What do parts of speech mean in Russian. What parts of speech are

Lexicon adult human includes about a hundred thousand words. Dahl's dictionary contains twice as many. To avoid semantic confusion, words are usually grouped according to part-of-speech principle. For better understanding Let's analyze what an independent part of Russian speech is.

In contact with

Principles of classification

Morphology is engaged in the study of words, where all words are defined as independent parts of speech and. They are classified according to several criteria:

  1. Semantic - the generalized meaning of the group. For example, to designate an object, use a noun.
  2. Morphological - an indicator of the modification of the word form. It can be constant or change during the transition to another genus,.
  3. Syntactic - the property of words to bind into a constructive sentence and be its members.

Researchers classify words differently. There is no consensus on how many parts of speech are in . The generally accepted rule is allocation of 10 speech groups.

Numerals are studied only at school. Academicians equate them with adjectives. The dispute goes around and participles. Some linguists note manifestations of verb properties in them. Others are sure that such forms should be separated into independent (significant) parts of speech.

Separate textbooks suggest referring the words "nowhere", "there", "there" to adverbs. This is due to the difference in composition. When writing the article, we were guided by the literature approved by Ministry of Education.


Let's look at the parts of speech. Name two large groups:

  1. Significant - giving names to objects give their characteristics or point to them. In fact, all words are concentrated in this group.
  2. Service - determine the relationship between significant word forms, contribute to their connection in one sentence. They do not carry a semantic load, they serve as a constructive construction of speech.

Separate the group consists of interjections. They express feelings. Imagine that a person cuts his finger while cooking. Emotions need to be released. The injured person can lament for a long time, using all known independent and auxiliary parts of speech. That is, describe the knife, the action performed, the signs that it possesses (significant); using prepositions to determine the relationship with the subject (service). Or maybe just exclaim "Ay!"

Important! You can ask a question only to significant word forms.

We have placed the characteristics of parts of speech and examples in the table.


The rules state that significant words:

  1. Endowed with meanings that unite them into classes and distinguish them from others. So, the words side and bull have different lexical, but the same grammatical meaning.
  2. Name objects, signs and actions;
  3. In the proposal are the main or secondary members.

Depending on whether what information about the subject the words give, they are separated:

  • subject is a noun. Examples: spinach, newlyweds;
  • belonging, quality and property - adjective - cute, relevant;
  • state category;
  • the order of the arrangement of objects or the number - the numeral - twelve;
  • action or state - verb (to modernize);
  • additional action - gerund (breaking through);
  • sign by action - participle (alluring);
  • if the word does not name an object, property or sign, but points to them - this is a pronoun (why, ours);
  • a sign of action, circumstances - adverb (for the first time, little, blindly).

word forms

Independent and other parts of speech used in the Russian language are divided into permanent and variable. Adjectives, nouns, pronouns, numerals are subject to declension. verb and its derivatives conjugate.


  • shaping - the grammatical meaning changes (table - on the table);
  • word formation is changing lexical meaning(top - top).

The significant part of speech that remains unchanged is the adverb (on the side, now, always).

Some words may belong different speech groups. The word "everything", depending on what context is in the sentence, acts as one of the four parts of speech. Let's take a look at examples of sentences:

The whole lake is covered with ice - indicates a sign, is a pronoun.

You are still learning - answers the detailed question when ?, a synonym for the adverb constantly.

Every day it gets dark earlier - it emphasizes the constancy of growth, it performs the functions of a particle.

We nevertheless lifted a heavy load - a union, a synonym nonetheless.

What part of speech a word is is sometimes determined intuitively by meaning. "Milk glass on the floor" and " broken glass took it to the trash." Glass in the first sentence is a verb, in the second - a noun.

Morphological analysis

Full grammatical description of the word form called morphological parsing. The belonging of the word to the group, its properties and functions in the sentence are determined. For independent parts we will give examples of speech:

Let's take the word "pillar" for analysis.

  • determine belonging: ask the question what? Therefore, it is a noun;
  • examine the state: a pillar is a common name inanimate objects. Hence, the common noun is inanimate;
  • indicate the gender of the independent part of speech, according to the rules (male) and the form of declension - 2nd cl;
  • show the number of objects - the singular number of the nominative case;
  • significance in the sentence - the main or minor member.

Similarly act with words from other groups:

  1. Let's determine what part of speech is represented by the word "for the first time". The word form gives the concept of the time of what is happening (when?). It cannot be converted. This means that this adverb does not change, it performs the function of a circumstance. Minor member suggestions.
  2. Know (what to do?). Verb, infinitive, 1st conjugation, transitive, imperfective, indicative mood. Offer membership is determined by context.

We study independent parts of speech

What are the parts of speech in Russian


If we give a simple definition of what an independent part is, then we can say that this is a designation of a property, quality or action of an object, which loses its meaning without the use of significant words.

The parts of speech are construction material language, and each of them has its own characteristics and functions that help a person to coherently and beautifully express his thoughts. There is a special science that studies parts of speech in Russian - it is called morphology. Every 4th grade student should understand what it is.

What are parts of speech and what are they

Parts of speech are such classes of words that are distinguished by the generality of their grammatical properties. That is, those words whose properties are the same belong to the same part of speech. They have common morphological characteristics and syntactic features.

In Russian, only ten parts of speech are distinguished. Six of them are independent (their second name is significant), three are official and one more is special, this is an interjection.

Independent parts of speech in without fail are members of a sentence, they can denote both the objects themselves and their attributes. This category includes adjectives, numerals and nouns, verbs, adverbs, pronouns.

Service parts of speech they are called so because they do not have their own meaning, but only serve independent ones, help them connect with each other.

At the same time, the interjection does not belong to any of these two categories, standing out in morphological structure language in a special place.

The modern partial classification in Russian is based on the ancient tradition, although there were eight parts of speech. IN different time in Russian grammars, from eight to fourteen parts of speech were distinguished.

A table of parts of speech with examples will help you better understand the topic:

Interjection part of the table is not . Examples of words related to this part of speech are − oh wow, uh.

Parts of speech in Russian are also divided on the basis of variability. So, all service words, interjections and adverbs are invariable parts of speech. The rest belong to the category of inflected, that is, they have forms of inflection. Thus, on the basis of variability, parts of speech are divided into two equal groups - five in each.

All nationalities in Russian belong to such a part of speech as a noun, and only “Russian” is an adjective.

What have we learned?

Parts of speech are classes into which words are divided according to certain characteristics. There are five of them in Russian. There is also an internal classification of them according to several criteria. The first is the presence or absence of a value. Words can be independent and official, there is a separate interjection. The second sign is variability, that is, parts of speech are divided, respectively, into changeable and unchangeable.

Parts of speech are groups of words united on the basis of the commonality of their features. The signs on the basis of which the division of words into parts of speech occurs are not uniform for different groups words.

According to their role in the language, parts of speech are divided into independent and auxiliary parts.

Independent words can be divided into significant and pronominal. Significant words name objects, signs, actions, relations, quantity, and pronominal words indicate objects, signs, actions, relations, quantity, without naming them and being substitutes for significant words in a sentence (cf .: table - he, convenient - such, easy - so, five - how many). Pronominal words form separate part speech is a pronoun.

Significant words are divided into parts of speech, taking into account the following features:

  • 1) generalized value;
  • 2) morphological features;
  • 3) syntactic behavior (syntactic functions and syntactic links).

There are at least five significant parts of speech: a noun, an adjective, a numeral (a group of names), an adverb and a verb.

Thus, parts of speech are lexical and grammatical classes of words, i.e., classes of words distinguished taking into account their generalized meaning, morphological features and syntactic behaviour.

There are 10 parts of speech, grouped into three groups:

  • 1. Independent parts of speech: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb.
  • 2. Service parts of speech: preposition, union, particle.
  • 3. Interjection.

The modern Russian language has a large number morphological variant forms. Some of them settled in literary language, are recognized as normative, while others are perceived as speech errors. Shape options can be associated with different meanings words. The forms may also vary. stylistic coloring. Variants of forms associated with the categories of gender and number can also be stylistically colored.

Morphology - (Greek "morphe" - form, "logos" - science, word) - a section of grammar in which words are studied as parts of speech. And that means studying common values and changing words. Words can change by gender, number, case, person, etc. For example, a noun denotes an object and changes in numbers and cases, an adjective denotes a sign of an object and changes in genders, numbers and cases. But, there are words that do not change, for example, prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs.

In speech, independent and auxiliary words perform different work. In a sentence, independent words, naming objects, their signs, actions, etc., play the role of members of the sentence, and service words most often serve to communicate independent words.


A noun is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that:

  • 1) have a generalized meaning of objectivity and answer the questions who? or what?;
  • 2) are proper or common nouns, animate or inanimate, have a permanent gender and non-permanent (for most nouns) signs of number and case;
  • 3) in the proposal most often act as subjects or additions, but can be any other members of the proposal.

A noun is a part of speech, in the selection of which the grammatical features of words come to the fore. As for the meaning of nouns, this is the only part of speech that can mean anything: an object (table), a person (boy), an animal (cow), a sign (depth), an abstract concept (conscience), an action (singing) , relation (equality). In terms of meaning, these words are united by the fact that you can ask them the question who? or what?; this, in fact, is their objectivity.


An adjective is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that:

  • 1) designate a non-procedural sign of the subject and answer the questions what ?, whose ?;
  • 2) change by gender, number and case, and some - by completeness / brevity and degrees of comparison;
  • 3) in a sentence there are definitions or a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate. speech noun verb adverb

Adjectives depend on nouns, so questions to adjectives are asked from nouns. Adjectives help us to select the desired item from a variety of identical items. Our speech without adjectives would be like a painting painted with gray paint. Adjectives make our speech more accurate and figurative, as they allow us to show various signs of an object.


The numeral is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that denote numbers, the number of objects or the order of objects when counting and answer the question how many? or what?.

The numeral is a part of speech in which words are combined based on the commonality of their meaning - relation to number. The grammatical features of numerals are heterogeneous and depend on which category the numeral belongs to in terms of meaning.

Words with the meaning of number play important role in people's lives. Numbers measure the number of objects, distance, time, size of objects, their weight, cost. In writing, words-numbers are often replaced by numbers. In the documents, it is necessary that the amount be written in words, and not just in numbers.

Pronoun as a part of speech

A pronoun is an independent non-significant part of speech that indicates objects, signs or quantities, but does not name them.

The grammatical features of pronouns are different and depend on which part of speech the pronoun acts as a substitute in the text.

Pronouns are classified by meaning and by grammatical features.

Pronouns are used in speech instead of nouns, adjectives, numerals and adverbs. Pronouns help to combine sentences into a coherent text, to avoid repetition of the same words in speech.

An adverb is an independent part of speech denoting a sign of an action, sign, state, rarely an object. Adverbs are invariable (with the exception of qualitative adverbs in -o / -e) and adjoin the verb, adjective, another adverb (run fast, very fast, very fast). In a sentence, an adverb is usually an adverb.

In rare cases, an adverb can adjoin a noun: racing (the noun has the meaning of action), soft-boiled egg, Warsaw coffee. In these cases, the adverb acts as an inconsistent definition.

The classification of adverbs is carried out on two grounds - by function and by meaning.

The verb is an independent significant part of speech, denoting an action (read), a state (sick), a property (limp), an attitude (equal), a sign (turn white).

The grammatical features of the verb are heterogeneous in different groups of verb forms. The verb word combines: an indefinite form (infinitive), conjugated (personal and impersonal) forms, non-conjugated forms - participial and participle.

Verbs for speech are very important because they allow you to name various actions.


Participle as a morphological phenomenon is interpreted in linguistics ambiguously. In some linguistic descriptions, the participle is considered independent part speech, in others - a special form of the verb.

The participle denotes a sign of an object by action, combines the properties of an adjective and a verb. IN oral speech participles are used less frequently than in writing.


Like the participle, the participle can be considered as an independent part of speech or as special form verb.

A gerund is a special form of a verb that has the following features:

  • 1. Indicates an additional action, answers the questions what by doing? or doing what?
  • 2. Has the grammatical features of a verb and an adverb.

Service parts of speech

Service parts are those parts of speech that, without independent parts of speech, cannot form a sentence and serve to connect independent units or to express additional shades of meaning.

The suggestion is service unit speech, which serves to connect the noun, pronoun and numeral with other words in the phrase. Prepositions can denote relationships between an action and an object (looking at the sky), an object and an object (a boat with a sail), a sign and an object (ready for self-sacrifice).

Prepositions do not change, they are not independent members of the sentence.

Linking independent words with each other, prepositions express, together with the endings of independent words, various semantic meanings.

A union is an official part of speech that serves to communicate homogeneous members sentences, parts of a complex sentence, as well as individual sentences in the text.

Unions do not change, are not members of the proposal.

A particle is a service part of speech, which serves to express shades of the meanings of words, phrases, sentences and to form word forms.

In accordance with this, the particles are usually divided into two categories - semantic and formative.

Particles do not change, are not members of the sentence.


Interjection is a special part of speech that does not belong either to the group of independent or to the group of service ones.

An interjection is a part of speech that combines words that express feelings, an impulse to action, or are formulas. speech communication(speech etiquette).

Remember! Words in Russian are divided into large groups - parts of speech. Each part of speech answers only its own questions, has its own features, fulfills its role in the sentence.

1. What parts of speech have you already met in Russian lessons? Give examples of these parts of speech. Find the parts of speech you don't know in the list below.

2. Read.

      Noun - school,
      Wakes up- verb.
      With an adjective happy
      A new school day has arrived.

      got up we- pronoun
      Beats the numeral seven.
      For learning, no doubt
      Everyone should be accepted...
      (O. Vysotskaya)

  • What parts of speech are in the poem? What other parts of speech do you know?
  • Write down 1-2 words from the poem that relate to these parts of speech.

Sample. Verb: beats, ... .


3. Read.

      Quiet go out became the stars
      AND Star Star said:
      "I dreamed that tonight
      I have been to Earth!

      All in lights and bright sequins
      Christmas tree in that hall stood,
      BUT at the Christmas tree on the top
      Proud brilliance I beamed!
      (B. Nikonova)

  • On what day could the Star have such a dream? What do these lines remind you of?
  • What parts of speech are the underlined words? On what basis did you identify them?
  • Write down the words of the Star. Test yourself.

Remember! To find out what part of speech a word is, you need to put a question to it and determine what this word means.

Book is a noun that answers a question what?, denotes subject.

draws is a verb that answers the question what does?, denotes action subject.

4. Read. Determine what part of speech each word is.

  1. Humpbacked, on, bridge, four, columns, stands.
  2. Buried, with, a ball, a stump, under, needles.
  • Make up a riddle sentence from the words of each group.
  • Write down riddles and riddles. Underline the basis of each sentence.

5. Read. Write by inserting the missing letters.

I admire h.. gum to.. rtina winter forest. See..sheeted sh..shkami decorated fir branches. Crossbills circled over the fir..yu. Nimble birds with crooked n .. themselves got .. out of sh .. shek s .. me.

  • Write the part of speech above each word of the first sentence (see Handout 4).
  • Choose any sentence and parse it verbally into sentence members. Underline the main terms in it.
  • Find words in sentences that are not part of the sentence. What part of speech are these words?

6. Read.

On the edge of the cliff, there was a birch. On a birch hung a gr..chino nest. Recently there appeared small..n..kie gr..chata.

One night, a strong storm began. She began to swing the birch from side to side.. well.

It was difficult for Birch to move over the edge of the cliff, but she did not give up. Birch used to grow not only for her life..life, but also for her life..life is small..n..their gr..chat. This gave her strength, and the birch resisted.

It's all over x.. well.

(V. Stepanov)

  • Decide on a topic and main idea text. Come up with a heading for the text that will reflect the main idea.
  • What is the most important thing in each section? Title each section.
  • Explain the spelling of words with missing letters. Write out difficult words from the text.
  • Write down the title. Prepare to write from memory of each part.

7. Consider the drawing. Determine its theme.

  • What is shown in the picture? Tell me.
  • Make up a story based on the picture. Get ready to tell it. Write down the text.
  • Determine what parts of speech you used in your text and for what purpose.

Noun- a part of speech denoting an object and answering the questions: who? what? (person, book). They differ by gender and change by cases and numbers. There are animate (working) and inanimate (TVs).

it seemed what part of speech

Adjective- a part of speech denoting a sign of an object and answering the questions: what? which? which? which? It varies by gender, number and case. Differs from communion that has no signs of pledge, type and time.

morphological analysis soon
  • Quality adjectives designate an irrelevant property of the object itself, capable of manifesting itself with different intensities: white, fast, old. Have short forms and degrees of comparison: white, faster, oldest, oldest.
  • Relative adjectives designate the property of an object through its relation to another object or action: door, iron, inflatable, measuring.
  • Possessive adjectives indicate who owns the object they define: fathers, sisters, foxes.
  • the number of items; answers the question how much? ( Cardinal numbers): two, fourteen, one hundred and twenty five;
  • the order of the items in the count; answers the question which? ( ordinals): second, fourteenth, one hundred twenty-fifth;
  • a group stands out among cardinal numbers collective numbers. denoting the number of objects as one whole: two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, ten, both, both.

Pronoun- a part of speech that indicates a person, object or sign, but does not name them. Pronouns are divided into:

what is the gender of the word cream
  • Personal. I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they.
  • returnable. myself.
  • Possessive. mine, ours, yours, yours.
  • Interrogative-relative. who, what, which, which, which, whose, how much.
  • pointing. this, that, such, such, so much.
  • Determinants. himself, most, all (all, all, all), everyone, everyone, any, other.
  • Negative. no one, nothing, none, no one, none, no one, nothing.
  • indefinite. someone, something, some, some, several, someone, something, some, some, something, etc.

Verb- a part of speech denoting an action or state and answering the questions: what to do? what is he doing? what have you been doing? what will do? It has signs of aspect, voice, person, number, tense, mood and gender (in the past tense, in the subjunctive mood).

morphemic analysis of the word to put on
  • Infinitive- an indefinite form of the verb without signs of person, number, tense, pledge, mood and gender: run, sleep, read.
  • Participle- a non-conjugated verb form denoting an action or state as such a sign of an object that can change over time. It varies by gender, number and case; has signs of pledge, type and time - this differs from adjective .
  • Real Communion denotes an action that is performed by the carrier of the sign: reading student, blossomed garden.
  • Passive Communion denotes a sign that arose as a result of the impact of someone (something) on ​​the bearer of the sign: abandoned stone, persecuted wind-blown leaves.
  • gerund- an invariable form of the verb, denoting an action as a sign of another action, for example: spoke, looking in the eyes; exhausted. sat down on the bench. Differs from communion that which does not change; has signs of type and pledge.

Adverb- a part of speech denoting a sign of an action, quality or object and answering the questions: how? when? why? where? and so on. The main feature is immutability: slowly, yesterday, foolishly, everywhere, etc. Adverbs also include pronominal adverbs: where, nowhere, like, no way, when, never, sometimes, from where, where, from here, there, there , why, because, therefore, why, then, etc.

compositional analysis only

Pretext- an official unchanging part of speech that connects words (distinguish from unions. which connect not words, but syntactic units: members of a sentence or parts of a complex sentence): in, to, from, to, from, y, through, between, for the sake of, through, during, around, about, like, relatively, according to, thanks to, later, in spite of, really, due to, depending on, in connection with, in relation to, etc.

parts of speech in Russian table with examples Grade 6

Union- an official invariable part of speech that connects the members of a sentence and / or parts of a complex sentence (distinguish from pretexts. which connect not syntactic units, but words).

heard part of speech
  • Coordinating conjunctions. and, yes, but, or, either, too, also.
  • Subordinating conjunctions. when, before, while, what, in order to, how, since, because, due to the fact that, so that, as if, as if, if, once, although, despite the fact that, in order to, not only. but also. not so much. How many. etc.

Particles- service words that give additional semantic or emotional shades to sentences and individual words: not, nor, something. -or. anything. -then. -those. -sya (sya). -ka. -de. whether, would, it happened, yes, let, let, even, really, only, almost, only, at least, perhaps, really, let, know, come on, well, they say, they say, after all, well, as if, as if, exactly, as if, like, supposedly, tea, perhaps, maybe, just, exactly, almost, almost, or something, etc.

youth composition analysis

Bundle- this is a service word torn off from the paradigm of a pronoun or a verb. Its function includes an indication of the syntactic relations between the components of the sentence. The connectives include the words this, the phrase this is, is (and other forms of the verb to be), conjugated forms of the verbs to appear, to appear, to mean, to mean, to be called. Ligaments are often omitted, and a dash is put in their place in the sentence: Car - [ eat] is not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

made communion

What else to read