrophobia (fear of clowns).

16. Nicolas Cage's middle name is Kim.

17. Singer Alanis Morissette has a twin brother named Wade.

18. Ashton Kutcher also has a twin brother, his name is Michael.

19. And Scarlett Johansson has another twin. She is 3 minutes older than her brother Hunter Johansson.

20. American actor Martin Lawrence (“Bad Boys,” “The Diamond Cop”) was born in Frankfurt am Main (Germany).

22. Bruno Mars' real name is Peter Gene Hernandez.

24. Ashton Kutcher's real name is Christopher.

25. Singer Brandy was participant in an accident which resulted in the death of a person. Brandy didn't have time to brake in time.

26. Laura Bush, wife of the 43rd US President George W. Bush, was also involved in a fatal accident.

27. Michael J. Fox's middle name is Andrew.

28. Anne Hathaway wanted to become a nun.

29. Ruth Westheimer, an American television and radio host, better known as Dr. Ruth, is from Israel and has skills as a sniper.

30. Singers Adele and Taylor Swift are almost the same age. Adele is 28, and Taylor Swift is almost 27.

31.American musician and singer R. Kelly cannot read or write.

32. Ryan Gosling could become a member of the Backstreet Boys, he was offered a place in the group.

33. Mark Wahlberg spent 45 days in prison for beating a Vietnamese man.

34. Martin Luther King Jr. was an ardent fan of the Star Trek franchise. The actress who plays Uhura, Nichelle Nichols, decided to continue participating in the filming of Star Trek after meeting him.

35. David Bowie suffered an injury to his left eye after a fight when he was 15. The pupil of the injured eye became wider, giving the appearance of a different eye color for David.

36. Steve Jobs loved to relieve stress by washing my feet in Apple restrooms.

37. When Bill Murray was 20 years old, he was arrested at the Chicago airport for trying to carry about 4.5 kg of marijuana on a plane.

38. American writer and television presenter, famous for her advice on home economics, Martha Stewart, worked as a model.

39. Nicolas Cage once bought himself an octopus, believing that it would help him better transform into roles.

41. Joaquin Phoenix was raised in a cult. Until 1978, Joaquin's parents raised him and his brothers and sisters in the Children of God sect.

42. Tom Cruise inspired Christian Bale to create the image of the main character in the film “American Psycho”.

43. American actress Leighton Meester was born in prison. During this period, her mother was serving time for drug smuggling.

44. Leonardo DiCaprio has a turtle, Sulcata, weighing about 17 kg. Leonardo bought it at an auction of North American breeders in 2010. Its lifespan can be up to 80 years.

45. Jim Carrey dropped out of school when he was 16 and started working as a doorman.

47. Nicolas Cage ate magic mushrooms with his cat.

48. Also, Nicolas Cage was once harassed by a strange mime. “I was being chased by some crazy mime. One day he snuck onto the set of Raising the Dead and started doing strange things there.”

49. In 1999, Jennifer Lawrence looked almost the same as Justin Timberlake.

50. Tim Curry (Charlie's Angels, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, It) voiced Nigel Thornberry in The Wild Thornberrys.

51. Jackie Chan starred in a porn film.

52. JK Rowling was fired from her secretary position because she constantly had her head in the clouds. After that she wrote her famous story about the boy wizard Harry Potter.

53. Dennis Rodman (Soldiers of Fortune, Babes) has 28 siblings.

54. American writer, screenwriter and television host James Lipton was once a pimp in Paris.

55. Natalie Portman has published her work twice in scientific journals.

56. Tom Hanks is a fourth generation distant relative of Abraham Lincoln.

57. The star of the films “It's Stupid Love” and “Welcome to Zombieland” Emma Stone is actually a blonde, not a redhead.

58. Christina Hendricks, best known for her role in the movie Substitute Teacher, is also blonde.

59. Once upon a time, Tom Hanks enrolled in a seminary school to become a priest.

60. After the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, Samuel L. Jackson attended the funeral in Atlanta as one of the ushers. Afterwards, he flew to Memphis to participate in a protest march. In 1969, Jackson and a number of other students held Morehouse College board members on campus to demand reform. curriculum schools and management.

61. American basketball player Kobe Bryant speaks excellent Italian.

62. Alanis Morissette and Ryan Reynolds dated from 2002 to 2007.

63. Rob Lowe, known for the TV series Californication and Parks and Recreation, is deaf in his right ear. Perhaps this was caused viral disease, which Rob suffered from in infancy.

64. Matthew Perry lost part of his middle finger right hand due to an accident with the door.

65. Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors.

66. Tyra Banks is afraid of dolphins.

67. Comedian Louis C.K. is a citizen of Mexico.

68. Before becoming a successful actor, Jeremy Renner worked as a makeup artist.

69. American actor Al Roker and musician Lenny Kravitz are second cousins.

70. Megan Fox suffers from brachydactyly, which causes her thumbs to grow slower than the rest and her nails to look underdeveloped.

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