Why do you dream about a plot of land? Why does a woman dream about earth in a dream? Digging the ground - dream book

What does the earth mean in dreams, according to various dream interpreters? Most sources personify this image with the real life of a sleeping person, his habits, aspirations and moral principles. To understand the true meaning of the plot dreamed at night, the dreamer should pay attention to appearance soil and analyze the actions that he happened to perform with it.

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    The meaning of sleep in Miller, Medea, Freud

    According to Miller's dream book, seeing fertile land in a dream is an incredibly happy sign, promising a person success and happy events in life. Dry and rocky soil on which nothing grows foreshadows the sleeper's failures and disappointments in the coming days. The planned event will end for him a complete failure and will not bring any moral satisfaction. Did you dream of seeing freshly dug soil in your own beds or garden? The dream book identifies such a picture with material wealth and good luck in all areas of life. If in a dream a person was on the open sea on the deck of a ship and saw a piece of land in the distance, then in reality brilliant prospects will open up before him, thanks to which he will be able to fulfill his old dream and improve his life. financial position. But seeing clothes stained with earth is an alarming sign. It foretells difficult times for a person when he will have to hide from justice far from his home.

      The sorceress Medea considers hard and dry soil a harbinger of failure. A person who sees him in his night dreams will begin to experience dark stripe. Any business started in the next week will not only not bring him the expected success, but will also entail unplanned material losses. Failures can only be avoided if you do nothing and wait longer. favorable period. Plowed land in a dream symbolizes the expectation of happy life changes. For a young girl, this image promises pleasant troubles associated with preparing for the wedding. Why dream of plowing the land yourself? The dream interpreter foreshadows the dreamer big success. But there is no need to hope that it will fall on his head unexpectedly. To achieve it, the sleeper will need to make a lot of effort.

      The earth in a person’s dreams, according to the controversial psychologist Sigmund Freud, symbolizes the female reproductive organs. Did you dream of fertile black soil with crops growing on it? In the near future, the dreamer and his family members will not have health problems. Rocky or drought-cracked soil promises the sleeper conflicts with children. Before criticizing his grown-up offspring, it would not hurt the dreamer to remember what he was like at their age. A dream in which a person had to wield a shovel while digging up the ground foreshadows him having an intimate relationship with the person he likes. Sail on a ship and see land - good sign, promising the sleeping person an acquaintance with a person who will become an ideal sexual partner for him.

      Interpretation according to Vanga and Aesop

      An interesting interpretation of the image in question is given by the soothsayer Vanga’s dream book: fertile land is a good sign in it, predicting a prosperous life and a rich harvest for a person. Did you dream of soil on the surface of which nothing grows? The dream promises the sleeper poverty and hunger. If the dreamed soil was covered with cracks, then in reality a person will find himself in the epicenter of a powerful earthquake and witness the death of dozens of people.

      Do you see earth in a dream? Aesop's dream book personifies this image with a man standing firmly on his feet. If the dreamer dreams of soil, it means that in the near future such a person will meet him in real life and will make a strong impression on him. A dream where the sleeper was sitting on the ground is a bad sign. Soon a misfortune will occur in the dreamer's life, which will be difficult for him to come to terms with. Faith in God will help him survive what happened. Did you dream of lying on the ground in a dream? Waiting for a person in reality serious shock, which will knock the ground out from under his feet and plunge him into a state of deep depression. It will take him a lot of time to return to the usual rhythm of life.

      In Aesop's dream book, plowing the land - good sign. The interpreter is confident that a person who plays the role of a farmer in his night dreams will easily be able to cope with any problems in real life. Planting potatoes or other agricultural crops in a plowed field means success in farming. Agricultural business will help the dreamer pay off debts and get rich.

      In a dream, did you dream of building a high earthen rampart? Fate has prepared for the dreamer a meeting with a courageous, strong-willed and purposeful person. A new acquaintance will become a real role model for him and will help him change his life for the better. Picking up a handful of earth means death close relative and participation in his funeral. The dream may also indicate that the sleeper thinks about death too often.

      Did you dream of throwing earth at other people? Soon the dreamer will be in vain to suspect his relative of sins that he did not commit. Higher power They advise the sleeping person to refrain from making unfounded accusations, as this can greatly ruin his relationships with loved ones. A good omen is a dream where a person gets dirty with earth. In reality, night vision foretells him big win to the lottery. If in a dream a person ate soil, then he will soon receive a rich inheritance and will forever get rid of material problems.

      Interpretation of a dream by the spouses Zim and Miss Hasse

      In the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter, the earth reflects the state of affairs of a sleeping person. Dreamed of fertile soil? The dreamer expects success in achieving his goals. But to achieve what he wants, he needs to be brave, diligent and purposeful. Black soil overgrown with weeds is also a good sign. Although he predicts hard work for the dreamer, he promises something worthy for him. monetary reward and moral satisfaction. Do you dream of people plowing fertile land? The dream promises a person dizzying success in all areas of life. Light stripe It’s just around the corner, we just have to wait for it. Seeing plowed ground covered with holes and potholes in a dream means the emergence of unexpected obstacles in achieving your goal. To avoid them, a sleeping person needs to show responsibility and organization.

      In Miss Hasse's dream book, soil covered with greenery or moss is auspicious sign, promising the dreamer a prosperous life. For a girl, the dream foreshadows a wealthy groom and luxurious wedding. Did you dream of digging up the ground? The dream book considers such a plot to be a harbinger of a funeral. Both the dreamer himself and one of his loved ones can die. If, after waking up, a person remembers that he was lying on bare ground in a dream, then in reality he will have to face minor troubles.

      Options for interpretation in the Autumn, Spring and Summer Dream Interpretations

      Why do you dream about plowed land? Autumn dream book? This source personifies this image with a rich harvest. If in a dream a person was fertilizing the soil, then in reality he will have troubles. A plot of land in night dreams warns the sleeper about the risk of being robbed. In order not to become a victim of intruders, he should not leave the dacha unattended for a long time.

      IN Spring dream book black earth is personified with experiences and illnesses. If in a dream a person had to drag it from one place to another, then in reality he will receive bad news and will become seriously ill after this. Did you dream of falling to the ground? The Universe advises the sleeping person to visit his parents. If they are not alive, then you need to go to their cemetery. Fertilizing the soil in night dreams, according to the dream book, is a good sign that foretells the dreamer an improvement in his financial situation.

      The compilers of the Summer Dream Interpreter are confident that a dream in which a person happened to dig the earth foreshadows his participation in a funeral. Dreamed of fertilizing the soil? In reality, the dreamer faces a serious illness that could lead to his death. Well maintained land plot the dream book represents good health. A person who sees him in a dream will live a long and rich life.

      Explanations of other popular sources

      Understanding the meaning of a dream in which soil appeared will help Jewish dream book: plowed land in it is a bad sign, foreshadowing undeserved humiliation or insult to the sleeper. The dreamer’s offender can be either his close relative or friend, or a stranger.

      The compilers of the Dream Book for Lovers are convinced that a person who sees fertile and well-moistened soil in his night dreams will experience mutual love and happy family life. Did you dream about dry and barren land? In the near future, the dreamer will face setbacks in his personal life. Any attempts to establish relationships with representatives of the opposite sex will end in failure for him. For a dreamer in love, the dream promises separation from his other half.

      What does the night plot portend in which a man happened to be digging in a cemetery? The alphabetical dream book promises the dreamer suffering due to the dishonorable act of a close relative. The dream interpreter also warns that:

      • being covered with earth in a dream means committing an unforgivable mistake;
      • covering a stranger with soil means the need to reconsider your life principles;
      • digging a dugout is a sign that promises a person lack of money and life in debt;
      • fall to the ground - to shame, humiliation.

      The dream book for the whole family is sure: if you see the earth on your shoes, then good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. Did you dream of digging the ground? Soon the sleeper will be able to complete important matters with maximum benefit for him. If in his night dreams a person was engaged in cultivating black soil, then he will soon take up a new business and achieve unprecedented success in this field. While plowing the ground, getting your clothes dirty means urgent problems will arise. To solve them, the sleeper will need to forget about the interests of loved ones for a while.

      The Eastern Women's Dream Book will help a representative of the fairer sex decipher a dream with soil: why does the earth dream about it? Damp soil dreamed of in night dreams promises a sleeping woman serious illness or the death of a close relative. Dry, rocky and devoid of vegetation earth's surface is a harbinger of disturbing events, as a result of which the dreamer’s life will change in the worst side. In the dream book, fertile black soil with vegetables, flowers or trees growing on it foretells goodness, joy and happiness for a woman. Soon after awakening, her life will be filled with new meaning.

The earth in a dream is a fairly familiar symbol, but most often it acts as a background for the main dream action and does not mean anything in itself. If for some strange reason you pay attention to the earth, then you should definitely understand why you dream about it. Dream books offer the most relevant interpretations.

According to Miller's dream book

Did you dream about fertile land? This is a good sign, promising prosperity and good luck. Seeing rocky and barren land in a dream is much worse. The dream book predicts failure of plans and failures in business.

Why do you dream about the land that you saw from board a ship after a long voyage? In the near future, bright prospects and new meetings await you.

Did you dream about the dug up soil of your own garden? The dream reflects prosperity and stability. Did you happen to see clothes stained with earth in a dream? Fleeing from the law or other troubles, you have to leave your native land.

According to Vanga's dream book

As usual, the interpretation of sleep according to Vanga is global character and concerns all of humanity, although it can also be applied to the life of an individual dreamer.

Why do we dream about the earth according to this dream book? If it is fertile and fat, then expect a comfortable life and a generous harvest. Did you dream about dry, desert land? Hungry times are approaching due to incredible drought. It’s even worse to see the ground with cracks in a dream. A powerful earthquake is coming that will destroy many cities and take human lives.

Why do you dream that it flies to the ground? undefined object? You (or someone else) will soon make an incredible discovery. The dream book believes that you will establish contact with alien inhabitants who will tell you about something incredible. If you dreamed of land covered with ice, then winter will never end and there will be total icing for several years.

In a dream, did you happen to visit a desert island in the company of other people? The world will experience a serious demographic crisis. If in the night you personally managed to discover a hitherto unknown land, then unprecedented luck will accompany you in everything.

According to the dream book of spouses Winter

Why do you dream about earth? The dream book is confident: it conveys the state of current affairs and predicts future prospects. It’s good to see a piece of fertile land in a dream. If you do not become lazy and idle, then you will realize everything you plan in the best possible way.

Did you dream of land overgrown with weeds? You have to work hard and hard, but the results will exceed your wildest expectations. What does it mean if in a dream strangers clear the ground of weeds? Great success will soon come to you, but not without the help of like-minded people and assistants. If the ground was full of holes and ruts, then the planned task has a lot of shortcomings, and their arrangement will take time and will distance you from complete triumph.

According to Medea's dream book

The earth in a dream is a reflection of everyday life, including relationships in the family and at work, as well as current aspirations and habits established in childhood.

It's bad to see rocky, dry ground. It means that a period of failure is coming. Did you dream of dug up earth? Get ready for big changes; for women this is a sign of imminent marriage.

Why dream about it if you had to dig the ground yourself? The dream book is sure: success in life will be earned only through incessant work.

According to Freud's dream book

According to this dream book, the earth symbolizes the female genital organs in a dream, and digging it up, accordingly, represents sexual intercourse.

If you dreamed of barren land, then in reality serious conflicts between parents and children can be traced. Fertile soil reflects the excellent health of all family members. Additional interpretation sleep can be obtained by considering the meaning of plants that grow on the ground.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream about earth? It appears in a dream if in reality you were able to communicate with an independent and independent person. Those who literally “have their feet firmly on the ground.” Sometimes the earth acts as the basis of all foundations, especially if the dreamer is engaged in spiritual practices.

Did you dream that you were sitting on the ground? In reality, an unexpected and possibly terrible event will happen, after which you will undoubtedly believe in God. It’s even worse if you happened to lie on the ground in a dream. This means that in reality you will experience a real shock that will knock you out of your usual life for a long time.

Why do you dream if you had to dig the ground yourself in a dream? The dream book is sure: you are a very economical and prudent person who, without doubt, will cope with any task. Did you dream about planting plants in the ground? If you seriously engage in agricultural business, you can really succeed in this field, and solve all your financial difficulties along the way.

In your dream, did you have to make a huge shaft out of earth? You will soon meet a reliable and noble person who will influence your future fate and, perhaps, will become a faithful companion. Did you dream that you were holding a handful of earth in your hand? The dream book believes that after some tragic event you began to think about death.

Why do you dream about the earth that you threw at other characters in the vision? You should not blame or generally think badly about a loved one. Did you dream about getting smeared in the ground? In the near future you will make a valuable acquisition or win a decent amount of money. Eating land in a dream literally means receiving an inheritance, concluding a grand deal that will bring considerable income, or receiving a responsible position.

Why do you dream of soil in the garden, house, on the floor?

Did you dream of soil in the garden? In reality you have to do interesting work. From completing it you will receive not only money, but also moral satisfaction. It’s bad to see someone else’s plot of land in a dream. In reality, invest your money unsuccessfully or spend it uselessly.

Why dream of freshly plowed land in your own home? You will soon become rich. If earthen soil was scattered on the floor of the house, then a period of poverty is coming. Seeing the ground in a field thawed in the spring means good luck after a long period of stagnation. If you see abandoned land, then get ready for troubles and losses.

What does it mean in a dream if the earth is on fire?

The sight of burning earth does not bode well. In a global sense, a war or a serious cataclysm with many casualties may occur. Did you dream that the ground around you suddenly started to burn? The dreamer’s obsessive fears and experiences are conveyed in a similar way.

At the same time, the plot hints in a dream at a lot of ideas, news and knowledge that have no application. At the same time, they literally excite you and push you to do strange things. Why do you dream if you fell to the ground at night and suffered a serious blow? Be sure to visit your parents, even if they have already died. Just go to the cemetery.

I dreamed that the earth was moving

Why do you dream that the earth is moving? Most often this indicates a change of place of residence or work, short-term happiness. In a dream, it is bad to see the ground in cracks. This is a sign of illness and great trouble. If the earth moves due to an earthquake, then you will have to leave your home due to danger, war or domestic problems.

Did you dream that the earth crumbles and literally collapses under your feet? Expect serious difficulties when communicating with official organizations or the authorities. In a dream, does the earth disappear from under your feet? In reality, you will have to defend your opinion and fight for survival for a long time.

What does land without grass or vegetation mean?

Dry, barren land without grass and vegetation is the most negative sign in a dream. It symbolizes a decline in vital energy, multiple losses, poor living conditions, stagnation in relationships, and poverty. Did you dream of a flowering land? In reality, family happiness, stable income and general prosperity await you.

Seeing cracked ground, devoid of all vegetation, means that life is in danger deadly danger. The plot in which there is freshly dug up, black, damp earth has the same interpretation. Especially if a characteristic aroma appears in a dream. This sure sign someone else's or even one's own death.

Why dig the ground in your night dreams?

This is perhaps the most controversial plot. And the interpretation of sleep in this case is quite contradictory. See and dig black damp earth in a dream you can experience serious illness and even death (for yourself or loved ones). The same image foreshadows hard and low-paid work. Did you dream that you were digging in the city cemetery? You will suffer because of your dishonorable act.

At the same time, digging the ground can lead to the successful completion of a big business with a decent profit. If you happen to be digging the ground, then soon, on the contrary, you will begin a grandiose project that will bring recognition and money. Digging the ground tirelessly in a dream literally means showing zeal and increased activity in life. Why do you dream if you happen to bury something in the ground? Most likely, we're talking about about frugality, saving, collecting money.

Earth in a dream - even more transcripts

Below are specific transcripts that take into account one or another dream symbol.

  • seeing land from a ship - meeting your soul mate, good prospects, successful endeavors
  • on shoes - business success, unpleasant road
  • on clothes - heavy workload, leaving home
  • on the face - condemnation, haste
  • on hand - dirty work, money, mistakes
  • dry, rocky land - difficulties, obstacles, failures
  • covered with moss - rich spouse, money, health
  • plowed - long but successful work
  • dug up in the garden - well-being, prosperity
  • in the garden - a risky, unreliable enterprise
  • fat, with worms - stability, prosperity, even luxury
  • overgrown with grass, weeds - failure, loneliness
  • With cultivated plants– successful marriage, prosperity, joy
  • with green, short grass - health, satisfaction
  • naked - illness, life's hardships
  • rocky, sandy - fruitless efforts, dissatisfaction
  • damp, in potholes - danger, death
  • black – grief/profit
  • light, yellow – improvement of living conditions
  • solid – right action, right path
  • soft, fails - a pipe dream, an illusion
  • digging in the garden - long-term prosperity, satisfaction, benefit or funeral
  • plowing in the field - excellent harvest, luck
  • watching others plow is a thankless job
  • digging a dugout - numerous debts
  • digging up roots - new friendship
  • transporting soil is a dangerous connection
  • watching excavation work is an unpleasant discovery
  • fertilize is a deadly disease
  • lying on the ground - minor troubles
  • sitting - insignificant profit
  • walking barefoot - health, spiritual growth
  • to be underground - deep self-knowledge, wealth
  • covered with earth - a fatal mistake
  • to fall asleep someone - you have to give up principles
  • walking along the furrow - obstacles, burdensome chores
  • the earth sticks to your feet - the undertaking will be marked by multiple problems
  • walking on solid ground - a loved one will bring good luck
  • discover a new, unexplored land - changes of an unknown nature
  • fertile, green - good changes
  • deserted, lifeless - bad
  • piece of land - longevity
  • sell it - profitable proposition
  • buy - change for the better
  • fall to the ground from a height - humiliation, shame, need
  • stumble and fall - temporary difficulties, surmountable obstacles
  • measuring land for building a house - serious illness, death, bad changes
  • for a garden, vegetable garden - happiness, health, prosperity
  • sniff the ground - the end of life is approaching
  • yes – wealth, obligations, new assignment
  • bow - show honor, respect
  • kissing - communicating with a hypocritical type
  • fall under - sudden illness, fatal mistake
  • fertile land for a man - a beautiful and kind wife
  • dry and barren - the spouse will be harmful and capricious
  • a lot of land goes beyond the horizon - wealth, long life, excellent prospects
  • sown with grain - fruitful work
  • planted with vegetables - sadness, despondency, anticipation

Did you dream that you were buried in the ground against your will? In reality, you will get rich, which will cause the impotent envy of your ill-wishers. Moreover, the deeper you find yourself in the soil, the more money will fall on your head.

There are a great many interpretations of what the earth means in dreams. A number of dream books explain such a dream solely as a symbol of wealth, success, and new opportunities. But there are also sources that are not nearly as optimistic in their forecasts. Did you see soil in a dream? Read all the predictions listed below carefully. This is the only way you can understand your dream as correctly as possible.

Collecting various items

In a dream, collecting money from the land means easy material profit. Grishina's dream book promises receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery. Despite the easy income, try to manage your money as wisely as possible.

Universal dream book explains in detail why you dream of collecting small change. If you collected coins in a dream, then in real life you will be able to find several sources of income. All of them will bring a small but constant profit.

Did you dream that you were picking apples from the ground? Be prepared for current affairs to bring the expected results. Large and ripe apples- a symbol of upcoming victories and valuable rewards for the work done.

If you dreamed that you were collecting scattered potatoes, it means you will achieve success in any endeavor. The universal dream book recommends using given time to start difficult projects and affairs.

Dig the ground

Digging the ground with a shovel in a dream means hard work. You will have to work hard to earn money. Hasse's dream book advises you to think about changing your field of activity. Look for a more lucrative job.

Miller gives an explanation of why one dreams of digging soil in a garden with one's hands. He believes that such a dream predicts active search sources of income. Unfortunately, in the near future you will only be able to find low-paying and difficult jobs.

Digging the ground with frenzy in a dream means being in despair in real life. A series of failures has made you disappointed in yourself and those around you. Eastern dream book encourages you not to give up prematurely. Be patient just a little and you can find a long-awaited reward for your efforts.

If you dreamed of already dug up land, be prepared to hear a lucrative offer from your boss or friends. This proposal will be related to your field of activity. The dug up soil can also warn of future good times. Try not to miss any of them.

Plow and loosen

If you dreamed of plowed soil, then in reality things will turn out well. Wealth and happiness await you.

Miller also explains why one dreams of a plowed plot. Miller's dream book says that such a dream predicts hard work, which will be adequately rewarded.

Loosening the soil in a dream means in reality actively engaged in arranging your life. Perhaps you recently purchased a new home and are now diligently making it comfortable.

Planting and watering

Planting flowers in the ground means trying to change your life in better side. If you saw in a dream how the planted plants bloomed, then you will be able to achieve all your goals.

Planting your garden with weeds means getting involved with scam companies. The Dream Book of Wanderers advises you to think about where such friendship can lead you and stop before it’s too late.

Planting seeds in black soil is the start of a very profitable business that will bring substantial monetary profit. Sowing seeds in dry soil means making futile attempts in real life. Women's dream book recommends giving up futile attempts for a while and switching to organizing your personal life. It will be more productive for now.

Watering planted plants in a dream is a good sign. All your expectations will be met.

Dips in the surface

If in a dream the ground collapses under your feet, get ready to experience a series of failures. The disappointment can be quite intense.

A large crack in the soil is a symbol of serious life changes. Modern dream book warns that in reality some incident will happen that will radically change the vector of life.

Falling into a hole formed in the ground in a dream means a period of oblivion and poverty. For some time after such a dream, you will not be able to earn normal money. All your efforts will not bring the desired result.

See yourself on earth

sit on big pile black earth means to achieve success. You will find your dream job, fame, respect from others and a solid monetary income. Try not to lose all this because of your own frivolity.

Did you dream that you were walking barefoot through thick grass? The Eastern dream book promises all sorts of pleasures in real life.

Lying on the ground in a dream means living calmly and peacefully. Everything you wanted, you're here this moment have already reached. Now all that remains is to reap the fruits of your own labor.

Vanga explains why she dreams of sleeping on damp soil. Vanga's dream book believes that this dream is a warning. In real life, you are confused about a number of important issues. Be more attentive when communicating with loved ones and friends, and you will be able to learn a lot of new things.

Various interpretations

I dreamed of wet ground and those lying on it earthworms? In the near future you will be upset due to a series of troubles that have happened.

Earth from a cemetery scattered on the floor of your home predicts health problems. Hasse's Dream Interpretation strongly advises you to visit a doctor's office and undergo a standard examination.

If in a dream a meteorite hovered above the earth, then in reality you will have to take very important decision. Be calm and as balanced as possible, so you will be able to do the right thing.

Buying fertile land at the market in your night dreams means finding a strong patron. It will solve many of your problems.

Grishina’s dream book explains why you dream of flying above the ground. It is believed that such a dream promises unexpected joy and a feeling of sincere happiness.

If you dreamed that lightning struck the ground, try to mentally prepare for the blow of fate in advance. The blow will be strong. But over time, your affairs will return to normal. Another option for why you dream about something like this is divorce.

Did you feel earth in your mouth in a dream? Try to watch your words in real life. Thoughtless statements can provoke big problems.

  • The primary elements are earth.
  • Elements - humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness, doubt. Organs - spleen, pancreas. Planets - Saturn. Earth/soil in Chinese philosophy is one of the five primary elements - the Fundamentals of the creation of the world. The earth is the support, the middle, energy deviates towards the center, external manifestations are dim, but there is a lot of internal strength. Graphic representation The symbol of the earth is the Kun trigram: Kun is the Earth, everything that exists is fed by it, three times three broken Yin lines and denote stability and reserves. The ancient Book of Changes states: Kun - obedience and, according to this, male, domestic bull, Mother Earth, cloth, cauldron, stinginess, heifer, large cart, multitude and the like. The earth trigram is a symbol of the ability to endlessly accept and balance everything in oneself, a symbol and diversity of unity at the same time: everything natural phenomena with their diversity, they occur on the earth, are generated and absorbed by the earth. We can say that the stability of the earth is the forces for constant changes and births. In the section of the Theory of the Great Yin of the Yang Light it is also said: ... The spleen - the soil controls the center of the body, constantly 4 seasons in addition, grows in four organs (liver, heart, lungs, kidneys. - Author's note), in each 18 days - temporarily rules. In other words, the spleen is the second most important place in the body after the kidneys, determining its physical constitution and mental makeup. Health/illness in 4 seasons (spring, early summer, autumn, winter) depends on the spleen; it directly and directly affects not only dreams, but also the ability to sleep itself (a sick spleen means insomnia). Digging/sowing/ploughing the earth is an extremely important yin state, especially for the current season. To dig up/plow the earth means to understand and realize your ability to perceive the environment, not only as an observer, but also as an active figure. It is possible to understand and realize something only when there is no longer a state of internal isolation; it is possible to understand and accept the world if internal fears have been overcome and there is a willingness to change oneself first. The dream is favorable: all actions of a person in a threefold, active, stable and adequate state will be successful in reality, communication will be successful and the dreamer himself will evoke stable sympathy. What more could you wish for?.. It can be argued that this dream It is also favorable for everyone around the dreamer, for he is endowed with the gift of giving stability to situations and giving people confidence in their abilities. Digging up the earth in a dream, but not having the strength to complete the action; getting stuck in the ground, falling into it - such a dream means overestimating your capabilities, a tendency to start things without real strength to carry them out, and so on. From a physical point of view, the dream speaks of depletion of the entire organism: the general movement of qi energy is weak, its flows are confused, there are blocks everywhere. Specifically, this is a signal of an impending spleen disease (possibly diabetes). If the dreamer felt disgust for the color of the earth, the spleen was full, it was overloaded from excess energy due to negative emotions and self-blocking. If in a dream there was a craving for the color of the earth, despite the danger of falling into the ground, you wanted to lie on it, then this is an emptiness of the spleen, a lack of energy and complete exhaustion. Sleep, from a medical point of view, is extremely dangerous during this season: complete exhaustion of the body requires long-term recuperation, and the spleen requires special treatment. Otherwise, the rest of the year will pass in illness, and further along the chain everything will turn into next year. Vicious circle should be interrupted immediately: it is not too late to overestimate your capabilities.

Most often, the earth is dreamed of as a background for action. But if in your dream all actions were related to the soil, then you need to decide from the interpreters what the night vision prophesies.

General principles for interpreting dreams about earth

The surface of the earth is dreamed of, first of all, by a person who firmly maintains his position in society. If the position of strength has not yet been fully achieved, then soon people will appear in life who will be your support.

earth on something

  • Boots in earthen mud - portends a road that will not bring desired results; work tasks will be completed, good luck awaits you.
  • Dirty clothes - many work tasks await you; There will be a trip from home ahead.
  • Face in the ground - do not rush into action, otherwise expect condemnation in your actions.
  • Hands - the work will be hard and dirty; mistakes made will come to light; profit in money.

I dreamed about a plot

  • A plot of land for a garden means well-being and material prosperity, financial independence.
  • Under the garden - an unreliable business awaits you. Don't start it, otherwise it will bring risks.
  • The area is overgrown with weeds - a lonely life awaits ahead; failure in business.
  • Moss or greenery sprouts on the surface - financial wealth; wealthy husband; your health will not let you down.
  • Earthworms in fertile soil - financial stability, luxurious life.

"Earth" actions

  • Sail on a ship and see land in the distance - your plans can begin, good prospects lie ahead; Soon you will meet your other half.

Eating earth in a dream is expected at work new position, new obligations; Rich life.

  • - hard work awaits you to earn money. The dream advises you to change your place of work.
  • sit on large quantities earth - deliberate actions on your part will lead to all your dreams coming true.
  • Lying on the ground - in reality everything is fine with you, all your dreams have come true.
  • Falling on soft ground means a journey ahead of which you have long dreamed.
  • The soil is completely bare - health problems that entail life difficulties.

What kind of surface did you dream about?

Why do you dream about black earth?

Interpreters almost unanimously answer: the dream predicts a happy life.

You can safely begin all the things you have planned. The result of the work will be making a profit. A dream about black earth tells you what the expenses incurred will lead to: everything will return with double profit.

Loose terrain

Seeing loose soil in a dream means all tasks will be completed, luck is on your side.


At this stage of life you will encounter many obstacles that will be accompanied by failures.

Clay soil - dream book

The dream predicts a change in living conditions for the better.

Tilled soil

  • To achieve the goal you will have to work hard, but the goal will be achieved.
  • If you dream of a layer being plowed before your eyes, expect good luck.
  • Walking on plowed land means you are surrounded by decent and loyal friends.

Not plowed

Expect big obstacles on your way that may become insurmountable.

Land that cannot be cultivated predicts losses.

The things you will be doing in the near future will not bring satisfaction.

I dreamed that the earth was burning

To see burning soil means to be warned about upcoming military operations, natural disasters that will bring a lot of misfortune and human casualties.

Dreaming of the earth burning around you is a strong emotional experience that is hard to get rid of. Dreams about unrealized thoughts that will lead to strange actions on your part.


The dream predicts a meeting with your other half. Moreover, this is a man of great wealth. And the relationship will be strong.

A plot with flowers and trees for married people portends a joint business that will bring good income.

Why do you dream of working on the ground?

All work (digging, plowing, sowing, watching seeds germinate) is dreamed of professional activity which brings satisfaction.

Cultivate the land with your own hands

The dream predicts the opening of an agricultural company that will bring great income and make you financially independent.


Soon after the end of the case there will be financial income and a carefree life.

Fall underground

  • Seeing yourself underground is the state of a person who is interested in philosophy. The dream foreshadows rich life, both spiritually and materially.
  • Seeing how the soil has covered you is a warning about the possibility of making a mistake that will be fatal for you, a prediction of disaster.
  • Falling asleep on another person - the situation has developed in such a way that to resolve it you will need to sacrifice principles.

You were buried against your will - wealth will fall on you along with great envy.

The depth of the hole where you will be buried indicates the amount of wealth: the deeper the hole, the more money.

Why does the earth disappear from under your feet in a dream?

The dream foreshadows difficulties with official authorities. There is a serious struggle ahead to defend your opinion, your ability to survive will depend on it.

The earth is moving

Warning: Your recent actions need to be reconsidered. Your position has become unstable and precarious both in business and in marital status. Relationships with friends also deteriorated.

Soil in your own home

  • In my hands - a dream of death loved one or thoughts of death haunting you. We need to fight them.
  • In your mouth is a warning that the words you say can cause great harm in real life.
  • If you recently plowed the soil at home, then expect big profits soon.
  • Soil in the house on the floor from the cemetery - a dream predicts illness.

Why do you dream about soil in the garden?

  • Dreaming about the beginning interesting work, which will give you mental satisfaction and good income.
  • Bad dream about someone else's garden. It predicts monetary losses due to wrong financial investments.

A garden dug up by moles - in life, handle money with care. Beware of dubious offers with the prospect of quick profits. It may happen that the losses will be significantly greater.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's opinion

  • A loosened surface indicates career growth with an increase in salary.
  • If in a dream you work on the land on your own, and this activity brings you satisfaction, then achieving your goal is not far off, all rivals will be far behind.
  • Soil on clothes - circumstances related to the law will force you to leave the house. You need to pay attention to your own health.

Earth according to Vanga's dream book

  • Fertile - security of money; fruitful times.
  • Barren and rocky - dry weather and times of famine are expected.
  • Everything covered with cracks predicts an earthquake with casualties.
  • Make a discovery: new land– the dream indicates that you have chosen the right road and your plans are correct.

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