The Russian Assembly's attitude to autocracy. "Russian collection". "Russian monarchist party"

On December 6, a meeting of the Orthodox community was held at the Sholokhov Center of the Writers' Union of Russia, at which a new public organization was established - “Russian Assembly”. He was unanimously elected chairman of the organization Chief Editor"Russian People's Line" Anatoly Dmitrievich Stepanov, who told us about the goals and objectives of the RS.

We came up with the idea of ​​creating a social movement almost a year ago. This idea was born from the understanding that RNL is not just a means mass media, but, in essence, a club of like-minded people. Therefore, the idea arose to somehow institutionalize this state, uniting around the ideology that our regular authors preach and defend - and among them are authoritative clergy, scientists, writers, public figures- representatives of the Russian educated stratum who are concerned about the ideological and moral state of our people and the future of our Fatherland. Since our like-minded people live not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, and other countries of the world where there are Russian communities, it was decided to create international organization, in the hope that its branches will appear over time in different countries.

A powerful impetus for intensifying our actions was given by the Valdai speech of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who on September 19 of this year, for the first time from a high rostrum, loudly and unequivocally declared the need for a state ideology for Russia. This means that the national leader proposed to reconsider some provisions of the created in a hurry under dictation American experts 20 years ago the Constitution and, above all, the article prohibiting Russia from having a state ideology. After the Valdai speech, we held several round tables, organized a discussion, the result of which was yesterday’s meeting, when the international public organization “Russian Assembly” was established.

The question of the name of the organization caused a lot of discussion both before and yesterday. Various options for the name were proposed, for example, “Movement of Russian Traditionalists,” which, in principle, adequately describes the essence of our position, because we strive to rely on national traditions Russian political thought and update the rich historiosophical heritage of our thinkers, starting from the Slavophiles I.V. Kireevsky and A.S. Khomyakov and ending with our contemporaries, the recently deceased A.S. Panarin, V.V. Kozhinov, who created a coherent political doctrine of Russia. Others suggested calling themselves the “September 19 Movement,” since it was on this day that the President of the country delivered the Valdai speech, and it was she who gave impetus to the discussion of the issue of state ideology. There were other proposals - “The Third Rome”, “Power”, “Russian Way”, “Russian Spirit”. But an amazing thing is that after everyone who wanted to speak out on this problem spoke out, somehow everyone unanimously decided that we should call our organization “Russian Assembly”. This amazing unanimity was nothing more than a manifestation of the spirit of conciliarity. And it was a consequence of the fact that yesterday’s meeting was organized correctly, in Russian.

At 13-00, the meeting participants came to the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki, where, led by one of the members of the initiative group, priest Alexander Shumsky, they served a prayer service in front of the list of the venerated icon Mother of God“Helper of Sinners” and in front of the image of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. December 6 was not only the day of remembrance of our holy Prince-Warrior and outstanding Ruler of the country, but this year marked 750 years since the repose of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky. The image of Prince Alexander is a symbol of the RNL, and therefore it was especially important for me that the meeting took place on the day of his memory. By the way, this happened, one might say, providentially. Initially, we planned to hold the meeting before the beginning of the Nativity Fast, but then it turned out that for a number of reasons we would not be able to do this, postpone until New Year It was impossible, it became clear that the meeting had to be held in early December, and the most suitable date turned out to be the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky.

The prayerful unanimity with which the meeting began was evident in the future. Many participants in the meeting later said that everything went surprisingly smoothly, without any unnecessary strife, in the spirit of unanimity and conciliarity; there was an impression that somehow everything was working out by itself.

The founders of the meeting were several dozen people. Among them are: famous people, as co-chairman of the Writers' Union of Russia Vladimir Nikolaevich Krupin , member of the board of the Writers' Union of Russia Sergey Ivanovich Kotkalo , famous writers - Vasily Vladimirovich Dvortsov , Alexey Alekseevich Shorokhov , Andrey Yurievich Khvalin , venerable scientist-philologist professor Vsevolod Yurievich Troitsky , prominent public figures, leader of the People's Council movement Oleg Yuryevich Kassin , Chairman of the Union of Orthodox Citizens Valentin Vladimirovich Lebedev , head of the international movement “For Orthodox Rus'” Pavel Andreevich Bezukladichny , editor-in-chief of the magazine "Slavyanka" Sergey Vladimirovich Timchenko , columnist for Radio Radonezh, publicist Viktor Alexandrovich Saulkin , priests father Alexander Shumsky And father Sergiy Karamyshev , public figure Andrey Vitalievich Soshenko , deputy editor-in-chief of RNL Konstantin Gennadievich Novikov , political scientist Alexander Andreevich Gorbatov , Director of the Center for the Study of Socially Significant Issues Vladimir Aleksandrovich Surin , director of the publishing house "Blessing" Yuri Grigorievich Samusenko , journalists Oleg Vladimirovich Maryanov And Maria Andreevna Monomenova . Among the founders were also the head of Kalyazinsky municipal district Tver region Konstantin Gennadievich Ilyin , public figures Alexey Anatolyevich Kaigorodov , Alexey Anatolyevich Derevyanko , Yuri Mikhailovich Dunyashenko , Candidate of Historical Sciences Pavel Gennadievich Petin , Alexander Vladimirovich Skakov , Alexander Fedorovich Chernavsky , Nikolai Alekseevich Chistov , Victor Fedorovich Shevchenko and others.

They represented several regions of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tula, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod and Tver regions. The meeting approved the temporary charter public organization, elected a chairman and Central Council“Russian Assembly”, which included 5 people - the chairman of the RS, as well as Father Alexander Shumsky, Vladimir Krupin, Andrey Soshenko (secretary of the organization) and Konstantin Novikov.

At the meeting, the idea was also born to create an Expert Council at the “Russian Assembly”, including authoritative scientists and experts in various fields of knowledge. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Moscow State University has already agreed to join the Council Valery Nikolaevich Rastorguev , Doctor of Economics, Professor at MGIMO Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov , Doctor of Philology, Professor of Moscow State University Vladimir Alekseevich Voropaev , Doctor of Economics, Professor at HSE Leonid Sergeevich Grebnev . The last two took an active part in the work of the meeting. In the future, as proposals were made, it is necessary not only to expand the composition of the Expert Council, but also to organize its work in different areas. In the meantime, it is planned to involve experts along with RS members in preparing round tables, readings, conferences and meetings.

Participation in the founding meeting of the “Russian Assembly” by the chairman of the Union of Writers of Russia was significant Valery Nikolaevich Ganichev , who addressed the audience with words of greeting and even took part in the discussion about the name of the organization. Ganichev had just returned from St. Petersburg, where he participated in the awarding of the Alexander Nevsky Prize laureates and, frankly speaking, I had doubts that he would be able to take part in the meeting, although he promised to be there if the opportunity arose. Therefore, I would like to once again thank Valery Nikolaevich for the honor that he showed us all by taking part in the founding meeting. For me, Ganichev’s participation was a living embodiment of the continuity of generations, since Valery Nikolaevich is one of the “last Mohicans” of the patriotic movement of previous decades. Thus, the “Russian Assembly” demonstrated loyalty to the patriotic tradition.

By the way, in addition to V.N. Ganichev, other guests were also present at the meeting: co-chairman of the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods, rector of the Church of St. Nikola on Bersenevka Hegumen Kirill (Sakharov) , chairman of the Autocratic Russia party recently registered by the Ministry of Justice, writer Dmitry Nikolaevich Merkulov , editor-in-chief of the magazine "Pereprava" Alexander Ivanovich Notin .

I often had to face the question: why is another social movement needed, how will it differ from others? Indeed, various public structures already exist on the Orthodox-patriotic field, the leaders of the most famous of them even took part in the meeting: co-chairman of the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods Abbot Kirill (Sakharov), leader of the “People's Council” Oleg Kassin, chairman of the Union of Orthodox Citizens Valentin Lebedev, head movement “For the Orthodox Faith” Pavel Bezukladichny. These public associations known for their active work in organizing religious processions, rallies, processions, pickets and other public events.

Our movement sets itself other, primarily ideological, tasks. We intend to try to unite representatives of the educated layer of the Russian people in order to help the authorities formulate and develop a state ideology or development ideology, as Russian President Vladimir Putin puts it. And thus we strive to ensure that a new gap does not arise between the Russian intelligentsia and the authorities, which was so painful in previous times and became one of the reasons for the emergence of the revolution.

However, today it already exists social structure, which solves partly similar problems. I mean the Izborsk Club, created by the talented writer and publicist Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov. And the name couldn’t be better, and the idea is wonderful - to unite all illiberal-minded intellectuals, and wonderful people gathered there, many of whom I consider complete like-minded people. However, the Izborsk Club was formed according to a different methodology - opponents of the liberal course gathered there, but in a meaningful sense the people are very different. The task of ideological struggle against the liberal temptation, overcoming liberalism, which still dominates the consciousness of a significant part of the modern political elite, is extremely relevant today. And in this we need to support the initiatives of the Izborsk Club in every possible way.

However, the rejection of liberalism alone is not enough to formulate a positive, forward-looking ideology. People of the left-communist, nationalist and Orthodox-patriotic worldview can jointly fight against the liberal utopia, but they are unlikely to be able to formulate an ideology of development, which is what the authorities expect from intellectuals. This requires a unified ideological platform, which also refers to a certain tradition of political and historiosophical thought.

For us, such a worldview platform is Orthodoxy, patriotism and conservatism. We strive to update for tasks modern development Russia ideas of Ivan Kireevsky and Alexei Khomyakov, Nikolai Danilevsky and Konstantin Leontyev, Konstantin and Ivan Aksakov, Mikhail Katkov and Konstantin Pobedonostsev, Lev Tikhomirov and Ivan Ilyin, the organizers of the pre-revolutionary “Russian Assembly”. Only on this basis can we create a modern Russian ideology, capable of not only reconciling us with our great ancestors, who created, developed and defended the Fatherland, not only uniting around the Russian people all the diversity of nationalities and confessions of Russia, but also serving as the basis for new integration in the Eurasian space , for the reunification of the Russian people divided by borders.

After the founding assembly, we need to organize the activities of the assembly. Therefore, I appeal to all readers who are interested in the development of our public organization (since I perceive this as our common cause) to get involved in the work. We need to discuss a realistic plan of action. “Russian Assembly” today is an exclusively public initiative, so the organization does not have a budget. But we are not used to working in such conditions; the “Russian People's Line” has also existed for many years. The Russian people have always been strong in ingenuity. Over time, I hope, we will create a website for the “Russian Assembly”, but for now we will try to make a page on RNL. Therefore, I propose to send your ideas and suggestions to RNL mail. We will welcome any initiative.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. The international public organization "Russian Assembly" (hereinafter referred to as IOO "RuS") is a membership-based international public association created on the initiative of Russian citizens united to implement the common goals specified in this Charter.

The organizational and legal form of MOO "Rus" is a public organization.

MOO "Rus" operates on the territory of Russia and on the territory of foreign countries.

1.2. From now on, until state registration, MOO "Rus" carries out its activities on the basis of this temporary Charter.

1.3. In carrying out its activities, MOO "Rus" is guided by the Constitution of Russia, legislation on public associations, other current regulatory legal acts of Russia, the legislation of foreign states and international treaties of Russia, in terms of carrying out its activities on the territory of foreign states, this Charter and the Program of MOO "Rus" "

IOO "Rus", in accordance with current legislation, can join international public associations, maintain international contacts and connections, and conduct other international activities in accordance with Russian legislation and international treaties of Russia.

1.4. Full name of MOO "Rus": International public organization "Russian Assembly".

Short name: IPO “Russian Assembly”;

Short name: MOO "Rus".

1.5. Location of MOO "Rus" and its governing bodies: Russia, Moscow.

2. Goals and objectives of the IPO “Russian Assembly”

2.1. When determining its goals and objectives, MOO "Rus" proceeds from the following principles:

The enormous spiritual and scientific contribution of the peoples of Russia to world development, the unique geographical location of Russia, its economic and intellectual potential;

Ideas of patriotism and service to the Fatherland;

National and social justice, state integrity of Russia, communalism and conciliarity of the Russian people, the primacy of the spiritual over the material;

Creative use of the works and testaments of great Russian thinkers, exponents of Russian conservatism, traditionalism and Slavophilism.

2.2. The main goals of MOO "Rus" are:

The emergence of Russia as a great power;

Participation in the development of the state ideology (national idea) of Russia;

Justification and advocacy of the development path of Russia based on national interests Russia, traditional Russian ideals and values;

Formation of public opinion;

Expressing the opinions of members of the IOO "Rus" on any issues of public life, bringing these opinions to the attention of the wider Russian and foreign public and authorities state power and local self-government of Russia.

2.3. Objectives of MOO "Rus" on the way to achieving its goals:

Strengthening and development of statehood, improvement of government structure;

Spread of conservative, traditionalist ideas;

Organization and participation in the development of geopolitical, socio-economic projects and theories aimed at increasing the role and status of Russia in the international arena;

Comprehensive use of the intellectual and moral potential of the Russian people, the peoples of Russia;

Strengthening friendship between peoples;

Representation of the interests of the Russian people in government bodies and local government Russia and abroad;

Promotion of integration processes in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan;

Countering the ideas of globalism, the “new world order”, liberalism, extremism and terrorism;

Contributing to ensuring the security of Russia and strengthening its defense capability;

Assistance to state authorities, local governments, and the Russian Orthodox Church on the above issues;

Unconditional implementation of the MOO "Rus" Program.

3. Rights and obligations of the IPO “Russian Assembly”

3.1. In accordance with the procedure established by current legislation, MOO "Rus" has the right:

Freely disseminate information about your activities, promote your views, goals and objectives;

Participate in the development of decisions of state authorities and local governments in the manner and extent established by the current legislation on public associations;

Create regional and foreign branches;

Use state and municipal media on equal terms;

Create associations and unions with other public associations without forming a legal entity;

Organize and conduct seminars, round tables, meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions, pickets and other public events;

Protect your rights and represent the legitimate interests of your participants;

Carry out other activities established by the current Russian legislation and international treaties of Russia.

3.2. MOO "Rus" is obliged to:

Comply in your activities with the Constitution of Russia and current legislation;

Allow representatives of state authorized bodies to attend open events(including meetings, conferences or sessions) held by MOO "Rus";

Perform other duties determined by the current Russian legislation and international treaties of Russia.

4. Founders and members of the IPO “Russian Assembly”

4.1. The founders of the MOO "Rus" are citizens of Russia who have reached the age of 18, who meet the requirements for founders of public associations by current legislation, who convened the General Meeting of the MOO "Rus", at which a decision was made to create the MOO "Rus", the Charter of the MOO "Rus" was approved, The governing bodies of MOO "Rus" were elected.

4.2. Members of MOO "Rus" can be legal entities - Russian and foreign public associations, adult capable citizens of Russia, foreign citizens who recognize this Charter and the Program of MOO "Rus" and accepted as members of MOO "Rus" in the manner prescribed by this Charter.

The founders of MOO "Rus" become members of MOO "Rus" from the moment the decision is made to create MOO "Rus".

4.3. Membership in the IOO "RuS" cannot be limited on the basis of professional, social, racial, national or religious affiliation, as well as depending on gender, origin, or property status.

4.4. Members of MOO "Rus" have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities. Legal entities - public associations can be represented in the MOO "RuS", as a rule, by one authorized representative.

4.5. A member of IOO "Rus" has the right:

To elect and be elected to the governing bodies of MOO "Rus", the bodies of regional and international branches of MOO "Rus";

Freely express your views at the events of MOO "Rus";

Address questions, suggestions and statements to any bodies of the MOO "Rus" and receive a substantive answer;

Use the assistance of MOO "Rus" in protecting your legal rights and obligations;

Be present when discussing issues that concern him personally;

Voluntarily leave the MOO "Rus";

Has other rights in accordance with current legislation and this Charter.

4.6. A member of IOO "Rus" is obliged to:

Implement the Charter of the MOO "Rus", strengthen its ideological and organizational unity, explain and promote the program goals of the MOO "Rus";

Take part in the activities of MOO "Rus";

Carry out decisions and instructions of the governing bodies of MOO "Rus";

Take care of the reputation of MOO “Rus”, prevent actions that are detrimental to MOO “Rus”, observe the law and norms of public morality;

Carry out other duties determined by this Charter.

4.7. Admission to the MOO "Rus" is carried out on the basis of personal written applications of applicants, issued in the name of the Central Council of the MOO "Rus".

The application must indicate: surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth of the applicant, address of permanent or primary residence, citizenship; an indication of agreement with the provisions of the Charter of MOO "Rus"; indication of party affiliation, membership in other public associations; phone number; personal signature of the applicant. The application may also contain the passport data of the applicant or the data of the document replacing it (series, number, by whom and when issued). The application of a legal entity shall indicate the decision of the governing body, a certificate of state registration of the legal entity, and contact information.

4.8. Admission to membership in the IOO "Rus" is carried out by the Central Council of the IOO "Rus".

4.9. A decision on an application for admission must be made within two months from the date of submission of the application. The date of the decision on admission is the date of acceptance of the applicant into the IOO "Rus".

Upon admission to the IOO "Rus", the Central Council of the IOO "Rus" has the right to establish a probationary period of up to six months, and, if necessary, a guarantee of two or three members of the IOO "Rus".

4.10. A member of the IPO "Rus" can voluntarily leave the IPO "RS". Termination of membership occurs on the basis of a personal written application addressed to the Central Council of the IOO "Rus". In this case, termination of membership occurs from the date of submission of a written application.

4.11. A member of the MOO "Rus" may be expelled from the MOO "Rus" for failure to comply with the norms of the Charter of the MOO "Rus", failure to comply with decisions of the governing bodies of the MOO "Rus" or for actions that discredit the MOO "Rus".

The question of exclusion can be raised by any member of the IOO "Rus".

The decision to expel is made by the general meeting or the Central Council of the IOO "Rus".

The decision to exclude is made by two-thirds of the votes of those present at the relevant General Meeting or meeting.

4.12. The Central Council of the IOO "Rus" organizes registration of members of the IOO "Rus". The procedure for registering members of the IOO "Rus" is approved by the Central Council of the IOO "Rus".

4.13. Accepted members of MOO "Rus" may be issued a membership card of MOO "Rus". A sample membership card, the procedure for production, storage and use of membership cards are approved by the Central Council of the IOO "RuS".

4.14. MOO "Rus" may have supporters of MOO "Rus". Supporters of MOO "Rus" are not members of MOO "Rus". Supporters are citizens of Russia and foreign citizens who share the main program provisions of MOO "Rus" and who provide assistance to MOO "Rus" in any form that does not contradict current legislation. The procedure for acquiring and losing the status of a supporter of the MOO "Rus" is determined by a decision approved by the Central Council of the MOO "Rus".

4.15. The central bodies of the IOO "Rus" have the right to express gratitude to the members and supporters of the IOO "Rus" for their active work, and to apply other methods of encouragement. Members and supporters of the MOO "Rus" can be awarded certificates of honor, diplomas, and memorial signs of the MOO "Rus".

4.16. For great services to the MOO "Rus" or for a special contribution to the implementation of the statutory goals and objectives of the MOO "Rus", the title of Honorary Member of the MOO "Rus" may be awarded. The procedure for assigning the title is determined by a decision approved by the Central Council of the IOO "RuS".

5. Structure of the IPO “Russian Assembly”

5.1. The structure of MOO "Rus" includes the central bodies of MOO "Rus", branches created in the constituent entities of Russia ( regional branches) and on the territory of foreign states (foreign branches), operating on the basis of the Charter of MOO "Rus".

5.2. The structure of MOO "Rus" includes:

5.2.1. Highest central governing body: General Meeting of MOO "Rus".

Central authorities:

Central Council of MOO "Rus";

Control and Audit Commission (auditor) of MOO "Rus";

By decision of the General Meeting (Conference) or the Central Council of the IOO "Rus", the Spiritual Council of the IOO "Rus" can be created.

5.2.2. The highest governing body of the regional branch: General meeting of the regional branch of the IOO "RuS".

Bodies of the regional branch of MOO "Rus":

Regional Branch Council;

Control and audit commission (auditor) of the regional branch.

5.2.3. Foreign branches of MOO "Rus", operating on the territory of foreign states, are created and operate similarly to regional branches of MOO "Rus", taking into account and in accordance with the legislation of these states and international treaties of Russia with these states.

6. General meeting (Conference) of the IPO “Russian Assembly”

6.1. The General Meeting or Conference of the IOO "Rus" is the highest governing body MOO "Rus".

6.2. General meetings (Conference) are convened by the Central Council of the IOO "RuS" as necessary, but at least once every two years.

6.3. The general meeting of the MOO "Rus" is valid if more than half of the members of the MOO "Rus" take part in its work. Decisions of the General Meeting are made, as a rule, conciliarly, by “general consent” or by a simple majority of votes of the meeting participants. The form of voting is determined by the General Meeting (except for cases established by this Charter).

6.4. In the case of a branched structure of the MOO "Rus" and a large total number of members of the MOO "Rus", instead of General Meetings, Conferences of the MOO "Rus" may be held.

Conferences are convened according to the norm of representation of Conference participants from regional and foreign branches of the IPO "Rus", determined by the decision of the Central Council of the IPO "Rus".

6.5. The competence of the General Meeting (Conference) of IOO "Rus" includes:

Adoption of the Charter of MOO "Rus", as well as introducing amendments and additions to it;

Adoption of the MOO "Rus" Program, other program documents and statements of MOO "Rus", as well as introducing changes and additions to them;

Election of the Chairman of the MOO "Rus", election of members of the Central Council of the MOO "Rus" for a period of 5 years;

Election of members of the Control and Audit Commission of MOO "RuS" (or an auditor) for a period of 5 years;

Hearing and approval of reports and reports of members of the Central Council of MOO "Rus", the Control and Audit Commission (auditor) of MOO "Rus";

Cancellation of any decisions of bodies and officials of MOO "Rus";

Other issues in accordance with this Charter and current legislation.

7. Chairman of the Moscow Public Organization “Russian Assembly”.

7.1. The Chairman of the MOO "Rus" is the highest official of the MOO "Rus", an exponent of the line pursued by the MOO "Rus".

7.2. The Chairman of the MOO "Rus" is elected by the General Meeting (Conference) of the MOO "Rus", is a member of the Central Council, organizes and manages the activities of the Central Council of the MOO "Rus".

7.3. Chairman of MOO "Rus":

Without a power of attorney, represents the interests of MOO "Rus" in relations with government bodies of all levels, with the leadership of Russia, government and public figures, public organizations and parties, the public, Russian and foreign organizations;

Provides general management of the activities of MOO "Rus";

Signs decisions made, resolutions, statements of General Meetings (Conferences), the Central Council of the IOO "RuS";

Manages the convocation and conducts General Meetings (Conferences), meetings of the Central Council of the IOO "RuS";

From among the members of the Central Council of the MOO "Rus", appoints to the position and dismisses from their positions the deputy (deputies) Chairman of the MOO "Rus", the secretary of the MOO "Rus";

Makes decisions that are binding on members of the Central Council, regional and foreign branches of the IPO “RuS”;

Has other powers in accordance with this Charter and emanating from the status of the highest official of MOO "RuS".

8. Spiritual Council of the IPO “Russian Assembly”

8.1. By decision of the General Meeting (Conference) or the Central Council of the IOO "RuS", the Spiritual Council of the IOO "Rus" may be created, consisting of clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church who are members or supporters of MOO "Rus".

8.2. The status and functions of the Spiritual Council are determined by a decision approved by the Central Council of the IOO "RuS".

9. Central Council of the IOO "Russian Assembly"

9.1. The Central Council of MOO "Rus" is the collegial central governing body of MOO "Rus", operating during the period between General Meetings (Conferences) of MOO "Rus".

The Central Council of IOO "Rus" is also executive body MOO "Rus".

9.2. Members of the Central Council of MOO "Rus" are elected by the General Meeting of MOO "Rus" for a period of 5 years.

9.3. Meetings of the Central Council are convened by the Chairman of the IOO "RuS" as necessary, but at least once every six months.

Extraordinary meetings may be convened at the request of the control and audit commission (auditor) of MOO "RuS" or at the request of more than one third of the members of the Central Council. A meeting of the Central Council is valid if more than half of the members of the Central Council of the IOO "RuS" take part in its work. Decisions are made, as a rule, conciliarly, by “general consent” or by a simple majority of votes of meeting participants. The form of decision-making is taken by the Central Council of MOO "Rus".

9.4. The competence of the Central Council of MOO "Rus" includes:

Acceptance and publication of statements and appeals on behalf of MOO "Rus";

Convening General Meetings (Conferences) of the IOO "Rus", determining the date and place of their holding, the draft agenda and establishing the norm of representation from regional and foreign branches for holding Conferences;

Making decisions on the creation of regional and foreign branches of MOO "Rus", on their reorganization and liquidation;

Making decisions binding on regional and foreign branches, members of the IOO "RuS";

Approval of the cost estimate of MOO "Rus" (in the case of existing financial expenses) and the expense report;

Determining the procedure for organizing the implementation of decisions of the General Meetings (Conferences) of the IPO "RuS";

Implementation of specific plans, programs and individual activities of MOO "Rus";

Analysis of the state of affairs and development of the current activities of MOO "Rus" in the period between General Meetings of MOO "Rus";

Creation of advisory and working bodies to implement the goals and objectives of MOO “Rus”;

Making decisions on other issues that are not within the competence of the General Meeting of MOO "Rus".

9.5. Deputy (deputies) Chairman of the IOO "Rus":

Within the limits of its competence, implements decisions and organizes the implementation of decisions of General Meetings (Conferences), Central Councils and the Chairman of the IOO "RuS";

By power of attorney of the Chairman of the MOO “Rus”, he represents the interests of the MOO “Rus” in relations with government bodies of all levels, public organizations and parties, and the public;

Within the limits of its competence, makes decisions that are binding on members of the IPO “RuS”;

Within the limits of his competence, interacts with regional and foreign branches of MOO "Rus";

Within the limits of its competence, organizes the development and submits draft documents of MOO “Rus” for consideration to the General Meeting and the Central Council;

Has other powers in accordance with this Charter and decisions of the Central Council and the Chairman of the IPO "RuS".

9.6. Secretary of MOO "Rus":

Organizes control over the implementation of decisions of General Meetings (Conferences), Central Councils and the Chairman of the IPO "RuS";

Within its competence, organizes the development and submits for consideration of the General Meeting, the Central Council and the Chairman draft documents of the IOO “RuS”;

Executes other powers in accordance with the decisions of the Chairman of MOO "Rus".

10. Control and Audit Commission of the IPO “Russian Assembly”

10.1. The Control and Audit Commission of MOO "Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the KRC) is the central control body of MOO "Rus".

10.2. The KRC is elected by the General Meeting (Conference) of MOO "RuS" consisting of 3 people.

In the case of a small total number of members of the IOO "Rus", the General Meeting (Conference) may temporarily elect one auditor to perform the functions of the Audit Committee of the IOO "Rus".

10.3. The KRC (auditor) is accountable only to the General Meeting (Conference) of the IOO "RuS". The procedure for the activities of the CRC is determined by the General Meeting (Conference) of the IOO "RuS".

10.4. Control and Audit Commission (auditor) of MOO "Rus":

Monitors the implementation of decisions of the General Meetings and Central Councils of the IPO "RS" to ensure their compliance with the requirements of the Charter of the IPO "Rus" and current legislation;

Exercises control over the financial and economic activities of MOO "Rus" (if such activities are conducted);

Controls the conduct accounting and reporting (if such is maintained);

Coordinates the activities of the Audit Committee (auditors) of regional and foreign branches of MOO "RuS";

Carries out other control functions in accordance with the procedure determined by the General Meeting (Conference) of IOO "RuS".

10.5. The decisions of the CRC (auditor), adopted within its competence, are binding for execution by all bodies, departments and members of the IPO “RuS” in respect of which these decisions were made.

10.6. Members of the CRC (auditor) cannot simultaneously be members of the Central Council of the IOO "RuS", the Councils of regional and foreign branches of the IOO "Rus".

11. Regional and foreign branches of the IPO “Russian Assembly”

11.1. Regional and foreign branches of MOO "Rus" are created by a decision of the Central Council of MOO "Rus" on the initiative of members of MOO "Rus" living in the respective territories, and are accountable to the central bodies of MOO "Rus".

11.2. The regional and foreign branches consist of 3 or more members of the IOO "Rus".

11.3. The regional branch of MOO "Rus" is structural unit MOO "Rus" operates on the territory of individual constituent entities of Russia.

Within the territory of a constituent entity of Russia, only one regional branch of the IPO “Rus” can be created.

11.4. The foreign branch of MOO "Rus" is a structural subdivision of MOO "Rus" and operates on the territory of a separate foreign state.

Only one foreign branch of MOO "Rus" can be created within the territory of a foreign state.

11.5. The activities of the General Meetings of regional and foreign branches, Councils of regional and foreign branches of the IPO "Rus", their chairmen, auditors and other persons, are similar to the activities of the central bodies and officials of the IPO "Rus" commensurate with the level of management and are regulated by the procedure for their activities, determined by the Central Council of the IPO "Rus".

12. Final provisions.

12.1. The requirements of this Charter apply to the rights and obligations of foreign citizens and legal entities who are members and supporters of MOO "Rus", to the procedure for the creation and activities of foreign branches of MOO "Rus", their governing bodies and officials insofar as they do not contradict the legislation of a foreign state and international treaties Russia.

12.2. Changes and additions to the Charter of the MOO "Rus" are submitted for consideration to the General Meeting (Conference) by the Chairman or the Central Council of the MOO "Rus" and are adopted by at least two-thirds of the votes present at the General Meeting (Conference).

12.3. Decisions on reorganization (merger, accession, division, spin-off, transformation), as well as on termination of activities (liquidation) of MOO "Rus" are made by the General Meeting (Conference) of MOO "Rus" by three-quarters of the votes present at the General Meeting (Conference).

12.4. Documents of MOO "Rus" after the liquidation of MOO "Rus" are transferred for storage to the state archive of Russia in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

12.5. Issues not covered by this Charter are resolved in accordance with current legislation.

In connection with the revolutionary events of 1905, about fifty political parties were formed in Russia - both small-town and large, with a network of cells throughout the country. They can be classified into three directions - radical revolutionary democratic, liberal opposition and monarchical conservative parties of Russia. The latter will mainly be discussed in this article.

Batch creation process

Historically, the formation of various political parties occurs with precise systematicity. Opposition left parties are the first to be formed. During the revolution of 1905, that is, a little after the signing of the October Manifesto, numerous centrist parties were formed, uniting, for the most part, the intelligentsia.

And finally, as a reaction to the Manifesto, the right appeared - the monarchical and conservative parties of Russia. Interesting fact: all these parties disappeared from the historical stage in reverse order: the right was swept away February Revolution, then the October Revolution abolished the centrists. Moreover most of Left parties united with the Bolsheviks or dissolved themselves in the 20s, when show trials of their leaders began.

List and leaders

The Conservative Party - not a single one - was destined to survive 1917. They were all born at different times, and died almost simultaneously. The conservative party "Russian Assembly" existed longer than all the others, because it was created earlier - in 1900. It will be discussed in more detail below.

Conservative Russian People" was founded in 1905, the leaders were Dubrovin and from 1912 - Markov. The "Union of Russian People" existed from 1905 to 1911, then until 1917 purely formally. V. A. Gringmut in the same 1905 founded the Russian which later became "Russian Monarchical Union".

High-born aristocrats also had their own conservative party - the “United Nobility”, created in 1906. The famous Russian People's Union of the Archangel was led by V. M. Purishkevich. National Conservative Party "All-Russian national union"disappeared already in 1912, it was led by Balashov and Shulgin.

The moderate right party ceased to exist in 1910. The “All-Russian Dubrovinsky Union of the Russian People” managed to form only in 1912. Even later, the conservative party “Fatherland Patriotic Union” was created by leaders Orlov and Skvortsov in 1915. A.I. Guchkov assembled his “Union of the Seventeenth of October” in 1906 (the same Octobrists). Here are approximately all the main conservative parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

"Russian meeting"

St. Petersburg became the birthplace of the RS - "Russian Assembly" in November 1900. The poet V. L. Velichko in a narrow circle complained that he was constantly haunted by vague, but clearly prophetic visions of Russia being captured by some dark forces. He proposed creating a kind of commonwealth of Russian people, ready to withstand future adversity. This is how the RS party began - beautifully and patriotically. Already in January 1901, the RS charter was ready and the leadership was elected. As historian A.D. Stepanov put it at the first meeting, the Black Hundred movement was born.

So far, this did not sound as threatening as, say, eighteen or twenty years later. The charter was approved by Senator Durnovo and sealed with warm words full of bright hope. Initially, the RS meetings were similar to a Slavophile literary and artistic club.

Intellectuals, officials, clergy and landowners gathered there. Cultural and educational goals were put at the forefront. However, after the revolution of 1905, thanks to its activities, the RS ceased to be like other conservative parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. It became clearly right-wing monarchist.


At first, the RS organized discussions of reports and organized theme nights. The meetings took place on Fridays and were dedicated to political and social problems. “Literary Mondays” were also popular. All “Fridays” were first handled by V.V. Komarov, but they became popular and influential in the fall of 1902, when V.L. Velichko became their leader.

Since 1901, in addition to “Mondays” and “Fridays,” separate meetings began (here it should be noted the activity of the Outskirts Department, chaired by Professor A. M. Zolotarev, later this department became an independent organization of the “Russian Outskirts Society”). Since 1903, under the leadership of N. A. Engelhardt, “literary Tuesdays” became increasingly popular.

Already in 1901, the “Russian Assembly” numbered more than a thousand people, and in 1902 - six hundred more. Political activity boiled down to the fact that, starting from 1904, petitions and loyal subjects were periodically submitted to the Tsar, deputations were organized to the palace and propaganda was carried out in periodicals.

Deputations at different times were graced by the presence of Princes Golitsyn and Volkonsky, Count Apraksin, Archpriest Bogolyubov, and no less famous people- Engelhardt, Zolotarev, Mordvinov, Leontyev, Puryshev, Bulatov, Nikolsky. The Emperor received the RS delegations with enthusiasm. Nicholas II, one might say, loved and trusted conservative political parties.

MS and revolutionary turmoil

In 1905 and 1906, the “Russian Assembly” did nothing special, and nothing happened to it, except for the post-revolutionary circular, which prohibited members of the tsarist army from being members of any political communities. Then the liberal and conservative parties lost many of their members, and its founder, A. M. Zolotarev, left the RS.

In February 1906, the RS organized an all-Russian congress in St. Petersburg. In fact, the Russian Assembly became a party only in 1907, when the program of the Conservative Party was adopted and amendments were made to the charter. Now the RS could elect and be elected to State Duma and the State Council.

The basis of the program was the motto: “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality.” The Russian Assembly did not miss a single monarchist congress. However, it took a long time to create an independent political faction. The first and second Dumas did not give the RS a chance, so the party decided not to nominate candidates, on the contrary, to vote for the extreme left (such a trick against the Octobrists and Cadets). Political position at the Third and Fourth Dumas, she definitely did not recommend that her deputies bloc with centrists (Octobrists) and even with moderate right-wing nationalist parties.


Until the end of 1908, passions raged in the monarchist camp, which resulted in splits in many organizations. For example, the conflict between Purishkevich and Dubrovin split the “Union of the Russian People”, after which the “Union of Archangel Michael” appeared. Opinions in the RS were also divided. The party was haunted by quarrels, departures and deaths, but especially by bureaucratic carrion.

By 1914, the leaders of the RS decided to completely depoliticize the party, seeing educational and cultural orientation as the right path to resolving conflicts. However, the war deepened all the fault lines in relations, since the Markovites were for the immediate conclusion of peace with Germany, and Purishkevich’s supporters, on the contrary, they needed a war to a victorious end. As a result, by the February Revolution, the “Russian Assembly” had outlived its usefulness and turned into a small circle of Slavophile tendencies.


The Union of the Russian People is another organization representing conservative parties. The table demonstrates how high passionarity was at the beginning of the twentieth century - all kinds of societies and communities multiplied like mushrooms in the autumn rain. The RNC party began to operate in 1905. Its program and activities were entirely based on chauvinistic and even more anti-Semitic ideas of a monarchical kind.

Orthodox radicalism especially distinguished the views of its members. The RNC was actively opposed to any kind of revolution and parliamentarism, advocated for the indivisibility and unity of Russia and advocated joint actions of the authorities and the people, who would be an advisory body under the sovereign. This organization, naturally, was banned immediately after the end of the February Revolution, and recently, in 2005, they tried to recreate it.

Historical background

Russian nationalism has never been alone in the world. The nineteenth century was marked by nationalist movements everywhere. Active in Russia political activity was able to appear only during a state crisis, after the defeat in the war with the Japanese and a cascade of revolutions. Only then did the king decide to support the initiative of right-wing social groups.

First, the above-mentioned elite organization “Russian Assembly” appeared, which had nothing in common with the people, and its activities did not find sufficient response among the intelligentsia. Naturally, such an organization could not resist the revolution. Just like other political parties - liberal, conservative. The people no longer needed right-wing, but left-wing, revolutionary organizations.

The “Union of Russian People” united in its ranks only the highest nobility, idealized the pre-Petrine era and recognized only the peasantry, merchants and nobility; it did not recognize the cosmopolitan intelligentsia either as a class or as a stratum. The course of the government was criticized by the SRL for the measures it took international loans, believing that in this way the authorities are ruining the Russian people.

RNC and terror

The “Union of the Russian People” was created - the largest of the monarchical unions - on the initiative of several people at the same time: the doctor Dubrovin, the abbot Arseny and the artist Maikov. Alexander Dubrovin, a member of the Russian Assembly, became the leader. He turned out to be a good organizer, politically sensitive and energetic person. He easily came into contact with the government and administration and convinced many that only mass patriotism could save the current order, that a society was needed that would carry out both mass actions and individual terror.

Conservative parties of the 20th century begin to engage in terror - this was something new. Nevertheless, the movement received support of all kinds: police, political and financial. The Tsar blessed the RNC with all his heart in the hope that even terror is better than the inactivity demonstrated by other conservative parties in Russia.

In December 1905, a mass meeting was organized in the Mikhailovsky Manege of the RNC, where about twenty thousand people gathered. Prominent people spoke - famous monarchists, bishops. The people demonstrated unity and enthusiasm. The "Russian Banner" newspaper was published by the "Union of the Russian People". The Tsar received deputations, listened to reports and accepted gifts from the leaders of the Union. For example, the insignia of members of the RNC, which both the Tsar and the Tsarevich wore from time to time.

Meanwhile, the RNC's calls of absolutely pogrom and anti-Semitic content were replicated among the people using millions of rubles received from the treasury. This organization grew at a tremendous pace, regional sections were opened in almost all major cities empire, in a few months - more than sixty branches.

Congress, charter, program

In August 1906, the charter of the RNC was approved. It contained the main ideas of the party, its program of action and the concept of development. This document was rightfully considered the best among all the charters of monarchical societies, because it was short, clear and precise in wording. At the same time, a congress of leaders from all regions was convened to coordinate activities and centralize them.

The organization became paramilitary due to the new structure. All ordinary party members were divided into tens, tens into hundreds, and hundreds into thousands, respectively, subordinate to tens, centurions and thousands. The organization of such a plan was good for popularity among the people. The monarchist movement was particularly active in Kyiv, and a huge part of the RNC members lived in Little Russia.

The deeply revered John of Kronstadt - the All-Russian priest, as he was called - arrived at the St. Michael's Manege for the next celebration on the occasion of the consecration of the banner, as well as the banner of the RNC. He gave a welcoming speech and later joined the RNC himself, and until the very end he was an honorary member of this Union.

To prevent revolutions and maintain order, the RNC kept self-defense on alert, often armed. The "White Guard" from Odessa is a particularly well-known squad of this kind. The principle of formation of self-defense is a military Cossack with esauls, atamans and foremen. Such squads existed at all factories in Moscow and St. Petersburg.


By its fourth congress, the RNC was the first among Russian monarchist parties. It had over nine hundred branches, and the vast majority of the delegates were members of this Union. But then contradictions began among the leaders. Purishkevich tried to remove Dubrovin from business, and he soon succeeded. He pulled all the publishing and organizational work to himself; many leaders of local branches no longer listened to anyone except Purishkevich. This also affected many of the founders of the RNC.

And a conflict arose that went so far that the most powerful organization quickly came to naught. Purishkevich in 1908 created his own “Union named after Archangel Michael”, and the Moscow department left the RNC. The Tsar's Manifesto on October 17 finally split the RNC, since the attitude towards the creation of the Duma was completely different. Then there was a terrorist attack with the murder of a prominent State Duma deputy, in which Dubrovin’s supporters and himself were accused.

The St. Petersburg department of the RNC in 1909 simply removed Dubrovin from power, leaving him with honorary membership in the Union, and very quickly ousted his like-minded people from all posts. Until 1912, Dubrovin tried to fight for a place in the sun, but realized that nothing could be returned, and in August he registered the charter of the Dubrovin Union, after which regional branches began to break away from the center one after another. All this did not add to the authority of the RNC organization, and it completely collapsed. Conservative parties (right) were sure that the government was afraid of the power of this Union, and Stolypin personally played a huge role in its collapse.


It got to the point that the RNC formed a single bloc with the Octobrists. Subsequently, attempts were made repeatedly to recreate a single monarchical organization, however, no one achieved success here. And the February Revolution banned monarchist parties, inciting them against the leaders trials. Then followed October Revolution and Most of the leaders of the RNC met with death during these years. Those who remained were reconciled, having erased all past contradictions, by the White movement.

Soviet historians considered the RNC to be an absolutely fascist organization, which far predated their appearance in Italy. Even the RNC participants themselves wrote many years later that the “Union of the Russian People” became the historical predecessor of fascism (one of the leaders, Markov-2, wrote about this with pride). V. Laqueur is confident that the Black Hundreds have gone about halfway from the reactionary movements of the nineteenth century to the right-wing populist (that is, fascist) parties of the twentieth century.

The formal date of the birth of the Black Hundred movement can be considered January 16, 1901. On that day, the last preliminary meeting took place in St. Petersburg, at which the draft charter of the organization, which its creators called the “Russian Assembly,” was finally approved. The name itself was a challenge public opinion. After all, cosmopolitanism at that time was a sign of “ good manners"among the Russian educated stratum. Naturally, the liberal press greeted the news of the appearance of the Russian national circle with hostility. Ridicule rained down on its organizers. However, the matter was not limited to mockery. A denunciation was concocted against the then influential Minister of Internal Affairs, Vyacheslav Plehve, who at first even wanted to close the circle. But, having figured out which way the wind was blowing, he himself became a member of the Russian Assembly.
The idea to create a Russian national organization was born in November 1900 among writers, scientists and dignitaries of the capital, who were depressed by the fading of faith and the denationalization of Russian society. These people made up the bulk of those who gathered on January 16, 1901 at the editorial office of the most authoritative newspaper of that time, “Novoe Vremya.” Its editor-publisher Alexei Suvorin was among the forty founding members of the Russian Assembly. In addition to him, the founding members were famous figures national science and culture: assistant director of the Public Library, doctor of Russian history Nikolai Likhachev, prominent theologian, professor of the Theological Academy Nikolai Pokrovsky, academician Nikodim Kondakov, writers Mikhail Koyalovich Jr., Vsevolod Svatkovsky and Vasily Yanchevetsky, etc. At the meeting on January 16, the leaders of the organization were elected. He became the Chairman of the Russian Assembly famous writer Prince Dmitry Golitsyn (literary pseudonym - Muravlin). His comrades are publicist Alexei Suvorin Jr. and writer Sergei Syromyatnikov.
Ten days later, on January 26, the charter was officially approved. The purpose of the Russian Assembly, according to the charter, was to promote “clarification, strengthening in the public consciousness and implementation of the age-old creative beginnings and everyday characteristics of the Russian people." The organization set itself the following tasks: the study of Russian and Slavic folk life in her present and past; maintaining the purity and correctness of Russian speech; development of issues of Russian and Slavic literature, ethnic studies, law, National economy etc. The charter provided the right to: organize meetings and evenings, hold essay competitions, publish newspapers and books, establish reading rooms and engage in other types of educational activities.
On February 12, 1901, the first meeting was held, at which 120 full members were accepted and the Council of the Russian Assembly was elected. The Council included: publicist, Major General Mikhail Borodkin, famous Slavophile publicist, Controller General Afanasy Vasiliev, popular poet and publicist Vasily Velichko, son of a famous military leader, General Count Nikolai Heyden, professor of the Academy General Staff Major General Akim Zolotarev, veteran of patriotic journalism, publisher Vissarion Komarov, future Minister of Agriculture Alexander Krivoshein, censor Nikolai Sokolov, publisher Alexei Suvorin, writer Nikolai Engelhardt and other (15 people in total) representatives of the political and cultural elite of the empire.
Initially, the RS was exclusively concerned with discussing reports and organizing evenings. The first form of activity was meetings on Fridays devoted to socio-political problems and literary Mondays. Since the autumn of 1901, in addition to Fridays and Mondays, special meetings on topical problems appeared (the Outskirts Department, chaired by A.M. Zolotarev, worked most actively). In other words, the Russian Assembly began to act as the intellectual center of the still nascent Orthodox-monarchist movement. In those conditions, this kind of activity was extremely necessary. Before acting, it was necessary to determine the sources and nature of threats to the existence of Russia and develop forms of combating them.
The emergence of the first national organization was greeted with enthusiasm by many Russian people. The number of the Russian Assembly began to grow rapidly. By the end of 1901, it had about 1,000 members, and by the end of 1902 - about 1,600. In February 1903, the RS also had its own printed organ, Izvestia of the Russian Assembly, which was published in special editions for almost two years. Finally it came to creating local departments. On November 6, 1903, the first local MS department was opened in Kharkov by professors Andrei Vyazigin, Vasily Albitsky and others. This example inspired nationally minded public figures in other cities. In 1904, departments were created in Odessa, Orenburg, Yekaterinoslav, Warsaw and Vilna. In the fall of 1904, a Circle of Russian Students was organized at the RS under the leadership of the popular fiction writer Prince Mikhail Volkonsky and chaired by student Ermolov. A little earlier, a similar circle was created in Kharkov. In short, the organization grew and became stronger.
An outstanding role in the creation of the Russian Assembly and the organization of its activities was played by the popular poet and outstanding publicist Vasily Velichko.

The chairman of the new public organization, Anatoly Stepanov, spoke about its goals and objectives...

On December 6, a meeting of the Orthodox community was held at the Sholokhov Center of the Writers' Union of Russia, at which a new public organization was established - “Russian Assembly”. The editor-in-chief of the Russian People's Line was unanimously elected chairman of the organization.Anatoly Dmitrievich Stepanov , who told us about the goals and objectives of the RS.

We came up with the idea of ​​creating a social movement almost a year ago. This idea was born from the understanding that RNL is not just a mass media, but, in fact, a club of like-minded people. Therefore, the idea arose to somehow institutionalize this state, uniting around the ideology that our regular authors preach and defend - and among them are authoritative clergy, scientists, writers, public figures - representatives of the Russian educated stratum who are concerned about the ideological and moral state of our people and the future of our Fatherland. Since our like-minded people live not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, and other countries of the world where there are Russian communities, it was decided to create an international organization, in the hope that its branches will appear over time in different countries.

A powerful impetus for intensifying our actions was given by the Valdai speech of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who on September 19 of this year, for the first time from a high rostrum, loudly and unequivocally declared the need for a state ideology for Russia. This means that the national leader proposed revising some provisions of the Constitution created in haste under the dictation of American experts 20 years ago and, above all, the article prohibiting Russia from having a state ideology. After the Valdai speech, we held several round tables, organized a discussion, the result of which was yesterday’s meeting, when the international public organization “Russian Assembly” was established.

The question of the name of the organization caused a lot of discussion both before and yesterday. Various options for the name were proposed, for example, “Movement of Russian Traditionalists,” which, in principle, adequately describes the essence of our position, because we strive to rely on the national traditions of Russian political thought and to update the rich historiosophical heritage of our thinkers, starting from the Slavophiles I.V. Kireevsky and A. .S. Khomyakov and ending with our contemporaries, the recently deceased A.S. Panarin, V.V. Kozhinov, who created a coherent political doctrine about Russia. Others suggested calling themselves the “September 19 Movement,” since it was on this day that the President of the country delivered the Valdai speech, and it was she who gave impetus to the discussion of the issue of state ideology. There were other proposals - “The Third Rome”, “Power”, “Russian Way”, “Russian Spirit”. But an amazing thing is that after everyone who wanted to speak out on this issue spoke up, somehow everyone unanimously decided that we should call our organization “Russian Assembly”. This amazing unanimity was nothing more than a manifestation of the spirit of conciliarity. And it was a consequence of the fact that yesterday’s meeting was organized correctly, in Russian.

At 13-00, the meeting participants came to the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki, where, led by one of the members of the initiative group, priest Alexander Shumsky, they served a prayer service in front of the list of the revered icon of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners” and in front of the image of the holy blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. December 6 was not only the day of remembrance of our holy Prince-Warrior and outstanding Ruler of the country, but this year marked 750 years since the repose of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky. The image of Prince Alexander is a symbol RNL , and therefore it was especially important for me that the meeting took place on the day of his memory. By the way, this happened, one might say, providentially. Initially, we planned to hold the meeting before the beginning of the Nativity Fast, but then it turned out that for a number of reasons we would not be able to do this, it was impossible to postpone it until the New Year, it became clear that we needed to hold the meeting in early December, and the most suitable date turned out to be the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky.

The prayerful unanimity with which the meeting began was evident in the future. Many participants in the meeting later said that everything went surprisingly smoothly, without any unnecessary strife, in the spirit of unanimity and conciliarity; there was an impression that somehow everything was working out by itself.

The founders of the meeting were several dozen people. Among them are such famous people as the co-chairman of the Union of Writers of RussiaVladimir Nikolaevich Krupin , member of the board of the Writers' Union of RussiaSergey Ivanovich Kotkalo , famous writers -Vasily Vladimirovich Dvortsov , Alexey Alekseevich Shorokhov , Andrey Yurievich Khvalin , venerable scientist-philologist professorVsevolod Yurievich Troitsky , prominent public figures, co-chairman of the People's Council movementOleg Yuryevich Kassin , Chairman of the Union of Orthodox CitizensValentin Vladimirovich Lebedev , head of the international movement “For Orthodox Rus'”Pavel Andreevich Bezukladichny , editor-in-chief of the magazine "Slavyanka"Sergey Vladimirovich Timchenko , columnist for Radio Radonezh, publicistViktor Alexandrovich Saulkin , priests father Alexander Shumsky And father Sergiy Karamyshev , public figureAndrey Vitalievich Soshenko , Deputy Chief Editor RNL Konstantin Gennadievich Novikov , political scientist Alexander Andreevich Gorbatov , Director of the Center for the Study of Socially Significant IssuesVladimir Aleksandrovich Surin , director of the publishing house "Blessing"Yuri Grigorievich Samusenko , journalists Oleg Vladimirovich Maryanov And Maria Andreevna Monomenova . Among the founders were also the head of the Kalyazinsky municipal district of the Tver regionKonstantin Gennadievich Ilyin , public figuresAlexey Anatolyevich Kaigorodov , Alexey Anatolyevich Derevyanko , Yuri Mikhailovich Dunyashenko , Candidate of Historical SciencesPavel Gennadievich Petin , Alexander Vladimirovich Skakov , Alexander Fedorovich Chernavsky , Nikolai Alekseevich Chistov , Victor Fedorovich Shevchenko and others.

They represented several regions of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tula, Kaluga, Lipetsk, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod and Tver regions. The meeting approved the temporary charter of the public organization, elected the chairman and the Central Council of the “Russian Assembly”, which included 5 people - the chairman of the RS, as well as Father Alexander Shumsky, Vladimir Krupin, Andrey Soshenko (secretary of the organization) and Konstantin Novikov.

At the meeting, the idea was also born to create an Expert Council at the “Russian Assembly”, including authoritative scientists and experts in various fields of knowledge. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Moscow State University has already agreed to join the CouncilValery Nikolaevich Rastorguev , Doctor of Economics, Professor at MGIMOValentin Yuryevich Katasonov , Doctor of Philology, Professor of Moscow State UniversityVladimir Alekseevich Voropaev , Doctor of Economics, Professor at HSELeonid Sergeevich Grebnev . The last two took an active part in the work of the meeting. In the future, as proposals were made, it is necessary not only to expand the composition of the Expert Council, but also to organize its work in different areas. In the meantime, it is planned to involve experts along with RS members in preparing round tables, readings, conferences and meetings.

Participation in the founding meeting of the “Russian Assembly” by the chairman of the Union of Writers of Russia was significantValery Nikolaevich Ganichev , who addressed the audience with words of greeting and even took part in the discussion about the name of the organization. Ganichev had just returned from St. Petersburg, where he participated in the awarding of the Alexander Nevsky Prize laureates and, frankly speaking, I had doubts that he would be able to take part in the meeting, although he promised to be there if the opportunity arose. Therefore, I would like to once again thank Valery Nikolaevich for the honor that he showed us all by taking part in the founding meeting. For me, Ganichev’s participation was a living embodiment of the continuity of generations, since Valery Nikolaevich is one of the “last Mohicans” of the patriotic movement of previous decades. Thus, the “Russian Assembly” demonstrated loyalty to the patriotic tradition.

By the way, in addition to V.N. Ganichev, other guests were also present at the meeting: co-chairman of the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods, rector of the Church of St. Nikola on BersenevkaHegumen Kirill (Sakharov) , chairman of the Autocratic Russia party recently registered by the Ministry of Justice, writerDmitry Nikolaevich Merkulov , editor-in-chief of the magazine "Pereprava"Alexander Ivanovich Notin .

I often had to face the question: why is another social movement needed, how will it differ from others? Indeed, various public structures already exist on the Orthodox-patriotic field, the leaders of the most famous of them even took part in the meeting: co-chairman of the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods Hegumen Kirill (Sakharov), co-chairman of the “People's Council” Oleg Kassin, chairman of the Union of Orthodox Citizens Valentin Lebedev, head movement “For the Orthodox Faith” Pavel Bezukladichny. These public associations are known for their active activities in organizing religious processions, rallies, processions, pickets and other public events.

Our movement sets itself other, primarily ideological, tasks. We intend to try to unite representatives of the educated layer of the Russian people in order to help the authorities formulate and develop a state ideology or development ideology, as Russian President Vladimir Putin puts it. And thus we strive to ensure that a new gap does not arise between the Russian intelligentsia and the authorities, which was so painful in previous times and became one of the reasons for the emergence of the revolution.

However, today there is already a social structure that solves partly similar problems. I mean the Izborsk Club, created by the talented writer and publicist Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov. And the name couldn’t be better, and the idea is wonderful - to unite all illiberal-minded intellectuals, and wonderful people gathered there, many of whom I consider complete like-minded people. However, the Izborsk Club was formed according to a different methodology - opponents of the liberal course gathered there, but in a meaningful sense the people are very different. The task of ideological struggle against the liberal temptation, overcoming liberalism, which still dominates the consciousness of a significant part of the modern political elite, is extremely relevant today. And in this we need to support the initiatives of the Izborsk Club in every possible way.

However, the rejection of liberalism alone is not enough to formulate a positive, forward-looking ideology. People of the left-communist, nationalist and Orthodox-patriotic worldview can jointly fight against the liberal utopia, but they are unlikely to be able to formulate an ideology of development, which is what the authorities expect from intellectuals. This requires a unified ideological platform, which also refers to a certain tradition of political and historiosophical thought.

For us, such a worldview platform is Orthodoxy, patriotism and conservatism. We strive to update the ideas of Ivan Kireevsky and Alexei Khomyakov, Nikolai Danilevsky and Konstantin Leontyev, Konstantin and Ivan Aksakov, Mikhail Katkov and Konstantin Pobedonostsev, Lev Tikhomirov and Ivan Ilyin, the organizers of the pre-revolutionary “Russian Assembly” for the tasks of modern development of Russia. Only on this basis can we create a modern Russian ideology, capable of not only reconciling us with our great ancestors, who created, developed and defended the Fatherland, not only uniting around the Russian people all the diversity of nationalities and confessions of Russia, but also serving as the basis for new integration in the Eurasian space , for the reunification of the Russian people divided by borders.

After the founding assembly, we need to organize the activities of the assembly. Therefore, I appeal to all readers who are interested in the development of our public organization (since I perceive this as our common cause) to get involved in the work. We need to discuss a realistic plan of action. “Russian Assembly” today is an exclusively public initiative, so the organization does not have a budget. But we are not used to working in such conditions; there have also been “ Russian folk line " The Russian people have always been strong in ingenuity. Over time, I hope, we will create a website for the “Russian Assembly”, but for now we will try to make a page on RNL . Therefore, I suggest you send your ideas and suggestions by email RNL . We will welcome any initiative.

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