Child 1 year 3 months development nutrition. Child development at one year and three months. Introducing prohibitions into a child’s life

Your baby is 1 year and 3 months old. With a confident step he moves from infancy to early childhood. How is it shown? IN development and improvement of two distinctive human skills - upright walking and speech.


Usually, by the age of 1 year 3 months, the child can already walk confidently, and by the age of one and a half years, he can move freely and independently in various directions. But walking has not yet reached full perfection; these skills will be “honed” throughout the 2nd and even 3rd year of the child’s life.


The baby continues to master speech. In the first three months of the second year of life, the baby had about 10 words in his active vocabulary (including babbling ones): “mom”, “dad”, “baba”, “give”, “tick-tock”, “am-am” ”, “ko-ko”, “la-la”, etc. This “reserve” has been preserved and even expanded, and some words now act as generalized words. For example, if a baby calls a cat “mea-a-a,” then in his vocabulary this word can also mean a grandmother’s shawl that is soft and fluffy like a cat! This means, that the first generalizations appeared in the child’s speech, according to similar characteristics of objects.

What does it mean? Many things: for example, the fact that the child carefully observes the world around him. Next, the child makes attempts to understand all the information that his own life experience provides him, and most importantly, he is already beginning to make the first comparisons. Let the baby “respond” only to external signs items– yet this is the beginning of logical thinking activity. For example, by the age of one and a half years, a baby is able not only to identify the new or most striking toy, but also to notice the similarities and differences in appearance at two toys.

The child began to understand speech addressed to him even better, and, although with great difficulty, begins to repeat the words he heard.
It is considered normal if by 1 year 6 months. A child can reproduce approximately 30-40 words. But, of course, he understands 10 times more. Do you notice how your baby behaves when you tell him something, sing or read? He freezes, peering into your face, he is ready to listen to you with pleasure!

We develop - by playing!

As before, great importance for the development of a child at this age there are object games– including educational toys and aids. Now the baby’s actions with the toy have become noticeably more complicated and have acquired a searching character. That is, the baby, while playing, wants to know all the properties of the toy, including hidden ones that cannot be seen right away. Now, looking at a toy, he not only wants to know “what is it?” (although sometimes he can determine it himself), but also “what can be done about it?” Thus, in the child’s understanding, actions with objects appeared, taking into account their functionality. That is, you need to roll the car, feed the doll, build a turret out of cubes. But this is not yet a role-playing game, in the full sense of the word, but only reflective actions that the child copies from what he has seen in life.

Scientists say that a child at this age can play with a toy for quite a long time without being distracted, but only if in the process of action he discovers something new in it. For example, if this toy comes with a surprise (Read more about toys with a surprise). Thus, if educational toys are chosen correctly, then over time the child’s behavior develops stability of attention in play, which, in turn, is of great importance in the formation of his intellect and mental abilities.

This is why your communication with your child is difficult to overestimate its importance.. The baby needs to constantly demonstrate actions with household items and toys, every day it is necessary to set aside time for activities and games, interact with each other more often, creating a favorable environment for partnerships.

The best educational games and toys for children aged 1-3 years

Much attention is paid to play on our site, because it is the best “developmental method” for children, because it corresponds to their “childish” nature. Therefore, we have created entire sections dedicated to real educational games and toys:

By reading them, you will discover many secrets of the correct selection of toys and the construction of educational games.

Development of intelligence in the game:

Carry on develop visual and effective thinking. That is, during the game, visually form in the child’s understanding the first generalizations of objects (porridge, soup, cucumber - food, etc.).

Expand your child’s sensory experience in object play. At this age, it is already possible to perform the first simple didactic tasks with the child on choosing subjects according to the principle of “same” and “not the same.” Let these tasks consist of one action: for example, the size “big - small”, or the shape “ball-cube”.

Continue to improve indicative hearing responses. You can already enter game exercises to search for objects by sound (musical toys, instruments).

Carry on play all types of educational games with your child: story-based, didactic, etc. We have selected several age-appropriate games for your baby - more on that in the article “Approximate educational games for a child from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 6 months.”

Getting to know the world around you

Enrich your child's sensory experience when interacting with various kinds of objects. This way, in practice, you will give him the opportunity to learn the physical laws of the world around him. This may be an awareness of distance (“far-close”). And during actions - the ratio of the size of the object (for example, a small insert can be inserted into a large one, but not vice versa). Including the dependence of actions on the shape of the object (balls - roll, cubes - build).

Take advantage of the wonderful opportunity a child has to imitate an adult– this is also a great way to understand the world around us. On at this stage this can be done again through the game: with a doll - “Feed Lala”, with a car - “How does the car go?”

Don't forget one more thing distinctive feature baby early ageunbridled desire for independence. Let the baby eat with a spoon, pull on his socks, and wash himself - this will only benefit him.

Last but not least, it is very important for the development of a child to create a friendly energy environment in the family, based on love for all family members. Protect your child’s still weak nervous system from stress and negative situations.

Child speech development

When communicating, remember about the development of a child’s understanding of adult speech. Gradually expand your vocabulary of addresses to your child, name the objects around him and actions with them. Don't forget about useful tips articles “How to teach a child to understand speech”

Develop and active speech child. Encourage your baby to communicate, continue to introduce simple, lightweight words into your baby’s vocabulary, consisting of two identical syllables and onomatopoeia (“ko-ko-ko” - chicken). Create situations of dialogue with the child, while using all available means of communication: facial expressions, showing, expressive gestures, vocalization, babbling words.

Try to regularly articulatory gymnastics.

Education: Little “Universe”!

Your baby constantly and uncontrollably climbs into all the drawers, boxes, bags, objects household appliances? Do not despair - there is reason for joy - the baby is developing correctly, in accordance with his age. Remember that the program of this period of childhood, laid down at the genetic level, is the accumulation of sensory (sensory) experience in the knowledge of information about the properties of the surrounding world.

Everything in a child’s behavior is based on involuntary interest and curiosity. But the baby must learn to live in this world, experiencing the laws of gravity - even though he has to fall, and the constancy of changing phenomena, for example, “morning-evening” - although he has to be capricious when going to bed. It is what is known in early childhood- the basis for the formation of his human capabilities, so necessary in later life.

Treat your child’s eccentricities with understanding, do not deprive him of the joy of learning about the world around him, while wisely guiding this process.

How to control the elements of children's curiosity?

A separate topic can be started on forced prohibitions for a child - such when it comes to danger to his health, or even life. During this period of life, the child does everything contrary to the prohibitions, and in response to the next “no”, the child stubbornly “goes ahead”, not heeding persuasion... He follows his curiosity - “What will happen?” And this curiosity, like an irresistible element, captures his entire being.

How to control it?

Example: You say, “Don’t go into the puddle, you’ll get your feet wet!”, but the child stubbornly heads into the puddle... All you need now is to pull yourself together and take control of the situation. Take the baby in your arms and, walking around the puddle, explain the consequences of wet feet. And then quickly turn the situation into a useful direction: “Let’s better throw a pebble into the puddle!” There will be splashes!”, or, “... let’s release the boats.”

It’s good if you joke, laugh, and compose some simple quatrain on the fly:

I'm walking along the path
I see a deep puddle...
I won't run into a puddle
I'll stand on the shore.

As a result, no matter how impulsive a child is, he will gradually learn these rules of behavior. It depends entirely on internal regulations and family lifestyle, behavior and pedagogical preparedness of parents and other close adults. And finally, let's mention a couple more important advice:

Educational requirements must be imposed on the child by everyone family members, and not contradict each other. Moreover, all adults should set a positive example for the child in everything.

To protect the baby's nervous system– organize his upbringing so that in the process of communicating with an adult he receives approximately 2/3 of permissions and only 1/3 of prohibitions.

Do not use physical punishment, boring lectures, angry shouts and theatrical groans in communication! Wisely remove your baby from all undesirable situations, using, as we have already written, “distracting maneuvers.”

If you forbid your child something, at this moment it is especially important to carefully monitor your speech, know the value of individual words. For example, a separate article about the word “impossible” -

As a result of the correct pedagogical approach to education, young children experience anxiety and tearfulness, characteristic of the beginning of the 2nd year. And by 1 year 6 months. the child develops trust in the environment– this is important, because it is on trust that all subsequent achievements of the baby are built.

Physical development:

Don't forget about improving the coordination of the child’s movements in space, including balance when changing body positions (for example, turning, bending, squatting, etc.). To do this, during the game, you can complicate situations that encourage a change in direction of movement.

To develop a sense of balance– the following activities are also well suited: during the game, let the child walk along a “bridge” - a board placed on the floor, or jump on swamp hummocks - sheets of A4 paper laid out on the floor, not far from each other. It is also a good idea to use home swings and rocking horses for these purposes.

Regularly encourage you to perform a motor task, consisting of one simple action(for example, “Come to me!” or “Get the cube from the table!”). This will improve the child's orientation in space.

It is very important to develop hand coordination and fine motor skills of the fingers. In such activities one cannot do without special aids that develop “manual skills”, such as “lacing”, “beads”, “chains” of objects.

  • Read more about gymnastics in the article

What should a baby be able to do? At 1 year and 3 months, the child can open and close boxes, and thanks to the development of memory, he remembers the daily course of events.

Physical development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

Although the 1 year and 3 month old still has difficulty maintaining balance, he is getting better and better at crossing the entire room without problems. He can also bend down and pick up small toys.

A baby at the age of 15 months, as a rule, is not limited to walking, he begins to rise higher and higher. Climb in the most literal sense, because he already sees all the delights of climbing the stairs and devotes himself to this activity with all his soul. Although the child, of course, will want to climb several floors, do not go up too high - do not forget that the baby will have to make the way back in your arms (he will only have to learn to descend on his own in the coming months).

Little hands and fingers work better and better. At 1 year and 3 months baby can already put a small toy in the container, opens and closes boxes with ease or boxes, takes out the objects that interest him, collects them and spends a lot of time with them. It can easily pick up small crumbs, scattered peas or beads from the carpet.

Baby can just as willing to use the left as right hand, or prefer one hand, only to switch to the other after a few days.

Height and weight at 1 year and 3 months

  • Boys on average they have a weight of 11.1 kg and a height of 79 cm.
  • Girls- on average have a weight of 10.3 kg, height of 77.2 cm.

Emotional development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

The baby already understands perfectly well that his mother is a completely separate person and can suddenly disappear from his field of vision at any moment. Therefore, at this age, the fear of separation often returns, which will become most pronounced at about -.

Despite the growing independence of a 15-month-old baby, he is still a baby who needs his mother's closeness and care. A child at this age torn between the need for independence and the desire for security which he acquires in the presence of his parents. Being separated from them, he experiences great stress. Fear of parents leaving is a natural stage in a child's development, but with your skillful actions it should soon pass.

During this period, daily rituals become very important for the child. . Thanks to his developing memory remembers daily events, and repeating actions in the same sequence gives him a feeling of security.

  • Don't forbid your child to go to the bathroom with you. Although you may be embarrassed by going to the toilet together, you will soon appreciate their benefits: your baby will learn to pee in the potty faster and will part with diapers.

Intellectual development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

What new words did your baby learn this month? Most likely, his vocabulary has expanded to several new words - for example, “give”, “woman” or “uncle”.

At 1 year and 3 months, the baby also uses several two-syllable words that imitate the sounds made by animals (“woof-woof” or “ko-ko”), and can use them to designate the corresponding animals.

The child's ability to understand is improved own body: if you ask a baby about some part of the body, he can already determine, for example, where his ear, nose, hand and try to find them on your body.

One of the favorite games during this period may be caring for a doll, thanks to this the baby develops better gets to know the human body.

The concept of “favorite game,” however, is quite arbitrary: watching your child, you may think that he does not get any pleasure, and that all toys bore him. This is wrong. The kid quits another lesson because cannot yet concentrate on one action. His attention is scattered between play, parents and studying the world around him.

Hand and hand motor skills develop in parallel with growing creativity. The kid draws with pencils with pleasure, because drawing for him is a new, exciting experience. When will he be able to depict a smiling sun and a house with a chimney? Not soon yet.

  • Write down new words. Even if now you think that you will remember them forever, they may slip out of your memory, and it will be a great pity. Thanks to your recordings, you will be able to see the development of your child’s speech at a glance. They will also allow you to discover many interesting things: it may turn out that the baby says “di” not only to the door, but, say, to everything that opens and closes (for example, the mouth). Interesting, isn't it?
  • Play with your child in front of the mirror. Over time, the baby will understand that he sees himself in him. This will be a big step in his development.
  • Don't worry if you notice that your little one draws most readily with dark colors. At this period of life, this is not a sign of grief or problems - the baby, like all children at this age, prefers bright, eye-catching shades.
  • Help your child get to know animals. Play with him “As the kitten says” (dog, cow, etc.), show him simple pictures.

The rate of growth and weight gain in children slows down sharply after one year. Many children do not gain weight for several months in a row. This is normal and should not alarm parents. If a child eats normally, is active, and has a pronounced cognitive interest, then it is logical that he spends a large number of energy for physical activity. And since calories are spent on running and jumping, the child gains weight much more slowly or sometimes does not gain weight at all.


The main way a child develops is through play. While playing, he learns about the world. The baby tries to copy your everyday actions, this is how he learns basic behavior. You may see him trying to brush his hair or clean the floor.

The child already uses several recognizable simple words(often recognizable only to you), he adds to his passive vocabulary every day. Therefore, do not skimp on conversations with him.

If a child has peer friends, then he begins to actively show affection to them (and not just poke his finger in the eyes, nose, mouth). It's start time cooperative game. If there are older children in the family, you will notice how the baby rejoices at their arrival from kindergarten/school - after all, this is someone with whom you can play while mom is busy.

Now the child views the world as one big scientific experiment. What will happen if I do this or that? It's amazing when you can do something yourself, be it unwrapping toilet paper or pulling books from the shelf over and over again.

Toys based on the matryoshka principle are very exciting at this age. In addition, the child will enjoy all kinds of musical toys.

Now we can introduce a tradition. This will form another bedtime ritual, and for an older baby, reading books and bright pictures will be interesting.


♦ Walk independently (if he still does not walk, but only crawls, then there is no reason to panic. Until 1.5 years old, he still has time to take his first step on his own).

♦ Tries to go up and down stairs.

♦ Descend feet first from small elevations.

♦ Repeats new sounds and words.

♦ Recognizes favorite toys and familiar characters in a book.

♦ Walks while holding one large toy or several smaller toys.

The child is now very attached to you. Any short separation will cause tears in the baby. This is fine. Even if he cries when parting, he calms down some time after you leave, although he remains with someone else. This is a normal reaction to a breakup. Soon this will pass, and the child will calmly accept your departure, knowing that mom always returns.

Try to encourage your child to be independent. He is now trying to repeat everything after you: drink from a cup, eat on his own. He still doesn’t know how to eat neatly and throws food around. Allow it. This is one of the ways to understand the world.

Nowadays it is very important to monitor your dental health. The child should not receive sweet liquid at night. In children over a year old high risk of developing “bottle caries”. So make sure to brush your child's teeth with toothpaste twice a day. An amount of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice is enough for a child under 3 years old.

Your house. Now it is useless to explain anything to the child. He can't keep instructions in his head for long, so make your home as secure as possible.

In this article:

The child's development at 1 year and 3 months continues to progress at full speed. Visually, the baby changes little (becomes a little taller, loses infantile roundness), but colossal changes occur inside him.

How do physical indicators change?

The average height, weight and head circumference of boys and girls are slightly different. Boys weigh from 9.2 to 11.5 kg, their height ranges from 76.6 to 81.7 cm. Head circumference ranges between 45.5 and 48.1 cm. Girls at 1 year and three months weigh from 8. 5 to 10.9 kg, while their height ranges from 74.8 to 80.2 cm. As for head circumference, for girls these figures range between 44.7 and 47.0 cm.

At this age, children try to be independent, so if possible they refuse the help of adults. Parents should be understanding and patient, allowing the child to do what he wants on his own. Let the baby try to dress himself, wash his hands, brush his teeth and, of course, eat using a spoon and fork. Allow your baby to drink from a cup, even if he doesn’t do it carefully enough yet. Give preference to unbreakable dishes made from safe, colored materials.

It is especially important for children at this age to be like the adults who surround them. A child of 1 year and 3 months is very observant and gladly imitates the gait of his grandfather, his mother’s sneeze, or his father’s “newspaper interest.” Parents can take advantage of their baby's desire to imitate to teach him simple games and actions, such as "hands-on" or "magpie-sided".

Features of the development of motor skills

At one year and three months, children’s walking becomes more confident. Kids no longer just walk and run - they are able to hold toys and other objects in an upright position, roll or push a toy in front of them, know how to stand on their tiptoes to reach the target.

Walking confidently does not mean not falling. and parents need to be prepared for this. If a child is not yet able to move quickly and as safely as possible and requires help, he should not be denied this. Let the baby hold your hands, or at least your index fingers, if he feels calmer that way. Over time, his fear will pass, and in its place will come one hundred percent confidence in his ability to walk.

Usually, most of Children aged one year and three months can walk at least 20 steps without stopping. In addition, by this time many of them already know how to sit down and stand up without support.

Babies are already able to abruptly change the direction of movement and try to walk backwards. Therefore, parents need to make sure in advance that there are no dangerous objects within the baby’s reach.

At 15 months, children are excited to explore new territories. They
They endlessly climb on and off chairs, sofas and even tables, and try to use pencils and markers for their intended purpose.

A child at this age already uses a cup, but is not yet able to put it in place, asking adults to do it for him. As for food, the baby can already eat thick or semi-thick food on his own, even if he has not done this before.

How does mental development occur?

At 15 months, the baby tries to taste everything, including his own body parts. Plays a huge role in the life of a child at this age. play activity, which becomes much more diverse thanks to the ability to walk. The baby will be happy if his parents give him a nursery a cart or stroller that can be rolled in front or pulled behind you.

An excellent option for a useful and interesting time together is to build towers from cubes with your child. Try to teach your baby to use more than two blocks with patience. At 15 months, the baby is already able to, without throwing away the cubes, concentrate on building a tower out of them.

Teach your baby to practice not only with cubes, but also with a pyramid. Show how to remove and put on rings, without focusing yet on grouping them according to any specific criteria. The main thing at this stage is to learn how to put on and remove rings through the rod. At this age, the baby will already be able to “overcome” up to 5 rings, if he needs to remove them and put on one or two rings.

From one to one and a half years old, babies show increased interest in all kinds of ropes, laces and holes. Parents should consider allowing their child to develop while learning these types of games for two reasons:

  1. It develops fine motor skills of the fingers
  2. It improves attention and concentration.

If similar The games are not of interest to the baby, then there is no need to insist on mastering them. Invite your child to play with them in a month: most likely, he is simply not yet mature for such scrupulous activities.

The ideal option for the development of a child at this age is compact and affordable insert toys, which are specific objects that need to be placed in suitable holes. Toys can be of three types:

  • frame inserts;
  • into a pyramid;
  • into each other.

Each of the insert options improves finger motor skills, visual and tactile perception, and coordination of the child. In order for the baby to understand the task, he needs to be shown how to handle new toys.

Children at this age are especially interested in the actions that can be done with a toy. Therefore, one should not focus his attention solely on its emotional and semantic meaning.

Pointing gesture - what does it symbolize?

At one year and three months, the baby increasingly points to objects and objects
with his index finger, trying to draw the attention of adults to what interested him or what he wanted.

If a child does not want something, he already knows how to show it - by shaking his head negatively. If he agrees, the baby is able to nod affirmatively.

At 1 year and 3 months, the baby enjoys spending time getting acquainted with the contents of children's books with his parents, turning over many pages at once. At this time, the baby shows interest in fairy tales, listens and associates what he hears with the pictures in the book. If you ask the baby to show something in the picture, he will do it with pleasure.

Speech learning

At 15 months, very few children begin to speak, but it is during this period that their passive vocabulary is replenished. The child already remembers the names of his parents and close relatives, knows the names of surrounding objects, the names of animals and toys. You can easily check this by asking your baby to point his finger at an object or bring it.

During this period, the baby develops and improves his ability to generalize. For example, if you ask your baby to fetch a ball, he will most likely
will bring several at once, including the one that is most often played. The same will happen with cars. Ask your child to bring cars, and he will fulfill the request - he will bring several at once.

Given the child’s lack of experience, it should be understood that his generalizations are not always correct. Children at this age can generalize by geometric shape and functional features. For example, by the word “ball” a baby can understand all round objects; he can also combine several objects at once based on their functionality: a cap, a cap, a bondana, a hat, etc.

A child at this age understands the meaning of words denoting certain actions or even situations. He must be able to perform up to three step-by-step actions, both simple and more complex. Keep in mind that the baby is able to understand instructions in verbal form, even if the adult does not color them with gestures.

Introducing prohibitions into a child’s life

Taking into account the expansion of the area of ​​interaction between the baby and various objects, it should be understood that at this stage it is no longer possible to do without prohibitions. The child must know where his things are and where they are not, what he can take and what he cannot, because it is someone else’s. For many children, the concept of strangers develops independently; if this does not happen, then you can play a game with the baby, the purpose of which will be to clarify the situation with “mine” and “not mine”.

Talk to your baby more often, pointing to things and explaining who they belong to. For example, when getting ready for a walk, a mother can point to her boots, jacket, commenting “my boots”, “my jacket”, and then hand over her boots to her daughter and say: “My boots are
Masha,” then put the hat on the child, saying: “The car is wearing a hat on mom.” The child will definitely like this game, who will figure out where whose things are and, most likely, will want to get theirs back.

To understand that the child has learned the lesson, you can invite him to group his things, his mother’s things and, for example, his father’s. During the learning process, do not forget to constantly point to things and objects in the apartment, explaining who they belong to. Gradually, the baby will remember what he can use and what he cannot.

When teaching a child at this age to prohibitions, you need to understand that most often main reason his reluctance to accept the rules is nothing more than the negativism characteristic of this period.

Development of active speech

At 1 year and 3 months, the child is already able to recognize parents and close relatives in photos or videos. To stimulate the development of your baby’s speech, you can ask him at such moments suggestive questions until he calls the person in the photo or video by name.

Most children at this age vocabulary There are already about 6 simple words, in addition to the simplest ones: “give”, “na”, “mom”, “baba” or “dad”. Not having enough words to express emotions and desires, kids use one word in several meanings,
supplementing it with gestures and sounds similar to mooing - this is a completely normal process.

Even before the child is one and a half years old, he is already able to speak. simple sentences out of several only him understandable words, which allows us to talk about the formation of harmonious, although not yet entirely clear, speech. There is no point in asking your baby to slow down his speech in order to make out individual words. The main part of sound combinations are not yet words, but are needed only to accelerate the development of active speech.
Sample menu for a baby for 3 days

Naturally, at one year and three months a child, in addition to breast milk(if he's still on breastfeeding), receives a whole range of products from the common table. The menu for a baby is still different from the menu for an adult and is developed taking into account the peculiarities of the incomplete functioning of his gastrointestinal tract. The table below offers an approximate menu option for three days.

Time of day 1 day 2nd day 3rd day
Breakfast Buckwheat with milk, toast with butter, tea with lemon Boiled beet salad with apple, steamed omelette, cocoa, buttered toast Milk porridge with pumpkin, tea, bread and butter
Dinner Vegetable soup with rice, fish balls, mashed potatoes, compote, bread Milk soup with carrots and potatoes, steamed cutlets, steamed vegetables Chicken broth with egg yolk, lazy cabbage rolls, jelly, bread
Afternoon snack Kefir and cookies Fruit puree, yogurt Pancakes with jam and kefir
Dinner Potato zrazy, cottage cheese with herbs, warm milk Rice and carrot soufflé, grated apple with baked pumpkin, milk Buckwheat pudding with cottage cheese, fruit puree, tea with milk

Additionally, you can put your baby to the breast before bed if he is still not ready to wean.

At the age of 15 months, parents notice changes not only in the development, but also in the behavior of the baby - the child does not just repeat the actions of the parents or attract their attention, but is already able to conduct a dialogue and play simple games with them story games. But it’s quite difficult to assess the pace of development of children after a year; no one can say exactly what a child of 1 year and 3 months should be able to do. At this age, different children behave completely differently: some are already starting to talk and walk, while others still continue to crawl and do not utter a word. Moreover early development child is not a guarantee high level intelligence in the future, just maturing nervous system and brain in all children occurs at different times.

Physical development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

At 1 year and 3 months, the child most often already knows how to walk, go up and down stairs holding hands, as well as getting up and sitting down without assistance. Even if the baby is not yet in a hurry to please his parents with the ability to walk independently, at this age he should already be able to stand up and walk, holding on to the walls and hands of adults. The child’s movements become much more confident and freer - he already knows how to bend over, turn back, turn from side to side, while from time to time losing his balance and falling.

Most children become much more careful after a year - babies already understand that if you crawl to the edge of the bed or sofa, you can fall, and if you hit your head against the wall, your head will hurt. Constantly trying to walk, climb and run helps develop coordination and improves balance. The baby tries to squat, stand on tiptoes, run and perform more complex movements, for example, trying to throw and catch a ball and learn to carry toys in both hands at once.

At 15 months, a healthy, well-fed and well-rested baby is constantly cheerful and energetic - he runs or crawls, plays with toys, and is constantly distracted and changing them - usually at this age the maximum time when a child can concentrate on one activity is 10-15 minutes. After a year, the baby’s teeth continue to grow - not only canines and incisors, but also the first chewing teeth erupt; at this age, the child should already receive not only ground purees and cereals, but also food that needs to be chewed.

Neuropsychic development

After a year, a baby plays all day long; it is in play that he acquires the most important skills, learns to build relationships with others and learns the world. It is very important at this age to begin training at game form, the child will be happy to complete any tasks and repeat the actions of the parents if they are presented in the form exciting game. Starting from 15-18 months, the child’s play style with his parents changes, only now they begin to play “together”, and not parallel to each other. If before this parents were simply present when the child played or showed him how and what to do, now the child understands that two can play together and actively involves parents in such games. Moreover, children at this age able to play not only with parents and adults, but also with their peers– toddlers can play together in the sandbox, build a house out of blocks or play with cars. Unfortunately, such an idyll cannot last for any long time - after just a few minutes, children simultaneously grab one scoop or machine and begin to tear it away from each other, fight or cry - depending on the temperament and character of the baby.

Most children at 15 months are possessive; they do not understand and do not want to listen to adults urging them to share, play together, or give away a toy. Parents should not try to appeal to the child’s conscience; distracting the child with something else is much more effective, for example, inviting him to play some game with you or go watch something, as well as trying to find a compromise - swap with another child, play in turns or take a similar toy.

At 1 year and 3 months the child already understands that in the evening he needs to collect toys, wash himself and go to bed. At this age, you already need to begin to accustom your child to certain actions, for example, he can help you put away toys before dinner or go wash himself before bed.

Also, starting from 15-18 months, you need to accustom your child to regular, daily reading of books. Now the baby no longer just looks at pictures, but listens and perceives short tales and poetry. The most important thing is to choose children’s books that are understandable, colorful and easy to understand - children at this age really like nursery rhymes, poems - quatrains and short fairy tales, such as Turnip, Kolobok, Ryaba Hen and others. Parents should not only read books, but also comment on them and explain the plot of the fairy tale, trying to interest the child; they should also show him pictures and tell him what is drawn on them. At the age of 15 months, a child can already point out familiar animals in books, fairy tale characters or familiar objects.

In the vocabulary of children at this age there are about 15-20 words, and with the help of sounds and gestures the child can already explain what he wants and what he needs. Some children already confidently pronounce 5-10 words, while others are just beginning to pronounce the first sound combinations. There is no need to worry if the baby does not speak anything yet; the most important thing is that he understands the speech addressed to him and can carry out simple requests and tasks.

After a year, babies begin to actively take an interest in other children; now on walks they look not only at cars and houses, they are interested in peers and older children. Babies at 15 months still rarely decide to interfere in the games of other children, but they watch them with pleasure.

What should a child be able to do at 1 year and 3 months?

At 1 year and 3 months the child:

  • tries to walk independently, knows how to get up and sit down;
  • orients himself in space, knows how to bend, squat, and turn;
  • fulfills requests and instructions from adults - brings toys, shows objects, gives hands, and so on;
  • knows the names of household items, toys, animals, knows his name, reacts to it;
  • pronounces a few words, shows with gestures what he wants - beckons to him, asks to be held, asks for a drink, and so on;
  • shows different emotions when meeting with mother, grandmother, acquaintances and strangers;
  • transfers actions from one object to another - feeds all the dolls or animals from a spoon, rolls all the cars, collects different cubes, talks on a real and toy telephone;
  • holds a spoon, tries to eat porridge, puree, and drinks from a cup on his own.

Boy and girl - is there a difference?

At the age of 1 year and 3 months, the difference between girls and boys becomes more and more noticeable. Boys are usually more active and restless, they like outdoor games more, especially in fresh air, but focusing on one game or one subject is much more difficult for them. Most boys at 15 months already have a collection of cars and toy weapons, but they often don’t have dolls and strollers, although many of them also like to roll and rock dolls.

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