Stages of formation of the political map of South Asia. Political map and regions of Asia

Asia is the most most of world, where more than half of humanity lives.

Among the modern independent states of foreign Asia, republics predominate, however, there are countries with a monarchical form of government - there are 14 of them.

Until the 2nd World War (XX century) foreign Asia(without the USSR) was a very important component colonial system. Over 90% of the region's population lived in colonies and dependent countries. The main metropolitan countries were: Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Japan, and the USA. After World War II, the collapse of the colonial system primarily affected Asian countries. To this day, only the last “remnants” of the former colonial possessions have survived.

An attempt was made to involve young independent states in military blocs. Now they have collapsed, but it should be remembered that in the mid-50s the military blocs SEATO and CENTO were created. SEATO includes the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and from Asian countries - Thailand, the Philippines and Pakistan (which came out in 1972). Soon the SEATO bloc disintegrated. Members of another military alliance, CENTO, were Great Britain, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan; in fact, the United States played a large role in it, although formally it was not a member of the bloc. Until 1959, CENTO included Iraq. In 1979, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey announced their withdrawal from this bloc, which predetermined the collapse of this bloc.

Turkey is the only Asian country in the NATO bloc. The Non-Aligned Movement is widespread in Asia. Non-aligned countries proclaimed non-participation in military-political blocs and groupings as the basis of their foreign policy.

Southwest Asia

There are 16 countries in South-West Asia, forming a historical sub-region covering most of the Near and Middle East (the conventional concept “Near and Middle East” covers the territory located in South-West Asia and North Africa). In South-West Asia there are still monarchies with strong remnants of feudal and tribal relations, but republics predominate. The New and Contemporary history of South-West Asia reflects the rivalry between the largest imperialist powers. They were attracted by the “middle” position of the region on the shortest routes from the metropolises to their large colonial possessions in the South and South. East Asia, and later - the richest oil fields in this region.

The struggle for strategically important territories was carried out mainly between Great Britain and France.


1875 - Great Britain purchased a share of the Suez Canal Company (built on Egyptian territory in 1869). Aden and Cyprus were turned into British colonies. By the end of the 19th century. Great Britain established its protectorate over a number of territories in the Arabian Peninsula and in the area Persian Gulf. After World War I, Iraq, Palestine and Transjordan became British “mandatory” territories (administered under the “mandate” of the League of Nations), and Syria and Lebanon became French ones. The League of Nations actually legitimized the division of South-West Asia into spheres of influence.

1919 - as a result of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Yemen, Hijaz and Asir gained independence.

1919 - the people of Afghanistan became independent (in 1978 Afghanistan became a republic).

1921 - the Soviet-Iranian friendship treaty was signed - recognition of Iran (since 1979, the monarchical regime was abolished and the Islamic Republic was proclaimed).

1923 - The Turkish Republic is proclaimed.

1932 - the state was formed Saudi Arabia(the principalities of Nejd and Hejaz united).

1932 - Iraq gained independence (became a republic in 1958).

1943 - Syria and Lebanon gained independence, and in 1946 Transjordan gained independence (since 1950 - Jordan).

1947 - by resolution of the UN General Assembly, the British Mandate for Palestine was abolished. On the territory of this country, it was decided to create two sovereign states: Arab and Jewish (this issue has not yet been resolved).

In 1948, the formation of the State of Israel was proclaimed, but the State of Palestine was not formed. Israel occupied the entire territory allocated for the Arab state (Arab-Israeli wars of 1948-49, “six-day war” of 1967). Contrary to the UN resolution, the Israeli authorities declared Jerusalem the capital of their state. Only in September 1993 was the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration signed, providing for the creation of temporary self-government on the Western Beret of the river. Jordan and Gaza Strip (autonomy). 1960 - the independence of the Republic of Cyprus was proclaimed (since 1974 - about 37% of the territory was occupied by Turkey, which led to the actual split of Cyprus into two separate parts). 1961 - Kuwait gained independence (it was a British protectorate). 1962 - the Yemen Arab Republic was formed (in 1967, another independent state was formed, the People's Republic of South Yemen - PDRY); and in 1990, both states united to form the Republic of Yemen with its capital in Sana'a.

1970 - The Sultanate of Oman (formerly a British colony) was created.

1971 - independence is declared in the former British protectorates of Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (previously treaty Oman). 1978 - a coup was carried out in Afghanistan. The country was named the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (in November 1987 it was returned to its previous name - the Republic of Afghanistan, and in 1992 the country was proclaimed Islamic State Afghanistan).

At the end of 1979, by agreement with the country's leadership, Soviet troops were sent to Afghanistan. This unlawful act led to the strengthening of the opposition movement and to an extreme escalation of tension in the country. The United States, Pakistan, Iran and other countries became involved in the conflict, one way or another. By 1986, the Soviet government made a political decision to withdraw troops and by 1989 the USSR fulfilled its obligations. However, the country's civil war continues due to ongoing deep divisions between Afghan warring factions.

Character established during colonial times state borders, religious, ethnic and other differences still give rise to border conflicts, armed clashes and wars:

1948-49, 1956, 1967, 1982 - Israeli aggression and wars against Arab neighboring states (Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon),

1980-88 - Iran-Iraq War, 1979-95. - war in Afghanistan, 1990-91. - Iraq's aggression against Kuwait.

Place of work, position: - geography teacher, MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1"

Region: — Orenburg region

Characteristics of the lesson (session) Level of education: - basic general education

Target audience: — Teacher (teacher)

Grade(s): – 10th grade

Subject(s): - Geography

The purpose of the lesson: -

Systematize knowledge on the main events and main stages in the formation of the political map of Asia.

Lesson type: – Combined lesson

Students in class (audience): - 10

Textbooks used and teaching aids: —

V.N. Kholina Geography grade 10 profile level

Used methodological literature: —

1. V.N. Kholina Book for teachers - M.: Bustard 2005.

2. Maksakovsky V.P. Geographical picture of the world - M.: Bustard 2005.

Equipment used: -

1. Physical card Eurasia.

2. Textbook, atlases.

Used DSOs: —

disk for specialized school

Brief description: - 2. Continue developing: - the ability to independently work with sources of geographic information; - ability to navigate on a map when searching for geographical objects; The lesson helps develop the ability to show geographic objects on a map, analyze the situation, find cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena; develop research skills.

Resource for a specialized school: – Resource for a specialized school

Methodological development of the lesson.

Lesson topic: Formation of the political map of Asia.

Goal: Systematize knowledge on the main events and main stages in the formation of the political map of Asia.

Learn about major contemporary political issues in Asia.

1. Contribute to creating a comfortable environment in the classroom.

2. Continue formation:

— skills of independent work with sources of geographic information;

- ability to navigate on a map when searching for geographical objects;

— the ability to show geographical objects on a map;

— the ability to analyze a situation, find cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena;

3. Development of research skills.


1. Physical map of Eurasia.

2. Textbook, atlases.

3. Projector.

5. Computer class with Internet access.

During the classes.

(lesson stages)

Teacher's actions.

Students' actions.

Organizing time.

Checks readiness for the lesson.

Prepare your workspace: pen, atlas, diary.

Organizational and motivational

Announcement of new material.

Get ahead of your butt using the textbook Arabo - Izr Conflict

Hello guys!

Today we have guests in class, let’s greet them, don’t worry, we work in the same mode as always. GRADE for a lesson is activity in the lesson + test tasks

You already know that the whole world in which we live is divided into parts - regions. We have already met one of these regions. This …

And what region will we study today, you tell me now

The coordinates are posted on the board:

1) 16 n., 101 east.

2) 21 N, 95 E

3) 11 N, 107 E

Determine which objects are located at given coordinates?

That's right it's ASIA

What is a political map,

Has the political map always been like this? Do you know the stages of its formation? This means that we must find out the stages and events that influenced its formation.

LESSON TOPICShaping the political map of Asia

Writes the topic of the lesson on the board.

And in notebooks


to start studying the topic of the lesson, let's remember the basic concepts:

1) What are states?

2) State borders?

3) Types of boundaries?

Well done!,

So, a region of the world close to European. This is Asia, you can study it in different ways, mark the most interesting or the most known facts, the largest or most significant events and look for exclusives. But to form more full picture, some other characteristics are required.

· What other indicators do you think we could use to evaluate the region?

Today we are unlikely to have time to thoroughly understand these issues. But this is our first lesson on this topic, and subsequent lessons will provide an opportunity to get to know the region in more detail.

So what do we know about Asia?

Slide No. 1,2

Today we will expand our understanding of Asia and use its example to show how almost all the problems of the formation and development of the political map of the world manifest themselves, which we will consider today.

THERE IS such a concept SUBREGIONS

How would you divide Asia into these regions and what would they call them?

State of Siam

Saigon, Vietnam

Write down the topic in your notebooks

Political map world - a geographical map reflecting the countries of the world, their form of government and government.

1.The most important administrative territorial units per floor. Map

2. lines drawn on the map and locally, and with perpendiculars restored from these lines to the border of the earth's space with space and to the center of the earth deep into its depths. - delimitation, demarcation

Marine - territorial waters.

· ( Geographical position, population, mineral resource base, main sectors of the economy Political map)

Asia, the largest part of the world, is home to more than half of humanity and is home to about 50 states and territories. The border between Europe and Asia runs along the eastern slope Ural mountains, the Ural River, the northwestern shore of the Caspian Sea, along the Kuma-Manych depression; between Asia and Africa - along the Isthmus of Suez.

Foreign Asia is divided into subregions, let's find out which countries are included in this or that region

Group assignments 4 people check at the card

Check on slides No. 5,6,7,8

Perform tasks on the map

In ancient times, Asia was home to powerful empires that determined the course of world history, but the modern political map was formed mainly in Modern and Contemporary times.

Remember which European was the first to reach by sea from Europe to India around Africa?

It was from this historical moment that the stage of colonization of Asia began

RECORDING in tetra Stages of formation of the Political map:

1 colonization 15th century

According to the textbook page 102

Write down in your notebook the metropolises that dominated Asia

Define Possessions of Great Britain and the Netherlands— Dutch India: the islands of Java, Madura, Sumatra, Borneo (Kalimantan), Celebes (Sulawesi), part of the island of New Guinea (West Irian).

Portugal— Portuguese India (cities of Goa, Diu), Macao (Macau), Timor island.

France— French India (cities of Karikal, Mahe, Pondichenry, Chandernagore, Yanaon), French Indochina (Annam, Cambodia, Cochin China, Laos, Thin).

Possessions of Japan- Bonin Islands, Taiwan.

Russian possessions- Khiva and Bukhara (as vassals), Kvantui with Port Arthur (rented from China).

US Possessions- Philippines (since 1898).

As part of the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire


Colonies in Asia remained until the middle of the 20th century.

WHAT % of the population lived in the colonies?

Over 90% of the region's population lived in them.

The collapse of the colonial system ended after the Second World War.

We write in notebooks Stage 2 decolonization

Many states have changed their form of government

Task 2 Using the textbook page 104, find information about the forms of government.

SO what stages formed the political map and at what time?

WHAT major historical events could you name? THESE are wars

BASIC historical events. XX century.

1. First World War- write out pages 106-107

Which states became part of the USSR after the First World War?

2.Which countries freed themselves from colonial dependence and became independent after World War II.

Does the division of states always go smoothly? Can you give an example of territorial claims?

Asia is an unstable region; many states have territorial claims against each other, as state borders here were drawn with the participation of European powers.

we did research. work

about Japan's territorial claims to the Southern Kuril Islands. NAUMOVA DARIA will present a small part of our work.

Making a presentation.

I offer you this situation. Imagine that Russia handed over the Southern Kuril Islands, WHAT PROBLEMS WILL APPEAR in this regard for the residents and the government?

Discussion 2-3 min

The Middle East is a territory where the interests of many of the largest powers of the West and East have converged since Crusades XII century, is a hotbed of instability.

Consider the ARAB-Israeli conflict.


Let's check how you have learned the information received in the lesson. Online textbook 90% -5

So what have we learned?

Have you reached the goal of our lesson? Name the STEPS and main events


D/Z - slide

Open the textbook topic No. 2; par No. 3 page 102

Asia is the largest part of the world, where more than half of humanity lives.

Among the modern independent states of foreign Asia, republics predominate, however, there are countries with a monarchical form of government - there are 14 of them.

Until the 2nd World War (XX century), foreign Asia (without the USSR) was a very important component of the colonial system. Over 90% of the region's population lived in colonies and dependent countries. The main metropolitan countries were: Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Japan, and the USA. After World War II, the collapse of the colonial system primarily affected Asian countries. To this day, only the last “remnants” of the former colonial possessions have survived.

An attempt was made to involve young independent states in military blocs. Now they have collapsed, but it should be remembered that in the mid-50s the military blocs SEATO and CENTO were created. SEATO included the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and from Asian countries - Thailand, the Philippines and Pakistan (which left in 1972). Soon the SEATO bloc disintegrated. Members of another military alliance, CENTO, were Great Britain, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan; in fact, the United States played a large role in it, although formally it was not a member of the bloc. Until 1959, CENTO included Iraq. In 1979, Iran, Pakistan and Turkey announced their withdrawal from this bloc, which predetermined the collapse of this bloc.

Turkey is the only Asian country in the NATO bloc. The Non-Aligned Movement is widespread in Asia. Non-aligned countries proclaimed non-participation in military-political blocs and groupings as the basis of their foreign policy.

Southwest Asia

There are 16 countries in South-West Asia, forming a historical sub-region covering most of the Near and Middle East (the conventional concept “Near and Middle East” covers the territory located in South-West Asia and North Africa). In South-West Asia there are still monarchies with strong remnants of feudal and tribal relations, but republics predominate. The New and Contemporary history of South-West Asia reflects the rivalry between the largest imperialist powers. They were attracted by the “middle” position of the region on the shortest routes from the metropolises to their large colonial possessions in South and Southeast Asia, and later by the richest oil fields in this region.

The struggle for strategically important territories was carried out mainly between Great Britain and France.


1875 - Great Britain purchased a share of the Suez Canal Company (built on Egyptian territory in 1869). Aden and Cyprus were turned into British colonies. By the end of the 19th century. Great Britain established its protectorate over a number of territories in the Arabian Peninsula and in the Persian Gulf area. After World War I, Iraq, Palestine and Transjordan became British “mandatory” territories (administered under the “mandate” of the League of Nations), and Syria and Lebanon became French ones. The League of Nations actually legitimized the division of South-West Asia into spheres of influence.

1919 - as a result of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Yemen, Hijaz and Asir gained independence.

1919 - the people of Afghanistan became independent (in 1978 Afghanistan became a republic).

1921 - the Soviet-Iranian friendship treaty was signed - recognition of Iran (since 1979, the monarchical regime was abolished and the Islamic Republic was proclaimed).

1923 - The Turkish Republic is proclaimed.

1932 - the state of Saudi Arabia was formed (the principalities of Nejd and Hejaz united).

1932 - Iraq gained independence (became a republic in 1958).

1943 - Syria and Lebanon gained independence, and in 1946 Transjordan gained independence (since 1950 - Jordan).

1947 - by resolution of the UN General Assembly, the British Mandate for Palestine was abolished. On the territory of this country, it was decided to create two sovereign states: Arab and Jewish (this issue has not yet been resolved).

In 1948, the formation of the State of Israel was proclaimed, but the State of Palestine was not formed. Israel occupied the entire territory allocated for the Arab state (Arab-Israeli wars of 1948-49, “six-day war” of 1967). Contrary to the UN resolution, the Israeli authorities declared Jerusalem the capital of their state. Only in September 1993 was the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration signed, providing for the creation of temporary self-government on the Western Beret of the river. Jordan and Gaza Strip (autonomy). 1960 - the independence of the Republic of Cyprus was proclaimed (since 1974 - about 37% of the territory was occupied by Turkey, which led to the actual split of Cyprus into two separate parts). 1961 - Kuwait gained independence (it was a British protectorate). 1962 - the Yemen Arab Republic was formed (in 1967, another independent state was formed, the People's Republic of South Yemen - PDRY); and in 1990, both states united to form the Republic of Yemen with its capital in Sana'a.

1970 - The Sultanate of Oman (formerly a British colony) was created.

1971 - independence is declared in the former British protectorates of Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (previously treaty Oman). 1978 - a coup was carried out in Afghanistan. The country was named the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (in November 1987 it was returned to its previous name - the Republic of Afghanistan, and in 1992 the country was proclaimed the Islamic State of Afghanistan).

At the end of 1979, by agreement with the country's leadership, Soviet troops were sent to Afghanistan. This unlawful act led to the strengthening of the opposition movement and to an extreme escalation of tension in the country. The United States, Pakistan, Iran and other countries became involved in the conflict, one way or another. By 1986, the Soviet government made a political decision to withdraw troops and by 1989 the USSR fulfilled its obligations. However, the country's civil war continues due to ongoing deep divisions between Afghan warring factions.

The nature of state borders established in colonial times, religious, ethnic and other disagreements still give rise to border conflicts, armed clashes and wars:

1948-49, 1956, 1967, 1982 - Israeli aggression and wars against Arab neighboring states (Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon),

1980-88 - Iran-Iraq War, 1979-95. - war in Afghanistan, 1990-91. - Iraq's aggression against Kuwait.

South Asia

The region includes 7 countries of the Eurasian continent, located south of the Himalayas on the Hindustan Peninsula and on nearby islands in the Indian Ocean, with a population of more than 1 billion people. The countries of South Asia share a significant historical commonality of development. In the pre-capitalist era, there were numerous slave-owning and feudal states, some of which had a high socio-economic level of development for their time. With the strengthening of capitalism in Europe, interest in India, which attracted with its “legendary” riches, sharply increased. The Portuguese expedition of Vasco da Gama in 1498 opened the sea route (around Africa) from Europe to India and other countries in the region and marked the beginning of colonial conquests. Since the 17th century Fierce competition for colonial dominance began between Portugal, the Netherlands, England and France. Victory was for England and from the middle of the 19th century. The largest of the colonies arose - British India. In Ceylon, the British also replaced their previous masters - the Portuguese and the Dutch. Great Britain established its protectorate over the princely states of Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim, located in the Himalayas, as well as over the sultanate on Maldives. The national liberation struggle of the conquered peoples was brutally suppressed (Sinai uprising in India 1857-59, etc.). Of all the states of South Asia, only Nepal has been a formally sovereign state since 1923 (before that it was under a British protectorate), but it gained independence after an armed uprising in 1950-51. After World War II, the collapse of the colonial system of imperialism also spread to South Asia. 1947 - two states were created - the dominions of the Indian Union and Pakistan (division on religious principles). The resettlement of peoples was accompanied by increased religious strife, which continues to this day (the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, etc.).

In 1950 - the Republic of India was proclaimed, in 1956 - the Republic of Pakistan (Western and Eastern),

In 1971, the independent state of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was formed on the site of East Pakistan.

1965 - the independence of the sultanate in the Maldives was proclaimed (since 1968 - the Republic of Maldives).

1972 - The Republic of Sri Lanka is proclaimed.

India is one of ancient countries peace. For almost 200 years it was a British colony. In 1950 it was proclaimed a republic. India has been a member of the UN since the creation of this organization, one of the founders and leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement. It owns a number of major initiatives aimed at stabilizing the situation in the world and solving disarmament problems. India has had difficult relations with neighboring Pakistan for many years. The period of their comparative normalization (1988-1989) was replaced in 1990 by an exacerbation of the long-standing dispute. The Indian and Pakistani leadership are taking steps to reduce tensions in Indian-Pakistani relations and to resolve the problems of separatism in the border states of Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir. The history of another country in this region is also full of dramatic events. The island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was a colony of Portugal, the Netherlands, and then from the 18th century. - Great Britain. In 1948, the country gained independence (while remaining a dominion), and in 1972 it was proclaimed the Republic of Sri Lanka. Since the 70s, the situation in the country has been largely determined by the unresolved Sinhala-Tamil ethnic conflict, which has historical roots.

All countries in this region attach great importance to membership in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Non-Aligned Movement.

Southeast Asia

The region includes the Indochina Peninsula and numerous islands of the Malay Archipelago. This region connects mainland Eurasia and Australia and is the border between the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Important air and sea routes run through the countries of Southeast Asia: the Strait of Malacca is comparable in importance for world shipping to the Strait of Gibraltar, Panama and Suez Canals.
Position between two ancient centers of civilization and the largest populous states modern world- China and India - had a strong impact on the formation of the political map of the region, the processes of economic development, the ethnic and religious composition of the population, and the development of culture. Geographical location, significant natural and human resources determined colonial conquests in the past and neocolonial expansion in Southeast Asia in the present.

The seizure of territories in this region by European powers began during the Age of Discovery.

1516 - The Spaniards settled in the Philippines (Magellan's expedition - El Cano). XVI century - Portuguese possessions appeared on the Malacca Peninsula and the Malacca Archipelago (Moluccas). In the 17th century and later until the 20th century. - The Netherlands controlled most of Indonesia. Late XIX V. - French colonies appeared in the eastern regions of the Indochina Peninsula (French Indochina: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia). Beginning of the 20th century - British colonies arose: in the north of the island of Kalimantan, the Malacca Peninsula and nearby islands, as well as in Burma (which was included in British India). Portugal had by that time lost all its colonies. As a result of the war of conquest of 1898-1904. The US has established its dictatorship over the Philippines. The Kingdom of Thailand alone retained formal independence, but came under strong political and economic impact France and England. The rest of the countries in this subregion were colonies. After World War II, the process of collapse of the colonial system led to the formation of sovereign states in the region (Vietnam and Laos followed the path of building socialism). Chronology:

1945 - Indonesia gained independence (West Irian was reunited with Indonesia in 1963).

1945 - the independence of the state of Laos is proclaimed.

1945 - the Democratic Republic of Vietnam was proclaimed (1946-54 - war against the French colonialists, 1964-73 - US aggression, 1969 - war of North and South Vietnam), 1976 - proclamation of a united Vietnam. 1946 - the Philippines became an independent state, in 1948 - Burma (now Myanmar), in 1953 - Cambodia.

1957 - Malaya gained independence, 1959 - Singapore achieved self-government.

1963 - Malaya, Singapore and the former British possessions of Sabah and Sarawak (on the island of Kalimantan) united to form the Federation of Malaysia (since 1965 - Singapore left the Federation). 1975 - The sovereign Republic of East Timor (a former Portuguese colony) was proclaimed, but it was occupied by Indonesian troops). The issue of East Timor, contrary to the resolution of the UN General Assembly, has not been resolved to this day.

1984 - The Sultanate of Brunei (formerly a British protectorate) became independent.

In 1967, the regional organization Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was created, which included Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Brunei (since 1984). Negotiations are currently underway to include Vietnam in this grouping.

This organization sets goals for cooperation between countries in the region in order to accelerate economic, cultural, scientific and technological progress.

Central and East Asia

This region includes: Japan, Korea (DPRK and South Korea), China, Mongolia, Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and Macao (Macau). Hong Kong and Macao are small politically dependent states on the coast of the South China Sea, the status of which is determined: Hong Kong (possession of Great Britain) came under the sovereignty of China in 1997, Macao (possession of Portugal) - by 2000. During World War II, on December 7, 1941, Japan launched a war against the United States with an attack on Pearl Harbor (Hawaii Islands). At the beginning of 1942, Japan captured the entire territory of the Indochina Peninsula, Malaya, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Burma. After the surrender of Germany on September 2, 1945, under the blows of the Allied armed forces, Japan capitulated (the defeat of the Kwantung Army).

Under the terms of the peace treaty with Japan, Korea was promised independence. Northeast China (Manchuria), the island of Taiwan (Formosa) and other Chinese islands captured by Japan were supposed to be returned to China. Returned to the Soviet Union Southern Sakhalin and were transmitted Kurile Islands, once belonged to Russia.

During the war, the Americans occupied all the Japanese islands, as well as the Caroline, Marshall and Mariana Islands, which were under Japanese rule. Pacific Ocean(Later, on behalf of the UN, custody of the islands was exercised by the United States). South Korea also entered the zone of American occupation (up to the 38th parallel), and North Korea was occupied by Soviet troops.

The United States of America concluded a so-called security treaty with Japan, which gave them the right to maintain their armed forces there. Japan is the only economically highly developed country in Central and East Asia. The rest of the states in this region, according to typology, belong either to the group developing countries, or to the group of post-socialist and socialist (China, Mongolia, North Korea).

Japan is a constitutional monarchy. According to the current constitution, the emperor is “a symbol of the state and the unity of the people.” Supreme body state power and the only legislative body is parliament. Japan is one of the most highly developed countries on the planet, ranking second in the world (after the USA) in terms of economic power.

There are two states on the Korean Peninsula: the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. Korea is a country with ancient history(about 5 thousand years). The last royal dynasty lasted from 1392 to 1910. In the years Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Korea was occupied by Japan. After World War II (in 1945), the country was divided along the 38th parallel, which became the dividing line between Soviet and American forces (north of the 38th parallel was the territory liberated by the Soviet Army). In 1948, the Republic of Korea was officially proclaimed in Seoul, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was officially proclaimed in Pyongyang. In 1950-53. There was a war on the peninsula, which was the result of an intense confrontation between the two republics over the issue of unifying the country. The post-war armistice agreement remains in effect to this day. An important event was the accession of two Korean states to the UN in 1991. Founder of the first unified Mongolian state at the beginning of the 13th century. became Genghis Khan. Later, in the 17th century. Mongolia was conquered piecemeal by the Manchus and until 1911 was part of the Qing Empire.

Then independence was proclaimed and national statehood was restored in the form of an unlimited feudal-theocratic monarchy. In 1915, Mongolia's status was limited to broad autonomy under the suzerainty of China and the patronage of Russia (later Chinese troops were brought into the country). In 1921, as a result of the struggle of the Mongolian people for liberation, the victory of the people's revolution was proclaimed. Mongolia became a people's republic and developed for many years in close connection with the USSR. International trade was focused on member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), the main trading partner was Soviet Union. Currently Mongolia is a parliamentary republic with presidential uniform boards; agrarian-industrial country. In the early 90s, former socialist agricultural associations were transformed into joint-stock companies, and the privatization of livestock was largely completed in the country.

China is one of the oldest countries in the world. From the XVII to the XX centuries. The country was ruled by the Manchu Qing dynasty, whose policies brought the country to the position of a semi-colonial state. In the 19th century China became the object of colonial expansion by a number of imperialist powers (Great Britain, Japan, Germany, etc.). A major event in the modern history of China was the Xinhai Revolution (1911-13), which overthrew the Manchu monarchy and proclaimed the Republic of China. During the war against Japanese aggression (1937-45), the USSR provided assistance to the Chinese people. After the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army and the completion of the people's revolution in 1949, the People's Republic of China was proclaimed. The remnants of the overthrown Kuomintang regime fled to the island of Taiwan (Formosa). There the “government of the Republic of China” was created. According to Taiwan's current constitution, the Taipei regime is a republic headed by a president.

The highest representative body is the National Assembly. Currently, the Taiwanese government claims to represent all of China, the mainland of which, according to Taipei, is “temporarily occupied by the Communists.” For its part, Beijing believes that Taiwan should recognize the government of the People's Republic of China and proposes the formula “one state, two systems” (i.e. Taiwan becomes a special administrative region under the jurisdiction of China). Taipei offers its own formula - “one country, two governments.” Nowadays, Taiwan is included in the group of “newly industrialized countries” (“four small economic dragons”) along with Singapore, the Republic of Korea and Hong Kong; plays an increasingly significant role in the economies of the Asia-Pacific region. China has seen significant economic growth and policy adjustments in recent years. In 1992 (at the XIV Congress of the CPC), a course was proclaimed to further deepen economic reforms and transition the economy to the rails of a “socialist market economy.” An open foreign economic policy is being implemented.

Can be viewed from two aspects. The first is a simple publication on paper that reflects how the world works from the point of view of the balance of political forces. The second aspect considers this concept from a broader perspective, as about the formation of states, their structure and split, about the reshuffling of forces in political world, about the advantage and influence of large and powerful states on the world economy. The past gives us a picture of the future, which is why it is so important to know the stages of formation of the political map of the world.

general information

Any state has its own life cycle. It is a curve, similar to a hump. At the beginning of its journey, the country is being built and developed. Then comes the peak of development, when everyone is happy and everything seems to be fine. But sooner or later, the state loses its strength and power and begins to gradually fall apart. It has always been so, is and will be. That is why over the centuries we have seen the gradual rise and fall of great empires, superpowers and huge colonial monopolies. Let's consider the main stages of the formation of the political map of the world. The table is shown in the figure:

As you can see, many historians distinguish exactly five stages of modern history. In various sources you can find only 4 main ones. This dilemma arose a long time ago, since the stages of formation of the political map of the world can be interpreted differently. The table of main sections proposed by us contains the most reliable information to date.

Ancient period

IN ancient world The first great states entered the arena of main events. You all probably remember them from history. This is glorious Ancient Egypt, powerful Greece and the invincible Roman Empire. At the same time, there were also less significant ones, but also quite developed countries in Central and East Asia. Their historical period ends in the 5th century AD. It is generally accepted that it was at this time that the slave system became a thing of the past.

Medieval period

Over the period from the 5th to the 15th centuries, many changes have occurred in our consciousness that cannot be covered in one sentence. If historians of that time had known what a political map of the world was, the stages of its formation would have already been divided into separate parts. After all, remember, during this time Christianity was born, Kievan Rus was born and collapsed, and large feudal states began to emerge in Europe. First of all, these are Spain and Portugal, which are vying with one another to make new geographical discoveries.

At the same time, the political map of the world is constantly changing. The formation stages of that time will change future fate many states. For several more centuries the powerful Ottoman Empire will exist, which will capture the states of Europe, Asia and Africa.

New period

Begins from the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries new page in the political arena. This was the time of the beginning of the first capitalist relations. Centuries when huge colonial empires began to emerge in the world, conquering the whole world. The political map of the world is often changed and redone. The stages of formation constantly replace each other.

Gradually Spain and Portugal are losing their power. It is no longer possible to survive by robbing other countries, because more developed countries are switching to completely new level production of products - manufactory. This gave impetus to the development of such powers as England, France, the Netherlands, and Germany. After civil war in America they are joined by a new and very large player - the United States of America.

The political map of the world changed especially frequently at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The stages of formation during this period depended on the outcome of successful military campaigns. So, if back in 1876 European countries captured only 10% of the territory of Africa, then in just 30 years they managed to conquer 90% of the entire territory of the hot continent. The whole world entered the new 20th century practically divided between the superpowers. They controlled the economy and ruled alone. Further redistribution was inevitable without war. Thus ends a new period and begins newest stage formation of a political map of the world.

Newest stage

The redistribution of the world after the First World War made huge adjustments to First of all, four powerful empires disappeared. This is Great Britain, the Ottoman Empire, Russian empire and Germany. In their place many new states were formed.

At the same time, a new movement appeared - socialism. And a huge state appears on the world map - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. At the same time, powers such as France, Great Britain, Belgium and Japan are strengthening. They were given some lands former colonies. But this redistribution does not suit many, and the world again finds itself on the verge of war.

At this stage, some historians continue to write about the modern period, but it is now generally accepted that with the end of the Second World War begins modern stage formation of a political map of the world.

Modern stage

The Second World War outlined boundaries for us, most of which we still see today. First of all, this applies to European countries. The greatest result of the war was that they completely disintegrated and disappeared. New ones arose. independent states V South America, Oceania, Africa, Asia.

But the most continues to exist big country in the world - the USSR. With its collapse in 1991, another important stage appears. Many historians distinguish it as a subsection of the modern period. Indeed, after 1991, 17 new independent states were formed in Eurasia. Many of them decided to continue their existence within the borders of the Russian Federation. For example, Chechnya defended its interests for a long time until, as a result of military operations, the power of a powerful country was defeated.

At the same time, changes continue in the Middle East. There is a unification of some Arab states there. In Europe, a united Germany emerges and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia disintegrates, resulting in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro.

Continuation of a story

We have presented only the main stages in the formation of the political map of the world. But the story doesn't end there. As the events of recent years show, soon it will be necessary to allocate a new period or redraw the maps. After all, judge for yourself: just two years ago, Crimea belonged to the territory of Ukraine, and now all atlases need to be completely redone in order to change its citizenship. And also problematic Israel, drowning in battles, Egypt on the verge of war and redistribution of power, incessant Syria, which might even be wiped off the face of the Earth by powerful superpowers. All this is our modern history.

Asia, the largest part of the world, is home to more than half of humanity and is home to about 50 states and territories. The border between Europe and Asia runs along the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the northwestern shore of the Caspian Sea, along the Kuma-Manych depression; between Asia and Africa - along the Isthmus of Suez.

Stages of formation. In ancient times, Asia was home to powerful empires that determined the course of world history, but the modern political map was formed mainly in Modern and Contemporary times.

The colonization of Asia began at the end of the 15th century, when Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India.

Already in 1511, the Portuguese captured Malacca, and in the second half of the 16th century. territorial seizures of Spain (Philippine Islands) and Great Britain (the Hindustan Peninsula) began. In the first years of the 17th century. To coordinate the economic development of the territories, the British East India Company and the Dutch United East India Company were formed.

By 1900, 56% of Asia was occupied by colonial possessions, most of which belonged to Great Britain. Great Britain's possessions were: in South Asia - British India, which included the territory modern states India: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar, Bhutan, Sri Lanka; in South-West Asia - Aden, Bahrain Islands, Cyprus (occupied by Great Britain in 1878), Kuwait, Oman, Oman Negotiated; in Southeast Asia - North Borneo, Brunei, Federated Malay Principalities, Labuan, Johor; in the Indian Ocean - Cocos Islands; in the Pacific Ocean - the Christmas Islands.

Vasco da Gama

    Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese navigator who was the first to sail from Europe to India around Africa by sea. This voyage ushered in a centuries-long era of European dominance in the Eastern Hemisphere and a nearly 450-year history of Portuguese colonialism in India.

    On his way to India, Vasco da Gama explored the southern part of Africa (he gave the name to the coast - Natal, which means “Christmas” in Portuguese), conducted trade negotiations with the Sultan of Mozambique, and was the first European to visit the ports of Mombasa and Malindi. IN East Africa Vasco da Gama hired the Arab cartographer Ibn Majid, who, knowing the characteristics of the monsoons, chose the most favorable time to sail to India.

    The opening of a new sea route expanded the possibilities of trade with Asia, which had previously been carried out only along the Great Silk Road and was expensive and dangerous. The discovery was quite expensive - out of 4 ships, 2 returned, and only 54 sailors (out of 170) returned to Portugal.

    In 1502-1503 For the second voyage, twenty warships were sent to India under the command of Vasco da Gama. The goal was to strengthen Portuguese influence in India. Vasco da Gama was appointed admiral of India with broad powers: he could negotiate, start a war and make peace, and send embassies. In 1524, Vasco da Gama again arrived in South Asia (Goa), became viceroy of India, but soon fell ill with malaria and died.

Rice. 64. Vasco da Gama (1469-1524)

Other states also owned colonies in Asia.

Possessions of the Netherlands- Dutch India: the islands of Java, Madura, Sumatra, Borneo (Kalimantan), Celebes (Sulawesi), part of the island of New Guinea (West Irian).

Possessions of Portugal- Portuguese India (cities of Goa, Diu), Macao (Macau), Timor island.

Possessions of France- French India (cities of Karikal, Mahe, Pondichenry, Chandernagore, Yanaon), French Indochina (Annam, Cambodia, Cochin China, Laos, Thin).

Possessions of Japan- Bonin Islands, Taiwan Island.

Russian possessions- Khiva and Bukhara (as vassals), Kvantui with Port Arthur (rented from China).

US Possessions- Philippines (since 1898).

The Turkish (Ottoman) Empire in Asia included Yemen, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Syria, Hejaz (part of modern Saudi Arabia), and Lebanon.

Colonies in Asia remained until the middle of the 20th century. Over 90% of the region's population lived in them. The main metropolitan powers were Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Japan, and the USA.

The collapse of the colonial system ended after the Second World War.

Forms of government and government. Most states in Asia are unitary republics. India, Iraq1, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan have a federal structure. The federations are two monarchies - Malaysia (a union of hereditary sultanates) and the UAE (a union of seven emirates). The monarchies are Bahrain (emirate), Bhutan (kingdom), Jordan (kingdom), Cambodia (kingdom), Qatar (emirate), Kuwait (emirate), Malaysia (kingdom), UAE (emirates), Oman (sultanate), Thailand (kingdom ), Japan (empire). Theocratic monarchies - Brunei (sultanate), Saudi Arabia (kingdom). Non-Self-Governing Territories - British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago). Independent member states of the Commonwealth - Bangladesh, Brunei, India, Cyprus, Malaysia, Maldives, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Pakistan.

Main events of the XX - early XXI centuries.

1902- the adoption by the US Congress of a law on the colonial status of the Philippines.

Annexation of part of South-Eastern Siam to French possessions in Indochina.

1904- division of Siam: the sphere of English influence is west of the Menam River, the French sphere of influence is east of the Menam River.

As a result of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Russia recognized Korea as a Japanese sphere of influence; Japan established a protectorate over Korea.

1905- according to the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, Southern Sakhalin (part of the island south of the 50th parallel with nearby islands, including the Kuril Islands), the cities of Port Arthur and Dalny with the adjacent territory on the Liaodong Peninsula (leased by Russia from China in 1889) were ceded to Japan. ).

1907- French possessions in Indochina included the Cambodian provinces of Battambang, Siem Reap, Sisaphon, which were previously part of Siam.

As a result of the Anglo-Russian agreements on the division of spheres of influence, Iran is divided into three zones - Russian, English and neutral; Afghanistan is recognized as a British sphere of influence; Tibet is recognized as part of China.

The British possession of the island of Labuan (next to Brunei) is annexed to the Straits Settlement colony (Malacca Peninsula).

According to the Russian-Japanese agreements on the division of spheres of influence in Mongolia, Russia recognized Northern Manchuria and Western Mongolia, and Japan recognized Southern Manchuria and Eastern Mongolia.

1909- four Malay principalities (Trenganu, Kelantan, Kedah, Perlis), previously part of Siam, were annexed to the British possessions in Malaya.

1910- agreement on British protectorate over Bhutan. Annexation of Korea by Japan.

1911- the autonomy of Outer Mongolia was proclaimed. Reunification of West and East Bengal, which were part of

India; The capital of India was moved from Calcutta to Delhi.

1912- The monarchy in China was abolished.

Changing the political map as a result of the First World War.

1914- British annexation of the island of Cyprus.

Japanese capture of Jiaozhouwan (Kiao Chao) with the Qingdao naval base (former German "leased territory").

Russia declares a protectorate over Tuva (Uriankhai region).

The capture of Cammaran Island from Turkey by Great Britain and its annexation to the colony of Aden.

Formation of the independent Arab state of Hejaz.

Establishment of a British protectorate over Qatar.

1919- recognition of the independence of Afghanistan by the governments of the RSFSR and Great Britain.

1920- collapse of the Ottoman Empire. According to the Treaty of Sèvres, Turkey lost 3/4 of its territory and all possessions on the Arabian Peninsula. Great Britain received a League of Nations mandate for Palestine (with Transjordan) and Mesopotamia (with Mosul), France - for Syria and Lebanon.

Türkiye recognized the annexation of Cyprus by Great Britain. Proclamation of Iraq as a constitutional monarchy (in fact, it remained under the British mandate).

1921- formation by Great Britain of the Emirate of Transjordan on the territory of Palestine.

The RSFSR and Persia recognized the borders of 1881. The RSFSR transferred the Kara Pashalyk and Ardagan to Turkey (until 1918, these territories were part of Russia).

Proclamation of Tannu-Tuva People's Republic.

1922- Japan returned Jiaozhouwan (Kiao-Chao) to China. Formal declaration of Nepal's independence.

Formation of the USSR as part of the Russian SFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Belarusian SSR and Transcaucasian SFSR (as part of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia).

1923- separation of Transjordan from Palestine. Proclamation of Turkey as a republic with Ankara as its capital. Turkey renounced its possessions on the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Tripolitania, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia (Iraq).

1924- formation of the Mongolian People's Republic.

1925- The USSR included the Uzbek SSR and the Turkmen SSR.

1926- Lebanon was granted a republican constitution.

Formation of the Arab state of the Kingdom of Hejaz, Najd and annexed regions.

1929- The Tajik SSR became part of the USSR.

1930- signing of the Anglo-Chinese convention on the return of the Wei Highway (Northeast China) to China.

Annexation of Assir to the Kingdom of Hejaz, Najd and annexed areas.

1932- creation by Japan of the state of Manchukuo on the territory of Manchuria occupied in 1931.

Termination of the British Mandate for Iraq.

The Kingdom of Hejaz, Najd and annexed areas was renamed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

1936- the USSR included the Azerbaijan SSR, Georgian SSR, Armenian SSR (formerly part of the Transcaucasian SFSR), Kazakh SSR and Kirghiz SSR (formerly autonomous republics).

1937- the province of Burma was separated from British India and turned into a separate colony of Great Britain.

Proclamation of Aden as a British colony.

1939- the state of Siam restored its former name Thailand (country of Thai-Muang-Thai).

France transferred to Turkey the sanjak of Alexandretta, which was part of the French mandated territory of Syria; became a province of Turkey - Hatay.

Changes on the political map of Asia during the Second World War.

1940- creation by Japan in Inner Mongolia of the puppet state of Mingjiang (Chahar territory, occupied part of Suiyuan, northern regions of Shanxi and Hebei provinces).

Japanese occupation of northern Indochina.

1941- with Japanese mediation, part of the territories of Laos and Cambodia was annexed to Thailand.

Japanese occupation of the entire Indochina Peninsula.

Japanese attack on British and American possessions in the Pacific Ocean.

Japan's seizure of the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, British Malaysia, Burma, Indonesia (Fig. 65).

Rice. 65. Formation of the Japanese colonial empire

1944- The Tuvan People's Republic became part of the RSFSR.

1945 - an agreement was signed between the USSR and China, according to which the city of Port Arthur is used jointly by both states as a naval base; the city of Dalniy (in 1905-1945 was under Japanese rule) becomes a free port.

The southern part of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands passed to the USSR.

Political map of Asia after World War II: decolonization.

1945- Independence of Indonesia and Vietnam was declared.

1946- Independence of Transjordan and the Philippines was proclaimed. The League of Nations mandate for Lebanon and Syria was canceled and they were declared formally independent states.

1947- the independence of India was proclaimed (Fig. 67) and its division according to religious principles into two states - India (followers of Hinduism predominate) and Pakistan (followers of Islam). Until 1971, Pakistan consisted of two parts - western and eastern, which were separated by Indian territory. In 1971, the independent state of Bangladesh was proclaimed in East Pakistan (East Bengal).

Dispute over ownership of the Kuril Islands

    Japan demands from Russia to transfer to it two islands of the Greater Kuril Ridge - Iturup and Kunashir with an area of ​​8270 km 2, the islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge with a total area of ​​278.96 km 2: Shikotan, Polonsky (Taranu), Zeleny (Shibotsu), Yuri (Yuri), Tanfilyeva (Suise), Anuchina (Akiyuri), Sentry (Moise), Signal (Kaigara), Reef (Odoke), Demina Islands (Haruka-rimoseri).

    In 1855, diplomatic relations were established between Japan and Russia for the first time, and a border line was drawn, with the parties recognizing that the islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Habomai and Shikotan are Japanese territory. Sakhalin was recognized as a territory where Japanese and Russians lived together. According to the treaty of 1875, all of Sakhalin passed to Russia, and all the Kuril Islands to Japan. According to the Treaty of Portsmouth, Japan transferred South part Sakhalin.

    In September 1945, after Japan signed the Act of Unconditional Surrender, all the Kuril Islands and Southern Sakhalin passed to the USSR, with which Japan does not agree, proposing to return to the borders determined by the 1855 treaty.

    According to the San Francisco Treaty of 1951, Japan renounced its rights and claims to the Kuril Islands, part of Sakhalin and the adjacent islands. Under the same treaty, Japan renounced its claims to the islands of Formosa, Pescadores, Paracels, and Spratlys. According to the Japanese side, the Southern Kuril Islands have always belonged to Japan, since they are not part of the Kuril chain, but of the Japanese Islands, and therefore are not subject to the San Francisco Treaty.

    The current problem of a peace treaty between Japan and Russia (never concluded after World War II) is not resolved due to the different positions of the countries on the issue of drawing the border and belonging South Kuril Islands(Fig. 66).

Rice. 66. Territorial disputes over the Kuril Islands

The independence of Burma (now Myanmar) was declared.

Proclamation of Laos and Cambodia as constitutional monarchies under the protectorate of France.

Thailand transfers vast border areas to Laos and Cambodia.

Formation of the Federation of Malaya, which received the status of a British protectorate; Singapore is set aside as a separate colony.

1948- division of Korea: a demarcation line was established at 38° N. w. on the Korean Peninsula. The DPRK was formed in the north of the peninsula, and the Republic of Korea was formed in the southern part.

Formation of the State of Israel.

The British colony of Ceylon (since 1972 - Sri Lanka) gained independence, remaining a dominion.

1949- the inclusion of South Vietnam (created on territory occupied by French troops) into the French Union.

Recognition of Laos and Cambodia as independent states within the French Union.

Annexation to Israel of the territories captured by it during the war of 1948-1949. Division of Jerusalem into two parts.

Transfer of the city of Chandernagore (part of French India) to India by France.

Proclamation of the People's Republic of China.

Proclamation of the United States of Indonesia; formation of the Dutch-Indonesian Union, headed by the Queen of the Netherlands.

1950- India is declared a republic.

Annexation by Transjordan of the environs of Jerusalem and the lands now known as the West Bank; renaming Trans-Jordan to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Rice. 67. Mahatma Gandhi (right) and Jawaharlal Nehru - the first leaders of independent India

Jerusalem is declared the capital of Israel.

Proclamation of Indonesia as a unitary republic, repeal of the 1949 agreement establishing the United States of Indonesia. West Irian (the western part of the island of New Guinea) remained a colony of the Netherlands (returned to Indonesia after a referendum in 1962).

Agreement between the USSR and China on the gratuitous transfer of property and rights to the Chinese Eastern Railway to the PRC and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Port Arthur.

1953- proclamation of the sultanate in the Maldives (British protectorate) as a republic.

Declaration of independence of Cambodia.

1954- restoration of the sultanate and British protectorate in the Maldives.

Establishment of a demarcation line along the 17th parallel between North and South Vietnam.

1955- The Kingdom of Cambodia seceded from the French Union.

Transfer of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, formerly part of the British colony of Singapore, to Australian control.

1956- proclamation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. France transferred former French possessions to India - cities

Pondicherry, Karikal, Mahe, Yanaon.

South Vietnam seceded from the French Union.

1957 - declaration of independence of the Federation of Malaya.

1958- proclamation of Iraq as a republic, overthrow of the monarchy; formation of the Arab Federation consisting of Iraq and Jordan.

Creation of the United Arab Republic consisting of Egypt and Syria.

Proclamation of the Iraqi Republic, collapse of the alliance with Jordan.

Transfer of the port of Gwadar and the surrounding area to Pakistan by the Sultan of Muscat and Oman.

1959- proclamation of the state of Singapore while maintaining British control over it foreign policy and defense.

Creation of the Federation United Arab Emirates South (later the Federation of South Arabia) consisting of several principalities of the south of Yemen and the British colony of Aden.

1960- declaration of independence of Cyprus.

1961- declaration of independence of Kuwait.

1962- declaration of independence of the Yemen Arab Republic.

1963- Malaya, Singapore and the former British possessions of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Kalimantan united to form the Federation of Malaysia.

1965- Singapore left the Federation of Malaysia, becoming an independent state within the Commonwealth.

Proclamation of independence of the sultanate in the Maldives (since 1968 - a republic).

1967- proclamation of the People's Republic of South Yemen (PRY).

1970- PRRY renamed to Narodnaya Democratic Republic Yemen (NDRY).

1971- proclamation of independence of the British protectorates of Bahrain, Qatar, UAE.

Proclamation of the independent state of Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan).

1972- proclamation of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

1973- proclamation of Afghanistan as a republic (formerly a monarchy).

1975- proclamation of the Independent Republic of East Timor and its occupation by Indonesian troops.

In the northern part of Cyprus occupied by Turkish troops, the Turkish Federative State of Cyprus (since 1985 - the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), which is not recognized by the world community, was formed.

1976- unification of North and South Vietnam, formation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Cambodia renamed Democratic Kampuchea.

1979- overthrow of the monarchy in Iran, proclamation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Democratic Kampuchea is renamed the State of Cambodia.

1984- The Sultanate of Brunei was declared an independent state within the Commonwealth.

1990- the unification of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and the Yemen Arab Republic, the proclamation of the Yemen Republic with Sana'a as its capital.

1993- changing the republican form of government in Cambodia to a monarchical one.

1997- Hong Kong (Hong Kong), a territory leased by Great Britain for 99 years, came under the jurisdiction of China.

At the end of the 20th century. The territories of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and Macao (Aomen), which had a different economic structure and level of socio-economic development, were returned to China. Think about what arguments “for” and “against” unification the Chinese government and opponents of unification could make.

1999- Macau (Aomen) - a Portuguese colony with internal self-government rights was transferred to the PRC.

2002- proclamation of the independent state of East Timor.

East Timor

    For several centuries, the island of Timor was divided between the metropolises: the Netherlands (West Timor) and Portugal (East Timor). West Timor, like other parts of the Netherlands Indies, gained independence in 1949 and became integral part Indonesia. East Timor until the mid-70s. XX century remained a Portuguese colony. Since 1976, as a result of the capture by Indonesian troops, it was annexed to it as the 27th province. UN and international community did not recognize the annexation.

    At the end of the 90s. XX century East Timor was under the control of the UN Transitional Administration, which was preparing for a referendum on the status of East Timor (held in 1999). In the summer of 2001, under the supervision of the UN Special Committee, the first presidential elections were prepared and held. In May 2002, an independent state was proclaimed.

Rice. 68. East Timor

Arab-Israeli conflict

Rice. 71. Bombing of Lebanese territory, where military bases of the Palestinian group Hamas were allegedly located (2006)

2003-2011- Iraq is occupied by US and British troops, which were later joined by other states. The purpose of the occupation was to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein, accused by the United States of non-compliance with international agreements on the creation and storage of weapons of mass destruction. Under the 2005 constitution, Iraq became a federal republic.

2007- Nepal is declared a federal republic.

2010-2011- there was a wave of protests and demonstrations in Arab countries Middle East, called the "Arab Spring".

Regional political organizations. Interstate organizations in Asia were created after the Second World War, when most countries gained independence and the opportunity to act in solidarity on international arena. The goals of most of them are to ensure security, cooperation in the economic and political sphere, and support the national liberation movement.

Asian states are numerically dominant in a number of international interregional organizations, for example, the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the League of Arab States (LAS).

Territorial disputes and ethnic conflicts. Unlike Africa and the New World, in Asia in the 16th-20th centuries. There were formally independent states: Turkey, Persia (Iran), Afghanistan, Siam (Thailand), Nepal, China, Japan. Nevertheless, state borders here were drawn with the participation of European powers.

The most problematic and explosive areas have developed along the borders of China and the Middle East. The western section of the border between China and the DPRK, the Pamir section of the border with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (about 30 thousand km 2 in Gorno-Badakhshan), areas on the border with India (about 130 thousand km 2) and Vietnam are considered controversial. China's claims to Russian territory were declared to their maximum extent in the early 60s. XX century In 2008, an agreement was signed regulating the borders of Russia and China.

Political map of Asia

  1. What forms of government and government do Asian states have? List federal republics and monarchies.
  2. Which political events influenced the formation of the political map of Asia?
  3. When did the colonization of Asia begin and what European states did you participate in it?
  4. List the countries of Asia that were colonies of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Portugal.
  5. Which Asian countries did not have colonial status?
  6. What changes occurred on the political map of Asia as a result of the First World War?
  7. What changes occurred as a result of World War II?
  8. Which major changes appeared on the political map of Asia in last quarter XX century?
  9. What interstate problems and areas of political instability in Asia do you know?
  10. Name modern sovereign states, formed on the territory of former colonial possessions - French Indochina, British India, and the Netherlands Indies.
  11. List the Asian countries with a monarchical form of government.
  12. List federal states in Asia.
  13. What consequences did European colonization leave on the political map of Asia? Remember which countries are part of the Commonwealth (British), in which countries state language is English (French) language.

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