Why don't the leaves of the money tree shine? Money tree - what to do if leaves fall? Crassula, Crassula, money tree care, watering, fertilizing - video


A problem that occurs when the flower is insufficiently moistened.

Crassula belongs to the family of succulents with moisture-storing properties. And nutrients. The homeland of this species is countries with a hot and dry climate, so the plant makes reserves. And when there is not enough food from the outside, the fat woman begins to consume its own resources.

To restore the beauty of the elasticity of the leaves, you should change the watering regime, remove the flower from exposure to direct sunlight or heating devices, and spray.

Brown and black spots

If the spots are black and dry, then most likely the Crassula received a leaf burn. In this case, it is enough to shade the plant. Damaged leaves will not recover and will fall off over time.. But the plant itself will remain beautiful and healthy.

Brown spots indicate a more serious problem - a fungal infection.

Damaged leaves should be removed immediately to prevent the infection from spreading, and the flower itself should be treated with an antifungal drug. If the problem occurs again, treat the plant again and pay attention to the watering regime and air ventilation at the location of the flower.


These symptoms indicate problems environment plants. A cramped pot, a stuffy room, direct sunlight.

It is necessary to understand what exactly causes discomfort in the money tree and correct or completely eliminate negative factor.

Reddens around the edges, from the top and bottom

Leaf color changes due to bright lighting. Contrary to its origin, the Crassula still does not like open sun. The second reason is the lack of feeding. To eliminate the problem, the plant should be rearranged and fed.

It is worth noting that redness can occur not only along the edges of the sheet, but also on the top and bottom.

It all depends on which side of the leaf is most vulnerable at the time of solar activity.

We invite you to watch a video about redness on the fat plant:

Causes of combined problems and how to fix them if such symptoms appear?

Become soft, flaccid, wrinkled and thin

Occurs due to irregular watering.

If they forget about the plant and for a long time don't water, then leaves waste their reserves, become soft and thin. And when they suddenly remember about the flower and begin to actively water it, the leaves immediately wrinkle.

Need to pick up correct mode watering, avoiding such changes in the condition of the soil. Otherwise, the flower will die from stress.

We invite you to watch a video about why Crassula can have soft leaves:

Wrinkled and blushed

The combination of these factors indicates a lack of nutrition and excessive lighting. The flower should be shaded and fed with any complex fertilizer. It is also good to spray with a biostimulant.

Soft and falling off

This often happens with the money tree. It reproduces well by leaves and if it begins to shed them, it means that the plant does not want to raise its offspring.

One of the reasons lies in watering directly from the tap. The water in this case can be quite cold. Second possible reason- excess fertilizer.

To correct both deficiencies, when watering, use only warm water, and reduce fertilizing.

We invite you to watch a video about the reasons for the leaves falling on the fat plant and how to eliminate them:

Read more about what to do if the leaves become soft.

They dry out and fall off

With these symptoms, the plant can signal either that the earthen ball is over-moistened or that the roots have filled the entire pot and it’s time to replant.

When similar problem it is necessary to inspect the root system and at the same time dry the earthen ball.

If the plant is cramped in its previous pot, then it needs to be replanted.

You can find out more about the drying out of the leaves of the crassula and how to save the plant in, and read about what to do when the leaves fall off.

We invite you to watch a video about the causes of dry foliage on Crassula:

They wither and drop their leaves

Most likely, the flower was flooded, as a result of which the root system was damaged. What to do if the leaves become soft and limp? It is necessary to dry the soil and increase the temperature. If drying the earthen coma does not produce results, then the plant needs to be replanted. The roots should be freed from rot, washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and only then transplanted into new soil.

You can find out more about the rotting of Crassula during flooding.

In order for the Crassula to please with a strong trunk and a beautiful lush crown, it is necessary to carefully monitor its care. Contrary to the belief that the plant is resilient, it does not tolerate inattention and negligence in care. The main thing is not to neglect watering, protect it from bright sunlight and feed the flower on time.

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There is a strong belief that The fat woman is sensitive to the family microclimate, the financial condition and mental attitude of the person who raised her.

In contrast to this opinion flower lovers claim that there are few such unpretentious indoor plants, like Crassula.

She puts up with many mistakes of inept flower growers, cheerfully turning green with its bright elastic leaves. However, when growing a money tree (crassula), you sometimes encounter problems and diseases.

Diseases with photos and home care

In this article we will look at the main diseases, diseases of the Crassula flower (money tree) and their treatment. Let's answer the questions: why does the fat plant get sick and how to cure a houseplant money tree?

Slow growth

Why does the crassula (money tree) not grow (stands in one place) or grows poorly and what to do?

Since the money tree (crassula, crassula) - This is a semi-desert plant, for good growth he needs conditions natural environment a habitat:

  • bright but not excessive lighting;
  • adequate drainage;
  • watering during the growth period;
  • drying of the soil and coolness during a period of relative dormancy.

If these conditions are met You won’t have to complain about the slow growth of the money tree.

Make it attractive appearance Can regular pinching of shoots, which stimulates growth points and helps quickly grow the crown.

ATTENTION! In order for the Crassula to grow quickly, it is necessary to find the optimal lighting mode, the so-called “golden mean”. The money tree needs bright light but the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Leaves are falling off

Money tree sheds leaves: why?

Since Crassula (money tree) reproduces using leaves, their shedding - this indicates a leaf disease or is an alarming signal that the plant has fallen into unfavourable conditions and urgently wants to leave offspring.

Why does the crassula flower (money tree) lose its leaves (crassula sheds) or why does the crassula lose its leaves?

The reasons (why leaves fall) of such an unpleasant phenomenon or disease may be:

  • excessive watering and insufficient lighting, especially during the winter dormancy period;
  • prolonged repeated drying out of the earthen coma;
  • watering cold water from the tap;
  • too frequent fertilizing.

What to do, how to care for it at home and how to save it if the leaves of the fat plant fall off?

Having analyzed the reasons, you need to try observe the watering regime in accordance with the season, water with warm, settled water, minimize the use of fertilizers.

ATTENTION! In winter, watering Crassula is reduced to 1-2 times a month; the lower the air temperature, the less frequent it is. It is advisable to reduce the temperature in the room to 15?, because at this time the weather in the homeland of the money tree is cold and dry.

The trunk is rotten

Why does the money tree have a soft, thin trunk?

Succulents, which include Crassula (money tree), accustomed to storing water for future use in desert conditions, They absolutely cannot tolerate excessive soil moisture. The roots begin to rot, followed by the trunk of the plant. If, after drying the soil, the plant does not return to its proper form, then everything is very serious - he urgently needs to be transplanted.

How to save and what to do if the trunk rots, the roots rot and the money tree (crassula) dies?

Before transplanting, you need to wash off the soil from the roots and carefully inspect them. If everything is not so bad, and only the roots are rotten, they are cut off to healthy areas, dusted with wood ash and planted in a new substrate.

It is almost impossible to revive a rotten trunk.

Crassula stem cuttings take root very easily, and the new plants you grow from them will help you correct mistakes.

The photo below shows the root system (roots) of Crassula (money tree):

The leaves are turning yellow

Why do the leaves of the Crassula (money tree) turn yellow?

The most likely cause of yellowing of the leaves of the Crassula is lack of light.

What to do if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow?

If the windows of the room face north or northeast and the toast is turning yellow, you should think about artificial lighting.

During the warmest time of year, the most best place for the fat woman it will be garden or loggia with protection from direct sunlight.

Soft limp leaves

The money tree is withering and its leaves are falling! Let's look at why this happens.

Why do the leaves of the money tree wrinkle, become soft and thin, and become lethargic, and what should you do if the money tree withers?
Loss of leaf elasticity in Crassula indicates a problem with watering.

The plant is either suffering from drought, or the roots are suffocating from waterlogging.

What to do if the money tree has soft leaves?

It is necessary to check whether the substrate drainage is sufficient and adjust the watering.

Another reason could be excessive solar insolation, especially if the plant has recently been replanted. Roots damaged during transplantation cannot cope with the money tree's need for watering, and the leaves wither and wrinkle.

Black spots appeared on the leaves

Why do the leaves of the money tree turn black?

Dry, round black spots on Crassula leaves appear as a result of sunburn.

Shading the plant from direct sunlight will solve this problem, but the affected leaves will fall off over time.

Black and brown soft spots on leaves they say that Crassula affected by a fungal infection.

Leaves with signs of disease should be removed, the plant should be treated with a drug to combat fungal infections, and if necessary, the treatment can be repeated several times. No need to be afraid of deletion large quantity leaves, This creates new growth points, the crown of the plant will be thicker and more luxuriant.

ATTENTION! It is worth reviewing the conditions for keeping the money tree, since the fungus develops only in rooms with high humidity. Ventilating the room and mulching the surface layer of the earth can help cope with this problem.

The leaves are turning red

Why and why do the leaves of the money tree turn red or are they already turning red?

The main reason for the redness of the leaves of the Crassula is too bright sunlight. The Crassula does not tolerate direct sunlight, although its African origin would seem to indicate the opposite. A red tint may appear on the leaves after a “change of residence”, moving the plant from a shaded windowsill to a brightly lit one.

This problem can be solved very simply - It is enough to slightly shade the window with a light curtain, and the leaves will turn bright green again. If, in addition to redness, the leaves are also slightly wilted, it means that the change in location has led to sunburn, and the money tree needs to be fertilized with complex fertilizer and sprayed with a biostimulant. You can use Epin, the universal “ living water» for affected plants.

CAREFULLY ! Using Epin, overdose should not be allowed, The count is literally in drops, this drug is so active. To treat an adult plant, 1-2 drops dissolved in a glass of water are enough.

When the underside of the leaves turns red you need to pay attention to the watering regime, perhaps the plant simply does not have enough moisture, the earthen lump is dry.

Pest control and photos

Pests don’t really like to settle on Crassula, but from time to time it suffers from their invasion.

Why does a white coating appear on the Crassula plant (white spots or dots on the leaves): what is it?

Sometimes in the axils of the leaves of the money tree you can see a white coating, similar to cotton balls.
This is a signal that it has settled on the plant. mealybug. In order to get rid of it, you need:

  • wash away the pest warm water from the shower;
  • wash the fatty with a small brush with thick foam laundry soap, then rinse the plant clean water;
  • treat with infusion of garlic or tobacco, decoction of cyclamen tubers. Such treatments are carried out 3-4 times a month.

The scale insect affects not only Crassula, but also many other plants, for example: Hoya, Poinsettia succulent, Cereus cactus.

If you don’t fight the mealybug, it will feed on the sap of young shoots, which will lead to weakening of the plant, slowing down its growth, loss of leaves, appearance on Crassula colonies of sooty fungi. White plaque on the plant, you need to rub it between your fingers in order to distinguish mealybug damage from fungal damage.

A musty smell indicates a fungal infection.

Much harder to get rid of spider mite. Its presence can be noticed by small yellowish spots on the leaves and threads of cobwebs.

The reason for the appearance of this pest- warm and dry air, so by spraying the plants regularly, you can avoid the appearance of mites on the fat plant. On early stages lesions can be treated with garlic or tobacco infusion or soap suds.

Such measures are not always effective; most often, neighboring plants are also affected by the mite.

In this case, it will only help insecticide treatment. They need to treat not only the plants, but also the surface on which they stand, as well as flower pots to destroy clutches of spider mite eggs.

Scale insects can be noticed only at a late stage of the lesion, when on the bases of the petioles of the money tree and back side leaves along the veins red-brown plaques (spots) appeared, that is, the pest can be seen with the naked eye.

The following measures are being taken urgently:

  • Scale insects are removed by scraping them from the surface of leaves and shoots;
  • the fatty mushroom is wiped with tobacco or soap solution, washed with warm water;
  • treat the plant with a systemic insecticide.

In case of severe scale infestation, when all the leaves are covered with sweet sticky secretions, it is very difficult to cope with.

REFERENCE. Soap solution for spraying It is prepared in the following proportion - 10 g of potassium, green or laundry soap per half liter of water. Before soap treatment The soil in the pot must be covered with film.

What to do: the money tree falls from gravity?

This problem is only possible if the pot with Crassula was not turned towards the light, its crown became one-sided and the tree lost stability.

How to strengthen the trunk of a crassula?

To solve the problem an adult plant is transplanted into a pot several times bigger size, slightly reducing the load on one side by pinching.

It is advisable to replant in the spring, but if the situation does not tolerate delay, you can use transshipment method, that is, carefully remove the plant along with the earthen lump, place it in a larger pot, and carefully fill the gaps between the soil and the walls of the pot with substrate.

Form young plant can still be adjusted turning it around its axis. The plant reaches for the window glass, the only source of light, the main trunk bends.

Timely attention to the shape of the money tree will allow you to get a slender plant with uniform growth and a neat crown.

Having created the Crassula optimal conditions for development, you can be sure that problems and diseases will not interfere with growing a beautiful, strong plant, signaling to its owners about the well-being of the house in which it lives.

Many gardeners are engaged in growing money trees at home. It is not difficult to care for the plant, and besides, it will attract financial well-being, according to Feng Shui. But it happens that with proper care indoor flower begins to turn black and fade. Why the money tree sheds its leaves is the topic of our article.

You will certainly be able to restore a wilted and limp Crassula or Crassula (another name for the plant). But to do this, you need to correctly determine what caused this problem to appear.

In fact, there are plenty of reasons. The leaves of the money tree turn yellow and fall off due to mistakes made in the care of flower growers. Sometimes it’s all about diseases or pest invasions.

You need to revive the fat plant after you clearly determine why it suddenly began to fade. To do this, you need to take a closer look at the most common causes of yellowing and falling leaves of Crassula.

Watering errors

Why the leaves of the Crassula wither and fall off is difficult to determine immediately. Very often, the main cause is improper substrate moisture. Some gardeners believe that it is not worth irrigating the soil composition of Crassula too often, since arid Africa is considered its homeland, and the plant itself is a succulent.

At the same time, if you neglect it at all or do it very rarely, the leaves of the flower will begin to dry out and fly down. But it is not recommended to overfill the pot: in this case, the water does not have time to be absorbed by the roots, and even the presence of drainage will not always help remove excess liquid in a timely manner.

Such errors in care lead to active rotting of the root system and wilting of the plant.

To prevent the death of this green specimen, irrigate the soil in the pot according to a certain scheme. It is recommended to water it after the soil layer has noticeably dried out in the flowerpot. In this case, moistening should take place slowly and gradually: in this way, the water will be absorbed into the water, and a puddle will not appear on the pan.

Incorrect lighting

When the leaves of a fat plant fall off, you urgently need to reconsider the conditions that you have provided for your flower. Soft foliage may turn yellow and wilt if the indoor microclimate is not the most favorable. Great value for this plant has lighting.

You should not place it on a south window and generally leave it in direct sunlight, especially in hot weather. summer days. In this case, burns cannot be avoided. If you want to grow your money tree exclusively in the southern part of the house, try to shade it in the summer. But the northern side of the house is not the most the best choice, since you will have to add additional light to the plant.

Sudden changes in temperature

Crassula may become limp and begin to shed leaves if the room has been suddenly changed temperature regime. For example, you moved the plant from a warm room to the balcony or, conversely, there are drafts in the room, etc. All this will not have the most favorable effect on the health of the home flower.

If he stood on a frosty windowsill, shriveled up and simply began to disappear, it is unlikely to be resuscitated. In this case, take cuttings from the stem and start rooting them so that the money tree does not completely disappear from your flower collection.

When the leaves on the trunk of a plant break off and fall off due to sudden temperature changes, do not rush to throw it away: the wave may replace the lost shoots with young shoots. In any case, it is necessary to try to bring the flower back to life. But in the future, try to avoid such failures in temperature conditions.

Presence of diseases and pests

The plant is aging

When the bottom sheets dry out and fall off, this sometimes indicates natural aging. No matter how competently the flower is cared for, sooner or later the green specimen still throws off the old foliage to replace it with young shoots. In this case, you need to remove the dead parts of the plant and wait for its further growth.

Video “How to properly care for a fat woman”

Video about how to grow a money tree, care features.

How to save the situation

Treatment of a money tree should begin with adjusting watering. Let the earthen clod dry, and then resume irrigating the substrate, but try to follow the basic recommendations so as not to harm the flower again. In winter, remember to reduce the frequency of watering. Another key point: keep the plant away from heaters and radiators to prevent the leaves from drying out prematurely.

Extremely. The flower can withstand poor lighting and lack of watering for a long time. For this reason, novice flower growers love this plant. In addition to easy care, it attracts with its appearance and ability to attract wealth into the home. But even the hardy fat woman sometimes develops all sorts of diseases.

The lifespan of Crassula directly depends on growing conditions. If everything suits her, she will delight her owners for decades, without changing her color, but only increasing in size. There are specimens that live up to fifty years. However, owners often do not have the patience to care for it for more than 20-30 years. Moreover, the first flowering is observed only ten years after planting.

Sometimes a flower begins to have a problem with leaves falling off. The spectacle looks sad, so it is necessary to quickly figure out why the money tree is shedding its leaves in order to stop this process. There may be several reasons:

To stop leaf falling, it is worth identifying the cause and eliminating it.

For example, if there is an excess of fertilizers, the money tree should be transplanted to another soil. Special means help to cope with pests. In case of excessive lighting, the flower is covered with newspapers. If the watering mode is incorrect, it is corrected according to the right side. The water should be at room temperature. An aging fat woman is rejuvenated by circumcision.

Usually the plant encounters similar illness if it is watered too often. Inexperienced gardeners believe that Crassula needs water immediately after the soil dries. However, in warm weather it requires watering once a week, and in winter - only once a month.

If the leaves become soft, the flower can be revived. The young fat plant is taken out of the pot, the roots are carefully cleaned with a knife, placed in a glass of water, and only then transplanted into new soil. It is not recommended to remove an adult tree from the pot. It is enough to remove the wet substrate, replacing it with dry soil. Watering stops completely.

The problem is also observed in the presence of pests. In this case, special preparations and treating the foliage with a sponge and soap will help.

In its natural habitat, the fat woman is accustomed to receiving food as a result of a desperate struggle for survival, so she is fed quite rarely. In spring and summer, the procedure is carried out once a month, and in autumn and winter - once every two months. Beginning flower growers prefer to buy cactus solution in florist shops for this purpose, using it in accordance with the instructions. Moreover, in cold weather the solution is made twice as weak so as not to harm the plant.

Crassula requires the following nutrients:

Usually, a universal fertilizer is used to feed the plant, but calcium can also be added using a prepared composition from egg shells, or an infusion from it.

To do this, the shells are washed, dried, ground into a fine powder, and then added to the money tree pot. It is recommended to place such fertilizer at the bottom of the container for the fat plant when replanting for drainage. The shell layer will facilitate the flow of air to the root system and prevent waterlogging of the soil.

The infusion is prepared as follows: in liter jar Place ten shells, pour boiling water over them, leave for two weeks in a place where light does not penetrate. The resulting liquid is used to water Crassula.

The soil in the pot should be moist before the procedure. The next day, the tree is sprayed with warm water.

White coating on the leaves of the Crassula

If harmful mealybugs are found on a money tree, they are immediately destroyed by wiping the surface of the fat plant with a soap solution. A sponge or brush is used for this. Insecticides also help in the fight against scale insects. But they should be used if the soap solution does not have the desired effect.

Money tree pests

Crassula has no specific pests. On it you can see insects common to all indoor plants:

It is quite difficult to remove spider mites. Its presence is indicated by yellow spots on the foliage of the flower. If the initial stage of the disease is missed, then cobwebs and the pests themselves appear between the leaves. They quickly adapt to insecticides, so it is advisable to alternate special preparations. The treatment should be combined with washing the plant with soapy water, infusion of garlic or tobacco. It is recommended to wipe all nearby surfaces with the solution to destroy insect eggs.

It is impossible to notice the scale insect at an early stage of its appearance. Crassula owners know about the damage when they see red, brown and yellow spots on the leaves. The pest is extremely dangerous, so the actions of flower growers must be prompt. It is necessary to smear the insects with kerosene, then manually remove them from the fat plant. Next, the wood is treated with a solution of soap or tobacco. Then it is washed with a swab soaked in clean water. Finally, the use of an insecticidal drug is required.

Mealybug causes flower growth to slow down, shoots to bend, and leaves to fall off. This pest is recognized by white deposits on the leaf axils. If the fight is not started on time, sooty fungi develop.

After treatment, the Crassula should be transplanted into another pot, or the existing container should be disinfected and the soil replaced. Care remains the same.

Thus, although the money tree is hardy and unpretentious, sometimes it is also subject to various diseases and exposure to pests. To prevent the plant from dying, you should start the fight against the ailments of the fat plant in time. If you monitor the condition of the flower and properly care for it, it can live for many decades.

Video about how to properly care for a money tree and protect it from diseases and pests:

Crassula (money tree, Crassula) is a very common indoor plant and very popular among gardeners. This is due to the fact that it is relatively unpretentious in care and is extremely rarely affected by various diseases and pests. However, problems in growing Crassula still exist, and you need to know them in advance so as not to lose your precious plant.

Description of Crassula (money tree)

Crassula ovoid (crassula) comes from South Africa and got used to it quite harsh conditions existence: dry air, drought and poor soils. Like most plants in this area, Crassula is a succulent and has a powerful, thick stem and dark green fleshy leaves - everything that can accumulate moisture for a long period of absence of rain.

The height of the Crassula in nature can reach 1.5 m. A feature of the plant is a rather sparse root system with an impressive trunk. Therefore, for Crassula they choose a wide but shallow bowl. This is necessary in order to avoid stagnation of water and rotting of the roots. Crassula blooms, but this event is extremely rare, it occurs only when good care, in comfortable conditions. However, the flowers are not hers strong point, they are small, white, collected in inflorescences.

Photo gallery: appearance of Crassula

The ideal bowl for a money tree is wide and shallow Crassula has a powerful trunk and a heavy crown Crassula flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences Crassula is a succulent, i.e. plant with special tissues to store water

Video: description of Crassula

Optimal conditions for keeping Crassula

Crassula is very popular among gardeners. For its shiny oval-shaped leaves, Crassula received the name “money tree”. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this plant senses the mood of the owner, and is also capable of attracting financial well-being into the house and predicting material expenses or income. Believing it or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, flower growers are trying to create as much as possible for Crassula. comfortable conditions for growth and chic appearance.

Table: conditions for growing Crassula

SummerA bright place, allow direct sunlight only before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.20–27°COnce a week after the top layer of soil has dried outOnce every two weeks, fertilizer for succulents, water with the solution according to the instructions
AutumnThe brightest place18–25°CTwice a monthNot required
WinterThe brightest place12–15°COnce a monthNot required
SpringThe brightest place, limit direct sunlight20–25°C2–3 times a month, depending on the drying of the soilOnce every two weeks with fertilizer for succulents in the proportion specified in the instructions for the drug

The soil

The most suitable soil for Crassula is a special ready-made substrate for succulents. It is very loose and light, designed for delicate roots. Such soil easily allows water and air to pass through. But you can prepare the soil yourself. For this you will need equal parts leaf, turf soil and coarse sand. To quickly remove excess moisture, the pot must have a drainage layer of at least 4 cm.


The money tree does not need to be replanted annually. Moreover, it is better to avoid it unless absolutely necessary. Since the root system of the fat plant is sparse, damage to the delicate roots will be painful for it. Replanting is done as the plant grows, changing the bowl to a wider one. If the crassula is too large, then remove it upper layer soil and replace it with fresh substrate.


Crassula propagates extremely easily by seeds, shoots and leaves. The last two methods are the most popular.

Seeds purchased in a store can be planted in a succulent substrate mixed in equal parts with river sand. They do not need to be buried or sprinkled. Simply shake the container so that the seeds are mixed with the soil, moisten by spraying, cover with film or non-woven material and place in warm place. After 1.5–2 weeks, shoots will appear. Grown plants must be picked into separate cups.

With leaves and shoots everything is much simpler. Crassula often sheds its leaves on its own. After some time, you can notice that the leaf has successfully taken root. Subsequently, a new plant will emerge from it. The shoot must be planted in a ready-made moistened substrate without waiting for roots to form. Watering should be careful, without waterlogging the soil.

Photo gallery: methods of propagation of Crassula

Propagation by leaves is a method that Crassula itself uses, because the leaves easily take root in the soil The most popular and quick way Crassula propagation - cuttings of an adult tree After the appearance of the second true leaves, the Crassula shoots must be planted in separate cups Shoots of young shoots of Crassula appear 2 weeks after sowing

Air humidity

Dry air for the fat woman - normal environment habitat, so it tolerates heating in winter without problems. And in the summer, many people put it on the balcony or open veranda. You just need to make sure that the plant does not fall under heavy rain. In order to wash off dust from the leaves, place Crassula under a small shower, covering the soil from moisture. The procedure can be repeated no more than once a month.

Crassula does not need to be sprayed. This will only harm the plant, which already stores enough moisture. Otherwise, the Crassula will begin to hurt and shed its leaves.

Possible problems when growing Crassula

If you do not follow the rules for caring for your money tree, you may encounter various troubles.

A light coating on the leaf blades appears due to high humidity and cold air. These are excellent conditions for the development of powdery mildew or mealybug attack.

A silvery coating on Crassula leaves indicates the presence of a fungal disease - powdery mildew.

Green bumps

Small growths on the plant appear as a result of overwatering. It is necessary to adjust the plant's moisture. In addition, it’s worth taking a closer look - maybe the scale insect has chosen the Crassula.

Red or purple color

The leaves acquire an uncharacteristic color if they are exposed to direct sunlight (the underside of the leaf is especially susceptible to it). Then the leaf blades turn red (or turn purple), lose their elasticity, and begin to crumble. Also, a change in color indicates an overabundance of fertilizers.

Purple leaves of Crassula are a sign of oversaturation of the plant with fertilizers

Leaves wither and turn yellow

The leaves become lethargic and turn yellow due to insufficient watering and poor lighting. This is easy to fix. However, the problem could be much more serious - perhaps the plant is affected by root rot.

Crassula leaves dry out due to lack of moisture or sunburn

The tree is losing its leaves

Excessive humidity very often leads to the fact that the leaves of the fat plant become lethargic, lose color, and then fall off. It is worth noting that a lack of water also leads to this result, so when watering it is important to feel the “golden mean”. It is necessary to use warm, settled water, since cold water will also cause Crassula to shed its leaves.

Money tree leaves can fall off due to both under-watering and over-watering.

Brown or brown spots

Dry spots of brown or Brown- a consequence of lack of moisture. When the earthen coma is overdried, the leaves dry out, and then the plant loses them. Another reason is spraying the plant. Crassula does not need this procedure. Bacterial or fungal infection, which can cause the plant to rot, can also cause spotting.

Root or stem rotting

The root rots due to excessive moisture in the soil in the pot. This can be detected by removing the flower from the container. The rotting stem at the base becomes sticky and acquires bad smell. It is very difficult to save such plants.

Root rot can be caused by overwatering or low temperature

Stunting (or growing upward)

The Crassula begins to grow upward and stretches out in poor light. The same thing happens with abundant watering in winter. You need to move the plant to a brighter place. To prevent the crassula from becoming one-sided, it must be rotated periodically. Pinching new shoots will help form a beautiful, even crown and make the trunk stronger and thicker. Stunted growth indicates the pot is too large.

Soft and thin leaves

Soft thin leaves signal about overflow. It is necessary to immediately reduce it and carry out the next one only after the earthen lump in the pot dries out. Also, too much soil density can affect the condition of the leaves. Attacks by spider mites and scale insects also make the leaves weak.

Thin leaves of the fat plant indicate that the plant does not have enough air; water stagnates in the bowl due to too dense soil

White dots

Leaves become covered with white spots when humidity is very high. If the plant is provided with proper conditions, the small specks will soon disappear.

White dots on Crassula leaves are absolutely normal; the plant thus reacts to increased humidity

Leaf burn

Crassula loves sunlight, but it should be diffused, especially during the midday hours. Direct exposure to rays can cause a leaf burn - then it will wrinkle, become covered with dark spots, and dry out.

Small leaves

Crassula leaves become smaller due to lack of light and nutrients. It is necessary to adjust the regime of watering and fertilizing, and the plant will respond with a beautiful crown of elastic, large leaves.

Mistakes in caring for Crassula

The most common mistake is improper watering. It is the excess or lack of moisture that entails a lot of problems.

Over- or under-watering

Most amateur gardeners rarely pay attention to the origin of a particular plant, but at the same time try to create comfortable conditions for it. Crassula belongs to succulents - plants that are accustomed to storing moisture for a long period, so you only need to water Crassula so that it can Once again accumulated moisture in the trunk and leaves. In summer this should be done once a week, in winter no more than once a month. Excessive watering threatens Crassula with rotting of the roots and stems, fungal diseases, falling leaves, impaired growth and development, up to complete death.

Insufficient watering and excessive drying of the earthen clod are also dangerous for the fat plant: the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off, and the roots will dry out. Having noticed all these signs, it is necessary to urgently adjust watering, carrying it out when the top layer of soil has completely dried out. The money tree should be watered exclusively with settled water at room temperature, avoiding overcooling of the root system.

Incorrect lighting

Crassula loves well-lit areas and does not tolerate shading. With a lack of light, the money tree will stretch, the trunk will become thin and will not be able to support the heavy crown. Direct Sun rays at lunchtime they are dangerous for the fat plant: its leaves can get burns, which are manifested by the appearance of brown spots. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., it is recommended to shade the window with a curtain. In summer, Crassula feels great on the open veranda, in winter on the southern windowsill.

Uncomfortable temperature

It should be noted that the fat woman tolerates both high and low temperature. The fact is that the cold, along with high humidity and excessive watering are likely to cause fungal diseases, and high temperatures with insufficient moisture will cause the plant to dry out or die of its individual parts. It is better to keep a money tree in comfortable temperature- 15°C in winter and 25°C in summer. A deviation of 2–3 o C in one direction or another is allowed.

Unsuitable soil

Crassula still belongs to relatively unpretentious plants. If the soil in which it has to develop is dense and heavy, the Crassula will stop growing or die altogether. The substrate should be light and airy and not interfere with moisture absorption and air circulation. It happens that when watering, the water does not go deep into the bowl. This means it's time to change the top layer of soil, otherwise the leaves of the money tree will begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off. You should not overuse loosening, since the roots of the money tree are superficial, thin, and easy to injure.


Sometimes improper use of fertilizers can lead to damage to plants. The leaves of the crassula will begin to wrinkle, acquire a purple tint, dry out and fall off. A lack of nutrients also has consequences: the money tree will stop growing, and natural physiological processes, while green pimples appear on the leaves.

Video: what to do to save the money tree

Crassula diseases

The fat woman rarely gets sick. This usually occurs due to improper watering or excessive lighting.

Table: why Crassula gets sick

Disease Cause Prevention Treatment
High humidity, excessive watering.Humidity control, adjusted irrigation regime.Change of soil. Remove the plant from the bowl, clean the roots from the soil, rinse, and place in a new substrate.
  1. High humidity.
  2. Excess nitrogen fertilizers.
  1. Feeding mainly with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
  2. Humidity control.
  1. It is urgent to destroy the affected leaves and change the top layer of soil in the flower pot.
  2. Spraying with fungicidal preparations Topaz, Fundazol, Previkur (according to instructions).
  3. Half a head of chopped garlic is poured into 1 liter of water and left overnight, then filtered. The plant is sprayed with the tincture.
  4. 2.5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. Spray 4 times with an interval of 3 days.
Sooty fungus (niello)
  1. Poor ventilation in the room.
  2. High humidity.
  3. Presence of pests.
  1. Regular ventilation of the room.
  2. Humidity control.
  3. Inspection of plants for the presence of pests (scale insects, mealybugs).
  1. Heavily damaged parts of the plant should be destroyed, the rest should be washed with a sponge and soapy water (20 ml of liquid soap per 3 liters of water).
  2. Treat with Aktara (according to instructions).
  3. Dry the fat plant thoroughly so that water does not accumulate in the axils of the leaves.
  1. High humidity in the room, stagnation of water in the bowl.
  2. Excess fertilizer.
  3. Pests: scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites.
  1. Humidity control.
  2. Well-established watering and fertilizing regime.
  3. Inspect the plant for pests.
  1. Destroy damaged parts of the plant.
  2. Treat the fat plant with Teldor.
  3. Transplant the plant into a clean bowl with new substrate.
  1. High humidity.
  2. Excess moisture.
  1. Humidity control.
  2. Moderate watering.
Treatment with Previkur, Skor, Fundazol (according to instructions).
Root and stem rot
  1. Stagnation of water in the bowl.
  2. Abundant watering.
  3. Heavy ground.
  1. Remove the plant from the bowl, shake off the soil, and wash the roots.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut off the rotten roots and powder with crushed activated carbon.
  3. Leave the fat plant for 2 hours without soil so that the roots dry out.
  4. Plant Crassula in a clean bowl with a new substrate, not forgetting about drainage.

If the stem rots, the fat plant cannot be saved.

Photo gallery: common money tree diseases

Crassula anthracnose is characterized by the presence of brown spots Powdery mildew loves moisture combined with low temperatures Mold in the bowl appears due to excessive watering, when the water does not have time to go into the soil. Sooty fungus indicates the presence of a scale insect pest on the plant. Rotting of the Crassula stem is an irreversible process; the plant cannot be saved Crassula roots can begin to rot if there is excess moisture. Gray rot appears on weakened plants with improper care

Table: how to save the fat plant from pests

Pest Description Struggle
Reaches a length of 5 mm, the body is covered with a waxy coating - a scute, and feeds on plant sap. The female lives for several months and lays eggs.
  1. Prepare a soap solution (20 ml of liquid soap per 3 liters of water).
  2. Soak a sponge in a soapy solution and carefully remove all pests from the plant.
  3. Treat the fat plant with the insecticidal preparation Aktara (according to the instructions).
A very small insect (no more than 1 mm) brown in color, loves dry air and high temperature, attacks succulent leaves, feeds on their juice, weaves a web that prevents the plant from functioning normally. The fat woman gets sick and may die.
  1. Destroy all yellow leaves.
  2. Give the plant a warm shower.
  3. Dry the fat plant and treat both the plant and the window sills with the insecticidal agent Actellik (according to the instructions).
An insect up to 7 mm long with an oval body covered with a white coating like flour. It feeds on plant sap. The waste product is white mucus, which clogs the stomata on the leaves and interferes with the breathing process.
  1. Treat the fat plant and window sills with a solution of Actellik, Aktara or Phosfamide (according to the instructions).
  2. Replant in a clean bowl with fresh soil.

Photo gallery: dangerous pests of Crassula

Mealybug is very dangerous for indoor plants The scale insect is difficult to destroy even with insecticides, since the pest is protected by a durable waxy shell Spider mites are almost invisible on the plant until the problem becomes widespread.

Crassula belongs to unpretentious plants, but still requires due attention, care and proper care. By remembering a few simple nuances, you can avoid many mistakes in growing Crassula and admire a healthy plant with a lush crown for many years.

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