Strong girl names and their meanings. The most interesting of them. Beautiful Armenian names for girls

With the birth of a baby, every parent begins to think about what to name their daughter. I want the name to be beautiful, special and with interesting meaning. A considerable number of people believe in the magic of a name and claim that it has strong influence on the fate and character of the child. Traditionally, parents look for a name for their daughter in the lists of Orthodox names for girls.

How to choose a name for a girl according to its meaning

Each name necessarily has its own meaning. Once upon a time it was born thanks to certain associations that are not obvious to us now.

Any parents wish only the best for their child and approach the choice of a name with responsibility. So let's figure out what the most popular ones mean today Orthodox names.

  • Alina – from ancient German, “noble”;
  • Allah - from ancient Arabic. “letter”, ancient Greek. – “resurrection”, from Gothic – “other”;
  • Albina – “light”, “white”, “pure”;
  • Anastasia - “return to life”, “resurrection”, “resurrected”, “reborn”, “immortal”;
  • Angela – “messenger”;
  • Anna - from Hebrew. “disposition”, “favor”, “favour”;
  • Antonina - “extensive”, “acquisition”, “comparison” and “opponent”, from Greek. – “acquiring in return”;
  • Valentina – “healthy”, “strong”, “to be healthy”;
  • Valeria – “to be strong, healthy”;
  • Faith – “belief”, “truth”;
  • Victoria - “victory”, “winner”;
  • Vitalia – “vital”;
  • Galina – “calm”, “serene”;
  • Daria - “strong”, “conquering”, “possessor”, “owner of wealth”, “winner”;
  • Dina - from ancient Hebrew. "avenged";
  • Evgeniya – “noble”;
  • Catherine - “eternally pure”, “immaculate”;
  • Elena – “light”, “bright”;
  • Elizabeth - from Hebrew. sounds like “God is my oath”, “I swear to God”;
  • Jeanne - “God's mercy”;
  • Zinaida - Greek. “born of Zeus”, “from the family of Zeus”;
  • Zoya – means “life”;
  • Inga - means “protected by Yngvi”;
  • Inna – “strong water”;
  • Irina - from ancient Greek. “peace”, “peace”;
  • Karina – “looking forward”;
  • Claudia - means “lame”, “lame”;
  • Christina – “Christian”;
  • Larisa - from Greek. "gull";
  • Lydia - derived from the name of one region in Asia Minor - resident of Lydia, Asian, from Lydia;
  • Love means “love”;
  • Lyudmila - “dear to people”;
  • Maya – “progenitor of the universe”;
  • Margarita – “pearl”, another Indian meaning. – “brave”;
  • Marina - from lat. "sea";
  • Mary - Hebrew. “resist”, “reject”, “be bitter”; “beloved”, “saint”, “stubborn”, “mistress”, “superiority”;
  • Nadezhda is from Staroslav. "hope";
  • Natalia – “native”;
  • Nelly – “young”, “new”;
  • Nina – “queen”;
  • Nonna - from lat. "ninth";
  • Oksana - from Greek. “stranger”, “foreign”;
  • Olga – “great”, “princess”;
  • Polina – “independent”;
  • Raisa – “light”, “carefree”;
  • Rimma - from lat. “Roman”, from ancient times. - “apple”, from Greek. – “throwing”, “thrown”;
  • Svetlana - from the word “bright”;
  • Seraphim - “burning”, “fiery”;
  • Sophia - “wisdom”, “wisdom”;
  • Tamara - from the word “Tamar”, which translated means “palm tree”;
  • Tatyana - from the word “tatto” - “to establish”, “to determine”;
  • Emma - from Greek. “affectionate”, “flattering”;
  • Julia - from lat. “curly”, “July”, “from the Yuli family”;
  • Yaroslav - ancient Slav. "fierce glory"

Knowing the meaning of names, you can easily name your child in accordance with your wishes and hopes regarding his future and character traits.

Name for daughter according to the Orthodox calendar

After the baptism of Rus', it became customary to baptize newborns, and they were named after saints according to the calendar. To decide on a name, first of all you need to have a calendar with the days on which it is customary to honor saints, in accordance with the year the child was born.

If no saint is recorded on the baby’s birthday, they usually take the name indicated on the next day or in the next 8 days after the birth of the child.

Beautiful Orthodox names for girls in alphabetical order

There are many Orthodox beautiful and euphonious, as well as rarely encountered names. They will very advantageously distinguish the girl from among others and make her different from everyone else, that is, special.

  • Anastasia – translated as “immortal” or “resurrected”, is very kind and trusting, with a good imagination.
  • Angelina is a “messenger” or “angel”, it is very difficult to convince her of anything, she is a born commander. School lessons she is not attracted, but she is quite independent and is engaged in self-development.
  • Asthea is an amorous girl, inclined to become attached to people, a perfectionist in everything and quite demanding.
  • Animaida is a gifted, talented person.
  • Varvara means “foreigner” from ancient Greek, she is a born family man, she appreciates the beauty that is in people, she is an idealist.
  • Veveya is capable of making sacrifices for someone, but often does not notice her mistakes. Loyal to family and loved one.
  • Gaina is frank, sincere and sensible, a born family man.
  • Glyceria - sometimes it seems to others that she is aloof, because she is characterized by loneliness. Be careful about spending money.
  • Dominica is sociable and cheerful, has many friends, as it is easy for her to make new acquaintances, but at the same time she is always faithful only to her “best friend.”
  • Damara is somewhat slow, which is not always good. Sincere, frank and ready to help at any moment.
  • Euphrosyne - loves to dominate, often blames herself for problems that are not always her fault, and is prone to self-examination.
  • Evdokia is sincere, ready to help a friend, and feels responsible for her loved ones.
  • Julia - has a feeling self-esteem, the main desire is to love and be loved.
  • Kirien is wise, the owner of great inner strength, she is characterized by extraordinary intuition.
  • Kasinia is a brave and independent girl, very inquisitive as a child.
  • Lyudina is reliable and feels responsible for the fate of people close to her.
  • Love is faithful to its loved ones, but can be too lenient towards family and friends.
  • Melania is a sociable girl, easily makes new acquaintances, and is able to deeply analyze situations. Loves order and cleanliness.
  • Mariam is reliable, loves to be useful and actively takes part in all areas of activity.
  • Nonna dominates always and everywhere, is devoted and faithful to her chosen one, and has a strong character.
  • Pulcheria is an idealist and perfectionist, has excellent intuition. Has the ability to “attract” help at the right time to achieve goals.
  • Poplia is not particularly sociable, feels the need not to lose composure and always behave with dignity.
  • Rufina will always come to the rescue, does not tolerate fuss, is sometimes domineering and ruthless, but at the same time kind and knows how to sympathize.
  • Stefanida is a perfectionist and falls in love easily. Has good health, but this distinction may weaken due to hard work and negative emotions.
  • Solomiya is outspoken and active in various public and sporting events.
  • Seraphima is a brave girl; as a child she was characterized by excessive curiosity.
  • Favsta - has innate talent, is capable of strong love and attachment to your chosen one in life.
  • Feodora is a charming and attractive girl with a great interest in life.
  • Feofaniya is always busy with something, very active, and constantly in the lead. I'm used to doing, not talking.
  • Chrysia is a restless person, prone to continuous movement through life. Often loses interest in what does not change, constantly looking for change.
  • Cecilia - has an innate creativity, in search of constant ways of self-expression, sociable.

As you can see, these rare and beautiful Orthodox names are quite unusual, which is what makes them unique. They are not often heard in Everyday life.

You need to choose the right name carefully, combining it with the child’s patronymic. This verbal tandem should sound coherent, and not complicated, difficult to pronounce and remember.

Unusual Russian female names

If you want to call your girl some old name, then we have prepared a list of Russian Orthodox female names just for you.

In it you will definitely be able to find the “same” name intended specifically for your child, because the list of Russian names for girls is quite diverse:

  • Adelina, Agnessa, Aurora, Alexandrina, Alena, Arina, Asya;
  • Berta, Bogdana;
  • Verona, Venus, Violetta, Violanta, Valeria, Victoria, Vladlena, Vitalina;
  • Greta, Galina;
  • Daryana, Daria, Diana;
  • Evdokia;
  • Zara, Zlata, Zarina, Zoryana;
  • Inna, Ivona, Ilena, Irma;
  • Ksenia, Clara;
  • Lyalya, Lada, Lyubava, Lira, Lika, Lesya;
  • Maya, Mary, Marta, Mila, Milana, Maryana;
  • Oktyabrina, Olesya;
  • Praskovya, Polianna;
  • Ruslana, Regina, Romana, Radmila;
  • Sima, Snezhana, Svyatoslav;
  • Ustinya, Ulyana;
  • Fiza, Feodosia;
  • Harita, Hilda, Helga;
  • Edda;
  • Juno, Juliana;
  • Yaroslava, Yadviga, Yana, Yasmina, Yanina.

Forgotten and rare Orthodox names for girls

Among the rare Orthodox female names you can find:

  • Augusta, Agapia, Aglaida, Adelaida, Akulina;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vasilida, Vassa, Vincentia, Viviana;
  • Galatea, Glafira, Gloria;
  • Denisia, Dosithea, Drosida;
  • Evmenia, Evfalia, Emelyan;
  • Zeno;
  • Isis, Iphigenia, Iolanta, Isidora;
  • Casimir, Concordia, Cornelia;
  • Leocadia, Leonia, Libya, Lolla, Longina;
  • Mavra, Matilda, Matryona, Militsa, Mikhailina;
  • Neonilla;
  • Pavlina, Petrina, Pulcheria;
  • Renata;
  • Selina, Stepanida;
  • Thekla, Fedora, Fedosya, Feofaniya;
  • Harita;
  • Celestina;
  • Ennafa, Era;
  • Junia, Justina.

There are names that not only sound beautiful and are rare, but also have very interesting meanings.

Among them, the following stand out:

  • Artemis – has the meaning “whole”, “unharmed”, “inviolable”. This name once belonged to the goddess of the hunt,
  • Venus - the name has Latin roots and means “love.”
  • Vesnyana - definitely suitable for girls born in spring, as the same name means “spring”.
  • Hera – literally translated as “lady”.
  • Dahlia – beautiful name, the girl is named after the flower.
  • Miya – means “rebellious”;
  • Palmyra - "palm tree"
  • Juno – Greek name, given to the goddess of marriage and love.

By naming your daughter one of these rare names, you are not just giving her a beautiful name, but to some extent determining her character and destiny. Approach your choice consciously and responsibly.

Women's names for baptism

Taking a responsible approach to the rite of baptism and choosing a female name for this, many of us turn to worldwide network. Some are looking for the answer in Orthodox calendars, others are consulting with the priest...

We offer our own selection of female names for baptism:

  • Agafya, Anisia;
  • Glafira;
  • Zinaida;
  • Ilaria;
  • Larisa, Lydia;
  • Matron;
  • Nina;
  • Paul;
  • Raisa;
  • Salome, Sosanna;
  • Taisiya;
  • Juliana.

The above names are the rarest known Orthodox variants.

For baptism, many also choose names that are very common today in Slavic countries:

  • Alexandra, Anna;
  • Valentina, Valeria, Varvara, Veronica, Vera;
  • Daria;
  • Zoya, Zlata;
  • Ivana, Irina;
  • Kira, Christina;
  • Marina, Maria, Melania;
  • Natalia;
  • Olga;
  • Sofia.

This article contains many different names for girls - both rare and very popular, Russian and widespread far beyond the borders of our country, as well as special significance. As already mentioned, the name has a strong influence on the development of the character and fate of the girl, therefore parents have a huge responsibility for the future of the child, even in such a seemingly symbolic moment as choosing a name.

Full Russian names– this is both a patronymic, a first name, and a surname. Moreover, the patronymic is precisely what distinguishes the system Russian names from systems adopted in other countries. And as additional forms of the name there are diminutives or nicknames. A person could be given a nickname at any age. It was connected with its owner even more closely than the name itself received at birth. A nickname spoke, for example, about some character trait of a person or about the place where he once lived. Most often, the nickname was known only to family and some good friends, but in everyday life it was used very actively. Despite the thin line between Old Russian names and nicknames, they were still not the same thing. It is very difficult to define the boundaries between these concepts.

For example, Russian women gave names to their children in order to protect them from evil or unkind deeds. Such names were formed from words that denoted any plants, animals or household items - and, naturally, were very similar to nicknames. The year of baptism (988) became a turning point for Rus'. From that moment on, much changed in naming, predetermining the naming system for many centuries to come. Now the Russians are like the rest East Slavs, who were accustomed to calling their children personal names until the end of the 10th century, were forced to get used to the concept of “baptismal name.” That’s when most of the names that are considered modern Russian to this day appeared. The new rules obliged parents to give their children a name only through the rite of baptism - only in this way could the name be considered correct and real.

Christian names had a variety of origins - Latin, Greek, Hebrew, since the Byzantine Greeks gathered together “representatives” of the name books of those peoples who came into contact with them. The calendar even included some “common Slavic” ones (Vladimir, Vsevolod, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav), as well as Scandinavian names (Igor, Olga, Oleg). True, they were considered a privilege of the high class, and commoners, as a rule, were not honored with them.

Only after 1917 did much change, and such “princely” names began to be used much more often. Towards the end of the 16th century, personal pagan nicknames and names were practically forced out of use. Foreign names took root with great difficulty, especially for common people, who found it difficult to pronounce them in their original form. In those days, there was an active struggle for the correct naming. A “humiliating” misspelling of a name was equated with causing shame and dishonor. The perpetrators were punished through the courts.

Only in 1675 was a royal decree issued, which prescribed a more loyal attitude towards this kind of “crime.” Now this situation seems curious to us, since all the names to which the Russian people got used to at that time with incredible efforts have long become familiar and familiar to us. Many are even surprised to learn that the majority, it would seem, Russian men's And female names have a completely different origin. This is such an interesting and eventful history of our names.

The meaning of Russian female names

Russian names for girls starting with the letter A

  • Alvina- from Old German - noble, friend, all.
  • Angelia- from the German name Anelie, swearing to God.
  • Augusta / Augustine(old) - summer
  • Avdotya(folk from Evdokia) - famous
  • Avelina(Hebrew) - life force
  • Aurelia(new) - gold
  • Aurora(new) - goddess of the dawn
  • Agapia(old) - from Greek. agapao - I love.
  • Agatha(new) / Agafya / Agathia(old) - from Greek. agathos - good, honest, kind.
  • Aglaida(old) - sparkling / daughter of beauty, charms
  • Aglaya(new) - brilliant
  • Agnes /Agnes(old) - chaste
  • Agnia(old) - immaculate or fiery
  • Agrippina / Agrefena(old) - from the Roman family name Agrippus (Agrippa)
  • Ada(old) - decoration
  • Adina -Jewish name, translated as “delicate, refined.”
  • Adele /Adelia/ Adelaide(Old German) - from adal - noble and heyd - state, class.
  • Aza(old) - first
  • Azalea(new) - flowering bush
  • Aida(new) - giving a harvest
  • Isadora- gift of Isis (Greek)
  • Aisylu- lunar beauty
  • Aquilina / Akulina(old) - eagle
  • Aksinya(vernacular from Ksenia) - hospitable or, on the contrary, alien (“xenos”)
  • Akulina(lat.) - eagle
  • Alevtina(old) - alien to evil
  • (old) - protector of people
  • Alyona(full Elena) - sunny, scarlet, graceful
  • (lat.) - alien, other
  • (new) - charming
  • (old) - (from Semitic languages) "goddess"
  • Albina(old, cf. new Alvina) - “white”
  • Almira(new) - peaceful
  • Alfia(Arabic) - long-lived
  • Amina(new) - faithful
  • (old) - resurrected
  • Anatolia(new) - eastern
  • (old) - angel
  • Anelia(Greek) - light
  • Angela(new) - angelic
  • Animaisa(old) - soulful
  • Anisiya / Anisya(old) - sweet-smelling
  • Anita(new) - obstinate
  • (old) - “grace”
  • Antonina / Antonida(old) - kind
  • Antonia(old) - entering into battle
  • Anfisa/ Anfusa(old) - blooming
  • Anthia(old)
  • Amira(old Arabic) - princess
  • Apollinaria(old) - sun goddess
  • Arevik(Armenian) - sun
  • Ariadne(old) - sleeping
  • (folk from Irina) - calm
  • Arcadia(new) - shepherdess
  • Arsenia(new) - courageous
  • Arciana
  • Artemia(old) - unharmed
  • Asel- Kyrgyzstan Asel; /æˈsel/; from Arabic عسل - “honey”, “sweet”
  • Asta(old)
  • Aster(new) - “flower”
  • Astrid(scand.) - passionate
  • Afanasia(old) - immortal
  • Aphrodite(old) - emerged from sea foam
  • Aelita(new) - from Greek. aer - air and litos - stone
  • Aella(new) - from Greek. aello - whirlwind, hurricane

Russian names for girls starting with the letter B

  • Bazhena(Old Russian) - saint
  • Beata(new) - blessing (Latin) - happy (Greek)
  • Beatrice(old) - blessing (Latin) - happy (Greek)
  • Bela(glory) - beautiful
  • Bella(new) - beautiful
  • Bellatrix(lat.) - warrior
  • Bertha(new) - magnificent
  • Bogdana(glory) - given by God
  • Bozena(Old Russian) - God's, blessed, gifted by God
  • Boleslav(glory) - more glorious
  • Borislava(glory) - fighting for glory
  • Bridget(new) - space
  • Bronislava(glory) - glorious protector

Russian names for girls starting with the letter B

  • (old) - strong
  • (old) - healthy
  • Wanda(slav.) - hospitable
  • Varvara(old) - savage
  • Vasilina(new) - royal
  • (old) - regal
  • Vassa(old) - queen
  • Vaclav(glory) - more glorious
  • Vevey(old) -
  • Velora / Veloria(new) - from the Great October Revolution
  • Venus(old) - “love”
  • (old) - “faith”
  • (old) - faith in victory
  • Veselina(slav.) - cheerful
  • Vesta(old) - patroness of the home. hearth
  • Vidana(glory) - prominent
  • Quiz(old) - winner
  • (old) - “victory”
  • Vilena(new) - from V. I. LENIN
  • Viola/ Violet / Violanta(new) - “violet”
  • Virinea(old) - green, fresh
  • Vitaliy/ Vitalina(new) - vital
  • Viulena(new) - from V.I. Ulyanov LENIN
  • Vlada(slav.) - owning
  • Vladilena(new) - abbreviation for “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”
  • Vladimir(new) - owning the world
  • Vladislav(glory) - possessing glory
  • Vladlena(new) - similar to Vladilena
  • Vlasta(glory) - ruler
  • Will(new) - freestyle
  • Vseslav(glory) - glorious everywhere

Russian names for girls starting with the letter G

  • Gaia(new) - spouse
  • Gali(old) - bright
  • (old) - calm
  • Ganna(Ukrainian folk from Anna) - blessed
  • Guyana/ Gayaniya (old) - from Greek. ge - earth
  • Gwyneth(Welsh) - happiness, luck
  • Helena(new Ukrainian from Elena) - light
  • Helium(new) - solar (Helios)
  • Gella(old) - fell into the water
  • Henrietta(Old German) - noble beauty
  • Gertrude(new) - patroness of women
  • Glafira(old) - sophisticated
  • Glyceria(old) - sweet
  • Gloria(old) - “glory”
  • Golub(Old Russian) - tender
  • Gorislava(glory) - kindling glory
  • Gulane- (Greek) - flower
  • Gulnara- (Azerbaijani) - pomegranate flower
  • Gyulchatay

Russian names for girls starting with the letter D

  • Dazdraperma(new) - “Long live the First of May!”
  • Daina(new) - another reading of the name Diana
  • Dana(new) - goddess of the river
  • (old) - winner
  • Darina/Darena(slav.) - gifted
  • Daryana(new) - winner
  • Dekabrina(new) - winter
  • Deya / Diya(new) - divine
  • Ginevra- on behalf of King Arthur's wife Guinevere
  • Juliet(old) - analogue of Julia
  • (new) - on behalf of the Roman goddess Diana
  • Dilia
  • Dilya- soul (from Turkmen)
  • Dilfuza- silver soul (from Turkmen)
  • Dina / Diniya(vernacular from old Digna) - “faith”
  • Diodora(old) - given by God
  • Dionysius(old) - patroness of winemaking
  • Dobrava(Old Russian) - kind
  • Blast furnace / Domina(old) - madam, mistress of the house.
  • Domnika / Dominica(old) - belonging to God
  • Donara(new)
  • Dorothea / Dorothea(old) - from Greek. doron - gift, gift and theos - god.

Russian names for girls starting with the letter E

  • Eve(old) - giver of life
  • (old) - noble
  • Evdokia(old) - well-known
  • Eulalia(Greek..) - eloquent
  • Eulampia(Greek) - light
  • Eupraxia(old) - doing good deeds, virtuous woman
  • Evstolia(old) - well dressed
  • Euphalia(old)
  • Euphrosyne(Greek) - well-meaning, joyful
  • (old) - immaculate
  • (old) - chosen, shining, sunny
  • (old) - worshiping God
  • Eliconidas(old)
  • Hermione(old)
  • Efimiya / Euphemia(old) - pious

Russian names for girls starting with the letter Z

  • (new) - “gift of God”
  • Zhdana(Old Russian) - awaited
  • Jasmine

Russian names for girls starting with the letter Z

  • Fun(old) - cheerful
  • Zaira- an Arabic female name, popular among many peoples. Translated it means “bright, blooming, beautiful.” There is also a form ending in -at: Zairat.
  • Zara- a Persian female name, included in the list of frequently used names among many peoples - means “gold”. There are many derivatives from this name, each of which has the root “zar” - “gold”: Zarema, Zarai, Zarbiyke, Zargishi, Zarifa, etc.
  • Zarema- Persian female name, meaning "gold". There are options: Zarnigar - “golden beauty”, Zarbaft - “golden brocade”, Zarbanu - “golden lady”
  • Zarina / Zorina(new) - light, golden
  • Zaryana- other glory
  • Saure - 1) morning Star, Venus. 2) shiny, sparkling.
  • Zvenislava(glory) - spreading glory
  • Zemfira(Arabic) - rebellious
  • Zilya
  • Zinaida(old) - born of Zeus
  • Zinovia(old) - “Zeus’s power”
  • Zlata(glory) - golden
  • Zozan(Kurdish) - alpine meadows
  • (old) - “life”

Russian names for girls starting with the letter I

  • And bath(nar. from John) - “God’s gift”
  • Ida(new) - mountain, “descendant”
  • Ilaria(old) - cheerful
  • Iliana(new)
  • Ilona(new)
  • Inga(new) - from other Scand. Invio is the name of the god of abundance.
  • Inessa(new) - serene
  • (old) - name of Rome / stormy stream
  • Joanna(old) - “God’s gift”
  • And she(old) - “dove”
  • Hypatia(new) - related to horses, equine (hippos)
  • Hippolyta(new) - from “(g)ippo” - horse and “litos” - stone, slab
  • Irada- Persian female name, found among many peoples, translated as “desire”, “desired”
  • Iraida(old) - goddess of the rainbow
  • Irena(old) - peaceful
  • Iroida(old) - heroic, daughter of a hero
  • Irakli(old)
  • (old) - “peace”
  • Isidora(old) - patroness of fertility
  • Spark(new) - sincere, bright
  • Iphigenia(old) - immortal
  • And I(old) - from Greek. ia - violet

Russian names for girls starting with the letter K

  • Kadriya
  • Kermen(from Kalm.) - squirrel
  • Kalisa(old) - hot, ardent
  • Callista(from Greek) - beautiful, wonderful
  • Camilla- (with German) - chamomile
  • Camila- (from Muslim Kamil) - perfection
  • Capitolina(old) - main
  • (new) - striving forward
  • Caroline (Old German) - queen
  • Katerina(adv. from Ekaterina) - immaculate
  • (old) - “madam”
  • Kirill(old) - mistress
  • Claudia(old) - lame or from the Claudian family
  • Clara(new) - clear
  • Clarice /Clarissa(new) - light
  • Cleopatra(old) - beauty
  • Clio- short for Cleopatra
  • Claire
  • Concordia(old) - consonant, agreeing
  • Constance(old) - persistent
  • (new) - baptized
  • (old) - alien

Russian names for girls starting with the letter L

  • Lada(Old Russian) - sweetheart
  • Lana(new)
  • (old) - “seagull”
  • Laura- from "Lavr"
  • Leila(Arabic) - moonlit night, darkness
  • Lena- torch
  • Leniana(new) - from Lenin
  • Lenin(new) - from Lenin
  • Leonida(old) - “descendant of a lion”
  • Leonila(old) - lioness
  • Leontia(new) - lion's
  • Lesya(new) - courageous
  • Libya(old) - originally from Libya
  • (old) - first
  • Lillian(new) - blooming
  • (new) - “flower”
  • Lilith(old) - “night”
  • Lina(new) - independent name or diminutive of Elina
  • Lyra(other gr.) - patroness of the arts
  • Leah/ Lei(old) - lioness
  • Laura(French) - laurel
  • Louise(but here male name Louis, which means "famous battle"
  • Lukeria(folk from Glykeria)
  • Luciana(old)
  • Lukina / Lucina(old)
  • Lusine(Armenian) - moonlight
  • Lyubava(Old Russian) - beauty
  • (old) - “love”
  • Lyubomir(glory) - darling of the world
  • (old, slav) - dear to people
  • Lyalya(new) -

Russian names for girls starting with the letter M

  • Mavra(old) - dark-skinned, dark-skinned
  • Magda(new) - see Magdalene
  • Magdalene(old) - sounding / originally from Magdala, in Palestine
  • Madeleine(new) - see Magdalene
  • Mayan /May(new) - goddess of spring
  • Malvina(Old German) - From mal - justice and wine - friend..
  • (old) - “pearl”
  • Mariana / Maryana(old)
  • Marianne(folk from old Mariamne)
  • Marietta / Marietta(new)
  • Marika(new)
  • (old) - sea
  • / Marya (old) - bitter
  • Marie(new) - Maria's version
  • Marlene(German) - Combination of the names Mary and Magdalena
  • Marlena(new)
  • Martha(new) - mistress
  • Marfa(old) - mentor
  • Matilda(Old Germanic) - from makht - strength and hild - battle.
  • Matryona/ Matron(old) - madam, mother of the family, mother
  • Melania / Melania(old) - dark, dark
  • Melitina(old)
  • Milada(slav.) - kind
  • Milan / Milena/ (slav.) - sweetheart
  • Militsa(old, famous) - cute in person
  • Milia(new)
  • Miloslava(glory) - glory is sweet
  • Mira(glory) - peaceful
  • Myrrh(slav.) - fragrant, fragrant
  • Miroslava(glory) - winner
  • Metrodora(gr.) - a gift from the mother.
  • Mlada(slav.) - young
  • Mstislava(glory) - conqueror
  • Muse(old) - goddess of art / inspiration

Russian names for girls starting with the letter N

  • Nada(old) - “hope”
  • (old, famous) - “hope”
  • Nadiya(vernacular, from Nadezhda) - “hope”
  • Naina(new)
  • Naira(Armenian)
  • Nana(old) - nymph
  • Nastasya(nar., from Anastasia) - resurrected
  • Natalia/ Natalia(old) - native
  • Nellie(new) - young; solar
  • Neonila(old) - principled
  • (old) - “victory”
  • (old) - ruler
  • Ninella(new)
  • Ninel(new)
  • Novella(old) - new
  • (old)
  • Nora(new) - cold
  • Nasiba(Arabic) - Bringer of light, leading along true path

Russian names for girls starting with the letter O

  • (Ukrainian folk, from Ksenia) - hospitable
  • Octavia(old) - eighth
  • Oktyabrina(new) - autumn
  • Olesya(Ukrainian, from Alexander) - courageous
  • Olivia(Greek) - tree
  • Olympics(old) - keeping calm
  • Olympia(new) - named after Zeus
  • (old, old Russian) - saint

Russian names for girls starting with the letter P

  • Pavel(old) - small
  • Pavlina(old) - beauty
  • Patricia(old) - aristocrat
  • Pelagia(Greek) - sea
  • Platonida(old) - descendant of Plato
  • Polyxena(old) - Trojan princess

Names greatly influence the character and Destiny of a person. Some of the female names have particularly strong energy, which allows their owners to achieve a lot.


This name is strong not so much in what characteristics it endows its bearer with, but in its meaning. According to one version, it has Indo-European origin and that means protection. However, this does not mean that only having such a name can protect you from evil forces or damage: for this you can use, for example, ordinary salt. But there is a second meaning and another version of the origin. It is possible that it appeared among the ancient Romans or Greeks: barbarians are a group of tribes that did not belong to the Greco-Roman culture. In fact, foreigners could be called barbarians. What are the characteristics of Barbara? She is humble, hardworking and very childlike. She is patient and a good housewife, and simply an attractive lady.


This name is the feminine form of the name Alexander and its meaning is interpreted as “protector” or even “courageous”. In most cases, Alexandras turn out to be very lively and somewhat masculine character. However, despite all her ability to gain authority, she remains attractive to men because she has a contradictory disposition and a penchant for Shakespearean passions. Usually Alexandra is interested in extreme sports or travel, and not in household chores, but she always turns out to be a good mother and a faithful wife.


The meaning of this name - “quiet, serene” - very accurately reflects the character of the bearers of this name. They can always find a middle ground in relationships with people, therefore they successfully avoid conflicts; they have both traditionally male and considered female interests. She is active and knows when it is necessary to show persistence or, conversely, to soften the pressure. Therefore, those with the name Galina occupy important and responsible positions professionally, and their families turn out to be strong.


The meaning of this name is known to many: it goes back to the name of the goddess of victory. Thus, women named Victoria are assertive and stubborn, they confidently and gradually strive for success, which is what they achieve as a result. The strength of their character may not immediately manifest itself and even force them to retreat when faced with problems. But, learning from mistakes, Victoria gets rid of this shortcoming. Being temperamental, she rarely forgives insults. Girls with this name can become excellent organizers; they perform best in jobs where everything depends only on themselves.


This undoubtedly strong female name also has a male counterpart: Vladislav. The meaning of this name is quite transparent: Vladislava is interpreted as “glorious mistress” or “possessing glory.” The bearers of this name always want to be first; they strive for leadership positions. Independence is very clearly manifested in her character, she is confident in her abilities and independent. Having such good set qualities, Vladislava often achieves almost everything she wants in life. If it is doubts that prevent you from achieving your goal, do not rush to change your name: a talisman made of jade stone will just help you attract good luck and stand firmly on your feet.


This name has several variants of origin: it can be a formation from the name Dorothea (Dorothea) or Slavic origin, while meaning “given by God” and “bestowed.” However, it may be a feminine version of the name Darius, which means “owner of good” or “victor.” Daria is endowed with the ability to perceive very a large number of information. She has a pronounced intellect and manifests herself as an original personality. She can be restless, but she knows how to achieve leadership. Despite his strong emotionality, he acts only on the basis of logical conclusions.


The name Irina comes from the ancient Greek goddess Eirene, who was the patroness of peace and tranquility. He has options such as Irene, Rena or Arina. The bearers of this name fully justify its meaning: they cannot stand quarrels and conflicts, and often make peace between everyone. They even choose a profession that is related to people and communication, often becoming teachers or teachers. Possessing excellent diplomatic qualities, they get along with people quite easily. Always caring and attractive, she has only one drawback: she can be easily offended. But she is not vindictive.


Translated from Latin language this name means “born on Christmas”, it is also interpreted as “native”. Usually the bearers of this name are quite quick-tempered and impulsive, but at the same time they quite calmly take on difficult work and carry it out. As befits natural leaders, Natalias are usually quite calm in both appearance and behavior. Possessing a fairly high intelligence, women with this name are excellent at analyzing situations. They do not like criticism and often have a materialistic worldview. And, of course, they carry a pronounced feminine energy.


Margarita is a name that is an epithet to the name of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, and is translated from Greek as “pearl.” In Roman mythology she is known as Venus. Need I say that women with this name are not only attractive to men, but are also a kind of reflection of femininity and something refined? However, the bearers of this name also have an analytical mind, which they successfully use. Even being very emotional, they know how to become both excellent leaders and caring wives and mothers.


Translated from Greek language the name Tatyana is interpreted as “founder, organizer” and women with this name fully justify this meaning. They build their own lives and know how to win men, because they are often even stronger than them energetically. Any Tatyana is capable of standing up for herself, and given that they also have traits of an imperious character, if they wish, they can easily achieve leading positions at work. Since childhood, bearers of this name tend to be stubborn, tempering themselves in the struggle for a place in the sun. And more often than not, they win it.

There are many more names with strong energy, but those listed are quite common. If you would like to strengthen your own energy, then you can use women's talismans, choosing it to your taste. Best wishes and don't forget to press the buttons and

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of a name in a person’s life. Also in ancient times in Rus' they knew that by naming a child we influence his fate. After all, every name has its own secret, sacred meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to approach such a serious step with all responsibility. Let's find out in detail what rare and beautiful names for girls will help them in the future: to be happy, avoid trouble, find love and simply find their way.

Ancient Slavic female names

The Old Slavonic name book included many names, unfortunately, most of them are irretrievably lost. But still, the brightest and strongest of them have reached us. After all, the ancient Slavs believed that a woman was, first of all, the keeper of the home. The energy information program in such names is only positive, bringing love, kindness, devotion, care and affection into the world. Therefore, their owners are usually happy in family life.

List among the ancient Slavs and their description:

  • Arina and Yarina. Divine, dedicated to the sun . Bright, cheerful and easy-going. Differs in independence with early years, always stands out among its surroundings. Lucky in marriage, knows how to create home comfort.
  • Bazhena, Bozena. Beloved, desired, long-awaited child . Such a girl will be lucky and considered the darling of fate. Has a variety of creative talents.
  • Vesta, Veta. Good news. IN Slavic mythology goddess of the hearth. Original, intellectually developed, analytical mind. A caring mother and a good housewife.
  • Vladislav.Owns the fame. Lively and purposeful nature. Always and in everything she tries to be the best, a leader. She is confident in her own abilities and achieves success.
  • Darina, Daria.Gift of the gods, bestowed . A friendly and very active girl. Likes sport. She is smart and has feminine cunning. Knows his strengths and uses them.
  • Zlatoslava. Golden glory. Proud and unapproachable, very insightful. He understands people well and can manipulate them. This name gives the desire for perfection in everything.
  • Lada. Dear, okay, wife . In Slavic mythology, the goddess of spring, love and beauty. Such girls grow up to be sensual and emotional, but at the same time they are stubborn and determined. They are enterprising and achieve their goals.
  • Malusha.Small. Kind-hearted and friendly, with a rich imagination. Amazing intuition, always chooses the right course of action. Artistic. Often achieves a high position in society and financial well-being. Happily married.
  • Miroslava.Glorious in peace, glorifying peacefulness. A very decent girl who respects traditions. But at the same time he is an active, persistent and strong-willed person. He has a very flexible intellect.
  • Milan. Dear everyone.Authoritarian, hardworking, clearly follows the chosen direction. He chooses a partner with similar goals as a companion and achieves them together with him. Values ​​the circle of close people.
  • Glad. Joy, fun. She is optimistic and has a cheerful disposition. She dances and travels a lot. Charming and elegant femme fatale. This name ensures happiness in marriage.
  • Snezhana. White as snow.A person of fine mental organization, a vulnerable and sensitive personality. She is sociable and strives to help people. Honest, charming, tactful and responsible, involved in charity work.
  • Yaroslav.Bright, glorious with vitality. Very active and inquisitive nature. Stubborn, but admits her mistakes. She knows how to create coziness; you will always feel warm and comfortable with her. Much loved by my husband

Russian female names

With the advent of the Christian faith, new girl names, mostly Greek origin. Today, they are so familiar and widespread among us that we have long considered them originally Russian. In Byzantium, a mixed nomenclature was formed due to diplomatic and cultural ties. It is based on Syrian, Slavic, Persian, Greek, Latin, Germanic, English, Egyptian and other roots.

List of suchrare and beautiful names for girls with description:

  • Agatha. Good, endowed with good. Persistent and firm in desires. Ambitious and endowed with a thirst for learning. Strives to twist family nest. There is peace and comfort in her home.
  • Vasilisa, Vasilina. Royal, ruler. A very energetic and determined girl. Resourceful, captivating storyteller different stories, often uses humor. Loving mother and wife.
  • Varvara. Double protection. Calm and reasonable, tolerance is an important part of her character. Drives his fans crazy. She is prudent and achieves her goals.
  • Elizabeth. God-honoring, my god is an oath. She is balanced and brings things started to a victorious end. The most valuable thing for a person with this name is family. A cunning coquette, attracts attention.
  • Fun. Delight, joy. She is characterized by openness and sincerity. Generous and diplomatic personality. Unsurpassed and without equal competitors. Often holds leadership positions. The marriage is going well.
  • Zoya. Life itself. Strong-willed, always balanced, stable psyche. Able to extinguish any negativity and conflicts. Intuitively discerns people's intentions. Personal relationships always work out well. A wonderful wife and mother. He manages the house wisely.
  • Inessa, Inna. Innocent, flow, swim. Smiling, calm and persistent character. Feminine appearance and masculine core. Hospitable, exemplary hostess.
  • Christina. Christian. Smart, agile, with a good memory. Makes every decision thoughtfully. Smoothes out conflicts, yields to her lover, and therefore always finds mutual understanding with him.
  • Melania, Melania. Dark, with black hair. Tender, affectionate, seductive, femme fatale. Constantly changing. Creatively gifted, inclined to study foreign languages. Loves adventure and novelty. A highlight in any team. Communication is her strong point.
  • Olga.Holy, wise, receiving greatness. Strong-willed, developed mind and great efficiency. A fighter with a strong character. Looks after appearance. A highly moral nature, she will marry the best chosen one.
  • Taisiya, Taya.Fertile, dedicated to Isis. Determined and uncompromising, she makes a dizzying career. She is surrounded by gentlemen everywhere, but she makes her choice for a long time and consciously.
  • Faina.Shining, shine. Friendly and responsive, inclined to lead own business. Her name inspires a passion for the culinary arts, she is clean, and adored by her husband.
  • Julia, Ulyana.Fluffy, curly, everyone cares. Extremely sociable, creative, extraordinary personality. She has a flexible intellect, strong intuition, and is gifted with many talents. Vulnerable, reads a lot. Lives in perfect harmony with her husband

Popular names for girls

Modern rare and beautiful names for girls, are very relevant in our country. Fashion for them is changeable and cyclical. Some of the names are Slavic, others are of foreign origin. Still others are recently fictitious names, based on the heroines of best-selling books, films and songs.

List of popular female names in recent years:

  • Aurora. Dawn, morning dawn. Developed imagination and intuition. Inner peace is important to her and she will strive for harmony in everything. Often hides his feelings. The profession will most likely be related to creativity.
  • Anastasia.Resurrected, return. Trusting, kind, does not hold grudges. A craftswoman, she loves cleanliness and order. A strong-willed person who defends his rights. Caring, faithful wife and mother
  • Anna.Bravery, grace. Uncompromising and truth-loving, radiates kindness. Tirelessly builds its nest. Honest and devoted to her husband.
  • Victoria.Victory. An agile, cunning and stubborn, but at the same time shy and timid person. A girl with this name is able to be frank and honest with her partner.
  • Veronica, Vera. Bringing victory. Smart and reasonable, practical person. Shows intelligence and soberly assesses the situation. The marriage is going well.
  • Eve.Giver of life. Strong-willed character, controls himself in any situation. Increased level intelligence. Affectionate, gentle and cheerful with her husband.
  • Catherine.Pure, immaculate virgin. A real dreamer, she easily makes friends and admirers. Tactful, well-mannered, with exquisite taste. Carefully chooses a life partner.
  • Ksenia, Ksyusha.Guest, wanderer. Attractive, sincere, fighting injustice. She is very flexible intellectual abilities and intuition is sharpened. She is demanding of her partner and seeks protection in him.
  • Lilya, Lilia. White flower.Dreamy and inventive, quirky and quick-witted nature. She is driven by interest in everything that happens around her. Gives loved ones warmth.
  • Maria.Desired, serenity. Affectionate, balanced and mysterious, with a strong spirit. She is attracted to everything original and avant-garde, exclusive. Radiates warmth and attention around him.
  • Ocean.Deep water. The name appeared recently. A strong, decisive personality, capable of moving mountains for the sake of his goals. Family is the most important thing in her life; she prefers to spend all her free time with her.
  • Sofia, Sofia. Wise, science.Active and receptive, strives to be in time and learn everything. Loves to be the center of attention. Capable of heroic deeds for the sake of her family.
  • Elsa.Divine, cold oath. Passionate and independent, determined nature. He can achieve a high position in society and open his own business. Responsible housewife.

Foreign female names

All countries have interesting and unusual names. Now they are gaining popularity, and some have long been adopted into everyday life and become familiar to our ears. Most of them have close roots with the Slavic peoples.

List and description rare and beautiful names for girls :

  • Adele, Adeline.Noble, from a noble family . Independent, calm, modest, reads a lot. He knows how to win people over. Affectionate and faithful companion.
  • Astrid. Passionate, star. Brave, courageous, active, able to solve any problem. The bearer of this name exhibits psychic abilities. Loves family.
  • Belinda, Bella. A lovely, bright linden tree. Charming, elegant, has exquisite taste. Strives for stability, loves order. Adheres to generally accepted moral values. Lucky in marriage.
  • Diana, Dina.Divine, bringing justice. Endowed with very great energy. Copes with all matters, logical thinking is developed. At the same time, she is a deep and sensitive person. After getting married, she finds peace and harmony in her soul.
  • Inga. R waiting under protection. One of the names of the Scandinavian god of fertility and abundance, an analogue of the male name Ingvar. Easily absorbs all information. She believes in fortune telling and knows how to cast her own spells. A devoted wife, she skillfully raises children.
  • Kira. Lady, mistress, ray of light. Practical, hardy and reasonable character. She is insightful, reliable, and can catch luck by the tail. A brilliant mind and flexibility of thinking are her reliable assistants. Will achieve success in his career. She will become caring and affectionate in relationships, and harmony will reign in her home.
  • Cornelia, Nellie.Weapons made of wood. An expert in conquering and seducing those around her. Comprehensively developed, with a rich inner world. Wants to be in the center of events. A pleasant and cheerful woman.
  • Linda, Melinda. Beautiful, blooming linden tree. He enjoys reading and collecting. He stands out for his intelligence and upbringing. A favorite at work and among friends.
  • Martha. Mentor, hostess. Solid, balanced, business woman. The name gives a good reaction, she will not miss the right moment. Strives for a strong marriage.
  • Melissa.Honey bee. Charming, brings good luck to others. Independent and scrupulous, but at the same time a sweet and sociable person. Values ​​family above all else.
  • Margarita.Pearl. Pearl. Straightforward, self-critical, constantly improving. Honest and courageous, devoid of selfishness. Determined and businesslike, successful in her career. A faithful and reliable friend, she will charm anyone.
  • Nicole, Nika. Conqueror of nations. Mysterious, charming, with many friends. Tender and sentimental, from childhood she dreams of marriage with a handsome prince. Can be implemented in any field.
  • Olivia.Olive tree, olive. Noble and sociable, finds mutual language with any person. Has a negative attitude towards deception and hypocrisy. The husband must meet her needs.
  • Frida.Peace and quiet. She seems modest and reserved, but she is smart and independent, and is liked by others. Man with strong will and subtle mental organization.
  • Elvira, Elya.All-truthful, protecting everyone. Decisive and stubborn, defends her own point of view. Doesn't betray friends. Dedicates himself to his wife and children.

There are many ways to determine the right one Russian name for child: by Orthodox calendar, according to the zodiac sign, following the laws of numerology. First of all, choosing rare and beautiful name for a girlyou should make sure that it is compatible with the patronymic. And most importantly: when deciding what to name your baby, trust your heart.

Write in the comments what you want to name your child)

Choosing a name for a baby is a difficult and responsible task. Thousands of parents every day puzzle over what interesting female names Now in fashion, how not to make a mistake and charge your beloved child with happiness for life. A woman is always a mystery, it is mystery and enchanting beauty, and each country has its own canons. Now they are becoming very foreign in origin, Old Slavonic and long forgotten. Maybe, this material will help you choose a destiny for your daughter.

We are for modern fashion!

If you constantly follow trends and don’t miss a single one an important event, then we recommend that you look at the beautiful ones. You won’t have to break your tongue over pronunciation, and, of course, any traditional Russian version goes perfectly with a simple Russian patronymic.

A popular magazine recently conducted a survey. 45 thousand men answered the question about which female name is the most pleasant for them. The top three included Katenka, Victoria and Nastenka. They are followed by Ksyusha, Tanechka and Natasha. Of course, these names always remain in trend and are considered classics. At the same time, many parents prefer to give beautiful female names (modern), rare and mysterious, such as Carmina, Evangeline, Evelina, Ariadne, Camellia.

We are fans of the French genre

It is believed that French ladies have the most melodic names. If you remember famous actresses, then they will always be associated with standards of beauty and elegance. No wonder that French names women's are in fashion here too. In kindergartens you can increasingly see Adele, Camilla, and Violetta. Veronica (with the emphasis on the last syllable) is similar to our Vika - both names mean victory, but have different origins. Irene (by analogy with Ira) - peaceful and kind soul; Claire - bright style; Sylvia is a forest nymph, Emma is mysterious.

Almost all popular French female names have a complex etymology and were borrowed from other countries. Over time, their pronunciation changed. For example, Jeannette comes from Hebrew and Barbara comes from Ancient Roman. Here are some more interesting options: Vivienne (alive), Giselle (arrow), Josephine (kind), Monica (affectionate), Mary (beloved), Margot (precious), Emmanuel (given by God).

We are the German favorites

German female names always make an impression. Despite the fact that the language of the German people itself is rough, and not everyone likes it, their names are charming. Girls given a German name will certainly enjoy success and the attention of others.

For example, Mirabells are very sensitive and vulnerable people. They make wonderful housewives and faithful wives. But Isolde is the name for strong personality who will surely achieve success in her career. Isolde's name translates to "cold gold" and as such she can be dangerous, but only with those who do not value her.

Other popular German names the female ones are: Alma (gracious), Gertrude (warrior, heroine), Hanrietta (noble girl), Iolanta (violet), Frederica (powerful), Emily (rival), Frida (faithful), Hannah (gifted). In Russia you can often meet Inga, Maryana, Nellie. These names are firmly rooted among us, although they are of Germanic origin.

We are looking east

Eastern women are always a mystery. Arabic female names are associated with the melody of oriental dance, the secrets of the sands and the charm of their owners. The mixing of cultures leads to the fact that in our country Russian girls are increasingly called traditional Muslim names. And at the same time they grow up happy and loved. Let's look at what Arab women's

Girls Guli, Naili, Kamila are often found. They are beautiful like flowers, respected and merciful. Malika, Jamilya, Laysan sound with rich chords... By naming a child the name Aisha, parents expect their daughter to grow up smart and obedient, meek and courteous. By the way, this name is of great importance for Muslims. This was the name of the wife of the great prophet Muhammad.

It is not recommended to name girls Fatima. The fact is that all babies are called this before they receive their birth certificate. Most residents Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other countries give girls the following names: Jana, Layan, Zafira, Razan, Shahd.

We are for the long forgotten old

Interesting female names of original Russian origin are now surprisingly rare. Why aren't Elena, Vera, and Natalia so sweet? You will be surprised, but it is very difficult to meet modern newborns with such names. But Sofia and Daria meet in almost every ward of maternity hospitals.

Old female names are even less commonly used. Some 100-200 years ago they sounded everywhere among the common people, but have now lost past glory. Perhaps someone will like one of these options: Agapia, Agnia, Adeline, Antonia, Vasilisa, Evdokia, Emelyan, Zoya, Zlata, Matryona, Milena, Pelageya, Praskovya, Serafima, Taisya, Raisa, Fevronya, Thekla, Theodora.

Must have the root “mila” or “glory”. For example, Yaroslav, Miloslav, Boguslav, Bogumil, Svyatoslav. This tradition has been preserved since the times Kievan Rus, because then the name had to have meaning. And more and more familiar to us - Varvara, Sophia, Maria, Yulia, Anna came to our country from Ancient Greece and Rome.

Popular female names in Russia

Other common female names

Not included in the top 3, but also interesting female names that occur more often than others, are Ksenia, Ulyana, Varvara, Alexandra, Valeria. Less common are Alina, Arina, Yana, Alisa, Veronica. Lydia, Milana, Vasilisa, Diana, Margarita, Zlata are considered undeservedly forgotten. Such girls are found one in several hundred.


Whatever name you choose for your daughter, be sure that it will be the best, and your sunshine will be the happiest. Interesting female names are just the opinion of one person, but there are no comrades according to taste and color.

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