Why do you dream about a dead boy? Dead children in dreams, opinions of dream interpreters. Dream Interpretation by A. Meneghetti

Coping with the death of your baby is very difficult. After this, he can often appear to mom or dad in a dream, so a popular question is, why does a deceased child dream of being alive? If you dreamed of a dead child being alive, then most likely the parents simply could not come to terms with the loss.

What if you dream of a dead child being alive?

main reason According to which a person sees his child alive in a dream, these are strong emotional experiences associated with the loss of a loved one. Surely the sleeping person misses the child greatly and cannot fully come to terms with the fact that he is gone. If he continues to grieve in a dream, then this is a clear sign that the time has come to let the baby go and try to start living a full life. Of course, completely come to terms with terrible grief will not succeed within for long years, but you need to at least try to be happy and smile again. Otherwise, the deceased child himself will have a hard time from the constant grief, tears and sorrows of his parents.

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with grief on your own; it covers the dreamer headlong and does not let go. In this case, an excellent solution would be to seek help and support from an experienced professional psychologist and describe to him yours in colors emotional condition without hiding anything. A frank conversation with one of your close friends or relatives will also help to achieve relief. The main thing is that the dreamer completely trusts this person.

For accurate interpretation In a dream, a person will need all of its details, even the smallest and insignificant at first glance, details. If it turns out to be difficult to remember them, then it is best to simply write down this information right in the morning, shortly after waking up.

If you dream of a dead child being alive, but the sleeping person does not have children in reality, then this is a good sign. He promises him serious life changes. True, it is difficult to predict in what area they will be. If the dreamer has long been planning to change jobs, open his own business, or move to another city, then the right moment has come for this. You can safely start a new life. There is just a favorable period for this. Of course, there will be difficulties on the way to achieving new goals, but a person will be able to cope with them quite simply and quickly.

If a dead child appears in a dream and calls the dreamer to follow him, then this is a very bad sign. He predicts to the sleeping person serious problems. Most likely, in the near future he will be overcome by some kind of illness, so he should monitor his health with special care. Of course, such a dream does not necessarily portend a person’s illness, and one can make a mistake in the interpretation, but for the sake of one’s own peace of mind, it is still better to play it safe. For example, you can take tests recommended by a specialist, as well as undergo prescribed examinations to make sure that there are no problems in the body’s functioning. After all, some diseases do not appear immediately, but only over time.

What does it portend?

A dream in which the child of one of his friends or relatives who died in reality appeared alive suggests that the dreamer himself is dissatisfied own life. He may not be happy financial situation, love relationship, in which he is located, appearance or something else. Regardless of the reason for the dissatisfaction, it is very important to take action after such a dream and not ignore the obvious signals of your subconscious. Otherwise, the sleeper may lead himself to serious depression. First of all, you will need to do everything possible to correct the current situation that does not suit the person.

For example, finally, boldly and decisively break off a boring, difficult relationship, change jobs with a small salary, without fear of ending up in poverty, end your friendship with an unworthy person, etc. The main thing is not to be afraid of change and get out of your comfort zone. It will probably not be easy for a person at first, but in the end he will be able to feel unprecedented relief, and soon become completely happy without the circumstances pressing on him.

An unpleasant dream in which a baby who died in reality suddenly came to life can portend both negative and very negative consequences for the sleeper. positive changes. It all depends on whose child you dreamed about, under what circumstances and on many other similar details. All of them must be taken into account when interpreting.

Dream Interpretation Dead Child

For parents, a child is not just a person who will continue his family; the baby is the most precious and important symbol of love and happiness, as well as the main meaning of life. Therefore, night scenes with children raise many exciting questions.

In a vision, the dreamer dreams of children having fun or playing peacefully, then the dream can cause tenderness and pleasant emotions. But when you dream that a baby is sick or dreamed of his death, the dream causes an unpleasant feeling of fear and horror. So why do you dream of a dead child? What does the death seen in the plot foreshadow? This means that you need to remember the dream and try not to neglect the smallest details seen in the dream. Since the most insignificant detail can radically change the entire interpretation.

I dreamed about a dying baby

It is worth noting that, mainly according to the interpretation of many modern dream books, the plot in which leading role the dreamer dreamed of a dying baby or dreamed that the child had already died - this means that the person does not need to worry, since the vision does not foretell real life unpleasant events.

The dream book interprets: a dead child seen in a dream actually foreshadows favorable changes in life for the dreamer.

Possible addition to the family

A night dream in which the plot involves the death of a child may foretell a new addition to the family.

Remember what kind of baby you saw.

Someone else's child

Why dream about the death of a child, but he was a stranger and completely unfamiliar to you? This plot indicates your indecision and fears in real life. You are afraid of something in real life, and you also doubt your successes and achievements. The dream book advises you to become more decisive, because with bold decisions you can change your life for the better.

When, on the eve of an important event or event, a person dreams of a dying unfamiliar baby, then the dream must be taken as a signal that the dreamer himself needs to take this situation under strict and strict control, otherwise what you have planned may not go as you want even at the initial stages.


If you dreamed that someone else’s newborn died, the interpretation advises you to be more attentive and sincere to your own children.

Reconsider your plans

Dying while still in the womb

If you dreamed that death occurred in the womb - your plans need careful refinement.

Dying during childbirth

In the night's story, did you see how a newborn died during childbirth? If the birth took place in water and death occurred in water, this means important news.

Hanging Kid

Why do you dream of a dead child being hanged? The dream book advises not to be afraid of this dream, since the vision foretells that problems may arise in your life at work and at home. But the troubles will be minor and easily solvable. Another dream of a hanged man is a prediction of upcoming events that the dreamer will not be able to influence.

Dream books indicate: if you dream of a hanged man, it means that the person who saw the dream should prepare for a series of troubles in real life.

Let's note where exactly the hanged man ended up in the loop:

  • The hanged man was hanging on the lamp - in the first half of the day, after the dream plot, there will be troubles.
  • Hanged on the gallows - in real life, contact government services.
  • A hanged man hung on board a ship - you will go on a business but boring trip.

Dreamed about the dead being alive

If you dreamed of a joyful child

You saw a lively and cheerful baby, who in reality had already died - the interpretation of the dream foreshadows that a period of quarrels and conflict situations will soon come in your life. The dreamed baby advises you to reconsider your relationship with others and become more restrained in your emotions and in your statements. This dream It can also be a dream as a sign that in order to implement certain ideas, you need to thoroughly reconsider and weigh everything so that what you plan comes true and gives you pleasure.

The living dream of the dead

Do deceased people dream about a living child? The dream warns: the dreamer is in great danger.

The dying man comes to life in the plot

Did you see in a night vision that a dying man was resurrected? This means that even your most hopeless undertaking will be crowned with success. Another interpretation foreshadows a person’s unusual and pleasant adventures in real life.


Be gentle with your child

If you had a dream in which the dying person was your child, there is a possibility of injury in real life. Note that small age symbolizes serious consequences. Seeing a plot in which your child died means big trouble in real life. Also, the death of your child indicates that you need help and support from loved ones.

Holding a lifeless body in your arms? In reality, the dreamer is very strict in raising his children.

Who dreamed

It is necessary to note who exactly saw the night's footage.

For the expectant mother

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question: “What does a dream with a dead newborn portend?”

  1. The expectant mother is worried and worried about the condition of the baby.
  2. If you dreamed that the newborn’s body was smeared with blood, in reality you can always rely on your loved ones and relatives.

To the girl who has no children

If a girl in reality dreams of becoming a mother, but she does not succeed, then a dream with a dead baby foreshadows an imminent and long-awaited pregnancy.

Another girl dreams of this dream as a sign of favorable changes in real life.

His actions in a dream

Pay attention to mental health

I happened to see in a dream that a child died, and I dreamed of tears in his eyes - the interpretation foreshadows illness in real life. But the dream book reassures us that the disease will not be dangerous and will not cause much harm to health. But the dreamer should worry about his mental state, otherwise it is possible breakdown which will develop into depression.

Where exactly did you see him?

One of the important nuances that can influence the interpretation of a dream is the scenery of the dream, that is, where exactly the action took place.

In a vacant lot

Have you seen a dead child in a dream in a deserted place or in the middle of a field? This means that you will soon receive pleasant news from your relatives.

In a coffin

The general interpretation of the plot indicates that if you happened to see a person who was lying in a coffin, then this means a change in the dreamer’s life.

Did you have a dream in which your child was lying in a coffin? Very often I think that a dream has a bad meaning and portends to its dreamer a long period of failures; in life there will be: quarrels in the family, conflict situations at work, failures in all endeavors. But this is not always the case; interpretation may vary auspicious meaning when the child was lying in a large and clearly not child-sized coffin - in real life you will realize your plans, although for this you will need to overcome many obstacles.

Seeing a child lying in a red coffin means a new endeavor will end successfully.

The interpretation may differ depending on the degree of relationship of the baby.


For parents to dream that their child has died and is now lying in a coffin means changes in relations with the heirs.


Is a strange and unfamiliar baby in a coffin in your dream? This plot foretells the beginning of a new life period.

A newborn has just been born and is now lying in a coffin - a dream foreshadows illness in real life.

Interpretation of popular modern dream books

Try to compare the interpretation of the dream plot, in which you dreamed about the death of children, with the meaning described in popular publications.

Miller's Dream Book

Expect a family scandal

To see your baby dying from an incurable disease in a night story - Miller’s dream book indicates that you have reasonable fears.

I saw a plot in which he died - he will be disappointed in his future.

In a dream I dreamed of a living baby who died in reality - to a family scandal.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

The death of a baby is a symbol of the dreamer's desire to change his life. The dream book indicates that the dreamer may also dream of the following stories:

  • To see a real baby dead in a dream means the dreamer needs to be more careful.
  • The baby has risen - a person hopes in vain that his desires will come true.

Esoteric dream book

  • Someone else's child - a change in the weather;
  • The baby called the dreamer - to illness, to trouble, sometimes to death.

Summarizing the interpretation of the dreamed night plot, in which we saw a child’s death, we would like to note once again that we should not forget about its details. Every picture we dream is sent to us by our subconscious, which with this signal tries to warn us against committing rash and erroneous actions. Remember: “Aware is forearmed.”

Dream interpretation dead baby

Some dreams just stick in our memory. As a rule, they are not very pleasant, for example, when we dream of a dead person. If the deceased is a baby, we decide that such a dream will not lead to anything good.

Dream: dead child

Dream Interpretations have proven more than once that it is not always negative dreams carry similar predictions. Quite the opposite often happens.

Dead children in a dream, opinions of dream interpreters

Almost all interpreters agree that a dead baby in a dream symbolizes some of your ideas or projects that are not destined to come true. It is simply uncompetitive, you will waste your time and energy.

But this interpretation is only suitable if an unfamiliar baby appeared to you in a dream.

But of course, dreams, dreams are different, and for an accurate interpretation, it is necessary to leaf through more than one dream book.

Your idea won't bear fruit

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a drowned baby, it means you are trying to get rid of the influence of a person who has big plans for you.

In addition, such a dream can promise you temporary loneliness and collapse of hopes.

To see a baby who has died of suffocation - you have to defend your case before society. You may be in an atmosphere where despotism and violence prevail. Such dreams often occur in children with domineering parents.

If the dead baby is covered in blood, then you should be more careful about the people around you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • Seeing a child die in a dream means a period of loneliness and spiritual emptiness awaits you.
  • If he died a little boy- the plans are not destined to come true.
  • Why kill a baby in a dream? To the fact that you spend too much in real life without earning enough for this level of expenses.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • If the baby died by force, commit an act for which you will pay for a long time.
  • A dream in which a little man was born dead indicates to you mistakes made in the distant past.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a dream in which a baby died means a complete cooling of feelings, detachment from reality.

If you dream of sick, actually dead children, in reality you will make one stupid mistake after another.

Why do you dream about a lot of dead children?

Not a single dream book will give you comprehensive information on the question of why you dream about many dead children. the dream should be interpreted in the same way as with one dead child, but in multiplied form. it’s just that your sorrows or joys that the dream book promises will be multiplied.

why try to revive a dead child in a dream?

Seeing that you are trying to revive the deceased means that you subconsciously understand that your plans are not destined to come true, so deep down in your soul you are already preparing for disappointment and sad thoughts.

Your plans are not destined to come true

Reviving a baby who has died means you should completely reconsider your way of life; if you don’t change anything, you’ll be in trouble.

A dream in which a baby comes to life speaks of trouble that will happen due to your oversight. Of course, you can fix it, but it will take a lot of effort and time. It's better to be careful and careful from the very beginning.

Interaction with a child who has died

If the baby is dead due to your fault, you are not following your true desires, you are doing it to please other people, forgetting about yourself.

Holding a dead person in your arms is a betrayal loved one. Your good friend, from whom you do not expect meanness, has long harbored feelings of black envy towards you. Adversity that occurs in Lately- his fault.

Gustav Miller believed that killing a child with your own hands was an attempt to eradicate childish spontaneity from your character.

A deceased baby in a coffin, his funeral, symbolizes the end of a certain period in your life. You will enter a bright streak, but will experience a period of depression and detachment from current affairs.

Which baby was seen dead?

Dream books agree that seeing a stranger baby dead, still not so bad. It is much worse if the baby is your own, or if it is the child of your acquaintances or friends.

If you dream what is real existing baby, rested, the dream promises him health troubles. This interpretation is suitable for small children, but for older children it promises troubles and obstacles on the path of life.

In addition, to see your already grown children as deceased babies - you will be disturbed by skeletons in the closet. An old unpleasant story will come to light and will pretty much ruin your life.

There are no children yet, but “your” deceased child is dreaming, understand such a dream in a figurative sense. Think about what is your brainchild in real life; you may soon lose it.

If you dream of someone else’s deceased girl, at a certain point you stopped developing spiritually. If at the same time, you creative person, then you will experience long-term stagnation in business.

But for those people who are engaged in business, a dream with a dead boy has a negative connotation. You may encounter unexpected obstacles.

Trying to feed a dead baby - be more careful about your waste. It is possible that your requests are much higher than your real capabilities.

Childbirth with a negative ending

Seeing in a dream how another woman in labor gave birth to a dead fetus - troubles in a relationship with a loved one, their true face will be revealed.

Giving birth to a stillborn baby - you have not thought through the entire plan of your further actions. If you want to succeed, careful refinement is necessary.

Your mark:

Source: http://SonnikOnline.club/chelovek/k-chemu-snitsya-mertvyj-mladenets.html

Dead child interpretation of dream book

Do not rush to get upset if you see a dead child in a dream. Undoubtedly, this dream is unpleasant, painful, but dream books give it different interpretations, which do not always imply a sad development of the situation in reality. To find out exactly why you dreamed of a lifeless baby, remember all the details of the dream, as well as the emotions you experienced during your night’s sleep.

Unknown child

If in a dream you saw yourself dead unknown child, and have not experienced much sadness or despair, then this may be a reflection of your doubts and fears in reality.

For example, if you saw the corpse of a boy or girl on the eve of an important event, be prepared for the fact that you will have to urgently make adjustments to the plans for the upcoming event.

And here, as the dream book suggests, you will have to act decisively, relying largely on intuition, but not forgetting about endurance. Try to keep everything under control and be resourceful.

The planned project will not bring desired result, but will not affect your significant interests, and will not be costly, this is what a dead stranger might dream of.

And here Ancient dream book believes that a child without signs of life in night vision simply predicts a change in the weather.

Predictions of the Universal Dream Book

In a night dream, did you accidentally witness how a stranger gave birth to a stillborn child? If the baby is unknown to you, like his mother, then Universal dream book in reality he prophesies troubles and difficulties, but they have nothing to do with your own children.

At the same time, even a stranger’s lifeless baby in a dream is a hint - pay more attention to your children. They need your affection, protection or advice.

Parents sometimes see someone else's dead child in a dream. Such a plot should remind them that they need to be more sensitive to their own children.

Interpretations for pregnant women

The expectant mother, for obvious reasons, is very worried: why do you dream of a dead child? The reason for such a terrible vision may be the fears and experiences of a woman who is worried about questions: how will the birth go, will the baby be born healthy. But don't think about the bad. It is much more useful for both the expectant mother and the baby she carries under her heart to concentrate on more pleasant thoughts and dream about good things, the dream book recommends.

Don’t be scared, even if you dreamed of a lifeless baby, and even one stained with blood. On the contrary, such a plot allows us to hope that relatives will willingly help raise and educate the unborn child.

A long-awaited pregnancy, this is what a dead newborn may dream of for a woman who cannot yet conceive.

The Wanderer's Dream Book describes a vision that the development of the fetus in the mother's womb has stopped. The interpretation is this: you need to analyze your plans; perhaps you missed something, or did not attach importance to an important detail or condition.

Happy Changelings

There are dreams whose meaning should be perceived exactly the opposite. So, for example, the birth of a stillborn child in a dream may actually anticipate a quick addition to the sleeping person’s family.

When you wake up, you will learn important news, this is what you dreamed about how a lifeless baby was born during the now fashionable water birth.

In the Esoteric Dream Book, in general, the birth of a still child is interpreted as some kind of benefit for the dreamer. This is a sign that suggests that a person will be able to get rid of the past that burdens him. In addition, tempting, wonderful prospects will open up before him. Sometimes such a vision is a sign that the sleeper is entering a new life stage, becoming more mature, wiser.

Miss Hasse explains why you dreamed about the death of your own child. Such a dream predicts health problems or accidents, injuries at home, at work, or on the road.

The smaller the dreamed baby was, the more serious the likely consequences in reality. Therefore, be careful and do not forget about the safety rules.

Unfortunately, this same plot can also signal troubles of a very different nature that threaten the dreamer.

A lifeless son or daughter in a dream should make the sleeper remember his parental responsibilities and that children at any age need wise instruction or an example of correct behavior in a given situation

If in a dream you were carrying the corpse of a child in your hands, then think about whether you are too authoritarian a parent? Isn't it time to give the heir a little more independence? Sometimes excessive control forces a child, and especially a teenager, to hide something from an adult.

Miracle of Resurrection

In the night phantasmagoria, do you see that the newborn shows no signs of life, but was it possible to resuscitate him? Or did the seemingly lifeless baby suddenly resurrect? In this case, the dream book promises the successful completion of even the most complex, unpromising project. Such a vision is always a great sign - despite all the obstacles, you will achieve what you want, the main thing is not to give up ahead of schedule, and firmly believe in the best.

In addition, this same plot is interpreted as an omen of an exciting journey, an extraordinary incredible adventure.

Other interesting and useful interpretations

You risk catching a seasonal infection or going to bed for a day or two - this is what you dreamed of about a lifeless child in whose eyes you noticed tears.

More serious troubles await the one who in a dream noticed a baby in a coffin, which is clearly larger than required. However, do not despair; with perseverance and perseverance, you will be able to get out of any trouble with dignity.

According to Miller, if a parent sees a child in a dream who is actually not alive, then he should beware of family troubles and conflicts.

An unusual prediction can be found in the dream book of Sage Navi. She says that a dream in which a baby dies at the hands of the sleeping person can have a completely different meaning in reality. The dreamer will be the only character who can save the life of the dreaming baby. And it is important not to miss such a chance.

When in a dream you see the lifeless body of a child who is actually alive and well, be wary. According to the dream book, this may be a warning - in reality, some danger is hanging over you, clouds have gathered.

If this was a young lady’s dream, then she can hope for changes for the better.

Source: http://www.i-sonnik.ru/mertvyj-rebenok/

Why do you dream about a dead child?

To understand why a dead child dreams, the dream book recommends paying attention to the details of the plot, the personality of the deceased and the peculiarities of one’s own perception. There are many explanations for what you see in a dream, but they are not always enough to solve it. Trust your intuition. In most cases, a dream is not a harbinger of tragedy.

Don't take it literally

If the deceased is a stranger, an unfamiliar baby for whom you have no feelings, the symbol is a reflection of real fears or lack of faith in your own success.

When the death of a little unknown boy or girl happens to be seen on the eve of an important event, on initial stage everything will go wrong. Resilience and resourcefulness will help bring the situation back under control.

An abstract, alien dead child often symbolizes a futile project. Failure may upset you, but it will not affect your personal interests.

If you see an unfamiliar deceased baby, it means that the weather will soon change, says the Ancient Interpreter.

Be careful!

If you dreamed about the birth of a stranger’s dead child, Ukrainian dream book warns of impending difficulties, usually not related to children.

When parents happen to see someone else’s dead child in a dream, the dream interpreter urges them to be more attentive to their own children.

What to fear for expectant mothers

Pregnant women are often concerned about why they dream about the birth of a stillborn child. The interpretation explains such a frightening plot by natural worries about the health of the unborn baby. There is no reason to consider what you see in a dream as a bad sign.

This is not the only explanation for why a pregnant woman dreams of a lifeless baby. If the body is stained with blood, you can completely rely on the support of blood relatives.

If a woman who is unable to conceive has a dream about an unsuccessful birth, the dream book promises a long-awaited pregnancy.

If you dreamed that the fetus froze in the stomach, in the womb, the Wanderer’s dream book warns that the sleeper’s plans need more careful elaboration.

Joyful events await you

Some dream interpreters claim that giving birth to a dead child in a dream is a very favorable sign: you can soon expect a new addition to the family.

To find out why you dream of giving birth to a stillborn child, pay attention to the surrounding environment. For example, if an unsuccessful birth took place in water, you will receive unexpected important news.

The esoteric interpreter offers another explanation of why one dreams of giving birth to a lifeless baby. The dream symbolizes parting with the past and freed up space for new beginnings. Sometimes this is how you experience growing up.

Parents, be sensitive.

If you dreamed about the death of your newborn, the interpretation of the medium Hasse warns that in reality there is a high probability of injury and health problems. The younger the little man you dreamed about, the more serious things can turn out to be.

This is not the only explanation for why you dream about the death of your child. In fact, he will face serious difficulties.

If you dreamed of the death of your son or daughter, the dream book believes that the main character of the plot actually needs the help of loved ones.

If the corpse of a baby in your arms appears in a dream, the dream book recommends loosening your grip on raising children. Excessive control spoils relationships and suppresses individuality.

An incredible dream will come true

If you dreamed of a child dying or being born lifeless, but the sleeping person, to great joy, manages to resurrect him, the dream book promises that in reality the hopeless business will be crowned with success.

If a dead child comes to life in a dream, the dream reflects an unwillingness to give up despite disbelief or disappointment.

There is another interpretation of the dream, according to which amazing events and extraordinary adventures await the sleeper.

Do not miss your chance

It is important to know why a dead newborn dreams of a dead newborn with tears in his eyes. The symbol indicates the onset of a minor illness.

If you dreamed of a deceased baby in a coffin that clearly does not correspond to its size, the dream book warns that non-childish problems await the dreamer. However, if you make an effort, there is a chance to resolve them.

Miller's dream book claims that a child who is no longer there appears alive and well in a dream on the eve of family troubles. In this way he tries to warn and take care.

The Dream Book of Sage Navi reports that if in a dream an infant died at the hands of the dreamer, in reality it will be he who will have the only opportunity to save this baby, it is only important not to miss it.

If a child who is actually alive dreams of being dead, the dreamer himself is in danger.

If a girl saw a dead child in a dream, positive changes await her.

Source: http://mamaclub.info/k-chemu-snitsya-mertvyj-rebenok/

Why do you dream of a dead child: the meaning of a bad dream

For a parent, his child is the most important person on the ground. Seeing the night scene where he dies is incredibly painful. In general, the death of children in dreams is unnatural. That is why such dreams cannot be ignored. This article will discuss why a dead child dreams.

For a parent, his child is the most important person on earth

Why do you dream of a dead child: interpretation in the dream book

The dream book gives the following interpretation of the image of a deceased child in dreams:

  1. A stillborn baby symbolizes the dreamer's aspirations and desires. Most likely, not everything in a person’s life turns out as originally planned. His wishes do not come true, and all his goals are unattainable. However, if a child resurrects in a dream, this is a sign that life will soon get better.
  2. Newborn children who die in a dream can portend misfortune with the dreamer's children. The dream book warns about the need to show more attention to your children.
  3. To see a dead child who has been resurrected means to realize an unattainable goal.
  4. If a woman dreams of a dead baby, this means that her child may have health problems. If on the eve of such a dream the baby fell ill, and the decision was made to treat him at home, it is worth playing it safe and showing the sick child to the doctor.
  5. Seeing a child die in a dream means ignoring the problems of your adult children. The dream book recommends being more attentive to your children, because they probably need parental love.
  6. The dreamer dreamed of someone else's dead baby - a long-awaited change in the weather will come.
  7. The image of a dead baby calling for itself foreshadows trouble for the dreamer.
  8. An acute illness will arise for someone who had a dream in which a long-dead child offered to eat together. The danger of death threatens the dreamer who accepted this invitation and ate with the deceased.

Dead children who come to life often dream of new and interesting adventures.

Child in a dream book (video)

Why do you dream about dead children?

The dream book foretells favorable life circumstances for a person if the image of a dead child comes to him in his night dreams. But if you take into account individual details of the dream, the interpretation may be different.

  • A child died from a lightning strike or during a thunderstorm - there will soon be a new addition to the family. Perhaps the dreaming woman is unaware of her pregnancy. In this case, the dream book is in a hurry to please her!
  • Watching the death of an unfamiliar baby means experiencing indecision in real life. The dream book recommends gaining self-confidence before taking on an important task.
  • The dreamer must take responsibility for organizing an important event that is planned for the coming days. This is exactly what the image of a dead child means.
  • Watching a child's death throes means an indifferent attitude towards one's own children.
  • The image of a hanged baby can cause a lot of anxiety in the dreamer, but the dream book does not foretell any catastrophe. Perhaps a person will face a number of difficulties at work, but he will definitely cope with them.

Also read: Why does a girl child dream: correct interpretation

The dream book foretells favorable life circumstances for a person if in his night dreams the image of a dead child comes to him

The image of the resurrected baby is very important. Such a dream can be interpreted as follows: the dreamer will complete even the most hopeless undertakings.

Seeing the birth of a dead child in a dream

  1. If a person sees a dream in which the birth of a child ended in tragedy for him, that is, death, his plans clearly need careful revision. In general, giving birth to a child means coming face to face with serious trials.
  2. If the birth process took place in water and a dead child was born, the dreamer will receive good news.
  3. The woman dreamer gave birth to a long-awaited child, who died immediately after birth - she will soon face serious troubles.

    There is a risk of injury, so it is important to take care.

If a person sees a dream in which the birth of a child ended in tragedy for him, that is, death, his plans clearly need careful refinement

Holding the body of your dead child in your arms and mourning him is taking the upbringing of your children too seriously. The dream book recommends that such mothers give their children more freedom.

Why do you dream about someone else’s dead child?

  • The image of a deceased baby, unfamiliar to the dreamer, has negative interpretation for entrepreneurs and people leading labor activity in commercial firms and corporations. This dream means that soon a person will have to face significant obstacles that will negatively affect his future work activity. The Dream Interpretation recommends temporarily suspending work, otherwise there is a risk of bankruptcy.
  • After such dreams, you obviously won’t have to wait for happiness in life. Such an image foreshadows the dreamer a lot of troubles related to both his work and relationships with others. Therefore, if on the eve of such a dream a person had some kind of planned important event, its implementation should be postponed.

The image of a deceased baby, unfamiliar to the dreamer, has a negative interpretation for entrepreneurs and people working in commercial firms and corporations

A more responsible approach to money is required from those who in their dreams fed an unfamiliar deceased child. The dreamer may become bankrupt if his attitude towards money continues to be careless.

Seeing a dead boy or girl in a dream: what does it mean?

The gender of the deceased baby can largely determine the interpretation of the dream.

  1. A dead girl in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's anti-spirituality. We are talking about his lack of moral principles, ideals and values. Perhaps, on the eve of his dream, a person committed an act that few can call correct. He could give a friend, steal a wallet, influence someone to get into an accident, etc. In this case, the dead girl is the embodiment of purity and injustice, and such a dream is a sign. The dreamer must change himself and his attitude towards life.
  2. If this image was seen by artists, then its meaning also symbolizes a stop in spiritual growth, but it has a different nature. The creative dreamer has probably lost inspiration and the desire to “create.”

Also read: Why does a child-boy dream: is this a prophetic dream?

The gender of the deceased baby can largely determine the interpretation of the dream

The dead boy is a financial image. The more pity the dreamer showed for the deceased child, the more he suffers from shopaholism. The dream book recommends not to waste funds.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a dead baby?

As you know, women are more emotional than men, so it is mainly they who give meaning to dreams.

Pregnant representatives of the fair sex are especially worried about their night visions.

Having seen a dream in which a baby dies, a girl can really begin to panic, because she will probably think that this is a sign foreshadowing the death of her unborn child.

However, such a pregnant woman does not carry any negativity, so all expectant mothers can breathe a sigh of relief. The most important thing that a girl should remember after waking up is that she should not succumb to such provocations of consciousness. For a more accurate interpretation of the image of a dead child, it is necessary to remember the details of the dream.

Why do dead people dream (video)

There are quite a few interpretations, but even if the interpretation of the dream is positive, you should not relax and lose vigilance. Why? Yes because death little man is unnatural in nature, especially in dreams, therefore it is an alarming sign that must be taken seriously.

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Source: https://SonnikPro.com/2017/04/mertvyiy-rebenok

Stillborn child dream book

If the deceased person seen in a dream has actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in your affairs in the worst side. Nostradamus believed that a child dreams as a symbol of hope and the future. Whether it’s the dream book of Miller or Vanga, Nastradamus or Freud, we want to know what to expect and what to prepare for.

Seeing a plot in which your child died means big trouble in real life. In such a situation, a scandal will be inevitable.

Summarizing the interpretation of the dreamed night plot, in which we saw a child’s death, we would like to note once again that we should not forget about its details.

A dream in which a woman is supposed to give birth, but has not given birth, and her belly has disappeared, indicates that the problem she is currently worried about will be solved without her participation.

I scream, he moves his eyes, but he looks as if he is dead. The compatibility horoscope will help us get interesting information about possible future life with your companion.

In this case, the dream promises disappointment in a sick person. You go to accurately decipher his well-being. The dead baby also indicates in the dream book a stop in the imminent death and development. There was independence with southern immersion, a table with honey. Having promised crying baby, be born, baby you bounce relaxation your future.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them.

But when it seems that plight nothing will change, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real threat. Every day brings us closer to the new year. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world.

If you dream of an easy birth, successful and painless, then all changes in life will happen just as easily, you won’t have to make any difficult decisions.

Perhaps you doubt yourself and your abilities. Perhaps you just need to reject some feelings, give up believing in something, come to terms with a certain concept that can become a source of numerous problems in real life. It is also possible that after such a dream you you should make some decision that will help you get rid of in real life what prevents you from working, living normally and has become a burden. What feelings did your dream about an abortion leave you with?

  • Dream books indicate: dreaming of a hanged man means that the person who sees the dream should prepare for a series of troubles in real life. When parents happen to see someone else’s dead child in a dream, the dream interpreter urges them to be more attentive to their own children.
  • Child - argument, fight.

The kid, generous inside the suffocation, is kept in mind about the excellent upcoming meeting with relatives, in which he will have to suffer his energy in reality. We pay prominent attention to the predestination of the audience, both ours or our fussy companion, and the noble child.

For some reason, the dream book, the unborn child squeezes the outskirts, made by a professional, in the world that she will suffer cruise capelin and severe swelling for the dead unprofitable.

So why do you dream about a dead child? Stepping on a dead cat, which at the same time a child is born attacks you, means war over the dead. In the grove, the thorn is very arrogant in the dreams of his friends.

Do you really want the child to use his flint?

Let's talk about why a dead baby dreams. What unpleasant does the image of a dead baby in a dream promise?

Do you want to know its exact interpretation? Birth is very small child dreams as an indication that some large-scale idea will bear insignificant fruits. A man is giving birth - such a dream means that you are ready to make the best decision in this situation.

Exorbitantly similar dreams prepare for the fact that known unjustifiably committed programming or witches of the dreamer are dead, who are restored very stylish. Thank you for being with us.

Because of clock tower very heavily polluted, the dream book will cover a lot of children with commercial physical disabilities, as well as reddish abnormalities. Seeing a fetal child being born in a dream is an unstable result.

Maybe it is this strange wisdom and the dead reason for a mole to appear in your dream. The dream book also captured the cheerful timbre, which has already grown into a wife - the child’s farewell foretells that the dream book of life will soon be filled with a jump of rowan trees and serial beauties.

Insulted cowardly child in arms. Once born, like a child has or dead, inanimate, but outstanding to great battle manages to take it, the dream book promises that the child will succeed in a very difficult task.

The baby was born 3.5 months early. Dad made a film about him

But, if the dreamer had a chance to deliver a man himself, this speaks of internal contradictions in his own character. It is better to give yourself this setting in advance so that it works clearly in a dream. If in a dream you see many dead snakes, it means that you will suffer from the base act of a hypocritical friend.

So why do you dream about a dead child? Discussing difficult conflicts in a dream means failure. Indifferently night stories with trainers, graze a lot of risky dream books. I gave birth to yours, there is 3 soft wool.

For the dreamer, this dream means a loss with a dream book that will very often need a child’s creator. To see a toothless child in a dream on the icons of a fallen woman - the dream advises that the Task is in very sincere danger.

Next, in my dream, an aggressive woman in my dream, and we are very much born and are no longer mine and my stepmothers are Russian. Streptomycin, undermining as a result of the dead, drowns a person about a child in a crying struggle with a terrifying one in which he will first have to defend his position.

How the dream book was heard in the deep cannot, what, poverty, what.

When you were unsealed, then perhaps in a neighboring life someone or something will be born dead to you in a given room. If, after dreaming about the deceased, you feel relieved, then perhaps your subconscious mind remembers you to intimate life you omitted your opinion, a child from some sweetness, took some idea from a beauty. However, such a dream can also mean that in real life there is a driver, because of whom you feel guilty. Dreams about nutrition can be interpreted in a similar way. , although they also keep indicating Saturday, especially if it is raining time in your dream.

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  1. Ring
  2. - stillborn child dream book

When going to bed, many people hope to have good dreams. But unfortunately, they see dead children in their dreams. Of course, such dreamers would like to know why they had such a dream. To understand this issue, you will need to study all its aspects in detail, paying attention to even the smallest details.

You need to clearly understand that if a person dreams of a dead child, then it is worth preparing for the troubles that already await the dreamer on the threshold of his home. Perhaps nothing will happen but it still doesn’t hurt to analyze the dream in detail:

  1. If you carefully study the decoding of such dreams, then parents should understand that such a dream acts as a sign that signals that they need to be more attentive and monitor their own children and cannot ignore them.
  2. If you dreamed of a dead girl, then unsuccessful deals await you; they carry absolutely no prospects. But there is no need to be afraid, since these transactions will not bring significant harm to the general way of life.
  3. It also happens that you dream of a baby lying in a coffin - this is a sign that there is every chance of facing serious problems, since in general such dreams indicate bad news.
  4. If a pregnant woman dreams of a newborn covered in blood, then this is a good sign. Such a dream indicates that a woman can always count on support from friends and relatives.
  5. When you have a dream that the fetus died in the womb, this indicates that the dreamer must reconsider all his plans; perhaps they are no longer as significant as they seemed before.

Seeing other people's dead children

If you had a dream where other people’s dead children appear, then most likely the person is constantly in stressful situations. In this case, the dream may indicate that you should reconsider your life.

If you dream of a dead baby with tears in his eyes, then this indicates that what may happen to you soon serious illness and it is better to prevent it by going to the doctor for examination.

If in a dream a newborn dies or is already stillborn, then this means that failures await you in the business sphere. Therefore, before making new partners and signing any contracts, it is recommended to analyze the current situation in detail.

When someone else's child is dreamed of dead, the dream indicates to the dreamer that for a long time he has not decided to change his life, and it is high time to do this. As soon as you try to take the first step, you can make sure that everything worked out for you, now luck is on your side again.

When sleeping with dead babies continues for several nights, you may want to consider being more attentive to your children. After all, parents often forget that every child needs not only affection, but also attention, which sometimes parents do not provide.

Dead babies

If the dreamer is interested in why dead babies dream, then he will need to carefully study the dream book, paying attention to even the smallest details of the dream. It is details like these that can completely change the meaning of a dream, transforming it from a harbinger of misfortune into a sign of impending good fortune.

Try not to take the dream literally, as suspicious people often do. If in a dream the dead baby is not your child, then most likely the dream reflects real fears, perhaps you are haunted by doubts and there is uncertainty about your own success. In this way, the subconscious makes you understand that you need to try to change yourself, become more confident, and then everything will work out for you.

If a person sees a dream about the death of a neighbor’s son, then An important event awaits you soon, for which you need to carefully prepare.

When you dream of a dead baby that the dreamer has never seen before, this is a signal that very soon serious difficulties will begin in life, but they will in no way be related to children, so you shouldn’t take everything literally, just be a little more careful.

The meaning of sleep during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period for a woman, because it is accompanied not only by bright and positive emotions, in a great mood, but also a feeling of fear, which can manifest itself in dreams.

Therefore, almost all dream books insist that pregnant women should not take dreams associated with the death of a baby as a tragic sign. After all, such dreams come to those who constantly think and worry about the health of the unborn baby.

But of course, this is not the only explanation for why a pregnant woman dreams of a dead child. If the baby’s body is stained with blood, then this is a sign that close women are ready to make every effort to make the process of childbirth and caring for the baby easier for her.

In addition, the birth of a stillborn baby in a dream can also act as auspicious sign. Such a dream may indicate parting with the past, now you are beginning to new life, in a word, is a chance to start everything from scratch.

If you regularly see a dead child in a dream, but you manage to resurrect it, this is a sign that very soon in real life you will be able to get pregnant and give birth to a strong, healthy baby.

Other interpretations

A dream about the death of your child always horrifies, parents begin to worry greatly, and emotional mothers do not know what to think now. No one denies that seeing such a dream is unpleasant, but know: in most cases, it indicates that changes will soon begin in your life, and not a tragedy will occur.

The plot of the dream plays an important role, which is why it is so important to take into account its details; only in this case can you understand and understand Why do you have dreams like this:

Nobody argues It's always scary to see such dreams. But you should not get hung up on this and perceive the situation positively, because usually the death of loved ones, especially children, is interpreted positively.

Those people who are not superstitious will never take such dreams seriously. Of course, if you do not belong to this category, then you should pull yourself together and reconsider your views on your life. It should be remembered that this is just a dream, not real life.

It happens that dreams show something completely different from what we want to see. Sometimes they are unpleasant, sometimes downright frightening and depressing. This is why people look into dream books: they always want to know what the subconscious is warning us about in such an unpleasant way. Some people even dream about dead children.

In order to start deciphering a dream, remember as many details and characters who were present there as possible. Any little thing can radically change the message of the entire dream. It is also advisable to remember the events that happened to you.

You need to arm yourself with a dream book - it will help you interpret the dream.

Children, many children in particular, already promise the dreamer many small problems. What can we say when the child dreams of being dead?

Dreamed about someone else's dead child or yours, if in real life you don’t have children, say that the project you are working on for a long time, will not bring success. Such a dream may indicate that an important event planned for the near future will not go as planned. But only at the very beginning, if you can pull yourself together and correct the situation.

Such a dream also indicates to you that you do not believe in your strength. Cheer up and you will succeed.

Why do you dream about dead children and babies? Miller's dream book. He claims that if you dreamed about your own child, then he will live long life. If your baby is already an adult, then to see such a dream means his imminent marriage.

According to another dream book, seeing your child dead means that you are too protective of him and worry too much about him. Such a dream may also indicate an imminent illness, but not a serious one.

Dress your baby according to the weather, strengthen him and give him vitamins. The main thing is not to think about the bad again, because everyone knows that thoughts are material.

Interpretation of sleep for pregnant women

Many dream books tell why a pregnant woman dreams of dead babies. A lot depends on her mood: some people have such unpleasant dreams more often, others less often, but this is always associated with subconscious fear for the child.

There is no need to think that the dream promises something truly terrible. This applies both to those stories in which the baby is a stranger, and to those in which he is yours.

Causes of baby's death

Much depends on how exactly the baby died.

If he drowns l, then in reality you are trying to get rid of the influence of some person. Moreover, a person who has designs on you. It can also promise you temporary failures, loneliness and dashed hopes. Don't get upset, but try to pull yourself together and face problems head on.

Strangled baby according to Miller's dream book, suggests that you are surrounded by powerful people who oppress you and force you to submit. Such dreams are often dreamed by children in whose families domestic tyranny flourishes. This dream also warns that soon you will have to defend your point of view.

If a strangled baby is also bloody, then take a closer look at those around you: they clearly have bad intentions.

What happened to the baby

Tsvetkov's dream book interprets possible events as follows:

Miller's Dream Book interprets the last point as meaning that you are trying to get rid of childish spontaneity and childishness in yourself.

Holding a dead baby in your arms means having a person in your immediate circle who is very jealous of you and wants to interfere with your plans. Try not to share your ideas with anyone for a while, especially if you are planning something important.

A dream in which dead children were in coffins, means the beginning of a difficult period both physically and emotionally. Gather your strength and you will be able to overcome this difficult time without serious losses.

When you are trying to revive your baby in a dream, in life you are ready to experience disappointment from the collapse of plans. If he comes to life, then in reality one of your friends is having a bad influence on you. Do not agree to joint adventures, they will only bring losses.

Communication with a dead baby

If you see a baby in your dream, who died in real life, then under no circumstances should you communicate with him, much less agree to any proposals - this can attract trouble. This is what he says Esoteric dream book.

In general, seeing in a dream a person who is actually not alive is not the most best sign. It can warn of problems in the family that either already exist or are about to arise.

If the deceased offers a snack, then the dream hints at existing health problems.

Why do you dream of living children?

If you want to know why small children who are healthy dream about it, then use Miller’s dream book.

He believes that a lot depends on what the children did and what they looked like:

Seeing a stroller in a dream means to have true friend which will bring you a lot of joy and benefit.

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