Agricultural Institute under the President of the Russian Federation. Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - reviews, specialties, cost, contacts, photos

Where to go, which institution of higher education is better - this is topical issues for applicants. When choosing a university, first of all, you should think about what you would like to do in the future, what place to occupy in life. In striving for managerial, analytical and scientific activity it is worth paying attention to the RANEPA (decoding - Russian Academy national economy and public service).

History of the university

In the late 70s, the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR began to function in the Russian capital. The task of this institution was to improve the skills and retrain leadership personnel. In the Soviet years, chiefs were trained here various organizations, specialists and heads of governing bodies. In 1988, the rector decided to open an educational institution on the basis of the Academy - the Higher Commercial School.

In 1992 there were some changes. The establishment received a new name. From now on, the institution began to be called the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2012 there were dramatic changes. Several state universities. As a result, a new higher education institution appeared with rich history‒ Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (abbreviated designation RANEPA).

University at present

Presidential Academy considered to be the leader in Russia. It trains in-demand specialists: economists, lawyers, journalists, future leaders, managers, civil servants. Education is very effective, because it includes new educational technologies. The programs include active learning methods (business games, computer simulations, "situational cases") that allow you to gain various practical skills.

The main Presidential Academy (RANEPA) is located in Moscow. However, this does not mean that people who are going to enter here should go to the capital of the country. This state educational institution there are a lot of branches. There are more than 50 of them. All of them are dispersed throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the educational institution

Considering the university, you should pay attention to its structure. The State Presidential Academy includes several faculties - educational, scientific, administrative structural units that train students in various specialties. Some faculties at RANEPA function as institutes.

So, the structure of the academy includes the following units:

  • Institute of Management RANEPA;
  • higher school of corporate management;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • higher school of management and finance;
  • Institute of Social Sciences, etc.

Undergraduate and Specialist

RANEPA (Moscow) has the widest selection of undergraduate programs. Applicants are offered various directions in which they can study full-time, part-time, part-time (information on the forms of study should be clarified at the admission committee of the head university or branch):

  • Applied Informatics;
  • psychology;
  • economy;
  • management;
  • municipal and public administration;
  • international relationships;
  • personnel Management;
  • social sciences, etc.

The State Presidential Academy (RANEPA) also invites to the specialist. It is represented by four directions. It " economic security”, “Customs”, “Psychology official activity”, “Ensuring national security(legal)". Training is carried out on a full-time basis.

Master's degree at RANEPA

Having any person can try his hand at entering the master's program at the Presidential Academy - a state educational institution. This is the second level higher education. The university provides training in 17 areas (“Economics”, “Jurisprudence”, “Municipal and State Administration”, “State Audit”, “ Foreign Regional Studies" and etc.).

Master's degree at RANEPA (Moscow) allows not only to extend the student body for a couple of years. It gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge in an existing specialty or get another profession. A master's degree opens up new career prospects, because some positions are not assigned to people with a bachelor's degree.

AT state academy on the master's program, you can choose any form of study that is most convenient for you (full-time, part-time, part-time). It is also worth noting that in some areas you can study for free at the expense of the state budget. On the budget places Applicants enter upon passing through the competition.

Further education

Individuals who wish to dedicate their future life scientific activity, the Presidential Academy invites to graduate school. Preparation is carried out in several directions:

  • jurisprudence;
  • economy;
  • religious studies, philosophy and ethics;
  • sociological sciences;
  • information and librarianship and mass media;
  • psychological sciences;
  • political sciences and regional studies;
  • cultural studies;
  • archeology and historical sciences;
  • informatics and computer technology.

Postgraduate studies include:

  1. Study of disciplines (modules). For each of them, as a result, either a test or an exam is given.
  2. Passage of pedagogical practice. This stage of training allows you to gain new skills and professional experience.
  3. Conducting research work. This stage learning is supervised by a supervisor.
  4. Passing the state final certification.

Postgraduate students receive a diploma with the qualification “Researcher. Lecturer-researcher.

Admission to RANEPA

To enter the Russian Academy, you must select the faculties and institutes that are of interest, submit a package of documents (passport, application, certificate or diploma, photographs, papers that confirm individual achievements). The admission committee takes into account USE results(for each direction, specific exams are determined that are taken into account by the university). Those who do not have them take entrance examinations at the academy in the form of written tests.

Applicants to the magistracy in order to test their knowledge are assigned an exam in the profile discipline. In some areas, the Russian Academy of National Economy provides for the delivery of additional tests and a foreign language.

on the budget

Many applicants entering the RANEPA, branches of the university, apply for state-funded places. However, their number in the educational institution is limited. To study at the expense of federal budget money, you must pass through the competition. To do this, you should prepare well for the exam or entrance examinations in order to score as many points as possible.

RANEPA statistics show that the best applicants with good knowledge enter state-funded places. In 2016, the passing score was quite high. So, in the direction "Public Relations and Advertising" he scored 277 points (the sum of three USE or the results of entrance examinations), in the direction " International relationships» ‒ 272 points.

Frequently Asked Questions

People who have chosen RANEPA, branches of this university, are often interested in whether it is possible to somehow get to know the academy better, find out additional information about the faculties and institutes they like. The educational institution periodically holds At these events, you can find out the conditions for admission, ask questions of interest.

Also, applicants often ask if the Russian Academy has hostels in Moscow, where nonresident students can live in the future. The university has a hotel and residential complex. There are also several hostels. Settlement, as a rule, begins at the end of August. One thing is required from students - to conclude a contract of employment. Otherwise, the university refuses to provide a place in the hostel.

A graduate of this university: In addition to the previous leak "about the forge of ministers and officials" under the name of IPNB RANEPA.
1. Let's start right off the bat. Does the Academy's presidential status correspond to reality?
From the literal interpretation of the name of the Academy, it is clear that there is some kind of connection between the Academy and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Is it so? On the website of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, we can see organizations and institutions that are part of the structure or financed by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. We will not find RANEPA there. However, until recently, there was the Higher School of Economics, the late RAGS, and now the Alekseev Institute of Chemistry (RSCHP). However, the Academy was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. But let's remember how many times the President visited this Academy. Recall four years ago, but not to meet with students, but as a platform for the ONF forum. Prominent speeches statesmen not for students, but for people who are undergoing additional education. Students are not allowed. The process of retraining civil servants is the result of a competition, along with other universities. The bulk of famous graduates are mainly those who participated in advanced training programs.
2. Relationship with the administration.
Yesterday's schoolboy, crossing the threshold of the RANEPA, submitting documents to the selection committee, does not yet suspect that public opinion and the ratings of notorious agencies have little to do with reality.
Firstly, relations with the administration are built according to the porcupine dilemma, in other words: you, the person who came there for the minimum services due, which are due to you by right (request for information, characteristics, about the opportunity to learn about some event, postgraduate holidays, etc.) you run into "porcupine quills" in the face of representatives of the Administration, that is, with excuses, breakfasts, despite the fact that the management says that they are trying to help you, but cannot do anything.
Secondly, remember: “You are here, no one owes you anything. If we do something, we do it out of good intentions.” In practice, the situation looks like this, you must definitely pay for your studies, at a price that grows every year, which is not set from the real state of affairs (to the question of the quality of services). Forget that you are obliged to inform about planned events in time, organize meetings, public lectures and support you in every possible way. The dean's office does not provide students with information about student competitions, scholarships, and olympiads. If the dean's office does not do this at all, then at the level of the Academy, the information appears (if it appears) after the fact, or in a couple of hours. In other words, the administration is not at all interested in the promotion of its own students, the popularity of the faculty itself.
Thirdly, we advise you, if you nevertheless entered, try (not to start your studies with conflicts), because an additional option for you will be an explanation of your real state of affairs, since the Academy has an “eye for an eye” principle, in relation to those who demand "too much" (see earlier). Once "guilty", no longer hope for a normal relationship with individual representatives of the Administration, booking audiences, you will fall into the category of "problematic", with a constant reminder of your "successes".
Fourthly, any actions of the administration (organizational, structural) that affect the rights of students, interests take place either regardless of the opinion of the students, or with "unanimous" support. For example, people entered the "brand" faculty, and graduate from the Institute of National Security.
P.S. For corruption, anon. do not know.

3. Student life.
Firstly, the bodies of student self-government are pro-administrative, there is no question of any representation of the interests of students. There is no reporting from self-government bodies, only formal reporting to the Administration. Obvious problems are not solved, the organization of events is low (information, logistics and quantity). Consideration of issues that are important for an ordinary student is highly discouraged (meals at affordable prices, problems with providing the Academy with Internet access, living in a hostel).
Secondly, there are very few events for students, except for a skit, a well-publicized New Year's ball and random fests where you can get a free can of Red Bull.
Thirdly, if any initiatives are carried out through the Student Council, they usually implement the benefits that students of other universities have been using for a long time (to the question of competitiveness).

4. Education.
First, "practice-oriented education" has two sides. The first side completely splits the whole meaning of the practice. As noted in the previous leak, teachers really share their cases: personal, domestic and economic content. Where the household is cleaning the garden and weeding vegetables, the household is fascinating stories about life, and the personal is the accumulated experience of their social activity.
Second side. There are some practicing teachers who really share with their professional experience, help to determine the profession. There aren't many of them.
Secondly, scientific schools. The only meaning of the “school”, in this case, is the school of life, where you really understand that life is not so rosy, and no one will convince you with illusions about a wonderful future. Science is in a sad state here. Representatives scientific schools either they are simply listed, or they themselves rally from the level at which this bursa is located. We send our regards to: the youngest doctor in Russia, a specialist in public law with a pedagogical education, a master public speaking and connoisseur of the basic principles of Roman law.
The stronghold of science - two dissertation councils, the rays of the sun in a dark kingdom, have recently been closed.
Thirdly, a little about the typical teachers of the Academy. As noted earlier, studying proccess is the solution of unnecessary tasks to anyone and indifference to results or their absence. Failure to interest in the subject and motivate students to learn. The teaching of each discipline is expressed in the study and discussion: history, subject and object of the industry, bare theory. The knowledge of some teachers is especially striking. It is seen in complete ignorance judicial practice, approximate information on the subject, and all educational activities is to retell the topics from the textbook. Most of invited teachers (but not Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics), so draw your own conclusions.
P.S. Single teachers are the absolute opposite of what was said (Moscow State University and the Higher School of Economics and several from the RANEPA).
Thus the assumption good relationship to the RANEPA, from the submission of documents to the receipt of a diploma, is overcome. In fact, each point can be reasonably expanded to a full-fledged post. As a result, without calling for anything and without discouraging anything, draw your own conclusions. All matches are random.

The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2010 No. 1140 by joining the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (ANE, year of establishment - 1977) of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RAGS, year of establishment - 1991), as well as 12 other federal state educational institutions.

The merged academies have earned a reputation as leaders in the preparation of the country's top management personnel for both business and state structures. Since its inception in 1977, the Academy of National Economy has been firmly entrenched in the fame of the “forge of ministers”. With the beginning of economic transformations in Russia in the 90s. 20th century there was a change in the strategic model of the Academy: from the training of nomenklatura personnel, we switched to business education, becoming an educational institution offering all types of educational services for management areas. The RAGS, founded in 1991, has taken the position of a leading educational institution that trains managers for the system of state and municipal service.

The newly formed Academy under the President of the Russian Federation - RANEPA - is the largest university in Russia and Europe in the socio-economic and humanitarian profile, rightfully occupying the top lines in all national rankings. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 No. 902, the Academy has the right to independently establish educational standards and requirements for the higher education programs it implements vocational education.

The Academy implements the main professional educational programs - more than 80 undergraduate programs, 8 specialist programs, more than 130 master's programs. 7 programs of secondary vocational education are being implemented.

More than 200 additional professional education programs have been developed and are being implemented at the Academy. About 30 percent of these programs are updated annually.

The implementation of training in postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out in 10 areas of science, there are 20 dissertation councils.

The Academy has developed unique training programs for civil servants for federal authorities and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

RANEPA is currently one of the leaders in the training of managers top level for Russian enterprises and organizations. More than a third of students in MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs in the Russian Federation are students of the Academy.

Most of the MBA and EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) programs of RANEPA are accredited by the most prestigious accrediting associations in the world.

The Academy became one of the initiators of the introduction into the system Russian education MPA programs (Master of Public Administration). The purpose of these programs is to meet the staffing needs of the authorities state power.

The Academy has wide international relations with leading foreign universities. The Academy not only sends Russian students abroad, implements joint programs with leading universities, but also trains foreign students.

The library fund of the RANEPA is more than 7 million books, it also includes a library State Duma(created in 1906), the famous Demidov Library. The Moscow campus has over 315,000 sq. m. m area. The total area of ​​the branch network exceeds 451 thousand square meters. m.

The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) provides you with ample opportunities to receive higher education in undergraduate, specialist and graduate programs. If you have not yet decided on the choice of the necessary educational program, we are always ready to help. To do this, you can contact the Admissions Committee or the faculties of the Academy.

Days are regularly held at the RANEPA open doors We highly recommend visiting them. General academic open days are held, where all faculties are represented, and open days of individual faculties, for those who have already decided on a specialty. Follow the news of the section "Days of open doors", which hosts actual information for applicants.

To help applicants, the Academy conducts various preparatory courses for the unified state exam.

RANEPA is one of the leading universities in our country, the largest socio-economic and humanitarian university in Russia and Europe. The Academy occupies the top lines in all national rankings.

Knowledge, quality of education

Quality study programs will help you get unique knowledge and build a career in your chosen field. Already during your studies, you will have the opportunity to complete internships in large Russian and international companies, as well as in state authorities.

The international cooperation

RANEPA cooperates with leading foreign educational institutions. Double degree and internship programs provide study at partner universities in the UK, France, the Netherlands ( full information in the "International Partners" section). In addition, there are exchange programs with partner universities abroad. Foreign languages the Academy teaches at the level of the best linguistic universities.

The science

Our students can do science under the guidance of leading teachers and Russian scientists and the world, to continue their studies in the magistracy, postgraduate or doctoral studies. The Academy has a unique scientific and expert potential and is the largest expert center for the Presidential Administration, the Government Office, ministries and departments.

Extracurricular activities

One of the priorities of the Academy is the development of student life and self-government. The range of activities is very wide: from vocal, dance competitions and KVN clubs to intellectual summer camps and schools. The Academy has all the opportunities for sports - numerous sports fields and a swimming pool are located on the main campus.

Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation- a state educational institution of higher professional education, a large educational and research center.

Education at the academy is conducted under the bachelor's, master's, MBA and DBA programs; The academy offers postgraduate and doctoral studies. Main structural units academies: 16 faculties (including economic; finance and banking; economic and social sciences; having the status of faculties graduate School corporate governance, Graduate School of International Business; Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences; Higher School "Institute of Management and Marketing"; Russian-German Higher School of Management) and 3 research institutes: ; Department of Business Informatics of the Faculty of Economics; and Institute of e-Government Architecture.

Training in postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out in the following specialties: 08.00.05 - "Economics and management of the national economy." Specializations: industry, macroeconomics, services, entrepreneurship. 08.00.10 - "Finance, money turnover and credit.

The structure includes 16 faculties, 3 research institutes. 3 academicians, more than 100 doctors of sciences, about 200 candidates of sciences teach.

The Academy of National Economy was established in 1977 as a government educational institution of the USSR for the training of top management personnel - CEOs and chief economists, heads of ministries, departments and other supreme bodies management - which received the unofficial name "forge of ministers". Former name - Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the Academy has been actively involved in development in Russia modern system business education, training of highly professional specialists - entrepreneurs, managers, financiers, bankers, lawyers. The Academy became one of the first Russian universities to start implementing MBA programs. Among the graduates of the Academy are heads of federal and regional authorities, including the Government of the Russian Federation, well-known politicians, top managers of Russian and foreign companies.

1977 Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers on the organization of the Academy of National Economy of the USSR

1988 Establishment of the first commercial faculty "Graduate School of International Business"

1990 Establishment of the Delo publishing house within the structure of the Academy to issue business and economic literature corresponding to the modern level of education

1991 Establishment of the faculty of academic study programs. The construction of the building on Vernadsky Avenue, known as "Crystal", was subsequently never completed.

1992 The Academy initiates the development Russian standards MBA

Creation of the faculty "Russian-German School of Management"

1994 Establishment of the faculty "Institute of Business and Business Administration"

1995 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on awarding the Academy the official status of the leading educational, methodological and scientific center in the system of retraining and advanced training of civil servants of the federal and regional authorities, as well as the leading educational institution that trains specialists in the field of higher professional, postgraduate and additional education and the creation of a faculty of executives of state authorities and local self-government

Establishment of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Creation of the faculty "Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences"

1996 Establishment of the Faculty of Law. M. M. Speransky

Establishment of the faculty "Higher School of Financial Management"

1997 Establishment of the faculty of executives of public authorities and local self-government

Creation of the faculty "Computer technologies in business"

1998 Establishment of the faculty "Institute of Management and Marketing"

Start of implementation State program management training ( Presidential Program). One of the teachers of this faculty is A. L. Besedin.

1999 Beginning of the state experiment on the introduction of the MBA in Russia, initiated by the Academy

2001 Establishment of the Faculty of Finance and Banking

Creation of the Faculty of National Economics

Launch of the first DBA program in Russia

2002 Establishment of the faculty "Higher School of Corporate Management"

2003 Establishment of the Faculty "School of Land Markets"

2004 Establishment of the Faculty of Innovation and Technology Business

2007 Academy celebrates 30th anniversary

Holding International Conference"Socio-economic development of Russia: new frontiers"

2008 20th anniversary of the faculty "Higher School of International Business"

2010 On May 27, the official opening of the InCube Business Incubator of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation took place in Moscow. The initiator of the creation of the Business Incubator is the rector of the Academy of National Economy Vladimir Alexandrovich Mau. The head of the Business Incubator of the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation is a well-known businessman and Kingston MBA teacher at the Academy of National Economy Alexei Komissarov. The business incubator at the Academy of the National Economy of the Russian Federation will start implementing the first projects from September 2010.


  • Faculty of academic study programs
  • Faculty of Higher School of Corporate Governance
  • Faculty " International Institute public service and management"
  • Faculty of Higher School of International Business
  • Faculty of Higher School of Financial Management
  • Faculty of Public Administration
  • Faculty of Innovation and Technology Business
  • Faculty
  • Faculty "Institute of Management and Marketing"
  • Faculty "Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences"
  • Faculty of Economics
    • Department of Business Informatics
  • Faculty "Russian-German Higher School of Management"
  • Faculty of executives of public authorities and local self-government
  • Faculty of Finance and Banking
  • Faculty "School of Economics of Land Markets"
  • Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
  • Center for International Projects
  • Faculty of Law. M. M. Speransky
  • NOU "Institute of Business and Economics"

see also



  • Universities alphabetically
  • Appeared in 1977
  • Economic educational institutions
  • Subordinate bodies of the Government of the USSR
  • Academy of Moscow

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