When should I send my child to school? At what age to send a child to school: what parents should consider

Now that the baby has grown up, most parents have a question: “Should I send him to school now?” Maybe we should wait another year?” Of course, this applies to most children whose age at the beginning school year I didn’t have time to approach the cherished mark of 6 years and 6 months.

On the one hand, why torture a child ahead of time? Why put such a psychological and mental burden on him? And if the child looks older than his age, if he was constantly given additional classes, and in general the parents want to raise a genius! And careless teachers do not allow him to study and do not let him go to school! I hasten to please all parents, no one will simply allow your child to attend classes without prior consultation with at least two or three child psychologists. You will also have to collect a bunch of medical certificates stating that your child is healthy and that he is not predisposed to frequent colds. In general, you and your baby will have to run around the authorities quite a bit, proving that you are worthy of going to school right now. To say that they are all monsters would not be correct, because the load in first grade is really heavy, not so much mental as psychological. This is a new team, new teachers, new routines, for some even new standards of behavior in the classroom. For a child who came from kindergarten or from home, where there was only an element of play everywhere, no “shoulds” or “musts,” this is a lot of stress. Not to mention that some children as young as six still don't understand that they shouldn't interrupt adults. There are many such small moments. A psychologist can identify some gaps in a child’s knowledge, according to the standards for seven-year-olds, observe his behavior for about ten minutes, believe logical thinking and point out to you the shortcomings and methods of dealing with them. But he has the right to prohibit attending school only in case of severe mental retardation. The rest is your choice. If you are going to work and leave your child in an after-school group, then it is better to wait another year until your baby grows up. In first grade, they all really need their mother. Remember how he learned to walk. Em needed help and support no matter what he fell. You didn't scold him when he fell. That's right, you praised and supported him, and that's how it is with first-graders. This is especially true for those who go to school earlier. If you have time to work with your child, take him to and pick him up from school, and devote as much of your time to him as possible, then you can safely go to school. If there are no such conditions, it is better to wait until next year. Nobody says that in a year the baby will not need your attention and care, it will just be easier for both him and you. In conclusion, I would like to sincerely advise all parents of first-graders. Be careful about passing the medical examination before school; do not allow doctors to give you permission just like that, without examination. See a psychologist, you will learn a lot of interesting things about your child, about the difficulties that may warn you. After all, forewarned is forearmed. There will always be shortcomings, but these are just recommendations that you need to pay attention to. Most importantly, love your children and do not lose contact with them. If you miss elementary school, it will be much more difficult to further improve your studies and relationships with your child. And remember more often how you helped him learn to walk. Support him and you will succeed!

If your baby was born in the fall or winter, you have probably already wondered at what age to give him away - at 6 or almost 8 years old. When and how to understand whether it is worth rushing, or, conversely, it is better to extend the carefree life of a child for another year - we will tell you in this material. We’ll also find out what experts think about this.

At what age is it better to send a child to school?

According to the letter of the law

The law interprets the question that torments many parents unambiguously - in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in Russian Federation“Children should go to school no earlier than 6.5 years old and no later than 8. That is, if by September 1 the child is under six and a half years old, then no matter how smart and developed he may be, he will have to wait a while to go to school. If the child’s age falls within the legal limits, then the decision to start school is made by the parents themselves.

"School maturity"

Gender matters

As a rule, six-year-old girls are faster and more successful than their boys the same age. In addition, girls develop faster; they become uninterested in studying surrounded by “kids” if they are the oldest in the class. Therefore, if we return to the “legal” age range for a first-grader - from 6.5 to 8 years - then it is recommended to send girls to school closer to its lower limit, and boys to the upper limit. But, of course, all children are different and the decision in each case is made individually.

If you still have doubts

If you find it difficult to determine your child’s readiness on your own, the following will always come to your aid:

kindergarten teachers - they often identify more “adult” children as early as middle group and, as a rule, they recommend transferring to an older group at least a year before graduation;
teachers in the "preparatory" - - best option, if you want to see how your five or six year old is coping with learning. According to the results preparatory classes The school teacher talks to the parents and helps them make the right decision.


If you yourself notice that the child is generally developed, but does not reach school according to individual parameters, for example, cannot sit in one place for a long time, gets lost in an unfamiliar environment, cannot cope with writing, reading or counting; one should not hope that “they will sort everything out at school.” It is better not to stress your child and wait another year.

Natalya Voloshina

Experts' comments

Olga Vedeneeva , psychologist

Each child is individual, but, to generalize, it is better to send a child to school at 8 years old than at 6. In general, there is no ideal age for enrollment, because Each child develops individually, which is why they talk about psychological readiness for school. Psychological readiness for school consists of two aspects. Firstly, personal readiness, i.e. the child must want to go to school, buy a new social status. And, secondly, from intellectual readiness. At 6 years of age, the leading activity is still play, not learning, so cognitive motivation is still unstable. At the age of 6 years, involuntary memory predominates; the child can concentrate attention for a maximum of 10-15 minutes, so there may be problems with memorizing the material and perseverance. In addition, until about 7 years of age, a child perceives grades as a characteristic of his entire personality, and not just a grade for a specific task. Therefore, grades cannot be given in 1st grade, but teachers do not always follow this rule.

Svetlana Levchenko , teacher primary classes first category

In resolving the dilemma of “when to send a child to school,” the decisive factor, after all, should be precisely the aspect of mental and emotional readiness. In my opinion, parents often pay undeservedly more attention even to the development of initial subject skills (“counting within 10” or “syllable reading”). In addition, in my practice there have been cases when parents were guided by completely unrelated things, for example, the fact that the desired teacher has an appointment this year, or the fact that all classmates with kindergarten go to the same class, and they definitely need to get to them. I believe that parents should show special sensitivity and responsibility in this matter, because it is the first years at school that determine cognitive activity a child who will go with him throughout his life. There can be no universal advice here. If a child at 6 years old is adequately aware of his new social role“student”, if he understands what school is, if he has formed an interest in the learning process, there is no point in delaying another year, pitying his childhood. Because over time, interest may fade; another year with grandma or in kindergarten will slow down its natural development. However, if the time seems to have come, but the child, even at 7 years old, does not have emotional readiness, he has not yet crossed this psychological boundary, then without working with specialists, bringing such a child to school is violence against his personality, which subsequently will give negative results in high school. There is no need to expect that the child will “get involved” over the summer, or, moreover, that he will “get involved” in the process. Such children, regardless of their age, have difficulty adapting, have difficulty concentrating, and as a result, they develop a “situation of failure” and their self-esteem decreases. Now kindergartens have offices for psychologists and speech therapists, where diagnostics are carried out. Parents can contact them or numerous children's centers for advice if they doubt that their child is ready for school. Subject knowledge can be improved if the main thing is psychological and emotional readiness. It is this factor, and not the age of the future student, that should remain the main one.

Natalia Gritsenko , pediatrician at the children's clinic "Dr. Kravchenko's Clinic"

There is a concept " school maturity"- physiological and psychological. And it is this, and not the child’s passport age, that should determine the child’s readiness for school. For example, a child born very premature may not be physiologically ready for school. But more often it turns out that only the nervous system is not mature enough for school. This is the so-called minimal brain dysfunction, when the child’s neurological diagnosis is removed, but the adult’s functions are fully nervous system he can't do it yet. This occurs in children who have suffered acute cerebral hypoxia during childbirth, birth injuries with cerebrovascular accidents in the first year of life. The brain of such a child will get tired faster during the lesson, need a longer period of rest, and by the 3-4th lesson the ability to concentrate will drop sharply. There are children who are psychologically unprepared for school. At the same time, a child can read and count perfectly, but not understand what school discipline is, not comply with the teacher’s requests, walk around the classroom during class, or carry toys to school. It is very important to send a mature child to school, both physiologically and psychologically. Because with reduced brain performance, the baby will feel less successful, he will not meet the teacher’s expectations, and he will more often hear negative assessments addressed to him. As a result of which he school motivation will fall. That is, a new student will come to terms with the fact that he cannot study well, meet the expectations of his parents and teachers, and he will simply give up, the desire to try to get good grades will disappear. It is very important to get serious advice from a neurologist and child psychologist before going to school. And, if necessary, give the child the opportunity to mature for school, so that in the future he can feel successful!

It's here new Age, and children appear, many of whom are characterized as indigo. The current generation is very different from the previous one. Many children have certain abilities: they can read, write, count, without even being schoolchildren. Accordingly, the question arises: “At what age should a child be sent to school?” Some parents in this situation begin to believe that it will be boring for the child to be at home for another year before school. This means that you definitely need to register for school. But there is a difficulty - he is not yet 7 years old. Namely, this age is the best for entering school. And there is the opposite option: the child is already almost 7, he knows a lot and has skills, but in terms of psychology he is still completely not ready for school. But soon he will become even older. Is it acceptable to send a child to school at the age of 8? Isn’t it too late?

For parents of boys, leaving school at 18 is like nightmare. After all, the young man will immediately be drafted into the army, but somehow I don’t want to take away another year of rest from the child. What to do in this case?

At what age should a child be sent to school?

Before delving into psychological aspects On this topic, let’s see at what age, according to Russian legislation, a child can attend school. According to the law, children can attend such educational institutions upon reaching 6.5 years of age, if there are no contraindications, but no later than 8. If the parents submit an application and the permission of the director, the child can be admitted earlier or later than the established period.

Therefore, children should enter school from 6.5 to 8 years of age. It is within this framework that it is desirable for parents to fit into. Although, of course, earlier enrollment in school is acceptable if an informed decision has been made.

Is it possible not to give it away? You must get an education. Therefore, they cannot be left without training. In some cases, the child may be homeschooled.

Pre-school training is also practiced. Nowadays this is especially common in private schools. There are certain groups early development for children, somewhat reminiscent of kindergarten ones.

A child must be enrolled in 1st grade by the age of 8. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the guardianship authorities and may even lose your parental rights.

How to determine whether your child can go to school? Before deciding at what age to send your child to school, you need to consider a number of factors. Let's take a closer look at them.

Smart Features

This is one of the most important factors for the school. Parents need to understand whether the child speaks well and can remember events. His attentiveness and thinking are important. You also need to determine, with the help of a psychologist, how well the child meets the standards of a first-grader.

A child is ready for 1st grade if he:

  • has coherent speech and a vocabulary that meets the standards for grade 1;
  • can come up with a plot from a picture;
  • the child speaks sounds normally and knows where they are in a word;
  • can read small words at a certain speed;
  • knows printed letters;
  • distinguishes geometric figures from each other;
  • determines the properties of objects;
  • can count from 1 to 10 and in reverse order, add and subtract simple values;
  • distinguishes colors and names them correctly;
  • puts puzzles together well;
  • remembers rhymes and sings songs, repeats tongue twisters;
  • Colors pictures strictly along the outline.

To send your child to school at the age of 6, you should not try to fully prepare him, otherwise he will very quickly get tired of studying. He will have almost all the skills and will not be interested. In this case, parents are obliged to think about which school is best to send their child to; perhaps it makes sense to enroll the child in an institution with increased requirements.

You shouldn’t assume that school will teach you everything completely. It provides only basic knowledge that helps the child adapt better in society. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that they will need to do a lot of work with their baby.

Emotional background

Your child must be collected and be able to make thoughtful decisions. The idea of ​​sending a child to school at 6 years old may arise if he is smart enough for his age. But if he is not ready emotionally, then give up this idea. The child can earn serious problems mentally.

Motivation to study and the maturity of the nervous system of a future first-grader

The child must be motivated to go to school. According to psychologists, in order to find out if a child is ready to learn, you need to ask him a simple question: “Do you want to go to school? And for what?" The answer will determine whether he is ready to study. If the child’s only motivation is to play, then it would be right to postpone school for one year.

Before deciding whether to send a child to first grade, it is necessary to assess the maturity of the nervous system. If you give him too early, then it will be very difficult for him to endure 45 minutes of the lesson. So think about this in advance.

Pediatricians' opinion

What does it take to send a child to school? According to pediatricians, several tests are necessary. This way you can check your child’s physical readiness for school. So:

  1. The child can reach over his head to the top of the opposite ear.
  2. The baby's kneecaps and phalanges are correctly formed, and the arch of the foot is pronounced.
  3. Baby teeth are being replaced.
  4. The child is able to maintain balance on 1 leg.
  5. Can throw and catch a ball.
  6. Protrudes thumb when shaking hands.
  7. Fine motor skills are developed.

Quite a lot important role the state of health plays a role: how often does the child get sick, are there any chronic diseases etc. If necessary, your pediatrician will advise you to postpone this moment for a while and clarify at what age to send your child to school.

And yet, no matter what age you decide to send your child to school, it is advisable to improve his health. To do this, you can go to the seaside before the start of the school year, for example, and also take a close look at your child’s daily routine, sleep and nutrition. Be sure to cure all foci of chronic infection.

Communication skills and independence

It is very important for a first-grader to be able to talk with peers and adults, as well as to have adequate self-esteem. Also, the child should not isolate himself in the company of strangers.

At what age should a child be sent to school? This will largely depend on his independence. After all, he must be able to dress and put on his shoes, eat, go to the toilet and perform other basic actions.

Gender of the child

Gender plays a significant role in immersion in a school setting. Thus, parents of boys want to send their sons away early so that they can quickly learn and live an independent life, but, on the contrary, they want to keep girls with them longer. But in fact, it is the little ladies who are ready to study before the boys.

The maturity of the brain hemispheres plays an important role in readiness to learn. Girls are more likely to develop the left, which is responsible for speech and related activities. Therefore in primary school It's easier for them to learn.

Boys develop more quickly right hemisphere. It is responsible for spatio-temporal orientation, and this function is not at all required in the elementary grades.

Anxiety and temperament

Anxiety is personality trait each person, which greatly influences the age at which a child should be sent to school. Thus, boys with above average anxiety are primarily concerned with relationships with teachers and their own educational activities. While girls with a level of anxiety below average are concerned mainly with the attitude of their peers.

Temperament plays an important role in children's learning. It is most difficult for choleric girls and melancholic boys to learn. Such children have an atypical idea of ​​studying at school, according to teachers.

It’s just that boys of this type of character are too vulnerable and can cry if someone upsets or offends them. Unfortunately, neither peers nor teachers accept this behavior.

Choleric girls, on the contrary, are very active. Therefore, they cannot sit through the entire lesson calmly. In addition, they are accustomed to defending their rightness to the last, sometimes even through fights.

Phlegmatic children are too slow and calm. Students with this temperament sometimes find it difficult to study.

The most favorable temperament for studying is sanguine. These children are moderately sociable and inquisitive, do not have conflicts, and fit into almost any team.

This indicator is most important in primary school. Afterwards, neither children nor teachers react particularly to him.

Therefore, before determining what age to send your child to school, contact specialists. If the child is already 7, but the psychologist says that it is necessary to wait, it is worth listening.

Psychologists' opinion

What does it take to send a child to school? Parents ask this question very often. Therefore, psychologists have found several reasons why you should postpone attending school.

  1. Psychological characteristics: no motivation to learn, except play activity; your child was born when the eldest was 7 years old; It's a difficult time in the family.
  2. Medical: the child has mental disorders; he has recently had a head or spinal column injury; have chronic diseases.

What happens if a child starts school at the age of 8?

If your child is not ready for school, then you should think it over carefully, weigh the pros and cons.

When should I send my child to school? Komarovsky, a pediatrician known throughout Russia, claims that 6.5-7 years is the ideal age for a baby to visit educational institution. Since it is during this period of time that children change the type of activity from play to cognitive. Although Dr. Komarovsky admits that upon entering school, the child will begin to get sick more at first.

Every child is an individual. And no one knows him better than his parents. Maybe your child is the one who needs to start school at age 8. Just when making such a decision, remember that perhaps your child will feel uncomfortable when he realizes that in his class there are children younger than himself. To remove all doubts, consult a child psychologist.

When should you think about registering your child for school?

The purpose of education is to teach a child to be independent. So, you raise him from his very birth, trying in every possible way to teach him something. As a result, by the age of 5-6 years he accumulates the necessary “baggage” of knowledge for studying at school.

And so the question arises: “When should you think about registering your child for an educational institution?”

As you probably understood from our article, the process of preparing for training is quite complex and multifaceted. Therefore, it is necessary to think about it nine months before the first of September. Be sure to contact a psychologist, because he should check the child for readiness for school.

If it turns out that your child is not quite ready for school, then you will have time to finalize what is necessary.

Deciding on the age of a child’s enrollment in school is a very important and responsible step. Everything needs to be thought through and weighed.

It is necessary to create a festive atmosphere on the child’s first day of school. Decorate your apartment and make it a family celebration. After all, the child must know what begins new stage in his independent life, full of ups and downs.

December child and study

When should I send my December child to school? Parents ask psychologists this question quite often. And they answer the question like this: “It all depends on the child.” Because everyone is an individual. Some are ready to learn earlier. Because with perception and intelligence everything is normal. And some are completely unprepared for school at the age of 7.

You definitely need to consult a psychologist first. And he will tell you what choice to make. Perhaps a specialist will tell you what you need to work on to fill the missing “gaps”. If the baby is frail and significantly shorter than everyone else in the class, it is also advisable, of course, to wait a little.

A little conclusion

After reading the article, we hope you have found answers to your questions. Now it is clear that seven years of age does not mean that it is time for your beloved child to go to school. Of course, other factors must be taken into account. We hope that now you can make a truly right decision.

This question worries every parent as soon as the time comes to send their child to first grade. On September 1, the child will already go to an educational institution, which means that he needs to be chosen in advance. Today it is not necessary to personally bring an application and a package of documents; you can easily enroll your child in school through State Services.

Application deadlines

Registration for the school for the 2019–2020 year takes place within the established deadlines, which are different for each category of future first-graders:

  1. From December 15, 2018 until September 5 of the new school year, families who are eligible for the benefit can register an application. Children with disabilities who want to study on an equal basis with everyone else in schools where an environment for inclusive education has been created are considered beneficiaries. Many schools have a rule: they accept first-graders whose sisters and brothers are already studying at this institution. The right to priority enrollment is large families; children of military personnel on contract and permanent basis; police officers killed in the line of duty official duties or from illness during service; police officers who were injured and retired because of it, who received injuries that led to death; internal affairs officers who are not police officers.
  2. Children who belong to the institution by registration. On January 20, the paper submission period began for them. Until July 30, the circle of “friends” in the territory of the parents can be determined. If parents are late with their application, the child will be enrolled in the general manner.
  3. Children living in other areas not related to this school. They are allocated a time range from July 1 to September 5. But even if parents apply in a timely manner, the student will be accepted only if there are free places.

It is important to submit your application to 1st grade on time. The staff of a secondary educational institution has the right to refuse admission to legal representatives if they are late with their application.

How to apply to a school through the State Services portal: step-by-step instructions

It’s worth noting right away that every region of the country has rules for providing services electronically. In some areas, it is impossible to register via the Internet, as decided by the leadership of this territory. And for other regions, the Unified Portal contains links that take you to the portals of a specific region. Electronic enrollment in schools is completely handled, for example, by the local government website linked to State Services. But in our case, the feed is standard. IN personal account portal, follow the step-by-step instructions.

Registering on the portal will not be a problem if you study ours. If this stage has passed for a long time, enter.

Step 1. Search for a service

At this stage, everything is simple - click on the “Education” section, in it we find the subsection “Enrollment in an educational institution.”

If local authorities enroll children themselves, you will see a similar link that will take you to the regional website. You can log in using the login and password of the State Services portal.

In the standard case, a list of provided electronic services will appear on the screen. Check the box and confirm your desire to go to the “receive service” button.

Step 2. Enter information about the parent

After clicking, a parent form opens on the screen, which you need to fill out. We indicate the relationship to the child, enter passport data and registration.

Step 3. Enter the child’s details

Step 4. Select your desired school

Presented on State Services full list educational institutions, with addresses, contact details, full name of the director. All that remains is to enter the one you like, or the one closest to you in the area. In the “Comment” section, parents leave their wishes. For example, if a child requires special educational conditions, or there is a benefit.

Step 5. Submit your application

Click “Submit” and the registration is completed. In a few minutes you will receive a notification that your application has been accepted.

If you are going to apply for an older student, you can use the same procedure. For example, when transferring to another school, or in parallel, the documentary set and actions are the same.

Enrollment in Moscow schools

Considering that a huge number of schools and large areas, characteristic of the capital, make personal attendance at school problematic, this region is actively appealing through State Services.

After moving to the sections “Education” and “Enrollment in an educational institution”, electronic services for first-graders and schoolchildren of other ages are immediately divided here.

Select the desired item, in our case first class. The site translates to internal resource mos.ru. We again clarify which class is needed and move on to the application form, which we will fill out.

The child's information comes first in the form. They are not entered automatically, so we copy them from the birth certificate. We carefully check the date of birth, number and series of the child’s ID, and SNILS number. If a transfer to another school is necessary, move the switch to this field. Click the “next” button.

In the Moscow version of the questionnaire, the section for address registration of the child is described in detail. More accurate information will help you choose a school that is as close as possible to the minor’s place of residence. So, we fill in the address, check the county and district.

Click “next”, a full list of possible options appears - at least a dozen educational institutions with brief description and location address. After each there is a “select” button, which you need to click on if the school is suitable. You can specify several. Please note that the student will be provided with a place strictly within the designated institutions. And we finish the job by clicking on the “send” function.

As soon as you receive a notification that your application has been registered, consider that you have successfully joined the queue.

List of documents

To complete the application you will need the following documents:

  • Parents' identity cards, or other documents that perform the same function;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Completed application form for admission;
  • Child's medical record;
  • A certificate from a psychologist stating that the child is healthy and ready to start classes.

But each institution has its own requirements, so it is better to check the list on site.

I never understood why September 1st is called the red day of the calendar. Is this a form of sarcasm?

What kind of holiday is it if it is followed by long months of endless school lessons, early rises and homework? This is, rather, a harbinger of suffering for students and headaches for their parents.

I was tired of school when I was a student, and I continue to be tired of it now that I am the mother of a schoolgirl.

If I could turn back time, I would have prepared a very important speech addressed to my first-grader daughter. Makarenko would turn over in his grave if he became an unwitting witness to my speech, because my speech would be very far from those with which school head teachers open the first bell lines.

Don't chase grades

You and only you can evaluate yourself. And no number in your school diary or teacher's journal will do this for you.

Don't be upset if you don't have friends in class

It's not so important to be friends with your classmates, it's enough for you to just be polite. This means that among these people there simply was no one with whom you might be interested.

Position yourself correctly

Those cute little ones who went to kindergarten are no longer coming to school. This will be a full-fledged team with its own leaders and losers, where each child is a separate person with his own individual qualities. Know how to stand up for yourself and don’t let yourself get hurt, my girl!

Source: tendertouch.com

Don't offend someone who is weaker than you

Don't give in herd instinct and don’t try to trample the weaker. Contact me for help. I already know how to properly resolve such conflicts.

Don't let yourself be laughed at. Even the teacher. Especially the teacher

Again, tell me about it. This kind of behavior should be nipped in the bud.

The teacher is not the last resort

I cannot in good conscience tell a child that the teacher is always right. This is the case when the human factor plays an important role.

It also happens that a person holding the position of a teacher is completely unsuited to his post. Okay, we'll take a closer look over time.

You are small, but you have your rights

Mutual respect is the basis of any healthy relationship between people. Respect others, but do not allow your rights to be violated. Do you want to go to the toilet? You don't have to endure it. At any time you can politely ask the teacher to leave.

No one has the right to threaten you

All comments in your direction related to threats to break or take away your phone, cut off your loose hair or similar things, let them express it to me, your mother. Not for you, but for me. Mom will find the right answer words, and you remember and learn.

What else to read