Questionnaire on professional activities 15 questions. Questionnaire of professional readiness (OPG). Kabardov’s Professional Readiness Questionnaire

Introductory remarks. Personality questionnaire created primarily for applied research, taking into account the experience of constructing and using such well-known questionnaires as 16PF, MMPI, EPI etc. The scales of the questionnaire are formed on the basis of the results of factor analysis and reflect a set of interrelated factors. The questionnaire is intended for diagnosis mental states and personality traits that are of paramount importance for the process of social, professional adaptation and regulation of behavior.

Equipment. A questionnaire with instructions and a response sheet in a quantity corresponding to the number of persons being studied simultaneously.

FPI Questionnaire contains 12 scales; Form B is different from full form with only half the number of questions. Total There are 114 questions in the questionnaire. One (the first) question is not included in any of the scales, since it is of a testing nature. Questionnaire scales I–IX are basic, or basic, and X–XII are derivative, integrating. Derived scales are made up of questions from the main scales and are sometimes designated not by numbers, but by the letters E, N and M, respectively.

Scale I (neuroticism) characterizes the level of neuroticism of the individual. High scores correspond to a pronounced neurotic syndrome of the asthenic type with significant psychosomatic disorders.

Scale II (spontaneous aggressiveness) allows you to identify and evaluate introtensive type psychopathization. High scores indicate elevated level psychopathization, which creates the preconditions for impulsive behavior.

Scale III (depressiveness) makes it possible to diagnose signs characteristic of psychopathological depressive syndrome. High scores on the scale correspond to the presence of these signs in the emotional state, in behavior, in attitudes towards oneself and towards others. social environment.

Scale IV (irritability) allows you to judge emotional stability. High scores indicate an unstable emotional state with a tendency to react emotionally.

Scale V (sociability) characterizes both potential capabilities and actual manifestations social activity. High scores indicate that there is a strong need for communication and constant readiness to satisfy this need.

Scale VI (balance) reflects resistance to stress. High scores indicate good protection against stress factors in ordinary life situations, based on self-confidence, optimism and activity.

Scale VII (reactive aggressiveness) aims to identify the presence of signs of extra-intense psychopathization. High scores indicate high level psychopathization, characterized by an aggressive attitude towards the social environment and a pronounced desire for dominance.

Scale VIII (shyness) reflects a predisposition to react to stress in normal situations. life situations, proceeding according to the passive-defensive type. High scores on the scale reflect the presence of anxiety, stiffness, and uncertainty, which results in difficulties in social contacts.

Scale IX (openness) allows you to characterize your attitude towards the social environment and the level of self-criticism. High scores indicate a desire for trusting and frank interaction with other people with a high level of self-criticism. Ratings on this scalecan, to one degree or another, contribute to the analysis of the sincerity of the subject’s answers when working with this questionnaire, which corresponds to the lie scales of other questionnaires.

X scale (extraversion - introversion). High scores on the scale correspond to a pronounced extroverted personality, low scores correspond to a pronounced introverted personality.

Scale XI (emotional lability). High scores indicate instability emotional state, manifested in frequent mood swings, increased excitability, irritability, and insufficient self-regulation. Low scores can characterize not only high stability of the emotional state as such, but also good self-control.

Scale XII (masculinism - feminism). High scores indicate progress mental activity predominantly masculine, low – feminine.

Operating procedure. The study can be conducted individually or with a group of subjects. In the latter case, it is necessary that each of them have not only a personal response form, but also a separate questionnaire with instructions. Test subjects should be placed so as not to interfere with each other during work. The research psychologist briefly outlines the purpose of the study and the rules for using the questionnaire. It is important to achieve a positive, interested attitude of the subjects towards completing the task. Their attention is drawn to the inadmissibility of mutual consultations on answers during the work process and any discussions among themselves. After these explanations, the psychologist offers to carefully study the instructions, answers questions if they arise after studying them, and suggests moving on to working independently with the questionnaire.

Processing the results. The first procedure concerns obtaining primary, or “raw”, estimates. To implement it, it is necessary to prepare matrix forms keys of each scale based on the general key of the questionnaire. To do this, in blank answer sheets identical to those used by the subjects, “windows” are cut out in the cells corresponding to the question number and answer option. The templates obtained in this way, one by one, in accordance with the serial number of the scale, are superimposed on the answer sheet filled out by the student. The number of marks (crosses) that coincide with the “windows” of the template is counted. The obtained values ​​are entered in the primary assessment column of the lesson protocol.

The second procedure involves converting primary scores into standard scores on a 9-point scale using a table. The obtained values ​​of standard assessments are indicated in the corresponding column of the protocol by applying a symbol (circle, cross, etc.) at the point corresponding to the value of the standard assessment on each scale. By connecting the indicated points with straight lines, we get graphic image personality profile.

Analysis of the results should begin by reviewing all the answer sheets filled out by the subjects, clarifying what answer was given to the first question. If the answer is negative, meaning the subject’s reluctance to answer frankly the questions posed, the study should be considered failed. If the answer to the first question is positive, after processing the research results, the graphic image of the personality profile is carefully studied, all high and low ratings. Low scores include scores in the range of 1–3 points, medium scores are 4–6 points, and high scores are 7–9 points. Particular attention should be paid to the IX score, which is relevant for general characteristics reliability of answers.

Interpretation of the results obtained, psychological report and recommendations should be given based on an understanding of the essence of the questions in each scale, the deep connections of the studied factors with each other and with other psychological and psychophysiological characteristics and their role in human behavior and activity.

Multifactor Personality Inventory FPI

(modified form B)

Instructions to the subject. On the following pages there are a number of statements, each of which implies a question relating to you about whether this statement corresponds or does not correspond to some features of your behavior, individual actions, attitude towards people, outlook on life, etc. If you think that such a correspondence exists, then answer “Yes,” otherwise, answer “No.” Record your answer on the answer sheet you have by placing a cross in the box that corresponds to the number of the statement in the questionnaire and the type of your answer. Answers must be given to all questions.

The success of the study largely depends on how carefully the task is carried out. In no case should you try to impress someone with your answers. best experience, since no answer is rated as good or bad. You should not think about each question for a long time, but try to decide as quickly as possible which of the two answers, albeit very relatively, still seems closer to the truth. You should not be embarrassed if some of the questions seem too personal, since the study does not provide an analysis of each question and answer, but is based only on the number of answers of one type and another. In addition, you should be aware that results vary from person to person. psychological research, as well as medical ones, are not subject to wide discussion.


  1. I have carefully read the instructions and am ready to answer all the questions in the questionnaire frankly.
  2. In the evenings I prefer to have fun in fun company(guests, disco, cafe, etc.).
  3. My desire to get to know someone is always hampered by the fact that it is difficult for me to find a suitable topic for conversation.
  4. I get headaches often.
  5. Sometimes I feel a pounding in my temples and a pulsation in my neck.
  6. I quickly lose my composure, but just as quickly I pull myself together.
  7. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.
  8. I avoid asking questions and prefer to find out what I need in another way.
  9. I prefer not to enter a room unless I am sure that my presence will go unnoticed.
  10. I can get so angry that I am ready to break everything that comes to hand.
  11. I feel awkward if people around me for some reason start paying attention to me.
  12. I sometimes feel that my heart begins to work intermittently or begins to beat so that it seems ready to jump out of my chest.
  13. I don’t think it would be possible to forgive an insult.
  14. I don’t think that evil should be answered with evil, and I always follow this.
  15. If I was sitting and then suddenly stood up, then my vision darkened and my head felt dizzy.
  16. I think almost daily about how much better my life would be if I weren't plagued by failure.
  17. In my actions, I never assume that people can be completely trusted.
  18. I can resort to physical force if I need to defend my interests.
  19. I can easily cheer up the most boring company.
  20. I get embarrassed easily.
  21. I am not at all offended if comments are made about my work or me personally.
  22. I often feel my hands and feet go numb or cold.
  23. I am awkward when communicating with other people.
  24. Sometimes without apparent reason I feel depressed and unhappy.
  25. Sometimes there is no desire to do anything.
  26. Sometimes I feel like I'm short of breath, as if I was doing very hard work.
  27. It seems to me that I have done a lot of things wrong in my life.
  28. It seems to me that others often laugh at me.
  29. I love tasks like this when you can act without much thought.
  30. I believe that I have plenty of reasons to not be very happy with my lot.
  31. Often I have no appetite.
  32. As a child, I was happy if parents or teachers punished other children.
  33. I am usually decisive and act quickly.
  34. I don't always tell the truth.
  35. I watch with interest when someone tries to get out of an unpleasant situation.
  36. I think that all means are good if you need to insist on your own.
  37. What happened doesn't bother me much.
  38. I can’t imagine anything that would be worth proving with fists.
  39. I do not avoid meeting people who, it seems to me, are looking for a quarrel with me.
  40. Sometimes it seems like I'm good for nothing at all.
  41. It seems to me that I am constantly under some kind of tension and it is difficult for me to relax.
  42. I often have pain in the pit of my stomach and various discomforts in my stomach.
  43. If my friend is offended, I try to take revenge on the offender.
  44. Sometimes I was late for the appointed time.
  45. It happened in my life that for some reason I allowed myself to torture an animal.
  46. When I meet an old acquaintance, I am ready to throw myself on his neck with joy.
  47. When I'm afraid of something, my mouth goes dry, my arms and legs tremble.
  48. Often I am in such a mood that I would gladly not see or hear anything.
  49. When I go to bed, I usually fall asleep within a few minutes.
  50. It gives me pleasure, as they say, to rub others’ noses in their mistakes.
  51. Sometimes I can brag.
  52. I am actively involved in the organization social events.
  53. It often happens that you have to look the other way to avoid an unwanted meeting.
  54. In my defense, I sometimes made things up.
  55. I am almost always mobile and active.
  56. I often doubt whether my interlocutors are really interested in what I say.
  57. Sometimes I suddenly feel like I'm covered in sweat.
  58. If I get really angry with someone, I might hit him.
  59. I don't care much if someone treats me badly.
  60. I usually find it difficult to object to my friends.
  61. I worry and worry even at the thought of possible failure.
  62. I don't love all my friends.
  63. I have thoughts that I should be ashamed of.
  64. I don’t know why, but sometimes there is a desire to ruin something that is admired.
  65. I prefer to force any person to do what I need than to ask him to do it.
  66. I often move my arm or leg restlessly.
  67. I prefer to spend a free evening doing what I love rather than having fun in a fun company.
  68. In company I behave differently than at home.
  69. Sometimes, without thinking, I will say something about which it would be better to remain silent.
  70. I'm afraid to become the center of attention even in familiar company.
  71. I have very few good friends.
  72. Sometimes there are periods when bright light, bright colors, loud noise causes painfully unpleasant sensations for me, although I see that it does not affect other people this way.
  73. In company, I often have the desire to offend or anger someone.
  74. Sometimes I think that it would be better not to be born, as soon as I imagine how many different troubles I might have to experience in life.
  75. If someone seriously offends me, they will get what they deserve in full.
  76. I don't mince words if they make me angry.
  77. I like to ask a question or answer it in such a way that the interlocutor is confused.
  78. Sometimes I put off what needed to be done immediately.
  79. I don't like telling jokes or funny stories.
  80. Everyday difficulties and worries often throw me off balance.
  81. I don’t know what to do when meeting a person who was in a company where I behaved awkwardly.
  82. Unfortunately, I am one of the people who react violently even to the little things in life.
  83. I feel shy when speaking in front of a large audience.
  84. My mood changes quite often.
  85. I get tired faster than most people around me.
  86. If I am very excited or irritated by something, I feel it with my whole body.
  87. I am bothered by unpleasant thoughts that intrusively creep into my head.
  88. Unfortunately, neither my family nor my circle of friends understand me.
  89. If I sleep less than usual today, I won’t feel rested tomorrow.
  90. I try to behave in such a way that others are afraid of causing my displeasure.
  91. I'm confident in my future.
  92. Sometimes I was the reason bad mood someone around.
  93. I don't mind laughing at others.
  94. I am one of those people who “do not mince words.”
  95. I belong to people who take everything quite lightly.
  96. As a teenager, I developed an interest in taboo topics.
  97. Sometimes for some reason I hurt my loved ones.
  98. I often have conflicts with others because of their stubbornness.
  99. I often feel remorse for my actions.
  100. I am often absent-minded.
  101. I don't remember being particularly saddened by the failures of a person I can't stand.
  102. I often become annoyed with others too quickly.
  103. Sometimes, unexpectedly for myself, I begin to speak confidently about things about which I actually know little.
  104. Often I am in such a mood that I am ready to explode for any reason.
  105. I often feel lethargic and tired.
  106. I love talking to people and am always ready to talk with both acquaintances and strangers.
  107. Unfortunately, I am often too quick to judge other people.
  108. In the morning I usually get up at good mood and often start whistling or humming.
  109. I don’t feel confident in solving important issues even after much thought.
  110. It turns out that in an argument I for some reason try to speak louder than my opponent,
  111. Disappointments do not cause me any strong or lasting feelings.
  112. It happens that I suddenly start biting my lips or biting my nails.
  113. I feel happiest when I am alone.
  114. Sometimes you get so bored that you want everyone to quarrel with each other. Please check that all questions have been answered.

Answer sheet

Full Name________________________________________________

Date__________________________________________Age_________________ _____

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
1 20 39 58 77 96
2 21 40 59 78 97
3 22 41 60 79 98
4 23 42 61 80 99
5 24 43 62 81 100
6 25 44 63 82 101
7 26 45 64 83 102
8 27 46 65 84 103
9 28 47 66 85 104
10 29 48 67 86 105
11 30 49 68 87 106
12 31 50 69 88 107
13 32 51 70 89 108
14 33 52 71 90 109
15 34 53 72 91 110
16 35 54 73 92 111
17 36 55 74 93 112
18 37 56 75 94 113
19 38 57 76 95 114


Scale number Scale name and number of questions Answers by question numbers
Yes No
I Neuroticism 17 4, 5, 12, 15,22,26,31, 41,42,57,66,72,85,86, 89,105 49
II Spontaneous aggressiveness 13 32, 35, 45, 50,64,73,77, 93,97,98, 103, 112, 114 99
III Depression 14 16,24,27,28, 30,40,48, 56,61,74,84,87,88, 100
IV Irritability 11 6, 10,58,69,76,80,82, 102, 104,107, 110
V Sociability 15 2, 19,46,52,55,94, 106 3, 8,23,53, 67,71,79.113
VI Poise 10 14,21,29.37,38,59,91, 95, 108, 111
VII Reactive aggressiveness 10 13, 17, 18,36,39,43,65, 75,90, 98
VIII Shyness 10 9, 11,20,47,60,70,81, 83,109 33
IX Openness 13 7,25,34,44,51,54,62, 63,68.78,92,96, 101
X Extraversion–introversion 12 2,29,46,51,55,76,93, 95, 106, 110 20,87
XI Emotional lability 14 24, 25, 40, 48, 80, 83, 84, 85,87,88, 102, 112, 113 59
XII Masculinism-feminism 15 18,29,33,50,52,58,59, 65,91, 104 16,20,31,47, 84


Full Name________________________________________ ________


Personality Profile

Scale number Initial assessment Standard assessment, points
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Converting primary estimates to standard ones

Initial assessment Standard rating scales
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 1
2 4 3 4 4 1 2 4 5 1 1 3 1
3 4 4 4 5 1 3 5 6 2 2 4 1
4 5 5 5 6 2 4 6 6 3 3 4 1
5 5 5 6 7 2 5 7 7 3 4 5 2
6 6 7 6 7 3 6 8 7 4 4 6 3
7 7 8 7 8 4 8 9 9 5 6 7 5
8 7 8 7 8 4 8 9 9 5 6 7 5
9 8 8 8 9 5 9 9 9 6 7 8 6
10 8 9 8 9 5 9 9 9 8 8 8 8
11 8 9 8 9 6 8 9 8 8
12 8 9 9 7 9 9 9 9
13 9 9 9 8 9 9 9
14 9 9 9

University. Here is a modified form of questionnaire B developed by L. A. Krylova And T. I. Ronginskaya.

The questionnaire is designed to diagnose states and personality traits that are of paramount importance for the process of social adaptation and regulation of behavior.

Target. Formation of skills in working with a multifactorial personality questionnaire, which are necessary for a practical psychologist when

solving problems of psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling, examinations, etc.

Equipment. A questionnaire with instructions and a response sheet in a quantity corresponding to the number of persons being studied simultaneously.

The FPI questionnaire contains 12 scales. The total number of questions in the questionnaire is 114. One (first) question is not included in any of the scales, since it is of a testing nature. Questionnaire scales I-IX are basic, or basic, and X-XN are derivative, integrating. Derived scales are made up of questions from the main scales and are sometimes designated not by numbers, but by the letters E, N and M, respectively.

Scale I (neuroticism) characterizes the level of neuroticism of the individual. High scores correspond to a pronounced neurotic syndrome of the asthenic type with significant psychosomatic disorders.

Scale II (spontaneous aggressiveness) allows you to identify and evaluate introtensive type psychopathization. High scores indicate an increased level of psychopathization, which creates the preconditions for impulsive behavior.

Scale III (depressiveness) makes it possible to diagnose signs characteristic of psychopathological depressive syndrome. High scores on the scale correspond to the presence of these signs in the emotional state, in behavior, in attitudes towards oneself and towards the social environment.

Scale IV (irritability) allows you to judge emotional stability. High scores indicate an unstable emotional state with a tendency to react emotionally.

Scale V (sociability) characterizes both potential opportunities and actual manifestations of social activity. High scores indicate the presence of a pronounced need for communication and constant readiness to satisfy this need.

Scale VI (balance) reflects resistance to stress. High scores indicate good protection against stress factors in ordinary life situations, based on self-confidence, optimism and activity.

Scale VII (reactive aggressiveness) aims to identify the presence of signs of extra-intense psychopathization. High scores indicate a high level of psychopathization, characteristic

characterized by an aggressive attitude towards the social environment and a pronounced desire for dominance.

Scale VIII (shyness) reflects a predisposition to a stressful response to ordinary life situations, occurring in a passive-defensive manner. High scores on the scale reflect the presence of anxiety, stiffness, and uncertainty, which results in difficulties in social contacts.

Scale IX (openness) allows you to characterize your attitude towards the social environment and the level of self-criticism. High scores indicate a desire for trusting and frank interaction with other people with a high level of self-criticism. Ratings on this scale can, to one degree or another, contribute to the analysis of the sincerity of the subject’s answers when working with this questionnaire, which corresponds to the lie scales of other questionnaires.

Scale X (extroversion-introversion). High scores on the scale correspond to a pronounced extroverted personality, low scores correspond to a pronounced introverted personality.

Scale XI (emotional lability). High scores indicate instability of the emotional state, manifested in frequent mood swings, increased excitability, irritability, and insufficient self-regulation. Low scores can characterize not only high stability of the emotional state as such, but also good self-control.

Scale XII (masculinism-feminism). High scores indicate that mental activity is predominantly masculine, while low scores indicate that mental activity is predominantly feminine.

Operating procedure. The study can be conducted individually or with a group of subjects. In the latter case, it is necessary that each of them have not only a personal response form, but also a separate questionnaire with instructions. Test subjects should be placed so as not to interfere with each other during work. The research psychologist briefly outlines the purpose of the study and the rules for using the questionnaire. It is important to achieve a positive, interested attitude of the subjects towards completing the task. Their attention is drawn to the inadmissibility of mutual consultations on answers during the work process and any discussions among themselves. After these explanations, the psychologist offers to carefully study the instructions, answers questions if they arise after studying them, and suggests moving on to working independently with the questionnaire.

FPI test questionnaire

Instructions to the subject. On the following pages there are a number of statements, each of which implies a question relating to you about whether this statement corresponds or does not correspond to some features of your behavior, individual actions, attitude towards people, outlook on life, etc. If you think, that such a correspondence takes place, then give the answer “Yes”, otherwise - the answer “No”. Record your answer on the answer sheet you have (Table 14) by placing a cross in the box corresponding to the number of the statement in the questionnaire and the type of your answer. Answers must be given to all questions.

Table 14

Answer sheet


Last name, first name, patronymic _______________Gender______________Age __________

The success of the study largely depends on how carefully the task is carried out. In no case should you try to make a better impression on someone with your answers, since no answer is rated as good or bad. You should not think about each question for a long time, but try to decide as quickly as possible which of the two answers, albeit very relatively, still seems closer to the truth. You should not be embarrassed if some of the questions seem too personal, since the study does not provide an analysis of each question and answer, but is based only on the number of answers of one type and another. In addition, you should know that the results of individual psychological studies, like medical ones, are not subject to wide discussion.

Successful work to you!

1. I have carefully read the instructions and am ready to answer all the questions in the questionnaire frankly.

2. In the evenings, I prefer to have fun in a fun company (guests, disco, cafe, etc.).

3. My desire to get to know someone is always hampered by the fact that it is difficult for me to find a suitable topic for conversation.

4. I often have a headache.

5. Sometimes I feel a pounding in my temples and a pulsation in my neck.

6. I quickly lose my temper, but I also quickly pull myself together.

7. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.

8. I avoid asking questions and prefer to find out what I need in another way.

9. I prefer not to enter a room unless I am sure that my appearance will go unnoticed.

10. I can get so angry that I am ready to break everything that comes to hand.

11. I feel awkward if others for some reason begin to pay attention to me.

12. I sometimes feel that my heart begins to work intermittently or begins to beat so that it seems ready to jump out of my chest.

13. I don’t think it would be possible to forgive an insult.

14. I don’t think that evil should be answered with evil, and I always follow this.

15. If I was sitting and then suddenly stood up, my vision becomes dark and my head feels dizzy.

16. I think almost every day about how much better my life would be if I weren’t plagued by failures.

71. I have very few good friends.

72. Sometimes there are periods when bright light, bright colors, strong noise cause painfully unpleasant sensations in me, although I see that this does not affect other people.

73. In company, I often have the desire to offend or anger someone.

74. Sometimes I think that it would be better not to be born, as soon as I imagine how many different troubles I might have to experience in life.

75. If someone seriously offends me, they will get what they deserve in full.

76. I don’t mince words if they make me angry.

77. I like to ask a question or answer in such a way that the interlocutor is confused.

78. I used to put off what needed to be done immediately.

79. I don’t like telling jokes or funny stories.

80. Everyday difficulties and worries often throw me off balance.

81. I don’t know what to do when meeting a person who was in a company where I behaved awkwardly.

82. Unfortunately, I am one of the people who react violently even to the little things in life.

83. I feel shy when speaking in front of a large audience.

84. My mood changes quite often.

85. I get tired faster than most people around me.

86. If I am very excited or irritated by something, I feel it with my whole body.

87. I am bothered by unpleasant thoughts that intrusively creep into my head.

88. Unfortunately, neither my family nor my circle of friends understand me.

89. If today I sleep less than usual, then tomorrow I will not feel rested.

90. I try to behave in such a way that others are afraid of causing my displeasure.

91. I am confident in my future.

92. Sometimes I was the reason for the bad mood of someone around me.

93. I don't mind laughing at others.

94. I am one of those people who “do not mince words.”

95. I belong to people who take everything quite lightly.

96. As a teenager, I showed interest in taboo topics.

97. Sometimes for some reason I hurt my loved ones.

98. I often have conflicts with others because of their stubbornness.

99. I often feel remorse for my actions.

100. I am often absent-minded.

101. I don’t remember being particularly saddened by the failures of a person whom I cannot tolerate.

102. I often become annoyed with others too quickly.

103. Sometimes, unexpectedly for myself, I begin to speak confidently about things about which I actually know little.

104. I am often in such a mood that I am ready to explode for any reason.

105. I often feel sluggish and tired.

106. I love to talk with people and am always ready to talk with both acquaintances and strangers.

107. Unfortunately, I often judge other people too quickly.

108. In the morning I usually get up in a good mood and often start whistling or humming.

109. I don’t feel confident in resolving important issues even after much thought.

110. It turns out that in an argument, for some reason, I try to speak louder than my opponent.

111. Disappointments do not cause me any strong or lasting feelings.

112. It happens that I suddenly start biting my lips or biting my nails.

113. I feel happiest when I am alone.

114. Sometimes you are so bored that you want everyone to quarrel with each other.

Please check that all questions have been answered. Thank you. All the best!
Processing test results

The number of “raw” points scored on each of the 12 scales is calculated. For answers that coincide with the answers to the key to the questionnaire (Table 16), one point is assigned. The obtained values ​​of “raw” points, that is, primary assessments, for each of the scales are recorded in the column “Primary assessments” (Table 15).

Primary scores (“raw” scores) are converted into standard scores on a 9-point scale using a table (Table 17). Standard scores are recorded (indicated) in the appropriate columns of the application protocol symbols(for example, "+").

A personality profile is drawn by connecting the “+” marks in the columns of the lesson report.

Table 15

Personality Profile

Scale number

Initial assessment

Standard assessment, points










Table 16

Analysis and interpretation of testing data
Analysis of the test result begins with reviewing all the necessary notes made by the subject (during self-testing) or the experimenter. It is clarified what answer was given to the first question. If the answer is negative, that is, indicating that the subject does not want to cooperate with the experimenter, then any analysis of the testing data stops and no conclusions are drawn.

The graphic representation of the subject's personality profile is carefully studied. All high and all low scores are highlighted. Low scores include 1-3 points, medium scores are 4-6 points, and high scores are 7-9 points. Particular attention should be paid to the rating on scale IX, which is important for the overall reliability of the answers. This estimate should not be too high. If it exceeds the value of 8 points, this will indicate insufficient sincerity of the subject and the personality profile data is questioned.

book -> Cerebral
book -> Mastyukova E. M. Therapeutic pedagogy of early and preschool age: Advice for teachers and parents on preparing to teach children with special developmental problems. - M.: Humanit Publishing Center Vlados, 1997. - 304 p.

The first procedure concerns obtaining primary, or “raw”, estimates. To implement it, it is necessary to prepare matrix forms of the keys of each scale based on the general key of the questionnaire. To do this, in blank answer sheets identical to those used by the subjects, “windows” are cut out in the cells corresponding to the question number and answer option. The templates obtained in this way, one by one, in accordance with the serial number of the scale, are superimposed on the answer sheet filled out by the student. The number of marks (crosses) that coincide with the “windows” of the template is counted. The obtained values ​​are entered in the primary assessment column of the final protocol.

Table P.B.1 – Key to the FPI Multifactor Personality Inventory (modified Form B).

Scale No. Scale name Number of questions The answer is yes The answer is no
I Neuroticism 4,5,12,15,22,26,31,41,42,57,66,72,85,86, 89,105
II Spontaneous aggressiveness 32, 35, 45, 50,64,73,77, 93,97,98, 103, 112, 114
III Depression 16,24,27,28,30,40,48,56,61,74,84,87,88, 100 -
IV Irritability 6,10,58,69,76,80,82,102,104,107, 110 -
V Sociability 2, 19,46,52,55,94,106 3,8,23,53,67,71,79,113
VI Equilibrium 14,21,29.37,38,59,91,95,108,111 -
VII Reactive aggressiveness 13,17,18,36,39,43,65, 75,90, 98 -
VIII Shyness 9, 11,20,47,60,70,81, 83,109
IX Openness 7,25,34,44,51,54,62,63,68.78,92,96, 101 -
X Extraversion–introversion 2,29,46,51,55,76,93, 95, 106, 110 20,87
XI Emotional lability 24, 25, 40, 48, 80, 83, 84, 5,87,88, 102, 112, 113
XII Masculinism–feminism 18,29,33,50,52,58,59, 65,91, 104 16,20,31,47, 84

The second procedure involves converting primary scores into standard scores on a 9-point scale using a table.

TableP.B.2 –. Translation raw points to the standard ones according to the FPI Multifactor Personality Inventory (modified form B).

Initial assessment Standard rating scales
- - -
- - - -
- - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - -- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -

Analysis of the results should begin by reviewing all the answer sheets filled out by the subjects, clarifying what answer was given to the first question. If the answer is negative, meaning the subject’s reluctance to answer frankly the questions posed, the study should be considered failed. If the answer to the first question is positive, after processing the research results, the graphical representation of the personality profile is carefully studied, all high and low scores are highlighted. Low scores include scores in the range of 1–3 points, medium scores are 4–6 points, and high scores are 7–9 points. Particular attention should be paid to the rating on scale IX, which is important for the overall reliability of the answers.

Questionnaire of socio-psychological adaptation (smallpox)


“The questionnaire contains statements about a person, his lifestyle: experiences, thoughts, habits, style of behavior. They can always be related to our own way of life.

After reading or listening to the next statement of the questionnaire, try it on with your habits, your lifestyle and evaluate: to what extent this statement can be attributed to you. In order to indicate your answer in the form, select one of the seven rating options, numbered from “0” to “6”, that you think is appropriate:

“0” – this does not apply to me at all;

“1” - this does not apply to me;

“2” – I doubt that this can be attributed to me;

“3” - I don’t dare to attribute this to myself;

“4” – it looks like me, but I’m not sure;

“5” sounds like me;

“6” is definitely about me.

Mark the answer option you have chosen on the answer form in the cell corresponding to the serial number of the statement.”

1. Feels awkward when starting a conversation with someone.

2. There is no desire to open up to others.

3. Loves competition, competition, and struggle in everything.

4. Places high demands on himself.

5. Often scolds himself for what he has done.

6. Often feels humiliated.

7. Doubts that he can like anyone of the opposite sex.

8. Always keeps his promises

9. Warm, good relations with others.

10. A reserved, reserved person; stays a little away from everyone.

11. Blames himself for his failures.

12. A responsible person; you can rely on him.

13. Feels that he is unable to change anything, all efforts are in vain.

14. Looks at many things through the eyes of his peers.

15. Generally accepts the rules and requirements that must be followed.

16. Your own beliefs and rules are not enough.

17. Likes to dream - sometimes right in broad daylight. It is difficult to return from dreams to reality.

18. Always ready to defend and even attack: “gets stuck” on feelings of grievances, mentally going through methods of revenge.

19. Knows how to control himself and his own actions, force himself, allow himself; self-control is not a problem for him.

20. The mood often deteriorates: despondency and blues set in.

21. Doesn’t care about anything that concerns others: focused on oneself; busy with myself.

22. As a rule, he likes people.

23. He is not shy about his feelings and expresses them openly.

24. Among a large crowd of people it can be a little lonely.

25. I feel very uneasy now. I want to drop everything and hide somewhere.

26. Usually gets along well with others.

27. The most difficult thing is to fight with yourself.

28. The undeserved friendly attitude of others is alarming.

29. An optimist at heart, he believes in the best.

30. An inflexible, stubborn person; These people are called difficult.

31. He is critical of people and judges them if he believes that they deserve it.

32. Usually he feels not like a leader, but a follower: he does not always manage to think and act independently.

33. Most of those who know him treat him well and love him.

34. Sometimes there are thoughts that you would not like to share with anyone.

35. A person with an attractive appearance.

36. Feels helpless, needs someone to be there.

37. Having made a decision, follows it.

38. Seemingly accepts independent decisions, cannot free himself from the influence of other people.

39. Feels guilty, even when there seems to be nothing to blame oneself for.

40. Feels hostility to what surrounds him.

41. I'm happy with everything.

42. Unsettled: unable to pull himself together, pull himself together, or organize himself.

43. Feels lethargic; everything that previously worried suddenly became indifferent.

44. Balanced, calm.

45. When angry, he often loses his temper.

46. ​​Often feels offended.

47. A person is impetuous, impatient, hot-tempered: lacks restraint.

48. Sometimes he gossips.

49. Doesn’t really trust his feelings: they sometimes let him down.

50. It's quite difficult to be yourself.

51. Reason comes first, not feeling: before doing anything, think.

52. He interprets what happens to him in his own way, is capable of inventing unnecessary things... In a word, he is not of this world.

53. A person is tolerant of people and accepts everyone as they are.

54. Tries not to think about his problems.

55. Considers himself interesting person- attractive as a person, noticeable.

56. A shy person, easily embarrassed.

57. You definitely need to remind and push in order to complete the task.

58. In his soul he feels superior to others.

59. There is nothing in which to express oneself, to show one’s individuality, one’s Self.

60. Afraid of what others will think of him.

61. Ambitious, not indifferent to success, praise: in what is important to him, he tries to be among the best.

62. A person who at the moment has many things worthy of contempt.

63. An active, energetic person, full of initiatives.

64. Gives in to difficulties and situations that threaten complications.

65. He simply doesn’t value himself enough.

66. He is a leader by nature and knows how to influence others.

67. Treats himself generally well.

68. A persistent, assertive person; It is always important for him to insist on his own.

69. Does not like it when relations with someone deteriorate, especially if disagreements threaten to become obvious.

70. He cannot make a decision for a long time, and then doubts its correctness.

71. He is at a loss, everything is confused, everything is mixed up for him.

72. Satisfied with myself.

73. Unlucky.

74. A person who is pleasant and congenial.

75. He may not have a very pretty face, but he may like him as a person, as a person.

76. Despises people of the opposite sex and does not associate with them.

77. When you need to do something, fear seizes you: what if I can’t cope, what if it doesn’t work out.

78. It’s easy, calm at heart, there is nothing that would greatly disturb you.

79. Knows how to work hard.

80. Feels that he is growing, maturing: himself and his attitude towards the world around him are changing.

81. It happens that he talks about something he doesn’t understand at all.

82. Always speaks only the truth.

83. Anxious, worried, tense.

84. To force him to do something, you need to really insist, and then he will give in.

85. Feels unsure of himself.

86. Circumstances often force you to defend yourself, make excuses and justify your actions.

87. A person is compliant, pliable, soft in relationships with others.

88. A smart person, he likes to think.

89. Sometimes he likes to brag.

90. Makes decisions and immediately changes them; he despises himself for his lack of will, but cannot do anything about himself.

91. Tries to rely on his own strengths and does not count on anyone’s help.

92. Never late.

93. Experiences a feeling of constraint, internal lack of freedom.

94. Stands out among others.

95. Not a very reliable friend, you can’t rely on everything.

96. Everything is clear about himself, he understands himself well.

97. Sociable, open man; gets along with people easily.

98. Strengths and abilities are fully consistent with the tasks that have to be solved; can totally handle it.

99. Does not value himself: no one takes him seriously; at best, they are condescending towards him, they simply tolerate him.

100. Worries that people of the opposite sex are too much on her mind.

101. Considers all his habits to be good.

Results of diagnosing value orientations

Table P.G.1 – Results of the choice of terminal values ​​among adolescents brought up in boarding schools and families

Terminal values
3. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17.

Table P.G.2 – Results of the choice of instrumental values ​​among adolescents brought up in boarding schools and families

Instrumental values
3. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 16. 17.
Teenagers growing up in families
Teenagers without parental care

Results of diagnostics of personality characteristics of adolescents

Table P.D.1 – results of diagnosing the personal characteristics of adolescents in the control group.

Neuroticism spontaneous aggression Depression Irritability Sociability Equilibrium reactive aggressiveness Shyness Openness Extraversion-introversion-sia Emotional lability masculism-feminism
1. Average Short Average Average Short Average Short High Average Short Average Short
2. High High 7 Average Average High Average Average Short Average 5 Average Average Average
3. Average 5 Average High High 8 Short High High High Average Average Average Average
4. High 8 High Average High High Short High Average High Average Average High
5. Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average High9 Average Average Short
6. Average Average Average High Average Average High High High Average Average Average
7. High 8 Short Average Average Average High Average Average Average High High Short
8. High Average High 8 High High High High Average High High High Average
9. Average High Average High High Average High Average Average High Average Average
10. Short Average Short High Average Short High Short Average Average Average High
11. Average Average High Average Short Average Average High Average Average Short Average
12. High High High Average Average Average High Short High High High High

End of table P.D.2

13. High High High High Average Average High Average High Average High High
14. Average High High Average Average Average Average Short High Average High High
15. Average Average High Average Short Average High High Average Short High Average
16. Average Average Average Average High Average

Freiburg Personality Questionnaire(English) Freiburg Personality Inventory – FPI) began to be developed in 1963 by a group of researchers, which included I. Farenberg, X. Zarg, R. G. Gampel. The first version of the FPI was published in 1970 (the second and third in 1973 and 1978). IN Western Europe this test is used most often.

FPI – multifactorial personality test, suitable for diagnosing some important personality traits. It is suitable for a normal population for the purpose of analyzing personality traits, and in clinical practice it is used for individual diagnosis. This is a reliable tool for practical and scientific research purposes.

The FPI is not built on a separate theory of personality, but on Anglo-Saxon psychological views that have developed as a result of the practice of using personality questionnaires (such as 16PF, MMPI, EPI). In its final form, it is formulated anew and can be considered an original technique. The questionnaire is economical and provides relatively large amounts of quantitative information about important personality factors. The main characteristics of FPI are as follows:

  • the questionnaire is intended for a wide range of subjects;
  • not suitable for low-intelligent subjects (those within the lower quantile);
  • there are parallel forms, which is necessary for methods of this type;
  • there is a shortened version;
  • is a compromise between item homogeneity analysis and factor analysis;
  • individual and group presentation of the test is possible;
  • the time to complete depends on the form of the questionnaire and ranges from 20 to 50 minutes;
  • assessment is made using templates; the obtained primary individual result is translated into a derived indicator;
  • The representation of individual factors can be clearly depicted on the assessment form.

The study requires a questionnaire with instructions and a response form.

The structure of the FPI follows traditional personality questionnaires. It contains questions and statements regarding behavior patterns, states, orientation, skills and physical difficulties, to which the subject can answer “agree” or “disagree.” The questionnaire can be used in four versions:

I. Form G(general). Containing 212 questions, it takes the most time, but its advantage is that more questions are aimed at one factor. This form used in conditions of unlimited time and with sufficient interest on the part of the subject, excluding the choice of random answers.

  • 2–3. Forms A And IN(alternative), each contains 114 questions, statements and is suitable for repeated testing and group presentation of the test.
  • 4. Shape TO(abbreviated). Consists of 76 questions. Its brevity is its main advantage.

All versions are mutually highly correlated and thereby confirm the validity of their independence.


The questionnaire contains 12 scales. The total number of questions is 114. One (first) question is not included in any of the scales, since it is of a testing nature. Scales I–IX are basic, or basic, and scales X–XII are derivative, integrating. Derived scales are made up of questions from the main scales and are sometimes designated not by numbers, but by letters: E, N And M respectively.

Scale I (neuroticism) characterizes the level of neuroticism of the individual. High scores on this scale correspond to a pronounced neurotic syndrome of the asthenic type with significant psychosomatic disorders. Using psychological terminology, this type can be characterized as nervous, painful, unable to get out of a situation, paying attention own feelings. Individuals with low scores on the “neuroticism” factor are characterized by calmness, ease, emotional maturity, objectivity in assessing themselves and other people, and constancy in plans and attachments.

Scale II (spontaneous aggressiveness) allows you to identify and evaluate psychopathization of the introtensive type. High scores on this scale indicate an increased level of psychopathization, which creates the preconditions for impulsive behavior. This type is characterized as aggressive, impulsive, spontaneous, and quarrelsome. Low scores on the scale indicate increased identification with social requirements, conformity, compliance, restraint, cautious behavior, even a narrowing of the range of interests and weakening of drives.

Scale III (depression) makes it possible to diagnose signs characteristic of psychopathological depressive syndrome. High scores on this scale correspond to the presence of these signs in the emotional state, behavior, attitude towards oneself and the social environment. This type can be described as upset, timid, insecure, sad, with inherent internal torment. Low scores on this scale reflect natural cheerfulness, energy, and enterprise.

Scale IV (irritability, excitability) allows us to judge emotional stability. High scores on this scale indicate an unstable emotional state with a tendency to react emotionally. This type is characterized as intolerant, impulsive, excitable, tense, spontaneous, scrupulous. Individuals with low values ​​of the “irritability” factor are characterized by such traits as a sense of responsibility, conscientiousness, and firm moral principles.

Scale V (Sociability) characterizes both potential opportunities and real manifestations of social activity. High scores on this scale indicate the presence of a pronounced need for communication and constant readiness to satisfy this need. This type is characterized as talkative, friendly, sociable, active, and enterprising. For persons with low values ​​of this factor, such traits as flattenedness, lethargy of affect, absence of lively, vibrant emotions, coldness, and formality of interpersonal relationships are typical.

Scale VI (balance) reflects resistance to stress. High scores on this scale indicate good protection against the effects of stress factors in ordinary life situations, based on self-confidence, optimism and activity. This type is well-tuned, stable, persistent, calm, trusting, and active. Low scores on the “balance” factor indicate a state of maladjustment, anxiety, loss of control over drives, and severe disorganization of behavior.

Scale VII (reactive aggressiveness) aims to identify the presence of signs of extra-intense type psychopathization. High scores on this scale indicate a high level of psychopathization, characterized by an aggressive attitude towards the social environment and a pronounced desire for dominance.

This type can be described as reactively aggressive, defending his opinion, egocentric, authoritarian, distrustful, dominant. Low scores on the “spontaneous aggressiveness” scale indicate increased identification with social norms, conformity, compliance, modesty, dependence and, possibly, a narrow range of interests.

Scale VIII (shyness) reflects a predisposition to a stressful response to ordinary life situations, proceeding according to a passive-defensive type. High scores on the scale reflect the presence of anxiety, stiffness, and uncertainty, which results in difficulties in social contacts. This type is characterized by restraint, reduced ability to communicate, uncertainty, confusion, shyness, and agitation. On the contrary, people who have low scores on the shyness factor are courageous, decisive, prone to risk, and do not get confused when faced with unfamiliar things and circumstances.

Scale IX (openness) allows us to characterize the attitude towards the social environment and the level of self-criticism. High scores indicate a desire for trusting and frank interaction with other people with a high level of self-criticism. This type is characterized as self-critical, open, capable of admitting its own shortcomings and mistakes.

Ratings on this scale can, to one degree or another, contribute to the analysis of the sincerity of the subject’s answers when working with the questionnaire, which corresponds to the lie scales of other tests.

Scale X (E) (extroversion - introversion). High scores on this scale are typical for individuals with pronounced extroversion, active, ambitious, striving for leadership, who do not experience difficulties in communication, establishing contacts, and who willingly take on leading roles in relationships with others. Low scores on this scale indicate pronounced introversion: difficulties in contacts, isolation, unsociability, desire for activities not related to broad communication.

This factor is associated with five test scales, primarily with scale V (sociability) and scale II (spontaneous aggressiveness).

Scale XI (N) (emotional lability). High scores indicate instability of the emotional state, manifested in frequent mood swings, increased excitability, irritability, and insufficient self-regulation. Low scores can characterize not only high stability of the emotional state as such, but also good self-control. In general, the factor “emotional lability – stability” characterizes emotional stability or, on the contrary, instability, mood swings, excitability, tension, depression, sadness or optimism, etc.

This factor is associated with four scales, mainly with scale III (depressiveness) and scale IV (excitability).

Scale XII(M) (masculinity - femininity). High scores on this scale indicate that mental activity is predominantly male, while low scores indicate that mental activity is predominantly female. The factor “masculinity – femininity” characterizes activity, level of assertiveness, self-esteem, and resourcefulness. It is associated with seven scales, mainly Scale I (neuroticism) and Scale VIII (sincerity).

The design of the method is distinguished by thoughtfulness and step-by-step testing of psychometric indicators. There is a high probability of limited options (with the exception of three tasks). The data regarding the homogeneity of items and the stability of the test over time are positive (scale IX is the least stable). There is a high degree of correlation between forms A And IN. Positive results were shown by comparing the test with other personality methods (Eysenck questionnaire, MPI, Cattell 16PF questionnaire, etc.).

The study can be conducted individually or with a group of subjects. In the latter case, it is necessary that each of them have not only a personal answer form, but also a separate questionnaire with instructions. Test subjects should be placed so as not to interfere with each other during work. The psychologist briefly outlines the purpose of the study and the rules for working with the questionnaire, while it is important to achieve a positive, interested attitude of the subjects towards completing the task. The researcher draws their attention to the inadmissibility of mutual consultations on answers during the work process and any discussions among themselves. After the explanations, the psychologist offers to carefully study the instructions, answers questions if they arise, and suggests moving on to independent work with the questionnaire.


The first procedure involves obtaining primary, or raw, estimates. To implement it, it is necessary to prepare matrix forms of the keys of each scale based on the general key of the questionnaire. To do this, in blank answer sheets identical to those used by the subjects, “windows” are cut out in the cells corresponding to the question number and answer option. The templates obtained in this way, one after another, in accordance with the serial number of the scale, are superimposed on the answer sheet filled out by the test taker. Next, the number of marks (crosses) that coincide with the “windows” of the template is counted. The obtained values ​​are entered in the primary assessment column of the study protocol.

Study protocol

Full Name

Date Age

Personality Profile

Scale number

Primary assessment

Standard assessment, points

The second procedure involves converting primary assessments into standard assessments on a nine-point scale using table. 4.1. The obtained standard scores are indicated in the corresponding column of the protocol by drawing symbol(circle, cross, etc.) at the point corresponding to the value of the standard rating on each scale. By connecting the designated points with straight lines, we obtain a graphic image of the personality profile.

Analysis of the results should begin by reviewing all the answer sheets filled out by the test takers, clarifying what answer was given to the first question. If the answer is negative, meaning the subject’s reluctance to answer the questions asked frankly, the study should be considered failed. If the answer to the first question is positive, after processing the research results, the graphical representation of the personality profile is carefully studied, and all high and low scores are highlighted. Low scores include scores of 1–3 points, medium scores are 4–6 points, and high scores are 7–9 points. Special attention you should pay attention to the rating on scale IX, which is not important for the overall characteristics of the reliability of the answers.

Table 4.1

Conversion of primary assessments into standard assessments on a nine-point scale

Initial assessment

Standard rating scales

Interpretation of the results obtained, psychological conclusions and recommendations should be given based on an understanding of the essence of the questions in each scale, the deep connections of the studied factors with each other and with other psychological and psychophysiological characteristics, their role in human behavior and activity.


On the following pages there are a number of statements, each of which implies a question relating to you about whether this statement corresponds or does not correspond to some features of your behavior, individual actions, attitude towards people, outlook on life, etc. If you think that such a correspondence exists, then answer “yes”; otherwise, answer “no”. Record your answer on the answer sheet you have by placing a cross in the box that corresponds to the number of the statement in the questionnaire and the type of your answer. Answers must be given to all questions. The success of the study largely depends on how carefully the task is carried out. Under no circumstances should you try to make a better impression on anyone with your answers, since no answer is rated as “good” or “bad.” You don't have to think about each question for a long time. On the contrary, try to decide as quickly as possible which of the two answers, albeit very relatively, but still seems closer to the truth. You should not be embarrassed if some of the questions seem too personal to you, since the study does not provide an analysis of each question and answer, but is based only on the number of answers of one type and another. In addition, you should know that the results of individual psychological studies, as well as medical research, are not subject to broad discussion. Successful work to you!


  • 1. I have carefully read the instructions and am ready to answer all the questions in the questionnaire frankly.
  • 2. In the evenings, I prefer to have fun in a fun company (guests, disco, cafe, etc.).
  • 3. My desire to get to know someone is always hampered by the fact that it is difficult for me to find a suitable topic for conversation.
  • 4. I often have a headache.
  • 5. Sometimes I feel a pounding in my temples and a pulsation in my neck.
  • 6. I quickly lose my temper, but just as quickly pull myself together.
  • 7. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.
  • 8. I avoid asking questions about anything and prefer to find out what I need in another way.
  • 9. I prefer not to enter a room unless I am sure that my appearance will go unnoticed.
  • 10. I can get so angry that I am ready to break everything that comes to hand.
  • 11. I feel awkward if people around me for some reason begin to pay attention to me.
  • 12. I sometimes feel that my heart begins to work intermittently or begins to beat so that it seems ready to jump out of my chest.
  • 13. I don’t think it would be possible to forgive an insult.
  • 14. I do not believe that evil should be answered with evil, and I always follow this.
  • 15. If I was sitting and then suddenly stood up, my vision becomes dark and my head feels dizzy.
  • 16. I think almost every day about how much better life would be if I weren’t haunted by failures.
  • 17. In my actions, I never assume that people can be completely trusted.
  • 18. I can resort to physical force if I need to defend my interests.
  • 19. I can easily cheer up the most boring company.
  • 20. I get embarrassed easily.
  • 21. I am not at all offended if comments are made about my work or me personally.
  • 22. I often feel my hands and feet going numb or cold.
  • 23. I can be awkward when communicating with other people.
  • 24. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, I feel depressed and unhappy.
  • 25. Sometimes I have no desire to do anything.
  • 26. Sometimes I feel like I’m short of breath, as if I were doing very hard work.
  • 27. It seems to me that I have done a lot of things right in my life.
  • 28. It seems to me that others often laugh at me.
  • 29. I love such tasks when you can act without much thought.
  • 30. I believe that I have plenty of reasons to not be very happy with my fate.
  • 31. I often have no appetite.
  • 32. As a child, I was happy if parents or teachers punished other children.
  • 33. I am usually decisive and act quickly.
  • 34. I don't always tell the truth.
  • 35. I watch with interest when someone tries to get out of an unpleasant situation.
  • 36. I believe that all means are good if you need to insist on your own.
  • 37. What has passed doesn’t bother me much.
  • 38. I can’t imagine anything that would be worth proving with your fists.
  • 39. I do not avoid meeting people who, it seems to me, are looking for a quarrel with me.
  • 40. Sometimes it seems to me that I am good for nothing at all.
  • 41. It seems to me that I am constantly under some kind of tension, and it is difficult for me to relax.
  • 42. I often have pain in the pit of my stomach and various unpleasant sensations in my stomach.
  • 43. If my friend is offended, I try to take revenge on the offender.
  • 44. Sometimes I was late for the appointed time.
  • 45. It happened in my life that for some reason I allowed myself to beat an animal.
  • 46. ​​When I meet an old acquaintance, I am ready to throw myself on his neck with joy.
  • 47. When I am afraid of something, my mouth becomes dry, my hands and legs tremble.
  • 48. I often get in such a mood that I would gladly not see or hear anything.
  • 49. When I go to bed, I usually fall asleep within a few minutes.
  • 50. It gives me pleasure, as they say, to rub others’ noses into their mistakes.
  • 51. Sometimes I can brag.
  • 52. I am actively involved in organizing social events.
  • 53. It often happens that I have to look in the other direction to avoid an unwanted meeting.
  • 54. In my defense, I sometimes made up things.
  • 55. I am almost always mobile and active.
  • 56. I often doubt whether my interlocutors are really interested in what I say.
  • 57. Sometimes I suddenly feel like I’m covered in sweat.
  • 58. If I get very angry with someone, I might hit him.
  • 59. I don’t care much if someone treats me badly.
  • 60. It is usually difficult for me to object to my friends.
  • 61. I worry and worry even at the thought of possible failure.
  • 62. I don’t love all my friends.
  • 63. I have thoughts that I should be ashamed of.
  • 64. I don’t know why, but sometimes I have a desire to ruin something that everyone admires.
  • 65. I prefer to force any person to do what I need than to ask him to do it.
  • 66. I often move my arm or leg restlessly.
  • 67. I prefer to spend a free evening doing what I love rather than having fun in a fun company.
  • 68. In a company I behave differently than at home.
  • 69. Sometimes, without thinking, I will say something about which it would be better to remain silent.
  • 70. I am afraid of becoming the center of attention even in familiar company.
  • 71. I have very few good friends.
  • 72. Sometimes there are periods when bright light, bright colors, strong noise cause painfully unpleasant sensations in me, although I see that this does not affect other people.
  • 73. In company, I often have a desire to offend or anger someone.
  • 74. Sometimes I think that it would be better not to be born, as soon as I imagine how many different troubles I might have to experience in life.
  • 75. If someone seriously offends me, he will get his due in full.
  • 76. I don’t mince words if they make me angry.
  • 77. I like to ask a question or answer in such a way that the interlocutor is confused.
  • 78. I used to put off what needed to be done immediately.
  • 79. I don't like to tell jokes or funny stories.
  • 80. Everyday difficulties and worries often throw me off balance.
  • 81. I don’t know what to do when meeting a person who was in a company where I behaved awkwardly.
  • 82. Unfortunately, I am one of the people who react violently even to the little things in life.
  • 83. I feel shy when speaking in front of a large audience.
  • 84. My mood changes quite often.
  • 85. I get tired faster than most people around me.
  • 86. If I am very excited or irritated by something, I feel it with my whole body.
  • 87. I am bothered by unpleasant thoughts that intrusively creep into my head.
  • 88. Unfortunately, neither my family nor my circle of friends understand me.
  • 89. If today I sleep less than usual, then tomorrow I will not feel rested.
  • 90. I try to behave in such a way that others are afraid of causing my displeasure.
  • 91. I am confident in my future.
  • 92. Sometimes I was the reason for the bad mood of someone around me.
  • 93. I don't mind laughing at others.
  • 94. I am one of those people who “do not mince words.”
  • 95. I belong to people who take everything quite lightly.
  • 96. As a teenager, I showed interest in taboo topics.
  • 97. Sometimes for some reason I hurt my loved ones.
  • 98. I often have conflicts with others because of their stubbornness.
  • 99. I often feel remorse for my actions.
  • 100. I am often absent-minded.
  • 101. I don’t remember being particularly saddened by the failures of a person I can’t stand.
  • 102. I often become annoyed with others too quickly.
  • 103. Sometimes, unexpectedly for myself, I begin to speak confidently about things about which I actually know little.
  • 104. I am often in such a mood that I am ready to explode for any reason.
  • 105. I often feel sluggish and tired.
  • 106. I love to talk with people and am always ready to talk with both acquaintances and strangers.
  • 107. Unfortunately, I often judge other people too quickly.
  • 108. In the morning I usually get up in a good mood and often start whistling or humming.
  • 109. I do not feel confident in resolving important issues even after much thought.
  • 110. It turns out that in an argument I for some reason try to speak louder than my opponent.
  • 111. Disappointments do not cause me any strong or lasting feelings.
  • 112. It happens that I suddenly start biting my lips or biting my nails.
  • 113. I feel happiest when I am alone.
  • 114. Sometimes I am overcome by such boredom that I want everyone to quarrel with each other.


Number of questions

Answers (by question numbers)



4, 5, 12, 15, 22, 26, 31, 41, 42, 57, 66, 72, 85, 86, 89, 105

Spontaneous aggressiveness

32, 35, 45, 50, 64, 73, 77, 93, 97, 98, 103, 112, 114


16, 24, 27, 28, 30, 40, 48, 56, 61, 74, 84, 87, 88, 100


6, 10, 58, 69, 76, 80, 82, 102, 104, 107, 110


2, 19, 46, 52, 55, 94, 106

3, 8, 23, 53, 67, 71, 79, 113


14, 21, 29, 37, 38, 59, 91, 95, 108, 111

Reactive aggressiveness

13, 17, 18, 36, 39, 43, 65, 75, 90, 98


9, 11, 20, 47, 60, 70, 81, 83, 109


7, 25, 34, 44, 51, 54, 62, 63, 68, 78, 92, 96, 101

Extroversion – introversion

2, 29, 46, 51, 55, 76, 93, 95, 106, 110

Emotional lability

24, 25, 40, 48, 80, 83, 84, 5, 87, 88, 102, 112, 113

Masculinity – femininity

18, 29, 33, 50, 52, 58, 59, 65, 91, 104

16, 20, 31, 47, 84

(I. Farenberg, H. Zarg, R. Gampel)

Purpose of the test

The personality questionnaire was created mainly for applied research, taking into account the experience of constructing and using such well-known questionnaires as 16PF, MMPI, EPI, etc. The scales of the questionnaire are formed on the basis of the results of factor analysis and reflect a set of interrelated factors. The questionnaire is designed to diagnose states and personality traits that are of paramount importance for the process of social adaptation and regulation of behavior.

The FPI questionnaire contains 12 scales; Form B differs from the full form only in half the number of questions. The total number of questions in the questionnaire is 114. One (first) question is not included in any of the scales, since it is of a testing nature.

The study can be conducted individually or with a group of subjects. In the latter case, it is necessary that each of them have not only a personal response form, but also a separate questionnaire with instructions. Test subjects should be placed so as not to interfere with each other during work. The research psychologist briefly outlines the purpose of the study and the rules for using the questionnaire. It is important to achieve a positive, interested attitude of the subjects towards completing the task. Their attention is drawn to the inadmissibility of mutual consultations on answers during the work process and any discussions among themselves.

After these explanations, the psychologist offers to carefully study the instructions, answers questions if they arise after studying them, and suggests moving on to working independently with the questionnaire.


“A number of statements are proposed, each of which implies a question relating to you about whether this statement corresponds or does not correspond to some features of your behavior, individual actions, attitude towards people, outlook on life, etc. If you think that such a correspondence exists, then answer “yes”; otherwise, answer “no”. Record your answer on the answer sheet you have by placing a cross in the box that corresponds to the number of the statement in the questionnaire and the type of your answer. Answers must be given to all questions.

The success of the study largely depends on how carefully the task is carried out. In no case should you try to make a better impression on someone with your answers, since no answer is rated as good or bad. You don't have to think about each question for a long time. Try to decide as quickly as possible which of the two answers, albeit very relative, but still seems closer to the truth. You should not be embarrassed if some of the questions seem too personal, since the study does not provide an analysis of each question and answer, but is based only on the number of answers of one type and another. In addition, you should know that the results of individual psychological studies, like medical ones, are not subject to wide discussion.”

Test material

  1. I have carefully read the instructions and am ready to answer all the questions in the questionnaire frankly.
  2. In the evenings, I prefer to have fun in a fun company (guests, disco, cafe, etc.).
  3. My desire to get to know someone is always hampered by the fact that it is difficult for me to find a suitable topic for conversation.
  4. I get headaches often.
  5. Sometimes I feel a pounding in my temples and a pulsation in my neck.
  6. I quickly lose my composure, but just as quickly I pull myself together.
  7. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.
  8. I avoid asking questions and prefer to find out what I need in another way.
  9. I prefer not to enter a room unless I am sure that my presence will go unnoticed.
  10. I can get so angry that I am ready to break everything that comes to hand.
  11. I feel awkward if people around me for some reason start paying attention to me.
  12. I sometimes feel that my heart begins to work intermittently or begins to beat so that it seems ready to jump out of my chest.
  13. I don’t think it would be possible to forgive an insult.
  14. I don’t think that evil should be answered with evil, and I always follow this.
  15. If I was sitting and then suddenly stood up, then my vision darkened and my head felt dizzy.
  16. I think almost daily about how much better my life would be if I weren't plagued by failure.
  17. In my actions, I never assume that people can be completely trusted.
  18. I can resort to physical force if I need to defend my interests.
  19. I can easily cheer up the most boring company.
  20. I get embarrassed easily.
  21. I am not at all offended if comments are made about my work or me personally.
  22. I often feel my hands and feet go numb or cold.
  23. I am awkward when communicating with other people.
  24. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, I feel depressed and unhappy.
  25. Sometimes there is no desire to do anything.
  26. Sometimes I feel like I'm short of breath, as if I was doing very hard work.
  27. It seems to me that I have done a lot of things wrong in my life.
  28. It seems to me that others often laugh at me.
  29. I love tasks like this when you can act without much thought.
  30. I believe that I have plenty of reasons to not be very happy with my lot.
  31. Often I have no appetite.
  32. As a child, I was happy if parents or teachers punished other children.
  33. I am usually decisive and act quickly.
  34. I don't always tell the truth.
  35. I watch with interest when someone tries to get out of an unpleasant situation.
  36. I think that all means are good if you have to insist. on his own.
  37. What happened doesn't bother me much.
  38. I can’t imagine anything that would be worth proving with fists.
  39. I do not avoid meeting people who, it seems to me, are looking for a quarrel with me.
  40. Sometimes it seems like I'm good for nothing at all.
  41. It seems to me that I am constantly under some kind of tension and it is difficult for me to relax.
  42. I often have pain in the pit of my stomach and various unpleasant sensations in my stomach.
  43. If my friend is offended, I try to take revenge on the offender.
  44. Sometimes I was late for the appointed time.
  45. It happened in my life that for some reason I allowed myself to torture an animal.
  46. When I meet an old acquaintance, I am ready to throw myself on his neck with joy.
  47. When I'm afraid of something, my mouth goes dry, my arms and legs tremble.
  48. Often I am in such a mood that I would gladly not see or hear anything.
  49. When I go to bed, I usually fall asleep within a few minutes.
  50. It gives me pleasure, as they say, to rub others’ noses in their mistakes.
  51. Sometimes I can brag.
  52. I actively participate in organizing public events.
  53. It often happens that you have to look the other way to avoid an unwanted meeting.
  54. In my defense, I sometimes made things up.
  55. I am almost always mobile and active.
  56. I often doubt whether my interlocutors are really interested in what I say.
  57. Sometimes I suddenly feel like I'm covered in sweat.
  58. If I get really angry with someone, I might hit him.
  59. I don't care much if someone treats me badly.
  60. I usually find it difficult to object to my friends.
  61. I worry and worry even at the thought of possible failure.
  62. I don't love all my friends.
  63. I have thoughts that I should be ashamed of.
  64. I don’t know why, but sometimes there is a desire to ruin something that is admired.
  65. I prefer to force any person to do what I need than to ask him to do it.
  66. I often move my arm or leg restlessly.
  67. I prefer to spend a free evening doing what I love rather than having fun in a fun company.
  68. In company I behave differently than at home.
  69. Sometimes, without thinking, I will say something about which it would be better to remain silent.
  70. I'm afraid to become the center of attention even in familiar company.
  71. I have very few good friends.
  72. Sometimes there are periods when bright light, bright colors, strong noise cause me painfully unpleasant sensations, although I see that this does not affect other people.
  73. In company, I often have the desire to offend or anger someone.
  74. Sometimes I think that it would be better not to be born, as soon as I imagine how many different troubles I might have to experience in life.
  75. If someone seriously offends me, they will get what they deserve in full.
  76. I don't mince words if they make me angry.
  77. I like to ask a question or answer it in such a way that the interlocutor is confused.
  78. Sometimes I put off what needed to be done immediately.
  79. I don't like telling jokes or funny stories.
  80. Everyday difficulties and worries often throw me off balance.
  81. I don’t know what to do when meeting a person who was in a company where I behaved awkwardly.
  82. Unfortunately, I am one of the people who react violently even to the little things in life.
  83. I feel shy when speaking in front of a large audience.
  84. My mood changes quite often.
  85. I get tired faster than most people around me.
  86. If I am very excited or irritated by something, I feel it with my whole body.
  87. I am bothered by unpleasant thoughts that intrusively creep into my head.
  88. Unfortunately, neither my family nor my circle of friends understand me.
  89. If I sleep less than usual today, I won’t feel rested tomorrow.
  90. I try to behave in such a way that others are afraid of causing my displeasure.
  91. I'm confident in my future.
  92. Sometimes I was the reason for the bad mood of someone around me.
  93. I don't mind laughing at others.
  94. I am one of those people who do not mince words.
  95. I belong to people who take everything quite lightly.
  96. As a teenager, I developed an interest in taboo topics.
  97. Sometimes for some reason I hurt my loved ones.
  98. I often have conflicts with others because of their stubbornness.
  99. I often feel remorse for my actions.
  100. I am often absent-minded.
  101. I don't remember being particularly saddened by the failures of a person I can't stand.
  102. I often become annoyed with others too quickly.
  103. Sometimes, unexpectedly for myself, I begin to speak confidently about things about which I actually know little.
  104. Often I am in such a mood that I am ready to explode for any reason.
  105. I often feel lethargic and tired.
  106. I love talking to people and am always ready to talk with both acquaintances and strangers.
  107. Unfortunately, I am often too quick to judge other people.
  108. In the morning I usually get up in a good mood and often start whistling or humming.
  109. I don’t feel confident in solving important issues even after much thought.
  110. It turns out that in an argument I for some reason try to speak louder than my opponent,
  111. Disappointments do not cause me any strong or lasting feelings.
  112. It happens that I suddenly start biting my lips or biting my nails.
  113. I feel happiest when I am alone.
  114. Sometimes you get so bored that you want everyone to quarrel with each other.

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