What does it mean to protect nature - the creative part. Why is it necessary to protect nature? Consequences of nature depletion

Municipal budget preschool educational institution Kindergarten №15 "Mishutka" Educational area Communication (Cognitive development) Middle group Teacher Pestrikova Tamara Mikhailovna, Vladivostok

Someone threw it through my window

Look, the letter!

Maybe it's a ray of sunshine

What's tickling my face?

Maybe it's a sparrow

Did you drop it while flying?

A cat can write like a mouse,

Lured to the window?

Children, do you want to know who the letter came from? Then guess the riddle:

So that pines, lindens, spruce

They didn’t get sick, they turned green,

To new forests

Rising to the skies

Them to the sound and hubbub of birds

Who is guarding...? (Forester)

Well, what is he writing?

(Reading the letter)

"Dear Guys! Nature is beauty and the wealth of our Earth. But today she is in danger. For many years, people only took from nature everything that it can give to humans, and they themselves did not give anything in return. And now the moment has come when nature itself needs help! Seas and rivers are polluted, forests are ruthlessly cut down, animals and birds suffer. Many die. There are also those that are very few left, and they may disappear forever! And this will happen very soon if we do not preserve them, if we do not save them.

Guys! Nature is in danger. She's asking for help!

Help protect nature!”


Guys, this is a very alarming letter and we must definitely respond to it! Do you want to protect nature, save it from destruction? Become real conservationists? Let us then all go on a journey across our Earth to see where our help is needed. What will we go on? Since our city of Vladivostok is located on the seashore, we will go on a trip by ship. And, at the same time, we will admire the beauty of the sea.

Building a ship from chairs. Seating children.

Reading a poem "Sea" .

This is what the sea is like - without end and edge

Waves roll onto the sandy shore

The wind on the sea will stop being angry,

It will become clear who is there -

Hidden in the depths!

Let's look at the water. Do you think the water in the sea is clean? Yes, unfortunately, there is a lot of debris in the water, it is all covered with a greasy film. Why is this happening? People are thrown from ships and from the shore into the sea various rubbish, industrial enterprises discharge waste into water. So the blue sea turns into a dirty dump. And when the sea becomes polluted, it is bad for all fish and marine animals. What can you and I do to make the sea cleaner?

When you come to sunbathe on the beach, do not throw garbage, do not forget that all people must maintain cleanliness. When leaving the beach, help your parents clean up the place where you rested. Then everyone: both people and sea ​​inhabitants life will become better. How pleasant it will be to relax on a clean beach and swim in clear sea water!

But since we are at sea, let's see who lives in it.

P/game "Scallops and Starfish"

Let's say goodbye to the sea creatures and move on.

Here we are. Let's go out and see where we are?

Guys, say hello to the forest.

Poem "Hello, forest!" (choral reading)

Hello forest,

Dense forest

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night!

What do you whisper to us at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal?

What bird?

You open it, don’t hide it

You see, we are our own!

Is everything safe in the forest? Looks like no! After all, the forester wrote to us that nature is also in danger in the forest. (Poachers, hunters, fires, tourists).

Let's in

Let's remember how to behave in the forest?

D/game "Behave correctly in nature" (prohibition signs).

Yes, in our country many animals live in the steppes, forests, and taiga. There used to be a lot more of them. They were not afraid of people; they approached them boldly. But, gradually, there were fewer and fewer of them left, because they were exterminated. But this does not mean they were killed while hunting. For example, animals drink water from lakes and rivers, and enterprises dump their production waste there. Many animals and birds die during forest fires arising due to human negligence. People are ruthlessly cutting down many forests, which are home to many animals and birds. All this prevented birds and animals from living and reproducing.

How can we now protect animals and plants from destruction and death? (Reserves, "Red Book" ) .

Let's look through the pages of the Red Book together.

(Poems about rare plants and animals).


Under the spreading cedar there is dusk and shadow

The taiga wizard lives there - ginseng.

Like a little man his root

And arms, and legs, and he himself is about an inch tall.

But even though the little man root is small,

He can heal anyone with magical power.

I am the strict owner of the forest!

I like to sleep in a den in winter.

And all winter long

I dream of fragrant honey.

It's scary I might cry

Because I am a bear.

Yes, these are endangered species! Do you know that in nature everything is interconnected: plants, animals, birds, fish, insects. If one species goes extinct, many others will suffer. In nature, all the links cling to each other, like in a chain, and this chain cannot be destroyed, it is impossible to remove any one link from it. Let's build such a living chain of nature with you and check if this is true.

A game "Live Chain"

Children, with the help of the teacher, distribute the roles of living inhabitants of nature and plants, and, at the request of the teacher, create various food chains. Then the teacher removes one link (child) and invites the children to make the chain again. (The chain does not add up).

Poem: "Living Thread"

A living thread connected everyone forever -

A leaf, a snail and a man!

They live in the world like one family.

The Earth cannot do without an ant,

Water without fish, forest without animals,

And to man without all nature!

And you hold on to this thread,

So that nature's life does not end!

So we have returned from our trip. Guys, what should we answer the forester? Can you and I help nature? Yes, in order to protect nature from destruction, we must protect it and protect it. And now we know how to do it.

Proverbs about nature.

Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world.

Whoever destroys nature does not love his land.

Forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests.

The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest.

If there is a lot of forest, don’t destroy it, if there is not enough forest, take care of it; if there is no forest, plant it!

Nature is a plate. What you put in is what you take out!

Poem "Protect nature!"

So that the birds would sing and there would be fish,

So that we can lie down in the tall grass,

So that you and I could pet the hare,

A person needs to take care of all this!

Take care at any time of the year,

On a hot afternoon, take care even in the snow,

Please take care of nature,

Take care of nature, Man!


We are accustomed to being surrounded by plants, animals, sunlight flows around in golden streams every morning. It seems to us that all this was, is and will always be. There will always be a green carpet of grass in the meadows, flowers will bloom, enchanting us with their aroma, birds will sing in the forests, sea waves will roll over the coastal pebbles with a quiet rustle, depths of the sea will always be full of secrets and mysteries, and the bowels of the earth will always give their riches so that we can live light, warm and comfortable on our planet Earth. We think this way because we are used to receiving all this, and we forget that the amazing and sometimes unexpected world that surrounds us and accepts us is subject to continuous change. That the apparent immutability of living nature is as deceptive as the feeling that the sun is moving across the sky around the Earth is deceptive. We are accustomed to using the gifts of nature for our own purposes. For our own benefit, we rarely think about the harm and damage we cause to nature.

Why is it necessary to protect nature? Yes, simply because everything in this world is not eternal. Because by damaging nature, we harm ourselves. How will we breathe if the air is filled with harmful gases? What will we drink if the water is not potable because it is contaminated? What will we admire if there are no forests, fields and meadows with flowers? Nature needs to be preserved and protected so that we can breathe fresh air, drink and swim in clean water, and enjoy the beauty of fields, meadows, and forests. We must take care of it not only for ourselves, but also for the next generations, for the animals, birds, insects and fish living on our planet.

Nature must not perish! It should flourish, become prettier and become more beautiful and diverse every day.

The work was completed by 3rd grade student Kokoulin Mikhail

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Nature must be protected and protected from fires, pollution and deforestation. Nature is main source oxygen, because thanks to it we breathe. If you cut down just one tree and plant a new one in its place, it will take many years before it grows. Nature helps people live. She gives us berries and mushrooms.

More than a thousand hectares of forest burn down every year. Therefore, we need to be very careful in the forest and not light fires.

Many plants and factories discharge their waste into rivers. From this waste, fish die in the river, the forest and all living things around die.

But now the state has begun to spend a lot of money on nature conservation. They began to install gazebos in the forests so that people could relax and breathe fresh air in the forest.

That is why we need to protect nature so that this beauty does not perish.

The work was completed by 6th grade student Evgeniy Kokoulin

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Studying nature means studying the world around us: stones, plants, animals, climate, water, soil.

We need to love nature, save it from destruction, protect and preserve it. You must not harm nature: pick flowers, throw away garbage, litter rivers and reservoirs, which we must preserve and protect. Nature is like a friend to us. And we need to protect nature from ourselves: forests, fields, rivers.

“Please love and protect nature.” If it is not protected, then forests, flowers, rivers, animals will not be able to live without nature, and humans will not be able to live without nature.

The work was completed by 6th grade student Alena Sedelnikova

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

"Protect the environment!" - these words are often said during class. However, what can ordinary schoolchildren do? How will they be able to save nature?

Over time, children will grow up, start working in enterprises, founding their own companies, which can harm the environment. Already from kindergarten, children need to be taught to care about nature and the environment.

Why are there so many environmental problems now?

Because many people have no idea that they need to take care of nature. Earth- this is our home, we should not pollute it. Where will we live if we destroy it?

Many people are ready to do anything for their own benefit; they think only about themselves. These people have no sense of responsibility. Therefore, in order to protect nature, we need to take care of forests, not pollute rivers and lakes, and teach the future generation to take care of nature.

If you previously thought that natural resources endless, that there is no need to think about it, then now everything is different. Some countries are spending huge amounts of money to restore environment.

The work was completed by 7th grade student Oleg Kotelnikov

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Nature is an important and necessary habitat not only for humans, but also for animals. Simple conclusions lead to the conclusion that the call “Take care of nature!” It’s not that difficult to perform, you just need to think about your actions more often. One can imagine that the serene happiness of human communication with nature could be threatened.

Man himself most often becomes a threat to nature. After all big damage starts small. Nature is the beauty of our land. It gives us food, oxygen, and forests - wood. Nature must be protected, but we, on the contrary, destroy it.

Firstly, people cut down many trees in a year, but it takes many years for one tree to grow.

Secondly, we often make fires, and because of this, fires happen. Then people invest millions of money in forest protection funds.

Thirdly, over the past decades, during the development of oil and gas fields, forests and animals have been irrevocably destroyed.

Why don’t people value nature, because it provides so many useful and needed by the person. And people respond by destroying it. After all, we are the masters of our nature, and it is the pantry of the sun with all its treasures. And we must preserve it. After all, by destroying a whole link, we destroy the whole chain. By harming nature, we harm ourselves.

So let's not make fires in the forests, let's not kill animals, break tree branches and pollute rivers and lakes!

Nature is our life, which is why it is so important to protect and preserve it!

The work was completed by 7th grade student Daria Kotelnikova

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

People often ask the question: “Why do we need to protect nature?”

But why really?

People think that man is in charge in nature and everything is allowed to him. But they are very much mistaken in this.

Firstly, nature created us to protect it.

Secondly, in nature everything is interconnected...

If there is no air on Earth, then everyone will die: people, animals, birds, fish, trees. If the rivers suddenly dry up, what will happen then... The trees will dry up, animals and people will die without water.

So let's protect the environment! In nature, everything is interconnected.

The work was completed by 4th grade student Shkarednaya Snezhana

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Nature must be protected so that living organisms can live.

For example, remove garbage, look for different cans, and then send it for recycling.

Always clean up after yourself. Make plants and factories work in such a way that they produce less waste.

We need to help nature and protect it.

The work was completed by a 5th grade student Vladislav Ploskonosov

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

Like other living beings, we need the warmth and light of the sun, air, water, food. And what else? Clothes and shoes, housing, transport, books...

For a happy and joyful life, each of us needs to see the beautiful around us - in nature, in our home and in the city. We also need the love and attention of loved ones, and we ourselves need to love someone and take care of someone. We need friends with whom we can have fun and who will help us Hard time.

Everything that people need for life is called needs. Every person has needs for water and air, food, clothing and shoes, housing, transportation, education and medical care.

Where does everything that is needed to satisfy needs come from? Nature gives us a lot. Air, pure water from a spring, the warmth and light of the sun, the beauty of a flowering meadow and starry sky, the joy of meeting a bird, animal or bright butterfly - we get all this directly from nature. The love and care of loved ones, friendship, help in difficult times - this is what we receive by communicating with other people.

The work was completed by 3rd grade student Victoria Volkova

municipal government educational institution basic secondary school in the village of Strelskaya


“Why is it necessary to protect nature?”

We live on planet Earth, this is our common Home. We need to learn to love and take care of it - the house in which we live.

We have a common roof over our heads - blue sky. The common floor under our feet is the earth. We have one lamp and a stove for all of us - the gentle sun. We have a common water supply - these are rain and snow clouds. It only seems to us that our Earth is huge and vast. And if you look at it from space, it is not that big. In just an hour and a half you can fly around it spaceship. So we really need to know and take care of the house in which we live.

Time flies quickly. We will finish school and become adults. What kind of world will we live in?

The Earth is just a small particle of the Universe, but only on it, as scientists still know, is there life. This means we must try to ensure that the nature of our common home is not just preserved, but becomes richer and more beautiful.

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals,

This will only make us kinder,

Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers,

You and I need such a planet.

The work was completed by 3rd grade student Valeria Nogovitsyna

IN school curriculum There are many different options for tasks. The essay “Take care of nature” is one of them. It is necessary to tell boys and girls how to cope with such a task correctly in order to get a good grade and earn praise from the teacher.

What should the essay “Take care of nature” be like?

The main thing is that the essay be written sincerely, from the heart. Every line needs to be filled with meaning and emotion. Therefore, the essay “Take care of nature” should include:

  • Experiences.
  • Thoughts on how people can preserve nature.
  • Recommendations.
  • Personal examples of how a student cares about nature.

Each essay “Take care of nature” can have its own mood and duration. The main thing is to fully express your thoughts and talk about your experiences.

Essay plan

So that the discussion on the topic “Take care of nature” is written correctly and carries useful information, you need to invite the child to write a story according to plan. As an example, you can take this variant of the writing sequence:

  • Introductory part. In this section of the essay you need to briefly describe the problem of nature conservation. Talk about the actions by which people spoil and destroy the environment.
  • Main part. Here we should cite specific examples how to save nature. It would also be a good idea to talk about your personal methods of preserving the environment.
  • Completion. IN last section essay, you need to summarize and draw conclusions about everything written in the argument.

This is the standard plan for school essay"Protect the environment". Based on this order of writing, you can draw up a more detailed plan.

Essay “People, take care of nature” for elementary grades

Children studying in the first grades are quite capable of talking about their thoughts on what nature is and how to preserve it. The essay “Why we need to protect nature” for the youngest schoolchildren could be as follows:

Nature is our life. After all, trees purify the air we breathe, and forests and parks delight the soul with their beauty. If each of us does not start caring about nature, then over time there will be nothing to admire.

Personally, I always take care of nature. When walking in the forest, I try not to break branches from the trees, and when walking through the park, I try not to pick the flowers that grow in the clearings. I also help my grandparents plant new trees at their dacha. And then care for the plants with excitement and care and watch them grow.

I believe that every person is obliged to take care of nature, because there are many of us, but there is only one. If someone does not have the opportunity to plant new trees, then we must at least try not to destroy what nature itself has given us.

This essay-reasoning “How I take care of nature” is suitable for students in the first three grades. Each student can tell his own story own story, but the main idea should not be lost.

Essay for high school students

Older children in fifth grade and above can talk in more depth about how to preserve nature. As an example, you can take this version of the essay:

Nature is much more important than any of us might think. Animals live in forests that could not exist if there were no nature around them. People, thanks to trees and shrubs, can breathe purified air. And an ordinary trip to nature, for example to a barbecue, saturates a person with kind and pleasant emotions. It is worth taking care of nature so as not to deprive yourself of this happiness.

Personally, I try my best to protect Mother Nature. I try to conserve natural resources. For example, I always turn off the water in the tap after myself, and turn off the gas when the food is cooked. When I relax with my parents in nature, I never leave trash behind. After all, over time, even one piece of paper left on the ground can cause damage to plants located nearby. I also never throw garbage into waterways. Firstly, it is uncivilized, and secondly, if everyone throws out even one small candy wrapper, then instead of seas, rivers and lakes, in the near future we will have puddles of garbage.

If every person at least sometimes thinks about the fact that nature needs to be protected and cherished, then we will be able to preserve the beauty that surrounds us. The main thing is to never forget that one small wrong action can have a detrimental effect on what surrounds us.

Such an essay with deep meaning will help the student earn a high grade, as well as praise from the teacher.

Short essay about nature conservation

If children do not like to express their thoughts in detail, then you can invite them to write a short essay. As an example, you can take this option:

It is imperative to protect nature. The most important thing is that everyone remembers this, because only together we can make a significant contribution to environmental protection and avoid environmental disaster.

You can protect nature in different ways:

  • Introduce innovations into the operation of factories so that harmful substances do not enter the environment.
  • Save water by not leaving taps running when they are not needed.
  • Plant trees.
  • Do not break plants that come along the way.
  • Watch your culture and do not throw garbage in the wrong places.

These simple actions will allow us to preserve what we have, and maybe even improve the state of the environment as a whole. But in order for there to be any effect, every person on the globe must think about what contribution they make to the conservation of nature.

This essay is also suitable for schoolchildren. Therefore, you can take it into account.

Nowadays, when industry is developing at tremendous speed, nature conservation is an integral part of life. Cities are growing, and with them the number of factories, various equipment and a lot of things that pollute the environment are increasing. Car exhaust gases alone contain 280 types of harmful substances.

Conscientious business owners are trying to build treatment facilities to at least somehow secure our world. Unfortunately, there are those who, neglecting the law, destroy and destroy nature. People always need natural material, wood, stone, oil. Every year, 11 million hectares of forest are cut down, which is 10 times more than the forest can grow. Water bodies are blocked, which leads to death river inhabitants and rivers drying up.

It is the duty of every person to protect and preserve nature, otherwise soon people simply will not be able to live on planet Earth. Nowadays it is difficult to find a pond or forest lawn that is not polluted household waste. But plastic takes about 180 years to decompose. If this continues, soon we will not see the ground under our feet. Everything will be covered with a carpet of plastic products. Already, a huge number of animals and plants are listed in the Red Book. It has been proven that 1% of animals die annually. Over 20 years, 19% of corals have disappeared in the world's oceans. Not surprising, since about 9 million tons of waste are dumped into the ocean every year. Scientists have already concluded that reckless use of resources will devastate the planet in 60 years.

It’s worth thinking about and understanding how important it is careful attitude to ecology. If everyone understands the dangers of environmental pollution, perhaps we will be able to preserve and conserve necessary for people resources. Loving and respecting the land on which we live is not at all difficult.

Essay with numerals and numerical facts grade 6

Essay Take care of your native nature for 7th grade.

Most families love to go on vacation in nature. Having escaped from cramped houses and stuffy cities, we rejoice in the open spaces and fresh air. Both children and adults love to walk through forests, swim in rivers and lakes. For many summer vacation will not be considered successful if you do not go to the sea. Even in cities, in these man-made creations of progress, people try to relax in public gardens and parks, where many trees grow and flowers bloom.

Unfortunately, people take nature for granted. He rarely thinks about the fact that she needs to be protected. We are used to only taking, without looking back to assess the damage we cause to the environment.

In geography lessons we are taught that most natural resources non-renewable. This means that over time there will be catastrophically few of them, or there will be none at all. We should think about being more economical with minerals.

Moreover, even renewable resources such as clean air fresh water and fertile soil can become almost a luxury for our descendants, because they become polluted. It’s not just factories and factories that pollute them, not just cars. We, too, are ordinary people, polluting them.

This is clearly visible in recreation areas. It often happens that after two or three years the traditional place where the whole family used to go changes. This is not due to the fact that it gets boring, but because it becomes unpleasant to be there. There is nothing left of the pure forest or lake shore. Everything around begins to look like a garbage dump.

Not many people think that they are the source of these unrest. We are not trying to undo the harm we have caused, but trying to simply leave such a place. But with such an attitude, it may very soon happen that there will be nowhere to go.

Nowadays, people are gradually starting to think about the future. Production is becoming cleaner and waste-free. Both at home and in in public places are beginning to use energy-saving technologies. This state of affairs cannot but rejoice.

Short mini essay reasoning grade 5.

We need to be more careful about nature, because if everything goes the way we see now, then our descendants will have to live in a desert world in which there will be no such familiar and pleasant things for us as a clean forest, clear water And clear sky. You need to start small: start taking care of yourself, don’t throw trash around and treat nature with respect. To protect nature means to protect people!

4 version of the theme Take care of nature

From the very early years The mother tells the baby how snowflakes fall, how the leaves turn yellow and fall in the fall, where the river flows. Nature surrounds man from the first days of life. And everyone knows that it must be treated with care. But, unfortunately, knowledge is rarely applied in practice.

All the beauty of the world around us depends only on man. But the constant development of heavy industry, the test nuclear weapons, space exploration only worsens the environment, polluting the atmosphere.

Large-scale environmental pollution remains a big problem of our time. And this negatively affects a person’s overall well-being and health. Therefore, conferences, seminars, and symposiums are held annually in different countries world, in which scientists are trying to decide how to strike a balance between high rates of industrial development and preservation of the environment. At first glance it may seem that such global problems do not apply to each person individually. But you can save nature by starting with simple savings. Electricity and water are resources that are used every day in every family. By starting to save them, you can contribute to the great common cause of preserving wildlife.

Making the Earth cleaner by taking care of everyone is very simple. Others may follow the example of one, which means that the native spaces will become cleaner and more beautiful. The main thing is not to forget about the basic children's rules: do not destroy the anthill, do not burn dry vegetation, do not break trees and do not throw away garbage. Parents and grandparents, taking care of the forest and river, city squares and parks, instill in the child a sense of duty and responsibility for nature. After all, throw it away plastic bottle It’s not difficult to put into the trash bin, and it’s also easy to clean up the trash after spending time in nature. And for nature this is an invaluable contribution, and the likelihood that future generations will see its beauty.

Essay-reasoning Take care of nature for 6th grade

Each of us is a small, but not separate, piece of nature. When we are still children, we see and notice all the little things that nature shows us. As we age, we stop noticing all the delights of the world around us. And the worst thing is that we not only don’t notice, but also begin to harm her. But since childhood, our parents and teachers tell us that we need to protect nature, but we simply don’t pay attention when we spoil and kill it. It would be worth it.

After all, nature can be a psychologist, you just need to take your time, stop, take a closer look, and think. There are a lot of clues in nature that can help in life. Sometimes it is useful to enjoy simple snow or early dew.

In winter, when snow falls, the city turns into a fairy tale. The trees and houses are covered with snow, they are simply mesmerizing. With the onset of spring, everything begins to melt, but at the same time all plants and animals awaken. We are essentially watching the birth of new lives. The first buds appear on the trees, the first leaves appear, unattractive caterpillars turn into charming butterflies, snowdrops appear, all this simply fascinates and enchants our eyes. But at the same time, with the snow melting, we can also observe mountains of garbage that are killing our nature and us along with it, and it’s all our fault.

We should think about what will happen in a few years if we pollute nature in the same way as now. We are used to going fishing and hunting, but at the same time we do not think about the fact that this is murder and we are essentially destroying the population of animals and fish. More and more new animals are appearing in the Red Book, which not long ago were in abundance. At this rate, in the near future we will have neither meat nor fish, we kill, pollute, grow vegetables, but at the same time we give nothing to nature in return.

In the fight for the safety of nature, everyone must first start with themselves. Do not throw cigarette butts, bottles, or pieces of paper on the grass. You should organize cleanup days throughout the city more often, and if you like to go fishing, then this should be done in designated places, for example, in an ice hole or lake, where there is fish that is specially raised for fishing, the same applies to animals.

The forest most often suffers at the hands of people. You should not make fires in the forest or fields, this can lead to irreparable consequences. Do not ignore warnings and prohibitions, because by such actions you can harm not only nature, but also yourself. On the contrary, we need to plant trees and grow flowers.
In pursuit of money, people stop noticing the gifts of nature, but if you love nature and take care of it, you can feel tremendous love. Because pure nature. This is not only clean air, but also environmentally friendly products.

Nature has the ability to independently restore its functions and properties, but this takes long years. Therefore, we must help her, since we ourselves need it, otherwise the following behavior will no longer be able to admire the nature that we do not pay attention to. Let's keep order together.

A short mini essay for elementary school (4th grade).

My parents and I often relax in nature. Most of all I like to go to the forest, it’s very nice river, I swim there very often. But over time, my parents and I go out into nature less and less, because every year it becomes very dirty there, the river becomes so dirty that it is impossible to go there.

We also often go out with our parents to clean-up days, my mother teaches me that nature needs to be protected and looked after, because it is nature that gives energy and strength. At school we are told that we are the future generation and it is up to us what nature will be like. Therefore, I take care of what I love, and I love nature.

topic 7th grade, 6th grade, essay on the Russian language 5th and 4th grade.

Today is my last day of school in my home school. I've been working towards this for a very long time. They're waiting for me ahead final exams. And then the prom itself.

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    Take care of nature - essay for grade 6

    I really like to relax in nature. Walk in the forest, swim in the river. But in Lately We have polluted the seas and rivers, forests and steppes so much that it becomes scary for future generations. IN given time They talk a lot about nature conservation. The subject of ecology was introduced in schools. During these lessons they discuss the situation in the world around us, how it is easy to upset the balance in nature, but how difficult it is to restore what has been disturbed. Nature itself is restored, but very slowly, so people must protect and protect the world in which they live.

    People in pursuit of prestige and money destroyed numerous types animals, some species of which can no longer be restored, or some nature connoisseurs have only a few left. A predator, chasing an animal, wants one thing - to eat. He won't kill more than he needs. And there is harmony and balance in this. Man destroys everything he sees, he needs more and more. And as a result, he will destroy all living things.

    I believe that if every person keeps clean in their yard, in the forest where they walk, in the enterprise where they work, everything around them will change! I hope that people will come to their senses, stop destroying the land on which they live and understand that our planet does not exist for one-time use.

    An essay about how important it is to protect nature

    I'm scared to imagine that the serene happiness of human communication with nature is in danger. Even more frightening is the thought that man himself often becomes a threat to nature. After all, big damage starts small.

    Nature is the beauty of our Earth. It gives us food, oxygen, and forests - wood. Nature needs to be protected, but on the contrary, we are destroying it.

    Firstly, people cut down more than two million trees a year, and for one tree to grow, you have to wait from twenty to fifty years.

    Secondly, we often make fires. Because of this, fires often occur. Millions of plants are dying. Thirdly, during a fire, animals have to leave. Then people invest millions of money in funds to protect forests and restore flora and fauna.

    Fourthly, over the past decades, during the development of oil and gas fields, forests and animals have been irrevocably destroyed.

    We are the masters of our nature, and she is the pantry of the sun with all its treasures. And we must preserve it. After all, by destroying one link, we destroy the whole chain. So let's not make fires in the forests, let's not kill animals, break tree branches and pollute rivers and lakes!

    And one more essay

    Protect the environment! These words are often said in class hour. However, what can ordinary schoolchildren do? How will they be able to save nature? Over time, children will grow up, start working in enterprises, founding their own companies, which can harm the environment. Therefore, even then, responsibility for the environment was embedded in their consciousness. They will protect nature.

    Already from kindergarten, children need to be taught to care about nature and the world around them. Why are there so many environmental problems now? Because many people have no idea that they need to take care of nature. The globe is our home, we should not pollute it. Where will we live if we destroy it?

    Many people are ready to do anything for their own benefit, they think only about themselves, they are not bothered by the thought that their descendants will live on this earth. These people have no sense of responsibility. Therefore, in order to protect nature, we need to work a lot and work primarily with children, we must teach the future generation to take care of nature.

    If previously it was believed that natural resources are inexhaustible, that there is no need to think about it, now everything is different. Some countries are spending huge amounts of money to restore the environment.

    Some facts in numbers:

    1. Average family V North America, Europe and Australia throw out more than 1 ton of garbage every year.
    2. About seven billion kilograms of garbage, mostly plastic, are dumped into the world's oceans every year.
    3. Every day, on average, a thousand children in India die from diarrhea and other diseases that develop from drinking contaminated water.

    Advice: Do not rewrite the essay without changes. Essays are provided to assist in writing.

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