Boyarskaya and Matveev husband and wife. Personal life of Elizaveta Boyarskaya: husband Maxim Matveev and son Andrei. Elizaveta Boyarskaya now

Maxim Matveev is a maximalist and has no intention of changing. The actor longs to overcome difficulties in the profession, to do what is unusual, to create an image in which the public does not expect to see him.

When agreeing to a role, he looks at how exceptional the proposed character is. Maxim cultivated his own ideal of an artist, a person, in achieving which he is immersed in working on himself. And he enjoys it.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Matveev, a successful theater and film actor, was born on July 28, 1982 in Kaliningrad region, in the city of Svetly. My mother is a philologist by training. The actor did not know his father until he was 10 years old. Then stepfather Alexey Matveev appeared, who served in navy. His parents had nothing to do with art, and young Maxim himself could not make a decision about his future for a very long time.

Since childhood, Matveev was attracted to the profession of a surgeon, then he thought about a career as a sports fencer. At the same time, he always liked theatrical creativity. Also in childhood Maxim Matveev started going to art school and in an extracurricular club acting. However, despite his hobbies, the young man never seriously considered a career as an actor. The fact that Matveev did not become a doctor was decided by chance.

During a school concert, Maxim Matveev was noticed by a theater teacher. He invited the young man to enter the Saratov Conservatory.

Having received the offer, the guy was surprised, since he did not consider himself talented in this area, but still took the documents to theater university, where, based on the exam results, the young man was accepted into the 2nd year. Matveev studied with excellent teachers and quickly developed his acting skills. His theses became the main roles in the plays “Don Juan” and “God’s Clown”.

Despite the successes in Saratov Conservatory, Maxim considered that this education was not enough. The young man went to Moscow and entered the Moscow Art Theater School. The course was led by Sergey Zemtsov and.

Simultaneously with his studies, Matveev began serving in the theater. He played the knight Jorpheus in the sensational production of “The Piedmontese Beast”, and after a while - in the play “The Last Victim”.

Films and theater

After graduating from university in 2006, Matveev went to work at the theater named after. For several years the actor played a large number of roles. Thus, among Maxim’s works, critics highlight the productions “The Artist”, “King Lear”, “The Cabal of the Holy One”. But most of all positive feedback collected the role of Goring in the play " Ideal husband"based on the work.

For the sake of his role in the play “Kinaston,” Maxim lost 20 kg. The appearance of the emaciated actor, who was already fit at 187 cm tall, caused concern among fans and gave rise to rumors of illness. The production took place on the theater stage, and the master explained that there was nothing to worry about. Matveev, according to his colleagues, ate fruits, vegetables and fish and visited Gym. And extreme slimness was needed for the image of a male actor playing.

In 2007, Matveev began acting in films. The first work was the drama "Vise". After this, Maxim was often invited to other projects.

Maxim Matveev in the film “Hipsters”

It is noteworthy that there are no episodic roles in Matveev’s cinematic biography. He stepped into big cinema and began to get leading roles. Maxim starred in the popular films “”, “Thank you for the love”, “New Year’s Tariff”, “Exchange Wedding”, “On the Hook”. The actor constantly starred in box-office projects, which attracted the attention of more and more directors.

In addition to working in cinema and theater, Maxim Matveev is a well-known activist in the field of charity. He became one of the first organizers of the hospital clowning movement. Since 2007, the actor has worked absolutely free of charge as a clown doctor at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. Since 2013, Matveev joined the board charitable foundation"Doctor Clown"

Maxim Matveev in the film “Yalta-45”

Soon in creative biography Several more iconic paintings appeared from Maxim, of which it is worth noting “August the Eighth”, “Fort Ross”, “Weekend”.

In 2014, Maxim Matveev starred in the film adaptation of The Heifers, about a journalist whose carefree life goes downhill after his girlfriend is diagnosed with HIV. In the same year, a romantic film with Maxim in the title role was released - the comedy “Loves Not Loves”. Main female image in the film she embodied, which journalists often call the sex symbol of Russian cinema.

At the very end of 2014, the actor participated in the filming of a short film with unusual name"Such a Mood, Bach's Adagio and a Small Fragment from the Life of the Girl Lena" by the director, which was subsequently sold at a charity auction. This picture gave the first leading role to the young actress who played Maxim’s on-screen lover. After purchasing the tape, the copyright holders approved its free showing on the Internet.

In 2016, the artist appeared on the big screens in the role. Maxim Matveev played the main role in a non-standard film adaptation worldwide famous novel"Anna Karenina". The film was directed by, and the main female role was played by Matveev’s wife.

Victoria Isakova, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev in the film “Anna Karenina”

Maxim received a place in the cast of the film on the 6th attempt, and after the first auditions, Shakhnazarov completely crossed the candidate off the list, considering the actor’s performance weak. However, subsequent viewings dispelled doubts, and he said that he did not see anyone else in the role of Vronsky.

Matveev received an invitation in a kind of continuation of the story about tragic love - in the drama “Anna Karenina. The story of Vronsky." This time, fate brings Vronsky together with the son of his beloved woman in a military hospital.

In the same year, Maxim starred in the international series "", about which he soon spoke about his work in the First Channel entertainment show "Evening Urgant".

Maxim Matveev on the project “Evening Urgant”

The film about the dancer-adventurer was shot with the participation of American and French filmmakers. Matveev lived in San Diego for a month, where he improved his English at a language school. Upon completion of his studies, the actor received a certificate and showed off the corresponding photo on social networks. But the Japanese neighbor and the family that hosted Maxim never found out that they lived in the same house with the star Russian cinema.

In 2010, the couple legalized their relationship, and in 2012, Lisa gave birth to a son, Andrei. Maxim Matveev and Liza Boyarskaya were considered one of the most exemplary and touching couples in Russian show business, but in 2016 a rumor appeared that the actors had not been living together for several months and were preparing for divorce.

The press referred to an anonymous source in the St. Petersburg Maly Drama Theater, who claimed that the love in the married couple had come to naught. The same rumors were confirmed by the Moscow Art Theater, where Maxim plays, and they even complained about his worries due to problems in the family.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya openly said that the rumors were not plausible, but refrained from further comments. The situation was clarified by relative Ekaterina Boyarskaya. The woman told the press that doubts about the marriage of Matveev and Boyarskaya arise due to the fact that the actors live in 2 cities, because Elizaveta works at the MDT in St. Petersburg, and Maxim works at the Moscow Art Theater in Moscow.

Spouses see each other infrequently and it happens that they do not live together, but not because of faded feelings, but because of a busy work schedule.

“Lisa has a lot of baggage, which is difficult for her to shed and move to Moscow. And I’m a man, and for me work is even more important than for a woman. That's why we promised ourselves not to give up anything. Well, then, we understand that each of us has ambitions that are difficult to give up, and there is no need to do this.”

In their spare time, Lisa and Maxim go to see each other and spare no money or time for this.

According to Ekaterina, the couple is not only not divorcing, but is also seriously thinking about a second child, because, as time has shown, children do not at all interfere with the creative growth of actors. And indeed, in the fall of 2018, Maxim’s wife went on maternity leave. It is known that the family is expecting the birth of a second son.

Maxim Matveev now

In the historical drama "Union of Salvation" Matveev appears in the image of the founder of the eponymous secret society, the future Decembrist Sergei Trubetskoy. The producer of the film set out to tell about events not familiar from textbooks on Senate Square, but about what motivated the representatives noble class who risked opposing the king. He starred in the role of the latter.

The biographical film “Together with, Maxim appeared in the film almanac “About Love. For adults only”, which closed the Kinotavr festival. Matveev had the opportunity to play a star whose fanatical fan wants to have a child. The woman’s husband is not against it either, and no one asks the main character’s opinion. The actor, by his own admission, gladly participated in a project that parodied the behavior of celebrities.

In the summer of 2018, Maxim’s filmography was expanded leading role in the crime drama "The Gambler". Matveev’s character is a talented mathematician, whose gift is not used for the benefit of science: the man developed a scheme to defraud the casino. The hero falls into the hands of gambling business tycoons and begins to play not with chips, but human destinies.

According to rumors, in his youth the artist was fond of playing poker and, as unnamed friends told the press, he visited a gaming club, but later gave up this addiction. Preparing for the role of Stavrogin in “Demons,” he studied gambling addiction as a disease. The artist also listened carefully to the “Player” consultants, trying to adopt the behavior of those who are ready to sit for days at a time playing cards. IN crisis years The scriptwriter and composer who wrote the music for the film worked at the casino.

The series “Trigger” was presented at the European market of television projects in Cannes. In the film, Matveev played the role of a psychotherapist who uses cruel provocation techniques in treating patients. One of the patients commits suicide, and the doctor has to prove that this is not his fault. The soundtrack for the film was composed by.

The comedy melodrama “Loves Not Loves” received a continuation in 2019. The heroes of Matveev and Khodchenkova, who remained together in the first part of the film, in its continuation encounter troubles that change their worldview. Both halves must accept fateful decision, which will affect further family relationships and will demonstrate the price of true love.


  • 2008 – “Hipsters”
  • 2010 – “I won’t tell”
  • 2011 – “Diamond Hunters”
  • 2012 – “August. Eighth"
  • 2012 – “Happy New Year, Moms!”
  • 2013 – “Fort Ross”
  • 2014 – “Loves or doesn’t love”
  • 2017 – “Anna Karenina”
  • 2017 – “Anna Karenina. History of Vronsky"
  • 2017 – “Demon of the Revolution”
  • 2018 – “Player”
  • 2018 – “Trigger”

Last winter, there were already rumors that not everything was going smoothly between spouses Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev: the media began to write that the actors no longer lived together... However, the actress personally dispelled all doubts in this regard.

Photo "Persona Stars"

"Friends! If a public, acting couple does not appear together at events, does not post daily on social media photographs of their family everyday life, does not show their child, this does not mean at all that they have problems and are breaking up. We may be old-fashioned, but there are some things we only want to share with each other! Happiness does not lie in this,” Boyarskaya explained in her microblog.

Today it turned out that the fans’ guesses were not empty. Five and a half years later official marriage The couple really separated and are preparing to formalize their divorce. It is known that Lisa’s father is against this story being widely publicized. Therefore, the artists continue to play the ideal family. At the same time, Boyarskaya and Matveev have been living separately for several months, she is in St. Petersburg, and he is in Moscow.

“Lisa and Maxim broke up several months ago,” Sergei Turuntsev, an employee of the St. Petersburg MDT, tells StarHit. - Everything is mutual, it just seems that love has passed over the years... Perhaps living in two cities has done its job - after all, Lisa and Maxim had an unconventional marriage. Of course, Lisa could not hide the fact of her breakup with her husband from her colleagues; her relationship with Maxim was an important part of her life. When one of the artists noticed that she came to the theater without a wedding ring, she did not deny that her union with Matveev had come to an end. I know that they recently even wanted to get a legal divorce, but Lisa’s dad Mikhail Boyarsky sharply opposed this - they say that they need to maintain the image of an ideal family, no matter what. Or maybe he still hopes that his daughter and Maxim will all be able to endure and fall in love again... The father now helps her with his grandson - he often walks with him, takes him to developmental courses, and does homework with Andryusha in the evening.”

Photo by Andrey Fedechko/Antenna – Telesem

Last year, on the set of the film “Contribution,” Lisa and Maxim played the main roles. On the set, their colleagues already noticed that their relationship seemed to have cooled down.

“Lisa and Maxim are very professional people, so personal relationships at work did not affect them in any way. Yes and them family problems they tried not to discuss it on set, although many were aware: it’s difficult to hide such things,” actor Daniil Lebedev, who worked with the couple on the set of the film “Contribution” last year, comments to StarHit.

The Moscow Moscow Art Theater is also aware of the discord in famous family. According to make-up artist Olga Salnikova, it was impossible not to notice Matveev’s broken state. Apparently, the actor is very worried about his divorce from his wife.

“Maxim has always been secretive, and after breaking up with Liza, he completely retreated into himself,” Olga Salnikova, make-up artist at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, told StarHit. - At first, I couldn’t get my act together during rehearsals - I missed some comments, but we are all human, so we treated all this with understanding. We try not to touch on the topic of his relationship with his wife; he himself asked to refrain from commenting on this matter in his presence. But he did not hide from his colleagues that he and Lisa were no longer together. Of course, they will figure it out themselves, no one interferes. We all hope this is temporary. Moreover, their son is very small, Maxim dotes on him and is now very worried that Andryusha moved back with his mother to St. Petersburg. And besides, so many months have passed since they broke up, and they still haven’t filed for divorce, so maybe there’s still a chance.”

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev met in 2006 at an audition for the film “1612” by Vladimir Khotinenko, in which both ultimately did not star. According to Boyarskaya, they immediately liked each other, but did not dare to meet each other. But, as they say, you can’t escape fate. The actors met again four years later on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell” and got married a year later. Two years later, the couple had a son, Andrei.

Let us remind you that not so long ago it became known about the separation of another famous couple, Svetlana and Fedora Bondarchuk. The couple decided to divorce after 25 years of marriage without mutual reproaches: in a civilized and quiet manner (read more).

Liza Boyarskaya is an actress and model, the daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian. Continuing acting dynasty Boyarsky, she had to make a lot of effort to come out of the shadows famous parents, but she definitely succeeded! There are dozens of films with her participation, and in MDT she is deservedly called a prima.

Childhood of Liza Boyarskaya

Elizaveta Boyarskaya was born in Leningrad on December 20, 1985. The acting couple, Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian, already had a growing son, Sergei Boyarsky. Lisa younger than brother for almost six years.

Attentive viewers must have noticed Lisa has a scar on her left cheek. She received it in infancy. The baby twitched unsuccessfully in her mother’s arms and touched the lamp, which fell and shattered into fragments. One of them injured Lisa's face. Larisa did not lose her composure and quickly took her daughter to the hospital, where the scar was mended. By the way, the actress is not at all embarrassed by the mark and even considers it her highlight, so she doesn’t cover up her cheek foundation, unless required on the set.

Despite the star status of her parents, at first the girl did not intend to follow in their footsteps. She was attracted by being a journalist and the relatively new specialty of a PR manager at that time, especially since Lisa had the necessary inclinations - at school she easily managed to organize any parties.

She got her first film role by accident. One day the phone rang in the Boyarskys’ apartment. 15-year-old Lisa answered the phone. At the other end of the line they asked if they could hear Mikhail, but the famous musketeer was on set. Then the voice on the phone suggested Lisa to play in a movie. This is how her debut took place - in the thriller “Keys to Death” she played a little drug addict Alice, the daughter of rich parents.

However, the first shooting did not impress young Lisa, and she did not change her opinion about future profession. However, the parents, as the elder Boyarsky later admitted, did not see an actress in their daughter. In their opinion, who should have become the successor of the dynasty was the eldest son. But in their senior year, their daughter gave them a surprise.

At school, Liza Boyarskaya studied mediocrely; she had to improve all subjects with tutors. But outside of classes she led active life– attended a modeling school, studied jazz and classical dancing. And in high school, the girl came to her senses and became one of the most outstanding students. Boyarskaya showed such zeal to enter the journalism department, but a couple of months before the entrance exams, she suddenly realized that this was not her profession at all. The introductory courses at the Faculty of Dreams brought the girl only disappointment, but visiting the opening of the educational theater on Mokhovaya, on the contrary, convinced Lisa to become the ninth certified actor in the family.

There was very little time for preparation. Lisa submitted documents to the St. Petersburg state academy theatrical art (SPbGATI). At the entrance exams, the proud bearer of the legendary surname was not given any concessions, but, on the contrary, instead of the required ten minutes allotted for each applicant, Boyarskaya spent an hour proving that she was worthy of joining the ranks of students. As a result, Lisa was enrolled in the course people's artist Russia, professor and simply outstanding theater director Lev Abramovich Dodin.

Actor career

Liza Boyarskaya plunged headlong into learning the basics of acting. Already as a student, Boyarskaya received her first serious role. The girl performed brilliantly on the stage of the Maly Drama Theater in the play “King Lear”, playing the role of Gonerel, for which she received the prestigious “Golden Spotlight” award.

In 2003, she got the main female role in the drama “Demon of the Afternoon”, then - an episode in the series “Cobra. Anti-terror" (series "Prince of Darkness"), where its heroine Nastya was lured into a satanic sect.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya. Temporarily available

In 2004, offers from directors began to arrive more often. During this period, Lisa was busy filming the German-Italian war drama “The Bunker” by Oliver Hirschbiegel, where she appeared in the role of nurse Erna. A year later, the girl received her first big role in Russian cinema - the actress tried on the image of the touching and hopelessly in love with the submarine captain Tanka from war drama"The first after God".

In the same year, Lisa got another historical role, that of Françoise Faberge, in the drama “One Someone Else’s Life,” which told about the post-revolutionary period. After this, the girl admitted that she was close to historical costume paintings, since she considers herself completely out of date.

In 2006, Liza Boyarskaya tried her hand at the melodrama “You Won’t Leave Me.” In the film, the girl played the young actress Verochka, a rather eccentric person. Since her heroine was a bundle of energy: she constantly said something, sometimes cried, sometimes laughed, Lisa had to constantly “wind up” herself. By the way, it was in this film that Liza Boyarskaya starred with her dad for the first time. As the actress herself admitted, the experience was unusual. For the sake of this role, Lisa made a small sacrifice - she had to change her color from a brunette to a redhead several times. However, this did not bother the girl at all: the actress repeatedly stated that for the sake of worthwhile film she is ready not only to dye her hair color, but also to shave her head.

In 2007, Elizaveta Boyarskaya graduated from the theater academy and was officially invited to work at the Young Studio of MDT - Theater of Europe.

Soon the girl was offered the role of d'Artagnan's daughter in the sequel to The Three Musketeers. Although Elizabeth loves “costume” films, she refused to participate, citing the fact that the script did not quite suit her.

One of the most striking roles, according to Elizaveta, awaited her in the remake of “The Irony of Fate” from Timur Bekmambetov. The girl, who grew up watching the film “Enjoy Your Bath!”, admitted that at first she was afraid of the responsibility and the inevitable comparisons with the heroine of Barbara Brylska. However, she still agreed to participate in the filming. Elizabeth's partners in the film were Konstantin Khabensky and Sergei Bezrukov. According to the script, Sergei plays Nadya’s fiancé, and Konstantin plays a new lover.

Now Lisa is sure that her heroine in “The Irony of Fate” is the ideal St. Petersburg girl of our time. She is a little cold and infernal, at the same time self-confident, proud and sober, not a “glamorous” girl, but not ordinary, but with a rich internal content. Elizabeth likes this combination of qualities.

Liza Boyarskaya in “Evening Urgant” (2016)

Released in 2008 New film with the participation of Liza Boyarskaya and Konstantin Khabensky - the blockbuster “Admiral” directed by Andrei Kravchuk. The film told about the life of an outstanding military officer navy, polar explorer, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, and his beloved Anna Timireva.

After such success on big screen films with her participation are constantly being released: “I Won’t Tell” (2010) with Maxim Matveev, “Five Brides” (2011) with Danil Kozlovsky, “Match” (2011) with Sergei Bezrukov, “Klushi” (2012 .), “Cinderella” (2012), “The Habit of Parting” (2013), “Courier from Paradise” (2013), “Headhunters” (2014) with Philip Yankovsky.

In 2012, Lisa starred in Valery Meladze’s video for the song “Heaven,” playing his lover and appearing in rather revealing images.

Liza Boyarskaya and Valery Meladze in the video “Heaven”

Personal life of Liza Boyarskaya

Liza Boyarskaya lived for a very long time under the same roof with her father and mother, never daring to free herself from parental care.

As a student, Boyarskaya fell in love with fellow student Danila Kozlovsky. At the academy they were immediately dubbed “Romeo and Juliet,” and the tabloids were already anticipating future details of the star romance, but then he intervened strict father Lisa, who said that he would not allow his daughter to date a little-known young man. The same fate, according to rumors, awaited Sergei Chonishvili and a native of Novosibirsk, actor Pavel Polyakov.

After two films in tandem with Khabensky in a row (“Admiral” and “The Irony of Fate”), Liza Boyarskaya began to be credited with an affair with the actor, but the rumors turned out to be groundless.

In August 2009, during the filming of the film “I Won’t Tell,” which took place in Kyiv, Boyarskaya met the actor of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, the star of the film “Hipsters” Maxim Matveev. As Lisa herself said, she had seen Maxim before and dreamed of working with him.

A month later, the entire film crew was in full swing discussing the new love affair at work actors. The couple hid their relationship from the public for a long time, since Boyarskaya’s lover was married to another actress, Yana Sexte from “Tabakerka.” But they didn’t last long; soon information about their affair was leaked to the press, and Maxim moved out of his wife’s place into a rented apartment.

Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev for Glamor

In 2010, rumors spread that Boyarskaya and Matveev had broken up, because at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival the actress appeared together with 24-year-old Grigory Dobrygin (“How I Spent This Summer,” “Black Lightning 2”). The couple held hands, smiled sweetly and took pictures together left and right.

But already in the summer of the same year, Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev arrived at the Kinotavr film festival in Sochi together. It turned out that Maxim divorced Yana Sexte, and the lovers submitted an application to one of the St. Petersburg registry offices. By show business standards, the wedding turned out to be modest. The newlyweds got married and then celebrated this event in a quiet family circle.

Lisa's father gave the young couple an apartment in St. Petersburg, but they continued to live and work in two cities: Boyarskaya serves in the St. Petersburg MDT, and Maxim - in the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. This fact gave rise to many rumors about a “black cat” in the family.

On April 7, 2012, the couple had their first child, a boy, Andrei. Liza Boyarskaya continued to perform on stage until the sixth month of pregnancy, and just 3 months after giving birth she returned to the stage.

As a child, Lisa tries not to “shine” in front of the cameras, because she knows from her own example what it’s like to be the daughter of a celebrity. “Let my son have a normal childhood, without all this tinsel,” says the actress.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya now

In the winter of 2016, viewers saw Elizaveta Boyarskaya in the mini-series “Drunk Firm” - a tragicomedy about the brilliant “hangover man” played by Mikhail Efremov. Lisa played the role of his pregnant daughter, who is in a deplorable financial situation.

Daughter Boyarsky Elizaveta married Maksm Matveev

A friend of Max Matveev’s youth taught him to stroke women’s knees

One of the sensational events of the summer is the wedding of Liza BOYARSKAYA. The chosen one of the star was the artist of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov Maxim Matveev. About it young man Little is known: he was born in the Kaliningrad region, studied in Saratov, then in Moscow. Married, divorced, falling in love with D’Artagnan’s daughter. In interviews about his personal life, Maxim does not talk much, preferring to talk about creativity. Therefore, while on a business trip to a city on the Volga, we decided to find out more about youth newly-minted son-in-law Mikhail Sergeevich.

She knew how to discern a future star in a person. I appreciated the combination of brutality and tenderness in men. I especially loved the blue ones. There were always several people of non-standard orientation present at her course. By the way, she has Zhenya Mironov studied. Only now she is no longer alive, but Valentina Alexandrovna’s assistant can tell you about Maxim - Vladimir Smirnov. It was he who brought Matveev to us. Maxim devoted all his time to studying. The girls hovered around him... But he long term relationship I didn’t burden myself: I’d walk along the central avenue a couple of times, show off, and that’s where the ardor would dry up. Maxim chose all his girls from rich families. Liza Boyarskaya fits into this scheme. In general, we had suspicions that Matveev was inclined to male love. Usually such handsome men change girls like gloves, but he talked more and more with Volodya Smirnov. Vladimir serves at the Versiya Theater, but recently he visited the conservatory together with Zhenya Mironov and Maxim. They came to the presentation of a book about Ermakova.

I should have gotten married

After calling Smirnov, we came across his father, Vladimir Nikolaevich. To the question “Does he remember his son’s friend, Maxim Matveev?” the man exclaimed: “Well, how can I not remember Maxim! This is my beloved... That is, my Vova’s student! Oh, maybe I said something wrong..."

- Matveev married Boyarsky’s daughter,- we enlightened dad.

Vladimir Nikolaevich chuckled: “Hmm, yes. We had various conversations here about this wedding.” And then, catching himself, he hesitated: “What can I say, he should have gotten married. This is Bo-yar-skogo’s daughter. Maxim recently came to Saratov with Mironov, he and Vova met. The guys are friends. True, now in different cities live."

- Does your son remember Matveev?

But what about?! He says: my beloved, my mo-lo-do-o-y! Oh! Again, I said something wrong,” the parent mumbled timidly and immediately, without saying goodbye, he hung up.

We really wanted to look at the person who, like Liza Boyarskaya, calls Maxim her beloved.

Didn't know how to play love

Vladimir Smirnov turned out to be a busy man: he plays in the theater and teaches.

Max forbade me to communicate with journalists, but that’s his problem, he’s very secretive and uncommunicative,” Vladimir began. - I don’t remember anyone from the course visiting him, he didn’t invite anyone to his birthdays. Even I visited him only once - before finishing my studies. But he doesn’t forget me: he brings gifts from abroad and congratulates me on my birthday. When I'm in Moscow, we always see each other. He remembers me. He still remembers it.

- How did you meet?

A guy with the role of a hero-lover left Valentina Ermakova’s course, we started looking for someone else. We used to sit in a cafe and look at the guys. Valentina liked gentle men, and I helped her see such men. One day I was invited to school to hold a graduation party. And I noticed a beautiful young man there - in all white, of model height and appearance. He danced so freely! He had both tenderness and masculinity at the same time! When the medalists began to be honored, Max was among them.

“Not only is he handsome, he’s also smart!” - I thought. At the banquet he approached me and offered to enter the conservatory. Max caught fire. His parents wanted their son to go to law school or polytechnic school. But we were able to convince them that Maxim was created for the stage.

- Did Ermakova approve of your choice?

Certainly! She, however, was already teaching the second course, so Max had to pass exams for the previous year. I was ready to help him all summer! Everyone on the faculty was fascinated by him. He read poems about love so funny - like about war. I taught him to do it correctly. We spent the entire vacation on Max, but we did it with pleasure. As a result, none of the guys noticed that he was in his second year, skipping the first. We pulled it up so brilliantly.

- What was difficult for him?

He, poor thing, was shaking all over in the love scenes. During rehearsals, when it was necessary to portray passion, my 16-year-old friend’s hand trembled on his partner’s knee. I took his hand in mine and began to move it along my “beloved’s” leg.

Feeling that the guy was calming down, he slowly removed his hand. But he stood nearby to make Max feel more confident.

- What do you do when you come to see him in Moscow?

I'm going to his performance at the Moscow Art Theater. Afterwards we can sit in a cafe near the theater. Max is not a fan of parties, he does not want to attract attention to himself, because he does not like compliments, and they always tell him how handsome he is.

Maxim was already married, but lived with Yana Sexte for less than two years. Now he married Boyarskaya. Do you approve of his choice?

The wedding with Lisa happened suddenly for everyone, although Max usually thinks about everything ten times. When the conversation comes about his personal life, he only responds with a smile. Sometimes I ask him about marriage. “Yes, you know everything yourself,” that’s the whole answer.

Strange passion

Little is known about Matveev’s first wife, whom he married at the age of 26. Yana Sexte older ex-spouse for two years, originally from Riga, she met Maxim at the Moscow Art Theater, where they were rehearsing the play “The Forty-First.” “Somehow it all started, started spinning...” - Maxim said about his first wedding.

All the teachers were surprised to see them together,” a teacher at the Saratov Conservatory shared with us. Natalia Goryunova, dean of the faculty where Matveev studied. - IN student years Maxim would not have even looked at this girl. But he could live with her for 50 years - there are such sluggish relationships. If Boyarskaya had not turned up. They say he has passion with Lisa.

We don’t know what about the passion for Boyarskaya, but there is interesting fact, which could not help but attract our attention. Man in love, connecting life with new darling, usually removes (from view) reminders of its predecessor. But on the title page of Matveev’s page in Odnoklassniki we found photographs of Yana Sexte taken in the spring of this year. Maybe Maxim hasn’t visited his page for a long time due to wedding worries? However, statistics showed that he was there on July 26 - two days before his wedding with Lisa!

We really wanted to meet Maxim’s mother, Lyudmila Vladimirovna. But there was no intimate conversation. The woman didn’t even want to open the door. - Drive back from here! They stuck in vain! - the lady shouted into the intercom.

Men of Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Daniil Kozlovsky. Lisa's classmate at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy, later a partner at the Maly Drama Theater of Europe. The troupe called them Romeo and Juliet. The romance was interrupted by the girl’s parents: Mikhail Boyarsky with his wife Larisa Luppian They arrived at the theater, scolded their daughter and told her to spend the night at home. Lisa and Daniil began to come to work separately. Soon Kozlovsky married a fellow student - a Polish woman Urszula Magdalena Malka.

Pavel Polyakov. Lisa met him on tour. They say that dad was furious when he learned that in his house on the Moika, where he lived next to himself Sobchak, a provincial from the Novosibirsk Drama Theater will settle. The guy was fired.

Lisa was credited with having an affair with Konstantin Khabensky- partner in the film “Admiral”, wooed Sergei Bezrukov, with whom Elizabeth plays in the play “Cyrano de Bergerac”. Before the public had time to figure out whether Boyarskaya really decided to oust the latter’s legal wife - Irina Livanova how Lisa found new love.

Maxim Matveev. The passion for this handsome man overwhelmed the girl on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell.” This time she was not stopped either by the tears of her chosen one’s wife, Yana, or by the usual admonitions of her father that this young man was not a match for her. The fact that Mikhail Boyarsky is not delighted with his son-in-law is evidenced by this story. On the eve of Lisa’s wedding, the “musketeer” received a call from a St. Petersburg newspaper correspondent with a social survey. To the innocent question: “Is he satisfied with the living wage of a St. Petersburg resident?” - Boyarsky fell into a rage.

A man shouldn’t think about this! “He must earn money,” the actor shouted. - If you don’t know how to earn money, then you don’t need to arrange any weddings with wedding rings and other things!

Was it not the angry speech addressed to the future son-in-law?

Ex-wife Maxima Matveeva will become a mother at the end of summer

The ex-wife of Maxim Matveev will become a mother at the end of summer

Star of the "Tabakerka" theater, cameraman Lyusya Polynina from the series "Thaw" and first wife current husband Lisa BOYARSKAYA - all this is actress Yana SEXTE. In a few days she will turn 34, and in a couple of months she is going on maternity leave. Now “our Jodie FOSTER,” as fans nicknamed Yana, is five months pregnant.

At the end of last November Yana Sexte married a composer Dmitry Marin. For more than a year, the couple's friends watched them reverent relationships. And they believed that the new gentleman would finally eclipse her ex-husband in the actress’s heart Maxim Matveeva, with whom she broke up several years ago. But in the theater corridors the topic kept coming up that Yana continued to love Max, and even he, already being the beauty’s husband Lisa Boyarskaya, towards his ex-wife he breathes unevenly. They whispered that “d’Artagnan’s” daughter was jealous of her husband’s love for Sexta, knowing that they continued to meet. And these meetings mostly take place in theater corridors (both work under the direction of Oleg Tabakov) and within the framework of charity projects in which they act as clown doctors for sick children. By the way, it was at the suggestion of Matveev that Sexta began to do this. Once an actor and teacher of the Moscow Art Theater Igor Zolotovitsky They asked us to hold a Christmas tree for kids at the clinic.

The first person he met was his graduate and mine ex-husband Maxim Matveev, - restores the chronology of Yan’s events. “Igor Yakovlevich immediately told him: “You, Max, will organize this Christmas tree.” And Maxim, in turn, came home with the words: “Ian, tomorrow I’m leaving for three weeks on tour to Japan. You will take care of the Christmas tree.” That's all. I've been there ever since.

Sexte’s current husband also became a volunteer. Of course, following her example. Our heroine met Mitya, as she affectionately calls him, in the winter of 2012 in her native Tabakerka. Director Alexander Marin, Dmitry’s father, staged another play there - “Marriage 2.0”. It was he who attracted the heir to work on the play as the author of the music. He has already become famous for his talent in theaters in the USA and Canada.

A spark immediately ran between Yana and Dmitry, who is almost five years younger than her. For the sake of her beloved and at his request, Sexte even quit smoking. They also discovered common hobbies - football, and both support CSKA.

Maybe they would have continued to live without a stamp in their passport, but last fall the actress found out that she was pregnant. When I told Mitya about this, his happiness knew no bounds, and his first reaction to the great news was a marriage proposal. And just as emotionally, Yana answered “yes,” although after the breakup with Maxim she had a special attitude towards the institution of marriage - she was experiencing the separation too hard.

Favourite buisness

She met Maxim Matveev while working on the play “Forty-First. Opus Posth" at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater. Sexte, an employee of Tabakerka, was invited to participate in this production. Before moving to Moscow, where the Latvian actress graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, she had already shone on the stage of the Riga Drama Theater. And Matveev, also a graduate of the Studio School, at one time also studied at the acting department of the Saratov Conservatory.

Having met, both realized: they could not live without each other. Yana tenderly took Max under her wing. At first, the lovers lived together in a dormitory, and in 2008 they married and moved into a rented apartment.

And Matveev’s career took off sharply. After two jobs Valery Todorovsky(“Vise” and “Hipsters”), the charming guy was increasingly invited to act in films. Yana mostly disappeared in the theater and did not pursue fame: she wanted to do what she loved and bask in her husband’s adoration.

A fairy tale with a beautiful wedding photography“didn’t last long,” Sexte sadly states. On the set of the film “I Won’t Tell” in Kyiv, Matveev met Boyarskaya. By that time, Lisa had experienced more than one stormy love story(she had vivid romances with Danila Kozlovsky who is said to have married a Polish woman Urszula Mahlke in revenge after Boyarskaya chose someone else over him, and with the Novosibirsk actor Pavel Polyakov- I was even going to marry him). It all happened while filming in Kyiv with Max and Lisa... Returning to Moscow, Matveev did not deceive his wife, explained himself and rented another apartment for himself. He increasingly traveled to St. Petersburg, where he lived with his parents new love Lisa. And soon followed a divorce from Sexte, a wedding with Boyarskaya and the birth of their son Andrei (with this wonderful event, by the way, Yana was almost the first to congratulate Max). As Yana’s friends said, she will have a daughter.

Sexte was simply created to be a mother! She loves children! - the colleagues at Tabakerka say in one voice. “He loves all his patients in the hospital like family, worries about them with all his soul, and if trouble happens, he accepts it as a personal tragedy.

Despite her pregnancy and upcoming birth, Yana does not intend to leave the creative process for a long time. The repertoire of “Snuffbox” is based on it, and the shooting of the sequel to “The Thaw” is just around the corner. In general, there are a lot of plans. But the most important thing in her life now, of course, is her health and that of her baby.

The star of “The Thaw,” actress Victoria ISAKOVA (wrote on Facebook on the eve of leaving for the next tour):

“I really love leaving and coming back. Airports are fascinating. I like to arrive early. You can sit and watch people for hours. Here stands an adult man in a fur hat and says on the phone: “Mom, you’re complicating everything so much...” Well, I wonder what kind of life he has if at the age of 45 it’s his mother who “complicates” it? Here is a couple with a child: he is like processed cheese, and she is like flint. “If you don’t shut up now, I’ll leave you here,” he hisses at the child. A young guy with a laptop with headphones laughs so sincerely that I look at him and smile too. Very beautiful girl sitting alone, very sad. It seems that someone is sending her somewhere. And then a man comes along, her man, and everything around her blossoms. Children are noisy, adults are noisy, the airport is noisy like a beehive. And it turns out that only here, in all this murmuring, bustling crowd, can I sit quietly, listen and not rush anywhere.”

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