What sports nutrition to take. How to combine and properly use sports nutrition. Nutrition program for gaining muscle mass

Most people involved in bodybuilding or fitness simply do not know how to take sports nutrition. Most often they are interested in what kind of sports nutrition to gain muscle mass you need to accept the best (correct) way to do it. This article will tell you when to take some popular supplements and how to extract maximum benefit of them.

How and when to take sports nutrition correctly

There are 3 types of well-known and proven supplements for gaining pure muscle mass and strength, namely:, and. But what is the best time to take these supplements?

Protein powder

  1. The most important time for proper intake of protein powder - 40-50 grams immediately after training. Muscles are like a sponge; they need instant nutrition to repair and grow.
  2. The next most important time to take protein is before 20-30 grams. You will sleep for about 8 hours. This for a long time without protein.
  3. As soon as you wake up, take 20-30 grams of protein 30 minutes before a full breakfast. This will help stop the catabolic effects that your body has undergone during the night's sleep.
  4. Be sure to take 20-30 grams of protein half an hour before going to the gym. This will help reduce the catabolic effect of your strength training.

Above is the best time to take protein. And it doesn't have to be protein powder. If you have the opportunity, you can get all the protein you need from regular food. But the protein supplement is better absorbed. The choice is yours! Without skipping any of the four cocktail doses, you will feel changes for the better.

How to take Creatine

I think everyone knows the benefits of using creatine. It hydrates muscles to aid in protein synthesis, which helps improve recovery between sets and workouts. Take creatine 30 minutes with juice or protein before and immediately after your workout. This mixture will create an anabolic state for the muscles and help prevent their breakdown (catabolism).

Besides these two important points taking creatine, you can add a couple more doses throughout the day. I recommend 25-30 grams of creatine per day during the loading phase (lasts about five days), and then move into a maintenance phase of 10-20 grams of creatine per day, which will last about a month.

How to take Glutamine

As one of the most abundant amino acids in muscle cells, glutamine aids in recovery by strengthening the immune system. Therefore, it is imperative to take glutamine immediately after training (10 grams) along with a post-workout shake. Also, most studies show that 5 grams of glutamine before bed significantly increases growth hormone levels.

It's possible to take all three of these popular supplements together, but it will make it harder for you to figure out which supplement works best for you and which is a waste of time. Everyone's metabolism is different, so be patient and give the supplement time to do its job! Use one supplement for 4-6 weeks and document your results. Over time, you will understand what works best for your specific goals.

Nutrition is extremely important, because muscles are built precisely thanks to the elements entering the body. And if there is a goal in short time gain muscle mass, then it is all the more important to choose a suitable set of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

There is a basic set of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass that every athlete should know:

  • BCAAs.
  • Multivitamins.
  • Omega-3.
  • Glutamine.

These substances not only help develop muscles, but also support overall health.

Regular foods are not enough to gain muscle mass; in any case, you will have to turn to sports supplements for help. In addition to training hard, maintaining a calorie surplus is also important. All bodybuilders take a sports complex that includes several basic supplements.

Whey Protein

This is one of the main components that is included in the sports supplement. This supplement has a complex composition, which can be completely different, but it contains many important elements and amino acids. Proteins are an important part that is included in any


If you just can’t get the required amount of calories, then help will come gainer, which is also an important component that should be included in a sports nutrition kit for gaining muscle mass, because a large amount of protein is the key to muscle growth. But when choosing a gainer, you need to pay special attention to the composition. It is important to ensure that there are not too many carbohydrates in it, giving preference to protein.


It is a complex of three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are extremely important for the body, but it does not synthesize them on its own. BCAA stimulates insulin production, which helps nourish muscles. In addition, these three amino acids prevent protein breakdown and muscle breakdown.

Pre-workout supplements

Often, training exhausts the body, leaving no strength left. Using simulators that contain caffeine or geranamine will help you cope with this and increase strength and energy during training. If you need additional energy, then you can safely add pre-workout complexes to your sports nutrition kit for gaining muscle mass.


Increases strength and stimulates volume growth. Today there are a huge number of varieties of creatine on the market, but the most common is monohydrate.


This component is found in fatty fish, but even this is sometimes not enough for an athlete and therefore he has to resort to supplements. The best choice- This is fish oil. Omega-3 improves blood circulation, which speeds up the delivery of important substances to the muscles. But its benefits don’t end there; it also speeds up metabolism, which helps get rid of fat, and is good for the cardiovascular system.


They have practically no effect, but despite this, they are no less important. Chasing weight gain, taking various supplements, the athlete begins to forget about some important vitamins, without which chaos will ensue in the body. Even if you eat fruits and vegetables in huge quantities, you may still be lacking some vitamins.


This amino acid is found in muscles most of all. Although the body is capable of producing it itself, additional intake will not hurt. Glutamine helps with recovery, so it's best taken after workouts and at night. Glutamine should be included in your sports nutrition; it is essential for quickly gaining muscle mass.


  1. Breakfast consisting only of protein. It is true that eating foods rich in carbohydrates in the morning is wrong, since while we sleep, blood sugar levels drop and all carbohydrates consumed after waking up will go straight to the stomach. Every person who has the goal of gaining muscle mass should have a hearty breakfast. The first thing to do as soon as you wake up is to drink protein cocktail, but not simple, but highly purified hydrolyzed whey protein isolate. This is important because regular whey will take a long time to be absorbed, but this one takes about 15 minutes. At this time, you can do some of your own business, for example, take a shower. After this time, an appetite will appear, because the protein will already have time to be absorbed, metabolism will accelerate, and the body will begin to ask for a new portion of food. When you come to the kitchen, you can prepare an omelet, oatmeal, pancakes, cottage cheese. If you want, you can eat several at once different dishes. It is important to have both protein and carbohydrates in your morning diet, so there should be an equal amount of them. The main thing is to eat your fill. As a drink, it is recommended to drink a cup green tea. And, of course, we must not forget about vitamins and fish oil!
  2. Large amounts of carbohydrates immediately after training. You can often hear advice about what you need to do after training. mandatory eat easily digestible carbohydrates, but this is wrong. Thus, your appetite will only go away for the next 2 hours, preventing you from eating food that is really important for muscle growth. are only good if the goal is to increase strength and endurance, and not gain weight. And if you strive for the latter, then your choice should stop at protein.
  3. Avoiding protein shakes. Some people do not include protein in their sports nutrition kit for gaining muscle mass, limiting themselves to gainers, believing that only a combination of carbohydrates and proteins will give the desired effect, but protein alone will not. One very simple rule works here: protein is important for muscle growth, so the first thing you should do is focus on it. People who regularly exercise physical exercise in the gym and want to gain weight, it is recommended to consume protein at a rate of 2-3 grams per kilogram of weight. Also, it is important not to try to gain weight permanent basis, and eat intensely for a couple of weeks, trying to achieve maximum results, and then give the body a break from the constantly arriving calories. To gain weight, protein from regular foods is not enough, so you can’t do it without the help of protein shakes. It is best to drink whey protein before and after training, and slow protein before bed. What kind of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass can do without protein shakes? None.
  4. Underestimation of BCAA and glutamine. BCAA is a complex of three amino acids that are extremely important: isoleucine, leucine and valine. They are considered almost the most important component of muscle building. The importance of taking these amino acids also lies in the fact that the body is not able to synthesize them on its own, so they only come from food. In addition to capsule form, BCAA is also available in powder form, which makes it easier to take, since the powder is tasteless and odorless; it can be added both to your shaker and to food. It is recommended to consume these amino acids during training, namely, divide the consumption into 3 times: before, during and after.
  5. But BCAA amino acids alone are not enough for active muscle growth. The body requires even more amino acids than the previous three. Thanks to them, he will be able to produce hormones. And this is where powdered amino acids come to the rescue. They are absorbed faster and taste better than tablets. It is best to consume them immediately after meals.
  6. Some people mistakenly believe that water is an obstacle to the natural processes of digestion. This is not so, and besides, it is also necessary. Water is the engine of anabolic processes in the body, which promote muscle growth.

Sports nutrition for gaining lean muscle mass

Cutting is a fairly common term among bodybuilders. It refers to proper sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass, which is designed to eliminate the fat layer as much as possible, which will make the body toned and the muscles become more visible. Everything is logical here; during drying, a person tends to lose excess water.

As everyone knows, the body takes energy primarily from carbohydrates. Glucose is stored in the body in the form of glycogen, and if you consume too many carbohydrates, the glycogen will begin to turn into fat. So, to make the body fit, you need to use this glycogen and fat, for which you exclude carbohydrates from the diet, and the body will begin to independently take carbohydrates from reserves. Although this type of so-called diet seems effective at first glance, it can be dangerous. So experienced athletes most often do such things. It is impossible to choose the best sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass that suits everyone, because it is very individual.

Most often, bodybuilders resort to drying before competitions. There are 4 foods that can be consumed in unlimited quantities: egg white, chicken breast Without skin and fat, preferably steamed fish, squid fillet. But the diet, albeit in very small quantities, should contain carbohydrates in the form of greens, cucumbers, cabbage, and buckwheat porridge. For ordinary person If you are trying to lose weight, drying is not the most suitable option. In this case, it will be enough to adhere to a few basic rules.

Rules for proper nutrition

  1. You should not exhaust your body with exhausting diets. It is much better to know and consume what is healthy and exclude harmful foods.
  2. What is best to prohibit yourself from is flour products and sugar.
  3. Replace mayonnaise, chips, sausage, ice cream with vegetables, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese.
  4. A complete refusal of fats can become extremely dangerous for the body, as metabolism and the condition of the skin, hair, and nails will deteriorate.
  5. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  6. Don't overeat before bed. If it turns out that you have time to eat very late, then it is best to snack on some fruit and kefir.
  7. It is best to eat often, but in small portions.

Homemade sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass is also possible. You can cook it yourself protein shakes and be confident in their composition. All you need is a blender and the necessary ingredients.

  1. The first protein-carbohydrate shake can be made from a combination of milk, 1 banana and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  2. You can also prepare it from 100 g of cottage cheese + milk + banana.
  3. Another option is milk, egg white, banana and a tablespoon of sugar.

These are not all the cocktail options. Taking these ingredients as a basis and adding various fruits and nuts to them, you can make a protein shake that will be no worse than the one you bought, and in addition, store-bought mixtures may contain some harmful substances, but you will be sure of the composition of the drink you prepare yourself.

Thanks to active advertising in magazines, the Internet and other media. Sports nutrition.
Guys and men who start training get the impression that
that you need to take sports nutrition right away, or there will be no effect from the exercises.

A guy came to my gym for the first time and immediately said: “What do I need? take from sports nutrition so that the training wouldn’t be in vain and I’d immediately build up my muscles?”

Of course he got excited.

First, let's look at what sports nutrition is, whether it can be harmful, and what it consists of.

We have a firmly rooted opinion that in order to become a bodybuilder, powerlifter or just a big and strong guy, you need to use anabolic steroids(anabolic steroid).

Initially this was indeed the case. Who used steroids became big and strong,
and those who were categorically against them (I strongly support these guys), could not boast of outstanding force or mass.

The whole point is that body-building originated in America.
And the American guys had to be huge at all costs.
They used steroids in huge doses and became champions.

These principles reached us in the early 80s. And of course the training programs were the same as those of the American guys. .

More precisely, the Joveidor training system was used at that time, which included a large number of exercises and approaches per workout.

Only a person using steroids could progress through such a program.
Clean athletes remained outsiders.

But in fact, the word bodybuilding is
implies a beautiful body structure.

And still no steroids.

And it turned out that the main thing in building beautiful body without steroids is:

Such programs began to appear relatively recently. Just 5 - 7 years ago.
They have not yet reached a wide range of readers.

And even instructors in gyms and rocking chairs, out of habit (or ignorance), often write exactly the Joweider training system to a beginner.

I saw enough of this while working at the fitness center. And in our Sports Palace, where I often go to see my friends and coaches.

What happens when a beginner is given such a program?

He begins to progress and within the first 2 - 3 months he sees the results of his training.
The person believes that he is on the right path.

But such programs (when you have from 8 to 20 exercises per workout) work hard for a pure athlete. And in a couple or three months the body wears out, in the literal sense of the word. And the person stops progressing.

Again, careless instructors (may competent trainers forgive me) begin to say that the muscles are accustomed to the load, and the set of exercises needs to be changed, or even completely - they offer chemistry (steroids) to get results.

You need to stay away from such instructors; they themselves “pumped themselves up with the help of chemistry.” And they simply don’t know other ways to help you.

With the right set of exercises you can
practice for years and get results.

The muscles get used to the load and become stronger each time.

Here's a look at Vyacheslav's photo.

He is a simple student, and sometimes he doesn’t have enough money just for food, not to mention sports nutrition and especially chemistry.

And why does he need chemistry? He is a willing bodybuilder. Vyacheslav intuitively worked out correctly, and when we met him, I adjusted his training, and he made even more progress.

And here is a photo of 15 year old Roman Tikhostup

Roman worked out for 2 years to no avail, he couldn’t bench press 50 kg - that’s 2 years.
And the trainers offered him anabolic steroids.

But he flatly refused, he wanted to quit several times, but he likes to study.

Then we met him and he asked to join.

And not even a year had passed since he and I made a wonderful figure.

During this time, Roman acquired the following strength indicators: Bench press - 105 kg at a time, bench leg press 260 kg - working weight and pull-ups 10 times with a weight of 20 kg.

Agree, why does he need chemistry?
And we did the abs with him, again by training the abs correctly, and not at every workout.

At the same time, as needed, we trained without the use of sports nutrition.

Why am I writing this to you? I just want you to understand that bodybuilding and powerlifting now do not need anabolic steroids, now everything is decided by the right training program (set of exercises).

For teenagers, I wrote a book for effective training.

And sports nutrition is a set of substances useful to the athlete that help muscles recover faster and fill up.

You can read more about each element of sports nutrition on this page:

The most popular substance in sports nutrition is protein. And his cocktails.

Guys think that by taking a good dose of protein, they will progress immediately.

Webinar No. 6. Sports nutrition, Fat burners. Anabolics.


What is protein?

This regular protein. For example, you boiled eggs, removed the yolk from them and got real protein. And there is nothing more in the protein. Only protein.

Protein consists of twenty-two amino acids.

There are nonessential and essential amino acids.

What does it mean?

The body can produce non-essential amino acids on its own.

The body does not produce essential amino acids.

We are interested in several essential amino acids:

Isoleucine (for muscle building),

Valin(for muscle strength) and

Threonine(muscle relaxation).

These amino acids must be taken with food; as a rule, they are most abundant in meat.

I continue the story about protein. What it consists of has been disassembled,

Now let's see

When should you start using sports nutrition?
so that it brings real benefits.
And so as not to throw money away.

The fact is that for a beginner, all the body’s reserves have not yet been used up.
And he doesn’t need additional nutrition (sports nutrition).

Moreover, sports nutrition, at the initial stage of training (up to a year), can be harmful.

After all, the same protein will not be absorbed by the muscles when they are already there. When they are big and strong.

If the muscles are weak or practically absent, then the protein is considered by the body as excess nutrition. And the liver diligently processes and utilizes it.

In one meal, the liver can process
The rest is either stored in fat or goes down the drain (you know which one).

It turns out that by taking protein at the very beginning of your training, you are simply making your excrement (waste) more expensive.

Sometimes people “swell” from excess protein; this is the liver actively storing it as fat.

Excess creatine and casein have approximately the same effect on an unprepared body.

And at the beginning of training, sports nutrition intake will always go in excess.

If you are just starting to exercise, then taking vitamins will be beneficial for your body. That's all.

It is best to purchase the most expensive imported multivitamins at the pharmacy and take the course.
You should take vitamins no more often than one course, and take a two-month break.

I especially want to focus on the very fashionable ones now,
so-called carbohydrate drinks -

They appeared relatively recently and are well advertised.

They are popular among young people.

However, despite such popularity, professional bodybuilders for some reason close the carbohydrate window in a completely different way.

They take 100 grams of boiled rice with raisins and honey to taste. I wonder why?

You probably already guessed that rice with raisins and honey performs the function of closing the carbohydrate window much better.

And for those who don’t understand, they “rub their ears” about gainers.

The whole truth about gainers.

First of all, it is worth analyzing the meaning of the word “gainer” - from the original capitalist, this word is translated as “that crap that makes you grow” (there is no way to express it in one word).

What is meant by “grow”? And the fact that by stuffing a portion of such powder into yourself you will get a positive nitrogen balance, which means an increase total mass body, both muscle and fat.

These are all essential amino acids. And they are part of liquid amino acids.

I want to clarify that you need to start using sports nutrition
not from protein, but from

Those. When you build up good layers of muscle, approximately as I said, this will happen when you lift 100 kg no earlier. And you will get into excellent sports shape!

That's when you need to start taking creatine. And maybe vitamins. Creatine intake lasts no longer than 3 weeks.

I found this out in the article: The whole truth about CREATINE. Which I published on this site. Read.

Creatine is loaded in several different ways.
One of them, proven in practice, is outlined below.

All you need is powdered creatine monohydrate.

I can’t say anything definite about other types of creatine. We don't use them.

As you will now see, you don’t need to cram into yourself all the sports nutrition that is offered to us in advertising.

This sports nutrition complex,
will give you everything you need to progress.

I remind you once again that progress will be strong only with a correctly composed set of exercises. Even sports supplements will not help a “careless” complex.

All types of sports nutrition can cause side effects .

Usually because they are in a concentrated state.

Side effects of sports nutrition may manifest themselves as:

Allergic reactions,

And some other “troubles”.

These are not very scary side effects. To protect yourself from them, you first need to take very little of the drug. And see how the body reacts to it.

And if any of the above appears, then you need stop taking the drug immediately.

This sports nutrition is intended for those
who have already achieved some success in training.

Namely for those who work with weights of at least 100 kg. For those who have not yet achieved this, I recommend not to use this nutrition. Your body has enough strength to reach the desired level.

And if you start using it right away, it simply will not be absorbed, since the muscles are not ready yet, there are no necessary volumes..

Sports nutrition.

Liquid amino acids

(30 ml before training and 30 immediately after) on rest days 2 times a day in the morning and at lunch, half an hour before meals.
The company is “Extreme Whey”.

Creatine powder (precisely pure creatine monohydrate):

Creatine and caffeine are mutually exclusive products While we are taking creatine, we exclude coffee and tea.

Available here: Creatine monohydrate:


Liquid vitamins

(half dose) an hour before the second meal.

The company is “Extreme Whey”.

We take any vitamins in the morning and at lunch; they should not be taken in the evening, they have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (CNS).


2 tablets with meals three times a day. Sold in a pharmacy

Brewer's yeast

Vitamins A and E are separate.

3 tablets per day each. At the pharmacy

Tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus

immediately before training, see the instructions for how many drops. At the pharmacy.


Take before bed.


How to take sports nutrition:

In the morning immediately after sleep: a spoonful of creatine.

During breakfast: Vitamins A, E, riboxin and brewer's yeast

For lunch: Riboxin, yeast.

3 hours after lunch: protein shake.

Before training: a spoonful of liquid amino acids, Ginseng.

Post-workout: Liquid amino acids, banana and protein with glutamine.

On the way home: eat 50 grams of pine nuts.

Dinner: Riboxin, yeast.

After two hours: 300 gr. low-fat cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt.

At night: casein shake.

During the day, 2.5 - 3 liters of water.

We have been taking sports nutrition for 2 months. then a 2 month break.

You can take care of your liver at this time:

Drink a tablespoon of olive oil (the most expensive) in the morning, on an empty stomach. 20 minutes before meals.

It’s better to start on a day off to see how the body behaves.

If there is a little seething in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, this is good.

This way you can cleanse your liver for the rest of your life. Get rid of many ailments.

For those who have calculous cholecystitis (gallbladder stones).
Be sure to consult with a knowledgeable physician first.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you about sports nutrition.

Finally, I’ll add to you:

Recipes for various cocktails for gaining weight:

Cocktails are divided into 4 categories:

— Recipes based on protein powder.

— Carbohydrate cocktails and mixtures (restorative).

— High-calorie cocktails (high in fat).

— Recipes based on milk powder.

They are convenient to store and measure the composition in a special shaker set:

Protein based recipes:


2 scoops of any protein;
4 strawberries;
15 blueberries;
450 g low-fat milk;
half a cup of ice.

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth consistency


powdered milk- 25 g;
milk - 125 g;
blueberries - 2 tablespoons;
juice from half a lemon;

Strawberry-nut mixture


1 cup low-fat strawberry yogurt;
6 chopped nuts;

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth.

Cocktail “Ice”

2 scoops of vanilla or any other protein;
1 ripe plum (pitted);
juice of one lemon;
450 g ice water;
half a cup of ice.

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth and add a few ice cubes.

Protein-Carbohydrate with Almonds

2 scoops of vanilla or any other protein;
300-350 g skim milk;
half a cup of dry oatmeal;
half a cup of raisins;
12 pcs. chopped almonds;
1 tablespoon peanut butter.

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth.

Carbohydrate cocktails and mixtures:

glucose - 50 g;

ascorbic acid - 0.5 g;
vitamin B1 - 0.1 g; calcium glycerophosphate - 1 g;
juice of one lemon;
fruit juice (or water) - up to 200 ml.

Use after exhausting workouts.

glucose - 100 g;
oat flakes - 30 g;
egg yolk - 1 pc;
juice of one lemon;
ascorbic acid - 0.5 g;
“Panangin” (or “Asparkam”) - 2 g;
water - 200 ml.

sugar - 50 g;
glucose - 25 g;
cranberry jam - 5 g;
ascorbic acid - 0.3 g;
citric acid - 0.5 g;
oat flakes - 20 g;
water - 200 ml.

Method of preparation Prepare a decoction of oatmeal in which to dissolve all components.

Take for recovery after training and during long competitions as additional nutrition.

High calorie cocktails:

sour cream - 120 g;
sunflower oil - 60 g;
Orange juice- 100 g;
1 egg yolk;
juice of half a lemon;
Cherry confiture (or any fruit to taste) - 25 g

Cooking method. Beat sour cream in a mixer sunflower oil, orange juice and yolk, and then add marmalade and lemon juice and mix again.

Take one hour before the start of heavy training or competitions, and also as an additional meal (contains about 900 kcal).

1 egg (hard-boiled);
milk powder - 25 g;
sunflower (or olive) oil - 1 tablespoon;
sour cream (yogurt) - 1 tablespoon;
mustard and lemon juice - to taste

Cooking method. Cut the egg in half, grind the yolk with other ingredients and fill the egg halves with the resulting paste.

Take for breakfast and as a snack as part of your diet during intense training or athletic competition.

Recipe 3 Recipe by Valentin Dikul

150 g sour cream;
100 g cottage cheese;
three teaspoons of finely chopped chocolate;
1-2 teaspoons honey

Cooking method. Place the ingredients in the mixer in the following order: sour cream, cottage cheese, chocolate, honey. Beat to a uniform consistency.

Recipes based on milk powder:

milk powder - 25 g;
milk - 125 g;
blueberries - 2 tablespoons;
juice from half a lemon;
sugar - 2 teaspoons (or honey).

Cooking method. Mix all ingredients in a mixer until smooth.

powdered milk - 40 g;
cottage cheese - 60 g;
milk - 5 tablespoons;
half a banana;
1 teaspoon sugar or honey;
lemon juice to taste.

Cooking method. Dilute milk powder in milk, mix with cottage cheese, add sugar (or honey) and finely chopped or mashed banana, add lemon juice.

powdered milk - 40 g;
curdled milk - 1 glass;
honey - 2 teaspoons;
milk - 1 cup;
instant coffee - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method. Dissolve the milk powder in the yogurt, add the remaining ingredients and mix with the milk.

sour cream - 1 glass;
milk - 1 glass;
2 bananas;
3 eggs;
2 teaspoons chocolate, or syrup.

Cooking method. In a mixer, beat sour cream, milk, raw eggs and finely chopped or pureed bananas, then sprinkle with grated chocolate or pour over syrup.

low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
separated milk - 200 g;
fruit jam - 30 g;
methionine - 1.5 g

Cooking method. Grind the methionine, add it to the cottage cheese and grind, then mix with milk and jam.

Take after high speed-strength loads, or 6-10 hours after exhausting endurance training.

When purchasing sports nutrition, many athletes have a question about how to properly and at what time to consume protein, gainer, creatine or BCAA in order to get the maximum effect from training in the future. In this article, we will point out the main recommendations that should be taken into account when consuming sports nutrition throughout the day.


It is advisable to mix various proteins with milk. If milk is poorly digestible, then you should mix it with regular milk. drinking water. You can drink protein in the morning, at night, between meals and after training, depending on the type of protein and your goals.


Also mixes with milk or water. Gainer must be drunk after training, as well as between meals and in the morning. Consuming weight gainers at night can lead to unwanted fat growth. The amount of gainer should be calculated based on how many calories you need to get per day.


Contrary to some manufacturers' claims that creatine should be taken with food or protein, creatine is best taken alone and in separate form, i.e. not as part of a protein or gainer, but in a separate form or together with the transport system. or with the transport system it will be much better! It is better to drink creatine separately between meals, stirring it in grape juice, 5 grams of creatine per 1 glass of juice. If creatine comes with a transport system, usually a mixture of carbohydrates, then creatine can be mixed in water, since the carbohydrates that come with creatine will replace grape juice. Creatine is drunk separately from everything else so that during the digestion process it does not break down and turn into a useless product, transport system and grape juice are used for the same.

Amino acids

Amino acids can be drunk with water, juice, any liquid, both in the morning and during the day, and between meals, and at night, as well as with food, before eating food and after, i.e. at any time, they will be learned always and at any time.


It is better to drink BCAA or BCA before, during and after training; this is the ideal time to consume it with water, juice or any other liquid. You can drink them with food, protein, or just about anything. For the effect of BCAA to be felt, you need to drink about 5 grams at one time. In general, they are consumed from 5 to 20 grams at a time. Naturally, 1 gram of BCA will have an effect, but not what you expect from them.


A very delicate and unstable amino acid, glutamine must be mixed in water and drunk immediately. It is best to drink glutamine separately between meals or in the morning and at night, but you can also mix it with protein or gainer or regular food. The dosage of glutamine should be from 5 to 20 grams, since most of it is destroyed in the stomach without ever entering the blood.

Vitamins, minerals

Vitamins can be taken with water at any time of the day, but preferably with food, either immediately before a meal or immediately after a meal, since with food they irritate the stomach less and are better absorbed. Dosages of vitamins must be looked at depending on the manufacturer and adhere to the manufacturers' instructions.

Fat burners

Fat burners should be taken with water, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, or half an hour before training.


As a strengthening agent, you can drink L-carnitine at any time of the day, with water or with food. As a fat burner, you should drink it 30 minutes before training, starting with a dosage of 1 gram and, depending on your feelings, gradually increasing it. Typically, L-carnitine is already felt well at a dosage of 1-3 grams.

Pre-workout supplements

It is necessary to drink 15-45 minutes before training, stirring in water or juice. Pre-workout complexes must be taken on an empty stomach, i.e. Before using a pre-workout complex, you should not eat for at least 1 hour, but preferably 2, since the ingredients included in the complexes are destroyed in the stomach and the complex no longer works as it should.

L-arginine or nitric oxide

Drink before training on an empty stomach, just like a pre-workout complex, or in the morning immediately after sleep, and start eating half an hour after taking L-arginine so that it has time to be absorbed. L-arginine is very delicate and easily destroyed, hence the need to take it on an empty stomach.

Products for joints and ligaments

Many people want to get a good figure, for which they visit Gym, play sports on the street and at home. Indeed, the basis for building a body lies in regular sports, but sometimes this is not enough, since the athlete’s body lacks the necessary useful substances. You can quickly make up for their deficiency by consuming sports nutrition.

If an athlete’s diet consists of a well-balanced sports nutrition and contains all the substances listed below, the result will be an excellent figure with well-defined muscles.

  1. - strengthen the immune system, improve tone, strengthen bone structure and promote body development.
  2. Fat burners- help the liver remove excess fat cells and prevent their accumulation.
  3. - contribute to the rapid restoration of muscle mass if the muscles are damaged by high loads.
  4. - muscle amino acid, found in the structure of fibers. Increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the body, and also maintains the balance of acid and alkali, promotes brain activity.
  5. Gainer- a food supplement consisting of high-quality protein and carbohydrates. Promotes rapid weight gain and muscle growth. The high carbohydrate content provides the body with energy that is quickly consumed at high temperatures. physical activity, and the protein content is responsible for the growth of tissue and muscle mass.
  6. - an energy supplement that helps increase endurance and strength.

Types of sports nutrition and their use

Features of application

Sports nutrition cannot harm the body even if the dosage is exceeded. But it is still necessary to follow the instructions for using nutritional supplements. It is important to consider for what purpose the food additive is used and in what case it should be used. Time of administration and dosage are also important.

Did you know? considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world - one lemon contains the daily dose of vitamin C for an adult. Lemons cleanse the liver, boost immunity and aid in weight loss. Good decision- Add to your morning glass of water to start your day with vitamins.

What is it for?

Since the athlete’s body endures increased physical activity, the nutrients obtained from food may not be enough. It is quite difficult to determine whether this is true in each specific case. Therefore, even those who do not feel a deficiency of nutrients should consume sports nutrition, which contains all the necessary nutritional supplements in the most accessible form for the body.

At what age can it be used?

Sports nutrition of any type can be consumed starting at any age.

Some exceptions can be made for complex fat burners and pre-workout supplements because they contain caffeine and other drugs that affect mental condition person, as well as on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. In this case, you must wait until at least 18 or 20 years to take a certain type of sports nutrition.

Did you know? Many people worry that they are not getting the daily amount of vitamins their body needs, which is why they start taking multivitamins. However, all vitamins and minerals can be obtained by eating whole grains, dairy products, red meat, sea ​​fish, and fruits.

Elements that make up sports nutrition:

  • amino acids;
  • creatine, L-carnitine, collagen, etc.

All of these substances are found in the food that people consume daily. Almost from birth, the baby begins to eat creatine, amino acids, L-carnitine, collagen, and carbohydrates. A person continues to take all the same components throughout his life simply because all this is part of ordinary products.

General rules of application

Despite the harmlessness of sports nutrition, it should not be consumed uncontrollably.

  1. Follow the instructions and dosage included with each drug. The calculation is made as follows: to determine the daily dosage per kilogram of a person’s body weight, it is prescribed to take 1.5 grams of gainer or protein. If you exceed the dose, nothing bad will happen, but a miraculous transformation of your figure will not happen immediately - the extra amount of the drug simply will not have any effect. In this case, no harm will be caused to the person, and the excess drug will be eliminated from the body naturally.
  2. Protein is consumed twice a day (an hour before the start of classes and immediately after the end of training), but only on days of training or other physical activity. To achieve the best effect, on days free from training, the athlete needs to eat cottage cheese, bananas, honey, meat and other protein-rich foods.
  3. Creatine will help if the muscles no longer grow and the strength to continue training runs out. The substance promotes a surge of energy, but requires moderate use, as the body gets used to it over time and the energy effect decreases.
  4. Sports nutrition is more suitable for people who constantly engage in strength sports, such as bodybuilding. Professional athletes in this area train with enormous loads on the body, and to strengthen ligaments and joints they need substances such as collagen and glucosamine. For beginners, taking a gainer or protein will be enough.

Take advantage of specialist recommendations in choosing the optimal sports diet

How to use sports nutrition correctly

In order for sports nutrition to have the expected effect on the body, the athlete must adhere to the rules for its intake, which means eating or drinking exactly what is needed and at the right time.

First of all, the following are taken into account:

  • Times of Day;
  • accompanying circumstances;
  • dosage;
  • physical condition of the athlete.
Each element of sports nutrition has its own requirements for intake.

For gaining muscle mass

It is advisable for every athlete who is working on building muscle to consume an appropriate amount of protein in their daily diet.

Important! Nutritional supplements are very useful during the period of muscle building, but a person does not need them on an ongoing basis. They are good as assistants and can help you achieve your goal, but the main components of success are a well-chosen diet and systematic training. Supplements can be taken to facilitate and accelerate muscle development.

If you are serious about increasing strength and muscle development, then the athlete should take approximately 2–2.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight every day. This ratio is ideal for wrestlers or bodybuilders who do not want to increase their weight, but want to build strength and muscle.


This is a protein supplement and protein is the main building block muscles, and you cannot build a good figure without it. Protein supplements are extremely useful in situations where an athlete is unable to take in enough protein through food. To build muscle mass, you need to ensure you are taking in at least 1.2–2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight.

Time of receipt:

  1. It is advisable for athletes to consume fast-acting whey protein an hour or two before training.
  2. The next dose is 30 minutes after completion of the workout (for muscle recovery).
  3. Time after training - best opportunity build muscle because that's when the body needs protein the most.
  4. Another source of protein to offset the body's costs is consumed before bed in the form of casein (a slow-release protein) to help repair muscles during sleep.
  5. Even on days when the gym is not visited, the athlete needs to consume enough protein. On days without training best time The time to take protein is after breakfast, after lunch and at the end of dinner.
How to take protein to gain weight: video A protein supplement is very useful in many situations. It very easily replenishes protein in the body immediately after exercise, because it is much easier to prepare and eat a protein supplement in the gym than a normal one protein food(meat, milk).

Did you know? Bird eggs are a source of natural dietary protein highest quality. All parts of the egg are edible, including the shell, which contains a lot of calcium.

Creatine (for beginners)

Creatine is considered the most effective legal anabolic steroid. It is a supplement used by athletes who want to ensure maximum training intensity and optimal gains in muscle size and strength.

It is also great for beginners who are relatively new to building their bodies through exercise. Research shows that creatine does not have any negative effects on the body.
Finding enough creatine in food is quite difficult, so the substance is taken in powder or capsule form. Creatine supplements vary in form, time to dissolve in the body (absorption) and effectiveness, so you need to pay attention to this when purchasing.

They work by increasing the creatine content of skeletal muscle, which in turn increases muscle size over time.

Creatine increases endurance, power, strength, and promotes performance. more repetitions of exercises, makes running faster, jumping higher; while it leads to fat loss. However, it is worth remembering that using creatine only makes sense in combination with serious strength training.

How to use:

  • creatine is taken 15–25 grams per day for 5 days;
  • further use is recommended in a maintenance dose, from 3 to 5 grams per day.
How to take creatine: video

Did you know? Doctors advise reducing salt intake and taking no more than 15 grams (one and a half level teaspoons) per day. Reducing your salt intake may reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney damage and high blood pressure.

Glutamine (for recovery)

Glutamine, or L-glutamine, is a naturally occurring amino acid that is normally stored in muscles and released into the bloodstream at extreme situations. It is used by the immune system for recovery during periods of stress such as physical injury, burns, fasting, and during prolonged and intense physical exertion (marathons, triathlons, ultra-distance running).

When there is a deficiency of glutamine, or when the amount is sharply reduced during stress, the body's immune system is suppressed. In this case, it is necessary to replace the lost glutamine to the previous level through food or nutritional supplements.

It's for this reason that marathon runners are often at risk of contracting colds, flu, and other illnesses in the days following the race.
Not only do they deplete glutamine stores, but they also cause a temporary decrease in immunity and susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections and other diseases.

Natural sources:

  1. L-glutamine is most abundant in protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, legumes and dairy products. Heat treatment can destroy glutamine, especially in vegetables.
  2. Two good plant sources are raw cabbage and beets.

L-Glutamine Supplements for Athletes

Athletes who take glutamine supplements typically do so to prevent muscle breakdown and improve immune system function. In several clinical studies It has been found that oral glutamine may reduce the incidence of illness in endurance or extreme training athletes.

Research has also found that glutamine supplements help maintain muscle mass by preventing protein breakdown and improving glycogen synthesis.
L-glutamine is classified as a dietary supplement and is not prohibited by any sports organizations. It can be found in most sports food stores in gel or tablet form, and is often an ingredient in many protein powders.

Due to limited research, there are no set dosage recommendations, but bodybuilding experts recommend starting at 3 grams and gradually increasing to 5 grams per day.

If an athlete eats a healthy and varied diet and exercises regularly, then it is likely that his body will be sufficiently supplied with all necessary amino acids. If an athlete trains frequently and hard, and his diet is not sufficiently complete, then supplementing with glutamine can significantly benefit him.

Important!If an athlete is considering using an L-glutamine supplement, it would be wise to consult with a sports nutritionist first to evaluate their diet and determine whether it is needed.

How to take glutamine: video

Gainer (for speed dialing)

Gainer - the name of this dietary supplement comes from English word gain, meaning “gain”, the drug is used for rapid weight gain. The gainer consists mainly of carbohydrates and proteins, looks like finely ground flour, almost powder.

When performing sports training at high intensity, a person uses a lot of energy. To quickly make up for its deficiency, you can use a protein-carbohydrate supplement that quickly restores lost energy.

Products with these properties have high level calorie content, but if you periodically have problems providing the body with the required amount of calories from food, a gainer can be very useful.

Rules for taking the gainer:

  • to gain weight, the gainer is used two to three times a day;
  • It’s easy to calculate the daily dose: take 1.5 grams of gainer per 1 kg of athlete’s weight;
  • the same dose of the drug is taken daily until the body weight reaches satisfactory;
  • The gainer can be mixed with the following liquids: water (never boiling water), milk, juice;
  • After gaining the desired weight, the athlete can switch to one-time use of the drug.

How to take gainer: video

Important!People who are prone to speed dialing excess weight, you should stop taking the gainer, otherwise there will be a problem with overweight may get worse.

BCAA (Amino acids)

Amino acids (BCAAs, BCAs) are the basis for building muscle in the body, helping to repair muscles after workouts, which leads to a gradual increase in muscle fibers. They help make muscles bigger and stronger by stimulating synthesis.

This is why protein supplements are so important for athletes who want to gain muscle. These products, due to their easy digestibility and high speed absorption into the body, suitable for use both before and after exercise, ensuring that the body receives an easily digestible form of protein.

Rules for taking BCAAs:

  • the dose for one dose is 5–10 grams;
  • when using BCAAs to build muscle mass, the first dose is taken immediately after waking up in the morning;
  • an additional portion at any time of the day (the same 5–10 grams) will boost brain function, reduce hunger and give impetus to muscle growth;
  • a portion of amino acids is taken without fail before and after physical activity;
  • For rapid absorption, amino acids must be in liquid form, so they are dissolved in liquid with the addition of a small amount of sugar;
  • their reception is divided into three parts: at the beginning of the training, during it and immediately after;
  • Amino acids in capsule form are taken in the morning;
  • for weight loss, amino acids are taken between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
How to take BCAAs: video

For burning fat

Burning fat is a process that is necessary to provide energy human body needing it, even if the person does nothing. There are supplements that speed up fat burning, so they can be used for weight loss.

Important! One of the myths healthy image life is that all fats are evil. However, there are good and bad fats. In particular, vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble, so fat is important for their absorption. Preferablylimit consumption of transgenic and saturated fats, which increase cholesterol levels in the body. Unsaturated fats Reduce bad cholesterol levels and support heart health.

Laxogenin is a plant steroid that is similar in structure to the more well-known ecdysterone. Research has shown that laxogenin has similar properties to anabolic steroids such as Anavar, one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids of all times.
But this does not mean that laxogenin is a prohormone. When an athlete takes prohormones, there is an increase in androgen levels in the body ( general term for prohormones and testosterone) and stops own production testosterone.

Unlike prohormones, laxogenin does not affect the endocrine system - it does not increase or decrease the amount of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

Concentrated laxogenin is available in capsules or powder. Depending on the manufacturer, the dosage of the capsule contents may vary slightly.

General instructions for use of laxogenin:

  • for beginners, intake is limited to 50 mg per day;
  • for experienced athletes, the daily dose can be increased to 100 mg (this amount is not recommended to be exceeded);
  • admission course for beginners: 6 weeks;
  • course of treatment for professional athletes: from 4 to 12 weeks;
  • when losing weight, it is recommended to take 50 mg per day every other day.

L-carnitine is essential for muscle function and supports the fat burning process.
Athletes love to use L-carnitine to improve athletic performance and muscle endurance because it inhibits the formation of lactic acid in muscles and improves muscle recovery after training. This property allows for longer workouts and delays the onset of fatigue.

In the human body, a substance similar to carnitine is synthesized on the basis of iron, vitamins C, B6, B12, folic acid, and niacin. Human body produces L-carnitine from the amino acids methionine and lysine, as well as from food (veal, lamb, lamb, fish, milk and cheese).

In a normal diet, an adult receives on average from 100 to 300 mg of L-carnitine, this amount is sufficient for normal energy metabolism in the body. However, athletes often suffer from L-carnitine deficiency, so they benefit from additional consumption of this substance.
When weight loss is desired, L-carnitine is often taken to enhance fat burning. However, additional consumption of L-carnitine has positive influence to burn fat only in connection with high sports loads, and in case of obvious deficiency.

How to consume L-carnitine for athletes:

  1. Take 1 gram of L-carnitine (preferably in liquid form) and consume about half an hour before training. A lower or higher dose has no obvious effect.
  2. Sugar (equivalent to the production of insulin secretion) negates fat burning, so other foods should not contain sugar at all (or should contain little of it).
  3. Overdose can occur after taking more than three grams of the substance and leads to diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. To determine the ideal dosage, you should strictly follow the instructions provided by the dietary supplement manufacturers. You should not take more than two grams of the substance per day, and this amount should be distributed throughout the day.
  4. Adequate hydration of the body is important when taking additional L-carnitine supplements.
How to take L-carnitine: video

Perhaps, beginners who have recently come to the gym will not get everything right right away, so here are a few tips from experienced athletes:

The best sports nutrition companies

Russian manufacturers:

  • Cellucor PureProtein;
  • G.E.O.N.

American manufacturers:
  • Optimum Nutrition;
  • Dymatize;
  • Ultimate Nutrition;
  • Syntrax;
  • Twinlab;
  • Universal Nutrition;
  • MuscleTech;
  • Nutrex Research;
  • Muscle Pharm;
  • Gaspari Nutrition;
  • USPlabs;
  • Prolab;
  • MuscleMeds;

Manufacturers from other countries:
  • Trec Nutrition (Poland);
  • Multipower (Germany);
  • Power System (Germany);
  • Olimp (Poland);
  • Vansiton (Ukraine);
  • BioGame (Bulgaria);
  • Scitec Nutrition (Hungary).

The athlete needs to remember that protein supplements do not create muscle on their own - they simply help a person build muscle through hard training. Study on schedule, improve your level physical development. When taking nutritional supplements, follow the instructions for use that come with them and do not forget that it is not advisable to exceed the dosage of the drugs.

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