Similarities between table salt and sugar. Composition and beneficial properties of salt, sugar and soda. "Crystallization of solutions using the example of growing crystals of table salt, sugar and copper sulfate at home"

Sugar and salt are quite similar in appearance. These are white crystalline substances, which are easily soluble in water. Both sugar and salt are consumed as food and are often found in powder form. But despite such a number of similar characteristics, each of the substances also has its own properties.

General information

Sugar, from his point of view chemical composition, is a substance from the group of carbohydrates. He is very valuable food product. Sugar is added to drinks, culinary and bakery products. Ice cream, sweets, pastry creams, cocoa and tea are all prepared using sugar.


Salt, in the language of chemistry, is sodium chloride. It is also used in food preparation and, like sugar, in certain quantities is important for maintaining human health. Excess salt or sugar is harmful to the body.



The substances, first of all, have different origins. The difference between sugar and salt is that sugar is obtained from organic raw materials. This substance is extracted from cane, special varieties of beets, maple and palm sap. Salt is of mineral, inorganic origin. It is found in natural deposits, which can be found very deep, at the bottom of reservoirs. There is also a technology for obtaining salt by evaporating special solutions.

If you compare grains of sugar and salt, you will notice that in sugar they look like miniature bricks, while in salt they have more rounded outlines. Sugar particles reflect light rays better, as a result of which this substance shines in an illuminated space. Salt has a more matte appearance because its grains absorb a lot of light. Sugar may have a beige tint. There is also a variety of product called brown sugar based on its color. If the salt has a tint, it is greyish.

It is impossible to confuse the taste of sugar and salt. Sugar is sweet and pleasant. Salt has, accordingly, salty. You won't be able to eat a lot of salt at once. Sugar has a peculiar sweet aroma, which is especially noticeable in a container that is not completely filled. The smell of salt is not detected.

You can understand the difference between sugar and salt by placing each substance in your palm. Sugar will make your hand sticky, while salt can cause a tingling sensation, especially if there is a wound on the skin.

Olga Naruzova
"Introduction to the properties of salt and sugar." Lesson from the series “What do we know about materials and properties of substances?”

Lesson cycle By experimentation:

What we we know about materials and properties of substances.

Abstract classes in the middle group

Introduction to Substances(Salt, sugar) .

Target: Introduce children to substances(salt, sugar) and them properties. To experimentally identify the similarities and differences between these substances. Teaching children to use a magnifying glass (magnifying glass). Develop cognitive activity, attention, logical thinking. Expand your horizons. Mastering experimentation.

Preliminary work:

1. Educational conversation about water and its ability to dissolve substances.

2. Introduction to Magnifying Glass, mastering the ability to use it.

Equipment: Black cardboard 10x10, magnifying glasses, 2 cups of water, measuring spoons - all according to the number of children. Salt, sugar. For experience teacher: raw egg, salt sugar, 3 containers of water.

Progress of the lesson:

Vosp.: Today you guys and I will visit our scientific laboratory again. Want to? I will be the head of the laboratory, and you are mine research fellows. We have everything ready for scientific work. Come on in.

(Children sit at tables)

Playback: We are with you we know that we are surrounded by various substances that we encounter every day. Eat substances, without which life is impossible. What is this substances? (air, water).

Playback: There are others in nature substances, which are no less important. For example: SALT, SUGAR. These are the ones we will conduct research with today.

Experience 1. The teacher shows two identical cups into which salt and sugar. It is suggested to visually examine substances. Compare appearance, color.

Conclusion: Both white substances, loose, solid. Externally they are almost no different.

Experience2. Take black cardboard and place a few particles on it salt and sugar in different corners. View through a magnifying glass. Some particles are like balls, while others are like bricks. What is their size? Balls are smaller than bricks. Taste the crystals. Some are sweet, others are salty. Smell. The smell is not the same.

Bricks – sugar. Balls - salt. U salt color transparent white sugar - yellowish-white.

Vosp.: Guys, how did we manage to see all these differences?

Children: Using a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass makes small objects larger, i.e. magnifies them.

Experience3. Place crystals salt in one glass of water, and sugar - in another. Observe what happens. The substances have disappeared. They dissolved. Did the color of the water change? Taste?

Conclusion: Water dissolves crystals salt and sugar. In this case, the color of the water does not change, but the taste does change.

Physical exercise.

Vosp.: Guys, we have already studied with you properties of water. You you know that too that salt and fresh water exist in nature. Remember where you can find fresh water?

Children: River, lake, stream.

Vosp.:Where is salt water found?

Children: Sea, ocean, lake.

Vosp.: Guys, do you think sweet water exists in nature? (No). Let's remember that we we know about salt water.

Children: Salty water Found in seas and oceans, you should not drink it. Salt water is very dense (strong).

Play: The more content salt in water, the denser it is (stronger). There is a sea that has the strongest water in the world. What is it called? (Dead Sea). Why is it called that?

Vosp.: Guys, is fresh water also strong? (No).

Let's check whether this is true or not, and at the same time check the sweet water.

Experience4. (Teacher shows)

Salt dissolves in 2 cups and sugar, third glass with fresh water. A raw egg drops into cups one by one.

Conclusion: An egg sinks in fresh water. An egg floats in salt water. The egg sinks in sweet water.

Sugar does not add density to water like salt.

Bottom line:

Ours is over scientific work. About which substances we talked about today? What do they have in common? What is the difference?

Thanks for the work.

The most famous seasonings in our country and not only this are salt and sugar. Vladimir is no exception: in Hard times The townspeople buy these products for future use. Are there any benefits to these food additives?

What's the salt?

The benefits and harms of table salt have been debated for years. Sodium chloride (the chemical formula of salt) is involved in maintaining and regulating the water-salt balance of the body. Our blood tastes salty, and it’s not for nothing that the saline solution used to give IVs to patients contains sodium chloride.

Salt deficiency is expressed in weakness and amorphism, loss of taste. At long absence salt in the diet causes dizziness, nausea, and destruction of bone and muscle tissue may begin.

Salt is removed from the body by excessive sweating. Therefore, it is important to increase salt intake during intense physical activity, especially in the hot season, working at elevated temperatures, during illness.

Salt has numerous generally accepted medicinal properties, with her help:

  • gargling,
  • rinse the nasopharynx,
  • relieve bleeding gums,
  • get rid of itching from insect bites,
  • fight against poisoning,
  • whiten teeth,
  • carry out peelings, etc.

Dr. Batmanghelidj, as a political prisoner, was forced to provide medical care to his fellow inmates with virtually no medicine. All he had access to was water and salt. The doctor discovered that these two remedies, when combined with each other, can produce results in the treatment of many acute and chronic diseases, including ulcers, arthritis and asthma. The doctor was able to use the years of arrest to conduct full-fledged research, even after staying in prison after his early release. Batmanghelidj came to the conclusion that almost all diseases are signals from the body about dehydration. Salt plays a significant role here - if there is a lack of it, water simply cannot be retained by the body.

From all of the above, we can conclude that calling salt “white death” is incompetent.

What about sugar?

Everyone knows from childhood that eating a lot of sweets is harmful. But a lack of sugar can also affect the body. A deficiency of glucose in the blood is expressed in a loss of strength. Low sugar levels are much more dangerous than high sugar levels. Glucose fuels the brain, and when there is not enough of it, the body cannot function normally. With hypoglycemia, a person may feel nauseous and lose consciousness.

The race to lose weight often does not lead to the results that those struggling with weight loss wanted to achieve. overweight. If you give up sugar in favor of its substitutes, a person faces allergies and many other diseases, including cancer. Moreover, not only synthetic sweeteners are harmful, but also natural analogues of sugar - fructose, xylitol, etc. In the USA, fructose is blamed for mass obesity.

Sweeteners are often used in food and beverage production. You can “calculate” the content of sweeteners from the packaging by reading the inscription on it starting with code E9.

Therefore, limiting your consumption of sugar is a healthy idea, but you should not completely discount it.

check yourself

1.Question: what are the main properties of table salt and sugar?

Answer: table salt and sugar are crystalline solids white, odorless, soluble in water, with taste: sugar - sweet, salt - salty; table salt and sugar are excellent preservatives; in order to prepare vegetables and fruits for future use and prevent them from spoiling, we either salt them or make jam from them. Salt and sugar are complex substances in their composition. The components salt and sugar are part of the blood. Both lack and excess components salt and sugar in human blood lead to diseases. ( increased level blood sugar will lead to diabetes mellitus, and its deficiency leads to poor mental performance, lack of sodium, a component of salt, leads to hypotension - decreased blood pressure, and an excess leads to hypertension, kidney disease.) In order for a person to constantly replenish the required amount of sugar and salt in the body, we salt and sweeten food, we also do this to improve the taste of the food we eat.

2. Question: How to detect starch in food?

Answer: in order to detect starch in food, you need to cut the test product with a knife and drop a drop of iodine onto the cut; if after some time a blue-violet spot appears on the cut, then the product contains starch.

3. Question: what acids are found in nature?

Answer: citric, malic, oxalic, and lactic acid are of natural origin.

4. Question: why is acid rain dangerous?

Answer: any precipitation that contains pollutants - nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and others acid oxides- called acid rain. The consequences of this meteorological phenomenon For environment They are deplorable: they destroy plants, deprive animals of food, and pollute water bodies. Man also suffers from acid rain, the body reacts to pollution with the appearance of a number of diseases.

Homework assignments:

Task 2.

At home, take three saucers, and pour sugar into one of them, table salt into another, and starch into the third. How to distinguish these substances?

Answer: in order to distinguish between sugar, starch and table salt, it is necessary to divide each substance into two parts, add a drop of iodine to one part of all substances, the substance in which the blue-violet spot forms is starch. The rest of the substances can be tasted, which is sweet - sugar, and which is salty - salt. In general, you cannot taste unknown substances, but in this experiment it is known for sure that the substances are harmless and can be distinguished by taste. But this is an exception to the general rule!

Next lesson

Question: remember how you can prove that there is air around us. What is the importance of air for plants, animals, and humans?

Answer: wind, especially strong wind, is clear evidence of the presence of air around us. The wind tears light leaves from trees and heavy roofs from houses. Wind is the movement of air masses.

Our breathing is also a way to detect air. While drawing air into our lungs, we can hold our breath and then noisily release the air. This is especially noticeable outside in winter when it’s freezing.

You can also inflate bicycle tires with air using a simple pump.

And blow up the balloon. And the walls of the balloon seem to be holding nothing back, but it is elastic and retains its shape.

Air is of paramount importance for all life on Earth - we breathe it, that’s why we can live. Strictly speaking, we do not breathe air, but oxygen, which is part of the air.

District scientific-practical conference

“Ecological and local history problems of the Petrovskaya land”

Section: ecology

Job title:Salt and sugar are crystals of life or “ White death»

Orekhovka village MKOU secondary school No. 13

Supervisor : Kalashnikova Svetlana Ivanovna

teacher of biology - chemistry MKOU secondary school No. 13

Consultant: Chernyshova Zinaida Fedorovna, methodologist of MKU DO RDEC, Svetlograd

With. Orekhovka, 2017


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………..3

1. Material and research methods ………………………………………………4

2 . Literature review

2.1.Research of salt and sugar by modern scientists………………………….4-6

3. Main – experimental part

3.1. Experiment No. 1

« Comparative characteristics solubility of table salt and sugar in different solvents.”………………………… .. 7-8

3.2.Experiment No. 2

« The effect of excess salts on plant cells,

humans, soil protozoa”…………………..……………………………….8-11

3.3.Experiment No. 3

"The effects of different concentrations

solutions of salt and sugar, for the germination of watercress seeds”………………………..11-13

3.4.Experiment No. 4

« The influence of various salt and sugar solutions

concentrations on root regrowth onions"…………………………….13-16

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… …………..16

Literature………………………………………………………………………………… ……….17



Life arose in the salty water of the world's oceans; salt was initially built into the system of maintaining the water balance of a living organism. The reserves of salt on earth are inexhaustible; there is salt in every drop of blood and in every tear.« “Crystals of life” - this is the name given to ordinary table salt, to which humanity has been paying great attention since ancient times (Zaikina O.O., 2014).

Salt has always been for man great value and was highly valued. She regulates water balance body, sugar is needed by the body as a source of energy for the brain and muscles.Salt, sugar... What's unusual about them? It is known that they dissolve well in water and form colorless crystals similar to cubes. But upon closer examination, we realized that we know very little about them.

Salt and sugar are called “white death” for their color, and also because they are edible preservatives that kill most microorganisms in certain concentrations, including those useful for human digestion, both when canning and when taking canned food based on them orally . Forced or “painful” excess of necessary needs can cause health problems and premature death with persistent digestive disorders.

Disputes about how harmful or beneficial these substances are for humans are ongoing, and often it all comes down to the problem of the amount of their consumption.

Target: study the peculiarities of the influence of salt and sugar on living objects of nature.


    study theoretical material about the effect of sugar and salt on living organisms;

    determine the effect of different concentrations of salt and sugar solutions on the germination of watercress seeds;

    establish the effect of salt and sugar solutions of various concentrations on the regrowth of onion roots;

    establish the effect of a solution of salts of high concentration on living cells: plants, blood, protozoa;

    compare the solubility of salt and sugar in different solvents.

Objects of research : salt and sugar

Subject of study: the effect of salt and sugar on a living organism

Hypothesis : I assume that table salt and sugar are necessary for all living things.

1. Material and m research methods

The research was conducted in the 2016-2017 academic year.

The research material is the reaction of living objects to the effects of salt and sugar solutions on them.

The work used generally accepted methods to study the effect of salts on a living organism.

To determine salt tolerance, experiments were carried out using the method of V.B. Ivanova.

An analysis was also carried outliterary and Internet sources on this topic, statistical processing of the results obtained during the experiment was carried out.

2. Literature review

There are simple things in our lives that we do not give of great importance and take it for granted. Toothbrush, matches, spoon, water,... Without such seemingly simple things, people will not be able to live “comfortably”. These same things include salt and sugar.Salt is not only the only stone consumed by humans as food, “it is part of our life.” There is no place on Earth where there is no salt, but salt has not yet been discovered in space. Scientists believe that the combination of sodium and chlorine can only arise in the presence of water, just like life.

“If the citizens allow the government to decide what foods and medicines they should consume, their bodies will soon be in as deplorable a state as the souls of those who live under tyranny,” Thomas Jefferson said in the 18th century, before he ran for office. US President. This is why knowledge is great power. Every person has the right to know how useful or harmful certain products are based on reliable scientific research, salt and sugar are no exception in this matter. There is still debate about how harmful or beneficial they are to humans. But it turns out that it all comes down to the problem of the amount of their consumption (Alikberova L.Yu., 1999).

Man has known salt since the time when he was not yet a man. And his salt shaker finally became established when he changed from a hunter to a tiller. And to this day there may not be mustard, butter, pepper on the table, and salt is a must.” And in wildlife there are no doctors. The main adviser of animals is the “inner voice,” instinct. The moose overcomes fear, approaches the fire at night and chews a salted backpack. The deer knows that death may await him near the salt lick, and yet the hunger for salt draws him in the same way as thirst draws him to water. But the animals will not go too far - the same “voice” will tell them: enough! A person needs advice from outside. “A lot of salt is not good, but you can’t do without salt at all - that’s where the salt is,” said one doctor. Since childhood, we have been frightened by all and sundry - both ignorant doctors and no less ignorant gurus of a “healthy” lifestyle, who claim the unconditional benefits of a salt-free diet (Kritsman V.A., 1982).

But this diet can seriously harm your health. The fact is that as soon as salt stops entering the body in the required quantity, a failure occurs in the so-called. potassium - sodium pump. This is a special mechanism of cellular metabolism in which the cell absorbs potassium and releases sodium, and which protects blood vessels from constriction and spasms. In other words, salty food in optimal quantities helps prevent thrombosis, that is, salt reduces the risk of developing a heart attack.

In Rus', cravings for sweets were satisfied with honey and dried fruits and berries. Drink tea with sugar Tsarist Russia Only very wealthy people could afford it. When sugar first appeared on the market, like any curiosity, it was very expensive. A teaspoon of sugar in modern money cost about a dollar. To consume this product, tweezers, silver spoons, and sugar bowls were invented. Nowadays sugar is inexpensive, so manufacturers add it to almost all products. It is present even where it would seem that it should not be: in sausage, canned fish or black bread. Why? Yes, because humanity has not yet come up with a simpler and cheaper way to make food tastier. With the help of a sweet taste, you can disguise low-quality raw materials, and also quietly “addict” the buyer to your product, because Glucose is a fast carbohydrate, and it first causes a feeling of euphoria, and then a desire to eat this dish again and again (Ketova N.Yu., 2010).

Salt and sugar are substances that kill most microorganisms in certain concentrations, including those useful for human digestion, both when canning and when taking canned food based on them orally. Forced or “painful” excess of necessary needs can cause health problems and premature death with persistent digestive disorders. Salt and sugar actually become white death only when they are in excess or deficiency in the body. I’ll try to explain the essence with minimal use of medical terms (Modera A.G., 2000)

A large number of World-renowned experts believe that table salt is, in some sense, realIFor human body. And that the body itself absolutely does not need this product. However, today, this opinion is considered almost completely erroneous. It is noteworthy that scientific and medical facts They tell us that table salt is needed not only by humans, but also by other living organisms on planet earth (Yakushkina N.I., 2005).

First of all, salt is an indispensable product for the human body, as it regulates and maintains water balance. Cells just can'tworkwithout salt! It is found in all human waste products, for example, sweat, urine, blood and much more. In addition, it is found in all organs. With a lack of salt in the body, almost 80 percent of cases are fatal. Interestingly, the norm of salt consumption in different countries different. It mainly depends on sweating so in cold countries daily norm salt about 5 grams, and in hot ones up to 20 (Ketova N.Yu., 2010)

Table salt is an integral part of gastric juice. Actually, she transforms him, thenThere iscreates hydrochloric acid. It is noteworthy that table salt has a very weak antiseptic property. Just 10 percent salt can prevent the spread of putrefactive bacteria. Therefore, table salt is so often used to preserve food (Alikberova L.Yu., 1999)

Under the auspices of Roscosmos and Russian Academy Sciences passed an experiment to simulate a manned flight to Mars.Six specially selected volunteers under the command of Captain Sergei Ryazansky will spend 105 days in a closed module studying possible problems, which may arise on the long journey to the red planet. At the insistence of the German doctor Jontz Titze, the Mars 500 scientific program included a scientific experiment in which people for a long time ate exactly the measured amount of salt - 9 grams instead of 12.He proved that with small amounts of salt intake, sodium chloride deposits are reduced; they increase with age and greatly affect our immune system (Appendix 3).

Journalist Eva Schaub conducted a family experiment to see if her family could go without sugar-containing foods of any kind for one year. (Appendix 3.) It turned out that after the family gave up sweets for one year, sweet food no longer seemed tasty to them; they did not want sweets.

Relevance work is that, despite a long period of acquaintance with salt and sugar, they continue to raise many questions and disputes. I will try to answer some of them with my research.

3. Main (experimental) part

3.1.Experiment No. 1

Comparative characteristics of the solubility of table salt and sugar in different solvents .

« Which is easier: salting or sweetening? »

Goal of the work : influence study different types solvents for the solubility of table salt and sugar.

Hypothesis: Sugar and table salt have the same solubility.

Research methods :

Reagents : distilled water, vinegar essence, ammonia, isoamyl alcohol, potassium hydroxide, citric acid, hydropyrite solution (hydrogen peroxide), acetone, Iletskaya table salt, sugar (sucrose).

Equipment : cylinders 5 pcs., funnel, beakers, electronic scales, glass rod, universal indicator paper. 8 liquids were used to prepare solutions with table salt and sucrose; the substances for the solutions were dissolved in distilled water, these are:

1.distilled water

2. aqueous ammonia (5 ml of technical aqueous ammonia was added to 20 ml of water) (ammonia)

3.iso-amyl alcohol

4. alkali solution of potassium hydroxide 2.5% (0.5 g added to 19 ml of waterKOH)

5.citric acid solution 5%(1 g of citric acid was added to 19 ml of water)

6. hydroperite (2.25 g of hydroperite was added to 17.75 ml of water)

7.technical acetone

Completing of the work:

Algorithm of actions:

1.weigh 7 g of table salt and sucrose;

2.measure 20 ml with a cylinder. liquids, distilled water temperature 22 degrees, if you need to dissolve the components;

3. combine these two components and stir for 2-3 minutes;

4. Place universal indicator paper into glasses;

5.Take photos of the experience.

Table 1 - Dissolution of salt and sugar in different liquids



WITH 12 N 22 ABOUT 11

Distilled water

did not dissolve completely, undissolved crystals remained at the bottom

dissolved completely

Ammonia solution

N.H. 4 OH

dissolved completely

Citric acid solution

dissolved completely

Hydropyrite solution


did not dissolve completely, undissolved crystals remained

dissolved completely


dissolved completely

Isoamyl alcohol

did not dissolve completely, undissolved crystals remained

did not dissolve completely, undissolved crystals remained. The sugar became viscous and increased in volume.


did not dissolve completely, undissolved crystals remained.

It did not dissolve completely; undissolved crystals remained. Sugar has become viscous and increased in volume

Alkali solution


did not dissolve completely, undissolved crystals remained

did not dissolve completely, undissolved crystals remained.

Conclusion: During the experiment it was determined that lSugar dissolves better and faster in different liquids compared to table salt.Sugar is a highly soluble substance (even very soluble). In all cases where we took solutions of substances in water, except for alkali, it dissolved faster sugar. This may be due to the solubility of sugar and salt. In 100 grams of water at 75-80 degrees Celsius, 38.1 grams will dissolve. salt or 347 gr. Sahara.

Sugar, like salt, was poorly soluble in organic solvents such as acetone and isoamyl alcohol. Sugar dissolution is mainly a physical process, since no significant changes occur to either the water or sugar molecules. I conclude that it is easier to sweeten than to salt. This most likely depends on the structure of the crystal lattice; the atoms in salt molecules are more strongly attracted to each other than in a sugar molecule.Annex 1

3.2.Experiment No. 2

The effect of salts on plant cells, humans, and soil protozoa.

Goal of the work : study of the effect of excess salt on the cells of plants, humans, and soil protozoa.

Research methods : experiment, observation, description

Equipment: glass slides, 10% sodium chloride solution, pipette, dissecting needles, onion peel, lemon pulp, grapefruit pulp, human blood, culture of soil protozoa, filter paper, microscope, computer.

Completing of the work:

1. I grew a culture of soil protozoa in advance; for this I took a few grams of soil rich in humus. I diluted it with a small amount of water at room temperature, dropped two drops of milk into the resulting solution and left it in a warm place for two days.

2.Prepared a temporary preparation of onion skin. Examined it under a microscope and photographed it. A drop of 10% sodium chloride solution was placed on the slide close to the cover slip. On the other hand, a strip of filter paper was placed on the slide close to the cover glass, which must be held until the salt solution enters under the cover glass, replacing the water. After 10 minutes, the separation of the cytoplasm from the cell membrane was observed, i.e. plasmolysis.

3. Prepared a temporary preparation of lemon pulp. Examined it under a microscope and photographed it. A drop of 10% sodium chloride solution was placed on the slide close to the cover slip. On the other hand, a strip of filter paper was placed on the slide close to the cover glass, which must be held until the salt solution enters under the cover glass, replacing the water. After 40 minutes, I noticed the separation of the cytoplasm from the cell membrane, i.e. plasmolysis.

4. Prepared a temporary preparation of orange pulp. Examined it under a microscope and photographed it. A drop of 10% sodium chloride solution was placed on the slide close to the cover slip. On the other hand, a strip of filter paper was placed on the slide close to the cover glass, which must be held until the salt solution enters under the cover glass, replacing the water. After 45 minutes, I noticed the separation of the cytoplasm from the cell membrane, i.e. plasmolysis.

5. Prepared a temporary human blood preparation. Examined it under a microscope and photographed it. A drop of 10% sodium chloride solution was placed on the slide close to the cover slip. On the other hand, a strip of filter paper was placed on the slide close to the cover glass, which must be held until the salt solution enters under the cover glass, replacing the water. After 5 minutes I noticed the wrinkling of red blood cells.

6. I pipetted water from the surface of a previously prepared solution with a culture of soil protozoa and applied it to a glass slide and examined it under a microscope. I dropped a 10% solution of table salt into the water on a glass slide. After 2 minutes I noticed the death of the protozoa.Appendix 2

Object of study

Photo of a temporary microslide


onset time

Onion skin cells

Plasmolysis, 10 minutes

irreversible plasmolysis, deplasmolysis

Orange pulp cells

45 minutes

Lemon pulp cells

40 minutes

Human blood cells

5 minutes

Soil protozoa

2 minutes


    Separation of the cytoplasm from the cell membrane, i.e. plasmolysis: in onion skin cells after 10 minutes, in lemon pulp cells after 40 minutes, in orange pulp cells after 45 minutes, in erythrocyte blood cells after 5 minutes.

    Immediately after adding a 10% solution of table salt, soil protozoa begin to rotate around themselves, and after 2 minutes their death is observed.


    Under the influence of a solution of table salt in plant cells, the protoplasm inside the cells shrinks and moves away from the cell walls.The harmful effects of high salt concentrations are associated with damage to membrane structures, in particular the plasmalemma, as a result of which its permeability increases and the ability to selectively accumulate substances is lost. Table salt is harmful to plants.

    Under the influence of a solution of table salt, soil protozoa die almost instantly. Any concentration of table salt is detrimental to freshwater protozoa.

    Under the influence of a 10% solution of table salt, human red blood cells shrink.

    WITH Ol plays an important role in metabolic processes in the body of mammals, in particular humans, without it it cannot exist, but high concentrations lead to plasmolysis in plant cells and to shrinkage of red blood cells. Therefore, we can conclude that in large quantities table salt is white death.

3.3. Experiment No. 3

The influence of different concentrations of salt and sugar solutions on the germination of watercress seeds

Soil salinization is typical for many regions globe. Currently, saline soils occupy 25% of the total land area. Salinity leads to the creation of low water potential in the soil, so the flow of water into the plant is greatly hampered. Under the influence of salts, the ultrastructure of cells is disrupted, in particular, a change in the structure of chloroplasts. In this regard, the study of plant adaptations to soil salinity conditions is one of the priority problems Russian Federation (Usenbaeva B.A., 2015).

Goal of the work : study of the effect of salt and sugar solutions, different concentrations on the germination of watercress seeds.

Equipment: Petri dishes, filter paper, cylinder, scales, beakers, 0.9%, 5% solutionNaCl, 0.9 and 5% solution C 12 N 22 ABOUT 11, distilled water, tap water, water from the local spring “Barkov Well”.

Objects and methods of research . The objects of study were

watercress seeds( Lepidium sativum). The choice of this object is based on the fact that it

annual vegetable plant with increasedsensitivity to

pollution.This bioindicator is characterized by rapid seed germination and almost

100% germination, which noticeably decreases in the presence of zagrabble-rousers.

Seeds of the Dansky variety of watercress were taken for the experiments.

For the control experiment: first, 50-seed samples of watercress were germinated in Petri dishes in distilled water at a temperature of 20-25°C; after 24 hours, the sprouted seeds were counted and the germination energy was determined. Next, to determine germination, the number of seeds that germinated during the first day in the same cups was counted. Seeds whose root length was half the length of the seed were classified as germinating.

The salt tolerance of plants is determined by the intensity of growth processes, the number of sprouted seeds in solutions of salt and sugar compared to their germination in spring water.According to the method of V.B. Ivanov, determined the salt tolerance of the studied crops. Intact seeds were treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and germinated in 0.9% and 5% NaCl solutions and 5% sugar solution. The control was the option of germinating seeds in spring water (the local spring “Barkov Well”). The experiments were carried out in triplicate.Appendix 3

Research results . Before the start of the experiment, the seeds were checked for germination and the germination energy was determined. The results of the control experiment to determine the energy of growth and germination are listed in table. 1.

Table 1 - germination energy and germination capacity of watercress seeds

Experience option,


Germination energy

% (1 day)




The results of experiments to determine the salt tolerance of the studied crops are reflected in table. 2.

The results of our experiments showed that the germination of watercress seeds in distilled water reached 100%.

In a 0.9% sugar solution, 10 watercress seeds sprouted, the germination rate was 20%, but in a 5% solution the seeds did not germinate.

And in 0, 9% and 5% saline solutions, the watercress seeds did not germinate.

Table 2. - Germination of watercress seeds in salt and sugar solutions of different concentrations.



Number of sprouted seeds

within 7 days

Salt resistance, %


Distilled water






NaCl, 0.9%

NaCl, 5%

C 12 H 22 O 11,

0.9 %

C 12 H 22 O 11,

The results of a study to determine the effect of different concentrations of salt and sugar on the germination of watercress seeds showed that the seeds were salt-tolerant only to 0.9% C 12 N 22 ABOUT 1 : in the remaining solutions of 0.9% salt and 5% sugar solution they only swelled and did not germinate; in the 5% salt solution the seeds did not even swell. After 7 days of germination, the seeds in these cups were filled with ordinary tap water. Seeds with 0.9% salt and 5% sugar solution came to life and began to germinate, in the 5% salt solution everything was unchanged, in the last solution they not only lost their germination, but died.

conclusions . The results of a study to determine the effect of different concentrations of salt and sugar on the germination of watercress seeds showed the following:

1. germination energy and seed germination of watercress is high 100%;

2. 0.9% sugar solution reduces the salt tolerance of watercress by 80%, and 0.9% and 5% salt solution and 5% sugar solution by 100%.

3. Seeds from 0.9% salt and 5% sugar solution germinate after immersing in tap water (or reducing the concentration of the salt or sugar substance), seeds from 5% salt solution do not germinate. A concentration of 5% table salt is detrimental to watercress.

4. Salt and sugar negatively affect the germination of watercress seeds, reducing their germination capacity and salt tolerance.

3.4. Experiment No. 4

The influence of salt and sugar solutions of various concentrations on the dynamics of root growth and the power of the root system of onions.

Goal of the work : study of the effect of different concentrations of salt and sugar on the germination of onions.

Equipment and materials: 50 ml beakers, cylinder, scales, distilled water, water from the Barkov Well spring, saline solutionNaCl, 0, 9% and 5% salt solutions - NaCl and sugar -WITH 12 N 22 ABOUT 11

Research methods . Onion bulbs of the Chalcedony variety were taken as objects of study. The choice of this object is based on the fact that it is an important agricultural crop, widespread in the region. For the control experiment: we took an onion weighing 80 g and dropped it into a 50 ml glass. distilled water, at a temperature of 20-25°C, the length of the roots was measured every day.

According to the method of V.B. Ivanov, to determine the salt tolerance of the studied crop, they were germinated in 0.9% and 5% solutions of NaCl (table salt), 5% solutionWITH 12 N 22 ABOUT 11 (sugar) , spring water.The option of germinating the onion in distilled water served as a control. The experiments were carried out in triplicate.

Research results. The results of the control experiment to determine the growth dynamics of onion roots are listed in Table 3.

Table 3. - Change in the length of the onion root system over time (cm).

Experience option,

Solution for


Measurements of the length of onion roots by day in cm.

Growth dynamics of onion roots in%

(for 3 days)








0,9% sugar solution



0, 5

0, 6


1, 2

2, 5


5% sugar solution



0, 2

0, 4

0, 9

1, 4



0, 9 solution of salt



0. 3

0. 5

0. 5

0. 5

0. 5


5% salt solution










spring water




2, 5

3, 6

4, 7

6, 5


Distilled water


0, 3

0. 9

1, 4

2, 3


3, 5


As can be seen from the table. 1 on the first day there was no root growth in any glass. On the second day, roots began to sprout in spring and distilled water. On the third day, the roots grow everywhere except in a glass with a 5% solution of table salt. From the fifth to the seventh day, root growth continues at the same pace. At the end of the week, the maximum length of the roots in spring water was 6.5 cm, the minimum in a 5% sugar solution, and the roots did not grow in a 5% salt solution.

Thus, the results of a study of the influence of various concentrations of salt and sugar on the growth of turnip bulb roots showed that only bulbs in sugar solutions of 0, 9 and 5% and a salt solution of 0.9% were salt-tolerant, and in a salt solution of 5% salt, the roots did not germinate. This indicates a strong suppression of plant cell growth.

In experience, by definition (onion root growth dynamics) germination of onion roots and in first place were onions with 0.9% sugar solution - 55%, on last place bulbs germinated in a 5% sugar solution - 22%. There was no germination in a 5% saline solution.

The growth of onion roots in spring water is 40% higher than distilled water, which can be explained by the presence of valuable salts that stimulate their growth. The results of experiments to determine the growth dynamics of onion roots are reflected in table. 4.Appendix 4

Table 4. –Regrowth of onion roots in salt and sugar solutions of different concentrations.



Number of roots on onion bulbs

The power of the onion root system



Distilled water



NaCl, 0.9%



NaCl, 5%



WITH 12 N 22 ABOUT 11, 0, 9 %



WITH 12 N 22 ABOUT 11, 5 %




spring water

"Barkov's Well"



conclusions . The results of a study to determine the effect of different concentrations of salt and sugar on the regrowth of onion roots showed the following:

- Number and length of roots during root regrowth onion bulbs depend on the type of solution and its concentration, the roots grew best in spring water, in addition to the roots the onions grew leaves 9 cm long. The roots grew worst in a 5% sugar solution, 1 root grew in a 5% salt solution, which amounted to 3%. Spring water is an ideal solution for Chalcedony onions;

- The presence of salt and sugar in the solution inhibits the development and growth of onion roots.

Conclusions for all stages of work

1. In aqueous solutions, sugar dissolves better and faster than salt. It's easier to sweeten than to salt. The atoms in salt molecules are more attracted to each other than in a sugar molecule.

2. An experiment on the effect of a solution of table salt on living cells showed that under the influence of a salt solution in plant cells, the protoplasm inside the cells shrinks and moves away from the cell walls, i.e. plasmolysis occurs.

3. Under the influence of a solution of table salt, soil protozoa die almost instantly. Any concentration of table salt is detrimental to freshwater protozoa.

4. Under the influence of a 10% solution of table salt, human red blood cells shrink and die.

5 The results of studies to determine the effect of various concentrations of salt and sugar on the germination of watercress seeds showed that a 0.9% sugar solution reduced the germination of watercress seeds by 80%, and all other solutions by 100%.

6. The results of studying the effect of various concentrations of salt and sugar on the regrowth of onion roots showed that regrowth was not observed only in a 5% salt solution. Number and length of roots during root regrowth The growth of onion bulbs depended on the type of solution and its concentration; the roots grew best in spring water; in addition to the roots, the onions grew leaves in it.

Thus, despite the fact that with Ol plays an important role in metabolic processes in living organisms, however, high concentrations lead to plasmolysis in plant cells and to the wrinkling of red blood cells.

A decrease in seed germination when exposed to high concentrations of sugar and salt solutions indicates their negative impact on living organisms.

Therefore, we can conclude that in large quantities table salt and sugar are white death.


Any product, if abused, can be harmful to health and even deadly. Everything is good in moderation. Only this measure is different for everyone. A healthy body will take in as much as it needs and remove the rest. But since absolutely healthy people not now - you need to be extremely careful with those products that are very concentrated in their composition. These include salt and sugar. For people with certain pathologies, they can actually be deadly. But in order not to lead to various diseases, you need to eat these foods in limited quantities. Season lightly rather than overdo it.


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  1. Usenbaeva B.A., Bozshataeva G.T., Ospanova G.S., Turabaeva G.K. The influence of different salt concentrations on the germination of grain seeds // International Journal of Experimental Education. – No. 3-1, 2015. –P. 65-67;


    Prepare reagents and equipment


    Reaction conditions


    Dissolving table salt in distilled water.


    Dissolving table salt in vinegar

    The sugar has dissolved completely, the salt has not, and undissolved crystals remain.


    Dissolving table salt in ammonia

    The sugar has dissolved completely, the salt has not, and undissolved crystals remain.


    Dissolving table salt in iso-amyl alcohol


    Dissolving table salt in alkali solution

    Sugar and salt did not dissolve completely; undissolved crystals remained.


    Dissolving table salt in lemon solution acids

    The sugar has dissolved completely, the salt has not, and undissolved crystals remain.


    Dissolving table salt in hydroperite solution

    The sugar has dissolved completely, the salt has not, and undissolved crystals remain.


    Dissolving table salt in acetone

    Sugar and salt did not dissolve completely; undissolved crystals remained. The sugar became viscous and increased in volume.

    Appendix 2

    Appendix 3

    Appendix 4

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