Moon sign compatibility: mutual understanding with a partner for life. ♑ Capricorn - compatibility of lunar signs of the zodiac

Sun and moon- the two most important planets in your Horoscope. They form the basis of your character, habits and personality traits.

The sun- daylight, describes the bright features of your personality, Moon - a night luminary that reveals the subconscious processes of your character. The combination of these signs will add interesting characteristics to your Horoscope.

Separately, we have already studied the characteristics of the Sun in the Signs of the Zodiac in the article

If you still do not know your Lunar Zodiac sign, then read the article -

Today it is the turn of the combination of the Sun and the Moon in the Horoscope of each Capricorn.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Lviv, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius (according to the solar sign) we have already studied with you.

For those who missed it, check it out:

The Sun in Aries combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
The Sun in Taurus combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
Sun in Gemini conjunct Moon in zodiac signs
Sun in Cancer combined with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
Sun in Leo combined with the Moon in the signs of the zodiac
Sun in Virgo combined with the Moon in the signs of the zodiac.
The Sun in Libra in conjunction with the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.
Sun in Scorpio conjunct Moon in Zodiac signs
Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Moon in Zod

Now let's take Capricorn.

If you were born under the sign of Capricorn(according to the Sun), then you are a serious and conservative person who loves planning and clarity in everything. But for your character The lunar sign of the zodiac also influences.

For example: if you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Leo, then you are a more active and decisive Capricorn with a creative start.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer, then you are Capricorn sensitive, prone to mood swings, more sincere and homely in the family.

Lunar zodiac sign
corrects the description of your personality.
Let's study in more detail the combination of the Sun and the Moon in everyone born under the sign of Capricorn.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Aries

The combination of earthly calmness and fiery activity forms in such people the qualities of an entrepreneur. You strive to achieve the best in life, you are not afraid to take responsibility, you are demanding, assertive and practical. You have organizational skills, the desire to make a career, willpower, the ability to take the initiative and achieve what you want. Do not like to delve into the little things, act faster than you think.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Taurus

The combination of the earthly Sun and the earthly moon forms in you strong will and desire to win. You are moving slowly but surely. Your strong traits character: stubbornness, perseverance, the ability to starve, prudence and balanced thinking. You are conservative and constant in your desires, you don’t like to change something just like that, you think for a long time, but you live stably. Great sense of ownership.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Gemini

The conservatism of the sun sign comes into conflict with the lunar sign, a lover of change. There is an internal contradiction, anxiety, instability of attention. But in this combination there are quite a few pluses: sociability and charm, speed of decisions and flexibility of actions, ease of learning and practicality. You can achieve a lot in life through sociability and external connections, thanks to the serious approach of Capricorn.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer

This combination of planets gives financial intuition and a talent for making money. You are quite economical, careful and accurate in financial matters. Lead a more hidden lifestyle, strive with all your might for reliability and stability. You can be called a person "on your mind", you are not easy to convince of something, because you are very distrustful. That is why you strive for family relationships, strive to have your own home where you feel safe.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Leo

The combination of Capricorn's practicality and Leo's entrepreneurial spirit makes you good entrepreneur, speculator, financial player. Cunning and artistic ability (according to the Moon) allow you to win in deals and contracts. You intuitively feel what, where, how much. The character is authoritarian, reasonable, ambitious. You persistently strive for recognition of your merits, think for a long time, but actively act. Love to be friends with professionals in your field, with famous personalities and strive to become an authority yourself.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Virgo

The combination of two earth signs makes you a practical, serious, analytical person with great professional ambitions. You know how to gather your thoughts, set a goal, analyze all the details, to the smallest detail and methodically achieve what was planned. No one will stop you if you have clearly decided something for yourself. Try to be friends with smart and educated people. They tend to criticize what you do not understand. Few contacts and love communication only on business. Somewhat cold and aloof in dealing with people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Libra

You are a social person, strive for public relations want to make a career. Always friendly and possibly mannered. You know how to organize and lead people. You easily probe the weaknesses of the interlocutor, you know how to establish long-term business relationships, you are a good performer, the management appreciates you. You have good taste, the ability to please people, sociability and the desire to surround yourself with pleasant people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Scorpio

Secrecy of Capricorn + secrecy of Scorpio = caution and restraint in communication. It is difficult to call such people the soul of the company, they are very contradictory and complex inside. They consider themselves special, they firmly know what they want and are ready to demolish everything in their path in order to achieve their goal. These are very stubborn and persistent people. Constant and conservative in their views and plans. Responsible and cunning. Such people can achieve a lot in life.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Sagittarius

These are good philosophers, politicians, public figures. Often possess eloquence and diplomacy. They know how to speak to a large audience, are fair and smart. They like to show themselves in society, to gain respect and authority. In communication, they are flexible and pleasant, but always keep a certain distance, putting on airs and showing that they can do more. Can become a businessman if he has a strong Mars (in Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio or Taurus).

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Capricorn

Such "double" Capricorns have a strong desire for a career, for public recognition, to power, to politics, to leadership. These people are obligatory, responsible and careful. Everyone accurately calculates many steps ahead. Possess entrepreneurial cunning and forethought. If such a person is the boss, then he is very demanding and strict. If a subordinate - then responsible and disciplined. It is difficult to communicate with such people if there are no planets in the air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) in the horoscope.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Aquarius

These are good public figures, loving collectives, groups and various associations. Such people pay great attention to friendship and friendly relationships in their lives. They have high ideals and ambitious impulses. Interested in everything new, unusual and progressive, ready to keep up with the times. Sincere and humanistic. It is easy and interesting to be friends with such people.

If you have the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Pisces

These are sensitive and sincere Capricorns, sometimes strongly influenced other people and life situations. Reasonable, serious and sentimental. The mood can change several times a day, from this a lot of anxiety is formed inside. These people are intuitive and pleasant in communication, diligent and attentive in their work. They do not like to show extra initiative, they are cautious and restrained. They need more activity.

To be continued...

Vasilisa Volodina made a description of a woman with the moon in Capricorn. The natal chart of such a person indicates that he is disciplined, responsible, strictly fulfills his duties.

Representatives of this sign do not allow a partner to openly show their emotions, they suppress his desire. Such a person is very restrained, he also keeps his feelings under control.

The moon in Capricorn in a woman who knows how to allocate time, does everything in order. Takes on work that will benefit her. She is attracted to serious and purposeful men. She won't even look at the romantics. Such a woman has perseverance, patience, loves discipline.

However, there may be another image of a woman. This is a pessimist who is indifferent to the problems of other people. She can only see herself, looking for benefits in everything.

Moon in Capricorn in a woman: a characteristic

Such a woman constantly has to fight with herself. She has a sharp mind, loves to learn something new. In addition, she has little practical knowledge, she prefers workshops. Work is given completely. However, he prefers to work alone, feels responsible for the work done.

Such a person is purposeful. She achieves everything she strives for. If it fails, depression may ensue. The Capricorn woman succeeds in any work, she succeeds in everything, no matter what she undertakes.

If we consider this representative in material terms, then she treats money with care. She needs money not only to buy something necessary, material security shows her status.

The moon in Capricorn is for a woman who likes to meet influential people, therefore she often occupies high positions. The character of a woman can be different depending on which moon is in her sign. If a woman in Capricorn has White moon, this means that in a past life a person took on someone else's karma. Now, throughout his life, he strives to achieve his goals.

However, compensation comes at the end of life. In this regard, a person's life is devoted to labor activity and the conquest of heights. Such a person is purposeful. No matter how much effort and time it takes him to succeed in life, he will definitely complete the program.

For the sake of their goals, such a person can become a victim. He is ready to take on the karma of even an entire nation. Thus, it will help to save other people from suffering or misfortune. This can be achieved through work and your own life.

If a woman has a black moon in Capricorn, this indicates that this representative often becomes depressed, a typical melancholic. They are very sensual, they are in awe of their parents.

However, the black moon can have a negative effect on a person. A woman can manifest such qualities as callousness, cruelty. Such people often think at a young age about old age and death. Already from childhood, they believe only in the bad, they exaggerate their painful condition.

Such people are pessimists, they do not trust other people, they are passive, sloppy, often lonely. These representatives live a long time, but complain about health more than others. This is very strong people, their enemies they can pursue long years. They never forget insults, they will definitely do everything in order to take revenge.

There are cases when Capricorn women have a real dump at home, unnecessary things are lying around the house. They blame other people for their misfortunes, they are grumblings.

If such qualities have made themselves felt, you immediately need to make every effort to get rid of the negative. We need to learn optimism, not to take everything seriously, to think about a brighter future.

Only positive qualities will help to move on. You need to learn to relax. You need to look for company, loneliness will not lead to anything good. Be sure to go in for sports, so you can splash out negative energy.

In clothes, dark shades should be avoided; attention should be paid to a bright palette.

Moon Compatibility in Capricorn

If there is a desire to connect your life with this sign, then you need to be prepared for the fact that this partner is not simple. fun life you can't wait with him. Here comfort and stability will definitely be provided. Such a person needs to speak tender, affectionate words, then every year love will only become stronger.

Capricorn and Aries. This union may turn out to be successful. Aries has the impulsiveness that Capricorn lacks so much. However, one should not forget that one cannot express hurtful words, this can bring pain to Capricorn.

Capricorn and Taurus . Both signs strive for stability, comfort. However, none of the partners will be able to take a step forward. Capricorn is inherently silent, he prefers to wait for a better moment. Taurus is slow and reserved. Therefore, an alliance can work out if one of the partners becomes more active in the relationship.

Capricorn and Gemini. Gemini may seem too frivolous to Capricorn. The union does not promise anything good, the partners are very different.

Capricorn and Cancer. These signs cannot understand each other. You have to work hard on relationships. If cancer learns to perceive Capricorn as it is, then the union can turn out to be successful and lasting.

Capricorn and Leo. Capricorn will never show his love. However, in order to start a family, both partners will have to show their feelings openly. Only tenderness and affection can melt the icy heart of Capricorn.

Capricorn and Virgo . A woman with the moon in Capricorn can make a wonderful couple with a Virgo.

It must be remembered that Capricorn cannot be criticized and spoken harsh words. Both partners will have to openly express their feelings, treat each other with tenderness.

Capricorn and Libra. This union can turn out to be successful, scales are able to get along with many signs. Partners can find a common language and create a strong family.

Capricorn and Scorpio. Scorpio is a passionate nature, he can scare away his partner with his activity. For the union to be successful, you will have to show gentleness of character.

Capricorn and Sagittarius.
Sagittarius is a very active sign, Capricorn will not be able to fully trust his partner. Serious relationship are possible only if the archer changes his tactics of behavior.

Capricorn and Capricorn. The union can be successful if both partners are ready to change and devote their life to another. Only tender and warm relationships will create a happy family.

Capricorn and Aquarius. An excellent union can turn out, Aquarius is very attracted to Capricorn. Often these signs pass by each other, and then regret it. Marriage can be perfect. The most important thing is to pay attention to each other in time.

Capricorn and Pisces. Pisces are romantic in nature, they may seem frivolous to their partner. However, despite this, the union can turn out to be successful, the fish is able to melt the ice in the soul of the satellite.

Woman's Moon in Capricorn Square Pluto

This representative is characterized by strong emotionality, causing self-doubt.
There is a constant desire to forget the past, to break everything that prevents you from living on.

Such a woman can be very harsh with her parents, husband, children. Does not tolerate interference in personal space. At the slightest pressure, he becomes angry and indignant. Even some little things can cause irritation.

Such people are impatient. If their cause does not move forward, they may become frustrated. They want to change their lives for the better, become more successful. However, often success is not achieved. It is connected with excessive emotionality.

Venus in Aquarius / Moon in Capricorn woman

A woman born in this period does not tolerate jealousy. She prefers open relationship. Will not feel comfortable if experiencing emotional tension. Her thoughts are in free flight, a little detached from reality. Often because of this, a woman is lonely, there are problems to build relationships. For men, such a woman is a mystery.

Sun in Aries / Moon in Capricorn Woman

These representatives are driven by ambition. Because of this, they achieve success in life. Such a woman cannot be controlled, she does not trust anyone, she will not allow anyone to stand in her way. Such women become good businessmen, occupy high positions. They can easily lead people.

The thoughts of such a woman are expressive, she does not offend anyone. Treats people with condescension. He often meets influential people, thanks to which he successfully makes a career. Representatives of this sign can try themselves in any field.

For such a woman, recognition is important. She wants to be the center of attention. However, family life will be short-lived. Most often, such women marry for convenience, and not for love. Despite this, they make good wives.

Sun in Taurus / Moon in Capricorn woman

For this representative, security is important. Position and prestige comes first. The Moon in Capricorn is for a woman who is able to criticize other people and analyze the situation.

A woman needs reliability. She is able to influence other people, to control them. He is responsible for all his actions and actions.

Can hold high positions, strives for power. Even despite the huge success that will be achieved in life, such a woman strives further. She cannot sit without work, her mental energy is looking for an outlet.

Representatives of this sign are very interesting.

A lover with the Moon in Capricorn is not a person to be taken lightly. Life for a person who is strongly influenced by Capricorn is a serious matter. Since the Moon governs emotions, it follows that love and romance in the eyes of lunar Capricorn, bighorn goat zodiac, require an extremely thoughtful approach.

Beloved (or beloved) with the Moon Capricorn - a person whose feet are firmly on the ground, even harder than other earth signs of the zodiac - Taurus and Virgo, so that the very thought of plunging headlong into the illusion of romantic passion can scare Capricorn to death.

But before he begins to ponder whether he is capable of love at all, and even more so of passion, I can assure you that the lunar Capricorn will have no reason to doubt the positive answer to this question after he comes to the conclusion that you an ideal partner, and will believe in you decisively and irrevocably.

Capricorn needs to be completely confident in a person before he decides to finally associate himself with him. Perhaps, as I have already said, this is due to childhood experiences and discord in the parental family; it may be a deep need for material and emotional security and safety. An intermediate option will not suit him.

Your beloved - lunar Capricorn - is not going to follow the classic patterns and hang around under the windows of his beloved all night. In general, lunar Capricorns are quite long time delays starting a family. They are much more concerned with creating a reliable material base for the family and asserting themselves in the profession. Capricorn is generally one of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac, and no emotions can block his path leading to the achievement of the goal.

The lunar Capricorn simply does not have time for flirting, no matter how sweet they seem to him! Somehow, the idea has become firmly entrenched in his brain that love and happiness with an ideal partner are unthinkable until he succeeds on other levels, and he will never part with this thought.

The influence of Saturn, who rules Capricorn, also does not adorn his lover in the eyes of the opposite sex, because it gives him a melancholic character, as a result of which the lunar Capricorn looks with pessimism at his ability to attract attention and win the heart of an ideal partner.

But do not let this scare you and do not turn away from the lunar Capricorn: not only Saturn, but also other planets scattered throughout various signs zodiac, and aspects in between. And a person who, it would seem, is not capable of romantic feelings, can turn into a completely unexpected side under the influence of a meeting with the one he is destined to love!

A lover with the Moon in Capricorn is a difficult person, and besides, he is so used to holding back emotions that it has become second nature to him. Is it not a noble task to convince him that love is not a threat to his security, but its guarantee?

How to recognize a lover with the Moon in Capricorn

Solar and lunar Capricorns attract attention with their seriousness and unwillingness to stand out; it seems that tearing them away from work is just a crime. Most of the lunar Capricorns give the impression of people who work tirelessly, like some kind of beaver, until late in the evening, in order to tear themselves away from work after midnight with displeasure, have a light snack and start the same work with renewed vigor in the morning.

So if you saw a person who finds it difficult to relax and somehow have fun, who constantly looks at his watch and is dressed more formally than everyone around, this is probably a lunar Capricorn. Your guess will turn into certainty when you are convinced that he is only able to talk about work and about the financial disasters that have befallen the world.

For lovers with the Moon in Capricorn, sexual compatibility is very important: deepening your relationship on the physical, mental and spiritual planes can bring him great joy, because if the lunar Capricorn understands that you are an ideal partner for him (or for her), he (or she) will do everything so that you do not regret your choice.

How to capture a lover with the Moon in Capricorn

Perhaps the traditional approach will be the best, because lunar Capricorns are the least susceptible to progress!

Always remember the inner workings of the lunar Capricorn, no matter how confident and prosperous he may seem. They are responsive to softness, attention and tenderness, they are not attracted to strong personalities with bright external manifestations, defiant sexuality (or rather, they attract something, but Capricorns will never admit it).

To become attractive (or attractive) to lunar Capricorns, arm yourself with an external chilly detachment, self-confidence, visibility complete success and a sense of strength (even if at that time you joined the army of the unemployed). Do not raise your voice, do not flaunt yourself - the lunar Capricorn can be a snob. And it remains to be hoped that your family is quite respectable and respectable!

In no case should the lunar Capricorn think that you are frivolous and looking for casual connections, so if you intend to kill him with your outfit, then you better not! Elegance, only elegance, Capricorns are big fans of it. You should be able to talk on serious topics, not engage in empty chatter, and at the same time have a sense of humor. Lunar Capricorn himself is a little lacking in gaiety and a sense of humor, and he greatly appreciates this in others, well aware that the constant seriousness inherent in him can oppress people.

Show that you are ready for anything so that your relationship develops in the best possible way at all levels. Capricorn needs an equal partner, not just a lover (or beloved). And be patient to sort out his deepest feelings. This is worth doing if you want to have a faithful and loving person, kindred spirit.

Life with a Lover with the Moon in Capricorn

If you are looking for a quiet, safe haven, a house arranged with maximum comfort, in a respectable area, with respectable neighbors, then the lunar Capricorn is just made for you.

But at the same time, be prepared to give up many things that you are so used to: from a cozy dinner for two in front of the fireplace, from dinner parties for your closest friends, etc., and all because your beloved - lunar Capricorn - will keep working hard when all kind people have already gone home. No, of course, lunar Capricorns are not against entertainment, they just have a tight time. Lunar Capricorns of both sexes are really capable of filling their lives with hard work. Even homework they consider it a serious matter, and if you sin with carelessness, then for peace in the house you better part with this shortcoming.

Yes, life with the lunar Capricorn in no way resembles an eternal holiday. But she will certainly provide you with emotional comfort, because the lunar Capricorn will create all the conditions for her chosen one. This lover will not excite you with longing for those places that are already good because we are not there, or with an enduring craving for flirting. According to lunar Capricorns, marriages are for life, and your only rival or rival will be his (or her) Capricorn job.

Beloved - lunar Capricorns appreciate beauty and elegance, traditions, in general, everything that adorns life, but at the same time they will not allow excessive or senseless spending of money (they work too hard to spend money frivolously).

It cannot be said that life with the moon Capricorn was full of romantic passionate passion, it may not be so much, but still it is!

How to keep a lover with the Moon in Capricorn


Stock up on patience, because Capricorn's emotions do not begin to manifest immediately;

understand how important traditions are for your beloved;

be loyal, gentle, support him in everything;

take seriously things that Capricorn considers important;

· to pay tribute to the capacity for work of this person, but at the same time to inspire him with the idea that after work it would be nice to have a rest;

· remember that Capricorn needs emotional and material stability and reliability.

Do not do it:

· get involved in flirting at the first meeting, especially not to do this with other members of the opposite sex;

· the jealousy of his lover to work, in the end, this is not a rival, or a rival;

It is unwise or foolish to spend money. Capricorn will never put up with either one or the other;

put your lover in an awkward position;

criticize his family or friends;

Expect the manifestation of ardent passion in the wrong place or at the wrong time.

Solar Signs of Lovers with Moon in Capricorn

Your Capricorn moon lover's personality may manifest differently depending on the position of the Sun in his (or her) horoscope.

Sun in Aries / Moon in Capricorn. This lover will gladly accept the challenge of fate in all situations, personal and professional. A very determined individual.

Sun in Taurus / Moon in Capricorn. Stability and security are very important for a person whose Sun and Moon are in earth signs. He is loyal and ready to provide support, but sometimes he is shy and afraid to show his truly deep feelings.

Sun in Gemini / Moon in Capricorn. A chatty workaholic who will endlessly convince you that a true soul mate is one of the most important treasures in life.

Sun in Cancer / Moon in Capricorn. A somewhat materialistically oriented person who is sometimes very afraid to admit that more than anything he needs emotional stability.

Sun in Leo / Moon in Capricorn. A person with a very strong will who will never accept second place in anything. But on the other hand, this is an incredibly gentle lover, and at the same time a romantic.

Sun in Virgo / Moon in Capricorn. This man is traditional and has both feet on the ground, but he is too serious, he just needs to learn how to have fun.

Sun in Libra / Moon in Capricorn. Beneath his chilly exterior hides a sensitive inner core, and this lover will always be a charming and dynamic partner.

Sun in Scorpio / Moon in Capricorn. Invincible partner! If this person "has an eye on you", you are unlikely to go far from him, as long as there is such a thing as mutual attraction in the world!

Sun in Sagittarius / Moon in Capricorn. An adventurer with a great inner need to find a soul mate and live with her calmly, in love and harmony. It is more optimistic than all other lunar Capricorns.

Sun in Capricorn / Moon in Capricorn. Under the harsh appearance of this restrained, self-controlled and disciplined lunar Capricorn, deep feelings are hidden.

Sun in Aquarius / Moon in Capricorn. The conflict between the desire for unpredictability and traditionality in one person will create interesting character: with him you will not get bored.

Sun in Pisces / Moon in Capricorn. This person is serious, but sensitive, realistic-minded, but with the richest intuition; his character is actually more romantic than it might seem at first glance.

Compatibility horoscope: lunar zodiac sign Capricorn compatibility - most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The position of the Moon in Capricorn speaks of a prudent, attentive and persistent character. A person with the Moon in Capricorn is distinguished by diligence, perseverance, ambition; in everything he does, he is extremely collected, precise and careful. Moon Capricorn in the negative is the embodiment of suspiciousness, selfishness, secrecy, indecision.

Bad upbringing and just a depressed mood are the two main factors that form negativity. In this case, a person is prone to frequent depression, prone to stress and copes poorly with them, pathologically afraid of failure, unsure of his future, tormented by a variety of doubts and fears. In this variant, caution develops into a pathological fear of loss and error.

As a result, a person is reinsured twenty times and achieves nothing, because he manages to miss the right moment and lose all opportunities. Such a person is secretive, does not go to full frankness even with friends, is not prone to violent feelings and, all the more so, vivid manifestations of his emotions.

But the lunar Capricorn is positive, with a harmonious state of mind and good upbringing is a conscientious intellectual, very responsible, constant. If many other lunar signs are distinguished by intuition, then the trump card of the lunar Capricorn is logic. This is the real pragmatist. He hates empty talk, thoughts and dreams: either he will immediately get down to business, or he will not think about it at all. Air shaking and castles in the air are not activities for the lunar Capricorn. This person is a realist, he looks at the world objectively, adequately assessing what is happening. As a rule, his assessment is accurate, and the conclusion is undeniable: he builds his opinion not on a momentary impression or suspicion, but on the basis of a subtle analysis.

In work, the lunar Capricorn is stubborn, responsible, assiduous, accurate, patient. He is a great diplomat, he knows how to negotiate, bargain, find compromises, persuade, convince. Has an innate sense of tact. Knows how to count money. Thanks to such invaluable qualities, the lunar Capricorn has every chance of making an enviable career.

Very often he chooses a profession once and for all, he can change his job, but he does not like to change the field of activity (he does this very rarely, at most 2-3 times in his entire life). He needs a job that interests him, and he finds just such a specialty. Lunar Capricorn is a man of the system, so he is good at work related to logical and consistent thinking. For him, the structure of the company in which he works is important, from the very first day he must know his immediate superior - and will obey only him.

If he himself is the boss, subordinates may forget what familiarity is: the hierarchy under his leadership will be very rigid. As is discipline. But in many ways, subordinates will be lucky, because he is an excellent organizer, under his leadership they will grow faster as specialists. By the way, secretly every lunar Capricorn wants to be the boss, because he is ambitious, and even better - famous person because he wants to be famous and popular.

This is something that he rarely admits to himself, but it would be worth it: these are excellent qualities for a careerist, without them it is impossible to achieve expressive success. In all areas of life, the lunar Capricorn strives for success - for him this is the most important indicator of the quality of life. But he is not one of those who want to break through everywhere for free. He needs to achieve everything himself, otherwise he will lose respect for himself, and his success will not be truly valuable to him.

In everyday life, the lunar Capricorn requires purity and thrift. Note that purity in this case is not the same as order. Unlike the lunar Cancer, which needs everything around to shine and lie in its place, or the lunar Sagittarius, whose main thing is to remember where everything lies, the lunar Capricorn looks at life easier. He needs to find the thing where he left it, and nothing more. Even if there are heaps and blockages in the house, he will find the thing he needs in them. If only there was no dust on the furniture, dirt on the floor and unwashed dishes in the sink. At the same time, he is unpretentious, able to limit himself to the most necessary. It is indispensable in campaigns, expeditions and other cases where life is much more complicated. In any difficult situation - even on the road, even in a financial crisis - he will not go out of his way to create maximum comfort, but rather limit his desires and / or expenses. Often this is enough.

In romantic relationships, the lunar Capricorn is not always as lucky as in business life. He is able to be very emotional, although he is restrained in the manifestation of feelings. But if he does not show them, this does not mean that they are not there: they can be very strong, this person simply does not take out on people what, in his opinion, belongs only to him. Therefore, he does not like intimate conversations with unfamiliar people. In addition, the lunar Capricorn is valuable for a partner because he knows how to perfectly control himself. He does not like conflicts, does not break down on loved ones. He is disciplined, you can come to an agreement with him, he will help anyone to streamline life. He does not like to cry, he prefers to solve the problem.

A very characteristic feature of the personality of the lunar Capricorn is the desire for perfection. He understands perfection as a high standard. For him, unlike some other lunar signs, it is not at all humiliating to be equal to someone. He is always striving to conquer new heights, constantly improving himself as a person, as a professional. In addition, social status is very important to him.

The main emotional problem of the lunar Capricorn is the inability to find psychological relaxation. Because of its secrecy and restraint, the lunar Capricorn is very difficult to express feelings - both bad and good. He keeps everything to himself. As a result, he has an emotional stagnation. Everything bad that happens to him, he experiences extremely painfully. And since the negative energy has no way out, it stagnates, giving rise to disappointment and even despair. This is hard, unpleasant and eventually leads to the formation of the negative that was outlined above. Using his unprecedented patience and perseverance, lunar Capricorn could move mountains. But he often lacks internal energy. Therefore, you need to look for sources of energy, if not in yourself, then in the environment.

Lunar Capricorn Man

Many are not able to believe that a man whose Moon is in Capricorn is capable, in principle, of experiencing any feelings, since outwardly this manifests itself in a completely different way, that is, in no way. Capricorns, who, according to astrology, have the planet Moon, tend to block the manifestation of their emotions so much that from the outside they look like aloof, cold, insensitive materialists. They are thought of as if they are not at all capable of experiencing emotions (this is especially unpleasant when a man has the Sun and Moon in Capricorn at the same time).

The horoscope on this occasion claims that it is incredibly difficult for a man whose Moon is in this sign to make contact with the Higher Self, that is, to establish strong contact with his spiritual side of his personality. But this must be done, because the lunar Capricorn is obliged to learn simple thing: From the fact that he stops blocking emotions, he will not lose anything. But they can gain a lot, especially in everyday life and in communication with other people. But this is only if the lunar Capricorn really gets down to business, believes in what the horoscope tells him, rolls up his sleeves, and can still get to the depths of his spiritual plan. And this may be very tricky business, especially out of habit.

When the lunar Capricorn is present with his consciousness in the mortal material world, he feels quite confident. However, as soon as he plunges into the spiritual plane, he quickly loses this sensitivity. And all that is required of him here is to allow the lunar energy to become a guide, to let her do her work. And it consists in releasing the instincts of the lunar Capricorn, "buried" deep in his inner "I", releasing intuition and overcoming the uncertainty that has been ingrained in the soul since childhood.

Lunar Capricorn Woman

As the horoscope says, a woman with the Moon in Capricorn has one weakness, from which the emotional “coldness” of such a person stems. When she feels something by instinct, her inner “materialist” instantly turns on and cuts intuition at the root, declaring all these emotions and sensations divorced from real life. This means that it is extremely difficult for a woman to even begin to trust her intuition. If a woman has the Moon in Capricorn, she naturally has an incredibly high degree of concentration, which she can easily use in order to better familiarize herself with her own “content”. To her surprise, the inner self can teach the lunar Capricorn a lot.

In fact, in the material world, it's great enough to be collected, practical, striving for a goal without unnecessary sentimentality. But if you raise such qualities to the rank of an indisputable absolute (which is often what moon Capricorn does), then you can “fly” past deep spiritual experiences, which, in general, are an adornment human life. Often, the Moon in Capricorn makes a lady treat the people around her overly critical and harsh. She is often maniacally serious, however, at times she reveals a peculiar, albeit dryish sense of humor.

As a result, for a person who is able to withstand the indifference and categoricalness of the lunar Capricorn, there is a chance to find an entertaining interlocutor in the face of a representative of this sign. When others communicate with lunar Capricorns, it seems to them that they were never children at all, but were immediately born as such adults or old people. It is clear that for the lunar Capricorn, any conversation about feelings and emotions is a priori a taboo topic. However, if they manage to make contact with their own “I”, and find a new friend in the person of their intuition, they will stop wasting time and begin to receive a wealth of new knowledge about themselves and the world around them.

Capricorn Compatibility

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♑ Capricorn - compatibility with other lunar signs

Our relationships with other people are largely determined by the Moon. It determines the emotional perception of each other, the unconscious, unconscious attitude towards another person, his acceptance or rejection, understanding or misunderstanding. The Moon reflects the relationship of two people on an inner, hidden, intuitive level, which, however, turns out to be no less important and significant than rational, conscious relationships according to the Sun or other active, Yang, planets. And on what sign at the time of birth the Moon was with your partner (husband, wife, friend, colleague, boss), it depends on how harmonious or disharmonious your relationship with him will be, whether you will feel comfortable and good with each other, if you want whether to hear and understand each other.

Choose your partner's lunar zodiac sign. If you don't know your partner's lunar birth sign, calculate your lunar birthday. It is very important to remember that disharmonious interactions on the Moon have an extremely negative effect on the human psyche and can lead to emotional breakdowns, mood swings, outbursts of aggression, etc.

♑ Capricorn - a characteristic of the zodiac sign

Moon and love relationships

Love relationship have always been a very serious problem for Capricorns. They are not the type to take the search for the perfect partner lightly. If Capricorn has connected his life with someone, he will make a gentle, attentive and faithful partner. Everything will turn out fine if he allows himself to believe that others, and his chosen one in particular, are also capable of being faithful and loving.

For Capricorn, the idea that he can be emotionally dependent on a partner is unbearable. No matter how happy he is with him, he will be pleased with the thought that the partner obeys, and not he.

It is best when people who love each other develop equal relations, with mutual respect and trust, without a shadow of jealousy. When Capricorn does not hold back his emotions, he can seem passionate and romantic, but it is very difficult to make him be himself.

He subconsciously fears that he will be rejected, that he is unworthy of something. Allowing yourself to simply love is the highest happiness, to which Capricorn must go a long way of self-improvement in order to gain confidence. Love in the eyes of Capricorn requires an extremely thoughtful approach. When Capricorn understands himself and understands that the person he meets is his ideal partner, he will completely trust his feelings.

Capricorn is one of the most ambitious signs, no emotions are able to block his path leading to the goal. He doesn't have time for flirting, no matter how cute they are.

The idea that he is not worthy of love and happiness in his personal life may come from a simple belief: he will gain all this by achieving success at other levels, for example, at work. Capricorn is pessimistic about his ability to attract the opposite sex.

So, a person of this sign is a very complex person. He is so accustomed to restraining his emotions that seeming insensitivity has become second nature to him. But, once convinced that love will not only not damage his security, but, on the contrary, strengthen it, he will open his heart to meet this feeling.

Moon and family relationships

It is difficult for a Capricorn Moon to truly enjoy warm, trusting relationships with family and friends. A conviction formed in his soul that it was unacceptable to show someone what he really feels. So it's hard to know if he's upset or not. His mood does not affect the relatively stable and stable family climate in any way.

Practical in everything, Capricorn is practical in feelings. He really appreciates the family, considering it as a rear. People of this sign are sincerely attached to their loved ones and devoted to them. Capricorn likes to stick to traditions that allow everyone to get together. His outlook on life is somewhat conservative, so established family holidays will be the same for several years.

If Capricorn has children, then they will experience all the severity of their parent. But children feel his sincere love under the guise of severity and exactingness. Usually they grow up to be the same pragmatists who do not have any special illusions about life, in which it is easier for them to get settled than for the pupils of Sagittarius.

Lunar birthday

Knowing the lunar birthday, we can judge what a person’s life will be like, his habits and character traits. Go

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Venus, this planet is responsible for feelings, affection, sympathy and love, and therefore find out its influence. Go

Compatibility horoscope, synastry calculation

Compatibility analysis, also called synastric analysis, will indicate the conditions of the relationship. Go

Marriage horoscope online with decoding

This horoscope will allow spouses to penetrate into the features of their marriage, to realize and solve many problems. Go


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    Moon Capricorn Compatibility

    Consider astrological compatibility lunar Capricorn (when the Moon is in Capricorn in a person's horoscope). Lunar Capricorn is a very passionate and emotional person internally, while outwardly extremely restrained. He is constantly clad in a shell of self-control - only to, God forbid, not to betray what is happening inside him.

    Moon Capricorn Compatibility in Relationships

    He can write you passionate and hot love messages, and when you meet, turn away with such a cold look that you doubt: is he capable of feeling at all and did he write all this to you?

    All this is not happening because the lunar Capricorn is so insidious - not at all. It’s just that he is not confident enough in himself, it seems to him that he is not worthy of love and he can be pushed away at any moment. He is very afraid of this, because for him it would be very painful. He lives with the feeling that it is better to hide love and be alone than to be rejected.

    Lunar Capricorn is very serious, you can’t joke with him, especially in such significant areas for him as personal relationships. He will dare to connect his life only with the person in whom he is absolutely sure, and only if he knows for sure that he will not be offended here, they will not laugh at him and will not reject him.

    If he meets such a partner, he can open up the most in an incredible way in his best feelings, and suddenly it turns out that he can be both lively, and tender, and romantic, and emotional.

    But since it is not easy to find such a partner, the lunar Capricorns almost always big problems in personal life. Lunar Capricorn does not know how to get acquainted first, he will not open up to a person in whom he is not sure, it is very difficult for him to relax and allow himself to have fun in a pleasant company.

    That's what he's really dedicated and giving to most time is work. Therefore, happiness for the lunar Capricorn, if he manages to find a lover or lover at work, among the same serious workaholics as himself.

    It is almost impossible for the lunar Capricorn to find his betrothed elsewhere: he is not revealed anywhere else, and only a person who is engaged in the same business with him can get to know him better.

    Moon Capricorn Compatibility / Moon Capricorn himself, of course, will not waste time on coquetry, courtship and other romantic quirks. He will not even let anyone close if he does not feel serious intentions and sincere feelings.

    You can’t move him to light flirting - it’s too painful for him to show his feelings with just anyone and who knows what for the sake of it. Therefore, if you are frivolous, then it is better not to approach the lunar Capricorn.

    However, hardly anyone dares to approach, bumping into his stern look, which seems to put an invisible barrier between him and other people. The lunar Capricorn cannot stand both empty chatter and empty pastime.

    He does not know how to rest, he cannot relax in cheerful company and therefore for him it is only a waste of time that could be given to work so precious to him.

    If you decide to associate life with the lunar Capricorn, be patient. Even if you have the most serious intentions and the most sincere feelings towards him, he will not immediately open up, and you will not immediately be convinced that he really reciprocates.

    He will look at you for a long time, check you for a long time and will not open until he is convinced that you are the kind of person who can be trusted. But then life with him will be very stable, reliable and comfortable.

    If he is already convinced that you really love him, that you do not laugh at him and do not joke, do not deceive him, he will be faithful to you until the end of his life, if only from a feeling of gratitude alone. Eternal holiday in life with lunar Capricorn is not expected, but this is a very solid union that can give you a reliable rear and a feeling of solid ground under your feet

    And if you manage to achieve the full trust of the lunar Capricorn, the passion and romance of your relationship will only grow over the years: after all, there is a lot of hidden passion in it, and if it starts to go free, it will manifest itself the farther, the more!

    The main thing is to do everything so that he opens up: tell him tender words, even if at first you don’t hear the same in response, show affection and care, demonstrate your love for him in every possible way and do not let him doubt that you really love him. And sooner or later the result will exceed all expectations.

    Moon Capricorn compatibility with other signs

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Aries

    If you are a lunar Aries, then Capricorn will react painfully to some of your rash statements and harsh tone of communication. Try to convince Capricorn that your intemperance is not at all a sign of disrespect for him, that you really love him, and he does not need to react so sharply to your impulsiveness. But on the other hand, with your impulsiveness, you have every chance to melt this ice and achieve a reciprocal manifestation of passionate and tender feelings.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Taurus

    If you are a lunar Taurus, then you, like the lunar Capricorn, strive for stability and reliability and could make a good couple, but your slowness and restraint can do you a disservice. Capricorn is silent and waiting, you are silent and waiting. Nobody wants to take a step towards the other. If fate itself somehow does not push your foreheads together on a narrow path, you will most likely disperse without deciding on anything.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Gemini

    If you are a lunar Gemini, then you may seem too windy and frivolous to Capricorn. And he can trust only a serious person! It will be possible to convince him of his seriousness and sincere love You can count on reciprocity. But it is unlikely that your union will be long: your ideas about life are very different.

    Moon Capricorn - Moon Cancer

    If you are a lunar Cancer, then you can get along well and understand each other on a spiritual level, but you, as a sensitive person, are annoyed by the isolation and secrecy of Capricorn. You need more open expression of feelings. And to Capricorn, your propensity for mood swings may seem like a sign of insecurity. Try to sort things out and find mutual understanding. If there is love, you will succeed.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Leo

    If you are a lunar Leo, then the lunar Capricorn may seem incomprehensible to you: you need open expression admiration and love, and Capricorn is not at all ready to express all this openly. If you can understand and feel its deep strong feelings, even if they are not expressed outwardly, then with your passion and ardor you are quite capable of melting your heart and gaining the trust of this closed and self-absorbed person. That's only if your union takes place, never force the lunar Capricorn in front of people to demonstrate how he loves you. You, perhaps, would very much like this, but he absolutely cannot stand the public manifestation of feelings.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Virgo

    If you are a lunar Virgo, then you, like the lunar Capricorn, also do not like to show your deepest feelings and are also quite reserved. Perhaps this is exactly what you will attract the lunar Capricorn, make you see in yourself a kindred soul who can understand his nature, closed from others. If you manage not to push him away with an overly critical attitude, your union can take place. Only you must always remember that he cannot stand taunts and ridicule, to which you have a great propensity. And yet, you still have to both learn to trust each other and show your feelings more openly, otherwise your marriage threatens to become some kind of dry and emotionless business alliance.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Libra

    Moon Capricorn Compatibility. If you are lunar Libra, then with your tact, charm, diplomatic gift you can melt even the most icy soul - for example, one like that of lunar Capricorn. You are categorically incapable of offending anyone, therefore it is with you that he will reveal himself most fully. Just don't abuse that trust. And also be patient: the lunar Capricorn is still not revealed immediately, but you really want romanticism and tenderness. At first you will be disappointed, not getting this in return even for your most ardent feelings, but in the future you will be rewarded.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Scorpio

    If you lunar scorpio, then you can very strongly attract Capricorn to yourself with the passion that he sleeps somewhere inside, and breaks out of you. But at the same time you scare him with it! From his point of view, you can’t be so openly passionate, you need to hide such strong feelings. Therefore, on the one hand, he is drawn to you, and on the other hand, he is constantly trying to defend himself, to escape from you. In you, he sees a threat to his security and is afraid that you will destroy and break something in his soul. If you manage to be more sensitive and gentle with him, you have a chance to win.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Sagittarius

    If you are a lunar Sagittarius, then Capricorn, most likely, will not be able to decide to associate life with you. He does not see in you the reliability and seriousness that he needs so much. You can be excellent business partners and enjoy a purely friendly, but non-committal communication. Capricorn will not dare to let you into the soul to such an extent as to connect life with you, unless you are the Sagittarius who has already settled down and wants a truly serious relationship.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Capricorn

    If you are a lunar Capricorn, like your chosen one, you can understand each other without words, but the wall separating you from other people in this case becomes double, and will you be able to establish any communication between you through this wall - great question. Things are unlikely to go beyond a very sparingly expressed silent mutual sympathy at a great distance. If you decide to overcome yourself and get closer - keep in mind that you still need to learn a more joyful and easy attitude to life, otherwise your marriage will turn into a union of two like-minded people - workaholics who completely forgot about all earthly joys and devoted their whole lives to serving the cause.

    Lunar Capricorn - Lunar Aquarius

    If you are a Lunar Aquarius, you are drawn to each other by your hidden emotionality, which is characteristic of both signs, and you both feel that behind this cold exterior lies a truly sensitive and passionate soul. But your feelings are so hidden that you cannot tell each other about your sympathy, and each can only hardly guess that he is not indifferent to the other. Everyone is waiting for a more frank manifestation of feelings from the other, but none of you is capable of this frank manifestation! In the end, you can just walk past each other. And then you will regret it for the rest of your life. After all, it could have turned out to be an ideal couple that understands absolutely everything in each other!

    Irina Vorontsova

    A person who at the time of birth had the Moon in the sign of Capricorn is distinguished by caution, restraint, the ability to wait and calculate future actions.

    This is an emotionally mature nature that impresses strong personality but always with sadness and longing in the soul. Outwardly, he is imperturbable, cold and stiff.

    In relations with others, he is prone to a certain distance and aloofness. He is very cautious, weighs every step and does not like risky, adventurous situations. Unconsciously tuned to self-affirmation, upholding their principles, clear planning and the achievement of ambitious goals. But ambition is often combined with timidity and shyness, because he is afraid of his own feelings and is afraid of being rebuffed by others, he is afraid of ridicule and misunderstanding. Often vindictive and cruel, seeks to manipulate other people, use them for their own purposes.

    Such a person is rarely lucky in family life - he often has estranged, tense relationships with both his parents and his other half. He is weakly attached to family traditions, prefers his own way, lives by his own rules, rarely changes his habits, and life in solitude attracts him more than the company of relatives.

    Lunar Capricorns most successfully realize themselves in the areas of real estate, construction, architecture, transportation, sports, tourism, as well as in the field of computer technology and in any exact sciences. Mathematical calculations, numbers and formulas - this is what they are well versed in. It is difficult for them to work with people, and they feel much better when working with papers, mechanisms and computers. They also make good military, security guards, law enforcement officers.

    Attitude towards mother

    Most adults with such a Moon in a conversation with an astrologer characterize the mother as a harsh, strict woman who dominated the family. At best, they will say that mom "worked tirelessly, denying herself a lot" to make them feel good. In this case, people celebrate the honesty, self-discipline and perseverance that she instilled in them. However, more often from the stories of people with the Moon in Capricorn, it follows that the mother constantly did not give them something, forbade something, never felt their desires and rarely helped in anything.


    "Momentary" perception is characteristic of children whose Moon is in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. They perceive the world through their immediate sensations here and now: tasty, difficult, fun, incomprehensible, etc. In each new situation, they begin communication with their mother, as if with clean slate. Such children suffer less than others from prolonged absence mother. For them, not the quantity of communication with her is more important, but the quality - a positive charge.

    The problem with raising such a child is that his emotional reactions are extremely subjective. They are determined by the current situation, by what is available now. You either have a toy or you don't. Food is either tasty or not food. What he wants is either possible or impossible. Arguments that "the boy will play and give back", that "a spoon is for dad ..", that "it will be possible tomorrow", he understands with difficulty, and perceives it as a refusal. In order not to grow an egoist out of him, his mother should be a deterrent to him in many ways. And in order to maintain his trust, the main thing is to avoid the policy of double standards. If something is impossible, then it is impossible for mom and dad too. If he owes something, then others owe something similar.


    In family relationships, such a woman may seem very restrained, and sometimes even harsh. Family for her is a huge responsibility.

    And the main thing for her is to cope with this responsibility, to fulfill her duty to her loved ones. And there is no time for jokes. However, behind her seriousness and some coldness, a sensitive and vulnerable nature is hidden. She constantly makes sure that all members of her family are clothed, shod and fed. She can be called an anxious or overprotective mother and wife. For the sake of the family, she can even give up her career or, conversely, climb the highest career peaks - if only to ensure through this a reliable rear for her loved ones.

    What kind of woman is a man looking for - moon CAPRICORN?

    Creating a family for such a man is a very responsible matter. Therefore, his life partner should also take this issue seriously. On occasion, she should be able to take full responsibility for what is happening in the house, decide everything and organize everything. It is even better if she decides and organizes everything not only in family affairs, but also in the career field, where she will occupy a high position. The family from this, in his opinion, will only benefit. But this man does not expect reverent care, an abyss of warmth and pickles on the table from his wife. This, in his opinion, is pampering, which distracts from more important matters.


    Lunar Capricorns in general are rarely distinguished by good health, the illnesses of these people are usually long, severe and debilitating, and they recover slowly. prone to chronic diseases. They have very poor excretion of toxins from the body, the metabolism is slowed down, and this causes constipation, skin rashes, allergic reactions, disorders in the liver and gastrointestinal tract.


    With the Moon in Aries, most often there are very bad relationships, sometimes reaching hatred and idiosyncrasy. They are waiting for discomfort and misunderstanding, unconscious rejection, tense difficult relationships. Moreover, the Moon in Aries, the Moon in Capricorn irritates and angers much more, and the lunar Aries most often breaks these relationships on its own initiative. But on high level development, these two people are able to teach each other a lot - for example, the Moon in Capricorn teaches the Moon in Aries to control their emotions and look at the world more soberly, practically and impartially.

    With the Moon in Taurus, a very difficult interaction, despite the relationship of the elements and a favorable aspect between the planets. And if the Moon in Taurus can still reach out to the Moon in Capricorn, then it is very difficult to achieve reverse sympathy. Unaccountable envy, jealousy, rejection, up to hatred are possible. And only having reached a very high level of development, these two people can interact harmoniously. The Moon in Taurus is able to give a lot to the Moon in Capricorn in an emotional, spiritual way. It has a beneficial effect on the lunar Capricorn, calms him down, shares his warmth and psychologically liberates him.

    With the Moon in Gemini, a good union, mutual attraction and attraction. But this combination is still better for cooperation and friendship than for love or marriage. The Moon in Capricorn is drawn to the Moon in Gemini, but this connection can be fatal for the first: it is fraught with too many pitfalls and dangers. The Lunar Gemini is not very interested in the Moon in Capricorn, and, in addition, he cannot withstand the emotional pressure that the lunar Capricorn puts on him.

    With the Moon in Cancer, lunar Capricorn is likely to have mutual misunderstanding, up to complete rejection. It's a heavy and tense combination for both. On the initial stage these people may experience mutual sympathy, attraction, a short-term outbreak of passion, but the relationship will abruptly end, leaving resentment and annoyance in everyone's soul.

    With the Moon in Leo, friendship or business cooperation is possible. For love and marriage, this is not the right combination. Relationships can last a long time on mutual respect or on the basis of attachment to a common home and children, but real love and passion are hardly possible.

    With the Moon in Virgo, there are strange, ambivalent relationships that are often not easy, long-term, people have to overcome the wall of cold and misunderstanding. The Moon in Virgo reaches out to the Moon in Capricorn, but the reverse attraction often does not occur: the Moon in Capricorn is burdened by this connection, although it does not dare to break it. This combination is more suitable for friendship or business cooperation than for love and marriage.

    With the Moon in Libra, everything is not easy, despite mutual understanding and some common interests, these people will always have a certain coldness and distance, difficulties in relationships, and it is difficult for them to fully trust each other. Business cooperation in this pair will be more productive than friendly, informal communication.

    With the Moon in Scorpio, a heavy interaction, sharp and painful. Mutual discomfort and misunderstanding, unconscious rejection, oppressive and contradictory relationships. Business cooperation is better, joint creativity is possible. Love relationships are unlikely: these people get tired of each other too quickly. Marriage is, as a rule, short-lived and terminated, and friendships are possible only occasionally, provided that they are free and not burdensome.

    With the Moon in Sagittarius possible long term relationship, if only the lunar Sagittarius will be able to endure his difficult, closed, cold character. The Moon in Capricorn reaches out to the Moon in Sagittarius and under its influence becomes more open, flexible and full. But the Moon in Sagittarius often does not share this passion and remains indifferent to the lunar Capricorn. Lunar Sagittarius can get bored and, on their own initiative, break off these relationships. He needs them much less than the lunar Capricorn. This combination can give very good business cooperation, especially if the lunar Sagittarius is in a leadership position.

    Two moons in Capricorn is a difficult combination, especially in the sphere of sensual relationships. A completely unsuitable option for love and marriage, friendship among such people is also unlikely to work out - maybe only at a very high level. spiritual development and common interests. The only favorable option is business cooperation, but even here they may have serious conflicts and mutual irritation from time to time.

    The lunar pair Capricorn-Aquarius is characterized by good relationships, they are especially pleasant for lunar Aquarius. These people understand each other, they are easy together. But marriage or family relationships are rare, this combination is more suitable for friendship or joint creativity, for business contacts. Under the influence of the Moon in Aquarius, lunar Capricorns become more relaxed, open, emotionally receptive.

    Lunar Capricorns are drawn to the Moon in Pisces, which can give them a lot emotionally and psychologically. But lunar Pisces burdened by these relationships, try to avoid communication and often break this connection themselves. In this pair, friendship or business cooperation is possible.

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