Why do you dream about the priest and the church: interpretation of such dreams by different dream books. Why do you dream about church?

A person sleeps for about a third of his life. At this time, the body rests and processes the information received during the day. The famous Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev saw it in a dream periodic table elements he worked on for a long time, but could not generalize the existing knowledge into one whole. The dreams we see serve as an answer to questions that tormented us or as a harbinger of upcoming events. Sometimes people see a church in their dreams or they dream about priests. To decipher such a sign, one cannot do without the help of dream books.

The meaning of a dream about a church or temple according to dream books of different authors

A church seen in a dream predicts both hope for a good ending to the work begun, and disappointment in oneself and people. Here is what is written about this in dream books:

  • Miller. A pleasant event awaits you.
  • Wangi. You will experience real despair. You can't get out of a difficult situation without a friendly shoulder.
  • Female. Thoughts that you are behaving incorrectly are tormenting you. There is a desire to repent.
  • Gypsy. The dream promises prosperity and good mood.
  • Family. Deep down in your soul, you strive for spirituality. After such a dream, it will not be superfluous to visit church and light candles for your own health and that of your loved ones.
  • Tsvetkova. All endeavors will end successfully, giving you moral and financial satisfaction.
  • Ukrainian. The dream foreshadows a trip to another city or country.
  • Azara. Mental anguish and torment await you.
  • Wanderer. The dream speaks of prosperity and success in business.
  • Nostradamus. You seek emotional and spiritual cleansing.
  • Esoteric. You have a difficult choice ahead of you. To avoid mistakes, seek advice from an experienced friend.
  • Medea. A church in a dream serves as a reflection of your inner state. Its interpretation depends on what emotions you experienced during the dream.
  • Assyrian. You are on the right path, don’t deviate from it, and the result will not keep you waiting.
  • Fedorovskaya. The dream reports the suffering that will have to be endured. It will take a lot of strength and patience for everything to be resolved in your favor.
  • Noble. Your conscience will torment you for your deed. Another dream predicts an imminent illness.
  • Simone Kananita. A sweet life awaits you.
  • Medium Hasse. Now you are not worried better times, but do not despair, because soon everything will be resolved in the best way. The future will be bright.
  • English. Seeing a church in a dream is a sign of an important event.
  • Modern. A joyful event will happen in your life soon.
  • Russian. The dream indicates that you are leading the wrong lifestyle. It's time to change your lifestyle, otherwise there will be trouble.

Did you dream that you visited a temple at night? Retribution for your sins awaits you

What kind of church did you dream about: old, new, wooden or another

  • It is no coincidence that you dream about the old church. The dream indicates that you are in a “limbo.” The future is foggy and uncertain. Reconsider your moral principles and life goals. After analyzing everything, you will find the solution. If in a dream you happened to restore an ancient temple, then you will soon make peace with your relatives, and the disagreements that arose between you will be forgotten.
  • According to the Wanderer's dream book, seeing a new church in a dream means spiritual renewal. Participating in the construction of a temple in a dream means opening a new profitable business.
  • See in a dream beautiful church, according to Assyrian dream book, to success in all endeavors. In the noble dream book it is written on this score that fun and joy await you.
  • According to the esoteric dream book wooden church dreams of a change in activity. Soon you will discover new talents in yourself and radically change your life. If a wooden temple was boarded up in a dream, then expect hopelessness. A bad event will happen in life, but it will not be in your power to change anything.
  • The dream in which you saw a white church indicates purity of thoughts. This is how Simon the Canaanite interprets the dream. According to the Russian dream book, a snow-white temple indicates that good will soon triumph.
  • Dreaming of a burning church is a sign that plans are not destined to come true. According to Nostradamus, a dream about a fire inside a building indicates an impending war.
  • To see a burnt church in your night dreams is a sign of ruined well-being. According to the dream bookIn the 21st century, such a vision predicts the collapse of all hopes.
  • An abandoned church in a dream is a sign that you have become spiritually impoverished. The Assyrian dream book interprets the dream as an imminent illness. Tsvetkov believes that you have forgotten about simple but important truths. According to the Russian dream book, things will get worse.
  • If the church collapses or is already in ruins in your dream, it means a quarrel with your loved one. Seeing coffins near a dilapidated temple means a massive catastrophe.

This is interesting. To see a white church in a dream - to good events, black - unfortunately.

If in a dream the church was located next to the sea, then you will encounter difficulties. You will spend a lot of effort to overcome them.

Why do you dream about domes?

  • A church without domes in a dream - sure sign that you have lost your inner spiritual support. According to the family dream book, the dream promises devastation and loss of strength.
  • Temple domes seen in a dream are for God's protection. According to Nostradamus, this symbolizes spiritual development. Fedorovskaya claims that help will come to you from above. According to Vanga, a dream predicts good news.
  • If the domes were gold, then wealth awaits you. Esotericist Tsvetkov believes that such a dream communicates peace and prosperity in the house.

It is important to know. If the dreamed church domes were red, then expect war and disasters.

Church servants: priest, priest, priest, deacon, bishop

The dream in which you saw a priest indicates character flaws. You should be stricter with yourself and reconsider your behavior. By dream book XXI century, such a night vision portends joy. If you dreamed that you were confessing to a clergyman, then you will soon experience severe humiliation.

Seeing a priest in a dream is a sign of trials that you will face. If he was dressed in a cassock, then troubles will come from where they are not expected at all. A dream in which the priest was dressed in black clothes indicates your ambition. Unexpected turn fate will make you regret your arrogance.

A priest who dreams about you is a sign that it’s time to think about your actions. Now is the time to analyze your shortcomings and take the right path. Asking the priest about anything in a dream means that you will soon have to worry about your health loved one.

Various sources interpret the dream about the deacon as follows:

  • Icelandic. Expect monetary reward for your efforts.
  • Modern. You allow yourself a lot without thinking about the consequences. You will soon regret what you did.
  • Grishina. A joyful event will happen in life.
  • Schiller. The person you consider a friend will turn out to be a hypocrite and a traitor.
  • Ukrainian. Financial collapse is coming.

A dream about a bishop promises a bitter life and illness. According to the erotic dream book, it portends disappointment in a sexual partner. But Miller interprets the dream as hard work and health problems.

You should know. If a girl dreams that she is in love with a priest, it will soon become clear that her lover is deceiving her.

If in a dream you happened to place candles near an icon Mother of God, then children need your help and protection

Utensils: icons, candles, altar, throne. If the church has no images at all

  • Icons seen in a dream are a sign that you will find the meaning of life. Miller believes that the dream speaks of a desire for repentance. Something is really bothering you. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, ask for forgiveness from your loved ones and confess.
  • Last minute church candles in a dream is a sure sign that tender feelings for a person of the opposite sex will soon arise in the soul.
  • If you dreamed of an altar, then Hard time loved ones will lend a helping hand. If you looked at him carefully, you will be upset because of the action of your loved one. Building an altar in a dream means respectful attitude from your superiors.
  • Seeing a church throne in your night dreams is a sign of wealth. But Tsvetkov deciphers the dream as a loss of trust in a friend.
  • Seeing a church without icons in a dream is a bad sign. Suffering and illness await you. According to the Russian dream book, this promises a decline in business and ruin.

It is important. The healer Fedorovskaya reports that a cross seen in a dream prophesies big troubles. For a person who breaks the law, night vision indicates imprisonment.

A dream in which you had to light candles for your health promises recovery for the sick, and illness for the healthy

Parish: women, children

Dreamed parishioners symbolize the near future. To see in your night dreams in church:

  • young women - to intrigues that weave behind your back;
  • elderly ladies - to a quarrel with neighbors or colleagues;
  • pregnant woman - to make a profit;
  • small children - a pleasant surprise;
  • teenagers - to a “heart-to-heart talk” with a friend.

Interesting fact. If you entered an empty temple in a dream, then you will have an irresistible desire to be alone. You should listen to yourself and move away from friends and acquaintances for a while in order to put your thoughts and feelings in order.

Events: service, baptism (your own or a child’s), wedding, funeral service

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, a dream of baptism is a symbol that you will soon awaken a craving for religion, which will be caused by a fear of the unknown. If you dreamed that you yourself were going to be baptized, then expect healing from ailments, the child - to the strong family relations. Seeing yourself in the role of a clergyman who baptizes someone is a sign of finding yourself.

A dreamed wedding usually prophesies new level in relationships with your loved one and happy changes in life. The interpretation of the dream depends on who you got married to:

  • With husband. If passions have long died down, they will flare up with new strength. There will be a second honeymoon in your relationship.
  • With a guy. The wedding is just around the corner. The future marriage will be strong.

If you dreamed of a wedding:

  • Girlfriends. There will be big changes for the better in her life.
  • Acquaintances. The dream promises pregnancy or wedding.
  • Strangers' people. It all depends on the mood of the wedding couple. If they were cheerful, then good news awaits you; if they were sad, illness awaits you.

Preparing for a wedding ceremony in a dream indicates a readiness to change for the better.

A funeral service in a dream is a bad sign. Someone you know will pass away. Evgeny Tsvetkov explains such a dream as a significant deterioration in affairs.

You should know. If you dreamed of a church decorated with flowers, then you will be invited to a celebration. The event will take place on high level, all guests will be satisfied.

Decoding the dream depending on the events taking place

  • Seeing a church from afar in your dreams at night means a well-fed and comfortable life; up close, you will receive a good inheritance. According to the family dream book, this notifies the desire for spiritual development . If you dreamed of several churches, then good luck awaits you.
  • If in your night vision you happened to go to church, then according to the 21st century dream book you will be puzzled by finding answers to questions that have been bothering you for a long time. With persistence, you can achieve the truth. If the trip to the temple was across the river, then you have to fight for happiness.
  • According to the Assyrian dream book, going into a church portends unprecedented success in business. Simon Kananit claims that influential people will help you.
  • Praying in church in a dream is a sign that it is necessary spiritual cleansing.According to the gypsy dream book, if you read a prayer in front of an icon, then expect calm. Everything in life will get better and settle down.
  • Buying candles in a dream means unsuccessful attempts correcting the mistakes of the past will not produce results. Lighting candles in a dream means striving for repentance; lighting them means success in professional activities.
  • If in a dream you cried while visiting a temple, then you will greatly regret what you did. Rash behavior will cause offense to a loved one. Getting back into your old relationship won't be easy.
  • Kissing an icon in a dream means repentance for your deeds. Moreover, getting rid of the feeling of guilt will not be easy.
  • If you dreamed that you repented when visiting a temple, then in the near future your relationship with a friend will deteriorate due to your fault. It will take a lot of effort to regain his favor.
  • Washing the floors of a church in a dream means bad things. Expect illness, lack of money, scandals with loved ones.
  • If in your night dreams a church was being built before your eyes, get ready for a new and interesting acquaintance. Building a temple yourself is a sign that it’s time to listen to the advice of relatives who want only good things.
  • Stealing from a church in a dream means an adventure. Be vigilant, otherwise you may face legal proceedings with the authorities.

A dream about a church is an ambiguous dream. In order to interpret it in detail, it is important to remember: in what form she dreamed, and what kind of events took place. A dream often indicates that it is time to engage in spiritual development. The right attitude and the desire to achieve your goal will allow you to change your life for the better and fill it with meaning.

The question of why the priest dreams is of interest to those who have had such a dream. It is important to understand that any dream can be interpreted in completely different ways depending on certain facts. In order to give a correct explanation to a vision, it is necessary to remember it in great detail. Nevertheless, there are generally accepted interpretations of dreams. First of all, you need to remember that a priest is a spiritual mentor. Seeing a priest in a dream is a sure sign that a person has lost his way.

Most likely he is doing something wrong in his life, living it incorrectly. Perhaps he is in the grip of some vices. Such a vision is a serious reason to think about your thoughts and actions. Seeing a church minister in a dream during a service is a bad sign. This vision foreshadows an imminent illness that can strike both the sleeping person and his closest relatives. A dream in which the priest looks sad and tired is unfavorable. This can be a harbinger of evil that will stand in a person’s way and interfere with his development and the growth of his well-being.

A vision in which the sleeper sees a priest, but cannot talk to him, foreshadows certain problems that may arise on his way. A conversation with a clergyman, on the contrary, foreshadows a high position in society, rapid rise in service, receiving certain material benefits.

The dream in which Orthodox man sees a Catholic priest, prophesies serious changes in the future. He may have to make difficult choices and decide on his priorities.

It is believed that confessing to a priest in a dream can be a harbinger of humiliation and sadness in reality. This dream implies what a person can do in real life a bad deed for which he will have to repent for a long time and pay with his reputation. A vision in which the sleeping person manages to receive a blessing from the priest is considered favorable.

It symbolizes success in new endeavors and good luck on the path to achieving your long-time dream. If a priest performs a wedding ceremony in a dream, a happy life awaits the person. family life with your soulmate. A dream in which a woman dreams that she is in love with a clergyman foreshadows lies and deception on the part of her boyfriend. If a woman dreams that a priest is in love with her, in real life she may be accused of promiscuity and excessive love of entertainment. According to some modern dream books, seeing a priest in a dream is a completely favorable sign.

It is believed that the priest comes only to those who want to change their lives for the better, to become closer to Orthodox faith and observe all divine laws. The priest who comes to the sleeping person in a dream is a kind of guide and mentor. Only faith can change even the most notorious villain and direct him to the true path, thanks to which he will be able to live completely differently and give joy to both himself and everyone around him, especially his family and friends.

If a criminal dreams of a clergyman, this can only mean that soon the crime he committed will be revealed and the person will answer to society in accordance with the full rigor of the law.

If a person dreams that he himself appears in the role of a priest, this may mean that his real purpose is to serve God. This vision may become especially important for those who have already thought about devoting their lives to the church and higher spiritual values, but could not decide to take such a step. In order to correctly decipher the dream, it is necessary to remember what clothes the priest was wearing. If he was in a festive cassock or secular clothes, this is good sign. But to see the priest in a dark robe means to expect changes in life.

According to some modern dream books, seeing a metropolitan in a dream means prosperity and financial success. Sometimes people manage to remember that the priest not only came to them in a dream, but also talked. In some cases, the vision is so vivid that the sleeper manages to remember all the details of these instructions. Dream interpretation experts believe that such advice can be taken literally.

For example, if a priest in a dream advises a person something or warns him against this or that action, in reality the sleeping person should do as the priest told him. This will help a person choose the right path and do what is best in this case. To see such a vision in a dream - great luck. The task of a person is to make correct use of such valuable advice and choose the only correct path out of all possible ones.

It is important to understand that sleep is a reflection of a person’s internal state. If he dreams of a priest, this means that the person has gone astray true path and such a vision is intended to help him understand his own life.


The dreaming priest acts as a herald of illness. Conducting a service is a dream of illness and anxiety. For a woman to see herself in love with a priest means that she is in danger of being deceived by a dishonest lover. The priest sought her love - this suggests that she will have to listen to reproaches for being too fond of entertainment. Dreaming of confession means that you will have to endure humiliation and sadness will settle in your heart. This is a sign that you have already taken or you still have to take some step, because of which in the future you will worry yourself and make your loved ones worry. The priest is your spiritual guide; any dream with him reminds you of your weaknesses and vices and calls you to be stricter with yourself and your actions. Seeing the priest, but not engaging in conversation with him, is a warning against someone enslaving you, which will happen if you do not heed the dream. A conversation with a priest foreshadows high honors. If the priest in your dream was tired, boring, then this can be regarded as a warning about possible evil.

Expect philosophical conversation.

This is an indication of fear, the superiority of a strong “super-ego”.

I dreamed of a majestic priest who was reading a prayer - such a dream suggests that the time has come to turn to God and repentance. The priest blessed you - it means you will soon receive the support of some influential person. In some cases, such a dream promises success in all endeavors. Seeing yourself as a priest - this dream means that your calling on Earth is to bring good to people in the role of a minister of the church. To see a Catholic priest - such a dream foreshadows some changes in the near future. Perhaps you are faced with a difficult choice or difficult decision. You were married by a priest - this is a dream for a calm and happy life in union with a loved one. You confessed - this means that you will soon find yourself in a very difficult situation, a way out of which you will only be able to find a way out with the help of an influential acquaintance. Before supporting you, he will demand to explain what the matter is, and you will keep silent about the truth for a long time.

The priest is the messenger of prosperity.

Seeing a priest in a church or churchyard is a dream that means you find yourself in an ambiguous position, in uncomfortable circumstances. If you were a priest, it means you will find yourself in a very stupid position and suffer a crushing blow to your pride.

Dream about pop as a warning of impending troubles. In a dream, you met a priest and invited him to visit - this means that you listen to your intuition, but do not find the answers you need. If you dreamed that you were standing in a church at a service and could not understand what the priest was saying - such a dream warns you of mistakes that you may make due to your isolation or ignorance of something. If in a dream you came to be baptized and saw that your loved one would perform the ceremony instead of a priest, this speaks of your indecision and inaction. A man dreams that his beloved married a priest - this means that there is no need to force events, everything has its time. When a woman dreams of her falling in love with a priest, then most likely her lover will be unfaithful to her. If the priest sought her love, then in real life the dreamer will be accused of frivolity, and this will be fair.


Servants of the cult - be they priests or shamans - have always been respected and feared. The laity encountered clergymen who encouraged exemplary behavior and condemned human sins not only in real life, but also in their own dreams.

Every popular dream book tells why a priest dreams. A priest in a dream is the personification of human ideals, a symbol of divine will, which guides a person to the true path. The appearance of such a vision can mean the correctness of a person’s chosen path and the upcoming reward.

Or the image of a clergyman in a dream warns the sleeper: you need to adjust your behavior in order to avoid trouble. If you dreamed of a priest, try to remember the details of the image you saw, as well as the actions that took place in your dream.

  • The priest could be seen from afar.
  • He could talk to you and invite you to church.
  • Or you watched the priest during the service.
  • You might have imagined a confession scene.
  • In your night dreams, the clergyman blessed you or refused to bless you.
  • In a dream, you yourself found yourself in the role of a priest.

The meaning of your dream will depend on the mood and attire the priest was in in the dream, and how he spoke to you. With the help of proven dream books, you can interpret whether higher powers are preparing to reward you or are expecting some action from you.

Golden decoration and black robes

If you saw a priest in a dream from the outside, at some distance, most interpreters explain such an image as a harbinger of a prosperous existence in the near future. But if you dream of a priest, and either in your dream or upon awakening you experience some anxiety and discomfort, the dream is a warning for you. It suggests that there is someone in your environment who is trying to dominate you, and you need to make an effort not to fall under outside influence.

Why does a convinced atheist dream about a priest? For the dreamer, this will mean that in the near future they will try to drag him into some kind of adventure, which could have an extremely negative impact on his reputation. You need to literally look under a microscope at all the business offers that you receive, because the scam may turn out to be very well disguised.

Seeing a priest in a black cassock means that you will have to defend your authority with others. Dreaming of a priest dressed in black, explains Maly Velesov’s dream book, is a signal that you need to reconsider your priorities and try to be more lenient towards others.

If you dreamed of a priest in ceremonial vestments, says the Gypsy Dream Book, this promises an increase in prosperity. True, according to the interpretation of the Noble Dream Book, this may be due to certain obstacles in matters or documents, which, nevertheless, will be resolved in your favor.

When you dream of a priest talking to you, you need to try to remember his words as accurately as possible. This could be a direct message for you: what is worth doing in reality and what is not. New family dream book believes that a conversation with a priest in a dream can also portend an increase in your social status.

To dream that the priest was favorable to you and invited you to enter the church is a good sign. This means that your life choice is correct, which means you should be wary of this moment nothing. On the contrary, you can expect some pleasant and important news.

The opposite meaning is carried by a dream in which the priest was dissatisfied with you, prevented you from entering the temple, or you failed to receive his blessing. Dream Interpretations unanimously say that such a vision is a sign to rethink your actions in Lately. Perhaps you have offended someone close to you and you need to eliminate this unfortunate injustice. Or maybe you are susceptible to the sin of despondency, and you shouldn’t anger God by saying that “everything is lost”?

Services and sacraments

Seeing a priest in a dream at a time when he is busy serving in church, Miller’s authoritative dream book suggests, is a signal to take care of your own health now. You shouldn’t wait until the disease becomes obvious and causes you a lot of anxiety.

If you dream of clergy reading prayers, Vanga’s dream book explains, this means that the time has come for you to ask providence for the fulfillment of your dreams. cherished desires. Esoteric dream book believes that seeing a priest during a church service or prayer means the onset of not the most favorable circumstances for the sleeper. He may find himself in an ambiguous position, but he will be able to resolve the situation in his favor.

Seeing yourself in confession with a priest in a dream is also a clear warning. Because of your own carelessness, you can find yourself in an awkward situation, from which you can only get out with serious patronage. But in exchange for support, the defender may demand that you tell everything without concealment, and this is not always easy.

You had to see yourself in the role of a priest, forgiving the sins of others - soon your loved ones and friends will demand your attention and help. Just try not to turn into a “vest” that everyone wants to cry into. Seeing yourself in the image of a clergyman is a favorable sign. Such a dream means that you have enough strength to realize your wildest dreams. It is only important not to be afraid and decide to take the first step.

Another very favorable dream about a priest is a vision in which you receive a blessing from him. On the one hand, a blessing from a clergyman in a dream, as in the previous case, means that you are able to carry out your most daring plans.

On the other hand, if you received a blessing in your dreams, in reality you may have a serious patron who will help you implement your projects. I dreamed of an archbishop giving a blessing to his flock - this speaks of great career prospects for the sleeper.

A vision that a priest has married you to your chosen one is also considered a good sign. This means that you can be confident in your life partner.

But conversations about love with the clergyman himself or inappropriate passion for him in a dream warn: be more careful in choosing your “soul mate.” If you had to see a priest of a different denomination in a dream, you will soon have a serious choice to make.


The priest in modern religions, like the priest in ancient beliefs, is the bearer of the sacred principle, a symbol of spiritual power, a mentor in righteous life and a person who can remove the burden of sins. With all the respect that most people have for clergymen, popular beliefs are wary of them; in particular, meeting a priest is considered a bad omen.

The interpretation of dreams about a priest or priest is based on symbols such as spiritual power, help higher powers, but most often - a warning about punishment for sins.

Dream book of Gustav Hindemann Miller. What does a dream about a priest portend?

A priest in a dream foreshadows illness, and if he performs a service in a dream, then a restless and painful period awaits you. For a woman, a dream in which she fell in love with a priest suggests that she will be deceived by an insidious lover.

A dream in which a priest fell in love with her suggests that the dreamer will face reproaches for her love of entertainment. Confessing to a priest means sadness and humiliation because your actions will cause concern for you and your loved ones.

Seeing a priest but not talking to him is a warning about possible enslavement and submission to someone else's will. Talking to a priest means honor. If the dreamed priest looks sad and tired, it warns of impending evil.

Vanga's dream book. What does a priest seen in a dream mean?

A dream of a priest reading a prayer suggests that the time has come to repent for all sins committed. The blessing of a priest means support from an influential person or success in all matters. Seeing yourself as a priest is a sign of a high mission, which is to bring good to others. If a priest marries you to your beloved or beloved, then this portends debt. and happy life together. Confession to a priest is a harbinger of a difficult life situation.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina. Interpretation of the dream “Priest”

The dreaming priest symbolizes the part of our consciousness that foresees the future, although it does not always reveal it. Such a dream warns of sin, danger, and misfortune. If a priest wears full vestments, the whole family is in danger; a priest in ordinary clothes is a good thing. The deacon dreams of joy, the metropolitan - of prosperity.

Esoteric dream book. The meaning of a dream about a priest

The priest at the place of service warns that you may find yourself in ambiguous circumstances. To be a priest yourself is to find yourself in an awkward position, putting your pride at risk.


A dream about a priest is always a prophecy about changes taking place in your life. The dreamer needs to carefully analyze his actions and repent of his sins. The actions and words of the priest and his mood are also very important. A blessing or kind words from a priest in a dream is a very good sign. Church services, especially prayers of repentance, confession, etc., indicate that soon you will have to bitterly repent of something.

Although black is considered a traditional color for the clothing of clergy, a dream about a priest in a black cassock is not very favorable. A good harbinger is a golden or colored cassock.

Dreams often depict real images and situations with varying degrees of reliability. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret what the church is dreaming of, it is necessary to realize whether the dream is simple implementation recent events in reality.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a church in a dream

According to various sources, a dream about a cathedral, depending on the details of the dream, can mean both positive and negative events.

Miller's Dream Book interprets the dreamed temple as the hopes and aspirations of the sleeper. If the appearance of the building is unsightly, plans will be upset or will not be implemented as desired. Entering a gloomy, unlit room is a sad sign. There is a funeral to attend. A bright, elegant temple with beautiful icons signifies the sleeper’s desire for spiritual development.

According to Vanga's dream book A church in a dream means a person’s desperate situation. This is a symbol of the need for spiritual support. To be afraid to cross the threshold of the temple - the time has come to repent of the sins committed, otherwise trouble cannot be avoided. Entering a cathedral in a dream means waking up to think about your own selfishness. These thoughts will help change your life for the better.

The Bulgarian seer foreshadowed that building a church on your own in a dream is a sign of improving relationships with a loved one. Omissions, resentment and disappointment will remain in the past, a favorable period will come.

Russian dream book portends that if the church appears frequently in a dream, it is necessary to urgently change your lifestyle. Wrong actions can lead to moral failure. If you dream of a church and a cemetery, this is a sad sign. In reality, you will have to participate in the funeral ceremony.

When you dream that a church is burning, all hopes will go to waste.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book The meaning of this plot is very different. A fire in a church means spiritual cleansing.

Ukrainian dream book interprets the temple as a long journey. For a free person, such a dream can mean prison, and for a prisoner it can mean finding freedom. Many churches appearing in a dream at the same time foretells that in reality you will have to show remarkable patience. The temple with icons symbolizes sadness. Being inside means long conversations in reality.

Gypsy option interprets the dreamed church as a symbol of a prosperous life and prosperity. Talking inside a religious building means obstacles and delays in business.

Esoteric dream book predicts that a temple or church is dreamed of as a symbol of the difficult time ahead moral choice. A wooden building means a change in the field of work; a beautiful and rich building symbolizes the successful course of business.

By love dream book going to church means improving relationships. Ahead lies an unclouded period of absolute harmony with your chosen one or admirer. This will happen due to the fact that the dreamer will adjust his behavior and become more tolerant of the weaknesses of the other.

21st century interpreter, going to church in a dream is interpreted as a search for truth. But if the sleeper goes to the temple barefoot, difficult trials await him.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus the destruction of the church means suffering and disease. A closed cathedral means that the emotional isolation of the sleeper can lead to his separation from his loved one.

French the source foretells that if a man dreams about church, in reality he will have to learn the news. It will be good if the temple is elegant, and bad if the structure is unsightly.

The interior of the religious building has a special interpretation. An unfavorable omen is to see the inside of the temple deserted, poor and without images. All the plans that the sleeper had were never destined to come true. There is a serene, pious period ahead in life, when the church in a dream is smartly decorated and decorated. Peace and tranquility will reign in the family.

If you dream of a church inside with icons, you need to remember the details of what you saw. The faces on the images are filled with peace - a wonderful symbol. We should expect joyful events ahead. Hopes for the best are fully justified and have a solid basis. Dirty or damaged icons with broken frames are a sign of an incorrectly led life, devoid of high meaning.

Church filled with people and candles, burning brightly and evenly, symbolize good luck. The dreamer will be able to achieve significant success without compromising moral principles. It is also a sign of easy recovery of strength after righteous labors.

Why do you dream about church and priest?

In the most general interpretation, when you dream priest in church, this is a reflection of the need for repentance. This can be not only confession in church, but also a serious conversation with loved ones or colleagues. Revelations will be able to change fate.

See how father in a dream in a cassock conducting a service means receiving help in a difficult matter. Friends and even not very close acquaintances will provide important support.

Conversation with the priest in a dream means honor and respect from others. Confessing to a clergyman in a dream is an unfavorable sign. In reality, there is a high probability of finding yourself in a humiliating situation in front of numerous witnesses. Seeing someone else coming to church in a dream for confession means that a very unpleasant conversation will take place in reality.

The appearance and age of the clergyman also influences the interpretation of the dream. Young pop in black means the purity of the thoughts of the sleeping person, and the gray-haired one foreshadows that in reality there will be enough wisdom to accept correct solution in a difficult situation. The slender priest promises the sleeping person guaranteed receipt of honors and glory for the good deeds performed. An obese clergyman is dreamed of as a call to avoid temptations. Even if they offer a profitable but dishonest project, it is advisable to show moral fortitude and firmly reject the fraudulent scheme.

For women, a feeling of romantic infatuation with a priest in a dream is a sad sign. The beloved will disappoint with cruel, even cynical, betrayal.

Why do you dream about various actions in the temple?

Looking for a church for a long time in a dream is a symbol of the need for peace of mind. This reflects the desire of the sleeper to feel protection and strong patronage. If you cannot find a temple in a dream, this is a warning that at the moment financial situation is under threat, and the moral character of the sleeping person is too far from ideal.

Successfully find, and come in to church in a dream - to the successful implementation of your plans in reality. Various rituals that can be seen in the temple have their own interpretations.

If you move away from the Savior, you dream funeral service for the deceased in the church. In life, the hopes that the dreamer placed on current projects will not come true. Even if it seemed that nothing could interfere, everything would collapse in an instant.

Family people dream about the transition of relationships with their other half to a qualitatively different level. wedding in the church. For those who are still single, such a plot means a pleasant acquaintance.

Service in the church it is interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, this is a visit from guests. On the other hand, such a dream indicates remorse and the sincere desire of the sleeper to correct a previously committed act.

Buy candles in a church in a dream means a voluntary renunciation of one’s own ambitions for the sake of the well-being and comfort of loved ones. Such a dream plot indicates that humility and the ability to sacrifice oneself are the main virtues of the sleeper.

During sleep light candles in the church it is interpreted as readiness for repentance and rejection of an incorrect lifestyle. If they smoke or crackle when burning, this is a symbol that someone is angry with the sleeper. It is also a reflection of the pressure exerted on the dreamer. An even flame is a good symbol.

Dream about the desire to cleanse yourself morally pray in the church. Feeling bright joy at the same time is a favorable sign. You will be able to avoid all difficult situations with minimal effort.

As a sign peace of mind and dreams of joy cry in the church. If something oppresses the sleeper, he will very soon find peace.

In a dream be baptized in church means that a good thing is planned in reality. Luck will be on the dreamer's side.

The symbol of subconscious repentance is wash the floors in a church in a dream. A person is ready to admit his sins, at least to himself, and, if possible, correct what he has done.

An unusual plot in which one happened to sleep in a temple premises means patronage from above and spiritual peace.

If you dream go out from church, in reality you will be able to get rid of worries and worries. The dreamer has a prosperous period ahead.

Even what color clothes you happened to be wearing in church in a dream have different interpretations. White means presence at a funeral, and dark colors mean the strength of friendship and family ties.

Interpretation of a dream based on the view of the church from the outside

The warning symbol is burning church in a dream This is the failure of long-term projects, unpleasant moments in life due to violation moral standards. For dreamers who are unfaithful to their other halves, such a plot predicts a final break with their legal spouses.

Surprisingly, but completely burnt out The church in a dream is not at all a gloomy prediction. The dream means that all the experiences of the sleeper are unnecessary. You should pull yourself together and not expect anything bad. A cathedral drowning in water portends significant changes in fate. They will be favorable if the water is clean and clear. Dirty and debris on the surface mean difficulties and obstacles to the implementation of plans.

Dream about a significant decrease in vitality old church. The future is blurry and foggy.

Beautiful well maintained church outside, seeing her is a good sign. The dream foreshadows strict adherence to ethical standards.

Before life's difficulties I dream Catholic church. It also reflects the internal struggle of the sleeper between the desire for material well-being and spiritual development.

Illness, mental suffering and discomfort means destroyed church in a dream Oppressed moral condition prevents the dreamer from enjoying life.

Favorable sign - under construction church. This is a harbinger of a new stage in development. For families - happiness and mutual love.

If you dream unfinished a church left unfinished, the dream reflects a crisis of moral principles. You need to think about this so as not to become an outcast.

Abandoned church in a dream means that the dreamer’s behavior is characterized by sudden attacks of anger and hysteria. Problems with observing etiquette and communication standards turn others away from the dreamer.

A very good symbol relating not only to the sleeping person, but also to his homeland, if white I dream about the church. This means that the country will develop and soon flourish.

If you dreamed Golden domes church, the most important work will soon come to an end. The result will be very pleasing and will bring significant material rewards and moral pleasure. Shooting at domes in a dream, or seeing someone doing it, is a symbol of failure. Failure will be due to the fact that business partners will become aware of information discrediting the sleeping person.

Why does a woman dream about church?

When you dream about church girl who comes to work and feels joy, this is a favorable dream. In reality the young lady thanks to her pleasant good character will earn the favor and love of others.

The closed doors of the temple, on which the dreamer knocks unsuccessfully, mean a difficult situation in reality. At some point, she may feel despair, but the dream suggests that the woman will receive support if she adheres to moral standards and refuses temptations.

Dreaming of a church symbolizes an easy birth process and excellent health for the baby. pregnant woman. Also, such a dream reflects the need for spiritual development.

A temple in a dream most often serves as a call to observe piety, morality and ethics. Most likely, life will only become more harmonious from this. Good night, peace of mind and happiness.

Dream Interpretation Father

The world of night scenes is quite diverse and multifaceted. Dreams that you have are unpredictable. Sometimes, waking up after seeing a night vision, a person tries to find logical connection dreams with real life. How interesting it is to find out what the dream portends in the future.

Dreams in which a person sees a priest are quite rare and, oddly enough, mostly for non-believers. If you nevertheless dreamed of a priest in a night story, then you should figure out what he portends for you.

if you dreamed of a priest

I dreamed of a priest in a dream

If the question arises: why is the priest dreaming, then the person who sees such a dream needs to analyze his actions and think about whether he is doing everything right. A priest seen in a dream advises you to correct your sins.

The dream book indicates: the priest was sad - which means you are reproaching yourself for the wrongdoings you have committed. In some dream books, this plot foretells the approach of trouble.

The clergyman in the night story was in a good mood - a favorable vision.

Did you see a big-bodied priest? A favorable dream indicating a beautiful and carefree life for the dreamer.

Was he with a beard in your story? Your family loves you and cherishes you.

Seeing a priest without a beard indicates to the dreamer that an unfamiliar person is worried about him.


Was the priest wearing a cassock?

Try to remember how the priest was dressed.

  • Was the priest dressed in a festive cassock? In the near future, your loved ones will need your support.
  • Seeing him in a black cassock means a pleasant family dinner.
  • In white - the dreamer will be invited to dinner at a restaurant.
  • He was dressed in worldly attire - expect good news.

Did you touch the cassock in your night vision? For the big holiday.

A Catholic clergyman foreshadows changes in the dreamer's life. If you dreamed that he was confessing, then this plot foreshadows a hopeless situation in which only an influential acquaintance can help.

See in church

The priest came into church - a stranger is in love with you. If you dreamed that a priest was leaving a church, you became the object of love of an old friend.

Were you inside the church and kissed his hand? There is a long journey ahead in the near future.

Was he holding a bible in his hands? To a pleasant holiday.

Remember exactly what actions took place inside the church.

Divine service

if you dreamed of a divine service

I had a dream: a priest was holding a service in a church - the dream foreshadows serious illnesses. Did you confess in a dream? This means that in real life you will make a mistake that will cause your sadness, and the situation will also upset your loved ones.

Did you dream that he performed a service in a language you did not understand? This plot indicates upcoming dangers in the dreamer’s real life.

Did the priest perform the wedding ceremony? The dream foreshadows a happy family life.


The plot in which the priest blesses is auspicious sign. Anyone who sees this plot can count on good luck in all endeavors. Stop thinking, start acting.

Another blessing seen indicates a renewal of relations with a person with whom the dreamer is now in a quarrel.

Is the priest blessing you? Will support you in the near future influential person. The dream can also be a signal that you will soon find the answer to the question that is tormenting you.

if you saw him on the street

Sometimes the plot dreams that the clergyman was not in the church, but in other places:

  • Seeing him on the street means hard work.
  • Meeting him at the market means you will actually fall in love with a good person.
  • If you saw him in someone else’s house, you will go on a business trip.
  • Were you in the car with him? Meet old friends.

Be your own priest

If you had a dream in which the dreamer himself was a sacred minister and conducted a ritual of worship, this means that the people around you consider you a leader and do not understand why you do not strive to take the place of the boss.

Dream for a woman

A woman has a dream in which a priest was in love with her - this means that she needs to become more restrained in her actions and entertainment, otherwise she will ruin her reputation.

To be the most in love with him is a sign of betrayal and betrayal of your loved one.

Miller's Dream Book

what did the father do

  • A priest seen in a dream portends illness in real life.
  • Seeing him during a service is a sign of concern.
  • Confessing to him means humiliation and sadness.
  • Talking with the priest is an honor.
  • Was the priest gloomy and upset? Beware of enemies.

Esoteric dream book

By interpretation of this dream book a priest conducting a service in a church - dreams of a risky business.

Gypsy dream book

The priest points out your lack of economy. You had a chance to be the priest yourself in the night story - that means you’ll actually do it thoughtless purchase, and in the future you will regret wasting your money.

Modern dream interpreter

Did you dream about a priest? The dream indicates your weaknesses. Did you see the priest inside the church, but didn’t manage to communicate with him? This means that in the near future another person will try to subjugate you. Did the conversation take place? The dream portends achievement high altitudes in life.

Did you see that the priest in the cassock is you? The dream book indicates: you doubt your abilities and doubt that you will complete the task assigned to you. Be more determined, you will succeed.

Dream interpreter Grishina

Seeing a blessing in a dream indicates that the dreamer enjoys authority among those around him and everyone is always happy to see him.

If you see a priest in your night vision, then the dreamer should pay attention to his inner world, reconsider all your committed actions and analyze life values.

Your mark:

Religious dreams, more than others, make us guess about their meaning.

We believe that they contain some special meaning that makes us think about our lives.

Now we will find out why the priest dreams. What events await us after such a dream?

Seen in church

To see in a dream how a priest conducts a service in a church - to have a nice evening in the family circle. If he is dressed in a black cassock, then you will have dinner at your house. And if in white, then the evening will be spent in a cafe or restaurant.

Turning to the priest with a question means worrying about the health of a loved one. And to kiss his hand while in church is to prepare for a long trip.

  • Father stands on the bell tower - to thoughtfulness and memories.
  • Holds a prayer book in his hands - to comfortable rest in an interesting place.
  • A dream in which a priest presides over a service in a low voice– to hasty conclusions.
  • Meeting his gaze means great joy and inspiration.
  • Touching the cassock means celebrating a significant date.

As the dream book writes, a priest looking at the dome of a church dreams of changes at work. And the priest, standing on the threshold of the church, speaks of an imminent change in long-standing plans.

If he enters the temple, it means that you have become an object of sympathy for him. stranger. And if, on the contrary, he leaves the church, then your old friend will love you.

If there was a meeting

Many people are interested in why a priest dreams if you meet him not in a church, but in another place. There are many answers to this question.

If you run into a priest on the street, be prepared for long, hard work. And meeting him at the bazaar means falling in love with a worthy person with all your soul.

If you see a priest in another city, and there is a church in the distance, then you will soon be sent on a business trip. And traveling with him on the train means preparing a surprise for the boss.

Traveling with him by car means meeting old friends. And a dream in which a priest is your traveling companion on a bus speaks of your excessively soft character.

  • Walking arm in arm means relaxation in pleasant company.
  • Giving the priest a gift means a lucrative offer.
  • A priest in a black robe came to your house - good, joyful news.
  • Introducing the priest to your friends means a desire to be alone.
  • Instead of having lunch - to peace of mind.

As the dream book promises, a priest asking you a question symbolizes original decisions and career advancement. And arguing with a priest in a dream means receiving a bonus or achieving a salary increase.

If in a dream you make a priest’s bed, it means that in reality you lack communication with representatives of the opposite sex. And to wake him up is to be confident in your abilities.

Other dreams

The priests who gathered in the square dream of a grand celebration. If they are dressed in black, then you will be the initiator of the celebration. And if their robes are light, then expect an invitation from good friends.

Listen to the service at fresh air- to apply your knowledge in practice. And if he gives his speech in the theater or assembly hall, then you will get a lot of money for the work done.

  • The priest is digging up a garden - to complete a difficult task.
  • Giving gifts to children - to recognition from a loved one.
  • A cheerful, smiling priest means a romantic date in a cozy place.
  • The priest performing the funeral service for the deceased means a quiet, peaceful flow of life.

A dream in which a priest with a large build promises a beautiful, carefree life. And the thin priest says that to achieve your goal you need to work hard.

A priest with a beard is a sign that your loved ones value you. And if he doesn’t have a beard, then a person you barely know is worried about you.

Having carefully studied the dream book, it will not be at all difficult to understand why the priest is dreaming. It is enough just to remember all the details of the dream, look at its meaning and compare the received prediction with your life.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

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