Wipe: why dream. Is it good to see dust in a dream

Tatyana Lagutina's pocket dream book

If the sleeper sees Wipe in a dream

Why dream of wiping or washing the wooden floor until clean, until it turns white - this dream is a characteristic of the sleeper himself. You are an extremely goal-oriented person, if you have already set a goal for yourself, then put all your efforts to achieve it. But is it always reasonable? You have to spend too much effort and energy on things. Which are not worth it. Sometimes it's better to step back and do something more useful.

Wiped in a dream (from the book of Olga Smurova)

  • To wipe something, for example, a floor or a table - the dream says that you will have to yearn for something, worry about some events. Very often, a person who cannot find a place for himself from anxiety or is absorbed in his own sad thoughts begins to mindlessly wipe something, wipe off non-existent stains, just like, if only he would occupy himself with something.
  • If you saw how you wipe the dishes - this dream largely describes your own character. He says that you are very clean and everything in your house shines with cleanliness.
  • But on the other hand, wiping the dishes is also a prediction that you have nothing to be afraid of slander, nothing bad will stick to you.

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

Why do you dream Wipe in a dream

If in a dream you had to wipe the wooden floor, scrub it from dirt and stains until it becomes completely clean and white, the dream suggests that you are an extremely purposeful person. If you have already conceived something, decided something, then you will spare no effort, no time, no money, and do not back down until you achieve your goal.

Anyone who dreamed of wiping a wooden floor can rightfully be proud of himself. You just need to be sure that the goal you decided to put your life to achieve is really worth it. In addition, it can be achieved even more simple way– for example, replace the wooden floor with linoleum or paint it?

Wiped in a dream (from the book of Elena Avadyaeva)

  • If you saw in a dream how you wipe something, for example, you had to wipe the dishes - this characterizes you from the very beginning. positive side. It is obvious that you are extremely clean, and cleanliness and order always reign in your house.
  • Why dream of wiping the dishes, it means that even you cannot get rid of the desire to achieve perfection in everything. Neatness and cleanliness are excellent qualities, if you do not make a cult out of them. Otherwise, your perfectionism can make life difficult for you and your family.

Foretellers consider dust to be a symbol of eternity. But this is in those cases when they want to know the prospects of all mankind and the fate of the Universe. But for an individual, a dream in which dust was noticed can be a signal of impending deception, betrayal, delusion. Dust is also dreamed of by those who, alas, are not really neat. Maybe in a dream they are told: slovenliness repels many people from you, prevents you from making interesting acquaintances, and, in the end, harms your personal life and career!

Why dream about how you wipe the dust? Loff's dream book offers such an interpretation of sleep, in which he had to wipe the dust from the surface of tables, cabinets and other pieces of furniture - this is a sign that a person waking up will meet an old acquaintance very soon. Most likely, the dreamer did not communicate with this person for many years, and now he has to remember his youth.

The girl had the same dream, promises her a chance date with former lover. Communication with him will give reason to think about the resumption of relations. But does it make sense?

In a dream, did you get into a school class and wipe dust from a desk or blackboard? This means that in reality there will be an opportunity to broaden one's horizons with new knowledge, to enrich oneself practical experience in some business. All this will arouse interest, and most importantly, it will be very useful.

Seeing in a dream how you are fighting with dust in a pantry, a shed or in another room where old things are stored, in reality promises the opportunity to visit those places where childhood or youth passed. The dream interpretation also promises meetings with childhood friends.

A dream in which dust fell on the dreamer during cleaning can be interpreted as a warning. A waking person will have a difficult period in his relationship with his wife (husband). To restore peace and mutual understanding in the family, you need to try not to remember past grievances, and think more optimistically about the future. If you dream that you are wiping dust with a rag, then unpleasant conversations will begin behind your back. This version of dream interpretation is offered by a modern dream book, warning that the dreamer literally becomes a target for gossip and gossip.

When a girl sees in a dream how she shakes dust off the dining table, then in reality she can hope for a successful date with a promising and pleasant young man. Moreover, relations with him can develop into a deep, vivid feeling.

Wipe the dust in someone else's house

I happened to wipe the dust in a strange house in a dream, which means that the dreamer is extremely inquisitive, active person. All this is fine, but if he also shows excessive interest in other people's affairs, then such a dream should be taken as advice: put your own thoughts and feelings in order, analyze your actions.

If in a dream you swept the dust with a broom in an unfamiliar, empty house, then expect a meeting with old friends or acquaintances. It is likely that they will come to visit you from afar, so be prepared for chores that will not be burdensome, but rather pleasant.

But in Miller's dream book, such a dream is interpreted as the possibility of future quarrels and problems relating to family, work and other public affairs. To an unmarried girl who in a dream sees dust sweeping in someone else's home, such a plot predicts long separation with a dear, beloved person.

Why dream that when you wipe the dust, you spread its clubs throughout the room? Such a dream warns that you are forced to contact unpleasant people, arrogant, pompous. Such communication will not cause anything but annoyance and irritation. But be patient, it won't be long.

Cleaning things from dust Aesop, describing in his dream book how strangers literally blow off dust particles from a person, carefully cleaning his clothes, explains that such a dream in reality promises to find new, reliable friends. Acquaintance with them will take place in an unusual setting. But these people will be your faithful comrades, ready to rush to the rescue at any moment. There is another interpretation of the same plot - in reality, the dreamer will have to be in close contact with unknown people.

A man who watches in his dream how someone carefully sweeps dust from his clothes must prepare for serious changes in fate. This will be a pleasant innovation in his life. There is a high probability that he will meet a beautiful woman who will love him, take care of him.

Had a dream about how you wash off or brush off the dust from your face? After such a dream, think about whether you have done what wrongdoing for which you have to blush and justify yourself to your comrades?

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AT real life many of us have a negative attitude towards dust. Accumulating in the corners of the house, on the surface of tables, chests of drawers and cabinets, it gives the dwelling a desolated, dull, sloppy look. Street dust, raised from the ground by gusts of wind, clogs the eyes and nose, makes it difficult to breathe freely, impairs visibility. Does she always dream of trouble? This may indicate a desire to leave the negative in the past, or a connection with dubious personalities who do not disdain dirty methods doing business. Great importance have details of a dream, which ancient and modern dream books will help to decipher.

Dreamed dust is interpreted in different ways. This can act as a warning against deceit, loss, or promise joyful events. Here are transcripts of known sources:

  • 2012 The ability to forget, to gain oblivion.
  • XXI century. To annoyance, turmoil.
  • Vanga. You will be reminded of what you are unsuccessfully trying to forget.
  • Oriental. To the appearance in the immediate environment of envious people, liars, scoundrels and hypocrites.
  • Denise Lynn. They forgot about a part of their own soul. Think about your dreams, hobbies, old desires.
  • For the bitch. In dealing with deceitful, dishonest people, trust your subconscious, it will tell you the right decision. Be vigilant, and then no one will be able to circle you around the finger.
  • Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. It's time to get rid of old problems that interfere with life.
  • Islamic. To an uncertain outcome of the business or to a journey.
  • Small Velesov. To deceit, swindle.
  • Miller. A joker-fortune will bring you down with an unscrupulous person; your intuition will help to detect his shamelessness and dishonest methods of doing business.
  • N. Grishina. To annoyance.
  • Newest. To be completed useless work. The results of your efforts will be unclaimed.
  • New (1918). To deceit.
  • Russian folk. To loss, despondency. Try to get rid of slovenliness.
  • Family. Fate will bring together unprincipled people who are ready to do anything to achieve their own goals. Try to keep communication with them to a minimum, and even better - bypass such persons.
  • Simeon Prozorov. Reconsider relationships with colleagues or spouse.
  • modern woman. To communicate with people who do not disdain anything for the sake of satisfying their own interests. Be attentive and careful.
  • Wanderer. To humiliation, disappointment.
  • Ukrainian. To deception, lies.
  • Fedorovskaya. To a meeting with people who do not burden themselves with questions of honor and morality.
  • Tsvetkova. To deception, lies, hypocrisy.
  • Aesop. An attempt to mislead.
  • Esoteric. Hope will be in vain.
  • Sometimes the dust seen in a dream symbolizes the persistent desire to forget about something.

    To whom the dream appeared: a girl, a woman or a man

    For a young woman, a dream in which she was shrouded in dust promises separation from her beloved. The reason will be his passion that flared up for another woman . If a girl wiped dusty furniture with a rag, this promises an unexpected meeting with her former lover.. Remember the saying “measure twice, cut once”: think carefully before deciding to renew a relationship. Perhaps they are not worth it.

    If a unmarried woman dreamed about how she wiped the dining table, this promises a new acquaintance or a fascinating romance. As a result, the case will end in a long relationship.

    According to the dream book for the whole family, for an unmarried person, the dream in which she wiped the dust from the table indicates that the love affair will end in pregnancy

    married woman dust in a dream indicates that soon a fan will appear in the environment, strenuously showing signs of attention. Pregnant night dreams, in which she saw dust, report that instead of solving problems, the dreamer puts them on the back burner.

    Man and young guy a dream with dust promises a meeting with the chosen one. The girl will become a worthy life partner, prove herself a zealous and skillful housewife, create a cozy atmosphere in the house.

    Interpretation depending on the type, volume, origin of dust

    A large amount of dust in a dream threatens material undertakings. It is worth thinking carefully before investing in a risky business. A woman who sees a lot of dust, a dream warns of parting with her lover. The reason for this will be another woman. The less dust there was in a dream, the less hassle. There will be several options for solving pressing problems, you just have to rationally approach their choice.

    Gold dust promises to replenish your wallet. If in a dream she fell from heaven, you will soon get rich, but if the wind carried her in different directions - to small losses and losses.

    Coal dust seen on your body, hair or clothes promises deception. Maybe, close person unpleasantly surprise, betray, plant a "pig".

    According to Akulina's dream book, an abundance of dust warns of poverty, an acute shortage of money for the most necessary things.

    Location of dust in night vision

    Dust, swirling in tufts on the floor, symbolizes the confusion that prevents you from streamlining feelings and thoughts. Dirty plaque makes it difficult to see the true state of affairs. Get rid of confusion, and then everything will be sorted out.

    Have you seen your own house or apartment, where everything is covered with a dusty coating? There is no way to get rid of the burden of past problems. They put pressure on the subconscious, making it difficult to enjoy happy life.

    Dusty furniture indicates self-restraint on an intuitive level. Try to mentally erase the dirt, and you will feel how new ways to solve a difficult situation open up before you.

    By English dream book, seen on oneself (clothing, hair, face, body, shoes) dust marks failure in undertakings, in some cases even family breakup, divorce, parting with a loved one. By Eastern dream book, dusty clothes or body speak of upcoming losses. Do not worry in vain, they will be small.

    Seeing dust on another person (friend or stranger) - to the appearance of unpleasant news related to your friend or relative. Do not immediately believe other people's words, they may not be true.

    The location of the dust affects the interpretation of sleep:

  • the road covered with dust says that endurance and patience will help to achieve the goal;
  • dirty furniture (wardrobes, chests of drawers, racks, tables, cabinets, chair armrests, etc.), children's dream book, indicates dissatisfaction with life; the fault of everything is your unreasonable fears and worries;
  • clouds of dust raised into the air by gusts of wind promise changes in life, but do not expect that this will pass like clockwork, without misfires and difficulties.
  • According to Denise Lynn's dream book, a layer of dust on things warns of imminent disappointments and losses. Miller was convinced that shaking out clothes in a dream, knocking dust out of it - to master the situation.

    The dust accumulated in the room (your own or unfamiliar), according to the Wanderer's dream book, indicates desolation, oblivion, the relentless passage of time.

    A dream in which things were present in the dust indicates unrequited dreams.

    How do the actions that take place affect the interpretation

    Trying to vacuum a familiar room or an unfamiliar room in a dream is a sign that it is time to get rid of the "anchors" that prevent you from boldly stepping into the future. Perhaps this refers to obsession with past failures and losses. Meanwhile, fate provides the lucky chance you deserve. It is enough to start thinking in in a positive way how life will change dramatically. By the latest dream book, vacuuming means to fail in the financial field, or to be disappointed in a colleague. By modern dream book, this acts as a warning: you will urgently have to streamline your affairs and thoughts. Otherwise, “the farther the forest, the more firewood” - things will get even more confused.

    See the vacuum cleaner or start it, by dream book XXI century, means a call to streamline affairs. Start small and you will soon notice how your chances of making a profit skyrocket. According to the dream book from A to Z, cleaning an apartment with a vacuum cleaner promises a change in environment or a new job.

    Tried to wipe the dust in a dream? If you successfully overcome your own indecision, then life will improve. When you happen to erase dirt from objects, try to deal with the accumulated problems in one fell swoop. Such drastic measures will bring moral relief.

    Have you wiped the dust off the floor? Expect unpleasant, annoying guests who can cause trouble. Tried to clean, brush off the dust (rag, broom, brush)? According to the Small Velesov dream book, this good sign, promising deliverance from the disease. If the rubbish was on open space(in the gazebo, on the veranda, terrace), this is a sign of self-doubt. You are afraid of being known as a clumsy or a fool. It's time to boldly declare yourself, to overcome internal fears.

    Did you have to deal with cleaning furniture from dirt? Get ready for the arrival of unexpected, but dear visitors. The meeting will be successful, will be remembered for a long time, will bring a lot positive emotions. If dusty furniture was in a barn, pantry, then you will soon pay a visit to the places where your childhood and youth passed.

    Trying to wash dusty wardrobe items - to unreasonable despondency and pessimism. Try to evaluate events last days from different sides

    To clean your own apartment from accumulations of dust - to luck, good luck, a successful outcome. Sweep in a dwelling where for a long time the owner was absent (in the house of the deceased, non-residential premises) - to establish old ties, renew acquaintances. Revenge the dust in the church - to strengthen spiritual ties. Some event will make you look at life in a new way, turn to God. Sweeping deposits of dust from under the desktop or other furniture in the office promises a fair assessment of professional achievements. Your merits will be appreciated by management, which will result in an increase in salary. If the office turned out to be the director's, get ready for dismissal.

    Get out on stairwell, at the entrance - a sign that you are trying to command everyone around. Do not go too far, otherwise you will lose friends.

    Attempts to wipe dust from school furniture (chalkboard, desk) in a dream indicate that a craving for new knowledge will soon appear. The erasing of dust deposits from a lamp, a floor lamp indicates dominance in sexual relations.

    To clean your own clothes from dust, according to the English dream book, to the quick restoration of affairs, reconciliation with your soulmate. If in a dream stranger brushed the dust off you, in Russian folk dream book, this promises the acquisition of a new friend. By family dream book, cleaning clothes from dust symbolizes mastery of the situation. You will gain control over what happens. A modern dream book interprets this as a chance to avoid losses. According to Aesop, if another person carefully removes dust particles from the dreamer's jacket, this promises:

  • finding a new friend in an unusual environment;
  • establishing contact with an unfamiliar person;
  • positive changes in life (perhaps a sympathetic woman will take care of you).
  • If in a dream they shook out, knocked out dust from clothes, brushed it off boots or shoes, this means getting rid of self-doubt. G. Miller was convinced that a dream promises small losses that will not affect your position and social status. According to Fedorovskaya, cleansing oneself indicates a resumption of control over life events.

    If in a dream you had a chance to brush off a dusty coating from your face, get ready to make excuses to your friends. You will have to carefully monitor your own behavior so as not to end up in an awkward situation.

    Had a chance to sweep dust clouds with a broom, a broom? You are determined to deal with old troubles and live happily ever after.

    If the dust was knocked out of the carpets, get ready to receive a new, prestigious position or a high rank. A change of place of activity will be accompanied by an increase in income, as the dream book from A to Z promises.

    According to the Eastern dream book, dusty food promises a long illness or poverty.

    Interpretation of other dreams

    To see dirty, dusty curtains - to humiliating reproaches, squabbles due to mutual misunderstanding. Old houses, buildings with dust-covered walls promise a deterioration in well-being, a decline in professional activity quarrel with your soulmate.

    According to Shereminskaya's dream book, to see shoes covered with a dusty coating - to a deterioration in health. By the thickness of the layer and the color of the dust, one can judge the severity and duration of the disease (the lighter and less plaque, the sooner you will recover).

    Did you have a chance to chew dust in a dream, did you feel how they creaked on your teeth? By Assyrian dream book, this portends decrepitude, poverty, isolation from society. Ancient interpreters believed that such a dreamer fell out of favor with the gods. By medieval dream book, a dream promises an early departure, departure from home.

    Did you have to follow someone or go, swallowing dust? Idiomatic dream book says that in reality you are unsuccessfully trying to get ahead of someone (relatives, colleagues, rival). According to the dream book of autumn birthdays, wander along the road, driving dust - to fatigue, loss of strength.

    Fall into the dust on the side of the road, according to the Small Veles dream book, to a protracted illness or death. If in a dream they saw someone falling into the dust, according to the New Dream Book of 1918, this also promises death (of the fallen or someone from the environment).

    dreaming dust storm, according to the latest dream book, indicates a sharp deterioration in the quality of life. A dust curtain, according to the Russian folk dream book, means an unsuccessful waste of energy. Is it worth wasting your time trying to satisfy your interest in the future? It is much wiser to live in the present. According to Aesop's dream book, the veil warns the dreamer that it is necessary to be patient, clarify the details, and only then plan for the future.

    Had a chance to see yourself surrounded by dust, clubs enveloped from all sides? According to the modern dream book, this indicates the relationship between the mistakes of the people around you and your professional failures. According to Fedorovskaya's dream book, a dusty cloud around you promises a small loss of funds, waste or loss. If you dreamed of a person disappearing in a dusty cloud, in real life he will soon disappear from your horizon. A person emerging from the dust will cause trouble.

    By summer dream book, gusts of wind carrying dusty clubs dream before purchasing a new car.

    Fell into the dust in a dream and unsuccessfully tried to get up? According to the 21st century dream book, this indicates torment of conscience due to past deceit. According to the dream book from A to Z, a dreaming dusty train stretching behind a car stands for quarrels with household members about the inheritance. If you happen to lie on a dusty road, be attentive to your health. The dream warns of high risk get a skin disease (fungus, dermatitis, etc.).

    Did you sneeze in your sleep from dust in your nose? Expect to be ridiculed for not knowing obvious truths. According to esotericists, lack of air with an abundance of dust in a dream suggests that achievements and carefully built plans will go to waste.

    If you blew dust in the eyes of another person in a dream, boasted and lied, in real life get ready for shame or embarrassment. According to Aesop's dream book, if they tried to throw dust in your eyes, this could mean:

  • conflict of interest, aggravation of relations with an opponent;
  • unpleasant remarks, gossip about the dreamer's behavior;
  • swearing with a person whose behavior is difficult to calculate in advance.
  • The find, which turned to dust at the first touch in a dream, predicts the collapse of plans and hopes.

    Chasing dust around the house, raising clubs into the air means in real life a meeting with a pompous, unpleasant person in communication. Communication with such a person will annoy you.

    In a dream, did you see a rider on horseback, whose hooves raised a dusty cloud into the air? The rider will show vanity and arrogance, choose the wrong path in life.

    A dreaming pet with dusty hair indicates a quick meeting with an old friend.

    According to most dream books, dust means trouble, annoyance, grief, separation. However, in combination with other details of sleep, it can also promise joyful events - departure to your homeland, a happy resolution of a problem, a meeting with an old friend after a long separation. Wipe dust in a dream, fight it - good sign. The details will tell you how you can detect lies in real life, prevent deceit and cheating, get rid of the disease.

    In reality, dust gives us a lot of trouble: housewives constantly struggle with dust in houses and apartments, dusty streets in summer cause discomfort and discontent among city residents.

    As almost any dream book says, dust is a symbol of not very pleasant events and troubles that may befall the dreamer soon. However, if you heed the warning and take action, then these troubles can be avoided.

    But if you dreamed of dust, then the meaning of such a dream can be not only warning, but also pleasant. As they say in A. Pushkin's Dream Interpretation, a "dusty" dream can be a harbinger of long and harmonious relations. Meeting with a charming and smart person can be expected when in a dream the raised dust got into you.

    The exact meaning of what dust is dreaming of can be determined if you remember what exactly you dreamed about and turn to interpreters. What the upcoming events will turn out to be depends on where you saw the dust and what you yourself did in your dreams:

    • You saw a dusty road or path.
    • Dreaming of dust in the house, and in a dream you are cleaning.
    • Your clothes are dusty.
    • Caught in a dust cloud raised by the wind, or in a dust storm.

    If you don’t remember exactly under what circumstances you dreamed of dust, but you remember the “dusty” impressions well, the Dream Interpretation of the healer Evdokia assures that in the near future the dreamer should be very careful and cautious in dealing with people.

    It is very likely that soon in the circle of your acquaintances there will be dishonest or extremely unpleasant people in communication, with whom, nevertheless, you will have to deal. You need to do your best to protect yourself from harmful effects new acquaintances.

    To see a dusty country road - such a vision in a dream warns that soon your family may experience conflict situation. It is possible that disagreements will arise due to property or monetary issues. Most likely, the dreamer will have to act as an arbitrator.

    Why dream of dust on the path along which you went for a walk in your dreams? Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev says that this vision is for a journey that will bring you a lot of pleasant experiences. During this trip, you will be able to meet cute and smart people acquaintance with which will develop into a strong friendship or business partnership.

    Cleaning and cleaning

    Girls are very often interested in dream books why they dream of wiping dust. Some interpreters consider a dusty layer on furniture in a dream a sign creative nature sleeping. You don’t need to think that nature has “rested” on you, for sure you have some kind of talent that is still hidden deep inside you, and to start developing it, success will not be long in coming.

    Wipe the dust off the furniture - such a dream can tell the dreamer that he will soon have a fun outdoor recreation with friends or family members. And the Worldly Dream Book considers the dust that a young girl wipes from furniture in her dream auspicious sign: in reality she will meet a nice guy, an affair with which will be long and joyful.

    When you dreamed of dusting furniture, but it immediately falls back, then in reality you will have to do painstaking and monotonous work. But you need to do it - your career advancement will depend on it. For a creative person, a dream about dusty furniture portends: serious problem can be solved in a non-standard way.

    If you dream that the dust in the house swirls around you, then in reality, circumstances and those around you will test your patience. You are unlikely to be able to do anything with circumstances, but people will need to be hurried so that your financial affairs do not suffer.

    I dreamed of a dusty layer on the floor, which means that some kind of confusion will arise in business through no fault of yours. But if in a dream you dreamed of cleaning up the dust on the floor, you will enthusiastically take up unraveling this tangle. Cleaning and removing dust lying in a layer on the floor means that you can easily cope with all the difficulties.

    What is the dream of the dust that covers yours? If other people are trying to shake you off it, then this good dream. It means that in a difficult situation you can rely on the support and help of friends.

    When in a dream you see that the wind is driving a dusty cloud towards you, this means that a boring stagnant period in your life is ending. If a real dust storm is moving towards you, then events will develop rapidly.

    A dust storm in a dream warns that in the cycle of events you will surely suffer some kind of loss. But the storm is also a good sign, because after it happens in your real life, you will find yourself updated, and with new ideas you can move forward and conquer new heights.

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