Recipe: Fried Russula - Very sweet mushroom. How to cook fried russula with potatoes

The name of the russula genus Russula is translated from Latin as “reddish”, and the genus includes more than sixty species of various colors - from red, brown, green to yellow and white. Mushrooms are elegant and undemanding - they grow on various soils in dry and wet conditions. cold weather. They have brittle white flesh and light-colored plates. Contrary to the sonorous name, fruiting bodies They are not eaten raw, and many of them have a bitter taste.

Young russulas are collected together with their stems and carefully placed in baskets on a layer of leaves or moss - fragile mushrooms are difficult to bring home intact. They are suitable for preparing various main courses and homemade pickles.

Types of Russula

This beautiful, strong mushroom is found in oak and birch forests, where it grows alone or forms small mushroom clearings. The cap is wide, first round, then spread out, up to 18 cm in diameter. The skin is greenish, pale, brownish-green in the center, easily removed.

The leg is dense, 8–10 cm high, light cream, smooth, without thickening at the base and without a ring on the leg. The pulp is white, brittle, with creamy thin plates attached to the stem, neutral taste, without bitterness.

A common species grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, noticeable from afar thanks to the catchy red tones of the glossy cap - red-burgundy in the center and slightly lighter at the edges. Depending on the place of growth, shades can vary - from lilac-red to crimson and pink.

The cap is hemispherical, up to 6–10 cm in diameter, in old mushrooms it is spread out, while the edges remain curved and slightly wavy. The plates are thin, frequent, milky white. The pulp is strong, slightly pink at the break from the cap, neutral in taste or slightly bitter. The leg has a regular cylindrical shape, creamy white color, and in dry weather it takes on a pink tint.

In the pine forests sandy soil you can find these delicious mushrooms with a rounded hemispherical cap, which later becomes slightly convex or flat, and then completely concave in the middle. The skin is light red, may have shades of purple, beige or pink flowers, slightly puffy at the edges and can be easily removed. The plates are numerous, milky white, then cream.

The leg is dense, thick, white, up to 7 cm high, brownish at the base, and in dry weather takes on the color of a cap. The pulp is pleasant to the taste, without bitterness, with a mild aroma of pine nuts.

Places of distribution and time of collection

The most delicious kind - food russula settles in deciduous or mixed lowland forests under beech, oak and birch trees. The collection time extends from the beginning of June until the end of August. The common type is valued above others for its pleasant taste, nutty aroma and dense pulp.

Russula wavy collected from late summer to mid-October, found in mixed and deciduous forests, on plains and in mountainous areas. The species forms fairly strong, dense fruiting bodies, and therefore is loved by mushroom pickers no less than the previous one.

It often grows under birch trees, forming mycorrhizae with these trees, as well as in light oak forests. The harvest season is in late summer and September. And even in warm October you can come across entire clearings of greenish mushrooms.

The fragile caps, not having time to emerge from the ground, quickly open, attracting hordes of insects to the appetizing pulp. Old specimens are especially fragile and, when collecting them, you can bring home a basket of mushroom crumbs.

Experienced mushroom pickers take only the tight fruiting bodies of young mushrooms, carefully placing them in a basket. They are cut off together with the leg, which is suitable for food, and at the same time checked for worms.

False russula

Flashy colored russulas are not considered the most the best mushrooms, but are still collected en masse due to their availability and lucky ability to grow everywhere. Their disadvantages are not only fragility, blandness of taste, and the presence of some bitterness, but due to their external diversity they have very dangerous doubles.

One of the most dangerous mushrooms, deadly poisonous death cap, looks like green russula. A greenish glossy cap, up to 15 cm in diameter, frequent white plastics and a neutral taste - these are the main similarities of these species.

Characteristic differences between the pale grebe there is a wide and then fringed ring on the leg and a thickened cup-shaped base, a kind of “bag” near the ground. Often in old toadstools the ring disappears and therefore you need to remain vigilant, and if in any doubt, beware and not take a suspicious mushroom at all.

The convex caps of light red or pinkish color are easily confused with the also colored russula and wavy russula. The fragile pulp is white, turning pink closer to the skin, with a light fruity aroma and a pungent, unpleasant taste.

This species is not as dangerous as the previous one, and some mushroom pickers even use delicious-looking mushrooms for food, after boiling them for at least half an hour. At the same time, scientists discovered in the tissues the toxic substance muscarine, which is part of the fly agaric and causes severe poisoning. For this reason, this species cannot be considered edible.

An attractive mushroom with a dense, smooth cap of cherry or red-brown color and a purple tint, similar to wavy russula. The pulp is firm, yellowish, with a fruity aroma, becoming yellow closer to the skin. The taste is unpleasant, acrid. The peel is difficult to remove. Leg with violet or mauve tint.

It grows mostly in coniferous forests, forming mycorrhiza with pine. It is not considered edible due to its bitterness and, when eaten raw, causes digestive problems.

In conifers and mixed forests, more often under pine trees you can find these eye-catching blood-red mushrooms. The cap is up to 10 cm in diameter, at first convex, later widely spread, wine-red in color, sometimes with a lilac tint. The peel is difficult to remove.

The pulp is white, reddish near the skin, bitter or acrid to varying degrees, in the stem with a sweet aftertaste, fruity aroma. The species is inedible due to its bitterness and can cause indigestion when eaten raw.

Beneficial features

Russula is a storehouse of valuable substances, vitamins and microelements. More than 20% crude protein is found in the tissues, which is almost twice as much as in most vegetables. From the fleshy, dense pulp you can prepare nutritious Lenten dishes, partially replacing meat and fish products. The tissues of russula contain the most important mineral elements for the body - calcium and phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Red and red mushrooms purple have an antibacterial effect, they are used in folk medicine for the treatment of abscesses and pyoderma.

In red-colored species, an enzyme was discovered, which scientists named russulin, in honor of Latin name this genus of mushrooms. The enzyme has powerful activity and, in small quantities, can quickly curdle milk, replacing rennet enzymes in cheese production.

Contraindications for use

Many species have some bitterness and, when raw or undercooked, can cause digestive disorders, and russula stinging, which is also called nauseating, provokes vomiting and severe irritation of the mucous membranes.

Mushrooms are not recommended for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract. Marinated mushroom preparations and fried foods V large quantities put a strain on the liver, especially with gallbladder pathologies. Therefore, such foods are eaten in moderation and with caution.

You should not include russula in the diet of children under six years of age - this is a heavy food for them, requiring the active work of enzymes, the production of which is still insufficient in the child’s body.

It would be useful to remind you of the enormous danger that threatens an unlucky mushroom picker who may confuse russula with poisonous mushrooms, especially with the pale grebe.

Recipes for cooking dishes and preparations

Before cooking, wash the mushrooms thoroughly, then quickly peel them by lifting the skin from the edges and lightly cutting out the middle. The peeled fruiting bodies are immediately processed, preventing darkening. They are suitable for any preparations and dishes, except first courses.

Natural russula

They use species without bitterness - edible and green russula. After initial processing, they are boiled in acidified and salted water at the rate of 40 g of salt and 10 g of citric acid per 2 liters of water. It should be taken into account that during cooking they will shrink significantly, decreasing in volume, and at the end of cooking they will sink to the bottom.

After boiling the mushrooms for 20 minutes, they are placed in jars and filled with boiling broth, after which they are sterilized for at least an hour and a half. The product is then sealed, cooled and stored in a cold place.

Russula in hot salting

This healthy spicy pickle is one of the best mushroom preparations. For 2 kg of mushrooms you will need 4 tablespoons of salt, 2 bay leaves, 6 black peppercorns, 4 black currant leaves, a little cloves and dill seeds.

Pour 1 glass of water into a bowl, add salt and bring to a boil. Mushrooms are immersed in boiling brine, the foam is removed, after full boiling, spices are added and simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. Readiness can be determined by the settling of the pieces to the bottom and the lightening of the brine. The workpiece is cooled and placed in jars, filled with brine and closed. The pickle is ready in a month and a half.

Russulas fried in breadcrumbs

Large caps of species without bitterness are peeled, cut into halves, salted, dipped in egg, breaded in flour and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The pieces are fried in a large amount of boiling vegetable oil.

Place the workpiece in half-liter jars 1 cm below the neck and sterilize for one hour. Then seal, cool and store in a cool place.

Mushroom caviar

Thoroughly washed and cleaned fruit bodies are boiled for 30 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam, then placed on a sieve and placed in a porous canvas bag under pressure for 4 hours to drain excess liquid.

The mushrooms pressed in this way are finely chopped or ground in a meat grinder with a large grid together with a small head of onion, add 50 g of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms and ground black pepper. The resulting caviar is placed in sterile jars, filled with boiled oil and covered with clean, dry lids. The food is stored for a short time, about one month, in the refrigerator.

Video about russula mushrooms

Elegant colored russula grow everywhere - in pine and deciduous forests, in clearings and forest edges, in the grass near white-trunked birches. Almost a third of all collected mushrooms belong to one or another species of Russolaceae. With their unpretentiousness, accessibility, bright colors and ease of preparation, they attract mushroom pickers who are in no hurry to bypass these wonderfully healthy and satisfying gifts of the forest.

Finally the long-awaited mushroom season, and the first harvest is, of course, russula. These colorful mushrooms are very pleasant to collect; they are aromatic, tasty and quick to prepare. And also fried russula You can prepare them for the winter by simply freezing them!


  • Freshly picked russulas
  • Small onion
  • Sour cream
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter for frying

I use all the products by eye; if you like fried onions, then take a larger head. As for sour cream, I put 5-6 tablespoons in a large frying pan of fried russula. If you want mushrooms to swim in sour cream sauce, then do not skimp on sour cream - it will be very, very tasty!!!

1. Before frying, mushrooms should be prepared: sort, rinse and boil for 5-10 minutes in salted water. Surprisingly, 15 years ago we were not afraid to fry russula without preliminary preparation, but now if they are not boiled they can become bitter.

2. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry it on butter until golden. Now we add coarsely chopped russula to the onion. Fry over medium heat until all the moisture has evaporated and the mushrooms begin to brown.

3. Add sour cream, salt and mix. Simmer for about 5 minutes and serve.

The best side dish for mushrooms is, of course, potatoes.

Bon appetit!

In cooking, russulas are considered second-rate mushrooms, but when cooked properly they turn out to be very tasty, you just need to choose the other ingredients wisely. We will look at how to fry russula with potatoes according to quick recipe(preliminary heat treatment of mushrooms is not required). Thanks to one trick, the russula will not spread out in a shapeless mass in the pan, but will remain elastic.

The total cooking time is 45 minutes. Ready dish suitable for both simple dinner, and to festive table. It is advisable to use new potatoes with firm flesh and minimal starch content.


  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • russula mushrooms – 600 grams;
  • onion- 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • butter – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste (optional).

Along with the russula, you can add a few porcini mushrooms to the pan, then the dish will become even tastier.

Recipe for russula with potatoes

1. Rinse the mushrooms in cold water, remove floating debris. Carefully sort through the russula, removing any wormy or spoiled ones. Only young, dense flesh without blemishes is suitable. If the mushrooms have been sitting for more than a day, cut off the lower part of the stem.

2. Pour boiling water over the russula, wait until the water cools to room temperature. Thanks to scalding with boiling water, the mushrooms will not fall apart when frying in a frying pan.

3. Drain the broth, rinse the russula with cold running water, peel the caps and pick them up thin knife edge of the film and pull it towards you.

4. Cut the onion into small cubes.

5. Heat a mixture of vegetable oil and butter in a frying pan. Add the onion and cook over medium heat until translucent, stirring occasionally.

6. Cut each mushroom into 4-6 parts, add to the frying pan with the onion, stir. Add salt (preferably fine salt). You can add a little ground black pepper.

7. Fry the russula with onions for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Almost all the liquid should boil away from the mushrooms, but it is important to ensure that the onions do not burn.

8. Peel and wash the potatoes, then cut into thin strips or cubes, place in a deep bowl, add salt and mix. Leave for 5 minutes, then add to the pan.

9. Fry the potatoes with russula over medium heat for 10 minutes under the lid, then another 8-10 minutes without the lid until cooked.

10. Best served hot straight from the pan. The dish goes well with fresh chopped herbs, vegetables and sour cream.

Most types of russula are suitable for consumption. Some varieties have a rather bitter aftertaste that can be removed by boiling or soaking. After this they can be fried. It is impossible to single out any specific recipe for fried russula, since everyone chooses for themselves The best way preparations. We will look at recipes for preparing delicious and at the same time easy-to-prepare dishes with fried russula.

If these mushrooms are prepared incorrectly, the entire taste of the dish can be ruined, so you should follow certain rules. These mushrooms are completely unsuitable for drying and first courses. Therefore, frying is the best option for them.

If you decide to cook fried russula for the first time, be sure to make sure that you do not have it in your hands. poisonous species mushroom. Poisonous ones can be identified by the flesh of a burning-acrid color. Please note: green russula and pale grebe are very similar to each other!

Even if you have collected edible russula, they must first be boiled before frying. Without this manipulation, you risk not only the taste of the dish, but also your health. All mushrooms, and especially russula, require careful processing and preparation.

How long should you cook?

Not everyone knows how to cook russula before frying. Many people boil them like potatoes, and then you can immediately forget about the whole consistency. Others wonder: “Do we even need to cook them?” The answers to this question vary, but to get rid of the bitterness and dust ingrained in the mushrooms, it is enough to brew them in the same way as instant dishes:

  1. pour boiling water over it;
  2. wait no more than 7 minutes;
  3. cool.

Let's return to the question of how long to cook russula before frying. If you overcook mushrooms in boiling water, then in addition to the unaesthetic appearance of falling apart fibers, you will get a dish that will lose all its beneficial properties and settle as dead weight in the body.

But there is another way without losing beneficial properties, soak the bitterness from the mushrooms:

  • If you have a red russula in your hands, immediately separate the skin from the cap, since in this species the main bitterness comes from it as a defensive reaction.
  • Place the russulas in salt water for about an hour, then rinse and proceed to the next stage of preparation.

What you need to know before cooking

It is better not to mix russula with other mushrooms, as they are too tender and can simply fall apart when cooked together with tougher mixtures.

There is an opinion that these mushrooms can be eaten without any processing, but this is not entirely true. Russula contains bitterness, which, of course, will not kill a person, but can cause quite unpleasant sensations and indigestion. But if you can't resist trying them raw, they are harmless to humans in small doses.

Piping hot

Is it possible to fry russula? Even though some varieties of this mushroom are conditionally edible, you can definitely fry them. You can take any recipe for making fried mushrooms - they are all very simple.

It can be said about russula that any preparation of them by methods other than frying will not bring sufficient pleasure, unless, of course, it is salting. Most delicious way fry russula with potatoes.

It will be delicious soon

Let's consider it fried. There are many recipes for cooking them in a frying pan, and they differ mainly in the ingredients.

Recipe one

What you will need:


  • Heat the pan to high fire and add butter. If there is a heating indicator, wait until the center of the pan turns red.
  • Place the onions along with the bouillon cube. When the onion is fried, add it, but do not remove it too far.
  • After this, start frying the russula. This will only take 3-5 minutes over high heat.
  • A minute before the mushrooms are ready, reduce the heat to low, add the onion, and then sour cream.
  • Stir thoroughly so that nothing burns.

Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and can be served as a snack.

Recipe two

What you will need:


  • Peel the onion and garlic and then finely chop. Fry them until soft in a frying pan over medium heat.
  • Cut the prepared mushrooms into strips and add to the previous ingredients.
  • After this, add lemon juice and spices. Mix thoroughly and cook for 3-5 minutes over high heat.

Sprinkle the finished mushrooms with herbs and serve fried meat or as a sauce in pasta.

Recipe three: mushrooms with potatoes

What you will need:


  • Wash and peel the potatoes, and then cut them into small strips.
  • Heat a frying pan with oil and add the potatoes. Fry until the first signs of a beautiful golden crust appear.
  • While the frying process is in progress, coarsely chop the mushrooms.
  • Remove the skins from the onion and garlic, then finely chop.
  • After these manipulations, add all the remaining ingredients to the frying pan.
  • Mix thoroughly so that everything can cook through.

After cooking, sprinkle with herbs and treat to guests and household members.

When cooking any recipe, you should not overcook the russula, since it is unlikely that anyone will want to eat coals. Do not forget that when frying, a lot of water evaporates from mushrooms and they decrease in volume. Therefore, you should calculate the amount of seasonings and salt towards the end of cooking. Don’t be afraid to experiment with additives, because fried mushrooms go well with almost any flavor. Russula fried with potatoes at its best show taste qualities such mushrooms. As with any recipe, adding sour cream will only emphasize the tenderness of the taste.

    • How to cook russula
    • How to pickle russula quickly and easily
    • How to properly cook mushrooms with potatoes

    Before we talk about the best way to cook russula, it is important to remember that these mushrooms are very fragile. They are even difficult to collect, because they are fragile and it is quite difficult to bring them home in one piece in a basket. But if you have the opportunity to get a couple of baskets of good russula, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.

    There are no specific recipes for preparing this type of mushroom. They are not suitable for soup, and drying them is also undesirable. Very often, mushrooms are caustic (with a pungent aftertaste), so before preparing russula, you need to soak them thoroughly. In other matters, these mushrooms are not subject to any prohibitions - you have complete freedom of action and imagination where you can use these mushrooms.

    They go very tasty with potatoes. The simplest recipe The preparation of russula is as follows:

    Take the required amount of mushrooms - 500 g or more

    It is fried russula that is better than other mushrooms for boiled potatoes. They can also be mixed with fried potatoes, added to porridge, or made into salads.

    But you can also salt the russula. Lightly salted russula, like assorted mushrooms, is an excellent delicacy.

    How to cook russula - how to fry russula with potatoes - Cooking recipes

    👍 Since we touched on the topic of mushrooms, it is worth noting that any type of mushroom plant should be well processed.

Russula fried with onions and sour cream

The most common mushroom in our forests.

Russulas grow everywhere. Mushroom pickers often simply ignore them, even kick them, and take them only when they don’t pick up any other mushrooms. And unlike them, I always take russula! Because it is the most aromatic mushroom, and “zherekha” made from russula is the most delicious delicacy! There is another option for preparing russula - fry them with onions and simmer in sour cream. It turns out very tasty. A kind of “russula julienne”. And adding parsley to a dish makes it more expressive and aromatic. The peculiarity of preparing russula is that they are eaten immediately after collection. They are cleaned, but not washed. Therefore, they remain crispy when cooked.

Russulas fried with onions and sour cream, how to cook russulas, recipe with photo

Seasonal dish of the most aromatic forest mushrooms. How to cook russula.

How to fry russula: win-win recipes and cooking times

Russulas are one of the most common mushrooms that can be found in any forest. Unfortunately, in cooking they are considered third-rate, and many mushroom pickers do not collect them at all. But in vain, because you can cook from russula a large number of variety of dishes. This type of mushroom is somewhat different from others in its cooking method, which is why it scares off many housewives. One of the most common technologies for preparing russula is frying.

Fried russula: recipe

  • Russula – 500 g
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste


  1. Peel the onions and garlic. Finely chop the onion and pass the garlic through a press.
  2. Sauté vegetables in a frying pan with butter.
  3. Cut the russula into slices, add to the onion and garlic, pour in lemon juice.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix well and fry over high heat.
  5. Serve fried russula with potatoes, pasta or as a separate dish. In addition, they are recommended to be added to salads, soups, and pies.

Russula fried with potatoes

  • Russula – 500 g
  • Potatoes – 7 pcs.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste


  1. Wash and peel the russula well. Cut them into strips and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Peel the potatoes and onions. Cut the onion into cubes and potatoes into strips.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add russula and fry for 5 - 7 minutes, then add potatoes.
  4. Fry the ingredients without stirring until golden brown.
  5. Add salt, pepper, stir and fry again until golden brown.
  6. Add onion and cook for another 5 minutes.
  7. Serve fried russula with potatoes along with tomatoes and cucumbers, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Russula fried in sour cream

  • Russula – 1.5 kg
  • Onions – 3 pcs.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Sour cream – 500 ml;
  • Bay leaf – 4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - to taste


  1. Clean the russula by removing the colored film from the caps. Wash the mushrooms and chop coarsely.
  2. Cut the onions into cubes or half rings, finely chop the greens, pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan with a thick bottom and place on fire. When the oil is hot, add the onion and fry until golden brown.
  4. Add russula to the onion and fry together for 10 minutes over medium heat. The mushrooms should be fried.
  5. Lastly add salt, pepper and Bay leaf. Mix everything and add sour cream.
  6. Simmer the russula in sour cream over low heat for about 10 - 15 minutes.
  7. At the end of the stew, add chopped herbs and chopped garlic.

Russula chops: recipe

  • Russula caps – 30 pcs.
  • Breadcrumbs – 100 g
  • Eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Flour – 6 tbsp.
  • Sour cream – 5 tbsp.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


  1. Clean the russula, select wide and flat caps.
  2. Place the caps in salted water and leave for a while, then drain in a colander.
  3. In a clean, deep bowl, prepare the batter: mix eggs, flour, sour cream, salt and pepper.
  4. Dip the russula caps into the prepared batter, then sprinkle with breadcrumbs and fry on sunflower oil until ready.
  5. Place the russula chops together, pour in the remaining batter and fry over low heat for 15 minutes.

Baked russula: recipe

  • Russula – 50 g
  • Tomatoes – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Cheese – 200 g
  • Ham – 150 g
  • Rice – 1 tbsp.
  • Salty crackers – 7 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt and spices - to taste


  1. Peel the russula from films and cut off the stems. Salt each cap and season with your favorite spices.
  2. Cook the rice in salted water until tender. At this time, peel the vegetables.
  3. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the mushroom stems into small cubes, and pass the garlic through a press.
  4. Cut the tomato into cubes, grate the cheese on a medium grater, crumble the crackers into large crumbs, cut the ham into cubes.
  5. Fry onions, carrots, garlic and ham in a frying pan.
  6. Mix the prepared mass with rice and add a little grated cheese, chopped tomatoes and cracker crumbs. Salt the mixture to taste.
  7. Fill the caps of the russula with the prepared mixture, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  8. Spray the caps with oil, place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for half an hour.
  9. Baked russulas turn out very tasty and satisfying, served as a separate dish or snack.

How long to fry russula?

As a rule, russulas are fried for 15 - 20 minutes over medium heat without a lid. Before frying mushrooms, you can soak them in salted water for 1 hour, then peel and rinse thoroughly. This method will help get rid of the bitterness of russula, which can be after regular frying.

Russulas are tasty, healthy and nutritious mushrooms, which many unknowingly compare to toadstools. In fact, you can prepare any dish from these common mushrooms: pickle, bake, fry, stew, cook soups, make salads, etc. Many housewives who have learned to cook russula will say that they taste quite good, and are also healthier for the body, since they are easier to digest than ordinary mushrooms.

How to fry russula: win-win recipes and cooking times

Have you been looking for How to fry russula: win-win recipes and cooking times? In this article I will give the exact answer to this question! Read

How to cook russula

Based on the name of the mushroom, one would like to assume that it can be eaten raw. This is not entirely true.

Russula - mushrooms are very tender, they are not subject to long-term heat treatment, and salted mushrooms can be eaten on the second day.

Some varieties of fresh russula have a pleasant sweetish-nutty taste and a certain amount can actually be eaten, what is called “from the bush.”

Mushrooms are a very valuable protein product and russula is no exception. They contain only 19 kcal, a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins, microelements and very little fat and carbohydrates. They are great for a diet.

Having a high nutritional value, russulas do not overload the body excess fats and calories. And the lecithin included in the composition prevents the deposition of cholesterol.

Mushroom pickers do not like to collect russula because of their fragility; mushrooms should be collected and transported very carefully. But chefs respect this mushroom and love to cook it. Russulas are boiled, fried, dried, pickled and salted. They are an excellent addition to salads, appetizers, toppings, vegetable and meat dishes. Russulas can be a complete independent dish; they can be served separately or with a side dish.

How to cook russula

Salted russula

A very simple recipe. To pickle russula, simply sort them out, wash them and soak them in cold water for 1 hour. Then soak for a day in a saline solution.

To prepare you will need:

Fresh russula - 2 kg.

Salt - 8 tbsp. spoons

Garlic - 1 head.

Black pepper -15 peas.

Herbs optional (dill, mint, tarragon).

Place the processed mushrooms in an enamel pan.

Dissolve salt in spring or filtered water.

Peel the garlic, cut each clove into 3 parts and add to the mushrooms.

Add the rest of the spices and pour in the saline solution.

Stir carefully and cover with a lid.

In a day, the delicious mushrooms will be ready.

Pickled russula

Salt - 1 tablespoon tbsp.

Sugar - half a teaspoon.

Vinegar - one and a half tbsp. spoons.

Cloves -3 buds.

Black pepper - 12 peas.

Peel and wash the mushrooms.

Cut the onion into large rings.

Preparing the marinade. Add onion, salt, spices and sugar to boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes.

Then add vinegar and mushrooms. Cook for 5 minutes.

Use a slotted spoon to place the mushrooms from the marinade into sterile jars.

Boil the marinade for 2 minutes and pour it over the mushrooms.

Roll up sterile lids, turn the jars upside down and insulate.

Marinated mushrooms are a real delicacy!

How to cook russula in sour cream

They are especially tasty with sour cream.

An exquisite, aromatic dish is prepared very quickly. Ingredients:

Russula - 0.5 kg.

Low-fat sour cream - 4 tablespoons.

Butter for frying.

Greens (dill, parsley) -1 bunch.

Peel, wash and cook the mushrooms in salted water for 5 minutes.

Place the boiled mushrooms in a colander to allow the water and mushrooms to cool.

Peel and cut the onion into cubes, fry in butter until transparent.

Wash the greens and chop finely.

Cut the cooled mushrooms into large strips and fry in another frying pan.

Add onions and sour cream to the fried mushrooms. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the mushrooms for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Sprinkle the finished mushrooms with chopped herbs. Very fragrant, tasty and beautiful!

How to cook russula

You don't know how to cook russula? These tender and very tasty mushrooms do not require long-term heat treatment. A delicious recipes so many.

How to cook russula - the best ideas for preparing mushroom dishes

After reading the information below, you will learn how to prepare russula. Any dish or snack obtained by following one of the recipes will delight you with a great taste and make you a loyal admirer of this variety of mushrooms.

How to cook russula?

Russulas, the recipes for which can be very varied, despite the name, still require heat treatment and are not consumed raw. So that the mushrooms turn out tasty and fully retain all their natural properties, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules when processing the product.

  1. Depending on the variety, the mushrooms are simply sorted and washed, or they are soaked briefly in lightly salted water. This stage necessary when using russula with a bitter aftertaste.
  2. Russula dishes do not require long-term heat treatment: 20-30 minutes of cooking, frying or stewing is enough to achieve the desired taste result.
  3. If you wish, you can prepare russula for the winter using proven recipes and correct recommendations.

How to salt russula - a simple way

Russulas, the recipe for which will be described below without vinegar, are prepared without heat treatment and soaking, therefore, to implement the technology, you should choose specimens with greenish-blue caps without a bitter aftertaste. The resulting snack will surprise you with its excellent taste characteristics and stunning mushroom fragrance, which in this case is especially pronounced.

  1. The bottom of the pickling container is sprinkled with a mixture of salt and dill seeds.
  2. Mushrooms are cleaned of dirt with a brush, placed in a bowl with their caps down, sprinkling the layers with salt and dill.
  3. Press the mushroom mass with a weight and place it on the refrigerator shelf for 2 weeks.

How to salt russula using a hot method?

Next is how to prepare salted russula by hot salting. The herbs and spicy additives used in the recipe can be replaced with any others of your choice and taste: often the composition is supplemented with garlic cloves cut into several pieces, bay leaves, herbs and dill seeds, mustard seeds.

  • Russula – 2 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • currant and cherry leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • cloves in buds – 7-8 pcs.;
  • allspice peas – 10-15 pcs.
  1. The prepared, washed russula are placed in a pan, filled with water and after boiling, salt, herbs, and spices are added.
  2. Boil the mushrooms until all the specimens sink to the bottom and the brine turns light.
  3. Salted russula are packaged in sterile jars, filled with boiling brine, sealed, wrapped until cool and stored in the refrigerator.

How to salt russula in a cold way?

Cold-salting russula according to the following recipe is somewhat more troublesome than the previous variations described, but the result is worth the effort and time. Both the taste and aroma of the preparation will surprise even picky gourmets, delighting them with its richness and incredible bright aroma.

  • russula – 2.5 kg;
  • water – 0.5 l;
  • salt – 250 g;
  • dill umbrellas – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • currant leaves – 3 pcs.
  1. Soak the russula for 2 days, changing the water twice daily (morning and evening).
  2. Place the specimens in salted water, mixing 2.5 liters of liquid and 50 g of salt, and leave for 8 hours.
  3. Place currant leaves on the bottom of the pan, and then mushrooms, sprinkling them with salt, dill and chopped garlic.
  4. Pour 0.5 liters of water over the mushroom mass, press down with a weight and leave in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Russula caviar

The following recipe is about how to prepare russula in the form of caviar. Such a snack is perfectly stored for a long time in the refrigerator and can be prepared for the winter. If desired, you can supplement the composition of the treat with garlic, fresh tomatoes or reduce the amount of onions used.

  • Russula – 0.5 kg;
  • onion – 400 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 150 ml;
  • vinegar 6% – 30 ml;
  • greens – 1 bunch;
  • laurel – 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  1. The prepared mushrooms are boiled in salted water until they sink to the bottom, after which they are removed from the broth with a slotted spoon and twisted in a meat grinder along with sautéed onions and fried carrots.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan or stewpan, add oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs and bay.
  3. Next, mushroom caviar from russula is stewed for 1.5 hours, packaged in sterile jars and stored in the cold.

How to cook fried russula?

Next, you will learn how to cook fried russula. When using varieties without obvious bitterness, they can be used without prior boiling. The remaining mushrooms need to be soaked and then kept in boiling salted water for 20-30 minutes. The frying time of the product is significantly reduced.

  • Russula – 0.5 kg;
  • onion – 250 g;
  • garlic – 3-5 cloves;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  1. Sauté chopped onions and garlic in oil.
  2. Add chopped mushrooms and fry over high heat, stirring.
  3. Season the fried russula with chopped herbs, heat for another 2 minutes and serve.

Russula soup - recipe

Russula soup can be cooked from both fresh and salted specimens, having first washed them and soaked them from excess salt. In this case, it is used as filling classic set from onions, carrots and potatoes. With the addition of small noodles or cereals, the hot dish will turn out even thicker and more satisfying.

  • Russula – 0.5 kg;
  • onions and carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • laurel – 3-4 pcs.;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • water – 2-2.5 l;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.
  1. Boil prepared mushrooms in water, add potato cubes.
  2. After 10 minutes of cooking, add onions and carrots, laurel, and pepper fried in oil, and cook the dish for another 10 minutes.
  3. When serving, season the hot dish with herbs.

Russula with potatoes - recipe

The following recommendations will help you figure out how to prepare russula with potatoes. The win-win combination of vegetables and mushrooms has long been used to implement many different ideas, thanks to which you can get boiled, stewed or, as in this case, fried culinary compositions.

  • Russula – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 800 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.
  1. Separately fry the chopped potatoes until golden brown and the prepared mushrooms until the moisture evaporates.
  2. Combine the ingredients in a common bowl, add the onion, fry, season the contents to taste, add the garlic, and stir.
  3. When ready fried potatoes with russula, flavored with herbs and served.

Dumplings with russula - recipe

Russula dumplings, thanks to their delicate taste and amazing aroma, turn out to be especially tasty and appetizing. The filling can be prepared by frying the mushroom mixture with onions in a frying pan or by adding filling mashed potatoes, greens. Margarine or butter will add softness to the dough.

  • flour – 600 g;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • margarine or butter – 50 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • russula – 700-800 g;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste;
  • oil for frying – 70 g.
  1. Combine sifted salted flour with egg and margarine, add water, knead the dough.
  2. Leave the base for 40 minutes, covering with film.
  3. Russulas are fried in oil, adding onions.
  4. Dumplings are made from the dough and filling and boiled for 7-10 minutes in salted water.

How to freeze russula?

When you have managed to fully enjoy the fresh taste of mushrooms and pickle them for future use, it’s time to freeze the russula for the winter. In this form, the products can be used throughout the year to prepare your favorite dishes and snacks, enjoying their excellent taste and incomparable mushroom aroma.

  1. Before freezing russula, they must be properly prepared: sorted, removed from debris and washed.
  2. Besides most of Available varieties require preliminary soaking and boiling.
  3. After the mushrooms have sunk to the bottom during the cooking process, they are drained into a colander and left to drain.
  4. If possible, dry the mushroom mass with paper towels, package it in sealed portion bags or containers, and squeeze out as much air as possible.
  5. The product is sent to the freezer for storage.
  6. If desired, you can also freeze fried russula.

How to cook russula - recipes for making fried and salted mushrooms, soup, dumplings and caviar from russula

How to cook russula - best ideas preparations mushroom dishes After reading the information below, you will learn how to prepare russula. Any dish or snack obtained by

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