Andrey name compatibility, which female name is suitable. Name meaning: Andrew

The name Andrey comes from the ancient Greek word "Andros", which means "man", "courageous". After the adoption of Christianity, the name began to spread in Rus', before that it was known only in Byzantium. In those days, the name Andrey was called only by the offspring of noble families, then the name spread among the common people.

IN Soviet time the peak of popularity came in the 70s of the last century, when every fourth newborn boy was called Andrey. Today the name is as popular as it was several centuries ago.

Over the centuries, the energy named after Andrey has only become stronger. Numerous eminent personalities interesting fate and talents bearing this victorious name are direct proof of this. Among them great physicist and theorist Andrei Sakharov, poet and publicist Andrei Voznesensky, directors Andrei Konchalovsky and Andrei Tarkovsky, the great Russian artist Andrei Vasnetsov, sportsman Andrei Arshavin and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The name Andrew first appeared in church calendar thanks to Andrew the First-Called - a disciple of Jesus Christ. He was the first whom Jesus called to be an apostle (which is why he is called the First-Called).

According to legend, Andrew the First-Called converted many peoples to the Christian faith, he blessed the lands on which such cities as Kyiv and Novgorod were subsequently founded. The apostle was seized by pagans and crucified on a cross that had the shape of the letter X. This is how the well-known St. Andrew's Cross appeared, the image of which is on the state flags of some countries, on orders and medals.

In Rus', this saint has always enjoyed special love and reverence - he is considered the patron of Russian statehood and the navy. Emperor Peter the Great by his decree established the St. Andrew's flag and the St. Andrew's Order.

Andrei can celebrate his name day once a year, I choose a date as close as possible to his birthday: January 26 and 27; 17 and 21 February; March 7; April 28; May 31; 3, 5, 11, 15, 23, 25 and 26 June; 3, 13, 17, 19, 22 and 25 July; 5 and 17 August; September 1, 6, 19, 20, 23 and 28; 3, 5, 6, 7, 15, 23, 30 and 31 October; November 9 and 11; 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16 and 23 December.

Name characteristic

Andrei is endowed with an impulsive and unpredictable character, he is a very addicted person and a dreamer. It is impossible to guess what will come to his mind in the next moment. His inner world very difficult, although in his behavior it is completely imperceptible. He is a joker and joker, an optimist and a merry fellow, able to infect everyone around him with his energy. But do not be deceived, Andrei is quite vindictive, he notices everything and remembers everything.

Andrey always strives for calm and stability, tries not to go on the rampage and not engage in dubious adventures. For conscientiousness and responsibility, he is appreciated by colleagues at work, and for a good sense of humor and responsiveness - by women and friends. With his charm, he can conquer anyone.

Despite the fact that Andrei is a rather self-critical person, he often has an overestimated self-esteem. He is greedy for flattery, loves to be noticed and singled out, and absolutely cannot stand competition. Inspired by success, a man can suddenly become arrogant, vain and self-confident, which can alienate people from him.

Andrey likes to "splurge", presenting himself in a better light than he really is. He does not want to listen to advice, always defends his opinion. The girls will have to face Andrey's inconstancy, he can give out promises of love and fidelity right and left. A man can tell his next girlfriend everything about himself, as in confession, but she should not flatter herself - she will never know everything about him. All his aspirations and desires are focused on his own personality.

The character of Andrei largely depends on what time of the year he was born. born in winter months, a man will have a principled character, will not tolerate lies and injustice, but with girls he will be courteous and romantic.

Autumn Andrey will build his life according to a clearly defined plan, in which there will be no place for accidents and surprises. Self-discipline, punctuality and an analytical mindset will help him in this.

Nature will endow summer Andrei with a great sense of humor, easy character and love of life. This guy will be welcome in any company.

Spring Andrei will be distinguished by a frivolous attitude to life, frivolity and inconstancy. He will crave adventure and new sensations, but his family will be of little interest to him.


Little Andryusha is a quiet and calm child, very affectionate with his mother, to whom he is affectionately attached. He is quite energetic, but he is perfectly able to play calm games alone. With pleasure, he will assemble a designer or fix a broken toy.

Andryusha is difficult to force to obey and obey, as he is quite obstinate and disobedient. He can argue with his parents for a long time, insisting on his own.

At school, Andrey studies well, but not perfectly, among his peers he stands out only with an analytical mindset and a penchant for design and programming. Andryusha is not friends with girls, he prefers the company of boys. The teenager is often fond of sports, likes to play chess and checkers.

The boy has a heightened sense of justice, because of which he can sometimes conflict with teachers. Does not take part in the life of the class, tries to avoid any responsibility.

Teachers and parents should remember that force on Andrei is completely useless, it is necessary to use reasoned conviction, taking into account his innate sense of justice.


From childhood, Andrey may have poor eyesight and a predisposition to colds. IN adulthood problems with the stomach and intestines are possible.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of mind, since stress and depression can cause the development of many diseases. An important role in supporting peace of mind can be played by Andrey's close people, who can instill optimism and self-confidence in him.


Andrey's sexual life does not start too early, but then the young man catches up. He is a gentle and sensual lover, trying to please a woman even to the detriment of himself.

Andrew likes tall and beautiful girls, but her character and inner world are of almost no interest to him. The main thing for him is a spectacular shell. He is gentle and attentive to his chosen one, but most often he is guided not by love, but by the desire to impress.

In sex, Andrei does not tolerate rudeness and violence, as well as the lack of femininity in his partner. A man is very greedy for flattery and compliments, so if a woman wants to attract attention, she should not skimp on beautiful words.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Andrei chooses his soul mate for a long time, paying attention, first of all, to a spectacular appearance. He wants to be proud of the beauty of his wife. Such a frivolous attitude to marriage often leads to the fact that Andrei's first marriage is unsuccessful.

From his companion requires increased attention to himself, he can be jealous even of his own children. He will not tolerate treason, but he himself can easily start an affair on the side (the exception is Andrei, who was born in winter).

All household problems will fall on the shoulders of the wife, but Andrey will take over the full material support families. His chosen one should forget about her career and become a caring and sexy housewife. She will also have to come to terms with the stubbornness of her husband and some tight-fistedness.

A successful marriage is possible with women named Alevtina, Alice, Alina, Diana, Elena, Elizabeth, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyudmila and Natalya. It is better to avoid relationships with Oksana, Olga, Sofia, Julia, Vera, Anna and Yana.

Business and career

Andrei approaches in good faith to any business, no matter who he works with. He deliberately approaches business, does not like to take risks. Andrey is a unique person who is equally suited to both creative professions and engineering work.

He can become an actor, director, writer, artist and writer, or he can become a programmer, engineer, scientist, designer or manager. He is an excellent performer, knows how to learn from his mistakes, so the authorities will quickly appreciate him on his merits.

The most important thing for Andrey is to achieve career heights that will increase his authority in the family and among friends. In this case, material wealth will come first.

Andrei can be quite successful in his own business, which he will conduct honestly and openly. Partners can be sure that Andrey's word can always be relied upon.

Talismans for Andrey

  • The ruling planet is the Sun.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Cancer and Sagittarius. The horoscope recommends calling Andrey boys born under these signs.
  • The best time of the year is summer. Lucky day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors are yellow and brown.
  • totem animal - reed cat. This is the totem of strong and wealthy people, since not everyone can afford to keep this predator. The reed cat bestows power, fortitude and wisdom.
  • Totem plant - anemone and fir. Anemone is an ornamental flower with a small red spot, symbolizing loneliness, sadness and compassion. Fir is a symbol of pride, patience and perseverance. This plant personifies people who managed to give up their base desires, and who are destined for the road to paradise.
  • Talisman stone - amber and amethyst. Amber is a talisman for creative person He gives inspiration and faith. An amulet made from amber will also attract happiness and good luck for Andrey. But amber cannot be set in silver; a copper frame is best suited for it. Amethyst is a stone of peace, tranquility and spiritual grace. The stone improves well-being and protects from the evil eye.


Aries- this is an unbalanced man, vulnerable and touchy. He is restless and stubborn, which makes his life bright and rich. various events. His mood often changes, he can even show aggression, but all this is just a consequence of a huge self-doubt. The impulsiveness and maximalism inherent in Andrei-Aries makes him a quarrelsome person with whom it is not easy to find a common language. But adherence to principles in relation to oneself and others, the ability to get together and make the right decision in unusual situation command the respect of the team. For his wife, Andrei-Aries will be a reliable life partner, but his wife's betrayal will put an end to their relationship. He is quick-tempered, but quick-tempered, knows how to admit his guilt, sympathize and forgive. The Sagittarius woman can become the best life partner for Andrei-Aries - they will never be bored together, their relationship will only grow stronger over time.

Taurus- a sensual and sentimental man, for whom the main driving force is love and the desire for material well-being. He knows how to wait, analyze and compare facts, he never rushes anywhere. From the outside, he may seem slow and even stupid, but in fact, Andrei-Taurus thinks very deeply and voluminously. He is always objective, it is worth listening to his opinion and advice. He never gets into squabbles and does not listen to gossip, does not like to command and does not obey anyone. A man tries to create harmony around himself, cannot stand the noise and fuss. His love is born slowly, Mexican passions are not for him. But if a man falls in love, he is able to destroy any walls and barriers. In love, Andrei-Taurus is a big owner and jealous, but on the other hand, there will always be material wealth in his family, and he will become a caring father to his children. The best couple for Andrey-Taurus will be the Libra woman - they will perfectly complement each other.

Twins- an inquisitive, sociable person, looking for trouble-free ways in life. He avoids any difficulties and tedious work, often cannot complete the work he has begun. Andrei-Gemini suffers from painful sensitivity, he may even get sick from worries about a trifling quarrel. It is very important for him what others think about him, he suffers criticism very painfully. A man is inconsistent in his thoughts and actions, he does not see a big sin in deception. Both those around him and himself suffer from his excessive emotionality. He can be offended for any reason, as well as rejoice noisily over trifles. His egocentrism makes a man "pull the blanket over himself" wherever possible. Posturing is his main scourge that prevents him from developing and moving forward. At the same time, Andrei-Gemini is endowed with a remarkable mind and intellect, he is a talented and diversified personality. A good couple for Andrey the Gemini can be an Aries woman - this will be a harmonious union in which the roles will be distributed equally.

Cancer- sentimental and sensitive Andrei, but he does not like to show it outwardly. He is lost in an unfamiliar environment, trying not to stand out from the crowd. A man really needs emotional support, in life he always looks for care and warmth, without which he simply cannot exist. He has a phenomenal intuition, but trusts it little and often does stupid things. Andrey-Rak easily gives in to panic and despair, it is hard for him to enter into new relationships, it is even more difficult to radically change anything in life. But, despite this, he can make decisions and purposefully move towards the goal, especially if he feels behind him a reliable rear in the form of people who love him. Having gained confidence, Andrey-Rak is able to achieve a lot in life. He is very family-oriented, for which he is ready for anything. Outwardly, Andrey-Rak looks confident and strong man than attracts women. He falls in love easily, but also cools off quickly. The Scorpio woman will be able to understand the subtle nature of her chosen one - she will be able to keep the relationship on a sensual and trusting level.

a lion- a temperamental, noble and conceited man, accustomed to always and in everything to be the best. He is sure that the whole world should revolve around him and not otherwise. He has a bright charisma that makes him a prominent personality in any society. Andrey-Leo is greedy for flattery, but he cannot stand criticism, so he tries to surround himself with people who share his opinion. The straightforwardness of a man sometimes borders on rudeness, and failures and mistakes never bother him. He is a born leader, never limited to momentary goals, always striving for global perspectives. Honesty and nobility make Andrey-Lev rush into an open duel, and not plot intrigues behind his back. He is equally fierce in love, friendship and hatred. As a life partner, Andrey-Lev will look for a spectacular woman with whom it is not a shame to go out. He will be the real head of the family, gentle and caring, but quick-tempered and jealous. The best couple for him can be a Taurus woman - she will awaken his sensuality and pacify exorbitant ambitions.

Virgo- a subtly feeling, intellectual personality with high efficiency and deep intellect. In a team, he can be invisible, and only close people can know how bright and original a person he is. Andrey-Virgo is a subtle strategist, he will always be able to find the best way out of any situation. He is very meticulous and clean, he does any job flawlessly. He will not tolerate lazy and sloppy people in his environment, but excessive suspicion and pickiness often causes conflicts. Andrey-maiden is very independent, he has his own opinion on everything, it is almost impossible to convince him. He hardly compromises, and some arrogance and emotional coldness can lead to the fact that Andrei-Virgo spends his life alone. Only real love will force him to compromise and forgive her beloved for her shortcomings. Affection, fidelity and sensual love can be given to Andrei-Virgo by a woman born under the same zodiac sign with him - this union will be just perfect.

Scales- this is a serious, pragmatic and detailed nature, whose words never diverge from deeds. He is temperamental and hot-tempered, but can be indecisive when it comes to accepting important decision. There are a lot of contradictions in a man, he is constantly in search of harmony, he really appreciates his freedom and strives for independence. He is everywhere and in everything looking for something that will give stability to his life. Andrei-Libra can give the impression of a weak-willed person, since he often cannot refuse a person anything, and then he worries about it. When difficulties arise, a man prefers to wait quietly on the sidelines, rather than rush into an open battle. He really appreciates friendship, he will always lend a helping hand, and completely disinterestedly. But he will not tolerate any humiliation of his dignity - in this case, Andrei-Libra will be able to show rigidity and pressure unusual for him. In love, a man has an unbridled temperament, he enjoys flirting and adoring women. Ideal option for long term relationship Aquarius woman can become - this couple will be able to achieve a lot in life together.

Scorpion- a sentimental dreamer, the last romantic and ladies' man. He has an excellent intuition, it is almost impossible to deceive him. From the outside, it seems that he is walking along the edge of the abyss, mindlessly taking risks, but in fact, Andrei-Scorpio never crosses the line of reason, everything is calculated and under his control. By nature, he is not aggressive, but deadly to his enemies. If Andrei-Scorpio has set a goal for himself, he will move towards it to the breach. He is an excellent worker and leader, responsible and fair. A man has a magical influence on people, they believe him and follow him. Despite the strong character, Andrei-Scorpio really needs love, but not every partner is able to endure the capriciousness, stubbornness, and sometimes aggression of this man. For marriage, a Pisces woman is best suited for him, as she is patient, smart and sensual - what this extraordinary man needs.

Sagittarius- A cheerful, optimistic man with inexhaustible charm. He looks at life philosophically, never goes to extremes and always behaves with dignity and calmness. Andrei-Sagittarius loves to teach and learns on his own, giving advice right and left. He has an open and broad soul, many friends and acquaintances, whom he is ready to help orally and financially. He never lies, does not adapt and does not play, from others he requires the same attitude. He is a well-known fighter for truth and justice, an excellent diplomat, able to direct negotiations in the right direction. He is straightforward and assertive in everything - in work, friendship and love. A man has been looking for an ideal life partner for a long time, so he gets married quite late. At heart, he is a romantic vagabond who does not at all strive for a settled life. family life. We can say that he was not created for the family, and rarely does a woman manage to keep him near her for a long time. This can happen with a Cancer woman, but only if a man, tired of being alone, feels the need for a quiet, cozy haven.

Capricorn- an ambitious, cautious and practical person, moving forward slowly but surely. He never takes risks in vain, but accurately calculates the situation and his own strengths. He really does not like chaotic, impulsive activities, he always carefully plans everything. He is an excellent organizer and performer, confidently walking up the career ladder. As a leader, he is attentive to people, but at the same time demanding and strict. It makes a favorable impression on people, but sometimes cynicism, arrogance, dissatisfaction with everything and everything can be hidden under the mask of splendor. By nature, Andrei is a melancholic Capricorn, always ready to fall into hysterics and depression if something goes wrong. He is afraid of love, because he is afraid of suffering and mental anguish. Knows how to clearly separate love and sex, preferring the latter. A strong family can be paired with an Aquarius woman - a bright future awaits them.

Aquarius- unpredictable, freedom-loving personality, with highly developed intuition. He is constantly changing, trying on various masks, experimenting both in work and in communication. He thinks abstractly - this is a real inventor who can see outside the box and creatively. Some consider him a bore and a great pedant, and some consider him a genius. Very often a man seems real world gray and dull, and then he plunges into his dreams, into his fictional world. Nevertheless, Andrei-Aquarius is very sociable, artistic and always has many friends and comrades around him. He does not suffer from careerism and is the first to respond to help the needy, and completely disinterestedly. A man often idealizes his chosen one, presenting her in a better light than she really is and turning a blind eye to her shortcomings. For this reason, he often makes the wrong choice and is unhappy in his personal life. Andrew-Aquarius can create strong family with a Leo woman - they will respect each other's independence, but they will have to learn how to make concessions.

Fish- a soft, dreamy man with a good imagination, who is never bored in solitude. This is an interesting person, but he has one feature - he always seeks to embellish reality, so he often becomes the object of ridicule. A good sense of humor helps Andrey-Pisces survive in this cynical world. Like no one else, he knows how to listen and empathize, but he tries not to attract attention to himself in society. A man is not prudent, not ambitious and not arrogant, so it is difficult for him to reach career heights. But he absolutely does not need help, as he often revels in his sacrifice, and he does not need any other life. It is very difficult to win the heart of Andrei-Pisces, it is even more difficult to keep him, to match the image that he painted in his fantasies. He tries to avoid direct influence on himself, although he really needs support and understanding, and besides, he is successful with women. A Capricorn woman can become an ideal life partner for this insecure man - she will not rush about and get nervous over trifles, being a model of calm and confidence.

What names are best to be friends with, communicate with, who exactly to love Andrey? In culture, the opinion about the compatibility of the vibration of names has become widespread. Especially the compatibility of male and female names is of the greatest interest. As if the names communicate with each other, and not people exchange energy and experience moments of happiness, anger together, develop together.

What is a name

The name is sound, meaning, associations. That is information and vibrations. Energy wave and information cell in the collective unconscious.

The whole amount of information with which a person identifies himself and which then presses/affects the unconscious/character/aura of a person.

The vibration-information code of the name is like a certain detail in the electrical circuit (unconscious programs and character structure). And if the part is chosen correctly, then the whole circuit becomes more powerful, it works faster.

The body no longer conducts 1 kW of energy of a certain quality, but let's say 5 kW or 10 kW. And if the name is chosen incorrectly, then the power of the whole organism is reduced to 0.5 kW, and the rate of development and achievement of goals slows down accordingly.

With the right approach to the issue, the name gives a person strength and support, it becomes a personal mantra. But the name does not speak about the whole electro-magnetic device, about me as a whole.

Name and fate

Not the name determines the fate. The name corrects in "+" or "-" the character given from birth. And either facilitates fate (improving character) or not. Therefore, for different people the same names do different things.

My name is an instrument that influences me. They call me by that name. I identify myself with the name. Etc.

Compare the comparable, not liters with volts. Compatibility is the interaction of character structures (date and place of birth, past life experience, crystallization of qualities). The name does not set the character, the name corrects the structure of the character of its owner according to a unique program. Therefore, the question of the name and compatibility are questions from different planes.

Determining the number of the name

You can't tell who lives in a house by its number. Different people live there. Also behind the number of the name are hidden
dozens of names and millions of different people. On what basis can you draw a line and make a highly accurate generalization? After all, even people born on the same day and hour have different characters and destinies. And this has been proven time and time again.

And then, even if you have some observations of what qualities the carriers of one name have, you must always understand that one name paints each with its own color. A person is a multidimensional set of qualities, and it cannot be said that a person will strengthen you just by knowing his name. A clairvoyant person can determine this influence, but for him the name is simply the starting point for the analysis of the complex structure of characters and auras, and not the final field of analysis.

Andrew and compatibility with female names. There are many people, but few names. The truth is even less.

It is very easy to give a general, abstract description that will contain the full potential of problems and relationships. Like the weekly horoscope in the papers. It is much more difficult to give a real assessment of the compatibility of people - what type, level, quality of compatibility.

Andrey and ANY female name - perhaps, maybe something will arise, in varying degrees of significance for you and after a while, something will change and there will already be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or not affect it in any way.

Andrey and Adelina (noble)
Andrey and Alena (sunny)
Andrey and Alina (alien)
Andrey and Alla (selfish)
Andrei and Anastasia (resurrected)
Andrey and Angelina (angel)
Andrey and Angela (angelic)
Andrew and Anna (grace)
Andrey and Valentina (healthy)
Andrey and Valeria (strong)
Andrew and Veronica (bringing victory)
Andrey and Victoria (win)
Andrey and Galina (calm)
Andrey and Daria (winner)
Andrew and Diana (divine)
Andrei and Evgenia (noble)
Andrei and Catherine (immaculate)
Andrey and Elena (chosen one)
Andrew and Elizabeth (worshiping God)
Andrey and Jeanne (gift of God)
Andrey and Inna (stormy stream)
Andrey and Irina (peace)
Andrei and Christina (baptized)
Andrey and Ksenia (alien)
Andrey and Larisa (seagull)
Andrew and Lily (flower)
Andrew and Love (love)
Andrey and Lyudmila (sweet people)
Andrey and Margarita (pearl)
Andrey and Marina (marine)
Andrew and Maria (bitter)
Andrey and Nadezhda (hope)
Andrey and Nastya (resurrected)
Andrey and Natalia (native)
Andrew and Nina (ruler)
Andrey and Oksana (hospitable)
Andrey and Olesya (courageous)
Andrew and Olga (saint)
Andrey and Polina (foreteller)
Andrey and Svetlana (light)
Andrey and Tatyana (founder)
Andrey and Julia (fluffy)
Andrey and Yana (goddess of the sun)

It is very easy to disguise the interpretation of the “compatibility” of any names under a general interpretation - perhaps, maybe something will arise, in varying degrees of significance for you and after a while, something will change and there will already be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or not affect it in any way. (see Barnum effect)

Not a man for a name, but a name for a man. Man speaks to man

People feel sympathy not by the sound of the name. And unconsciously, by how comfortable you are, it is interesting together. What interchange of energies, qualities, actions takes place between you. What do you enhance in each other.

Look how many different people - with the same names. Also found similar people— with different names.

Name compatibility is a huge delusion that erases the whole inner world of a person, his true nature. And it reduces to a simple number or one property, without studying the essence of this person. And what effect the name has on a particular person and how the name influences the character.

Where is real compatibility buried?

Compatibility of people must be sought in a bunch of designs of characters, auras. And when we come to the surface and want to reduce the relationship of people to the melodic / digital relationship of names, we don’t even think about what a person’s name reflects. How is the name and character of this person connected.

Name compatibility is a theater of false shadows. Which confuses and leads away from understanding the essence of human interaction into incorrect scenarios for the interaction of personal self-regulation tools (names).

How to check people for compatibility only by name?

As well as the compatibility of partners in marriage in terms of sock size. This will have so much common sense and even more, because we select socks for ourselves, comfort and convenience. And not because loving and ignorant people called us by a name, not knowing the consequences of the influence of this name on fate and character.

In order to really assess the compatibility of people, it is necessary to move away from superficial data taken from the “number of the name”, and begin to calculate the interaction by characters / auras / qualities

The Secret of Real Compatibility

It is necessary to begin to consider this question from the side of the individual construction of people.

A person has a certain bioenergetic structure, the form and content of which is determined by many factors such as:

Time, date and place of birth is the influence of astrology
Experience- this is the influence of the karma of this and past lives
Crystallization level– development of the chakra system of channels

It can be imagined that a person is a complex spatial-geometric figure, a kind of puzzle of a unique shape. This figure is incorrect in terms of symmetry and geometry - facets, surface, consistency, density vary within this figure. Accordingly, energy flows through different sections in different ways. Depending on the purity and degree of crystallization of the areas, the current can flow well, difficultly, or stop - clog. As a result, in general, such an individual design will conduct energy at a certain speed and of a certain quality.

The task of man from the point of view of evolution is the perfect transformation of his structure. With the aim of passing the figure of divine energy without any difficulty and resistance. Such a goal is impossible in the presence of serious "roughness and unevenness" of this figure in comparison with its originally conceived divine unique form.

To implement this task, it is necessary to “finish”, compact the desired part of the figure, or remove, clean. It can be solved different ways self-development: practices, meditations, prayers, austerities, reading and comprehending the necessary literature, lithotherapy, medicine, neurolinguistic programming, introspection, self-discipline, working with a master, using weak currents and other technical means, using compatibility, etc. In this context, the use of compatibility will be considered.

In the context of our metaphor, the description of a person's structure, compatibility manifests itself when two people are in the same space, whose structures are the most suitable and dock with each other, as if multidimensional puzzles that fit each other. That is, one or more faces of one design maximally or ideally complement a certain part of another design, compensating other people's dips with their bulges or smoothing out other people's bulges with their dips.

Compatibility levels. Mutuality and variety of compatibility

Compatibility can be at different levels:

On a sensory level- there is joy, confidence, inspiration.
On the physical level- for example, expressed in sex
On mental level – smart channel opens

There are various levels of compatibility, varying in quality and benefits.

Compatibility can be two-way and unidirectional, it can be mutually beneficial to an equal, greater or lesser extent, it can be harmful. It all depends on individual designs.

complementarity- ideal compatibility, subject to equal benefits. In general, people feel more harmonious together than each of them individually. A kind of "plugging" of each other's holes.

Generation of one or more qualities, states (automatic) - when 2 people are in each other's field, a certain quality or state is automatically generated.

Anticompatibility- damage to both structures up to destruction. The interaction of structures destroys, suppresses development. The solution in this situation is to break up, move away from each other physically and remove attunement. It happens at will love feelings or due to the duty of the family, as well as work, the question arises of the need to communicate incongruous people. In this case, you need to turn to good specialists in the selection of amulets, exercises (in terms of Castaneda - magical passes, in yogic terms - assan, kriya), mandalas, stones and other external additional objects that smooth out incompatibilities. But it is still better to limit the interaction, no matter how difficult it may seem.

Unilateral compatibility- only one is beneficial interaction. Distinguish:
with harm for one of the couple - the other interaction is harmful.
without harm to anyone - no benefit to another person, a waste of time in terms of energy growth.
In the first (and ideally, in both cases), the solution and the way out is to break off and no longer keep in touch.

Group compatibility- Compatibility for 3 or more people.

Karmic compatibility- Communication for the repayment of debt, which gives birth and delivers "joy" and leads to a lighter state.

Channel opening- If one person has a certain channel open, then when another compatible person interacts with him, energy also begins to flow through the latter, as if he himself has this channel open. One, without harm to himself, pumps up the second.

Elaboration of qualities- If one has worked out and developed some quality, then he can put pressure on the other with this quality, and the latter begins to process the development of the same aspect that was not previously developed.

And the names have nothing to do with it.

Calculate the future and potential of your relationship

How to choose an absolutely right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

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Name neurosemiotics
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

What a great happiness - the birth of a child! How many pleasant worries for moms, dads, grandfathers, grandmothers, in a word - all relatives are in care. A particularly pleasant moment is the choice of a name for the newborn.

This is a very responsible decision, the name of a person has great value, this issue must be taken seriously. Andrey is a great name for a boy. The meaning of the name, its origin, compatibility with other names and signs of the zodiac - everything you need to know before you name your baby.

The origin of the name and its meaning

The meaning of the name Andrey for a boy is very important for his parents, who chose this name. This name is very proud and courageous, between Slavic peoples pretty common. Sounds great, Andrew. The meaning of the name, its roots must be sought in Ancient Greece. Its basis is the Greek word "andros", which means "husband, man, courageous". For many centuries this name has been considered native Russian. At the time of the baptism of Rus', it came to us from Byzantium.

The name Andrei, the origin and meaning of which is described in this article, makes people, having heard him, immediately imagine for some reason a man with a strong character, strong, self-confident, in a word - courageous! Such a representation is quite truthful and corresponds to the character and appearance of its owner.

The name Andrei, whose origin and meaning is the same for different peoples, sounds differently in different languages. The French, for example, pronounce Henri, the Slovaks - Ondrey, the Moldavians - Andriyash, but the meaning of the name with such variations does not change at all.

Andrews are lucky! Throughout the year, they can celebrate their name days several times: December 13, July 13 and 17, September 23. That's how many holidays in one year!

Little Andryushi

The meaning of the name Andrey for a child is important, since small children already differ in their characters. The kid, whose name is Andryusha, sometimes likes to cheat, likes to dream in silence. His actions are subject to mood. Now he is rushing around the room like a buzzing airplane, after a couple of minutes he is completely inaudible - the little architect is already building a house from the designer.

Andryushas are very sweet and love sweets very much, for this reason many of them have problems with their teeth. Parents need to look into this Special attention.

Making boys with that name obey and obey is very problematic, as a rule, they are obstinate and disobedient. If the mother can somehow find an approach to such a child, then he will definitely begin to argue with his father, insisting on his decision. The stubbornness that children show in this is amazing. If the family has a younger sister, then a brother named Andrei will not yield to her in anything, because of this, frequent quarrels between children are inevitable. Andryushka will find a common language with his brother, will love and support him.

Andryusha - teenagers, relationships with girls

What is the meaning of the name Andrei for a teenage boy? In adolescence, children develop character, they are no longer babies, they are individuals, although they are not yet adults. Andrey-teenagers may not stand out among their peers at all. But after some time, people who are next to them begin to notice that the unremarkable Andrey graduated from school with honors, received a rank in swimming or boxing, and otherwise he has a complete order, life is arranged much better than that of former classmates .

As for the first love, the first girl he liked, Andrei is rather fickle and cunning. Today he swears eternal love to one beauty, and the next day he will pass by her without even turning his head, and even with another chosen one. The most interesting thing is that such behavior does not bother the volatile Andrei at all. In communication with a girl, he can tell a lot about himself, but this does not mean that she will know everything about him. A secretive guy will always hide the truth about himself.

Name Andrey and profession

In choosing a profession, the meaning of the name Andrei also plays a role. Among people with this name, born in the winter months, singers, artists, actors, directors predominate ... Andrey, born in the fall, consider art frivolous, they are organized, prudent and completely on the side of the natural, exact sciences.

In business, they are lucky, career growth, the authorities treat them favorably. The female half of the team will definitely pay close attention to an employee named Andrey. He is mysterious and unpredictable for them, which is why he is of interest to his person.

Andrey: the meaning of the name, character, relationship in marriage

As mentioned earlier, Andrey men are unpredictable. The person of mood is Andrey, the meaning of the name affects the relationship in marriage. Since people with different characters converge in a family, and sometimes it is completely impossible for two different personalities to get along, it is better to know in advance what to expect from your soulmate.

Andrei's wife may be surprised and delighted with an unexpected and expensive gift, but in just a few days, having asked her husband for money for a cheap little thing needed in the household, she will hear a categorical “No”. No arguments about the need for this little thing will help, Andrei is a terrible stubborn and does not change his decision even when he realizes that he is not quite right.

He chooses his wife, as the people say, “by clothes”, her beauty is important to him, so that she looks spectacular, is emotional, but what kind of character she has is not interesting to him. Again, I would like to remind once again about his stubbornness, if relatives and friends do not like the bride and they give convincing arguments that she is not a couple for him, then Andrei will do everything in his own way. His ego is at a high level.

A rather selfish and jealous man named Andrei. His artistic nature constantly requires attention. He can be jealous of his soul mate even for children when he deals with them, sometimes forgetting about his beloved husband. What then to say after such a conclusion about jealousy for other men? Andrei will never tolerate competition, he should be in the first place. Another interesting fact is that it is impossible to find a common language with the mother-in-law in almost all cases.

But with all of the above, it should be noted that, with his egoism, Andrei can take care of his loved ones to tenderness, arrange chic holidays, show off, but such episodes are quickly replaced by others that will show Andrei as a stingy, conceited man.

Andrey: name, meaning, compatibility with other names

No matter how the stars are located at the time of Andrei's birth, he will grow up with a very difficult and complex character, it will be difficult to communicate with him, provided that his middle name is one of the following: Aleksandrovich, Abramovich, Igorevich, Olegovich.

It is not advised for such men to create a family with women named Varya, Zoya, Clara, Nelly, Oksana, Olga, Sofia, Yulia.

It will be much better if fate brings Andrei to a woman whose name is one of the listed names: Alevtina, Vesta, Danuta, Juliet, Diana, Elena, Elizabeth, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Leah, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalya, Taisiya.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The best zodiac signs for Andrey are Cancer and Aries. If a child was born under one of these signs, if you call him Andryusha, then the sign will help the boy open up in his best qualities.

Cancer (22.06 - 22.07) - will help Andrey to reveal his affectionate and good relations to them. The number of friends and well-wishing colleagues will increase thanks to the gaiety that is unleashed.

Aries (21.03 - 20.04) - under the protection of Aries, Andrei will be able to fully discover his potential and his outstanding abilities. As a result, such a person may well become a pioneer, traveler, explorer of the new and unexplored.

All "For" and "Against" the name Andrey

We all learned about the name Andrei, the meaning of this name has been clarified, but before naming your son by him, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

This name is very interesting and beautiful, but that is why it is too common, and there can be 4-5 more Andryushkas in the same class with a son.

A boy named Andrei can be called many pet names: Andreika, Andryushenka, Andryusha, Andryukha. This name sounds beautiful in almost all cases, not only in combination with a patronymic, but also with most surnames. As a result, the surname, name, patronymic of a person sound very beautiful. The bad thing is that Andreev has an overly complex character, it is impossible to re-educate or break him.

Having considered the good and bad sides of this name, we can safely conclude that the positive sides win. Strong, brave, persistent, courageous Andrey - doesn't it sound beautiful?

Names: origin and forms

Andrey- (from Greek) courageous, brave.

Derivatives: Andreika, Andrya, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andryunya.

Directory of Russian names

Courageous, brave(from Greek).

Persistent. Intelligent, inventive, with an unstable character. In society, they tend to dominate, often losing a sense of proportion when choosing means. As men are self-confident, and yet ... they only dream of peace.

The secret of the name

Andrey- courageous (ancient Greek).
A name with strong energy is common.
name zodiac: Cancer.
Planet: Uranus.
Name color: lilac.
Talisman Stone: amethyst.
auspicious plant: fir, anemone.
name patron: reed cat.
Happy day: Monday.
happy season: summer.
Main features: masculinity, charm.


Andrey Bogolyubsky, Grand Duke, 17 (4) July 23 (10) December. He pleased God with piety, caring for the poor and sick, founded the Bogolyubsky monastery near Vladimir, was killed by close associates in 1174.
Andrey Vologodsky, Prince, 23 (10) September.
Andrew of Ephesus, presbyter, holy martyr, October 3 (September 21).
Andrew of Constantinople, Holy fool for Christ's sake, 15 (2) October.
Andrew of Crete, archbishop, 17 (4) July.
Andrew of Crete, venerable martyr October 30 (17).
Andrey Lampsaksky, martyr, May 31 (18).
Andrei Mesukevisky, Georgian, martyr April 28 (15).
Andrew of Oksyrynthus (Egyptian), Rev. 15 (2) December.
Andrew the First-Called, an apostle of the twelve, brother of the Apostle Peter, Hieromartyr, July 13 (June 30).
Andrey Rublev, reverend, icon painter, student of St. Sergius of Radonezh, July 17 (4).
Andrew of Syracuse, martyr, October 6 (September 23).
Andrey Smolensky, Pereslavsky, prince, June 5 (May 23), November 9 (October 27).
Andrew Stratilat, Taurian, martyr, September 1 (August 19) - the military leader and with him 2593 soldiers died as martyrs for the faith of Christ in 302
Andrey Totemsky, Holy fool for Christ's sake, October 23 (10).
Andrey Fivaidsky, reverend, June 25 (12). December 13 (November 30). The Galilean Andrew fished on the Lake of Tiberias (Sea of ​​Galilee) and was a member of the community of disciples of John the Baptist, and one of the first was called by Jesus Christ among the apostles, which is why he is called the First-Called. According to legend, he preached Christianity to the Balkan and Black Sea peoples, in particular, the Scythians, and was crucified by order of the Roman magistrate in the Greek city of Patras on a cross shaped like the letter "X" (the so-called St. Andrew's Cross). In Russia, this hero-apostle in all ages had a special love. So, in the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said that the Apostle Andrew from Korsun (Chersonesos) reached the places where Kyiv and Novgorod were to stand in the future, blessing these places. In the era Kievan Rus Andrew the First-Called was the patron saint of Russian statehood. In imperial Russia, he became primarily the patron of the Russian navy: Peter I established the St. Andrew's flag, as well as the order - the oldest of our orders.


July 13 - Andrey-bulk: "We reached Andrey Ozimi in bulk, and father-oats have grown to half."
September 1 - Andrey Stratilat, teplyak. Start Indian summer. The wind blowing this day from the south promises a good harvest of oats: "The day of Stratilates has ripened - the oats have ripened."
December 13 on Andrew the First-Called listen to the water: still water - good winter; noisy - frosts, storms, snowstorms are coming.
In the evening, the girls wonder about their betrothed.
To Andrew the First-Called, the girls pray for the gift of good suitors.


Andryusha is a fidget, noisy and agile, not very obedient to his elders.

As a teenager, he likes to invent something, make chemical experiments, assemble a designer, and come up with new models himself.

At school, he studies well, is independent and proud, impresses his classmates with his honesty, fights for justice, takes care of the weak.

Lives his life outside of school community service is not interested. He plays chess well, analyzes chess problems. Likes football, basketball. He takes pity on homeless dogs and cats, feeds them.

Adult Andrei is a courageous and charming person, everyone likes him, he easily becomes a member of any team. Can defend the interests of a colleague before the authorities, support cheerful company, plays the guitar, knows a lot of jokes. He is very conscientious about his work and never complains. There is a desire for a new action in him, but he will not take risks.

Andrew is not as simple as some people think. He is a philosopher, he knows how to keep up a conversation with an intelligent person, to exchange ideas. Andrey has a need for self-expression, insight, a critical mind.

Andrei has a literary gift, owns oratory. He can have a creative profession - director, actor, artist; can do the exact sciences.

In relations with women, Andrei is unstable. He knows his own worth and believes that they should pursue him.

Andrei is family-oriented, but he chooses a wife for a long time, to match himself: his chosen one must be elegant, smart, and self-possessed. Andrei will demand all attention from his wife, be jealous, but he himself is ready to show maximum attention to her. His marriage is favorable with one of those whose names are Elena, Elizabeth, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalya.

Surname: Andreevich, Andreevna.


the greatest artist Ancient Rus' was Andrey Rublev. Born in the 60s of the XIV century, died between 1427 and 1430. He was a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery - an artist-monk in the Middle Ages - a common phenomenon.

Rublev's contemporaries honored Rublev not only as a skilled craftsman: he was called "a humble monk, a perfect man in virtue, superior to all in wisdom", in other words, a man of pure lofty thoughts and a rare mind.

We know little about his life and work. His first known works date back to 1405. He works with Feofan the Greek and Prokhor from Gorodets in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. And three years later, together with Daniil Cherny, he painted the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir with new frescoes. Both orders were very responsible: the Cathedral of the Annunciation is the Grand Duke's palace temple. Vladimir Assumption Cathedral - one of the most revered temples in Ancient Rus', the subject of the tireless care of the Grand Dukes of Moscow, little-known masters could not be involved in their implementation.

These works define the nature of Andrei Rublev's work: delicate shades of colors, solemn, but light and slim figures, calm enlightened faces. Even the saints of the traditional composition of the Last Judgment are filled with kindness and compassion for the poor sinner.

Rublev painted three magnificent icons with half-length figures of Christ, an angel and the apostle Paul. Especially good is Christ, the so-called "Savior of Zvenigorod", which is now stored in the Tretyakov Gallery. A majestic calm face, a penetrating look directed directly at the viewer and expressing lively and active attention to him; soft contours with transparent shadows laid on them and amazingly found color combinations that involuntarily give rise to musical associations - all this speaks of the remarkable talent of the master.

The most famous icon of Andrei Rublev is the "Trinity". Three golden-haired, golden-winged angels sit around a low table, their heads bowed, grief froze in their eyes, their lips were closed. The middle one points inquiringly at the bowl with the head of the sacrificial calf. The gesture of the angel sitting on the left, full of mournful solemnity, as if confirms the inevitability of the victim and, as if echoing him, slowly lowers the hand of the one on the right.

Everything here is subject to the melodious rhythm of the lines, the beauty of the silhouette. The colors of the icon are light and transparent, they complement each other and echo each other. The colorful transitions are very gentle, this was noticed by contemporaries, they said that Andrei "writes like smoke."

The content of the icon has become universal. The placement of figures in a circle, the repetition of contours, the orientation of views and the movement towards one center - a bowl on the table - evoke an idea of ​​the unity of thoughts and actions of the characters. Calmness of poses, smooth rhythm of lines, pure colors give rise to a feeling of peace, silence, harmony. This is what has always been lacking on earth. And, perhaps, many of Rublev's contemporaries, just like we are now, admiring his icon, see in it the embodiment of their cherished dream.

Andrei Rublev wrote "Trinity" in one of those happy moments of inspiration that only geniuses have.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Andrey combines such qualities as sober calculation and extravagance, calmness and emotionality, seriousness and gaiety, while it is important at what time of the year the bearer of this name was born.

Autumn Andrey has an analytical mindset, he is punctual, disciplined and used to building his life according to a clearly drawn up plan, in which there is no place for accidents. It is not surprising that he gravitates towards the exact as well as natural sciences, which subsequently helps him become a successful entrepreneur.

Winter Andrew - a creative person who will find himself in the field of director, actor, singer, poet or artist. He is fair, but at the same time soft, does not accept lies and indifference. Due to his gentle nature and adherence to principles, he often makes enemies because he fiercely defends his beliefs. In relations with girls, winter Andrey is charming, courteous and romantic.

Spring Andrew characterized by frivolity and careless attitude to life. His generosity will not leave anyone indifferent, so he has many friends. But the second half of the summer Andrey will have a hard time, because he craves adventure and entertainment, while caring for the maintenance of his family is of little interest to him.

Summer Andrew - a real merry fellow and joker, who is welcome in any company, because his funny stories and great sense of humor cheer everyone up. Thanks to his easy character and love of life, he enjoys increased attention from women.

Stone - talisman

The stones-talismans of the bearers of the name Andrey are amethyst and amber.


It is a stone of peace, peace, spirituality and grace, which is able to drive away bad thoughts, strengthen the will, give strength spiritual and physical.

Another useful property of amethyst is considered to be a decrease in craving for the unreal. In addition, this stone prevents the negative impact from the outside.

Our ancestors endowed amethyst with healing properties, including:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • healing of burns;
  • calming the nervous system.

This stone, which patronizes air signs and sets exclusively in silver, is not recommended for Leo, Capricorn and Pisces.


Amber is a stone of creative people, to whom it gives inspiration and faith in the future. The wearing of this stone is also shown to those who want to strengthen their fighting spirit and increase physical strength. Amulets were made from amber, bringing happiness and good luck.

Red amber is able to neutralize the magical effect, warn against damage and the evil eye.

Interesting fact! Amber cannot be set in silver, it is better to wear it in copper.


The name Andrey is patronized by lilac, yellow and brown colors (more on the meaning of these colors can be found in the article).


Andrey's lucky number is two (the meaning of this number can be found in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").



Animal - symbol

The animal-symbol of the bearers of the name Andrey is considered to be a reed cat, personifying wisdom, cunning, courage, courage and fortitude.

In addition, this animal has always symbolized power, since only rich people could afford to keep them.


Most lucky signs the zodiac for Andrei is Cancer and Sagittarius (you can read about the influence of these signs on fate in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of a name on a person's life").


The plants that patronize Andrei are anemone and fir.


This flower symbolizes loneliness, sadness and suffering. According to legend, the red spot on this flower is the personification of the blood of Jesus, while the triple leaf is a symbol of the Trinity.


This beautiful tree with cones growing upwards - a symbol of pride, patience, perseverance and loneliness. Fir represents people who have given up all base desires, and therefore deserved life in Heaven.


The metal that brings good luck to Andrey is silver, which can drive out evil spirits and protect from magical influence. Also, this metal symbolizes purity, chastity, hope, wisdom and eloquence.

Silver has a high degree of bactericidal action, thanks to which it protects against various infectious diseases.

Interesting fact! Silver helps to open the "third eye", thereby contributing to the manifestation of a person's superpowers.

auspicious day


bad day


origin of the name Andrew

Name translation

From the ancient Greek name Andrew is translated as "courageous", "strong", "brave".

Name history

The name Andrew has ancient Greek roots, namely, it comes from the word "andros", which means "man".

In Rus', this name became popular after the adoption of Christianity. Today, the name Andrei, which came to us from Byzantium, is rightfully considered a traditional Russian name.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Andrey are: Andryusha, Andreyka, Andryushenka, Andron, Dron.

The legend about the name Andrey

Andrew, who is the brother of Peter and a disciple of John the Baptist, was the first whom Jesus called to be an apostle (which is why they call Andrew "the First-Called").

According to legend, he converted the peoples living in the Balkans and the Black Sea region to the faith of Christ. Andrew the First-Called was captured and crucified by order of the Roman magistrate in the Greek city of Patras, while they crucified him on a cross that had the shape of the letter X.

It must be said that in Russia this apostle enjoyed special respect and love, as evidenced by the fact that he is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. So, the Apostle Andrew reached with his sermons to those places where in the future such cities as Kyiv and Novgorod were founded. It was he who once blessed these places.

In addition, during the time of Kievan Rus, Andrew the First-Called was considered the patron of Russian statehood, while in Imperial Russia he was revered as the patron of the Russian navy (Peter I, by his decree, established the St. Andrew's flag with a blue cross and the St. Andrew's Order).

The secret of the name Andrey

name patrons

  • Apostle Andrew the First-Called.
  • Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who founded the Bogolyubsky Monastery.
  • Martyr Andrew Stratilat.
  • Saint Andrew of Mesukevia.
  • Prince Andrei Vologda.
  • Prince Andrei Smolensky.
  • Presbyter and Hieromartyr Andrew of Ephesus.
  • Blessed Andrew of Constantinople.
  • Archbishop Andrew of Crete.
  • Holy Martyr Andrew of Lampsak.
  • Venerable Andrew of Oxyrinthus (or Egyptian).
  • Rev. icon painter Andrei Rublev (was a student of St. Sergius of Radonezh).
  • Holy fool Andrei Totemsky.
  • Martyr Andrew of Syracuse.
  • Venerable Andrew of Thebaid.
  • Martyr Andrew of Chios.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 26th and 27th.

February: 17th and 21st.

March: 7 number.

April: 28 number.

May: 31 number.

June: 3rd, 5th, 11th, 15th, 23rd, 25th and 26th.

July: 3rd, 13th, 17th, 19th, 22nd and 25th.

August: 5th and 17th.

September: 1st, 16th, 19th, 20th, 23rd and 28th.

October: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 15th, 23rd, 30th and 31st.

November: 9th and 11th.

December: 8th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 16th and 23rd.

Famous people

Famous actors named Andrew:

  • Andrey Mironov;
  • Andrey Krasko;
  • Andrey Leonov;
  • Andrei Panin;
  • Andrey Merzlikin.

Famous singers and musicians named Andrey:

  • Andrei Makarevich;
  • Andrey Danilko;
  • Andrey Gubin.

Andrey Arshavin - captain of the Russian national football team.

Andrey Shevchenko - Ukrainian football player.

Andrei Voznesensky - Russian publicist and poet.

Andrey Tupolev - Soviet aircraft designer who developed more than 100 types of aircraft.

Andrey Sakharov - Soviet physicist and theorist, who is one of the creators of the first hydrogen bomb in the USSR.

Andrei Tarkovsky - Soviet director and screenwriter.

Andrey Vasnetsov - Russian artist.

The meaning of the name Andrey

For a child

Little Andrei is a real dreamer who dreams of incredible adventures, his energy can only be envied. But Andryusha is interested not only in active games: he will be happy to assemble a designer or fix a broken toy.

Andrei, despite his dreaminess, is cunning and reasonable, he has his own point of view on everything, which he will defend both in front of his parents and in front of his peers. As a child, the naughty and imperturbable Andryusha does not get along well with girls (he cannot even find a common language with his sister, while he communicates with his brother with pleasure).

Andrey's diligence and diligence are manifested both at the household level (he knows how not only to repair, but also independently make amazing toys from improvised means), and at school (he can be called a successful student without a twinge of conscience).

What not to take away from little Andrey- so this is a heightened sense of justice (the boy will always protect the weak and help those who need his support).

The negative qualities of the boy can be called arrogance, capriciousness and excessive authority.

For teenager

As a teenager, Andrei pays special attention to his physical education, therefore, attends sports sections and schools, achieving great success in the chosen sport.

Andrei the teenager is a contradictory and fickle personality: for example, today he can ardently confess to one girl in love, and tomorrow he will easily invite another on a date.

Andrei skillfully knows how to hide his emotions, so he remains a mystery to many people. He has a clear mind, ingenuity, balance and selfishness. His sociability, ability to find a common language, high self-esteem and self-confidence help him gain respect from his peers. He is cheerful, generous and good-natured, so he often acts as the "soul of the company."

The bearers of the name Andrei are excellent psychologists, so do not even think of deceiving or outwitting them. If Andrey suspects a lie, then in his person you will make an irreconcilable enemy, while his pride and vanity will not allow the first to come closer.

For a man

Having crossed the line of adolescence, Andrei does not give up playing sports, because the way he looks is very important for him. He does not mind playing chess or checkers with a worthy opponent.

Adult Andrei is courageous and charming, he quickly finds a common language with others, so he is welcome in any company (especially considering the fact that Andrei has a truly sparkling sense of humor).

For conscientiousness, patience, accuracy, honesty and responsibility at work, he is respected by both colleagues and superiors (and this despite the fact that Andrey can firmly defend his opinion). It is also important that he knows how to admit his mistakes, which appreciates his environment.

Andrei is a philosopher who loves to have measured conversations about the meaning of life and the secrets of the universe. Calmness and stability - this is what Andrei strives for, while he tries to avoid risky enterprises.

But Andrei also has shortcomings, for example, mood swings, which is fraught with bouts of despondency that no one will notice (Andrey, as true man, all experiences are kept to himself). In difficult situations, he can show both determination and perseverance, as well as cowardice and indecision (it all depends on Andrey's mood and motivation). Inspired by success, Andrei can become vain, arrogant and self-confident, which can alienate people from him.

Description of the name Andrew


Andrei can be called a highly moral person, while he not only tries to comply with high moral principles, but also demands this from those people who surround him. He is an attentive and affectionate son, a devoted friend, a faithful husband and a responsible worker.


Andrei is the owner of good health, which is not least due to the fact that he devotes a lot of time to his physical education. If he gets sick, it's mostly a cold.

But to his state of mind Andrei should be given special attention, since stress and depression can cause the development of many other diseases. The best cure for Andrey from the blues is natural optimism and the care of close people who should restore his faith in himself.


Andrei's inconstancy manifests itself in his personal life: despite his morality, until the moment of marriage, he is not distinguished by constancy, justifying this by the fact that he must choose the most best woman to which he devotes his entire life. This behavior leads to the fact that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are offended by Andrei.

Andrei is extremely selective in choosing his beloved, who simply has to be beautiful, spectacular, smart, caring and emotional. But the inner world of the beloved woman is of little interest to Andrey, since her main task is to idolize her betrothed, to create coziness and comfort. He is always gentle and attentive, but most often he is guided not by a feeling of love, but by the desire to look like a knight and benefactor in the eyes of a woman.


Andrey chooses a beautiful and spectacular woman as his wife (often it is the appearance that becomes the decisive factor when choosing a spouse), who must be liked by his acquaintances and friends (the wife becomes a certain calling card Andrew). At the same time, it cannot be said that Andrei still marries for love, but if his wife does not meet his high "standards", then he may be carried away by another woman. It is interesting that he carefully hides his betrayals, continuing to play the role of an exemplary family man (divorce for Andrey is tantamount to recognizing his failure as a real man).

Family relationships

Andrew is hard to name economic man(for this he has a wife, on whose shoulders everything falls everyday problems), while he considers himself a full-fledged head of the family, whose main task is to provide for the family material wealth. Therefore, next to Andrey, only a caring and gentle woman will get along, ready to forget about her career and devote her life completely to her family.

The selfish and jealous Andrei requires maximum attention to himself, so he may well be jealous of his wife for the child.


IN sexual life Andrei is extremely receptive and sensitive, he loves flattery, compliments, as well as increased attention. He is ready to give women tenderness and passion, but only on condition that they pay him handsomely.

It is interesting that such concepts as love and sex are indivisible for Andrey, so he will not spend either his mental or physical strength on a woman for whom he does not at least feel in love. The fact is that for Andrei, even love is a form of self-affirmation in the sexual sphere and recognition of his remarkable abilities.

Andrey can completely devote himself to sexual pleasures, or he may want to take a break from active intimate life. Therefore, he needs a patient and understanding woman who can put up with Andrey's mood swings.

In his partner, he will not tolerate rudeness and lack of femininity.

Mind (intelligence)

Andrey has a well-developed intellect, thanks to which he is able to quickly build logical chains, which, combined with his analytical thinking, helps to achieve high altitudes in any field.


Andrey's high self-esteem and self-confidence undoubtedly contribute to career growth. If we add conscientiousness and diligence to these qualities, it becomes clear why he is respected by his superiors. Andrei also gets along well with subordinates and colleagues, and all thanks to his charm, sense of humor and the ability to find the right key for each person.

Andrey's artistry and his desire to be always in the spotlight will find a way out in creative professions (Andrey will make a good actor, composer, artist, singer, writer or director). The responsiveness and good nature of the bearers of this name will come in handy in the profession of a rescuer, firefighter or doctor.

But Andrei is not an altruist, and therefore he will choose a profession that can bring him financial stability and independence. An important factor for him is the prestige of the chosen field.


Andrey's practicality and rationality contribute to the fact that he achieves great success in entrepreneurial activity. He does not like to take risks, and he thinks through all his actions several moves ahead, therefore he knows in advance the outcome of this or that enterprise, this or that transaction. At the same time, he conducts his business honestly, for which his partners respect him.


Andrey's hobbies are versatile and sometimes incompatible. He can do boxing or martial arts, or he can play chess, he can be fond of football and designing model aircraft.


At first glance, Andrey gives the impression of an optimistic, open, cheerful, simple and cheerful person, but you should not trust the first impression. In fact, Andrei rarely opens his soul to people, because he is very hard going through insults and betrayals.

He cannot be openly criticized and doubted in his abilities. It is better to stimulate him with praise and encouragement.

In relation to his enemies, Andrei is irreconcilable, therefore it is better to think a hundred times before entering into a confrontation with him.


Andrei has a developed intuition, which helps him not only build personal relationships, but also successfully run a business. I must say that Andrei, despite his pragmatism, often listens to his intuition, especially since it almost never fails.

Horoscope named after Andrey

Andrew - Aries

This is a rather unbalanced personality, prone to frequent and abrupt mood swings. Andrei-Aries can show aggression towards others, but such behavior is only a defensive reaction, behind which vulnerability and resentment are hidden. It is not easy for Andrei, born under the sign of Aries, to find a common language with the opposite sex.

Andrew - Taurus

Self-doubt and painful perception of criticism in his address contribute to the fact that Andrei-Taurus often closes and fences himself off from society. He has few friends who are able to accept him for who he is. For Andrey-Taurus, the most important thing is the family in which he must feel care and support.

Andrew - Gemini

This is a person with a very developed imagination, so it is easy for him to find himself in any field and get along with any people. His disadvantage is that he is too dependent on the opinions of others, which prevents him from expressing himself and his abilities to the fullest. Andrei-Gemini is a freedom-loving nature, but he limits his freedom to his chosen one.

Andrew - Cancer

A sharp mind and a wonderful memory help Andrey-Rak to achieve incredible success in his work. He is moving steadily towards his intended goal, and no obstacles can stop him. His sense of ownership extends not only to his beloved, but also to friends.

Andrew - Leo

Nobility, ambition and vanity - these are the main characteristics of Andrei-Leo, who is accustomed to always and in everything to be the best. These qualities help him make a great career. Women like him, but, having chosen that one, he will not cheat on her, because his family comes first.

Andrew - Virgo

This is an insecure person who treats everything incredulously and wary. Andrey-Virgo has an inner fear of making serious decisions, so he needs a woman who can give him maximum warmth and love, support him in all his endeavors.

Andrew - Libra

This is a serious, pragmatic and thorough nature, for which the moral and ethical aspects of life are important. Andrey-Libra - a devoted husband, loving father, conscientious worker. His words are never at odds with deeds.

Andrew - Scorpio

A sentimental dreamer, the last romantic - this is how Andrei-Scorpio can be characterized, who takes everything too close to his heart. He also tends to show such qualities as capriciousness, stubbornness and aggression, so his soulmate needs to be patient and understanding.

Andrew - Sagittarius

This is the conqueror of women's hearts, in whose life one love adventure is replaced by another, while Andrei-Sagittarius sincerely loves all his women, but his ardent feelings cool down very quickly. Only an original and unusual woman can keep such a Casanova near her.

Andrew - Capricorn

This is a hardworking, persistent and extremely conscious person who is ready to work 24 hours a day to achieve his goal and the well-being of his family.

As a wife, Andrei-Capricorn chooses an economic and domestic woman who can become a real rear for him.

Andrew - Aquarius

This is a soft, good-natured and sensual person with a rich imagination who tends to idealize people (which is why Andrei-Aquarius is often disappointed in people who, in the end, do not meet his high ideals). A strong union is possible only with a strong and self-confident woman who knows her own worth.

Andrew - Pisces

Life's difficulties can lead the timid, vulnerable and impressionable Andrey-Pisces to nervous breakdowns. He treats the people around him with understanding and is always ready to help. He is loved by children and his wife, whom he simply idolizes.

Andrey name compatibility with female names

Andrey and Olga

This is a creative union that is built on common interests, and these interests can be both personal and business. But one should beware of a certain frivolity in relationships, which may call into question the trust between partners Andrey and Olga.

Andrey and Anna

This is a very interesting couple, which may seem strange, because Anna and Andrey are far from reality. modern world in which money and power rule. They are focused on each other and on self-development, but still you should not forget about reality, otherwise the relationship will not work out.

Andrey and Elena

Andrey and Anastasia

This strong union is based on trust, respect for traditions, diligence and purposefulness of both partners. The love between Andrey and Anastasia is a symbiosis of tenderness, friendship and trust. But passion in these relationships is not enough, which over time can negatively affect the intimate side of life.

Andrey and Tatiana

The spirit of adventure unites Andrey and Tatyana, they are attracted by changes and new discoveries. Undoubtedly, such adventurism will not let the couple get bored, but the lack of stability can negatively affect family life, especially when the couple has children.

Andrey and Ekaterina

Principles, the desire for leadership and authoritativeness both unite partners (if Andrei and Ekaterina conduct a joint business, then success is guaranteed to them), and separate them (often partners start a struggle for power in the family). Only patience and understanding will help maintain this union.

Andrey and Natalia

This is far from a harmonious and not easy marriage, in which a woman lives with emotions, and a man with a sober mind. Natalia wants more freedom, while the selfish Andrei is not ready to make concessions to his beloved.

Andrey and Irina

This is a strong union in which mutual understanding, support, love and absolute trust reign. Irina does not seek to take on the role of the head of the family, on the contrary, she will gladly subordinate her life to the interests of the family. Andrei loves and appreciates his wife.

Andrew and Maria

In this pair, both partners know how to enjoy life, while they prefer to spend their strength on achievable goals, and not on illusory dreams.

Andrey and Alina

Andrei loves Alina and idolizes her for her femininity and tenderness. Alina appreciates in her partner the care and ability to defend her interests. But the careerist Andrey can lose his family if he does not pay due attention to her.

Andrey and Diana

Such independent individuals as Andrey and Diana can create a wonderful partner tandem, while in family life their ambitions and uncompromisingness can interfere with building strong relationships.

Andrey and Evgeniya

This is a very strong union in which partners try to surprise each other, give new emotions that feed feelings. Andrei and Evgenia love to travel, and the birth of children does not prevent them from wandering. This is an active family in which conflicts and misunderstandings rarely occur.

Andrey and Daria

This couple can be called ideal, because the goal of both is to create a strong family in which harmony and understanding reign. Andrey and Daria do not fight for leadership, preferring equality in relations.

Andrey and Olesya

Devotion, love, passion - this is the basis of the relationship between Andrey and Olesya. They know how to find new colors in everyday things, which helps them discover new facets of each other every day.

Andrey and Alena

This harmonious relationship in which sexual life is given one of the leading values. At the same time, the passion between Andrey and Alena not only does not cool down, but, on the contrary, ignites. The main thing in this pair is to prevent a war of interpersonal interests.

Andrew and Margarita

Andrew and Alla

This is a union in which there is no place for everyday life, and often this negatively affects the relationship between Andrei and Alla. They know how to love passionately and hate passionately, be gentle and aggressive. Excessive emotionality of partners leads to the fact that the couple eventually breaks up.

Andrew and Elizabeth

These dissimilar people feel great in each other's company, but different life guidelines can become an insurmountable obstacle for Andrei and Elizabeth on the way to a happy family life.

Andrew and Veronica

This is a very promising union, uniting two life-loving and energetic people who can turn your life into a real holiday. In addition, Andrei and Veronica are wonderful lovers, which is important in family life.

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