The maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood. Permissible alcohol limit for a driver

Alcohol intoxication is one of the most common causes An accident in Russia, so every driver should know what the permissible norm of alcohol in exhaled air and in the blood of a person driving a vehicle was established in 2018-2019.

Why do we say that there is an acceptable minimum threshold if we know " Golden Rule» – planning to drive, do not drink a gram of alcohol! It's simple - 0.16 mg / l is the standard error of the instruments used today by traffic police officers of Russia. When recalculated for the content of alcohol in the blood, we just get an indicator of 0.35 ppm.

Car and alcohol

The concept of "allowable amount of alcohol drunk" does not exist!

Each organism is individual and reacts to products that contain alcohol in its own way. For someone, 50 grams or even less is enough for the well-known sensation of light dizziness to appear. But, even the absence of obvious symptoms does not mean that a person is sober.

Inhibition of reactions of the central nervous system and dullness of attention under the influence of small doses of alcohol occurs much earlier than the obvious symptoms of intoxication appear.

That is why you should never be guided by the correspondence tables posted on the net, stating that the breathalyzer will not feel if you drink 40 grams of vodka or 300 grams of beer. Moreover, such a state can occur not only with the use of alcoholic beverages, but also with the ingestion of a number of other substances used in pharmacology and medicine.

Therefore, it is important for every novice motorist to know in which case serious troubles await him, how to avoid them, and, most importantly, how to act when a charge has already been filed.

Norms and methods of control

Officially, in 2018-2019, the permissible norm of alcohol in exhaled air or in blood is checked.

Option 1 - the driver is tested for the presence of alcohol in the body using a breathalyzer ( special device, which determines the percentage of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air).

Option 2 - the driver is offered to take a blood test (from a vein) at the nearest medical facility. As a rule, blood is taken for analysis in cases where the driver is physically unable to pass faster test described in the first version.

To date, the minimum threshold is set at:

Certification procedure

Important! Refusal to undergo an alcohol testing procedure, according to the norm of the law, is equated to the fact that you are in a state of intoxication.

Now you know what the permissible blood alcohol level is set for drivers of all vehicles in 2018-2019 and what it depends on. Therefore, the first thing to do if traffic police officers require passing the test is:

  1. clarify the error of the device used;
  2. find out when he was officially trusted;
  3. require fixation of the procedure on video;
  4. require the presence of 2 witnesses (traffic police officers can not play the role of witnesses).

Moreover, the driver has the right to see that the tip for the device is disposable and new. Ideally, a traffic police officer should not touch the unpacked tip of the breathalyzer.

A result of 0.16 ppm means the driver is sober!

The website has an excellent memo for the driver, following which you will not find yourself in a difficult situation.

If, despite your complete confidence in your sobriety, the device showed more than 0.16 ppm, the main thing is not to sign consent with the results obtained, state your disagreement in detail on paper and go to the nearest medical facility where you can undergo an examination as soon as possible. The blood test will more weight during the trial.

Didn't drink but drunk

Among the drivers there are a lot of the most different stories about how the breathalyzer showed more than 0.16 ppm, although the person did not touch alcohol at all that day. Is it possible?

Experts who have studied this issue unanimously declare that a variety of products can give an excess of the norm:

  • any alcohol-containing medicines(most often cough mixtures, sedatives and hearts);
  • fermentation products, such as: kvass, kefir, koumiss, etc.;
  • mouth rinses;
  • coffee additives (before pouring them into a cup, you should make sure that the additive is non-alcoholic);
  • very ripe bananas and oranges;
  • black bread;
  • some high-carb desserts can also have a similar effect in some people.

But, it's all very individual. We offer you to watch one of the videos, which tests whether the permissible norm of alcohol in the exhaled air is exceeded after consuming a number of the products listed above, and also tells why in 2018-2019 they will believe more in the indicators of ppm in the driver's blood.


No matter what caused increased rates(especially if they are confirmed by a blood test), the driver, as well as the owner of the car, who transferred control to a person in a state of intoxication, are responsible:

When discussing how many ppm is allowed in a driver's blood in 2018 and 2019, few people think that this letter of the law is the result of numerous accidents that claimed many lives.

Of course, it’s unpleasant if you are accused of drunkenness when stopping at a traffic police post, but everything is much more serious if an accident occurs due to the fault of a drunk driver. There are completely different articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the punishment can be much more serious, namely:

Also, the culprit will be obliged to compensate for the material damage to all those who suffered as a result of his actions.

Restoration of rights

It is still possible to regain the right to drive a vehicle after the court finds guilty under this article.

At the end of the period of deprivation of rights, the convicted person must:

  1. retake the theoretical part in the traffic police;
  2. liquidate debts on fines.

We also suggest listening to the advice of lawyers who will tell you how to behave if you were stopped at a traffic police post and what to do if the breathalyzer gave a positive result:

Every year in Russian Federation an increase in the number of motorists driving in a state of alcohol intoxication. Unfortunately, most of these violators do not even think about the public danger their actions carry at such a moment.

Every driver knows that driving after drinking alcohol is prohibited. However, in some cases, the temptation to break such a law and drive a car while intoxicated is very strong.

Even if a motorist drank a little on a holiday and is not afraid to drive, he should know what is the permissible rate of alcohol when driving.

general information

After the zero ppm law was lifted, many motorists relaxed. They felt that it was now permissible to drink alcohol in small quantities. In fact, such a law was withdrawn due to the inability to provide all drivers with unique body properties with certificates about this. In addition, the legislator considered it inappropriate to fine a motorist for drinking kefir or drinking some juice.

However, this does not mean at all that it is now possible to consume alcohol-containing drinks uncontrollably and then drive.

Before you start driving vehicle, the motorist must independently learn about the permissible ppm. After all we are talking not only about the possibility of receiving a large fine and deprivation of a driver's license. Often, drunk driving ends in the death of innocent people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Many drivers, when stopped for checking by the traffic police, decide to deceive the breathalyzer. In fact, the breathalyzer is precision instrument which can neither be deceived nor outmaneuvered.

Therefore, it is best not to tempt fate, because for this additional measures of responsibility can be applied to the violator.

Norma ppm - what is it?

Two methods are used to determine the amount of alcohol in a person's blood:

  1. Analysis of air vapors exhaled by a person using a special device - a breathalyzer.
  2. A blood test performed in a medical laboratory.

In both of these options, studies are measured per mille.

Ppm is a specific quantitative parameter that indicates the content of ethyl alcohol in a liquid medium (in this case, in human blood). This indicator is designed to determine the stage of intoxication.

During the analysis, specialists or traffic police officers find out how many milligrams of alcohol are contained in one hundred milliliters of the blood of the person being tested. When using a breathalyzer, 1 ppm is 0.045 milligrams of ethyl alcohol in human blood.

This value is recognized as the base value in all methods for determining the amount of ethyl alcohol in the human body. The more ppm the device shows, the stronger the intoxication of the tested person.

Allowable per mille of alcohol in the blood

Previously, the law “on zero ppm” was in force in the Russian Federation, according to which every motorist was held liable if the device found at least 0.01 ppm in the analysis of whose exhalation.

After several years of research, this normative legal act was declared invalid, since such a norm does not correspond to the state of the human body. In addition, one cannot exclude the possibility of an error in the instrument, which measures the amount of ethyl alcohol in human blood.

After conducting research, it was found that the content of alcohol in human blood may be due to the intake medicines, which include this ingredient (corvalol, motherwort).

In addition, ppm will be detected in the driver's blood, even if he consumed drinks containing fermentation products, such as kvass or kefir. In some human diseases, the breathalyzer can also detect an excess of the permissible ppm rate.

A motorist who wants to drive after drinking alcohol should remember that ethyl alcohol vapors disappear from all human bodies over a different period of time.

Therefore, you should not be guided only by generally accepted medical indicators, which are averaged. As a result, a motorist who drank alcohol a few hours ago can be prosecuted for drunk driving.

After all changes were made to the legislation, the allowable ppm rate was increased. When checking with a breathalyzer, it is 0.16 ppm, and during a medical examination (blood is checked, not exhaled air) - 0.35.

Responsibility for exceeding the permissible ppm while driving

The traffic police officer, who established the fact of exceeding the permissible norm per mille, brings the motorist to administrative responsibility.

  1. For the first violation, the driver receives a fine of 30 thousand rubles, as well as for up to 2 years.
  2. For a secondary violation of the law, the motorist receives a fine of 50 thousand rubles, and also loses his driver's license for 3 years.
  3. In the event of a subsequent violation of the law, the driver may receive imprisonment up to 15 days.

If a motorist refuses to undergo a medical examination, the traffic police officer has the right to hold him accountable as for the primary violation of the law on driving while intoxicated.

Car owners should also be aware that if they entrusted the management of transport to a person in a state of intoxication, a fine of 30 thousand rubles will also be taken from him and rights for up to 2 years will be taken away. You cannot trust another person to drive your car, especially someone who is intoxicated.

How to drink alcoholic beverages correctly

A motorist who wants to relax in the evening with a bottle of beer or other alcoholic drink should be aware of how many ppm are contained in a particular alcohol-containing drink. The most popular alcohol consumed outside holidays- beer.

The permissibility of drinking beer before driving directly depends on the degrees of this drink. To get acquainted with this information, just read the information on the bottle label.

Of particular importance is the weight of a person. For example, a motorist weighing 60 kilograms, who drank half a liter of 6 percent beer and got behind the wheel, will be held liable, as the breathalyzer will show a value of 1.07 ppm.

Over time, the amount of alcohol in a person's blood gradually decreases. Therefore, every motorist who has drunk an alcoholic drink should know how long it will take him to get behind the wheel.

Average medical statistics shows that within one hour from the blood of a woman leaves from 0.085 to 0.1 ppm. During the same period of time, from 0.1 to 0.15 ppm of alcohol leaves the blood of a man.

In practice, the rate of removal of ethyl alcohol vapor from the human body depends on many other factors, in particular, on the individual characteristics of a person. On average, one bottle of beer vanishes within 6 hours.

Even though a person may feel clear and sober, this condition does not indicate that the vapors of ethyl alcohol have completely disappeared from his body and the amount per mille has begun to correspond to the permissible minimum.

What to do in order not to lose your driver's license

If a motorist drank an alcoholic drink, and then he had to drive his car, he must adhere to certain rules of conduct. To avoid maximum liability for such an offense, the driver must comply with the following rules:

  1. The longer the time between drinking alcohol and driving a car, the better.
  2. It is best to stop taking medications before driving.
  3. Before driving, you should stop drinking juices, kefir, kvass or yogurt.
  4. On the road, do not use rinse aid. chewing gum- this can cause the traffic police to become sober in the driver.
  5. Do not try to fool the breathalyzer.
  6. No need to get into conflict with the traffic police.

There are several conditions under which ethyl alcohol vapor disappears from alcohol much faster than usual:

  1. Cold and hot shower.
  2. Taking a hot bath.
  3. Sound sleep (only sleep of normal duration can help).
  4. Eating healthy and hot food.
  5. Long walk.

The legislator advocates that the responsibility for driving while intoxicated will only become tougher. This is due to the constant increase in the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers. Unfortunately, most of these accidents end in death.

Therefore, in the near future we should expect harsher penalties for driving while intoxicated.

Don't risk your driver's license and drive drunk. It is always possible to find a sober driver or use public transport.

How many ppm are in drinks

Perhaps the greatest interest among drivers is kvass. Like any other fermentation product, this drink contains a small amount of alcohol. However, even such an amount of alcohol will be enough for the breathalyzer to give an indicator of 0.4 ppm after one bottle, which is already a violation of the rules. traffic.

Therefore, even after drinking such a drink as kvass, you can’t drive.

If a motorist really wants to drink beer, he can limit himself to non-alcoholic beer. This drink gives only 0.2 ppm, so you can drink it in small quantities.

With weak beer, vodka and wine, you should be careful. These alcoholic drinks give a very high ppm.

So, for example, a driver weighing 80 kilograms can safely drink in the evening (provided that he sets off on the road only the next morning):

A woman can drink 20 percent less of such alcohol.

The number of drinks is much less than everyone is usually used to drinking. Therefore, if the road is expected the next day, it is best to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages.

Permissible rate alcohol driving in ppm 2017, law 0.16. How to avoid exceeding the norm, what it threatens and what affects the alcohol content.

Alcohol affects the human brain. In order to reduce the number of deaths on the roads due to drunk drivers, a law on “zero ppm” was passed.

But due to the errors of breathalyzers and physiological characteristics organism, in 2013 increased the rate from zero ppm to 0.16 in exhaled air and 0.35 in blood. These rules apply to drivers of all motor vehicles, including mopeds and scooters.

What is ppm

A ppm is one thousandth of something. The percentage is one hundredth. The phrase “blood alcohol content of 0.2 ppm” means that 0.02% of the blood taken for analysis is alcohol. This is 0.09 mg per 1 liter of blood.

The same applies to the exhaled air. The breathalyzer measures the volume of gas and what part of it is alcohol vapor, and expresses the value in ppm.

The higher this value, the more ethyl alcohol has entered the human body, the stronger the consequences. For driving, the effect of ethanol on the brain is important. Driving while drinking alcohol is dangerous.

  • Decreased critical thinking.
    A person has the illusion that he controls the situation even better than when sober. This is self-deception, because alcohol, if its amount is higher than the physiological norm, affects the brain.
  • The eyes see and distinguish objects worse.
  • Processes of an exchange between departments of a brain are slowed down.
    The feeling that you think clearly and clearly, but in reality the speed of thinking is reduced. The signal from receptors (eyes, ears, skin) to the cerebral cortex and back takes longer.
    And if in a sober state it takes a fraction of a second for the reflex to work, then alcohol increases this time. That is why a huge part of the accidents occur due to the fault of drunk drivers and the permissible norm of alcohol while driving is set in ppm.
    They simply do not have time to lay down the traffic situation in their heads. If a sober person would slow down a second earlier, then a drunk person cannot do it physically.
  • The ability to judge the distance to objects, especially moving ones, is deteriorating.
  • The nervous system reacts by inhibition of processes, or, conversely, by excessive excitement and increased aggression.
    Both options affect the way you drive.

Permissible alcohol limit while driving in ppm 2017, law: 0.16

Initially in adopted law was the number 0. But ethanol itself produces human body, in some diseases, the proportion of alcohol in the exhaled air or in the blood may be higher.

This feature does not affect the ability to think clearly and evaluate the traffic situation. Meters are also failing. Therefore, we decided to increase the value for the breathalyzer to 0.16.

The permissible alcohol limit for driving in ppm in 2016 is identical to 2015 and 2017.

If the breathalyzer recorded an amount of alcohol of 0.17 or more, then, according to the law, problems await you:

  • A fine of 30,000 rubles and deprivation of rights for 1.5 - 2 years (by court decision). This penalty applies if:
  1. Violation for the first time.
  2. You put behind the wheel of your vehicle a person who has alcohol in his blood or exhaled air.
  3. You refuse to undergo a medical examination.
  • A fine of 50,000 rubles and deprivation of rights up to 3 years, if you have already been fined for the same violation, but the term of the previous punishment has expired.
  • Administrative arrest for 10-15 days if you are disqualified due to non-alcohol related violations and refuse to undergo a medical examination.
  • A fine of 200 - 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of annual income - if you got drunk behind the wheel, when you were already deprived of your license for detecting alcohol. Also, the court may prohibit you from holding certain positions, issue forced labor, or even deprive you of liberty for up to 2-3 years.

What affects blood alcohol content

If you took alcohol the day before, residues that exceed the norm may be found in the blood and exhaled air the next morning.

Excretion of alcohol from the body depends on age, sex, weight, general condition health, the amount drunk, the condition of the liver and kidneys. To find out if you can drive, buy a household breathalyzer.

True, if it is not of high quality or its batteries are dead or its service life has expired, then the results will differ from the professional ones used by inspectors.

There is a list of foods that briefly increase the amount of alcohol in the blood. If you breathe into the breathalyzer immediately after or within 5-10 minutes after their use, it will record the excess of the permissible norm:

  1. Drinks: non-alcoholic beer, kvass, koumiss, juice that was not in the refrigerator, stale warm berry compote.
    Contrary to the legend widespread among drivers, a glass of fresh kefir does not show an excess of alcohol.
  2. Fruits: overripe berries, fermented jam, bananas, oranges.
  3. Products: black bread with sausage, chocolate candies with and without alcohol.
  4. Medicines: alcohol tinctures such as corvalol, motherwort, valocardine, etc.
  5. Other: Mouth freshener spray, Halls type sucking mints.

The permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm 2017 is law 0.16. If you ate or drank something from the list above, then most likely you will meet the norm. In any case, after 20-30 minutes the breathalyzer will show 0.

Therefore, if you are sure that you are right, insist on a re-examination after a while. Also, a medical examination can confirm that you did not drink alcohol.

How is the medical examination

If you are sure that you did not drink alcohol-containing drinks, and the breathalyzer shows an excess of the norm, require a medical examination.

The inspectors can insist on this if they see external signs intoxication, while the instruments show the norm. In this case, your refusal will mean an admission of guilt and will entail punishment.

Listen carefully to what the inspector says and read what you sign. You can refuse to be examined by the traffic police, but you cannot refuse a medical one.

Some inspectors deliberately confuse drivers who are under stress from an unpleasant situation, and “bring” them to a fine and.

If you hear or see the word "medical", in no case refuse. Ask for clarification and clarification of what is meant.

Important points to keep in mind:

  1. Suspension from driving is carried out in the presence of two attesting witnesses or with video recording.
  2. You must indicate in the protocol that you do not agree with the readings of the device.
    This is very important for further proceedings in court, if such suddenly arise.
  3. To be sent for a medical examination, two witnesses are called who will sign the protocol.
  4. The inspectors must take you to a medical facility, and if intoxication is not detected, then bring you back to the car.
  5. Refusal of any of the stages of the procedure (checking with a breathalyzer already in a medical institution, giving urine or blood) is equated to a refusal to undergo an examination.

The permissible rate of alcohol while driving in ppm 2017, the law is 0.16. If, upon arrival at the medical center, the breathalyzer shows a value less, then these readings will be entered into the protocol, the inspector will take you back.

In any case, you will be required to take a urine test. This takes place in the toilet, which is always standing next to the mobile honey station. examinations.

Doctors must check urine temperature and ph. If it is established that this is someone else's analysis or it is diluted with water, this will be equated with a refusal.

If a sufficient amount is not collected for analysis within 30 minutes, then a blood test is taken.

An important point: when treating the skin, doctors are required to use an alcohol-free solution! The test tubes are sent to the laboratory, after 10-13 days the answer will come. Until this moment, it is forbidden to drive a vehicle.

The adoption of the law on "zero ppm" has reduced the number of accidents with drunk drivers. Statistics for 2016 says that a total of 13,100 people died due to the fault of car drivers.

Of this number, 3789 died due to the fault of drivers who were in a state of intoxication. This is 17% more than in 2015, although total"alcoholic" accidents and decreased by 1%. The problem is very acute and does not seem to be solved by severe fines and punishments.

Per mille is a specific measure of magnitude, denoting 1/1000 share and 1/10 percent. Many have come across such indicators when it comes to measuring alcohol in the blood. But few people know that officially the value is used to measure the salinity level of the water or the slope of the railway tracks. As it may seem at first glance, the presence of 1 ppm of alcohol in the blood is mere trifles. As practice shows, this value is quite enough to determine that the driver is under the influence of alcohol. What ppm is allowed in 2018? Find out these details and more in this article.

Permissible alcohol limit

Alcohol while driving is one of the most pressing problems in Russia, so law enforcement officers are trying to fight this vice as hard as possible. The tightening of sanctions, the introduction of fines, criminal punishment are just a few methods of dealing with persistent violators of the order. But Russian people it is difficult to scare something, which leads to the fact that there are more and more accidents on the roads due to the fault of drunk drivers.

To begin with, today there are two ways to measure the level of alcohol in the blood:

1) Determination of alcohol in the air, which the driver exhales into a special tube. The amount of alcohol should not exceed 0.16 ml per liter = 0.16 ppm;

2) Determining the amount of alcohol in the blood of the driver. For analysis, the driver, who is suspected of driving while intoxicated, is taken to a medical facility. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein. The allowable limit is 0.35 ml per liter = 0.35 ppm.

The second method is more objective, since it is this indicator that is recorded in the protocol and will serve as evidence of the charge in the future. It should be remembered that even for such an accurate analysis, there is an error that is 0.05 ppm. Current legal regulations take into account the permissible error of the device used, as well as the use of products containing alcohol. Also in the presence of diseases, for example, diabetes or pathologies digestive system, endogenous alcohols can accumulate in the body, which affect the indicators of the presence of ppm in the blood.

How the ppm rate has changed over the past 5 years

The permissible ppm rate for drivers in 2017-2018 is significantly different from the one that was established from 2010 to 2015. During this period, Russian legislation provided for only 100% zero. Thus, the amount of alcohol in the blood and exhaled air was strictly not allowed. To date, such a law has become invalid due to several circumstances.

First of all, certain foods and drinks that at first glance do not contain alcohol or alcohol impurities were called into question. In fact, numerous tests carried out on various products have shown the presence of a hundredth of a ppm of special devices. These products include:

- nonalcoholic beer
- chocolate candies
- kvass
- dairy products
- unrefrigerated juices
- black bread with some types of cereals
- tobacco products
– oranges
- refreshing mouthwash
- Overripe bananas.

It may seem strange, but all of the above products contain a minimum amount of alcohol, which disappears after a certain time. For example, a driver who drank a glass of kefir, curdled milk or kvass in the morning had hundredths or tenths of a ppm in his blood. Such situations were not isolated, and often led not only to fines, but also to deprivation driving license for up to two years. This fact provoked controversy among Russians, leading to the adoption of a new law to abolish zero ppm in July 2013.

What are the standards for alcohol in the blood of a driver abroad

Considering the data Common European System traffic rules, the permissible rate of alcohol in the blood is not more than 0.5 ppm. But this rule is followed in all countries, where in some of them the allowable rates range from 0.00% to 0.8%. For example, in Moldova, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Armenia and Slovakia, the permissible level of ppm in the blood is 0%. In these countries, for exceeding the permissible levels of alcohol in the blood, you can say goodbye to a driver's license for a period of 3 to 5 years. In Romania, for example, a driver with the presence of alcohol in the blood can be imprisoned for up to 5 years.

More “modern” countries believe that if you drink a glass of beer or red wine before a trip, this will not affect your driving skills in any way. Nevertheless, the permissible rate of alcohol in the blood is up to 0.8% ppm. Such laws apply in the UK, Malta and Liechtenstein. However, according to the statistics of fines in these countries, such loyalty of the representatives of the law to drivers shows the opposite effect. For example, in the UK, if a driver exceeds the legal limit for alcohol in the blood, a driver can receive a fine of 5,000 euros, lose their driver's license for one year, or even end up in jail for up to 1 year. Such penalties apply if driving under the influence of alcohol did not provoke serious violations on the road. If, due to the fault of a drunk driver, an accident occurred with injuries or deaths, the culprit will face imprisonment for up to 14 years and huge fines.

The zero ppm rule is in effect in Japan, Equatorial Guinea, the United United Arab Emirates, Libya, Cuba, Iran, Brazil and a number of other countries. A fine for alcohol while driving in Japan is provided not only for drunk drivers, but also for their passengers, who face about $ 3,000. The driver will have to pay a minimum of $8,700, and you can also go to jail for 5 years. A bar that sells alcohol to a driver, knowing that he is driving, may lose his license.

Allowed ppm rate in Russia in 2018

On this moment It became known that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is considering a new bill, according to which it will be possible to increase the possible concentration of alcohol in the blood of a driver of a vehicle to 0.3 grams or more.

The introduction of the maximum amount of alcohol in the blood while driving is one of the main means of regulating road safety by the state.

The unit of measure for alcohol intoxication is ppm.- the ratio of a gram of alcohol per liter of blood.

The maximum ppm threshold while driving differs in different countries. For example, in Canada, ppm is 0.8, which allows you to drink a glass of beer before the trip..

What is the legal limit for alcohol while driving in Russia? And what happens if it is violated? Let's figure it out.

Permissible level of alcohol while driving in ppm

For three years, from 2010 to 2013, the allowable rate was “zero” ppm, which completely excluded the possibility of a dispute with traffic police inspectors. However, this rule had many shortcomings. Eating many foods shifts the blood alcohol level above zero - chocolate and bakery products, kefir and kvass, juices, yogurts and too ripe bananas. Not to mention non-alcoholic beer or many medicines.

In 2013, the effect of "zero" ppm was canceled. Now driving a car is allowed if the breathalyzer showed when exhaling no more than 0.16 mg per liter of air. This is the new measurable threshold of intoxication. But ppm is a value that calculates the alcohol content in the blood, and not in the air.

0.1 ppm, contrary to popular belief, is not equal to 1 mg / l. To calculate it, a formula is used in which there are exactly 0.045 mg / l of alcohol in 0.1 ppm. After calculations, we find that the allowable maximum ppm in the current year is approximately 0.35.

The new norm minimized the measurement error of the breathalyzer. How to determine the approximate content of ppm in the blood after drinking alcoholic beverages?

Determination of blood alcohol content

  • the number of degrees in the consumed alcohol and the dose drunk;
  • weight and gender of the person;
  • condition internal organs and genetic predisposition;
  • availability of snacks, their quality and quantity;
  • the general condition of the person.

It is not difficult to exceed the permissible norm of alcohol while driving. 1 ppm is already a serious intoxication, which is achieved after drinking a whole bottle of 0.5 liter vodka strong man weighing 70-75 kg. The maximum allowable rate is 5 or 6 ppm units. This is already a lethal dose.

100 grams of vodka in theory give 0.55 ppm, and a bottle of beer with a capacity of 0.5 liters - 0.32. In practice, when checking on a breathalyzer, there may be a completely different result. The device can overestimate ppm (for example, with alcohol vapor in the lungs after sobering up) or reduce it. To avoid this ambiguity in the definition of intoxication, the critical value ppm and has been increased to 0.35.

It is difficult to calculate the content per mille in the body on your own. For this, there are ready-made tables in which a drunk glass of vodka with a capacity of 100 grams is taken as one dose. The results are also quite arbitrary, but sometimes they can be useful.

We offer 2 tables with ready-made calculations - separately for men and women.


Weight, kg Number of doses taken
1 2 3 4 5
45 0,43 0,87 1,30 1,74 2,17
55 0,34 0,69 1,00 1,39 1,73
70 0,29 0,58 0,87 1,16 1,45
80 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25
90 0,22 0,43 0,65 0,87 1,08
100 0,19 0,39 0,58 0,78 0,97
110 0,17 0,35 0,52 0,70 0,87


Weight, kg Number of doses taken
1 2 3 4 5
45 0,50 1,01 1,52 2,03 2,53
55 0,40 0,80 1,20 1,62 2,02
70 0,34 0,68 1,01 1,35 1,69
80 0,29 0,58 0,87 1,17 1,46
90 0,26 0,50 0,76 1,01 1,26
100 0,22 0,45 0,68 0,91 1,13
110 0,20 0,41 0,61 0,82 1,01

How long is alcohol determined by exhalation?

To determine the time during which it is better not to get caught by traffic police inspectors after drinking alcohol, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including the rate of absorption of alcohol, the time of its removal from the body and body weight. The highest blood alcohol content is reached 30 minutes to 2 hours after consumption, depending on the type of drink and the availability of a quality snack.

Many drivers are interested in knowing how long it takes alcohol to completely disappear from the body. General rule here it is - it is absolutely impossible to drink alcohol before an imminent planned trip. If there is still a whole day left before driving the car, you can drink freely. The rules are not ironclad, but quite effective.

We propose to consider a table that shows how long various alcoholic beverages are excreted from the human body. It should only be borne in mind that these data are seriously affected by a person's weight, gender and state of health.


Type of drink, alcohol content in %

Quantity (ml)

Time during which alcohol vapor can be detected in exhaled air (hour)
Vodka (40) 50 1,0-1,5
Vodka (40) 100 3,0-3,5
Vodka (40) 200 6,5-7,0
Vodka (40) 250 8,0-9,0
Vodka (40) 500 15,0-18,0
Cognac (40-45) 100 3,5-4,0
Champagne 100 1,0
A mixture of cognac and champagne 100-150 4,0-4,5
Port wine 200 3,0-3,5
Port wine 300 3,5-4,0
Port wine 400 4,5-5,0
Beer (2.8) 500 not defined
Beer (3.4) 500 not defined
Beer (6) 500 20-45 minutes

AT general case for a healthy male weighing 80 kg, the weathering time for alcohol will be as follows:

  • a bottle of beer 0.5 - 2 hours (3 hours when drinking strong beer);
  • 200 g of wine - from 2 hours;
  • 100 g of vodka - you have to wait 3.5 hours, 300 g - 11 hours;
  • A whole bottle of strong alcohol (40-45 degrees) - 17 hours.

The alcohol withdrawal time for people with a different weight is easily calculated using a proportion. But do not forget that the error of devices for checking the state of intoxication is from 0.1 to 0.16 ppm. For reinsurance, it is better to add at least an hour to the given data.

Punishment for exceeding the permissible ppm in the body

In 2019, the punishment for drunk driving is quite severe:

  • for the first driving while intoxicated - a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles and one and a half - two years;
  • repeated violation of the law - the fine increases to 50 thousand plus deprivation of rights for 3 years;
  • if there is a fine for drunk driving, driving a car will entail an administrative arrest for a period of 10 to 15 days;
  • if the car owner does not want to be tested for the fact of intoxication, the punishment is not removed from him (it is the same as for the first violation).

AT State Duma there is constant talk of tougher penalties for drunk driving. It is possible that in the future the amount of fines will increase significantly. By the way, the transfer of the right to drive a vehicle to a drunk person is punished in the same way as self-driving while drunk.

Tips for avoiding problems with traffic inspectors

In addition to the fact that drinking alcohol and driving a car should be as far apart as possible, less obvious rules should be followed:

  • Do not take medicines before the trip, especially those containing ethyl alcohol;
  • The use of kvass fermented milk products and juices, although very rare, can still increase the amount of alcohol in the body. Especially when it comes to natural homemade products, and not bought in a store;
  • Most likely it will not work to deceive the breathalyzer, this can only lead to an invitation to take an alcohol test in a specialized medical institution;
  • Don't try to hide alcohol with mouthwashes or chewing gum;
  • In any case, you should not conflict with the traffic police inspector and speak rudeness to him.

How to increase the rate of alcohol withdrawal from the body? good decision there will be a contrast shower, a strong and long sleep, hot baths. Correct, healthy food and long walks in fresh, clean air. Recall that when exhaling air, no more than 0.35 ppm is permissible.

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