If in a dream you eat large ripe apples. Green apples on the trees. New family dream book

According to the dream book, apples seen in a dream have many interpretations from well-known neurologists, most of them evaluate the dream about the fragrant fruits of apple trees positively, but there are many nuances. Who has a dream, on what day of the week, with what plot - all this plays a role. After all, not only the symbol is important, but also the actions of the dreamer.

Why dream of apples on a tree?

A blooming apple orchard is a very beautiful sight, such a dream leaves a feeling of a holiday, future pleasant events. It is believed that women portend pregnancy. To see apples in the snow is a sign that nothing threatens well-being, and a winter garden filled with sun promises. In his dream book, Vanga calls this fruit a symbol of wisdom and reward. But what is the dream of an apple tree with apples? Interpretation depends on the plot:

  1. The tree bends from the abundance of fruits - to large incomes.
  2. For a girl, such a dream is about marriage.
  3. Picking apples from a tree in a dream - to losses due to one's own carelessness and unnecessary haste, a quarrel with a patron is not ruled out.
  4. Apples under a tree on the grass - you can expect dirty tricks from a person from inner circle, it will not be superfluous to take a closer look at your friends.

Why dream of red apples?

The dream book "Apples" warns that the color of this fruit must also be taken into account, depending on the color, the dream is also interpreted. Seeing red apples in a dream - to bright emotions and good mood, good prospects for the future and good news. It is important to use your chance, and your plans can come true. There is a sign that a red apple in a dream is a favorable sign, expressing the dreamer's readiness to overcome obstacles. And the person who comes to the house will help in this.

But there are other, not so rosy predictions, it is worth noting that the decoding of dreams about red apples is somewhat contradictory:

  1. To see on a tree - there will be a meeting with a suitable life partner.
  2. Buying such apples is a good ending.
  3. Finding a fruit - to illness and long treatment, disappointment in work affairs.
  4. A beautiful apple turns into a rotten one? There will be a tempting offer that you should refuse so as not to get into a difficult financial situation.
  5. There are many fruits on the table or on the ground - you are surrounded by reliable friends who are always ready to help.
  6. The dreamer rolls a red apple on the table - an interesting secret will soon be revealed.
  7. Treat someone with such a fruit - it's time to look serious relationship for marriage.
  8. The fruits were stolen from the dreamer - to failure in business.

Why dream of green apples?

And what does it mean if you dreamed of green apples? Such a sign is good for women, it symbolizes vitality and good health. If a man had such a dream, then there will be a meeting with an old friend or a beautiful lady. It's believed that green color predicts something pleasant:

  1. Ripe, beautiful fruit - come true cherished desires, there will be respect from many people.
  2. Eating such apples - very important events will happen soon.
  3. A woman dreams that she plucked an unripe green apple- will get to know interesting man.
  4. The girl cuts the fruit - to.
  5. Green fruits on the ground - the danger lies in wait from relatives or friends.
  6. To cut off such fruits - you need to devote more time to studying, learning new things.

Why dream of yellow apples?

If you dreamed of apples yellow color, astrologers advise to pay attention to relationships with loved ones. For a woman, they portend well-being and prosperity, a successful marriage, the birth of a baby. The sunny shade of the fruit combines more pleasant signs, although there are also exceptions. Seeing yellow apples in a dream means:

  • successful marriage, good income;
  • a fun party, a visit from close friends;
  • for a woman - a possible betrayal of a loved one;
  • to pick such fruits - to attacks of jealousy;
  • bake a pie from them - to news from distant relatives;
  • wormy yellow apples - to strife in the family, but the conflicts will not be serious, it will be possible to find a compromise;
  • spoiled small fruits of a sunny shade - to changes in life;
  • sorting out such apples - to soon fall in love.

What is the dream of a white apple?

Any dream book apples white color considers in a positive way, because it is associated with divine signs and a wonderful future. This value also applies to fruits, but taking into account the plot of the dream. I dreamed of apples in a white dream:

  1. will happen good events who have been waiting for so long.
  2. For a girl - the promise of a wedding.
  3. For business people- to a successful deal.
  4. The fruits float on the water - you need to more actively achieve your goal, otherwise you can miss your chance.
  5. Burying white apples in the ground - well-being will be in jeopardy, money spending may fall out.
  6. Fruit rolled between spouses - discord can happen.

Why dream of picking apples?

In many cultures, apples are considered a symbol of life, so dreams of ripe, beautiful fruits are considered a good sign. Especially if you tear them from a tree. Picking apples in a dream is a pleasant change:

  1. There will be a reward for the labors, you can expect both material and moral satisfaction.
  2. Raise the fruits from the ground - to success in work, perhaps the authorities will reward you for your efforts.
  3. Collecting fruits in a basket - others will appreciate the efforts, but not immediately, but after some time.
  4. There are a lot of apples, but they hang high, and it is impossible to pick them - it is unlikely that the immediate plans will be realized.

Why dream of buying apples?

If you had to buy apples in a dream, it means that outbursts of emotions can cause difficult problems. At the same time, dream books about apples call vision a promise of success, a search for interesting communication, opportunities to realize the most daring ideas. The interpretation also depends on the dreamer's actions and the place of events:

  1. Buying fruit in a noisy market is a pleasant acquaintance, a new, devoted friend may appear.
  2. If you bought fruits in the store and took the last apples, and there is a big queue behind, good luck will come to you very soon.

There are several more interpretations of dreams about these fruits, depending on the actions of the participants in the dream:

Why dream big apples- given that seeing this fruit in a dream is considered a good sign, the plot about huge fruits is interpreted very positively. Our ancestors believed that glory, health, prosperity and great respect await the dreamer. Astrologers predict more interesting events in life and great discoveries in various sciences. You can also consider such a dream as a promise of stability in business.

What is the dream of a wormy apple?

As the dream book explains, bitter and tasteless apples in a dream are considered a sign of near troubles, so it is important to remember where this fruit came from. Was he given? You should stay away from this person. Did you rip it yourself? Difficulties will arise due to the fault of the dreamer. There is a risk of receiving incorrect information or not realizing the plans. And what does it mean when wormy fruits dream? Dream Interpretations present such interpretations of spoiled apples:

  1. One of the relatives held a grudge against the dreamer.
  2. Health problems may arise.
  3. There will be a strong temptation that you should not give in to, the results will be extremely unpleasant.
  4. From a pile of apples, one is wormy - relatives will create chores.

The color of the fruit also plays a role, depending on the color, the predictions differ somewhat:

  • wormy red apples - true friend support in difficult times.
  • yellow fruits with worms - to, but if the fruits lie on the ground, then the swara will be short and not very significant.

Why dream of rotten apples?

Rotten apples in a dream - not good sign, although some dream books interpret it positively. Considering that in reality it is extremely unpleasant to pick up such a fruit, the negative is transferred to the explanation of the dream. Fruits with rot dream:

  1. To failure in actions and plans, all efforts will be in vain.
  2. Someone is preparing false information for the dreamer.
  3. To anger and envy from relatives or colleagues.

If you had to buy rotten fruits for a lot of money in a dream, then in reality you should be afraid of failure. Astrologers advise paying attention to business affairs, commerce, in order to avoid trouble with documents. There are also positive predictions in some dream books that are based on the color of fruits:

  • yellow - to important, pleasant changes;
  • red - profitable trip, unexpected profit.

Why dream of stealing apples?

What does it mean when you dream of stolen apples, although in reality the dreamer has never done this? Psychologists explain this vision with depression and imbalance, inability to accept important decision, the desire to rely on others. Astrologers interpret the plot as a possible situation when you have to lie a lot and act out of conscience. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to reconsider your behavior and reassess your values.

Why dream of an apple core?

If a dream about apples promises more often positive changes, then the vision about the stub is interpreted as the miserable remnants of the well-being that they could have. This is a kind of warning about possible troubles that can be avoided if you do not engage in self-discipline, but take the time to solve difficult questions. Such a dream is also explained by the need to acquire new knowledge, experience, connections, possibly change jobs or close circle.

This is very good dream for the majority of people. - Seeing red apples on trees in green foliage is extremely favorable for the one who sees this dream.

If you dream that you eat spoiled apples, this dream does not bode well.

Ripe apples on the tree means that it is time for your hopes to come true, it is time to think carefully about what you are going to do and move forward boldly.

Ripe, apples at the top of the tree warn you not to be carried too high in your desires. Apples on the ground mean that you will be harmed by false friends and flatterers. Rotten apples - promise fruitless efforts.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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What does sleep Apples mean

There is - disappointment, anger;

Collect - domestic troubles;

Seeing is a nuisance.

See also Apple tree.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream about apples

Tearing is joy;

Eating is a pleasant love experience;

Eat sour - sadness, insincere friend;

Get - something good is waiting for you;

Cutting - separation from friends;

Collect - good deeds;

Rotten - danger;

To see on a tree - you will find many friends;

Drinking apple juice is a disease.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Hasse

What do dreams mean apples

Mature - a successful marriage;

Bitter - trouble;

Immature - harm;

Baked - self-interest;

Delicious - well-being;

Sweet - fun;

Wine - joy;

White - success;

Red - tears;

Dried, boiled - self-interest.

Interpretation of dreams from Correct dream book

Dream about apples

Seeing apples in a dream is a very good sign.

He promises a long and happy life good luck in work and in love.

This dream will especially please mothers, because it contains a promise that their children will become outstanding and rich people.

Interpretation of dreams from English dream book

What does it mean in a dream Apples

There are ripe apples - to a successful marriage; there are unripe apples - labors and sadness; baked or boiled - a sign of joy; ripe and tasty - well-being and wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation "Food"

Meaning of dreams Apples

(See interpretation: garden, fruits)

To see a lot of apples in a dream - to quarrels and domestic squabbles. Eating an apple in a dream means chagrin due to discord in the family or in love. Boiled apples or jam in a dream portend good news soon.

Picking ripe apples in a dream is a sign of pleasure and joy. Picking green apples in a dream is a harbinger of grief due to your own haste.

A sour apple in a dream means grief because of a loved one.

Dividing or cutting an apple in a dream portends a divorce for lovers or disagreements with business partners. Wormy apples in a dream mean unfaithful friends or envious people who will harm you a lot.

Admiring beautiful or unusually large ripe apples in a dream is a sign of seduction, forbidden pleasures. Trying such an apple in a dream portends satisfaction, enjoyment of a forbidden fruit, unless the apple turned out to be sour, bitter, wormy, etc. Asking the price of apples you like in a dream is a harbinger of love passion, succumbing to which you can lose a lot. Biting such an apple in a dream means that you are prone to frivolous acts and are able to take great risks to satisfy your own lust. See interpretation: apple of paradise.

Interpretation of dreams from Family dream book

What do apples mean in a dream

A dream in which you see red apples promises happiness and love. Ripe apples portend the realization of the wildest hopes and desires. You will be able to achieve the love of a worthy person, and your marriage will be strong and happy.

Interpretation of dreams from Love dream book

The meaning of sleep Apples

The apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward. Ripe apples on a tree mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true. Think carefully about your plans and boldly move forward. Apples that have fallen to the ground warn against false friends and flatterers.

Interpretation of dreams from Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Apples

A dream where you pick apples from a tree portends the disappointment that will befall you upon reaching your desired goal. The land strewn with fruits around the apple tree speaks of changes for the better in your destiny.

Large red apples are a sign of good health and sexual joys. Small apples portend an occupation that is inconsistent with your tastes and inclinations. Green, sour and unripe apples are a sign of illness and suffering.

There are apples in a dream - it means that in reality show close participation in the fate of a friend who has fallen into serious trouble. Apple jam promises unexpected luck and gaining lost hope. Cooking an apple pie in a dream means that in real life An extraordinary love adventure awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream interpretation alphabetically

What in a dream predicts Apples

Seeing red apples in green foliage is an extremely auspicious dream for most people. A fallen apple bodes trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from Universal dream book

Interpretation of sleep Apples

You pick or eat ripe apples without a wormhole - good health to you and your children. If the apples are wormy, this means that your children are sick.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What predicts a dream Apples

Sleep is generally favorable, but you need to look at the condition of the apples. Green (immature) indicate that you rejoice early: you still have to work hard. Rotten - take care of your health. Ripe, juicy apples mean the health and well-being of your entire family.

Imagine a whole basket of juicy, ripe, beautiful apples. You treat them to all your household members.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Meaning Apples

Strong, ripe apples: a sign of reliable success, to see them growing on an apple tree portends successful execution your plans and undertakings.

A good dream is also the one in which you buy or eat apples, or see them at home.

If you see apples on a branch, but you can’t reach them, the dream suggests that you risk suffering because of too high ambitions.

Cutting an apple in a dream portends some kind of controversial situation that can overshadow the success of a particular business.

Green apples urge you to be patient: - success will surely come to you, but you will have to wait a while and not rush things.

At the same time, if green apples turn out to be surprisingly sweet: a dream suggests that luck may come to you sooner than you expect.

Wormy apples: they warn that you are at risk of succumbing to some kind of temptation, and this will hurt your business.

Fallen and rotten apples: warn of possible losses. You should take care of your business and be wary of too tempting offers.

Interpretation of dreams from

Often, many of us have repeatedly had dreams in which apples were present. At first glance, such an insignificant detail attracts little attention and, it would seem, there is nothing to interpret here.

Wake up early on a clear morning with a positive mood, realizing that the flower apple garden, where you walked in night vision, can only portend joy. Looking at the interpreter, you will read what a huge number of apples are dreaming of.

In such dreams there are many fascinating details, which, thanks to dream books, are interesting and necessary to interpret.

One of the most auspicious symbols in multiple interpreters is apples. They symbolize the absence of ailments, prudence and prosperity. In such "sweet dreams" big entity is also given to the events themselves. Dream Interpretations take into account all the nuances that are reflected in the explanation of dreams.

But if you didn’t dream about apples for the first time, then the corresponding question arises: why do apples dream, and how do they relate to you and your life. To obtain correct interpretation, it is important to remember what kind of fruits were: large or small, red, green, sweet or sour. Where were they, and who saw them except you.

Attractiveness of the apple orchard

Any person will agree that one of the most beautiful dreams is an apple orchard in bloom as a sign of spring blossoming, waiting for delicious dishes. For young wives, a blossoming garden, prophesying a big apple harvest, is seen for the conception of a child. Such a dream disposes them to a happy future.

Did you happen to see apples lying on a snow-white cover in a dream? Dream Interpretations indicate: something threatens your prosperous life. We saw the winter park in sunlight- expect success after difficulties.

According to Vanga's dream book, an apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward. At the same time, if you cut a ripe fruit, then you are deeply mistaken about the events taking place around you. Don't rely on breaking news, even when it comes from people you trust.

Rich fruits are dreaming - success in everything awaits you, so do not hesitate and take on everything you want to do. In reality, you can easily solve all the difficulties.

Why dream of healthy apples? Exclusively for the benefits: excellent health, significant income. In a dream, did you look at beautiful large fruits? According to Freud's dream book, this is a sign of forbidden entertainment, as well as hidden desires. This is much better than communicating with vile hypocrites who want to bring you grief - small wounds testify to this.

A useful interpretation is given by the dream book of Nostradamus. Why, according to his version, big ripe apples dream? To great achievements and discoveries. Nostradamus clarified: everyone who had such a dream can rely on the authority and respect of the team. Get down to business, you will succeed!

It is important that the apple is not too ripe. The same dream book of Nostradamus explains what rotten apples dream of. The work that is being done today will not surprise others. It will not bring successful results. In general, all your work will not be productive.

Why dream of yellow apples? Based on the data of dream books, the fair sex should expect betrayal from the chosen one. Also, yellowish and white fruits promise important news that will need to be kept secret from other people.

Dream Interpretations explain what a full bucket of apples is dreaming of, where some of them are overripe, others are rotten. This is a symbol of the fact that there is a person next to you who delivers eternal problems.

In the morning, I remembered that in a dream I saw apples that rolled next to you and your husband? The dream interpretation warns: a discord in relations is likely between you. Try to prevent your conflict from escalating into a further divorce. You will need a lot of strength to follow the right life position. It won't last for a long time if you keep patience - well-being in the family will be restored.


As Vanga's dream book explains, apples plucked from a tree mean the following: talking with a wise person, you will learn many new smart things for yourself. Perhaps fellowship will exalt your spirituality.

Picking a greenish apple in night dreams means quickly making some weighty conclusion for yourself.

Considered in a dream the fallen apples from the big tall tree- an unfavorable signal. It is necessary to stop dubious communications, so as not to end up in a bad situation. Choose your circle of friends carefully.

Pick from a tree and steal ripe apples - you will face large financial losses due to inattention or due to a conflict with the patron. You collected fruits in a container - your work will be appreciated with dignity, only after a while.

By picking apples from the ground, you are counting on actions that you have no right to perform. Do you remember if they were worms or not? Wangi's dream book gives an explanation of what a wormy apple is dreaming of. You may lose if you rely on false information.

It is good when a tree with large fruits on the branches bowed under their weight. The dream interpretation indicates what a bag of apples is dreaming of - naturally, to increase wealth. Are you ready to improve your well-being? If you are a young person, you will not need it. You tore apples - awaits you happy marriage with a wealthy and influential husband.

When there are a lot of apples in a dream, however, they hung high, it will take a lot of strength. Did you wish to pick the apple hanging above the rest? The dream book indicates that you often set yourself difficult goals. Slow down - success will come immediately. Or be more determined to achieve what you want.

In a dream vision, did you steal apples from someone else's garden plot? Look from the outside at your actions - in reality they are also obscene. You need to be more specific, the environment will take it with dignity.

Dream Interpretations inform you why you dream of selling apples: take a look around you, there are only hypocrites nearby who live at the expense of you. Are you tired of them? Put everything in order, distribute powers, then everything will work out.

You will also find in the dream book that buying ripe apples in a dream means strong love feelings threatening heavy losses. Choosing fruits, tasting them - you are a rather risky person.

Seeing ripe red apples in a dream

Ripe fruits on a tree, according to Miller's dream book, remind you that the time has come for the implementation of a long-planned one. Think carefully and confidently proceed with the implementation.

The fruit at the top of the tree warns that you should not be too immersed in your desires. In real life, incredible emotions and an amazing mood - that's what red apples dream of. If they were on a tree, then get ready to receive good news.

Buying apples in the market or choosing on the store counter portends positive emotions associated with the completion of a long-started business. If red apples were lying on the ground, then get ready to be the center of attention of a far from small audience. Eat them - expect a small but romantic surprise.

Why dream of ripe green apples

Why dream of green apples? According to the dream book, good luck and unsurpassed success in career matters. If the fruits were large and ripe, then you will be promoted at work. Buying green apples means implementing long-planned plans.

Fruits on a tree of this color portend you a bonus for a job well done. If the fruit has long expired, then get ready to listen to disapproval from employees. Eat a spoiled green apple - defend your point of view in a conflict and get approval from your superiors.

sour apples

It is quite interesting that the dream book interprets apples with a sour taste as sweet life. If they were large sizes, then you will have a luxurious vacation with many pleasant moments. Seeing small sour apples means getting a chance to practice your favorite craft. But sweet fruits may be dreamed of if you are faced with an important choice. A dream in which you compare several apples with each other means that in real life it will not be difficult for you to accept the right solution. A sweet fruit lying on the ground indicates that it is time to heed the advice of a wise and experienced person. An apple with a leaf - a willingness to change your life.

Delicious apple dreams

Eating ripe apples is a sign of sexual desire. Nothing will stop you from diversifying intimate life with a spouse. Give him a candlelit dinner, cook something tasty, buy a bottle of wine, watch a romantic movie together.

Get ready to meet an attractive and graceful young lady if you are lucky enough to eat an apple in a dream. Perhaps she occupies a high position, but she will change your future in better side. It is possible that she is a powerful person who can change the fate of many people. Help her in this difficult task.

Was the apple you were holding very ripe? In reality, you want to meet an interesting man for whom you will experience sincere feelings. But Freud's dream book explains: your work will not bring the desired results. The thing is that this man is not at all fascinated by the fair sex.

According to Vanga's dream book, when you had a chance to eat apples, it means that you will soon meet an old man. It will require care, otherwise you will not avoid misfortune. In addition, if you ate fruits in a dream, the body gives a hint: you need to strengthen your immune system. But if you had to eat wormy fruits, adverse events are possible in the future.

The one whom you treated to an apple in night dreams should be more careful, because they are trying to drag him into a vague business. I dreamed that you were handing the fruit to someone as a present - you clearly want to mislead another person. In a night dream, a woman passes an apple to a man? According to Freud's dream book, she dreams of seducing him in her dreams. According to another dream book, sharing an apple with a lover or workmate is a conflict with a soul mate or a misunderstanding in a team.

You ate apples in a dream - in fact, you can be sure: happiness awaits you. However, dream books emphasize what sour-tasting apples dream of - a dear person will upset you. If you happened to consume green fruits, you should consult a doctor, probably a disease of the intimate organs.

Baked apples in night vision indicate your selfish attitude. You should not be a mercantile person, because what you do with all your heart delivers much more pleasant and sweet feelings.

Enjoyed dried fruits in a dream - be sure to consult a doctor, real life you are very exhausted. Thus, the body gives a signal of its deterioration. This applies to people belonging to the category of "workaholics" in the first place.

Did you wake up from a dream smelling the apple pie you baked in your dream? You will probably suffer as a result of your flirtatious behavior. If, moreover, they ate a baked delicacy, only hypocrites and ill-wishers gathered around you who want to do harm.

Food made by your hands from apples and pears is a sign philosophical attitude to problems that will need to be used soon. This is not at all scary, because problems can be overcome thanks to the experience.

An apple core in your hand is a signal of trouble in the future. Stay vigilant and be on the lookout. If the manager is not in the mood, and the employees are annoyed, this is short-lived. After a certain period of time, everything will fall into place.

We cooked apple jam or jam - from the dream book you will soon find out favorable news regarding your career advancement.

The explanation of the dream, in the plot of which you washed the fruits and put them in a container, indicates an exciting event. You will be directly involved in it.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look into Moon calendar and specify what and what lunar day.

Comparing data on lunar day and by the day of the week, it can be assumed whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 02/27/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is full of activity and an abundance of various plots. Finding the only correct semantic thread in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

Why did Apples dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

  • Beautiful, ripe and juicy apples are a favorable symbol for absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status.
  • Why dream of apples on trees - it has come in your life light streak, and you should consider your own goals and desires, since a more favorable time for their implementation may not come.
  • If you eat apples or hold an apple in your hands- expect good news that will help you cope with moral worries.
  • Why dream of unripe apples, or, conversely, overripe and slightly rotten apples - a dream is an omen of false friends, futile efforts and false ideals.

What did the Apple dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

Apples are perceived by our subconscious as a symbol of pleasure and joy. Apples are a reflection of our desire to bathe in pleasure. However dream about apples should alert you, since morally you are not going to return to "earthly" life, which indicates your unwillingness to take up work duties. It is impossible to always only receive without giving anything in return - remember this.

Why do Apples dream (Romantic dream book)

  • If you eat an unripe apple, expect a quarrel with your spouse.
  • In a dream, there is a boiled apple - on the contrary, a symbol of true and pure love no minor annoyances.
  • A dream in which you cut an apple and give the second half of the apple to your partner has a bad meaning.. Sleep is a harbinger of a breakup.
  • Why dream of picking ripe apples - to a successful personal life, even if up to this point you have been haunted by loneliness and disappointment in love.

Why do women dream of apples (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • Dreaming apples are a symbol of wisdom and reward.
  • Why dream of ripe apples on a tree- a dream means that the time has come for the realization of your hopes. Think carefully about your plans and boldly move forward.
  • Apples that have fallen to the ground warn against false friends and flatterers.
  • To dream that you are picking apples from branches means that you will soon feel the need to turn to the essence of earthly phenomena. You will communicate a lot with people and reflect.
  • There are apples in a dream- to meet a person older than you in age, who will teach you a lot. Your deepest desires may come true.
  • There are spoiled apples in a dream - to fruitless efforts.
  • If you cut an apple into slices- a delusion awaits you, which you will soon repent of.

Why do Apples dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Dreaming of apples is a good dream for most people. Seeing red apples on trees in green foliage is extremely favorable for the one who sees this dream.
  • To dream that you eat spoiled fruits- this dream does not predict good.
  • Ripe apples on a tree mean that it is time for your hopes to come true, it is time to think carefully about what you are going to do and move forward boldly.
  • Ripe apples at the top of the tree warn you not to be carried too high in your desires.
  • Why dream of rotten apples on the ground- a dream means that you will be harmed by false friends and flatterers.
  • Rotten apples - promise fruitless efforts.

Apples according to the Small Velesov dream book

  • Why dream of an apple - Getting money, the plan will come true, joy, a couple (unmarried), profit // bad, death, tears, big troubles, illness, choke, quarrel.
  • What dreams of picking apples is a disease.
  • Picking apples is a domestic trouble.
  • There are apples or pieces of apples- satisfaction with one's deeds // disappointment, anger.
  • Seeing a wormy apple is theft, a serious illness.
  • There is a wormy apple - you will be deceived in your hopes, you will get sick.
  • If you steal apples, you will get pregnant.
  • There is a ripe apple- marriage is prosperous, for good // shame.
  • Why green apples dream - sadness, quarrel, annoyance.
  • There are baked apples - joy, self-interest.
  • There are boiled apples - joy.
  • Dreaming that two apples fell- the birth of twins.

The meaning of sleep about Apples (Russian folk dream book)

The dreaming apple is a symbol of temptation. In the bible, the apple is the forbidden fruit that caused Adam and Eve to be expelled from paradise. In Russian folk tales apples are associated with health and life force.

  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are being treated with apples, someone is trying to involve you in a risky venture.
  • Seeing apple jam, you will witness some sad event.
  • Why dream of holding a golden apple in your hand, you hope to receive universal love and recognition.
  • Collecting crumbled apples, in reality, you are hoping to get what is not available to you.
  • In a dream, you pick a green apple, Don't rush things, let things take their course.
  • You eat a rotten apple, means the loss of vital interests.

Worldly interpretation of a dream about Apples (allegories of the writer Aesop)

The apple represents temptation, temptation. According to the Bible, the apple symbolizes the forbidden fruit, because of which Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. But also in ancient mythology and Russian folk tales, apples are associated with health and vitality. Remember how in one of the fairy tales the king sent his sons for rejuvenating apples, who restored his strength and health.

  • Seeing you being treated to apples means that someone will try to involve you in a risky venture that will significantly damage your reputation.
  • You eat an apple - indicates that you need to take care of your health in the near future.
  • You saw an apple lying on a plate or on a saucer - you will become a participant in interesting events.
  • Dreaming about how you roll an apple on a plate- in reality you accidentally find out someone's secret.
  • Cooking apple jam in a dream means that you will become a participant or witness to a sad event.
  • Holding a golden apple in your hand - in reality you will receive universal love and recognition.
  • Collecting crumbled apples is evidence that in reality you are hoping to get something that is not available to you.
  • Dreaming of a huge mountain of red and ripe apples- to success and complete well-being.
  • Why dream of apples, unripe or green - means bad news. Don't rush things, let things take their course.
  • You eat a wormy or rotten apple - means illness and loss of vitality.
  • Dream among ripe apples one rotten- all your failures and problems are connected with a person close to you. "One spoiled apple rots a whole cart."
  • You saw an apple rolling along the path, which means that in the near future you will be hosting your relatives.

I had a dream about a Tree with apples (we guess from the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Why dream of apples? If a man sees an apple tree in a dream, he rejoices at the realization that it attracts the attention of women around him.
  • You are sitting under an apple tree - you dream of being seduced by a young girl.
  • In a dream, a woman gives you an apple - in reality, they are trying to seduce you.
  • If a woman dreams that she shares an apple with a man, the dream means that she wants to seduce him.
  • If a woman dreamed that she picks up an apple, and he turns out to be wormy, in reality she will be disappointed in her sexual partner.

The meaning of the dream about Bulk (Wangi's Dream Interpretation)

  • Why dream of apples - a symbol of wisdom and reward.
  • To dream that you are picking apples from branches, this means that under the influence of the events taking place around you, you will feel the need to comprehend the essence of earthly phenomena and will communicate a lot with people and think, but only a small part you will understand, because everything around is the creation of God and its mystery is incomprehensible.
  • There is an apple in a dream - in reality you will become wiser when you meet a person older than you in age. He will teach you a lot of what he knows himself, answer him only with kindness, otherwise you will bring trouble on your head.
  • Why do wormy apples dream- this means that you will receive false information, and if you do not think over your further actions, you will lose.
  • You cut an apple into slices, predicts a delusion for which you will pay.

The meaning of the dream about the Ripe Fruit (according to Nostradamus)

  • In a dream, to see a large ripe apple - a great discovery will soon be made. The dream tells the dreamer that in the future he will be respected by a large number of people.
  • If you dream of a rotten apple, then the dream means that the business you are doing will end unsuccessfully.
  • Eat an apple in a dream or treat friends with apples- to meet with beautiful woman, which will provide big influence to your destiny. Perhaps - this dream indicates that in the future a woman will come to power in one of the states of the world, who will be able to make this state the most powerful in the whole world.
  • Did you see a large number of apples, then in the future will be discovered amazing fruits resembling apples in shape. These apples will restore health and youth to people.

What does the Fruit symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

Why dream of apples? The apple symbolizes desire. They can appear directly and be compulsively repeated. If we take into account that every instinct manifests itself in the sequence: motivation (motive), search, behavior of satisfaction (satiation), then desire is detected at the early stages of motivation by movements of intentions. This behavior is only assessed unconsciously, since on a conscious level the behavior of intentions seems to be undifferentiated; that is, a specific instinctive desire can be detected in dreams and fantasies by indirect signs of the behavior of the individual himself, objects and interactions. Indifference. Indifference in a clearly emotionally significant scene is associated with a kind of vacuum of feelings, depletion of the energy potential, repression. Emotional inadequacy. The scene, indifferent, is perceived as significant, frightening, disturbing. This indicates its archetypal significance.

Why do Apples dream in the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananita)

  • Seeing an apple is an unsuccessful marriage, divorce.
  • Picking apples is a joy.
  • Eating apples is a pleasant love experience.
  • Dreaming of eating sour apples- sadness, insincerity of a friend.
  • Get an apple as a gift - something good is waiting for you.
  • Cutting apples - separation from a friend.
  • Why dream of picking apples - good deeds.
  • Picking rotten apples- danger.
  • Seeing apples on a tree - you will find many friends.
  • Why dream of drinking Apple juice- disease.

Analysis of the dream in which Apples dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • You ate a juicy, ripe apple, which means, unfortunately, your attempts to get closer are in vain. You would very much like to get acquainted with a certain person of interest to you, but he will not answer your calls simply because he is prone to sexual relations with representatives of his gender.
  • See wormy apples- your other half inspires you with serious concerns: it seems to you that he (or she) spends too much time away from home, and this is by no means due to career considerations. Do not worry in vain - nothing bad threatens either you or your union, and if there was any left-sided interest, then something will happen soon enough that will finally open the eyes of the lost lamb and everything will fall into place. Your partner will understand that there is nothing stronger than old love, and peace can only be obtained in your own family, and not in casual relationships on the side. So your faithful (beloved) will return to the bosom of the family, where you will accept him with open arms. This is an interpretation of what images are dreaming of.
  • Shake the apple tree so that apples fall from it to the ground - in order for your partner to enjoy having sex with you, you need to try hard. However, later, after you show your best, you will see how good the other person was with you.

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