How to stay motivated. How to stay motivated and want to train. How to stay motivated for a long time

Loss of motivation is one of the main reasons for stopping sports. Training, one way or another, is associated with endless repetition of already known actions. And, if we want to stay in shape, then we are simply “doomed” to this long and somewhat monotonous work.

Yes, yes, sport is exactly work. This is more work than pleasant entertainment. But that’s why any work is good, that sooner or later it leads to the desired reward. In the case of sports activities, this reward does not come immediately, and many quit the race without even getting one percent closer to it. Therefore, in order to maintain a charge of motivation in relation to sports, we suggest you listen to the following tips:
1. Set yourself mini-goals. Newcomers often come to Gym with huge ambitions, but after two or three classes they understand that they are not able to become a competitor to Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jay Cutler. Girls quit training when they see how hard it is to burn excess fat. To prevent this from happening, set yourself many small goals that are achievable in the near future. For example: remove half a centimeter from the waist or squeeze 70 kg from the chest.
2. Constantly record your success. Lose a kilogram of weight, run half a circle more, change the dumbbells to heavier ones - remember that you are already a winner. Don’t be shy to praise yourself for your progress, mark your achieved goals with a “tick” in your mind. Finally, use a mirror! Notice all, even the most microscopic, improvements in your figure. Feel how your body works during training, how it becomes stronger and more resilient every week. Appreciate the feeling of tiredness and relaxation after exercise. What if not sport gives us the understanding that we are truly alive?!
3. Accept failures adequately. It happens that for some reason we cannot achieve our goal. The main thing in such a situation is not to fall into depression, which is so fashionable now, but to find a solution to the problem. Any failure is just a signal directing us to the right path.
4. Bring it into yours sports life diversity. Go to different fitness clubs, change your jogging routes, listen different music, expand your sports wardrobe. Experiment, look for new exercises, change the pace of the load.
5. Don't neglect company. If you are accompanied by friends during training, then the problem of lack of motivation may disappear by itself. After all, you will have a great time. Just don’t forget why you came to the gym in the first place. For friendly jokes and conversations about your personal life, don’t lose main goal- striving for self-improvement.

The biggest bankrupt in this world is a man who has lost his enthusiasm for life.

Matthew Arnold

People keep telling us from all sides how important motivation is to achieve your goals. Of course, no one will argue with this. The question is, how to maintain your motivation for a long time?

We get so carried away by the new fashionable diet, but after a week we are again eating these delicious cakes. We are so enthusiastic about new project, and after a while we give up, brought to the ground by numerous difficulties. Every year we start a new one healthy life, we sign up for the gym and run in the morning, and now the exercise equipment is quietly covered with dust, pushed into the far corner.

Motivation is a powerful force that can make us change ourselves or change the world around us. But, like any strong emotion, it can quickly leave us. Here are seven tips to prevent this from happening.

1. Do what you like

Yes, this is much easier said than done in practice. But it's still worth trying to focus your efforts on those activities that bring you pleasure. Consider the following:

At work. It may not be time to move on to your dream job, but maybe it would be wise to pay more attention to those things that you like, and delegate others to colleagues?

Your goals. When setting a goal, it is very important to take care of the most pleasant way for you to achieve it. For example, if you want to become more athletic, then you need to choose the one that brings you pleasure, and not what is advertised in glossy magazines.

Your obligations. what weighs you down and pulls you back. Perhaps this is one of the main skills in life.

2. Focus on the end result

Most truly important goals require quite a lot of effort from you, which can only be achieved over time. desired result. You can strive for a secure and independent lifestyle, but for this you will have to for a long time bend your back.

Instead of focusing on the difficult and unpleasant task at hand, focus instead on the reason for which you need to do it. Hang a picture of your dream image above your workplace and pay attention to it more often.

3. Start with a win

If you have a long, stressful day ahead of you or are starting a new project, try to complete easy, quick tasks first that bring quick results. This will improve your mood and help you gain the self-confidence that is so necessary when starting important things. Typically, these are tasks that can be completed in a few minutes, leaving you with a feeling of accomplishment. This could be cleaning your desk, sorting out emails, or phone call, which you have been putting off for a long time, and so on.

4. Continue with a difficult task

After you've done a few simple, quick things while the fire rage dies down, it's best to tackle the most difficult task of the day. It may not be easy, but once you complete the main task of the day, everything else will seem like a piece of cake. Plus, if you leave the hard part until the end of the day, it will most likely move smoothly into the next day, and then the next. This is how difficult tasks become impossible.

5. Take regular breaks

When you feel fresh and rested, it is very easy to be motivated. Breaks are a great way to increase your productivity. Instead of spending hours doing unknown things, mixing work and leisure in the embrace of procrastination, you will have a clear time for work and a certain time for rest. This brings organization to your day and helps you get on with your work without being distracted by extraneous things.

6. Don't take on too much

Most of us are too overwhelmed with various tasks and goals. We try to achieve a lot at once, but as a result we get nothing but chronic fatigue.

Let's not forget that there are only 24 hours in a day and we should leave time for relaxation, entertainment and pleasure. The desire to be smart, beautiful and successful at the same time is, of course, good, but it is better to have only one global goal at any given time and give it maximum attention. This way you will have a much better chance of success.

7. Reward yourself

Small prizes for every important step can be good remedy motivation, especially if you are doing work that is not very interesting to you. An extraordinary break, a cup of coffee, a walk in the park or favorite dish- choose what really makes you happy and reward yourself, your loved one, for real success.

One of the most important factors that separates great people from their less successful competitors is an unrelenting commitment to achieving their goals. Maintaining your motivation despite difficulties and defeats high level for a long time gives them strength, perseverance and determination, which are the key to successfully achieving any goal. We hope that the tips given will help you with this.

The term "motivation" in last years very fashionable and used frequently. Despite the huge number of trainings that promise a radical change in the quality of life and effective methods for achieving success in all endeavors, many continue to remain at the lowest level and are content with the minimum. Experts in business psychology are confident that these people simply do not have strong enough motivation. You should know that outside help here can only be partial. After all, motivation is an internal state that encourages each of us to perform certain actions.

If deep down you are sure that drastic changes will bring unjustified risks into your life and worsen the situation, no amount of persuasion and optimistic forecasts will help. The reasons for such an internal state can be hidden very deeply. Typically, a belief system is formed in early childhood immediate surroundings. But history knows a lot of examples when a person found the strength to throw off this burden and achieved success. This means that not everything is predetermined. But how to create positive motivation? You'll have to work hard.

Get rid of negative thoughts

Human nature is such that we remember failures and mistakes much better than achievements. Negative experiences accumulate and form a distorted picture of the world. Understanding this, you must stop thinking about negative scenarios. Possible risks should be provided, but only for insurance purposes. Failures befall everyone, but only those who rise again and believe in a positive ending achieve success.

Wake up early

This is a very good healthy habit. Our physiology is closely related to the cycles of the sun. By allowing yourself to lie around until lunch, you are wasting your time. When you wake up early, get started right away important matters. Don't delay. You will notice that you begin to get a lot more done. You will gain self-esteem. Dedicate your free time to self-education.

Set up to win

Strive for success every minute and in all matters. You always have a choice to make: achieve your goal or lose. Do your best. Every morning, when you wake up, give yourself the mindset to become better, to achieve new peak. Even though today you have only taken a small step forward, you have already won. Tomorrow you will be one step closer to your cherished goal. With this attitude, no one can stop you.

Don't listen to whiners and losers. They will have a lot of excuses and reasonable reasons for retreating. But this is not your way. Define a goal and achieve it, no matter what. Such people are said to be lucky. In fact, success is the daily overcoming of your own doubts and weaknesses, a path that consists of small victories.

Look for the positive

There is enough negativity and injustice in our lives, but there is much more beauty, reasons for joy and opportunities for creation. It is important to see this and radiate positive signals to others. Even in the most difficult moments, when it seems that the whole world has turned against you, you must not lose faith in the best. Meanness and betrayal provide the most important experience. Obstacles and failures strengthen character. TO strong people, radiating optimism, those around him are drawn to. People try to avoid whining pessimists.

The universe is faceless and neutral. Everyone creates the world around themselves according to their own beliefs and expectations. Are you sure that fate is unfair to you, and that only disappointment and boredom lie ahead? So it will be. You know for sure that there is much more in the world good people, and success is sure to await you somewhere ahead? That's what will happen.

Help others

It may sound a little naive, but your good deeds always count and are returned in the end. If you can help, never refuse. Even pleasant emotions and self-esteem, which necessarily arise in such situations, play a crucial role.

Don't expect gratitude and don't expect to receive favors in return. Good deeds return exactly when they are needed, perhaps from an unexpected source.

What to do with doubts?

They are very insidious and persecute even the most successful people. If you are not confident in your own abilities and until now considered yourself a failure, doubts can destroy the most positive attitude and the most powerful motivation.

It is necessary to combat this phenomenon, but it should be done wisely. To begin, choose the simplest goal that will not be difficult to achieve. Promise yourself to do this even if unforeseen circumstances arise. It is from such small achievements that you must compose your success story. Don't be lazy and record every victory.

Doubt is needed to see potential danger. Think of workarounds to get to your goal. This way you will begin to feel confident and learn to cast aside imaginary doubts.

Eliminate escape routes

It is easier to understand this principle with an example. For every person who is used to lounging in bed until lunch, having to get up at 5 am becomes a real challenge. When you wake up to the alarm, you will look for any excuses and delay the moment of getting up. But how will the situation change if at exactly 5.00 a bucket of ice water pours on you? The sleep will disappear instantly, a boost of energy for the whole day is provided.

Depending on the situation and the goal, look for any opportunities for additional motivation and put yourself in conditions where an unfulfilled promise will lead to more unpleasant consequences. It's very stimulating.

Record your progress and reward yourself

You can move long and hard towards your goal, but give up in the last meters. This happens to those who do not know how to enjoy intermediate achievements. Everyone knows the saying that the easiest way to eat an elephant is in pieces. Smash big way for short periods and at intermediate stages, count what you have achieved.

A common mistake is the habit of measuring success by deeds and efforts spent. This way you will never see your achievements. For example. You are learning programming. Record not how many lessons you took and how much time you spent on classes. Note how many questions in the tests you were able to answer correctly, how many codes you wrote.

In business, seeing the results of your efforts is also very important. Calculate how much extra you were able to earn after implementation new technology or expanding the range. Keep your history of milestone victories in a visible place. It will give you strength in difficult moments.

Compete only with yourself

They are calling for this greatest artists and owners largest companies. Fighting competitors and constant competition with other market participants will not lead to anything good. Only person, with whom you should compare yourself - you are yesterday. Set new goals for yourself, focusing only on your own achievements of past days. Comparing yourself with others, no matter what, you only develop own complexes. The only thing you can achieve is fatigue and a feeling of inferiority and inferiority.

Having an example of someone who has achieved outstanding results in your specialty or industry is very important. But you should learn the right techniques from him. Remember, each of us is unique and has enormous creative potential. You have your own path. It is only important to remember that you will definitely achieve success. Some people succeed on the first try, others after hundreds of failures.

Obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. - Henry Ford Never, never, never give up. - Winston Churchill

The more passionate you are about an idea, the easier it is to move towards it. But the initial impulse cannot last forever, so maintaining the right motivation is important for success. Perhaps life has made adjustments, and old goal lost priority. It also happens that a person gets distracted for a day or two, and then cannot get back on track. In addition, moving towards a goal is accompanied by difficulties and failures, depriving you of courage.

If you manage to rekindle your passion, your efforts and pursuit will sooner or later lead to your goal. But if you give up, you will surely lose. The choice is always yours - to achieve your goal or stop fighting. The following tips will help you stay on track by maintaining the right motivation.


    Restrain yourself. Starting to move towards new goal(For example, new complex training), you are full of desire to achieve success, and your excited enthusiasm knows no bounds. It seems that you can move mountains, but sooner or later life will prove that your current possibilities are not limitless, and the fire of inspiration will begin to weaken. One of the main rules of successful motivation is hold back at the beginning and in those situations when energy and desire overflow. Limit yourself in doing what you want, allowing you to do only 50-75% of what you want. And prepare an action plan to gradually increase success in the future. For example:

    Just start. There will be days with no desire at all, when it is difficult to leave the house for a run, budget, or any other activities that are necessary to achieve the goal. Instead of wondering how hard it is and how much time it will take, tell yourself: you just need to start. For example, put on your sneakers and leave the house. Once you close the door behind you, everything will go as it should. The difficulties continue as long as you sit at home, thinking about the difficulties of completing the task. Once you start, you will be surprised how much more difficult imaginary problems are than actually completing tasks. This rule works every time.

    Report progress. Keep in touch with people you connect with through an online forum (try wikiHow's forum and chat!), blog, e-mail or in real life. Tell them daily about your progress and don’t miss reports. The need to report will create a desire to succeed, because no one likes to talk about failures.

    Suppress negative thoughts by replacing them with positive ones. This is one of the most important tasks of motivation, and developing such a skill requires not even daily, but constant practice. You need to start tracking your thoughts and distinguishing between negative ones. internal dialogue. To begin, try noticing every negative thought for a few days. Next, start getting rid of them like harmful insects, planting appropriate positive thoughts in their place. Replace “This is too hard” with “I can do this! If that weakling from TV can do it, then I can do it too!” It sounds naive, but it works. It really works.

    Think about the benefits. Focusing on difficulties is a familiar problem for most people. For example, getting up early seems incredibly difficult, and such thinking in itself is already tiring. It is better to think not about how difficult it is to do something, but about the benefits that you will get when you achieve what you want. Stop thinking about how hard it is to wake up in the morning and focus your thinking on the benefits you'll get from being an early bird. Possible benefits will become an additional source of strength and energy.

    Restore your enthusiasm! Think about what tempered your passion, then think about what turned you on in the first place. Can this be returned? What made you want to achieve your goal? What stimulated your desire to achieve your goal? Try recreating your stimuli by changing your focus to get a boost of energy.

    Read about what you want. Find a book or blog about achieving a similar goal. Reading related materials will inspire and revitalize you. When we read, we focus on the content of the text, and this magically strengthens our own motivation and focus on the goal. So read about your goal daily, especially on days when you feel lack of motivation.

    Find like-minded people. It's hard to stay motivated on your own. Try to find someone with the same goals (running, balanced diet, budgeting, etc.), and try to establish friendly relations with them. This could be a partner, spouse, one of the children or best friend, the main thing is that you push each other to achieve the goal. It's a good idea to join a club with similar interests (for example, a sports section) or join a forum that discusses a topic that interests you. Such relationships do not oblige you to maintain close ties after achieving the goal.

    Read success stories. Motivation is strengthened when a person reads about other people who have achieved success or are working towards a goal. Read other people's blogs, books, magazines. You can search the Internet to find extraordinary success stories. You will soon realize that reading such stories brings pleasure.

    Build your success. Every step towards a goal is an achievement. You can even celebrate what you started! You can celebrate the second day as a successful continuation of the movement. Celebrate every milestone along the way. Use the feeling of satisfaction of success to gain strength for the next step. Let it be tiny (for example, increasing the training time by 2-3 minutes), but this is progress towards the goal. Let the movement not be too fast (one “step” per week), so you will feel the success of the progress even more. By taking small steps, you are less likely to fall, but after a few months they will merge into a noticeable approach to the goal.

    Just go through the difficulties. No one is immune from decreased motivation and failure, but such situations always pass. Think of the departure of motivation as the oscillations of a wave: if one leaves, then another may come. Just remember this and wait for the next burst of motivation. But wait wisely—read about success stories, ask someone for support, or do anything else to increase the magnetic pull for your inspiration.

    Ask for help. It's always harder to be alone. Get help from other people real world or online, and achieving your goal will be easier, whether you're quitting smoking, training for a marathon, or writing a scientific paper.

    Record your progress. The marks can be of any shape. For example, you can put + in the calendar, create a simple table, or use a complex software for project management. Either way, there are obvious benefits to documenting your accomplishments. First, you can look back and see how far you've already come. Secondly, you may be depressed by the number of days without a cross in the calendar, motivating you not to miss classes. Focus on the positive and don't let setbacks get you down. Misses are inevitable, so let them be another incentive to try better next time.

    Don't skimp on rewards for yourself. Every step towards your goal is worthy of praise. You can celebrate your success and give yourself a reward. Sometimes the incentive can be a list of specific rewards for achieving certain results. Only these rewards should correspond to achievements, that is: 1) correspond to progress towards the goal (don't reward yourself with a cruise to the Bahamas for a 1.5-mile run); 2) the reward should not harm the goal (if you are trying to lose weight, do not assign a reward to eating cakes at the bakery). Don't fool yourself.

    Define intermediate goals (mini-tasks). Sometimes the deadlines and workload are overwhelming. The initial enthusiasm will wear off within 1-2 weeks, and the realization that there are still many months ahead can cause depression. To solve large projects, motivation should not be based on one thing. The easiest way out is to break the path into stages, the achievement of which requires much less time.

    Find an instructor or take a course. In this case, the very need to show up will become a motivation for any action. This rule applies to any goal. This method of increasing motivation is one of the most expensive, but it works successfully. But if you are not too lazy to look for information, you can find it nearby necessary people or courses that won't burden your budget. It is quite possible that one of your friends or acquaintances will be able to help without compensation.

    Never miss two days in a row. This rule is very important because we are not perfect. From time to time, every person may miss one day due to other desires or laziness. But if you missed one day, you need to stop the laziness that has begun to stir. Tell yourself: “Stop! You won’t miss two days in a row!”

    Use visualization. Present your success (benefits) in as much detail as possible. Close your eyes and think about exactly what your achievement will look like, what you will feel, what smells and sounds will be around, etc. Where were you when you achieved success? What did you look like? What were you wearing? Form as clear a mental image as possible. The next point is regularity. Set aside at least a few minutes during the day to practice visualization. This is a very effective (if not the only) method to maintain motivation for a long time.

  1. Know that the urge to quit will arise from time to time, and be prepared to suppress it. Anyone can have the desire to stop, often it arises subconsciously. In such situation effective method counteraction will become a more conscious attitude towards your desires. You can keep a notepad handy and write down every desire that arises. Thanks to this, you can decide on your desires. After this, you need to draw up a plan to protect against each of them. Write down in advance how you will respond to the emergence of a desire, and when it appears, you will be fully armed.

    • Find a song for inspiration. Perhaps there are some songs that give you determination and strengthen your self-confidence? Listen to positive songs with meaningful lyrics. Turn the volume up full blast, let your heart express itself, and get back to achieving your goal! Music can also be used as background music, especially during sports (even while running, the compact player and headphones hardly hinder your movements).


    • Think about eternal and global goals. Once a person has reached a peak (eg buying a house, getting married, etc.), they may feel stressed because they have nothing left to strive for. Keep distant goals in mind so you don't stop. Think about the meaning of life and world problems to avoid a purposeless existence.

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