The name of the organization involved in water conservation. International environmental organizations. "World Social-Ecological Union"

Over the past centuries, humanity has made an unprecedented technological leap. Technologies have emerged that can significantly change the world. If earlier human influence on nature could not upset the fragile ecological balance, then new ingenious inventions allowed him to achieve this unfortunate result. As a result, many species of animals were destroyed, many living creatures are on the verge of extinction, and large-scale climate changes begin on Earth.

The results of human activity cause such monstrous damage to the environment that more and more people are beginning to worry about the future of our planet. As a result of the growing concern, numerous public conservation organizations have emerged. Today they operate everywhere, monitor the preservation of the unique natural heritage, uniting millions of enthusiasts around the globe. But it was not always so, big way was done by the pioneers of the environmental movement to achieve current situation business

The Birth of Nature Conservation Organizations

The beginning of the creation of the international environmental community can be considered in 1913, when the first international Conference dedicated to nature conservation. 18 countries took part in it, but the meeting was of a purely scientific nature, not suggesting any action. After 10 years, the first International Congress on nature protection. Then the International Bureau for the Protection of Nature opened in Belgium. However, it did not try to somehow influence the environmental situation in the world, but simply collected statistical data on nature reserves and environmental legislation.

Then, in 1945, it was created which took environmental cooperation between states to a whole new level. In 1948, a special department was created at the UN - international council protection of nature. It was he who was responsible for the international partnership in protecting environment. Scientists suddenly began to understand that it is impossible to solve environmental problems at the level of one country, because an ecosystem is thin mechanism, full of non-obvious, intricate relationships. A change in the natural balance in one place on the planet can have a catastrophic effect on other, seemingly very distant places. The need to jointly solve environmental problems has become obvious.

Further development

Subsequently, the international one became one of the most important topics for discussion at major scientific and cultural events. In 1972, Sweden hosted the UN Conference on the Environment, in which 113 countries took part. It was at this event that the foundations of the modern nature conservation movement were laid. This day became international holiday— World Environment Day.

Then came years of stagnation in the environmental movement, when public environmental organizations began to receive less and less funding, and the popularity of their ideas began to wane. But in the early 1980s the situation began to change in better side, resulting in the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil. This event took place in Rio de Janeiro and continued the work begun in Sweden. At the conference, basic concepts were adopted that touch on the topic of further harmonious development humanity. Model reviewed in Rio sustainable development offers absolutely A New Look on further development human civilization. It involves controlled development within certain limits so as not to harm the environment. The conference in Brazil outlined the activities of environmental organizations up to the present day.

Our days

Today, society is greatly alarmed by changes in the environment caused by human activity. Many countries have passed a number of laws to control it, and organizations such as Greenpeace or the World Wildlife Fund have gained millions of supporters around the world. Almost in any more or less large country There are representations of international environmental organizations. Online communities and thematic sites allow you to get quick and convenient access to information related to ecology. The Internet also makes it possible to coordinate the efforts of people all over the planet - here everyone can make a contribution to protecting the environment.

Science also does not stand still; new inventions are constantly appearing, bringing the era of environmentally friendly energy closer. Many countries have begun to actively use natural energy: wind, water, geothermal, solar, etc. Of course, man-made emissions have not decreased, and corporations are still mercilessly exploiting nature for profit. But the general interest in the environmental problem allows us to hope for a bright future. Let's look at the largest public environmental organizations.


The Greenpeace organization is by far the most popular environmental company on Earth. It appeared thanks to enthusiasts resisting uncontrolled tests nuclear weapons. The first members of Greenpeace, who were also its founders, managed to get the Americans to stop nuclear testing in the area of ​​Amchitka Island. Further protests led to France also stopping nuclear weapons testing, and other countries later joined in.

Despite the fact that Greenpeace was created to protest against nuclear testing, its activities are not limited to this. Members of the organization hold protests around the world to protect our planet from suicidal and stupid human activities. Thus, Greenpeace activists were able to stop the cruel hunt for whales, which was carried out on an industrial scale back in the last century.

Modern protests of this unusual organization are aimed at combating air pollution. Despite the fact that the harm that emissions from factories and factories cause to the atmosphere has been proven, corporations and their unscrupulous owners do not care deeply about all life on this planet, they only care about profit. Therefore, Greenpeace activists are holding their actions to stop the barbaric attitude towards the environment. Sadly, it is likely that their protests will never be heard.

World Wildlife Fund

There are a wide variety of conservation organizations. The list of non-governmental organizations would be incomplete without mentioning the World Wildlife Fund. This organization operates in more than 40 countries around the world. In terms of the number of supporters, the Wildlife Foundation is even ahead of Greenpeace. Millions of people support their ideas, many of them fight for the preservation of all forms of life on earth, not only in word, but also in deed; more than 1000 environmental projects around the world are excellent proof of this.

Like many other public conservation organizations, the World Wildlife Fund has its primary mission on Earth. Members of this environmental organization are trying to protect animals from the harmful influence of humans.

UN Environment Program

Of course, he heads public and state organizations Nature Conservation United Nations. It is this that is of the most large-scale nature. Almost every UN meeting touches on environmental issues and international cooperation in the field of improvement ecological situation on the planet. The branch dealing with environmental issues is called UNEP. Its tasks include monitoring pollution of the atmosphere and the world's oceans and preserving species diversity.

This system of environmental protection does its job not only in words; many important international laws designed to protect the environment were adopted precisely thanks to the UN. UNEP was able to achieve more thorough monitoring of the transport of hazardous substances, and a commission was created that monitors and tries to stop this scourge.

Russian nature conservation organizations

Some international environmental movements have been described above. Now let's look at what organizations are involved in nature conservation in Russia. Despite the fact that the popularity of domestic environmental organizations is significantly lower than that of their international colleagues, yet these societies fulfill their function and attract new enthusiasts.

The All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation is a large and influential organization dealing with environmental problems in the Russian Federation. It performs many different tasks, one of the main ones is promoting knowledge about ecology to the masses, educating people, and drawing attention to environmental problems. VOOP is also engaged in scientific activities and monitors compliance with environmental legislation.

The All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation was created back in 1924. The fact that this organization was able to survive to this day, while increasing its number to three million people, shows the genuine interest of people in the environmental problem. There are other Russian associations of environmentalists, but VOOP is by far the largest all-Russian environmental organization.

Nature Conservation Team

The Nature Conservation Team was created in 1960 and continues its work to this day. Moreover, some of the major Russian universities joined this organization and created their own squads. Today, DOP is engaged in the same activities as other environmental organizations in Russia. They carry out explanatory work, trying to improve the education of citizens in the environmental sphere. In addition, the nature conservation squad is involved in protests against the destruction of wild places in Russia, and helps in the fight against forest fires and makes his contribution to science.

The future of environmental organizations

There are a wide variety of environmental organizations, a list of some of their non-governmental representatives is as follows:

  1. World Wildlife Fund.
  2. "Greenpeace".
  3. United Nations Program (UNEP).
  4. World Society for the Protection of Animals.
  5. Global Nest.

The number of such associations is growing every year, they are gaining more and more popularity. This is not surprising, since the consequences of barbaric expansion carried out by man are becoming more and more noticeable. Scientists and public figures, like most people on Earth, long ago realized that something needs to be changed before we turn our planet into a lifeless dump. Of course, today the opinions of people are not significant in any of the existing states, which allows industrial magnates to continue their dirty business, taking advantage of impunity and their own shortsightedness.

However, there is still hope for a bright future. With the advent of the Internet, non-governmental environmental organizations have the opportunity to conduct their educational activities with millions of people. Now everyone who is concerned about the environment can communicate with like-minded people and get any necessary information about the environment; it has become much easier to unite supporters and coordinate protests. Of course, most people are still victims of years of propaganda that paint the green movement in an unsavory light. However, the situation can change at any second, because environmental organizations have become a force to be reckoned with.

What can be done to protect nature?

Loud speeches about protecting the environment and preserving species diversity can excite the minds of young enthusiasts. But, unfortunately, this is all that words can do; real benefit to nature can only be brought by actions. Of course, you can find out which organizations are involved in environmental protection in your city and plunge headlong into their useful activities. This path is not suitable for everyone, so it is best to start saving nature by stopping destroying and polluting it with your own hands.

Everyone has at least once seen beautiful forest clearings littered with piles of garbage after someone's stormy vacation. So, before you start nature, you first need to stop harming it. How can you encourage others to care about the environment if you yourself pollute the environment? Garbage collected after a vacation, a fire extinguished in time, trees that you did not kill for firewood - all this is very simple, but brings wonderful results.

If everyone remembers that the Earth is our home, and the fate of all humanity depends on its condition, then the world will be transformed. For those who want to take an active part in protecting the environment, there are numerous Russian organizations Nature Conservation is ready to provide such an opportunity. The era of change has come, today it is decided what we will leave to our descendants - a radioactive landfill or a beautiful green garden. The choice is ours!

1. All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP)

Back in early 1924, employees of the nature conservation department of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an environmental community, but not as a government structure, but as a voluntary Society for Nature Conservation. In the first years the Society was mainly engaged in propaganda careful attitude to nature; members of the organization gave lectures, created exhibitions and conducted eco-excursions for Soviet citizens.

The main concern of the Society in the post-war years was the greening of Soviet cities and the protection of water bodies, including such world-famous lakes as Lake Baikal and Seliger. So, at the beginning of August regional office Irkutsk region invited the townspeople to get together and spend several hours clearing the shores of the most beautiful reservoir in the world of debris. By the way, today VOOP has its own representative offices in every region of the country.

2. World Wildlife Fund (WWF or World Wildlife Fund)

The world's largest non-profit environmental organization, which gathered more than five million supporters under its banners. WWF was founded by British biologist and businessman Julian Huxley shortly after he, as Director General of UNESCO, visited East Africa. Huxley was amazed at the rate at which the local flora and fauna was being destroyed in this region, and immediately began to “sound the alarm” by publishing alarming articles. His call was heard, and on September 11, 1961, the WWF charity organization was officially registered, with its main office located in Switzerland.

Over the decades of its existence, representatives of the World Fund have managed to implement many projects. So, in 200, as part of the Altai-Sayan project, they fought to preserve the unique diversity of plants and animals in Southern Siberia, and in 2002 they launched the “Save the Leopard!” campaign, aimed at protecting one of the rarest predators on earth - Far Eastern leopard. By the way, the symbol of WWF has also become a rare animal listed in the International Red Book - the giant panda.

3. Greenpeace

The reason for the creation of this organization was the nuclear tests that America so often “sinned” in the sixties and seventies. The first unofficial action of the still formally non-existent society took place on October 16, 1970 in Vancouver as a protest against nuclear testing of increasingly powerful bombs. And already on September 15, 1971, environmental activists sent the ship to Alaska in order to stop dangerous tests in an earthquake-prone region. By the way, this ship was originally called “Phyllis Cormac” and only then was renamed “Greenpeace”.

One of the most popular methods of fighting “GreenPissians” is actions and protests. Thus, at one time, the “greens” opposed commercial whaling, drew attention to the destruction of the planet’s ozone layer, and started a campaign against genetically modified products. But the image of the organization is behind last years seriously spoiled by all sorts of scandals and provocations on the part of “green” activists. Suffice it to recall the incident with the Brent Spar oil platform, when several activists made their way onto it and chained themselves. Thus, they protested against flooding the platform, which, as it turned out later, was the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of an old structure.

4. International Green Cross

Another environmental organization founded in our country. Its creation was announced by Mikhail Gorbachev in June 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Although he voiced this idea several years before this moment, in 1990: then the head of the USSR, within the framework of the Global Forum on Environment and Development, brought up for discussion the idea of ​​​​founding an analogue of the International Red Cross, which would solve not medical, but global environmental problems, beyond the competence of individual countries. In 1993, the Soviet organization merged with the Swiss “Green Cross World”, and in 1993 formed the International Green Cross known to us today.

Green Cross branches can be found in thirty countries around the world, and the organization’s programs are aimed not only at saving individual species animals. Thus, the domestic Green Cross is implementing the “Heritage” program, aimed at the safe destruction of chemical weapons accumulated in the country, and the “Renewable Energy” program, which is engaged in the search and development of alternative energy sources.

5. BirdLife International

In 1922, British ornithologists founded an organization that specialized in the protection of birds and the protection of their habitats. More than seventy years have passed, the society received its current name and turned into an international organization, which today has one hundred and twenty-one representative offices in different countries peace. By the way, a prerequisite for a new state joining the “bird defenders” is compliance with the principle of “one country, one representation.”

In Russia, the Bird Conservation Union of Russia or SOPR is responsible for the safety of birds, which not only takes care of the welfare of wild birds living in the country, but also organizes various specialized competitions, for example, Bird of the Year or Nightingale Evening in Moscow. And the international organization itself launched a major project in 2007, the main goal of which was to save endangered bird species. By the way, today BirdLife International is headed by a member of the Japanese imperial family, Princess Takamado.

Human activities harm the environment. People begin to think about the consequences and well-being of tomorrow. The result was the opening of environmental organizations.

How societies began

Public organizations Nature conservation agencies operate throughout the world. This question first arose in 1913, when an international meeting on nature conservation was held in Switzerland. Representatives of 18 states gathered at the forum. The meeting was of an academic nature, without offering options for working to protect the environment. Ten years later, a congress was held in Paris, and a committee for nature conservation was opened in Belgium. There were no attempts to influence the environmental situation - specialists collected information about the reserves.

In 1945, the UN was created, which began new stage in cooperation between countries. Three years later, the United Nations created a special branch - the Nature Defense Council, which was responsible for partnerships on atmospheric protection. Scientists have realized that environmental disasters cannot be dealt with at the level of one state.

If the natural balance changes in one corner of the planet, it will have a tragic impact on others. Problems must be solved together.

International security environment has become the central agenda for discussions, scientific, cultural events. In 1972, Switzerland hosted a UN meeting in which 113 states participated. This was the beginning of the modern movement to protect nature. On this day, an international holiday is celebrated - World Environment Day.

Over time, funding for public organizations stopped and the environmental movement died down. The popularity of the ideas began to decline.

In the early 80s the situation changed. A UN conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, at which the main issues for the subsequent coordinated development of mankind were discussed. At the meeting, they proposed actions to protect nature so as not to harm it.

Modern society are concerned about the environmental transformations provoked human activity. Most countries have passed legislation to control the environment. Every major state has delegations world organizations on nature protection.


The most popular global organization, the founders of which are opponents of uncontrolled inspections atomic weapons. They were also the first members of Greenpeace. The goal is ecological revival and attracting the interest of people and the Government to protect nature. The society was financed by concerned citizens.

The main objectives of the fund:

  • stopping global warming;
  • ocean conservation;
  • forest protection;
  • ensuring nuclear disarmament;
  • introduction of organic farming;
  • stopping the production of toxins.

Members of the movement organize protests around the world. One of the supporters' achievements is ending cruel whale hunting.

Our activities are guided by the following principles:

  • Independence. Participants accept donations from people and private charitable companies. They refuse help from the authorities and political parties.
  • Peacefulness. Achieving objectives is achieved through non-violent means. If they are threatened, they do not respond in kind.
  • Boycotts by action. The organization believes that protests will attract people's attention.

The activities of community members are peaceful. The goal of their operations is to stop the barbaric attitude towards the environment.

World Wildlife Fund

The goal is to protect the planet's wildlife. At the beginning of its creation, the society included professors, entrepreneurs, and government leaders - this made it possible to hold the first protest. Gradually, other countries joined the Environmental Protection Fund. The organization's emblem is a panda. The animal is listed in the Red Book.

The society operates throughout the world. Participants not only attract interest in problems, but also solve them. The fund is engaged in the protection of certain species of flora and fauna. Among the achievements are saving tigers from extermination, protecting the seas from pollution, saving the tropics.

There is a representative office of the organization in Russia, which has achieved success. The main programs are forest (protection of biological wealth), climate (prevention of air changes), marine (rational use of water reserves). In the Russian Federation, the community has created nature reserves and parks.

"International Society for the Protection of Animals"

Operates in 150 countries. The mission is to create a global movement for animal protection. Fights against the callous treatment of animals - bears, whales, dolphins. Opposes experiments on animals, killing, and imprisonment in cages. Members of society believe that representatives of the wild world should not be used for fur and entertainment.

"Global Environment Facility"

The activity is aimed at allocating funds to solve environmental problems. Directions: providing financial assistance for the implementation of measures to reduce gas emissions, protect biological diversity and water sources; support in achieving food security goals, combating climate change and soil degradation.

"European Environment Agency"

This is an organization European Union to provide information about the state of nature. There are representatives on the committees different professions, keenly aware of the need to respect nature.

Located in Denmark. Tasks:

  • prevent climate change;
  • save biological diversity;
  • protect human health;
  • use organic reserves correctly;
  • manage waste rationally.

It consists of 32 states.

"World Green Cross"

Ecological Society, opened in 1993. The central office is located in Geneva and has delegations in 30 countries. The purpose of opening the organization is to take measures to ensure a safe future for the Earth, to teach people to be responsible for the results of their influence on the atmosphere.


  • resolution of disputes arising due to deterioration ecological state planets;
  • preventing disasters;
  • assistance to victims of natural disasters.

The society includes organizations from 20 regions of Russia.

He is involved in charity work - he conducts medical examinations and gives free trips to children from environmentally polluted cities.

"International Union for Conservation of Nature"

World organization aimed at preserving the environment. Founded in 1948, the main office is located in Switzerland. The main idea is to help the nature conservation movement. Objectives - fight against endangered species of animals, conservation ecological systems, control by correct use resources. Helps countries create environmental protection strategies.

There is an IUCN representative office in Russia, whose activities are aimed at:

  • on the conservation of forests and their proper use;
  • protection of endangered fauna species;
  • agricultural development.

The functioning of the branch in the Russian Federation stabilizes the environmental situation in the country.

The main achievement of the Union is the publication of the Red Book.


International program approved by the UN. The council includes 58 states, which meet every year to discuss major environmental issues. The head office is located in Kenya. Solves problems at the regional and global level.


  • advance warning, assessment of the situation;
  • implementation of environmental orientation;
  • interaction with regions;

The society publishes reports for the population and authorities.

"World Social-Ecological Union"

A global society consisting of over 10,000 people from different countries. Each member of the organization acts freely, in compliance with the Charter of the Union. The idea is to recruit people interested in protecting the atmosphere. Thanks to the work of society members, nature reserves have been created, natural parks, nature reserves, damaged ecosystems are being restored.

"Green Patrol" of Russia

The organization began activities in 2006 on Sakhalin. Over time, it has reached an all-Russian scale - it has spread to 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

  • develop and implement environmental protection actions;
  • involve the population in solving environmental problems;
  • strengthen control to identify unscrupulous users of natural resources;
  • develop interethnic cooperation.

Members of the organization conduct research, independent examinations, assess the scale of the problem, and develop measures to reduce the adverse impact on the atmosphere.

BirdLife Organization

British ornithologists created a community to protect birds and protect their habitats. This international organization unites 121 countries and has a representative office in Russian Federation. Functions: resolve issues of the state of bird species, promote conservation, improve their habitats.

The society is developing measures to control climate change, as it affects the lives of birds and contributes to extinction. Members of the organization spread information about the importance of preserving ecological systems so that the problem is recognized in the world. international level.

Environmental protection is a priority goal. For this purpose, organizations are created whose activities are aimed at solving environmental problems. They control the preservation of unique natural heritage, unite activists globe. At this rate of development, nature will be revived, endangered species of animals and plants will be preserved.

Public administration security natural environment carried out not only by organs general management, but also specialized environmental authorities at both the federal, regional and local levels. General management bodies carry out environmental protection activities along with solving other tasks within their competence. Specialized environmental authorities solve problems only in the sphere of interaction between society and nature.

Since the competence of these bodies on special issues of environmental protection extends to all sectors of the national economy and areas of activity, they are called intersectoral or supra-departmental bodies.

Federal general government bodies: President of Russia, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Federation Council and The State Duma), Russian Government.

President of the Russian Federation, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, carries out the following environmental activities: determines the main directions of internal and external environmental policy states; organizes the system of central executive authorities of Russia; ensures coordinated functioning and interaction of organs state power in the field of environmental protection; guarantees compliance with the rights of citizens in the field of environmental management and environmental protection.

State Duma of the Russian Federation. Legislative branch in the field of nature conservation is primarily carried out by the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which includes Ecology Committee And Committee on Natural Resources and Raw Materials. These committees develop and implement state policy in the field of ecology, environmental management and use of raw materials and environmental activities of the country. At Ecology Committee created Supreme Environmental Council, whose tasks are to carry out expert analytical work to develop environmental forecasts; advisory assistance and environmental examination of bills, decrees and resolutions submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and environmental and economic examination of large nature-transforming projects; preparation of materials for international treaties and other documents on environmental issues and rational use of natural resources.

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection under the Government of the Russian Federation takes part in the preparation of draft decrees, laws, decisions of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, others regulatory documents, comprehensive programs on environmental protection, use of natural resources and ensuring environmental safety. In addition to the ecology and nature conservation sector, this department includes the sectors of geology and subsoil use, forestry, and environmental safety. The functions of the department include international problems related to the location and development of productive forces; comprehensive environmental, socio-economic assessment of projects, programs and contaminated areas in order to make informed government decisions, etc.

Government of the Russian Federation carries out executive branch in the field of nature conservation, ensuring the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation, managing federal ownership of natural resources, taking measures to ensure the rule of law and respect for the environmental rights of citizens.

In accordance with Art. 6 of the Law “On Environmental Protection” The Government of the Russian Federation:

    coordinates environmental activities of ministries, departments and other organizations on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    provides development and implementation of state environmental programs, provides the population with the necessary environmental information;

    carries out management of external relations of the Russian Federation in the field of nature conservation;

    organizes preparation and distribution of an annual report on the state of the natural environment in Russia, a system of universal continuous environmental education and education;

    accepts decisions to terminate the activities of organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and subordination, in the event of their violation of environmental legislation;

    sets procedure: formation and use of the federal extra-budgetary environmental fund; development and approval of environmental standards for emissions and discharges of pollutants into the natural environment, limits on the use of natural resources, and waste disposal; determination of fees and their maximum amounts for the use of natural resources, environmental pollution, waste disposal, and other types of harmful effects.

Specialized environmental authorities

Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation And State Committee for Ecology - main executive government bodies implementing constitutional principles and legislative acts in the field of nature conservation. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation manages the State Subsoil Fund, state regulation and intersectoral coordination on issues of geological study and rational use of subsoil, as well as state control of the rational use and protection of subsoil.

State Committee for Ecology of the Russian Federation - State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Natural Environment - This is a supra-departmental environmental authority. It and its territorial bodies are specially authorized bodies of Russia in the field of environmental protection. Within their competence, they coordinate the activities of bodies carrying out environmental functions in the relevant areas of management of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Roskomvod, Rosleskhoz, Goshydromet, Roskomrybolovstvo, Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia, as well as other ministries and departments.

Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation - Federal mining and industrial supervision of Russia. It carries out state regulation of industrial safety and organizes supervision for compliance with the requirements for the safe conduct of work in industry by central executive federal authorities, enterprises, organizations, officials and citizens; carries out mining supervision in order to ensure Russian legislation on the safe conduct of work by all subsoil users, on the prevention and elimination of their harmful effects on the population, the natural environment, national economic facilities, as well as on the protection of subsoil.

State Hydrometeorological Service of the Russian Federation - federal Service Russia on hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring. It is responsible for the organization and operation of the system for monitoring and monitoring the state of the natural environment.

Goskomsanepidnadzor of the Russian Federation - State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia. It carries out state regulatory regulation, as well as special, control and permitting functions in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of Russia: sanitary and hygienic regulation, improvement legal regulation issues of protecting public health in connection with the impact on humans of unfavorable environmental factors and living conditions.

Gosatomnadzor of the Russian Federation - Federal supervision of nuclear and radiation safety. It monitors compliance with environmental protection and radiation safety standards at enterprises using radioactive materials.

A number of environmental protection tasks are assigned to ministries and committees.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia And Roskomzem of the Russian Federation - Committee on land resources and land management of the Russian Federation monitor the correct use in agriculture mineral fertilizers and pesticides, the introduction of integrated methods and especially biological means of combating diseases and pests of agricultural plants and animals.

Roskomvod of the Russian Federation - Committee of the Russian Federation on Water Management, manages water resources, control of their reasonable use and measures to protect water bodies from pollution.

Rosleskhoz of the Russian Federation - Federal Forestry Service of Russia supervises the work on rational use forest resources, develops and implements state program reforestation, carries out a set of measures to improve fire protection of forests.

Roskomrybolovstvo of the Russian Federation – Fisheries Committee carries out the protection and reproduction of fish stocks, regulation of fishing, prevention of pollution and siltation of water bodies.

Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia supervises the sanitary state of the natural environment, monitors the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating and preventing pollution, improving the working, living and recreational conditions of the population.

Government Commission on Environment and Natural Resources Management - a permanent body that coordinates the activities of central executive federal authorities, bodies government controlled constituent entities of the Russian Federation for joint implementation environmental measures and implementation of major environmental programs of the federal and international importance, as well as on environmental management. It is headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

State Committee for Ecology of the Regions - regional state committees for environmental protection - main links in the system of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia. These are the main centers of the region (republic, territory), analyzing and coordinating environmental work in the region. They include the following main divisions: economic regulation of environmental management; environmental assessment, organization of state environmental control; organization of cadastral maintenance; analytical laboratories.

In cities and regions, independent city and district committees for nature protection are created, the functions of which are established by agreement of local authorities with the State Committee for Ecology of the region. In a number of regions, interdistrict inspectorates have been created to perform environmental control functions in several districts. The head of the State Committee for Ecology of the region heads the Coordination Environmental Council, which coordinates the activities of all environmental and other regulatory authorities in the region.

Organs local government in the field of environmental protection, they solve the following problems: ownership, use and disposal of natural resources that are in municipal ownership; ensuring the sanitary well-being of the population; regulation of planning and development, improvement and landscaping of the territory; control of land use in the territory municipality, their environmental protection.

Public environmental organizations

Public environmental organizations have been formed in all regions of Russia. They are characterized by a variety of environmental formations, differing both in organizational principles (societies, unions, associations, funds, committees) and in the direction of activity - environmental, socio-ecological, ecological-cultural. Currently, there are about 1,000 non-governmental environmental organizations of various levels operating in Russia. Generally, small associations at the regional, district and city levels predominate, created, as a rule, to solve specific local problems: the Baikal Protection Fund; public committee saving the Volga; environmental center of Rostov-on-Don; squad “Nature Conservation Service” (Kazan); environmental group"Spring" (Zelenograd); club "Ecology" (Volgograd); Association “Ecology and Peace” (Voznesensk); Union "Chernobyl" and others. Associations of individual formations appeared in All-Russian organizations: Social-Ecological Union, Ecological Union, All-Russian Society for the Protection of Animals, etc. Greenpeace officially opened its representative office in Russia on June 30, 1990.

VOOP - All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation. This is the largest environmental organization in Russia. Primary organizations VOOPs are created in factories, factories, mines, collective farms, state farms, higher and secondary educational institutions, schools. They are united into city, district, regional, regional and republican branches. The supreme body of the society for the protection of nature is the congress, usually convened every 4 years. He elects Central Council, which is chosen by the presidium. The presidium of the society has organized sections for forests, landscaping, protection of birds, fish, water, mineral resources, etc., which conduct scientific and methodological work in each of these areas of activity. Complex problems are considered by the scientific and technical council of the society. There are similar divisions in regional and regional branches.

VOOP, its branches in the republics, territories and regions of the Russian Federation, as well as environmental public associations, including more than 500 organizations and groups, solve, complementing each other, important environmental tasks: the fight against the construction of nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power stations in various regions, against the construction of a high-speed railway Moscow-St. Petersburg highway, Nizhneobskaya hydroelectric power station, etc. Public inspections are also springing up locally, in particular, youth blue and green patrols. Primary organizations of the Nature Conservation Society are engaged in planting trees along roads and canals, afforesting ravines, and carrying out many other activities. Community members fight thieves natural resources and poachers.

FNPR - Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

FNPR actively participates in the work to legislate the rights of trade unions in the field of environmental protection, constantly monitors and provides assistance to enterprises and organizations in fulfilling the obligations included in the section “Occupational Safety and Environmental Safety” of the General Agreement between all-Russian associations of trade unions and employers and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Ecological and environmental public associations in accordance with Art. 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” have the following rights:

    develop, approve and promote their environmental programs, protect environmental rights and the interests of the population, develop the ecological culture of the population, involve citizens on a voluntary basis in active environmental activities;

    require the provision of timely, reliable and complete information on environmental pollution and measures to protect it;

    create public funds for the protection of the natural environment and spend them on environmental activities;

    conduct a public environmental assessment, demand in an administrative or judicial manner the cancellation of decisions on the placement, construction, operation of environmentally harmful facilities, restriction, suspension, termination or repurposing of their activities;

    organize meetings, rallies, pickets, processions, demonstrations, petitions, collection of signatures, enter with proposals to discuss projects, referendums;

    demand the appointment of a state environmental assessment, present an environmental platform in the means mass media;

    raise the issue of bringing guilty officials to justice, bring claims in court or arbitration court for compensation for damage to the health and property of citizens caused by environmental violations.



International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

International environmental organization Bellona

International Green Cross Association

International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP)

Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

Russian environmental movement "Greens"

Non-governmental environmental foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky

Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol"

Russian Green Cross

Movement of Nature Conservation Teams (DOP)

Environmental organizations of the world


Greenpeace is an international public environmental organization founded in Vancouver, Canada on September 15, 1971 by David McTaggart.

The main goal of the organization is to achieve solutions to global environmental problems, attracting the attention of the public and authorities to them.

Greenpeace exists only through donations from supporters and, as a matter of principle, does not accept financial assistance from government agencies, political parties or businesses.

Greenpeace is against violence in any form; all actions do not accept any form of violence as a method of achieving goals.

Official website in Russia:

Wildlife Foundation (WWF)

The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international public independent organization working in the areas of conservation, research and restoration of the environment.

With more than 5 million supporters worldwide, WWF operates in more than 90 countries and supports approximately 1,300 conservation projects worldwide.

The mission of the World Wildlife Fund is to prevent the increasing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the Earth's biological diversity.

Official website in Russia:

International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

The International Social-Ecological Union is an international environmental organization founded in December 1988.

On this moment ISUES is more than 10 thousand people from 17 countries.

The main idea of ​​creating the ISoES is to gather under one roof people who care what happens to the Earth, its nature and culture, its people, our children and grandchildren.

All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP)

The All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP) was founded in 1924 as a voluntary Society for Nature Conservation.

Today, VOOP is an all-Russian, public, cultural and educational environmental organization.

Preserving the environment, maintaining the diversity of flora and fauna.

Preservation and strengthening of public health.

The main activities of the Company:

Providing assistance to government authorities and management in ensuring sustainable environmentally friendly development of the country.

Environmental education, enlightenment and education of the population.

Scientific, technical and practical environmental activities. Consulting activities of natural resource management entities.

Carrying out environmental monitoring of territories on our own and by accredited companies.

Introduction of modern high-precision technologies in order to implement effective state environmental control

Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

The Center for Environmental Policy of Russia was created in 1993 as a professional public environmental organization to provide expert support to the environmental movement and develop recommendations for the legislative and executive authorities.

Website of the organization:

Russian environmental movement "Greens"

In 1994, on the basis of the environmental movement “Cedar”, the Russian environmental party “Greens” was created; in 2009, the activities Political party was discontinued, and the organization itself was reorganized into the All-Russian public movement “Russian Environmental Movement “Greens”.

The goal of the environmental movement “Greens” is to change the attitude of the state and society to the environmental problems of Russia and humanity as a whole through organized and strong-willed political actions.

Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

The Russian Regional Environmental Center was established in 2000 by the European Commission and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

RREC is part of a network of regional environmental centers operating in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia to support cooperation between government agencies, the business community and civil society in the field of environmental protection.

The mission of the center is to promote and implement advanced ideas, standards and methods for the environmental well-being and sustainable development of Russia through the organization of information dialogue and practical activities.

The highest governing body of the Russian center is the council of founders, the collegial governing body is the governing council, and an advisory body has been formed - the advisory council.

The eight members of the Board of Governors represent various sectors of society: government organizations of the Russian Federation, foreign organizations, Russian public organizations, business structures and scientific communities.

Russian Green Cross

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