Kissing your cousin in a dream. Why see your sister in a dream

A sister who comes to you in a dream is identified with someone close to you or symbolizes very important events that will soon happen in your life. Great importance also has the degree of relationship between the dreamer and the sister, because there is a big difference between cousins ​​and twins.
Combined dream book

  • Why do you dream about your dear sister? Often such a dream reflects your attitude towards your loved ones. Most likely, you are burdened by their excessive care and guardianship. For you, this means excessive anxiety, constant hassle, and even some irritability. All this ultimately creates certain obstacles that prevent you from realizing your plans and ideas in reality. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about two people? Native sister- you will receive sad news, troubles, minor injuries are possible: abrasions, cuts, bruises.
  • sisters - be attentive and observant. An important event will happen in your life soon; it cannot be ignored.
  • Why do you dream about your husband’s sister? A new acquaintance and a quick romantic date await you. If you are married, then in your relationship with your spouse, only understanding, agreement and mutual respect await you.
  • Dreaming that your sister gave birth means big profits. (cm. )
  • Dream: two sisters - tells you that you need the help of friends, the support of a friend or loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: sisters - means getting rid of the heavy burden associated with your sister’s health.

American dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Why is your sister dreaming - new worries and troubles await you, perhaps they will be associated with the appearance of a rival in your love relationships with a man.
  • sister - very interesting sign which the subconscious gives us. For the one who sees the dream, this means increased income, prosperity and wealth. If you own your own business, then in the near future you will be able to conclude successful and profitable deals for yourself.
  • Why do you dream deceased sister- coldness in relationships with loved ones.
  • If you dream of a younger sister, then the dream book interprets such a dream as a lack of care, affection, and kind attitude towards the dreamer.
  • Why do you dream about an older sister? You are overprotected by your parents or close relatives. Overprotection prevents you from developing and improving.
  • Why dream of a quarrel with your sister - in reality, troubles and scandals await you. A major quarrel with a person for whom you treat with great love is possible.

Children's dream book

  • What does a sister dream about in a dream - minor troubles, quarrels with relatives.
  • Why dream of arguing with your sister? In reality, unpleasant situations await you that will provoke a conflict with loved ones.
  • Why dream that your own sister has died - you will lose hope.

Maly Velesov dream book
Seeing your sister in a dream means happiness or receiving a gift that you have long dreamed of.
Dream: cousin - you will be greatly offended by a person dear to your heart, there are troubles, quarrels, betrayal and lies ahead.
Newest dream book

  • What does it mean if you dream about your sister - you will have troubles, you may have difficulties related to work and colleagues, a woman from your environment can provide you with all possible help.
  • Why do you dream about “sister crying” - you should be a little calmer and more restrained. Do not interfere in quarrels and conflicts of others that do not concern you, otherwise you will find yourself to blame for everything.
  • with your sister - your relationship with your loved ones is ideal, you have achieved complete understanding, mutual assistance and community.
  • Why do you dream about your deceased sister - you are neglecting some important information in your life. Such a dream should be considered a warning.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • Why do you dream of a twin sister - a typical rivalry, a blood struggle, like between Cain and Abel. (cm. )
  • Why dream about your sister having her ear pierced - such a dream could mean ear disease, even partial hearing loss, or deception, a lie that your sister does not want to notice. (cm. )
  • A sister who died in a dream means getting rid of a heavy burden that you have been carrying within yourself for a long time.
  • Seeing your pregnant sister in a dream warns that you are too jealous of your sister in something.
  • Seeing your sister’s wedding in a dream means big and pleasant changes will soon occur in your sister’s life.
  • Dreams: a bottle crushed in a dream by your sister can mean the complete collapse of your plans and hopes; your relatives will interfere with you.

Family dream book

Modern dream book

  • Seeing your sister in a dream is a sign of good health and well-being.
  • Seeing your dead sister in a dream means your financial situation will be shaken. Be careful not to invest your money in dubious scams and activities.
  • Your sister leaves in a dream - if you are hoping for someone’s help in solving problems, these are vain expectations. You should rely only on your own strength.
  • Why dream of fighting with your sister - quarrels with loved ones, tense relationships.
  • Why do you dream of a drunk sister - you are too gullible and frivolous, you take everything that happens in your life more seriously.
  • Why do you dream about a crying sister? Conflicts are possible among your loved ones, you should take a neutral position and stay away from quarrels. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister in a dream means financial profit.

Dream Interpretation 2012

  • What does it mean when you dream about your sister? Such a dream speaks of the existing need to unite your family and friends.
  • Dream: older sister - you need advice knowledgeable person. Look for him among those people you trust. They will also provide you with support and protection.
  • Dream: younger sister - you need the care of loved ones or, on the contrary, you yourself are in dire need of the opportunity to take care of someone.
  • Dream “deceased sister” - wait for important news.
  • The death of a sister in a dream means you will achieve your goal and get rid of uncertainty.
  • The dream “I had a dream about my pregnant sister” means your wealth will improve.

Dream Interpretation XXI

  • A dream about your sister suggests that you will experience anger and irritation towards your family members. But your negative emotions and nagging are groundless; you yourself will be to blame for the current situation.
  • Why do you dream about being taken away? younger sister– your future is in limbo, so far there is only complete uncertainty.
  • Why do you dream about your sister? ex-husband– your relationships with family members are ideal. This is complete mutual understanding, peace and respect.
  • Seeing a cousin in a dream means discord in the family, swearing and quarrels over trifles.
  • The dream “I had a dream about my dead sister” is unfortunate.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your sister in a dream means changes await you. In this regard, you will experience negative emotions from the fact that your usual way of life has begun to change. Get rid of irritation, accept the situation as it is.
  • Why do you dream about the death of your sister - trouble awaits you.
  • sisters - be careful, there may be injuries to your arms or legs or related diseases.

Dream book for the whole family

  • Dream: you dreamed about your sister - it means that upcoming events will bring you a lot of trouble. You will be in constant worries, difficulties await you, be patient.
  • Dream: looking for your sister - a rather serious and difficult period in life awaits you. Here you should not rely on anyone other than yourself. If you be patient, you will be able to solve all problems alone and emerge victorious from any situation.
  • Why do you dream of a dying sister - pay attention to your finances, control expenses, don’t get involved in dubious activities. to yours financial situation there is a serious danger.
  • If you had a dream that your sister died, financial losses await you.
  • Why do you dream about your stepsister - be patient, soon your loved ones and friends will begin to think that you vitally need their advice and help and will begin to actively interfere in your life. Be supportive.

Dream interpretation of bitches

  • Dream Interpretation: dear sister - the admirer whom you rejected will remind you of yourself for a long time. There will be chance meetings, warm confessions, compliments, you will have to endure him for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation “cousin, talk to sister” - in your environment there are people who are actively seeking your attention and friendship. But be careful about them. They want to be aware of everything that happens in your life, but solely in order to use it for their benefit.
  • Why dream that your sister has died - sad, tragic events will happen in your life.
  • What does a guy’s sister dream about - get ready for gossip, gossip and rumors.
  • Why do you dream about a deceased sister? Dead relatives come in dreams to convey some important information to the dreamer. Remember all the nuances of sleep. For example, if you dreamed that your late sister was pregnant, you have unfinished business that you keep putting off until later, finish it and you will get closer to your goal; dream: sister in a coffin - warns of troubles and temporary stagnation in the development of affairs.

Dream book for the whole family

  • Sister - the meaning of the dream according to the dream book is as follows: many small things await you, unpleasant family troubles, tension in relationships with close relatives.
  • Why do you dream about your ex’s sister? You will receive news related to your past life.
  • Why do you dream that your sister is giving birth? auspicious sign, meaning that you will be lucky in some business and you will receive good benefits for yourself or profit.
  • Why do you dream of a dead sister alive? If, in general, the dream evoked favorable emotions, then just expect happy events and good news, but if in a dream you experienced fear and horror, then in reality sad news awaits you.
  • Why do you dream about your sister? wedding dress– global changes will soon occur in your sister’s life.
  • dear sister - despite the unattractive plot, such a dream suggests that in reality you will experience joy from some material acquisition.
  • Why do you dream of a pregnant cousin - soon you will be faced with endless worries, anxieties and worries about your relatives and loved ones.
  • Why dream of beating your sister - a conflict is brewing between you and a person from your environment, the reason for this is understatement, reticence and misunderstanding of each other. (cm. )

Ukrainian dream book

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's Dream Interpretation: a sister visiting you in a dream is a symbol of news that is associated either with her or with one of her close relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: stepsister - interprets this sign, as a person who will begin to overprotect you, advise you on what to do in a given situation and actively get involved in your personal affairs. In the future, such guardianship will greatly burden you. Such a dream should be interpreted as a warning. A dream gives you the opportunity to protect yourself from unnecessary and unnecessary care and promptly stop these actions.
  • Why does a brother dream about his sister - changes will happen in your sister’s life. They only concern her.
  • Why do you dream about your sister’s child? Your sister’s child symbolizes changes that will affect you and your immediate family. These are good and favorable changes in better side. They can concern both personal life and material well-being.
  • Why do you dream about your sister in a wedding dress? Most often, a wedding dress predicts significant changes in life. Considering that you dreamed about your sister, future events will affect either her or you.
  • Why do you dream about your cousin’s sister’s wedding? But such a dream predicts events that will happen to your distant relatives; perhaps you will receive long-awaited news from them.
  • Seeing your sister's death in a dream means your sister will cope with all the problems and troubles on her own.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Dream: sister - if in reality you and your sister a good relationship, then such a dream is considered a good omen, the onset of a wonderful period in life, a symbol of good luck. If you and your sister have a problematic, strained relationship, such a dream can be considered a warning about upcoming difficulties.
  • Dream Interpretation: scolding your sister - be restrained and patient, a streak is coming difficult relationships with close relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of triplets to a sister is a very favorable sign, symbolizing an increase in material terms, prosperity and well-being.
  • Vanga's dream book: the sister you dreamed about may also reflect the state of your inner self, some hidden grievances or misunderstandings in your relationship with your sister.
  • Why do you dream about the death of your sister in a dream - think about how you live, determine your life priorities. Perhaps you are doing something wrong.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: for a woman to see a sister in a dream means the appearance of a sexual competitor in reality, and for a man, a dreamed sister speaks of his hidden desire to change his partner.
  • Dream: rape of a sister - for a woman, such a dream suggests that for her partner she is only an object of sexual fascination. Passion dominates relationships. The dream warns a man that in life there is a high probability of such a situation, the outcome is sad: the person will fall into slavery and become convicted.
  • Quarrel with your sister in a dream - your sister is to blame for something before you. Now is the time to pay for your wrongdoings. You will soon find out what exactly happened and what your sister’s fault is, most likely from her herself.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a sister in a dream means that soon everything will get better for you, problems in sex life They will go away and stop bothering you.

Loff's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: sister with children - symbolizes that you are well aware of your individuality.
  • Dream Interpretation: the murder of your sister and nephews or other relatives indicates that you will fail and you will be greatly disappointed.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sick grandmother turned into a sister - but such a dream indicates that you will still have a second chance to prove yourself and show yourself.
  • Seeing your dead sister in a dream means that you will receive some very important news for you and your relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Dream Interpretation: a twin sister visiting you in a dream is a symbol of very important news that you will soon receive, but it will concern her exclusively.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your sister offended speaks of your hidden disappointments or warns that troubles, worries and problems associated with relatives await you in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your sister in a coffin - such an unpleasant dream means that in reality only changes for the better await you, a happy outcome of some matter is possible. (cm. )
  • Dreams: a bottle crushed in a dream by a sister or broken dishes indicate that in your life you lack attention and care from loved ones.
  • In a dream, your sister hanged herself - your relatives need your help and support.

General dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your sister in a dream is good sign, confirming that your family has real and strong family relationships.
  • Why do you dream about your wife’s sister? Perhaps you are moving away from your other half’s relatives or are jealous of the fact that your wife pays a lot of attention to them.
  • Why dream about the birth of a sister - good luck in family affairs and relationships.
  • Why do you dream about a second cousin? It’s not a very favorable sign, meaning problems and troubles.
  • Why do you dream of a dead sister - global changes will soon occur in your life.
  • If you dream about the sister of a loved one, a person will soon appear in your life who will show you signs of attention, give you compliments and persistently court you.
  • and sister - your relatives need your help and support.
  • Why do you dream about your pregnant sister? If your sister is not yet married, then she will soon get married; a married pregnant sister in a dream is a symbol meaning that serious changes await her husband. Which ones exactly depend on the sensations you experienced in the dream.
  • Why do you dream about a little sister - you and your sister have some unfinished business or you promised her something, but never kept your word; Seeing a little sister in a dream can also mean some childhood grievances that are long overdue to be let go.
  • Why do you dream about your deceased sister being alive? It means good changes.
  • Why dream that your sister gave birth to a boy - this speaks of serious changes in the life of the whole family.
  • Why do you dream that your sister has drowned - you are experiencing difficult period in relationships with your relatives, you are too emotional. It is vital for you to be more restrained and not give in to emotions, otherwise they will completely take over you, and you can make a lot of mistakes that will not be so easy to correct later.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about your dear sister - your relationships with relatives will become stronger in the future.
  • Why do you dream about your husband’s cousin - reproaches, scandals and quarrels await you. It is possible that relations with your husband's relatives will become much worse. The conflict is based on intrigue, envy, and false accusations.
  • Why do you dream of a deceased cousin? Such a dream suggests that the period of scandals and quarrels will soon end, envious people and intriguers will leave you and your personal life alone.
  • This dream book the interpretation of dreams “sister” gives the following: changes await you. Which ones exactly depend on the general atmosphere of sleep.
  • Dream Interpretation: hitting your sister - in relationships with loved ones and other relatives, everything will soon change. The situation will be tense to the limit. Quarrels and swearing are possible and the reason for this is misunderstanding and unwillingness to analyze the situation on the part of relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: your sister is getting married - if you observe this action from the outside - expect material profit, but if you were directly involved in organizing the wedding - beware of losing money.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sister’s pregnancy always brings profit, and not only material profit. If your sister recently got married, then most likely there will soon be a new addition to her family.
  • Dream Interpretation: naked sister - your sister is expecting serious problems with health. Be sure to warn her about this.
  • Dream Interpretation: crying sister - try to be patient and not interfere in the personal lives of your relatives, let them sort out their problems on their own.
  • Dream Interpretation: beaten sister - for the dreamer this means a successful outcome. Your sister will provide you with great help in solving your problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: drunk sister - such a dream warns you to be more attentive to what is happening around you, otherwise you may soon regret your actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: Mom, sister and other relatives dream of clarifying the relationship between you.
  • Dream Interpretation: you dream that your sister has died - your sister will have a successful completion of all her affairs and someone’s patronage.
  • Why dream of seeing your pregnant sister - your dreams will come true.
  • Why do you dream about a long-dead sister? Dead relatives often try to convey some important information through a dream. If your sister was silent in the dream, then the upcoming events will be very important for you.
  • The dream “husband’s sister” predicts complete peace, mutual respect and understanding for your family.
  • The dream “my sister gave birth” - you will be successful in achieving your goals, you will achieve everything you have in mind.
  • The dream “sister in a wedding dress” is a good change.
  • Sister, I had a dream about family troubles with my brother.
  • The dream “sister gave birth to a girl” - will happen in your life or in the life of your relatives global changes, a major purchase that you have been planning for a long time is possible.
  • Kissing your sister in a dream is fortunate.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Why do you dream about your own older sister - such a dream is just a reflection of your relationship with your sister or other relatives.
  • Why do you dream brother sister - if the dream gave you pleasant feelings, peace and tranquility - this is good luck: if a brother beats or scolds his sister in a dream - this means failure, conflicts and quarrels.
  • Why do you dream about your sister’s tears? It’s unfortunate.
  • Dream Interpretation: sick sister - warns of impending misfortune.
  • In a dream, seeing your sister “beautiful” and being happy for her promises you good luck in your affairs or business.
  • Dream: I dreamed about my deceased sister - there would be trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse
Seeing your own sister in a dream speaks of the good relationships that have developed in your family.
Dream: second cousin means that one of your relatives wants to take custody of you, control your personal life and advise you on what and how to do.
Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Tarot
According to the dream book, the one who dreams of “sisters, sparrow” means that you will soon receive a reward for your skillful work.
The dream “dead man, sister” is a bad sign, a black streak, sad events.
Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Medieval dream book

  • Interpretation of dreams: sister - always means some kind of loss or damage.
  • Dream: your sister's wedding, which you are helping to organize, speaks of great losses.
  • The dream “sister is crying” - your half-relatives will cause you trouble.
  • The dream “they killed their sister” means trouble.
  • Arguing with your sister in a dream means quarreling with your relatives or sister’s family in reality.
  • Dream “dead sister” - troubles, injuries, illness of loved ones.

French dream book
Why do you dream about your sister in a dream - the dream speaks of the possible betrayal of your loved one.
Spring dream book

  • Why do you dream about your sister’s pregnancy? It means a new addition to her family.
  • If you dream of a friend’s sister, your friend will need your help.
  • Why dream about a deceased sibling - you will receive important news, unfortunately it is impossible to predict whether it will be good or bad.
  • Why dream that your cousin has died - troubles and sorrows will become a thing of the past. The streak of failures and bad luck is over for you.
  • Why dream of kissing your sister - such a dream means good luck and a peaceful course of affairs.
  • Why do you dream about your sister in a white dress that looks like a wedding dress - changes for the better are coming in your sister’s life. These will be very important events that will completely change her life.
  • Dreaming that your sister gave birth to a child means good luck in material matters.
  • Why dream about a guy cheating on his sister - you have a serious rival.
  • Why dream about the death of your sister - you will receive unpleasant news.
  • Why dream of arguing with your sister - you will lose something, the reason for this is your stupidity and inability to listen to the advice of family and friends.
  • to your deceased sister - beware of various financial frauds, you will not benefit from them, but will only lose your savings.
  • An ex's sister in a dream can symbolize events that will remind you of the past or the appearance of one of your ex-husband's relatives in your life.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Canaanite
What does it mean to see a sister in a dream - good relations with relatives.
Fighting with your sister in a dream means quarreling and conflicting with relatives.
Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • This dream book interpretation of dreams “sister” gives the following: happiness and success in business await you.
  • Why do you dream of a drunk cousin - there are lies, gossip and insults around you, spread by your envious people.
  • Why do you dream about the death of your cousin - the streak of failures and troubles is ending, only good moments lie ahead.
  • Why dream that your pregnant sister gave birth - your sister needs female participation, care and support.
  • Dream: why dream of raping your sister - such a dream warns of the danger that threatens you and your relatives. These may be injuries serious illnesses or mental disorders.

Autumn dream book

  • Seeing a brother and sister in a dream means not very pleasant news about relatives.
  • Losing your sister in a dream means that you will have problems and will need outside help.
  • Seeing a crying sister in a dream means quarrels.
  • In a dream, your sister is wearing a white dress - the richer and more beautiful the outfit, the greater success will accompany you in business.
  • The dream “sister is drowning” - your relationship with relatives is too emotional. If you constantly act rashly, you can completely ruin your relationship with them.

Summer dream book

  • A sister was born in a dream - to memories of childhood.
  • The dream “cousin died” - the troubles, worries and difficulties that you experienced in Lately will go away and you can have a good rest.
  • The dream “sister's funeral” means loss.
  • Seeing your dead sister alive in a dream is a favorable sign and signifies good luck.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation
See in a dream older sister- means that you need the support and care of relatives or girlfriends.
The dream “cousin is getting married” means new worries and troubles await you.
Islamic dream book
Islamic dream book: a sister dreams of happiness or of receiving a gift from one of the relatives.
Beating your sister in a dream means that real life you will have a good relationship with her. If before this you were in a quarrel with her, then soon you will make peace, harmony and understanding will prevail in your relationship.
Dream Interpretation by A. Vasiliev

  • Dream Interpretation: cousins ​​always dream of great troubles and worries; perhaps some unpleasant events related to these relatives are coming.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a pregnant sister in a dream is always a good sign, meaning an increase in finances or pleasant surprises.
  • Dream Interpretation: admire with cousin something - a warning dream. Your relationships with loved ones will become more tense, quarrels and conflicts are possible. You will be irritated and worried about upcoming events.
  • Dream Interpretation: quarreled with your sister - in reality, problems and grief await you. Perhaps someone very close to you will offend you.
  • Dream Interpretation: cousin's sister's wedding - upcoming events are related to your cousin and her relatives. It is possible that they will want to take a more active part in your life. You shouldn’t be angry or offended by their overprotection. They do it with the best intentions. Leave your irritation and anger.
  • sisters - very soon your sister will receive a tempting marriage proposal.
  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased sister knocks on the window - be careful. Upcoming events, news and news are very important to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister’s funeral - sad news will come to you from afar. There is uncertainty in your future, be attentive to the events happening around you.
  • Dream Interpretation: wedding of an unmarried sister - global changes for the better will occur in your life, and your sister will take an active part in them. She is the one who will help you realize your plans, ideas and dreams.
  • Dream Interpretation: Your sister’s ex-husband always dreams of troubles and news from your ex-husband’s relatives. The troubles will be unpleasant and burdensome for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: hugging your sister means that your relationship with your relatives will be good in the future: strong and harmonious.
  • Dream Interpretation: the sister of a loved one - if everything is fine with your sister, such a dream promises well-being and strong relationships, but if it is a cousin or half-sister, expect troubles, quarrels and conflicts with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena
Dream Interpretation: a sister was born - a period of change is coming in your life. Prosperity and prosperity await you ahead. This good dream.
Dream Interpretation: a quarrel with your own sister - expect problems in reality. Quarrels and conflicts are possible out of the blue, due to a misunderstanding, so try to be more restrained.
Chinese dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: arguing with your sister - you feel envy or guilt towards your sister and this does not give you peace. You should not carry negative thoughts within yourself, they can develop into real hatred.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister in a dream means big changes in your sister’s life.
  • Dream Interpretation: wife's sister - relatives on your wife's side will begin to show greater activity towards your family.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister in a wedding dress - such a dream foreshadows material well-being and good luck in financial matters.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister is crying - your sister will receive unpleasant news and will be in dire need of your support and help.

Big home dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of a sister - everything will soon get better in your life, peace and quiet will come. If you have been lonely, you will soon find a true friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your sister pregnant is a very good, auspicious sign. Changes for the better await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: they killed your sister - something in your relationship with your sister will go wrong, perhaps it will happen major quarrel, after which you will become strangers to each other.
  • Dream Interpretation: fighting with your sister - you have a grudge against your relatives or your sister. You have hidden it so deeply within yourself that it is poisoning your life. Be more prudent, forgive the insults, these are things of the past.
  • Dream Interpretation: The sister of a beloved man often dreams of news that you will receive from distant relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: little sister - memories of childhood.
  • Dream Interpretation: your sister gave birth to a girl - global changes are coming in the life of your family. They will be favorable. Only joy, peace and tranquility await you ahead.
  • sister, in which there is no one, means that your sister is terribly lonely, she lacks care and support. If there are any people or relatives in it, this means that your sister is lost among the overprotection of her relatives.

Gypsy dream book

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Russian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: brother, sister - such symbols in a dream are usually identified with one’s family ties.
  • Dream Interpretation: a quarrel with your sister speaks of your hidden grievances.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister's wedding - such a dream always speaks of good events, but they only concern your sister.
  • Dream Interpretation: a deceased sister is a good dream, meaning serious changes in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: husband's sister - some gossip, discontent and squabbles will come from relatives on the husband's side.
  • Dream Interpretation: pregnant sister - prosperity and profit await you.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Love dream book

  • husband and sister - you have a rival and most likely this is a person from your close circle.
  • Why dream about your sister’s funeral - in fact, it’s a good dream that predicts long life and good health for you and your relatives.
  • Why do you dream of a dead sister - turning points are expected in your life. They are very important, your indecisiveness can deprive you of the chance to prove yourself.
  • Why do you dream about the sister of a loved one - in your relationship there will be complete mutual understanding and idyll, everything goes on as usual.
  • What does it mean if you dream about your pregnant sister - you will have a new friend who will help you a lot.
  • I dreamed that my sister’s husband killed her child - such an unpleasant dream may mean that your ideas, ideas and plans will remain unrealized, and perhaps your relatives will interfere with you.
  • If you dream about the sister of a guy you like, you will receive some news from your chosen one.
  • “I took the guy away from my sister” - why do you dream? Such a dream says that you will interfere with your sister in some important matter for her. Try to stay out of her life.
  • Dream “sister died” - pay attention to your health.
  • The dream “sister gives birth” - you are expecting serious changes, the purchase or acquisition of some large thing.
  • A drunk sister in a dream portends you troubles and gossip, and the reason for this is your sloppy words and inability to keep your personal experiences to yourself.
  • The dream “sister is getting married” is yours financial situation will improve, pleasant, joyful chores await you.
  • The dream of “kissing your sister” is good luck.
  • Seeing your sister in black in a dream warns that you will soon be upset and scared.
  • In a dream you had a fight with your sister - perhaps your sister will make you reconsider some life positions and change your mind.
  • A pregnant cousin in a dream promises you unpleasant troubles and worries.
  • A dream about raping your sister - one of your relatives or your sister is taking care of you too much, this causes you inconvenience, burdens you and irritates you.
  • In an old house, seeing a sister in a dream means memories associated with childhood or relatives.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: sister, brother-in-law are relatives, which in a dream mean your relationship with loved ones and some important changes either in your life or in the life of your blood relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a sister in a dream - if your sister is alive in real life, then such a dream indicates what awaits her long life and a happy old age in the circle of people close to her.
  • Dream Interpretation: a husband is cheating with his sister - a bad sign, a collapse of hopes and plans, disappointment.
  • Dream Interpretation: you dreamed about your pregnant sister - a new beginning awaits you, great prospects in the very near future.
  • Seeing a pregnant cousin in a dream means your plans are not yet destined to come true; now is an extremely unfavorable moment for the implementation of new ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the death of your sister - prosperity and longevity.
  • According to the dream book, the sister of your ex-husband means some kind of trouble that comes from your former relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: your sister gave birth - you will be able to realize your plans and dreams.
  • Dream Interpretation: a deceased sister visiting you in a dream usually means some important events that will soon happen to you.
  • You had a fight with your wife’s sister in a dream - such a dream may indicate that caring for relatives on the other side will soon fall on your shoulders.
  • Seeing your sister's dead husband in a dream is an important dream. He says that fateful changes will soon occur in your sister’s life.
  • The dream of “sister's kiss” is a good omen.
  • To dream of the wedding of a sister who is not married means that she will soon be proposed to.
  • Seeing a sister with a child in a dream means the complete implementation of the plan.
  • Seeing a naked sister in a dream means illness.
  • Seeing a drunk sister in a dream means gossip.

Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Assyrian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Why is your sister dreaming - such dreams can reveal not only relationships with your relatives, but also be identified with your inner self.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister died - warns of impending misfortune.
  • Seeing your deceased sister alive in a dream means prosperity.
  • The guy’s sister saw her in a dream – an uncertain relationship.
  • Seeing your sister die in a dream means illness and physical pain.
  • Sister ex-boyfriend in a dream - indicates that you are haunted by memories of the past.
  • The dream “sister gave birth to a child” predicts a successful course of affairs for you.
  • Seeing your mother’s sister in a dream means news from afar.
  • Seeing “your sister is getting married” in a dream - such a dream suggests that thanks to your courage and determination you will achieve your goals.
  • The dream “sister’s pregnancy” is a bargain, a successful acquisition.
  • The dream “beloved sister” promises you a long and harmonious relationship.
  • Seeing your husband’s sister in a dream means pleasant family chores.
  • If you dream that a guy is marrying your sister, you are not sure about your relationship, you either don’t trust your partner, or you yourself are thinking about ending your relationship with him.

Vedic dream book

  • Why do we dream of a deceased sister - the dead are always trying to warn us of danger or give useful advice. Analyze the dream, be attentive to the events happening around you.
  • Why do sisters dream about a deceased brother? This is also prophetic dream, in which is hidden important information or warning.
  • Why do you dream about the sister of your beloved man? Such a dream suggests that you will soon become a member of their family. And if you are already married to the man you love, expect a new addition to your family.
  • Why do you dream about your sister? ex-girlfriend- Rumors are being spread about you.
  • Why dream about the death of your sister - your sister is in danger, she may become seriously ill. But you should not experience “death” in a dream - this is a kind of deliverance, so your sister will be able to overcome the disease.

Witchcraft dream book

Each dream book has its own interpretation of the dream “sister”. But in most cases, such dreams talk about events that will soon occur in the family. For more accurate interpretation it is necessary to remember as many different nuances from the dream as possible.

Sometimes a dreamed cousin warns of possible sad events. In this case, the one who sees such a dream will have to admit his guilt, wrongness, and also agree that he was short-sighted. Most likely, he will have to ask for forgiveness from the one he offended.

What if you dream about your cousin?

And so, why does my cousin dream about this day? Such a dream promises troubles. If in a dream someone dreamed that he was having a conversation with his cousin, then such a dream promises that he will have to suffer from worries and premonitions of some sad events. A similar dream can occur from Thursday to Friday.

If a cousin is sick, and the person who has such a dream visits her, then this is a sign that all experiences will soon come true. And if the sister has already recovered in the dream, then a very successful purchase will soon be made.

Texting with a cousin in a dream ( Email or a letter with an envelope) - to the complete destruction of the existing relationship between her family and the family of the person who had such a dream.

If someone dreams of several cousins ​​at once, then this dream warns that the person will have to be careful with his body. Such a dream promises cuts, fractures and other serious injuries. Sometimes sisters dream of childhood memories.

If a child dreams that he is communicating with his cousin in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows scandals.

A sister in a dream also warns that a schoolchild or student may have insurmountable difficulties related to studies, so now you need to start thinking about problematic subjects and about starting to overcome difficult material.

If a cousin quarrels in a dream, then this is a sign of the collapse of all hopes that were associated with the future. All upcoming plans and expectations are unrealistic.

Saying goodbye to your cousin in a dream means the onset of a period in real life when you need to fully rely on yourself and your strengths. Help from outside will definitely not come. For a long time you will have to work hard to achieve your goals.

What does it portend?

However Ukrainian dream book interprets a dream about a cousin positively. This is a sign of happiness and an unexpected gift.

The 21st century dream book about a cousin explains the dream as follows: irritation, anger, lies, gossip, grievances and a sense of guilt.

If one of a couple in love dreams of a cousin, then they will have to quarrel over nonsense or separate for a while. If he sees such a dream old man, then soon he will have unwanted guests who can give him headaches and other ailments.

A person on a business trip sees his cousin in a dream - a sign of grief. Upon arrival home he will find Bad mood among family members, and conflicts cannot be avoided. In this case, disputes can be with both the wife and children.

If you dream that your cousin closed the door, went away in an unknown direction, or disappeared, then this is a good dream. In reality, all illnesses and difficulties will be left behind.

Sometimes a dreaming sister wants to warn that a relative has not communicated with her for a long time.

If a husband or wife has a dream about a more cheerful cousin, then she warns of uncertainty in the relationship.

A dream in which a person studies with his cousin promises unexpected losses. Sister's betrothal means intrusive guardianship and painful control over someone close.

In order to be able to determine as accurately as possible what the meaning of the dream is, you need to accurately remember all the nuances of what you saw and only starting from them, try to interpret the resulting vision.

What if you dream about your dead cousin?

Understanding the question of why a deceased cousin is dreaming is directly influenced by the fact of exactly how she looked, what she did, what she was wearing, what life situation came in a dream, etc.

A deceased cousin's sister most often foreshadows with her appearance lies, resentment, empty promises, likely the appearance large quantity obstacles on the way to the cherished goal.

If the cousin seen in a dream in real life was older than the dreamer, it means that the person who saw such a dream lacks support in life from close people or relatives; the sleeper subconsciously wants to find some kind of female participation in his own destiny.

A younger cousin promises the appearance of a rival or rival in your personal life; you can avoid such a turn of events if you help to a stranger help, which he desperately needs, but is embarrassed to openly admit it.

Seeing a cousin surrounded by other relatives, no matter if they are alive this moment time or the dead - to help from an unfamiliar woman.

The wedding of a deceased cousin in a dream will bring many positive changes to the sleeper. future fate, if a girl had such a dream, then a happy and long life awaits her family life, for men it promises the fulfillment of their most cherished desires.

A smart sister preparing for some important event, but not attending it, means separation; the sleeper will have to experience long-term suffering associated with the separation.

A pregnant cousin portends receiving a major financial benefit, which will come from where it is completely unexpected; you should not interfere in the course of events; waiting is the only correct action at the moment.

A dead sister rising from a coffin in a dream or simply coming to life before the dreamer’s eyes indicates that the sleeper has idols whom he is trying to imitate; dream books warn that one should not blindly follow all one’s desires.

A crying girl predicts a prosperous future life and big success in the professional field of activity: it is recommended to continue doing what you love even when it seems that nothing good can come of it.

A joyful, laughing sister is also a sign positive changes- soon the dreamer will meet the love of his life and connect his destiny with this person.

What does it portend?

A quarrel with a deceased cousin means a negative and very unpleasant change in life situation; this unpleasant dream brings with it deception, illusions, a whirlwind of all hopes and plans. But if the sleeping person tries to start a fight or hits a relative, this means that the person who saw this dream, is ready to move forward, sweeping away all obstacles on the way and, most likely, he will be able to achieve his goal.

Seeing the moment of death directly means resolving complicated problems and exciting situations, but it is worth remembering that in such cases problems often arise in terms of money, it is worth starting to save and not waste money on useless things and activities.

A drunk cousin means an unexpected but pleasant turn of events; one of your close friends or relatives will try to support the dreamer and organize a big celebration in his honor, timed to coincide with some important event.

A deceased cousin in a dream often comes as a symbol of positive changes, but she can also bring with her sharply negative situations. In order to be able to understand what the dream is saying, you need to interpret it based on the small details of what you saw.

As the dream book writes, a sister in a dream is a reflection of real relationships with loved ones.

The better you get along with her in a dream, the warmer your communication with your family in reality. But this is only a general interpretation.

You can decipher your vision in more detail only when you remember all its details.


The dream book interprets the dream where the sister was in a white wedding dress as significant event which should happen to you in the near future.

It is possible that this will be a marriage, moving to a new place of residence, or obtaining a higher position. In this case, your blood will take a direct part in this event.

Interesting adventure and sea positive emotions- this is what dreams of a sister in a bright wedding dress mean. Red suggests a passionate romance with an interesting young man. Green - outdoor recreation in good company. And if she was wearing a blue wedding dress, then the dream book predicts an exciting trip to a distant city or country.

  • A pregnant sister means pleasant changes in the family.
  • She's walking down the aisle pregnant - to profit.
  • In your dream she died - to recovery.
  • Talking to her is remembering the past.
  • You quarreled - to a violation of plans.

As the dream book says, a sister who died in reality, but appeared alive in a dream, dreams when you really miss her or before important event in life. Your blood tells you that everything will work out well for you.


Why do you dream about your cousin? Unlike her native one, she foreshadows not very pleasant events. But the benefit of these dreams is that they are a certain sign that, if you wish, will help you avoid possible problems.

For example, a dream where a cousin kisses a man warns that a scandal is brewing in your relationship with your partner. But it can be avoided.

The Dream Book recommends showing patience and trying not to reproach your chosen one if things don’t work out for him in business. Instead of scolding, encourage him with kind words, tell him that he is irreplaceable for you.

  • Pregnant cousin - monitor the health of your children.
  • She died - perhaps you have a rival.
  • A cousin in a wedding dress means misunderstanding in the family.
  • A dream where your sister is sitting next to you means gossip behind your back.
  • Corresponding with her means a quarrel.

According to the dream book, a cousin in a red wedding dress signals that in your family relationships lack of passion. And if she got married pregnant, then in reality she envies you.

A crying cousin comes in a dream when someone wants to deceive you. And if she laughs, then the dream book reminds you that it would be a good idea to pay attention to your psychological health.

Meeting distant relatives - this is what dreams of a cousin who recently died in reality. Most likely, you will have to meet her closest people.

And if she died a long time ago, then a family celebration awaits you. In this case, during the feast you should remember your cousin.

If you carefully read the dream book, you will know why your sister is dreaming. Then you will understand what awaits you and what the dream warns about. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Anchor points:


Your cousin dreamed about feeling unwell. A dream in which there were several of them - a cold. Deceased cousin dreams of exhaustion. If she died in a dream, such a dream foreshadows good relations with relatives. You are introduced to someone as a cousin in a dream - a deterioration in relations with your superiors. and sister together - the dream foreshadows serious conversation.

Whose cousin?

Mother's cousin - low paid job, father - conflict with colleagues. A dream in which you saw your friend’s cousin – an evening with your family. Your partner's cousin– a conflict with a close friend, which may end in a break in the relationship.

What did she do?

Cousin was sleeping in a dream - lack of finances. If you ate in the company of a cousin, you will find yourself in a company in which you will be bored. Your cousin played sports in your dream - such a dream portends disappointment in a loved one.

Relationship with cousin

In a dream you were talking to your cousin- the lie will come to light and your reputation will be greatly damaged. Conflicting with her in a dream, in reality, means a quarrel with your other half. Having an intimate relationship with a cousin in a dream - gossip about you.

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