What system does human health depend on? Human physical health. Rejection of bad habits

Many readers are interested in the questions to what extent does health depend on the person himself, how much can he help himself?

Statistics give us the following figures. 20 percent of a person's health depends on heredity. Another 20 percent of health is determined by the environmental situation. Only 8.5 percent of human health depends on healthcare. And 51.5 percent of a person’s health is determined by his lifestyle.

Let's start working on ourselves

So 20% of our health depends on heredity - the number is good and it seems that it is impossible to influence it - it is given to one, and not to another. But this is just the first glance. We may not be able to influence our own heredity that we have now. But we can influence the heredity of our children and grandchildren, making it much better and more favorable.

And if you know about the chain of incarnations, we are incarnated into earthly life through our parents, through ourselves - our children, then grandchildren, great-grandchildren. And in the end, having gone through a certain circle of incarnations, we are born again through our children and grandchildren.

And here, the heredity that we passed on to our children and grandchildren - they will pass on to us. Thus, leading a highly moral, healthy life now, we are working on our ancestral health now.

What we previously sowed, we received now; what we sow now, we will receive in the future.

Don't crap where you live and don't work for a pharmacy

20% of our health depends on the environmental situation. Yes, but people also influence this figure. Who pollutes his environment if not man himself with his unreasonable activities, and then reaps the fruits of “bad ecology”.

Let's throw away the industry Agriculture, cars are obvious sources of pollution and poisoning of the environment, our living space.

Let's start with ourselves. We live on our own, we don’t want to take care of our health, and when we get sick, we take pills, which is what “health care” prescribes in these cases. Millions of tons of all kinds of drugs are produced by pharmaceutical factories, and people regularly consume them.

Quite recently it turned out that underground drinking source in the resorts of the Alps they are poisoned with thirty types of the most common drugs. It turned out that the medicine does not break down after passing through the body, but retains its medicinal properties. Along with urine, it will enter the wastewater, and then mixes with underground drinking water and accumulates in it. Drinking such “drinking water”, even bathing in it (especially small children) leads to allergies and other ailments.

Antibiotics, sedatives, heart medications, contraceptives and other medications repeatedly “bombard” the human body. Alas, it's a fact, humanity has poisoned drinking water. Moreover, harmful microorganisms, constantly staying in the medicinal environment, adapt to it and become more resistant.

This is how viruses, fungi, microbes and other nasty things appear that modern medicines are powerless against. Other, more powerful ones are required. To stop this unnecessary and useless race, stop poisoning the environment - treat yourself using natural remedies.

Realize the importance of this information and apply it.

Medicine and its place in our lives

Only 8.5% of human health depends on healthcare. I will omit consideration of this issue, which most of all relates to restoring health in emergency cases - poisoning, injuries and other everyday misunderstandings. Fight against epidemics, be more concerned economic conditions life.

A healthy lifestyle is the path to success

The remaining 51.5% relates directly to a person’s lifestyle. How a person lives: thinks, breathes, eats, moves, preventatively cleanses or unloads, etc. depends on his health.

To summarize, we can say that except for 8.5%, all other health and well-being depends on the person himself. Here is proof in favor of self-medication rather than treatment.

Due to the proper organization of his life, a person can cope with any disease himself.

Healthy lifestyle– a complex concept consisting of many components. It includes all areas of human existence - from nutrition to emotional state.

A healthy lifestyle is a way that involves a complete abandonment of previous habits regarding rest, physical activity and nutrition.

To better understand what a healthy lifestyle is, you need to consider all the components and understand what interferes with a person’s psycho-emotional balance and health.

Why in last years Are people increasingly talking about a healthy lifestyle? Well, first of all, this is due to the fact that the loads acting on the human body have increased and changed, which is associated with an increased risk of an environmental and man-made nature, as well as with the increased complexity social structure. In such conditions, in order to survive, each individual must take care of his well-being. IN on a global scale this means preserving humans as a species.

It is difficult to explain in a nutshell what a healthy lifestyle means. According to the official definition, its essence is to prevent diseases and improve health. This concept is considered by supporters of healthy lifestyle as a philosophical and sociological direction, as

component public life And global problem. But there are other aspects of this concept: medical-biological and psychological-pedagogical. But, since they are all aimed at solving one problem - strengthening the health of the individual, there is no sharp distinction between them.

Doctors tend to believe that 50% of a person’s health depends on lifestyle, and other factors influence it in the following percentage ratio: 20% - genetic base, 20% - environment, 10% - health care level.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite and a necessary condition For:

  • full development of all aspects of human life;
  • achieving active longevity;
  • participation in labor, social and family activities a person of any age.

This topic was first raised in the 70s of the last century. This was associated with an increased impact on health environmental factors, global change human environment, changing his lifestyle, increasing its duration.

Modern man began to consume more food, while leading a less active lifestyle. At the same time, the speed of life has increased, which has led to an increase in the number of stress factors. This affects the increase in the number of hereditary diseases, the number of which is increasing from year to year. In such a situation, it is no longer possible not to think about how to stay healthy physically and spiritually, leading active image life.

To stay healthy, you need to reconsider your daily routine. Going to bed late (after midnight) and waking up early (at 4 am) does not contribute to this. If you don’t have enough time to complete all the tasks in a day, then you need to either reduce their number or learn to do it faster, i.e. you need to learn how to manage time correctly.

A rational regime is, first of all, an alternation of work and rest, i.e. periods of mental and physical stress and periods of complete relaxation. In other words, for proper sleep, an adult should allocate 7-8 hours a day, including on weekends.

The need for a balanced diet

Not less important balanced diet. This concept is quite broad and many voluminous works are devoted to it.

However, in this diversity, basic principles can be traced:

  • you need to limit your intake of animal fats;
  • limit intake of foods rich in protein (primarily fatty meats);
  • include in menu increased amount plant products;
  • completely eliminate the consumption of “fast” carbohydrates - baked goods, sweets, fast food, carbonated drinks, crackers and chips;
  • Go to fractional meals, i.e. multiple (up to 6 times a day) meals, but significantly reducing the amount per meal;
  • forget about late dinner;
  • include only fresh foods in your diet;
  • adhere to the optimal drinking regime;
  • exclude alcohol, limit strong tea and coffee;
  • optimize the amount of food, adhering to the rule that the number of calories received should not exceed energy expenditure.

Products consumed must be exclusively natural, containing essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is very good if the preparation of a diet is carried out under the guidance of a nutritionist.

Healthy lifestyle is also physical activity. Life modern man became lighter and more comfortable than it was with his ancestor. For this, we must thank the achievements of science and technology. At the same time, it was precisely because of this that the person began to move less. Now you don’t need to go to the store, since groceries can be ordered for home delivery, as well as buying things, furniture, and electronic equipment.

But in order for a person’s functional status to be maintained, he needs to move. Those starting to practice a healthy lifestyle should devote at least 30 minutes to physical exercise per day. Which sport to choose, everyone must decide for themselves. It is chosen depending on temperament, capabilities, age and, possibly, existing skills.

Some will prefer training in the gym, race walking or running, while others will enjoy cycling, visiting the pool or doing yoga, gymnastics, qigong.

There are many opportunities to realize your motor potential. Even walking will be very useful on initial stage. It is clear that over time the load will necessarily increase. Exercises for the spine occupy a special place. This section of the musculoskeletal system is responsible for how youthful your body looks. Life is motion! This means that the spine must remain mobile and flexible.

Rejection of bad habits

Everyone has heard many times that the body is destroyed: food addictions(chips, crackers, soda, salty foods), bad habits(alcohol, smoking). All of this should be abandoned in favor of healthier options. The practice of ZOH should begin with giving up bad habits.


Video: “How to start leading a healthy lifestyle”

Prevention of diseases and strengthening of the body

Procedures to harden and strengthen the body are necessarily included in the list of factors that contribute to improved health. There are several methods that will help strengthen the immune system: using pharmaceutical drugs (ginseng tincture, Eleutherococcus, etc.) and hardening.

You don't have to jump into the hole right away. At first, a contrast shower will do. Moreover, the temperature difference should be small to begin with, but gradually it should be increased. This will strengthen the vascular system, immunity, raise the overall tone of the body and will be a good stimulator for the autonomic nervous system.

Behind nervous system and the state of the psyche must be monitored, since stress, irritability and nervousness are the direct causes of rapid aging. Nervousness negatively affects the cells and tissues of the body, leading to their pathological changes. Another piece of advice: if you are nervous and angry, then at least do not accumulate negativity in yourself, show your emotions openly.

It is necessary to mention one more factor that plays an important role in health prevention - body weight. It needs to be controlled because overweight is an additional risk for the development of vascular, cardiac, endocrine, cancer and other diseases.

This risk increases with age, so after 45 years everyone needs to undergo a full examination at least once a year in order to prevent or detect diseases such as ischemic disease hearts, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Detection of ailments on early stage– the key to successful therapy.

Absolutely all people want to be healthy. They don’t even just want, but dream, strive, look for ways to preserve what health remains and restore what has already been lost. But do they understand what health is? What does health depend on?? What does it mean to be healthy? How will the majority answer this question? “Being healthy is not being sick,” or “Health is feeling good.” In fact, a person will be healthy if all his components are healthy. AND we're talking about not just about organs.

Each person has his own aura, each one is individual in size, color and state of health. In modern esotericism, aura refers to the totality of thin layers surrounding the human physical body. The first layer is an exact copy physical body, and the disease first affects it, and only then manifests itself as an illness in the human body. The second layer is emotional, reflects the emotions and feelings experienced by a person. It is here in this layer that diseases caused by anger appear, , anger, envy, resentment and so on. The third layer is mental, reflects our thoughts and ideas. It is not for nothing that they say that thoughts are material, since the connection between the mental and physical body is very close. The fourth layer is the astral layer, associated with the desires and intentions of a person. The fifth, sixth and seventh layers form a connection with cosmic forces, feed a person with energy. The state of the aura is what does health depend on? person.

All of these layers directly affect the human physical body. Accordingly, health is not only good health, but also positive thoughts, good feelings, good intentions and actions. Modern medicine looks only at the physical body and suggests various medications that act only on it. But if the disease sits higher, in other layers of the aura, then the pills only remove the symptoms without giving the person the opportunity to eradicate the cause.

It's not in vain large quantity people who are trying to understand what does health depend on?, become disillusioned with medicine and refuse to visit hospitals. Does not help. But I want to say that such people begin to look for other ways to solve the problem and turn to healers, bioenergetics, and psychics with the hope of restoring their health. If you think that laying on of hands, replenishing energy or removing so-called damage will help you, you are mistaken. This can only give a short-term effect, since all of the methods listed also remove symptoms without affecting the cause. And in this case, no one can guarantee health. Even God.

After all, having lost hope of healing, people go to church, turn to God and ask, pray for help. Of course, admitting your mistakes and admiring higher powers in many cases they help a person. He is given another chance, time to realize his mistakes and prevent them in the future. But this is not a guarantee of health! Only a person can shape his health with the right thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. Only a person is responsible for his illnesses, for his health and for his life!

Do you think what does health depend on?? What causes diseases? What does it bestow? Write your thoughts in the comments!

Yulia Kravchenko

Since I lured you to my website and announced interesting articles about health, then let us, without delaying it, immediately clarify for ourselves once and for all what factors determine this very health.

Unfortunately, unfortunately, the average Russian is often aware of foreign policy state or privacy neighbors are much better than principles healthy image life. Please pay attention to this hackneyed phrase - “lifestyle”. Not separately “nutrition”, “sleep”, etc., but rather the complex concept of “lifestyle”.

Ask yourself a seemingly simple question: on what and to what extent does our health depend? I’ll make the task easier - I propose to simply rank the significance (in %) of each of the proposed factors:

- heredity;

— ecology;

- Lifestyle;

— level of medical care.

Now check with (WHO figures - World Organization healthcare).

Let’s leave heredity out of the picture for now, get used to the awareness of the mega-important role of a healthy lifestyle and define for ourselves fundamental principles pain-free longevity:

  1. Healthy thinking
  2. Healthy eating
  3. Cleanliness/ecology
  4. Evidence-based medicine services for a limited number of diseases

Now about each principle in detail:

- how and what we think, we think. There are a huge number of scientific, religious and esoteric schools, movements, trends. Almost all of them agree on one thing: thoughts need to be controlled, if only because they tend to materialize, while it is extremely beneficial to think positively, because negativism leads to adverse consequences for both the body and the soul.

– what and how we eat (and drink, of course). Dietetics has long ceased to be the science of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and calories. This is a global discipline about one of the most important and fundamental needs human body. But in order to eat relatively healthy, there is no need to delve into any scientific jungle, since simple common sense sometimes it costs more than the most exorbitant scientific exercises. And common sense dictates that you need to eat regularly, naturally and variedly; you need to drink plenty, the main drink on planet Earth is plain water(it is clear that it is not polluted by the person himself).

- this is movement. All living beings have the function of movement to one degree or another. It must be maintained, since other functions of the entire organism are evolutionarily connected with its implementation.
At a minimum, movement provides nutrition to the organs of the musculoskeletal system (diseases of which have overwhelmed humanity since the 20th century), movement initiates and enhances microcirculation of blood and lymph in the periphery (you would know how important this is for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system!), movement ensures a decent part of the body's basal metabolism (in simple terms - burning calories; physical inactivity, coupled with banal gluttony, has already given rise to one monster - obesity! And obesity, in turn, has given people metabolic syndrome - diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis..) We must, we must move.

Ecological living. What can we say here - people, in their urban impulse, have driven themselves into unfavourable conditions accommodation. Judge for yourself how people live in the city: a concrete box (apartment) with a bunch of all sorts of chemicals (forgive the expression, but it is so capacious, however), the air is saturated with exhaust gases and emissions from all kinds of factories, permeated with different frequencies electromagnetic radiation; water with taste, color, smell... Our body encounters so many foreign agents in the city that the statistics on the progressive growth of allergic diseases are not surprising. In truth, one would envy the villagers, if not back side medals for living in a village.. But something can be done for a city dweller to survive as long as possible in the concrete jungle - more on that a little later and separately.

– an approach to medical practice in which decisions on the use of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures are made based on the available evidence of their effectiveness and safety (source - Wikipedia).
Everything seems to be clear, but to put it quite simply, a doctor of evidence-based medicine will prescribe something for you only if there are sufficient and reliable grounds for this. Without delving into the specifics of conducting double-blind randomized studies, I will only say one thing: quite a lot have been conducted in the world medical research with reliable results that determined what and in what case is good and useful for a person (and sometimes vital), and what is simple “stray stuff” (I apologize for the term). Unfortunately, until now a huge number of medical and pharmacological offices are fed mostly from the “stray stuff” I mentioned. And even more unfortunately, this often happens to the patient’s delight. Well, what about - they simply have to send him, the poor patient, for such necessary studies with such complex names, and prescribe such expensive and probably very necessary and useful medications.. And if the doctor, even after examining him from head to toe and asking questions about everything that is needed, did not order a specialized examination and did not prescribe a couple of pills - so this is not some kind of treatment.. ( “I’m sick!! Treat me!!” Don't get me wrong, I'm not for under-diagnosis or under-treatment. I am for choosing health, not illness, for choosing healing and healing, for that matter, and not the banal consumption of pills for the sake of the feeling “I am being treated, everything is fine.” Not normal. How to survive if you still had to become a client of our healthcare system, I will write a separate article.)

Surely you have come across the following statistics: more than 50% of patients receive therapy for something other than the disease they suffer from! I am inclined to attribute this terrifying information not so much to the insufficient competence of doctors or lack of diagnosis, but to the desire of the unhealthy people themselves to be treated (and somewhere very close: they paid attention, regretted it, attributed the failures to illness, justified them, made a decision for them ).

This is how a person gets sick with the most common diseases: he leads a sedentary lifestyle (home-car-office-car-house), throws and pours all sorts of nasty things into himself (convenience foods, trans fats, fast carbohydrates, dead proteins flavored with preservatives, stabilizers, dyes and taste enhancers), exists under the constant pressure of circumstances, obligations, fears and worries (read – pathological stress), and gradually little remains pure and naturally healthy in the head and body.

Having been in the role of a patient several times, I myself felt the fullness of the psychological drift into hypochondria and pathology induced by a visit to a medical institution. So, friends, the only thought that should be born in the head of a sick or ill person is that no one can cure me except myself, and in general - I do not want to be ill!

PS. As a rule, a person, faced with some kind of health problem, begins to look for answers on the Internet. Having read various horror stories, often having nothing to do with his condition, he becomes even more confused and frightened, or begins the process of self-medication, or goes with a doomed look to the wrong doctor. Self-medication is the scourge of ruining both personal and social health Russians. You will not find treatment recommendations on this site. But here you can learn how to become and stay healthy.

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