Exercises for the hemispheres of the brain. Techniques for the development of the right hemisphere of the brain

Quite a long time ago, scientists proved that the right and left hemispheres of the brain are separated and perform their own specific tasks. The left hemisphere is responsible for conscious actions, such as the ability of a person to analyze, classify received information and sort it according to certain characteristics. It is here that the task is formed and its solution is evaluated. The right hemisphere of our brain functions very differently - it is full of various disordered information, there is always a creative mess. It is it that is responsible for the perception of musical and artistic images, as well as for visual-figurative thinking.

Spatial thinking is one of the main functions of the right hemisphere. Since fine art allows not only to express a vision of the world, but also to develop the skills of perceiving an object entirely - painting is one of the best ways to develop it. As a workout, listening to classical music is perfect. If you have enough free time, learn to play some musical instrument. Scientists have proven that people who periodically listen to classical music have a better memory, an expanded vocabulary and a higher level of IQ. In science, this extraordinary phenomenon is called " Mozart effect". Nutrition plays a significant role in the development and stimulation of the activity of the right hemisphere. Systematic eating foods enriched with flavonoids stimulates our capacity for logical thinking and prevents brain degeneration. This element is found in high concentration in blueberries and blueberries. In addition , green tea and red wine are enriched with it . Continuous being in a brightly lit room significantly increases the activity of human brain activity. The best effect is achieved when using natural sunlight or ultraviolet lanterns. In addition to the usual, there are many scientific methods for the development of brain activity. All of them are based on the ability of a person to control his imagination. Their implementation should be carried out in a secluded place, accompanied by a calm environment and a relaxing melody. One such example is the mandala. Under this strange name lies a sacred pattern, the long examination of which stimulates brain activity. to them - systematic holding . By adhering to these rules, you can easily improve your worldview and further develop the work of the brain.

It is no secret to many that happy life you need to constantly train your body. Then you will have a lot of energy, you will feel better and get sick a lot less. However, many people forget that in order to improve the quality of life, you also need to train your brain. This is what your standard of living will depend on. That is why in this article I will analyze the most effective exercises for the development of both hemispheres of the brain.

After graduating from university, I got a job. Every day I did what I was taught during the year of study. I knew exactly my routine for each day. The problem was that I stopped learning and, as a result, lost my ambition. I noticed that life just dragged me into a routine, all days are the same and I am not able to achieve any global goals. Then I thought and began to study the problem.

During that period of my life, I stumbled upon those 5 exercises that I will describe below. After a few months, I began to notice the first results. I became more creative and collected at the same time. As a result, I not only got a promotion, but also launched my own small business project, which paid off and already brings me money. And all that turned out to be necessary for this was not to stop developing and work on both hemispheres.

Basic principles of the brain

The human brain is one of the most mysterious and incomprehensible mechanisms created by nature. It is customary to compare it with electronic computers. Throughout his life, a person learns something new, accumulating useful information. And if some data loses its relevance, they are automatically forgotten. It will take a lot of time to consider all the functions that our brain is capable of performing, but I will list the most basic of them:

  • memory;
  • speech;
  • thinking;
  • self-perception;
  • consciousness;
  • general perception of the world;
  • imagination.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, which are interconnected by a corpus callosum, through which information is transmitted from one part of the brain to another. Each of the hemispheres is responsible for certain functions. However, there have been cases in history when, due to injuries, one hemisphere began to perform the tasks of the other. Despite this, initially each part of the brain has its own purpose.

The left hemisphere takes over the functions of logical thinking and operations with calculations. It is able to process information from the outside in a strict sequence. The right hemisphere is more responsible for creativity and sensory perception. This is how we perceive smells, music, colors and are able to understand art. Also, it is this hemisphere that helps us navigate the world around us. In addition, it is the right hemisphere that allows us to think creatively and find unusual solutions.

Everything described above is the very basics of how the brain works. However, this information is already enough to at least roughly understand how the hemispheres of the brain work. The most important thing is that with the help of special exercises we can develop our brain, honing certain functions. The main task is to ensure that both our hemispheres work synchronously and are as efficient as possible.

What will give the reader the development of both hemispheres of the brain

Before developing both hemispheres of the brain, let's take a closer look at what exactly this will give us. With targeted training, you will develop important skills such as:

  • the ability to focus on what is important;
  • orientation in gigantic flows of information;
  • quick adoption of the most correct decisions;
  • training in a short time;
  • instant capture of the essence of things.

It is these listed skills that have helped world-famous businessmen achieve their high results. In order to learn this too, you need to do it regularly. special exercises to synchronize the work of the hemispheres of the brain. Such exercises can be compared with classes in gym. Without regular exercise, our muscles become weaker. And if there is no load at all, then they will simply atrophy. The brain works exactly according to the same program.

With insufficient mental activity, you will quickly begin to become stupid, and vice versa, with regular workouts many neural connections are formed in the brain, blood supply to the brain improves.

For the brain to work effectively, it is necessary to trigger the emergence of new neural connections with the help of new knowledge and impressions. During our standard learning process, this happens on its own. I mean the age when it is customary to study or pretend that you are studying. This is Kindergarten, school and university. That volume new information entering our brain during this period was sufficient to keep the brain in a more or less working condition.

The problem is that most people stop learning after graduating from formal schooling. educational institutions. Their life is dominated by routine processes for which you do not have to use your intellect. And without a corresponding load, our mind weakens, and after 25-30 years a person begins to gradually become stupid. That is why it is so important to regularly perform special exercises. Below I will describe the most effective of them.

5 exercises for the development of both hemispheres of our brain

Below are 5 common exercises that are ideal for developing both hemispheres of your brain. By doing them, you will notice how you become smarter, begin to notice and understand more.

Exercise #1 Mirror Painting

For this exercise, take a piece of paper and two pencils, one in each hand. Start drawing with both hands at the same time. Let it be something simple. Draw a square, a circle, a figure eight, a star. Gradually, the images need to be complicated. Write your name. If you succeed, then try to draw a full-fledged drawing.

Exercise #2 Random Words

For this exercise, take a few random words and link them into a story. It will be difficult at first. You may need to make several long sentences for a bunch. If you practice, you can easily connect any randomly chosen words with just a few phrases.

Exercise #3 Words

Great exercise for a hardened brain. It helps to improve concentration, increase attention and loads both hemispheres at once.

The task is to quickly, without hesitation, name the color. This may sound simple, but the left hemisphere begins to focus on the words and the right on the color. This is very confusing. It’s good if you do this exercise with a partner who will show you the words, and you need to name the color or read what is written. It is the partner who says that in this moment you need to: name a color or read a word.

Exercise #4 Restoring Reality

This is a great visualization exercise. The main thing is to start the imagination as much as possible, including visual, auditory and olfactory memory. Get rid of any external irritants, turn off the TV, turn off the sound on the phone. Close your eyes. Try to remember a person you know well: the features of his face, the color of his eyes and hair. Now try to reproduce the sound of his voice, the smell of perfume. Add new details to the look.

After you learn how to reproduce people with your imagination, you can move on. Now you can create a new universe in your imagination, parallel to the one that exists. Such exercises significantly develop creativity, imagination and creative thinking.

Exercise number 5 Neurobics

This is a kind of exercise for our brain. It activates the work of all the senses at once. This technique was first invented by a US neuroscientist named L. Katz. Its main essence is that you need to do things familiar to us in a non-standard manner, for example:

  • walk around the apartment, tightly blindfolded;
  • write with your left hand if you are right-handed and vice versa if you are left-handed;
  • change the usual route to work or study;
  • try to feel the taste of food, the smell of flowers;
  • determine things only with the help of tactile sensations;
  • make new job which you have not done before;
  • try to find non-standard answers to familiar questions.

All new actions provoke the emergence of new neural connections. The main thing is not to miss the moment when new actions become something familiar. Keep developing in the same spirit. In this case, the main thing is not to stop and then you will definitely achieve results. On the site you will find many useful articles that will help you with this. hard way. Good luck.

The brain is divided into two parts - the right hemisphere and the left. Each has its own role. People are also divided into two parts - for some, the left hemisphere works more actively, for others, the right hemisphere is more developed. There are unique cases - a person uses the whole brain equally well. Such occurrences are rather rare. Few are so lucky

Why develop both hemispheres?

Whatever happens to our body and whatever actions it performs, the head, namely the brain, is responsible for everything. .Doctors and scientists are doing a lot of work to create techniques that improve the smooth functioning gray matter. A certain part of the head obeys its own hand. For this reason, people who play musical instruments, achieve consistency in the work of the hemispheres. In order to develop both hemispheres of the brain at the same time, it is necessary to use both hands during exercises. Let's look at what functions a particular hemisphere is responsible for.

The right hemisphere carries the functions of creativity, and the left - the functions of logical thinking.

Our feelings, memory, intellect and movements, in a word, everything that distinguishes us from the non-residential world, is the result of the work of these parts of the brain. It is worth understanding the principles of their functioning. And having figured out to achieve their harmonious joint work in order to increase the overall productivity of the decisions made.

Exercises for the development of two hemispheres of the brain

The following exercises are suitable for adults, children and preschoolers:

  1. Take the left hand by the nose, while the right touches the left ear. Change hands all the time, trying not to get confused.
  2. You will need paper and two pens. Try to draw symmetrical drawings with both pens. Start simple and gradually move on to complex. If the exercise is difficult, try to train each hand separately, over time you will be able to achieve synchrony.
  3. Grab an object with both hands. Then start waving it from side to side, including not only the hands, but also the elbows, shoulders
  4. Place the palm of your right hand on your left shoulder, turn your neck in this direction, keeping your eyes on something. Slowly turn your neck to the right, look through it. Do the same, move left palm on the right shoulder and look over it.
  5. For next exercise use the chair. Place your palms on a chair for better support. Bring your right leg back and bend your left. Move your body forward. Redistribute your weight onto your left leg. heel right leg try to get off the floor. Then, change the support from one foot to the other. Repeat several times before changing the position of the legs.
  6. Write on paper different names colors so that the designation does not match the color in which it is written. Then, try to read it loudly, clearly, and without stammering.
  7. Reach with your right hand to the knee of your left leg, do this in reverse
  8. Brain development is well helped by riddles, logic tasks, crossword puzzles, chess, rebuses
  9. Connect the palms, then alternately move the fingers, creating a circle from the index, middle, ring, etc. To simplify, do the exercise with each hand in turn, when the hands get used, you can train at the same time.

How to develop a less active hemisphere

It is possible to improve the productivity of an individual hemisphere thanks to simple exercises. For left-handers, it is suitable to perform all everyday tasks with the right hand. For example, button up your shirt, hold a spoon, comb your hair, open the door, learn to write if possible. At first, it will be difficult to perform daily activities with the other hand, and the dominant hand will take the initiative. But over time, the other hand will develop motor skills and its skills will improve, and yours along with it. Include in the work of the lagging hand and with its work the productivity of the hemisphere will improve.

To increase the efficiency of the brain, and to achieve consistency in the functioning of both of its hemispheres, NLP, i.e. neurolinguistic programming, allows. This set of certain techniques has become widespread in recent times. Its development is occupied by leading scientists from all over the world. And in particular, one of the NLP techniques is called " Ambulance". Its purpose is to relieve psychological stress and fatigue, we increase efficiency, improve memory and attention.

But is this reliable way avoid confusion? Or is there something else? In my opinion, he already has, finally, the full right to a well-deserved rest ... Well, for some, the right hemisphere definitely works before lunch, and the left hemisphere after lunch.


By age, it is too late for you to buy Tyulenev's books. Sorry if you're from his "Pee Before Walk" program.
Yes, it's not too late for you to master the "Leave People Alone Before They Tell You Directly" program.
Good luck.

26.12.2002 13:44:42, Scorpio

Listen, what the hell is a 5-year-old kid like going to the 5th grade if he already knows 10 languages??? In my opinion, he already has, finally, the full right to a well-deserved rest ...

Therefore, the familiar word on the card and what you wrote is completely different images for the right hemisphere - it is right that he does not recognize! There are many other equally effective ways. On the back of each card Full set for reading consists of 800 cards.


Maria Montessori has a similar game, but at the initial stage it is somewhat different - all cards with pictures in 2 copies. One set is not cut, i.e. a card with an inscription under the picture, and the second set is cut - a separate inscription, a separate picture. The child is invited to pick up at first only the same picture for the control card (uncut) and then the word. After the baby does this with ease, the control (uncut) set is removed and the child needs to pick up correct word to the picture already without a sample, but independently. Such a game can be made from any lotto or "couples", the main thing is that the inscriptions and pictures are on the same side and the inscriptions are not too small. After such games, recognizing the same word on the other side of the card should not be difficult. And then Zaitsev, in my opinion, has large and small cards with the same images and there are words - you can pick them up to the big ones - first with the side with pictures, and then with the words, and you can always check yourself by turning over a small card and comparing the picture. You can generally start with 2 or 3 so that it is not too difficult. Try it, maybe it will help you. Natasha

The cards are not "tightly" connected with the cubes. :) What they have in common is that both benefits exist in unified system methods of N.A. Zaitsev. Cubes make it possible to put together a word and learn to read in warehouses. Cards make it possible to perceive the whole word. The task is to provide the child with various benefits and different ways exit to read. What will be closer for the child, he will decide for himself. :) Games with cubes and cards create a stereo effect when learning to read.

Of course, cards can be used as an addition to the cubes - for example, choose the card you like and "write off" the word from it with cubes. This is easier than just "writing" the word in cubes, because you can see _what_ for what, _what_ exactly (what warehouse) to look for on the cube. This, too, perfectly develops attention: you need to correlate and compare what is written on the card with what is written on each side of the cube, etc.

But I can not agree with Julia that >>First, the child learns to read with blocks, and then improves in reading with the help of cards.>>
It would be a mistake to use one first and then the other. Exactly combination one with the other gives an effect in learning to read.
Cards can also act as a completely independent benefit.


Yes, not gifted, but learned ....

Apparently, both Lev Sternberg and Friend and comrade are regulars of this conference ... I like to read your dialogues - consideration of issues from all sides.
Only now I PERSONALLY feel sorry for the kids "Friend and Comrade", some kind of robots should turn out - intellectually developed, encyclopedically savvy ...
And if the kid doesn't want to be an unrecognized nerd-genius, will he be drawn to punk rock...?
Or by exposing him as a super-genius three-year-old by 20 will you get mediocrity? In principle, I am mediocre in my own way, nothing outstanding has been noticed behind me ... But I have lived like this all my life, and who turns out from little geniuses? That's right - depressive alcoholics ...
Don't be so carried away by books - humanity is lost in you.
And yet, if you assume for a second that you are not the ultimate truth, and re-read what Lev Sternberg writes to you, then you may forget about your personal ambitions and think a little about the child.
Well, why should he read at two years old? So that parents boast to the public? Neither to eat, nor to undress, nor to build a house out of cubes - but we know all the letters ... So what? By the age of 8, everyone will be reading. BUT outstanding mathematician you won't be forced.

Choosing an air conditioner Inverter or not which one to choose. Today it is better to focus on inverter models of air conditioners. Such air conditioners allow you to smoothly adjust the engine speed and compressor performance and, consequently, Split systems. Such types of systems significantly save electricity, which is important with such an increase in prices. The principle of operation of non-inverter technology is such that it almost always works at full power, regardless of loads, something like this ...

5 ways to become smarter Every person dreams of improving their intellectual ability however, some effort must be made to achieve this. 1. Brain training This can include any form of regular mental activity. Math lovers will prefer clicking problems in algebra and geometry. More simple exercises include number and letter puzzles, sudoku or crossword puzzles. Regular reading, blogging, discussions on interesting topics- all this keeps your brain in good shape ...

Increasingly, in recent years, young people are looking for an interesting and creative work. After all, everyone wants to be a little creative: write, draw, play music, do what they love, and get paid for it. But, as you know, any creative profession has its positive and negative sides. And one of the most acute problems is a creative crisis or a complete lack of thoughts and inspiration, without which it simply does not work to write or create. We will try to tell you about...

The topic was created to discuss the article The secret of success: logic or emotions? We connect the right hemisphere. The unique possibilities of the brain - for business and personal life.

Our children are smarter than us. Such a conclusion suggests itself when you watch modern kids mastering things that are difficult for us adults, for example, computers and other gadgets. Any child, if there is a tablet in the house, masters this device by the age of 1.5-2 years, he does not build anything to turn on the device, find desired program or a cartoon, he knows what to press. if you didn't get there. Most parents are very touched by such "successes". We ourselves sometimes spend considerable time to deal with a new ...

MAKE MISTAKES The best way overcome stagnation - make mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the more you learn, grow and develop as an artist and as a person. I always remember the old adage: "If you are not mistaken, then you are not doing anything new." Tim Nevis. Photographer. IGNORE THE PROBLEM By this I mean stop active work on the project. A day or two after I forget about a project, I'm bombarded with tons of ideas. For all this to happen, you...

1. Follow the regime! Don't overwork yourself and don't take too long breaks. It is in this rhythm that laziness will recede into the background. 2. Get inspired! Your work should be your joy. A positive spiritual impulse will give you new strength. If this is not the case, then we advise you to change the type of activity. Remember who you wanted to be as a child, and finally become it. 3. Motivate yourself! The best motivator at work is a good salary. Don't think about when...

We are 3, 7. Until 2-2.5, the child did everything with the right and left, then he began to do everything with the right, and for a month he began to do everything with the right again. They explain this: if both hemispheres work in the same way, they send signals simultaneously, in in the end, nothing works.


Let's just say, a psychologist in preparation for school, where we went for the first time at the age of 5, in April I would not advise me to send my son to school, because by this moment the child had not yet decided on the leading hand to the end. At the age of 7, the son completely decided on his hands.

Sorry for intruding..
we have Leva Zuha for more than 5 years, but she hasn’t determined with her hand ...
We have long raised a storm in this case right up to the special school ...

They explain it this way: if both hemispheres work in the same way, they send signals at the same time, as a result, nothing works normally ..

not true, IMHO ... everything works for the child ...

Supermemory - how to develop it or at least not lose it? Memory training at home - a few simple rules. Is it possible to develop super memory and super attention? Definitely yes! Many sloths would like to have a super memory, rather than develop it through complex exercises. Yes, complicated, okay! The main thing is that these exercises should be systematic. Some simple tips how to train memory in everyday life so that it becomes stronger every day: 1. Brush your teeth with your left hand if you are right-handed ...

1. Move your mouse pad to the other side. Yes, it couldn't be easier. By placing the mat on the other side, you force yourself to use the hand that you use less. This, in turn, stimulates neural connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Scientific research confirmed that people who use both hands equally have 100% more nerve fibers connecting both sides of the brain. Ideally, you should produce as much as possible more action non-dominant hand...

Right bank. Do you know how to determine which river bank is which? To do this, you need to face the flow, and along right hand will be the right bank, and on the left - the left. Due to the rotation of the Earth in the Northern Hemisphere, the right bank is often high, and the left one is flat. The high right bank of the Oka on the border of the Moscow and Tula regions is notable for the fact that here lies the border between the South and the North, the Forest and the Forest-Steppe of the Russian Plain. One has only to cross the Oka from the Moscow region, as you break out of the forests on ...

The right one is, in fact, figurative, and the left one is logical. But grammar, if it does not include pictures-hieroglyphs, as well as mathematics are "left-brained" activities, and the right hemisphere is engaged in recognizing pictures, music, drawings.


I still don’t know what “type” I belong to, I studied at a technical university without problems (and I work in an engineering specialty), but it’s not good for me to write an essay, to learn and tell a verse is elementary, to analyze historical events, I like to philosophize and etc. :) my child is exactly the same :(

And not only children, but also students. How is it shown? The fact that only these categories of passengers do not have the right to buy a ticket in advance, they cannot purchase subscription tickets, a ticket “for a date”. Why? At the railway ticket office, they could not answer this question for me. Appeals to Russian Railways also had no effect. It is possible that Russian Railways in its entirety is afraid that citizens in en masse will buy preferential tickets, but tickets are sold after providing a certificate from a school or student ...


I'll tell you more, there are no "school" and "student" tickets for the express, after 7 years - for the full price. Well, no one canceled the hares even here, they also run around, albeit in smaller numbers.
And so - you have to gallop to the station twice a week to buy a ticket in front of the train: (while presenting the child and a certificate (or card). And from our side of the station there is also no ladder to the platform :) i.e. run across the bridge as much as you like, in the eternal time shortage mode, I would have bought a ticket for dates, a month, whatever, but they are not sold: I was planning to buy it :)

And if there are deviations in the work of the right hemisphere, then what is the INTERNATIONAL .. This "reproductive" afferent block is located in the middle sections of the cerebral cortex and includes the "apparatuses" of the visual (occipital) lobe, auditory (temporal) lobe, etc. ..


One of the reasons for the impossibility of movements in cerebral palsy is the monolaterality of the brain. Those. the child can move only the arms at the same time, or only the legs, or the arm and leg on only one side of the body. Healthy child bilateral. “Special” children need to be taught this.

The child's palms together and in turn are brought to the bridge of the child's nose and held down the face.
The palms of the child together and in turn are brought to the bridge of the child's nose and held down the cheeks to the ears.
Simultaneous flexion and extension of opposite arms and legs. (right arm-left leg and vice versa) this is done both on the stomach and on the back.

"Tick-tock". Everyone knows it well. The child lies on his back. We bend our knees and put them either to the right or to the left. At a fast pace. Relaxes the hip joint. Start with 50 times.
"Basket", which is very effective, despite its simplicity: the child lies on his stomach, bend the legs at the knee, take the child's hands back and grab his legs, you just need to grab them with inside where the arch of the foot is to bring the shoulder blades together. You begin to raise your legs and lower them, as if to swing. You have to do it at a fast pace. Start with 50 times. Then gradually increase. But you have to look at the child. If you are aroused or the tone slightly increased, you need to reduce it to the amount when everything was normal. Making a basket, all the muscles work. The neck and back are strengthened, the shoulders are brought back, the chest opens, breathing improves, the heart works better, the hip joint relaxes.
Even from the position in the basket, if the child succeeds, you can ask him to raise only his head, start with 5 times, then turn it left and right, also 5 times. If the child cannot, there is no need to torment, the moment will come when he can.

There is a book called "These Incredible Left-handers", I forgot the author, blue paperback, there are a lot of exercises you need, look. I do with my child. I used to think, watching him, that he was definitely left-handed, now it’s not clear. Experts recommend similar exercises and develop two hands. With age, the child will figure out which hand is preferable, I was advised not to fix it rigidly as a left-handed or right-handed person.

02/27/2007 10:48:55 AM, KatyaM

And we are just about to do a full test for autism, for March we are booked with a geneticist and a developmental pediatrician, a hearing test, tests for D.S. Also, too. The result surprised everyone - the right hemisphere is completely disabled, there are signs of brain degradation. in-va.


My boy was diagnosed with a fragile X chromosome just a year ago. From external signs we have big ears / and then everything is relative /, hypermobility in the joints. And, of course, speech difficulties. And so his behavior is not aggressive, he is friends with children in the kindergarten, although he is shy, which is typical for such children. Even with such a diagnosis, there are characteristic deviations in the encephalogram, but we did not do MRI. I was afraid of the consequences of anesthesia. As for the UO, this is also very relative. He has so many autistic problems that sometimes it’s not possible to understand or he doesn’t know, or he forgot, or he’s just not in the mood to answer at that moment, because he recently answered right away and correctly. Here, for example, in just a few repetitions learned the name of all 12 months of the year, and We have been learning colors for a very long time and still confuse them. I also mastered the computer myself, probably from the age of 3 it turns it on, turns it off, enters a password, finds it, opens folders, works well with a mouse, but we take a pencil in our hands with great difficulty.
BUT turning to your question, I would advise you to do an analysis by a geneticist. In addition, cytognetic analysis in most cases gives a negative answer / therefore this syndrome is rarely diagnosed / and if there are indications, a molecular analysis should also be done. Although, in principle, this does not change anything, which is what it is, it brings some certainty into the situation. And I also want to say that when the result of our tests became known to me, it sounded like a sentence for me, and then I pulled myself together and realized that this was just a diagnosis, and I could fight it. These children are taught, they love to learn, they love to be praised, but they need to make much more effort.

12/27/2005 09:50:39 PM, irra

Well, everything is simple here, the Median ECHO signal is right. 71, lev. 73; Brain cape index right: 2.5, lion: 2.7 (norm 2.0-2.3). The width of the 3rd ventricle is right: 6mm, left: 6mm (normal up to 5mm). Echo signal pulsation 50% left and right (normally up to 30-40%). There are no additional echo signals, the displacement of the median structures of the brain to the right by 1 mm (the norm is up to 1 mm).

05/22/2004 02:09:39 AM, Nunehia

"ignoring the basic hemisphere (right), without the excellent development of which the left is only a half-developed impostor, to develop superstructural abilities (reading, counting, writing) ahead of time ...


It is clear that our brain is a great organizer of those processes on the safety of which our full existence depends, and the environment is a great provocateur :)
On how our brain is ready for provocations (discomfort) environment depends on our prosperity :)
And in this prosperity, the role of the right hemisphere can hardly be overestimated.
What is the left hemisphere? Great opportunist:) And, therefore, a very dependent subject:) What is the right hemisphere? A great creator, thanks to whom a person can take place, not as a left hemispheric cog, but as a PERSONALITY.
Now let's go to science :)
Last year I talked a lot about the patterns of development of the child's brain.
These are three axes of maturation: vertical (from bottom to top), from subcortical formations to the cerebral cortex, horizontal: from the posterior parts of the brain to the anterior, and lateral (lateral), which we are now interested in, from the right hemisphere to the left.
Now even the most unadvanced student of the psychology faculty of Moscow State University knows that the right hemisphere is a priority in the development of a child.
In the May issue of Our Baby magazine, I wrote why the development of speech (left hemisphere) of a child may be delayed: society is becoming more civilized, childhood is lengthening, the abilities of the right hemisphere (non-verbal) are no longer ignored by many parents: the child is happy, cheerful, simply beautiful (I I see how many beautiful children appeared in last years- normal, beautiful, happy faces). And experts are sounding the alarm - the speech of many children is delayed almost up to six years. Correctly! Perhaps these children will live not 50-60 years, but all 200...
What contributes to the development of the right hemisphere? Nature itself. We interfere. We cannot contribute, because we are not gods :) We are only required to do one thing - DO NOT INTERFERE!
Why is it unsafe to deprive a child of this opportunity? Shortening of years of life, neuroses, psychoses...

Hey! Have you returned from Russia?
I completely agree with the quote :) You can teach mechanical skills later, but you can miss the development of the ability to think creatively.
The development of the right hemisphere is facilitated by classes in game form any :) Music, drawing, modeling, dance, books, drama, mathematics too, but creative. You can think of a lot of things. You can also learn letters creatively :)
Learning to read, write, and count can be a dangerous hobby if it is an academic study. In this case, all these skills that the child faces as a direct goal can lead to a lack of creativity in the future, an inability to creatively solve a variety of problems. And in general, only to waste time doing this, he will be a little older, he will learn all this in a couple of weeks. Famous example- undeveloped fingers - undeveloped speech, which means you need to start with fine motor skills and speech development, and you will be able to write after all this. Or coloring - to shade the finished idea already materialized on paper. Well, paint, learn to do it. What for? In order to feel the boundaries of the field, so it will inevitably come later, this is a skill.

The human brain is an incredibly complex and interesting mechanism. It is divided into two hemispheres and each of them performs its own functions. The right side of the brain is responsible for intuitive abilities and creativity. The left is logic, consistency, structuring of all information coming from outside.

For maximum efficiency, well-functioning work of both hemispheres is important. The right one perceives the picture as a whole, while the left one captures the details, processes and structures everything sequentially. Today we will talk in more detail about what the left hemisphere of the brain is, how to develop, this particular side.

The brain convolutions are designed so that the thought does not jump in a straight line.

Vladimir Zeldin

Before I tell you the 5 most effective methods for developing the left hemisphere, I will describe how I myself came to the point that I need to develop it. I don’t know exactly why, but since childhood, my right hemisphere has been more developed. I perceived all the information almost intuitively and quickly caught the essence. However, there were some problems with this. It was difficult to justify logically why I think this way and how I came to this. And it was almost impossible to track a causal relationship. This caused a lot of inconvenience while studying at school and university. It was difficult to explain to the teachers why I gave such an answer. Often I had to prove that I did not cheat.

Also I had some problems in exact sciences. I could sit for a long time on any, not the most difficult mathematical problem, and all to no avail. At that moment, I accepted that I was like that and simply used everything that the more developed right hemisphere gave me. Like anyone young man I had many plans for life, but there were also problems in setting specific goals to achieve goals.

I wanted to change the situation at the moment when I became interested in studying foreign languages. I could intuitively understand what was being said to me, but I could not answer anything. Were serious problems with pronunciation, reading and grammar.

The problem was that I did not realize what exactly was the matter and did not know that my left hemisphere was developed much worse than the right one. Then I accidentally stumbled upon an article in social network and started studying this topic more. I realized what the problem was and firmly decided to fix it. Even on my busiest days, I devoted at least an hour a day to strictly left-brain development. And after a few months, I began to notice significant progress.

Now I can write and speak English more or less fluently, I started learning German. Math problems are much easier for me. And most importantly, I finally understood what steps you need to take to achieve your goals. I tested all the methods described below on how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain on myself. Even if I managed to achieve some progress, then I'm sure it will not be difficult for you to improve the functioning of your left hemisphere. The main thing is regularity and give it enough time.

What exactly is the left hemisphere responsible for?

The main specialization of the left side of our brain is logical thinking. That is why, until recently, doctors considered it dominant. In fact, it dominates only when certain actions are performed, for example:

  1. The left hemisphere is responsible for our language skills. It is responsible for memorization, controls the ability to read, write, pronunciation, the ability to remember dates and events.
  2. Analytical thinking. It is on this that our logic and ability to analyze events depend. This also applies to the analysis of facts and numbers.
  3. The ability to take everything literally. The left hemisphere takes everything literally. This applies especially to what is said or read.
  4. Processing of external data. In the left hemisphere, information is sequentially processed and structured in order to quickly access it when needed.
  5. Ability in mathematics. All symbols and numbers are perceived by the left hemisphere. Also, the left hemisphere is responsible for the logic that is necessary to solve mathematical problems.
  6. Movement of the entire right side of our body. In our body, the work of the hemispheres is set crosswise. The left side of the brain is responsible for the right side of the body, and vice versa. For example, if you raise your right hand, then know that this command came from the right hemisphere.
  7. The left side is also responsible for the sense of time and the sense of self.
  8. Responsible for the traits of introverts in character.

What happens if the left hemisphere fails?

Sometimes, for various reasons, a person is not able to fully engage the left hemisphere of the brain. Then the following malfunctions in the brain are possible:

  • a person loses the ability to think logically, is not able to generalize the information received;
  • possible malfunctions speech apparatus, a person may not understand what they are saying to him or he himself is not able to say anything;
  • failures may occur in the written speech analyzer, then the person understands what is being said to him, but is not able to perceive written information, or is not able to write himself;
  • there are problems with orientation in time;
  • a person is not able to logically outline the tasks required to achieve goals;
  • unable to draw logical conclusions.

Typically, such severe brain malfunctions occur with various disorders, such as dyslexia (inability to quickly and accurately perceive words), dyslalia (problems with correct pronunciation sounds), Asperger's syndrome (a form of autism in which problems with perception are possible), and others.

However, even healthy person with insufficient development of the left hemisphere, all listed problems. Naturally, they do not appear as strongly as in the presence of pathology, but they are. That is why it is important to purposefully develop your left hemisphere.

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

And now I will describe those exercises with the help of which I myself worked on the development of my left hemisphere.

Problem solving

The brain is trained in the same way as our muscles. You have to keep pushing him harder and harder. If you do this regularly, then those tasks that at first seemed difficult will become easier over time. To train the left hemisphere, it is recommended to solve mathematical problems and riddles for logic.


Also, for training, it will be useful to solve all types of crosswords, whether it be ordinary crosswords, sudoku, charades and others.

Play games

This applies to all games, be it chess or computer games. Everyone has probably heard about the benefits of chess for the brain. Therefore, I would like to elaborate on computer games. In them, the player constantly learns to quickly analyze the situation and also quickly make decisions. That is why they have a beneficial effect on the left hemisphere.

Learn foreign languages

Since the left side of the brain is directly related to speech, the ability to read, write and pronounce, try to learn at least one new language.

go in for sports

During sports, dancing, yoga and other things, your coordination of movements and, as a result, your brain develops. In the end, I can advise the following curious exercise: take two pens in your hands and try to write or draw the same thing with both hands at the same time. Let it be a star, a square, or your name. The main thing is to do it at the same time. The brain immediately starts to work.


The left hemisphere is responsible for many functions in our body. It is important that his work is debugged. However, for maximum efficiency, the coordinated work of both parts of the brain is necessary. Therefore, while working on the left hemisphere, do not forget to develop in other directions.

Keep working on yourself, develop both hemispheres of your brain, become better. Pay attention to the presence of the TM project on the site, as well as a large number material for self-development, including on similar topics. Good luck to you!

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