Danila is a church name. Love and family relationships. Name Danil, Danila, Daniel: different names or not

Forms of the name Daniel

Common name options: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danila, Danechka, Danchik, Danyushechka, Dan, Danka, Dan, Dunn, Danni, Danil, Danill, Daniil, Daniila, . Synonyms for the name Daniel. Danila, Danilo, Danil, Daniel, Daniel, Deiniol. Short and diminutive options: Danya, Danechka, Danik, Danilka, Danusya.

Middle names: Daniilovich, Danilovich, Danilovna, Danilovna; colloquial form: Danilych.

Name Daniel in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 丹尼爾 (Dānní"ěr). Japanese: ダニエル (Danieru). Zulu: ડેનિયલ (Ḍēniyala). Hindi: डैन ियल (Ḍainiyala).Ukrainian: Danilo Greek: Δανιήλος (Daniilos) English: Daniel (Daniel).

Origin of the name Daniel

The name Daniel is derived from Daniel. This name was borne by the prophet Daniel, who is the only bearer of this name in the Bible. The name Daniel literally translates as “God is my judge,” “God is my judge,” “God is the judge.” The original "Daniel" is two-base: "dan" (judge) and "el" or "eel" (God); therefore it allows for multiple interpretations. Most often the name is translated as “judge”, “fair man”, “God’s court”.

The feminine form of the name Daniel is Daniella, . A diminutive term for the owners of these names, Dana, is also an independent name.

Character of Daniel

Daniel is a decent person with excellent intuition, always willing to communicate. He never shows strong emotions and behaves quite calmly. He is not inclined to rush in business. He does everything slowly and judiciously. Even under difficult life circumstances, he will be able to maintain a positive attitude.

Daniel is kind, smart and hardworking. At first glance, he may seem invisible in the team. But his positive traits and powerful energy quickly set him apart from the rest. Family ties are very important to Daniel. All significant events In life, the owner of this name always tries to spend holidays among his family. He loves his home very much. He always helps his wife with housework. Happy to receive guests. Behind Daniel’s calmness, not every woman is able to discern the real masculine core in him.

Daniel cannot stand lies. Seeing that they are trying to deceive him, he is capable of losing his temper. But despite this, he quickly moves away. The owner of this name lives in his own world. He is respected in society. In addition, he has exceptional intuition, which he can always rely on. The only thing Daniel lacks is curiosity. He is an excellent analyst with a good imagination.

Daniel is a fairly moral person. It often displays scrupulousness, which is sometimes inappropriate.

The mystery of the name Daniel

This name came to us from the Bible, and denotes a Hebrew prophet. Modern men with this name are balanced and sociable.
Autumn Daniels have a slightly selfish and pragmatic character. They are accustomed to counting everything in advance, and therefore will be able to achieve certain success in their chosen profession.

Winter Daniels are talented. They are quick-tempered, but quickly move away and forgive their offense. Such men love loneliness, rarely find a common language with others or are willing to make acquaintances. Such men are professionals in their field, love to travel, and remain young until old age. IN family life they are not picky, understand their wife and help her.

In company, Daniil can drink, play card game or stay late. He loves to dance and is good at it. Such men are good teachers, doctors, administrators, artists, entrepreneurs, engineers, builders, shoemakers, and drivers.

General description of the name Daniel

From Hebrew - “God is my judge.”

IN early childhood- a calm and smiling child, no more than all children. Daniels are like their mother, sympathetic, kind, but cunning. They love to play football, are fond of wrestling, tennis, gymnastics, but this is all just for health.

These men are very hot-tempered, jealous, and often impulsive.

Those born in winter are talented, although they find it difficult to communicate with others. “Autumn” are prudent, pragmatic and selfish. By profession they are administrators, doctors, teachers, electronics engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, as well as drivers, shoemakers, and builders. Their marriage is usually successful. They love children, but usually do not help their wife around the house. They enjoy spending time at the dacha. Sociable and hospitable. They dance well and sing in company. Immensely kind to family and friends.

“Winter” ones are quick-tempered, but not vindictive, they quickly move away and immediately make peace. They love to leave and return home. Kind and responsive. They hardly change with age, they just get fatter. They are not picky about food and will never reprimand their wife about a tasteless dinner. They don't wear things very carefully. Preferentialists.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color name: yellow
Radiation: 83%
Planet: Mercury
Stone-mascot: blue jasper
Plant: holly
Totemic animal: sperm whale
Basic features character Daniel: morality, sociability, intuition

Additional characteristics of the name:

Vibration: 76,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 83%
Psyche: balanced
Health Daniil: you need to take care of your teeth and intestines

The meaning of the name Daniel for life

Daniel is very quick-tempered, jealous, and impulsive. Overly energetic, overly fussy. His energy is looking for a way out, and if he is not busy with something that takes up a lot of energy, he becomes irritable and dissatisfied. He must be constantly in the thick of things, in the whirlwind life's vicissitudes. He cannot live without communication and has many friends. He chooses his friends carefully, and rarely lets anyone close to him. He is very secretive and never shares his secrets even with his loved ones. Daniel marries after twenty-five years, usually his marriage is quite happy. Daniel loves children very much, and not only his own. You can often find a pediatrician with this name. Daniel is attached to his family, respects his wife’s opinion, although he rarely shares his problems with her, he tries to settle everything himself. If he has a dacha, he enjoys working in the garden beds and loves growing flowers. Hospitable, cheerful in company, sings and dances well. Immensely kind to family and friends, easily finds a common language with his wife’s parents.

Meaning of the name Daniel for sex

Daniil tends to be overweight; with age he becomes obese and inactive. He is not picky about food, and is always pleased with his wife’s cooking. Not very neat, does not take care of things. He is passionate and loves to play preference.

He often changes partners, but prefers not to talk about his love affairs. He is capable of each of his many girlfriends, even if a short time, give happiness. However, he is not omnivorous: he prefers experienced partners, nevertheless he chooses one of two women: a primitive, uncultured professional or an inexperienced intellectual - he will certainly prefer the second, feeling a kindred spirit in her. He is fluent in the art of sex and always achieves orgasm simultaneously with his partner, carefully listening to her erotic experiences. The crown of intimate intimacy for him is the resulting feeling of spiritual and physical satisfaction, deep gratitude to his partner. The “summer” Daniel has a primary selfless heartfelt attachment to a woman: it gives rise to passion, a desire for possession, and sexual contact. First of all, he wants to be loved, to share all the joys and worries with his girlfriend, he knows how to live not only for himself, but also for her. “Winter” Daniel is not characterized by such deep feelings; intimate intimacy sometimes comes down to a desire to relieve sexual tension, often it does not bring him moral satisfaction, psychological comfort, and sometimes even leads to disappointment. He gives great value sexual harmony in marriage, therefore, when preparing to get married, Daniel also pays attention to sexuality: his chosen one.

The name Daniel as a phrase

D Welcome
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
L People

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Daniel

Compatibility of the name Daniil and patronymic

Daniil Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yuryevich is quick-tempered over trifles, but quickly moves away, soft in character, especially with loved ones. He seems timid with women, but he is not. He just respects a woman very much, is not pushy, and is courteous. Daniel is sexy, gentle, sensitive. He has many girlfriends, but even with a fleeting romance he is able to make a woman happy for a short time. Endowed with enormous vitality, active and energetic. He chooses as his wife a woman who can appreciate him at his true worth. Strengthening his self-esteem, she receives in return great love, the sincerity of which cannot be doubted. Daniel is looking for a woman who would embody his ideal wife, but does not really hope for success. However, Daniel never gets discouraged, and, as a rule, he does. fears are in vain. He always marries successfully, his marriage is stable and happy. He often gives birth to boys, but Daniil is looking forward to his daughter. Often there are three or more children in his family. Daniel himself is involved in their upbringing, although he does not exclude his wife from this.

Daniil Alexandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Timofeevich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich easily succumbs to the influence of others, but it is difficult to give up his habits. He does not like to change his place of residence and has difficulty getting used to new circumstances and changes in life. He does not marry for a long time, he is afraid of the complications associated with this. He is not too demanding of his friends, loves them very much, is devoted, and cannot refuse their request, which many take advantage of. Vulnerable, touchy, suffers from heightened pride. Waits for universal recognition, considers himself underestimated. He needs to have a friend nearby who will help him believe in himself and instill hope in him. His wife, whom he carefully chooses, becomes such a friend for him. He looks closely at his beloved for a long time, evaluates the sincerity of her feelings. Daniel marries once, no matter how his relationship with his wife develops, he does not agree to divorce.

He doesn’t get divorced because he finds it difficult to adapt to new conditions, takes a long time to rebuild psychologically, and, in addition, he is very attached to his children and cannot imagine his life without them. Children of different sexes are born. He does not pretend to be a leader in the family, but he also does not allow serious issues to be resolved without his knowledge. He loves when his wife consults with him, even in small things. Then he allows her to act at her own discretion, but his pride is satisfied.

Daniil Bogdanovich, Velyaminovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is sociable, loves his friends, and what he expects from them. He has many partners, is amorous, can date several women at the same time, but does not particularly single out any of them. It takes him a long time to choose his wife, and he cannot decide which of his lovers he likes best. Sexy, attentive to women. Most of all he values ​​good nature, meekness and wit in a woman. He himself has a subtle sense of humor and loves a good joke. Noble, will never offend a woman. When faced with meanness, he gets lost and doesn’t know how to behave. Trusting, he doesn’t expect a trick from anyone. He strives for constancy of feelings, which provides him with emotional balance, but achieves it only after starting a family. Daniel good husband, attentive father. Peace and harmony reign in his house. He does not allow raised voices, he knows how to control himself, although he is very hot-tempered. Children of different sexes are born, but more often girls. He has an innate sense of justice, but in fact he is prudent and not prone to unjustified risks. He will not conflict in order to protect the offended, but he is very worried that he has shown cowardice. Daniil loves nature, often spends time with his family outside the city, and loves business trips. Easy to climb.

Daniil Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Denisovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is too emotional, but even more calculating and knows with whom and how to behave. Friends love him for his concentration, ability to quickly solve problems, for good advice. A favorite of women, he captivates them with his sincerity and frankness. Very sexy, but never reassures his partner in vain. Relationships are built on mutual freedom and independence. It takes a long time to choose a life partner, while taking into account all her qualities. His wife should be pretty, smart, witty, and well-mannered. But the most important thing is that she must be temperamental. Sex plays a paramount role in Daniel's married life. More often than not, girls are born to him. Daniel is a very affectionate husband and father, he adores his household. He gets along easily with his wife's relatives and never forgets about his family. Daniel may have an affair on the side if his wife does not correspond to his ideas about sexual relations in the family. But more often than not, Daniel does not burden himself with the troubles associated with love affairs.

Daniil Alanovnch, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich, strong in character, quick-tempered, stubborn, unyielding. Amorous, loves beautiful ones, a little overweight women. He himself becomes overweight with age. A gourmand, he doesn’t limit himself in anything. Selfish and proud. Doesn't tolerate pressure. In a family, the leader does not allow his wife to control him, much less lead him. Intemperate and harsh. When drunk he is very jealous and can cause a scandal. Having sobered up, he torments himself with remorse. He easily asks for forgiveness and does the same again. Cheerful and cheerful. Despite all his shortcomings, Daniel is loved by women and adored by his wife. He is witty, attentive, gentle. And although his outbursts of anger are unexpected, they are short-lived. He is like a child - he plays mischief, blames himself, and plays mischief again. His friends forgive him a lot, he is reliable in friendly relations, and will never refuse help. But most of all, his daughters love him. Daniil idolizes his children, spends a lot of time with them, goes skiing, hiking, and takes them fishing. He often goes to the stadium with girls when his favorite team plays a football match. Daniel's wife does not have to complain that he is a bad Master. Daniil does everything in the house with his own hands, loves to make things, and easily copes with apartment renovations. He is very attached to home and family.

Sexuality of the name Daniel

He seems very modest, sometimes somewhat timid; a woman does not immediately discern masculine strength in him. Meanwhile, he is temperamental and sexually quite active.

He often changes partners, but prefers not to talk about his love affairs. He is able to give happiness to each of his many girlfriends, albeit for a short time. However, he is not omnivorous: of course, he prefers experienced partners, but if he needs to choose between one who has excellent command of sexual techniques, but is primitive and uncultured, and a woman who is much less experienced, but highly educated, in whom he feels a spiritual kinship - Daniel will certainly prefer the second.

He masters the art of sexual love and during intimate intimacy he always achieves orgasm simultaneously with his partner, carefully listening to her erotic experiences. The crown of intimate intimacy for him is the resulting feeling of spiritual and physical satisfaction, deep gratitude to his partner.

The “summer” Daniel has a primary selfless heartfelt attachment to a woman, and this already gives rise to passion, a desire for possession, and sexual contact. First of all, he wants to be loved, to share all the joys and worries with his girlfriend, he knows how to live not only for himself, but also for her.

“Winter” Daniel does not have such deep feelings; intimate intimacy sometimes comes down to the desire to relieve sexual tension, often it does not bring him moral satisfaction, psychological comfort, and sometimes leads to disappointment. He attaches great importance to sexual harmony in marriage; when preparing to get married, Daniel also pays attention to the sexuality of his chosen one. He is patient with his wife, tries to give in to her, cheating on his wife is practically unknown to him.

Positive traits of the name: Concentration, desire for analysis, improvement. As a child, Danila does not ask questions, but tries to find an explanation for everything himself. He is diligent and calmly brings the job he starts to completion. Danila is alien to rudeness, assertiveness, aggressiveness, and strong emotions (both negative and positive). Negative traits of the name: Uncertainty in the company of unfamiliar people (afraid of looking funny), helplessness, internal conflicts, constant dissatisfaction, “self-flagellation.” Choosing a profession by name: The ability to analyze one’s own behavior and movements of the soul predisposes Danila to the profession of a psychologist, psychiatrist, and spiritual shepherd. He has all the data to achieve great heights in art, science and research work. Danila is more inclined to work under the leadership of a strong and strong-willed person than to work in an organization own business. He is a reliable worker and an excellent performer. Influence of the name on business: Danila does not know how to save money in reserve to insure himself for the future, so he needs a solid income. If Danila can bring his original ideas to life, overcoming merciless criticism from others, then he will achieve success and great financial success will fall to his lot. The influence of a name on health: Possibly. Danila may have illnesses that are difficult to explain, and he may suddenly recover as well as get sick. Psychology of the name: Danila’s parents should pay him a lot of attention, support him in everything, instill in him confidence, determination, independence, and artistic taste. Danila needs a Teacher (with a capital T) for life, a spiritual mentor and religious education. Don't try to drag him into arguments and discussions. Danila does not impose his opinion on anyone, but is not influenced either random people. He feels remorse for the offenses inflicted on someone, so he needs to be forgiven for his wrongdoings. Danila is happy to help people who command his respect.

Famous people named Daniel

Daniel (a biblical prophet belonging to the so-called “great prophets”, a descendant of a noble Jewish family. According to the Bible, Daniel had the gift of understanding and interpreting dreams, for which he became famous at the court of Nebuchadnezzar, and after the fall of Babylon - at the court of Darius and Cyrus.)
Daniil Kharms ((1905 - 1942) writer, poet, prose writer, playwright)
Daniel (Daniel) Defoe ((c.1660 - 1731) English writer and essayist, known mainly as the author of Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is considered one of the first proponents of the novel as a genre. He helped popularize the genre in Great Britain, and some consider him one of the founders of the English novel, Defoe is a prolific and varied writer, writing more than 500 books, pamphlets and magazines in different topics(politics, economics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, supernatural, etc.). He was also the founder of economic journalism. In his journalism he promoted bourgeois sanity and defended religious tolerance and freedom of speech.)
Daniel Rutherford, Daniel Rutherford ((1749 - 1819) English chemist and physicist)
Daniel (Daniel) Jacob Radcliffe ((b. 1989) British theater and film actor. His career began with the television film “David Copperfield”. However, he is best known for playing the role of Harry Potter in the films of the same name, based on the works of the writer JK Rowling.)
Daniil Andreev ((1906 - 1959) Russian religious philosopher, poet and writer, author of the mystical work “Rose of the World”)
Daniil Granin ((born 1919) real name - German; Russian writer and public figure. Knight of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, Hero of Socialist Labor (1989), Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg (2005), laureate of the USSR State Prize and the State Prize of Russia, as well as the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art, the Prize of the Government of St. Petersburg in the field of literature, art and architecture, the Heine Prize and other awards.)
Daniil Samoilovich ((1744 - 1805) real name - Sushkovsky; Ukrainian physician, military doctor, founder of epidemiology in Russian Empire, founder of the first scientific medical partnership in Ukraine. He was the first to prove the possibility of anti-plague vaccination.)
Danila Kiš ((1935 – 1989) Serbian writer)
Daniello Bartoli ((1608 - 1685) Italian Jesuit, historian and writer)
Danilo Di Luca ((born 1976) Italian professional road cyclist. Winner of the UCI ProTour (2005), Giro d'Italia (2007), Giro di Lombardia (2001), Amstel Gold Race (2005), Flèche Valogne (2005), Liege - Bastogne - Liege (2007).)
Jose Daniel Ortega Saavedra ((born 1945) political figure of Nicaragua, one of the leaders of the Sandinista revolution of 1979, which overthrew the regime of A. Somoza, President of Nicaragua (1985 - 1990, from 2006 to the present))
Daniil Austria ((born 1984) Russian-German violinist)
Daniil Khvolson ((1819 - 1911) Russian orientalist, historian, linguist, Semitologist, Hebraist, corresponding member of the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences in the category of Oriental languages ​​(elected on December 5, 1858). Works on the history of the East and the peoples of Eastern Europe, on the history of Christianity, on the history writing (Arabic, Hebrew, etc.), Hebrew, Assyriology, etc. One of the editors of the scientific translation of the Bible into Russian)
Daniil Zabolotny ((1866 - 1929) Russian and Soviet bacteriologist. President of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1928-1929), academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929))
Daniil Move ((born 1985) Russian racing driver)
Daniil Sagal ((1909 - 2002) Soviet theater and film actor. National artist RSFSR (1964). Laureate Stalin Prize second degree (1950). Participant of the Great Patriotic War.)
Daniil Danin ((1914 - 2000) real name - Plotke; Russian and Soviet prose writer, screenwriter, literary critic, science popularizer)
Daniil Cherny ((c.1350 - 1428) icon painter, monk, contemporary and collaborator of Andrei Rublev; Joseph Volotsky calls Daniil Rublev’s teacher)
Daniil Shtoda ((born 1977) Russian opera singer (tenor), soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania)
Daniil Svyatsky ((1881 - 1940) Russian and Soviet astronomer, meteorologist. Svyatsky’s greatest work is “Essays on the history of astronomy in Ancient Rus'" - was published only 20 years after the author’s death.)
Daniil Kramer ((born 1960) famous Soviet and Russian jazz pianist, teacher, composer and producer, known both for his regular and mass performances and for his independently developed scheme of jazz music tour tickets in the philharmonic halls of Russia; Honored Artist of Russia (2012))
Danilo Nechay ((d.1651) Ukrainian military leader, comrade-in-arms of Bohdan Khmelnytsky)
Daniel-François-Esprit Aubert ((1782 - 1871) French composer)
Daniel Barenboim ((b.1942) Israeli pianist and conductor)
Daniel Bernoulli ((1700 - 1782) Swiss physicist and mathematician)
Daniel Mezotich ((born 1976) Austrian biathlete, bronze and silver medalist world championships in relay race)
Daniele da Volterra ((1509 - 1566) real name - Daniele Ricciarelli; Italian artist and sculptor. It is assumed that Daniele da Volterra studied with Sodoma. Later he worked with Michelangelo in Rome and, thanks to his patronage, became his successor and curator of works in the Vatican. Michelangelo helped him with his advice and probably provided da Volterra with his sketches, for example, for Daniele da Volterra's masterpiece "The Descent from the Cross" in the Church of Trinita dei Monti in Rome. Other famous paintings by da Volterra are "Justitia" in the Palace of the Priors of Volterra and "Bethlehem Massacre of the Innocents" in the Uffizi, Florence. The Louvre houses a double-sided painting by Daniele da Volterra of the same subject: "David cutting off the head of Goliath", painted on a large slate panel. Images on both sides depict events that are separated by only a moment , like two separate frames in a movie. Of da Volterra's sculptural works, the statue of Cleopatra at the fountain in the corridor of the Roman Belvedere has been preserved. From France, da Volterra received an order for an equestrian statue of Henry II, but only managed to complete for it the horse on which the sculpted Louis later sat XIII at the Palais Royal in Paris.)
Daniel "Dani" Alves da Silva (Brazilian footballer)
Danilo Kis ((1935 - 1989) Yugoslav poet, novelist, playwright and translator)
Daniel Alfredsson ((born 1972) professional Swedish hockey player. Role - winger. Nickname - “Alfie”.)
Daniel Fredheim Holm ((born 1985) Norwegian footballer, forward for the Norwegian national team)
Daniel Dumitrescu ((born 1968) Romanian professional boxer, Olympic and European Championship medalist)
Daniel Arany ((1863 - 1945) Hungarian mathematician)
Daniel Olbrychski (Polish theater and film actor)

Positive traits of the name

Focus, desire for analysis, improvement. As a child, Danila does not ask questions, but tries to find an explanation for everything himself. He is diligent and calmly brings the job he starts to completion. Danila is alien to rudeness, assertiveness, aggressiveness, and strong emotions (both negative and positive).

Negative traits of the name

Uncertainty in the company of unfamiliar people (afraid of looking funny), helplessness, internal conflicts, constant dissatisfaction, “self-flagellation.”

Choosing a profession by name

The ability to analyze his own behavior and movements of the soul predisposes Danila to the profession of a psychologist, psychiatrist, and spiritual shepherd. He has all the data to achieve great heights in art, science and research. Danila is more inclined to work under the leadership of a strong and strong-willed person than to organize his own business. He is a reliable worker and an excellent performer.

The impact of a name on business

Danila does not know how to save money in reserve to insure himself for the future, so he needs a solid income. If Danila can bring his original ideas to life, overcoming merciless criticism from others, then he will achieve success and great financial success will fall to his lot.

The influence of a name on health

Possible metabolic disorder. Danila may have illnesses that are difficult to explain, and he may suddenly recover as well as get sick.

Psychology of the name

Danila's parents should pay him a lot of attention, support him in everything, instill in him confidence, determination, independence, and artistic taste. Danila needs a Teacher (with a capital T) for life, a spiritual mentor and religious education. Don't try to drag him into arguments and discussions. Danila does not impose her opinion on anyone, but she also does not succumb to the influence of random people. He feels remorse for the offenses inflicted on someone, so he needs to be forgiven for his wrongdoings. Danila is happy to help people who command his respect.

Danil and pets

It is better for Daniil to get a St. Bernard, Collie, or Chow Chow.

Will find complete mutual understanding with dogs by nicknames: Ass, Nick, Simon, Silva, Oscar, Renold, Isolde.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Daniel, which parents gave to their son at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn boys this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):
1900-1909: (not in the top ten)
1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: (not in the top ten)
2008: (8th place)

Orthodox name day Daniel celebrates

January 2, March 1, March 6, March 17, March 31, April 20, June 4, June 26, July 23, September 12, September 25, October 4, December 11, December 12, December 24, December 30

Catholic name day Daniel celebrates

Compatibility of the name Daniil

Daniel is best suited for a happy marriage

An alluring and promising future is the ultimate dream of everyone, but not a single inhabitant of the planet will be able to overcome time and penetrate into mysterious world. You should not be upset in advance and come to terms with the fact that your dream will not come true - you can try to unravel the meaning of the name given at baptism, this will certainly allow you to partially penetrate the mysterious curtain of fate. Danil, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys - how important is it to study these details in order to help your baby grow healthy and smart, make a career, find an ideal soul mate?

The meaning of the name Danil for a boy is brief

Some parents, even before the arrival of the long-awaited baby in the house, begin to argue about what name to choose for their child. There should be no discussion about the names you like - the most the right way out, which specialized literature offers - to study the secret meaning. This is what allows you to accurately decide on a name, find out which country gave it to the world, whether the child will be patronized by saints, and how the future will turn out.

Danil, the meaning of the name, character and fate - this is what becomes most interesting for the little one’s relatives. Often, a careful study of all the details allows us to find out even negative traits, and they are quite easy to correct in childhood.

The meaning of the name Danil for a boy can be briefly found in ancient books with myths and legends that came to the world from a country famous for its wise gods and great heroes - Ancient Greece. It says here what this name means - “God is my judge.” Everyone can interpret the secret meaning in their own way, but most often it is believed that this means that only God can judge the correctness of certain actions and assign punishment for them. Even if it was not possible to answer for unseemly deeds in this world, after death the Almighty will certainly pronounce his verdict and force you to pay for serious sins. Most often, relatives do not have to worry about this - their son will certainly grow up to be a deeply religious person, always ready to help someone in need.

What does the name Danil mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Family members should remember that it is important not just to study mythology different countries, in which you can find a lot of interesting information and even interpretations of names, but also find out what is said about this in Orthodox literature. The church calendar will clearly tell you about the Orthodox interpretation, and in the calendar you can find out which patrons will follow the owner of this name throughout his life. It is also recommended to find out the dates of the name day - this is necessary not only to congratulate the baby, but also to show respect to the patron saint, offer him sincere prayers that will preserve and protect the child from difficulties and adversities.

What does the name Danil mean for a boy? church calendar? There will be no differences between Christian literature and ancient Greek myths - in Orthodoxy it is also generally accepted that it means “God is my judge.” The secret meaning, as Christians believe, is that only God can judge and punish, and it will not be possible to hide from punishment even after life.

The secret of the name Danil, name day, signs

What surprises are there in the mystery of the name Danil? The first thing the baby’s family should pay attention to is the date of his name day. The boy will be able to celebrate them several times a year:

  1. 20 April;
  2. July 23;
  3. December 30th.

Enjoys special honor summer holiday– it is on this day that not only herbs, but even the dew on them are considered healing. That is why you should give up household chores for the whole day and start collecting plants that can be used to prepare decoctions, infusions and ointments - their effect increases several times.

You should start stocking up on medications early in the morning. To do this, they usually take a piece of canvas, pass it over the grass, wet with dew, and squeeze it into a clean container. You will have to work hard to collect a small amount of moisture, but it also helps, as healers testify, from almost every ailment. It is enough to add just a drop of dew to your home remedy to get a real panacea for serious diseases.

Origin of the name Danil and its meaning for children

What role will the origin of the name Danil and its meaning for children very soon play in the boy’s life? Parents who are worried about this need not worry - the country from which the name originated is not capable of influencing the life of the baby. Regardless of whether a Greek, Jewish or Slavic name was chosen for the baby, you don’t have to worry - it won’t affect his fate in any way.

Is the meaning of a name important? Even in ancient times, people believed that it depended on him whether a child would grow up kind, honest, caring and faithful. That is why parents who are worried about their beloved child are advised to first understand the meaning of the name, and only after that baptize the baby.

The consequences of a child’s baptism can be felt the very next day - he is much less capricious, wakes up at night, and causes trouble for his family. This main feature that the patron saint began to take an active part in looking after the child.

Danil, the meaning of the name, character and fate is a combination, or rather, its careful and thorough study will certainly help parents understand everything related to raising a child. Even some character traits that cause anxiety can certainly be eliminated, even in childhood.

The character of a boy named Danil

Should we pay attention to how the character of a boy named Danil is formed from childhood? As the experience of many parents testifies, it will not cause them any trouble or worry - positive traits he will have a lot, but very few negative ones.

The boy's advantages include:

  1. desire for self-improvement;
  2. seriousness;
  3. concentration;
  4. determination;
  5. perseverance;
  6. the ability to finish what you start;
  7. peacefulness;
  8. calmness.

One of the most remarkable character traits of Danil is that he strives to achieve everything on his own. He will not ask for help, even if something does not work out, and will certainly try to complete the work with dignity. The same thing happens with studies - if any questions remain, he will definitely study the necessary literature, but will not ask the teacher to explain incomprehensible terms in more detail and clearly.

The boy has only one drawback - shyness. He is lost not only in society strangers, but also with close relatives. Parents should not try to fight this deficiency - they will not succeed, but the child under pressure can become withdrawn and will certainly refuse further help.

The name Daniel is not only beautiful and noble, but also very rare. I wonder what the meaning of the name Daniel is, what Wikipedia and esoteric sources will say, what is its origin, and in general - what is a person’s character, how to approach him, what fate awaits him and what is his future?

Is it worth connecting your life with this man, is it worth naming your child that? We will learn the meaning of the name Daniel, its origin and much more.

The name Daniel is of ancient Hebrew origin, Jewish origin. It originates in the Bible, where Daniel is the name of the prophet. And this name means “God is a judge,” or “God is my judge.” Majestic, isn't it? There are many forms of this name. For example, Russian name Daniel and the name Danil are one and the same.

There is also a form of Danil, this is also the same name. It is male, full, there is also a female form - Danielle. Daniel, Daniel, Danilo, Danyal and Danil are also different forms. You can abbreviate or diminutively say Dan, Danechka, Danya, Danyusha, Danilka, Danchik.

Personality characteristics and fate

As a child, the boy Danil is distinguished from all his peers by timidity, gentleness and obedience. He is a calm, cheerful little boy who evokes tenderness and joy in all adults. Adores parents, kind, flexible, rarely argues, bickers or gets offended.

It is very important for Dani’s child that mom and dad pay him enough attention; he is quite jealous early years. His mother is of particular importance to him - Danil is more like her and takes on more maternal qualities. He is sympathetic, but can be cunning and can get what he wants with the help of his kindness and sweet smile.

He doesn't study very well at school, but he is smart and very smart. It is important for this boy to become passionate about something, because this is the only way he will achieve good results. You can force him to do something, but he will do it somehow if he has no interest in the matter.

The boy Dani has one peculiarity - he is not very inquisitive. This doesn't mean that he is lazy or stupid, he just isn't particularly interested in anything and is hard to captivate. Because of this, there are problems in studies, and among the Danilovs there are often poor students.

But if he’s really into something, then it’s for real. He may have just one hobby, and his whole life will be connected with it. further fate. There are inclinations towards creativity (usually towards performing arts, acting), and towards science, and towards mathematics, and towards technical specialties.

He can become an inventor or a programmer, an actor or a traveler, depending on what he is interested in in his early years. So the upbringing of parents and teachers in childhood is of great importance for Danil, and if adults do not help him find some kind of interest, then his fate can turn out to be quite ordinary and boring.

An adult guy, whose name is Daniil, is quite modest and even timid; many consider him quiet. He does not participate in noisy companies, avoids dangers and conflicts, and among his peers usually finds one or two friends who have a similar character and hobbies. Danya is not a very emotional guy, not hot-tempered, but he too can be “driven.”

He has strength, a strong character, confidence, and a particularly strong will - if he decided, for example, that he would quit smoking, he would certainly quit. Although this guy is unlikely to start smoking at all. Because he takes his health very seriously. Among men who bear the name Danila, most often there are non-drinkers and non-smokers, some go in for sports - not for the sake of beautiful body, but only for the sake of health.

In general, Daniel’s character is very specific; this man is always different from the rest. He has his own unusual tastes that run counter to modern trends; he almost always loves something that is not what everyone loves and what is in fashion. He dresses so that he is as comfortable as possible, warm (or not hot), buys himself only the essentials.

Convenience, safety and practicality are the things that are of decisive importance, so Daniil never chases fashion and does not understand why people buy themselves beautiful and expensive, but completely impractical things. He can quite easily use the same thing for many years if the item is really of high quality.

In personal relationships, the fate of a man whose name is Daniel is not easy or quick. Not every girl can understand his unusual character and habits, lifestyle and way of thinking. He himself does not pursue the female sex and can easily be alone for several years. But one day he finds a girl who suits him and stays with her forever!

He doesn’t need adventure or a sense of novelty; he is looking for his chosen one for life. The main importance for him is the girl’s loyalty, honesty, intelligence, thriftiness, calm and simple character, and Daniel also does not like spoiled people. It is unlikely that great wealth awaits him, so his family will live modestly, but peacefully and amicably and will not need anything.

Name compatibility

As has already been said, in girls, thriftiness, complaisance and simplicity are of decisive importance for him, so Danil is looking for a special chosen one. Women's charms, seduction and external beauty do not affect him; this man immediately looks at character and inner qualities. Let's see what female names suit him best.

1. Excellent compatibility: Varvara, Anastasia, Emma, ​​Anna, Lyubov, Larisa, Margarita,

But the main thing is not the compatibility of names, but the feelings and desire to be close. If there is sincerity and love, then no compatibility is important to you!

Daniel has a name day almost every month, because there were many saints and reverends with this name. So, when to congratulate the birthday person on Angel's Day?

  • January 2.
  • March 1st and 31st.
  • 20 April.
  • June 4 and 5.
  • July 23.
  • September 12 and 25.
  • The 4th of October.
  • December 11 and 24.

Danil loves when people show him attention and care, so don’t forget to congratulate Danya on her name day! Find an approach to this person, understand his soul - and you will have a wonderful friend or a loving husband. Because this person is worth spending time communicating with. And if you are thinking about naming your child this, then rest assured, this is a worthy choice! Author: Vasilina Serova

The article is intended to reveal the meaning of the name Danila in all areas of life. In general, Daniel is an ancient name from the Bible, which from Hebrew means “God is a judge.” Daniel - famous prophet, which accurately indicated 6 centuries before the birth of Christ, the time of the savior’s coming to earth.

In our country, the name Daniel came into use at the turn of the 11th-12th centuries, and initially only priests or princely children were called this way. Only after some time did boys from other segments of the population begin to be called Daniel. Over time, each overseas name adapts to the local, native structure of the Russian language, and ordinary, colloquial consonance appears; Daniil was no exception.

By the way, in the archival documentation of those times, as well as in the legends of the peoples of our country, the following consonances of the name Daniil were used - Danilo, Danilets, Danila, Danilko. After the revolution, such ancient names as Daniil were forgotten. However, today male name Daniel gradually began to be given to boys again at birth.

It should be noted that this trend is only encouraging, since this beautiful, sonorous name was borne by famous personalities, both before and now. Here you can mention the writers Granin Daniil, Daniel Defoe, the legendary explorer of the Siberian lands Gottlieb Messerschmidt Daniil, the jazz musician Kramer Daniil, our artist Black Daniil, as well as many others. Let's consider how the meaning of the name Danila affects its characteristic features.

Characteristics of the name Danila

A man named Daniel is almost always associated with something big, slow, calm, faithful, and reliable. In life, these judgments turn out to be correct - a man named Daniel is not in a hurry to judge things and people, he is constantly in thought, but is decisive in action. By his nature, Daniel resembles a phlegmatic person, in other words, he absolutely always looks calm, unperturbed, and is able to remain calm sometimes in critical situations of life.

A man named Daniel concentrates only on his own experiences, for this reason he only occasionally provides help. Deep down in the soul of a man named Daniel, he suffers from his own snobbery, however, he strives to hide it from others.

Danila’s sense of leisure, solidity, and goodwill can only evoke a respectful attitude in others, and snobbery manifests itself only in certain circumstances. The ability to always restrain oneself and secrecy are characteristic character traits of a man named Daniel. At the same time, Daniel can be described as a not very brave, sometimes cowardly guy.

Character traits

A man named Danila regularly experiences doubts about everything, although until he settles on a specific decision, the execution of which he will never back down from. Sometimes a man named Danila is addicted to self-flagellation and is distinguished by the presence internal conflicts. Since childhood, Danila has not recognized coercion in any of its manifestations, but it is still possible to come to an agreement with it.

Today the name Danila’s origin and meaning are described, helping such a man to successfully adapt both to various circumstances and to the people around him, and a well-developed sense of intuition helps to predict upcoming events. Distinguished by his analytical mind, a man named Daniel easily finds the truth everywhere and is able to calculate any, even the smallest, subtlety.

In partnership, as in love relationships, a man named Danila is a large owner who does not tolerate competition. Daniel tries not to share anything with his friends, but expects full return from them. The man Daniel himself can sacrifice almost everything for his, albeit small, circle of comrades.

Giving a characterization of a man named Danila, one can notice that he is a respected person in society, distinguished by an iron will, but an easy-going character trait. The man Daniel is not characterized by emotions, stubbornness, aggressive and rude antics. Sometimes a man named Danila may lack assertiveness, self-confidence, and a healthy sense of aggression. Daniel does not strive for attention, as well as the company of strangers.

Danila's childhood

In childhood, the meaning of the name Danila for a boy has positive influence. Little Danila is usually a quiet child, usually very similar to his mother. Little Daniel gets along well with his peers; very often his friends are older than him. As a child, Danila tries to combine the harmonious and the cozy; he carries these same qualities into adulthood.

The name Danila ensures harmonious improvement and maturation of the child, giving him kind, calm character traits. Typically, the child Daniel has significant creative potential, the further development of which depends entirely on his parents. The boy Daniel is distinguished by great curiosity, joy, and interest in learning the world, without asking a lot of questions, like other children, because they strive to independently find answers to their own questions.

As a teenager, Danila is able to completely immerse himself in his own dreams, suffers from self-knowledge, which often prevents him from achieving significant success in the future. Immersing himself completely in his feelings, the boy Daniel easily loses touch with the present, so the main task of both parents and teachers is not to allow the cheerful, sociable young man to withdraw into himself.

Danila's health

Surely many people know the saying “Danilo did not die, his illness crushed him” is a kind of indication that such a man is not in good health. Danila needs to take care of her health from an early age, follow a daily routine, as well as a balanced diet.

The intense rhythm of life can cause Danila to experience a syndrome such as chronic fatigue, and constant suppression of his emotions can easily cause a nervous breakdown.

Danila's intimate life

How does the name Danila, the meaning of the name and whose fate is being considered, affect the intimate side of the young man’s life? A man named Danila dislikes conversations related to sexual relationships, so he never chats about it. From a very early age, Danila feels difficulties in this area, sensing the existing discord between her own sensitivity, heightened sensuality, and sexuality, which leads to a feeling of anxiety.

A man named Danila will never rush after arrogant sexuality unless there is a stupid, tasteless, empty girl hidden behind it. In sex, Daniel needs an experienced partner who can help him overcome his natural modesty. Daniel tries to please his partner first, and only after that will he think about himself.

Compatibility, marriage, Danila's family

A man named Danila is a real jewel, a diamond for the whole family, because he is very focused on it. Danila's house is an exclusively full bowl, which he strives to furnish and equip in every possible way. Danila – an exemplary family man characterized by calmness, caring, and loyalty. The main condition is that the wife, for her part, should not give the slightest reason for jealousy, since Danila is categorically against any lies or falsehood in love relationships.

Raised voices are almost never heard in Danila’s family, not to mention various quarrels and stormy showdowns. Very often, it is the wife who is the leader of the family, giving Danila the opportunity to build her career. Nevertheless, family is always of enormous importance to Danila, and he will make every effort and money to preserve it.

A man named Daniil can believe in a happy relationship with Polina, Tatyana, Olga, Tamara, Anna, Maria, Ulyana, Marina, Lyudmila, Anastasia. You should be wary of marriage with Zinaida, Raisa, Ksenia, Irina, Elizaveta.

Career, business of Danila

Any man bearing the name Daniel does not want power, does not want to be in the public eye, which prevents him from achieving significant heights in his career. He needs creative professions. A Danila man can become an excellent actor, director, writer or journalist. However, Daniel is characterized by one drawback - he is completely devoid of the ability to save, save cash, so he needs a job that provides stable financial capital.

Not every job related to creativity can provide regular, good cash flow. Danila has the ability to get along with others and inspires a sense of trust among strangers, which is why Danila is capable of becoming an excellent lawyer, teacher, and psychologist. Therefore, the name Danila has a significant influence on the meaning of the name for a child, since from childhood it has such character traits as diligence, accuracy, and efficiency.

A man named Danila can become a good scientist, physician, designer, engineer. Distinguished by his excellent organizational traits, Daniil will be a good mid-level boss, but he should not lead a large team; he is unlikely to have courage or self-confidence. Harsh criticism from others can easily break Danila.

A man named Daniel can achieve significant success in his business, because he has the ability to make thoughtful, informed decisions, without hesitation. Excellent intuition, as well as the skill of listening to it, provides Danila with the opportunity to avoid mistakes. In addition, Danila is very honest, which makes him a reliable partner.

We can safely say that both Danila and Daniel can become a worthy person.

Meaning of the name

Daniel is a good-natured, calm, sympathetic and friendly man who captivates those around him with his liveliness of mind and wit. His inexhaustible love of life charges everyone around with optimism. Sociable and diplomatic, Daniil is decisive and self-possessed, therefore rash decisions You shouldn't expect anything from him. But keep in mind that if you get this man “out of his element,” he will turn from calm and reasonable to irritable and hot-tempered. In addition, Daniel’s character traits depend on what time of year he was born.

Characteristics of the name Daniel (Danila)

Winter Daniel He has an analytical mind, he is pragmatic and calculating, so he easily conquers any heights. This man is kind, sympathetic, but at the same time extremely emotional and quick-tempered, although not vindictive. Daniel, born in winter, is a true homebody, for whom the family is the center of the universe. For this reason, he treats the choice of a life partner very responsibly. He will connect his life with a calm, patient and non-conflict woman.

Spring Daniel - a creative nature, and therefore living in her own illusory world, in which an atmosphere of love and happiness reigns. This dreamer and visionary tends to idealize both the world in which he lives and the people who surround him. The result of such an attitude towards life is often loneliness, caused by disappointment both in life and in people. This vulnerable and touchy man needs a gentle, caring and sincere companion who can understand his inner world.

Summer Daniel is an actor who knows how to perfectly adapt to any situation. He is smart and practical, so he easily solves any tasks assigned to him, regardless of their complexity. At the same time, he is very good-natured, so he tries to help everyone in need. Summer Daniel needs an active, energetic and ambitious woman who will become for him not only faithful companion life and a wonderful housewife, but also a real muse.

Autumn Daniel narcissistic and somewhat selfish, stubborn and persistent, so he never stops there. He is open and sociable, so his life is an endless string of events in which he often acts as the main character. The woman of autumn Daniel should have such qualities as wit, kindness, and optimism.

Stone - talisman

Daniel's talisman stone is considered to be blue jasper, which has long been considered a strong amulet and a talisman capable of driving away bad thoughts, improve mood, increase strength and intelligence.

In the East, jasper is revered as a stone that prolongs life and strengthens the body. In Eastern medicine, jasper was used as an effective pharmacological agent, through which it was possible to cleanse internal organs.

Our ancestors believed that this mineral was able to give energy and protect against negative external influences, clear space from negative energy, and also attract happiness, prosperity and good luck into life.

Blue jasper not only helps to establish new contacts and reconcile old friends, but also gives its owner perseverance, self-confidence and courage, so this stone is recommended for people whose profession involves risk.

Finally, blue jasper protects against the evil eye and damage, neutralizes envy and protects against rash actions, gives tirelessness and patience, and enhances the gift of foresight.






Animal - symbol

Daniel's totem animals are the sperm whale and the squirrel.

Sperm whale

This sea animal symbolizes rebirth, although in the Middle Ages it was associated with dark forces: for example, the whale’s mouth was identified with the gates of hell.

Today, the sperm whale is a symbol of receptivity, developed intuition, peace of mind, power, strength, depth of feelings and worldview, calm, solidity and eternity.

It is interesting that in Christianity the sperm whale carries negative symbolism, personifying the underworld, death, but at the same time the subsequent rebirth.

Sailors identified the whale with deceit (they believed that it was whales that sunk ships and dragged sailors under water).

At the same time, the sperm whale is a symbol of the fundamental principle, as well as the universal principle.


This nimble animal symbolizes thriftiness, dexterity, intelligence, speed, patience, high efficiency, abundance, fertility and home comfort. In addition, the squirrel is a symbol of foresight, worldly ingenuity, selfishness and prudence.

In Germany, the squirrel is a symbol of discord, ill will and chaos.

IN Christian tradition squirrel is identified with greed and greed, which inevitably leads to destruction. Our ancestors believed that the red squirrel was a harbinger of wars and misfortunes.

In Japan, the squirrel symbolizes wealth, creativity, originality, cunning, activity, agility and spontaneity.


Daniel's mascot plants are holly, ash and buttercup.


This tree symbolizes eternity, kindness, joy, health and happiness.

In Christian tradition, the holly is depicted as the tree from which the cross was made for Christ, with the tree's sharp leaves symbolizing the crown of thorns and suffering, while the red berries are identified with the blood of Christ.

The ancient Celts believed that holly could scare away evil spirits.


Ash is a symbol of the source of life, peace, purity, light and immortality, while the foliage, trunk and roots of this tree connect heaven, earth, and the underworld.

This tree also symbolizes fertility, material well-being, the unity of opposites, strength and invincibility.

The Slavs believe that ash is a tree of the world axis, connecting the past and the future and personifying the divine nature of man. Garters made from green tree bark protect against the evil eye and damage, while ash leaves can attract love and wealth into life. Ash growing near the house helps maintain warm and tender family relationships.

The ancient Greeks revered this tree as a symbol of fair retribution.


This flower symbolizes good character, energy, power of speech and self-confidence.

It is believed that buttercup is a plant that helps to establish mutual understanding with others and the outside world.


The metal of Daniel is iron, symbolizing hardness, assertiveness, strength, durability and the ability to easily adapt to any circumstances.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Daniel (Danila)

Name translation

Translated from Hebrew, the name Daniel means “God is my judge,” “God is a judge.”

History of the name

Daniel is a biblical figure. This was the name of the Hebrew prophet, who was a famous soothsayer and adviser to King Nebuchadnezzar. The name of the prophet is derived from the double name Daniel, where “dan” means “judge” and “el” means “God”.

It is interesting that the name Daniel carries with it a certain solidity and thoroughness, so its bearer is distinguished by seriousness and balance. But the form of the name - Danila - on the contrary, characterizes its owner as an unpretentious person and easy to communicate with.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Daniil: Danilo, Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danka, Danusya, Daniel, Den, Danechka, Danchik, Danyushechka, Dan, Danny, Danila, Danilochka, Danilushka, Danko.

The secret of the name Daniel (Danila)

Patrons of the name

  • Venerable Daniel of Pereyaslavl.
  • Prophet Daniel.
  • Archbishop Daniil II of Serbia.
  • Hegumen and Hieromartyr Daniil Grekhozarutsky (or Uglichsky).
  • Martyr Daniel the Egyptian (or Palestinian).
  • Venerable Confessor Daniel of Nivert (or Egypt).
  • Martyr Daniel of Nikopol (or Armenian).
  • Venerable Daniel of Shuzhgorsk.
  • Prince of Moscow Daniil.
  • Reverend Daniel.
  • Stylite Daniel of Reslavsky.
  • Icon painter Daniil of Moscow.
  • Venerable Martyr Daniel.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 2nd, 3rd and 12th.

March: 1st, 17th and 31st.

April: 20th.

June: 4th, 5th and 26th.

July: 23rd.

August: 30th.

September: 12th and 25th.

October: 4th number.

November: 25th.

December: 11th, 12th, 24th and 30th.

The legend of the name Daniel (Danila)

The most famous was and is the prophet Daniel, who came from a noble family. At the age of 15, he was captured (this happened during the conquest of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 606 BC). Young Daniel, like other capable captive youths, was sent to school, where they were prepared for service at the royal court, taught the local language and Chaldean sciences.

Daniel showed diligence, and therefore succeeded in the sciences he studied. Moreover, the young man turned out to be much smarter and more savvy than the Babylonian sages who served under King Nebuchadnezzar, thanks to which Daniel and his friends, who were also prisoners and were trained, were ordained to the rank of a court dignitary. It should be noted that Daniel was an adviser not only to Nebuchadnezzar, but also to the next five generations of his successors.

The gifted young man had unique ability, consisting in the fact that he knew how to interpret the meaning of dreams (Daniel interpreted dreams to Nebuchadnezzar more than once).

Daniel recorded his prophecies in a book, which in its content resembles the Revelation of the Evangelist John the Theologian. It contains prophetic visions that relate to the end of the world, as well as the second coming of Christ.

Under the ruler Darius, Daniel occupied a high government post, which was the envy of the pagan nobles, who slandered him before the king, for which Daniel was thrown to the lions. However, God saved the life of the prophet (moreover, Daniel remained safe and sound). Then Darius, having penetrated into the essence of the matter, ordered the slanderers to be thrown into a cage with lions, who instantly tore the bodies of the liars to pieces.

But during the reign of Cyrus, Daniel was able to achieve a decree according to which in 536 the Jews were freed from captivity.


Intelligent and calm, Daniil rarely gets nervous: even when experiencing emotional drama, he does not lose his presence of mind and optimism. He is an excellent conversationalist who can easily carry on a conversation on any topic.

Daniel is overly focused on his inner world, so he often does not notice the problems that surround him in his life. Everyday life. In addition, he is constantly overcome by doubts, which cannot but affect his inner world. This man is thorough and does not like haste, so all his actions are deliberate and his decisions are balanced.


Daniel is the owner of an unusually developed intuition. Therefore, one should not be surprised that he knows in advance about the outcome of this or that enterprise.

Horoscope named after Daniel (Danila)

Daniel - Aries

This is inquisitive and clever man, who has a wonderful sense of humor that helps him overcome many of life’s difficulties. Daniel-Aries is conducive to communication, and all thanks to such qualities as charm and openness. Women are crazy about this man, who will entrust his heart to a sincere, sweet, feminine and gentle chosen one.

Daniel - Taurus

This man adapts perfectly to all life's adversities. He is sociable and easily makes new acquaintances, so Daniel-Taurus is not familiar with loneliness.

On the contrary, he lives a rich and vibrant life. In relationships with women, he is witty, gallant and delicate, so it is quite natural that his personal life is seething with passions and filled with novels.

Daniel - Gemini

This man is disgusted by calmness: he strives to always be in the center of attention (especially female attention). It is not surprising that those around him consider Daniel-Gemini a real Don Juan, who is interested in bright love adventures and non-binding relationships in life. This man lives for today, so he needs a woman who is just as easy and does not pretend to have a long and strong relationship.

Daniel - Cancer

Sensual, attentive and responsive, Daniil-Cancer is an excellent psychologist who subtly senses the mood of those around him. He knows how to listen and sincerely empathize, so he is always surrounded by loyal and reliable friends. In a woman, the vulnerable Daniel-Cancer seeks support, kindness, care and understanding, while Italian passions are of little interest to this open man.

Daniel - Leo

The versatility of Daniel Leo is amazing: today he can play the role of a diplomat and esthete, and tomorrow he will transform into a reckless womanizer. At the same time, his acting so skillfully that it is impossible to recognize the falsity in his behavior. Understanding people perfectly, Daniel Leo behaves exactly as they expect from him, thereby manipulating those around him. In a woman, this man values, first of all, external data.

Daniel - Virgo

Calculating, practical and observant, Daniel-Virgo never shows his true emotions: his thoughts (and even more so feelings) are hidden behind coldness and even a careless attitude towards others. However, in his soul this man longs for warmth, tenderness and love; he is looking for his ideal woman, who should not only understand him, but also surround him with care and love.

Daniel - Libra

This is a true romantic who is ready to do crazy things for the sake of love. But here's to real life he, unfortunately, is not very adapted. As a result, Daniel-Libra often becomes a victim of his own self-deception. This man tends to idealize relationships in general and his chosen one in particular, which results in bitter disappointment.

Daniel - Scorpio

This is a thoughtful man, subject to sudden changes in mood, which is why he often has misunderstandings with others. In general, Daniel-Scorpio is an open and kind person who cannot live a day without communicating with friends whom he trusts limitlessly. Daniel-Scorpio's partner must be wise and patient, because she will have to adapt to her impulsive and sometimes rude chosen one.

Daniel - Sagittarius

This is a nature in whose life there is no monotony and monotony. Everyday life and everyday routine kill the active Daniel-Sagittarius, so he is extremely active and is not averse to getting involved in some kind of adventure. For this man, women are one of the means of self-affirmation, so you should not trust your heart to the loving Daniel-Sagittarius. Moreover, in relationships he values, above all, ease and spontaneity.

Daniel - Capricorn

This serious and focused man is a contemplative and creative person. Daniel-Capricorn is in no hurry to live; on the contrary, his every step is carefully thought out. But sometimes even he tends to fall into a state of reckless fun, because the spirit of adventurism lives in him. In relation to his chosen one, Daniel-Capricorn is a real dictator who jealously guards the relationship, which not every woman will like.

Daniel - Aquarius

Sentimental, active and very sensitive, Daniel-Aquarius does not sit idle for a minute. He moves by leaps and bounds towards his goal, sometimes forgetting about proper rest, which is fraught nervous breakdowns. This man dreams of true and ideal love, so reality often brings him down to earth. Daniel-Aquarius needs an attentive woman who will realistically look at the world and everything that happens in it.

Daniel - Pisces

Charming, attractive and attentive, Daniel-Pisces knows his worth, because women are simply crazy about him, while men are captivated by his erudition and courtesy. It is not surprising that he often uses his charm for personal gain. Therefore, one should not trust Daniel the Pisces too much, who is far from weak and unselfish, as it might seem at first glance.

Compatibility of the name Daniel (Danila) with female names

Daniil and Olga

Daniel and Ekaterina

This couple is a symbiosis of two bright and energetic personalities who are alien to peace. The life together of Daniel and Catherine is a kaleidoscope of emotions and events that rapidly replace each other. In this union, no one strives for leadership (on the contrary, equality reigns in these relationships).

Daniil and Natalya

Daniel is used to giving himself entirely to his family, for whose benefit he is ready to work day and night. But the impulsive Natalya wants a holiday, and besides, she is not ready to disappear into the family and forget about her beloved self. If Daniel does not learn to put up with the whims of his chosen one, then their union will quickly fall apart.

Daniil and Marina

This is a happy union in which both partners live in each other’s interests, which helps them overcome any difficulties. Marina never tires of generating more and more new ideas, for the implementation of which Daniil is responsible. This couple has both love and friendship, which is important for the well-being of the family.

Daniel and Maria

Despite the similarity of characters and common interests, Daniel and Maria look closely at each other for a long time before starting a family. And all for the reason that both are very responsible about the institution of marriage. As a result, their union is always happy and long-lasting.

Daniil and Svetlana

Both partners in this couple know how to enjoy life, they are energetic and active, and they can energize anyone with their optimism. Therefore, Daniil and Svetlana manage not only to build ideal relationship, but also become an example for many other families.

Daniel and Christina

Shy, modest and vulnerable Christina rather timidly accepts the advances of the calm and balanced Daniel, who sees in his chosen one a gentle wife and loving mother. Time will put everything in its place: Christina will learn to trust Daniel, who will pamper his chosen one in every possible way.

Daniil and Victoria

These two complement each other perfectly: she is feminine and charming, he is attentive and charming. It is not surprising that the couple of Daniel and Victoria is the standard of a happy relationship for many.

But still, this union can be destroyed by financial problems.

Daniil and Ksenia

Conservative Daniel often cannot understand the freedom-loving Ksenia, for whom traditional moral standards do not play any role. She lives by the call of her heart, while Daniel’s actions are guided by reason. The consequence of such disagreements is the breakup of the couple.

Daniil and Lyudmila

Open and sociable Lyudmila sees in Daniil an excellent interlocutor who loves to listen. These two halves of a single whole complement each other, although differences arise between them, which are quickly resolved through constructive dialogue.

Daniil and Alina

The temperamental, bright and passionate relationship between Daniil and Alina rarely develops into a lasting one. family union, because both do not want to make concessions. Mutual jealousy, which already destroys the relationship, does not strengthen the relationship of this couple. fragile world in the relationship between Daniel and Alina.

Daniil and Evgeniya

By their nature, Daniil and Evgenia are adventurers who are attracted by the spirit of adventure. These are two dreamers who live in their own closed world, which has nothing in common with reality. Lack of stability and confidence in the future will ultimately destroy this interesting union.

Daniil and Daria

Both partners strive to bring celebration into the relationship, which they do well. But we should not forget that sooner or later we will have to return to everyday reality, where there is not always room for fun. If Daniel and Daria do not reconsider their attitude towards life, then very soon their relationship will come to an end.

Daniil and Irina

There is no crazy passion in the relationship between Daniel and Irina. They build their family on trust, friendship, support and mutual assistance. Their life is clearly planned and stable, so the union of these two people is strong and reliable.

Daniel and Elizabeth

All yours free time Elizabeth and Daniel devote themselves to their family, which undoubtedly benefits them life together full of joy, happiness and harmony. Mistrust, lies and jealousy are those components that you will not find in the life of this sincere and loving couple.

Daniil and Polina

Common thoughts, common feelings, common interests bring together Daniil and Polina, who can not only be a wonderful family, but also successful business partners, in whose hands any business will be argued. Overall, this is a successful and happy union.

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