Water temperature in a fish aquarium. Optimal water temperature in an aquarium for fish: how to maintain it. Average temperature range

What temperature is needed in the aquarium?

The answer is 24-26 degrees. If you came only with a question to find out what temperature is needed in the aquarium, then here is the answer. Next we describe the options for when it is lower and when it is higher.

Many people underestimate the importance of this indicator. But this is a fairly important parameter for. Enough aquarium fish dies due to improper temperature conditions.

Normal temperature for keeping aquarium fish

For the fish average temperature needed at 24-26 degrees. This is when we don’t spoil her. A spoiled fish is more capricious. If something is wrong, it starts to hurt faster. That's why I am against greenhouse conditions. To buy or not to buy an aquarium heater? The answer is always to buy. Costs up to 10 USD (China), but it will always come in handy on the farm. Even for the treatment of semolina. Instead of dripping poisons into the aquarium, simply raise the temperature for a few days.
Regarding the critical temperature values. Depends on many factors. From practice, my discus survived after 16 degrees, and Velifera molly after 8 degrees. Despite the fact that on the forums everyone will start saying that it is impossible for the fish to withstand such a temperature. But until you see it yourself, you won’t know. I'm not going to conduct experiments. It’s just that when there were large sales of aquarium fish, force majeure occurred.
Now there are a few rules regarding temperature for aquarium fish.
1 — change its parameter gradually. You can’t just throw in a fish that you just brought. The fish can tolerate critical temperatures only if it drops smoothly. Sudden changes mean immediate death of the fish.
2 - than smaller aquarium, the more the temperature “walks”. A small volume heats up faster and cools faster.
3 - as the temperature rises, oxygen consumption increases significantly. Feeding at elevated temperatures requires less. also eats oxygen in the aquarium.
At elevated temperatures, we get weaker fish immunity, faster growth, and faster aging. The fry are kept at elevated temperatures while they grow. And over time the temperature drops.
Higher temperature is used:
1 - for keeping some types of aquarium fish, for example, discus, gourami.
2 - to stimulate the spawning of most aquarium fish.
3 - at
4 - for growing the fry.
More low temperature used
1 - for keeping some types of aquarium fish, such as,.
2 - to stimulate the spawning of certain types of aquarium fish - speckled catfish,

How to raise the temperature in an aquarium?

Well, it's simple here. There are aquarium heaters. It makes no difference which one to choose. The principle is the same - it heats the filament, which heats the flask, which heats the aquarium. Choose only one with a thermostat that turns off at a certain temperature.

How to cool an aquarium in the heat?

There are expensive aquarium coolers. But the price is decent. It works on the principle of a car radiator. Coolers are now used to cool aquariums. But they have a resource - 2-3 degrees maximum. But blowing air into the aquarium helps evaporation.
Now, in order, what can help lower the temperature
For water cooling:
Aquarium refrigerator. Not cheap, the price is measured in hundreds of dollars. But they still use it. Primarily in marine aquariums. I won't go into details. But in sea ​​water at 30 degrees oxygen stops dissolving in water. Such coolers are external, like an external aquarium.
Can be mounted into an aquarium cooler lid. This is especially true for T5 lamps, which heat up more than T8. Are used computer coolers. Their installation is also quite expensive. It will cost about 50 USD. This is due to the fact that there is a lot of fuss and the power supply itself costs money. But they look good. Looks solid. If necessary, we do it.
An ordinary fan near the water. Of course, the aquarium must be open.
Ice bottles. But here is as far as you can go. Constantly put water in the freezer to freeze.
- The more it is mixed, the faster it cools. This is where the layers of water are mixed. It is better to use a compressor, since the aquarium pump itself heats up when pumping water.
Wrap the aquarium with a wet cloth. Also helps to cool the aquarium. Only the fabric should be constantly damp.
Remove the aquarium lid.

Maintaining the water temperature in the aquarium

Keeping exotic fish in aquariums requires constant temperature, which is easily achieved in summer time, but in autumn, winter and spring the water temperature can drop to 20 ° degrees, regardless of the operation of the central heating system and the stable temperature in the room itself. A drop in water temperature even by 1-2° compared to normal for your fish’s habitat can affect their activity, and if the water temperature changes by 5-6°, the fish will begin to get sick. Temperature fluctuations in daytime almost invisible thanks to the heating system, which heats the walls of the aquarium and the upper layers of water; at this time, the temperature in your pond rises by 1-2°, which does not affect its inhabitants, unlike the same decrease. The temperature of the aquarium water decreases after the backlight is turned off, at night. The temperature drop occurs quite quickly, causing stress to its inhabitants.

A necessary device for measuring and controlling water temperature both submersibly and through the glass wall of the aquarium. Thermometers can be electronic and analog. The difference in temperature shown by them fluctuates within 0.2-0.5° degrees, which does not affect the life of the fish and, therefore, you should not try to ensure that the readings of the electronic and analog (alcohol) thermometers match. Alcohol thermometers fail over time and need to be replaced within 3-4 years.

Aquarium water heaters

To maintain stability, water heaters are needed. On this moment There are many types of them, for example, a sealed glass heater with a suction cup, fixed in such a way that its active heating part is under water, and the sealed wire outlet is on the surface. This is the simplest heater, the temperature in which is regulated by a built-in thermostat; it is usually located outside the body and located at a short distance from the heating element. The principle of operation of all water heaters is similar - this is the release of heat into the environment, but the difference between heaters can be their appearance and heat dissipation and installation method.

Types of aquarium water heaters

Here are the most popular types of heaters

Adjustable internal heater

This is the simplest water heater, consisting of a body filled with filler, a glass tube or thin stainless metal. The heating element in them is soldered into the housing without the possibility of replacement. The heater has a number of significant disadvantages; in the case of a glass tube, it is fragile and can break or crack if overheated - if for some reason it ends up above the water level.
The device, which combines a thermostat and a heater, can regulate the water temperature by interrupting the power circuit using a bimetallic strip. It is best to install the heater horizontally or at a slight angle near the surface of the water, this will help avoid premature shutdown of the device.

Electronic thermostat

A type of heater of any shape and size, made in a plastic case, which allows you to install it anywhere in the aquarium. The microprocessor control element allows you to set operating modes of the device, allowing you to change the temperature throughout the day. This heater does not break and has protection against overheating.
Heating element - without the ability to adjust the temperature. This heater will consistently deliver 2-2.5°C to water throughout the entire operating time without overheating. The safety of the water heater is achieved thanks to the “RTS-film” system, which will turn off the device in case of any violation of its operation. The heating plate is suitable for all types of aquariums and can even be placed in the ground at the bottom.

Heating cable

A heating device with high heat output in the form of a cable, which contains an alloy with high resistance characteristics inside and a heat-resistant sheath on the outside. This heater is flexible and can be placed into any shape. The heating cable cannot be used without an external thermostat.

Heating mat

A heating element in the form of a mat that should be placed directly under the aquarium. Such a mat transfers heat through the glass and the bottom of the aquarium directly into the water, and is used to heat the bottom layers of soil for better growth and comfort of fish living on the bottom. Heat dissipation into the water column occurs slowly, but when permanent job such a device can heat the entire aquarium. A heating mat has a significant drawback - a lot of heat is wasted for other purposes, for example, to heat the aquarium cabinet on which it is located.

External flow thermostat

A heating device installed behind an external filter and using already filtered water for heating. This type of heating device is high-performance and is only used in very large aquariums. Its minimum power is 200 W. The heater has its own thermostat and control and automation unit, located at a convenient location for the user. Such devices are very reliable and undemanding to maintain.

Filter with water heating function (thermal filter)

A combined device that provides in-line heating of water leaving the filter cartridge. It has its own thermostat and programmer with the ability to adjust the temperature. A convenient device that allows you to get by with one external or internal filter without the need to mask a separate heater in the aquarium. This good decision for small aquariums. The disadvantage of such a heater and filter at the same time is the possibility of breaking everything at once; although it is reliable, it is better to use two different devices.
Based on the dimensions, you need to make the right choice of the necessary heating device, depending on the needs of the inhabitants of your artificial reservoir.
A necessary condition for the operation of any water heater is the quality of its manufacture, because it is an electrical appliance with all the ensuing consequences of its use in water. The only thing you can influence when installing a heater is to make sure that the wire running from it to the outlet in a certain place sag and does not bend. Sagging wire - necessary measure prevent drops of water from entering the socket and subsequently shorting it.

Optimal temperature water in home aquarium affects the immunity, health of fish, their longevity, and activity. If the water temperature is lower than what is required for a particular type of fish, their appetite and motor activity decrease (sometimes they simply lie down on the ground), and their color becomes paler. If the temperature is higher than required, it becomes difficult to breathe. Comfortable temperature – a vital necessity for the aquarium population.

The role of temperature

Fish are poikilothermic animals, since their body temperature corresponds to the temperature of the water of the natural reservoirs in which they live. This means that the fish do not need to expend their energy to maintain their constant temperature. A natural question is: what is the danger of water at the wrong temperature?

Since most ornamental fish inhabiting aquariums are residents of reservoirs located in tropical latitudes, where the temperature range in different time year differs quite insignificantly. The only conclusion that follows from this is that the metabolism of these fish is adapted precisely to this range. It is within limited temperature limits that the fish develop well, feel comfortable, and do not get sick. Therefore, the aquarist’s task is to create such a temperature for them.

In addition to minor seasonal fluctuations in water temperature, there are daily fluctuations, the range of which is even narrower. In addition, a change in temperature in tropical waters occurs very slowly due to the large volume of water in the river, lake, sea, ocean, and the fish manage to easily adapt to it. In an aquarium, where the volume of water is many times smaller, temperature changes are very sharp and have a negative effect on the fish, since this is unnatural for them.

A sharp change in the temperature of the water in the aquarium also occurs when it is changed regularly. To prevent this from happening, it is not recommended to use either too cold or too warm water. Otherwise, the fish’s immunity will be undermined and they will be defenseless against diseases such as chylodonellosis, bacterial septicemia, ichthyophthyriosis, etc.

Fish species with increased adaptation to temperature changes

There are species of fish that have an increased ability to adapt to changes in water temperature. For example, guppies, goldfish, catfish (speckled and thoracatum), and zebrafish can feel comfortable in water 10°C below optimal. When moving to the dacha for the summer, they can be placed in a garden pond without any risk, where they can live until mid-September. The main condition for this should be the absence of pathogens in open water. To be fair, it is worth noting that there are not many fish species that can easily adapt to life in conditions of low water temperatures.

The direct opposite of these types of fish are altums, auras, discus, freshwater stingrays, etc. For them, a comfortable temperature should be in the range from 27°C to 34°C, as in natural biotopes. A decrease in water temperature is detrimental to them.

Russian pet stores currently offer ornamental fish that are bred in hot countries South-East Asia(Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.). Naturally, all types of fish coming from there are viable only in aquariums with a water temperature of 25 - 26°C.

Optimal water temperature in the aquarium

For most fish species, it should be at a level of 25-26 ° C, that is, 2-4 ° C lower than in the shallow pools of the farms where they are grown. Why is this difference necessary? The reason is that on farms the water is saturated with oxygen to the maximum, and in the water of home aquariums at 25°C it contains 30% less. If you heat the water, the amount of oxygen in it will decrease even more, and O deficiency will begin to have a detrimental effect on the inhabitants of the aquarium.

What is the essence of such influence? The fish will begin to weaken their ability to resist pathogenic bacteria. In this case, only the installation of an oxidizer, which will increase the oxygen content in the water, can save them.

However, the inadmissibility of increasing the water temperature in the aquarium above 26°C is due not only to an increase in oxygen deficiency, but also to the excessive accumulation of toxins in the form of nitrates, phosphates, and even the appearance of hydrogen sulfide. You understand that such an environment cannot have any beneficial effect on the condition of the aquarium population, but will only bring harm to it. The fish will begin to suffer from hexamitosis, mycobacteriosis and even die.

How can you visually determine that something is wrong with the water temperature?

This is not difficult to do if the fish change their usual behavior. Lowering and raising the temperature in the aquarium affects, first of all, the motor activity of fish and their aggressiveness. The movements of the fish become calmer and resemble slow motion. Cichlids, in particular, in cooler waters show less zeal in digging up soil, and fish with their characteristic dominant behavior do not so often attack their “apartment” neighbors.

When water temperatures rise, fish need more food because their metabolism speeds up. Accordingly, they produce more waste products, which, as they break down, absorb more oxygen. This makes it difficult for aquarium inhabitants to breathe, which is also impossible not to notice.

What to do if the water temperature suddenly drops?

First of all, find out the reason for such a jump. There may be an open window in the room (close it) or a broken water heater (replace it as quickly as possible). If there is no backup heater at the moment, then take measures to additionally heat the room where the aquarium is located (turn on the electric heater), and put a plastic bottle with warm water in the water. If you have a nano aquarium, lean such a bottle or a rubber heating pad against the outer wall of the aquarium.

Wait for the water to warm up by 2-3°C and determine the condition of the fish. Their color, as well as speed and coordination of movement should be restored. If this happens, no additional measures will need to be taken.

If the situation has not changed and the fish remain lying on the bottom (which means the water has cooled greatly and sharply), then you will have to resort to emergency measures. These include cognac or vodka. Pour one or another alcohol into the aquarium water at the rate of 30 ml per 100 liters. After about a quarter of an hour, the fish will begin to swim. After such a radical procedure, after a day or two, the water may become cloudy, and mucus may appear on the plants and walls of the aquarium. Without waiting for this to happen, run the water through Activated carbon in order to filter it, or change 30% of the water.

Some fish require relatively cool water, while others are more heat-loving. This must be taken into account when purchasing an aquarium, as well as when selecting different types fish You must first make sure that they can coexist at the same temperature.

Optimal temperature for different types of aquarium fish

For the vast majority of ornamental fish, the optimal water temperature in the aquarium is from 22 to 26 degrees. First of all, you should focus on this temperature regime. However, there are exceptions. Some types of fish prefer warmer water in the aquarium. These primarily include some species of labyrinth fish and all discus fish.

For goldfish, low water temperatures are more comfortable. The ideal temperature for them is from 18 to 23 degrees. These fish can live at higher temperatures for quite a long time, but subsequently this causes them to develop various skin diseases.

Sudden temperature fluctuations of more than 3-4 degrees should be avoided. A smooth change is quite acceptable, but jumps that occur within one day, or even several hours, are very undesirable. This often happens in small aquariums - less than 50 liters. Such small volumes are very sensitive to temperature changes environment, they cool quickly and heat up quickly.

Opening a window for several hours in the cold season can cause a change in the temperature in the aquarium by several degrees. In this case, the fish may catch a cold. After which they will need special treatment. IN natural environment habitat for such temperature jumps does not exist, since large masses The waters cool and heat up rather slowly. Therefore, fish are completely unadapted to sudden temperature changes, and in addition to illness, this can cause them stress.

Maintaining the water temperature in the aquarium

To maintain a constant temperature of the water in the aquarium, various types of heaters are used. The temperature is controlled using thermometers. If room temperature fluctuations exceed 4-5 degrees, it is advisable to use heaters with automatic temperature control, which allows you to maintain a constant set temperature.

It is important to distribute the heat from the heater evenly throughout the aquarium. To do this, the heater must be washed with water or air bubbles coming from the filter and compressor, so that the heated water spreads throughout the entire tank.

Temperature is an important component of the life of aquatic inhabitants, so you need to monitor the temperature of the water in the fish aquarium so that they do not get sick and are happy. Houses most often contain tropical representatives of the fish family, which means the temperature must be quite high, otherwise the pets may die.

Temperature is an important component of the life of aquatic inhabitants.

General information

Fish do not have receptors capable of maintaining body temperature, since they are cold-blooded. Therefore, their health directly depends on the conditions that the environment offers them. If they are optimal and there are no sudden temperature changes, then the pets feel great, actively move and give positive emotions to his owner.

But when the indicator sharply decreases to an alarming level, the fish’s activity decreases and they look lethargic. At the same time, immunity also leaves much to be desired, and pets can get sick or catch some kind of infection. Very often this leads to sad consequences. In addition, with a constant deviation from the optimal water temperature for the fish in the aquarium, their life cycle gets shorter. This way they die much faster.

When the temperature drops sharply to an alarming level, the fish’s activity decreases and they look lethargic.

If the temperature is too high, this leads to the growth of bacteria, and the water may become cloudy. The behavior of the fish looks aggressive. The fact is that at high temperatures the oxygen content drops, which means that waste products decompose more slowly, thereby greatly polluting the environment. Pets experience hypoxia, they float to the surface and gasp for air. This means it’s time to urgently take measures to reduce the water temperature.

Optimal performance

When thinking about what the water temperature should be in the aquarium, it is important to take into account the type of pets. Because each fish requires special conditions. And you need to know this when moving in new residents.

The optimal temperature is considered to be 25 degrees Celsius. This is exactly the normal regime for most popular species of fish that live in home reservoirs. But there are also those who are suited to cooler conditions. So, Neons feel great at 18-22 degrees. Thanks to this, their life cycle significantly increases, but some people like it “hotter”, for example, Cockerels and Gourami prefer a temperature of 27-30 degrees.

Neons feel great at 18-22 degrees.

Monitoring and regulation

In order to prevent temperature changes, it is important to monitor the regime; this can be done using aquarium thermometers . They come in several types:

  • mercury;
  • liquid crystal;
  • electronic;
  • alcoholic.

It is best to choose submersible specimens, they are the most accurate. The thermometers are attached to suction cups in the middle or closer to the bottom of the aquarium. Their only drawback is in the method of fastening, because the suction cups are often of poor quality, which means the device will fall. In addition, some fish themselves like to throw off the thermometer.

Water heaters are used for regulation. They look like a glass flask with a metal spring inside. At the top there is a lever and divisions; the heater must be set to the required mode and it will heat the water. But it's important to remember that When cleaning the aquarium, the device must be disconnected from the network, Because it is forbidden to take it out of the water when it is turned on, it may burst.

Reduction by improvised means

Often in the summer it becomes especially hot in the apartment, and the environment heats up the pond, which is unacceptable. Special refrigeration units and coolers are available for sale. But the former are quite expensive, and the latter are ineffective. Therefore, we have to look for ways to cool the water using available materials.

Of course, it’s good to have a split system in your apartment, which cools the entire room to the required level, but not everyone has an air conditioner in their house. The water temperature can be reduced by using cold water, if you make a substitution. But this method does not work for long. It's much easier to just freeze bottled water and use it when needed. This option also has disadvantages:

But even with these shortcomings, the method can be considered optimal. In addition, measures must be taken to saturate the water with oxygen.

To do this you can:

  1. Turn on the additional compressor.
  2. Dilute hydrogen peroxide in a container at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per 100 liter volume. This method will additionally disinfect the water.

Additional access to oxygen will make it easier for pets to tolerate heat, and will also delay the growth of bacteria. This will help organic waste be processed faster so as not to pollute water.

The water temperature in the aquarium is one of the most important indicators, which must be constantly monitored and maintained at the same level. From him flow depends chemical reactions, physical and physiological processes inhabitants of the aquarium.

Fish are cold-blooded creatures, which means their body temperature always depends on the temperature of the environment. With an optimal indicator, the fish feel good, do not get sick and do not suffer from metabolic disorders.

If the water is too cold, all processes in the body slow down, immunity sharply decreases, fish become sedentary and susceptible to any infections. When the water heats up greatly, metabolic processes accelerate, the fish become very restless, begin to consume a lot of oxygen and experience a lack of it. In this case, they swim to the surface, frantically swallowing ordinary air. Death often occurs precisely because of oxygen deficiency.

They have an even stronger effect on the health of aquarium inhabitants. sudden shifts in one direction or another.

Already with a difference of 3–4°, the fish develop a state of shock, which very often leads to death.

Temperature measurement

To measure this indicator, special thermometers are used. They are placed in the middle layer of the aqueous medium, at the maximum distance from the heater. It is best to purchase a special thermometer that is immersed in the water rather than attached to the outside of the aquarium. The latter measures not so much the water itself as the air surrounding the aquarium.

Currently There are several types of devices:

  • Electronic. A very accurate thermometer, which also starts beeping when the optimal mode is violated. Main disadvantage- very high cost;
  • Mercury. A fairly accurate, cheap and easy to use thermometer. However, if it breaks, all life in the aquarium will die;
  • Liquid crystal. An innovative device in the form of a thin strip with a color scale. It is glued to the outside of the aquarium. Disadvantage - low accuracy of readings;
  • Alcoholic. A cheap and convenient, but short-lived device that gradually loses measurement accuracy.

A story about how to calibrate aquarium thermometers

Optimal temperature for different types of fish.

For guppy

In nature, guppies live in freshwater and slightly salty waters around the world. The optimal temperature for keeping guppies is 23–26°, the lower survival threshold is 14°, the upper is 32.

If guppies are kept in cool water, they grow larger, but get sick much more easily.

For angelfish

In nature, they are found only in warm tropical waters. Optimal values ​​for the life of angelfish should be in the range of 24–27°. The lower limit is 19°, the upper limit is 33.

In warm water, angelfish's immunity increases, they grow faster and begin to reproduce. However, an excessively warm environment reduces the lifespan of angelfish.

For neons

In nature they live in the tropics South America, preferring warm bodies of water with little current. The ideal temperature for neon content is 23–25°, minimum 17, maximum 29.

Living in very warm water shortens life expectancy neon. If at 21° neon can live up to 4 years, then at 27 no more than 18 months.

For swordsmen

Under natural conditions, swordtails live in waters Central America, where the average water temperature ranges from 22–25°. The swordtail can stay in cool water with temperatures up to 15° for some time. The upper threshold for the life of swordtails is 29°.

For cockerels

You will not see cockerels in nature, as they are bred through selective breeding. The optimal temperature for males is 23–25°. The lower limit is 19, the upper limit is 29.

If you keep your bettas in an aquarium with cool water all the time, they will start to get sick.

For zebrafish

In nature, zebrafish live in the southeastern part of Asia, inhabiting rivers and streams. The optimal temperature for zebrafish is 21–24°; to stimulate breeding, it is increased to 28–29. Lower threshold 15, upper 31°.

For gourami

Gouramis, like zebrafish, live in southeast Asia, preferring fresh, slow-moving waters. An environment between 22–27° is suitable for gourami. A decrease is possible to 20, and an increase to 33.

If you keep gourami in very cool water for a long time, they will surely die. Even at 20°C, gourami can only be kept for a few hours.

For mollies

Heat-loving inhabitants of water bodies of South America. The ideal water temperature for mollies will be 25–27°. A decrease to 22 is possible only for a short time; the maximum possible temperature for mollies should not exceed 34°.

In nature, mollies are accustomed to living in very warm water; when it cools, they often develop fungal infections.

For Malawian cichlids

In nature they live in lakes with stable temperature within 24–26°. It is this that is optimal for keeping cichlids from Lake Malawi.

You can lower the temperature to 20° and raise it to 30 only by a short time(no more than 5–6 hours). Moreover, cichlids tolerate cool water much more easily than warm water.

For African cichlids

In nature, they live in warm rivers, where the water can cool to 20° or warm up to 30. The optimal temperature for African cichlids is 22–24°.

For American cichlids

They are divided into 2 groups: one lives in the warm waters of South America, the other lives in its central part. Tropical cichlids can only live in very warm water, at a temperature of 25–28°, and can hardly tolerate even a drop to 22. But the upper limit can reach more than 33°.

Cichlids from Central America thrive in water with a temperature of 21–24°. They can easily tolerate being kept in a cool environment at a temperature of 13–15°. The upper limit is 28°.

For barbs

Unpretentious barbs can be found in many countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. They do not have any special requirements for water temperature, existing well in both cool and warm water. The optimal temperature for barbs will be from 20 to 27°, minimum 15, maximum 30. Barbs can be kept in almost any aquarium.

For goldfish

They are not tropical inhabitants, living in temperate zones, where the water is cool enough. The optimal water temperature for all types of goldfish will be from 20 to 24°, minimum 15, maximum 27. Since ancient times, goldfish have often been kept in outdoor pools.

For parrot fish

For unpretentious parrots Water from 21 to 25° is quite suitable. A drop below 18° will negatively affect the health of parrotfish. As non-tropical fish, parrots are not recommended to be kept in extremely warm environments.

For catfish and catfish

The group includes many representatives of catfish living in different regions globe.


These large catfish are inhabitants of the tropics. Therefore, it is optimal to keep catfish at a temperature of 25–28°; it can be briefly reduced to 22°.

Catfish can easily withstand an increase to 30°.


These peaceful small catfish also need warm water. The optimal temperature for catfish is 26–27, minimum 23, maximum 32°.


Small predators naturally live in the waters of Central America, preferring cool water. It is ideal to keep catfish at 21–23°.


An unpretentious family of catfish that thrives at room temperature. Optimal 21–25°, minimum 19, maximum 29.

For aquatic turtles

Usually found in aquariums tropical species, currently the most popular species is the red-eared turtle. This is a heat-loving person who does not tolerate cool water. Optimal temperature for red eared turtles varies from 24 to 29°. A decrease for a short time is only possible to 21°. The maximum possible temperature for red-eared turtles is 34°.

How to change the temperature in an aquarium?

If the heater breaks down and the water begins to cool, the easiest way is to quickly install a new device. However, not every aquarist has a spare heater. To increase the temperature, you can carefully add hot (not boiling water!) water in a thin stream. Thus, in 10–18 minutes you can warm up aquatic environment a couple of degrees and maintain it for some time.

Another method is to fill a clean plastic bottle with warm water and place it in the aquarium. This “heating” will last for 1–2 hours.

A fairly extreme method of heating water is to use conventional incandescent lamps. They need to be placed as close to the water as possible and secured.

If the switched on lamp touches the water or the metal frame, a catastrophe will occur on the scale of one aquarium!

In some cases it is necessary to quickly lower the temperature. The same will help plastic bottle, but with cold or ice water. This way you can lower the thermometer reading by 2-3° in a quarter of an hour.

You can use a cooler (fan that cools the computer). It needs to be secured in the aquarium lid and turned on. The cooler not only cools the water, but also improves gas exchange.

So, water temperature affects all life processes of fish and other living organisms. Therefore, maintaining it within optimal limits should be common practice for any aquarist.

Additionally, we suggest watching a video about cooling an aquarium with your own hands

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